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tv   Entertainment Commission  SFGTV  April 12, 2024 5:00am-8:01am PDT

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on i'm bleiman we will start with announcements. >> lands acknowledgment. [ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgment] >> this meeting is in hybrid format in person in city hall,
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broadcast live on sfgovtv and available on zoom or listen by calling. using id83482512493. >> we welcome the public participation during public comment. there will be an upon opportunity for general public comment in the begin and an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. for each comment it is limited to 3 minutes. >> those remotely the commission will hear 20 minutes total for each agenda item. >> because of the time limit it is possible not every personville an opportunity to provide remote public comment. from people received accommendation due to disability will not count territory the limit. why public comment in person and remote by video or call in.
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for each item public comment first from in person and then the meeting remote leechlt for those in person, fill out a speaker card at the side table or podium. come during public commentful state your name and affiliations and your comment. you will have 3 millions. hand your speaker card to the commission staff. if using zoom to speak, select the raised hand option. if calling by phone dial star 9 when your item come up >> call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down television or roof if you are viewing mute before speak during public comment. while we recommend you use zoom or phone for public comment you misubmit a written comment throughout chat on zoom. note that americans and staff are not allowed to responds
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during public comment. thank you sfgovtv and media service for shareing meeting with the public. >> president bleiman. >> here >> commissioner davis. >> here. >> commissioner perez. >> here >> commissioner slander. >> here. and vice president wong is excused >> open for general public comment for any comment from the public on any item not on tonight's agenda. general public comment is open. no public comment yoch close public comment and moving along we will do the approval of the minutes for march 19, 2024. is there public comment on the minutes? >> no public comment >> close public comment and are
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there motions? move approval of the minutes. >> second. >> president bleiman. >> aye >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner per evidence. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> ayey. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye >> >> thank you, president, good evening, commissioners happy tuesday. april second? i have very little to report this evening to reminds you that our summit is coming on april 29. that is just a few weeks away at this point, we are excited. anybody who is tune nothing this evening we would love for to you attend. all of the information about the summit has been posted on our website. and has been pushed out through our social media channels. beyond that, it was not
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agendized on this evening's agenda this is new information, but we received an appeal for a commission decision at the commission meeting for palm house perimism and this was submitted by an attorney representing a neighbor who attendsd that evening. so, we are expecting their brief by thursday of this week. which provides deputy director and i until i believe wednesday of next week to submit our response. and then we will be presenting at board of appeals on april 17th. i believe. >> it is expedited appeal's process. i will keep you aware of results of this. most likely at the first may hearing i'm happy to share something via e mail prior. >> do you have questions, let me know. >> >> is there public comment on the executive director's report?
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>> no public comment. >> all right. close public comment and move on to number 5. report from the senior inspector. >> deputy director. >> who is -- [laughter]. good evening. commissioners received 27, 311 complaints since march 19. i have one update for you let me finish you have questions about the report. >> the update for you about the brickston from our last hearing senior inspectors provide an update about it located at 2140 union street. and hold an llp permit entertainment ends by 11 p.m. they got a 500 dollar citation for operating at 12. . 20 and tonight is for the same reason. they hosted at 11.
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. 30 on friday and a half 29th. the last visit the front door was open and exceeding allowable sound limp another 5 huh human citation was issued. during the last visit on friday they spoke with an owner aware of the permit violations only took action to close the front door. instead he acknowledged the violations and said he was aware they may receive a citation and it was a risk he was willing to take this is the second permit violation since march 10 and if another before june 8 we will have to suspend again for 15 days. the staff recommendation is for the commission to request the applicant attends may 7 hear to discuss enforcement history and potential permit recongress. let me know if you have questions and that is your decision to make.
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questions? i do have a question procedural in the past we have not voted on requests to bring people in sometimeless we have. >> we change third degree item so it is discussion and possible action you could vote to take an action. >> we can entertain motions we have them after public comment if there is no question sns right. public comment on the senior inspector/deputy director's report? >> close public comment. do we have a motion? move to have them come to the hashing on may 7. >> did i say that right? >> second.
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>> to be clear have brickston come. >> yes. president bleiman. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> and commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> all right. moving on -- we are on item 6. which i'm excited about tonight this . is one of our favorite topics brought by our favorite people. mr. ben van hutton update us on agenda item 6 updated on night life business assistance. yea. >> [laughter]. >> thank you. president and good evening commissioners. from economic workforce development with a short frontation on projects and happy
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to answer questions. >> a number of night life bills we have been tracking are proceeding through committee hearings. db969, senator wiener's bill on entertainment zones an idea adopted in law last year that bill cleared the first committee at senate governmentment organizational committee and moving through the process. background there, sgrament zones the idea the city and county can designate areas where bars and restaurants allowed to serve to go beverages for common public spaces with a permitted special event. sb969 expand that concept beyond san francisco to the rest of the state. it is is currently only san francisco and would remove the
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special event requirements provide flexibility. >> ab1775 from member hene was at committee today. i believe cleard that vote. that is the shorthand is cannabis calfys but really it is expanding the ability of cannabis dispense easier to offer food and beverage that is not prepackaged and to able to offer ticketed live entertainment. which is exciting possibility to increase number of paid performance opportunity for entertainers that is moving forward that is a follow up fwoil a similar effort that was vetoed last year. i know the member's office is continuing dialogue on that veto and next steps there finally, ab2359 would expand the san francisco neighborhood liquor
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license program type 87 license limited to businesses in certain census track in outer neighborhoods. currently, there are 30 of these license available across 7 commercial corridor in san francisco this bill would increase the 99 licenses available by 5 licenseness each the bayview corridors have received their 5 type 87 license. they are business owners and entrepreneurs in the corridors can't participate in the program of wanted to energy piece of legislation abc sent communication about. that there is a new state law that requires bar owners to make drink testing divice like strips to test available to the public this starts july 1. bar owners will have to have
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these testing strips available. to the public. they can be sold to patrons or begin away for free and businesses have to post signage with specific language about the availability of test kits. encouraging business owners to check out the communications and that on the abc website and i know we should do everything we can to educate folk busy compliance with this new requirement. i noted here that currently this is a 2-1/2 year project before it sun sets january first. obviously, you know legislation passod short term extend before am something we want to make sure that type 48 licenses are aware of. >> wanted to offer a few thoughts on projects we are working on. that without a ton of detail but
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hope to have more information about a number of these by the time at summit if not at the summit. continuing to have conversations with stake holders how to develop entertainment zones. what the state law requires. unpack how the state law works with local processes and what local mechanisms require to create entertainment zones. hope to have more forow that soon. also continuing to electric at economic recovery downtown. hao how we center night life and entertainment in our economic recovery. continuing to work on addressing intament venue curb needs working with stay stay on making stream lined and cost effective and process effective for entertainment venues to access the curb when they need to get
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no parking during live permits. finally, we'll have more information for you later this month on the live campaign our live music performance series and out door parks and mrazace by san francisco venue there is are great concerts i can't talk about yet. but will soon. >> a final note here, the city of sacramento announced entertainment permit reform and both myself and staff provided feedback to sacramento city staff and consult analysises working for the city looking at permit reform. will the city council last week rrmedded a new limited entertainment permit for restaurants and businesses. and if that sounds similar to the live permit it is because it
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was modeled off of it. really just a wanted to acknowledge the work that san francisco is doing that is adopted elsewhere. with that, happy to answer any questions. thank you. >> how much will those strips be for the bars? >> you know good question. and we should you can get 100 for 90 buckos amazon now. abc guidance has very technical language that is beyond my understanding of the science about they don't need to test for one of a number but not all of them. there sensional work to do on that. thank you. >> might be great if we could do
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research and identify a handful that meet all the criteria and let do that work for our venues of -- sounds like you have done what, but figuring out what would meet the criteria? and letting people know make it easier on venues to purchase them etch >> it is not restaurants. it is type 48s and 90. >> no just the 48. >> around 300ish, 350 businesses. >> i read. why how many of them are also permit holdsers. >> we would have to >> we have dhan research before that is we can, yea. >> it is a. >> a chunk. >> technical but -- just if that is something that is possible for us to do. or for staff to do to make that
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information available as part of education for you know -- easier. >> we don't want to get the businesses pick which products, however, i'm agreeing with you, i read that the false positive rates are like in the 40 and 50%. they are as much as a coin flip whether or not it is positive or not. we should may be look into that. may be notice by night. >> yea. how much is the abc partnering with the policies? may be this is like -- jumping ahead but little concerned about liable issues toward the bar fist there was a false positive or negative. i know we don't have the answer now, i like ton if they are creating this policy what -- information. >> there may be liable
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protections written in the state law and even though this touch what is i do for work it was not in my set of bills i was following left year. i can try to see what i can figure out. >> i suspect there are certain liable carve outs but don't want to go further. we will circle back. these are the great and right questions we have a few months figure out observe compliance kicks in. >> i'm happy to help if i can or at least figure out how to start approaching it. >> that would be great. >> thank you. if we do a role play a psa and need somebody to spike somebody's drink i will be the actor. second harm reduction video. >> i want to be in every harm
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reduction video the city produce. >> okay. >> deal. all right. anything further. questions? thank you. okay. public comment on the report? no public comment. >> moving on we can go to 7, a report on survey findings from our own dill ain't rice who has a new title, can you remind me? >> project and and communication manager. >> yes. . >>
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>> good evening. are you red for data. i am. >> tonight i'm going to report on key findings from the survey of entertainment and night life businesses. first over the back fwrountd and purpose of the survey. the annual survey businesses to measure financial and social impacts of the pandemic on the industry and what is needed in terms of long-term recovery. this makes the fourth survey at the beginning of the pandemic the purpose items to understand the financial and social impacts on the industry. to identify the needs and challenges and opportunity tw years after reonlying. inform the ec and the city's strategies to support the recovery of the industry. this was 8 week survey period.
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november and january had 110 respondents compared to within 34 last year they were unanimous and sent this out in the news letter to permit e mail list and social media. >> we divide the questions to cover the areas to help us understand one, industry profile and background. which are impacted reachingly the right people? where are they locate snd how do they identify in terms of racial identity. we look at business impact it is. we have been reopened for 2 years how are they fairing financial and operationally. whatever their challenges. >> how well supported are the businesses in terms of customer sxefshs their priorities as an industry. what do they want the city to do to recover the industry.
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skwoo keep amed know which sector worked in. we asked this question every year, bark live music and restaurant. our bibbing and mortar were the largest in the sample of we asked them to check all that apply simultaneous have over lapping business types. >> where are they located? in terms where entertainment is concentrated the list of might have common zip codes reflects that so many ahaze and tenderloin the highest number. part of the effort to understand the social make update communities we serve and improve access to under served upon communities we ask the businesses to self identify in background and identity. a plurality of businesses minority owned 51% and then
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women owned and business could check more than one category. >> we asked about their businesses racial and ethnic background. table you see here shows all of the categories a business could collect. be clear that the person,ed chose more than worn category for themselves or mum pull partners. out of the upon norn sponses, 48% were businesses that commolest low or partial low identified by pock. 27% bipoc and 3 aren't, white identified. >> in terms of gender identity. we learned 10% identify as transgender. or nonconforming.
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now get in business impacts. to measure we started asking them about financial out look over all. 70% said they could operate beyond 6 montes and 19% operate between 3 and 6 months. two business in thes survey said they have gone out of business. this is a slight improvement from last year 79% said they
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could operate beyond 6 months and 17% 6 months or less. in the 1-6 mont range. 57% said they were or partially bipoc identified. and two business in that range were white identified. >> we asked to rate concern business needing to close. numbers here tell us 44% gave 3 or lower with 25% giving a rating of one least amount concern. >> on the other hand, in the other end, 24% still had a high amount of concern a rating of 8 and 10. why compared to 22 survey this was improve am of 11% in one to 3 range and 4% in 8 to 10 range >> we saw what in the 8-10
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range. 54% bibox completely. take away here despite the numbers showing improve am. there is significant number concerned they will need to close in the long-term. >> theically inld indicators was loss of income in the 23 survey we asked them to describe sales. blue embarrass show that 22 in green show the 23 responses you look at that. my take away more business in 23 were seeing revenued plateau or decrease. comparing to 2019. most businesses other than nom not back to prepandemic level in 23 and 22. most said sales are still down
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in 2382% said sales were down 30% or more. the haerjts evermarriage are not become to where they need to be revenues. >> we have businesses how they felt meeting goals. more than 47% were pessimistic. 25% opt mik mystic and the rest neutral. >> look at staffing as inspirational stability. compared to staff nothing 2019 responding to the 23 survey. there was a median number of 4ft e's in 2018. when we asked if they dealt with short ams.
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35%. oh , next slide. when asked if they were dealing with staffing shortages. 89% yes in 22 there may be a 35% imare provement in staffingly mrefls since twoochl businesses are not become to precan temic levels. why attendance with financial and social impacts the majority attendanceys down compared to 2019. more than half in 23. so they are down not guilty 20-50% range. >> to lookament the findings in the large are context of the city recovery. . a couple from the city and controller's office from the report yesterday. showing through march 24 from
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which december to february of the year the leisure and hospitality sector 1.8 decline in employment. the controller's office says that most of the loss due to 18 factors. >> in terms of new restaurants and bars the report found a jump in the locations since february from 99 to 147 action of 48. >> the next approximately show concerns and challenges that businesses reported across issue areas. when it come to public upon safety. 68% agree or strongly agree with the statement, the same as 22 finds pregnant. report knowledge, withtate
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ronave and property health not far behind. >> move quickly so i'm not too fast >> doing great >> street clean liness. we asked if it was an issue. 65 rsed that agree or agree with this statement a 10% increase the 22 survey had 75% saying they agreed. businesses reportingly concern the about security of want. one-two times in the last 12 montes and combines 21% experienced this issue 3-more times. >> when it came to vanld limp the numbers purpose higher. 18% other than experienced 9
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times. >> next up we have them top 3 challenges to successfullyerating their business. experience are error to the survey. they were business is slower over wall lower sales and foot fact. crime after a numbers mashthds. street and walks need improvement. the higher costs of ago business and inflation with foo's and costs. >> government bonjourock ready too much media stories. we wanted dig deep notoriety industry's concerns about rising
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costs of doing business what are the costs impack the ability to sustain operations? spanltds said city taxes and fees and were of highest rim of concern. >> customer service. how did businesses feel about our staff's responsiveness to needs or questions. most gave us high rating in this area. 70% 8 and 10 on the responsive
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or very responsive times. entertainment zones. we want to get feedback on the new zone legislation potential tool to help businesses sales and attendance. we heard 55% that agree with the statement it would help their businesses. why once neutral and 11% says disagree or strangly disagree. >> all right the home stretch. the final slides worst what businesses want from the city in terms of help and big priorities
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what the city can do to help recover the common themes were. more funds to support businesses. cloning streets. improve safety on streets and businesses. reduce crime. less red tape and permitting and rules. help the homeless population get them into housing. attract more tourists and lower fees and tax. the priorities are very stlor left year's feed wang with few added priorities promote the
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industry and lower permit fees and taxes. that's the end. thank you for your time this evening. that was a lot of data to share. thank you. here to answer questions. you will present this at the summit, toochlt correct inned no. >> okay >> this is the public format we floon share this with mead why outlets seeking information we will have one in waiting on that data for two months >> yea >> great. thank you so much, a great survey and i appreciate the depth of questions. i think. unto a large extent the entertainment community is struggling with the things that
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everyone is. it has an impact on venues that depend on foot traffic and people common law in and you know i think the concerns about crime and vandalism. and safety, generally. you know -- fiknew the answer to those problems i would run for mayor. no, i wouldn't. i guess my question is sort of like how do we has the entertainment commission provide a voice for our permit holders. a part of making progress. at the city level. is where i'm going. so. does commission staff have
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questions about how to ren cage? are there ways we should speck up within the city family or public venn news. more we could be doing to ensure the trenth and over of our. i want to be min tearial and share temperature director can speak to we have not gone there yet. this is we wanted share it in a way that is >> we have been in this world since 2021. when we sfarted working on recovery work and we are still doing that work. you heard from fwhen his present agdz. and this simple you know
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something we have to do moving forward every year now is track this information temperature does help immack our goals for the year. and helps us to relay that information on leadership. my answer was off the cuff. we will be sharing this with our city administrator.
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brings up the fact we need another retreat which i want to wait until we had all 7 commissioners. we had get something on the books for the summer or manage like that. >> yea. >> i mean, you know with my policy hat on. i want the city to be moving forward about thing that wills be effective at addressing some of these issues. and i want to make sure that as the city is having the conversations about cloner streets. . that the needs and concerns of
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the entertainment industry are incorporate in the that. you know like it is one thing for streets to be for there to be a focus during the day. if you are a business it is open at night that may look differentful how do we. >> it is how do we make sure this information is getting incorporated scombo the conversation. >> absolutely. >> i think it isity rative. in the mayor's recovery road map we worked on. there were areas of policy work moving forward. all of the parties poke to each other. >> aloment of the recommendations our team that dylan and i worked on were ints greated other policy work related clone and safer streets. and i know that it is being thought of in that way i continuing is a matter of make sure this information gets to the right people yoochl thank you.
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>> yea. >> thank you, dylan >> thank you. >> i forget every year how much i enhave as. great job >> job. gi love how you laid it out and i love that you diagonal the upon 1-1/2 speed on the pod camp very quickly. >> good data. >> it was great. i'm looking forward to, for me in the industry, no big surprises here. it is fantastic to see we all have been thinking the right way. here because and. the survey data shows that surveys and data are a great tool when we make policy temperature is a piece of research that can be used and referred to. so i'm look forward to the
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entertainment zone side. exciting so many saw promise in that. further questions. great information like coupe welltive. do you have an unanimous survey. a sense how much of the spantds are night life versus out dooren organizers? >> yes, so much we do have in slide 4 there is a step 21% identified out door event organizer. >> 21% oust 109. that as much significant. >> all right. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> dylan great job >> thank you. is there public comment on dylan's presentation?
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>> i'm here it applaud his hard work. a lot of work goes in that. it was not long ago we had to pull resources to try to get data to convince our leaders in the city how important the industry was to the city. and it is probably more important right now for the morale of the city. upper time you hear music we get bad press. sometimes and the music is going to be a thing that brings us back. i want to say this, i think all that effort and work on this survey will allow the leadership and the city to chew on something and say, we can't ignore this industry. look how many are employed. how many come to san francisco for the entertainment. this is when we are. our experience we have a history
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of music. and entertainment in san francisco. it is viable and a value to everybody. and my hats off to dylan for putting that hard work. so, great job. public comment? no more public comment. why close public comment come move on to 8. on the agenda which is hearing and possible action applications for permits under the entertainment commission. >> thanks. before we begin our agenda i like to ask the commission to vote to move item d, los yaquis to the first item. this permit holder requested interception services and they are on zoom i request they go first have you to vote. make a motion.
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>> is there a motion? soy moved. >> second? il second >> public comment on us vote to move this item. >> no public comment. close public comment >> president bleiman >> aye >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas >> aye. >> great. gill forth. >>. first permit on the regular agenda is can we make sure is arturo here. joy will bring him in now. >> he is waiting. the plannil read this and arturo will translaid and tony if you come or come up to the front? great. the first permit is for place of entertainment permit for los yaquis 324 south vaness arrest a
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traditional mexican restaurant and offering karaoke and now in compliance applying for this po e. of when they came on the radar due to a sound complaint they are in a zoning district required thome go through planning process. the owner tinldzs to install sound panels. i like him to speak to that more i'm not aware of their plan.
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once the sound panels are installed there will be a sound test on set the town limit. mission station did nohave conditions and once arturo translate this is here to speak is the manager, tony. >> we are asking arturo to speak. >> looks like he unmuted. go ahead. >> thank you. >> best of your recollection speak spanish] good evening.
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everybody. >> hello. >> okay. >> we are here to ask you for the permit. i'm sorry to be nervous i'm not used to speak nothing front of
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so many people. >> and we are here to ask for the permit i would like to clarify one thing the permit is just for friday and saturday and the rest of the days of the week are optional. it is basically friday and saturday.
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>> good evening i'm here i'm one of the. owner of the los yaquis. i'm here to make sure that everything that you require can be met. that's we can go ahead and install all of the sound barriers that you require us to and make sure that tell happen. we are willing to do whatever requests may have of us. >> questions? hello.
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thank you for coming. i have a couple of questions. thank you for looks like based on your application you did neighborhood out reach. yes. >> and you sent a letter. >> yes. did any of the neighbors you contacted contact you? you sent a letter to your neighbors did any contact you back.
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nobody. all right. in the upon event there are complaints when you are doing entertainment in the future, what is your policy to address the complaints? we are upon open to address complaints but want to address that prior to that happening. so that is when we are planning to do. >> issue you able to respond in real time when the complaint is come in?
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yes. thank you. i have no questions can you have a seat. and we will open up for public know comment. >> thank you. all right. so public comment we open up. do we have anyone here in the audience? my first time, bear with me. i'm a neighbor. i live above los yaquis for over two years. my roommates lived there for 24 years. i'm speaking for her. and can't speak for all neighbors but i want to go over
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our experience. i'm here to express concern and request for the denial. of the application. as a resident of the building i experienced the noise violations for years. why is everyone looking at each other. pause and allow him to translate. >> public comment. i'm not sure. i think it would be. >> may be. i can pause your time on it don't worry on that and give the translator. pause and go. >> perfect. >> great. >> thank you. just in general had you are being translated it helps to talk slowly but we than you got a time constraint. we will balance. >> accessible. >> du get what i got down?
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yes, i will go ahead and translate what you said.
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>> we measure today above 75db.
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3 floors boost restaurant. multiple times and filed complaint and there has been no action by the city we have begin up. no change from the owners. although i believe they have transferred ownership. still no change. and it got worse over time.
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during summer you have to keep windows open. ear plug don't do anything. bass is loud. i'm not only here concerned about myself and i know i can move i'm in a low income facility neighborhood. and i'm concerned people are not here i don't see my neighbors here they know. i think they are scared to speak up. i know i can remove myself. i don't think they can.
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which i will move out if this passes. i did hear them say that it is friday and saturday night. it is already they have been in noise violations the entire two years and to push it to 2 a.m. is absurd the amount of disrespect they know there is 80 year olds living above them. i would never let my grand mother go through this and my mother who is low income would not let her child live above this.
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i want to naengz i work in the entertainment industry. i'm a general manager of 60 employees and 15 of them are aware of the restaurant i live above. witness they found out, it has been jokes about me going home on friday and saturday. i know it is important i really enjoyed listening to the business development plan and the statistics. i live and w in that world exit don't want to say anything against a business that is trying to make money. but, the disregard is -- obscene.
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anymore comments on this item. one in the odd upon yens. helloive well in the building next door to the restaurant applying for the perimism i lived in the building for 5-6iers and applaud my neighbor for speaking up it puts in a vulnerable position. there are others in the building my buildingmented to be here but in have young -- okay. pause for translation. >> okay.
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other peopleed be here but have young children we will have several under 10 year olds and i'm plan to get pregnant i'm thinking about my building, too much and others written in by e mail. i'm speak nothing opposition for the permit. on the weekends this business was operating without regard to the permitting process and blasting amplified karaoke past 12. . 30 a.m.
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. the business have not been great neighbors years venders and custody merits blocked my driveway preventing mow from entering and late to class or work. this causes me great uncomfortableability and risk to my safety i have to come by myself in front of the restaurant and ask them to change or fix the situation. and i have been harassed by business owner. he has taunt exclude tormented mow. screamed at mow on the street cleaning the neighborhood. called me an idiot and stupid for want to keep the street clean. i need to translate.
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sorry. they were not good neighbor and did not follow the parklet building code they build the parklet learning and up passed the maximum view i could not drive out of my driveway. even after a car blew through the dining parklet you think they would good to code they did worse and drill in the the
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sdproet deposit alloy for the drain to happen during the rain. accidents should not be rewarded when operating without regard it luand operate against the city policy. the parklet was rotting the city had to take it down they did not do it themselves and they were found to be drilling in the street.
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residents of the work class block deserve good neighbors who report neighborhood we have autoshops in the street many work mull pull j.w.s to live here. i have early morning work on saturdays at a metal factory andlet because of the biohazzard from the late night drinkers or empty glass bottles or urine. the noises from the restaurant is loud. the front door is wide xoep well is you hear specific songs. no sound buffer and
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conversations with the owner i left belittled. i'm speaking up about my
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experience and don't set a precedent by allowing them to get another permit while disregarding the laws. thank you. more public comment. another one? hello i'm brendzen i lived in the building next door for 7 years. there are issues consistent low on weekends.
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>> i never complained before i did not know there was an entertainment commission until we got letter in the mail asking to install the karaoke system. i lived there 7 years. two weekends times 50 weeks i heard it 650 or 700 times. when i got the letter i replied.
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from my apartment i measured the sound inside at 85 decibels. it is so throughed causes windows to shake and usually goes on until 12-1 a.m.
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i live on the bottom there is a light well between the two buildings where sounds travels and ecose up.
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if i look down i see in the bedrooms and they don't have windows they have metal graets open all the time the sound come striet through and hits a window. in is a problem i work the city college 20 hours a week in the construction cabinetry training programs. so on the weekends i go there get up at 6. because class starts at and a the whole day long that's when people in construction can tribe get skills is the weekends.
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so, if the music does not stop until 2 a.m. i get 4 hours of slope. and i have to go in an environment where it is important like in monitor people's safety for the day i have to be alert.
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i'm a handy person i did a lot of property management around our building for the other tenants. by keeping sidewalks clean. taking trash out it is a weekly occurrence well is food or thrown down or a broken bottle or urine alzheimer on the garage door, which causes the rollers to corrode to the point we had to replace the garage door. and there are kids in our building they leave in the morning and walk under the pee dripping on them. i get up early and see fineed to hose it off and clean the space before they go to school.
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that's everything. >> thank you. good evenings i heard the
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complaintses i'm a member at los yaquis working with them for years. give or take 8 years. they are good people. and i heard of the neighbor concerns. and [inaudible]. so i work friday and saturday during karaoke hours. that is not the first time i work in a karaoke bar.
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keep are willing to work with neighbors to help them and if we need to like [inaudible] at night and our crust mers, time to g. worn thing i want to clarify we never close until two. if we get the permit we will close 1. . 30 the latest. we are concerned about their occurrence we are willing to
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work with them of this evening we have one person in zoom. michael gallagher i will bring you in. if you hear, unmute, speak slowly and take pauses for the translator. thank you. >> thank you. can you hear me. >> i can. >> thanks. i am the a neighbor owner of one of the units next door 330 south van ness. and the noise issue are very
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real and concerning others have spoken to them. i would say that -- it is encouraging that the restaurant would like to be legal and persh mitted. and comply with the rules. and i would i don't know went [inaudible]. of the entertainment commission. to somehow require a will meeting process between the neighbor and it is restaurant.
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thank you, i heard that. and you gift concern is that
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because there have been discussions in the past. without responsiveness. what -- i think if we we are optimistic, that there will be mitigation plans. i like if it is within your remit. to have us come back. after it processes that includes what we will ask for is to know the budget for theirarctivities. is it adequate or understood. and -- if the noise levels are high after the mitigation what more can be doneful
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>> thank you. i knowledge you get the jist of it has been a long time problem complaints have not really produced changes of but -- since they are -- saying that they will work with us, i don't think
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we can take sept words. if there is a process with the budget and testing. of noise levels. that could be a way forward. thank you.
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no more public comment. all right. >> close public comment. i want to i will kick it autopsy here. first, i want to talk to the neighbors who are listening. so, so you have an understanding what the entertainment commission does and is, we are created 20 years ago because the police in almost every city in the world not just the u.s., are the main mitt ~igator~ for sound issues wauz evercaused by night life in neighbors. . i have to pause.
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>> okay. thank you. so00 autopolice are very busy and have many other things going on. it would not supervisor you to learn they are not anywhere mitigating sound, why we were created. the wear we work is when you have a permit held by us, we have our own ennorsers in the needs. who are out regularly inspecting businesses based on noise done by 311.
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>> the ability to run a muck when in fact over and over and over gwen for 20 years we actually are a force that helps
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neighbors in many case. a number than i can call and have somebody respond in real time on the weekend to address issues. >> that said, i don't feel ready yet to vote this agenda item. and i believe we should ask for a continuance and the reason is that the permit holder did a job of sending out a mailer to the neighbors. but it seems they have not yet didn't out reach required which to me is finding a way we can
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facilitate with our office for them to community with one another and the issues and come up with concrete solutions before we issue the perimism i
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would like a motion we continue to a future entertainment commission hear and ask that it is as soon as we are able. in the meantime, i would ask that our office helps to connect the neighbors with the permit holdtory get more on the same page. and i agree with the caller the final caller that we should address this with a sense of optimism going forward. >> second.
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a motion and second but missing the secretary. if there is a change of ownership or they have been operating? >> this business never had a permit. >> but i'm unclear about the mention of the change of ownership. i heard that. another great reason. >> one time permit. why applied for one time permit and utilized 12 date this is year. >> okay. we are a motion and second. >> president bleiman.
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>> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. our staff will follow up with you. >> contact me. >> please, yes. and may be we can get contact information from the audience. >> she has business card fist you want to walk and up grab one. thank you to the neighbors who came up to speak your concerns.
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the next one on the regular agenda is llp permit kalw at 220 montgomery street. they participate instead city's vacant vibrant program and utilized the 60 permit during that time. you in they upon extended the lease and they are seek the llp permit to host entertainment indoors and sound at the front. the indoor programming live music. poetly. dj and musical performances. they would like to continue playing the on air content from the radio station for folk on the street pass to hear 9 a.m. to 11 am p.m. daily this is news and cultural reporting and music programming from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. the applicants conducted out reach by noticing all tenants of the 235 month gom rew and 121
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within the building at 220ful there was no opposition got a couple of sound complaints last month. senior inspector working with the business to determine the sounds levels not to cause a description to the folks working near biechl sfpd included calendaring and the director of advancement and operations john carroll. i had a presentation but in the enter of time i will forego that and hit the high points. kalw media radio is a local station in the bay area. focus on news and culture programming and the promotion of
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cultural events and music. start as a pop up pace last october. since then provide 60 events. in the scope of that the left 6 months we are bring 3,000 people in the downtown corridor. bring activators in empty store fronts. in addition to the things we mentioned provide town halls and discussions on the future of education and public transportation. journalism, housing. climate anxiety and the upon homelessness. phil screening and poetry readings. live broadcasts. one issue is for the out door in the online programming we do the broadcast would be 9-5. is our on air programming. if we do events from in the
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evening from sick-10, that would be when we broadcasting from the outside so people understand what is going on inside. we upon general low don't turn our live stream on after 6 p.m. asked to extend the lease we got a lease. potential low longer >> i'm applying for the llp and desire to etch community engagement and events. during the time that we have been operating the 6 events received 3 complaints. over the space of that time. each time addressed with the complaintant in real time. if we are there. and made the complaint.
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we try to be responsible and bring people downtown and create enjoy am for the space and i provided to the city there are comments about experience of programming from resident and businesses and teachers. wars downtown talk about the activation of the space and a way to see this area of downtown which is hip during the pandemic come alive to bring people off the street and garth in a way consistent with providing entertainment and cultural events for the city. if you have questions i'm happy to intan them at the momentful >> are you in the milless building? >> we're next door.
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questions? um -- hi. thank you. what type of payments? or broadcast the existing programming or something else? >> what we do is during the day you think like the today show in new york or like the chicago when you are on the street and walk past the business you hear what is on air.
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is there public comment. one on zoom? mir a will let you in now. unmute yourself and state your name and you have 3 minutes. thank you for the opportunity to giving mow the opportunity to speak. we are on montgomery street i
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don't think it was ever really that hip even -- 15-20 years ago. head out to north beach and it is a different story. in this area it is part of the financial district. i want to say that i like to voice my opposition the location of the event center is in the heart of the financial district. i have no opposition i'm opposed to the sounds on the street. my office is cross the street. and i hear clearly all of their event in my office where my team and i work during the day and in the evening. they broadcast entertainment talking, but they have a lot of yelling, drunk circles obscure
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music. and the noise that broadcasts on the street interferes with the functioning of my business. i would like to say that the sound is different from normal traffic noise. thank you. no more public comment. why we close public comment. conversation.
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i'm curious to the staff out door speakers have they been operating underwented our sound lim >> yes under the 60 day llp permit extended for additional 60 days 120 total. they were permitted the volume not to exceed 50 feet. they were working about the sound there was a parking situation that required inspectors to leave before things were finalized they were plan to go back the limit is not on the application. i do think that recommendation will be 25 feet.
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this is a temporary lease agreement, per mrnlg department i would like to read this in the record near staff recommendation number 6. llp permit would expire with thet ua on july 24 of 2025. to remain at the ground floor per section 210.2. >> notions? i move approval with staff recommendation including 6 which was read in the record. aye >> commissioner davis >> aye yoochl commissioner
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perez. why aye >> commissioner schlander. aye. >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> congratulations you have been approved. i have herrington on or abouted the corner. move on to the next -- item. >> the next item on the regular agenda. i meant permit. you already started talking we got in this awkward situation. you in in this awkward metropolitan. i will be. >> it is getting better. why apology accepted the next permit is place of intament change in ownership for deco dance on 1160 folk street this was continued the applicant
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could connect neighborhood out roach. the application is ownership change the new owner maintaining all staff. security and entertainment programming. the new owner issue shall adhere to planning motion 1 hicks hicks 97 entertainment between 8 p.m. to one:30 a.m. daily the owner sent letters to commercial niches letting them know about the ownership change and in advanced redid the out reach for neighbors across the street. 4 letters of opposition all included in your file temperature is important this there is an active permit 1160 poke street with the primary form of entertainment live dj. it is in the an expansion of entertainment in any way i conhave aed to the neighbor it is concerned. in response to opposition the owner locked the window about the front door staff would open
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and installed sound curtains. visited on march 29 and i st. john's measurement showed the business prit nothing compliance with sound and noted the front door was close exclude owner installed the sound curtains. sfpd no added continues here is the new owner, dennis leary. here we are. i owned the bar for less then and there two months and a steep learning curve. there has been neighborhood
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everneighborhood opposition. i tried to be proactive to mitigate the sound bleeding from the space there is possibly more i need to do the sound levels have been compliant and in response to complaints, i have instructed staff to be proactive in controlling the sound it give you a description of the layout. there is a sound monitor on the wall opposite and in the bar area well is a volume control for the dj booth. my staff they feel they are playing loud can turn the sound downful i'm trying to run the separation respectful low. i don't want to be a bad actor in this. i the sound curtain is hideous
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it needs a hem i will w on that. it is a nice space there is reverberation. questions. forgot about the picture it is. >> do we have to share? that's it. >> that is the bar. this is the dj booth and the dance floor. a shot and the same that is banket looking back. it is -- forefront of the picture is poke street. these other windows on poke street side i have a sound kurt an picture in another e mail it
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is not there i can follow up if you want to see it. i have sound panels. if -- there is bleed. closing the window that should solve the problem. hi. good evening. thank you for coming. you are owner for two months >> a little less. >> thank you for your support to the night life and san francisco. >> thank you. >> you say you did community out reach >> yes. >> and i see that on your packet you may be -- listed a lot of businesses did you get a chance to roach out to the neighbors. >> and i did not dot best job of the mailing i went peculiar
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and hand delivered letters for that. to my neighbors it is a large coincideo development. i stuffed every mailbox. did anybody respond. i have been in diawilling with a neighbor. 2 one i met the president of the condo association i met him in the lobby. another i e mailed with and poke to on the phone >> what other concerns than i might have? >> i think it was -- guarded optimism we can work this oust. they understand i have i business to run. i'm working with them so we are both malt happy. is it dj or live. why a mix of live and dj's. i say it is pretty set pattern
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on thursday. fridays i have local dj's. saturday one and sunday i have lettin theme. has resident dj's and artists j. and someone on staff who manages the board. why i do. you can have a seat. >> thank you. >> is there public comment on this item? >> this permit. keep doing that. [laughter]. no public comment. close comment. do we have a motion? or conversations? motion to approve. with staff recommendations. >> second. >> president bleiman. >> aye >> commissioner davis. aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander.
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>> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. congratulations, approved. we will be in touch. >> movingly along. >> the next permit tonight is jam to bam llp includes rbi door entertainment and out door and sound for mr. digby's on 1199 church. a restaurant in the noe valley and seek llp to host indoor entertainment and out door program progress. indoor conviv of live music and shows. and outside they plan to have entertainment in their parklet and tables and chair permitted by dpw consisting of the dj's and music from fixed speakers along the business the same programming they had under the jam permit. the reason on the regular agenda
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they seek to expand the hours of programming under the permit like out door entertainment five to 10 p.m. and would not exceed 6 hours per day and like to host outside sound daily between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. set an internal sound limit and staff recommend to keep the same conditions from jam permit in the staff recommendation. the owner conduct out reach letting the commercial neighbors know about the permit application and one letter of opposition today. or left night and included in your file long with two letters of support that came in since writing this and are in the file. here to speak is the owner mike mc calvary.
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my wife and i opened mr. digby's in april of 21. we will celebrate our arn verse rew on saturday. we are a neighborhood, casual, comfortable strunlt and it is our intention to allow this permit to enhance thez things. we don't change when we have done. just adding to it. a bit in order to enhance when we do to benefit our guests with neighbors. we should i want to be brief. it is important ton when we will do and what we not dochlt the reason is for the out door amplified sound we want to play music comfortable level to provide ambience for people dine with us.
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i have safe guards to control the volume am 25% of the of level this is we measured. and background noise to be a good experience. i want to move away the jam permits were discorrespond an option to do other types of events. having a small band. local musicians expressing interests in performing at the restaurant. a way to provide great ambience during service. we had -- like we have done pride events that have been hits and people have asking us to bring those back. having the ability to do this
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more with a permit. >> other events or special events wes got asks for in the past we have not engaged with but wanted to. people who had their first date at mr. dig bowles and asking you to have engage am party or rehearsal din are at the restaurant. we have a ton of schools and kids in the neighborhood. pt a's reach out to have meet and groats for auctions. being able to serve them. have a mike row phone. i think would enhance our neighborhood. the things we will not do is turn nothing a concert venue. we will not sell tickets. will not have lines out the door. the primary role of the business is to be a restaurant. and will remain a restaurant and entertainment we choose to
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provide will only be to enhandles the experience of dining in the restaurant. the other thing we not do are late night events noevilley is a slopey tunnel we tried to stay open late when we first open exclude it was not good business we have people in the building past 11 and river low keep the kitchen open until 10. if there are concerns the letter we received yesterday, i, too, am a neighbor of the restaurant i received my out reach letter. i'm within the proximity. my wife and i have a 4 year old and 1 and a half year old and need them to sleep. so, the person everpurposes is to remain doing when we are doing. we are going to enhance it with
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fun options and thingings the neighborhoods will enjoy and thank you all for your time of >> questions. >> yes. >> what on the second floor of mr. digby's. >> one, 4 bedroom. and in the behalf we are deal width jam permits i don't think it was required we reached out it neighbors with the flyer of giving them notice of the event and will continue to regardless of it required or not. i spend time across the street
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my daughter goes to karate. why they will correct you >> my 4 year old did not left long >> had is like the tight intersection and well is like it is heard to take a left. my question is based on if there are -- i think crowds is an exaggeration. parties you might host. are there thoughts how to mitt gift what with the time upon? >> of course. the things the type of entertainment we can have is impact it could have on sidewalk traffic. we are not going to have a big band with a big stage. we are aware of the requirements for sidewalk access. on we have -- we are thinking we'll have to sacrifice a table.
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there is a section no, sir the restaurant decibel checking was done. we would have to sacrifice tables. you know it is mow making an investment in the guest experience and you know upon paying for intament and losing revenue from a table to provide something entertaining and fun you have many safe guards can you share some with us? >> yea. i have a young staff that likes
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loud music at times. we had yelp reviews about the level of the music. most low inside. we have our av system the master volume switch. that volume is 6% of the capacity. i have knobs that control -- speakers for our bar portions. another dining area and all the out door speakers. i control all of those. they have piece of tape that is the max level set.
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i get there is only so much can i do. our system in place are good. >> thank you. >> can you have a seat. >> thank you. >> is there public comment on this item? >> permit. no believe comment on the permit. why close public comment. motions? i move approval with staff recommendations. >> second. >> okay. president bleiman. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander.
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>> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> all right. get approved. thank you very much. moving along. the next is llp from mosconi center host rbi door entertainment and condition amplified sound programming. mosconi center operating underwented extend within time event permit now formal like to host indoor from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. and out door between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. not exceed 8 hours per day. includes live music am art performance and poetry at entry and exits. reason they like the program to begin at 7 a.m. many conferences start early in the morning and they like to have it for arriving guests the applicant distributed 50 letters around
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camp us and no opposition. the out reach and a map that out lines the area in the file tonight. thank you. you shared yesterday. >> i pull it up. yes that is correct would be -- i can forward it. good evening am how are you i'm
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ryan coat i work with skroengz for san francisco. permit per indoor and out door at the mos sceney center. a year ago we added surprise to the streets around the center. it has been well received. had a few yours we program come included in the ask.
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music, dj, bands and different
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entertainment and extend that to the out door areas they will be the patio skrounding the center one outside of the visitor information center. one fourth and minna and sometimes the entrances howard street the north and south side. people working with nonprofits in the community to add the musical performances to the conference experience, ratifying. and again it is something we budgeted for and 3-4 days and major conventions coming to san francisco. i made a map of the out reach. 50 written letters from our director for various homes and the businesses in the area. we also put on mosconi website
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it is visible on the sxaj our neighborhood category. i had one phone call asking if woad have food trucks my answer was, no. everyone is excited to more h.e.a.r.t we will add music and continueing program in the future. i have a few pictures of -- some of the local performance that we had. the various sights. the pat scombroes stair wells. sometimes it happens at seven. . authority in the morning. than i don't go late or start too early material is mellow. 2-4 we had 6 performers. it is street performance as people arrive the center.
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questions? >> i thank you is a staff question. the mosconi center have poe firefighter conference. that would cover indoor programming as well. >> they have not had one before in. despite putting on conferences that include entertainment for decades? >> we could have a discussion about bring old businesses especially those that are managed by the city in compliance. >> sure. >> that makes sense. and mos sceney does not have residential neighbors. but -- i think if they are one of the place people come to san
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francisco. to you know experience that. >> yea. that is surprising. and this is just for between howard and third and fourth and behind mos sceney on the south. the management company we hired and manages and operates in our campus and you hear it y. got it. >> do you like are you prosecute posing to coordinate with yerba buena to be able to activate large are activations across that space? not a continue of this? >> i'm curious if you are planning learninger. we work close low in the neighborhood within the garden
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the hotel partner dps do as well month low meetings to collaborate on what bring new and do experiments when is we have the conference in town and talking about a few ideas the next couple mont and through the fauchl >> do we when were this permit came in before? good idea to provide entertainment in the permit of the moscoi center. there are residents behind you and also on howard. howard and fourth. >> du get response in your out roach >> even was friend lowism went in to the apartment buildings on folsom and fourth. howard and the small streets.
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where i get in the doory spent time talking to them and they were skb will teach that sounds great. thank you. >> all right. no questions, you can have a seat. >> thank you. why is there public comment on this item? no public comment. >> close public comment. do we have motion sns >> motion to approve with staff recommendations. >> second. president bleiman. aye >> commissioner davis. aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. aye
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>> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> congratulations to the mosconi center. moving along. the next permit is for change in ownership legacy north beach bar which was the business named taupe new owners applying and adhere to existing conditions from planning motion. which requires that only nonarchified entertainment on sunday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. of tuesday and-thursday 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. and friday and saturday 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. asks to have out door sound at the front daily 2-8 p.m. to drive in foot traffic. if, proved than i can come
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become to have the ma'am reflect the resunrised conscience, out roach they sent a letter to neighbors on guarantee off and collect the signatures from 28 and 8 merchants. no opposition and central station included calendaring conditions here other owners karen and josh. >> good evening. commissioners and staffment short people problem. >> i'm karen this is my business partner josh watch we took over the 1326 grant avenue about 2-1/2 months ago? and we are here to reinstate the previous entertainment permit that the establishment had with the addition of speaker at the door way.
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all true >> short and sweet >> i'm sorry what entertainment are you planning to do? >> we don't have a hard plan. we would like to have options but considering the limitations that are currently in place i think the only thing i hope is bringing the guy with a young lay lay on friday. up to 3 jazz players for live music. other than that no hard plan. currently we are not doing anything. did you skr your in house sound system. >> we have in house for music. if member torment play now it
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would be acutic situation. no need to plug inform a manager in house who will method levels of sounds all time sns >> yes. >> the sounds system is allowed -- can go so we had the guy come in to check our sounds and way loud are than tell ever need to be. we will i don't foresee that being a problem no matter how many people we ghet there. we want to be a mellow laid back place for people that don't want to be in the accuraciness outside. so -- we will always have a manager and staff will be trained. if there is a complaint what is the policy and process of
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addressing the concerns. in real time. >> we would deal with it in real time my partner or myself will likely be there. and i mean -- if it is too loud we will turn it dun won't the to be good neighbors. we have a thick request kurted ain't in front and if we play music we will keep our doors and windows closed. don't foresee a problem but we'll deal with temperature thank you. >> thank you. no questions. have a seat. >> any public comment on this item? permit? i'm stefano. josh is known to the area for
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many years. well liked and loved. he is a lot of positive energy coming in that space. we need to get this approved heel do a community garthing on sickth of april. we want to make sure that is a festive occasion >> they are great operators, good owners, engage and know how to run a business. we. can trust twhem this permit. move approval with staff recommendations >> president bleiman. why aye. why commissioner davis. commissioner perez. why aye. commissioner sclandzer. >> aye. >> you can reach out to staff
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for next steps. thank you. >> moving on. the next permit is gentlemen to bam llp for sweeties at 445 francisco. art gal row and community garthing pace and jam permit and seek to expand programming to include indoor programming. bands, karaoke, fashion shows and poetly until 10 perform senior inspectors set a sound lim and the staff recommend sagdz keep the limit. out reach owner noticed residential buildings with a letter and on the block. they received 3 in and want 2
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opposition which are in your file opposition provided education to the person and explained is not knew and sweetees hosting out door intament for a couple year. central station included the calendar condition here is the owner and daughter. good evening i'm min. my mom -- did we? not sure we brought visuals. we have been family owned in operation for over 25 years. we take our presence in the neighborhood seriously. we consider ourselves
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neighborly. responsible and friendly. we have been offering live music the past 3 years. one night per mont. we are proud to support local artists. north beach first friday opens doors to our favorite jazz trio. not open late. we close at 10 o'clock and 11 on friday and saturday. this llp will allow us to continue featuring talent inside and outside as desired. we believe it is live music that u nights our community. nicole lives next door and wrote in her letters of support sweetie system a gem we are grateful for the vibrancy it brings to the streechlt i was
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seated outside with my mom and neighbors stopped by to say hi and thank you for the music we provided it was a bit of an open mic locals sing songs it is fun. >> it is a special feeling for all to be welcome. and nourished through music. we are a mall operation supports the vibe and sweet. thank you. all of the wonderful possibilities that you presented are not realistic for us. we are happy doing music once a month. and may be adding to it inside but -- we are aware of the fact the neighborhood is a quiet neighborhood. and in spite of the
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construction. and we respect that. thank you. questions? i have none. is there any public comment on this item? one person. >> hi. i'm going to read. here. i'm dominick a long time resident and future steward of 15 unit apartment building in north beach will tranquil community. neighborhood my home for 3 decades. on and ralph. this building owned by my father is just legacy and responsible i
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will carry forward. north beach a place where vitality of city life and only exist. if you look it is directly to the left we share a wall. this establishment plan to have music 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. threatens the balance challenging the essense what makes north beach desirable place to live. for years i embraced the energy of the noise that come with living next to a bar except part of the excitement of san francisco living i learned accept the parking challenges doubling parked cars et cetera the thought of enduring more uncontained noise is not only unbearable to me and my family
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but disruptive to our residents. peace and well being i don't have to tell you this about the adverse affects noise pollution has on well being. >> thank you. more public comment?
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>> thank you for upon listening i'm anthony. i live next door to sweeties bar. my front door and window are literally 20 feet from the entrance of the business sdpt parklet music stage where music is proposed. i oppose this request as the everfrequency and hours are are drastically inappropriate for a residential street. i did not chose to move in next to a live music venue and infringe transmitom rights to a peaceful quality of life to are it forceod me this stands now between having a parklet and a loud patrons of the bar. most and evenings the front half my apartment is unusable. willol music nights many times i
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have to leave my home it escape the noise and distraction. i have been paying rent near years along everlong are than sweeties has been there on a report i can partial low use. all the while. making money selling column at her neighbor's expense little regards to a peaceful life. i asked the board to deny this request it is inpresent for a main loyal residential area, a burden oft neighbor us andigate consideration your decision is going to have a significant impact on my life i'm the closest fortunate this bar. thank you very much. thank you. any further comment?
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yep. i'm bill johnson. lived 34 years. when first applied open this bar. she garthed the neighbors and asked them, asked them to help her improve to the get the license. that was the last time she offered neighborhood help. i attended what meeting. neighbors had concern shield attempt to exocrining ask for a license down the road since she owned pier 23. a place had a bad reputation.
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she wanted open a small neighborhood bar. gave her word she would never does for live entertainment license. we did not challenge her. the first 4 years she kept her word then things change second degree. she live music. i could not enjoy the peaceful use of my living room, either. when covid came she built a parklet.
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the hours for live music are not only disruptive infringe on rights as a drentszs to enjoy our homes without noise intrusion. according to san francisco ordinance 29 business to create noise disturbed the peace and
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quiet of a neighboring or person. this plan of live music threatens the community. we urge local authorities, you, and the stake holders to consider this decision. we need our sfopt maintain north beach a comfortable living environment for all residents. i like to add that front cisco street is quiet. no other baros it. going east up the hill toward telegraph or russian hill. sound from sweeties is archified bouncing off the building enterses in my building through the backside. you hear it through that. my concern not only az a property owner for my 10 acts is
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for their well being and as a property owner that i'm concerned about in the future able to rent my property and it not compromised because of the noise i have lost tenant in the past because of the noise from sweetys in the pachlt i urge you not to guarantee this pel position and thank you very much. >> thank you. anymore public comment? nope. >> i have questions for the applicant again i'm confused.
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the permit that is on here is from the morning until night. you mentioned, you are category is once awhile. we don't open until 4. when they was speaking to kate in the gipping we agreed applying for as much as we could in the 6 hour window. would proviolet us flexibility. weeen do live music a night a month 6-9. we don't anticipate that from changing we thought we would take advantage. why you have rbi door compoint. it is a draining outside we move it inside. we are a cozy spot.
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>> got it. >> any other questions for them? is there will be a maximum from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. >> yea. you can have a seat. >> thank you. i was not aware of the opposition i did hear from two neighbor one gentlemen who spoke tonight and a separate letter from a property owner. included in your file. i was not aware there was a petition. it is in the a problem i'm letting you know that's why it was not addressed. >> that sounds like it was a missed opportunity for to you do
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any education on the and side of the neighbors petitioning. >> you know i see from the neighbor's per specificive this will be a 7 dia week live music when the permit holder has no intentions of that. you create the issues for -- start thinking, god, right? that's not the case. joy wanted to mention. i the improve i'm an own a cozy bar myself. i will say once i did apry for limits life performance i was on top of making surety other things that come with this a separate issue than the music. the. perform remember
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>> that was another thing that made it harder for or made it more important for me to keep those things under containment. i have others looking over me for another reason, now. >> i yen that experience 59 thoughts? i don't think there is a reason to you know if we do vote i don't think if the permit holder is not interested in morning entertainment. we limit to hireings of operation without causing issues. i wonder if the permit holder tindzing on having you know a couple days a month of
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entertainment. if it would be worth conditioning that. i don't want to over do it on that. >> that's where me head is at. why 80 a comment? sure >> i think it leaves things i an area area. i'm with you >> we are open we have our permit. >> from 4-10 some >> yea. were sounds like they have no imaginations. that feels the neighbors spoke, now we have 7 day a week intensions of that we are going
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with a broad stroke which we could have mitigated if we had known not everybody knows about us. it understandable thereby may have been confusion. do we aline is this with what hasn'ts of the inform how did we. to navigate that? i welcome your thoughts. how many u firsts are surrounding the bar? 9 and a half buildings in the we
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were unable to, they followed our advice and had a more flexible schedule. it turns out that didn't than i
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did not want it. they said the neighbors saw that and like, my god. and now sick hours a day. when do you -- i can try a motion. >> what if we did 4-10 daily not to exceed 4 per month? can always come back if things are going well? right? that include calendaring or notice to our office we know what the 4 dates are >> yea. >> it is included from sfpd. >> say with the recs. >> yes. >> upon that sound -- i will try it. a motion to approve from 4 fom 10 p.m. daily not to exceed 4 per mont
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with all additional staff recommendations. >> second. >> president bleiman. why air >> davis. >> aye >> perez. >> aye >> schlander >> aye >> thomas, aye. >> okay. moving on. the final permit on the agenda aiam to bam llp epic roast house at 369 embarcadero. they are up scape bar and upon restaurant oasting out door combament, band and sound. am they are on the regular agenda they are seek to extend the out dpoor programming daily 12 fom 9 p.m. not exceed 4 hours
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a day and out door music daily. only as a yash, the fire station. there was no opposition and southern station here to speak with you pete. >> still awake. >> good evening commissioner and staff. i'm the managing partner of compland sea upon restaurant ll krfrjs water borrow and epic steak. two restaurants on the embarcadero. between folsom and harrison. we have been in business since 2008. employ about 250 people. and i think the conditions on the permit we are going for.
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cover the scope of our business hours we are open 7 days a week. water bar complufrn dinner. epic steak lunch saturday and sunday. dinner 7 days a week what we are looking for is the permit to be able to add live music for special events. we have a big specialent and private dining segment of the business. alegality of times bhient the reason that we are here is we like to add live music on saturday and sunday to enhance our brunch service. i dent necessarily. it is not to drive business.
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i'm actually business doing wellt is to enhance the were it it is not as vibrant as it was prepan kempic. and dhoots what we are here for today. >> questions? after sitting through all of these presentations i'm sure you understand why we are theme have somebody who has no neighbors. [laughter]. i don't have questions. [laughter]. fire department is very much in support.
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you can have a seat. [laughter]. i don't make the agenda, i just follow it. >> is there public comment. none >> i would like to motion to approve this with staff conditions. >> second. >> okay. president bleiman. >> aye >> commissioner davis. aye >> commissioner perez. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> congratulations. approve exclude move on to final beyond agenda am item. commissioners comments and questions what do we have? looking forward to the summit. and everyone listening when the
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sum sit and how people can join. monday april 29 at 1 p.m. and it will go until 5 and after that we have a happy hour. and that will be at aminna in haze valley and all are member it is patch. you have to be 21 to order a drink. >> 49 south vaness in first 4 conference rooms. >> be there early. >> the first hour is the resource fair. you can come later. >> 1:30. no public comment.
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adjourn 8:26 p.m. pen. >> well to edge own little square we are a new culture "accelerating sf government performance - taking
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accountability and transparency to the next level." the artist and culture of chinatown. as an immigrant giveaway we tell the stories of chinatown the people that are here and the culture and history our presence and future through arts and culture. it is a 35 community. there is so many to see come come in and buy certify increases and ongoing exhibitions here t >> (music). >> hi, i'm emmy the owner of emmy's spaghetti i offers working that with some kind of fine dining and apron and feeling stuffy and in the 90s in san francisco it was pretty
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pretense in a restaurant in the restaurant scene i want to it have a place to have a place for my friends to guess i started the restaurant a no better place the outer mission spaces were available that's when i opt in two 10 he start with all people and work with them and the events they create one of the events we do every year and backpack give away and give piaget away and a christmas part with a santa and bring 5 hundred meatballs and pa get and we're like in the mission not about them knowing where the food comes from but a part of the
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community. and my restaurant emmy's spaghetti and fun banquet and san francisco not the thing that everybody knows about we stay under the radar we show the showcase i take it food and we started to eat we wanted to have comfort food and that a claims friend from i take it and helped me create meatballs and dealing evolved over the years in the beginning one plate of spaghetti and a meatball we tried to make the portions as big as they could be. and now we have quite a few types pasta dishes with a la begin and meat sauce or have
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a partition to a lot of food we are at a point with all the favorites i don't change the menu often 0 i eat here so much but everything is fresh your cocktail menu is the best it's ever been one thing on the menu our magazine ghetto we change the flavor one of the fun things it is served in the historically we're known emmy's spaghetti as a friendly place and when i opened i wanted my friend to be welcome and other parents to be welcomed and it is very for this is a place for families especially in san francisco and this is where though hold their celebration important i mean you're coming to a family
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restaurant and you're coming for o to a fun place i love being the owner and pretty sure my life i enjoy running the psta spaghetti place i hope to be here a while we'll see how it goes we everyone is a friend we're hoping you'll be a book. you. >> (music). >> my name is orlando i'm the owner and operator of sf pizza. >> pizza is my expansion growing up i loved pizza and loved to cook and been in corporate banking jobs my that
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whole life wanted to own a pizza or and moved to san francisco 45 years ago and couldn't find pizza i like so one day of saving and trying to figure out what i would like to do to fulfill my dream and to literally must be that i went out on my own toes an interesting things skills i again have to working on the slight changes to find the right product and came up with something i enjoy and continue it. so the positive important thing in years and years and years of trying to get it where i like it is for the sauce i use a unique sauce to bring out the flavors have to mats and capital improvement plan any and using use a high quality of cheese the
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products work together more important to me have a high quality of pizza and made with love and what i try to keep it to be a comfortable foods or food and that's what i try to over and offers so having a really bus illegal day in the community and rile appeal to me and that's what i was trying to accomplish i have thought when i got into pizza the main thing if i can, make a great cheese pizza he can do anything like growing up that's what i brought to to and now called san francisco
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>> good afternoon everybody i'm chair of the board of directors of sfmta. we are here to mark a very meaningful mild stone, the ten-year anniversary of san francisco's adoption of vision zero. i want to acknowledge that vision zero is an extremely emotional topic. imagine some of you are feeling a sense of rage and you're looking for somebody to glaim. others may be feeling powerless, shaken, heartbroken, that is all okay, we understand that. like you the leaders who join me today share