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tv   Fire Commission  SFGTV  April 7, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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too early, the one that just completed is cohort 5. lieutenant anderson was acknowledged at the city college workforce and industry forum for his work with city college as you know, we have a instructional service agreement with ccsf, lieutenant anderson does much work with the college so he was recognized there at the forum. our health and safety battalion matt alba, much work in this report, i highlight three studies, one being the sulfurfeign study. it's a powerful chemical found in vegetables mainly broccoli
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and brussle sprouts, we have 100 individuals in that study, we have partnered with brock shots. 50 of those participants will be on sulforafanane and the others will not. once we have results, i'll be happy to report to the commission. and working for nutrition study t molds the documentary, you are what you eat. 100 individuals will also be in the study, 50 will be in a plant base diet and the other on a meat diet. initially, the food will be prepared, cooked and delivered to the individuals. for certain amount of time, following that time, the individuals will receive the groceries and we'll have to prepare for themselves. sxl --and cook for themselves
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creating a healthy, i don't know why i cannot think of the word now. what did you say? yes, healthy menu, thank you. [laughter] and we touched on the ppe wear test and i think we said, all we can say there, if you have any questions on the p fast and all the great points what we've been doing in the last five years with local 798, supervisor peskin or president peskin on that legislation, working closely with support services on procurement of p fast turn outs, looking at costa nal sis and incrementation as we move forward. captain in our behavioral health unit, very busy working
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on many fronts. she has started a cohort for tm or transit meditation, that cohort is going to be meeting for four days straight, to receive initial training and then follow-up for three months once a week with instructors to see how transmittal will be able to reduce stress and improve mental health. during the to of contact there was 17 contacts, of course as always the group's suppression ems followed by the rest, stress factors being general stress and traumatic death and ba bereavement of a family member.
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and 495020 injury illnesses where they were seen by a physician. they also set up an auto meter for auto screening, this is done at different locations, whether it's division of training, having this equipment at the oh will benefit us greatly by having members come to one place to receive that test. also, dr. b now dr. c is a part of a health plan, health and safety plan and committee with the focus of a health and wellness program. and as you pointed out, vice president fraser, we want to
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congratulate dr. b on her retirement. it was great to see you some of you there and we welcome chang and we are coming up the alphabet to dr. c. [laughter] in our investigative services, cam withedle conditions our program with 30 members being treftd. sxend of probation also provides oaas are much needed surprise. and also took a online marijuana training, this looks at your development of policies regarding marijuana in the work place being handed down from state and federal agencies to ensure that we're in line with the testing processes. also completed the background investigations for the 25th h3 level 1, academy.
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david mullin, very busy. we had 120 service request and were completing during the month of february. actually 107 were completed. all resolved by 850 plumber. one additional was purchased, we were in the purchase of organizing three command vehicles, three fire prevention and one arson truck. and the boe is developing idle mitigation and practices for fire apparatus. seeking a grant for implementation as the city moves to electric vehicles. looking at ev fire and also, we are receiving ten ev charging stations at hq through grant funding. i'm sorry, it's one, it's one, right? ten, we were at one and now
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we're at 10. i don't know if it's noted on there, but cat wall will be retiring in june. we did hold interviews, we hired lieutenant jason waltruss we'll bring him in for to you meet if you'd like, just cause, i'll do it then when we get to his retirement. but vince has been a lot of time around has put a ton of work and helped us move that needle forward and i cannot thank him enough for all the time he's been with us. and also in the month of february, february 29, chief mullin along with chief miller and the so many others, it was a great event, it was good to see some of you there to look at the capabilities of this and
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when we have an emergency or natural disaster, where we're unable to reach water supply that we're unable to utilize, despite our fire engines to deal with incident. under earthquake and emergency response, chief assistant deputy chief miller continues his work in our division of training, new division of training center, currently undergoing site, to reduce cost to design to budget. and so, we're looking at way that's we can reduce the cost to the budget by looking at the site and where we can move undeveloped areas to capture as much cost savings as we can while keeping the scope of the project. public works is engaging to assess the stations for lead
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paint and in the department of technology is continued designed to the cabling outside of the fire station. and our neighborhood, fire stations, i'll highlight a few, upgrade, was issued notice to proceed our fire stations 14 generator replacement. the file was it move that generator to the roof. the cost to reenforce the roof to hold that generator, move the piping to fuel that generator on the roof, didn't work for us. and we would be fueling with the firefighters.
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the general contractor is complete. i'll update you further once that project moves forward and our contractor is announced. some of the highlights for the month. members of the san francisco police department, attended the lunar new year celebration with the chief, i'm sorry with mayor london breed, this is a photo of our api members and our afa members. february 24th, reattended the lunar new year parade, it was a great day. and members of our tact team attended medical training hosted by the los angeles enforcement bureau. that is the end of my report. thank you.
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>> there is nobody approaching the podium and nobody on the public comment line. public comment is there by closed. commissioners, comments, questions? >> go ahead, commissioner nakajo. >> your report covers so much, when you got to the report in terms of inclusion and inclusion and you talked about lieutenant, how she managed, just for my clarification, you
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talked about 9110. so just as a clarification, what qualifies for 9110 and for me particular is there an age restriction or age focus that we're looking at? when you say in the pipeline, can you be more clear than that? >> sure. >> i can speak to 9910. so our 9910 comes out of our emt program, once they complete their city emt, pass the national registry, they get all the wrap around classes and services there, then they are able to apply to do a paid inter ship on the ambulance. that's what our 9910 are. now the typically the age range
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emt is between 118 and 26. --18 and 26. >> and in terms of hours. >> 500 hours, because 500 hours is what one needs to be able to in a 9-1-1 system, what one needs to apply for the emt position in the san francisco fire department. >> okay, thank you for that detail. also because, i know one of the most difficult things for folks to try to do to find a career as an emt and paramedic is to get hours. so when i hear that this program focused on being able to require that, so when with you say that they're down the pipeline is that they're eligible for application to apply? >> yes, they are. we find that many graduates apply for the h3 fire fighter.
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we hired i think a dozen and a half or close to folks into the department that came through city emt in the 9910 program. >> thank you chief for refreshing my recollection, thank you very much. couple more things. when i get to support services, it always takes a while, i mean there is a lot of stuff in here. >> there is a lot of stuff in here. there is a lot of work being done. >> thank you and always goes through my mind besides read iting twice to make sure. is i a imagine, how do they keep all of this information, there must be a humongous board
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up there with information. it's so detailed so i want to compliment that, i hope somebody is helping the chief support in terms of this area, did you kind of respond? is there some realization behind your nodding? >> does he have a support staff? >> yeah. >> does he have a support staff? he does, we can all use more. >> i didn't ask that, chief, i've been with you for a while. i always try to read this report and then i get a little confused and then i think about chief miller and we think thank god. it's a lost area in here. >> there is. >> so after i decide about all the area, one simple question,
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in terms of report of fire station 7, since that was suppose to be part of a bond and now we're looking at training and probably over cost in terms of that. and we're in a deficit with the city and county, what happens to station 7? does it put on the list in terms of when up the next round? and we go to a maintenance, i'm asking you? >> that's a good question. you know, that bond was slated for the fire training for the completion of station 7 for i believe four other fire house needs. and unfortunately the cost facility was going eat that up so that difficult decision had to be made. that is our division house and it will be managing operations in disaster when we lose communication, we will move into a branch and battalion
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control. so it's very important that we get this fire house done, we need, we need to look at other avenues, how we're able to fund this project. we need to find creative ways to have this fire house completed. >> all right, chief did you want to jump in here. >> this is some of what we expressed commissioner collins and i expressed to the city administrator. just how dire need we are. >> thank you for that update, i was raok --looking at the
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station. does it still move? and the other thing, you reassured me, it's not for goent. okay, got a game plan, last one. in the fleet management report where does the retired newly medical bus fit? >> where does it fit? >> yes, does that fit in the or ems subject matter, i'm trying to figure out how do rereplace this retired medical bus. you but more than that, i'm asking how do we place and somewhere in the back of my mind, i cannot help but conjure up, how much that is going to cost in terms of figure, not even figure, i'm pretty looking for some source of funding for that emergency bus that the whole city and county of san
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francisco could benefit in terms of that. i'm asking because i'm running into people, i'm just asking that question. >> right, i believe it's over 700,000 dollars. >> 920,000. >> let's round that out, that close to a million. >> we can call it a million, i know that chief brown is working with our grants that she can speak on how we can obtain funds to perceive these or are these two buses replaces. i believe chief is having discussions with muni with for other buses.
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>> thank you for that, loss and how much we benefited and then my if philanthropy go up in terms of who can support us, that everybody benefits and whether there is a combination. my bottom line. i'm operating this with this deficit, so that's why i'm thinking this way. thank you very much. thank you very much chief. >> do we have a did sign where a cost estimate was done? how far along with we? >> i don't believe that we have a design. so the plan is, station five is the other division house, we were going to take that plan of that building. and just do it right over
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there, so we didn't have to reinvent the wheel, station five is also a division house. i think that's working out just fine. we could do the same thing over at station 7. >> so we can take those plans. >> yes. >> and we could get a cost estimate by dpw and get a sense of what in fact it would cost to build that station, as i understand it, pretty critical. >> yes. >> and we can also look at what station 5 cost us, we just did it a couple of years ago. >> yeah, you know how those things.
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those things vary. >> but the bigger delta may be i'm guessing between what a estimate to build that 24 months later and the market estimate would be, my guess is that's thed bigger delta and if you're being creative in funding sources and if those sources, you know, are going to look very closely, at the cost estimate, that may put us in good instead, to say we really need this, this is what it really costs, let's figure out a way to get it done. i don't mean to over simplify it, but i'm just saying cost
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should not be a variable concept but it is. >> i agree. >> we've got to set a plan. >> right. >> we can to that to have a sense of what it would cost. >> sounds like a good step. >> thank you, this is a very meaty report. first i want to offer my own recipe for brussle sprouts and i know people don't like them but it's a wonderful food. i also had a question about,
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you mentioned the h b.c. pipeline for recruitment which is in line with what the mayor talked about in the state of city, to in to invite to move into downtown san francisco and some of our vacant office buildings. so that would be a terrific partnership if that can happen. satellite campus and whatever, and this is not just, this is fire department and maybe police too. >> so i can speak to that if you would like, vice president fraser. >> sure. >> right now for this summer, wore work withing director sharyl davis on internship, six-week internships for young people that are going to be included. so this is just the first step and as chief kylo said, he and
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chief buford are coming up with ideas and we'll submit them to dr. davis and see where they lead. this is the first time to putting the toe in the water. >> that's great news, thank you so much. let's see the other question i had was around this comment on page 18 that our department does not have annual health check. can you explain that a little bit? >> that's correct, we don't have an annual health check, this is a discussion that we're having with the health and safety committee.
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at some point we'll have the discussion with labor. our intention is to reconstitution yearly health check and what may look like. that is integrating to ensure our folks mental health and safety and also, allows us to apply for a grant in health and safety and we're hoping to get something off the ground within the year. it laox like it's a prerequisite for additional funding. >> yes. >> but we have a rich environment for research among our members and the testing of the does not include any blood studies. there is a lot of privacy concerns and i understand that in the future, job security and the way the health insurance
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industry is. and all of those things, can all very valid but, i think you know, the greater good is possibly there for all firefighters if we can figure out a way to understand the health impacts. >> yeah. >> that are more grandular and specific. >> and what you speak of, those were challenges, i think we're in a better place. i think we have good laeter ship able to work collectively. i think we'll incrementalized and start small. and be able to get something off the ground, i'm confident. >> i think that's great. i think that's all for me, thank you so much.
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>> item 5 adjournment. >> that is the agenda. anything else before i adjourn? all right. we are adjourned. thank you. [gavel]
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>> the journey of becoming a firefighter is no easy feat, it requires navigating and overcoming challenges to protect and serve the community. established in 1866, the san francisco fire department has evolved and grown to represent the community and meet their needs along the way. the division of training is responsible for training all new members entering the department, as well as develop, and provide corchlhensive fire suppression and emergency medical service instruction to all members of the department. this video provides a glims into the 130 recruit academy class 21 week training program. in preparation to take on one of the most challenging and rewarding professions in the world. to become a firefighter in the san francisco