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tv   Homelessness Oversight Commission  SFGTV  April 11, 2024 7:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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>> good morning.
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call the roll and read the statement. >> thank you chair, good morning and thank you for joining us. this meeting is being held in hybrid and in-person, in city hall and broadcasted live on sf gov. tv. many will have an opportunity to make public comment as well as general public comment. members of the public who wish to provide remote public comment, will be added commenters will have up to three minutes to presentation. to comment remotely, the phone number is 41-655-0001.
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that's 6266019992438 and press pound twice to enter the queue. when your name is called, raise your hand. best practices is to turn off any tv around you. this places you on roll call, item 2 i would like to make an announcement that gina has not completed her and disqualified from participating or voting on this commission until she files but she is working on it diligently as we speak and we anticipate her participation during the may 2, meeting. please stand with present when i call your name. >> butler >> present. >> dufty. >> present. >> albright. >> present. >> commissioner will yamsed is absent, evans.
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>> present. >> commissioner guerrero is absent and commissioner laguana is absent. dismissingers we have a quorum, this puts you on item 3, the ringing and use of cell phones. please be advised that the chair may remove anybody from the use or ringing of cell phone. thank you for your cooperation. this places you on item 4, announcements by the chair. >> i just wanted announce that we will make some modifications to our agenda. so if you can open your agenda, we can share with you some modifications, we will make sure item 11 agenda item number
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11 will go before the agenda item number 10 as well as number 12-a and b and agenda item number 14, they will all proceed agenda number 10. okay. thank you for your consideration because of commissioner albright will need to be leaving early, therefore our meeting we want to make sure that we have the opportunity to vote on the items that need voting on, thank you. this places us on item number 5 which is the adoption of march 21, 2024 meeting minutes. >> i move approval. >> second. >> it's been moved and properly second. would you like to say all those in favor. >> public comment. >> public comment, i'm sorry, we're trying to move things along, my apologies. public comment on agenda item number 5, the adoption of our
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meeting minutes. >> there is no callers in the queue, chair. >> okay, all those in favor indicate by sign of aye. >> aye. >> any opposed? >> the minutes have been approved. this places us on item number 6, commission matters, i'm sorry the communication from our commission. any commissioners who have any announcements we offer that opportunity for you. >> no, sir. thank you commissioners this places us on our my most favorite acknowledge is acknowledgment of the employee who has been recognized this month. sxl this month we are we are here to honor miash bracket. [cheers and applause]
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>> all right, well everybody on this very rainy day. i want to acknowledge and celebrate maisha bracket for being recognized employee for the month of april. so one of the things that is great about our organization is we have some fantastic people who support the work that we all do. miasha is one of those people, she is management assistance for admin and finance, she supports our xhaoef of finance and the rest of the team and does a whole lot of other stuff besides that, so we're very
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fortunate to have her. and i hear all the time from the group of folks who support the work that we do at the department. they have a really wonderful network so i want to lift up the work that they all do for us. without them, even though they're often unseen, we would not get the work done that we do get done. but i always hear from the other assistance and aids that miesha is a star and i know it's true, because i've seen it myself. so congratulations again. and i want to read who bridget who nominated said. she is consistently eager to assist her colleagues and has a calm add stewed. miesha is a world of knowledge.
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motivates staff to do better and always goes the extra yard to find solutions. miesha attitude is remarkable. she has a difficult job but when asked to assist in other areas, the answer is always yes. she is extremely busy but never fails to help when asked. and i think you know, miesha, you embody what we like to see at hsh. one, i don't know how you remain calm because we've got so much going on all the time. and i know that that's true i hear it all the time and you're willingness to grasp, to really work with everybody who does not grasp things as quickly as you do or who needs help is truly amazing, and i know that you take time off very intentionally take time out to do that. so congratulations and if you would like to say anything, you're welcome to. but you don't have to.
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so on behalf of the department i want to present you with this very very heavy award and congratulations for being our recognized employee for april. thanks maisha. [applause] >> again, congratulations maisha and certainly i heard the word a star and a team player i'm sure. grateful for your contributions to the department and the community at large. this places us on item 8, a director's report. so i turn it over to our executive director. >> good morning, commissioners.
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>> good morning. >> happy rainy april 4th. so it will just take a minute to get this up. okay. thanks shannon. so as usual start out with some of the updates and data on the homelessness response system. just starting out with out reach. there we go. so out reach states that with 218 engagements in february. moving on to the next slide. since the fall, ha luna health has been working hard to fill
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the team vacancies in particular, 8 new positions were added to the new contract in january and the organization has worked quickly to fill those new positions. haluna has made huge progress and almost at the mandated 90% staffing rate. and this is a big deal for us, because of course the out reach team, the homeless out reach team is the engagement for people living unshelters on our streets. and it's been challenging over the last couple of years to make sure that the team is fully staffed and i know our team have been working hard with haluna to make sure that they are fulfilling their mandated 90 percent staffing rate but really trying to be supportive of them knowing how hard it is sometimes. as of 3-19.24 all positions have been filled with additional interviews and
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process and 86 percent overall staffing rate. 9 case managers have been hired since february 1 and only two outstanding vacancy. 9 have been hired since february 1 and also hiring an operations manager and data manager on the administrative side. so it's good news. and then, coordinating entry assessments were consistent at 1039 assessments in february. moving on to the next slide. the coordinated entry redefine group has named two co-chair who will lead. the team at hsh and providers went to the homeless connective event where we served 179 households. this is the first project homeless connect event where they were housing navigation
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services for clients as well as coordinated assessments for new clients. and then for homelessness prevention, we also have an update of people served through our homelessness prevention program. this will be the dashboard included in the report going forward. this is reporting a number of household serves than previous reports. previously we had been reporting on a combination of hsh and the mayor's housing of community prevention services. going forward we will be focusing on the household serves under hsh contracts. this includes clients served by hsh july 2023 through february 2024. during this time 918 householdds were served with 6 million dollars allocated in financial assistance. approximately 50 percent of the
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financial assistance paid for back rent so tenants can remain in their housing. and then problem solving stayed relatively consistently in february with 89 resolutions. we have assisted 654 households with over 3.4 million in financial assistance. and next month, we'll have a new dashboard showing how many we have with relocation assistance through hsh and the human services agencies three relocation assistance programs. moving on to our housing inventory dashboard, as a reminder, we are still about, at about 13,200 units of housing. housing placements were relatively consistent with other months.
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in january, with 196 placements that month. january or february? sorry about that, i didn't catch that, that was actually february not january. >> we're following along. >> okay. >> and then to move on to housing vouchers this month we're pleased to report that we have a new public dashboard tracking our progress issuing emergency housing vouchers. this program is a one-time opportunity to issue over 900 vouch inventories san franciscans who are unhoused or at-risk of homelessness. hsh in partnership has issued 1261 vouchers and moved in 994 households. about a third were families with children. we had a focus on serving district 10 resident to see
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allocate resources to historically under served community in bay view. 36 went to people in district 10 and 24 staying in district 10 upon referral. so we're really really proud of our work, our staff had to build a new new system and work with our partnership with san francisco housing authority to succeed and we really did. i was in washington, i just just got back from washington dc, where i was attending the leadership meeting and we were talking about the success of this voucher program and, you know, really pushing for more vouchers like this and really saying that now, that c o.c.s and housing authorities across the country have built this partnership and had to work out a lot of kinks that that's a good way to work together to make sure that people get housed. so hopefully, they heard us and
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hopefully they will hear us on the hill and in the administration and we'll see some more of those come down at some point. tough situation washington right now, so i'm not sure. and then, just looking at the demographics of households issue h a bs, you can see the result of the focus. 57 percent were black and 89 percent were people of color. you can get more details on the dashboard which is now live on our website. and the success of our equity approach to implementation is a lesson we're looking to apply in other areas of our work and we've been asked by communities as we site new, new housing and shelter in the communities to really work in the community to make sure that the people that were most under served in specific communities are under
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served and this is a good indicator of how we can make that happen in the future. and then moving on to housing program updates, hsh is starting housing quality standard inspections in the portfolio for federal funded portfolio. this policy is going live in early april and will help to ensure quality across the portfolio. the permanent enhanced services agreement will be before you today as a contract. the pilot for unsupportive services for people with complex needs at the community, which is a site base psh building will be coming before you. we're attempting to fill-in the gap for our services with people with acute needs. sol we have an agreement with cardia health which will start in the spring, later in the spring. i'm very very excite beside this model, we're bohr
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borrowing from a model that is in oak days and that model allows psh to serve people who are who really have acute needs and who would not normally be able to serve and who don't have a place to go because assisted living is not available for them, you know, and/or skilled nursing. so it really gives an opportunity for those people to remain in place and be served in the community in which they belong. so we'll be reporting back to you about that and i want to thank all the staff and who are working with other departments to make should happen. and then moving on to implementation of the unit level inventory functionality, that functionality is now complete in the one system for all site permanent supportive housing. this is a change that will
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allow us to more accurately track the occupancy and vacancy status of individual units and store the building in unit and amenities across our portfolio. vacancy reporting is not available this month as we update reporting logic. under the old system providing program that were not tied to a unit and management information system are hmis data system. referrals were then made to the openings. only a new inventory system, referrals were made to specific system where they meet the needs of the family. it's a really big change. this stream lines the process for our providers and staff and ultimately be better for the people we serve. and then we continue to make progress on vacancies by
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focusing on high vacancy building. where at least ten units are vacant. in january 2024, 41 percent of the vacancies were from this sites. now we stand around 35 percent. by july 1, we expect to have a high vacancy buildings account for 25% of all vacancies. our staff continues looking for strategies on the high vacancy sites and we're now employing a vacant system to the building with the currently high vacancy buildings. and then across our shelter system on march 26th, we had 3438 capacity and 93 percent occupancy rate, 31 people more than last month when it was 92
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percent occupied. moving on to lake merced next slide. we have continued progress at lake merced to move people out of the vehicle encampment and into long term housing solutions. hsh is work to go coordinate out reach before enforcement of regulations, we moved 36 households into housing. and still others on the pathway to housing. and i think our staff went out and did a lot of work to understand who is out there, we have like license plate information and by name list where we can and are working really hard to make sure that the people who have been on winston who need to move are getting our attention first and we continue to do that work. and then for the shelter reservation, wait list system i am improvement. hsh continues to see improvements to the system, although the total number of people registering has not
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dropped off much, 363 in february in total. the average daily number of people has continued to sharply drop over the winter as more placements has been made and they are filling bed. an average of 59 people were on the wait list each day in february. and then i just want to thank the san francisco inner faith council and episcopal services for operating the winter shelter. we closed the winter shelter in early march maybe not expecting the rain that happened today but we're really grateful for our partners at the inner faith council for that continued partnership. missions are opening to new guests with priority placement for people in the neighborhood. 5 keys will be the provider there.
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and just emily, can i get the notes for--okay, i just didn't go down far enough. >> that sounds great? >> that's not this one? i took it straight out of your thing. okay. sorry just realized i was missing something in my notes that i need to cover. i'm going to move to our legislative update. on the local legislative side, three of the grant amendments before you last month are going through the board of supervisors process with hearings in april. so that's 711 post and a boed, 4 of the agreements before you are in the introduction process with hearings tentatively calendared for early may. and that will be family,
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housing latter and flex school programs. hotel agreement and hamilton family housing solutions. the 6 month continuance of our waiver for payment to allow hsh to solicit philanthrophic partnership past the board of supervisors last month. this is been helpful to lay the groundwork for our pill philanthropic partnership. they went to three hearings on the board. hearing on the budget report on the city's street response teams, a hearing on neighborhood impacts around permanent supportive sites. at the state level we issued a level of support for senate bill 37 which would create a subsidy program for older adults and people with
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disabilities. thanks. shannon, if you can go back to slide 10, i just want to cover something quickly. so, i did get a couple of questions and i wanted to make sure to cover that people have asked questions about hope house. so i just wanted to give some back grounds on that. i know that we had a lot of activity and we've been doing a lot of work to rehouse people and i want to give you an update where we are now. so in 2023, they transitions all contracts with human services to the felt on institute. the city's contracting policies required hsh to end its
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relationship with united counsel due to maintain compliance. to maintain the critical program serving people experiencing homelessness in the bay view community, hsh worked with the felt on institute to have them take over the contracts and continue to deliver these essential services to the community. we're grateful for stepping up to keep the programs going and to make sure that the clients continue to be served. through this contract transition, it became evident that in two of the programs, hope house for veterans which were founded by the urban development or hud's continuum of care program, the residents were never proper lea sesed for eligibility. the c o.c. program requires specific eligibility criteria for all participant, must be recertified on an annual basis.
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rental subsidies for tenants that do not meet criteria, must be terminated. reached out multiple times including certified mail and visits to every hope house to collect documentation of eligibility for the program. the vas majority of the hope house met with our teams and were determined to be eligible for the hsh housing. but most did not meet the requirement for hud c o.c. rental subsidies. unfortunately because of the issues with the original contractor and the lease graoementz, they engaged in, we need today move eligible tenants to new housing. or in a time limited rental subsidy that they can use in a private market. where they meet the standards of the federal subsidy, a new lease can be negotiated but in vas majority, the tenant had to
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move to a new unit. there were a total of 84 clients when we began the wind down, as of april first, 2024, tenants have been rehoused and that includes 27 in supportive housing, 28 in rapid housing, one in family housing, four moved into stable housing outside of the homelessness response system and then three, we were unable to track. currently 20 households still in the housing placement process with 14 of the house olds engaged in the rehousing. there are a few households that have declined to engage and we continue to work with falt on to engage these tenants. we're also working with the landlords that are in good standing. and we're also engaged both our equity office is work withing our program staff and hrc has
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reached out to make sure that we're really thinking about every way to engage with the people who have not engaged with us and make sure that they have adequate service sxz housing. we continue to do that. and i want to thank my staff, the team has done a great job of engaging and it's been hard work. and i think i know, part of it has been living in these places for a long time, it's really really hard to move. i don't think people are clear on why ne have to move and what happened and why the subsidies, why they don't sit with the subsidy. so it's a lot of education and explanation and it's also just really hard for people. and it's hard for the landlords. we are also working with the landlords to figure out and explain to them, other programs that we have, that they could maybe qualify for, we have a lot. we're always looking for units. so we want to continue that
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relationship and continue work withing the people who have been dis playeds or you know, who we can continue to help. so si just wanted to give that update. okay, so moving on to updates from other advisory bodies which is the next slide. so we're making progress in filling vacant seats, thank you commissioners. there are four open seats on the local homelessness coordination board that the commissioner must appoint soon. the committee has now vacant seat and the shelter grievance has three vacant seats, two at large seats were dissolved in line with the admin code.
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and they will hold their, the nominating committee will hold its next meeting on april 9th. equity office update, the equity office is hard add work administering the access to training. this training has been extended through june 2024 as we continue to bring on train he's who want to take the training. we have three additional sessions available and then raish i can't equity, the raish i can't equity is now in the sf learning portal and 82 of% hsh staff has completed all three of existing modules. section 4 is underdevelopment. and then, our human resources update, hsh, has provided acting roles for critical roles. we have the direct of temporary shelter and problem prevention
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manager and acting positions. right now, while we, while we fill those positions permanently, to maintain smooth operations. they provide valuable opportunities for career development and growth allowing them to gain experience and experience in other valuable areas. exacting assignment are used throughout the city so they can maintain affective leadership during periods of leadership. so we're actively recaougt for the positions that we have open, but we can't afford to have people in those positions. and i want to thank the staff, some of whom are here who have stepped up to take on those roles. we have 247ftes and 49 vacancies with 48 active recruitments. these include position that's are filled as of march 2024.
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as always we ask that you direct any good candidates that you know, our positions are posted on the human website. and now, thank you so much moving on to questions. >> thank you, director and the team, thank you all for your hard work. and we certainly want to open up for any questions that are directly related to the director's report. so i want to open that at this time. any members of the public who wish to make public comment? >> speaker: hi guys. my name is h brown i'm a retired reform school teacher and i love the dog. got one that looks like it at home. my comments are to the mayoral candidates, you guys have tried
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about everything and you're stuck with thousands of people -- ~>> sir, may i interrupt you. these are comments on the director's report. >> speaker: i just listened to the report, she is covering on what spaces you've used. also, you have to the candidates, you've got four spaces, you need 160 acres to cover 8,000 people. you have four sites that are unused or virtually unused. first through the schools, if we were a civilized society and had an earthquake and 112 empty buildings run withing electricity and water, we would move people in. schools are not going to happen. second is treasure lie and, it's locked up a lot. two sites for 4,000 and 8,000. the other two are the saint cal
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golf courses. you take 80 acres off the 162 golf courses, one of them is next to the port mileage veterans centers. you have 2000 homeless vets myself, i was one myself until they rescued me 10 years ago, i've been in my place. thank you, i work with you guys. i worked very hard with disturbed kids for many many years. so i'm used to chaos, i just want to push it to the mayoral candidates, thank you for your wonderful job of four spots 160 acres. one of them, the guy that runs it, has a head in his refrigerator, the saudi prince now, owns harding golf course, why? because he bought the pga and you've got a contract that let's him run it.
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i think that we can take half of his golf course and half of the other. sorry, if i was out of line, sir. >> no problem. >> nice to meet you, the guy next to you, rocks. >> i know. >> my name is tina. i would like to ask two questions. when about the coordinated entry. so we have a family one and an a dpult one. i remember last month and by the time i work for tenderloin too. i remember last month, putting people on the list, they said they will contact us, so maybe a person will come in a day or two. and then they will place them so. this came up yesterday or a person shows up and yesterday was the last day and they showed up at 3k. and then i was told that reservations, when you called,
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they had the reservation between 10:00 and 12:00. how can a person for me and me being homeless before too, how can a person, you know, come to mind if they're sleeping on the streets, they want to clean and get breakfast examine by the time they do that, it's about 12:01 but then you're being told to go back and do it again. i would like to see that process change, you know, when somebody is called, you know, give them those days and make sure that they live there because then they're going in a vicious circle. and another thing, for me as a person of family that have been tlut hsh thing before, before it was hsh i've been involved with this a long time. the first building that they've had there in the bay view, you know, just, making sure that when information is passed to
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your office, making sure that you're getting all the information about the person. because for me, i suffer from mental illness and drug addiction, and i was put in to three different supportive housing units that was uncomfortable and not safety me and my doctors put letters. and i would like for that information, when that information get to hsh that they read all of that information and they go by that. not to say that it took a long time, but i'm very happy where i am right now, i'm very comfortable. i don't feel depressed, when i'm upset, i don't go outside and walk. i don't have people hanging outside my house selling drugs. and majority of all of your buildings those are the type of places that they're in and it's hard for a person that has been through a life, you know, doing
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drugs and mental illness to survive in there. so, you know, make sure that the person is placed in a safe environment, so they don't have to keep on going through the ends and outs and ins and out. >> thank you, thank you. >> speaker: yes, i'm i yolanda and i volunteer with coalition of homeless. i want to say, i'm sorry i was late, i didn't find out about 9:00 o'clock last night because i got really early like at 6:00 o'clock yesterday morning. but yeah, i just i hope i'm okay, addressing this but i just want to talk about the need of i noticed that in the report that there is a lost people placed in supportive housing and i'm really glad about that but i just, i'm
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concerned about the money for prop c and money for the budget being used for shelters instead of for supportive housing. and the reason for that is because you cannot replace supportive housing with shelters. i lived in a shelter, i know what it's like. i know the rules, i know the regulations, i've seen women that yell and scream so they get thrown out and they learn when it's raining, transgender women and minority women. so i just want to emphasize that. i also want to say that all of these buildings and housing, it's not low income, i don't mean affordable, i mean low nfjt i was there when i added, you know the wages for part-time worker is 18,000 a year and for a full-time it's 40,000 a year, if you own a restaurant business. that's not enough to qualify if you're in the program if you apply, we have to make a
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minimum or maximum. again, so all of these rulings of housing, expensive housing it's going to lead to inflation and depression like in 11939 and that and the high cost of automobiles who can have a person on our hands. please keep our housing safe and safe. i live in low income supportive housing, i'm very happy with it. in the tiny cabins, i was at a meeting for the landlords and the families, they didn't want the drugs. what did you expect who can't go to a museum or ba llet, that's all they can afford. i understand, i worked in situation where women that used to use drugs she was placed in
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a place where there were drugs. she lost the custody and i don't know what became of her beautiful children. please take into account that we need something more than any program that this state can offer because of capitalism and people have to use drugs, not because they want to but they're forced to. >> thank you, thank you for your comments. any remote callers? >> there is two callers in the queue. go ahead, caller, we hear you. >> so my name is francisco decosta. and i know some of you, and i've been listening to the director's comments. and i want to focus on wrap around services to be provided to those who are mentally challenged and especially those
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that have have dementia. we need a task forced to address dementia. and what is happening with the city, i think that the director who knows me, and i know her, and i know some of you on the commission, one was awe former supervisor. we do not need to remove people from a condominium or a rental unit on a pretext that they have dementia and then treat them like animals. it's going to happen during my life. and we need to give orientation to the employees, especially the investigators to go and out
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and try to inform the next of kin. no employee should take it upon themselves without informing the next of kin somebody that needs help. and i'll stop there, so stop doing this! they want their money, they want to use conservership, or whatever they call it, to take advantage of somebody who has dementia, stop doing it! please. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. >> go ahead, caller we hear you. >> speaker: yes, can you hear me? >> yes, we can. le >> speaker: good morning, members of the homeless oversight commission, my name is jessica middleton. i am a whole cal landlord and i want to first thank ms. mcfad
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en for providing a update on the landlords. i have two tenants, two units who have not relocated. i was told by hsh on april 11, that their hands are tied and it's out of their jurisdiction and now a landlord tenant issue. so currently, as ms. mcfad en has reported she says that they continue to work with landlord with hr fee. however, there is no active action on behalf. i had asked to request a modification to their grant agreement to help cover the costs of eviction and relocation escort just like what these hearings are for like today. and felt on and hsh have repeatedly, i have asked and repeatedly, to initial help from the city attorney's office and police that this eviction
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and escort resident to see their new home. but they tell me again, it's out of their jurisdiction. like i said, in in the meeting two weeks ago, hsh has contracts and trouble launch where residents were refuse and they reach out to the city attorney and police for enforcement. hsh has not commented on this and will not engage about doing the same. according to the hsh website, they report that the benefits of landlords partnering with them are inclusive of support service sxz landlord lice and service to see mitigate risks. please provide a directive to initial eviction instead of dumping their job on the landlord. >> thank you, caller. this time i would like to open the floor to commissioners if you have any questions or comments.
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>> do you want to start? >> i'm actually going to take a minute, my heart is heavy because i knew mother brown very well. i ran a program for mayor willie brown that was known as open door day. and every month i would go at 6:00 in the morning in front of city hall and i would distribute 30-10-minute appointment approximates. and you think you can't get a lot done in ten minutes but when you're talking about willie brown, you can get a lot done in ten minutes. and on this morning, ten african-american women came in to these meeting, and they were dressed as if they were going to church on easter sunday. and barbara brown began to tell
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how these women came together and fed people just on the corner, they would cook and come out and feed people. in the bay view, in south of market and mayor brown got the contact information and he asked for the questioned of when the meals were. and as the women left he looked at me and said, i actually don't believe that they could be feeding all of these people, just these three women. and he went out and as he does, and he saw that it was actually real and particularly, barbara brown was in the bay view neighborhood that has been so under served and i know her spirit is looking at the with director looking at this constantly. and so i'm proud of you of what you accomplished with the team. so with mayor brown and myself, i recruit ed.
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it makes my heart heavy at that at this moment and time that the legacy of what these women did to draw attention and to feed and care for people and provide so much love, i've been so their offices so many times and met clients and people that they worked with. so i just want to remember her in a good way and say that i'm sorry that, that the capacity did not and she died way too young from cancer for all that they wanted to do. so i appreciate you letting me just share that behind this very unfortunate situation were a group of courageous black women that just went out to feed people and to show them, people that didn't feel any love that they mattered. and i don't want to lose any part of this and i know commissioner evans has questions that i look forward to hearing but i just wanted to give that perspective, thank you. >> thank you, so our vice chair
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dusty. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> so i did receive letter was forwarded to me from a former case manager at hope house, it has, mentioned some of what the director mentioned which was of 84 stablely house tenants, only six were found eligible for the continuum of care and so i was a little unclear, are those six people remaining in the hope house? do we know? yes, okay, they are. and it sounds like, of the remaining, you said 64 had been rehoused but they're still under 20 that have not? and it's my understanding that they're being offered housing options and permanent supportive housing which are in the thoroughs and the tenderloin and also offered shelter.
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and i just wanted to make sure that that's we're acknowledging that's a really big step down from independent apartment in, you know, community bay view, that may want to remain. and i just wanted to make sure shao we're doing everything that we possibly can for these individuals. >> yeah, i'm going to ask chief deputy director sanders to talk about this, she's been working with the team. >> so it's not accurate that the folks that are remaining in hope house are just being offered, folks attached which will allow them to get their own permits. one of the major things that we did not want to do is to move people back into shelter for those that didn't quality for whatever the reason are, so we set up hotels for those folks to be able to transition. some of them are in the pathway, we've arranged for
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movers and storage to transition them. we did consider that as a step down. obviously, given all of the circumstances, so that's not completely accurate. >> thank you for the clarification. so do we know what the, future plans for the real estate that these people occupied is? >> thank you, director of housing. we're actually working with the landlords, some of them may be offer their house to go other programs so we have a presentation to all of them. some of them are going to remain with c o.c. program they now have to comply with the regular layssing that may be an impediment to continue doing business but they may be able to do business with other programs that we have in the department. >> how many landlords are we
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talking about here? >> what is it? cricket? >> about 30 or 35. >> 30 or 35, landlords. >> can you please speak into the microphone. >> thank you, the scatter housing programs presented to 30 or 35 landlords that are look to go continue to partner with housing and house folks in c o.c. programs or in other scatter site programs. so they still want to continue to work with us. i don't know the full number of landlords but at least 30 to 35 in that meet thating were willing to continue to work with us. >> don't know if there are any additional questions, okay. i did have a couple of other topics to touch on, is that okay? >> yes, just quickly, is it okay if we have an update in our next meeting regarding this and to see the numbers in a
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power point form, that would be helpful. >> great. so i did read with heavy heart about the audit of home rise in today's chronicle. sounds like home rise underwent year long audit and the 120 plus page report was released by the controller's office yesterday, i believe. and some i was able to read it. i was struck by the information that the have been severe amount of turn offer in the leadership there including 5 different c.f.o.s and three ceos in a four-year period which would then explain why there was some miss steps
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around financial management. and specifically i took note, there was a slide that showed the properties and their vacancy rates and they're well above vacancy for their portfolio. and some of those properties are above, i think you were mentioning that you consider high vacancy building if it's more than 10 percent. most of their buildings fit that category. and i think the highest was there were one building that had close to 34 or 36 percent vacancy rate. sxl so, it's my understanding that vacancies are created when you know, the candidates that are being referred are not accepting those placements. so i assume that there were adequate referrals being made to fill these units, but that
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people were refusing. sxl that's an incorrect assumption, please correct me. but if that's the case, it makes sense to be reevaluating some of these buildings as if they should be in the permanent housing portfolio, it might make sense to make them to transitional housing or temporary shelter. and of course not ask, can the building be reevaluated, it's my understanding that the vacancy rate contributed to the financial issues of nonprofit and the estimate was about 6 million in lost revenue from the lack of rent that would come from the tenants that would occupy those units. so i just wanted to give the director an opportunity to talk through what the situatesing
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with home rise, especially since the paper was reporting that it's among the top providers of permanent supportive housing. from my calculation it seems that they represent about 10 percent of the portfolio. can we also save space for it in the future agenda item in a future meet to go kind of think through what makes sense to do here if anything. sounds like the mayor's office is saying with new leadership, there is, you know, hope that basically home rise is on the appropriate course now and working closely with the controllers office in addressing the issues that they've struggled with. but as an oversight body, he can not just turn a blind eye, we need to understand what happened and make sure that it does not recur with this provider or other providers.
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>> yeah, i know. yeah. >> so, all right, sorry for the distraction, yeah, i just want to answer by saying that is one of the issues that we saw with home rise, there is a variety, yes, people not wanting to move into buildings is sometimes
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because of the building and sometimes because of the upkeep, there is a variety of problems going on with this organization. i just want to say what we said earlier, what the mayor said but also what we said to the chronicle which is that, we think that this was really good government on our part that we and most asked for the audit that we, you know, we had done our work on corrective action and when we didn't get the results we needed, we went to the controllers and asked for independent audit. and despite that this organization has had over a number of years, that were very confident that the new ceo has the experience, the depth of what is needed and the leadership skills to lead this organization forward. we've already seen some changes. the new ceo is competent and great to work with.
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our staff feel the difference so we feel good about that. i think we can have an going discussion about and the things and strategy of vacancies and aging buildings and rsos versus the more modern approach that we've used. and we will continue to do that. we know that we need our full portfolio, so it's a balancing act to figure out how we move out of these older buildings and maybe transition to shelter or find new ones while we have to maintain all of the housing units that we have for folks. you know, we talk about this a lot and i think that we'll continue to have those conversations. >> great, thank you very much. i also, appreciated the update on the vehicularly housed, i did see that the folks around,
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the burnle heights location, relocated and the commission local reported that they are now still on the street but in a grouping in the bay view. and i just wanted to acknowledge that those folks were displaced from that area and it's my understanding that there was out reach that was done there but the people remain out on the street in their vehicles. and i know that we're continuing to work on, locating a vehicle triaage site which you folks may or may not be appropriate for. and i know that we're going to be talking about candle stick at some future date. but i just want to acknowledge that this is very much a need
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for those individuals. >> yeah, we know and you know, it's not our intent to move people around. we did, we did send the homeless out reach team out and they engaged with them and offered them what they could, which includes some short-term stay. rv sites, and i think for the most part, people chose not to take us up on that. but we will continue thinking about the right strategies for rvs, i know that this is a conversation that is happening nationally because we're seeing more and more living in cars and rvs across the country and a lot of them have different needs from the people that we see who are living unsheltered on the street, so we have to continuely engage with them and understand what their needs and as you know, we're still trying to site a place on the west side for the folks who are out there and it's been really challenging to find a place. >> uh-huh, thank you, finally i
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just wanted to echo what one of the public commenters said about the shelter wait list, it sounds like, i know, it's a new thing and a new process and we probably should look at it and evaluate and and improve it. but i agree asking people experiencing homelessness with high vulnerabilities lacking access to phone, to call back during a specific 1210 to 12 window is really challenging and especially, you know, to be told that there are, you know, if they don't make that call, they get moved back to the beginning of the process seems not sensitive. yeah. >> thank you, commissioner evans. commissioner albright, do you have? >> no comment. >> thank you so much. and in the interest of time, let us move forward to our consent calendar. so just to remind public, the consent is considered routine
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matters by the commission and in an ideal world it will be voted on at one time. but there are a particular items in the consent calendar that we need to separate which are items 3, 4 and 6 and so we will separate those items and discuss them vujly, but i'll entertain a motion to approve items 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9. >> so moved. >> second. >> it's been moved and properly seconded to approve the items on the consent calendar 12578 and 9. we're ready for the vote. >> public. >> sorry, public comment. any members of the public who wish to make comment on these items? any remote callers. >> there is no callers in the queue, oh one caller. >> one caller. >> go ahead caller, we hear you.
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they hung up. >> okay, thank you. let's call the vote. >> commissioner please respond with aye or nay. chair butler. >> aye. >> vice chair. >> aye. >> aye. >> commissioner evans. >> aye. >> consent calendar is passed, approved. >> thank you so much. now we move to item number 3, requesting modification with family services for flexible sun sid' for a period of october 1, 2022, to june 30, 202626 million plus additional 3 million for revieeds of 29 million. >> so i had pulled some questions on items 3 and 4 for come pus. >> and we're just discussing item 3 right now. >> you don't want to group them?
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>> no, not at this time. >> so both items have a consistent issue but i will specifically talk to item 3 which is that, the first year was a small amount of the budgeted amount used and then there was showing zero dollars for the current fiscal year. and we're asked to renew and extend and obviously if the problem is not being used then we don't want to continue but it sounds like it may be a time lag and the time when invoice right side submitted and the payment is delivered, so i was wondering if you can just clarify what we are looking at year to date on submitted invoices for item 3? >> yeah, of course, thank you and i just want to say thank you commissioner evans for reviewing these prior and asking these questions before so we can be fully prepared to answer these questions and with all the correct information.
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so as you mentioned, compass family service sxz i'll be talking about compass sf home program as well. they are behind on their invoices, i will say that. they recently came up to submitting up to january so i think i reported to you, the january spending for this program for i think we're talking about the flexibility pool. so at this point, submitted and spent 22.5 percent of this year's budget. so as commissioner evans mentioned, we did start these services in 2023. so they've been being implemented in this program has been ramping up for about a year now. and the way scattered site housing works it's not a site unit where you can lease it out quickly. we do housing search in
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overtime refer up to the full capacity inventory of the program. so this serves 165 households so overtime we've been referring more and more households to this program. currently we're at 132 enrolled or at 81 percent and we do expect to have 100 percent of the households enrolled bit end of may. does not mean that all will be housed, we're at sitting at 49 percent housed. that means the people in-housing search which is a big effort on compass family services since they do hold the housing ladder which we will speak about next. does that answer your question. >> yes, i was just curious, if the invoices have been sit submitted through january 2024, it's typical that you will not see payment in as four months. >> no we take action with the
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contract analyst if they're a month behind accountser we do remind them that they're behind. we provide a letter and communicate that they come up-to-date. >> just to clarify, how long does it take for the city to pay the invoices once they're submitted? >> i believe that's a financial question but i think they pay it as soon as possible within a month. >> okay. >> good morning, commissioners. contract director so typically we have 15 days to process invoices but sometimes the back and forth can be incomplete or correction so that can contribute to also the delays. >> okay. thank you. and so i, i appreciate the clarification. i'm ready to vote on this item. >> thank you so much. any other commissioners have any questions or comments? i'll entertain a motion to vote on the item. >> so moved. >> it's been moved and properly
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seconded. public comment. any members of the public who wish to make comment on item number 3? >> speaker: okay, so i wanted to ask, is that contract for when you send people -- ~>> excuse me, excuse me, you have to correct the comments to me and we can listen. >> okay, so i want to know what she was talking about, is that for when a, when they give people like, a section 8 voucher and they refer them to them and they look for they place? that's what i'm asking for? >> so just to remind you, public comment you can make your comment. >> speaker: so so from my experience, well when it was time for my daughter, my daughter had a person, my daughter was we got to be able
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to move. went to compass, i went to braoeny coner, that's beautiful. but when my daughter was in compass, she didn't get the services and every time she called back, nobody ever returned her call and was told, don't get that place, it's just this and that. that's from my experience. and she did end up moving into a fabulous apartment, the management told her that and we tried to get her not to do it, that was kind of wrong. so she had to keep calling the person and the person, so i had to fight and contact the worker that i had at hsh and push to where my daughter was able to go to briny corner and get the services that she needed. i'm just saying. >> thank you so much. thank you.
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okay, any remote callers. >> there are two callers. go ahead caller, we hear you. we can hear you caller. >> speaker: hello. hello. >> hi, we can hear you. you might baunt to turn down your back ground. >> speaker: i'm calling regarding services. >> caller we can barely hear you you have a lot of background noise. >> speaker: i'm calling in regard to the compass program. i was work for services for children and women and i had a lot of services for people that are in program mostly women and children but compass has been there to help many families and they give like birth certificates and help people
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with housing. but i'm voting to keep it a go to prove them. >> thank you, thank you for your comments. >> i wanted to give you a moment to respond to the speaker situation? yes no? yes? >> i think ultimately the question was, is the flexible subsidy pool similar to a section 8 voucher? it's local low funded scatter site on going subsidy where the household pays 30% of their income and then the subsidy covers the rest. we also do housing quality standards inspections we also do rent reasonness to make sure that the unit is reasonable to the rent that is being asked to be paid every month.
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so those are some of the standards that we try. >> i just want to validate the speakers experience, because i've experienced that. i've been trying to help a family and it's been concerning to me how difficult it is to get a call back. so i just want to offer that i've experienced it, i realize that we're going to talk about families now, but i think that's an important metric to respond to people. it's really a lonely situation. >> absolutely. >> when somebody has two kids and not an english speaker so i would like to say i think that's something that compass can focus on based on my experience. >> thank you for raising that, commissioner dufty, we'll take it back to our providers. >> thank you. thank you on the motion to approve item 3, i would like to call the vote. >> chair butler, how do you vote. >> aye. >> vice chair. >> aye.
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>> commissioner albright. >> aye. >> commissioner evans. >> aye. >> your item 3 is approved. >> okay, moving on to item 4 requesting a modification of existing agreement for family housing letter for the period of october 1, 2022, june 30, 2026 additional of roughly 11 million plus one million of roughly amount of 13 million dollars. >> it was the same comment that there was only 168,190 spent in the last fiscal year of the budget at 1.3 and then this year, the budget is 3.7 and it shows zero dollars. >> okay. similar response? >> similar response, i do want to highlight that the house ladder program offers a unique opportunity for families that are housed in permanent housing hsh as we all refer to it.
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as opportunity for more independent living. this is a program that households residing as tenants in those programs can apply to the housing ladder program to be housed in a scatter site but a scatter site subsidy monthly rental subsidy. we have seen a slower rate in this program even though they launched at the same time. we believe that this is due and i put this in my response, that those households are currently housed so they're not at the imminent and safety needs for housing as people experiencing homelessness that are referred to the flexible housing subsidy fool program. the program manager are work towards creating strategies to help improve that placement rate. and really engage those households moving forward. once they move into the scatter
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site program, that freeze up the site supportive housing so households that do need those onsite services can have access to them. >> thank you, i appreciate that. and i would say, you know, when we go through the budgeting process, we're putting this full amount of 3.7 or this coming up year, 3.8 and if we don't think we're going to anticipate that full amount, it just feels that we're going to be talking about possible cuts. so i just want to make sure that we're acknowledging there are programs that we're authorizing for a budgeted allocation that much greater than their spend and that, you know, is frustrating if we're going to be actually, you know, pressed to recommend or authorize cuts, thank you. >> thank you. i want to open up to members of the public who wish to make comment on this item? item 4?
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i would like to entertain a motion. i'm sorry, please, yes. >> speaker: yes, general of the budget, it's going really really catastrophic, i don't know if it's due to the budget from sacramento or property taxes, a lot would provide a lot of the tax money, because of the for whatever reason, they said it was too expensive but please, this lack of money, don't take it out on the working people here, on the homeless, because i know if, there is not enough tax money from the real estate, or i don't know how that is going or from the businesses, businesses, then the next step
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is to tax the population and i'm all for our sales tax increase, i think on some things but as far as when it comes to budget, please make sure that yeah, that it's not coming from people that just barely make enough to live on, okay, that's my only comment. thank you, my name is yolanda. thank you. >> and just to remind the public we're coming on item number 4 on consent calendar, there is opportunity for general public comment at a later time. >> speaker: i want to ask, i just want to know how do we get the information when it comes out? i would like that information. when i found out about information, it was me talking about somebody that was hsh that was affiliated with my property. how can you get the information to the public for the public would know there are families and people that we want to know
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this information. how can you get that information out to the public? we need to know that information so we can know when we go into these places, these different places where people are going to these different places, families and single people that they know what they're talking about, do you have it because you always, here, we don't have it, and i was told that, i'm at the homeless quoe a will ising finding out about stuff. how can we get that information. how can you get the information hsh to the community? to you know, so people can know, because a lot of people don't know the information. >> thank you for your comment, we're going to work on that, absolutely. okay, motion to approve item number 4. >> so moved. >> second. >> it's been moved and properly seconded. we're ready for the call to vote. >> chair butler. >> aye. >> vice chair. >> aye. >> commissioner albright. >> aye. >> commissioner evans.
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>> aye. >> item 4 is approved. >> okay, this pushes us to consent item number 6, requesting modification with conrad mcal ster hotel. for revise amount not to exceed roughly 12 million. >> so thank you, very much for pulling this item from the consent agenda. i made a comment on previous items that volume real estate, i really appreciate having as much information as possible about the lease, the situation is that these contracts typically a third of the amount that were authorizing is going to a landlord. this was the property that was mentioned in the san francisco chronicle article that was series of investigations into unhabitable buildings. this building had a number of
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dbi issues. i asked in advance of this meeting if there were any current outstanding dbi issues and i was told there is not none. there was a situation last summer, it sounds like the elevator was out for more than a month, possibly two or three months. sxl that there is some measures that the provider has taken to ensure that they don't have a problem with elevator going out of service for a long time in the future. and specifically, i asked questions around, you know, is there issues with this building owner completing maintenance in a timely manner? and i was given the response the responsibility of maint pence for anything above 5,000 is on provider, sorry on the landlord and so i, i requested
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also to know what items are still expected to be completed by the end of fiscal year. i was given this list repair and replacement of security equipment to add cameras covering blind spots to the roof of the property and ventilation system to the ground floor. and so, i just wanted to acknowledge that this is one of those buildings that is an older building, although it has a low vacancy rate, it's vacancy, i was told less than 4 percent which is good news. but, it sounds like it's one of those buildings that needs lots of care. i don't know if you want to make any comments. >> good morning, commissioners, elizabeth i'm the manager of supportive programming team at hsh, yes the mcal ster is an
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older sro building it's been part of the portfolio since 2004 so it's one of the new buildings brought up under mayor newsom, counter house is the operator. they entered into the lease with the building owner, you described many of the terms. so the owner is is responsible for significant repairs above 5,000. the owner can either send in their own contractors or at times they coordinate with the master leasee to conduct the repairs and then deduct it out of the rent payments. and the three items that you listed, are one-time capitol funds that hsh provided for that building for complete improvement. thank you. >> so hsh is actually providing money for those three items, i
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listed? >> is that accurate? >> yeah. >> for the three items that you listed yes, those aren't requirements--those are not owner responsibility items. so they're further enhancement to the building that our providers want to provide in order to improve the safety and security and living environment of the community. >> uh-huh, and i understood that the elevator itself would be eligible for this. >> yeah, so sorry, yes, hsh currently has a notice of funding availability open for elevator projects, this building is enable to apply since the procurement is open. i can't really answer direct questions about the procurement. >> understood, i just want to acknowledge that city would then be making a cop tal improvement to an elevator--right, yeah.
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>> any other commissioners who wish to make comments on this item? thank you so much, open up to the public to make comment on this particular item. any remote callers? i'm sorry. >> speaker: hello i'm julian juarez, i'm the director of supportive housing, i appreciate you consider the contract. i do want to say that we have worked diligently to improve the habit ability of the building, we're very committed. i want to also let you know that we work with the owner three years ago, four years ago to invest and upgrade. it is a vintage elevator and we continue to work on that. the one time only funding is part of our continued commitment and partnership with
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hsh to improve habit ability and livability. we had a fire from about a year ago for a person who should be there less than a month. i'm sorry, the floor, the restaurant underneath was also damaged so we worked with the insurance, there were paintings and upgrades and the security fence and all of those items that existed. i do agree that, continued partnerships for improve of master lease or older buildings is absolutely necessary but i can assure you that we are working towards that. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you for coming. >> speaker: yeah, i'm i have a question, the use, got i heard that using drugs, is that part of the because i was looking it
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up with mental health problems and i know i read articles examine books i read them on the internet, on my internet and they say a lot of times, people study, garage solution end up homeless especially among seniors. so one of the things that they were saying is what happens is homelessness leads to mental health problems. mental health problem excuse drug use. it's not the drug use or mental ill people become homeless, i know that i talk with all of you when i was in a shelter. what you i would like to say, i was last september or october, i would have to go through jury and i feel so horrible, i felt like drinking, i don't do drugs, i was drinking a lot. can you imagine a homeless
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person who has a health issue and they can hope with it, they cannot afford the wine, she buy the drugs. i'm saying, real social issues, not just the boogie man turn to drugs. stop this man i objectment that use drugs. i know it happens with house people. okay. >> thank you for your comment. is there anyone else? >> no, no callers on the queue. oh yes, there is. go ahead, caller. there is no callers. >> okay, move the item. >> motion to move item 6, second. >> it's been second and properly seconded. are we ready for the call to vote. >> chair butler. >> aye. >> chair dufty
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>> >> aye. >> commissioner albright. >> aye. >> commissioner evans. >> aye. >> this puts us 12 a and b and in the interest of time, i want to make sure if commissioner albright can stay. >> i have a hard stop. >> okay, we want to move as swiftly as possible just so we can get through our voting items. looking at 12 a i at this time. >> good morning, i don't think i properly introduced myself so i apologize for the record, i'm cricket miller. >> we know cricket miller. >> i'm the manager of supportive house hading. i'm here this morning, requesting your review and approval of compass sf home rapid rehousing. i do want to highlight that even though this is being presenting this is a program
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that is providing the compasses and hsh in partnership have been providing rapid rehousing subsidy to families experiencing homeless with minor children since 2018 , originally the agreement included both homeless prevention and rapid rehousing. and in 2020, it was split into two individual agreement that's brings us here today. we are renewing this agreement with compass family services, compass family services provides rapid rehousing to 44 households on going basis, meaning those slots turnover when one family exits. the subsidy term is between 12 and 24 months where the household signs the lease, so they do have tenant see rights, they contribute to a portion of the rent and the subsidy pays for the remainer. families enrolled also receive housing location services,
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housing coordination and retention, landlord liason and subsidy. that refer refer to mainstream resources and workforce and smart money so that households can achieve their financial goals and financial independence, ultimately the goal is that the household can exit to hold stability where they take over the rent 100 percent. so i'm here to answer any questions that you may have on the rapid housing program. >> i saw that it fit in line with the budget that we had talked about previously, serving 44 families, it's about 57, 58,000 dollars per household which is in line with the previously acknowledged ranges for family housing. >> yes, and after reading the contract it's a comprehensive way of dealing with this work, so i appreciate all the work that is actually put into doing
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this. any other commissioners, i would like to open up for the public to provide any comments on this particular item 12 a. >> speaker: hello again. so i my concern, you know, i like the program, but my concern is for you have been families from that is been on the homeless coalition, justice committee for 14 years that i've been involved. and then also people, families that have come in to our office that have used this program but they're not equipped for that program. so i like, you know, they can keep the program going but make sure like, put in a person in the housing you have children and this person may work at
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mcdonalds or somewhere where they're not making enough money. i would like to see that program focus more on people that can afford those type of rents. and save those families to get into something like if they lose their job or if they kid get sick or some accident happen where they can go by their income. i've seen people use that program and be housed for two years and they end up homeless again. i just refer that when there are people, mine monitoring this program that they monitor correctly. >> thank you, thank you, yes. >> speaker: good morning, hope, i just wanted to thank you for this consideration of this continuation, we have administrative growing pains growing across compass, we took a lot of new programs under
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proposition c but i wanted to flag the strong partnership that we have with cricket. and to the prior speaker's point, we are seeing higher and higher a queuity twaen families and often 18 months and two years is not enough time. this is pretty inter indicate thed intervention, we iterate with it with our partners and we have asked for all 25 million of the unspent proposition housing dollars to go towards families for five years subsidy so they can fully stabilize. and at present only 20 million is being spent. i encourage this group to think about the high accuity families that are turning through this intervention who nyed five years and in turn spend all 25 million on those mid-year subsidies and we thank our partners for bringing that online at all. and we hope that we can spend the entire pot there. and also i'm here if somebody
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has not gotten a call back from compass. thanks. >> thank you. any other members of the public wishing to make comment? sir, would you like to make a comment? okay, please come to the mic. >> speaker: hi. so my name is miguel carrera. so, el pueblo always calling me, they people always calling me. i'm sorry, so first, before i do any statement, i want to ask first question, early -- ~>> excuse me, direct the questions to me. >> speaker: okay, the whole committee, so early you was asking, you was presenting saying so you guys do more than
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1,000 assessments. my question for you, is from this morning 11,000 assessments you was do last month, how many people went to permanent housing? how many people went to sherlt and how many people staying outside on the streets? i believe when people do assessments, they don't go directly to shelters or housing, they need a process. i would like to know these numbers, how many numbers? number 1. my other question in this, and this presentation is, is about, we have so many families from the shelters that going away from our and the mission. every single night. we have more than 100 150, 20
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families and they waiting list for getting a voucher for a hotel. and these families, where are they sleeping? we don't know. we know, they sleeping on the streets, they're sleeping where ever they can. we need these vouchers to move in these families to a place that they can rest in and children sleep in and go to school. so it's really really important for us. so the other part i want to mention to you the committee is about, the 20, the 25 millions. the 5 million, you want to pick it up from the 5 million. tt okay, if you want a subsidy, it's great, i really appreciate but it's not enough. and i want to say, it's not enough, because we have families who is name longer time to be stable. >> thank you, sir. thank you.
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>> speaker: i'm finishing. and the last part, i want to mention, and you guys, is i really want to asking if we can try to working together and putting together this budget and making sure all this monies is going directly to the families, because you know, we still in the cold weather. >> thank you. thank you, sir. >> speaker: and it's hot. it's difficult for the families and childrens, you need your support guys. thank you so much. >> thank you, vice chair. >> miguel i want to con gratd late of retiring after 30 years with coalition and homelessness and i hope some people can join me in giving you a round of applause. [applause] thank you, so much. i really appreciate you, i am so grateful to working with you to making sure we end the homelessness and lead the families and children. so yes, every one is invited to
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the 30 year and i continue to working and i want to seeing you always right here, speaking for the people for the families and children. >> thank you. >> [applause] >> hi good morning, my name is monica, ummmm a director of housing for homeless prenatal program. and i want to speak of the 20,000 that allocate fromed prop c when we know that it was 25. and the bottom line is that we need the 25, the 25 number, you know, it's great that they extended it to five years, but right now one of my programs is rapid housing is it's only a two-year subsidy. and i'm going to be clear, you're asking people to double their salary in two years, i
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have not been able to double my salary in ten years, it puts people in a position that they were. majority of people who are homeless, experience trauma. so when they first get into trauma, the situation, it takes time to solve. sxl sometimes that may take 8 months to a year to really get grounded with the correction of your children being in a stable place. and then you only have another year to try to, to raise your income and it's just not possible and then these people lose their housing and they right back on the street. so giving us the 20 million, instead of the 25, really puts a damper on how many families that can he can house. so i'm just asking, that they look at the budget and look at the fact that we need that money for families. i see it on a daily basis, because i deal with these families, personally. >> thank you. thank you.
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just in the interest of time, i know we have one of our commissioners will be leaving and we will not be able to vote for the contracts. excuse me, excuse me, you were provided public comment as the opportunity for you to provide general public comment, and we'll let you do that at that time, thank you. we'll let you provide general public comment at another time. >> speaker: okay. >> thank you. in a few minutes. vice chair, dufty, we're ready to vote. >> i'll move approve. >> second. >> there is a motion to approve 12-a on our request review to enter into a new contract with compass family service sxz we're ready to call the vote. >> aye. >> vice chair. >> aye.
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>> commissioner albright. >> aye. >> commission evans. >> aye. >> motion passes. >> this action item has been approved we'll move to 12b. >> good morning, my name is elizabeth i'm the manager of the housing program team at hsh and i'm excited to present for approval a new agreement with cardea health for psh for 2.9 million for two month pilot period. this is funded through the incentive program state funding that is granted to the city and county of san francisco through the manage care plans. this new agreement will filet gap in the continuum of services across our system, often with cooccuring behavioral health needs or active substance use. cardia health will provide cin
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cal care to 40 to 60 residents of the community permanent supportive housing site. this includes nursing which can be up to 24 hours based on needs and personal care and medical case management. will also serve other resident wz other medical or personal care needs in the building and cardia health will coordinate with onsite health services provided to the corporation that provide housing case management and community engagement to all residents in the building. overtime, in the ramp up of the pilot cardia will begin to bill for medical services to en roll in medical waiver programs such as the home and community alternative waivers. which fund service to see support people who would otherwise be referred to assisted or skilled nursing. after the pilot period the
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services will be sustained through medical and this and other waiver programs. cardia health is a licensed home healthcare agency with years of experience providing services in partnership with alameda and at the oak dale in oakland which director mcspaeeden referred to earlier. we're excite today bring this level of service to san francisco to assist people who would otherwise, likely have long host stays or referral to skilled nursing facilities. i will enter my presentation here to keep it brief and. >> how many wish to make comment on this item by the show of hands. any remote callers who wish to
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make comment? >> there are no callers in the queue, chair. >> commissioners? >> move the item. >> yeah, i don't have any questions on this one. >> okay, it's been moved and second. >> second. >> moved and properly second to approve 12b this contract for cardia health. let's call the volume. >> chair butler. >> aye. >> dufty. >> aye. >> commissioner albright. >> aye. >> commissioner evans. >> aye. >> motion passed. >> all right, so we'll move to the nominations as the floor is open to commissioner evans nomination committee report. >> i'm going to keep my rema,z very brief, we have a candidate before you today, margaret for seat 11, our commission believes the candidate buff meets the criteria for the commission and we thank you for confirm this candidate.
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>> thank you and in the interest of time, we would like to vote and they can certainly, we want to make sure that members of the westbound wish to speak highly of this candidate can do so but we do need to vote. >> yes. >> so, i trust the nomination committee and we're ready to vote for you and after our vote, we're happy to hear from you. >> i move. >> second. >> it's been moved and properly second for margaret mcnolte to be part of? >> seat 11 >> seat 11, congratulations. let's call the vote. >> need public comment. >> you do need public comment. >> membersed public who make comment may do so now. >> seeing none. >> no callers. >> let's call the vote. >> aye. >> aye.
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>> aye. >> commissioner evans. >> aye. >> motion pass. >> motion pass. congratulations and we would love to hear about you, so please. >> do you want to give a little introduction on your background? >> well i'm margaret mcnolte, i was saved by these programs, i was homeless for a while and now i'm in permanent supportive housing. and i'm the president of the tenant association there and my third term and also the prft ccsd which is city wide council for seniors and disabled. so being present of ccsd, that is actually a little dysfunctional and i wanted to put to this board that we have a proposal out to have an oversight board on top of them because they're getting the money from participation funds and rad it's not being used properly. and that's me asking for a boss over the program. i have a proposal that is
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floating around city hall and i love you to look at it and review. and i'm really glad to be part of this, council because you're doing such good work and i appreciate all the work that you do. >> thank you, commissioners. >> thank you for your willingness to serve. >> yes, thank you so much. emily, can i ask is that possible that you or somebody else on staff ms. talk to miss mcnolte and see what we may be do to help with that. thank you so much for that willingness. >> thank you, congratulations once more. and have any comments? >> can we have the presentation. >> i believe we can have the discussion item presented. >> yes. >> katie. >> yes. >> so at this point, there is not a quorum for the meeting.
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so the meeting the official meeting will have to end but you can continue as a discussion including discussing any of the items that were on the agenda, any discussion would not be included in the minutes. and the you would not be able to take any action on any action items furthermore since the meeting has ended, as a result of lack of quorum. i will not be in attendance, i'm going to pack up and leave. but otherwise. >> thank you, adam. >> but otherwise, you may have a discussion on anything that the remaining commissioners would like to discuss about. >> so i just, point of clarification, i see from the audience holding up their hand, do we include public comment in
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the minutes or not? >> it would not be considered part of the official minutes of the meeting because the meeting is has ended. and you can continue the official public comment to the next meeting, but that does not mean that the speaker cannot address the commissioners on an item that the speakers would like to discuss. >> okay, so future public comment will move to future meeting but we'll still be able to have public comment today. >> okay, so just for the clarification, just one second. just wanted to make sure that we're all on the same page. our meeting has ended because we don't have a quorum for commissioners. >> speaker: so i cannot comment. >> just a second, i'm explaining where we are now in the meeting. our meeting has ended officially because we don't have a quorum. however, we will continue with our agenda, the minutes will
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not be reflected, your comments will not be reflected on our minutes, moving forward. but we will have a conversation, does that make sense to every one? do i need to clarify anything else? adjournment. >> all right. >> yes, the remaining commissioners can have a discussi
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watching. >> ever wonder about programs the city is working on to make san francisco the best place to live and work we bring shine won
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our city department and the people making them happy what happened next sf oh, san francisco known for it's looks at and history and beauty this place arts has it all but it's city government is pretty unique in fact, san francisco city departments are filled with truly initiative programming that turns this way our goal is to create programs that are easily digestable and easy to follow so that our resident can participate in healing the planet with the new take dial initiative they're getting close to zero waste we 2020 and today
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san francisco is diverting land filled and while those numbers are imperfect not enough. >> we're sending over 4 hundred thousand tons of waste to the landfill and over the 4 hundred tons 10 thousands are textile and unwanted listen ones doesn't have to be find in the trash. >> i could has are the ones creating the partnerships with the rail kwloth stores putting an in store collection box near the checks stand so customers can bring their used clothes to the store and deposit off. >> textile will be accessible in buildings thought the city
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and we have goodwill a grant for them to design a textile box especially for families. >> goodwill the well-known store has been making great strides. >> we grateful to give the items to goodwill it comes from us selling those items in our stores with you that process helps to divert things it from local landfills if the san francisco area. >> and the textile box will take it one step further helping 1230 get to zero waste. >> it brings the donation opportunity to the donor making that as convenient as possible it is one of the solutions to make sure we're capturing all the value in the textiles. >> with the help of good will
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and other businesses san francisco will eliminate 39 millions tons of landfill next year and 70 is confident our acts can and will make a great difference. >> we believe that government matters and cities matter what we side in san francisco, california serve as a model phenomenal in our the rest of the country by the world. >> whether you do not to goodwill those unwanted text told us or are sufficient value and the greater community will benefit. >> thanks to sf environment san francisco has over one hundred drop off locations visit recycle damn and thanks for watching join us
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>> there's a new holiday shopping tradition, and shop and dine in the 49 is inviting everyone to join and buy black friday. now more than ever, ever dollar that you spend locally supports small businesses and helps entrepreneurs and the community to thrive. this holiday season and year-round, make your dollar matter and buy black.
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>> all right, good afternoon, every one, thank you for your patience, welcome to the san francisco housing authority commission meeting for special commission meeting for today, monday, april first. can we call roll please. >> clerk: president joaquin torres. >> present. >> commissioner lindo. >> present. >> commissioner kim. >> present. >> commissioner pikes. >> present. >> [reading