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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  April 4, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> a lot of housing advocates to speak out again poison pills that president peskin my name is jay the san francisco oregon director for mba action and from the action coalition owe a lot of housing advocates as well as some of our elected leaders joining us to push back against this i want to briefly just mention this is not unfortunately, the first thing by the had to get to the with president peskin this is not his first anti housing action a long list recently, i time to highlight some of the recent actions he's taken for i get it
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off to a housing champion with us we've been dealing with a number of changes related to our housing element and he's pushed back almost every turn. we've had legislation up here such as a recent fire code amendment by supervisor chan and if a champion that will make that hard to build homes in january and the city attorney to look at whether or not we are unfairly targeted in san francisco and making the same statement that senator wiener said recent actions and we'll list get back to those with we have champions on the board of supervisors looking at for us gracious enough to join us supervisor dorsey to get the housing
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element in place i'm sorry to bring him all 2340u9 to say a few words. >> thank you a supervisor (clapping.) thank you, jan to a member of the board of supervisors i'm not sure there small business more of us itch of my career (clapping.) the two years in the police department that gets the holiness but talk about the 14 years in the san francisco district attorney's office having a front row seat to the gameship that plays out a a stimuli misses progress on housing prozac productions and wasn't we're start to say is a return to the same tired and failed playbook. undoable aspirations and unjumpable hoops and shack did you notice that
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frustrate around facilitate the housing production we need we can't do that my are more we are on the hook for 80 thousand units i represent downtown district that will be hurt the most if we fail to this up to the housing element we risk the loss of state funding more affordable housing and potentially the loss of local control tooth i've seen is again and again in the building in san francisco and example for good things but sometimes when he had something wrong and my biggest fear we are attempting fate and the the good, good will of the many of the state regulators before sticking a thump 23 in their ease to facilitate the production of housing here and again, a lot of that goes back to the city attorney's office i
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thought grateful to working in but no accident that housing champions like scott wiener and me came out of that office had a front row seats to the gamemanship we need that housing i'm proud to be with the xaernts and the housing action coalition and everyone in the housing moment 4re9s do what we need to do thanks so much. >> thank you supervisor dorsey for your support everyday on it had critical issue and sprinkle in a couple of highlights recently supervisors heard an appeal of 395 sacramento street the one one on the only supervisor didn't vote in the housing president peskin and
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another example how they stymied heirs and a speaker our london breed been a strong champion and continues to push that (yelling). >> (clapping) thank you, jay. >> thank you to the northern california are carpenter and supervisor stefani who by the human rights coalition and all the folks that continue to fight for the much needed hours we need to build in san francisco i want to take us back i feel like that's been really tragic that for so many years had to fight the same battle and everyone talks about being think housing advocate and pushing more affordable housing and what was not happening in the stay by when they have an opportunity of to make it easier to produce housing they create opportunity
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to destroy research to move forward. and as someone who grew up here sadly i saw so many of my friends move from san francisco ways they couldn't afford to live here and seen people hard work the carpenters and other organizations move away from san francisco because they cal state university afford to live and here and making sure that san francisco is a place for all again increasing a place you make a lot of money and can afford to live here, or you're lucky any enough to see a family what a house you're lucky enough to inherent or qualify more affordable housing and what happens to everyone else? we we have to fend for ourselves and figure out while we continue to put obstruction in policies before us that make it, too difficult to build we're sick 6
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people so to speak out boo side of their mouth this is not just about trying to build housing no. you now that is to making sure the next generation of san franciscans growing up here can afford to live here i remember when i ran for mayor one of the only persons to support scott wiener that sb loud for the intensity of san francisco and people said you'll lose the raise you're supported there and building more housing in place where housing to stuck and what i said how many of you were born and raised in san francisco or been here more than 14th century had 5 years all the hands went up my kid went to galla high school and sfoort and asked how many of your kids live here he
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can recall any hands went up that's what we're fashioned if if we move in the same direction and expecting to getting is a different result the place is more coastal not just because the the record will reflect interest rates and material because how long it takes us to go through a process through the board of supervisors there land use we already have policies in place. this is not asking for something but i but allowing us without the layers of bury through to process but able be able to build more units not asking for a health there but asking you not to kill had legislation by save density
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bonus didn't apply here's the problem we loss out of the opportunity to build more and to make sure that people who work here can afford to live here have almost 4 vacancy position because many of the workforce can't afford to live in san francisco how will we maintain the streets and get our muni buses to the place they need to be on time and potholes and do all the essential services when people can't afford to live here at this time what that is making sure three we build more housing and build more housing farther. what president peskin is what we don't the i'm by to industry housing production to stop us in moving forward this poison pill is another creative way in stopping that i'm sick of his
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shall think begins endless poeshtsd (clapping.) we wonder was going wrong in the city every time i look around way to say no. you can't build how no, not starting it new businesses no, no, no, no this it city is 2345 terrors for noticing what is happening 2450 the ward of supervisors chambers no gist respect supervisor stefani supervisor dorsey we don't have the luxury to say no we've been interest a pandemic and people are waiting in line to move into the city but build office in san francisco peep were waiting on a line to visit the hotels full of tourism where it was booming now we said no too often that is a problem 7, 8, 9 for us to get to, yes and
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provide time for us to build more housing now (clapping.) enough with it in no, no, no, no. >> invocal cord in the conversation time to get to, yes yes, yes, yes, yes more housing yes more opportunity and, yes a better opportunity and, yes a workforce can afford to live here and peep with abductions yes, yes, yes housing now thank you, (clapping.) thank you, mayor london breed i couldn't say it better myself and, yes. just a play back another fin hit president peskin has taken a road show we
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reportedly asked the room do we have a housing crisis? that tells us what we're talking about and someone who provides a perspective from professional experience one of my neighborhood the carpenters to talk about how we want to support building anymore homes (clapping) thank you. >> thank you, jane and mayor london breed and supervisor dorsey for decades the carpenters unions watched as thousands of members working class people were forced out of san francisco because of housing shortages we watched our members are commuting to sacramento stockton and mo deft and fresno
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and watching as the housing crisis tears apart working class community as a tears apart our climate and infrastructure we watched coa the state residential construction becomes a crime scene of production were nearly 100 percent of workforce is subject to expiration and human trafficking. so the carpenters said enough is enough. working with community groups a strong partner including mayor london breed including supervisor dorsey and is a matter of fact, are wiener owe challenges like 18 to 12 and sb 4 and finally finally allows the missing middle to be built in the communities that need it the most and lifting up all
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construction w prevailing wage and healthcare and real enforcement but again southern segments certain politicians want to play games and politics with housing in san francisco and undermine the state law we fought for and lake theirs while tell thousands of union construction works that there is no plays for in the san francisco not to work and certainly not to live when you play politics with housing you're playing politics are people's lives i'm a richmond school resident and a lifelong member i thought to see more housing and opportunities for my neighbors for my daughter how can we say no to housing our schools are losing thousands of students request no place to go
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in san francisco how can we say no to workers when their toiling in the underground economy and not to building more housing for future generations an honest question for president peskin if with owe don't build more housing where will children likely to the carpenters are here today as mayor london breed to say yes (clapping.) to send a strong message to the board of supervisors and a president peskin enough the games let's build and lift occupy all workers thank you, (clapping.) thank you, dan and it is critically important three we address this not just for today but for future generations of san francisco to live. just another great comment from
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president peskin in january he authored a resolution to oppose sb 591 from scott wiener unfortunately, couldn't join us in sacramento to soft will housing shortage would have developed housing for those who don't live in the richmond a safe way parking lot to so more homes and should have a process but city protect that. we're proud to joined of he couldn't be here from a representative from scott weiner's office jeff. >> (clapping) good afternoon. i'm michelle as jane said scott wiener many sacramento couldn't be here but a statement we're here but 347z
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has been leading obstruction in the campaign to score cheap political points and scott wiener is the convert anti housing politician by oppose is progressive reform by this creates on ending brugsz to process eased city hall and feeling the excise president peskin has a long partner of housing reform and is against housing we need to crystal clear not progressively to make it harder to build now homes and obstruction of housing in the middle of a housing crisis and not progressively to walk through the development of housing for the climate friendly city and san francisco is a place that welcomes people of all background and care forcing
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these and to combat criticize and president peskin anti hours are not progressive and don't reflective the city's values and last month quieted equivocated made and statement based on my work to make sure that san francisco is building enough homes and unlike president peskin it is making it easier for building of the new home, aye. >> by contrast (clapping.) president peskin continuing obstruction of mia any homes harms us and in recent years san franciscans are for pro housing champions and president peskin represents updated reviews and stop using obstruction to gain
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political power (clapping.) thank you, michelle and thank you, senator wiener for those words we're not just here to race attention we're here to actually will be going on in the chambers upstairs we're going to wrapping up here in a second because we're going to go up there and say all the things we said we make if clear that there is a constituents will not stand for this kind of obstruction we need not to make things impossible not how we're going to do that. so if you're here today come and give comment with us we're going to be upstairs going to be in room 250 two minutes of fun that will be great you've done if before i look forward to you joining us, we can say yes to all the things you've heard yes to homes for our is future generations and
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current and future san franciscans a lovely city time we said, yes for, thank you (clapping.) and if anyone would gather for a photo op that will be beautiful if you don't want to be in the photo please, you know, make yourselves
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♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> the two largest bridges in the road, symbolizing pioneer and courage in the conquest of space and time. between these two great bridges, in historic san francisco bay, here's tribute to the achievements of our time. he's a dream come true, golden gate international exposition on manmade treasure island. >> the 402 acre artificial island was build by engineers from 1936 to 1937 on the
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neighboring buena island. 300,000 tons of rock was used to build a seawall around an existing sand ball then followed by filling the interior with dredge material from the bay which was consistent of modern sand. the federal government paid for construction ask three permanent buildings which would serve as a potential future airport. treasure island was constructed at the same time as the bay bridge and it was a project of works progress administration to construct this island, which was initially used to host the golden gate international exposition. >> carnival gone big. it was busy. >> it was going to become an airport after the exposition but it was turned over to the navy and turned over to a military base for the next 50 years. >> 1941, the united states army moved to treasure island as america prepared for world war
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ii. the island was a major training and education center with 4.5 million personnel shipped overseas from triangle. after the war ended in 1945, treasure island was slalthed to be an airport -- slated to be an airport but aviation changed and the clipper were no longer in regular service, and the island was never developed as an airport. the navy continued their presence on treasure island. during the cold war years, the island was a myth training center and for military efforts throughout the pacific and asia. personnel trained on and shipped from treasure island and supported military activities in korea, vietnam and the persian gulf. >> the base was listed for closure by the navy in 1993 and the city began a process in 1994 under the redevelopment agency, forming a citizens reuse
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committee to look at potentially plans for the island, island's future. after the base closed in 1997, the treasure island development authority was created to develop and implement a reuse plan. >> the navy has completed their environmental cleanup in that area and last week, the california department of public health issued a radiology unrestricted recommendation for that portion of side 12. it's a big milestone for the project. >> the treasure island development facility was setup to implement the master plan that was adopted by the board of supervisors in 2011. >> given the importance of housing in the city, both the affordable component and the market rate housing, we felt that it was important to review what the housing plan is at
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treasure island. >> the development facility and (indiscernible) that oversees the implementation of the master plan to make sure that the master plan, which was adopted by the board of supervisors and adopted by the city and after meeting, that's plan that the city approved. the members of the board was appointed by the mayor and the board of supervisors. [multiple voices] >> the (indiscernible) is very detailed plan. looking at the ecological aspects of the island, looking at the geotechnical aspects of the island, but also making sure that there is an ongoing of development that's in keeping with what the original plan was, which is that we have up to 8,000 rooms of housing and there's retail and hotels. but
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also that there is open space that's created so it's an overall plan that guides the whole development of treasure island and the buena island. >> materials used during the construction of treasure island severely compromises the integrity to build structures. in today's geotechnical engineers standing, treasure island soil is being readdressed for soil stabilization for future development. a mechanical stabilization process is being used to consolidate the liquid fashion of the mud and sandy soil. >> because treasure island is a manmade island, we have to do a significant amount of soil improvement before we can build new infrastructure and new buildings on the island. in the foreground, you see here, it's a process called surcharging we we import additional topsoil to simulate the dead weight of the future buildings to be constructed at that site. so this is causing bay mud that
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underlies island to consolidate over time and we can monitor that and as that consolidation primarily consolidation is complete, then this soil will be removed to the intended finished floor elevation of the new structures. ♪ [ music ] ♪ ♪ >> in the 1989 loma earthquake, the ground level of this island dropped by four inches. pretty much uniform across the island. loose sand material used to build the island, whether it gets hit by a seismic forces, the sand moves and consolidated. >> one of the processes to further stabilize the loose granular ground, a dynamic rate is used to densify the soil by high frequency mechanical vibrations. >> the rig in the background has four h-piles that goes down
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through the upper 50 feet of sandy material and as they vibrate, they vibrate causing that san material to consolidate and settle so as we do that process, we observe about 18 inches in settlement so the ground level around that equipment will drop by 18 inches, so this causes that same type of event to happen through mechanical means rather than through a seismic event. >> the dynamic vibrant compaction rate vibrates the soil every four square meters and moved along to the next section. to further assure stability, tamping is followed around the site, compassion takes approximately three to four months to complete 12 acres. once the compassion and tapping is done, it's settled ask using laser alignments to assure a level service to build on. >> i think that every city when
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they have the opportunity to do something that is as large as treasure island because treasure island is five hundred acres and it depends on their needs at that time and in 2011 to now, the most important are thing for the city is housing. there's two aspects to that master plan. one, was the new district for san francisco. 8,000 units of housing, which is all levels of stability. the other (indiscernible) is 300 acres of open space and parks. and actually, it's the largest addition to the park system in san francisco since (indiscernible) 300 acres and this is a tremendous gift to the public, both the housing, which we desperately need in san
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francisco as well as an open space and park system which really is going to be worm class and it will attract people in san francisco but attract people locally as well as internationally. >> cmg architecture was brought to the project once they award the agreement between the city of san francisco and the united states navy. cmg has earned national recognition and numerous awards for merits and design, social impact and environmental stewardship. >> we were a part of the project in the beginning when the developer initially was awarded the exclusive negotiation agreement or the ena with the city and they partnered with the planning and architecture group and we joined that team to work with the developer around the city and community to come up with a plan for treasure island.
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>> so there's quite a lot of open space in the master plan and there's a couple of reasons for that that's pragmatic. one is that the amount of area that could be converted for private use on treasure island was very limited, actually it wasn't allowed at all because treasure island was previously public open waters and protected by the tidal and trust act to be redevelop for public use. but there was a land swap that was allowed and approved by the governor of california, governor schwarzenegger to be put on a public trust for a one to one swap to be taken out of the trust to be developed for private use such as residential and that amount of land was 89 acres which leaves a bunch more space that can't have housing on it and the question was, what to do with all of that space? there could be other public uses that allowed such as conference centers or museums or universities or things of that
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nature but what made the most sense for this location was to have more parks in a really robust parks and open space plan and that's what led us to the plan we have now. >> planting strategies for treasure island and buena island are to maximize habitat value in the park areas wherever appropriate and where we can to create comfortable at the pedestrian scale. there are these diagonal lines that go across the plan that you'll see. those are wind row trees like you see in agricultural landscapes where they are tall tree that's buffer the winds to create a more calm areas down at the pedestrian scale. so of course, we do have some areas where we have play fields and surfaces where kids need to run around on and those will be either lawns or like you see in norm at sports field. >> related to where the housing is on the island and its convenience to the walk to the transit hub, i mentioned we're
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trying to create high-quality pedestrian -- and the innovations of treasure island is called the shared public way and it's a road that runs down the middle of the neighborhoods. it's a curbless street, cars are allowed to drive on it but pedestrian can walk down the middle of the street and the cars are to yield the right-of-way for pedestrian and it's intended for streets where there's a low traffic volumes and the traffic speeds are low so while car was allowed, there's not a lot of reasons for cars to go on that street but it's to create a social street that's much more pedestrian-friendly and prioritizes pedestrians and bikes. one of the interesting things is working with all architects that have been designing buildings in the first phase to encourage them, to create architecture that welcomes people to sit on it. it's wlm like sticking its toe out and asking someone to sit on its toe so buildings integrate public seating and places for
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people to hang out at their base, which is really, the opposite of what you see often times in this city where there's defensive architecture that's trying to keep people off it. this is architecture that's trying to invite people to come and inhabit it at its base. >> incorporated in the landscape architect of treasure island are wetlands, which are designed to factor in coastal erosion control from incoming sea level rise and natural animal habitation and stormwater runoff treatment. >> there's different kinds ever wetlands planned for treasure island and they have different purposes. they are stormwater wetlands that's treating the runoff from the island and filtering that water before it's released to the bay to improve the water quality in the bay and the ocean and the first phase of the large wetland infrastructure is built on buena island to treat the storm water from buena island. we might see that when we go out there. there are tidal wetlands plan for the northern
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side of the island where the sea level rise adaptation and flood protect for future sea level rise is held back away from the edge of the island to allow sea level rise to come onto the island to create future tidal wetland which is helpful for the bay in the future as we see sea level wise flood out existing wetlands and there are some natural vernal pool in the wetland that's captured rainwater and capturing certain habitat so there's three purposes of the wetland primarily around water filtration and habitat creation. >> consumable sustainability was incorporated in the redesigning of treasure island. innovative urban farming is included in the plans to foster economic viability, conservation of water, and to promote ecological sustainability. >> the urban farm is 20 island.
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and it's a commercial farm to produce food. it's not community where the volunteers and neighbors grow their own, it's commercially run to maximize the food production and that food will be distributed on the island. and interestingly, the urban farm is tied into the on island wastewater treatment plan which creates recycle use for water on the island so water used to grow the island will be a sustainable force and we're trying to close the loop of water, food, and create a new model for sustainability. >> part of the design for sustainable landscape was incorporate natural form water garden filtering systems, the first of three natural stormwater gardens is here on buena island. and a total of ten will be on treasure island. water from storms, street runoffs from neighborhoods has the possibility to collect toxic materials as it makes its way back into the surrounding bay. this garden has been a model for
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future, natural filtering systems through out the bay area. >> whenever a storm comes through, all of the water, you know, it lands on the streets, it lands on the top of the buildings, and at times it often collects a lot of heavy metals and greases and it needs to be cleaned and before sent back into the back. it goes into the pipes and stormwater drainage and put into our stormwater basin and then all of the plants and soil you're seeing in there, they are acting as a filter for all those oils and heavy metals and greases and all things that's coming off the roadways, coming off the development and so it's treated here in the storm water basin and then it's sent out into the bay as a clearer product and cleaner water which increases our water quality here and throughout the bay area. so the structure in the center of each basin is what
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we call the for bay. that's the point at which the stormwater exits out of the storm drainage system and into the stormwater basin itself. so the for bay is shaped as almost a gate to kind of push all water out through the pipes, all of those rocks help to disburse it before it's sent into the stormwater basin itself. the storm water basin was designed to fill up to the height of the berm of the side you're seeing here. so this is juncus and these are well-known fresh water grasses found in any place around the bay area that you find standing water or in a drainage channel, you're going to find a lot of these junket species. this is a leave a lifter in the bio treatment. it soaks up a lot of water, to soak up the contaminants and heavy metals, so it's kind of our backbone species. this one is
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called douglas siana and the common name is mug war. it's a beautiful plant but doing the heavy lift and pulling, those contaminants out of the storm water and pulling oil to help treat the water before its sent back into the system and back into the bay. this plant is known as salvia or hummingbird sage. it has a lot of habitat value in that it's a strong pollinator plant. obviously, you can see the pink and purple flowers which come up in the springtime and attracts a lot of hummingbirds, a lot of bees which help to pollinate the other species within the garden and throughout the rest of the island and all of those native plants. all of these plants are designed to be able to take a heavily inundation of water over a several day per like standing water for a long time. all of the plants can withstand that and honestly, thrive in that
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condition. so all of these were selected based on the ecological and habitat value but also their treatment and functional value for stormwater. >> this is super tiny. >> it's very much a big part of our design and master plan for the development of the island. it was a navy base and a lot of navy housing on this island specifically for around 80 years and during that time, a lot of innovative species were introduced on the island, eucalyptus, a lot of different european and algerians plants were on the island. we wanted to bring in the native eye college here on the island before the navy started to redevelop it and introduce some of those invasive species so the species you're seeing in this stormwater garden in the basin and the upland area was a part of those types of ecology s that's trying to be
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returned to this side of the island but different other spaces through out the islands development. so whenever we started this process, we identified a number of species of native plants that seem applicable to the ecology that we're trying to grow. there's 45 species, so a -- there's 15 species so they are hard to find in the nursery trade so we needed to grow it ourselves to achieve the biodiversity that's in the design here. as a part that have process, we brought on a nonprofit group called ledge, l-e-g- which is literacy for environmental justice. they grew those plants and put together the plant palates you see. >> most of landscape was inundated with invasive plant
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species eradicating species and having the plan on buena island and treasure island. literacy for environmental justice, a community volunteer educational program involved with restoring local habitats and preserving san francisco's unique bio tie varsity, teamed up with the redevelopment group to grow the 50,000 native plants to -- to repopulate treasure island. >> the city of san francisco set up meetings between leg and they came in with high expertise and urban design, and architecture, and green infrastructure, but they really hadn't worked with flytive plants -- worked with native plants at scale and they were also kind of scratching their heads, like how are we going to grow 50,000 native plants from remnant native plant
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populations. it was a unique partnership of figuring out what plants can grow, what plants will function in stormwater gardens. not all native plants are ascetically pleasing to landscape architect, so we kind of worked around what plants are going to be pleasant for people, what plants are going to provide habitat, what plants are going to actually be able to sequester carbon, deal with erosion, preserve the island biodiversity as well as be able to manage all of these stormwater treatment on the island. >> there's about 33 naturally occurring native plant species that survived the last one hundred years on yorba buena island. we were able to go in and get the seed and salvage plants in some cases, some of the development work that
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occurred was actually going to destroy native plant habitat and we went in before the bulldozers and before the roads were build and the new water tanks were installed and dig them up, divide them, hold them, of the 50,000 plants we grew 40,000 of them in-house and the other ten, we had to rely on our partners to do it. with the 50,000 plants we did, we did 100 species and 95 of them are from the county of san francisco. about the other five are from the state of california. but the other 95 species really are the native plants that have been here for thousands of years. we used collection sites such as angel island, the presidio had genetics for the projects in san francisco. we used remnant plant habitats at hunters point and we
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used a lot of genetics from san bruno mountain. just to collect and process all of the genetics was a two-year process. and then it was about a two or three year process to grow all the species. >> this is the infamous -- it's a low, growing sprawling native herb and it's in the mint family and i'm rubbing my hands on this and it's extremely aromatic. it feels like a flush of peppermint just came across my face. it's edible. you can make tea out of it. it's a great digestive plant for settling your stomach. it has been cool to introduce yerba buena to yerba buena. this plant
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is called dutchman's pipe. when in bloom, the flower looks like a dutchman's pipe. and another thing that's unique about this plant is, it's the whole specific plant for the pipeline swallow tail butterfly. so some butterflies are able to adapt to other species and can use larva and food from different species. in the county of san francisco, there's only about three or four healthy populations of this plant. these particular plants were going to be destroyed because of the green infrastructure project needed to put pipes in and needed to demolish all water tanks and build new water tanks for the island, so we were able to go in, dig them up, cultivate them, extrapolate dozens of plants
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into hund hundreds of plants and restore it through the restoration process. one day one of my nursery managers was down here and she found the pipeline butterfly have flown over from yerba buena island and came to our nursery on treasure island and was breeding on this plant. and successfully did its life cycle inside of our nursery. so, it? how that butterfly knows it's out there and find it, this is one of those unique things that we can't explain why butterflies can find this species but if we grow it and put it in the right location, they will return. so the plants we're looking at here is faranosa known as just dedlia or live forever. the construction is it work happen nothing that
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area, it's likely to be destroyed. a unique thing about this plant and the unique succulents we have in california and the live forever plant can live to be 150 years old. recently, the state of california just did special legislation to protect this plant. i think in its intact population on the island, there's less than 50 of them, so to be able to grow several hundred of them and have them be a part of the plant palate of the stormwater gardens that was installed recently is an increase of biodiversity and a step forward towards protecting the natural legacy of the island. >> i moved to treasure island in 1999. i believe i was one of the first residents on the island. i have seen how the island has been destroyed and reconstruct
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since its beginning to restore the island to its native form is extremely important to me because that will help all the animals come back to the island and make this place even a better place to live. >> i want to be here because these are people i know, so that was my first thing is just, like, i wanted to come here to help out and be with (indiscernible) and to actually put my hands in dirt. i feel like we as people don't work in army -- we don't see the benefits of plants, like, but i just learned about a plant that if you rub it enough, it turns into soap. that's cool. and we need those things. we need to know about those things. >> one really unique thing about this project is the scale. to use 50,000 native plants over 7
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acres is a scale we have never seen. it really is trailblazing when we think about the 350 or 400 acres of open space that is planned for treasure island, it sets the stage for what is possible. there's a way to use nature-based solutions at scale to meet the needs of climate change, sea level rise, the crisis of local extinction and create natural environment. the first phase of the project sets a stage for what is possible and i just feel really blessed to have been a part of it. >> one of the main focus on triangle is keeping vehicle traffic to a minimum. for residents and visitors, public transportation is highly encouraged and will be the center point of keeping the island pedestrian-friendly, retaining an open space sent and
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providing an eco system that reducing carbon emission >> we need the transit to be successful because if we had 8,000 homes here and everybody was trying to use their car to access the bay bridge every month, it will overwhelm the system. new on and off-ramp are being constructed but all over the focus of the development is to be very transit oriented. triangle itself is very flat and very bikeable and walkable as a result and so there's a focus on using both bus and ferry service to get from the island to san francisco in the east bay. there will be a number of transit demand management tools that will be employed of the two new ramps to and from the -- to the island and allowing a limited number of cars to access the bridge and there will be a
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management toll to encourage the use of transit. >> all the market rate housing on the island, the price for residential unit whether that's a rental apartment or a for sale condo, the price of the unit is decoupled from the price of the parking spot. so people can buy a condominium without paying for a parking spot. they choose to have a parking spot, they would pay an additional price. market rate residents are required to purchase take transit pass each month through their hoa fees or through their rent so the residents will begin the decision of driving or taking transit with a transit pass in hand each month. that transit pass will function as a muni fast pass allowing people to take muni and transfer within the muni network and function as an ac transit allowing people to take ac transit to the east bay and transfer within the ac transit system and it will also
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provide unlimited access to the treasure island ferry. >> treasure island is going to take decades to be fully build out. it's going to take some time for it to reach the envelope that was passed by the board of supervisors and maybe there will be changes to it as well. we don't know what is going to happen in 50 years but i'm confident by the fact that the plan that was adopted was fully, fully thinking even for its time and the building the island to a way it's sustainable, it addresses sea level rise, but also gives the public the open space and parts that are so necessary to fill treasure island. there's
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economic, certainly, challenges and whether we're going to be able to build out all of what was desired in the master plan, it will -- time will tell, but i think that the last ten years, we've been coming to this point. we are seeing incredible progress and the infrastructure is being finished by the island. market rate housing is being finished. affordable housing is being finished. and so, we feel within the next five years, substantial part of what we had envisioned is going to come to fruition.
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>> who doesn't love cable cars? charging emissions and we're free which we're proud of you know, it's not much free left in the world anymore so we managed to do that through donations and through our gift shops. you got a real look and real appreciation of what early transit systems are like. this was the transit of the day from about 1875 to about 1893 or later, you know. cable car museum is free, come on in. take a day. come down. rediscover the city. you can spend as time you want and you don't have to make reservations and it's important to be free because we want them to develop a love for cable cars so they do continue to support whether they live here or other places and people come in and say, yes, i have passed by and heard of this and never come in and they always enjoy themselves. people love cable cars and there's none left in the world so if you want to ride a cable car, you've got
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to come to san francisco. that what makes the city. without the cable cars, you lose part of that, you know, because people who come here and they love it and they love the history ask they can ride a cable car that has been running since 1888 or 1889. wow! that's something. can't do that with other historical museums. rarely, have i run into anybody from outside who didn't come in and didn't feel better from knowing something about the city. it's a true experience you'll remember. i hope they walk away with a greater appreciation for the history, with the mechanics with people are fascinated by the winding machine and i hope the appreciation, which is a part of our mission and these young kids will appreciate cable cars and the ones who live here and other places, they can make sure there will always be cable cars in san francisco because once they are gone, they are gone. it's the heartbeat of san francisco that founded the cable and the slot
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and without the cable cars, yeah, we would lose something in san francisco. we would lose part of its heart and soul. it wouldn't be san francisco without cable cars. [bell ringing] .
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meeting to order. if you could please rise for the pledge of allegiance. to the flag that i. from america to public. which stands one nation under god, indivisible and justice for all. exceptionally, fcc commissioners would like to take roll. commissioner walker here. i'm not going to read it. commissioner benedicto, present. commissioner janez present. commissioner byrne here. commissioner yee and vice president carter obersten are in route. and you do have a quorum. thank you, are you going to call the item line? item one weekly officer recognition certificate presentation of an officer who has gone above and beyond in the performance of their duties. sergeant michael zang, star number 4236. special investigations division