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tv   BOS Budget and Finance Committee  SFGTV  April 3, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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budget and finance committee meeting of april 3, 2024. >> good morning. the meeting will come to order. welcome to april 3, 2024 budget finance committee. i'm supervisor chan joined by vice chair mandelman and supervisor melgar. our clerk is brent julipa. i like to thank kalina mendoza from sfgovtv. >> please silence cell phones and electronic devices. should you have documents to be included as part of the file they should be submitted to myself the clerk. public comment will be taken on each item. when your item comes up please
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line up to the west side of the chamber and while not necessarily to provide public comment we invite you to fill out a comment card. you may submit public comment in writing in either of the following ways, e-mail to myself, the budget finance committee clerk at if you submit public comment via e-mail, it will be forwarded to the supervisors and included as part of the official file. you may send comment via u.s. postal serving 1 dr. carlton b goodlett place, room 244, san francisco california 94102. madam chair, due to the legislative spring recess items acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda of april 16
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unless otherwise stated. madam chair. >> thank you mr. clerk. just want to remind the public and everyone that for again today item 4 and item 7 are the ones with the budget and legislative analyst report so for those item will go to the department presentation, the budget legislative analyst report, then go to questions and then public comment. with that though, apologies, i would like to call items out of order a little today. mr. clerk, could you call item number 5? >> item 5, resolution exempting from the competitive bidding policy set forth in administrative code, section 2.6-1, the potential lease on a portion of the east end of sea wall lot (swl) 301, with skystar wheel, llc, for the continued operation of an observation wheel; and adopting environmental findings under the california environmental
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quality act. madam chair. >> thank you. colleagues, sf port is requesting a continuance to the call of chair and so i would like to continue this item, but before we do, seeing no name on the roster, we do not have comments from this committee, let's go to public comment on this item. >> yes, we invite members of the public who joined today who wish to speak to line up along the windows to your right, my left and please come forward and all speakers have two minutes to speak. madam chair, we have no speakers. >> thank you. seeing no public comment, public comment is close said. i like to make a motion to continue the item to call of chair and a roll call, please. >> motion to continue, mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. chan, aye. we have three ayes. >> thank you, motion passes. let's go back to order of the agenda and mr. clerk, please call item number 1. >> item 1, resolution approving
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the second amendment to the agreement between the san francisco public utilities commission (sfpuc) and santa clara valley water district (district) for long-term operation and maintenance of the intertie facility located in milpitas pursuant to charter, section 9.118, to re-designate the district as the operation and maintenance (o&m) party of the intertie facility from july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2029, with the sfpuc and the district meeting and conferring before the end of the five-year period to determine, by mutual written agreement, which of them shall be the o&m party beyond june 30, 2029. madam chair. >> thank you. today we have san francisco public utilities commission here. >> yes. good morning chair chan, supervisor mandelman and supervisor melgar. angela chung, the water supply treatment division manager for the sfpuc. the item today approves the second amendment to an agreement between the san francisco public utility commission and santa clara valley water
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dist rict. [indiscernible] serves as a connection of the two water supply systems. can supply up to 40 million gallon a day of water in any direction in a emergency or critical work when one system needs supplemental water. the original operation and maintenance approved by the board of supervisors in 2000, allowed either of us to operate a facility and put the maintenance of the facility on the puc. in practice the district has been the sole operator because the operation could impact the system unless the district is the one operating it. there was a 5 year period in the last 24 years from 2009 to 2013 the district serve as the o & m party in the thick of implementing the water system
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improvement program. this was established through the first amendment to the o & m agreement. approve bide d by the board of supervisor in 2009. in 2014 responsibility for the maintenance came back to the sfpuc making us the o&m party the last 10 years. the second amendment before you today, once again designate the district for [indiscernible] two main reasons for this change, one is even though [indiscernible] our staff are finding themselves with more work then before because systems need to be operated and maintained. the second reason is that, it is more efficient for the district staff to work on the innertide because they are located near the facility while staff needs to travel from millbrae or
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[indiscernible] we agree that we would jointly review the destination in 2029 and then no more frequently then once every 5 years and we included the provision. this amendment will have little to noficial impact on the sfpuu c. funds are shared equally between the parties and funds will continue to be available from current and future appropriation from the water enterprise operating budget. our share of the o & m cost is 50 to $60 thousand a year. thank you for considering the item. i'm available if you have any questions. >> thank you. through trial and error over time, back and forth, rotation of responsibility and maintenance with the district and us is where we landed now. >> that's where we landed, because it is more efficient for them to operate innertide. >> location wise, that makes sense, especially for staffing. thank you.
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i don't have any other questions and let's go to public comment on this item. >> we invite members who joined us today and wish to address the committee regarding item 1, now is your opportunity. madam chair, we have no speakers. >> thank you. public comment is closed. i like to move the item to full board with recommendation and roll call, please. >> mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. chan, aye. we have three ayes. >> thank you am motion passes. and then mr. clerk, please call item number 2. and 3 together. >> very well. items 2 and 3 are resolutions retroactive authorizing the department of public health to accept and expened grabts in the following imounts. item 2 in the amount of $910 thousand from the san francisco general hospital foundation for participation in
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a program transform mental and behavioral health for the period of september 30, 2023 through september 29, 2028. item 3, is in the amount of approximately $2.9 million from the california department of justice for participation in the program entitled, tobacco grants award notification fiscal year 2023 to 24 for the period of january 1, 2024 through june 30, 2026. madam chair. >> thank you. today we have san francisco general hospital here. >> thank you. my name is angelica, the chief administrative officer. i am presenting on the grant program to support our work around behavioral health. i want to thank you for considering the legislation and thank you supervisor mandelman for cosponsor. san francisco general hospital is providing funds to support transforming mental behavioral health
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program. the funding amount is a little over $909 thousand and awarded in september 2023 for one year. the hospital foundation launched the fund in 2019 to develop innovative treatments, reinvent outdated approached and improve mental health of patients at our hospital. this is done through care coordination and wrap around service for patients at behavioral health diagnosis. the grant will pay for optimizing our care coordination module. patient navigators and hygiene kits and track phones discharged from the ed or our hospital. we received notice of award from the foundation october 30, 2023 starting november 1, 2023. the start date was predetermined by the
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granter. dph put together the expand and expand packet and forwarded to controller office. after discusing project taerm details approvaled the accept and expend and forward to mayor office december 11. for introduction on january 23. as such we humbly request retroactive authorization for this item. thank you for your time and i'm available for any questions. >> thank you. let's go to item number 3, presentation from the department of public health. >> good morning. i'm jen, the assistant director of the environmental health branch in dph here to talk to you about the department of justice youth tobacco sales prevention grant. i first want to acknowledge senior inspector jeanine young for her
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work in really spearheading this grant since 2018, and her commitment to prevent unpermitted youth sales of tobacco in san francisco. the grant is coming from the california department of justice. it is a revolving grant. this is our fourth cycle. the goal is to prevent youth access to flavored tobacco and nicotine products. we partner with community, we fund pd, city attorney and then we have a close relationship with the tobacco retailers to prevent sales to miner and flavored tobacco. the amount is around $2.8 million and a two year grant with the cycle starting this year in january. so, the grant obviously being
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so large funds a lot of different activities. it supports our staffing, which will go out and support local retailers around enforcement education when we get sales to miners, we fund the police to do decoy operations for sales to miner, as well as police officers to do sales for flavored tobacco, e cigarettes and unpermitted facilities and then the city attorney is also involved with online sales of flavored tobacco, and handle some of our litigation when we have operators. it also funds many of the dph staff. senior inspectors, technicians, a manager, portion of a manager and clerk and it also funds two trainee
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positions, which is really vital for our training program to become registered environmental health specialists. the goal of the tobacco prevention program is really to strengthen the support of the team to be able to go out and do enforcement and education proactively as well. we also need to support for online illegal sales and then strengthen the prevention of the sales to miner. data is a huge part of dph and making sure that we are using data driven evaluation to determine hot spots in san francisco, as well as making sure that we are equitably enforcing throughout san francisco and not just targeting certain areas. so, we are seeking retroactive
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authorization for this item. there was a couple key things in play. we received notice of the grant award until october 2023 with start date of january 23. there was some budget amendments that needed to happen, so back and forth with doj and our team created a final budget in december 8, which then we proceeding with the city fiscal approval process. so, we are respectfully requesting retroactive approval for this item. >> thank you. supervisor melgar. >> thank you chair chan. i like to be added as a cosponsor to the item. i did have a question for something you just said, which kind of rattled me a little bit. you said you know, you were data driven and that's you know, what we expect
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from folks like you, but then you said that you want to make sure that these rules are enforced throughout the city, but i know that the tobacco industry targets specific groups of young people, mostly latino, chinese, black youth of color, so what do you mean by that? >> so, when the grant first started in 2018, we used data assessment to see where the police department was doing sales to miner decoy operations and it seemed there was no data tracking, so some of the neighborhoods were getting repeat sales to miner operations, instead of kind of going from neighborhood to neighborhood and targeting areas. now, the most dense portions of tobacco retailers are in the northeast
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sector of the city, so we are doing percentages, but many of the under-served communities, maybe in the bipoc population, low income status, they might not have been getting the same percentage of decoys as other neighborhoods, so it was really important to address those populations and insure they are getting the same protection. >> thank you. vice chair mandelman. >> thanks for your work. i like to be added as a cosponsor. >> thank you. with that, let's go to-thank you so much for the presentation and let's go to public comment for both item 2 and 3 together. >> if there are any members of the public who joined today who wish to address the committee regarding the items 2 and 3, now is your
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opportunity. madam chair, we have no speakers. >> thank you. seeing no public comment, public comment is now closed. colleagues, i like to move item 2 and 3 together to full board with recommendation. roll call, please. >> on that motion to forward both resolutions to full board with positive recommendation, vice chair mandelman, aye. member melgar, aye. chair chan, aye. we have 3 ayesism >> thank you. motion passes. please call item 4. >> item 4, resolution authorizing the mayor's office of housing and community development to expend soma community stabilization fund dollars in the amount of up to $890,000 to address various impacts of destabilization on residents and businesses in soma from july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2025. madam chair. >> thank you. we have the mayor's office of housing and community development cultural dist
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rict manager here. >> good morning supervisors. grace lee, the cultural district and soma fund manager for mayor office of housing and community development. here to present the expend resolution authorizing the department to award 8 grants totaling $890 thousand from the soma stabilization fund to community based organizations serving the soma neighborhood. on january 27, 2023, our department mohcd issued rfp to apply for funding from the soma community stabilization fund for services in housing, small business support, youth and family support and community action grants. eight organizations submitted proposems and all determined to be responsive. the community advisory committee recommended 23-24 efiscal year funding for all projects on april 7,
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2023 and based on year to date outcomes and ongoing community needs, the cac recommended additional year of funding at the same level for all eight projects on february 15, 2024. the grantees are noub noub housing program, cultivate labs, filipino education center [indiscernible] here to ask for board approval to expend the $890 thousand from the soma stabilization fund to the organizations to continue their work. and happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you. >> morning supervisors. nick monard from bla. resolution that approves the mayor office of housing to spend $890 thousand from the soma community stabilization fund. detailed the projects and beneficiary organizations on page 4 of our report. these funding amounts are for next
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fiscal year. according to the mayor office they are continuation of the funding amount for this fiscal year recommended by the community advisory committee. we recommend approval of item 4. >> thank you. i don't see any names on the roster and i-we have been going on figuring out distribution of this fund for quite some time and ongoing basis and got to see some of these funds are going to the soma neighborhood that really need the support and with that, let's go to public comment on this item. >> yes, if there are any members of the public who wish to address the committee regarding item 4, now is your opportunity to approach the lectern. madam chair, we have no speakers. >> thank you. with that, seeing no public comment, public comment is now closed, and colleagues i like to move this item to full board with recommendation and the roll call, please.
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>> on that motion to forward this resolution to full board with positive recommendation, vice chair mandelman, aye. member melgar, aye. chair chan, aye. we have three ayes. >> thank you and motion passes. mr. clerk, please call item number 6. >> item number 6, resolution retroactively authorizing the recreation and park department to accept and expend a $2,000,000 grant from the governor's office of business and economic development for the union square park revitalization for the period of january 1, 2024, through december 31, 2026; to enter into a grant contract with the governor's office of business and economic development; and to authorize the general manager of the recreation and park department to enter into any modifications and amendments to the grant contract that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities of the city. madam chair. >> thank you.
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and we have rec and park here. >> yes, good morning supervisors. my name is neal patel pwith the rec and park department and happy to bring this item today for your consideration. today we are asking a retroactive authorization to the recreation and park department to accept and expend $2 million grant from the california governor's office of business and economic development or go biz and also to enter into the associated grant contract. as a note, these items were unanimously approved at our march recreation and park commission meeting. just to give a overview of the space and are grant, this is union square and we have a couple different cafe spaces above ground. it is a collection of buildings we call the cafes including cafe spaces and storage. and there are a lot of challenges. these spaces were built decades ago and the number one concern we have
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with all our tenants is there is no ability to prepare fresh food on site. a commissary kitchen somewhere else in the city is required. we had a lot of equipment reaching end of life and failing many cases beyond repair, so this grant would really help us to bring the cafe spaces up and modernized. again, the priority is to build the capability to cook on-site with the appropriate fire suppression and ventilation systems. california senate bill 104 appropriated $2 million to the department in june, this is retroactive grant that would end december 31, 2026. and what we-the grant includes money to scope out the project but looking to revitalize the kitchen area, design construction and some equipment and the
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possible improvement include cooking hoods, ventilation, building facade and lighting enhancement. oewd will administer a small portion of this grant for equipment and support activation of the cafes in union square plaza: >> thank you. is this grant for complexes east and west? >> yes, that is correct. >> are they currently occupied? >> we have a tenant we signed a lease last year. >> which one is it? >> it is called the greater organization, or tyler florence is the main entity behind the operation. >> thank you. is it occupying both complexes or the west or east? >> the lease is for both cafe spaces. currently the east cafe is undergoing repairs so not operation right now. the cooking display case is
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inoperable as well as the [indiscernible] connects to downstairs. >> can you help me understand and clarify, did tyler florence and company receive $500 thousand grant from oewd already in order for them to open one of the complex? >> i have a colleague from oewd if you have specific questions, but yes there was a grant to that tyler florence for activation during their initial start up. >> great. could you help me understand if there is someone here from oewd i love to help me understand what was the $500 thousand for-it is all $2 million goes to capital improvement is my serkd part of the question. the first part, what is $500 thousand for? >> absolutely. hi, chair chan, supervisors. i will let neal come back to the question about the capital work under the state grant but that is
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correct, there was a grant issued from oewd in october of last year through the union square foundation to the greater organization in order to do activation in the two spaces earlier and with more robust level of service then they were originally inteneding under their lease, so we learned of their lease selection from rpd. we want ed to know more about what they were planning to do. they had a extremely minimal level of service they were planning to roll out with, and we discussed what would it take to do something more robust to start sooner so they can start in time for apec and holiday season which is huge for union square so that resulted in a grant agreement for $444 thousand that went from the beginning of november opened november 6 through january. >> what was the money is in
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>> that was for them to enhance what they are able to dine the facilities that have no on-site cooking. some of it was for a lot of design work, complete refresh of the space. the cafe space on the palace side. they redid it, repainted it, they fixed the cases so total refresh there. it was for marketing work. it was for some av equipment, some other technical equipment in the space, tables and chairs, umbrellas, things like that. some equipment, durable equipment that reverts back to the city under the rec park lease as well, like cooking equipment but that isn't capital equipment fixed into the building, that is refrigeration and ovens so they can start to prepare the food and have it going by november. >> the marketing materials, what is that? >> that was for them to promote the opening to-they did that via
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social media, via traditional media. they reported back to us what were the media stories you got? this is the standard stuff that require any of our economic recovery activation grants. we want our grantees to be promoting the activation so it achieves the purpose of bringing people to that location. >> right. and it is about $499 thousand? >> 444. >> 444. is it possible to see just how the 444 was spent? >> yeah. >> like a line item help us understand how the $440 thousand was spent, only because--here it says not just the $2 million that is accept and expend grant from the state, here again it says, oewd administer a small portion of the grant for equipment to support activation of cafes in plaza. it is inclusive of $440 thousand spent
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or are you going to spend more beyond the $440 thousand spent? >> that is totally separate so shifting for the state grant for the capital work. there is a little left over not needed for capital work. it is flagged in there so there is potentially an opportunity for us to do more activation funding so they could continue to operate and expand the operation more quickly then when the capital work will be done but that will be finalized once the budget is finalized by rec park. >> great. what you are saying if i understand is this small portion of the grant is really coming from you administer within this $2 million? >> yes, it is what is left over in the state grant not needed for the capital work. >> understood. you don't know, it depends what you
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spend on capital and if there is any left over that is the purpose of the remaining grant dollars? >> correct. >> thank you. i think i will go back to quickly--when do you expect us to--so, when do you expect this renovation to begin and end and be completed? here it says- >> the grant term is three year total but we are moving as quickly as possible. as soon as we get money in hand we can move with planning and design and schedule capital construction. this year. yes. >> thank you. ideally this year to begin construction or complete the construction? >> both, unless there's something that would take longer then a year, but the goal is begin and end this year. >> how long do you anticipate the construction be? >> it is hard to tell now
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because we haven't fully scoped out the project. we vooa long wish list including ovens and ventilation associated with that, so it is little bit difficult to estimate now, but i think it could be finished within a year. >> i certainly hope to see it sooner. i want to say. i think we all do. given the fact that we would love to be the attraction to bring back tourism activities to downtown. i think the winter was fairly successful and i-just love to see it continue. i think the winter wonderland, that was a good activation for union square, love to see that before holidays comes again for that space and you can complete some of these work. i look forward seeing and learning more about the scope as well. thank you. i don't see any name on the roster. let's go to public comment on
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this item. >> yes, we invite members of the public who wish to address the committee regarding item 6, now is your opportunity to address the committee. madam chair, i see no speakers. >> thank you. seeing no public comment, public comment is now closed. vice chair mandelman. >> thank you chair chan. i like to be added as a cosponsor. >> thank you. with that, i like to send to full board with recommendation and roll call, please. >> on the motion to forward resolution to full board with positive recommendation, vice chair mandelman, aye. melgar, aye. chair chan, aye. we have three ayes. >> thank you and motion passes. and mr. clerk, please call item number 7. >> item number 7, resolution approving amendment no. 4 to the international terminal duty free and luxury
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store lease no. 17-0303 between dfs group, l.p. and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, which continues the temporary reduced percentage rent structure, but increases the percentage amount to 36% of gross revenues, commencing with lease year 5 (2024) and continuing through lease year 7 (2026), and establishing a temporarily reduced minimum annual guarantee of $30,000,000 for lease year 5, adjusting annually in accordance with the lease through lease year 7, with the original base rent structure recommencing in lease year 8 (2027), with each such rent accommodation being conditioned upon tenant's timely completion of the construction of its remaining facilities in harvey milk terminal 1 no later than december 31, 2024, with no change to the 14-year term, to be effective upon approval of this resolution. madam chair. >> thank you. we have san francisco airport here just to be clear, not the san francisco bay airport? >> not the san francisco bay, no, thank you. thank you supervisor. the airport is seeking approval for the 4th amendment to international
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terminal duty free and luxury store lease between airport and dff group to extend the temporary modified percentageerant structure the board originally approved june 2020. this extends through december 31, 2026, increase the percentage rent to 36 percent of gross revenues and establish temporary reduced minimal annual guarantee of $30 million. the lease was awarded in 2017 and includes 17 location. group comprise 75 percent ownership and have 5 small disadvantage business owners four local comprising 25 percent ownership. because of the covid-19 pandemic on passenger traffic, approved a rent structure of 33 percent of sales in 2020 through december 31, 2023. due to the pandemic lingering effect
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the recovery of international passenger traffic--help preserve economic feasibility and operation duty free offerings to travellers which account for more revenue for the airport then all retail leases combined. under the temporary rent structure, the airport anticipates receiving $126.7 million over the three year period. the budget analyst reviewed and recommends approval and i did want to clarify, the amendment does not need retroactive approval it lf is, but the lease applies starting january 1, 2024. thank you and happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. >> item 7 is a resolution that approves a fourth amendment to concession lease between the airport and dfs group.
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the amendment accomplishes two things. it reduces the annual minimal guaranteed rent and tiered percentage rent starting january 1 this year, so those actions would be retroactive and for the next 3 years, mag is reduced from 42 to $30 million and tiered percentage rent from 45.8 percent at the top to a flat 36 percent. we detailed the changes on page 9 of our report. based on financial data provided by the airport, we estimate that the given the level of sales at dfs property and the airport, this will result in approximately $10 million rent relief to that concession air over the next 3 years. that has a general fund impact of 1 and $1 and a half million a year, because the general fund gets a transfer of 15 percent of the airport concession
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revenues and so, as a policy consideration, we kind of considered the total losses incurred by this concession air, which amount to $74 million. this rent relief plus the previous rent relief provided approve bide the board amounts to about 73 percent of those losses that have already been incurred. the airport doesn't have a standard policy how to share losses with the tenants, so this is a kind of to be generous one off. but given the size of the lease, it is 46 thousand square feet, we believe that approving these changes, it does impact the general fund, increase the likelihood the tenant will remain in place and doesn't fully make them whole. finally, they are continuing to project losses going forward, so it is
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sharing these losses with the airport. we recommend approval of item 7. >> thank you. just-i make the correlation between luxury shopping to sort of what we are seeing in downtown as well. luxury shopping is a trend for consumer. it is just are not there right now. at least not in san francisco and i think there's sign of slowing down. what is airport's long-term strategy, especially now both the airport and that concur by bla that there seems to be a continuing projection of loss in revenue? what is the airport strategy for the long-term in these spaces? >> in addition to the down-turn in luxury shopping, we experienced severe drop in the china traffic from the republic of china. at the high point 553 weekly
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flights and now at 5 so that is a strategy to bump our traffic from china and further diversify the offerings. dfs started at 12 shops and-they went into 17, not because we expanded the footprint, but they became smaller more detailed concessions and so there is different opportunities that we see we can do. i do know there is a delegation to china happening this year the airport is a part of and hoping to boost international traffic as well so several strategies in that mind and that is quhie this is a temporary 3 year program before it goes back to the full in 2027. >> yeah, i also not sure-i'm not sure, but 3 years will give us more sense certainly. i'm also just not sure if the luxury shopping trend among chinese
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tourism will return or asia tourism will return as well and just kind of seeing a global trend of not seeing that coming back any time soon, but okay. thank you. supervisor melgar. >> thank you, chair chan. i had similar line of questioning, but with a little bit of a different angle. i will vote to approve this, i think it makes sense. we want to sort of share the risks and opportunities, but also, you know, in looking at how our travel patterns have changed during the pandemic, our number 1 country of origin of tourists foreign tourists is actually mexico, not china and yes they spend yes because it is closer. i am wondering what we are doing to grow what we had, rather then
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to try to go back to what we lost, because that may or may not happen and it seems as we are reinventing ourselves, which is we are good at in san francisco, that is what we do, what is the strategy? it occurs to me we have 27 sister cities in san francisco, not a single one in latin america and not one with the largest partner which is mexico and wonder sometimes whether it is not preconceived bias or notions who mexicans are and what the mexican economy, which bugs me, but i wonder what is the strategy on that? >> that is a great point and something we have a very strong connection with our sister city committees to make sure that we are addressing all of our international traffic and their needs of their passengers. >> that is my point, we dont have a sister city anywhere in latin america, even though mexico-it isn't just san
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francisco largest country of origin of foreign travellers but as a country, our largest trading partner is mexico. >> right. i just meant that we have a great connection with oewd and can bring this up. i did not actually personally know that. in terms of the broader strategy, dfs has in the past been our largest accruing lease out of all our retail locations, and food and wine, we are always looking at is a strategy that expands beyond just luxury. for instance, we just found out this morning food and wine magazine named sfo one of the top 10 airports in the world for food and wine, so we are one of three in the united states out of 10 global destinations. it is always a combination of luxury, which has always been the biggest money makers for airports but to your point and supervisor chan's point we have to keep thinking about different
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opportunities and not rely on old models so it is a great point you bring up and happy to bring back to the staff. i manage the plote call in international marketing teams to talking what we can do to not just satisfy a specific economy interest in luxury items but beyond as well. >> i will sign up to help in any way i can. let me add that, there is i think a large market in luxury goods in mexico as well. it may or may not be the same as the chinese market. all i say is i think if we have something that is working, it seems to me it makes sense to have a strategy to expand that, so thank you. >> great. thank you. >> thank you. here's also i want to add to that about just beyond the luxury shopping trends and i think what i also was trying to get at is that, at some point
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you know-and i think when mayor ed lee was here, i think there was a very direct instruction for sfo or wanting to forge a partnership thinking about sfo vendors and to be san francisco made and uniquely san francisco. i think there are shops like green apple and others that unique to san francisco and i think if i-i'm not trying to put words in supervisor melgar's mouth but to some extent it is also to broaden the consumer trend not just about luxury or just about the chinese consumers, but to really think about a mix of diversity and to bring in those options that are like the countries bordering us like mexico and
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some other countries that you know have different flavor and cultures and that i think at some point, because we are so reliant to those relationship and not saying we should abandon the relationships, i think we should continue to see how to increase direct flights to asia, but i think from this lessen is learn to say, hey, now that we have this opportunity is to diversify our options, diversify options for tourism and diversify the shopping experience when it comes to duty free in sfo. that is kind of along the thinking that i'm trying to land, but i didn't. >> no, i think both of your points are very well taken and we'll definitely pursue that. >> thank you so much. i really appreciate it. with that, going to public comment and on this item. >> yes, we are opening public
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comment on item 7. if there is anybody who wish to address the committee regarding item 7 now is your opportunity. madam chair, i see no speakers. >> thank you, public comment is now closed. it is painful for us to do this, but we'll send-i like to make a motion to send this item to full board with recommendation and roll call, please. >> on that motion to forward to the full board with positive recommendation, vice chair mandelman, aye. member melgar, aye. chair chan, aye. we have three ayes. >> thank you, motion passes. thank you. mr. clerk, do we have any other business or items before us today? >> madam chair, that concludes our business. >> thank you and just wantsed to make clear thiafternoon the budget and appropriation committee is canceled and next week we have the legislative break and will return april 16, and with that, the meeting is adjourned.
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[meeting adjourned] san francisco is known as a city filled with diversity culture and progressive ideas.
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our ever changing city and the people within in. but it was not always this way, women struggled to have one of their own on their life until 2021. it would not be until 32 years later that the mex women clarissa mcman served in the board of supervisors. since then women have continued to make significant contributions to the board of supervisors. so who are these women? and what impact have they made with their time on the board. >> to be honest it came as a surprise when i became as a supervisor. i was working as a deputy director in the mayor's office and there were some challenges with the then supervisor and mayor gavin newsom at the time removed that supervisor from office. i was asked to serve on the role. it was a quick transition, but i got into public service because i really believe that government is a place where you
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can create opportunities and level the playing field. >> madam clerk, would you please call the roll. >> i was on the board of supervisors from 2001 to 20111. i have been involved in working my community, there was scheduling to be a redevelopment area plan and as african americans we knew that meant, that was usually a removal of certain kinds of people. so because fs path, there had to be a committee formed of all the people that lived in the community. everybody had to be involved in this committee and there were certain rules and regulations and we had to get neighbors to vote for us and so we did that and i did that, and i won the seat on that committee and that kind of started everything. >> supervisor kristenson. >> i think having women in the board of supervisors and legislative bodies all around the country have meant that some of the issues that have traditionally called family issues are now raised .d >> i think san francisco and
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the rest of the country here is very behind and i think that you know, many mothers, they don't have a choice about whether they get to return to work or not. >> having individuals who are women in all of these places helps to create, a more rich dialogue around what policy choices actually mean and what the impact to people and family and lives would be. so sing having women on the board here in the city has been impactful in that way. >> supervisor kim, kim presentation. >> democracy is about representation, how can you leave off over half of the population. a lot of women are not just taking care of children but taking care of parents and working so all of those life's experiences are part now of our policies of our city policies and throughout the country >> supervisor breed. >> here. >> breed present. >> supervisor maxwell. >> we saw two of san francisco female mayor having originated
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from the board of supervisors as well. that's where people are seen as leaders and get exposure and have the influence to influence policy. i think it's important to see ourselves in that. >> supervisor cohen. cohen present. >> doris championed rent control. contracts for black women, women of color and small businesses, he will a was really really special, she was really who motivated me. she worked for the lawu, she was a switch board operator and then secretary. and then founded an organization cofounded with somebody called congress of racial equity core. so the lin she came with was about equity, about young women, seniors at-risk youth having jobs.
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it was about more police guided. those three women to me left their legacy. >> supervisor elliot. >> when you think about the legislative and women legislatures, i think the tendency is to find a women issue that would otherwise won be covered. but so many of our legislatures women included have touched on so many faucets of policies. it's important to be seen through your life experiences how you identify and for a young girls, i think having women on the board is important because you get to see that you actually changed seat yourself in that power of decision. >> that concludes business for today. >> there was one where the fellows, at the time, they were arguing and i was the only women and only african-american, and i'm sitting there, thinking oh my god, it's a room full of people because it's a board day and
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i'm thinking, what can i say to stop this. so the universe gave me the words, gentlemen, let us be about the people of business. and of course all the people started clapping. and they had to do what? they had to act like gentleman, that one for me, showed the importance of having women, having the importance of having african-americans and the african-american women. >> to the women of the board, past, present and future, thank you for your strength, grace, and commitment to changing san francisco for the better. let's continue to make history.
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>> (music). >> my name is package scott i'm a general manager and vice president of the yerba buena ice skating and bowling center. >> we opened in 98, we are celebrating our 25 anniversary. the last ice relation at 48 avenue with the redevelopment agency started to reconstruct a yerba buena the city had suggested how about around ice skating we have a podium we run
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from the tiny to the we have a whiff adult community of beginners and entering meats and so many people that only to san francisco and california for the east coast who grew up circulating and when they finding a pair they fall in love with that. >> my favorite ring it is a beautiful skyline and yeah. it is really nice (background noise.) our bowling center is adorable perfect for conference party and birthday party or have a good time and children's activity and wonderful playground and a great area to relax and enjoy the view it is 35 part of the city and a
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lot of great places to go around and have lunch. skating is fun for the whole family we have an amazing program a huge adult population sea sorry about that in his skating and is or have a ton of programs it is walkable in their yerba buena community. we have everything you need. if i forgot our socks we have those and we charge a.d. mythics, inc., if you have no skates the general public typically e traditionally have public skating and open on the weekends and multiple sessions for everyone to
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[music] >> office of initiative start in the 2017 and started as a result of community advocacy. our transgender nonbinary community advocates were really letting our government know that we needed to be heard. we needed to be considered and policy and budget decision and so, then the mayor lee and founding director of spark created officeof initiative that allow us to advocate for equity for transgender and nonbinary communitiful we focus on 4 areas. training, education for the city employees. we focus on civic and community engagement making sure our leaders have a voice and are heard by our elected officials. we work on policies and programs to make sure our city is
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responsive to transand nonbinary community and add voice to departments to integrate transinclusion in policies, procedures and practice. >> we still have, lot of work to do to improve and address equity in san fran for our community upon i feel that we are on the right track and seeing how people's lives are improving thanks to those changes. i do think it is unique that our local government is sponsive to transgender communities so i hope that people can remember that despite the work we had, we seat progress. we seat change and there is hope for transpeople in san francisco and wherever we come together and organize to improve our lives. [music]
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>> community investment and infrastructure successor agency commission meeting this afternoon at 1:00 pm., tuesday, april 2, 2024. secretary morewitz call roll. >> commissioner giraudo and vice president guillermo and vice president guillermo will read the read the los angeles police department unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory.