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tv   Police Commission  SFGTV  April 22, 2024 4:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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your language and also ask for a interprerererererererere i'm ready. good evening. the chair has called the meeting to order. if you could please rise for the pledge of allegiance. for which it stands. one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. president, i'd like to take roll. please do. thank you, commissioner walker. commissioner benedicto, present. commissioner yanez. present.
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commissioner byrne here. commissioner yee here. vice president carter overstone is excused. and president elias, you have a quorum also with us tonight, we have chief scott from the san francisco police department. and executive director paul henderson from the department of police accountability. great. thank you. hello, everyone. welcome to our april 17th, 2024 meeting. at this time, go ahead and call the first item, please. line item one weekly officer recognition certificate presentation of an officer who has gone above and beyond in the performance of their duties. officer jeffrey hospital, star number 994. field operations bureau. narcotics drug market agency coordination center dmacc evening president elias, how are you? fellow commissioners chief scott paul henderson. good seeing you again, my name is kevin healy. i'm the lieutenant of the narcotics division, and i'm here tonight with officer ospital. he's being recognized as the officer of the month for the narcotics division. officer ospital joined the san francisco police department in october of
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2015. officer alex patel has worked patrol in the mission southern and central police districts. officer ospital is recognized by his peers as a hard working, proactive police officer. officer ospital was transferred from the central station to the 11 550 unit tasked with enforcing laws related to the drug market drug market. the dmacc center officer hospital. his work ethic shined in the narcotics enforcement, and it was an easy decision to transfer him full time to the san francisco police department narcotics investigation unit. since his transfer officer, ospital has played a major part in the ongoing efforts to remove fentanyl and other deadly substances from the streets of san francisco. the narcotics team has seized over 70 kilos of fentanyl since may of 2023. on january 10th, 2024, officer
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ospital, to officer ospital tenacity. he was highlighted with the great arrest of sir ospital was an elevated position in the pouring rain on the 600 block of eddie street, conducting what we call a spotting operation. officer ospital utilized binoculars and a digital camera to conduct surveillance of narcotics trafficking. officer tao observed a subject reaching deeply under a minivan multiple times to retrieve unknown objects. officer ospital continued to watch the suspect proceed to sell narcotics. the subject was placed under arrest by officer officer ospital and, and the narcotics team officer ospital. then, in the pouring rain, returned to the van and located concealed magnetic containers containing fentanyl, methamphetamine and cocaine base officer ospital in plain clothes
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was drenched from head to toe and water from the gutters and the streets of the tenderloin, unfazed with a need to change his clothes and shower. officer ospital conducted a thorough investigation and did what needed to be done to remove narcotics dealers and the illegal drugs from the streets. officer ospital is a valued member of the san francisco police department, and it is my pleasure to recognize you, officer ospital, on your continued work keeping the community safe in the city and county of san francisco. and today, the commission on is giving you the officer of the week. and there you go. very nice. he's a great. he's a great cop. and we need more of him. very nice. thank you, lieutenant, for the kind words. and it really is an honor to be here before you all today and to be recognized in this fashion,
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there are countless people in this agency who are deserving to be in my shoes before you all today. right now, there's fantastic men and women in the police department, i feel very blessed. and i'm fortunate to work with great leadership and my unit specifically in general, it's an awesome group of people. and, it's just a pleasure all around. so thank you. wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. come back up. we don't let you off that easily, i'm going to let the chief go first. so, paula, just want to say i couldn't agree more with everything that was written and said about you. i just, you know, every, every day we have, check in with the dmacc, commanders and we hear kind of what the plans are for today. and what happened yesterday. and it's just consistent with the amount of fentanyl that is being taken off the streets. and, you know, there's a lot of conversation about the need to, to break up these drug dealers that are
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have, you know, taken over some of our streets in san francisco. and that's happening. i know it's a lot more work to be done, but definitely you all have made a huge difference. and i know dmacc started focusing on the daytime operations. and when you walk around this area in the daytime, it has made a difference. and i know now that we're doing, you know, more night operations and things of that nature, we're starting to see a difference in nighttime. so it's really about making this community safe for the people that live work here. and you are doing that. so i really appreciate it and thank you for all that work i appreciate it. thank you. chief thank you, officer, and thank you, lieutenant healy, for the, description of what the officer does. i do want to extend a huge thank you. i remember going to the district station, especially in the tenderloin, and hearing the residents concerns and cries for help with respect to the drug dealing and all of the ancillary issues that that causes, them in their own community. so it's good to hear that it's making a difference and that you're making a difference. i also want to extend a thank you to your
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family, who i'm sure being in the narcotics unit, you don't have a 9 to 5. and there are all hours of the day and night that you are working, and that they have to carry on. so huge thanks to them as well, and i hope that you share this award with them, commissioner yee, thank you very much. there, president, cindy elias, i just want to thank you, officer jeffrey. for all you done out there doing the undercovers and taking down, taking off the streets, the narcotics, especially fentanyl, as we know, the amount of death that does happen out there in the streets, thank you again for your service. and putting your, you know, life on the line at times. and remember to stay safe out there and go home at the end of the day. thank you very much. commissioner walker, thank you, president elias, thank you so much for your work, commissioner benedicto and i did a ride along
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in the tenderloin the other night when there was a lot of activity, in the streets of enforcement. and i think that i've heard a lot from folks who are living there that it's really making a difference, it's hard work. it's emotionally difficult as well, we were out there, i think, from nine to midnight, and it's a very different scene than during the day. so, i'm, i'm just we are all grateful for the effect that we're having. and in keeping our streets safe for the people, especially who live in the tenderloin. so thank you very much. thank you to commissioner benedicto. thank you, president. thank you, president elias, i'll echo what commissioner walker said. our ride along the tenderloin was very instructive. and seeing the progress being made there and the effect that's had on the community is very positive to see. and so congratulations and thank you for your work. thank you. go ahead. and mistakenly, i
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mistakenly called jeff paul, which is another hospital on the honor department. so i apologize for that. i heard that i thought you were trying to say his last name. no. that's what no, no offense, no offense. did i miss that? thank you. yeah. go ahead sergeant. if any member of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item one, the weekly officer recognition, please approach the podium. thank you. that was hospital and there is no public comment. line item two. general public comment at this time. the public is now welcome to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda, but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the police commission, under police commission. rules of order. during public comment, neither police or epa personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions by the public, but may provide a brief response. alternatively, you may
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submit public comment on either of the following ways. email the secretary of the police commission at sfpd commission at sf gov. org. our written comments may be sent via us postal service to the public safety building located at 1245 third street, san francisco, california. 94158. go ahead sir. thank you sergeant, commissioners chief, paul, the, i'm going to sound like a broken record here, but i'm talking over your heads of the camera. there but the people of san francisco i have. i'm 80 today. how's that? happy birthday. so i spent 40 years working with, severely disturbed kids. i mean, i taught kids that killed their mom and dad and killed cops from south carolina to san francisco. and the justice system is broken in the. i know from experience and from watching the board of supervisors for all 30 years at sfgovtv has existed that the police promise you every year we're going to give you foot
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patrols, we're going to, give you police kobans we used to have under feinstein, the only way you're going to get that is if you elect your own police chief, then you have 8 or 9 people instead of running for mayor, pull the plug. pull the lever for mayor. pull the lever for da. pull the lever for pd. sheriff, but you don't get to pull the lever for police chief. all those people have to make promises to get elected, and they compete with their promises. you want. what you want is people standing there with platforms. i'm going to give you foot patrols. i'm going to give you a code, man, which takes, 30 commands with 900 cops, around the city where you knew there was a cop 24 hours a day and two of them walking. is that 30s, sir? yes. now, anyway, the, two of them walking, but i got that. you think i got that out of thin air? i got that out
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of a 1940 police patrol schedule as a pd. so elect your own police chief. and then when things go wrong, look in the mirror and curse yourself and say, i pick that bastard out. thank you. ready? good evening. police commission. my name is chris ward klein. i have just handed out a packet that will include comments today and ones yesterday made at the health commission that require immediate attention and action by each of you due to access issues and over issuance of credentials and to police systems. i'm urging the police commission to move forward with a recommendation to refer to the district attorney's office, a criminal complaint in favor of an indictment on multiple people who gave out credentials to police and public safety systems illegally, and that have impacted people's health in a negative way. i also urge a top to bottom review to include senior police officers. these charges and recommendations should include california penal code 502 and 653.2, which is
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explained on the second page of this packet granting illegal access to these systems and that of health systems can greatly impact day to day officer safety and that of the community in which they serve. it could impact red light cameras by sending data to a driver. it could cause an officer involved shooting of a suspect, or cause an officer to be shot again by a person not authorized to send data to a person via a vehicle or data point near a situation in which officers are dispatched or approached in a day to day work situation. i want to be clear that i support public health and public safety, but i do not condone granting access to systems that cause pain, suffering, divide, or to force someone to move because they offended an officer. they go to a different church or their kids did not make the all star team. having said that, public safety, police and fire often are targeted by criminals who use systems illegally to impact their daily lives, typically because they have arrested that
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person before. this happened before in this great city in 1978 79, that led to riots. i urge the police commission and the police department to make this a priority, and not only to lead san francisco back in the right direction, but set the example for other cities and states as well. thank you. hello. first of all, i congratulate on everyone coming together to fight fentanyl trafficking. it was a, long haul for that effort to, appear to finally galvanize. i recall. seemed like for years people were trying to sweep the issue under the rug because it kind of embarrassed politicians. but i want to, i mentioned this situation in the jails. it's great that, there is now water in the jails. milk actually needs to be replaced with a, you know, like a non-acidic juice. at one time, they just had these
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milk cartons and, a lot of people in jail are actually lactose intolerant. so people wind up with, like, severe stomach aches all through the night from from the milk. but now they do have water as an alternative. but i mean, you could get rid of the milk altogether. also, there's cheap baloney sandwiches that are brought to jail that they do not have sufficient like, quantities of, say, vitamin b12. and if people don't get b12, their nerves get kind of fried. so it would actually be better. and it might even be cheaper if you guys brought in, like, hamburgers or tacos or taquitos rather than the bologna sandwiches. another issue is the defendants being steered into unsatisfied, unsatisfied plea deals and the endless hearings that go on for months. it can go on for years. and the worst that, oh, and the worst than,
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adversarial judicial system that leans towards impugning, maligning and insulting, people's characters before they've ever been found guilty, whether they're innocent, guilty, whatever the presumption of guilt and the commitment to obtain the conviction makes the courts out to look sort of like kangaroo courts with, the. good evening, commissioners. good evening, chief scott. my name is j connor b ortega, and while i'm not here as a candidate for d3 supervisor, i am here as a resident who is a fierce advocate of sfpd. and as always, i want to take this time to thank the men and women of the san francisco police department. without these defenders, we would be at the
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mercy of the criminals who seek the destruction of our livelihood. and i also want to congratulate the officer who is being recognized this month for the incredible work that has been done and truly is incredible. 70 kilos of fentanyl taken off the streets is no joke . with the two previous police commission meetings canceled, i hope the time was used as a reflection for the position of the city and residents views concerning sfpd. we the residents of san francisco, support our police officers and support any opportunity to make their job easier in keeping the rest of us safe with the passage of prop e and the requirement to redevelop numerous dgos to be in compliant with the law, i am excited to see us put politics aside and to support policy that assists sfpd rather than interfering with them. the downward trend of crime that we will hear tonight from the chief's report is proof that
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what sfpd can do, if they are given the tools needed to combat the crime in our city, if the commission continues to try and play politics, you can count on me to be here to push back. thank you. sergeant and there is no further public comment. line item three consent calendar. receive and file action. police commission report of disciplinary actions. first quarter 2024. internal affairs annual report 2023 sfpd and dpa's sb 1421 monthly report and that's it. yes motion to accept, to file. can i get a second? second?
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members of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item three, the consent calendar. please approach the podium. there is no public comment on the motion. commissioner walker, how do you vote? yes, commissioner walker is. yes. commissioner benedicto. yes, commissioner benedicta was. yes. commissioner. janez. yes. mr. yanez is. yes. commissioner byrne. yes. commissioner byrne is. yes. commissioner yee. yes commissioner yee is. yes. president. elias. yes. president is. yes. you have six yeses. line item for adoption of minutes. action for the meetings of march 6th and march 20th, 2024. motion to adopt second members of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item four. please approach the podium. there's no public comment on the motion. commissioner walker, how do you vote? yes. mr. walker is. yes. commissioner benedicto. yes, commissioner benedicto is. yes. commissioner yanez. yes. commissioner yanez is yes. commissioner byrne. yes. commissioner byrne is. yes. commissioner. yee. yes, commissioner yee is yes. and president elias. yes. president diaz is. yes. you have six yeses. line item five. chief's
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report. weekly crime trends and public safety concerns provide an overview of fences. incidents or events occurring in san francisco have an impact on public safety commission discussion on unplanned events and activities. that chief describes will be limited to determine whether to calendar for future meeting. chief scott, thank you, sergeant youngblood, good evening, president elias, commission executive director, henderson. and public, just a quick, brief on the crime trends , this week, we're still down 30% overall, in part one crime, it's about 40,400 crimes, fewer than this time last year, property crimes are leading the way with a 32% reduction, the difference of about 4200 crimes. and then in violent crime, we're down 14, almost 2000, a little over 2000 crimes. fewer than i mean, 200. i'm sorry, 200 crimes, fewer than this time last year. as far as homicides, we are 31% down from where we were this time last year with nine homicides, compared to 13 this time last year. and our gun
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violence is down overall, 35. 54 gun violence victims last year 35, year to date this year. so things are still moving in the right direction as far as crime reduction, we do have a couple of at least one significant arrests to talk about, which was a homicide arrest from a homicide that occurred on april fifth, 2024 1:37 p.m. the shooting occurred at the 20 on the 2300 block of mission. this fight life saving efforts. the victim succumbed to his injuries on the scene. during the investigation, the suspect was identified in a probable. probable cause was developed to arrest this person who was a 30 year old resident of richmond, california. he was arrested in richmond, california, the person's name is, alexander martinez. and on april 5th, the same day, he was booked for that homicide. the rest was about nine. after after after the
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homicide occurred. so really good, investigative work by both our patrol officers and our homicide unit. and with that, we are at, just below 90% with our year to date homicide clearance rate. other major events. our marine unit, we don't get to talk about the marine unit, often in the police commission, but they had a really heroic rescue over the last week. on april 14th at 9:52 a.m, the sfpd marine unit responded to the coastal waterways near the great highway in fulton street, in the ocean in regard to a capsized boat. a boat carrying four individuals had capsized approximately five miles from the golden gate bridge while heading out to sea, along with the assistance of the san francisco bar pilot vessel california, the marine unit successfully rescued the four individuals from the water. all four victims were transported to a hospital for non-life threatening injuries. as the vessel is currently adrift, the
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coast guard broadcasts a safety security alert until it can be recovered from the water, the san francisco marine unit urges all marine mariners to check all required safety equipment and weather conditions prior to heading out to the bay, and again, this is, it's a really good thing that they were able to get out there in those conditions, frigid waters and the like, because they do believe they save the lives of four people because of their actions, another major event, this was on the golden gate bridge on the 15th of april, which was this monday, a large protest which resulted in, in several arrests. this was actually a chp. jurisdiction event since it happened on the golden gate bridge and the golden gate bridge patrol, we were called for mutual aid assistance. and we did respond to help, the chp and the golden gate bridge patrol and all.
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there were approximately 30 arrests. and the california highway patrol is the primary agency they are handling all arrests and all reporting for this incident. the sfpd just helped with, assist the chp and their and their operation, there were zero use uses of force involved in this particular incident. another, series of incidents that got quite a bit of attention in the bay area. there were multiple sideshows around the bay area this past weekend. fortunately for the city of san francisco, we only had one a small, stunt driving event sideshow that happened early in the morning hours of april 14th, when vehicles started to gather in the area of victoria and sergeant street in the taraval. our officers responded very quickly, and the event actually ended, very quickly, i just want to say, you
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know, about two years ago, we changed our strategies with dealing with these events, and we put together a response plan. it's called our stunt driving response unit, where two lieutenants, now one lieutenant, is assigned to basically rally resources. when we hear that one of these events might be headed our way. thanks to our our collaboration with agencies in the bay area, we usually get noticed when sideshows and stunt driving events are happening. they let us know that they're coming our way. and then we set up, and oftentimes we were waiting in the spots in traditional intersections where these events happen. and that strategy has really helped avoid having a number of these events in our city. so i just want to say thank you to the traffic company, who spends a lot of time and effort coordinating these events, and then all the patrol officers, particularly on the overnight shifts when things are pretty tight with deployment. but they pull it together and they respond. and
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we are able to oftentimes in these events fairly quickly. so a really good response and we're getting traction. then after the fact, if we can identify any cars or people that were participating, we take action after the fact. and that's resulted in a number of seizures. and they all are 30 day hold seizures. so, i think the message is, is getting out there from what we hear and what we see on social media. but i just want to give a compliment to the officers and the leadership out in the field that's making that happen. and then finally, as far as special events, let's see, we really don't have anything to talk about as far as, special events happening in the city this week. so that concludes my report. thank you. commissioner walker, thank you, president elias, i want to just acknowledge i have, i did a ride along with the with the marine patrol, i mean, of
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course, it's a beautiful beat, but it's also really extensive, and i when i read that, i just it was so great that they were out there, and also the, the sideshow, the effectiveness of the sideshow. deterrent, actually, because it happens a lot in my neighborhood over on, harrison in 17th and 16th, you can always see where they're there and you can hear it during the night. so those are so dangerous. so i just want to thank you for that, i also, i don't know that i want to ask a question, but i really would like to have an agenda item about our response to, sexual assault. the, there's a story over the weekend that, that seemed to indicate that there's been a case cases opened for a really long time, it sort of fits into our department working with other agencies as well on
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this issue, because it's almost one that requires, support from other departments. and, i would like us to actually get a report from the, the, the sexual assault, the that unit that handles those and especially talk about the partnerships so that we can, you know, share information about victims organizations that are there, to help through that process because it is a hard process, thank you. we definitely would be happy to do that. okay. thank you. commissioner yan. yes. thank you, president elias, chief, one question about, last year, there was, you know, some strategies and the mission district that were are, intended to disrupt some of the sex work that was happening on capp street and the ensuing areas,
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and there were some intersections that were blocked off. is there an intention to open up those streets again? now that that activity has basically, you know, been removed and eliminated for the most part? so, i guess the short answer is there's a lot of community feedback that we, we need to continue having because some members of the community like it being blocked off as they think that it has made a difference with some of the activity that caused it to be, you know, blocked off in the first place. so those discussions are ongoing and i will keep you posted. i know some people are want the streets to be open back up, but others think that it made a difference. so they're asking that it be blocked off. so we don't have total, a unified voice there. but i do know that the efforts and i'll say this too, there's been displacement as you well know, you're very familiar with that neighborhood. there's been displacement where some of that
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activity has moved to surrounding blocks and areas. and those are problematic too. so captain harvey definitely has been working to, to keep attention and focus on there. and enforcement actions are happening mainly against the people soliciting, but that's an ongoing thing. so we do have periodic, check ins. but long story short, i have to get back to you because there's been a lot of community involvement in that process as to whether those are going to be removed or not. and right now, i don't think we have landed on which way we're going to go. and i understand it's hard to get consensus on a strategy right. but i know that there on my end, i've heard from , a lot of the merchants, right, that that does disrupt their, their businesses in a lot of ways. right. people can't circle looking for parking. and there are other unintended consequences. right. so i hope that we do have, more dialog around how to contain the issue from spreading into other parts of the neighborhood. i think,
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commissioner walker just mentioned that, you know, the activity has moved down a couple of blocks down to shotwell, and it usually happens that way. i think i may have mentioned that that was going to happen, and that's exactly how it went down. but then, the other thing that i have noticed is, you know, i mentioned this a few weeks back with some of the containment or the, enforcement around the sales on, on the bart stations, and some of the enforcement that's having happening in the tenderloin, i've noticed an uptick in, encampments on in the mission corridor and the mission district. i mean, there is a huge increase of sales activity use, so even though some of those issues have been addressed in the tenderloin and in the south of market area, that activity is still taking place. and now it's moving closer to the mission. do we have a strategy for how to make sure that we are either, containing that from escalating or is there
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a different strategy that's going to be attempted to kind of intervene there? yes, commissioner. we do. so the dmac actually is not just the tenderloin, because the vending, the vending, the illegal vending is also part of the dmx objectives to address that issue, both in the mission and the tenderloin in the mission, sfpd and public works have done numerous operations at 16th and mission, 24th and mission. we were starting to get some really good traction at 16th and mission and some. i went out there one night late and it was totally empty, this past saturday at the at the cesar chavez parade. you know, one side of the block looked really good. the other side, it didn't look as busy as it normally is, but it looked a little bit more active than the other side of the block. and then 24th and mission was pretty busy, so it will take consistency with doing the vending operations. i know the vendors were given a
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location that, so they didn't have to be in those in those places, and that had some, i think, positive effects. but the bottom line on this is it is a part of our dmac strategies to work with the dpw, public works and continue to do vending operations. it's going to take some consistency. i think it's sometimes it looks really, really good, and other times it looks like we've never been there. so it's we're trying to dial down the consistency. mission station typically has officers every day committed to the vending illegal vending rather operations and working with public works. and i'll just end with this. public works. almost always when they work, they will ask us to accompany them because they've experienced assaults and attacks and things like that. so when we're not with them, they're just not as effective. so that is, you know, has to be factored in. we both need to have the available resources and we're committed.
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so i think our our biggest issue right now is consistency. you know, we can't do it seven days a week with the number of hours we would like to do it. but we do do it every day at either 16 or 20 fourth or both. also with our night captains, that's a part of their nightly checks. and if they can make adjustments at night, if they see that things aren't going the way they're supposed to, they will make adjustments. we've had officers assigned to the dmac tenderloin that have been reassigned to the mission because things have gotten, you know, a little out of control there. so that's an ongoing strategy as well that we'll try to move officers around. we can't always do it just because it's sometimes too busy to do it. but that is an ongoing strategy and thank you for that. i really appreciate, the thorough explanation because there is a lot more coordination than i have noticed that there is a partnership with dpw. there are a lot more present. and i think it's that vigilance, right. making sure that those folks that are setting up shop are aware that they will be displaced and there will be some arrests made. so i really
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appreciate your efforts and containing that and addressing that issue, thank you for your report. thank you. sergeant, for members of the public would like to make public comment regarding line item five. the chief's report. please approach the podium. thank you. chief scott, it was a really good report, especially when crimes are going down, you brought up the marine unit, and i'm sure. i'm sure you're aware of this, but in march, there was an incident as well. and i was watching the whole incident play out, and it was handled perfectly, the boat, everybody on the boat was doing everything right. it was a pier 14, i think it was an and the officers were responding, doing crisis intervention, and they had everything aligned perfectly. and then what i talked about earlier, earlier someone you could see it play out, someone hacked into the rgb spectrum or whatever, situational awareness software that you have, i believe it's rg. rgb spectrum. and the person jumped and that's not normal,
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and so i would encourage you and the commission to look into that again because, when police are doing their job and everything should be a, b, c, d. and that incident, i was there to see the whole thing and it wasn't. so i would urge you to look into that incident as well. and if you go back to your, your system, maybe you can find out who accessed the system. maybe. i don't know, but thank you. thank you. that is the end of public comment line item six dpa director's report discussion report on recent dpa activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for future commission meeting. executive director henderson. hello. executive director. good evening. thank you so much. before i begin, because i do have i've switched things up a little bit to change how i give the information weekly just to make it a little more or a little broader. to interpret
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some of the work that we've done throughout the week. so you'll notice it's a little bit different. there's more information to give context both to stakeholders and for people of the public. i think it's going to make it more clear rather than just the recitation of statistics and numbers we have. i'm always trying to improve and to that end, i wanted to start off by commenting on the consent calendar. i know we received it, but i didn't want to miss the opportunity to congratulate the department and talk about the internal affairs annual report. we've been talking about having commensurate reports for the information that dpa presents for a very, very long time. it's not a small thing, i think, for us to get this report from internal affairs, where we get a broader view about some of the commensurate work that's being done, i think it's really hard to evaluate the work that's being done by a civilian oversight agency without comparing apples to apples. and this report is really important.
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my suggestion would be or my urging would be to not have it go into the consent, calendar, but to be agendized and to be on our regular calendar for evaluation conversation and review. there's so much in there that i think is really important, and i don't want it to get short shrift. i will point out that it's this the lack of having these public report s that was a previous part of dpa's audit recommendations from the handling of misconduct in the past and to the degree it's being met now, i think it's pretty important, especially if we're having these public conversations about the work that the department is doing about both reform and accountability, i also really appreciate from that same report that we're getting context for the work, about the, discipline that's taking place, what i think it would be great if we as
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if we had closure statistics, and complaint summaries that are sanitized in the way that dpa presents some of its information as a model that doesn't violate any of the local or state laws about the cases. and those sustained cases, those sustained cases, as a summary, i think would help better define or flesh out the sustained rate, which is 60, the other point that i just wanted to make, and this is the last point on this, the abeyance issue, which was it's a huge deal that i think this report included, definition of abeyance, which is one of the issues that, again, matches one of the recommendations that dpa had made in the past and is a huge step forward from the department. i just don't want it lost that i think that that's really relevant specifically because, abeyance itself was included in the discipline
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matrix that came from this commission, and now that we have at least a definition, that's been presented, i think that's a big deal. as well. if it's possible, i volunteer my agency to work with this report the next time it comes on or to give input and feedback. partnership in some way, to tweak it. dpa has been presenting information like this for a very long time, and i think this is a big step forward. so i just don't want it lost. but i hope that we can have a conversation because i think it's the exact kind of thing that dpa has recommended in the past, and the exact kind of thing that i think the commission has been asking for a long time. so i just wanted to mention that before i actually began my actual report, because it just kind of came and went. and i think there's really good stuff in there that we should be talking about. okay. so that said, our audit division, i
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don't know if i mentioned it before, but they received the exemplary, knighten award from the association of local government auditors for the 2023 audit on sfpd's handling of officer misconduct, this in case people are keeping track. i'm sure you are. who isn't, that this is the second, consecutive exemplary knighten award. and i know you're keeping track because this is actually the third one, but it's the second one where dpa, conducted, the audit independently and by itself, the first one was in partnership with the controller's office. obviously, i just hired all of those people from the controller's office and brought them in-house, steve fleharty, who is a wonderful and magnificent, is doing a great job, i will say that the award came with a note from the judge, from the judges who specifically articulated the sfpd s dpa's
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potential, if followed those recommendations to significantly contribute both to oversight and reform. and so our next audit, which is coming up, which will be on, the department's stop data processes that's currently in process, and you'll hear more about those things. those are the updates that i typically give on the weekly basis, articulating what's going on with that ongoing audit, and as part part of that audit, the audit director, steve fleharty, went on a ride along with one of the officers from southern station, which i think is great because he just wanted to see in real time exactly how the data collection systems work on the street with the officers. but one of the things that make these audits so relevant is that they are evidence based and factually informed, and i'm excited that my staff really wants to learn, know, hear and
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see the actual operation on the streets to make sure that the information that we provide, analyze and make recommendations about is actually relevant and current. so that just happened last week, our legal team this week also, participated. and the closure of two officer involved shooting investigations with the firearm discharge review board. those took place last week. also, in the policy unit this week, we completed the dgo 8.03. the crowd control community working group, along with the sfpd tactical unit and the stakeholders from both the community and multiple city departments, the policy division also met with commissioner yanez and the police department to discuss the commission led investigation for the social media. dgo. that's ongoing. thank you so much, commissioner yanez, and in terms of our
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numbers, and the statistics, they're all presented. so i'm not cutting down on the information. i'm just giving a little bit of insight and analysis about the numbers and stats that are typically there, we've had a 12% decrease in cases since, opened. and compared to this time in 2023, but we've also seen a 4% increase in the number of cases that have been closed compared to 2023. so we're closing out our cases at a slightly faster rate, the open caseload has remained. the stain has remained the same because even though it looks like there has been a decrease, we've had an increase of numbers that are still on the caseload for the agency, there's been an 18% increase in sustained cases this year so far , the mediations have have remained constant and the same, in terms of cases, who's investigations have gone over
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270 days, the dpa has 28 open cases. and of those, 22 of the cases are told, and that is 79% of the cases that have gone over that investigated, persons are told cases, meaning that there is criminal or civil action holding up or preventing the time from counting being counted , there are still 112 cases sustained by dpa that are pending with the chief. these are cases representing ongoing work for the legal team and dpa. that includes scheduling and appearances and conclusions for chief hearings, just in case folks don't understand what those cases are, what the process is, there are still 13 cases that are pending with the same outcomes, with scheduling and outcomes with the commission itself, we have two cases, in closed session this evening, present in the hearing room
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today with me is our chief of the legal division, deanna rosenstein. also senior investigator. alicia tice and senior trial attorney tanita thompson. take a breath. you know, it's the names i just clinches me, folks that have questions, or want to get in contact with the agency can contact us, at sfgovtv. org forward slash dpa, or you can contact our office directly at (415) 241-7711. i'll reserve my comments for the rest of the agenda items. sorry, i took the consent calendar a little bit out of order. i just had comments about it that i thought were relevant, and i'll save my comments until later for their next agenda items, a couple things. one, thank you for your report to the ia report will be agendized. so, don't have no fear, and third, congratulations
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on the award, and which one? the third one. the third one. okay, third. and, not the last one, obviously, because i know that many more will be coming. i do want to recognize the hard work of your team. i think that it really shows sort of. well, it shows the, quality of work and the audits and the work product that you're producing from your team. and it's been very impressive. and i'm glad that it's finally being recognized not only by us, but others as well. thank you. that's why i pointed it out, especially the staff, the recommendations that the department has adopted, i think really moved the ball forward. and while we're celebrating the things that they've adopted and done on their own, the recommendations, especially the ones that come from the audits, i think are really relevant, both for public understanding and for the values, commitments and engagements and directives that
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come from the commission itself. so i just i just don't want it lost. i don't think so. and i think that people need to recognize that the reform process that sfpd has undertaken has been pushed forward in large part by your department and what you've done and some of the things that you have recommended, you have brought to the table best practices, even when it hasn't been popular in the room. and you have continually fought to ensure that these best practices are included in reports included in their data and included in the policies that are being made. so, you know, it's i have a good team. everyone's working hard. all right. well, i think you wowed everyone to silence. so, sergeant, for any member of the public, they'd like to make public comment regarding line item six, director's report. please approach the podium. there's no public comment. line item seven. commission reports discussion and possible action. commission reports will be limited to a brief description of activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to counter any of the issues raised for future commission
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meeting. commission president's report, commissioners reports and commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at a future commission meeting. thank you, commissioner walker. first on the thing, thank you, again, i, i commissioner benedicto and i went on a ride along in the tenderloin overnight. well, not all overnight, but in the evening, nine to midnight. that's enough. and i really want to thank the station for accommodating us. it was really interesting to see. the teamwork that's really happening down there, between all the different agencies and, it really is making a difference. but also, the use of the, the b-19 cameras, i mean, the did i get that number right? the 18 b 1919 be not be 19. and, which is a process for asking to use cameras that are in the private
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sector to help with targeted areas where there's issues that you know about and i think it was really interesting to watch that because you could see activity and really direct response to the areas. and i think that helped a lot. so i'm really want to, you know, encourage everybody to go watch that process because it's really it's very interesting. and really helpful. i think in in being effective, i also attended , during the week, the, celebrating or honoring the collaborate of reform initiative. so mission the last 27 that were remaining to do were submitted. congratulate the whole team. i know that the department had many people involved and dpa was involved, the community was involved. so
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it was really it's it was a years long process for 272 recommendations from the department of justice. we worked with. in the end, the california department of justice to submit them. so just i wanted to acknowledge both departments for that. i really you know, i met with jensen and hughes just to get an update from them as we were, as they were finishing up and, they really they brag, what's that? were they there? i didn't see them. i was looking for them. this was several weeks before that. i met with them at the third street building, and, they really they're their first comment to me was that we really have the most reformed department in the country, and it it's a partnership between the department, the leadership of the chief and the command staff and dpa and the commission. so, you know, it's
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that's to be commended. and i think it's having an effect in all of what we see in the numbers of crime going down. we're getting recruitment up, the reforms we can do, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. so congratulate us. can i just say just in response to that? i know i'm on the list and i'm a little down lower, but the reason that that is more relevant than not, i think this week in particular, because we've seen the reforms, rollback in other states in florida, like with bill 601. and i just feel like it's so important that while we are having a national conversation on that is dismantling both reform and accountability that i believe will be on the wrong side of history in california and in san francisco. we're having conversations where we are marking not just the accomplishments, but real, measurable outcomes from a department that is making an
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effort to do things right. and i'm absolutely not saying it's perfect. i'm absolutely not saying that we're done. i'm absolutely acknowledging that it's a journey where steps are moving forward, and we need to continue that momentum rather than stepping backwards. so, yeah, and, it really is clear that it's not just a one time thing that most of this reform is really about structural change to make it ongoing and ongoing assessment capacity that's, you know, will keep us on the right track. and then one more thing, this this long, long conversation that i've been having about the patrol specials and, and the related issues, is still ongoing, but i think we're coming to be able to bring this to the commission, probably within the next month, it's gotten complicated by other things that affected it, but it's really i think it's pretty
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exciting because it really does, sort of in the in the same tone as the reforms we're doing, it, it really establishes a better partnership with the community around policing and working together to make our streets safe. so i'm really looking forward to that, probably in april or excuse me, may sometime, but i think that's it for me. so thank you. commissioner benedicto. thank you, president elias. i have a number of things in my report. i'll try to keep it brief, one is, as commissioner walker indicated, we completed a very, informative, midnight shift. right along with the tenderloin. i want to thank captain. acting captain manning and his team for their hospitality and the tremendous work. get. getting to see the work those officers do is tremendous. i also want to recognize lieutenant ryan jones, who was our our chaperon for our ride along and allowed us to make sure that we got to see a
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lot of interesting things, one thing i want to call out that was really nice to see was the interagency coordination. it was coincided with when the department of public works was doing some of their sweeps. so we got to accompany some of the teams that included public works as well as sfpd personnel and seeing those processes work. inter-agency was quite nice to see, as well as see a very large fentanyl bust at the end of our of our ride along. i also want to acknowledge there are three new academy graduates, new officers that are assigned to the tenderloin to getting. and one of them was on our shift. so getting to talk to him just a few weeks after his graduation, i think he made an arrest. his first arrest, so that was nice to see as well, something i want to report to the commission. i've noted it in a folder. i'd like to ask to be agendized. a number of months ago, commissioner walker and i were at an event hosted by the san francisco chronicle, which hosted a series of white papers and proposals on various issues of interest to san franciscans. and two were on public safety and one in particular has been
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having follow up conversations with commissioner walker and myself. it's from a number of community groups for what they're calling peace lits. they're kind of a spin on the restaurant parklets. but instead of, outdoor dining at staffed by an officer and someone from public health, someone from. and the idea is you would you could place these slits at sort of strategic places and allow them to be points of service, to be community policing, to sort of act like foot beats. i think it's a tremendous proposal. and it's also cost effective. and i've been in contact with the community groups that have organized that proposal, and they're willing to come to the commission to present. so i've made a request and asked that sometime in the spring or summer, they represent their peace proposal to the commission, and we can get the ball rolling to see if that's something we can we can operationalize. i think it was a great, a great opportunity, also this last week, for the second time i was on the commission, i attended the anniversary of officer isaac espinosa's, death. officer espinosa died in 2004. this was the 20th anniversary,
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he died in in a heroic fashion, was ambushed by an assailant wielding an ak 47 and heroically died in the line of duty, truly a tremendous hero, was assigned to bayview station every year. bayview station does a remembrance. there's a garden at bayview station, that was, in officer espinosa's name. and for anyone who's been to an academy graduation, there's an award that bears officer espinosa's name as well, it was really tremendous to see the turnout. i feel like there's probably more than 100 people there, easily, including officer espinosa's family, his former partners, who spoke very, very movingly, and particularly his his young daughter, who was just, i think, 3 or 4 at the time of his death and is now in her 20s and is a tremendously poised and accomplished young woman, just so many signs of the legacy of officer espinosa. and it was an honor to get to get to attend that event, and the last thing i'd like to report on is something commissioner walker hinted at, which is that there
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was recently a ceremony here at city hall celebrating sfpd's completion, and final submission of the 272 department of justice recommendations as part of the collaborative reform initiative, i would like to start by really acknowledging, chief scott, your work and the department's work on, on these recommendations, my first involvement with the commission was working with the blue ribbon panel and with the doj on these recommendations. i think i first met chief scott long before i was on the commission delivering a book length report to this commission, with the recommendations of the blue ribbon panel, and, to see that work culminate, is truly something to be celebrated, i'm often talking to the chief that this is not the same department that we had when this process embarked. and i want to acknowledge that. i also want to acknowledge the important role dpa played. i think maybe they weren't. i would have loved to see them have gotten a chance to speak at the event as well. but i really think that, as president elias said, a lot of
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these the success of these reforms were because dpa sat in all the working groups on these reforms, kept pressure on the commission, on the department, worked collaboratively with the department on a lot of them, and at times worked, you know, adversarially when it was called for. and i think that, played a critical role to making sure these were completed as well. and as director henderson noted, progress has been made on these reforms. it's not without has not been without its setbacks. it's not been without its its attacks. we're seeing those, we're seeing those across the country. we saw washington, d.c. roll back a lot of their reforms. we're seeing some roll back of the reforms, even here in san francisco. and i think it's important, that the timing is interesting. it is important to celebrate that the completion of these recommendations. but it comes at a time when there have been some changes to the to the oversight structure, and that in some ways, as hard as the 272 recommendations over seven years were in some ways the harder part starts now because the those recommendations gave us a
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roadmap to follow as a department, and the department worked hard to follow them. but now the challenge is to continue this momentum, even without exact roadmaps and exact benchmarks and checkmarks to follow. and that's and that's much, much harder, i, i jokingly told the chief of the event, it was like graduation day, and i think i think that analogy kind of holds because when you graduate from college, it is an achievement to be celebrated. but your whole life there got to be defined by a report card and grades. and when you leave that it's defined by a million other things. and so i think that's the challenge. and keeping this momentum. and i think that the responsibility of dpa, of the chief and of this department and of this commission, each of us is to defend the progress this department has made against against attacks, against backsliding, against false choices that pit reform, against public safety. and it's all of our responsibility to make sure that we have a department that we can be proud of, that is completes its reforms. and,
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ensures public safety for the people of san francisco and, yes, it's a different department. a lot of changes. but now we have to defend it, there's a story about ben franklin, that after the constitutional convention in 1787 was asked, what did you give us, a monarchy or a republic? and he said, a republic, if you can keep it. i think that's true of our department. we have an improved department if we can keep it. and i think it's incumbent on all of us to fight to make sure that we can keep it, that concludes my report. great quote. thank you, commissioner yee. thank you very much. their president, cindy elias. wow, that's quite a bit there, kevin, so you should have went first for my report, but, back in march 25th, we, commissioner, walker and commissioner benedicto, we attended, crisis intervention team awards ceremony, it was great to see the first responders receiving their accolades for all the, what they've done for us in this
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and keeping our city safe in these, response s, also on march 26th, i want to thank the chief and meeting with the chinese community, i know there was a lot of outcry regarding the incidents on last year, july 3rd, but, we got together in the community and explained the situation, the process. it's an ongoing process. and they they finally understand and we hope to have some resolution soon. so we'll wait for the police, department to respond. and the district attorney respond. also, a joint, again, commissioner benedicto and also walker's. it seemed like we're the three musketeers, on a collaborative reform initiative from the doj, my take to that was, wow, chief scott, that was some speech. you did. you you touch all the people that were involved and, thanking all the your staff and
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your team that pushed through the, d.o.j. 272 recommendations. as i was sitting next to kevin benedict, i looked at him and says, why? seems like you had a hand in this. and he says, yes, he was in in on the first goal. so i said, congratulations, commissioner kevin benedicto, for all you done for that, pushing it forward and the commissioner's and dpa, paul walker and everybody else, i'm happy to see that go through, also today we had a merchant walk with the district attorney and chief scott again, we. talked about some of the issues in chinatown regarding the blessing scam, it is huge in chinatown, we wouldn't be bringing it up. or the district attorney wouldn't be bringing it up because there are some situations that, people do not talk about, even though they've been a victim of the scam. so we brought that out. we went out to
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the merchants as we walked through the merchant corridor on grant avenue, many of the merchants were happy to report that the police department in, in the chinatown been doing a great job. they like to do is see more police officer on the beat. that's, that's true throughout the city of san francisco. so, again, congratulations to the police department and in chinatown and throughout the city and keeping our, i guess, crime rate low, i was at 30% below previous years. so congratulations to all. thank you, commissioner yanez. thank you, president elias. and congratulations, chief. that that i know was, quite the, task that has been undertaken. and i think, as commissioner benedicto says, it was a collaborative approach. right. i think everyone around this, dais contributed, dpa especially me
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and all your leadership. and i think, now it's time to not only, implement and apply our best practices. as a result of this blueprint, i think it's, important to develop and roll up our sleeves, right, and develop the leadership so that they are carrying this forward, for decades to come, so that it doesn't sit in a shelf and just kind of part of a checklist that we checked off right. so i really appreciate your efforts there. thank you, tpa, for all the work that has been done on the investigative social media, dgo we've had our first, conversation with the department where recommendations were provided, and there is going to be a lot of dialog, a lot of, discussion about what is in the best interest of this department and our community when it comes to investigative social media. as a result of the work that.
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we've been doing there. you know, it was pretty alarming to find out that there was no policy prior to last year in march when the dbo was issued and then later the, dgo, that came thereafter. right. and so given how important of a resource and tool social media and online investigations can be, i really look forward to our department creating a model for the country if and when possible, as soon as we can get this, done language access, i understand, has been issued as part of the workgroups process is something that i'm really appreciative of because i have been in dialog with a lot of community organizations, san francisco language access network, and of course, oca will be participating also. and as a result of that, i do want some clarification, chief, you may not have the answers to these questions right now, but when the presentation around language access was given, three weeks ago, there were some discrepancies in the numbers that were reported for the total
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lep clients and, fiscal year 1718 and 1920. and it was pretty glaring. it was, you know, i think, the report said that there were maybe 15,000 lep clients. and yet the information that was given to me by oca, said that they were closer to 30,000 clients in 1920. so i really want us to, get a better sense of what the actual number was, because if there were 30,000 clients receiving lep services in 1920. and yet last year, we've only reached, i think, about 15,000. it's a 50% drop that i really think we need to pay attention to, i noticed in the, internal affairs report that was conducted, you know, some of the larger complaints or the larger numbers of complaints and incidents happened to happen in the tenderloin and in the mission district high areas of lep concentrated, communities. and so it doesn't necessarily i
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mean, i'm not going to make the correlation, but it doesn't surprise me that there are so many incidents. and i would assume that maybe improving our language access efforts in those communities would improve our communication and our use of force incidents from escalating in those areas. so when you have that information, i would really appreciate that. reported back to our community. and lastly, thank you for meeting with us around the juvenile, pre-booking dgo. i know that there had been a little bit of maybe confusion, maybe on my end, maybe in the way that i interpreted your comments when we last talked about the dgo that will govern and oversee a potential prebooking diversion program and it was very promising to understand and to get reassurance from you that this dgo which commissioner benedicto has been leading and which we are close to completing, will in fact be able to house any prebooking diversion program that the city will generate. my
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understanding is that the city attorney's office has also provided a consultation or a memo, giving us pretty much, authorization, right to construe what a pre diversion program i know reform isn't necessarily, or, social justice reform efforts. as, director henderson has said, aren't necessarily, you know, progressing as we'd like in other parts of the country. but i know san francisco is going to continue to move forward with this effort because the young people of san francisco deserve support, alternatives, and whenever possible, deviation from a system that sometimes further, escalates their behaviors, by. exposure into the system. so i thank you for your support and your willingness to embark on this process with us. and that's my report. thank you, sergeant, for members of the public, i'd like to make public comment. please approach the podium. and
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there is no public comment line item eight discussion and possible action to adopt department general order 6.20. excuse me. we're going to pull item line item eight for tonight and be rescheduled for another night. and we're going on to line item nine discussion, discussion and possible action to adopt revised department general order 10.02 equipment discussion and possible action. good evening commissioners. chief director sergeant from administration bureau here for any questions on 1002. chief. go ahead. yeah. okay my mic off to sergeant minor is going to present on this. i was just here to if there were any questions or any. oh no discussion. i'm here. i don't see any commissioners. have any questions. no. okay, can i get a
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motion? i have a question just for the chief, though, so. i'm sorry, i forgot something. yeah, i just wanted to let me pull my notes here, so as members of the public may are likely aware, prop e passed by the voters of san francisco and the election results were validated by the board of supervisors and so it is now in effect, under section 96 i, one b of the san francisco administrative code, which is where prop e has been codified. department general orders need to be subject to a new community engagement process unless they receive a waiver by the chief of police. i'm going to read this waiver language, which allows, the chief of police may waive the requirements of the section based on whether the proposed changes are unlikely to have a substantial impact on the department's ability to serve the community. the amount of feedback already received on the subject matter, the need for immediate action, and such other factors as the chief may deem appropriate. dgo 10.02 is one as
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a dzho where the bulk of the engagement process took place before prop e passed, but due to the way it's written, is now under the requirements. and so as, as i understand, chief, you are comfortable. you want to know the waiver on this? yeah. yes. thank you, commissioner, and i am waving this from that process that the feedback, as all of our dgos now have, a community feedback process. and i think with this one, it has happened. so and we're done with the dgo. so with that, based on the property language and what gives me the authority to waive it is the amount of public feedback already received on this subject matter. so i think we're good to go on this one. so i'm waving okay great. mr. commissioner benedicto, i think you're making a motion right? yes. in that case, i will make a motion to adopt general order 10.02. second. i'll second the motion. for any member of the
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public would like to make public comment regarding line item nine. please approach the podium . there is no public comment on the motion. commissioner walker, how do you vote? yes, commissioner walker is yes. commissioner benedicto. yes. commissioner benedicto is. yes. commissioner yanez. yes, commissioner yanez is yes. commissioner. burn. yes, commissioner. burn is yes. commissioner yee. yes. commissioner yee is yes. and president elias. yes. president elias is. yes. you have six yeses. line item ten. presentation on the early intervention system is third and fourth quarter 2023. discussion thank .
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oh. it's okay. i can do it. okay. thank you for. okay. good evening, commissioners. good evening, director, and good evening, chief. i'm sergeant darwin naval and i will be presenting q3 and q4 of 2023. is . so as always, i always like to
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give credit where credit is due. so i just always want to give credit to our team of lieutenant beauchamp and our analyst, wendy and stephanie. so performance indicators i always just like to give a really brief, reminder of what the indicators are. our use of force ois, oid, eo complaints on duty collisions, ied complaints and pursuits are just most of the indicators. so to start out, this is q3 and q4 indicator points by quarter. as you can see, the highest number here will be found in the column of use of force. but compared to the third quarter and third, fourth quarter of 2023, there was actually a 75.4% decrease in uses of force, for q3 and a 67.4% decrease in use of force in q4. indicator points by
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station for third quarter. here you can see that mission station and tenderloin station have the highest numbers of indicator points, 112 permission and 144 for tenderloin. and for the fourth quarter. again, it is mission station and tenderloin with 111 and 121, respectively. alerts for the third quarter. you had 248 members generating at least who generate at least one alert. and that totaled 347 alerts for the third quarter and for the fourth quarter, 148 members, that generated at least one alert, totaled 206 alerts for the fourth quarter. comparing again to the year prior. for a third quarter, that was a 59.8% decrease. and for
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the fourth quarter, that was a 70.1% decrease. alerts by station for the third quarter. again, the theme mission station had, was tied with the highest with 64.5 with tenderloin. and for the fourth quarter, again, it was mission station and tenderloin with interventions for the third quarter of 2023. we didn't have any new interventions before the fourth quarter of 2023. we did initiate one new intervention. so that gives us a total of three active interventions currently. this is just a timeline update of what is going on right now with the early intervention system. and with benchmark. so in january of this year, we actually went live with our first. first sign is what benchmark calls there is we went live with it within our
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unit. that way we can see how the system actually works, as in production state, we want to make sure that, most of the kinks are worked out. the algorithm is learning, all the data that we're inputting and everything that needs to go into the system is going in properly, in february, we also completed, the entry of vehicle pursuit reports and benchmark, and sometime at the end of this month or early next month, we're going to be going live with the new use of force program within benchmark. and what that will help is all the use of force data will go directly into the benchmark system, which will help the algorithm within the first sign system be more accurate, and we'll be able to get that data in more real time, in july of 2024, we're planning a pilot program for the first sign system. so we're planning
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to pilot it at two stations, meaning we're going to start with two stations, training them on how first sign works, training the supervisors on how to read the interface, read the dashboard, and how to use it properly, and how to engage with it with the officers, we're planning that pilot program to be sometime in july, and hopefully once that is successful, we'll get the dgo updated and hopefully everything goes smooth and everything is the policy is approved and everything will go smoothly by the end of the year. and that is the 2023, q3 and q4 ais report. happy to answer any questions. thank you. that was very, brief and succinct and i appreciate it. and we didn't even have a timer on you. you were so good, just a quick question. i wanted to know, benchmark is coming in
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to take over this process right? benchmark is the program. the vendor that we're using for our first sign system. yes. and it's a my question is, it's currently in the process of launching the pilot program. right. we're currently drafting the pilot. we're planning to, go with the pilot program sometime in july. and so how is benchmark going to launch the pilot program for ais? when prop e undid some of the reporting requirements for the use of force, meaning what adjustments are going to have to be made by benchmark, since they are, they have to make up for the lack of reporting requirements because of the proposition we have discussed, the passing of prop with benchmark, because that passing may have an effect on their algorithm, with first sign. our data analysts, stephanie and wendy are in the process of talking with their data
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scientists to figure out the best way to handle the differences that may come. and, we actually already have experience with this because of when we updated the use of force policy at the end of 2022, they had to adjust their algorithm then. so this, these adjustments with their algorithm and how benchmark will figure out how to use the data is something that are already something they've already done. so it's just a matter of getting with our, our data analyst to tweak it and get it to where it needs to be. i think next time when you present the pilot program and it comes out, i think it would be good to highlight the differences in reporting. yeah, definitely include that in your report. i'd appreciate it, director henderson. yeah, i will just springboard from where you left off, thank you for that setup, again, just on that use of force stuff as a definitions have changed. the things that i
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wanted to flag in regards to that changing, especially with the interface with benchmark. benchmark specifically is how and what information will be shared with dpa. as you're building out this system specifically to talk about use of force and the reason that it matters is, as you already know, because dpa has a role in terms of that definition and how it's used for our cases as well. and i should have the answer now. yes. i'm aware, i believe we're in, initial discussions about what sort of information, can and will be shared. i'll probably be able to give you a better answer. at a future, future time, once the system is up and running and we know exactly its capabilities and everything, i would just encourage you, we're happy and eager to take place in those conversations before it's up and running, so it doesn't have to be undone or amended to change.
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if we build it out at the beginning, it's so much easier and i'll make my technology people available and continue to make them available for those conversations. for that build out. the second thing that i want to flag separate from the use of force issue is the body worn camera definitions. because those definitions in terms of use, recording and sharing have to be amended too. so i don't want them to fall off the plate as, okay, i apologize, i'm not, i'm not too familiar with the body camera unit because they're a completely different unit, but i'm happy to pass on any information or questions you may have to them. again, i'll make all of my people available to help and show you some of the conflicts or some of the anticipated conflicts that may arise in terms of troubleshooting. and really, that's all i'm talking about are opportunities to troubleshoot so that we don't have problems or conflicts later on. the thing, the other thing that i wanted to raise on this issue, was the
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recommendation, about a criteria specifically with discipline, which comes as a result of the system for, for abeyance. and we have raised this issue before dpa. and i think in the past, the department has disagreed with the recommendation about developing a criteria for, however, those criteria, because it's difficult to do. but now that we've seen and that's part of why i pointed it out, that it's being referenced and used, and there is a working definition in the internal affairs, discipline report that's been turned in and there's a reference to it and a use by the discipline matrix from this commission specifically. it's all the more reason to make sure that there is an abeyance definition included in the work that you're doing, the final thing that i wanted to raise that i think needs to be included in some of this work is a tracking method for from the eyes, for implicit
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bias, specifically with reoccurring instances of implicit bias, amongst officers, we've talked about it in the past, the commission also has that in specifically enumerated this commission, on the discipline matrix, it's also a thing, an issue that the audits have recommended, for eyes and for the department to have is a tracking process for implicit bias. i know it's a considered a somewhat difficult thing to do, but it's also one of the things that i can't now remember if it was post or ripa that specifically called out sfpd and celebrated sfpd for doing it, i'm again happy to sit down and volunteer and offer my staff to help come up or draft an idea or a concept of what that could
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look like, as well as a review of best practices for it. but while we're talking about the eyes system, it absolutely should be one of the flags that we should be looking for, to enumerate what that work looks like in the future. so. well, yes. thank you. and i also would be very open to any sort of communications. i know my staff is very open to assistance and help, and my key is always trying to work together. it's always it's always better to work together. when it comes to implicit bias, that portion is also in benchmark. however, i believe that they are, using our stop data program within benchmark to handle the implicit bias portion. i can't, they can't speak. okay they are looking at some of the step stop data. the problem is that that stop data is not the only
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indicator for implicit bias. and to the degree stop data is one of the factors. it's not expressly connected to an implicit bias trigger or evaluation. it's more than just the flag for it. it's the analysis of it which the department is supposed to be tracking. anyway, as i said, it's specifically enumerated in the discipline matrix. we just want to make sure that we're beyond just raising the flag, which i'm not sure that we're doing. that flag shouldn't just be tied to the stop data, and even if it is, there has to be a secondary evaluative process to make sure that we're addressing the categories that already exist in terms of discipline, that we've already acknowledged and agreed to. yeah. again, i just don't want it to be a, an adversarial process with this issue in particular, which is why i'm saying we're happy to sit at the table or to make suggestions or to help tease out
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what that could look like, because i don't want to walk away from it or come back six months later and then here's a system that is missing the opportunity to address concerns that have been raised in the past. does that make sense? yes, and i hear all your concerns, director, and i'm i'm taking notes and i'm happy to pass it on to, to my team and the team because all the units that are working with benchmark, we all are all on the same conference calls. so we all know each other. so i'm happy to pass all that, all that information. i think that's more for us. it's the policy team. so i'm happy to have the policy team reach out to you. but the technology team also is part of the conversation with the benchmark stuff. yes. so sounds good. thank you so much. you're very welcome. director go ahead. chief. thank you. president lisa, i was just going to in response to, director henderson's. i know our teams have been working together with miss rosenstein and including sergeant youngblood. so i think some of what you discussed is actually happening
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with data sharing and all that. i understand you got some money for it as well, so hopefully we can. it's still the same people. we can get a little bit i mean i have recommendations, but i think those people, like you said are may already be at the table. i just wanted to articulate what the issues were or flag them for us. all right. thanks. okay i know they have made some progress, so i just wanted to flag that for everybody. thank you. thank you, thank you. i also have relayed your request around the first point. director henderson, to get the, technology people in your department to meet with the ais folks, so that we could have a conversation about what information can be shared. i know that that is in process, in progress. so we should be able to have an update for you on that, hopefully the sooner the better, in relation to the benchmarks program, i know that there has been a, you know, a
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prolonged build out. and as you just raised, you know, maybe the build out will be even longer than we expected as a result of prop b. but one of the things that has been discussed and raised at the at those conversations is that one of the interventions that this evidence based model that benchmarks has created, advises when officers have received alerts and when their supervisors are supposed to enter into either counseling performance improvement plans, and i think performance improvement plans being the highest tier of an intervention without necessarily going into disciplinary action based on the iad report that was submitted. chief. and i know that this i may sound like a broken record on this, but every time, one of these quarterly reports is submitted, it there's a reflection of the number of performance improvement plans that have happened during that quarter for quarter three, there
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was one for the whole of last year. there were four, as my understanding. and yet pretty consistently about 10, 10 to 12% of the workforce force is being is receiving alerts. and yet for performance improvement plans for a full year as as a manager, i know that performance improvement plans, raising issues to your employees is the first step in correcting behavior and raising awareness and improving outcomes. and i've asked before, why don't we utilize performance improvement plans to intervene when we're getting repeat alerts for certain individual calls? what is going to shift, chief? what are we going to introduce? use vis a vis training to ensure that if benchmarks is, you know,
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evidence based model uses performance improvement plans as a means to intervene in and improve outcomes. what is the culture shift going to look like? what is it going to take, and what resources are going to be devoted to training managers to use this tool effectively to contain issues from escalating. so, commissioner, so performance improvement plans also happen outside of the eis process. so oftentimes disciplinary issues arise. and as a part of the disciplinary adjudication performance improvement, improvement plans are part of that. a part of that process. those oftentimes never make it to the eis. because two things the intervention happens before the officers, even get to the alert level. so i don't want you to think that all you see on that eis is the whole universe of performance improvement plans. we oftentimes have
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disciplinary cases that we see either a pattern or data performance improvement plan is the right thing to do to hopefully prevent further of that type of behavior. and that happens quite often. so yes, i understand what you're saying in terms of the numbers might be low in the benchmark universe, but there is another universe of where performance improvement plans happen. and sometimes it's not even discipline, it's counseling. or we see issues that happen through, you things that don't rise to discipline, but they need intervention. so they do they do happen. will the benchmark system allow for capturing that information and reporting it back to us based on precinct? it's based on units. is there work in that direction right now? because i think that granular information is very important, when it comes to capturing performance improvement plans, that will be included in the benchmark system
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, kind of going back to what you mentioned earlier, how there were high numbers of alerts kind of in the last year or so, one common misconception with our current threshold based ais system is that an ais alert equals bad behavior. and that is a common misconception because an ais is very confusing program. but what our what an ais alert is basically is just aggregate data. it is, a summary of an officer's s, performance if it matches the performance indicators. so if, if especially last year with the use of force policy, almost half the department was was generating ais alerts because number of uses of force were very high. the threshold was so low and so everyone was generating use of force performance indicators, so
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what happens then is an officer will generate an alert and you'll see an officer maybe generate five uses of force within that three month period, which will generate an alert. however generating that alert does not automatically signify that that member needs to be on an intervention or need an improvement plan. however, it still needs to be looked at. and so that is what the sergeants and lieutenants and captains do. when we'll send the alert to the stations, they'll still review each indicator and determine if there's a pattern you know, is there a pattern? are is the uses of force only being conducted on a certain demographic? are the uses of force being conducted in a certain, location? if no pattern can be found, then a supervisor can then determine that no pattern is found and
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they can close out the alerts so benchmark is going away from that threshold based system. and using their algorithm to kind of fine tune and determine which officers are going to be more at risk. and we're hoping that the this new first sign system will remove more of the false positives and really identify the members that are more at risk. if you don't mind if i say one thing, commissioner, one thing about my time when i ran the ais system and darwin, correct me if i'm wrong, but, the ais system worked hand in hand with the captains of each station. so just because somebody didn't meet an alert, they were still in contact. so i will say, hey, this is showing up. so they would talk to this captain, so you would see the pips being done at the station, but not necessarily at ais. got it. but when you come to those alerts, like darwin was saying, the model for the benchmark is going to be a lot better than
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what we've had. because just because we had thresholds that were met, it doesn't mean that the officer is doing something wrong. one of the alerts that benchmark was talking about is when an officer goes and they come to a scene where you might see, a juvenile particular, a kid who has been a victim of a crime that of itself, they have showed, has affected the officer more than any other thing that they might experience on the street. so seeing that, especially if that officer has kids themselves and experiencing that event, now you're going to see that officer experiencing ptsd or you're going to see them, getting complaints from dpa for rude behavior because they are manifesting what they just saw in their work performance and ais is to capture that to help their mental health before it progresses into a discipline, position that we are addressing that and saying, hey, it shows that you are experiencing some type of a mental health issue or
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some type of something's going on that we want to intervene. so that's what the what ais was. so hopefully benchmark is going to show a little bit more better indicators than what we have been in the old system. and we'll have the ability to aggregate this. and then that could inform training that could inform how we develop our management systems to be able to better lead. right. so i'm hoping that as we continue to have these conversations, there is this more targeted kind of dialog around on the management. and how do we ensure that even if it's not being documented in a pip, if it's an informal counseling? because i know counseling happens in different forms, but it's about raising the issues to and bringing them to someone's attention, which is the beginning of the conversation. right yes, yes. and that's all. that's all going to be part of the pilot program, is making sure the sergeants and all supervisors are going to be trained in not just how to use the system, but in how to how to identify patterns, what to look
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for. how to address them properly. you know, you're not going to address a, an issue at, at, you know, the break room in front of all the other colleagues. there's there's ways of handling matters with personnel, so that's all going to be part of the pilot program to ensure all the supervisors are trained properly and how to handle it, because ais, we're usually dealing with officers who are maybe going through issues at home and it's manifesting, like sergeant youngblood said, manifesting in their work, or it's just something that's going on at work that it's hard for them to communicate with to their colleagues or their supervisors. and it's just manifesting in other ways. so we want to make sure we address it with empathy. we want to make sure we address it professionally. and that way we can ensure that the officer gets the resources that they need, and also ensure that the officer stays on course with their career. so it's successful and that the department has, a
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great workforce for years to come. and that's one of the most informative pieces of this process for me, has been getting to understand how the how this department really holds the experience of the officers, as you said, sergeant youngblood, i mean, people react, right? people have trauma because you're exposed to so much in the field, and taking care of our workforce is essential, and one of the things that i remember learning from working in the mental health field is you name it, you tame it, right? you raise awareness of a potential issue, whether it's an issue or not. and that in and of itself can lead to dialog that improves the conditions for everyone. so thank you for your work and your presentation. thank you commissioner. thank you sergeant . for members of the public, they'd like to make public comment regarding line item ten. the ais system. please approach the podium and there is no
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public comment. line item 11 discussion on sfpd response to the department of police accountability audit regarding the sfpd needs to improve policies, processes and data tracking regarding the handling of officer misconduct. discussion good evening commissioners. director henderson, chief scott, this is really aggressive in my face, my name is steven betts. i'm one of the risk management attorneys with sfpd and i'm here to talk about our response to the audit. i think i have mostly good news, we received 31 recommendations, and we fully intend to implement 27 of those, we're in various stages of implementing them in the presentation that i or the slides i sent, to you, we i tried to go line by line succinctly on where we are decisionally and implement the implementation of, the reforms. i won't go line by line right now in the interest of time, but as a few comments about a brief
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overview of what we've done, there are. oh, thank you. we still have disagreement over two topics the implicit bias and the, the, abeyance issue, which i'll say a few comments in a moment. but the as far as remedial action, we've taken, stacy, dear god, help me on how do i go to the next slide scroll . scroll. that one. all right. thank you. we've done three basic things. one, for a lot of the recommendations to do with data collection and data mining, we're working with benchmark to try to create a system i didn't even touch at that time. all right. just tell me next slide. thank you for, the main thing we've done, we've worked with
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benchmark for the data issues that have been called out in the report. so for new fields to track, helping us create automated reports to comply with the report, lining deadlines, we're working with benchmark to get our new case management system up to speed on that, the launch of that is not expected until quarter four. december was the month we were told for in that case, management system may go live, so that's still in the works, but we've met with benchmark to try to give recommendations about compliance on that. the second area is a new policy creation. we've updated our standard operating procedures, our 83 forms, our technology unit order for our cell phones, to put in our system for the bias audit. we're all updated. there are other dgos that are in the pipeline that have to go through the 3.1 process. so 2.09, for example, we agree with the recommendations and we're working with getting them updated, but they may still be in that process. and finally, personnel assignments, there are
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certain tasks that just weren't assigned to dedicated people. so ensuring, for example, that reports got off the ground in time. we now have an analyst to do that for example, our bias audit, we have a dedicated sergeant who does the quarterly reports and the annual report on that as well. next slide please, sir. what that's not going. okay our completion status, we by our own count, we've completed about 14 of the recommendations. 13 remain outstanding. seven are because of the benchmark launch and six are awaiting policy revisions, i don't know why. i was like, is that the progress? no, that is not the progress. that's some explaining to do. i really, i don't want to use this powerpoint as you probably. it's not my fault, and we have the
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four outstanding recommendations argument. yeah, yeah, i'm just gonna keep going. i'm just gonna keep going. and we have the four recommendations outstanding about the two, the two subjects. and we don't even have a timer on you. so just keep going. i could go this. i blame him. we have so lost it all today. i've lost. i lost the plot. so, obviously, there's two substantive issues that i'm sure will warrant discussion. the issue about the implicit bias recommendations and the issue of the abeyance, so before opening up to questions, i'll just give a brief overview of where we are on that, regarding the implicit bias recommendation, our concern is really one of feasibility, the recommendation was to implement a process for defining and tracking in the internal affairs context, cases of implicit bias, and i really we really don't think that that is a possible and feasible thing to do, given what implicit bias is, it would require us to really,
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you know, evidentiary prove what someone's psychological motivations are for the conduct that they committed. and i don't think that that's possible in an hr setting for us to do, we look at conduct, we try to prove up the conduct intent is relevant, of course, but the deep rooted psychological motivations behind it, we're not equipped to do that. i don't know if it's possible to even really do that, because it seems like a concept that it's sociologically important. it's psychologically important. but i think it's there's a certain degree of, you know, non-falsifiability or non-verified ability that in a hr setting, we can't really prove up. and i think that will might have like a boomerang effect, where if this becomes a, a hurdle that in every case or every bias case that we need to address, and we're setting ourselves up for a situation where we kind of have to disprove where something is implicit or not. and that could be problematic for us to hold
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accountable bias incidents. so that's our concern broadly with that, regarding the abeyance issue, i think we just have a philosophical disagreement. we really think with abeyance it is a useful disciplinary tool that requires a certain degree of discretion, it's very context laden fact laden on a specific case and listing out a bunch of factors beyond what we already have, you know, in the disciplinary guidelines as far as what are mitigating factors may either, you know, unnecessarily restrict us or if they're so broad, beg the question as to why you're doing it in the first place, and then as far as putting, you know, caps on either the percentage of discipline like in the albuquerque policy or the timeline that you'd hold, you know, albuquerque only has six months. that seems quite short, we think also that's an area where you could have discretion to how you want to implement it, there are some genuine issues that i think were identified in
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the award winning dpa audit. you know, we did not i watched the last presentation, so, there, there were some cases where we could not explain why they were held in abeyance. and that is an issue. but i think that's more of an operational issue. whenever a letter goes out to an employee that explains why they are getting a certain form of discipline that should be explained to them, and that should be tracked. so moving forward, that will be something that will be something that is that is done every time and we will track it. and in in benchmark there will be a, a data, a line item where we are able to put that. so we will have a record of why we did it in each case. so, with that i'll open up to questions, thoughts, comments. great job, i disagree with you with respect to the six month turnaround time. i think, these cases should be resolved within a six month turnaround time, the disciplinary cases.
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oh, i'm sorry, i just meant the six period, six months to hold something in abeyance. oh. oh, okay. no, we agree on the on the timeline for that. we've changed. we've changed our position. so. good. but because it's unfair to the employee, it's unfair to officers who have cases, disciplinary cases that are looming for years and it prevents them, you know, it can affect their promotions. it can affect their, you know, movement in terms of their employment, and it really it hangs over their head without any resolution. so it really is a disservice to officers to have these outstanding cases and have them not resolve. and, so, so in the 2.07 draft, we are working on implementing that. it will be in there in some form. so we're still it is not complete, but it will be done. but i'm so happy to hear that. three two smiling on the inside. okay commissioner yanez, no, no. from the previous that was. yeah. director henderson okay. so first of all, some of my notes and comments
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for eyes were the comments that i had for this one. i thought you were talking to me. yeah, i thought you were talking to me back there. i think everyone caught it but me because i just kept talking. but i will say in my defense that some of those issues can be rolled into an early intervention system specifically, like the implicit bias stuff, which i don't want to talk about again. but if we can come up with definitions to flag triggers, to have some sort of evaluative process take place again, not to be adversarial, but just to flag what we all agree upon is the universe for these issues, i think is really important. now, you had indicated that having the definitions with the bands, because i do want to drill down a little bit on that, and you yourself said that it's useful but needs some discretion. i don't disagree, i think it is useful and i agree that there is some discretion necessary in the bands, but it still needs a specific definition. i will
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point out that and recognizing the work that i'd already did in terms of the annual report, because you may, you gave a definition for what is held in abeyance already. but i think the definition needs to be fleshed out, and i think that it's possible to do that in a way that builds in the discretionary amount that is necessary for the department and the chief to have. and i'm not saying that that should not take place. i just think we need a specific definition so that officers can rely upon an understanding, as is going to be interpreted, because it's on the discipline matrix. so it's as long as it's going to be a tool that's going to be used. i think it's just as important if the tool is going to be used, that we have a reasonable expectation of both what to expect for the officer and then for agencies like dpa to understand how to use it. and the albuquerque example that you referenced is
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just an example, not the example , but the reason that i included it in my notes and comments was just to show that other departments have been able to come up with a definition that i think we can tweak, and i'm happy to sit at the table. when i meet, my team is happy to sit at the table to come up with a definition that i think, can be useful. and so i just. i think it's important, both for the implicit bias stuff and for the abeyance stuff to have some specific definitions and parameters so that we can move it forward and not just leave it as a gray area, because i think they're both two very important issues that need to have a specific definition, regardless of how broad that definition is or regardless of how much discretion is built into those definitions. so that's that was my point. that's all i wanted to say. commissioner benedicto, thank you very much, mr. betts. that was very helpful. and
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particularly i think, even though the powerpoint didn't cooperate as a presentation tool, i thought it was helpful to see all the recommendations laid out and the sfpd response. i think that it's good to see that there's movement, on on the vast majority of them. and that the areas of disagreement are small and even being narrowed within those. so i think that's very helpful, i think one point that i made when we had the audit on and i think, i'll make again, i think it's helpful to have this thing. i think it would be even more helpful if the presentations happened at the same time, because otherwise we're playing telephone a little bit. we're being like, well, what other like some of the questions i would like to ask, i would like to hear from the dea auto team and yourself on, on, and, and so i think in the future it would be helpful, for this to look more like what we do with the sparks report, where there's both a dpa and sfpd presenter, because i think those are the most valuable discussions, at the very least, i think it might be helpful to have a follow up discussion with
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dpa and sfpd present on the sort of narrowly focusing on the four areas. of disagreement. maybe after a little bit of time passes for you to continue to work it out to maybe a little bit later in the spring. but i think that this conversation works best as a dialog. and so i'd like to see to see dpa's oddity and presence. well, not not that we're not happy to have, director henderson here, but i know it's often helpful to have someone from the audit team, at the at the same time, our award winning audit, three time award winning audit team, as well, i meant to mention in my report, i recorded a video for the association of local government auditors to congratulate your team. so, i have no idea what happened with the video. i just recorded it at steve flaherty's request and uploaded it. so hopefully that that gets used, but has a gratitude the commission. but thank you for that for that report. i think the chief gave one too, if i am not mistaken. i know they asked him for one 40s was tight, wasn't it? right? mine hadn't happened yet, though. you didn't. what? mine hasn't been scheduled yet. oh, commissioner byrne, thank you,
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commissioner. walker, i just had, like, a comment more than, a question, but since i've the, the thing is there, one of the things that, the commission does with the discipline and you're talking about holding discipline in abeyance, but one of the things that i've noticed, and i don't think i'm the sole commissioner that's noticed it is that the suggested penalties that we're dealing with, given the violation of a particular dgo, both from dpa and from the police department, there is an inconsistency in, in, in recommended punishments. we'll see. a violation of a dgo and we'll see a recommendation of a punishment, and then we'll get a similar case with a different recommendation. and it makes sense because in some sense, because the facts necessarily be different. but it you know, having sat through three years
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of it now, sometimes we see cases where they're suggesting a punishment when you look at the facts and given what we did in another case, they're asking for more. for what? what most of us think would be less now. we can't increase punishment. we can lower it. but i think to the rank and file of the police officers out there, if they think that there's an inconsistency going on and an unfairness in the system, i for one, and i don't think i'm alone in this get their point out, and i think that, some something more formal published, as to what, what you're looking at when you violate a dgo or some sense of certainty, both from what dpa will recommend or from what the police department will recommend. and i think that's important for the officers. i
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know i don't have to tell mr. betts, but. and mr. henderson, because they're both accomplished. members of the bar, but most criminal statutes, tell you what, you're looking at, and i think that it's only fair to the rank and file of sfpd that there be some attempt to tell them what they're looking at. thank you. great okay. i think, any other questions from commissioners? thank you. thank you. sergeant, for any member, excuse me. for any member of the public that have public comment regarding line item 11, please approach the podium. and there is no public comment. line item 12 public comment on all matters pertaining to item 14 below. closed session, including public comment on item 13. a vote whether to hold item 14in closed session. if you would like to
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make public comment, please approach the podium. and there is no public comment. line item 13. vote on whether to hold item 14 in closed session, including a vote on whether to assert the attorney client privilege. with regards to item 14, san francisco administrative code, section 67.10 d action, motion to hold item 14, in closed session, second. all right, on the motion, commissioner walker, how do you vote? yes, mr. walker is. yes commissioner benedicto. yes. mr. benedicto is. yes. commissioner yanez. yes commissioner yanez is. yes, commissioner. burn. yes, commissioner. burn is yes. commissioner yee. yes. commissioner yee i
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please stand by for the san francisco rules committee meeting of april 22, 2024. >> the meeting will come to order. this is the april 22, 2024 rules committee meeting. i'm supervisor ronan joined by supervisor shamann walton and supervisor ahsha safai, a committee member. our clerk is victor young and like to thank sfgovtv for broadcasting the meeting. mr. clerk do you have announcements? >> public comment will be taken on each item. when your item comes up and public comment is call,