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tv   BOS Government Audits Oversight Committee  SFGTV  April 11, 2024 10:00am-11:16am PDT

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2024.) (gavel) good morning this meeting county of san francisco government audit and oversight committee meeting this morning at 10:00 am., thursday, april 4, 2024. chair preston and joined by member stefani and empowered. >> our committee clerk we want to thank you and sfgovtv madam clerk any announcements. >> public comment when your item 6 interest comes up please line up to speak on the right we have examine cards you can spit e-mail to the government audit &
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oversight committee clerk. at if you submit e-mails will be included as part of the the file and send sinned your written communications for and downtown support special use district like to be part of the file submit them before the end of the meeting and make sure that cell phones and other devices don't interrupt and finally those items will appear on the board of supervisors april 16, '24 unless otherwise stated. >> thank you madam clerk call item one waiver of permit
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item one waiver of permit item one waiver of permit item one waiver of permit projects on sfusd properties, with a total term of40 years from june 1, 2024, through june 30, 2064, pursuant to charter, section 9.118. >> thank you. we'll first hear from the water shed planner with the sfpuc and director of communications for the san francisco unified school district welcome please. chair preston i'm a water shed participate with the san francisco public utilities commission and thank you for your time and i would like to start by thanking supervisor mandelman and supervisor melgar and start with ad litem the partnership between san francisco unified school district and that started over 15 years ago around the school
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yard by starting small with projects providing educational rich opportunity to building upon the scale and now scaling up that as we begin to work together on the capital and infrastructure projects. >> the amendment bra is our umbrella memorandum of understanding the framework including overall objectives and responsibilities and all phases of the planning from planning and under the mou will install the green infrastructure and after that the puc will be responsible for the maintenance and this 1345d doesn't commit
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you'll see site agreement those agreements will be a mechanism by which the projects are authorized on a school site and more details coming and those individual site agreements runs for thirty years with the life of our umbrella memorandum of understanding and in the board authorize this the umbrella memorandum of understanding they'll be brought to the board of education into the umbrella memorandum of understanding in structure acknowledges the value of a long term improvement partnerships and the creation for the site agreement to initiate above and beyond and the approval of this a mou will help the sfusd managing one billion gallons of stormwater and that increases children's access to nature and now i'm
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going to turn it over to kate san francisco unified school district. >> well ms. l. >> thank you for the introductions and have a few brief comments to make on behalf of the sfusd working negative impact coalition to develop implement the school yard projects and every already seeing the impacts sfusd many of our schools um, we think it is it amazing to have both the opportunity to manage the stormwater at the school sites and also bring more opportunities for students educators and other opportunities for learning in the school environment so we're thrilled more the mou and working with sfusd for the
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future. thank you. >> thank you. and thank the puc and sfusd for the collaborative work the only question i have for the infrastructure this umbrella and attachment a a site specific agreement comes we'll have a separate approval process but before not just for the board but members of the public um, the we're not approving this plan where will one find a list of um, in priority order of what those cites specific sites and plans are? >> yeah. so we don't have a full list of projects this umbrella memorandum of understanding is approved the ways the public will see that once an agreement mostly agreed
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on then our puc capital plan you'll see that listed projects under the implements will be the sfpuc capital plan that will be one place to see that and then we'll work together at projects evolve and when they are ready to be initiated when we move into executing the site agreement (unintelligible). >> great. the other question that maybe related just separate from that in the process of the public learning about the school realignment plan and the community input on that and this year and i'm just wondering if that - how the lighting of that process lines up with that; right? i imagine some impacts i'm not asking specific as a
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site you don't know but the specific agreements and also don't yet know the resource line up plan discussed but i'm wondering are those two things- >> (multiple voices). >> protect completed at the same time on that accomplice of sites? being released on the at the same time. >> (unintelligible). >> yeah. yeah that's a great question. >> i respond from the district side we're starting resource alignment conversations and um, working closely on the facility side to make sure that any projects we take-in on we're a program to serve students for long term and the timing of resource alignment is looking like we'll have some more
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concrete lists of the school isn't fall 24 and the board of education vote in november of 24 and then work together to make sure that list um, lines with the sfusd when creating the school - >> yeah. i'll add how we came to the conclusion it is usually the puc looking at 9 site technical stormwater has the largest i areas of im- the technical stormwater ability that the district has and bring it to the district and together with the board at this time and that's where the resource alignments happen which we're
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ready to move forward that is one of the great things about the agreement with the structure and i know 10 years of implements 40 years in total gives us time to see an opportunity and not this year but next year over time. thank you. supervisor chan. >> thank you, chair. >> i think i'm i'm trying to understand as the mou and as well as the um, legislation indicated what happened here is that sfpuc will be responsible for hiring the contractors? >> all the green infrastructure so how the mou how will that process - will be that going to the regular procurement process - again sfpuc i assume has different um,
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procurement processes i'm trying to understand. >> absolutely that was a big part of negotiating in umbrella how to make the successes procurement work together and so these projects as outlined will be delivered, you know, accordingly to the standards of sfpuc from the unified school district and see additional criminal background checks for contractors working on the property we need the um, kind of side by side what our procurements requirements are and the automation and also the unified school district special continue with the unified school district. >> will those again, you have the projects out forbid or just in the pool of existing contractors. >> yeah. no they'll go out
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forbid and out to bid as site by site or go out to bid hey, you know, the umbrella as it comes up and fund you'll be going to work on that how does that work? >> yeah. i know your first project mr. go out to bid moving forward that will be ready first but concerning the i am board member law leaves to apple to say hey we're working on two projects they're ready at the same time and take advantage of of those moving forward together so for cost it savings and things like that. but certainly we're going to make that decide based on the timing when the bids are ready to go to communication. >> thank you supervisor chan seeing no one on the
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of the public wishing to speak should line up by the windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward? >> thank you very much. my name is age brown eoa retired school teacher any comments for the mayor i don't like we have about 8 thousand homelessness and 4 thousand in the rain and measuring you have 4 different spots we can put the homeless if we're and civilized. >> mr. brown you need to limit comment to the item before the board. >> the other - another place is the schools schools i can mr. green said i have a memorandum of understanding what you're in a green area how about putting
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people that are desperate is that okay? >> is that comment. okay. >> no. >> you have the spaces the schools are the main thing and the other treasure island and the golf course school green and space where you can put tents. thank you. >> thank you. >> >> next speaker, please. >> >> do we have any additional public comment? and modestly public comment is closed and want to thank puc and sfusd and in addition to our presenter thank you to jeremy for the information and the background and the briefing of my staff and go forward and i'll move to send this item to the
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full board with recommendations. >> on that motion to forward this item to the full board. >> member stefani. >> supervisor chan. >> supervisor preston. >> three i's you that motion carries. and madam clerk call item item item item housing and community development and qualified nonprofit organizations of foreclosure proceedings related to said multifamily to said multifamily to said multifamily to said multifamily offer, and right of first refusal for a multifamily residential building under the community opportunity to
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purchase act. >> thank you madam clerk it is item it sportsdz by president peskin he's not able to be here i'm the co-sponsor with empowered of this legislative and the three of us wrg9d on the opportunity to purchase this in terms of from creation through amendments and implementation i - i will not go over the history we have increasingly seen in the last furious as from regular transfers of the property by um, a traditional purchase sale agreement that triggers requiring the seller to give notice to the purchases and seeing increasingly the market
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conditions over the last handful of years properties transferring instead of being put on the market instead transferred through in-lieu of foreclosure process and president peskin introduced this to capture those transactions and make sure that the qualified nonprofit work in the city in most case have the opportunity to work at the potential purchased can be crucial for preserving affordable housing often taking rent controlled homes where tenants can be displaced and creating other forms of permanently avenue in some ways and do want to put words in president peskin mouth but
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plugging a loophole in which significant sale are occurring for foreclosure in ways we've not seen frankly in downtown and foreclosure in 2008, through 2011 and 2010 this is a good change in policy i'll say that we have the preservations fund we correct two main issues one it plugging the loophole in coping pa but as a city for us to be more aggregate taking the opportunities and the frustration from our office how
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hard we had to fight at every turn to get the administration to use those funds or put aside when the cop pa notice go out and a window of time and as the city we want to be reaching our affordable housing goals need to scale up our work under the opportunities to purchase act we have an opportunity so 2020 right after i took office it was announced multiple buildings were going back to the lenders and up to sale those are the moments we need to see that is happening again, this year and for this legislation will be significant numbers not talking about dozens or hundreds talking about thousand of renters and need to reach the housing goals
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in the housing element and given the opportunity to that is a much admonish sensible way to protect and to be more having affordable housing i'm 100 percent behind this legislation and i see children on the roster. >> i want to talk about, you know, former supervisor and her former aid and really worked on the first version of that. when it first started and now we see that the state legislator is trying to figure this out we have seen the challenges not just san francisco but up and down the state of california we have seen residential buildings and seeing the eviction
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increases month definitely potentially even more now that the eviction moratorium not just in san francisco have stopped we see that again, this is a challenge and hopefully with that amendment with this um, community opportunity to purchase that we can really continue to make the challenge we need to make in san francisco but i do agree that the end of may we got to put money with value and in our legislation get to figure out how to support those actions so thank you. >> thank you. >> supervisor chan and in many ways the board has put our money where our mouth is on that it is trolley of $4 million that is
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appropriated in 2021 specifically for this purpose respect we as the city can jump on the opportunities that cop pa provides and there is obviously more to do but i think the board has demonstrated over over for small site acquisition programs and cop pa is the tool and no further questions or comments why not open up for public any members of the public wishing to speak should line up by the windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward? >> oh, the proposal first notifying the small nonprofit you call community information
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has been already made public through publishing i can't see that happening public information which your requesting for the property owners notify this group of nonprofit what is published in the paper that is basically your responsibility and that's what they're interested in purchasing. um, so, yeah unprincipled the nonprofits want to they're asking for the special rates and privileges the first offer the right of first reviewal nothing this free people pay for those opportunities and what we think about the scale the opportunity in new york people are paying for those opportunities and i look at the market division like san one half because they've you
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divided the markets segmented market and yeah there is a lot of ownership is most property between 4 properties you have to be wealthy to try (bell ringing) to get on the market. >> thank you. >> so much fewer that comment and any additional public comment? >> mr. chair that's it. >> public comment is closed. and before we move to send this to the full board with recommendation i want to reiterate and just try to urge the identification 2 to 3 come together with the board and note the history of supervisor chan was one under prior mayors working with the board to um, to
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launch the coping pa board to launch this property and a challenge for the board and mayoral legislation this legislation again opens the door from more potential acquisitions but we still have to seize the opportunity i say it is that that used to drive the program and san francisco nationally and doing this work um, is really at the risk now and um, again and again, the administration has actively worked to undermine the coping pa purchases it is concerning and reference some of those land use committee really to name the different ongoing
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refusal to budget prop i mean for this purchase the board unanimously approving that um, the defunding last year of the house stability fund preservation program specifically designed to fund those purchases by $20 million in the mayors budget. the blocking of purchase by the mayor's of 4 hundred was ready to be purchased by qualified nonprofits pursuant to an agreement with the mayor's office and they reneged on a big gas station lot one hundred and 60 plus homes for low income people and formally homeless people year after year that coping pa purchase was not
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excluded in enwhen the mayor's office refused to use coping pa and acquire a building that a while an convicted arsonist had a fire in the commercial space and it had tenants we could have purchased using cop pa funds so every successful acquisition over the last furious has been despite this administration i don't understand this administration participants oppose to this program i hope that changes a sharp contrast to the prior administration mayor should be working together on.
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thank you president peskin for more opportunities a reminder we got to act just will not getting the notice but the city acted on the notice and scaled up for those from the prior market to um, to the non- segment market more affordable housing. >> commissioner stefani. thank you. chair preston i wanted to add a different experience with that administration and cop pa used it to work with them on a deal that went throw in 2022 i was at the ribbon cutting with president peskin for low income seniors and housing units for now tenants i actively had great success working with the
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administration using the coping pa in district 2 has not always received the benefit the property prices are higher than other districts but this was in russian hill i was excited to be at the ribbon cutting with president peskin and others it was an incredible moment we were able to get housing for low income families i have a different experience i know you have yours by express my gratitude in regards to that program. >> thank you member stefani and congratulations on that rate up project in the district. my office was happy to attend that as well and that was funded by the very trolley fund coming from a split vote in 2021.
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>> 64 million dollars made that possible working closely with the tenants a great example what a we can do with the funds and should be doing that all the time thank you, supervisor chan. >> thank you i concur i'm pleased to hear that commissioner stefani and not all districts are equal and definitely not didn't feel that is the case for the richmond and used some of the - i think that is really part of the challenge this board faces not distributed equally among you'll districts and that's difficult i hope
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that, you know, as we move forward the dynamic will shift isn't coming months and continue to work together and make sure that the funding and desperately needed are equally distributed. thank you. >> commissioner stefani. >> i want to say one more and more thing. you know, underscore the hard work to making sure the mayor's office to say or to see fact that was favoritism or anything really didn't give credit where credit it due for the hard work that went prior to the mayor being involved at all so i do want to thank my staff and donovan who work hard a lot of hard work that went into that and a lot of calls on my part
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for the owner of the property and a lot of hard work into that position so, thank you. >> thank you, commissioner stefani i do have to note though the fact that the funding from the 64 million dollars was a huge fight at the board with three vote and you opposed those if i understand. so i'm glad that the board approved them and i appreciate your work and supporting that and i think that is for that we all come together to celebrate whether they are but also important we make sure that um, as we're passing legislation to make sure we're getting cop pa notice in more transaction a question about funding we generate the funding by appropriating funds to be
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able to finance the fund according to a mayor's office of housing and community development in the lately presentation was zero now the $40 million was taken out and mayor refused to put money in there and brought that back in a commercial vote for the 64 million dollars to energy those deals to move forward that takes money fortunate in the fund we have to stop fighting and making sure we can fund as many deals. >> i never opposed the funds just the narrative. >> the 64 million dollars for appropriation? >> okay. >> um, thank you and we um, let's go ahead and and i'd like to make a motion to send this
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item to the full board with positive recommendations. >> and on that motion to forward for the full board commissioner stefani, aye. >> member chan, aye. >> chair preston i have three i's. >> thank you that motion passes. (gavel) and madam clerk call item three, 4 and 5 together. >> item three and 4, and 5 and approving an annual report for the noe valley community benefit district for fiscal year (fy) 2021-2022, submitted as required by the property and and highways code,sections 36600, et seq.), section 36650, and the district's management agreement with the city, section 3.4. thank you, madam speaker and welcome jackie the benefits district program director for
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oewd the floor is yours. >> thank you, chair preston and good morning supervisors before i i'm going to turn it over to the directors themselves on behalf of the overview of the based the fiscal year 2021-2022 annual report cities are governed the first is the california section 6 hundred known as the 1994 act and the tax regulation code. oewd is charged with making sure that all are meeting their plans and providing serves as outlined in the plan and spending the funds accordingly in the memo in today's presentation. >> this slide provides only
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overview for topics all are property based and in the budget across them. as part of the memo oewd staff reviewed the following budget related benchmarks benchmark one compared the current year to the budget and benchmark revenue obligations were met and benchmark three to actuals and benchmark 4 is cvd are carried in the annual report and starting with the noe valley association met benchmarks 1, 2, 3 but missed benchmark 4 that was identified and carried forward in the annual report and a little bit about the carrying forward process specifically to operating on the fiscal year have is an endeavor a fund balance equal to 6 months of the manual budget this is the kind
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of things they've not received distribution in the city and county of san francisco and oewd determines the noe valley missed the benchmark not identified in the annual report and the recommendation and can confirm in front of this body carried to the fy2022-23 annual report moving to the finding the noe valley association keeps the district clean and green and use effort like sidewalks go clean and noe valley association is the agent for the noe valley town square are funded due to the pandemic and for the
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recovery and cvd activated the public spaces and the co-author in the corridor. the cvd does not have the surveillance regarding this technology and no reported violation from oewd. moving on to the capture of the oewd the met all 4 benchmarks in terms of finding and recommendations summarized view the castro has a strong focus on cleanliness and within their service area and a number of responsibilities that support the neighborhood and responsible for the various programs apart from the funding in the castro and direct (unintelligible).
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>> the cvd does in the provide the surveillance technology as no reported you violations to oewd or the ceqa or brown act and finally this discover met benchmarks 1, 2, and 4 he missed benchmark 3. so benchmark three compares to actuals the cvd missed this by 7 plus percent from the coordinator category. >> oewd reviewed the management plan to determine whether over budgeting led to my work in the cvd boundaries according to the management plan those services are portions to all parcels and the parcels
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continue to receive special benefits. and it is oewd that deemed those actions didn't adversely affect the benefits. and has over budget was in large part to the pandemic not met in the prior years and oewd recommend this category is monitored in the annual reporting period. >> in terms of their service deliveries discover oewd focuses on the district following the pandemic and oewd evolved their improvements as well as supporting property owners and residents that are directly impacted. >> they partnered with the stakeholders and with the agencies for the activation and improvement of public spaces and does not provide technologies in compliance oewd regarding this
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technology a no reported violation to oewd of the brown act or of the california environmental quality act. and with that, i'd like to go ahead and i'm going to turn it over to no questions for oewd i'm going to turn it over to the individual cvd. >> thank you and before we hear from the cvd i want to give the floor to the district aid office they wanted to say a few words to the three cvd in their district welcome. >> thank you and good morning chair preston and commissioner stefani and supervisor chan i'm the legislative aid to supervisor mandelman on behalf of them we want to thank the folks and he did noe valley cvd did it great job managing the square and the activations throughout the year and the
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castro helped to organize martin luther king day and the night club memorial and others this is on, of course, on top of. teams and two things happened in the neighborhood without two of the most important partners we enthusiastic support the approval of this. thank you. >> thank you. let's go ahead and take you assume in order they have in the agenda and have started with the noe valley. >> okay. great. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is deborah i'm the e d of the noe valley association one of the first and oldest in the castro and fisherman's wharf and operating for 18 years you have before you basically we clean
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green and improve public spaces along along the 24 street corridor and joe manages the building with vegetables and fruits we put in front of of the farmers' market and we sold the first parklet in the city and very, very successful. >> let me see if i can press those into so the noe valley is 10 and a half city blocks longs from the east it starts as church street and goes to west to diamond. >> again, here's the great team. there is joe and: >> (calling names). >> and work from 7 in the morning to 5 three in the afternoon and work well with on
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the noe valley association works with the merchants and with the friends of noe valley a residential group in fact, they helped us start the cvd when they wanted to start this thing called cvd and have to convince the property owners to improve the commercial corridor and luckily wey news 74 to 76 and have at noe valley towns square a great story have a gas station turned into a church parking lot and people in for the neighborhood wanted to attain square they did we worked on that property and helped supervisors they have helped us keep this square and make that
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active and bring more people into the community. so hires one hot of that we write grants and produce one and a half event a month like a film festival or dinner and courage the residents to buy they're food in the neighborhood restaurants and join us for a concert we put anti white table open session a fun event and creates a sense of belonging and the town squares is notable for one $.7 million bathrooms and like to finalist you, you to a party on the 21st called the flush bowl we will on that officially and hopefully someone will write a beautiful piece about that day to day operations we remove a lot of junction and cvd and, in fact,
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had to hire and painting company to paint the walls we have photos of those guys doing they don't seek the costs we see clean our situations /* sidewalks and have a bunch of trees planted one hundred and 28 trees in the first years of operation and park let's are great within the first to have them and just finished the third round of furniture for the park i love glen was helpful on that front and we took great graphics have a sense server personality if i could i'd buy those for every public trash can we check
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them everyday we don't have the computer we check them by division we put the - ecology is great about picking up this and i can't say enough we have the boasting thing was we put out benches create a great sense of community and creating and plague that is a speaking beverage don't sit here unless you want to talk to our neighborhoods and throughout thought of that people love flower beds and i say. thank you. >> thank you for the
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presentation and good morning, supervisors. >> thank you for hearing us out and listening to our presentation. and the executive director i'm the executive director of the community and there we go. >> so we here we go this is our um, map it is we're about have a lot of half blocks we're around 22 or 2 three blocks very small cvd all the way up to accordingly wood and capture the castro and on church street and guerrero and have different colors the red zone what we call zone one castro 18 the kind of heart of the district when the rate payers pay a higher rate
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and zone two the orange pay a little bit less service and assessment rate and the yellow is zone three and again, they get less service less than zone that we did that we realized in the first round of the cvd spending a lot of time in the heart of castro trying to keeling keep it clean yet everyone was paying the same rate we switched up things and made that more fair. our priority since renewable as jackie said focus on cleaning and litter and have the materials from the curb line and clean the sidewalks that depends
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on the zone but for the heart of castro we stream clean the sidewalks twice a month and constant graffiti removal from city trash cans and also have a program called castro cares where we have community bathrooms unarmed and those who conduct the homeless outreach and collect a ton of (unintelligible) all the different street outreach teams. we also have beautification efforts we do have a commercial vacancy reduction program and build a lot of advocacy with all the organizations in the castro. um, to advocate for the castro. >> this is some examples of our cleaning. you know, vacant all over the city the vacant
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stores or places not been developed get graffiti on the left and that is market street and sanchez and this is i'll say unusual to help a clean up a dump of garbage and trash on the right and um, everyone in is happy to do their jobs. um, we clean up a lot of trash this is reported numbers we have a market some more the team reports we have in 2021-2022 one hundred and 9 thousand plus thousand of pounds of trash the important piece is crazy that there were 11 thousand 800 places of human francis scott key and i'm glad they're there
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to sanitize the sidewalks and our homeless outreach is castro cares provided a quick local response for issues on the street. um, and we also focus for the merchants and also, we focus on relationship this with those folks unfortunate enough to be living on the sidewalks we have a dispatch telephone where merchants call to ask for help with negative street behavior or someone in their store or outside causing problems in the 6 months first 6 months 2022 our community ambassador engaged and unhoused nine hundred and 4 times conducted 6 hundred and 2 wellness checks. >> um, here's our community
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ambassadors um, helping homelessness giving out water on the right checking on octavia and market the band of the district and the photo in the middle is um, in front of these goodness one of our local merchants the owner called or flagged down the community ambassadors there was a shoplifter inside and they walked inside the store stood there too people in uniforms with radios and didn't say much to the person and the left and escorted kind of made sure and walked behind him to make sure he left the district this is the critical work that we do in the neighborhood. and it really also compliments the idea the mayor has around all the street outreach teams to decrease the
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calls to police and castro are decreasing important merchants to call a dispatch number and we can respond quickly. and beautification example this was a grant we had to the sf arts commission on the corner of church and de bois my tree building in have a chance to go by in mural is stuning and incredible and paid for with some i my tree contradicted is another example of beautification the volunteers leaving up the plaza by the rain bow flag and we have very, very
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large posters um, kind of a little bit of a cutecy castro drag queen the vacant storefront and have them in the vacant stores an idea plus all the information on our website about details about all the vacancies we keep outdated the website is a blast forego for anyone interested in what is available in the castro and those posters call attention to the vacant storefront by people walking by a allotments new business owner might see what is going on and see is poster oh, that place is available let me check the website. this is our campaign the cvd right now and on 2021-2022 is different by. thank you very much. and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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>> thank you very much. i have one quick question on this zone you're mapping out is that a reflection of where a disproportionate amount of work was performed and therefore have a higher assessment. >> yes. >> not a prior i'm wondering if you're in one of the second or third here i need help we have a dispatch telephone everyone can use the dispatch number there was a oh, you're not schedule for the steam cleaning it doesn't matter we'll bring the steam cleaner and help them out. >> got it got it and the fact they they'll get the response when is this comes up a reflection of disproportionate amount of work. >> we couldn't do in the first
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go around but based on experience and providing services and the needs of this neighborhood is so big and long. >> yeah. >> interesting. thank you very much for the presentation. >> thank you. >> and next up we will hear from the co-executive director of the cvd. >> i'm excited and want to apologize i got here a couple of years ago yesterday and was shaving and took off my entire section of my face i had to go full commando no. >> beard required in the gaoc. >> i feel strange. >> i have a basic presentation but talk about what we do so
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just give you an idea we're essentially polk street and van ness been cal and we love this neighborhood had businesses in the neighborhood coming up on 17 years part of the life in san francisco neighborhood and owe love specifically that kind of is like goldie locations polk street i love it down there and stand here up in russian hill side we're in the middle and have a time of both and incredibly diverse a crossroad from the village and the heart of the city we're one of the market value and newer cvd. our budget is mostly spent on cleaning and um, we have one state of not in 2021-2022 yet that means each year because we
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don't have our larger assessment of we spend a lot of money on the cleaning team and working with other fun things for communication and place making optimize the dlrmz i was specifically focusing on this fiscal year. so i'm going to talk about that and then us in general and a an interesting year we of the we're coming out of covid and slower than expected to address that we missed that we made a consciousness not to spend money i will say since then we have changed gears and very protrudely spent down this the first half was focused on locked down in covid and second half
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coming out of that a big achievement our first picking on the polk music festival and closed down the street a have we attend and actually have three year come up on april 3rd and everybody is welcome and the cleanliness the theme our street team is so awesome and takes pride not just a clean team by helps with all sort of problems and we have to kind of i have to camp them down on solving every problem but take pride in their work and supposed to clean every two weeks and everyone inch of the sidewalk in the neighborhood and have that detain to a week and a half now and cleaning
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everything on the record by as you can see, you know, we have a lot of graffiti issues we have a lot of trash on the streets. um, and our teams are incredibly fast to respond i think our response time for the dispatch the response time is less than 5 minutes to clean something that is remarkable. >> um, and those are just angle about our budget which you have on our thing i don't provide any pictures and now i'm jealous of my colleagues. are there any questions? >> thank you for the presentation and for your work and my only question i will circle back i do want to give an opportunity to you or oewd to grasp the the benchmark for me a finding- >> (multiple voices).
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>> basically. >> i think i understand. >> we- >> (multiple voices). >> we didn't spend as much money for f that year we are terrified the rates would last and made a conscientious decision fortunately our assessment came in at 98 percent now we're spending down that money. >> you said in our presentation looking at those were a year or two to two years. >> (multiple voices.) >> i and i had to be like what was that year like. >> straddling covid and coming out of covid. >> and just, you know, like i said up and coming when we came out of covid expecting things to change over night we're dealing with that no big shift.
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>> thank you very much. i wanted to offer the same opportunity on, on noe valley just we forgot to put it in the annual report we have more than 6 months of operating expenses moving forward. >> okay. >> great. thank you very much. >> and - [off mic.] >> (laughter.) >> bathrooms. >> all right. [off mic.] >> all right. we'll supervisor chan. >> um, thank you, mr. chair, i have a quick question for the discovery folks you mentioned that dispatch did that mean that folks call. >> they call there are multiple ways to call directly to my cell phone. >> wow. >> i'm with my cell phones i
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answer it and respond to my miss calls within seconds because we're smaller we don't have the revenue for a dispatch center but want to know what is going on in the neighborhood i wouldn't pass it oh, yeah. >> i kind of agree kind of interesting clearly some opportunities for a bigger cut actually have on a dispatch number and i'm trying to i'm trying to understand the cvd in terms of how you actually are physical ed the calls and dispatching our ambassadors and how you are actually tracking. >> in our case i co-direct the cvd so if i'm out of town we route the calls to my colleague.
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>> okay. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor chan members of the public wishing to speak should line up by the windows, and all speakers have two minutes to speak. can the first speaker come forward? mr. chair, appears no public comment. >> thank you, thank you the thorough briefly in advance of this off and this district 8 office for their sponsorships of two out of three and president peskin the sponsor for the polk item and again, thank you to director niemann and others for
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the presentation and for your work i'd like to move to forward those items with recommendations to the full board. >> on the motion to forward item 2, 3, 4 a 5 with positive recommendation. >> member stefani, aye. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> chair preston, aye. >> i have three i's. >> thank you. any other business before the committee. >> that completes our agenda for today. >> thank you madam clerk we are adjourned (gavel) [meeting adjourned]
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[music] >> san francisco is known as yerba buena, good herb after a mint that used to grow here. at this time there were 3 settlements one was mission delores. one the presidio and one was yerba buena which was urban center.
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there were 800 people in 1848 it was small. a lot of historic buildings were here including pony express headquarters. wells fargo. hudson bay trading company and famous early settlers one of whom william leaderdorph who lived blocks from here a successful business person. african-american decent and the first million airin california. >> wilwoman was the founders of san francisco. here during the gold rush came in the early 1840s. he spent time stake himself as a merchant seaman and a business person. his father and brother in new orleans. we know him for san francisco's history. establishing himself here arnold 18 twoochl he did one of many
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things the first to do in yerba buena. was not california yet and was not fully san francisco yet. >> because he was an american citizen but spoke spanish he was able to during the time when america was taking over california from mexico, there was annexations that happened and conflict emerging and war, of course. he was part of the peek deliberations and am bas doorship to create the state of california a vice council to mexico. mexico granted him citizenship. he loaned the government of san francisco money. to funds some of the war efforts to establish the city itself and the state, of course. he established the first hotel here the person people turned to often to receive dignitaries or hold large gatherings
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established the first public school here and helped start the public school system. he piloted the first steam ship on the bay. a big event for san francisco and depict instead state seal the ship was the sitk a. there is a small 4 block long length of street, owned much of that runs essentially where the transamerica building is to it ends at california. i walk today before am a cute side street. at this point t is the center what was all his property. he was the person entrusted to be the city's first treasurer. that is i big deal of itself to have that legacy part of an african-american the city's first banker. he was not only a forefather of the establishment of san francisco and california as a state but a leader in industry.
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he had a direct hahn in so many things that we look at in san francisco. part of our dna. you know you don't hear his anymore in the context of those. representation matters. you need to uplift this so people know him but people like him like me. like you. like anyone who looks like him to be, i can do this, too. to have the city's first banker and a street in the middle of financial district. that alone is powerful. [music]
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>> community investment and infrastructure successor agency commission meeting this afternoon at 1:00 pm., tuesday, april 2, 2024. secretary morewitz call roll. >>