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tv   Commission on Community Investment Infrastructure  SFGTV  April 13, 2024 8:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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(gavel) (gavel) it now, 1:01 p.m. my name is vice chair ransom-scott this is regular meeting of the commission on infrastructure successor agency commission meeting this afternoon at 1:00 pm., tuesday, april 2, 2024. today's meeting is in comments by email to:; all comments received will be made a part of the official record. thank you to the staff, and guests about are also be praerpt in today's meeting madam secretary call the next item.
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thank you, ma'am vice chair the first order of business. >> commissioner aqunio present. >> commissioner drew present. >> and chair brackett it absent and commissioner lim we have quorum. >> the the next order of business is item business is item regularly scheduled commission meeting will be held in person on tuesday,april 16, 2024, at 1:00 pm, at city hall in room 416. the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the person(s) responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic device.
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of the public who are attending the meeting in person fill out a “speaker card” and submit the completed card to the commission secretary. of the public who are attending the meeting in person fill out a “speaker card” and submit the completed card to the commission secretary. >> phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2663 029 5657 # # when you dial star 3 you have raised your hand, please wait until the host calls on you when you hear the line is unmuted
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provide your public comment limited to 3 minutes per speaker and you'll be placed on mute once you're done speaking you can stay on line and listen and providing public comment call the public comment line ahead of time to listen live and from experiencing delays. >> the next order of business is. >> 3. report on actions taken at previous closed session meeting, if any. the next order of business is 4. >> 4. matters of unfinished business - none. listed hereunder constitute a
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consent agenda, are considered to be routine by the commission, and will be acted upon by single vote of the commission. >> 5.a. approval of minutes: regular meeting of march 19, 2024. madam vice chair. >> madam secretary do we have anyone in the public when wishes to provide a comment? >> call. >> phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2663 029 5657 # # you know when it is your turn to speak. if by phone,*3 and we will begin with members of the public who are in person. would anyone like
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to provide comments? please come up to the podium at this time. and for members of the public who joined us remotely, if you would like to provide a public comment, press star 3 on your mobile device. madam chair, it doesn't appear any members of the public are wishing to comment on this item. >> hearing no future requests public comment is closed and commissioners can i get motion for these consent items. >> yes. i'd like to make a motion to approve the consent agenda i second the consent agenda. >> madam secretary take roll. >> commissioner aqunio, yes. >> commissioner drew, yes. >> commissioner lim is absent. >> vice chair ransom-scott,
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yes. and two votes i's and two absent. >> okay. >> and madam secretary call the next item. next the. >> 5.b. workshop on ocii's budget for the period july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2025 (discussion) >> executor director kasiofsky. >> thank you, madam secretary. and greetings commissioners and members of the public today is a presentation on the agency role annual districts administered by the successor agency to the redevelopment agency of the city and county of san francisco (discussion) and also on today at the end hear about the budget in actually between you and the project and finance manager. thank you.
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>> thank you, director. >> good afternoon, vice chair ransom-scott i'm here with the project manager to present the workshop on our budget for budget for 24/too high. >> so we prepared our budget with the mission and strategic goals and a mission bay and candle stick point with affordable housing and create public infrastructure and open spaces an opportunity for businesses and workers on completion we built 122 though new affordable housing and park and open space and 13 million square foot of commercial space in 24/25 complete mission bay for the parks and transbay and begin the hostage in the ship
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yard and at mission bay continue in transbay and on three projects. >> and this is just a reminder of our budget process. um, for budget is based on the state or recognize the obligation and present the ropg from our oversight board and going to the review with the department of finance and we don't anticipate any major changes should there be my we'll incorporate that bro before you in the two week and submit this to the mayor and the board of supervisors. >> so this table provides an overview of the 24/25 budget is $682.4 million alderman king the left-hand turn are the projects areas across the top property
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taxes is in the areas and have bonds and have that includes billings and reimbursement and owed these are hotel and balances if fund we have on hand budget for the first time in the upcoming budget year and prior period before you an expenditure from prior years and as you can see the table that our latter source in the authority of $306 million half of the budget and then the lather is transbay at 383.7 for the parks and affordable housing projects. >> so this table shows our 24/25 budget year and 684.2 and largest is the authority.
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>> and this table provides some context for the budget requests and to the prior year our budget request is $27.3 million less and um, we can go down the list with the property tax have to the debt schedule and bonds two new bonds we issued and developer payments an increase due to fees we're accepting for the affordable housing projects and our oat funds are increasing on work for the c s p with the taxes and to place the totality of the proceeds in the budget as you can see a difference of 98.1 ferry the 2016 and we're
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continuing to extend on projects into the current year in the shift from the fund balance is prior (rustling of papers.) >> this table shows you our budget by the types we escaped for the expenditures and problematic expenditures as you can see the laboratory use for the affordable housing $24.9 million and followed by one hundred and $70.4 million the operating budget is a total of the expenditures. >> this table is to provide context for our expenditure side again from the $27.3 million and primary due to the technical requirement for the proceeds in the prior year as you can see that change in that row.
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additional spending down on the infrastructure projects and i'm going to turn it over to mark. >> good afternoon, vice chair ransom-scott and commissioners i'm the deputy director and doing the budget for mission bay. the first one for mission bay north and south. the total budget for mission bay north and south the majority of funds 32.6 for construction work will be finishing up in 2022 serving work on 2019 and king intersection and mission bay north and the stormwater pump station in mission bay south it
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covers the staff work for overseeing and professional simplest majority for the infrastructure task force with public utilities commission and also the mta and - and finally, a public art project know built in p-2 asking for one million dollars. >> the use from the budget um, will be pilot and payment developer payments. and will be preliminary plan use for the pilot used for the staffing and supportive expenses and using a developer fee for reimburse us for professional services as well as infrastructure costs and second one of the bond proceeds we expect to pay down the bonds
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so 18.3 for the infrastructure. and using property taxes $5 million of the property tax will be this year's this coming years property taxes increment for mission bay south spending down the bonds and for mission bay noting will be the remainder and a million dollars in the in-lieu fees for the park project. >> here we have pictures of the rp 2 and 8 we're going to begin construction later on this year and looking entitlements and on owens finishing up the defining of fiscal year and have p open in the fall of this year.
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>> and affordable housing in mission bay the majority will be between $5 million spent to finish up the mission bay south 9 a project a operational project and we will be using funds for predevelopment we issued an rfq and have budgeting funds. >> for transbay the total budget is $152.1 million the majority of that can be for developing infrastructure, and final reimbursement for the streetscape and for the construction at the infrastructure projects. not all of those funds will be fully expend but the truth for the ability of all those projects
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able to go through and schedule and biggest tax increment the property taxes going through for the t gpa. >> staffing we're going to use one $.3 million and $1.2 million for professional services with task force and also transbay we have a couple of projects like open space in the temporarily terminal with contractors that are serving those properties. >> for the bond proceeds the prominent amount and developer payments for staffing, and professional services and a little bit for legal fees and other prominently the from on the bond proceeds but also park fees that the developers pay so that totals $9.5 million and for
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property taxes small amounts for the development and staffing but prominently maximum of property taxes for the t gpa. >> here as you can see the box on the top left and the park on the top right and bottom right and the activation within p-3. >> for the affordable housing projects in transbay exciting we are seeing the development at the grooub groundbreaking 61 $.9 million and before you next with $69.2 million and have predevelopment money for block
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123.5 and transbay block the project is on hold with the market-rate by budget the $97 million in case the project community-based organization forward and plenty of the money for the affordable housing project. >> next up my colleague for the shipyard. >> hello commissioners. >> i'm willing la senior project manager for the hunters point and here for the budget for hunters point shipyard candle stick point. phase one and phase two and the first category in the largest category in permit review. um,
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this is because of stage of the project where we are at at a more of a planning stage for phase two and have funds in reserve to work with the city departments on upcoming planning work for at candle stick point and have funds to work with public utilities commission and the city to work on street acceptance and with transferring the remaining and in addition have work going on is three affordable housing blocks at on phase one. and that is includes also budget working with city departments >> we also later on today i'll be presenting the community bent legacy cash on hand have a detailed presentation but one $.8 million and working with the
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legacy to spend a significant portion and others in the reserve at the time when phase two continued to move forward. >> then have um, on the reimbursement to the phase two developer this part of costs to disposition and development agreement on ship yard two to pay the tax increment to reimburse the developer for costs and finally, are lease payment that are leases with the artists on ship year-to-date and icc and have payment from the artist and pass that on to - >> have the budget of project areas and again, it is the stage of our project and $15.1 million and the primary source it the
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developer reimbursement at large no little - and there is um, no tax increments taking on phase one that is a source of table that covers the costs of $306 million which includes also um, the admin of the project staff that worked on the project and have our legal services um, to help us work on the reaching transaction and funds for planning and infrastructure. and um, again, we have a grant for community development and the payments to the agency. (rustling of papers.) there to the navy agency. >> the last slide oh, here's the project photos two parts we are working on with with the master developer to transfer if
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the - they completed the parks close to issuing the certificate of completion and also to work with rec and park this year to transfer our assets to rec and park as part of the solution and icc property management plan. >> okay. >> now the affordable housing slide that includes the projects at phase one as well as phase two and in our hunters point shipyard spending down the loan for three parcels and phase one together that fund is 85 units that are manager units and have been completed in spring of 2025 and also include the potential for predevelopment for block three 8 with two blocks and
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block 38 moved we'll solicit a developer for this upcoming fiscal year and would - some of that to conclude those two blocks and part of replacement to conclude replacement housing funds to cover the costs of gap one for those to blocks and they and have predevelopment funds on project we worked on at candle stick point once we'll know we'll begin to start bringing those funds ambassador predevelopment to construct the two projects previously approved by the commission. with that, i'm going to turn it over to my colleague for replacement
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housing. >> hello, again. >> mark deputy director for replacement housing to recap 59 three replacement housing legislation that allows icc for a tax increment to fund and develop up to 5 hundred plus units to be rarpd for the redevelopment agency we're asking for $700,000 that compromised of three hundred thousands of tax increment and 4 hundred - we'll be using those funds. a couple of areas a portion for environmental impact report in mission bay and a chance because
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of bill 14 three 9 for ceqa we may not be spending all the money we are looking at that for the environmental impact report and also be using this money for staff time and for environmental impact report as well as putting together a bond our goal next year to putting together and bill to finance the replacement housing with projects in mission bay as well as potential projects in the western edition. so this is the first step on a long road of replacement housing we're very excited about it. >> um, so our debt program is one hundred 10 reflects the costs for the debt service and
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bond proceeds for the bonds paid out of reserve and the other reflective the hotel occupancy bonds. >> and for salaries and 55 ftes and then there are um, the slide says 15 vacancies we have 20 vacancies and 5 actively recruited and cora is three hundred 4 percent and 8 plus million dollars for the city department work order and software and insurance, etc. and three hundred 8 in the retirement obligation. >> and this slide provides
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your rear context for the operating costs an increase of $1 million and half of the slides on the bottom is the change of uses and a cost of living increase for the salaries and benefits and that cost of living is our non-labor increases and under retirement pension are determined by the actuary schedule and in terms how we're funding the operation in the prior year we relied on the development reimbursement but in the upcoming fiscal year some of this is shifting to a greater residence an property taxes and the bayview hunters point procedures for projects. and i'm going to turn it over to monica for our operations. >> good afternoon monica h.r.
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manager and administrator service manager to to highlight in the coming fiscal years so our slide identifies key takes we want to improve effectiveness and efficiency of it infrastructure and particularly related to the payroll and systems, our essential database and management it becoming end of life access end of life and digitizes your mic to build the infrastructure for requests more information and public records request. um, the auto mansion is the support of our organization in and our staff. and also for the website update we're
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basically refocusing on updating our consent and also elevating some of the replacement housing to be decided and any other types call to actions as that relates to connecting about affordable housing lease affordable housing opportunities. so we want to elevate that on our site moving forward. >> apologizes. >> so also related to operations what i like to call our organizational development so um, which about cultivating and community within our organization. um, as we're post the height of pandemic and working in hybrid it is
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important it is intentional on building a cohesive environment and to make sure our culture is strong to that end had march 2nd to have our first um, all staff retreat on the south beach harbor and based on the feedback found is informative and so we're going to continue to build own that and leverage that in the future with quarterly staff peta's and also so much of our work is knowledge base as related to the brown bags for fiscal year best practices, respectful workplace and any other training we do to build that cohesive staff. lastly um,
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nina spoke to this briefly but as you can see we're fully staffed at 35 right now and fully budgeted for 55 and actively recruiting for 6 positions and right now, i'm happy to say we had a great recruitment pool for those positions and interviewing in a month and the positions under held for phrases development with hunters point build up and increases that will be recruiting those positions to help support those projects. and so thank you very much. i'll pass it back to - >> so a little bit on our operations. um, this is just the
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telling of our work orders partners for the largest work orders for the community development at 1.4 and followed i didn't the office of city administrator for the rent payment. just some budget highlights the total budget is $685.2 million the operating is 33.1 percent of budget and have 55 ftes and the budget includes $400,000 for our cop enhancements and affordable housing rooms and four new affordable housing loans we'll be making. >> um, and then have this slide showing between our 23, fy2022-23 versus actuals and as you can see that before the affordable housing program we
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spent $67.2.65 thousand dollars and 8.3 for the infrastructure and other non-housing this is primary in our medic the construction budget we don't expect to spend all in one fiscal year. and under our indirect our gut is 4.8 because ours dpement when we just want this it the record you see the entire debt service and $2. million half of the payments for the navy the lease payment for the navy and 29 point one for the t gp on the controller's office and project manager 9.9 for half the year for the fiscal year that we expect to be fully
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spent adopt and as of december 31st and i want to mention those numbers are not audited numbers we do this process every year but most recent actuals in the system. >> and that concludes my presentation. i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> madam >> madam secretary, call for public comment. >> if there are any members of the public who wish to provide comment, please call: >> phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2663 029 5657 # #
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you know when it is your turn to speak. if by phone,*3 and we will begin with members of the public who are in person. would anyone like to provide comments? please come up to the podium at this time. first one is washington. >> good afternoon commissioners. the staff. >> my name is ace i'm own the case with the corridor investor an honor to speak before the commission it has been years he go back some 20 years with the retirement in the western edition and now but we got big issues in the west. the addition of the public housing and here
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to talk about and i hope an extra minute the garage in the fillmore and i'm sure you guys are doing that but want to give thanks to um, forgive me the l.b. a for the safe way we worked that out i mentioned that back in the day when they take that away i wished you had redevelopment it had meaning when a developer had meetings with different groups we don't have that but i look at retirement refresh my memory but i plan within the fillmore to submit a letter to you all for intent for a training program to take over the garage we had um, plead that years ago. but in part before that took over i'm
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currently involved in apart like a city fend and doing that 8 or 9 years a time for a change but going to submit to you all at your next meeting a letter of intent to take over the garage. in the fillmore i think we have qualifications and get help in the japan parking lot is a deficit but also one and 80 parking and working with the garage accumulating business from the community while i'm working in the garage to try to help to get people in the garage to get out of that deficit (bell ringing) and put aside money years ago
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for the garage should be no problem i'll be mit a letter of intent to take over the garage or the partnering to work out a deal with the garage my name is ace i'm on the case from the fillmore corridor in the ambassador. thank you very much. (bell ringing) >> would anyone like to provide comments? please come up to the podium at this time. who joined us remotely, if you would like to provide a public comment, press star 3 on your mobile device. >> madam secretary we want to make sure the comments are regarding this item.
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>> madam chair madam chair, it doesn't appear any members of the public are wishing to comment on this item. >> hearing none requests to speak on the item public comment is closed. and turn now to my fellow commissioners for your comments or questions. >> thank you. >> thank you for the presentation. i do appreciate both the prior year budget to this year's budget as well as the brief budget to actuals were included in the presentation and it would be nice to get that in the memo and project keep up it is hard to keep up in realtime here in the process if we could
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have that information going forward i appreciate this that is a lot of numbers (laughter). >> and hard to for me to digest that in realtime i was hoping you or executor director kasiofsky or the c mo can speak to the icc budget philosophy that is we're holding a lot of money operationally for kind of maybe something will happen and need to staff up but um, you know, the we're kind of staffed at 35 up to 40 but requesting budget for 55 positions. um, you know, things we need to hedge things might happen but how realistic is the budget to what we think will happen and why it is appropriate to have this much buffer in the agencies negative
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declaration fiscal year budget. >> wiring waiting for a state process that a lot less possibility we start the progress early on in the year and the other cities departments start in august or september we're projecting uk pretty far out so we do kind of have a lot of contingencies for the button continuation primary we have to present to the state and modify this a little bit challenging so our local budget is consistent with the local budget but contingencies for the approval processes and want to make sure we are fund for, you know, in the situation in case it takes off or whatever changes we have
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to act on that quickly. and in terms of our - position um, the 55 positions are the approved fte counts not we're not fully funded for those positions we are holding about 15 or 14 positions and don't have funding for the positions in the budget the approved budget is 55 ftes but funded is 45 something like that 43 are 45 but a nuance of the fte and funded positions. >> in terms of what it realistic in our budget um, i think the - (rustling of papers.) the budget to actuals does give a picture of what is realistic in the budget so in the indirect
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expenditures we accepted to extended those numbers we budget closely and titling and in terms of problematic expenditures um, these affordable housing are fully condominium as the signed contracts you know, we have everything set up that way but the length of the affordable housing projects a couple of years so it is not that um, we are sort of padding the numbers those are real contract programs it it takes time to expend those amounts so the tax to budget those at the top for state supplement funding or the way the budget works we fund those at the beginning the project so the affordable housing budget looks large but those are real dollars we're spending um.
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>> i think similarly with the infrastructure and non-housing is similar expect where those are large projects misrepresent years $55 million and do have to fund is that at the beginning the project going both the contract with the - so this is just the nature of how our expect partners expect to see those funds at the top of the project. >> i on that makes sense i do that we're in a budget the city in a whole is facing a budget crisis an overstatement but the mayor issued directives to the department to cut the budget by 10 percentage an extra 5 percent contingencies in previous years
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followed the spirit of mayors request to the department and i'm seeing that spirit reflected here. um, and wanted to, you know, again seems a contingency based robust budget. in a difficult time for the city and yes, so our property taxes are really what the city is interested in their interested in controlling they're on expenditures and the property taxes flows senate bill 9 general fund that is one hundred and $60 million that is consistent year after year the property taxes we are very tight with the spending but don't budget anything extra but a bio manual review only take what we need one hundred and $60 million for 24/25 we give that money back to the city with the
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$10 million and we provide a 5-year overview of your property tax draw and anticipate like what our general fund impact looks like and have a savings in the fy2022-23 we're running $5.8 million and the 24/25 budget year expecting to return at least $3 million so it might not be but we're sensitive to the general fund crises essentially and do make sure that our expenditures will be spent absolutely necessary and that is debt service our mandatory pension we don't take it for any sort of discretionary cost such a possible.
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>> thank you for addressing 90 percent of that and i think once you made the point earlier that we're actually the concept of giving back money to the city we don't take it until the controller tells us what is available inside of the tax increment trust fund and what are you planning to spend in 6 months and biannually to this is related to property taxes and the amount of the money on hand is from typically bond money and sos monies don't go to the city. um, and the bonds as you can see have to be issued at once can be zone can't be done peace pale we're issue a project over 8 years in the first year and spends that money down over time and looks like a balance sheet is large but most of it is bond
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funds or developer payments paid down over time those are long term and also the budget balance is only as of december of last year. so this is really 50 percent and i'm looking at the project manager and operations projected $19 million and we spent half so far we're on target for the spending operational and i want to add those other points. >> thank you for that executor director kasiofsky and one question pulling off of how we approach taking general funds dollars it seems like a shift away from the developer fees and pulling towards the bastards pulling funding from um, our property taxes. can you help me said when the developer fees are
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going down and 134ru789 supplementing with those property taxes dollars. >> yes. >> just a second let me pull up this slide. >> yeah. so our funding by developer payments are depended on the work that is valuable and we have seen kind of over the past couple of years declines in we we give to the developer the work is not available we cannot know and those sources of funds to make sure we don't want to run into development issues we are shifting whatever costs we can first upon proceeds and for bond proceeds it is specific what i can charge to that source the work is directly related to
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the project office of the inspector general kind of work as you can see an increase from $.9 million and recovering procedures, aye. >> reserved funds we're trying to increase that source of funds but also specific to the project and so related to mission bay can on the use mission bay funds to pay for that and pulled funds where we potentially could but have to settlement with the property taxes. >> what type of work are we doing that is not reimbursed by developers that previously way. >> thank you for that and nina i want to answer that question. during the beginning part of covid and proceeding that a lot of market-rate development and projects like in transbay and not in mission bay but the hunters point and those projects
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were mixed-use that have market-rate developers paying for those projects and um, as the economy shifted and luckily development started to decline our projects were declining so our staff worked on staff projects on affordable housing projects that were bond funded not billable work for contractors not billable work for less market-rate development occurring and teams were working on affordable housing and parking lot and so shows our staffing as well and staffing is not at 55 more of a more of a mixed-income not in the market we love that but for now have to work on the projects in those project areas and like the two
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in mission bay and the excuse me - 6 park and affordable housing under construction to that. >> all right. thank you. >> are we expecting - i'm asking about the property taxes whole it seems like we're, you know, in the spirit of our kind of traditional to reduce the general fund and increasing the staffing costs towards, you know, being paid by the general fund i will be helpful when we see is budget for action to understand um, you know, given that 10 percent goal and correct me if i'm wrong but whatever the guidance to the departments was if we can see how the agency meeting the spirit of that request to reduce our quack to the general fund just to be
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clear. >> commissioner drew through the chair for example in the projects for the replacement housing projects you saw instead those the funding we use job housing we are this commission asks a lot of tough questions and ask a lot of tough questions so they're pressing us are you getting any other use you have few minutes you're seek money for? we have to answer those questions for that and have to demonstrate the needs no other source of fund to tax increment is the last chance source no vote serious, aye. >> have an enroll or impossible contractural relationship. >> thank you. >> and sorry i have a lot of questions (laughter). >> but this is all i think the budget is part of a priorities
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thank you for putting together this on what we're doing and what we're prioritizing. for mission bay. um, i was hoping to get a statistics update on p-22 will be completed wanted to kick the tires on that and see what can be- >> (multiple voices). >> everyone is lost. >> so the goal is to again, this year meets substantial completion in the beginning of june. and after substantial completion probably a month to two months of tireless work will be a need for completion contractors saying it is done not with the inspectors will take a couple of months for that and put together and then acceptance passage through the
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city process and we're trying to shortcut that process by going to the board of supervisors now the port will try to accept the park so that as soon as the park is done the acceptance page is together the commission will accept that rather than the nine hundred plus day process then through the board of supervisors and october will be our goals will be met. >> great. in terms of icc work program to complete a accept the park what is staff's roll in the work program there. >> our role is prominently the task force so we're kind of the project manager pushing the project forward and making sure the different parties are doing what that either doing to get
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the inspections as much as and not playing games and they won't have to redo it so pushing forward to make sure the acceptance there the city process so we don't play a role in that. >> the port is the lead agency. >> the port typically the city acceptance everything. >> yep. >> we're trying to have the board of supervisors give the clerk the authority to accept this. >> request i add this is the on portland. >> yep. >> portland; right? and mark is describing the board of supervisors acceptance the property and expediteing
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delegate in the process of working that as expediting solution. >> great. that's a great um, pact forward. >> otherwise it is - >> yep. >> february of next year. >> nobody want a fence around that would be wonderful to make sure the paperwork didn't prevent that park from opening. >> i also noticed in mission bay we're doing this infrastructure funding through property taxes like agree pay as you go practice and i want to i'm trying to understand. >> we've paid down that bond we're in the process of issuing a new bond. >> (multiple voices.) >> and the process is only $5 million and- >> (multiple voices). >> and told the city we're using 20. >> (multiple voices). >> and cutting down in the next presentation we're going to
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be using the cf v and . >> effectively is a stopgap until the bonds what about issued. >> okay. thank you. >> great. >> and for transbay um, there has been talk in the commission around go changing the program for block three i i understand that takes a significant amount of funding as a problematic change we want to understand this is regretted in considering the changes for the park design or this budget it is staying the course strategy? >> um, this budget is leaving the option working closely with the city and rec & park to see what design works and what they can afford not this looking at the full design but be pack
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shoerl with the presentation and bonds more than one year process and essentially, we redesign and delay and looking at minimal redesign. with this project. >> sniepdz commissioner drew under you a potential that a contingency what accommodate a minor amount of more active use in this space we're not there yet but bring an update in the commission within the next 45 days and meeting with rec and park and as mark said and other stakeholders to understand what is possible. >> what is in this budget is the project has been approved. >> current bonds were
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approved. >> okay. >> and great and lastly, on the ship yard questions about block 48 and the current stand-offs of that project i think you addressed it somewhat in your presentation around, you know, work on icc affordable project may move forward depending on whether the infrastructure work from the developer progresses and wanted to see what triggers you're looking for in this case under which you'll move forward with the preenvironment on that block. >> i'll speak to the status and what- >> (multiple voices). >> to the details right now they're working on honestly infrastructure to complete it so
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they can have acceptance ready and taking forever to get it accepted we are working through that on that and we're going to approach it differently definitely a pause for a period of time not only due to like financial conditions moving forward but um, right now horizontal infrastructure and correct me but takes a year to finish um, and as that relates to the financing i may need to point towards pam but i had building that is a matter to help to assistant in the funding for block 49.
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>> the infrastructure to be, you know, will take if we went out to and bid it out to a developer takes a year for the design and all that stuff while the developer is working on his - the horizontal infrastructure we want more guarantee wouldn't want our buildings to be out there long either. >> yeah. >> great. thank you. >> i'd like to hear from on your plans for development on hill side and updates from the upcoming fiscal year. >> if i could commissioner drew this is a benefit ship yard report at the end. >> i'm wondering what will be moving forward um, can we expect to see in terms of the development or predevelopment on
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candle stick? >> good afternoon commissioners. >> mike. >> with lenar as far as we're working with the prime on the public infrastructure trying to get it under budget and had as was mentioned delays had changes to the design that it takes time to get approved from the city and at that point we are hopeful within the next to 45 days we can get to a point to begin the remaining public infrastructure as far as the streets and streetscapes are going. we project that to be 6 to 8 months and then look to transfer those improvements um, to the city or have them accepted we have challenges on the hilltop it
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takes time than we anticipated to hopefully we can figure out a way to work with various city agencies to shorn that acceptance period but at this point, you know, our focus on completing the streets and looking to get them accepted great any update on phase two or candle stick. >> those are 5 point projects in lenar. >> anyone i can - >> thank you. >> commissioner drew feel free to put me on the spot for respects director's report. >> and been it is what it is i saw the expenditure for the cop program and it is your for
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including that expenditure authority in the budget i as a commissioner feel heard. thank you. >> i'm really done. >> thank you. >> thank you for the presentation and number one, i think that commissioner asked a lot of questions and everyone pretty much answers her question and like to hear made notes about the hunters point shipyard candle stick why wait got it and that's it that was a lot of numbers and information and it is sometimes a little bit mind-boggling but you answers it all thank you for the presentation and for your hard work. >> thank you fellow commissioners and i just wanted to add um, a huge thank you, mark and christine and lila for
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our comprehensive report one of the things i'm impressed about that needed now, throughout the nation the self care and to hear that you're looking at that because when workers are over reading and trying to go forward you can barely move we've seen that nationwide and mental health is issues and see you taken care of of yourself with health and wellness and should be that brings things that brings laughter and smiles and fun and have fun effectively do the work that it takes i want to thank you. lenar thank you for your response but thank you for your response and to be able to respond to commissioners
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commissioner drew as you were immediately i'm grateful and grateful and that makes me feel good about being part of this commission. thank you very much. >> and madam secretary call the next item. the next item. the next item. the next item. redevelopment agency of the city and county of san francisco (discussion) executor director kasiofsky. >> thank you, madam secretary. and members of the commission and members of the public. >> this is a presentation about our fiscal year july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2025, district budget and have that in our two active project areas mission bay and hunters point
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shipyard candle stick and in the southeast this is a $48 million spending program crossed the three geographies and to present that is. >> good afternoon, commissioners. and um, we are presenting the workshop on the community facilities 24/25 this table shows our the totality of our fte budget the total is $48 million and it is important to note those are separate budgets funds can't move be between ftes so 10.1 million and have operational costs in 1, 5 and 8 those reflect those to maintain the streetscapes and
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including shaping and jaurnl and infrastructure for 6 and 7 and have added expenses for each of the things like our staff time and special tax consultants and insurance and fees paid to the city and the contingency for any unexpected expenditures give you a little bit of background on the cfd for the discriminated that levy taxes on a unique formula and must be spent on those identified, aye. >> different 7 cfd and one in south beach and have a couple of in mission bay north and south and hunters point shipyard and phase one and phase two under
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the mello-roos for the cfd staff administered cfd. >> you i'm going to turn it over to mark. >> good afternoon, again and within for rip currents a maintenance cf g or d for the fiscal year for the special tax is 200 and $9,000 and also planning to use a fund balance part of it to cover the expenses in the rfq and have incarcerating will probably not be selected until july and on boarding and additional expenses involved with and targeting the capital repairs so in total $522,000 and once we have
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contractor on board then we're able to stay within the annual assessment. (rustling of papers.) >> the 34igs bay north and south three cfd 4 and for the mission bay north and no special taxes being levied. the cfd maintenance for the open space our mission bay north and south and cfd for mission bay south. >> the cfd 6 we're expecting full $29.8 million in expenditures for the budget and the annual amount is $11.8 million users for the amount for debt service and then also using the funding for staff and the balance for reimbursement of infrastructure work and we also have $18 million fund balance wearing
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budgeting for infrastructure as well as previous presentations talked about since the bonds are spent down those those bones to minimize the number of tax increment so- >> total again, sir. >> excuse me - >> can you repeat our total. >> the total is $29.8 million - plus to be exact. >> and for cfd 55 minutes cfd an manual special tax of $3 million the funding goes to pay the maintenance that is done by the rec and park. as well as the port and slight bit of funding for public utilities commission and as you recall in the beginning of this year we terminated our ground lease have
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no stack but the administrators of cfd and the cost to maintain the open space is higher than what the annual tax is with we have a fined balance drawing down $600,000 for and total of $306 million and anticipate the fund balance should be sufficient to make cost overruns through 2030 or three 2 at this time the balance is made up by the rec and park they're aware of those shortfalls coming. >> now my colleague will discuss the ship yard. >> good afternoon, commissioners. lila from senior
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management for hunters point shipyard and candle stick and presenting the cfd for phase three and there three in the project area and cfd 7 infrastructure and this will be provided more development and have cfd for the maintenance of open space of phase one and the last one is c f d-9 an infrastructure and maintenance for candle stick and that is, you know, temporarily on pause because has not heard from parks yet in that area. so the next slide, please. is a picture that many ever you are familiar with consists for the open space for phase one has been built other not all the parks are transferred to icc but working
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on that with lenar and the goal to get those all transferred this year so later on with rec and park can transfer maintenance responsibilities for the health park and 5 heard an update those parks are further out. (rustling of papers.) so the next slide, please. is the cfd 7 budget as you can see this is for infrastructure reimbursement for the master developer for open space and street trees and right now we're working on reimbursements the dba has the prosecutor's office process and working with it involves public utilities commission and icc and that fund balance we plan to spend reimburse it for further costs.
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>> and. next slide, please. is cfd 8 more the maintenance on open spaces and this budget includes portion of bugs for capital balances some are planned and some contingency 4 hundred and 18 thousand and some of those include deferred maintenance on some of the infrastructure that we need to work on improving and fixing them we set aside contingency this budget we anticipate rec and park um, taking over maintenance from sometime early next year that is an estimate of our current contract budget as well as the projected rec and
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park budget as well as um, there is as well as um, the capital maintenance we icc will try to complete before we transfer to rec and park. (rustling of papers.) and the final slide is cfd 9 towards candle stick point that is small annexed between candle stick point and have been no reimbursement requests to date. um, and it is small portion as well there is no completed infrastructure at phase two at this time and parks have yet to be constructed in the area so these will be held when we get the reimbursement requests and the dba at hunters point shipyard phase two specifies a detailed process how reimbursements are processed that involves public utilities commission and those are public
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meets the standard of the city and icc releasing the funds so with that, answer any ship yard questions and i'm going to turn it over to to my colleague. >> so the mello-roos act required the establishment for limits for the cfd under the state constitution i did charging for the cost of living and the commission must establishment appropriations limits for fiscal year 24/25 working to update the permits limit and present this information um, as work shop and resolution for you to act upon in june of 24 the table below so provide a sense of magnitude of
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those appropriations limits this table shows the original appropriation limit formation and as you can see the biggest numbers didn't come there is to the limits but sending you this information in june. >> next steps we will be presenting the action item before you on the 16 of k f d budget and working with the consultant to determine the updated appropriations limit and also be working with a tack consultant in august of 24. that concludes my presentation. on the cfd budget. >> thank you. >> madam >> madam secretary, call for public comment. >> if there are any members of the public who wish to provide comment, please call: >> .
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>> phone number: +1 (415) 655-0001 access code: 2663 029 5657 # # and for members of the public who joined us remotely, if you would like to provide a public comment, press star 3 on your mobile device. mobile device. is your turn to speak. if by phone,*3 and we will begin with members of the public who are in person. >> would anyone like to provide comments? please come up to the podium at this time. ace washington. >> okay. >> we would like to call for members of the public who joined us remotely, if you would like to provide a public comment, press star 3 on your mobile device. madam chair, it
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doesn't appear any members of the public are wishing to comment on this item. >> thank you, madam secretary. >> here we go in further requests to speak on the item public comment is closed. and turn few to my fellow commissioners for their comments questions or concerns. >> thank you for that presentation. >> on the community facilities district workshop i have a quick question on page from page 11. um, just i guess a little bit more qualifications or finding on the rec and park to transfer over. um, and what date was that is where will they do that when that happens? >> the ship yard. >> i'm sorry did hunters point
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shipyard. >> page 11 you yeah, we have been working with rec and park to figure out how, you know, how we had had transfer and it is a little bit different than mission bay and icc not undermined like port and city we hope to - essentially as part of the solution transfer to icc on and manage and part of that is transferring the parks which are public assets back to the city and rec and park it did fall not the natural but appropriate city department to take on the responsibilities to that would be not only providing essentially will take over the maintenance of the park. and managing the park and we activate the park they have a whole department dedicated to this is the scope of that and - but there are elements that fall
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out of their escape with the art pieces in the ship yard working with the arts commission to have that part of - so we'll have to work with public utilities commission how that works out and so a lot to do before the transfer happens but the physical land that hoping transfers for the physical land transfers. >> is that this year or next year. >> the maintenance looks like we may be able to do this in january but i could give you an update when we get more progress we're working with the department of real state a couple of differences not similar but unique we need to figure out and have a better sense of a timeline.
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>> thank you for that and want to say i recognize the work that is getting done on the hill. um, it is exciting to see the transformation as i ride my bike out there i go to the ship yard and loop around because it is so beautiful out there and it is um - i've made and side note i can't wait with a bike path not only for bikers but for walkers and everyone f that will go under they're all the way to cancel dell stick park. >> all the way through the outside of the tenderloin and into, you know, south san francisco and, you know, oyster point just needs to connect. >> yep. >> just want to say and recognize the work that is getting done out there you've answered my question. >> through the chair. just to add within or two other things
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the process was mentioned the long-range project manager calls for the agency to complete the sf zoo infrastructure and transfer to the city so we don't hold on to it and operate that long term so in the - we might have held on to it for thirty years this dissolution but the ship yard parks are nearing completion and to have a punch list items need to be classes before the city quote/unquote acceptance ownership and the city will be managed two the underlying property owner like the port so p-22 referencing will be managed by not rec and park but some of their own parks
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i want to make mention of that context. >> thank you very much. and one other thing what i described the blue greenway a pathway for bikers and pedestrian to go to the entire bay and for those listening you will help to make the connections and to add that that thank you. you know, to have this sculptured and artwork from the community will be timely thank you. >> i had a couple of questions um, i wanted to keep in mind here that, you know, what we're talking about when it comes to special taxes our residents are paying for, you know, need to get something special for what they're paying; right? like i guess to enjoy beautiful parks
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but not paying an additional amount we're looking at the funds i want to make sure the residents that are paying the assessments are getting that benefit of um, of paying supplemental assessments in order to maintain the green spaces and with that, he preamble i know that rec and park has taking over the maintenance and how is it going have we gotten any community feedback? >> gone really well and everyone is happy about rec and park is managing mission and parks and the ports ones a couple right now between the two by yeah, all the fears and negativity from two years and to the communities attention everyone is really satisfied with rec and park. >> that's good to hear and glad the transition has gone
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smoothly and looks like a partnership we can build on when it comes to the ship yard well, so thank you for that. >> okay. >> oh, wait sorry i forgot in the presentation not in the memo so i totally don't understand annually appropriations and this additional levy process. and i mean can you help me understand what this is and why we are doing the and does that mean that the levies are going up and asking people to pay more? >> all right. thank you commissioner drew but generally to legislate to appropriate on the record the maximum amounts that could be needed levied. this is state law that is
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requiring this and i'm going to turn it over to jim for more details this is no new tax planned no new expenditures other than authorized in the today's presentation. >> commissioners the appropriation limit suicidal known those the gain limit a voter initiative back in the 80s. and it is related to the whole movement to the sort of the late 70s around prop 14. what cities and counties could spend first of all, raise as taxed through property taxes prop 13 limitation and put a limit on what cities and counties can spend with the constitution the california was
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to prohibit cities and counties and special districts from spending more than what they have originally appropriated in the year before and formula for adjusting that and, you know, mentioned the factors that are used and that can be increased each year. so in light of that when the new cfd were formed the appropriation limit was quoted as a high number that has never been reached and with the cfds went to the voters the voters in the district approved a very high appropriation limit as well as the levy of takes that was much lower but in terms of the limit and we're sort of adjusting the numbers at the moment to make sure we have the
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most accurate numbers based on the factors that allow for adjustments. >> so that's it in the in a nut shell that's leg ethic legalistic. >> so the authority the legalistic check the box authority that requires upper market updating the levy is set by the voters that's also adjusted by factors for from the mello-roos law and the cfd tax consultants and an adjustment in the appropriation based on other
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factors that is set so we cannot increase the amount of the levy without going back to the voters. um, i will note i asked why the city didn't budget that historically redevelopment was examine a few exemptions because it showed the funding is not general tax dollars it is different. if you will. >> so the city and county of san francisco has appropriation limitations and make sure the board adopts the appropriation so but the levies are a separate matter. >> to for attacking all of that. >> fellow commissioners since
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this is work shop item as was the first not taking any action. this item will come back before the commission for our approval later on this month. madam secretary call the next item. secretary call the next item. >> 5.d. informational memorandum on the master developer compliance for the community benefits agreement for hunters point shipyard phase 1 for the period of january 2021 through december 2022 and legacy fund update; hunters point shipyard and bayview hunters point redevelopment project areas. executor director kasiofsky. >> madam secretary and members of the commission and members of the public this item is a report on the programs and balances. that are generated by the developers of the candle stick and hunters point shipyard areas and have benefits that require
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some cases payments and programs additional in some cases just payments some of them provide by the developers and i see a bunch of project partners good to see motor vehicles and will be presented. >> will be up any minute now seeing a lot of me today i'm lila for the hunters point shipyard candle stick point and providing an update on the community benefits for 2021-2022 and an update on the legacy fountains funds have a lot of
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people to talk about um, the statistic of the community benefits we have lenar present as well as um, many of our subcontractors and part of phase one community benefits requirement and we also have the cac honeycutt to present about the work and what is to come in the future so hopefully sorry. >> so that's it. >> all right. we're good so i'm sorry i'm going to give a really brief project timeline overview and then talk very briefly about phase one and the
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staves of phase one and a little bit about phase two and talking about phase one candle sting has been on hold related to the previous milestones and so they don't have a compliance report because of the pause in the development. and so if you look at the slide and history quick history of ship yard and 1974 have the board adopting the redevelopment plan and adopted and after that the community benefits agreement for phase one flushed out in greater derail and in 2010 candle stick and phase two of ship yard from the part of the project have the first residence move into phase
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one and in 2015 and then have um, alice griffith as part of this and so just a brief overview of the dba and the virus benefits includes um, community benefits that are outside of just the community benefits agreement that includes the affordable housing program, as well as the employment contracting program the open space and transfer program. those are all outlined in the dba and part of sweep of other things also at play ultimately results in the a community benefit. >> so the phase one i'm going to talk about the housing program i talked about that a
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total of 1428 phase one what about affordable and all the plans and permits related to the construction of housing for the market-rate progression and do i have 5 hundred units have been completed and 77 units are very close to being completed and then, you know, one hundred and 85 unions part of three parcels are one hundred affordable under ami. >> so phase two you have the much large portion of project acres of lands 62 percent is affordable and today built three hundred and 37 units at al litigation griffin and shipyard
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phase two is the remediation is very much needing a lot of work the navy nominees to do and updates on what they're up to and icc and dph are involved in keeping abreast of remediation plans and candle stick some infrastructure was work done a while back with the utilities and grading and charging work but the project has been on pause and anticipate coming before the commission in a couple of months for the updates on candle stick point. >> now i'd like to to get into the, you know, a detailed matrix that talks about as well as talks about the compliance the developer has with the part of
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benefits agreement the developer is substantially in compliment with the programs that includes the construction of programs and some of those have not been triggered not onsite but something in the future for example, the african marketplace in phase one that obligation radio part the phase two development and um, some of the, you know, retail has not been in phase one so some of the business incubate portion of this program this shifted to phase two and something will happen a at a later date and the development out of compliance or partially um, in partial compliance of master developer
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compliance program the slide will provide what is required in the program and where the developer stands. so for the small business program there is a directory requirement of this local small businesses and um, the developer will be coming up as well the contractors manage this program to provide a lot more detail so you can see how that works on an operational basis that's in compliance with that and the area they fall short due to covid and some due to staffing shortages and the fact if during this period we're reporting on not a ton of construction going on. so um, you know, early days of the project a lot going on this, you know, a lot of was happening on the site so we have blocks one vertical development and starting horizontal but that
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pause pending the city permit was spoken to earlier. so but they self meet the requirement and talking to the developer how to bring that up to compliance and on did two of their workshops in this period. and he developer is required to put in a 20 percent requirement of local purchases supplies from local businesses and that is a requirement they have put in all they're contracts and so the other piece that fell short is the home buyers program that includes language in the training benefits from 2005 or the assistant down payment and the lawns in cb a the down payment is economically not
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feasible for zero percent the developer has worked on other ways to help to offer buy down rates for certain homes at shipyard that are below current rate and also - they're work with some of the economic conditions make that difficult to meet the requirements. and then there is homeowner counseling and workshops were not met but to the point in the development stage those should be continuing of no opportunity but not a lot for sale with block 52 the 77 units coming on board the developer is reigniting this program and will present the workshops as well as
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alternative ways for financing for homeowner. >> so the next step icc will be working with the developer to insure that these two areas they fell short are working on other areas with compliance we feel better to look for now areas or upcoming opportunities about block 48 with verticals and an exciting time this covers 2021-2022 we are come back to the commission for um, the 2023 update we can get capture on the compliance reporting at the commission and then now i'm going to turn it over to lenar what will provide more detail and highlights of the areas where they worked.
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>> hello commissioners with lenar like to take the opportunities we have a few of our community partners with us here today, if you plow when we get up to where the compactor assistance program i'd like to bring them up and talk about what they did. um, during the years 2021-2022 obviously those are the years we're dealing with the pandemic and trying to react to a lot of things having people leaving the city of san francisco and not a lot of
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family homes at this time and moving along so the next slide, please. is just the different programs to date where we stands from a financial stand point we're compliant whoops wrong way it slide touches on the projects we had completed to date and the ones currently ongoing. um, as i mentioned earlier our hope to get started with block 48 with the infrastructure at the hilltop right now doing work associated with the streetscape improvements and just finalizing on block 52 projects and have some work we're working on, on which is the street in front of community facility block. where we're going to submit to the city a plan as far as
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improvements in front of that area later on this year. >> the next slide, please. shows overview with the housing on hill top and as you can see most of it is substantially completed. um, block 48 is ongoing block within is by a third party developer and lenar didn't have any interest in that project. and that's the project that does have the detail space capability. >> all right. the first slide happening with the contractors with with that, i'd like to invite up sidney martin who is with the administrator of this program um, and for everyone's
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benefit the cap program has a site office located next to our construction site open galvez and the, touch on things that are going on during those who two years and what is happening on mission. >> good afternoon. >> so my name is sidney martin the project manager for the contractors assistance program. and been in existence since 2018. >> we have a technical assistance program next to lenars trailer we have a program that helps small contractors with their bidding and finding the schedules and understanding
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of the rating and their backdoor of their business and we have workstations two workstations and software within the assistance that allows us to do scheduling estimating and project management. >> um, we do plans for all the projects coming on site so currently doing block 48 and on hold right now but the only thing we need the on block 48 to organize the trucking as we need the on all all the other projects we are open everyday from 8:30 to 4:30 or 5 and we vases the contracts for anything we're doing on the
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project since we're down as far as block 48 we're completed all of 52 for assistance. we offer to go out to the other projects around the city and need help or establishing small contractors to bid on their projects we assist them in their process we invite them to send us their plans and have available for small crackers they don't have to pay for the large amount of the costs for the set of plans we have a digitized they can come back by a do kick offices or assistance to bid on those projects around the city. so that's a upcoming policy. >> pretty much that's it we have 4 workshops a year. and 4
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workshops in a fiscal year our fiscal year from um, june to may. and so we'll do three to four workshops on the first half of the year. and then on the second half after june after august we'll do potentially two or three more and do a trucking program. work shop we'll do a financial workshop and do two workshops depending on whatever the small contractors need to what we established have a um, meet the prime we're going to bring most of primes in the city on to the project since we don't have any currently right now but on block 5 to have three primes come in and did an update of their projects coming up um, for
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2021-2022. >> so this year we do last year, we do 4 workshops and um, two primes and two financials and a trucking. and the year before that during the covid 19 year we only did virtual mean not able to do live meetings but three virtual meetings and we do trucking meeting. so currently right now working on the um, suppliers because we're establishing today the suppliers meet and greet so we do one last year. and we're doing one this year. so the supply meet and greet will be inviting maybe up to 5 prime contractors around the city and then invite them into see the majority of suppliers and vendors around the city that are either in the
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redevelopment over icc database or our sbe database is around three to four though contractors and finished one last meeting and greeting two weeks ago and had like 45 people show up for that workshop. so that's kind what we do on a fiscal year to get those two workshops plus the financial. um, that's it pretty much. >> and just to um, piggyback the database not only covers um, local contractors but suppliers. so it is and goes beyond the website as you mentioned from that to others areas of the city
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the greater bay area in the state. >> all right. um, the next program is a mentorship program i'd like to welcome marcus from renaissance to talk about what they offer during those years and now as well. >> good afternoon commissioners. for the record, i'm marcus the director of renaissance and in the bayview and for the most part i want to thank lenar has been great for our program. and they fund us over many years i want to thank them they have a great item team and michael is available and lauren glad to see he's managing one of the large programs knows the large vendors and
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renaissance is a nonprofit organization we help people to start and grow brown's from concept and business planning to helping them to develop strategies to grow they're businesses when you want to retire and transfer that business asset to another equity we operate our office is across from the posting post office we share space with 16 he women and metro airports contractors and part of our program we provide affordable office space cubicle space and small offices and get their local business certification and get a discount we provide an array of services
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but there is a lot we're starting and operating a business we did the coaching and i want to recognize the great work that dr. honeycutt did to assess the capital we helped the committee for the loan fund used by a lot of the contractors during that critical time and peer support is important for entrepreneurs they share resources and information. what else just a lot. just a lot. during covid i want to say during covid a crazy time i'm sure for everyone and who you distinguished small businesses not start ups to get a business
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license but they could don't have the capacity to work on a lot of the project that gone in the city we help them to build their capacity and primarily finding the financing and how that work money in and out and thinking we have to make informed decisions. during covid 2020/2021 during the first part of covid 2021 they skid marks new contracts with millions and like to lift that up. and they're able to hire people from the community give back to the community that was something we do want to lift up and lastly,
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we work with a lot of folks in the program get to meet them where they are they come in those are small subcontractors and electricians and general contractors and as of late a lot of truckers we meet them where they are and serve african-americans i think 90 percent of our participants are african-americans just due to being in the community that was largely african-american and so i that's it i can stop right there wait one more thing this entrepreneurship when it works for me i've been in renaissance we can see the success to take
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care of yourself and a living wage and take care of our families and hire our folks and give back to the communities so to those are the types of outcomes we look for when he work with the communities. >> we also have dj booker from, cd to come and kind of talk about the job training programs that they offer. come on over. yes. thank you. michael and i want to say, good afternoon to chair ransom scott as well as director kozlowski and also commissioner aquino and commissioner drew. my name is dj brookshire. and it's very interesting for me to be on this side of the dais. as folks know, i recently served on the san francisco police commission as well as i currently serve on the sheriff's department oversight board. so friday i
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will join you. and i want to say thank all of you for your hard work and dedication to the city and county of san francisco, because it's not an easy feat to come in here on the afternoon and give up time for, the small amount of change that we might get in order to even just be able to park, to be in these sorts of positions that you're in. so i want to say thank you to you all. i want to say thank you as well to michael and the folks at lennar. so young community developers is a 50 year old grassroots nonprofit organization centered in bayview hunters point, we just celebrated our 50 year anniversary, this past september. and i am just elated and have, been just afforded the opportunity to be at the helm of this phenomenal organization that started 50 years ago as an organization predominantly looking at workforce development here in the city and county of san francisco. as folks fled the rural south to come to san francisco looking for jobs in the industrial and also in the building and trades, there were programs that were created by
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this organization that uplifted folks in our community to make sure that they had the training and the tools and the skill sets that they needed to obtain those jobs at that time. and so now we fast forward, 50 years in the organization and workforce development is still a pillar of what we do in our community, along with providing educational services to get young men and women from middle school to high school, high schoolers to college, and then through college and back here to the city, looking at the intersection of education and workforce to bring young people and young folks back to san francisco to continue to serve. and most recently, as an organization, i've also started dabbling a little bit in the affordable housing space. so just wanted to give an overview of the organization. but i think the work that we've been doing with lennar definitely goes past the last couple of years that we're talking about here as a workforce development agency, really working to get men and women into the building and trades. we've been working together for over a decade now at this point, but most recently, when we look at the
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years of 2021 and 2022, we were really able to serve well over 225 folks, with the funding that we were receiving from lennar directly and those funds that we received from lennar really help out with our pre-apprenticeship program where we're working with men and women to get them into the building and trades where it's a ten week training program that gets them seven certifications from hazmat to hazwoper to lead and asbestos, and really has been able to, overcome barriers that a lot of our folks in community have in order to get into the building and trades and to get to work and so that's what these funds are utilized for. so when you look at that number of 175,000 over the course of the last year , serving about 225 folks, it's about $780 per per customer is what we call our folks and residents and community to be able to overcome those barriers. and that's kind of the average some folks get just need boots and tools. some folks need actually to get into the building in trades, just whatever it is that they need in
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order to get to work, being able to leverage these funds, really helps out and goes directly towards our men and women that are in community that we need to get to work, and as i've stated, we do this alongside our friends at city build as well too. and the work that we're doing with cdd, but to date, we've had over 22 graduations of individuals. so we run this training program twice a year, for ten weeks in anywhere between 12 to 15, young men and young women from community, have the opportunity to go through this training program. and i actually would like to invite you, commissioners and director kozlowski, to our next graduation, which is april 26th. it's at 10 a.m, and it's going to be at 1550. evans so you can actually see the fruits of the labor and be able to see the individuals who are graduating from our community that will then very soon get to work, as we have about a 75% placement rate once they finish training to actually getting to work, one of the other things we've been
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able to do is really look at the economic mobility of individuals within our community. so not just getting folks into 261, 67 and 22, which we've done a phenomenal job of. but being able to pilot programs like our math academy with lennar, where we actually looking at getting men and women into the plumbers and electricians union and getting them into the operating engineers unions so that they're not just starting off as laborers, but having some of these higher positions that we know that some of these contractors and folks that are doing development, need to fill, i also wanted to just do a quick introduction of folks from my team who are here who have been newly, uplifted in their roles. i think deval just left, but our chief program officer, miss duvall, from olowan, who's doing a phenomenal job of really overseeing all of the programs that we have at young community developers because there's just too many to really name, you know, here at the commission meeting. but invite folks to come out. also, our director of workforce development, who is doctor mitchell smith, who also can be with us here today, but
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you guys also heard me mention about the intersection between education and workforce. so our director of education, miss diane gray, who's done phenomenal work in community for years, is here with us as well too. and we also have another, miss tracy taper, who's our director of special initiatives. so really, working alongside everybody here in community. i mean, we mentioned doctor honeycutt, who has been a mentor and just a figure and staple for all of us in community as we continue to uplift this work. but just looking forward as we go into phase two around just being able to continue to provide these, these, these grant funds for members of community to continue to get to work, but also just looking forward to what we might be able to do in the near future. so thank you for your time. all right, the next slide just
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goes over the different, community builders that we have on our project sites, as touched on the hilltop projects have been completed, the, the projects associated with block 48, those community builders were involved in the design phase of it and permitting. and we will reengage with them when we start to move towards the construction phase of it, the next slide just shows the community facilities lots, currently they are not programed, but as i mentioned, lennar is working with oci and the city to get an approved design for the frontage, to have the infrastructure already there to support, those facility lots, when the programing is established, it and then, just want to kind of touch on, lyla mentioned there was a few items
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that we unfortunately did not meet compliance on in 2021 and 2022, some of those we were a little bit short on 2023, but we , we, for one of the items, the kind of the homeowner, programs outreach, mortgage financing we actually brought on, somebody who used to work for lennar and is very familiar with the shipyard. her name is lynn bell, to kind of help us reengage with the community, she has already reached out with sfdc and is also working with lennar mortgage to figure out which different programs we can offer people, and so if there are more detailed questions at the end, we can also touch on that. okay all right. that's it .
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okay. so switching gears now a little bit, but still, part of the community benefits bucket is the legacy foundation. and for those who are not familiar with legacy foundation, it is part of the phase one dda and phase two dda. creation of a board of directors to oversee certain community benefits based on developer contribution for certain programs. so both the phase one and phase two dda has legacy community legacy foundation, community benefits fund and the goal is to benefit low income
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and moderate families for a variety of services that are listed on this slide. and the source of the phase one funds come from a million, $1 million contribution from the fifth amendment of the dda. and part of that, $1 million, was for the legacy foundation to get together and decide how to program these funds, following, kind of the general rule of helping, in those areas of affordable housing, community empowerment, contractor assistance and workforce. let's see. so, back in 2018, we came to the, the commission to approve a strategic plan on how the legacy foundation wanted to spend the funds and, the main three priorities were neighborhood building, education , workforce and homeownership. and some of these programs,
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since we did not know how we were going to spend them, we had a general kind of programmatic goal of how we want to spend the funds, but we also, knew we would come back to the commission and report, or if we were doing an rfp to release to a group to administer a certain program, we would be coming back to the commission for their approval after, after the item had been vetted through the legacy foundation. it's serious, but it's not moving. why aren't you moving? technical difficulty. the mouse moving, the slide. in all the way to the end. antifa.
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here, let me see this frozen. let's see. i'm skipping ahead. jumping ahead to do this. just just going to. so this wasn't working anyways. so and here's a you know, the legacy consists of a maximum of 11 members and seven of the members are appointed. we have, some vacancies, partially, some of them have been vacant for quite some time. and we will be working at the legacy to fill those seats. and recently, our
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chairperson has recently resigned, and so we need to fill some of these positions. but the 11 members are maximum. we need, seven to sort of be full body. so we will be working on that as well in the upcoming year. emmanuel. so the next is a budget. overview. this was provided to you in the memo. and you know, this is this is based on the programs that were established in the strategic plan. so we had certain estimated budgets for certain programs and some of which we have already spent funds for that are listed in the column that for we've, we've definitely started on the community dialogs. doctor honeycutt will speak later to
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our community heroes event that was part of the neighborhood building program. and then we will be working on, recognition of community heroes, the some of the funds we have yet to fully program out. and doctor honeycutt will cover some of the next steps we plan to do on the ones that we have not expended to date. we have, scholarship administration. we came here before the commission to execute a contract for scholarship america. we are in year three of that program. we have, given out over 60 scholarships to students that include also payments for college, living expenses. and we also are going to work on an, similar to, the implementation committee working on a contractor assistance program for, the $250,000 that are here, for set aside for that. so that is something we will work on, we've already expended $180,000 on home ownership assistance
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program. and, before one of our first expenditures was the strategic planning consultant that assisted the legacy. and come work developing the strategic plan. thank you. thank you. monica and so we have a, on phase two, we have the scholarship funds. they are funding the scholarship, the bulk of the scholarship. and we also have travel scholarship as well that we want to work on in the upcoming year. we are already well on our way of spending the scholarship funds every year. and right now, we currently have a call for folks to apply for this round. the third round of the scholarship. so and all of them have gone very, have been very successful at and, and we have helped many, students get assistance and living expenses for, for the, to go to college or technical trades. so i'm going to invite
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doctor honeycutt for these next steps, because we have been working very closely with her on as well as the other legacy members to figure out how do we get more money out and how do we bring focus back to this, and, get the money out to the community? so with that, i will hand it over to doctor honeycutt, and i will help with the slides. are there okay? okay. so we'll help move the slides. we don't worry about the slides. yeah, yeah, just let me say what i'm going to say now, okay? yeah you know i love oci because any time i sit through twurofeeting to hear the wonderful work you all are doing. no, seriously, about that. you're doing great work. good afternoon. executive director thor kozlowski. commissioners and mr. morales, it's good seeing all of you.
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thank you for your work again as the chair of the legacy foundation, i'm pleased to give you updates about the legacy foundation. next steps, the first program i would like to discuss is the college readiness and skill building program. we have $400,000 in that account. the legacy foundation members have agreed to reallocate $200,000 of these funds for the down payment assistance program for certificate of preference holders with mchd, the legacy foundation and staff will present the cop program in greater detail at a may commission meeting. the legacy foundation members will work on an rfp to release the remaining funds for college readiness and skill building programs to fund bayview-hunters point organizations to provide
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instructional programing for 100 bayview-hunters point youth. this program will target youth ages 11 to 18 and young adults ages 19 to 25 that either reside in bayview-hunters point or attend public middle or high schools in bayview-hunters point. the next program i'm going to discuss is the construction assistance program. there are $250,000 in funds in that program, and the legacy foundation members and oci will finalize and engage an entity to manage the constructor, assist program. next program neighborhood building approximately. $39,315 in that program, the legacy foundation hosted a community heroes and
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sheroes event on march 22nd of this year. i want to thank executive director thor kozlowski and commissioner reverend doctor carolyn scott for being in attendance at that event. thank you very much, if you have not seen the brochure from that event, i'm sure, our your ed thor kozlowski will make sure that you have a chance to look at it. it was a great event. it was at the southeast commission building. wonderful people who have done tremendous work in the community over the years were highlighted. now the legacy foundation will work with into action, a nonprofit event organizer, to plan for 1 to 3 community gathering events with the remaining funds. because we need to do that, we need to hear
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what's happening, how people are feeling, what they need so we can assist them. and finally, the will travel scholarship. there's $25,000 in that particular, program or allocation, $5,000 travel stipends for five african american students ages 18 to 25 will travel to africa or asia. we're working on a partnership with someone with whom you will be very familiar, and we are hoping to disperse these funds this year. so that's what's left, or that's our program for the next steps. okay, i have i would like to talk to you if i can get permission from the, from whoever is in charge. let's put it that way. okay. to talk to you about something else, though. i'd like to talk. talk to you about sb 593 and the cop program. am i going to get
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permission to be able to do that? reverend scott? that would be who who makes that decision? yeah. when we discuss anything that's not on the agenda. okay. all right. so i do have a suggestion that means that if i can't talk to you about it, what i will do is talk to your executive director. talk kozlowski about it, because i think this is important. it. yeah, we will have a time when we'll ask if there's anyone that would like to speak today. okay. oh, today. yes. yes. okay and i'm watching the clock because i have a 6:00 event that i must attend. so i'm hoping you won't go that long. okay. thank you very much for the opportunity to talk about the legacy foundation . thank you. okay. are you done? this does conclude our
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presentation, and we are all here to answer any questions you may have. thank you. madam secretary, do we have anyone else from the public who wishes to provide a comment? it looks like mr. james is coming forward. okay, i'm just going to read. at this time, members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415) 655-0001. enter access code 26630295657, followed by the pound sign, then press pound again to enter. enter the call. press star, then three to be placed in the queue. if you are already listening to us by phone, please press star three. if you would like to provide a comment. we like to begin by inviting anyone who
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joined in person to provide public comment on this item. oscar james. good evening commissioners and public. my name is oscar james. i'm a native resident of bayview-hunters point. i've also served on the mayor's task force for the closure of the hunters point shipyard with the navy, with the honorable phil burton and honorable joseph alioto, first, i want to give dittos out to deal for the young community developers. that was a program we started with model cities, with the director at that time,
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claude everhart, who was still the president of the board, but. and then i want to give dittos out to doctor honeycutt and the cac for the wonderful job they have done to make sure that the community has benefited from this particular project. now, one of the things i jammed to the mayor, and then honorable phil burton and the navy at that time was to make sure the community got a benefit package out of whoever came in to the hunters point shipyard. the first one came in was triple a that we brought in, and they did a lot in helping the community, but but they kind of messed up. then they brought lennar in, a lot of people in the community, was fighting lennar and what have you, but i brought the,
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from the task force, the original, information about toxics in the hunters point shipyard, because my father worked in the hunters point shipyard, nor lennar, nor triple a had anything to do with that toxics in the hunters point shipyard. that was a navy. and the navy alone. i know for a fact i know from when my father had worked there about the toxics project completed. we started before mission bay. mission bay is built. and look at us in hunters point shipyard. we're still playing around trying to knock down whatever we as minorities in that community
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have to benefit and not waste our time and somebody else come in after they then kicked us all out because we can't afford to stay there no more. and then somebody else come in there and get all of our benefits. we have suffered out there long enough. the people in the community should benefit. do not keep your good work, doctor honeycutt. keep up your good work and anything that i can do as long as i'm living. i got your back. thank you very much. thank you. ace washington. he's not here. we would like to now, call any members of the public who may be joining us by phone who would like to provide a comment. please raise your hand by pressing star three on your mobile devices. madam vice chair at this time, there are no more
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members of the public wishing to comment on this item. hearing. there are no more requests to speak on this item. i will close the public comment and turn now to my fellow commissioners for their comments, questions or concerns. thank you for this really robust, presentation on the community benefits at the shipyard, the work of the legacy foundation is really incredible and inspiring, thank you for all that you're doing. it's wonderful to see. i was, more involved in the project at the end of that strategic planning process, and it's just really wonderful to see that vision come to come to a reality. and for folks in the community to receive the benefit of those, those programs and all the hard work of the of the foundation members, i was hoping to hear from lennar on a couple items, first, i was disappointed to not see information about 2023. i
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kept checking dates and trying to remember what year it was, so, you know, looking forward to hearing more about what you did last year. soon and i also wanted to hear any additional, commentary you may have regarding the two areas where, staff found partial compliance, what actions have been taken to date and what what will be done moving forward, to, to bring those into compliance. sure, so focusing just on, homeowner workshops as it pertains to, home ownership, mortgage opportunities, so unfortunately, in 2023, we, we lost two thirds of our sales and marketing team
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in the middle of the year. and so that impacted our ability to kind of perform, we were able to , start with the workshops again in late 2023, and we've actually already had one in january, and we've got another one set for, in two weeks time. so we are ramping back up with that, as i mentioned, we, we did bring in, lynn bell to kind of help us, ensure that we are reaching out to, all the different avenues that there are, either through lennar itself or, through the city's doubt program or the umbrella program to see if there are things that we can educate buyers on, whether they're buying at the shipyard or not, so that, they're aware of the options. and also currently we're working with moe on our
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block 52 madison project for the bmr homes there, and we're hoping that we'll be able to offer a few contracts here in the next week or so. for the first homes. that's great. thank you. thank you for the update. more specifically on the 0% rate, or the zero down, obligation. so what all are you pursuing? in lieu of providing a 0% down, that's not an existing kind of city. well the only va loans are the ones who are providing 0% loans, what we can do is offer, between 2 to 3% down loans and then try to, help buyers with additional financing , lennar mortgage, who took over for umc via eagle mortgage. we did have a little transition where umc, was no longer and
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then eagle took over. then there was a gap where they were not, available where we actually had a point there during the pandemic where we didn't have a mortgage arm. and so now lennar mortgage exists, and we can offer that again, as far as programs, i might actually bring lynn bell up and she can kind of provide a little bit more detail on those things. we're pursuing. great. thank you. hi. good afternoon, commissioner lynn bell. so it's really fun for me to kind of jump back into this because i started the homebuyers workshops years ago with david sobel, who was now at sfdc. and david and i chatted last week about what we could do collaboratively to do some more outreach in the community. and in addition, years ago, we started homeownership sf, which is a great resource as well to try and understand what's the best way that we can approach the community and get them reengaged. so it was a challenging time the last couple of years, not only because of covid, but nobody really wanted to live in a detached housing. and so now we're starting to see the market really shift, so it's
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a good time to get back and reengaged. and originally we actually i think the requirement of the dda is to do one workshop every quarter, years ago, we actually used to do them once a month, and so the biggest cheerleaders i had in the community is, mrs. kennedy and mrs. vincent were huge, huge supporters of the program. so what we need to do now, as the market is opening up is look at some of the other lenders also that are out there and try and find out some of them have mandates to do first time home buyer programs, and i've worked a lot with like silicon valley bank. and so there are opportunities out there. we just need to do some more due diligence to see what can we layer into lennar's programs that are available in the community. lennar is doing a wonderful program that i think that should just continue on even once we're completed, that they do monthly workshops that are done online that are available to anybody, and they're getting a large amount of traction for people because it provides flexibility in their schedule. so by the next session, we should have more of an update and hopefully more, you know, insight into what the programs are and get some more energy around people attending
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them. great. thank you. looking forward to hearing more. yeah. you're welcome. good afternoon. just wanted to echo what my fellow commissioner drew just said, as well as, just want to thank you, michael, for being here, really appreciate the work that you're doing, as well as ced and marcus and lila, it's exciting to hear things are happening down there. i see it on my bike ride, but to actually hear it and see things happening is, you know, as a native san franciscan, i, you know, i'm really excited, i really am, and i can't wait, you know, of all the work that everyone's doing, cid with the contract assistance program, marcus with the contract assistance program. mentorship protege as well. i
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know tj booker just left, but, i know the work that he's been doing. job training and employee assistance, i get goosebumps because, you know, i've been patiently waiting to see, you know, things transpire, on the eastern neighborhoods district as i live in district ten. so, i've been anxious for more than 20 years to see all this come to fruition, and it will pay off with all the work, hard work that you're all doing. so i just really want to say, you know, i know you thank us, but we also want to thank you for being transparent, you know, not just with us, but as well as with the community, as a community member of in my neighborhood, dogpatch, i, you know, it's transparency is key, you know, and that's also in your job at my job. so transparency you come farmers, people, community members want to hear that you care. so just
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hats off and, continue on upward and onward. thank you. well, i'll just say thank you to you all for this report and the information. lenore mike, lynn and all of you that have spoken meeting you, mr. marcus. just brought so much joy. and as i've said to many of the team folk that are with oci, i'm impressed with the diversity. there is no one culture with all of the answers. and so totally out of a mountain of despair, you're stones of hope and mr. sid as well. i've never met you. and it's like, well, my goodness, where did this come from? and you with renaissance. i'm grateful. doctor honeycutt. we know because we get to see and hear and, be a part of
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witnessing all that's going on. but i am so impressed that this answers so many questions. and we all know covid, the pandemic put a halt to so much. so we do look forward to the opportunities and the possibilities of going in to the things that were not completed, not work. we understand that that is not a dark mark at all. it's just that you're still here. breathing and moving is amazing. it's amazing. so i'm grateful. well, madam secretary, would you call the next item, please? the next order of business is item six. public comment on non agenda items. madam vice chair. and thank you for this opportunity to talk
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with you about sb 593 and the cop. oh not i'm sorry. yeah. we did you not want me to speak. not yet. oh we will get to that right. we're not at that point, through the chair. madam chair, this is the opportunity for members of the public to speak on items that are not on the agenda. okay? did i miss that, doctor hunnicutt, forgive me. please return. oh, okay. i i'm sorry. i couldn't hear you. oh, can you hear me now? no, i can hear you. i just could not hear. lucinda, an announcement for public comment to dial in in case they're on the line, so i'll just go ahead and read. so let's see. can you speak up just a little bit more? i'll make the announcement for public comment, you will make that announcement. so we weren't there yet. okay. at this time, members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this agenda
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item, please call (415) 655-0001. enter access code 26630295657, followed by the pound sign, then the pound sign again. to enter the call, press star, then three to be placed in the queue. if you are already listening to us by phone, please press star three. if you'd like to provide a comment. okay, we'd like to begin with, anyone joined in person to provide a public comment? doctor hunnicutt. doctor hunnicutt, thank you, i'd like to offer some comments for your review on sb 593. and the cop program. in terms of sb 593, this bill offers a wonderful and rare opportunity to accomplish what we've not been able to do in the past regarding housing equity, past displacement, new
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housing potentials and opportunities. and we need to convey the right information and work collectively to seize on the opportunity without further delay. the cac has already conducted a very successful meeting in collaboration with ocie elizabeth pam and lila were present at that meeting, but i do feel that it is time and i realize it takes a while for sb 593 to come to fruition. i get that okay, but it is time to discuss some actionable items. it's important for this oci commission in the community and large, and the stakeholders to be on the same page in order to
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work together to make sb 593 happen for timing purposes, to ensure there are viable projects to pursue, to ensure our community is well prepared to take advantage of the rare opportunities. and your executive director, mr. kozlowski, and other community leaders, including maddie scott and reverend sisk and i worked hard to convince the california legislators of our community needs. now, regarding cop, there's an ongoing need for the fundamental issues to be addressed, such as cop success to date. what do the numbers
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show? what are the challenges issues regarding verification, measurements and performance of the existing method? with macd, if the cops main objectives and goals are to be met. the cac works at the grassroots level. we hear all the concerns of people in the community. they have no problem finding my number, okay. and i'm glad they
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do because that's how that's what we do as members of the cac for the shipyard and we're prepared and better positioned to further the needed and relevant discussions with assistance from oci and participation of other entities, to deal with some of the issues that are surfacing regarding these two programs in the community. so it would be helpful to the targeted beneficiaries moving forward. if you consider this suggestion, i'm suggesting that oci and other entities sponsor a community meeting to discuss sb 593 and cop matters at the hbs site office at either a cac subcommittee meeting or the full cac meeting, or both, or
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whatever you you you have. okay, again, let me emphasize the goal is to embark on substantive dialog that can tie existing housing in the pipelines to targets the cop population via outreach, education, and assistance, while also providing opportunities to the residents in need of housing and assistance. thank you very much for listening to my comments and for supporting our legacy foundation and cac efforts. thank you. thank you, doctor hunnicutt. okay. okay. any other members of the public in person wishing to make a comment? okay. now we'd like to call, any members of the public who may be joining us by phone who would like to provide a comment. please raise your hand by pressing star three on your
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mobile devices. madam vice chair, at this time, there are no more members of the public wishing to comment on this item. hearing. there are no more requests to speak on the item. i will close public comment, turn to my fellow commissioners for their comments, questions or concerns. okay, and i just would want to say thank you to doctor, i almost called oscar james doctor james, but oscar james is just about at every meeting and with factual information and so many things. he started as a kid and here now as a senior, watching the accomplishments and then pointing out all that needs to continue to be moved forward and raise the bar in what we're doing and how he engages with oci and even sitting back with the younger generations in that last row says a lot about mr. james. and so i want to thank oci, because the other thing that i noticed is oci has a
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diverse generational group of people that i continue to see. so thor, thank you and thank you, oci. it next item, the next order of business is item seven. report of the chair. madam vice chair. no report. the next order of business is item eight. report of the executive director. director kozlowski. thank you, madam secretary, members of the commission, members of the public. i want to provide a couple of updates for you, i wanted to talk a little bit about the hunters point shipyard and the navy's ongoing work. part of the remediation work is to demolish the 100 plus buildings that are out in the remaining part of the shipyard that is undergoing remediation. and i wanted to acknowledge doctor hunnicutt in this regard, the navy, throughout its base closure activities, does not do any demolition of buildings, for the most part as a standard practice. but there's new legislation that the mayor spearheaded with former leadership at oci to authorize the navy in this circumstance here at hunters point to demolish these buildings, that got approved last year. and the navy's undertaking a planning process to demolish those buildings, it was on a tour of hunters point shipyard with mr. greg preston, who is national director for base realignment and closure in washington, dc,
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that doctor hunnicutt, inquired with him about any local contracting and i had advised her. i said that the navy simply doesn't really do that kind of thing. they just do their standard federal contracting, but she insisted, and she wanted to write a letter, and she wrote a letter to washington, dc, i helped her coordinate that with the mayor's office, and that resulted in a 23% local contracting goal, with the mayor's leadership, she had her personal ambassadorship as well, she met with undersecretary, meredith berger, last year as well, and she urged her to try and build trust with the community, this is $1 billion demolition program over about ten years, subject to congressional appropriations, of course. so it could go on longer, but that's a quarter billion dollars in local contracting and not just the nine bay area county which their typical catchment area for contracting. but in bayview, hunters point, super significant
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demolition. i want to read some of the scopes out to you. the navy is beginning to promote this, and i want to tell you about an event that the navy is holding, called industry day. but they're looking for a subcontractor to do structural demolition, concrete cutting and breaking. so you contractors, listen up. get your pen as best as abatement. hazardous material removal, utility disconnection, site prep, debris hauling, trucking, recycling, salvaging, air monitoring, dust management during demolition activities. i'm going to read that one again. air monitoring and dust management. during demolition activities. site grading, excavation, security and safety. biological monitoring and surveying, these are the scopes they'll be subcontracting for the navy's holding what they call an industry day for the contractors to meet and associate themselves and build up a team to do, to respond to their rfp. they're releasing an rfp for a portion of the
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property on parcel g. so this is only a $90 million program, but parcel g will be the first phase. and they're releasing this rfp in may. and so on april 24th, i encourage everybody to go out to the south san francisco conference center, april 24th, south san francisco conference center, that's 255 south airport boulevard. they're holding a conference called industry day where you can get all the information and assistance from the navy so they can tell you how to bid on this project, again, bayview-hunters point contractors and the scopes. i was just discussing $90 million in the first phase, $1 billion over ten years, 23. bayview hunters point contracting i want to thank doctor hunnicutt for not only the advocacy, but the idea, and the follow through, the grassroots organizing that we see from folks, you know, the leadership at the hunters point shipyard, cac, all of them led by doctor hunnicutt, is just amazing. so we want to thank them. that's a quarter billion
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dollars in san francisco that was not here, previously. so i want to thank you for that. doctor hunnicutt, would you like to make any remarks on that? thank you very much for recognizing that and saying that thought. you know, it's just that we just can't give up, folks. you know, we've got to keep working at it. i want you to know that, michael pound, who is the navy representative, did do a special meeting with some of our local contractors, but some of our local contractors still need some assistance in being able to participate and complete the sam's process. and correct me if i'm wrong, which enables them to participate in federal, activities. and so we
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decided through our business and employment subcommittee meeting that we would have a special meeting on april 18th where the contractors could come in and, you know, get some assistance from, you know, the heavyweights that are able to do these, put these, help them to get themselves together. you saw some of them today at this meeting, but there will be other people who are there. april 18th, 6 p.m. so we want the contractors to know that, and then, of course, as, thor keselowski or ed said, the industry day on the 24th, the what we're concerned about is that the contractors will not be ready, but paperwork wise, we know they have the skills, okay, because there are a lot of them have been doing the work. and some of the contractors who were talking to us have been in in business for a while. but there
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are certain protocols that they need to follow when they're trying to do when they're doing federal work. okay. so they just need encouragement. we all need encouragement in whatever we're trying to do. so that's the role of a cac for the shipyard. so i thank you, thor, for recognizing that. i thank you for allowing me to push beyond the boundaries so that we can make sure that people in our communities are really serviced. and i mean, all people. okay, because we have a very diverse community in the bay view and, and our folks need to all of our folks need to be taken care of. thank you so much. thank you. doctor hunnicutt, i also want to. so thank you, doctor hunnicutt, for that and your advocacy. i want to especially thank the navy for being cooperative on this, on this issue, undersecretary berger, the navy in dc, greg preston, who is the head of national brac, tony mengele,
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who's, came on around the same time i did in 2022. we, he had a fresh perspective on how to build trust in the community. danielle genda and michael pound also, who have really been excellent. they've really leaned into this, in ways that they're learning. they're learning to do this very hyper local, i'll say that again, hyper local kind of focused effort on contracting, and then i want to thank the team at oci and the city, lyla hussein, who's been helping tremendously, george bridges, maria pico, at contract compliance, they've been shepherding and spearheading like, what does this look like? asking the right questions of the navy team and getting this scope that i just write out to you, stephanie tang, who is head of contract monitoring division at the city, ken nem, who is head of city build, as soon as they got wind of this, we all jumped in and we were working with the navy. we've been having monthly meetings with them on
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this planning for it, and it's been it's been tough and rewarding, again, just resulting in this, what might sound like low, but 23% from zero is significant. you're talking about a quarter billion dollars over time, subject to congressional appropriations. so i applaud them for their their effort leaning into that. but i wanted to take advantage of, doctor honeycutt's attendance here to talk about that a little bit. i have a couple of items, other items to speak about. can i ask you to repeat that date again with the location? absolutely. and time. absolutely. so everyone, on april 24th, navy industry day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the south san francisco row conference center, 255 south airport boulevard, 255 south airport boulevard. april 24th navy industry day. we have some fliers we're going to distribute to, the commission and our email list, and we'll
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get it out to the cac again. i want to applaud the cac for hosting workshops on this issue, with the navy. so they've been out and actually meeting with local contractors and going out to the community, and they've been pulling them into the community, doctor scott, you often talk about not just sending stuff out, but actually going out. and the personal ambassadorship, encouraged by the cac the navy is stepping up to, to do that. so and may i ask the next, doctor honeycutt gave the date of april 18th. that is a different. can you give that date, time and location as a follow up, commissioner scott of the meeting that we had with mr. pound when he really did a wonderful job of laying out everything that they would need to know and do in order to be eligible for potential contracts down the line. so we're just
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doing another follow up meeting, business and employment follow up subcommittee meeting to invite contractors to make sure that they have been successful in that or and if they need assistance, they'll be able to talk to some people who are there to do that. so they'll be ready for our industry day on april 24th. okay. gotcha. thank oftentimes they have they have the skills, reverend scott, but they you know, it's putting the paperwork and everything together and encouraging them to do that. so that's just the cac i'm trying to follow up on this wonderful opportunity to get our local contractors to get some of those contracts and to do well. thank you. good. thank you sir. thank you, very important that that item, the next item, commissioner drew alluded to it earlier about, candlestick and phase two of the hunters point
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shipyard. as we know, hunters point shipyard is still under, remediation by the navy. so the developer, five point, has been looking at ways to restart candlestick, and we've been in discussions with them for many months now, and think we have the outline of a plan to bring to the commission, hopefully as soon as may, to talk about what that initial stage would look like, that initial stage is always planned to be commercial, it was retail at one point. then it switched to office and now they're looking at sort of the innovation sector, broadly speaking. so i biotech, tech in general, clean technology, climate change kind of work, and so bringing forward that concept, which would include a variety of amendments to our program, some of them more significant than others, but increasing the amount of commercial square footage that might be in that initial first phase and extending, the timeline for the redevelopment plan, as well as adjusting the schedule of performance to be
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some key items we would be able to talk about. so look forward for hopefully in may to talk to you all about that, i want to give you an update on a project that the commission approved last year, and mission bay block two, the owner of a building there, udr, wanted to take some of their on site parking and offer it up for public parking. short tum commercial public parking, and this commission approved that plan in, in, in exchange, they had to give 20, lower income rate, rents for parking, leasing for the affordable housing communities in mission bay, which have a shortage of parking, that a lottery was held recently for the 20 spots and that leasing will begin hopefully in the next 45 days, for 2020, folks who were going to get two year leases, for those parking spots. so i wanted to applaud the whole mission bay team, but especially gretchen heckman and pam sims, who spearheaded not only the negotiations but also
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interfacing with the affordable housing communities, administering with the mayor's office of housing and community development, the lottery, and doing outreach to those folks and just taking care of all the business, that needed to get that done. so i want to applaud them. they were here earlier, but now they're gone. so, philip, you'll have to accept the accolades. and mark, who was formerly the project manager, who's i think it was maybe even his idea at some point. but anyway, i want to thank them all for that. that was a much needed, parking resource injected into that community. and then lastly, i just wanted to note the transbay block two project, which you guys have approved. both phases, the two west phase and the two east phase. it's a family and a senior housing. we're planning for a groundbreaking ceremony, late may. we don't have a date yet, but we're looking at late may, so hopefully you guys are not traveling. you're available. we're going to have hopefully the mayor there as well. the entire commission, to celebrate this great, great achievement. and that concludes my report. thank you. okay. and director
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thor, would you give me the location? the parking spots are going to be the address. i don't recall off the top of my head, but mission bay block two is mission bay. the mission bay block two. okay 185 channel sounds right. that's correct. wow so. okay. thank you, thank you. next item. the next order of business is item nine. commissioners. questions and matters. madam vice chair, commissioners, do you have any questions or matters that you would like to discuss? if there are no questions comments. madam secretary, please call the next item. the next order of business is item ten. closed session. there are no closed session items. the next order of business is item 11. adjournment. madam vice chair,
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fellow commissioners, i will need a motion and second to adjourn the meeting. i motion to adjourn this amazing meeting. and i second, thank you. it has been moved in. second meeting is adjourned >> good afternoon
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>> welcome to the san francisco full arts commission meeting this afternoon at 2:00 pm., monday, april 1, 2024. >> i'm calling this meeting to order by asking commission secretary to call the roll. >> president collins present. >> vice president shiota is absent. >> commissioner beltran present. >> commissioner benavides is absent. >> commissioner brenzel here. >> commissioner carney present and commissioner ferras here and commissioner hakimi here and commissioner lu present. >> commissioner mccoy is absent. >> k3450i78dz is absent. >> commissioner schnair absent. >> commissioner shelby. >> k3450ir8z absent and commissioners dynamic is absent and director ralph remington and sarah and deputy director are in attendance. >> president collins. thank you very much. do we have any agenda