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tv   SF GovTV Presents  SFGTV  April 14, 2024 8:40pm-9:01pm PDT

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[music] >> opening this space with my sister, and being able to continue the very deep literary lineage that exist in the mission is part of the fabric
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of the neighborhood. this is neighborhood of poets and litary readings. you see the writers from the neighborhood, their books are here. paul flores books are here. --that is what we are doing, keeping the litary lineage alive and going, you know? [music] >> san francisco is actually the only place that i can do this. in its quite way, something i can actually do that is a benefit. sure, i like to open up a really cool well curateed spot. it would be beneficial but not the same beneficial it is here. when i say young folks that remind me of us, when we were
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that young, and they come in here, they can relax. nobody is following them around like they are going to steal anything. that means they can be a little more free and little more of themselves and i can do some small thing that helps them do that and that is part of what lets me know i'm doing exactly what i want and need to do. [music] >> we have events here that focus on the deep neighborhood history here on the artists and writers. if you look now there is antany, his exhibit and focus is on neighborhood people. artists muralist, the space was
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basically a gift given to us in a really weird way. we had to work our asses off for, but it was that opportunity for me that chance to be that link in the long literary chain of the neighborhood. it is a blessing to be here. [music]
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>> san francisco is a positive impact on my chinese business. >> i'm the founder of joe-joe. i'm a san francisco based chinese artist. i grew up in the bayview district. i am from china i started at an early age i started at age of 10
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my grandfather my biggest inspiration. and i have followed with my traditional art teacher in china:i host educational workshops at the museum and local library. and i also provide chinese writing in public middle school and that way i hold more people fall in love with the beautiful of our chinese calligraphy. it is a part of our heritage. and so we need to keep this culture alive. hand writing is necessary field that needs to be preserved generation toieneration. this art form is fading away. but since covid i have been very dedicated to this art and i hope that my passions and serving
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this art form. there are many stores and shopping centers and companies that are interested in chinese cal iing ravi. i feel motivated to my passion for chinese calligraphy in today's world. so people can always enjoy the beauty of chinese calligraphy, from time to time i have a choice to traditional chinese calligraphy to make it more interesting. we do calligraphy on paper. i can do calligraphy different low. >> my inspiration is from nature and provide calligraphy that was
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popular style of persons time. i will invite to you check out my website or instagram. and there is some events and updated upcoming events that you can participate. aced
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in san francisco. >> happy 30th anniversary
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sfgovtv. you are all are fantastic you put oat great stuff we love working with you congratulations thank you, happy 30th anniversary sfgovtv in any more than 20 years of the public life as city attorney and as head of puc my honor and privilege to have you as a partner in all the work we've done the san francisco police department congratulates sfgovtv for thirty years of original >> (music). >> hi, i'm emmy the owner of emmy's spaghetti i offers working that with some kind of fine dining and apron and feeling stuffy and in the 90s in
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san francisco it was pretty pretense in a restaurant in the restaurant scene i want to it have a place to have a place for my friends to guess i started the restaurant a no better place the outer mission spaces were available that's when i opt in two 10 he start with all people and work with them and the events they create one of the events we do every year and backpack give away and give piaget away and a christmas part with a santa and bring 5 hundred meatballs and pa get and we're like in the mission not about them knowing where the food
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comes from but a part of the community. and my restaurant emmy's spaghetti and fun banquet and san francisco not the thing that everybody knows about we stay under the radar we show the showcase i take it food and we started to eat we wanted to have comfort food and that a claims friend from i take it and helped me create meatballs and dealing evolved over the years in the beginning one plate of spaghetti and a meatball we tried to make the portions as big as they could be. and now we have quite a few types pasta dishes with a
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la begin and meat sauce or have a partition to a lot of food we are at a point with all the favorites i don't change the menu often 0 i eat here so much but everything is fresh your cocktail menu is the best it's ever been one thing on the menu our magazine ghetto we change the flavor one of the fun things it is served in the historically we're known emmy's spaghetti as a friendly place and when i opened i wanted my friend to be welcome and other parents to be welcomed and it is very for this is a place for families especially in san francisco and this is where though hold their
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celebration important i mean you're coming to a family restaurant and you're coming for o to a fun place i love being the owner and pretty sure my life i enjoy running the psta spaghetti place i hope to be here a while we'll see how it goes we everyone is a friend we're hoping you'll be a >> >> >> my name is alex sinclair of willow on the green in san francisco. we are the only british tea shop
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on the west coast and focused on high quality luxury goods from the u.k. and we have teas and baked goods. we came up with the name because willow is made with baskets and the parklett, a willow green and that is a picnic in the park. i have come up with the idea because i have lived in the neighborhood for a year. seven years ago we had a tea shop. during covid we needed to have a new flavor and rejuvenate the business. we are between two beautiful businesses. i realized with the shop opening next to the bakery, we had a beautiful tea shop in
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the area. we started with british teas and want to support local tea makers in the local area. and once you have cheese and biscuits need tea and jam and lemon curd and chocolate and all of these parts basically imported from the u.k. our most popular products come from wales. it's an extra cheddar and next popular product is a jam made with alpine strawberry. so you get a taste of a nice strawberry. this is about supporting cheese makers and business in the area and women-owned businesses
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around the world and always want to support the community. we support concerts, we support charities and come to the aid to those in need such as the british society and the san francisco society and the -- >> if you have never had british cheese, i recommend you come in on weekend. all of our staff are highly knowledgeable of all of our products and we are really passionate about what we do here and gives you a chance to explore our culture and food and our values. i encourage you to come to the inner sunset with a beautiful park to be young and academy of sciences here. come to the shop. we have beautiful baskets and blankets so you can enjoy this wonderful nature and you can support these
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wonderful businesses out here. >>television. >> the filling that on encouragement center offers community resources is to the community efforts for the heritage. >> and filipinos features in the community a indigenous community in weaving those beautiful textiles for hundreds of years we're proud to feature more than one antique ones and other fashioned from the community. and we're trying to have an
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>> all right, good afternoon, every one, thank you for your patience, welcome to the san francisco housing authority commission meeting for special commission meeting for today, monday, april first. can we call roll please. >> clerk: president joaquin torres. >> present. >> commissioner lindo. >> present. >> commissioner kim. >> present. >> commissioner pikes. >> present. >> [reading