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tv   Fire Commission  SFGTV  April 21, 2024 3:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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april 10, 2024 the time is 9:01. this meeting is held in person. members of the opinion may attend to bench public comment at the meeting location or calling 1-415-655-0001 and using id, 2660-750-0668 and the password is 1, 2, 3, 4. >> members may address the commission up to 3 minutes purpose item. ensure you near a quiet location. speak clearly and turn off background sounds. wait for the item you would like then press star 3 to be added to
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the queue. system will notice you when you are in line. callers will hear silence when waiting for your turn to speak. operator will unmute you. you may watch live at roll call. president morgan is running late. vice president fraser. >> present. >> commissioner nakajo. >> present. >> commissioner feinstein? >> present >> member collins, upon present and chief nicholson. >> present remotely. vice president fraser will read the land acknowledgment. ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgement the san francisco fire commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their
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responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> thank you. item 2 general public meant. members of the public may address the commission up to 3 minuteos i matter within the commission's jurisdiction tha is not on the agenda speakers address to the commission as a whole and not individual commissioners or department personnel. commissioners are not to enter in debate or discussion with the speaker. the lack of response by the commissioners or department personnel does not necessarily institute agreement with or support of statements made during public comment.
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there is nobody approaching and nobody on the line. all right. public comment is closed. . 3 approval of the minutes discussion and possible action to approve the meeting minutes from the regular meeting on march 20 27, 2024. >> we will is there discussion on the minutes? or comment from the mission on the minutes? >> there is owen nobody on the line or approaching.
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so moved. president morgan? >> abstain i was not present. and vice president or commissioner feinstein? i also was not present. >> vice president fraser. [inaudible]. >> motion is unanimous. no. 2 excused. item 4. chief of department's report. from chief of department jeanine nicholson on activities and events in the department since the meeting on march 27, including budgeters academies, special events. communication and out reach to other government agencies and the public and report if operations deputy chief lug tlop on fires and beauto of
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investigation. training and airport division. >> good morning. may i begin? >> good morning, chief. >> good morning. president morgan. >> sorry i'm late >> vice president fraser. commissioner feinstein, commissioner nakajo and commissioner collins, maureen and command staff i'm year xhier chief this it is my report since our last meeting witness stand >> a press conference on the steps of city hauch i'm getting feedback not sure why that is. will i'm hearing myself twice.
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society commission is aware there are many more changes coming. in terms of street changes. because the changes thus far made by the mt a muraleen do you have your hand raised. >> no , i'm trying to unraise it. am i missing something. >> i do not. i can't hear anybody. can somebody let me know if you can hear me >> we can hear you. something is going on with the web ex. okay. all right. i will continue. in any case, in terms of the vision zero press conference, there will be more changes coming. to the city streets.
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because all of the changes thus far, has slowed the fire department in terms of our response times but has not lowered the number of cyclist deaths in the staechl so unfortunately, we are the only 1s that have been -- impacted on that. and i know there will be enforcement cameras will be helpful. but we really need enforcement. from the police in terms of traffic issues. and you have been we are involved we have someone from fire marshall kauffman's office involved with the mt a on the changes and -- you know we are not -- so we are involved in the process. but just so the commission knows a lot more changes are going to be coming.
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another event i attended was at the uss harvey milk they brought a new ship here. so that it could launch from san francisco. speaker pelosi was there and spoke. mayor spoke. the nephew of harvey milk spoke. and it is a ship that will deliver supplies, and equipment. to other ships. it is not a fighting shipment per se. >> so that was adult see it come in the basement uss harvey milk. yea. and a great event to be at. and in terms of speaker pelosi. there is a grant that we put in for that we are getting for 700 thousand dollars for our training center and we are
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grateful to her. and to all the folks that work with her. in addition last time i spoke about the grant that our folks got for turn outs. so, our people under mark are doing a wonderful job look outside the box and getting us money that is needed. >> media. talk about media. nbc bay area in regards to women in the fire service and the fire department is looked at as an example of what other departments can be. and so i spoke on that. i was also interviewed about the sauce or toxic free turn out that we are looking to get. and that all of the sudden came up in the news a week and a half
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ago. because of the legislation that has been put forward. i told nbc news we have been working on this for 5 years and we are grateful for everyone's support. so that legislation i believe they -- leave it be for a month. i don't know if it is public comment or what it is but then they will vote at the full board late this month or early next know month they will vote on it. in regards to [inaudible]. turn out. 798 adam wood testified at a hear nothing sacramento yesterday regarding the toxic chemicals in our equipment and gear. and just so the commission knows, this does not owen impact
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firefighter its has a significance impact on firefighters because of the exposure but it impacts all of us it is in all thing in your homes as well. i attended a conchs last week in williams, california fire skoechl there were great conversations from everything from wild land, urban, state wide legislation. it is a really great opportunity to also just network with other chiefs from this state of california. really helpful. with chief of support service michael mullin we visited station 51. last week, it was well received. and you know we spoke again aboutow challenges and needs. and what we were seeing in the fields that we are really, really proud of and pleased
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about. and some of the things we are working on for the field in terms of getting them equipment and all the other things that are going in headquarters. i greeted a new class of 99-10's. what are 99-10's? they other young people from city emt who are going to get 500 hours on an ambulance. this is a paid internship. where they'll get 5 huh human hours on an ambulance so they can then apply to the san francisco fire department to work on an ambulance. some of them may do that some may apply for the suppression side and some may go another route t. has been a successful program thus far. and we had dozens of young people come through station 49. as a third porn an ambulance.
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thank you, deputy chief tong for your support and all the work that your people nut to this t. has been successful. i greeted an h3 level one class an emt class earlier this week. and they are there are a lot of local young people in this class. and 12 of the 14 have actually worked on an ambulance in san francisco as well. but many of them are from san francisco and currently live in san francisco, which is great. there was a boot camp this past weekend at treasure island. for it was supposed to be over 100 people i don't have the numbers how many showed up. but it is a good measuring stick for these recruits and candidates. i say. and it is a good chance for us
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to get some eyes on folks and so they can get help from which employee groups or whom ever and get an upon idea what they need to work on and what the expectation is. we had a retreat last week. cb23-4 and mark and myself i told you doing this once a month it has been helpful in moveings the top priorities forward in this department. we discussed communications that is such an enormous topic. and got into also tuck burglar our dash board. in terms of the dash board we
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are determining what data it is that we want to have easy, quick access to, so i or another one of our chiefs can tell the story to whether its the mayor's office or city supervisors or the media or whom ever. and this is a lot of this does exist it is hard to get to and find, we are having our leader at it put together a dash board so we can do it without bothering him all the time and his people. lastly on monday, i presented the capital plan committee with mark corso. and i wanted to really explain
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and ask them for their help. mark corso presented the asks for the year. it is somewhere around 7 million dollars. which is not a lot of money. and it is not a lot considering we need millions of dollars for our repairs and remodels and blsd of our fire stations. but i spoke out and asked for assistance with challenges the seismic risks that many stations face. what could mean in an earthquake. we could lose firefighters, a station. the equipment in there. there are major risk and we will not be able to respond to that neighborhood that community so in addition to commissioner collins seen repairs at our fire
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stations so folks can live in a normal, safe environment. and so i said to them that the process that we have is in the working for us. the process that capitol plan committee has is in the working for us. and it needs to change this is not sustainable for us. we stheen with our training center. and not barely having enough money for that and we can't do station 7 and the other 6s that we need there is not another easter bond until 2028. and this puts us even further behind the 8 ball. so. you know the other challenge is that right now there is 59 million dollars for the plan has for all city departments. but 29 million dollars of this is already spoken for in were
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set asides and the like. so this leaves 30 million dollars for all the other departments unless they decide to put more money in that budget this year. we will see. so, its very little money for a lot of departments we near a challenging economic time. and so -- i am going to continue to be the squeaky kwheel and tell them that we need change. and i understand that this change will take years and years to happen. but if we don't start -- speaking out now. it will take longer. and i really feel like -- the push needs to happen. and so. i do did ask them forking sluzs and answers and help. and you know i don't know that i will get anything from that. but i will continue
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conversations with them and i do than i have the full support of the commission and work with the mayor's office and commissioner collins on messaging or strategies that we might employ with your support of e. >> that cop cludes my report for today. and as you know, again i have a meeting of the department heads with mayor breed. at 9:30. >> thank you. chief. that was a lot do you have time for questions. >> yea. please. a couple questions. i will ask the other commissioners you have questions for the chief? commissioner collins. >> chief, can you hear me? >> i can, yes, ma'am. >> i'm curious at the capitol
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plan committee was there any discussion in general of not only allocation of funds but more efficient use of funds. >> there was little discussion about that other then and there this is how much money there is, we have this many millions going to rec and park. grown this is a set aside and this many to something else and there is you know 30 million dollars left for everyone else. yesterday was the opportunity for public safety to present. so capital plan having other departments come forward this is a yearly thing we do during budget season, we ask for our we state our needs and tell them when we are asking for. in the past, we asked for 50 mission. 45 million dollars. that is never worked. we appeared it down this year.
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knowing that we really have hundreds of millions of dollars of need. but you know and that's some of what i asked for. in my upon comments yesterday was -- yea. more efficient use of the funds. and -- yea. so, i didn't there was not much conversation about it after i spoke other than thank you, chief for your comments and then police spoke and they said. yea we have the same problems that fire has and sheriff spoke and said the same thing. so, i think there is coabuilding we need to do and work with the mayor's office to push this forward even though it is difficult budget time i want a change to be ready to go.
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>> was there public comment? after the chief's report. >> we have somebody approaching the podium. >> good morning again. it has been awhile. hi. i was of late for the general comment. let's not waste time. look at the skies. register for yourself what is going and pass the world step by step we can't hide. nowhere to hide we have to pay for when we don't say t. is very important. something concerning this, you know whether you believe or not in astrology so in astrology you have 3 fire signs.
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airys,lyo, sagittarius they are masculine fire. the feminine signs are water, woman are better to take care of water. to extinguish the fire that men put in this world. so everybody should upon bed because you feel it. all right. so what is -- please pay attention to the [inaudible]. this not only because they are. pausing your time this is regard to the chief's report. >> public comment >> chief pass the world to the mayor because some point she has to take responsibility. she does not want to do it. [inaudible]. thank you. for your comment. >> ghee back to questions from
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the commission. who wants to be next joyment know you are short on time, you mentioned and thank you for your report. you mentioned that the beginning about the city streets changing. and pedestrian and cyclist stats have not changed. and about slowing response time. is there any opportunity for us to have any preview or see anything in advance of the changes? or -- >> so that is what we have been work on for years now. and i think the chief will answer that better. i know asked for a map of the city. i have no idea if we got that yet. chief will answer that. thank you for your report. >> du want to go ahead.
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chief and answer the rest of the question? >> i can do it now or it was going to be part of the body of my report >> that's fine. save t. >> i had a question for chief nicholson. are you there, chief? >> yes , sir. >> regarding the turn out you know thank god we got 2.3 million dollars grant. which would helpful ballpark figure it replace the turn outs, how much will it cost the fire department? could be 12 million dollars. we will have to moving forward. but, yea. that's a rough number. safety is no accident.
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any other commissioners have questions? no. >> okay. chief, you are up. sir. good morning. thank you. good morning president morgan. vice president fraser and commissioners i'm department of operations and had is the operation's report for march. got busier in march. waiting for the -- pictures. okay. . and there was one greater alarm during march. over february, we had an increase in working fires from 913 with i greater alarm and other calls remain the same of one greater alarm is listed the 11th. on 3:30 on 137 [inaudible]
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avenue. this is the report. this is the fire. a third alarm 1. . 51, 157 julian avenue. a very congested area. in are mission and area that most of the officer in thes room are familiar with having served as company officers and firefighters in the district. on there was a hiccup in dispatch. reported 3 different locations. short interville. companies were responding if sickth street when they did land on the address 137 julian. the approaching company officers noted the main body of fire was on weesz. which is common it this area of town where the alleys are you know residential streets with addresses on both sides on the
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north side and south side and east and west side. most were julian address the main body was on wes. on arrival, the second new company in thes area and truck 7 approaching and obstructed by vehicles and made the report the best access from 16th does change the pattern near this incident and everybody reacted well. adjusted quick and able to get units on wes and on julian. to address the fire and the rescue problem. the first alarm units you see they had a body of fire that started on the grounds. adjacent to the vehicles and quickly spread up the rear mud port stair case areas. common in this type of construction. a wooden mud porch or utility
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area. this one had a set of wood lattice that made the fire spread quickly. once it has hold of that it transitions ready low to the interior of the structures. >> divisionly arrived assumed command and struck a second alarm immediately. there was some confusion about the addresses mostly due to 15th and wes and the number you see in the report of the it obstructed access this come to the water supply. they adjusted quickly and responded units around the block and get to both sides when we operate on both side this is sets up a problem that i
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highlighted the octavia fire designate in our traditional ordnal method. abc sides of the building when you are fighting the main benefitted fire on the nonaddress side this . let to organizal confusion. the way it was resolved giving direction to the chief officeros scene this was their building and organized the companies so they knew who they worked for and the structure of that. what maintained the safety and the efficiency of the fire ground and even if the naming convention got muddy. this is an on going concern in the city of san francisco and the chief's handled it tremendously. with the rabid advancement of
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fires you see in the picture, there was concern that -- there would it would be a flame problem and companies direct by the chief to the julian side if begin our standard operation, which is to get hose lines in the build to protect the unexposed interior space. and once the companies made entry here. they did find occupants in the building. 2 rescues made. to the hospital >> they were imposing each
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other the company's on lease. and the work.
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alleys present that challenge and you have good access and the a and the c side of the building. route of entry and -- so, stellar work by the crews on scene and did go to a third alarm. there was work when it came to overhaul and securing the structure after for all of the companies involved and a good upon effort. to the point of water supply this is a neighborhood with limited hydrants and the companies that were obstructed at 15th and wes and get to the area and provide a steady water
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supply. >> conduct rescues and immediately the next company is there to find water with the difficulty of doing it they were highly effective. 29 engine used the hose in the hose bed to accomplish the task. they were able to accomplish it. >> tremendous arial throws over all. the lessons learned by the chief, kinds of get back to doctrine around and the turn outs. and our cancer load. and it was a reemphasis of this incident of the overhaul policy includes decontamination for all
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members. includes letting the building have time to be rid of the products of comp bustion and taking a pause before you start the overhaul operations the building clear. uses fans or other just natural vent lagz. and then air monitoring than i were conducted. again -- strong work and i put a paramedic in the picture there. >> access over all. this will come back to we are talking about the street scape change and it is reasons we have. access to the mt a.
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having to be underneath changes and because it is we do have actual tactical support and safety reasons for the street width and the the access we require that picture highlights that. moving on to fire prevention and investigation. in the rich tappest rew of the work by the fire marshall's office, a lot of the initiatives have come to pass and now we are moving on to a better capture of information. we had a meeting about the new reporting system. the transition.
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the things that will be involved in that reporting. when it makes that transition in 2025 and how that will aid the fire marshall's office with what the lithium batteries they remain a problem the fires increase. so [inaudible] the fire marshall will help with that. and then to address the chief's comments on our inneraction with mt a and street safe changes. we have meetings with the sfmta and we have are in the process of developing a relationship so that tell not be one member of the fire marshall staff versus 40 members of the sfmta staff. he does great work but better if we account get the vision, the plan, have a point of contact and discussions before things are put on the table like no
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turn on red which came out of the blue. with our input. we were able to get a metered prop to t. so the change in the roll out from just all the sudden every intersection in north and south of market to a phased approach. so we can gauge its impact on our response times and the busiest fire districts in the united states. we were also able to enter an agreement where they will work with us closely on the preemption technology, that is built in vehicles so this as hay prop a red light it becomes green and they proveed through. this is not only used by emergency respondeders this is also used by the muni fleet and bus. so the existing technology, we had started work to have the existing technology in our fire
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engines and test that to avoid impeding us with no turn on red changes. mt a decided to change our technology. so. we got an agreement for them to continue and bring us into the technology change. which may may be better it requires less equipment. it is equipment we already have. but that was we will see. more to follow. as for the grand map. we have promised a grand map for a long time. we got more acknowledgment the map does not exist. that it is over all plan is still being developed as it is plan is developed. and we will have meetings we had them on monday the fire marshall to get ready.
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at the airport chief is having faa insfekz this is week and today. all week and crushing it. absolutely as usual. the other thing that has risen in the chief's focus is transition to greener fleet at airport the electrification of fleet. of so the chief might be the first in the san francisco fire to start getting electric fire engines and trucks. we look forward to that discussion.
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the -- they are beginning the transition to a [inaudible] foam. that's other big impact on the industry was firefighting foam. that is no longer and in the process of purchasing and do cleaning and then dispoal and the fire department and the airport will be industry leaders, thank you, chief. >> division of training. i wanted highlight one more thing. the last operations report the chief was unable to attends there was a protest at sfo not unexpected. in his news letter i point you to that upon descriptor and the final section. and -- this is -- an eventuality they drilled for and prepared
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with the pd and everybody and practiced and planning and a good result all go hand in hand. i want to thank the chief. brings us to training. the division of training. the h2 academy continuous new level one. i'm not going to deliver out the status of the academy this is the last week of testing and expect great thing this is class has had more challenges than previous classes. i look forward to their graduation and look forward to seeing as many as we can get to cross the stage but there has been challenges. and -- in the realm of -- go to nert. nert is also had an unexpected
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setback in the month. we at least temporarily lost a coordinator and had to advertise for interim or temporary cover today with existing staff. but we are working to make sure that the nert cord narrator is replaced and this program continues and get the support that we can provide. it is absolutely essential. to our over all disaster response and the city as a whole. disaster response i will update you. that is my report. thank you for your report, chief. madam secretary is there public comment at this time about the chief's report? >> i believe somebody is approaching the podium.
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chief's report >> right. okay. please, [laughter] what's wrong. yea but put it down like. keep doing your best here. um -- [sighing] there is no time that you see -- it is getting bad. it is obvious you need to basicly, please, you need to do it. you need to [inaudible]. tlorn sept fact that lying will lead you nowhere. nothing to fear. if you stop speak the truth. it is very basic these things you z. sorry it is part of the chief report you must understand like its as you wish.
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you know. you are the responsibility of [inaudible]. okay. walk on the plan b. ure have a plan agiven to you basically you follow the orders, trust me the people are unintel gent. 90% of human beings don't know what they are talk about. crazy. you know john [inaudible] in [inaudible]. said that -- you want to make sure that what you do will be useful for you. your kids you see did require. you gotta be serious. pay attention. this [inaudible]. dangerous this . is in the picture. picture will be engine that walks on water. we need one man to take care of the water. there will be an attempt to [inaudible]. there is no [inaudible] of water
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[inaudible]. put there. have a good day. i will be back. >> that's the end of public comment. commissioner collins. >> just a detail when you were describing julian incident among the obstructions noted was a waymo vehicle, how is this dealt with? >> so, they were able to get around the vehicle. they did have to everyone had to dismount and clearances were mall is slowed them significantly and the company officer made a good radio communication that said don't
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approach on 15th approach on 16th. that's how that would dealt watch we captured the report and discuss it when we have the opportunity. >> waymo was not engaged in immediately. there is no way to move a waymo vehicle still? no pro cal from waymo to the fire department saying he is what you do when our vehicle is obstructing an active fire. none. that has been they take more time we like to dedicate to the task. we adjust it. >> yea. i'm trying to get a sense of the corporate response. to an on going issue. with the cars obstructing fire fighting. >> i think the public perception is the incidents gone down but this highlights the problems we had all the way up
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and down. and so it is chance and statistics that have made the number go down this point. this -- one does highlight something in d. communications we avoid the area notification the way to really avoid this interobjection you have a car special multiple vehicles and fire vehicles converging on it and causing it to enter in a you know a safe state where it stops and becomes a rock. is to not be there. and there is a reflex time from the report of a fire to us arriving we wish it was zero but it it is still in the 1-2 minute range if we do our job appropriately that is time for notification to go to the float,
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i believe to avoid the area. we are working on that. the responsibility is still with with the fire department to avoid the corporate response from way mo has not significantly changed. our ability to get them out of the way >> they have given us the ability to take over control of the vehicle but that would require somebody who is supposed to fight fire and get out and take control special drive it away this . is not the solution that this is our request. the answer at large across the industry. included is training us as you described to interact with the float instead of the cars learn. to not be there or in the obstruction to get out of the way. >> no. and the answer is, yes.
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>> thank you. commissioner collins. any other questions. yea. commissioner feinstein. >> thank you, chief for your report. its appreciated. i have 2 unrelated questions. staying with the third alarm fire and looking at the pictures, the second to last picture on the our final page. and -- shows i can't quite tell what it shows on the right. whether that's wood or cement? or what i'm looking at. from the power point? >> yes. >> yes. we have a print out. >> yes.
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so on the right hand side. jot left side last page >> this is wood. this is -- i believe that is an exterior construction barrier they were working around the garage. looks like it has been in place for awhile it narrowed the profile of the sidewalk. >> is this legal. >> not yet. fire marshall. gi believe that is legal a temporary barrier. >> it seems like it is creating more of a hazzard than anything else. i mean the wood does not look like it it is in good condition. and it looks right for fire. now i'm no expert as you know but it just -- seems to me that i don't see what purpose it is serving. >> if you look at the profile as it conditions down the street that is where the setback is for
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that side of the street and those are garage doors down the street. this one appears to be more temporary than the other garages which are are wood construction and -- prone to fire. looks like it from the picture. my second [inaudible]. no audio -- had a couple report busy this academy class and the struggles going on. and my question is, i know or i believe or i want to confirm this upon the class was selected in a new and different manner from previous class selections. is that true? >> that is not. this is a continuation of the process. this was a different testing company. this was the end of the last
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class instituted from the national testing network as they transitioned to the set c. but the class is previous were institute friday the same list. >> all right. then my understanding is this there are interviews that are conducted by i think three -- command staff personnel? per candidate. do i have that wrong? well is an intervening interview. a panel interview where we take volunteers from all ranks. to serve as initial interview. prior to the chief's interview and that chief's interview it is not a chief it is members of the command staff and the chief t. is just the chief temperature is members of the command staff and the chief. >> i see, okay that is how it always has been done >> for 3 years?
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about 3 years, yea >> do you have any thoughts as to what may have gone arye in this selection. you know, we are definitely look into this class to see what the metrics for success were to reevaluate that to use in the hiring process. i don't think that there is a sfail failure of the class, necessarily. it is sometimes more people you have been statisticically we are off but there were slight you know, if there are 4 what retire from injury there were 5 this time. if there are 3 that are removed or separated for deficiencies that number was 6 this time so -- it is anom lighthouse with
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the small number set like this it is huge. but it does come down to just 4 people were not quite ready. not the class as a whole. >> right. >> thank you. i appreciate that. and also would like to comment on the fire marshall's effort with the mt a. lesson. it -- it is becoming just ridiculous. and -- unsafe. whether you are walking, driving or scooting or peddling. at some point that message gotta get across. i think -- the chief made a comment about you know vision zero. well we are so far away from achieving vision zero we are
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going the opposite direction or so it seems from the notifications we goat our phones and you know some of what was written in your report. no i'm sorry. it was we will get to chief tong's report. were horrific. and my last comment i want to say, hat's off to chief darcy because it was quite air week from what i understand. there has been a couple for the airport and thank you for your command. there has been a lot going on at the airport. so. i want to mention that and -- say, thank you. that's all i have.
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thank you, commissioner feinsteinful commissioner fraser? questions? >> um -- thank you to my fellow sister commissioners. i'm with you on your comments and topics you touched on. i think my understanding is i will in the go on and on butt waymo issue is under the puc correct. ical cal. the license sure for taxi service the dmv issues the permits for operation. there are a lot of hands >> okay. puc/dmv. not under san francisco jurisdiction how the relationship is to be didn't those vehicles and our emergency serves. correct. >> we have little local control. we set meetings. okay. that is on our agenda. i guess. >> thank you for that and thank you for your report.
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interesting i'm familiar with the neighborhood we had the fire and it really is tiny little streets. there is usually people parkod both sides because that's how it is. and then -- the limited amount of hide randles. i walked through many times and know the neighborhood. good job that is an incredible thing that happened. also i want to say, good job at airport on the faa. inspections. congratulations on that. i don't know what we can do about the nert issue if there is anything as a commission this we can do. to assist but i know we would be happy to it is an important program in san francisco. and just briefly we talked about
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the card but this came in our packets about help is available. i had an experience and chief dares and he others were here. had a fire in my neighborhood. and what people are supposed to do after they lost everything and house is locked up and standing on the street? who do they call. the one question you had for you and we can go into is this at a later time is how what happens after a fire in many way system the people, this advises people to daul dbi. my i'm wonder figure they are available 24/7 for people who are adviseed call them after a fire that destroys their lives in a second. i don't know if you than but. >> i 24 hour response, no.
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>> so. the answer is, no. this was on the weekend. of course and that would not have worked. okay. really appreciate your report and the work of the fires. commissioner nakajo do have you
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questions? >> thank you very much. president morgan. i know the department adjusted. i'm just curious as to the issue of what that is. why did this help? or is this common? you want to comment, chief? >> could be 3 versions and i'm not sure which is. so, the report being issued for
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3 different locations for fire have not got to the bottom of that yet i will check. for the addition of the third street was a misstatement that carried over there was a fire the previous night at that intersection and i believe it was top of mind and got reported that was quickly corrected. third piece would be the am change in radio communications the last report had been in the battalion 3 versus 6. a different channel that was adjustod scene by the commander. >> all right. thank you for that explanation. it helps clarify the system of communication that hits dispatch and dispatch relate its to our department and i know on the scene well are adjustments. i think that is important.
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i think it is -- important for us and the commission to know the expertise. why that happened i appreciate it. i know the street and the narration and the officers that you talked about brought us back to this area. i know that we talk about it i know we talked about in the past crews the commissioners asked the question in terms of communication.
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there are more companies talking about it in an aspect this crews are talking about returning to san francisco for a period of time with a driver. and i don't know if this is true or not but i don't know if you are -- motorless vehicle if you have a person driving and if you have someone driving i appreciate that. for me president morgan needs more deployment if someone is involved in that the subject will not go away at all. and i think we need to have responsibilities and in ferms of
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oversight with that. which need to this mt a and street escape special adjustments and the 150 announced no right turns. i know that all of this is affecting our response times. but that history as the commissioners know guess back to build out. bump ups. bumps in the road. slow downs you name it we do it. i than we are also involved in a sense we department our first responders the bike coalition and walking/pedestrian coalition. general safety. incidents that occur all the time. we are involved with that. and so i think that for us and i hear yourself, chief, with the fire marshall in terms of the meetings coming up from mt a in in the past mark for identification my frustration
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how much are we heard when we attends the meetings and if the ratio is am 44 and using this as a general example of -- much more personnel on mt a's side rather than our personnel. i'm looking for equity within the exchange of discussion. until we hit that table and hit driverless vehicles, and to the city and county of san francisco until we get that respect that input, this commissioner with our fellow commissioners are going to be concerned. i don't want to be a part of victimization of something we have no input in. it does in the work that way. i appreciate everyone's concern in terms of public safety but i want people to understand how it affects us in the department. and your recommendations or thinking in terms of us being
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involved with the police department or the result of a member getting out of a truck to move the vehicle. is not the solvable problem as you say. i wanted comment and reenpores that i wanted comment moving on to the fire marshall report, page 21, i noticed a new page. of information march 2024 arrest information. never saw that kind of informational page fire marshall. i enjoy it and like it. and it adds more substance of information. i read it in terms of incidents and [inaudible]. when testimony says march 2024 arrest information. the next page, again that map. that indicates mall outside fires which helps as well. it just shows me how involved we are in terms of trying to get an
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identification of the areas i do appreciate that as well. moving on, moving forward. in terms of the graduation that is coming up, chief, what is the date of that graduation? i don't have it? sorry. the chief is in the here. she is excused. i will get for you. april 15th is badge pinning ceremony.
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commissioner feinstein? from my fellow colleague's questions. become to way mo. yea. i in the past, 10 days two weeks
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saw 2 driverless cars run red lights. and i could not take a picture it would not have been safe for me to do so. they electric alike to me. i have no. way of reporting it or and one speeding 10 miles over not just the speed limit but the flow of traffic. i'm curious who keeps track of the statistics? who knows they are speeding? who knows they run a red light? how i don't know if it is -- the police department. the fire department? how do we know how many near misses there are. why we do not. >> why?
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why not? one of the main points of contention in all legislation is reporting from the companies. they are -- we could talk for awhile on this the reporting structure is broken, they have a broken in a different types of operation and somebody driving, which you know they rarely have when somebody is behind the wheel. 2 commercial operation. their obfwagz is to report collisions. well is no obligation to report other total miles traveled under sets of s. the intent has been to capture a ratio of incidents too miles traveled there are to take it become to the basics. there is no way in the
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california vehicle code it is issue a ticket to a driverless vehicle. the ticket must be issued to a driver. there is in way to capture the plate information and have that fine or points or any of it be issued to the company operating the vehicle. >> but then could we not make an effort with the state legislator because they can amend the vehicle code >> we are making an effort with the state legislator to amend the vehicle code. it has -- the industry's preference for to stay with the chp. but -- they had a decade to regulate. if there is anything this we can do to support the legislation i think we should. >> een as a commission. i know and understand the
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department's position. we as a commission should weigh in men they will listen or may be they won't. more people they hear from or entities they hear from the more pressure they will get. >> there will being legislation moving through i don't know the department will take a position but we have been getting input. >> i think i'm going to express i think the department should take a position. >> wonderful. >> so. put that out there. okay. thank you. that's all i have. >> thank you. commissioner seventy-nine feinsteinful commissioner collins. >> not to pile on, buoy think that listen to chief nicholson's report we are all very concerned about the seismic condition and the scarce funds for our
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operations. and she did mention an opportunity for coalitions. similarly, autonomous vehicles don't operate with every city as they do in san francisco. we are an experiment, if you will. so nationally, orreen throughout california, which you are doing with the state legislator. nationally. for organizations dedicated to safety of pedestrians and people that drive cars. their coashgz ligz opportunity for us to drop in our experience with these vehicles. and the fact that the companies that stand to profit significant low have minimal requirements for reporting when they don't
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function. as nay say they function. so i see this as one we don't have to take on by ourselves. i see this as one where we join others. as we do with the infrastructure deficits and the expenditure of money to correct those deficits. you know for our fire houses. coalition building is who else has this interest and who benefits? from correcting these issues? we, you know we are supposed to fight fires we can't take on all of this legislative burden alone. as a fire department we do work more closely the industry did try to divide and conchor and
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infrastructure cities and municipalities against each other. >> sure. >> and just use them all as an experiment for testing in their own way the fire departments are coming together and stay in conversation with l.a., austin, phoenix, and miami and atlanta and houston and told that the cars are coming. they have come in. but it is still early days. there is not a body instituted on this. the city is involved in the traffic safety at the national level. with autonomous vehicles we don't represent public safety that is from arizona currently. but we had conversation hopefully we have input on this. but kinds of and the end of your statement as you were real iegz, that would be another full time job for the agency >> absolutely. we are supposed to fight fires >> yes. and the city of san francisco.
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>> however, there are other in our position. i think that is where the commission can help, too. we have contacts and colleagues -- certainly throughout california and nationally to raise these issues. right to raise the profile of the issues. i see that as one of the reasons that i'm sitting here. so however we can thank you for informing us and however we can help we will. >> thank you. commissioner collins and now commissioner phrase ear. >> briefly, thank you. wonderful comments i agree and understand that there are political and financial interests i should not be privy to. the health and safety aspects are when i'm interested in and this i think our commission as a commission has some weight in our opinions as well as what our
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my fellow commissioners pointed out in terms of what next steps are 10 in the mt a about safety. it is not this we need to take it on but i continuing is important for you to weigh in and have an opinion and express it. so not that you are not doing everything you can, i understand this i'm talking about us. so. thank you. >> thank you commissioner fraser. commissioner feinstein. thank you. >> i had one question. chief, might be dumb the waymo vehicle in service or just parked? >> i couldn't determine that. a lot of confusion going on. -- yea t. had entered the safe mode and so. it was. when all fail its stop.
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>> okay. >> i don't believe there was a passenger in the vehicle this would have been -- okay. fun for the passenger >> okay. i wanted clarify that. thank god you maneuvered around all the confusion going on with dispatch and obstructions and cars and everything. so you i commends you guys for doing a great job and sounds like an exterior fire with cars outside? >> it started at the lowest level where the cars were, undetermined at this pinch it is under investigation.
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thank you for your r. >> president. i'm sorry. i will again ask your -- commissioner feinstein. >> to make another comment and i don't know -- whether this is possible or not but yes, the fire department is responsible for putting out fires also i money in terms of numbers of calls, the ems calls are you know the super majority as we say, of responses. and you know you have an ambulance that is trying to get somewhere and reading report, there was horrific indebts this occurs for them to encounter the same thing. it is -- just as likely if not more to cause unnecessary or
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avoidable death. for an fwlons get where it needs to go or slows or blocks it or something. because there are way more ambulances on the street at any moment than there are truck engines -- or any other rescue vehicles. and we gotta i'm i'm getting the sense here as a commission we do want to get involved in you know knowing what it is we are dealing with here. in terms of -- bad out come or less than -- ideal out come.
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because of autonomous vehicles. we should know that. reporting wise the reason the san francisco fire department is front and center on this was the reporting regime created at the chief's input and the last operations for specific autonomous vehicle incident when is they saw anup tick driverless operations before it went to commercial driverless operations. we as the fire department for some reason national low, were the only groups collecting information like this. it is still subjective reporting this relies on the officers in the fields. the chiefs are diligent with the message i believe we are not capturing everything. i rare low see an ambulance
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incident. either they have no problem or i'm not getting reports the numbers would be 3 times larger 3 times more work in ems statistically. right? yea, its disconcerning to have that level of reporting and have this be the industry standard or the gold standard in reporting for autonomous vehicle incidents. thank you for this. i think we have to do it. >> thank you. thank you, commissioner feinstein. and thank you for your report. chief, we will move on we will like to hear from ems community
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paramedicine. sands ratong. it is report from ems and community paramedicine. sandra tong on the ems and community paramedicine division. >> good morning morgan and fraser and members. good morning. sandy tong with paramedicine this is my march report. from the ems division chief neil during the last month we have been training all folks on the use of a motor gurney. this is a change for all of our personnel, this will affect in the only the ambulance members but the suppression side. and this has been a significant change. a long time coming change. but i say there is apprehension
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on the members in terms of learning the new device that is heavier and not as maneuverable. we believe will be a much better and safer option for our members. so. we have been upon training members how to load the unit. able to maneuver it up and down you know you know -- not -- stairs but in term it is of ramps and other incline specials declines. and become in the ambulance. this is a critical piece in the new ambulance we have. this is a new ambulance we have are the larger ambulances that have a higher height. so having other mechanical way of getting the gush net ambulance is necessary. it is learnting and cultural change one we will work with all members to help them best
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utilize the device and be safe. that was a month of march we have been rolling that out. we have been looking at acquiring them before all the new ambulances that are coming on board of which we have now 7 or 8? i know we had a couple that are being delivered as well. so -- in total for the next 6 months we'll be up warriorsed of 12-13 of these. so we are getting it out there and getting all of our members in the field as well trained. on march 16th or division set up some number of medical cites for the st. patrick's day parade. thousands marched and we had a number of i think not any injuries as far as i know so that was a good thing we did not have bus so this is we did have a makeshift vehicle of transit van we used in case we needed to
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get people out of the sun or somewhere to rest. we also completed 3 months oft a pals life support training the paramedics are train in the this skill when dealing with pediatric parents. in is intensive process to get all 429 of our paramedics train in the this requirement that we use every 2 years. thank you to the training staff and our lead. in terms of data there was an increase in our average call volume. also our time on task increased and our times. were we have been trying to up staff a bit quality improve am team which looks at the clinical incidents to determine if there are issue this is need to be
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addressed. retrain something and they look at our data there is a number of things they can look at and another thing they looked at a 3 month look back in terms behalf fasill else locations utilized call for 911 the most. and so in this chart you see the top 10 locations. of the top 10 locations, 4 of those are navigation centers and 3 are permanent housing and shelter facilities. those are00 autofacilities where a number of unhoused are and likely have more chronic conscience issues that they need to more medical response. what we look at are what calls are they? frequent. for one or two individuals. and they are calling 911 or is there something else in terms of just a general increase of medical issues that residents
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have. one thing i think we will look at if this is the case is there other supportive staffing that can exist in these facilities so that we with reduce 911 calls. we'll pinpoint issues and address them in a global way. in terms of community out reach. this is another out reach establishment effort by our life line folks now our life line program the program that was started by our member system now [inaudible] went d. we are taking on at their request. the life line program. weave also now have a new committee that is the core [inaudible] in existence and
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reconfiguration of this community out reach recruitment and education committee. which is sfd members intg interested in out reach, education, recruitment. this is one of the days where our life line folk went out to two senior housing complexes and able to promote and register 50 individuals. in our community paramedicine division, so -- in january and 3 months completed left month, chief scomploen cp5 captain attended the station lineups 3 times a day they within once a week. able to give updates on the progress and the calls that they are run width police. and how we can work together when we do special calls.
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and just being able to communicate with the rank and file with the role is how we want to work better with them. and they are done with the crisis innervention team. if the tenderloin joint field operations commanders started utilizing a new program. street to home. a program by the department of homelessness and supportive housing. this helps stream line the process of that individual can start getting the necessary placement after their place am. the bear dwroers getting people temporary or permanent housed is to do all of the paperwork required and have them be eligible for these placements and that takes significant amount of time and this program helps place them and the paperwork can follow along.
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so far our jso assisting 3 individual in that. chief sloan and chief brannon completed the city leader's workshop series and graduated on march 13th. this is a 10 session program over two months. sponsored by the department of human resource. a way for our leaders to be able to work worrying leaders to gain perspect you haves and learn skills and able to support each other. >> and then the last picture you see is acting capon chadham ems6 captains. i think he is cp5. he was honored with another police officer and crisis supportists and recognized during the weres crisis intervention award sexual harassment for responding to
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patient in behavioral health crisis. he working with our resources as well as the police were able to safely manage a combative patient. in terms of the data for our community paramedicine. saw an increase in volume by 16% from february. there is although there are 2 more day in march we are thinking the call volume may be additional calls resulting in. a transition of the police call types 9, 10 b's to the department. on march 11 is when that call type changed over to the calls that we'll now take on. these other welfare and well being checks. calls that in the triage process have no criminal activity and
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are primarily medical or social in nature. and so they can receive an ems response. we will analyze that data to see how it is impacting the volume and if the calls are triaged appropriate scomplee if we respond appropriately and making sure that this transition is done in the best way possible. that's my report. thank you. of chief. commissioners. any questions for chief tong. commissioner fraser? >> yea. excuse me i'm sorry. is there public comment. madam secretary of the chief's report? >> this is on the ems report.
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there is nobody on the public comment line >> any questions for chief tong. commissioner fraser >> thank you, as always interesting report. compelling. i had a couple questions about one question about the responding a lot to navigation centers. it is a lot of calls. which is fine my question is do we have a formal agreement with dph or the d. housing and homelessness to be their backum medical? or medical provider? >> no. >> so. do any of the navigation centers have medical staff. i don't believe so, >> no >> no. >> okay. good job, then. >> a lot of calls and people
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and care delivered. in the ad hoc way. but important way. curious to me. thank you very much. >> thank you, commissioner fraser. any others? commissioner collins. >> chief tong firemember correct low at the march upon 27th meeting you mentioned you have a lot of repeat calls? >> for specific individuals? >> yes. >> how is -- that going? >> we do have our ems6 are chronic repeat 911 callers we will then go to them. with our special ems captains and assess whether chronic needs or social needs or ways we connect them to the appropriate services to try to minimize. in your report on ems6 showed our top 10 utilizers top 20.
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and how it changed over the course of their w with them. so. i think it is a significant improvement for sure if we are able to identify an individual who has the needs we will then approach them. try to address their needs and it can be a long process this is in the something this happens after one or 2 encounters with them temperature is repeated it is like case conferencing and management. with an individual to identify what is needed and go throughout processes of finding the resources that will be addressing the needs. >> thank you. your reports are so clear special impressed by the fact that not only you give them and manage your own slides. [laughter]. thank you commissioner collins. any other questions. fellow commissioners. i want to say congratulations on
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your new motorized gushys. this will save a lot of backs >> i hope so. >> you got 12? 13? >> we have two now. others on order. we hope they get here in the next couple months >> okay. thank you for your report r. >> thank you. >> item 6 possible closed session regarding unlitigated claim. vote on whether to conduct item 6 in closed session discussion and possible action. i'm sorry public comment on the item 6. public comment on all matters pertaining to item 6 including on whether to hold 6b in closed session? is there public comment. nobody approaching the podium and nobody on the line. all right. at this time is there a motion
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to go in closed association this item? i move. second. i vote, yes. >> commissioner nakajo. >> yes. >> and commissioner collins. >> [inaudible] [can't hear [britain the motion is unanimous we will go we are back in open session. thank you. item 7 report on action taken in closed session. discussion and possible action specify in the government code 549 upon pen.1 code section
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67.12 b the commission voted have the board of supervisors adopt this settlement. item 8 vote to elect whether to disclose discussions held in closed session. specify in the code, section 67.12a. is there a motion to not disclose the topic in closed session? >> so moved. >> i vote, yes. and commissioner nakajo? >> yes >> and commissioner feinstein? >> aye. >> motion is unanimous. >> item 9 adjournment.
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we will adjourn at 10:56.
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>> i'm a firefighter here at station three 1 i grew up in texas and kind of boundaries around to bunch of different cities before i came to san francisco lived in new york and was going to school there i had never been here before the moment i knew san francisco i knew i was in the right police station like the place and was proposed to be. >> i was with change and cyclist transportation throughout the city and actually end up getting in a car accident not a big deal but i was in the
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back of ambulance he decided a good idea to tell me about the job and how amazing i thought about that at home and i said you know what see this sounds something might be great aligns with me and my values i started to pursue to see what it was like i did and the moment that was pretty interesting how doors kind of opened i put at effort and get any emt licenses and interviewed to be in the refreshed what is of the in the academy engineering that and so on and so forth had that moment of like this is what i'm spoke up to be doing this is this is the it this is me. and it of the
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great and therefore, be it resolved that worked out and after the lgbtqia+ this is my work with one was (unintelligible) (sirens) what i thought way back when that being a firefighter that was not something i thought i could do. and i think that a lot to do would not seeing my in the representation of what a normal firefighter will be so i really like to make an effort when i'm at work to have other girls little girdles and boys seeing me though orientation or race or any other orientation we want to be able to be that person and know they can do the job if they want to.
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>> as a mom i feel like a different person actually. that pretty interesting to have a stark difference in from the person i became a mom in the fire serve and the person after the fire services being a mom is a learning exercise and the same going back to the fire service you're heart is a little bit more vulnerable i like being a mom the harder thing i've done and prior to being a mom this job or some of the things we do on the job are some of the harder things that kind of levels each other out so i okay. come to work and feel like i'm
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cable and can go home and capable a whole meter. >> hello, i'm captain tom the coordinator for the san francisco fire department. this oversight is the three and 4 anniversary of loma linda earthquake i want to go over a few things to help you preparation building a supply kit and supply kit does is not have to be put together all at once take your time on the website have a list of
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recommendation and have enough food and water to feed your family through three to 5 days and purchase the fire extinguisher if you have an extinguisher at hand will stop a small fire from being a by fire it is simple to use check the gage make sure it is charged and then repeat the word task task stand for pull to pin aim the novel and screws the trigger and successes to the because of fire the last recommendation to look at the gas meter electrical gas lines cause fires in the loma linda earthquake and we want to show you how to turn off the gay only turn off if you hear gas or hear hissing and coordinator
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nathan will demonstrate how to turn that off. >> with a whenever i'm going to turn it over one quarter turn. so in on holler orientation in turn off our gays meter don't turn it back on get a service call from >> hi today we have a special edition of building san francisco, stay safe, what we are going to be talking about san francisco's earth quakes, what you can do before an earthquake in your home, to be ready and after an earthquake to make sure that you are comfortable staying at home,
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while the city recovers. ♪♪ >> the next episode of stay safe, we have alicia johnson from san francisco's department of emergency management. hi, alicia thanks to coming >> it is a pleasure to be here with you. >> i wonder if you could tell us what you think people can do to get ready for what we know is a coming earthquake in san francisco. >> well, one of the most things that people can do is to make sure that you have a plan to communicate with people who live both in and out of state. having an out of state contact, to call, text or post on your social network is really important and being able to know how you are going to communicate with your friends, and family who live near you, where you might meet them if your home is uninhab hitable.
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>> how long do you think that it will be before things are restored to normal in san francisco. >> it depends on the severity of the earthquake, we say to provide for 72 hours tha, is three days, and it helps to know that you might be without services for up to a week or more, depending on how heavy the shaking is and how many after shocks we have. >> what kind of neighborhood and community involvement might you want to have before an earthquake to make sure that you are going to able to have the support that you need. >> it is important to have a good relationship with your neighbors and your community. go to those community events, shop at local businesses, have a reciprocal relationship with them so that you know how to take care of yourself and who you can rely on and who can take care of you. it is important to have a battery-operated radio in your home so that you can keep track of what is happening in the community around and how you can communicate with other people. >> one of the things that seems important is to have access to
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your important documents. >> yes, it is important to have copies of those and also stored them remotely. so a title to a home, a passport, a driver's license, any type of medical records that you need need, back those up or put them on a remote drive or store them on the cloud, the same is true with any vital information on your computer. back that up and have that on a cloud in case your hard drive does not work any more. >> in your home you should be prepared as well. >> absolutely. >> let's take a look at the kinds of things that you might want to have in your home. >> we have no water, what are we going to do about water? >> it is important for have extra water in your house, you want to have bottled water or a five gallon container of water able to use on a regular basis, both for bathing and cooking as well as for drinking. >> we have this big container and also in people's homes they have a hot water heater.
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>> absolutely, if you clean your hot water heater out regularly you can use that for showering, drinking and bathing as well >> what other things do people need to have aren't their home. >> it is important to have extra every day items buy a couple extra cans of can food that you can eat without any preparation. >> here is a giant can of green giant canned corn. and this, a manual can opener, your electric can opener will not be working not only to have one but to know where to find it in your kitchen. >> yes. >> so in addition to canned goods, we are going to have fresh food and you have to preserve that and i know that we have an ice chest. >> having an ice chest on hand is really important because your refrigerator will not be working right away. it is important to have somebody else that can store cold foods so something that you might be able to take with you if you have to leave your home. >> and here, this is my very
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own personal emergency supply box for my house. >> i hope that you have an alternative one at home. >> oh, i forgot. >> and in this is really important, you should have flashlights that have batteries, fresh batteries or hand crank flashlight. >> i have them right here. >> good. excellent. that is great. additionally, you are going to want to have candles a whistle, possibly a compass as well. markers if you want to label things if you need to, to people that you are safe in your home or that you have left your home. >> i am okay and i will meet you at... >> exactly. exactly. water proof matches are a great thing to have as well. >> we have matches here. and my spare glasses. >> and your spare glasses. >> if you have medication, you should keep it with you or have access to it. if it needs to be refrigerated make sure that it is in your ice box. >> inside, just to point out for you, we have spare
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batteries. >> very important. >> we have a little first aid kit. >> and lots of different kinds of batteries. and another spare flashlight. >> so, alicia what else can we do to prepare our homes for an earthquake so we don't have damage? >> one of the most important things that you can do is to secure your valuable and breakable items. make sure that your tv is strapped down to your entertainment cabinet or wall so it does not move. also important is to make sure that your book case is secure to the wall so that it does not fall over and your valuable and breakables do not break on the ground. becoming prepared is not that difficult. taking care of your home, making sure that you have a few extra every-day items on hand helps to make the difference. >> that contributes dramatically to the way that the city as a whole can recover. >> absolutely. >> if you are able to control your own environment and house and recovery and your neighbors are doing the same the city as
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a whole will be a more resilient city. >> we are all proud of living in san francisco and being prepared helps us stay here. >> so, thank you so much for joining us today, alicia, i appreciate it. >> absolutely, it is my pleasure. >> and thank you for joining us on another edition of building >> item 50 is resolution calling on department of public health to provide medically necessary transition related care for transgender related people and remove restrictions. >> in 2012 gender health sf was born out of advocacy from community stakeholders and local leaders. really as response to providing quality,
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accessible jnder aaffirming care for the most under-served. (indiscernible) the way i see it, there is two ways of folks we serve at our program. the first wave of folks who never imagined surgery access was accessible to them. many folks who had to save money or par ticipate in underground economy to access the surgery outside the country. (indiscernible) really to make something real in terms of being able to connect with the gender identity and external (indiscernible) and so transform so many lives of many of trans folks who never imagined it was accessible to them. now we are in the different era and time where transrights is in the social political and general (indiscernible) and now we are serving young folks to support them and making sure their gender identity is connected to who
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they are, so providing a space to support transfolks to live authentically and that is the goal to provide the level of care trans folks deserve. >> when it comes to access to healthcare, while we all believe in cost control and make sure we deliver healthcare in a cost effective manner, i dont think that cost is a reason or legitinate rational to exclude people from healthcare (indiscernible) colleagues i ask for your support. >> thank you supervisor wiener. colleagues on this item can we do this without role call? same house same call, without objection the resolution is adopted. [applause]
5:00 pm
>> >> welcome to the city and county of san francisco health commission meeting this afternoon at 4:00 pm., tuesday, april 16, 2024. secretary morewitz. >> commissioner chow present. >> commissioner christian presents. >> commissioner chung present. >> commissioner giraudo and next item on the agenda is the land acknowledgement and commissioner commissioner unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory.