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tv   Full Board of Supervisors  SFGTV  April 22, 2024 4:30am-6:51am PDT

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time check for the area and show you're parked legally and they're an easy way to pay for parking. >> we hope this video has been helpful thanks for >> good afternoon and welcome to the april 16, 2024 meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors, madam clerk, would
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you please call the roll. >> thank you mr. president. chan, present. supervisor dorsey, present. supervisor engardio, present. supervisor mandelman, present. supervisor melgar, present. supervisor peskin, present. supervisor preston, present. supervisor ronan, present. supervisor safai, not present. supervisor stefani, present. supervisor walton, present. mr. president, you have a quorum. >> thank you. the san francisco board of supervisors we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first
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peoples. colleagues, please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> madam clerk, do we have communications? >> thank you mr. president. the san francisco board of supervisors, welcomes all persons to attend this meeting here in the board legislative chamber in city hall, second floor, room 250. or you may watch the on sfgovtv channel 26 or view the live stream at
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to submit public comment in writing send to e-mail address,, or via u.s. postal service to the san francisco board of supervisors, 1 dr. carlton b goodlett place, city hall , room 244 san francisco california 94102. to make a reasonable accommodation request under the americans with disability act or to request language assistance, please contact the clerk office at least two business days in advance by calling 415-554-5184. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues is there a motion to approve the meeting minutes from march 5 and march 12, 2024 board meetings? motion by supervisor dorsey and second by supervisor mandelman. on the motion, madam clerk, a roll call, please. >> supervisor melgar, aye
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peskin, aye. preston, aye. ronan, aye. safai, aye. stefani, aye. walton, aye. chan, aye. dorsey, aye. engardio, aye. mandelman, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the motion is approved. madam clerk, please call the consent agenda items 1-13? >> items 1-13 are on consent and considered to be routine. if a member objects a item may be removed and considered separately. >> would any member like a item or items severed? seeing no names on the rost, we'll take items same house same call. these ordinances are finally passed. next item, please.
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>> item 14, resolution approving amendment no. 4 to the international terminal duty free and luxury store lease no. 17-0303 between dfs group, l.p. and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, which continues the temporary reduced percentage rent structure, but increases the percentage amount to 36% of gross revenues, . continues for 5 years. continues through the lease year 7. with each rent accommodation conditioned upon the tenants timely completion of the construction of the remaining facilities in the harvey milk terminal 1, no later then december 31, 2024 with no change to the 14 year term. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please.
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>> item 15, resolution approving the second amendment to the agreement between the san francisco public utilities commission (sfpuc) and santa clara valley water district (district) for long-term operation and maintenance of the intertie facility located in milpitas pursuant to charter, section 9.118, to re-designate the district as the operation and maintenance (o&m) party of the intertie facility from july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2029, with the sfpuc and the district meeting and conferring before the end of the five-year period to determine, by mutual written agreement, which of them shall be the o&m party beyond june 30, 2029. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 16, resolution authorizing the mayor's office of housing and community development to expend soma community stabilization fund dollars in the amount of up to $890,000 to address various impacts of destabilization on residents and businesses in soma from july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2025. >> same house, same call, this resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 17, resolution
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retroactively authorizing the recreation and park department to accept and expend a $2,000,000 grant from the governor's office of business and economic development for the union square park revitalization for the period of january 1, 2024, through december 31, 2026; to enter into a grant contract with the governor's office of business and economic development; and to authorize the general manager of the recreation and park department to enter into any modifications and amendments to the grant contract that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities of the city. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, can you read item 18 and 19 together? >> item 18 and 19 are two resolutions that retroactively authorize accept grants by department of public health. item 18, resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $2,888,144 from the california department of justice for participation in a program, entitled “tobacco grant award
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notification fiscal year 2023-24,” for the period of january 1, 2024, through june 30, 2026. and item 19, resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $909,095 from the san francisco general hospital foundation for participation in a program, entitled “transform mental and behavioral health,” for the period of september 30, 2023, through september 29, 2028. >> same house, same call, the resolutions are adopted. next item,er please. >> item 20, ord inance to amend the administrative code to require owners of multifamily residential buildsings to provide notice to the mayor's office of housing and community development and qualified non profit organizations of for closure proceedings related to said multi-family residential buildings and add deed in lu lieu of for closure in addition to of sale of a multifamily residential building as a type of transfer that requires notice of qualified non profit organizations right of first offer and right of first
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refusal. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is passed first reading. madam clerk, please read items 21-23 together? >> three resolutions that receive and approve three annual reports from various community benefit districts for fiscal year 21-22. item 21 is noe valley cbc. item 22 is castro cbd and item 23 is discover polk cbd. >> seeing name names on the roster, same house same call, the resolution are adopted. next item, please. >> item 24 resolution approving the umbrella memorandum of understanding between the san
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francisco public utilities commission (sfpuc) and the san francisco unified school district (sfusd), and establishing a partnership framework for sfpuc's installation and operation of various green infrastructure projects on sfusd properties, with a total term of 40 years from june 1, 2024, through june 30, 2064, pursuant to charter, section 9.118 >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 25,resolution authorizing the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through the mayor's office of housing and community development (mohcd), to submit an application to and participate in the prohousing designation program administered by the california department of housing and community development. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. could you read item 26 and 27 together? >> 26 and 27 are two resolutions pertaining to two liquor license. 26 determining issue a type 40 on sale beer liquor license to tyrone pang to do business as kim huong cafe and iletm 27 determines type 90 on sale
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general music venue liquor license to fillmore entertainment group llc to do business as origin boutique nightclub, 1538 fillmore street and both serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and request the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions on the issuance of the license for both items. >> same house same call, the resolutions are adopted. next item, please. >> item 28, ordinance to wave specified requirements in the administrative code to allow a food service shared space located at 1429 mendell street to be considered as a curbside shared space subject to certain requirements and to affirm the ceqa determination and to make the appropriate findings. >> same house same call the ordinance passed first reading. please read item 29 and 30 together?
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>> 29 and 30 are two motions that approve the mayor's nomination to the municipal transportation agency for terms ending march 1, 2028. 29 approve janet tarlov and item 30 approve fiona hinze. >> same house same call, the motions are approved. next item. >> item 31, this is motion to approve the treasurer nomination of kevin kone residency requirement waived to the tresh yae oversight committee term ending june 17, 2026. >> same house, same call the motion is approved. madam clerk, why don't we go to roll call for introductions? >> supervisor melgar you are first up. submit. thank you. supervisor peskin. submit. >> actually, rerefer. >> okay.
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supervisor preston. >> thank you madam clerk. two items today. colleagues, first i'm introduces a resolution urging governor newsom and california state legislature to retain critical funding for the market match program. market match is a 15 year old program that provides dollar for dollar matching on farm direct fresh fruits and vegetables when purchased through cal fresh benefits. as a practical matter, this means that low income resident of the city who use cal fresh to buy healthy fresh food grown by california farmers and sold at farmer's markets can have the purchasing power dramatically expanded because of state funds and matching federal dollars. it is really crucial for low income residents and also for the survival of our farmer's markets in san francisco. since the beginning of the pandemic, cal fresh enrollment
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has grown significantly with californians struggling to afford food for their families. as a result, market match participation has more then tripled. in san francisco over 130 thousand residents in 104.500hold houses receive cal fresh benefits lt r last year there was [indiscernible] and of those visitors 15 thousand new customers. this is by all measures a highly successful program. despite the growing need and clear success of the program, in the january 2024 budget proposal governor newsom proposed cutting $33.2 million from the 3 year, $35 million california nutrition incentive program budget. these are the funds matched by
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the federal government through the market match program. california has always received the largest federal grant of any state for market match because of the state funding, but without the commitsed state funds in the next fiscal year, market match will not be able to continue past 2024, because the matching federal fundser requires a committed 100 percent match of state funding. market match is currently available in 9 farmer markets in san francisco, including the fillmore farmer market and heart of the city farmer market in my district. in fact, the heart of the city farmer market already facing challenges due to the relocation from un plaza would be particularly hard hit as it is the largest farmers market ebt program in entire state. $2.5 million in cal fresh spending and estimated $1.91 million with in market match
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funding annually. funds that are now in jeopardize under the governor's proposed budget. losing the funding would be disastrous for san francisco residents, especially the most marginalized in the community, low income people of color and seniors. as food cost continue to rise, it is more difficult for people and families to afford to eat let alone make healthy food choices. by leveraging the matching amounts, san franciscans are able to purchase more fruits and vegetables make healthier choices and stretch dollars forward. it is my hope a resolution from the board of supervisors will encourage the california state legislature and governor to take action not to slash this funding to restore those funds and invest in public welfare of san franciscans and low income residents across the state. i want to thank cosponsors
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president peskin and supervisor ronan and want to acknowledge supervisor ronan work on food security issues resulting in a resolution back in 2021 on cal fresh and state benefits, and i want to thank the ecology center and many community members and food justice leaders who reached out to our office to ask us to move forward with this resolution. and secondly colleagues today i'm introducing a resolution in support of assemby member matt haney bill 2115 which brings california into alignment with federal rules and expand access to methadone. this is priority for department of public health and our city and rectify disparities and methadone treatment access by enabled clinics to expense 72 hours of methadone when requested removing barriers
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that currently exist to treatment. this simple change result in smoother continuity of care, treatment engagement and improved rates of recovery. the change to federal law was piloted during the pandemic and research during that time has shown allowing take home doses of methadone made it easier for people to remain in treatment and have better public health outcomes. as we all know, our city is facing an unprecedented crisis, 806 people died from fatal overdose last year setting a record for the deadalist year for drug overdose in san francisco. we must do everything in our power to make it easy as possible for people ready and willing to do treatment. this expands the tools to insure people are not falling through the cracks just because they seek treatment at odd hours of the day or on a weekend. i want to thank assembly member
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haney for his work on this crucial bill, also [indiscernible] from the department of public health and my cosponsors supervisors melgar, ronan, walton, safai, and dorsey for their early support. the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor ronan. >> thank you. colleagues today introducing a hearing request to examine how our city responds to allegation of sexual assault and harassment. this morning after reading an incredible concerting article about allegations of sexual assault, i immediately contacted my female colleagues on the board and we all have the same pit in our stomachs and decided to call a hearing together. i want to thank you supervisors chan, melgar and stefani for much this impacts you all in a
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very specific way and for partnering to make sure we are doing a better job here in the city and then i also want to thank the rest of our male colleagues who have unanimously signed on to the hearing request. i think the fact all 11 supervisors think it is time to do better by victims of sexual assault and harassment is sending a powerful message but it to talk more about this. in 2018, 6 years ago, i called for a hearing on sexual assault and harassment cases were handled by city departments. when victims came for wrrd to seek justice. the san francisco police department district attorney office, chief medical examiner office and department of public health all reported back at that hearing. what we heard at the time after over a hour of public testimony from survivors is that they have little to no recourse when their allegation of sexual assault were discounted by city
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departments. in response to the hearing, i created the office of sexual harassment assault response and prevention, referred to as sharp. this office was designed to receive complaints concerning the manner in which any city department has responded or failed to respond to allegations of sexual assault or harassment and help complainant resolve grievances. it was also created to work with city response sishm to address sexual assault and harassment incidents, recommend new policy to provide support and resources to survivors, and collaborate with community stakeholders to engage in public education and cultural shift towards a city without sexual violence. sexual violence in the united states was exposed as a national epidemic in 2018 with the me too movement and despite the hearings the growing social justice movement and blinding light shined on countless
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allegations of sexual assault and harassment we have failed to stand up meaningfully and effectively to not only end the violence but provide the survivors who have been through absolute hell with meaningful avenues for justice against their attackers. i said in 2018 the office tasked with making our survivals feel safe failed again and again and 6 years later that is still holds true. i continue to believe that we as san francisco are doing a poor job of addressing sexual assault, sexual harassment and rape. according to center for disease control and prevention, over half of women, half of women and all most 1 in 3 men in the united states have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes. the cdc also produced a report highlighting that generally lgbtq plus individuals experience higher rape and violence across the board.
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this issue needs to be addressed with urgency that reflects this crisis. experts report at least 2/3 of assaults go unreported and we know from survivals exactly why. the systems we have in place have been designed against them, between the stigma and fear that often times follow a sexual assault. many survivors have no confidence they will be believed at all, treated with respect and urgency after reporting a incident or met with resources to help them achieve justice. this hearing will examine how sexual assault and harassment allegations are handled by city law enforcement agencies, in particular, how the san francisco police department investigates crime and how they engage with survivors who filed reports. it will look how the district attorney office work with survivors after referred to that office. we'll look into efficacy of
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sharm. sharp. it is 6 years since i passed the legislation and not confident it is fulfilling what we set out for it to the do. asking for director of human rights commission and sharp attend the meeting. we need to know how many complaints are [indiscernible] what outreach and follow-up looks like. what is the strategy to get people to know the office exists and what it does? had what is up take from survivors for additional services andment want to look at the policy recommendations has the department made. again, i want to extened sen sincere thank you to supervisor chan, melgar and stefani who have been there always on the issue and always immediately want to work together to improve the situation. the rest of colleagues for
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cosponsorship and jackie praiger from the office for getting this together so quickly after reading the horrific article this morning. next colleagues i will introduce a resolution urging the state california state legislature to insure a strong constitutional amendment one is presented to voters in november. through my work on mtc and bofa, we have been working towards a once in a generation perhaps once in a lifetime regional bond measure on the november 2024 ballot for desperately needed affordable housing in the 9 county bay area. in recent years, california has only produced 12 percent of 120 thousand affordable homes we need to create each year to meet demand. as we know, our lack of affordable housing is fueling our homeless crisis, hurting workforce and are economy and pushing families out of the
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communities. we know that this isn't just a san francisco problem and we need regional, state and federal solutions. successfully moving the regional affordable housing bond measure forward will be a major milestone towards ending our homelessness crises. m however, the only way the housing bond measure passes is if a state constitutional amendment that lower the voting threshold from the 2/3, 67 percent to 55 percent also passes on the november 2024 ballot. thanks to author assembly member majority leader cecilia [indiscernible] leadership and the support of all the advocates committed to supporting local housing and infrastructure, the state legislature did pass a assembly constitutional amendment called aca1 september 2023. that is qualified as a ballot measure for november 2024
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state-wide ballot. this was an amazing first step, but we need to insure aca1 measure that goes before the voters is strong, viable and empowers communities to meet their housing and infrastructure needs. if the legislature fails to move forward with a strong-key word is winable and viable constitutional amendment, san francisco needs higher bay area will loose on the chance to pass 10 to $20 billion housing bond this november and put forth resolution affirming the board support for strong and viable ac1 and urging the legislature to move swiftly to make this happen. colleagues, i hope to have all of your support on this resolution. in addition, i am introducing a accept and expend resolution on behalf of public defenders offices pretrial release unit
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and finally, colleagues, on the eve of the 156 anniversary today i am excited to interdugz resolution of april 18, san francisco sbc day. i'm confident everyone on the board holds a soft spot fr the organizations and cats and dogs in the care. annually the adoption program connect more then 5 thousand animals to forever families in san francisco and 10 thousand spay neuter surgeries. 1868 san francisco society for prevejss of cruelty to animals founded. notably introducing the first horse ambulance in 1884 and founding the no kill move mentd in 1994. they expanded animal behavior
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training, establish mobile vaccine clinic and expand a program to help with over-crowding at the shelter in addition to state of the art veterinarian hospital service. it is important to mention the spca operation will not run so smoothly without par tisitation of over a thousand volunteers per year who provide 55 thousand office hours caring for animals walking dogs and snuggling kittens. recognizing april 18 as sfspca day is a important action on the part of this board to lift up and honor the critical work of such a essential san francisco institution. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor ronan. supervisor safai. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, today i'm introducing resolution urging the mayor to designate march 31 or monday thereafter as cesar
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chavez day to honor his legacy as a champion for working right, social justice. experienced struggle and hardship faced bire many imgrchbts in america, shaping empathy for marginalized communities and inspiring a lifelong dedication to social just ice. emerged as a leader and along dolores huerta, cofounding the united farm worker labor union. many were able to go to the bravo theater and see a play that chronicleed the filipino community involvement and i learned for the first time the united part of what the united farm worker union means. he and the ufw lead nation wide boycotts, strikes and non violent protest to demand fair
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wages, better working conditions and dignity for all farm workers across the country. his legacy continues to inspire grassroots activist farm workers and activist from all backgrounds and especially those in the latino community. recognizing cesar--fostering inclusivity and respect for all workers. several staiths across 24 country celebrate cesar chavez day as day of remembrance and service. commemorating we pay tribute to his dedication and significant contributions to uplifting a population that existed in the shadows in deplorable conditions. it also acknowledge and serve as remindser there is much work left to be done to improve the lives of farm workers and
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reaffirm commitment of values to social justice, equality he stood for on a daily basis. it is of note that the state of california recognizes this day, the school dist rth rth rict san francisco in recognize the day but city and county of san francisco does not yet. i thank colleagues and cosponsors supervisor ronan preston and melgar for early cosponsorship and thank community leadsers dedicated to uplifting legacy to push forwards for farm workers and civil rights overall. in a time when so many immigrants are being scapegoated and those pushed arounds eve in our own city that are doing so many things many would not do on a daily basis it is time we reaffirm and make the commitment on behalf of city and county of san francisco so thank you for
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early support and community lead ers that submitsed and thank you to the cesar chavez family who endorsed this and happy to see this come forward along with other community leaders that worked alongside him and what he did and what he has done for the city and county of san francisco. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor safai. >> why don't we goto 2:30 special order commendations. one and all, it is my pleasure to start. as you all remember, every year the second week of april is recognized as national public safety telecommunication week in honor of the over 100 thousand emergency dispatchers in the united states of america. given our spring recess we are honoring our incredible 911 dispatchers today a little past our second week.
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california employs highest number of 911 dispatchers in the nation with over 11.820 dispatchers respondsing to california residents at the scariest and most uncertain moments they experience. i say emergency first responders because 911 dispatchers truly are the first point of contact for civilians in distress and the enormous pressures they shoulder with grace, precision and compassion may be invisible to the public but not silent force to the people they help every day. they are warm comfirming voice where seconds can mean life or death and access to information can prevent and evert tragedy. today i have the honor recognizing the recipient of the 2023 tony hardly award for excellence and supervigez and like to tell you all a little bit about supervisor honoree
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dorian lock. [applause] dorian received 16 nominations and at the expense of brevity to want to quote from as many nominations as possible. one nomination started, gosh, where do i begin with why i believe and stand firm on my choice? dorian is always present whatever the floor asks of him. in midst of chaos dorian is helpful, knowledgeable and willing to go the extramile to insure us 38 are taken care of, questions answered and request fulfilled. no surprise that many nominations mentioned how hard dorian work and knowledgeable. dorian has known for. one nomination put it, dorian does the work of five people.
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ever vigilant and takes ownership of problems when ever and however they arise. he is the first to volunteer to help any time he hears we are short-handed and desperate for staff chblt works as dispatcher and supervisors and urged the trust and respect of his peers. still another said, he is someone i always look for when i have a question for call training dispatch or training or it problems. dedicates majority of his time to this department and all of us working couptless hours of over time. gives kudos to someone when they handle a touch call or emergency. several recognize working hard and knowing your stuff can make you a great dispatcher but it takes more to translate and evolve into being a outstanding supervisor. as supervisor dorian takes great care meantering and developing squat members.
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the best example is weekly check ins with them where he gives kudos coaches on improvement, provides career guidance and mostly mentor and development them. he helped finetune my skills and explain things in a way i understood. interested in the way i process information to insure that i was enriched by what he would teach me. i tend to seek him out and i know i'm not the only one. i never have trepidations about appearing vulnerable to him as i know for certain there will be no judgments, no you should have known this and that is so comforting. two nominations summed up always provides what support is needed when on the floor. my work day is always comforting know eing he is on the floor with wealth of knowledge and sincere support. these nominations show dorian has made a difference for people he works with. i never had the honor meeting
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tony hardly but i want to give the final word on this year. i remember tony well. when you took a problem to tony she always listened and handled without delay and dorian does the same. dorian, congratulations and are i know director carol will bring you and colleagues up to speak, but first i like to turn the floor over to district 6 supervisor dorsey to speak about his honoree next. >> thank you president peskin for that excellent presentation and worthy interdeckz to national public safety telecommunication week. colleagues for my part in today's commendations is privilege to recognize and honor william bill hackathol selected as division of emergency communication operations employee of the year for 2023. [applause] this prestigious recognition is testament to bill dedication,
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to more then 20 years of serveish to department of emergency management and exemplary service to the san franciscans we are here privileged to serve. bill outstanding performance as dispatcher was highlighted when he was named dispatcher of the month nrfb 2023. despite the high stress situation, bill demonstrated professionalism and grace prioritizing officer and public safety. the pursuit of our streets to the bay bridge and on the streets of oakland required quick thinking and clear communication. bill ability to establish control and keep pursuing officer well informed of potential hazards was exemplary. his expertise was crucial to insuring the suspect successful apprehension when the pursuant
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ended in oakland . bill handling of the situation showcased the caliber of skills. i'm told his performance over a bridge and across county lines prompted speculation about potential eligibility for oakland dispatcher of the year award, accept we would never want to give any of our dispatchers ideas about working somewhere other then the city and county of san francisco. bill professional recognition as dispatcher of the year is not solely for the incident i described but rather for long standing dedication to public safety the example so well reflects. for dedication to the department of management, the city and residents and visitors, bill is consistently gone above and beyond no less important as a certified
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training officer he imparts expertise and professional skill to future dispatchers insuring the continuity of excellence within our city public safety operations for many years to come. bill commitment to the safety and wellbeing of the community is commendable. handling emergencies or providing guidance to fellow dispatchers bill embodies the quality of skilled professional. therefore it is with pride and gratitude the board of supervisors recognizes and actually by the way, did i mention i'm acting mayor today? i think what that means the honorees receive the distinction celebrated by two branches of municipal government so together the board of supervisors and acting mayor of san francisco recognize bill as department of emergency management dispatcher of the year for 2023. congratulations bill.
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[applause] >> next before we hear from director mary ellen carol we'll hear from supervisor melgar regarding the ems dispatcher of the year. >> thank you president peskin. today i am honored to recognize valerie tucker our ems dispatcher of the year. valerie exhibits the best qualities one could hope for in a dispatcher every day, there is one specific call that showcases phenomenal ability to help those in crisis in specifically a crisis in district 7. on tuesday, july 11, 2023, mrs. tucker received a call fromp a citizen at harding park golf course a elderly man lost consciousness and no longer breathe. mrs. tucker gave the caller detailed cpr instructions as well as helpful instructions to all the bistandards to assist
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and retreev equipment suf such as aev scene. she was able to expertly guide and reassure the caller through life saving cpr procedures until the medics arrived and took over. valerie efforts not only prolonged the life of this gentleman who fell unconscious, but made a lasting positive impact on the lives of bistandards and caller. without her efforts could have gone differently. calls that require the use of cpr while rare, are often the most important type of calls. they require to be deliberate and provide high quality care and high stake situations. valerie executed the call remarkably and made proud to have her in service every day. stories like valerie are
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essential to remind us to reach out with patience and care to help others who may be experiencing a crisis. they also remind us of the importance of community as it is often the combined efforts of the bistandards, the caller, valerie's leadership that also ultimately saved this gentleman's life. valerie, we thank you for your dedication, for your knowledge and for your compassion and we thank you for serving the city and county of san francisco. [applause] >> director carol, good afternoon. >> thank you president peskin. supervisor melgar and dorsey and entire board for taking the time today to honor these three exceptional public servant and forgive me i'm emotional.
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you have done a incredible job explaining why they are receiving these awards so i will not repeat it and i want you to hear from them directly. but, they are amazing and they represent an amazing group of people i have the honor to serve and are lead. as we celebrate dispatcher week this week, more then ever i have so much gratitude and appreciation for these people. this past year has been challenging in many ways for a lot of reasons. some of which are now feel very mundane. we just finished a major renovation of our 911 floor on time is and under budget. i like to add board of supervisors. [laughter] and which is part of the 2020
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bonds so proud of it and it is beautiful and invite all you to come visit. very grateful also this year to the dc to peer support members who do incredible work comfortable and listening to their peers and providing critical support around the clock. and this year we really needed them. even as we celebrate this year and we are really celebrating this week and we are happily celebrating dorian, bill and valerie today, we are all still feeling very closely the loss of one of our own. we lost flor inda flow less then a month ago, very suddenly and tragically. this has been a devastating loss for all of us, but especially our dispatchers, supervisors and managers who knew and loved flow for so many years as a colleague and iend. but, it is important to
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acknowledge this and add we did not have time to stop and grieve. not on the night the call came in to the 911 center or the days or weeks after. this is the nature of this job. i have it never been so proud and privileged to see how our 911 family came together to support each other in grief and sadness and also grateful to our city family, especially our public safety partners and hhs who really circled the wagons for us and provided all the support that they could. we have plans to happily honor and are remember flow in the coming days and i know she would be so proud of the honorees today. so, i just want to underscore how hard this work is and how much sacrifice goes into the day to day as our dispatchers help people on their worst day.
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i finally really want to thank and congratulate dorian, bill and valerie on your incredible work. their leadership, their compassion and their dedication. we are all so proud of you today and every day and i'm so grateful for them. i really appreciate the opportunity for you to hear from them. [applause] >> thank you so much director carol. welcome up, dorian. >> greetings and good afternoon. thank you again for taking the time out of your day to recognize the work we do and to honor us during telecommunicator week. i am honored to be here and to receive this award that my colleagues all voted for and nominated me for. i wouldn't be here accept that over 5 years ago [indiscernible] pushed me and
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prodded me and convinced me finally to apply for this position. up to that point i was 14 years into a 5 year plan of quickly becoming a dispatcher graduating from college and then moving on to other pursuits. but i'm proud to say that i really found my calling here as a 911 dispatcher and now as a 911 supervisor. it's rewarding work, despite the difficulties, the pains, the losses, the sacrifices. it is truly an honor to serve the citizens and our fellow first responders in the police department, fire department, sheriff and ems. it takes a team effort. i'm here because people nominated me, but in realty, the supervisors i work with and dispatchers we serve all play
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such important roles in everything we do day to day, emergency to emergency. i want to just recognize them at this moment, that we are here supporting each other and that supervisors other then myself also are deserving that recognition. thank you very much for your time and thank you again. i'm going to now pass along to our dispatcher of the year, bill. [applause] >> good afternoon. thank you supervisors, mary ann, rob and rest of the management team and thank you to coworkers for selecting me. i found myself over the weekend just about speechless as is
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when i learned i was being selected as dispatcher of the year. even with several weeks to contemplate what i would say today, i found it very difficult to focus my thoughts. i really needed a 911 [indiscernible] somebody to ask me questions in a specific order and use my responses to create remarks that would make sense to those hearing it and resonate with them. 911 is a difficult job and don't think there is anybody who argue with that. every time we tell someone what we do and hear something like, i could never do that job, i don't know how to respond to that usually and i end up saying yes, it is definitely a challenge and yes it could be very stressful. thinking i could never do what you do. this is job of muscle memory and skills.
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it is a job that also gets harder all the time. new applications, new technology, apple watchs that 911 when you fall, these all require us to learn new ways to do our job. the way we respond to citizens suffering from mental illness or homelessness, again, new ways to do what we've done over and over again. for veteran dispatchers like me, that requires forging new muscle memory pathways and unlearning the very very strong old muscle memory. change adds layers of complexity and pressure to get it right the new way. i was very lucky the night of the pursuit i handled. i had everybody in the room helping me. people information to highway patrol or oakland police. it didn't hurt the suspect
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decided to bring the pursuit to oakland which i drive every day. the pursuit was exhausting and exhilarated. i had no idea it had gone on for a hour until it was over and as tired as i was when it ended 30 minutes after the ends of my shift, i needed 30 minutes to unjangle my nerves to drive home. as dorian talked about, we are a team. i'm fortunate to work with the room full of dispatchers of the year. every day we come to work, sometimes already tired and we have challenging call s, challenging days from start to finish. when the phone rings or radio crackles, you can all be sure we are already typing before we start talking. i knew when i started this job that it was a last job i ever had and immensely proud to be a
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911 dispatcher, trainer and mentor in the dispatchers. very very honored to be recognized today. thank you very much. [applause] >> good afternoon everyone. and thank you for the opportunity to share with you all today. so grateful for the opportunity to serve this city as a 911 public safety dispatcher and continue in my family legacy and history service the city since 1967. this award exist because the work we do saves lives. i was awarded this honor for a cpr call and life saving instructions i provided to a bistandard that day. that 911 call was the first link in a dedicated chain of public safety responsers and without my piece, the fire engine, rescue captain and medic would not have known
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their objective:[indiscernible] declared 911 public safety as first respaupdsers. what we do every day is [indiscernible] on that day that bistandard ochb the other end of my call had a patient not conscious and not breathing. not sure what capacity any other administrative or clerk in the city under the employment of san francisco would take a call like that. asking this body today not only recognize the governor has done but afford public safety dispatchers with full range of benefits afforded to other first responding public safety officers. my family has deep roots in san francisco and love the city so much. i am honored to work along the most dedicated people who work 12 plus hours a day, weekend holiday, 24/7, 36 5. your dispatchers police fire medic and sheriff those personnel work hard hand in hand day to day to keep our community safe. lastly, i like to end where
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mary ellen started by saying i want to honor [indiscernible] taken away too soon. our dispatch hearts are heavy and as we grieve we still continue to show up and maintain that calm voice in a moment of da darkness. i love you flow and thank you for the service of the city and all for the hard work you do every single day. thank you. [applause] >> thank you valerie. director carol, if i can ask you and robert smuts and dorian is and bill and valerie to join the board of supervisors for a group photo. come through the door and let us all get together.
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>> madam clerk, let us return to roll call for introductions. >> thank you mr. president. supervisor stefani. >> thank you madam clerk. one sec. colleagues introducing resolution to support california assembry bill 2479 authored by former colleague matt hany. this bill enable state inveshment in sober living by adding this type of housing to the criteria of those receiving funds through the housing first act of 2016. there are so many in recovery community who understand this simple truth, staying sober is a daily struggle. it is made more difficult when substances are prevalent and easily accessible. when people recovering from addiction are forced into housing not suitable they are higher rivl of relapsuss, overdosing and returning to
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homelessness. we have lack of accessible drug free recovery housing opportunities. largely caused by lack of investment to support these communities. we must do all we can to support recovery from substance use which we know kills san franciscans on a daily basis. i'm proud to have persistently called for increased investive and advocate for drug free housing until there is adequate supply to meet the needs. ab2479 insure state investment support sober housing and would be critical step achieving this goal. i look forward to your support and adding san francisco as a early supporter of this important legislation. i also wanted to speak on the hearing request that supervisor ronan spoke about. i too this morning when i got up first thing i looked at the phone and read that article.
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woman accused political star of rape and abuse and met a wall of silence and i was too absolutely sick to my stomach. and you cant help as a woman not to think what is happening to other women in our country and i would say not just in our country, but in the entire world right now. i think about recently attending a lunch for emerge america sitting at a table with other women and listening to a woman from tennessee talking about the fact she was forced to go to another state to end the pregnancy as she was carrying a dead fetus inside and forced to spend so much money and so much time and all most lose her life because she wasn't allowed to obtain an abortion in her state. the trauma that she went
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through. as recently sitting in chambers talking about sexual violence and i was booed and hissed, and as a woman knowing that those kind of actions are happening to other women that i dont know was met with such apathy and all most destain and lack of care is really hard to continue to just process. to sitting at my kitchen table with my mom and daughter and my mom birsing into tears talked about domestic violence she endered and why it took so long to leave a marriage of 41 years because she was scared and the things she starts to remember when a bag was put over her head and she was having to sit
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at a dinner party with a bag over her head. and watching the look of my daughter's face as my mom is telling that story and thinking what women have to ender when there is such a power struggle. i am sitting in bed this morning reading this article and thinking about what women have to ender in our city and what we think is a progressive city and it just honesty makes me sick. the on slot of the attacks on women in this country and elsewhere is just out of control. it is out of control and if you dont think so, wake up. this hearing in my opinion and i want to thank supervisor ronan getting us all on the text message this morning, it goes well beyond a mere
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formality. it is urgent response to the deeply disturbing news that emerged regarding these new allegations against john jakobo, a prominent figure reported by the san francisco standard and i want to be clear, this isn't about these isolated incidents alone, it speaks to a larger issue of the weaponization of sexual violence, particularly by men in positions of power who prioritize their own interest at the expense of victims. supervisor ronan is correct, she saw a problem in 2018 and tried to solve it through sharp. i was so happy to cosponsor that legislation and we sat here and we listened to people come to the podium and cry and tell their stories and we were determined to do something about it. it is 6 years later and tell you how we both feel that we failed. that we tried to do something and we have not been successful and i know how much it bothers the both of us and how much it
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bothers my other colleagues. victims of sexual violence increasingly feel unsafe coming forward with their stories. our failure to provide comprehensive support and advocacy throughout their journey from the moment they speak out to the pursuit of justice erode their trust in the system. it isn't enough to hear survivors or tell we believe them, we must act and insure they are supported every step of the way. with each new headline we remind of the pervasive nature of the crisis including in our own back yard. at a time women autonomy is under threat-confruchbting this realty i believe is moral imperative. we must demand justice for survivors and dismantle the structures enabling sexual
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violence to persist. it is deeply frustrating to witness the failures that furlther victimize those grappling with harsh realty of sexual assault and domestic violence. survivors deserve a system and people in positions of power that not only listen but take decisive action to address their needs and seek justice. we cannot afford to wait for change, we cannot wait another 6 years and nor can the victims who are out there who have not yet spoken up because they are too afraid to come forward because one, they dont think they will be believed or helped and nor do they think based on what they see every day in our society does anyone really even care. again, i want to thank you supervisor ronan. you and i have been together on this since we were aids and i
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just know that we will not stop until we fix these systems and that we make sure that every victim of sexual violence and domestic violence feels they have a solution here in san francisco, so thank you. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor stefani. supervisor walton. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, today i'm introducing resolution in support of the 2024 reparations priority bill packaged introduced by members of the california legislative black caucus and state legislature. this package includes 14 state bills which will be a first step in a multiyear effort to right the wrongs of slavery and racism in california. these bills are modeled after the recommendations from state reparation task force and include aca 7 allowing the
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state to fund--bans involuntary serve today. acknowledge the impact and harm of slavery in california. ab280, which limits solitary confinement in state prisons. ab1815 which prohibits discrimination baonhair texture and style. ab1929, which allows deeper analysis of technical education grants to disaggreat data by race and gender. ab197 which requires medi-cal to broaden food and nutrition coverage. ab1986, which limits book bans in state prisons. ab2064 which establish grant programs to decrease and prevent violence. ab2862, requiring license boards to prioritize black
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applicants especially those who are descendants of slaves. ab3089, which issue a formal apology from the state of california for slavery and systemic discrimination. ab3131 which target economic record for formally red lined communities. sb1050, which requires compensation for land taking by imminent domain. and sb1089, requires advance notice for grocery and pharmacy closures. in san francisco, we often lead the way to right the historical injuss and now need to support similar efforts at the state level. we most recently unanimously apassed the official apology to african americans and descendants and will continue to work on implementing recommendations from the san
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francisco reparations plan. reparations are a crucial step towards repairing economic social and psychological damage inflicted by slavery, discrimination and hope colleagues join me in cosponsoring this resolution in support of california's reparations bills. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor walton. supervisor chan. thank you. supervisor dorsey. submit. thank you. supervisor engardio. submit. thank you. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you madam clerk. i have two resolutions today. the first is in support of bill 2882, the community corrections accountability act introduced by kevin mccarty. the legislation aims enhance
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transparence accountsability and stakeholder engagement pin public safety spending to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes. as we evaluate california progress in reducing incarceration rates it is helpful to revisit intention behind the public safety reinalignment act, assembly bill 109. the legislation parks shift in california approach to public safety by transferring responsibility for lower level felony convictions from state prisons to county jails and probation departments. the state objective of ab109 is first to alleviate over-crowding in state prison and empower counties to implement evidence based programs to reduce recidivism. by reallocation responsibility and resources to local level, ab109 sought to
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foster--including $2 billion during fiscal year 22-23 to manage certain categories of offenders previous handled by the state prison system. determined how the fund are spent through a process that rely on local body in each county known as community correction partnership or ccp. since passed encountered new challenge particularly addressing the behavioral health needs within our population. the shift of responsibility brought about also meant counties had to manage higher proportion of individuals with complex behavioral health issue within their jail systems. in san francisco as of october 2023 more then 75 percent of people in our jails had been identified as having serious mental illness or history of substance use. this underscores the need to
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address the needs of just ares involved people if we effectively reduce recidivism and improve outcomes. bill 2882 sponsored by the steinburg institute builds upon the foundation laid by ab109 requiring counties to set specific goals for reduction in residicism and requiring the counties to consider how criminal justice resources can build and complement initiatives such as california advancing cal aim. more over, will add a community based organization with experience in successfully providing treatment service to persons who have been convicted of criminal offense and representative of medi-cal manage care plan that provides enhanced care management benefit a new state wide medi-cal benefit for members with complex needs to insure
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behavioral health in the county spending. i hope you join me foster greater transparency accountability and stakeholder engagement in efforts to create safer communities and improve the lives of justice involved people and i want to thank supervisor preston for his cosponsorship. i am also today introducing a resolution to declare april 27, 2024 san francisco independent bookstore day. this coincide with national independent bookstore day held last in april. we are home to 30 independent bookstores across the city. fabosa books in the castro. [indiscernible] city lights in north beach. [indiscernible] green apple in the richmond and innersunset to name a few. independent bookstores served for authors readers book seller
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[indiscernible] independent bookstore day is a opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the unique contributions of independent bookstores to the cultural intellectual and neighborhood life of san francisco. i want to acknowledge and thank becker robins event manager at fabuloso books on the resolution and thank cosponsors presidents peskin, ronan chan and melgar and the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor mandelman. mr. president you asked to be rereferred. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues today i like to adjourn the board meeting in the memory of maureen o'brien sullivan. tracing her family rooths to counties [indiscernible] a bay area native and treasured member of the ireland funds member board of directors, where she was a generous dedicated supporter for over a
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generation and during that time was a regular attendee at all most every annual conference held by ireland funds all over ireland. countless hours of service in san francisco and new york continue to reinforce a pillar for ireland and maintain relationship between the 2 worlds straddled. she emersed in philanthropic and art communities in san francisco, a past board member of magic theater, sterngrove festival and catholic charities and board member of conserve tore of music. greatest love is family nancy [indiscernible] along with many other family members and friends. our condolences to her family. i like to adjourn in the memory of a true legend who's family name has become synonymous with
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san francisco identity as a artistic film mecca, particularly for documentary film, eleanor cope law passed friday at her home in napa valley at the age of 87. the documentary best known for chronicling the movie making process francis ford cope lumarried more then 60 years and daughter sophia. the mother of three children when francis ford copala to [indiscernible] vietnam war [indiscernible] marriage survived trying times exacerbated by the filming and family considered her to be their shelter from the storm whether political pop rotsy or personal. eleanor went to make documentaries about the rain maker directed by her spouse and daughter sophia the virgin
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suicides and are marie antoinette and wrote and director feature films paris can wait and love is love is love. eleanor artists. exhibitsed in galleries and mew seems around the world. she designed costumes for dance productions and created experimental art instillations she was a writer as well. she was 87 when she completed the third memoir and the author wrote, i appreciate how unexpected life has sketched and pulled me in many extraordinary ways and multitude of directions beyond my wildest imagination. condolences of the copala family. >> thank you. supervisor ronan you asked to be rereferred. >> yes today i like to close the meeting in honor of the late raymond [indiscernible]
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in the mission district. ray mnds was a educator artist and visionary who many murals created imagery and space for dialogue with the past and helped educate the public and inspire actions aimed at avoiding repeat of humanity mistakes. his colors are vibrant and every stroke and hue there is a story to be told. raymond journey from south side of chicago to san francisco left a mark. reflecting community voice and spirit have not beautified public walls and empowered and united people through art. born in 1946 on south side of chicago ray grew up mexican american community of pillson, engagement with public art began in 1970 at casa community center in chicago where hep painted--illustrating mexican history and key figures from the chicano movement.
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1970 ray and [indiscernible] codirected uc berkeley chicago art center and worked with architectual student association to bring the chicano movement to the 6 floor lobby working with students to paint a powerful mural. from the 80 on in san francisco he continued commitment to community empourchlt through art and in 1984 organized a mural production to spotlight artists and social issues. raymond work include murals on exterior of the deung mew seem and [indiscernible] and included in countless exhibitions. his latest work was a multi-paneled portable mural in affordable housing site in the mission. raymond contribution to the chicano movement and educator
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made a lasting impact. his murals beautified community spaces like those in the mission, but also served as a median for social commentary and social reflection. he is deeply missed by family friends and community and offer deepest condolences. rest in power raymond. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor ronan. mr. president seeing no names on the roster that concludes the introduction of new business. >> madam clerk, let's go to general public comment. >> at this time, the welcomes general public comment. you may speak to approval of the march 5 and 12, 2024 board meeting minutes or the items on the adoption without reference to committee. 34-41. other general matters not on today's agenda but must be within the board subject matter jurisdiction are also eligible content to speak about. we are setting the timer for two minutes. first speaker, please.
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welcome. >> [indiscernible] board members becoming less and less intelligent. i told you, you are not allowed to become less intelligence. please, you are not allowed because you are part of the team to change the course of humanity, so it is easy. you must simplify we said we create a new system of education for everybody's to be happy using the concept of emotional energy towards beauty. that's it. easy to understand and everything falls into place step by step. i said something earlier. basically, you stop you are going to become a waste of space. so, you dont want to imitate the--it is a waste of space. you pay more because you have
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to pay for the waste that you created. it will be very--okay. [indiscernible] it is fine. i'm used to it. guys, you must focus seriously. you are going to be unhappy and are guaranteed, so you listen the plan is clear. we are still going to create and dismantle the supermarket. [indiscernible] it is going to bring back farmers. local farmers. that's the future. no more division. are you becoming super [indiscernible] because you are--dont push too hard. we dont divide, we unit. too bad. you can't win. it is impossible to win. last thing before, again, the platform x means pornography. lt that is what it means. that's the name of it. when you use x in fact you are
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[indiscernible] under cover of free speech or whatever. that's it. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. eme polk going to read a portion of the world health organization then present this article or letter to the health commission after this. the police commission tomorrow and coit thursday. factors leading to patient harm, technological fathers issues related to health information system such as problems with electronic health records medication and issue of technology. we talked about-[indiscernible] my name is crishfer cline. i talked about illegal access of computer system and i provided each of you, you will get your next tuesday after i talk to the other three commission hads. the second page talks about patient harm that include system. most folks do not know
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healthcare system deliver care via technology and into the home for health solutions and out pp comes. i want to start by talking about a sit citizen arrest. i prefer not to place individuals under arrest but i have quite a bit of experience doing this. i prefer we allow the right people already in the role to allow the system to move forward with criminal charges. i urge the health commission to move forward with recommendation to refer to district attorney office a criminal complaint in favor of indictment who gave out credentials to healthcare system. i also urge a top to bottom review to include senior helths officials. these should include california penal code 502, which is unauthorized access and interfere damage and commit unauthorized access to create computer data and systems. this is really serious and are coming out like in 1978 and i
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will present the final topic next tuesday to the board of supervisors. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. welcome to the next speaker. >> my name is [indiscernible] here seeking liberty and justice for my partner randy walsh at laguna honda hospital and justice for everyone concerning the recertification process. supervisor stefani, thank you for your articulate speech on [indiscernible] when they have allegations concerning sexual adduce. >> make sure you address comments to the board as a whole. >> okay, to the board. i apologize. i did hear mention of the sexual abuse at laguna honda. concerning randy welsh, on may 2017 and advance director note sent to his payee lutheran social service stating he has significant cognitive impairments. on august 31 of 2017, randy did
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a durable power of attorney with me. on may 3, 2018, the payee on another letter from the doctor stating mr. welsh is unable due to medical condition to complete power of attorney. he did that right from laguna honda. that enables to get the transferred registered from the payee that enable us to fibed out they were embezzles the share of cost money his dad got. talk about being met with apathy. talking what the government response should be, i can tell you about it. in the future i'll try to contact members of the board to the legislative aid and maybe mention to the legislative aids there is a guy who will be coming in that may need to speak to us about laguna honda hospital of crimes committed. thank you very much. >> thank you mr. mackay for your comments.
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welcome to the next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is jordan, she, her, they then. i like to call [indiscernible] many people in the end tenderloin are car free. i discovered [indiscernible] deserves thanks for trying to stop the cuts. --sober housing proposal i will have more to say on that next week. i want to talk about something that should unify all and supervisor ronan deserves thanks calling a hearing on sexual harassment. [indiscernible] sf governmental relations moderate, progressive, what have you, you need to cancel their asses. i iis a this as a survivor of multiple incidents over 20 years of my-all most 40 years of my life. [indiscernible] receive city funding continues to employ a person known to be a sex
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[indiscernible] only the tip of the iceberg. [indiscernible] make no mistake, someone who--also known this should be [indiscernible] i believe it is division to cancel [indiscernible] but should be done to this person you need to take [indiscernible] i also want to say male supervisors serving on the board, touch my breast during a function before the pandemic. i spoke to people about it a few years back but held back. i dont know if i will come forward or not because i am not the perfect victim, but it is pervasive problem and city government and said person done similar. [indiscernible] i yield my
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time. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon president peskin and all the supervisors. somebody said walter are you going to city hall and sing today and i said, i'll be there to love and comfort you. [singing] and i'll be there, you can all see you through. so it really is a great song. there is brooklyn bridge, london bridge and the bridge of san [indiscernible] the only bridge that is a real gone bridge is a bridge across the bay. [singing]
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it was yesterday--i got minute and 10 secondss and qu got 4 issues. [singing] city city do you love me, city city city do you care? city are you thinking of me and city city will you still be there? remember we need legal tender and until i'll sing every day, city city city do you love me? city city city do you care? city city are you thinking of me and us and city will you still be there? remember to fix your vendor until then i'll sing every day. thank you.
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>> thank you walter. next speaker, please. welcome. >> thank you. good afternoon president peskin, board of supervisors, thank you for allowing me to speak. my name is al, you could call me al. i'm from the organization called [indiscernible] we are two -i came to speak about two issues i hope supervisor ahsha will be back quickly. issue 1, april is the national arab immigrant heritage month, and this is a we like to celebrate all over the bay area and united states. in this town economically and in all every aspect business community our role we have san
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francisco cops, we have deputy district attorneys, we have everybody in this community brought up big major part of the town, so i really like-i want to speak to one single supervisor about a proclamation to honor the arab community but i like to speak to all of you. two issue i like to speak about-last year we work with california state assemby because so many years our committee has hidden under the category of white americans. white americans stand for europe, middle east and north africa. we work with the california state assembly a long time. assembly member [indiscernible] riverside introduced the bill ab2763 to recognize our committee as separate check box. we are assigned for two [indiscernible] second subcommittee is the public safety, which is just two hours
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ago voted to approve the category in the california assembly. i like to bring this issue because i know the city of san francisco need to be aware of this issue and support the bill for our committee. >> thank you for your comments. welcome next speaker. [applause] >> exme, you are great to be here, but we do not allow noise of support. if you would like to show support you can show your hands as such. welcome. >> thank you. good afternoon. my name is cynthia, i am a district 3 resident and staff of lavender phoenix based in chinatown and organize with trans and queer asians and pacific islanders in the city. we are here today with members with partner organizations and with residents of the city to ask our elected leaders to support solutions for true care
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and not cops in san francisco. supervisors, tax day was yesterday and we are in the middle of budget season. with our public resources we can say not say loud enough, policing does not solve the root issues or problems at the heart of the city in the country or abroad . in a safe city we take care of everyone. this year we are dismayed to see again city programs like our food banks, our classrooms, harm reduction programs receive cuts again while the bloated sfpd budget again sees unrestricted increases. supervisors, we can no longer allow sfpd to rob us of our public resources. allow for members of our organization to speak more on these demands, but over these next few weeks as you look at the 5 year financial plan, as you are in budget hearings some
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of you, talking about housing, talking about public safety, we really hope you will support these demands to fund true care, true healings, true safety and not cops. i'll seed the rest of my time. thank you for your time and consideration. >> thank you for your comments. welcome to the next speaker. >> hello. my name is beck a chinese american resident of san francisco in district 9 of the mission. i organize and am here today with lavender phoenix building api power in the bay area. demands 50 percent restoration of the sfpd budget to public service and food banks to meet the needs of the resident of san francisco. each year sfpd goes way past budgeted overtime. in 2022 the budget was set at $14.6 million when the overtime
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cost were $47.1 million. in 2023, the overtime budget was set at $25.4 million which the overtime cost was $80 million. this is theft and not only overtime, we know policing for safe shopper initiative that prioritize profit over people hurt our community. instead of criminalizing retail theft when we knee a significant portion of the community lacks material resources they need to survive and funding criminalization we could use these funds to allow our people to meet their base needs. we all know the city isprived of resources of care needed to survive and thrive. april 27 last year banko brown was murdered by a private security guard on market street.
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the brutalization and killing of people to protect profit must end. the budget for fiscal year 2025 is set to be $785.9 million. we honor banko life and demand to restore $400 million back to the community. we do not support prop e and use of technology and potentially drone tech to surveill our community. we do not support use of force requirements to loosen-- >> thank you for your comment. thank you for your comment. if you like to hand the language over to us we are happy to take that from you and put it in our minutes. thank you kindly. next speaker, welcome. >> hi. can i seed some of my time for them to finish? >> no, each person gets two minutes. i'll start yours now. here we go. >> hello supervisors. my name is leo, a community safety organizer with lavender
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phoenix based in san francisco chinatown. we organize had transand queer asian pacific islander folks around safety and healing. i'm here today because i'm grieving. our system of safety are failing transand queer black indigenous and poc. just about a year ago as beck mentioned, here in this city, your city, san francisco here in california the first sanctuary state for transyouth banko brown was murdered by a armed security guard and banko did not need more police to keep him safe. the people who knew banko said he needed safe and affordable housing and place to live. tell me supervisors, how can we call this a sanctuary state, a sanctuary city for transyouth when a handful of items from
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walgreens are worth more then a life of a young transperson? supervisors you have the power to decide in the budget season. will you leave banko behind and leave us behind or will you honor his memory by cutting the police budge t and redirect to affordable supportive housing? you can let us know tomorrow as you consider how we use our resources. i hope you invest in real care, not cops. thank you for your time. >> thank you for your comments. welcome to the next speaker. >> greetings. my name is [indiscernible] a community organizer here today in solidarity with lavender phoenix fogeting for a budget that reflect the need for the people. next monday there is court case heard here that question the responsibility of the state sit
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a eand local government to unhoused community. it will be irresponsible to continue to neglect the needs of department and services. [indiscernible] here last week move to action due to under-staffing and yet last year sfpd received a $63 million budget increase. again, while the programs that prevchbt houselessness or support transition into housing continue to get cut. you as leaders to choose to fill the responsibility of your position to pass budgets that meet the needs of our most vulnerable community members. listen to the solutions presented by our community cutting sfpd budget by 50 percent means $400 million for affordable supportival housing to every san franciscans that neez needs it. >> thank you. welcome to the next speaker. >> hello.
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my name is jenica, the cultural organizeser with lavender phoenix that buildss transand queer api power. we know that policing is not the answer. we know policing contribute to the condition of poverty violence and neglect harming our communities. we launched care not cops campaign two weeks ago to say in a safe city we take care of everyone. no one is disposable and safe city means compassionate city. last year city programs such as food banks classrooms and harm reduction service received cuts. while the people were robbed of money resources and dignity, with sfpd budget receiving $63 million in increases. we need this to stop immediately. we demand 50 percent of the sfpd budget redirected to restore funding to true solutions that meet the basic needs of all san franciscans.
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with the $400 million from the budget we can provide all 8 thousand unhoused residents with affordable supportive housing because we know the only solution to homelessness on the streets is that money. i urge you supervisors to support these demands and compan to fund true care as you consider the 5 year financial plan tomorrow. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. welcome next speaker. >> hi. my name is alder a student and organizer in san francisco and member of lavender phoenix calling for 50 percent reduction of the sfpd budget. after the death of george floyd mayor london breed announced a $120 million cut to the police budget. this kind of cut ask a political realty. if it didn't happen then due to lack of political pressure, that won't be the case this time. this time we are willing to see
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it through. we represent the transand queer api community in san francisco. we ask our community what they need and they said, housing and healthcare and having basic needs met. they did not say cops. this campaign is bringing up contra dictions. the contra diction that policing makes us safer when in fact people die at the hands of cops like banko brown like ryan gainer. contra diction that elected officials are representing our voices when we came talking to aid s of connie chan, aaron peskin and mayor london breed and aids told us they don't center have the power or willpower to effect the budget this way. we are calling on you to represent us your constituents in what we ask for to live safe and dignified lives. we demand a redirection of the budget to fund care not cops. i seed the rest of my time.
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thank you. >> thank you for your comments. welcome next speaker. >> hello, my name is jasmine, been organizing in san francisco all most 10 years and i'm a paid community organizer at lavender phoenix my job to organize my community. your job is to take care of the people of san francisco. our trans api needs assessment said trans api do not feel safe in public space jz do not feel is safe asking for the police for help. they know the risk because we see what happens, right? we saw the police kill mario woods. we see the police harassing survivors of violence like the family of jackson salas. we know while this is happening the police budget is increased, goes over budget all the time, while all the other departments
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have to take cuts. like the food bank. food is a basic human need, right? how can that be deprioritized people killing our communities? we demand the sfpd budget be cut in half and the $400 million be sent to true care and safety solutions for our people. as we said, that money could go to house all 8 thousand houseless people in the city, done. that is something we know london breed cares about and has a lot of pressure around. that actually can be solved by our demand. we know you have the power to change the budget and we really hope that you take your job as seriously as i take mine and that you do what is right to care for the people. >> thank you for your comments. welcome next speaker. >> hi. good afternoon. my name is cathy, a district 7
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resident a queer asian american and medical student at ucsf, supporter of lavender phoenix and representative of dph must divest a group of healthcare workers at san francisco general hospital and sfdph healthcare system who has been working for years to get the sheriff department and police department out of our hospitals, our clin ics and city. as healthcare workers in the city, we are infull support of the care not cochs cops campaign and redirect $400 million away from the sfpd budget to things we know keep our community healthy i safe. food, housing, education, harm reduction services. as a hement care student working in the hospitals of the city i can't count the number of times i see sheriff and are police in the emergency room searching patients taking belongings and standing between healthcare workers and patients in need of emergency care to survive. i can't begin to count the
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number of patients coming with infected wounds and healthcare emergencies that could have been preventing by access to safe housing and services. i can't count the number of patients i talk to at the hospital to dph clinic for transand queer youth who feel intimidated by cops on the street and healthcare system and see as deterrents to care. the cops do not keep the city safe and do not keep the city healthy and this is why we as a healthcare worker coalition are showing up in full spoert support of care not cops campaign. thank you. >> thank you. welcome next speaker. >> hi, there. my name is riley leva a resident of the mission district. i first want to thank the supervisors who have been sitting and listenings opposed to texting or working. i really appreciate taking the time to listen to your constituents.
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in 2020 there was a promise to the people of this city to move forward to a system of care, healthcare, housing, schools that was not followed up on. it was in the name of george floyd and in the many peep maimed or killed by police in the country and the city. we demand that you cut the sfpd budge t in half and use the $400 million going towards these oppressive systems to pay for housing, schooling, healthcare and the things that will actually keep people safe, have people healthy. i appreciate you taking the time to listen to all our folks today making the same demand and we'll be here again and we expect you to follow up on your promises that you made in your offices to us as we visited and
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that you made to constituents in 2020 and years after. please keep us safe. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. welcome to the next speaker. >> hello. my name is kyle, also organizer with lavender phoenix. i believe our organization goal takes care of the community align with stated goals. we want safety for all and the city to thrive. i am here to comment on the city budget. despite the budget facing deficit of $807 million we have seen the police budget increase year over year with the largest budget of a city our size and what has it gotten us? countless evidence shows poverty is the biggest predictor of crime. spending more money on policing punishes people rather then
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soft the root cause. how much money will we have waste before we realize no amount of police spending makes people safe. we are in a budget deficit and cant affords to funnel more money to the police department especially into one that consistently overspends on the budget. have we forgotten a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? take care of funding helt care and social service, not the cops. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. welcome. >> hello supervisors. my name is vitta and i'm here as part of lavenden phoenix. born and raised in san francisco in district 3 chine atown and grew up on many public programs who funding cut and slated to be cut in the coming years. such as the food bank, renter advocacy and early child care.
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i'm here as part of lavender phoenix care not cops campaign and we ask you consider redirecting 50 percent of sfpd budget towards true solutions for san francisco residents to survive and thrive. i ask that this $400 million be restored to meet the fundamental needs of san franciscans. i seen funding taken away from shelter schools housing harm reduction services and many life giving and saving resources. we hope you will consider these demands and support care not cops to fund true community care as you consider the city next 5 year financial plan tomorrow. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. welcome next speaker. >> hello supervisors. my name is [indiscernible] lavender phoenix director and i want to share a story with you all.
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a few weeks ago i encountards a stranger who experiencing a difficult mental health crisis in civic center bart. he was loud and behaving a little unpredictbly. it was surprising and startling. but i wasn't afraid for my own safety. in that moment i was afraid for his because down the corridor i saw a handful of armed police officers approaching as the crowd dispersed, but this man wasn't carrying a weapon, he wasn't hurting anyone or being agressive. he was simply in a crisis and he needed help. i didn't feel safer when i saw the cops i felt terrified. i felt terrified, i watch this man's life end the way ryan gainer's life ended in san bernardino. i felt terrified i watch this mans life end the way banko
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brown was killed downtown. but instead of standing by me and handful of people there stepped to help de-escalate. we kept a eye on him until the cops lost interest. in all that time not a single police officer stepped into try to help. i know like so many san francisco residents and workers for us to be safe this city needs to invest in care. we are here because we want a city that cares about every single one of us. last year when we grieved cups to service across the board and sfpd budget grew from $60 million, we knew we would be here with you in a year to demand that the future would look different. we refuse to allow the sfpd to
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rob us. when i say us i say lavender phoenix community and every single program and service that you as supervisors care about. we demand 50 percent of the budget be redirected and we will be here week after week, month after month building our people tower until it is done. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> hello. my name is monique, a form social work er at tenderloin neighborhood development corporation. i'm here today to demand an investigation of city contracts and misuse of city funds. the violation of non profit laws and workers rights to organize and the corruption at non profit agencies.
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it is your duty supervisors to investigate these non profits and how they are using city funding which you approve and vote for. the non profits that i demand be investigated are those at, central dell pueblo, mission housing, larasa [indiscernible] community resource sentser and reading partners. for the misuse of city funds and the illegal harassment and intimidation of workers at [indiscernible]. it is your duty supervisors to investigate tendser loin neighborhoods development corporation for wrongful determination of 18 emplyees due to retaleration and discrimination based on race and age as 80 percent were
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workers of color and over half seniors or youth workers. antiasian and antiblack hate are hard at work at tndc and must be investigated. for the staff positions are funded by hsh that included the tenant community services director evette robinson, the only black person in executive leadership after 30 years of service, the security card was called on her and she was given 15 minutes to leave the premises. they laid off our entire urban agriculture staff and shut that program down. they also laid off half-- >> thank you for your comment. speaker time expired. thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> i have a packet for preston, and peskin [indiscernible] >> my name is bob george, a lifetime resident of san francisco now residing in supervisor melgar's district. here with a group of people who are concerned about what is happening with our non profits. we are here to request that the board of supervisors please do a investigation. in lu of what happened last year, the prosecution of several public officials for corruption maybe it is a good time now to get on top of non profits. i'm finding out that there are
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annual audits that are not being taken care of as well as mistreatment of workers who have no recourse as monique just pointed out to you, so we appreciate you look into it. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> [speaking spanish]
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>> >> >> >> thank you for your comments. we did not receive a language accommodation today but we'll get those comments translated.
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next speaker, please. >> [speaking spanish] >> thank you for your comments. we'll get those comments translated and distributed. next speaker. >> my name is adrian a resident of district 2 over 30 years and here to support what my fellow colleagues expressed regarding non profits and the abuse and corruption of non profits is
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not new. when i googled something, i was surprised to see how many years non profits have been unaccountable to the city. i am especially concerned how our city is spending taxpayer money. i ask that you do your job and ask and comply with a investigation. i have a packet for superintenedant walton and superintenedant stefani. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is maria gutierrez. i am the executive director of [indiscernible] also i was a member of [indiscernible] 18 days on a hunger strike to stop police violence.
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i heard all those young people talking about what is happening to them and in many ways i'm sorry to say this is your responsibility because you have chosen to give money to non profit that are corrupt instead of the government taking responsibility yourselves to make sure that you have the right non profit but the right government agencies to provide all these services that our people need. housing, education, healthcare and good job. good paying jobs. we have a corruption. i have sent information to all of you before that. i have gain more information here. we told you that there was a retaliation taken against [indiscernible] because we denounced the fact that central [indiscernible] misusing the funds mohcd gives them. they are [indiscernible] to do the job.
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they continue to misuse those funds. that they persecute anyone worker that complain about harassment and mistreatment on the job. they make up applications-i have all that information here. i submitted it before. they submit applications saying there is only 3 board members [indiscernible] there is a whole bunch of lies. be responsible my dear friends. the democratic party pay you enough and that is what you feel you are support for and [indiscernible] i'm going to speak the truth here. it is time you assume the responsibility of providing services for this community, not to non profits and i'm the director of one. >> thank you for your comments. >> [speaking in background]
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>> thank you for your comments. welcome next speaker. we'll pick that up from you. welcome to the next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is jay connor and interesting about jakobo is a few elected officials are ing pictures, supervisor walton and former supervisor haney. time to throw under the bus, but i'm not here as a candidate for district 3 supervisor, i'm here because the entire board of supervisors tries to playoff the doom loop narrative as make believe. i did the leg work and in the past two must justs and walked block by block in district 3 and since my map here is in black and white, let me tell you what i found? i found 507 closed businesses. 107 roaming homelessness.
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24 tents, 125 available units for rent. now, these numbers are not sh hp rinking they are growing day by day. the reason why the people of san francisco are now confronting each and every one of you as supervisor chan knows is because this board would rather respond time passing resolutions for day naming events rather then actually tackling issues such as the drug dealer crisis, the small business exodus, the [indiscernible] and constant non profit scandal squz more effecting residents. san francisco is not saved by decree s requiring stores to get permission before they go bankrupt, it isn't saved by supervisors hosting term to thend to vacation in spain, it isn't saved by the supervisors who pretend to support recovery while destroying our city. you all however have time before november.
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don't squander it. thank you. >> thank you. any other members of the public to address the board during general public comment? mr. president. >> publux comment is now closed. p madam clerk, please read adoption. >> 34-41 introduced without committee reference, unanimous vote is required for adoption of resolution on first reading today. any member may require a resolution on first reading to go to committee. >> would any member item or items severed? supervisor mandelman. >> [indiscernible] >> i like to serve item 37. madam clerk, on the balance of the calendar, items 34 and 38-41, we will take those same house, same call, those resolutions are adopted and motions approved. madam clerk, please read item 35?
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>> item 35 this is a resolution to support california state senate bill 1012 introduced by center squat wiener the regulated psychedelic aed thairt act and substance control act. >> supervisor mandelman. >> i like to move and request that we continue this item for one week. >> motion made by supervisor mandelman, second by supervisor ronan. we will take that without objection. the item is continued one week. >> 23. >> supervisor chan, anything you like to say on this? >> i can wait till next week. >> alright. madam clerk, please read item 36. >> item 36 is resolution to support california state senate bill 1031 introduced by senator scott wiener and to authorize bay area transit funding ballot measure as early of november
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2026 and to provide an assessment of benefits for consolidation. >> supervisor mandelman. >> thank you president peskin. again, i like to move request that we continue this item for a week based on the conversation earlier at ta. it seems like we probably could get to unanimity but we need to do a little work on it. >> motion by supervisor mandelman and second by supervisor walton. supervisor safai. >> please add me as cosponsor. >> the item is continued one week. please read item 37. >> item 37 is resolution to support california state adembly bill 886 the california journalism preservation act authored by buffery wicks requiring social media companies to remit journalism yussage fee to each news publuxer equal to the percentage of the social media company advertising revenue.
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>> it is my understanding that assembly member wicks is going offering amendments to this piece of legislation so i like to have a motion to continue it one week pending those amendments and then we consider it. motion by supervisor ronan, second by supervisor safai. to the motion supervisor ronan. >> i like to be added as cosponsor. >> supervisor safai. >> please add me as cosponsor. we can talk about it next week then. >> we will add you. you will appear on next week's agenda as cosponsors. without objection the itedm is continued one week. please read in memoria. >> today meeting is adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals, on behalf of supervisor peskin and supervisor stefani, for the late mrs. maureen o'brien sullivan. behalf cof supervisor peskin for mrs. eleanor copala and
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supervisor ronan for late mr. raymond [indiscernible]. >> we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] [music] right here.
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then put it and pull it. [music] it is an important part of the work that mission cultural center for well tino arts does. steb in the 1977. as part of the graphic's department. >> mission graphica created block print. cut, screen printing, t-shirts to support social causes. and also the studio inhabited emerging and established artists from all over the world. [music] so the name of this exhibit this is installed at the hall is public voice.
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and the exhibition is in partnership with mission cultural center and archives. [music] this installation is 5 decades of the work that they have been doing since the upon upon 70s. it is a chronicle of san francisco's history. >> mission graphica part of latino image makers, educators. activists and memory keepers through the art this body is important it preserves the people's history. >> these are our new historical arsigh files >> every artist donated a piece of art work and so that collection is over 8,000 piece of latino created art work. >> it was exciting to see their incredible archives and what has been great to see for us is how
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they work in community. in the ways this community has been in partnership with other communities throughout the last 6-7 dkdzs and longer in the bay area and the nation. political, we grapple with today has been part of our history and part of the print making history of mission graphica. this was the place everybody would come and get their prints med for free or at low cost. >> it will be successful for the area:may be work >> mission graphica is still the most accessible, low cost studios for emerging and established artists. people can come here to clean screens, expose them, learn the art form at a low cost.
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we offer studio rental space as well as classes, low cost classes and free workshops and collectives. >> this is like history and contemporary coming together for us. and thinking about how the things that have changed and the things we still need to work on and support. >> i hope the people will recognize the transformtive power of art. and the impact that posters have in a community. posters are accessible they other people's art. anyone can do it. it is a strong tool of communication and social change. the posters have not only mobilized community they have also raised money for communities. and they have raised social consciousness. which is something this goes well beyond any art exhibit.
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[latino music] ♪♪♪♪ >> once i got the hang of it a little bit, you know, like the first time, i never left the court. i just fell in love with it and any opportunity i had to get out there, you know, they didn't have to ask twice. you can always find me on the court. [♪♪♪]
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>> we have been able to participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. they provide what is an expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a national paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. >> it is great to have this opportunity here in san francisco. we are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. now that that is happening, you know, i i'm looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs -- that these people are here for everyone.
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i think it is important for people with disabilities, as well as able-bodied, to be able to see and to try different sports, and to appreciate trying different things. >> people can come and check out this chairs and use them. but then also friday evening, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. >> we offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment. [♪♪♪]
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>> shared spaces have transformed san francisco's adjacent sidewalks, local business communities are more resilient and their neighborhood centers are more vibrant and mildly. sidewalks and parking lanes can be used for outdoor seating, dining, merchandising, and other community activities. we're counting on operators of shared spaces to ensure their sites are safe and accessible for all. people with disabilities enjoy all types of spaces. please provide at least 8 feet of open uninterrupted sidewalk so everyone can get through. sidewalk diverter let those who have low vision navigate through dining and other activity areas on the sidewalk. these devices are
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rectangular planters or boxes that are placed on the sidewalk at the ends of each shared space and need to be at least 12 inches wide and 24 inches long and 30 inches tall. they can be on wheels to make it easy to bring in and out at the start and the end of each day. but during business hours, they should be stationary and secure. please provide at least one wheelchair accessible dining table in your shared space so the disability people can patronize your business. to ensure that wheelchair users can get to the wheelchair accessible area in the park area, provide an adequate ramp or parklet ramps are even with the curb. nobody wants to trip or get stuck. cable covers or cable ramps can create tripping
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hazards and difficulties for wheelchair users so they are not permitted on sidewalks. instead, electrical cables should run overhead at least ten feet above sidewalk. these updates to the shared spaces program will help to ensure safety and accessibility for everyone, so that we can all enjoy these public spaces. more information is available at sf.govt/shared spaces. >> i think we are okay.