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tv   SF GovTV Premiere  SFGTV  April 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>> [music] art withelders exhibiting senior art work across the bay for 30 years as part of our traveling exhibit's program. for this exhibits we partnered with the san francisco art's commission galleries and excited show case the array of artist in historic san francisco city hall. >> [inaudible].
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call me temperature is unique when we get to do we, meaning myself and the 20 other professional instructors we are working with elders we create long-term reps i can't think of another situation academically where we learn about each other. and the art part i believe is a launching pad for the relationship building:see myself well. and if i don't try when my mom again. she may beat the hell out of mow if i don't try >> seniors, the population encounters the problem of loneliness and isolation even in
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a residential community there hen a loss of a spouse. leaving their original home. may be not driving anymore and so for us to be ail to bring the classes and art to those people where hay are and we work with people in all walks of life and circumstances but want to finds the people that are isolated and you know bring the warmth there as much as art skill its personal connection. men their family can't be well for them. i can be their fell and feel it. >> i don't have nobody. people say, hi, hi. hello but i don't know who they are. but i come here like on a wednesday, thursday and friday. and i enjoy. >> we do annual surveys asking students what our program does for them. 90 plus % say they feel less
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alone, they feel more engaged. they feel more socially connected the things you hope for in general as we age. right? >> and see when i do this. i am very quiet. i don't have anybody here talking to me or telling me something because i'm concentrating on had i'm doing and i'm not talking to them. >> not just one, many students were saying the program had absolutely transformational for them. in said it had saved their lives. >> i think it is person to support the program. because i think ida elder communities don't get a lot of
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space in disability. we want to support this program that is doing incredible work and giving disability and making this program what supports the art and health in different way bunkham art as a way of expression. a way of like socializing and giving artists the opportunity also to make art for the first time, sometimes and we are excited that we can support this stories and honor their stories through art. we hope the people will feel inspired by the variety and the quality of the creative expressions here and that viewers come, way with a greater appreciation of the richness what elders have to share with us. [music]
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[music] right here. then put it and pull it.
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[music] it is an important part of the work that mission cultural center for well tino arts does. steb in the 1977. as part of the graphic's department. >> mission graphica created block print. cut, screen printing, t-shirts to support social causes. and also the studio inhabited emerging and established artists from all over the world. [music] so the name of this exhibit this is installed at the hall is public voice. and the exhibition is in partnership with mission cultural center and archives. [music] this installation is 5
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decades of the work that they have been doing since the upon upon 70s. it is a chronicle of san francisco's history. >> mission graphica part of latino image makers, educators. activists and memory keepers through the art this body is important it preserves the people's history. >> these are our new historical arsigh files >> every artist donated a piece of art work and so that collection is over 8,000 piece of latino created art work. >> it was exciting to see their incredible archives and what has been great to see for us is how they work in community. in the ways this community has been in partnership with other communities throughout the last 6-7 dkdzs and longer in the bay
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area and the nation. political, we grapple with today has been part of our history and part of the print making history of mission graphica. this was the place everybody would come and get their prints med for free or at low cost. >> it will be successful for the area:may be work >> mission graphica is still the most accessible, low cost studios for emerging and established artists. people can come here to clean screens, expose them, learn the art form at a low cost. we offer studio rental space as well as classes, low cost classes and free workshops and collectives. >> this is like history and
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contemporary coming together for us. and thinking about how the things that have changed and the things we still need to work on and support. >> i hope the people will recognize the transformtive power of art. and the impact that posters have in a community. posters are accessible they other people's art. anyone can do it. it is a strong tool of communication and social change. the posters have not only mobilized community they have also raised money for communities. and they have raised social consciousness. which is something this goes well beyond any art exhibit. [latino music] ♪♪♪♪
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>> [music] in the town inside here i'm young. he was putting art, music and drinking together upon today have a nonpretentious pretentious spitz that the community can enjoy each other and the time off we get in this world. [music] >> spends energy elevating artists and credit a safe place. a place to have a community. >> it is i great neighborhood the art district because we have the contemp refer museum of sf.
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yerba buena for the arts all of the operators and businesses here we get together and xhoukt and support each other this is a very cool neighborhood to be a part of. [music] paint on canvas is primary low when we do. this is guilty pleasures an all female artist show. it is going to be great. fun we have interactive elements. >> we love having this gem. you know people come in and discover it and get to feel at home. this is like home san francisco >> never be afraid it anybodying on our door. [laughter]. if the hours are post and you had want to seat art we are here 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock most
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days. [music] >> our market street program started in 1992. the goal was to bring arts to an audience who may not be normally be exposed to contemporary art. for 2023, we chose comics as the median to highlight san francisco. it could be fix al, science
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fiction. history. >> i'm fan, i'm illustrator and writer, i grew up all over the bay area. and is post history no history no south. i've been drawing since i was probably four or five. it's just a cool memory, i just remember painting my apron in kindergarten and i would suddenly start painting myself. it was cartoon, it got me excited. in my home life, it was not consistent but what was on tv is always consistent. there is always xy z- channel, cartoon, i would wait for the cartoons to freeze and chase really fast. i remember getting into anemai as a kid, as a young person because it was one of the avenues of asian-american expression that i can relate to.
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my project is i'm highlighting 6 trailblazers who's family was tied to san francisco. they all have different forms of art expression. but i noticed through the research that there is a common that connects them all, which is this desire to live life authentically, organickly, speak of the love that they believe in. i made it art students and learning about art history and the place in art with the context of learning about their predecessors. >> sinsawa is synonymous of san francisco. there is a school named after her. >> wasn't she also in stamp? her art was in 2020. >> do you think she would become a artist? >> hmm, i think she was like 100s of other in the city that
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love the art. when there is no audience or income, why do we still make art? >> well because we seek to know ourselves and one has to believe like alela, we make art for a lifetime not just a career. i think for some, artist like breathing, it's how we know we're alive. >> it's so incredible to do this project and do the experience that connects generation, the full experience of being artist. >> comics have a rich history in san francisco even from early 20th century. we also wanted to open up public art opportunities for artist that don't normally apply to public art. >> i hope it stays with them and lingers and they chew on it and think about it. and it may not make a big impact but it's something that opens up the door or starts the
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conversation or the beginning of something. i would like for it to be a start, whether it's a start of research or start of pondering, yeah, what does it mean to be an artist? and how do i decolonize my mind? pen. >> well to edge own little square we are a new culture "accelerating sf government performance - taking accountability and transparency to the next level." the artist and culture of chinatown. as an immigrant giveaway we tell the stories of chinatown the people that are here and the culture and history our presence and
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future through arts and culture. it is a 35 community. there is so many to see come come in and buy certify increases and ongoing exhibitions here ttelev >> (music). >> my name is vet at a original artist based in san francisco. >> i love it i love it i've never seen something else and we see how the people see which is happening and what is going on. kind of cool i wanted to be part
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of that. >> i saw it 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes you yeah. >> so we have you - yeah. i started going when i was young but not the type of kid would get food but this is something i really have been progressing on a talent from like other artists. >> this is amazing. >> this is so good yeah, it is so good like the artists. >> i love it. >> what a great project. >> part of the part for have i grants. >> yeah. i love it. >> i serve in for 2 two years now and i really am fortunate to
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live in a place for art. >> an effort creating places it serve san francisco soul and that makes them want to see this place; right? with the experience of art in san jose experience in from the get-go sometimes our environmentalist has created tests but we have an opportunity for that and have artists in the storefront part of project you can walk in and experience and hoping we'll be there for a long time. >> this is the first farther easy way of going to spaces i didn't know how it is really cool it would be and we're forced to be in the moment when
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we're test and creating something really cool. >> makes us feel good. >> as far (unintelligible) done all temporary and took them down i like the temporary aspect base (unintelligible) (microphone distorted) not permanent can enjoy it. >> >> (clapping). >> happy anniversary sfgov you
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have been providing access to public meetings to keep folks connected and our original programming highlights the best of information and makes the city proud [♪♪♪] >> i really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world, you shouldn't just be something in museums, and i love that the people can just go there and it is there for everyone. [♪♪♪] >> i would say i am a multidimensional artist. i came out of painting, but have
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also really enjoyed tactile properties of artwork and tile work. i always have an interest in public art. i really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world. you shouldn't just be something in museums. i love that people can just go there, and it is there for everyone. public art is art with a job to do. it is a place where the architecture meets the public. where the artist takes the meaning of the site, and gives a voice to its. we commission culture, murals, mosaics, black pieces, cut to mental, different types of material. it is not just downtown, or the big sculptures you see, we are in the neighborhood. those are some of the most beloved kinds of projects that really give our libraries and
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recreation centers a sense of uniqueness, and being specific to that neighborhood. colette test on a number of those projects for its. one of my favorites is the oceanview library, as well as several parks, and the steps. >> mosaics are created with tile that is either broken or cut in some way, and rearranged to make a pattern. you need to use a tool, nippers, as they are called, to actually shape the tiles of it so you can get them to fit incorrectly. i glued them to mash, and then they are taken, now usually
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installed by someone who is not to me, and they put cement on the wall, and they pick up the mash with the tiles attached to it, and they stick it to the wall, and then they groped it afterwards. [♪♪♪] >> we had never really seen artwork done on a stairway of the kinds that we were thinking of because our idea was very just barely pictorial, and to have a picture broken up like that, we were not sure if it would visually work. so we just took paper that size and drew what our idea was, and cut it into strips, and took it down there and taped it to the steps, and stepped back and looked around, and walked up and down and figured out how it would really work visually. [♪♪♪] >> my theme was chinese heights because i find them very beautiful.
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and also because mosaic is such a heavy, dens, static medium, and i always like to try and incorporate movement into its, and i work with the theme of water a lot, with wind, with clouds, just because i like movements and lightness, so i liked the contrast of making kites out of very heavy, hard material. so one side is a dragon kite, and then there are several different kites in the sky with the clouds, and a little girl below flying it. [♪♪♪] >> there are pieces that are particularly meaningful to me. during the time that we were working on it, my son was a
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disaffected, unhappy high school student. there was a day where i was on the way to take them to school, and he was looking glum, as usual, and so halfway to school, i turned around and said, how about if i tell the school you are sick and you come make tiles with us, so there is a tile that he made to. it is a little bird. the relationship with a work of art is something that develops over time, and if you have memories connected with a place from when you are a child, and you come back and you see it again with the eyes of an adult, it is a different thing, and is just part of what makes the city an exciting place. [♪♪♪]
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>> san francisco is a positive impact on my chinese business. >> i'm the founder of joe-joe. i'm a san francisco based chinese artist. i grew up in the bayview district. i am from china i started at an early age i started at age of 10 my grandfather my biggest inspiration. and i have followed with my traditional art teacher in china:i host educational workshops at the museum and local library. and i also provide chinese writing in public middle school and that way i hold more people
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fall in love with the beautiful of our chinese calligraphy. it is a part of our heritage. and so we need to keep this culture alive. hand writing is necessary field that needs to be preserved generation toieneration. this art form is fading away. but since covid i have been very dedicated to this art and i hope that my passions and serving this art form. there are many stores and shopping centers and companies that are interested in chinese cal iing ravi. i feel motivated to my passion for chinese calligraphy in today's world. so people can always enjoy the
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beauty of chinese calligraphy, from time to time i have a choice to traditional chinese calligraphy to make it more interesting. we do calligraphy on paper. i can do calligraphy different low. >> my inspiration is from nature and provide calligraphy that was popular style of persons time. i will invite to you check out my website or instagram. and there is some events and updated upcoming events that you can participate.
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>> let's give a big warm long crazy san francisco welcome to bay fc! [cheers and applause] now we've got, yeah, we've got the warriors, yeah we've got the giants. we've got the niners, but we have the hottest, coolest, and arguably the best professional sports franchise right here right now, one more big cheer for bay fc! [cheers and applause] to the players, and owners and team leadership, we