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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  April 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT

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>> all right. it is time to eat, people. niversary of adoption of vision zero. that is event at city hall mayor spoke and director tumlin spoke and community and elected leaders spoke and i was very pleased we marked that milestone. >> good morning everyone. let's all give a happy birtday for golden gate park! [applause] a brief love note to kick off the festivities. so, in a city like san francisco, parks are really powerful places, and they rep mind us that place is
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powerful. and golden gate park just might be san francisco's most important place to understand golden gate park is to understand san francisco. from the post gold rush years to the 1906 earthquake and fire, from the panama pacific international expigz and summer of love. aids epidemic and explosion of business and jobs it is a oasis through the joy, misery, growth, invasion. within the parks majestic canopy are stories. stories about class, about race, about nationality and religion. stories about conflict and peace. stories about gentrification and equity. stories about constancy and change. stories about stewardship and stories about destruction. stories about technology and nature, about celebration and suffering, about all arts, music and food.
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about love gartherings and solitary strolls. stories about communities neighborhoods and families. stories about all of us. on a personal note, this park is my post important place. no other place knows me better. this park watched me fall in love, raise my two daughters, make friends, build my career. golden gate park helped me work through struggles and challenges and helped me find joy, health and inspiration. the trail network and tree canopy offered me privacy and shelter to find myself. during my time as our parks director i had the hum bllg opportunity to influence the park landscape, form and rhythm through both preservation and through change. through the ghost of william hamenhall and john malaren watching closely. over the last 15 years we restored the fountains and band shell and
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music concourse. rebuild the mercy windgil and mark station. renovated the soccer fields and club house. ceezer stadium, cezer triangle. we added--behind me, the first piece of permanent art added to the park in generations in conserve tore valley. we added a restroom at the 45th avenue playground. renovating the bloleing greens. improve all the park entrances and signs. we now call speedway meadow hellman hollow and middle drive east, nancy pelosi drive and sharon meadow robin william meadow. we added a musical evening light show to the conservancy of flowers, piano to botanical barden. tea house. outside land music festival to
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polo fields and a portion of this beautiful space that used to be call jfk is now a car free prom naund for hundreds of thousands walk, run, roll, ride, sun-bathe and enjoy art music and food. while visitors once traversed the park on horse and buggy, and now travel on scooters, segues, bicycles. the park became a safe refuge during the covid pandemic. we celebrated a bunch of anversity. the redwood grove, spreckels lake. holiday tree lighting. the 50th anniversary of summer of live and in 2020 celebrated in the rain the parks own 150th anniversary. we got a little shorted because of the pandemic, so 154 is the new 150, which is why we are making such a to do out of today.
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[applause] golden gate park is resilient and bigger then any one event, policy, decision or person. but that doesn't mean our kunt stewardship of the space isn't critical. ernest hemmingway, today is one day in all the days that will ever be but what will happen in all the other days that come can depend on what you do today. perhaps only this park itself knows what the future holds. it is the keeper of all of this city stories and secrets. no doubt it will always be the guardian of san francisco's treasureed public memory, so happy birthday golden gate park. you will always be san francisco's very important place. [applause] not bad for 154 year old.
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i'm not that old. alright. so, we all love the space. and if is really really nice to be here. i'm going to introduce a bunch of special guests that are here. we have a lot of honored guests here. we have let's give up for the amazing rec and park staff for generations and generations. [applause] but, i now have the great pleasure of introducing our city's official park champion in chief here to celebrate the parks beautiful birthday, our mayor, london breed. [applause] >> i mean, who doesn't love a birthday party? ! it is so great to be here to celebrate 154/i guess 150 years of golden gate park and what it is meant to the people of san francisco. how many of you were alive in
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1870? nobody? nobody? okay. well, the thing about this park and the establishment, it made it possible for people all over san francisco to enjoy. it has so many stories phil talked about and it has a great story i want to tell about the children's park, which was the first public playground for children in the city and county of san francisco, and how many of you have spent time going up and down that slide with a piece of cardboard? memories all over the place. and this place has so many more stories. the conserve tory of flowers behind me was the first building erected in golden gate park in 1879 and as time went on this place hosted over 2 million people for the world fair in
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1894. when i think about the summer of love, because you think golden gate park and summer of love, this place has been a beacon of hope excitement love and laughter and we continue the tradition with so many amazing public performances with music, including outside lands and comedy day and other events that really bring joy and lift our spirits. and we have the academy of sciences. we have the d young museum. we have so many other-we have the lisa and doug goldman tennis center and we have so many options for people to play and have fun and to enjoy. during the pandemic, i just to back up a bit, growing up as a kid in this city, we would catch the bus and walk to golden gate park and put on our roller skates and we roller skate and we would hope that somebody had
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a boom box because you know how it was with the batteries that wouldn't last very long, so people have their boom boxes, roller skating, dancing and everything else and david miles has taken it to a whole another level down the street with an amazing place for people to skate and have fun. when i think about golden gate park, i think about so many things. this can be whatever you want it to be on any given day depending on your mood. but what it did for the people of san francisco during a global pandemic was extraordinary. in fact, a spent a lot of times during the pandemic with my hoodie on walking to golden gate park, walking through and around and honesty getting lost sometimes in golden gate park and this was a place where i saw people and i saw people outside safely social distancing with their mask on, but never the less, getting fresh
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air and coming together and bringing their kids and family members out here in wheelchairs and baby strolers and bikes and you name it, they were all out here enjoying this beautiful park. how fortunate are we that this park is now being considered to be one of the best parks in the entire united states by usa today? [applause] and it isn't too late to vote so go online to usatoday to make it official. and by the way, we are 200 acre bigger in golden gate park then now york so they can continue to eat their heart out. [laughter] there are so many things we can say about the beauty and the transformation and i know everybody here probably has a personal story, maybe it was your first kiss, like phil talked
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about falling in love with his wife emily. maybe it was when you met someone and became friends over your dogs sharing a bond or your kids, who knows, but that is what makes this park so special, because of those stories and are those experiences and i guarantee that all most every single story that you will hear about this park is one of joy. is one of happiness. is also one of pride for this park and for the city of san francisco, so as we celebrate today, i want to take this opportunity to of course recognize its history and its value to the people of san francisco and the visitors from throughout the bay area and the world and i want to take this opportunity to really thank those people who are really in the background, doing all the work. you'll see a tree, maybe have fallen one day and the next day it is not there.
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there are people who take a lot of pride in protecting, supporting and keeping golden gate park looking like one of the most incredible beautiful parks anywhere in the world and that is so many of our public-our rec and park workers, our gardeners, all of you, please raise your hand if you are one of the people responsible for this beautiful oasis. [applause] thank you for all you do for not just go golden gate park, but 220 parks around the entire city. it is so great to be here with each and every one of you and to just celebrate this incredible milestone and of course, where there is cake it is always a party. so, thank you and at this time-am i introducing somebody phil? last but not least and as i said, as someone who grew up in san francisco, our parks overall have always
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looked good, but not this good. they have gotten so much better and i'll tell you, it is a is couple reasons. number one, it is the park bonds the voters continue to vote on to support parks, which provide the resources for the investments made. number two, it is the park alliance and folks like ben davis who raise private dollars in order to invest in the parks, and number three, it is the people who do the work. i can't get my hair wet. number three, it is the people who do the work. thank you. thank you kat. rec and park, okay. [laughter] that's my bay sox jacket. these are hard to get. number three, again it is the people who do the work every single day and take pride in that work.
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i want to express my appreciation to each and every one of you for making today special and even the rain can't stop us from enjoying a good old fashion birthday party celebrating golden gate park. happy 154th birthday! thank you. [applause] >> one thing better then cake and hat is rained on cake. we were here 2020 for the 150 and it was also raining and i just are want to make a moment to reflect on the four years since. who knew in february 2020 what we were headed to. this mayor steered us through one of the hardest times in the city history and did it with toughness and resilience, but importance with hope and grace and now we get to just celebrate joy here today so let's give it up for our mayor. [applause]
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the real reason we are hp celebrating golden gate park birthday, but this is get out of the vote ralee. we are in the middle of election, and i can legally from this microphone plug the election and tell you to vote not just once or twice but every day between now and april 8. golden gate park is up for the title of the nation's best city park in usa today reader choice poll. anyone can vote, once per day. i do it every day, until polls close monday april 8 at 9 a.m. california time. the top 10 winning parks will be announced wednesday april 17. i'll let you in a secret, we are currently number one! but we dont want to let up, so what's everybody going to do today? what are you going to tomorrow? >> vote!
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>> what are you doing the day after? >> vote! >> there we go. alright. our next speaker, scott beck is the head of sf travel and scott comes to san francisco with so much joy and so much excitement, and he and i had the chance to chat and totally understands how important this park is to getting people to come to san francisco, spend money in san francisco and enjoy san francisco. we do not have a bigger champion then sf travel, stow so it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the microphone sir to say a few words. [applause] >> wow. thank you for the warm welcome. as a new san franciscans i feel this is special opportunity. my association with the park began as a visitor. i used to chase my wife through the park on a bike when she ran several
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marathons. my daughters would visit the institutions. it was always on the-i'm excited to have it be part what i call home now. the park is also living example of san francisco creativity, ingenuity and ongoing evolution as phil noted. it took imagination, invasion to transform sands into greenery, to turn the land into oasis for all to enjoy. and as the mayor noted, it takes dedication and ongoing work to keep the park shining and more accessible then 154 years ago. what other city contains a [indiscernible] arts and cultural institutions, wind mills, lakes gardens music concourse and so much more? this remains a must see for visitors who come to enjoy the beauty and magic of course alongside all of us san franciscans. as phil noted we are rooting for the outcome of usa today best park.
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i will ask you to vote. whatever the outcome though, this park is the best city park and magnet for the visitors that we bring to this community every day. attractions and places like golden gate park make san francisco a incredible destination and draw millions visitors each year to this community. and we at san francisco travel will continue to share the park heritage and stories for years to come. we look forward celebrating many more golden gate park milestones and birthdays. congratulations and happy birthday. [applause] >> alright. we are getting down to the big happy birthday. very special acknowledgments. speaking of birthday, scott sampson and lee can you stand up for a second? it isn't just golden gate park birthday today it is academy science. it is true it celebrating the
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171? it is older then this park and been in this park for 99 years i believe, is that correct? scott and lee, thank you for this park is great, because of your institution and we like to thank your institution is great because of this park. happy birthday academy. [applause] and also want to recognize our amazing rec and park commission, our president kat anderson is here. our vice president joe. commissioner louie is here. we are also joined by a handful of really wonderful partners that make it work, rodney fong, head of chamber of commerce is here. stephanie linder, the head of the garden at golden gate park, we are in your front yard stephanie, thank you very much. you heard them back here hooting and hallering when the mayor talked about roller skating, david. skate and place.
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and then from illuminate who works tirelessly to light this place up and create joy and place-making, my friend ben davis. and i know i'm forgetting somebody and i'm losing my notes, but i most importantly-oh our friend from another planet. there is special bit of news. we have outside land coming first week of august. already eager beaver tickets are sold out? that is because the show is hot hot hot. and thank you very much for assigning two very important members of your organization to join us for our birthday today. give it up for ranger dave and ranger roof. [applause] and as the mayor alluded, the most important round of thanks are for the
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hardworking men and women who take care of the part for 150 years with sweat, love and skill, this park is amazing because of them, to the rec and park staff. [applause] alright. so, now is the time for happy birthday and to grace us with a ocpelo version of happy birthday, from very own young people teen musical theater company, jet. jet where are you? are you ready for this? alright. let her rip. >> just going to adjust the microphone really quick. alright. happy 154th anniversary. i'm going to be singing happy birthday for golden gate park now.
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[singing] happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. [applause] >> wow! alright. thank you jet so much. here to the next 154 years of joy. happy birthday golden gate park, let's eat some cake.
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>> the stewardship program is a (indiscernible) based program. we work with student kind r garten through 12 grade and work with scrks fusd and (indiscernible) focus on 5 themes. sense of place, plant adapation and animal adaptation, water soil or (indiscernible) depending on the grade level and accommodations the class may need the educators work to adapt the programming to be whatever works best for the class, so they can gain activities (indiscernible) some don't, we try to meet students where they are at and get comfortable connecting in the space and feeling a sense of ownership and safety within their (indiscernible) >> the first component of a youth stewardship program trip will be a in clasds visit where we go to the school, we give a
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presentation on the natural history of san francisco, we talk about the concept of a habitat, so what does a habitat contain, understood, water, shelter, space. >> children at this age, they learn best through using their senses, having the real life experience and (indiscernible) students also learn about responsibility and it is a great message for student to learn, if you take care of environment, the environment will take care of you. >> so, when we finally get the kids outside, we have two main components to the field trips. one is going to be the restoration component where we are working on the habitat and parks by pulling out (indiscernible) or maybe watering, and then the other side of our trip is going
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to be the educational component, which can range from a nature walk with a sensory theme where we are talking about what we smell and hear, to a focus on plant adaptation and animal adaptations. >> (indiscernible) >> just a great opportunity for students to learn more, connect with nature, and hopefully what they learn from the youth stewardship program they can take with them for the rest of their lives, and they will appreciate their environment more. hopefully, when they appreciate it, they take care of it more every day. >> (indiscernible) >> so every year we open the application up in the fall. interested teachers can apply for a classroom visit and up to two field trips to the city park of their choice. field trips are 2 and a half hours long and like i said,
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they can happen in any city park (indiscernible) >> [music] in the town inside here i'm young. he was putting art, music and drinking together upon today have a nonpretentious pretentious spitz that the community can enjoy each other and the time off we get in this world. [music] >> spends energy elevating
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artists and credit a safe place. a place to have a community. >> it is i great neighborhood the art district because we have the contemp refer museum of sf. yerba buena for the arts all of the operators and businesses here we get together and xhoukt and support each other this is a very cool neighborhood to be a part of. [music] paint on canvas is primary low when we do. this is guilty pleasures an all female artist show. it is going to be great. fun we have interactive elements. >> we love having this gem. you know people come in and discover it and get to feel at home. this is like home san francisco
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>> never be afraid it anybodying on our door. [laughter]. if the hours are post and you had want to seat art we are here 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock most days. [music]
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