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tv   Commission on Community Investment Infrastructure  SFGTV  April 3, 2024 1:05am-2:31am PDT

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joining us by phone like to provide a comment >> madam chair, it doesn't appear any members of the public are wishing to comment on this item. >> >> seeing none, i'd like to close is public comment and
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follow-up with my fellow commissioners to if you can get motion on this consent item. >> madam chair, i move the content items are approved. >> mandatory discretionary reviews call the vote. >> commissioner aqunio. >> commissioner drew is absent and chair brackett madam chair, the vote is 4, 5 and one absent. >> three i's one abstain and one absent. >> yes. i was not present at the last meeting so the vote is three i's and one absent. the
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motion carries. and three votes madam secretary call the next item. the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments on each agenda item unless the commission adopts a shorter period on any >> regular agenda: agenda item nos. 5(b) and 5(c) related to transbay block 2 family, l.p. will be presented together but acted on separately. acted on separately. acted on separately. acted on separately. acted on separately. acted on separately. >> 5b. authorizing an amended and restated loan agreement with transbay 2 family,l.p., a california limited partnership, to increase the contract amount by $53,961,845 for a total aggregate loan amount of $61,961,845, and a childcare/community commercial childcare/community commercial childcare/community commercial
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childcare/community commercial development of 184 affordable rental housing units (including two two two two redevelopment project approved under the transbay terminal/ caltrain downtown extension/redevelopment project final final final adequately described therein for purposes of the california environmental quality act ('ceqa”); transbay redevelopment project area. >> discussion and action resolution resolution resolution resolution commercial ground lease with transbay 2 family
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transbay 2 family transbay 2 family transbay 2 family spaces at transbay block 2 east; providing notice that the above-described actions are within the scope of the transbay redevelopment environmental impact statement/environmental impact report, a program eir, and are adequately described therein for purposes of the california a environmental quality act ('ceqa”); transbay redevelopment project area resolution no. 07-2024. >> executor director kasiofsky i thank you, madam secretary and greetings members of the commission and members of the public and as a madam secretary described a transbay one hundred one 184 affordable units by mercy housing hesitate the phase
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two of after all three hundred unit for the affordable housing development phase one and developed by transbay development cooperation and it was approved to explain this project to you and ken senior specialist occii. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners and aim ki78 the senior specialist for the housing ccii approval of an amended and stated agreement with transbay 2 family commercial llc, a california limited liability company, in an amount of $8,676,682 authorization of the agreements will facilitate the tennis court and the starts of construction for the planned mixed-use affordable housing project on block 2 presentation in the transbay area. and block two of
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the few primarily projects of project area and critical to meeting the area affordability requirement of 35 percent two projects like block east and west 100 percent affordable housing with each project is financed and owned and operated and ccii initiated that in 2020 and competitive requests for proposals and the commission has taken a series of action to facilitate the project development computing approval for the predevelopment funding and financing and commitment and authorization of a short-term horizon ground lease and most working the mission approved the residential-commercial leases for block to one way or another i'm happy to say this is a hand been closed and starred
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construction on march 11th. the development team for the two east projects by mercy housing and it was service the long term project manager and the services will have and led by the architecture and the y a studio and for the other architecture. and the general manager between ruben con and a reminder on this sign the east building is shown along the two west buildings to the right and transbay 2 family, l.p. along the street to a 17 story on main street and a future block street public park and extension are the foreground. these images are richards the ground floor on the
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left find townhomes on the rights a corner and a residential lot like folsom towards the center of block two and that connects folsom to the other streets. >> the development program for block two is the hotel of 184 affordable units if studios to three bedrooms and two units will be onsite and the remaining two for earning zero and 80 percent for the ami and 40 units for those experiencing homelessness through the support operating program allowed and residential amenities are two community rooms and a ground floor purpose room and multiple laundry and a pet washroom the building will have secure spaces
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for 92 bikes and childcare facility and two ground floor community servicing commercial spaces. all of the commercial spaces will be built to one child meaning will have restrooms and fixtures and other amenities mercy is the operator for the childcare facility and wu has financing for the improvement and and design team for the residential design team and or to make sure the space is highly functional and meets the licensing standards and the facility will accommodate 45 children if infants to 55 years and the other on formatting on the corner of main street. both to take advantage of of the vanity sidewalks spaces. ccii
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funding totally $73 million and first an approximately, six 2 permanent funding and second approximately $9 million permanent loans for the commercial and third approximately $2 million of funded site preparation work for the demolition of an existing building. as you may recall the structure was proposed for optimizing this to secure the competitive tax exempt financing and along with with the ccii loan low income housing tax and added affordable housing and sustainable programs. the overall to block two east $41 million and in addition to the $20 million on it table with residential projects the award is three miles of grant
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finland's used for pedestrian and transportation improvement and partnership with the san francisco mta and the doubt and bart and those includes the streets within the project area and the purchase of two new art trains in embarcadero station and a direct benefit to the oblique to see millions of dollars to pay for three years for alternate block two east. >> the amended amendment establishes the term of ccii permanent is a gap fund for three 0 and a half million dollars predevelopment as well as the additional four and a half million dollars approved under the first amendment to the loan agreement and the state of mind total is 62 appeals and subject to change prior to the construction start with the final cost will be do you mind in the final plan and the total
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ccii for the residential loan commercial loan and funding will not steady 73 millions. the interest rate is between zero and three percent. funding for the commercial that portion of project will be provided in under a separate loan agreement and totals $9 million to construct the commercial units and the residential component the funding is subject to change under the loan agreement the pays will be restricted for a community use as fined in the guidelines and as a typical for ccii affordable housing projects ccii will retain the ownership of the lands for two east have
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two separate ground floor and one for the residential-commercial portion of project to facilitate this they collaborated with ccii and two separate parcels one for residential portion and another non-contiguous for the commercial and about ground licensees for 75 years to extend for another actuary years. the residential ground lease has a base replacement of $15,000 and $1 on the other one. the residential loan agreement requires the market in compliance with ccii policy and practices the project will follow ccii occupancy preferences first priority to have a cop and following this preference priority so adapted preference holder and
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neighborhood residents and san francisco residents or front line workers. tenants for the 40 lots will be referred to the project by the hsh through the entry and however snitch and oewd will work to identify the cop and provide them first priority for the lots and one month after construction starts the developer will submit a outreach plan for affirmative advances marketing. mercy commercial will conduct the marketing for the commercial spaces while primary outreach as has begun they the truth of the matter the mark for the project one year from completion and mercy will seek to reach small businesses through the community
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organizations and local businesses and businesses groups and mercy has posted on the commercial website and advertise spaces on the listing sites and reduce barriers for small businesses and local entrepreneurss mercy will offer low income advantages. so loan agreements require sometimes ccii equal opportunity for the small businesses entrepreneurs wage and non-discrimination and throughout the predevelopment the team has worked with the team to advertise and the award professional contracts and day 8 percent of contacts have been awarded to ftes and bidding is 1, 2, 3, 4 progress for the contracts and do at that time thirty percent of those are being awarded with fte and 59
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percent of incarcerating dollars this group simply is committed to work with ccii store the remaining bid process to award ftes contracts and submitted using the best efforts to meet the 50 percent local hiring goal. the development team at ccii staff has kept the community informed through regular updates for the transbay and through meeting with the benefits district and other local organization. we'll continue this outreach through urgent the construction and in addition to the item to will circuit a newsletter and provide current information on the website and the continued outreach will run with the residential and commercial marketplace. the two east property will begin with the construction and one month after
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construction the developer will submit they're marketing plan and it will be finished in may 26th and we'll anticipate the childcare facility in december 25th and opening in august 26th and throughout 25 and 2726 have the goals of initiating tenant improvements by 27 that concludes my presentation. and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> i am joined by staff from mercy housing and mercy commercial and represent from the venture and thank you. >> thank you kim. >> madam chair, this or that if i may add we're working with the developer for a ground
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ceremony in may. >> thank you. >> (coughing). >> can you please call for public comment. >> the public who wish to provide comment, please call: >> phone
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number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2661 369 8121 to raise your hand, press *3 know when it is your turn to speak. if by phone,*3 and we will begin with members of the public who are in person. in-person now for members of the public who joined us remotely, if you would like to provide a public comment, press star 3 on your mobile device. madam chair, it doesn't appear any members of the public are wishing to comment on this item. >> seeing none, from the public public comment is closed. on this item 5 a and b. >> sorry 5 b and 5c and um,
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move over to my fellow commissioners questions or comments? >> kim. >> regarding you're early outreach. and we have mentioned this before about getting newsletters or information to the institutional places and especially district 10 and district 5 making sure they get this information not at the most of may but early as possible. this is an excellent situation right now because of, you know, police and things that are going on lots of people family and
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especially even folks that don't normally go to church will be in services trying to get that word out. and then to make sure there are flyers that can be given to them. besides newsletter or something you have out already. that would be good. as well as our outreach services. george davis and a lot of grandparents can tell we are looking at decendents they can tell the families this is available abused a lot of folks are not going to know to go to mercy (coughing) mercies website and it is good place to go but if you don't know and when to do constantly
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looking at that they miss out. our outreach l hunch and the ymca bayview, the district 5, and all of the others that japantown they need the information as soon is possible and for our professional services. our small business owners the same thing those we haven't found and still don't know about it we can keep it search going and make sure there are flyers to e that can be out in places printing places they have business done. our store
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billboards and southeast community centers again the y. and perhaps if any of them have connected to a union. >> thank you commissioner and absolutely we're going to make sure those strategies are noerp into the outreach plan. thank you. >> we have any additional comments from fellow commissioners? >> (clearing throat). >> good afternoon. thank you kim great presentation. um, overall i'm excited about this project. um, a couple of questions then for me to understand. um, i know we're to go have the dog park nearby but since some of those will be for
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seniors if they're not able to walk will it will be an area for their this animals, you know, their dogs small dog forgive me. >> i don't article if that is built would this site by one um, incorporated button bayview citings. >> yeah. >> it is rights there. >> okay. forgive me- >> (multiple voices). >> all right. just i was looking at businesses for my information. under the family building last page it says the numbers and everything this (clearing throat) to for the joint veteran i under the maintains the casework this
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is a listed at bids what does that mean. >> it typically that sort of thing. >> (multiple voices.) >> and. okay. >> you- >> (multiple voices). >> i got that's what i thought i was not too sure. >> other than everything looks great. thank you. >> thank you. >> if i may through the chair why believe the current approved design on block three incorporates the dog park area unless a park that is planned there some other things as you recall had a contingency active sports enthusiasts were requesting some design changes none of those requests included in the closed dog park but you can certainly bring that up. >> okay. at the. >> kim and again, i want to also repeat what our
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commissioner just said. thank you very much for such a clear easy to follow presentation and would you add to that list tenderloin. they do an amazing amount of outreach for the city. as well as they're on community and seeking health and wellness coalition have their housing piece as well. and apart of one of their housing where they keep people are housing as well as try to look for something in the future for families there is also your epiphany - tiffany housing for women and children temporary and they also need - that information they serve a huge diverse group of families.
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>> thank you, commissioner and you have a few questions thank you for the presentation. um, baselines any recognition it seems like we have already doubled the predevelopment dollars once and today what we're actually asking the commission to vote on not an $8 million increase but 5 percent increase that is $19 million plus in total.; is that correct?? >> i'm sorry can you say that again. >> the ask today, we have already contributed the $8 million and . >> could you repeat for us to um, basically increase the original contract amount that is $53 million plus - sorry nine hundred and 61 thousand dollars plus to an actual $72 million
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plus. is that; correct. >> just to clarify the $53 million in in addition to the $8 million that will bring the residential piece total to the 61 $.9 million but the overall ask project wise for this consistency where we were in august 2023 the commitment we're an all amount the $72 million but you're right from the $8 million authorize during the predevelopment and adding money to the 61 .9 residential. >> thank you. >> some of the changes in the last year for the potential increases and asking if for today. >> yeah. to be honest the project we're bringing here today is similar to the project
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we brought in august 2023 and some of the numbers have been fine-tuned and will be fine tuned we have investor on board with the letter of intent but overall the costs have not increased since that time it is just we need the predevelopment early days we funded those a lot more than what we typically do and authorized a little bit more they can engage with the design and build for the most part that's where those dollars went but overall still at 61 plus million dollars for the residential loan back in august overall it is very extensive project but on a residential unit basis we're coming in at $376,000 a comfortable if not better than the projects but overall a large number agreed.
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>> also my thoughts an asterick next to the lot family and a mention about that 50 percent not thirty percent can you clarify that. >> yeah. absolutely. >> so i know what it is. >> those are offered to households regardless of their income many of them come in the door where zero income and typically 15 to 20 percent range and rent it bans the percentage they'll pay thirty percent for rent of their household under the programs and policies manual we actually low rent to cap at 50 percent that allows for long term stability for those families if under the program and started as zero income and start with a part-time job and wonderful adult households how
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many ever there are go out and secure employment still need did supportive resources we need to make sure they can stay in the unit as long as they can it is funky the republicans are amis are at thirty percent bus for constriction for the downtown support special use district we'll cap that at 50 percent. >> thank you for that i present that thank you for taking the extra effort i have been a lot of changes in the city and in terms of people formally homeless and now on the streets again, they don't make enough money, you know, to their making too much for the program is appreciate you and the team for coming up that that one and also do we have stack for the
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technical assistance application or one actual date of applications will be released? >> well, we'll layout the full scheduled in the early outreach plan and get a detailed marketing schedule and merrycy will come in with a partnership and provide seminars by in the case to make sure we lock in the date and schedule for construction and that early outreach plan will follow-up with a detailed timeline and making sure i want to note we can make sure when we go into the workshops that there is transaction certifies and i know this is has been people not able
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to attend or other to know about the language barriers (coughing) as well and then he had questions about the fte numbers i know you said we're coming in at 80 percent i love we're staying on target but also wondering how are we doing on the let's see - local entrepreneurs um, percentages for um, our project area um, businesses. >> i'd like to actually defer to maria on that sorry. >> good afternoon. thank you
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i'm maria and talking about the construction project and- >> (multiple voices). >> so; right? >> sorry. >> um, so actually the lbe san francisco all that is similar around 59 percent shy for contracts. um, that includes folks that have been completely bought out the majority of the folks under negotiation or final lisa nichols, community resources manager them but the sheet in the report um, are things beauty out in the joint venture as well as specific to the project. >> and my last questions we have local challenges and they're doing a good job but i guess i'm concerned we continue to do do development there is a lack of inclusion for people
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that live locally and get the union wage jobs living in the properties anchoring purchasing in the city and so would love to hear, you know, what has been our historical numbers on blets and what you plan to side differently to um, increase those numbers? under 20 percent right now and supposed to be pleats about 50 percent. >> okay. um, i can hand to over and that represents the early work on the project not the sorry actual construction- >> (multiple voices). >> i can hand to over. thank you. >> make sure i got the mic right just to be clear, commissioner you want to understand the local hires with the workforce on the project.
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>> yeah. >> okay. so um, can you introduce yourself. >> sorry. >> my name is mcdaniel communication director. and one of the things that we thought been in in project was an opportunity to partner with city build and partner with the community organizations like the developers and chinatown, and charity culture center and success center to target opportunities that sometimes just don't get field. early out of the gate we're working similar to what they used to side with treasure island a job hiring program and meeting with the community partners set up the schedule and let them know the opportunities especially on early excuse me - like iron work and about one of the areas where we really have challenges,
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you know, having left lane workers but creating workforce opportunities there and focusing on areas like child setting and some of the other trades union trades that may not be as well known but working with the community partners and city build to not let the opportunity slip that's one of the unique opportunities we're bringing to the particular project and the regular um, check ins with our trade partners to make sure 245er meeting their goals close connection with city build to have the ideas of the workforce and already in the union pool but also stating coordinated without 6 city build academy this focus will unallow us to do
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something unique and keep the focus on, you know, the workforce compliance and working with our partners to help our trade partners to help us to facilitate filling opportunities and really pushing for local labor san francisco workforce. >> um, also curious to know which areas of the trade you see the most kind of um, i guess where you guys are found the most success in matching local workers. areas trades that has been more consistent in producing higher numbers and like other ones not as well known like training and all that stuff that is different that - where have i seen the impact and um, as far. >> i think uk whether you think
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about the basic crafts with the labors and xaerpdz crafts continues to be a robust number of san franciscans that are either in the union or forming in the union and can get - i also think in terms of drywall which is a single he organization to the xaerpz that is another area because of the ability for contractors to sponsored. >> dry wail fisheries. >> right and then i'm glad i mentioned about the i'll my final follow-up question. rebuild has deny a wonderful job with the local organizations and getting people trained doing barrier removals and not something you can control, however, we have a large
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population of people trained in the unions don't have money to reengage in the unions and, etc. and so they're kind of like that lost um, group that feels that um, they have not been matched appropriately in the chance have a job and the job is over now in a place for 8 months and kind of pickup as a hobby not - some type of extra things to try to make um, a little bit more subsequent for the workers we find really want to be part pa of the enlargement but no labor, etc. and aren't high on the list and involved, you know, love your thoughts own that. >> i think retention of the community workforce is probably one of the biggest opportunities
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and also you identified one of the areas of improvement that industry has with the ruben con joint veteran have a new employee training program and we'll share the plan with the trade partners and give them training and discipline a lot of times when a new working is on the job site site they don't have a mentor and not something that assigned to them and question use this employee training program to really work on our other than internal retention but and something we share with the partners and then i mention about the evan dunn
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this is funds to assist folks to get them up and those projects are an excellent opportunity it leverage the funds. >> awesome thank you for all of the information provided today and really excited about the work you guys are doing and what it takes to make sure the local hires are included and not forgotten and get those people back into the workforce and lastly, want to partner with the commissioners of black trades union they have been trying to advocate around local hire and in touch with men and women who, you know, can't keep it going
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and stabt going out into the industry and i forgot the women's trade they definitely need additional support in terms of curt more women from communities so thank you, again, for your thoughtfulness in the presentation today. >> and i'm sorry, i didn't quite get you. >> i'm sorry mick. >> oh. >> m ic k. thank you. and. >> thank you. >> when you opened up you said we plan on reaching out is that plan taken action. >> yes. we will be bringing together the partners you're talking about the partners bringing that is part of our proposal to mercy and schedule we are in the process of putting
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together. >> as has been said to add those other groups and is there a because you, search or ask anyone like putting it up to the hidden places a way to think been in putting information out like i said through the churches? outreach centers? >> that are already in the community and that can reach them? >> and pretty much they can find them if they do the right thing when they are reaching the community places like that where they're in and out of those communities sites. >> yeah. i think that working with our community partners the first one we put together outreach flyers and taefrt the
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faith-based places local community-based organizations like the neighborhood assess centers to cast a wider net and part of this selection in construction but i agree cast a wider net. >> thank you very much. and. thank you. >> okay. >> and then. thank you very much. and then my last question. a representative from mercy here? >> so i know something that as is commission we said it all the time and i know budget constraints the budget didn't allow four parking and stuff like that and chablgd because a lot of the families low income families childcare and even have onsite we understand u s sf is not that great and living in in area will not be um, a lot of
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ways for people especially single mothers and fathers to take their kids to preliminary school and so would love to hear your thoughts on um, what financing can look like in light future building those projects we can figured out ways to add parking as parts of the our offering but he, he have shared time and time again families are turned out housing opportunities because no parking you saw 95 bicycle spaces but realistically this population didn't ride bikes. >> sure, yes. >> thank you for the question i'm shawn the project manager at mercy and yes there is um, i can talk about efforts to help
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transit assess and first talk about the financing but start (coughing) and okay but (coughing) at the building and in our marketing efforts to make sure the residents all the public transit access option available we have funding for bicycle parking. >> i love the convenience next year years with three years of transit pass free and a minimum of 40 or 45 rides per month and this also partnering with the bicycle coalition and the bike coalition will be setting up for the buildings in the project area and safety education programs and bike safety workshops and handle walking
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school buses and activities. um, there will be providing helmets and other things making that more assessable and also be doing the outreach to the parking garages and what the garages are nearby it is allowable we'll apply the spaces as well. as far as financing for parking and moving forward it is tough you need to go subterranean that is very, very extensive or a lot of times you're going to have to take units offline so, yeah i mean a lot of funding programs
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(coughing) out there for example, and one program the award which disincentivize the parking but transit oriented development along the ways and not given additional funds for parking it is becoming less- had - and happy to talk about that. >> i was curious with the nonprofits moving forward joining collective or on their own and lobi likewise for families base housing to have credits whereas, just the plan you guys have a.d. in the three years of transit tickets but then maybe like hey we have a redevelopment we're adding public transit but partners for disabled families and things
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like that that technically need things so i'm curious to know we're advocating around the spaces and this is what a i have to deal with so - and right. >> right. >> i don't know if you know of any public policy initiatives i don't think we have around that. >> so there's um, a change of federal change that i believe was passed by congress but not or is congress not the senate to change the 50 percent down the
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25 percent. so this will essentially allow for more availability of credit financing should be a financing tool in the future that's something point mercy and nonprofits federal legislatures effected them for years now. >> thank you very much for that and i know kim and you wanted to jump in feel free to come up here and add to it. >> yeah. i was going to say that right now that big bottle effect next. we have three different trenches of funding to be as creative to get the projects to move forward and building housing and makes sense that the federal change will free that up and focusing lessen
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is competition and for the people will serve will be a much happier place for all of us we're leading with a huge advocate i think a lot of voices but i think that's the best bet to have more wiggle room. >> thank you very much. and also thank you for the public for indulging me and hoping we learned some things today any other questions or comments from my fellow commissioners if not a motion on the floor for this item. >> (clearing throat). >> yes. i'd like to make a motion to approve agenda item 5 b. >> and i second. >> that motion.
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>> madam secretary call the roll, please. >> for item 5 b. >> commissioner aqunio, yes. >> commissioner drew, yes. >> vice chair ransom-scott, yes. >> chair brackett, aye. >> and madam chair, the vote is 4 i's. >> the motion passes. and now going to ask for mandatory discretionary reviews to call the vote for item 5 b. >> motion and second? >> yes. >> can i get to motion from my fellow commissioners. >> motion to approve item 5 b. >> i second that motion. >> now madam secretary can i please call the roll. >> commissioner aqunio, yes.
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>> commissioner drew, yes. >> commissioner lim absent. >> vice chair ransom-scott, yes. >> chair brackett, aye. >> and one vote. >> item 5 b and >> item 5 b and mandatory discretionary calendar. each speaker shall have up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments unless the commission adopts a shorter period. >> madam secretary would anyone like to provide comments? please come up to the podium at this time. >> and for members of the public who joined us remotely, if you would like to provide a public comment, press star 3 on your mobile device.
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>> phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2661 369 8121 to raise your hand, press *3 in in-person now and for members of the public who joined us remotely, if you would like to provide a public comment, press star 3 on your mobile device. madam chair, it doesn't appear any members of the public are wishing to comment on this item. >> hearing none, further members of the public providing public comment is closed. madam secretary, call the call the next item. the next order of business is. >> 7. report of the chair. >> i have no report today. >> the next order of business. >> 8. report of the executive director. >> executor director kasiofsky. >> thank you mandatory discretionary reviews and members of the public. i want to
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make note on 15 concludes acting as is secretary the traditional secretary has been called for jury duty congratulations to the jury system been a great jury and out for 10 week starting this week. >> thank you for the entire admin team for stepping in and helping to make that commission meeting happen and you will all the other staff and let the commission we're planning a groundbreaking ceremony for the mayor to be there and event at block two west and talked about the construction starting from the preparation as well as other things onsite and so we're trying to get it to point in the
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construction where that will hold a ceremony that is worth i didn't have this great project. um, also wanted to advise the commission in the district one on the south beach area as you recall authorized an extension of maintenance contract there to do a presentation for a broader outreach and will be a sidewalk at 800 and embarcadero march 27. 800 embarcadero on march 7th on the website you have been advertising it and reached out to newspapers and the bayview newspaper and ranched out to 8 different organizations so doing things and let the commission go know about that deadline from the 22 and people have time but
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get engaged agency if you have questions we want people to be engaged that concludes my report. . thank you. >> thank you for that report and executor director kasiofsky and my fellow commissioners have questions? >> (clearing throat). >> you only comment i would make is the way i feel more our commission i am in many ways very proud of aaron grateful because at this season it feels like we're doing greater and greater builds city much more we can do but moving in a progressive way i'm grateful i think not say that for myself but hearing that when i go out.
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and oscar james said when owe says we're doing better and better. but there is still more to come but thank you so much for your professionalism and your area and heart for the city. >> do we have any other comments. >> i want to followup with dr. scott with the it team the last 4 years have been a whirl wind so many has happened in the last 4 years and hats off to the team for the extra hours you put in after hours working with the projects and continues on the path forward to build this important work what we do to house san franciscan families and, you know, individuals that otherwise would not be able to
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live in the city so we really appreciate all the hours you thank you walking from our family and friends and also open to change a lot of time we talk about bureaucracy within the city and county of san francisco and - but i want to hats off to occii for thinking outside the box to be championed for different things and give our input had actually is working and not i'm excited about the next chapter executor director kasiofsky we're going to get better technology and excited to be so how much more the team can do and accomplishments you made in the job and beyond to i want to say that and acknowledge that thank you, guys for um, the respect and professionalism and
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what an honor to be working with all of you. >> and mr. medical care and kim tofu don't have a list for the institutions and churches so many those so many others i think you'll have the - but there are so many others if we can help in any way as our commissioners please let us know the information needs to get out. thank you. >> if i may through the chair commissioner thank you, for the complimentary remarks that credit goes to the team of ccii and in-person and i see it everyday they really put their
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heart and soul into the work and believe in what we do and helping the communities. and vesting in them they take it to heart the best caliber of professionals i've worked in the field for thirty years and happy to be the director but really done the work all day and night because don't forget redevelopment is taking extraordinary efforts its nature of the projects so those folks are really vesting their time 0. thank you. >> thank you for being here. and learn and watch them move and part of my trainer when i first came abroad taking me there the communities on this
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project and really grateful for you that you come to every meeting and alone you work professionally. behind the closed doors. thank you. >> and with that, saying madam secretary call the next item. of business. >> the next order of business is. >> 9. commissioners' questions and matters. my fellow commissioners have any questions or matters you'd like to introduce today? >> actually have two. >> so um, one of them is more of a procedural thing i know in the past that our commission binders used to get a copy about all of our project areas and housing opportunities and approximately opportunities like to see that part of packet as well. it is our responsibility also as commissioners to get a
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commission out so we'll get a lot of great information here until we get the actual material in the hands it is hard to look at that i'd like to get if we can make sure um, on our development team, however, they're getting it out to the community we get it as well so we know it is out on time and we focused several times on a 6 month events and a year in advance but not within adhering to that. when the projects are actually completed, you know, how we can line up that calendar so it is really important when he get the word out we capture what dr. scott said an easy way to implement that, and, secondly, i know we. >> through the chair. if you
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don't mind can i verify that information you don't want specifically those are like housing opportunities to market a project. >> >> (multiple voices.) >> and yeah. the little mailer cards publications or do you blah blah and with the housing developments are due or those the kind of contact cards um, i know there are similar ones that went out in terms of corridors. >> any league of cities' opportunities in the project and also you're referring to just our project? >> so- >> before we used to get all the projects but at the barrier minimum the ccii one all of them because, you know, the ccii members qualify for housing opportunities and others want to live and not enough project developments. so a way for us to
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get as much information as possible and what the marketing material looks like and we're going to share that. >> and like binaries not mailed out when the opportunities is mailed out? >> usually they came in from the binders with the opportunities in the beginning of that or end of the month and usually one of our commission meetings. but the cover um, how it used to come us and might get caught up up in other. >> my mailbox stays open all the time it will be helpful we know that is currents and ongoing. >> absolutely we'll do our best on that i would like to
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clarify and next thing i know we talked about in the parts the commission talked about giving up like three different groups to be more outward and did pam's hit and we didn't do anything to promote but back we're talking about this slot like to see um, and maybe a question for you executor director kasiofsky could we actually put on a sponsor annual or maybe quarterly symposium for ccii and some 6789 partners and stuff like that that typically um, details around how things and business opportunities up and coming we know what is in our pipeline and the developments coming down 3-r 4 years we maintained have the details but we can get this done early with,
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you know, mercy housing i feel like we take the lead on this in some ways and on the partners and for the on the team, you know, organizations to do some of that outreach i think our name is marquee outreach communities would even um, draw more people in i don't think the communities sees that a lot with the departments outreaching but the community-based organizations doing outreach and sometimes necessary get lost in that three or four months the fact and reality and also that can be a great opportunity for feedback on the communities what to move forward the next development housing development would love to consider doing anything like that. wow. >> a light came in and prior
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to my coming board that was something ccii had did often in the community they were sharing with the community. um, and especially in bayview hunters point a lot of times literally when necessary came talked about what we were doing and the possibilities and opportunities getting feedback. that was good. that was very good. >> and i think that will be great and great for them i mean looking at our diverse team is gathering great thing to hear from a maria that would be wonderful or, you know, ms.
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morales that would be great that's something i hope you think about. >> absolutely i can talk about strategies and a lot of how to go about that the goals and what kinds of information gaps trying to, if you will, what kind of things to to the communities about absolutely we're working on that absolutely. >> thank you. >> madam secretary call the next item. the next order of business is. >> 10. closed session. no closed session and no closed session. >> 11. adjournment. >> executor director kasiofsky and guests been an honor to be in the meeting with you today and i will need and motion and second
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from my fellow commissioners and madam chair, i move the meeting be adjourned. >> i second that motion. >> our meeting is adjourned at 2:19 p.m. (gavel) (gavel) [meeting >> we're here to raise awareness and money and fork for a good accuse.
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we have this incredible gift probably the widest range of restaurant and count ii destines in any district in the city right here in the mission intricate why don't we capture that to support the mission youths going to college that's for the food for thought. we didn't have a signature font for our orientation that's a 40-year-old organization. mission graduates have helped me to develop special as an individual they've helped me figure out and provide the tools for me that i need i feel successful in life >> their core above emission
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and goal is in line with our values. the ferraris yes, we made 48 thousand >> they were on top of that it's a no-brainer for us. >> we're in and fifth year and be able to expand out and tonight is your ungrammatical truck food for thought. food truck for thought is an opportunity to eat from a variety of different vendor that are supporting the mission graduates by coming and representing at the parks >> we're giving a prude of our to give people the opportunity to get an education. people come back and can you
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tell me and enjoy our food. all the vendor are xooment a portion of their precedes the money is going back in >> what's the best thing to do in terms of moving the needle for the folks we thought higher education is the tool to move young people. >> i'm also a college student i go to berkley and 90 percent of our folks are staying in college that's 40 percent hire than the afternoon. >> i'm politically to clemdz and ucla. >> just knowing we're giving back to the community. >> especially the spanish speaking population it hits home. >> people get hungry why not
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eat and give >> hello, my name is jamie harper. in this episode, we are featuring the park locations in your very own backyard. this is your chance to find your heart in san francisco with someone special. golden gate park's largest body of water is this lake, a popular spot for strolling and paddling around in boats, which can be rented. created in 1893, it was designed foreboding and -- for boating.
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it is named for the wild strawberries that once flores. a pleasant trail follows the perimeter past huntington falls, 110 foot waterfall. two bridges connect the trail to the island. the climb to the hills summit, the highest point in golden gate park at more than four hundred feet. you can get quinces of the western side of the city through -- glimpes of the western side of city through a thick trees. the lake is ada accessible. it has a peaceful atmosphere where you can enjoy a warm day. walk along the lake and watched many ducks, and swans, and seagulls. it is a tranquil spot to stroll,
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enjoy each other's company, and sail away. many couples come here to take a ride around the lake, floating under the bridges, past the pavilion and waterfall. for a quiet getaway, it makes for a memorable and magical experience. located on 19th avenue, this grove is the place to wear your hiking boots, bring your family, and bring the dog because it has so much to offer you and your loved ones. it is a truly hidden gem in the city. the part is rich with eucalyptus trees. long paths allow you to meander, perfect for dog walking in a wooded environment. >> i enjoy this base and the
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history behind it. the diversity that exists in such an urban city, the concrete, the streets, cars, we have this oasis of a natural environment. it reminds us of what san francisco initially was. >> this is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. transit is available to get you there easily. and the part is ada -- park is ada accessible. there is also a natural lake. this is your chance to stroll and let the kids run free. it also has many birds to watch. it is the place to find some solitude from the city and appreciate what you share with a wonderful breath of fresh air.
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, an experienced this park and enjoy the peoples, picnics, and sunshine. this is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved one hand in hand. located in the middle of pacific heights on top of a hill, lafayette park offers a great square a of a peaceful beauty. large trees border greenery. it features tables and benches, a playground, restaurants, and tennis courts. there are plenty of areas for football, frisbee, and picnics. it is very much a couple's part and there are a multitude of experiences you can have together. bring your dog and watch the mean go with the community or just picnic at one of the many tables and enjoy all of the park has to offer. many couples find this is the perfect place to put down a
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blanket and soak up the sun. it is a majestic place you can share with someone you cherish. it is located along the 1 and 10 buses and is accessed from the 47 and 90 buses. it is ada accessible. for more information about reserving one of these locations, call 831-5500. this number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair building. for any athletic fields and neighborhood parks, 831-5510. you can also write us. or walking in and say hello at old lock cabin, golden gate park. and of course you can find more
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information and reach us at >> wow, good morning! >> good morning. >> wonderful this meet willing come to order. welcome to our special meeting, this march 21, 2024 meeting homeless oversight commission. today, we have a pretty forward agenda as usual, we'll hear from our director, we have a consent agenda to approve three new contracts to vote upon and we look forward to hearing from the public and that is pretty much the gist. we hope to get a lot done today inn