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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  April 2, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm PDT

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>> a lot of housing advocates to speak out again poison pills that president peskin my name is jay the san francisco oregon director for mba action and from the action coalition owe a lot of housing advocates as well as some of our elected leaders joining us to push back against this i want to briefly just mention this is not unfortunately, the first thing by the had to get to the with president peskin this is not his first anti housing action a long list recently, i time to highlight some of the recent
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actions he's taken for i get it off to a housing champion with us we've been dealing with a number of changes related to our housing element and he's pushed back almost every turn. we've had legislation up here such as a recent fire code amendment by supervisor chan and if a champion that will make that hard to build homes in january and the city attorney to look at whether or not we are unfairly targeted in san francisco and making the same statement that senator wiener said recent actions and we'll list get back to those with we have champions on the board of supervisors looking at for us gracious enough to join us supervisor
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dorsey to get the housing element in place i'm sorry to bring him all 2340u9 to say a few words. >> thank you a supervisor (clapping.) thank you, jan to a member of the board of supervisors i'm not sure there small business more of us itch of my career (clapping.) the two years in the police department that gets the holiness but talk about the 14 years in the san francisco district attorney's office having a front row seat to the gameship that plays out a a stimuli misses progress on housing prozac productions and wasn't we're start to say is a return to the same tired and failed playbook. undoable aspirations and unjumpable hoops
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and shack did you notice that frustrate around facilitate the housing production we need we can't do that my are more we are on the hook for 80 thousand units i represent downtown district that will be hurt the most if we fail to this up to the housing element we risk the loss of state funding more affordable housing and potentially the loss of local control tooth i've seen is again and again in the building in san francisco and example for good things but sometimes when he had something wrong and my biggest fear we are attempting fate and the the good, good will of the many of the state regulators before sticking a thump 23 in their ease to facilitate the production of housing here and
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again, a lot of that goes back to the city attorney's office i thought grateful to working in but no accident that housing champions like scott wiener and me came out of that office had a front row seats to the gamemanship we need that housing i'm proud to be with the xaernts and the housing action coalition and everyone in the housing moment 4re9s do what we need to do thanks so much. >> thank you supervisor dorsey for your support everyday on it had critical issue and sprinkle in a couple of highlights recently supervisors heard an appeal of 395 sacramento street the one one on the only supervisor didn't vote in the
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housing president peskin and another example how they stymied heirs and a speaker our london breed been a strong champion and continues to push that (yelling). >> (clapping) thank you, jay. >> thank you to the northern california are carpenter and supervisor stefani who by the human rights coalition and all the folks that continue to fight for the much needed hours we need to build in san francisco i want to take us back i feel like that's been really tragic that for so many years had to fight the same battle and everyone talks about being think housing advocate and pushing more affordable housing and what was not happening in the stay by when they have an opportunity of to make it easier to produce
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housing they create opportunity to destroy research to move forward. and as someone who grew up here sadly i saw so many of my friends move from san francisco ways they couldn't afford to live here and seen people hard work the carpenters and other organizations move away from san francisco because they cal state university afford to live and here and making sure that san francisco is a place for all again increasing a place you make a lot of money and can afford to live here, or you're lucky any enough to see a family what a house you're lucky enough to inherent or qualify more affordable housing and what happens to everyone else? we we have to fend for ourselves and figure out while we continue to put obstruction in policies before us that make it, too
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difficult to build we're sick 6 people so to speak out boo side of their mouth this is not just about trying to build housing no. you now that is to making sure the next generation of san franciscans growing up here can afford to live here i remember when i ran for mayor one of the only persons to support scott wiener that sb loud for the intensity of san francisco and people said you'll lose the raise you're supported there and building more housing in place where housing to stuck and what i said how many of you were born and raised in san francisco or been here more than 14th century had 5 years all the hands went up my kid went to galla high
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school and sfoort and asked how many of your kids live here he can recall any hands went up that's what we're fashioned if if we move in the same direction and expecting to getting is a different result the place is more coastal not just because the the record will reflect interest rates and material because how long it takes us to go through a process through the board of supervisors there land use we already have policies in place. this is not asking for something but i but allowing us without the layers of bury through to process but able be able to build more units not asking for a health there but asking you not to kill had legislation by save density
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bonus didn't apply here's the problem we loss out of the opportunity to build more and to make sure that people who work here can afford to live here have almost 4 vacancy position because many of the workforce can't afford to live in san francisco how will we maintain the streets and get our muni buses to the place they need to be on time and potholes and do all the essential services when people can't afford to live here at this time what that is making sure three we build more housing and build more housing farther. what president peskin is what we don't the i'm by to industry housing production to stop us in moving forward this poison pill is another creative way in stopping that i'm sick of his
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shall think begins endless poeshtsd (clapping.) we wonder was going wrong in the city every time i look around way to say no. you can't build how no, not starting it new businesses no, no, no, no this it city is 2345 terrors for noticing what is happening 2450 the ward of supervisors chambers no gist respect supervisor stefani supervisor dorsey we don't have the luxury to say no we've been interest a pandemic and people are waiting in line to move into the city but build office in san francisco peep were waiting on a line to visit the hotels full of tourism where it was booming now we said no too often that is a problem 7,
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8, 9 for us to get to, yes and provide time for us to build more housing now (clapping.) enough with it in no, no, no, no. >> invocal cord in the conversation time to get to, yes yes, yes, yes, yes more housing yes more opportunity and, yes a better opportunity and, yes a workforce can afford to live here and peep with abductions yes, yes, yes housing now thank you, (clapping.) thank you, mayor london breed i couldn't say it better myself and, yes. just a play back another fin hit president peskin
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has taken a road show we reportedly asked the room do we have a housing crisis? that tells us what we're talking about and someone who provides a perspective from professional experience one of my neighborhood the carpenters to talk about how we want to support building anymore homes (clapping) thank you. >> thank you, jane and mayor london breed and supervisor dorsey for decades the carpenters unions watched as thousands of members working class people were forced out of san francisco because of housing shortages we watched our members are commuting to sacramento
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stockton and mo deft and fresno and watching as the housing crisis tears apart working class community as a tears apart our climate and infrastructure we watched coa the state residential construction becomes a crime scene of production were nearly 100 percent of workforce is subject to expiration and human trafficking. so the carpenters said enough is enough. working with community groups a strong partner including mayor london breed including supervisor dorsey and is a matter of fact, are wiener owe challenges like 18 to 12 and sb 4 and finally finally allows the missing middle to be built
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in the communities that need it the most and lifting up all construction w prevailing wage and healthcare and real enforcement but again southern segments certain politicians want to play games and politics with housing in san francisco and undermine the state law we fought for and lake theirs while tell thousands of union construction works that there is no plays for in the san francisco not to work and certainly not to live when you play politics with housing you're playing politics are people's lives i'm a richmond school resident and a lifelong member i thought to see more housing and opportunities for my neighbors for my daughter how can we say no to housing our
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schools are losing thousands of students request no place to go in san francisco how can we say no to workers when their toiling in the underground economy and not to building more housing for future generations an honest question for president peskin if with owe don't build more housing where will children likely to the carpenters are here today as mayor london breed to say yes (clapping.) to send a strong message to the board of supervisors and a president peskin enough the games let's build and lift occupy all workers thank you, (clapping.) thank you, dan and it is critically important three we address this not just for today but for future generations of san francisco to live. just
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another great comment from president peskin in january he authored a resolution to oppose sb 591 from scott wiener unfortunately, couldn't join us in sacramento to soft will housing shortage would have developed housing for those who don't live in the richmond a safe way parking lot to so more homes and should have a process but city protect that. we're proud to joined of he couldn't be here from a representative from scott weiner's office jeff. >> (clapping) good afternoon. i'm michelle as jane said scott wiener many
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sacramento couldn't be here but a statement we're here but 347z has been leading obstruction in the campaign to score cheap political points and scott wiener is the convert anti housing politician by oppose is progressive reform by this creates on ending brugsz to process eased city hall and feeling the excise president peskin has a long partner of housing reform and is against housing we need to crystal clear not progressively to make it harder to build now homes and obstruction of housing in the middle of a housing crisis and not progressively to walk through the development of housing for the climate friendly city and san francisco is a place that welcomes people of
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all background and care forcing these and to combat criticize and president peskin anti hours are not progressive and don't reflective the city's values and last month quieted equivocated made and statement based on my work to make sure that san francisco is building enough homes and unlike president peskin it is making it easier for building of the new home, aye. >> by contrast (clapping.) president peskin continuing obstruction of mia any homes harms us and in recent years san franciscans are for pro housing champions and president peskin represents updated reviews and
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stop using obstruction to gain political power (clapping.) thank you, michelle and thank you, senator wiener for those words we're not just here to race attention we're here to actually will be going on in the chambers upstairs we're going to wrapping up here in a second because we're going to go up there and say all the things we said we make if clear that there is a constituents will not stand for this kind of obstruction we need not to make things impossible not how we're going to do that. so if you're here today come and give comment with us we're going to be upstairs going to be in room 250 two minutes of fun that will be great you've done if before i look forward to you joining us, we can say yes to all the things
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you've heard yes to homes for our is future generations and current and future san franciscans a lovely city time we said, yes for, thank you (clapping.) and if anyone would gather for a photo op that will be beautiful if you don't want to be in the photo please, you know, make yourselves
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>> come shop dine and play. taraval street is open for business. >> my name is mark recollect the owner of lou's cafe on taraval street. since 2010, my brother and tj and vince and mom [indiscernible] we used to sandwiches all the time. we said why not us. geary boulevard in 2010. i figured i might to start in another location and when i opened the location in 2015. we treat each customer as family and we make our food with love and make sure everyone is happy. i recommend everyone come out to the sunset. >> take time for teraival bingo, supporting small business, anyone can participate. it is easy, collect stickers on a bingo style game board and enter for a chance to win awesome prizes. for book. thank
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you. >> (music). >> my name is orlando i'm the owner and operator of sf pizza. >> pizza is my expansion growing up i loved pizza and loved to cook and been in corporate banking jobs my that whole life wanted to own a pizza or and moved to san francisco 45 years ago and couldn't find pizza i like so one day of saving and trying to figure out what i would like to do to fulfill my dream and to literally must be that i went out on my own toes an interesting things skills i again have to working on the
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slight changes to find the right product and came up with something i enjoy and continue it. so the positive important thing in years and years and years of trying to get it where i like it is for the sauce i use a unique sauce to bring out the flavors have to mats and capital improvement plan any and using use a high quality of cheese the products work together more important to me have a high quality of pizza and made with love and what i try to keep it to be a comfortable foods or food and that's what i try to over and offers so having a really bus illegal day in the
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community and rile appeal to me and that's what i was trying to accomplish i have thought when i got into pizza the main thing if i can, make a great cheese pizza he can do anything like growing up that's what i brought to to and now called san francisco >> [music] you are watching golden gate inventions with michael. this is episode exploring the excelsior. >> hi i'm michael you are watching golden gate inventions highlighting urban out doors we
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are in the excelsior. pickleball. let's play pickleball! pickleball is an incredited low popular sport growing nationwide. pickleball combines tennis, bad mitton and ping pong. playod a bad mitton sized court with paddle and i plasticic ball. starting out is easy. you can pick up paddle and balls for 20 buck and it is suitable for everyone in all skill levels you see here. the gim is played by 2 or 4 players. the ball must be served diagnoty and other rules theory easy to pick up. the game ends when i player or team reaches a set score 11 or 21 point bunkham win bright 2 pickleball courts are available
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across the city some are and others require booking ahead and a fee. information about the courts found at sf recpark. org if you are interested in playing. now i know why people are playing pickleball. it is so much fun you play all ages. all skill levels and pop on a court and you are red to g. a lot of fun i'm glad i did it. all right. let's go! time for a hike! there is i ton of hike nothing excelsior. 312 acres mc clarin the second largest p in san francisco. there are 7 miles of tris including the there was fer's way this spreads over foresxeft field and prosecute voids hill side views of the city. and well is a meditative quiet
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place in mc clarin p you will siendz labyrinth made of rock:now we are at glen eagle golf course special try out disk golf >> now disk golf! so disk golf is like traditional golf but with noticing disks. credit as the sport's pioneer establishing the disk ballsorption and the first standardized target the disk ball hole. the game involves throwing from key areas toward i metal basket. players use different disks for long distances driver, immediateerate. mid range and precise shot, putters. players begin at the t area.
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throw disks toward the basket and prosecute seed down the fare way. player with the lowest number of throws the end wins the game. disk golf at glen eagle cost 14 dollars if you pay at the clubhouse. there is an 18 hole course this is free. du see that shot? i won! am i was not very good now i have a huge respect for disk ball player its is difficult but fun. thank you for joining me in the excelsior this is goldenate adventures.
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