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tv   BOS Land Use Transportation Committee  SFGTV  April 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT

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>> good afternoon, this meeting will come to order. welcome to the april 22, regular meeting of the land use and transportation committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. i'm supervisors melgar chair of the committee joined by aaron peskin and vice chair dean preston. the committee clerk is john caroll and i would like to acknowledge s--for staffing this meeting.
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mr. clerk. >> clerk: if you have any documents to include as part of today's files you should bring them to the rail i'll meet you at the front. public comment will be taken when your item of interest comes up, please line up to speak along your right hand side. ultimately you may submit public comment in writing. you may do so by writing your comment to me, or you may send your written comment to see our office in city hall. that is the clerk's office, one carleton san francisco california, 91402. and items acted upon today are expected ton the board of supervisors agenda on april 20th, 2024, unless otherwise stated. >> thank you, and i have an announcement before you call item number 1, before the deputy attorney shuts me down because it's not on the agenda, there is a blood drive tomorrow
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at the irish cultural center in district 4. a blood drive to support our dear colleague erika majors who needs a donation. i would encourage who can to do that, it's in the morning between 8:00 and 12 noon. 2700 5th avenue. thank you. so please call item number 1. >> agenda item number 1 is an ordinance planning code to designate san francisco fire station number 44 located at 1298 grand street, making other findings throughout the ordinance. >> okay, thank you so much. we are joined but bye natalie g with supervisor wal ton's office. welcome ms. g. >> good afternoon, i'm here on
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behalf of supervisor walton for fire station number 44, today, station 44 is the oldest fire house still in active service. in partnership with the history rog ekt, the committee identified projects to address the neighborhoods under representation in the city's official inventory of the stories. this is the second in visitation neighborhood, we would like to thank the project, sf heritage, sf fire department and our residents for your partnership in pushing this through. and we cannot wait to celebrate with you once this is passed. i look forward and thank you i look forward to hopefully positive recommendation. >> thank you very much. let's bring up planning department. >> thank you, chair melgar, just a minute, i have a couple
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of slides. >> if you, good afternoon, president peskin, planning department staff. the historic commission reviewed the designation of san francisco fire station number 44 at the regular public hearing on december 20, 2023. constructed during a growth, fire station 44 is significant for its association with the fire protection in the early 20th century. fire station is also significant as it embodies an early characteristics of the classical revive at fire station and representative of
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the work of john reed junior. at the public hearing, the commission heard public comments in support of designation and voted unanimously to approve a resolution, modified to include the herrin brick flooz a character feature of the landmark recognizing landmark recognition. thank you, that concludes my presentation. unless you have any questions. >> i don't have any specific questions, i don't think my colleagues do either. so let's go to public comment on this item, please. >> clerk: if you have public comment on agenda item 1, please come forward to the lectern at this time. >> speaker: good afternoon, supervisors my name is woody la bounty i'm the president of ceo of san francisco heritage. i'm ask you sincerely to
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recommend bringing in forward. we're very very excite today have the fire station 44 brought forward as an article 10 city landmark. i want to thank supervisor walton and natalie g for doing everything they do with the community to help us identify worthy candidate for resources and visitation valley. until early 2022, we worked with residents in visitation valley on what we thought might be a good historic project, and they came together to identify that there was not one city landmark in this city neighborhood. so we worked very closely with the supervisors office to bring saint james presbyterian church which was successful and we're delighted that fire station 44 has been brought forward. i do want to make a reminder that the fire department offered to throw us a bbq if this happens. so i hope to have a celebratory
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bbq soon. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you very much for your comment. anyone public comment? madam chair. >> thank you, public comment on this item is now closed. thank you, ms. g. i would like to make a motion that we send this item out of the committee with a positive recommendation. >> on the motion recommendation. >> aye. >> aye. >> peskin. aye. skhair melgar. >> aye. >> madam chair, there are three ayes. >> thank you so much. let's go to item number 2. >> clerk: ordinance a meaned --amending the code in the district extension.
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>> thank you for hearing this item today. i'm just a little history how we got here. as you maze recall on this duplicated file originals from a prior ordinance within three historic districts in the northeast park of the city which was supervisor peskin's legislation and those are the jackson historic district and the extension of that and also the northeast water front district. when the original file was made, i made it clear that i would look for a policy solution that would enable more dense mixes in new housing
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construction as as long as these buildings do not damage the you integrity of the areas. since then i've worked with the city's team to endeavor to achieve this solution. the amendments being considered today are the result of this work. these amendments create a density exception specifically within these three historic districts. this density will allow future housing to allow form base density controls only if these projects do not utilize the double density bonus. and the goal here is to allow housing proj toekts a provide more affordable units while ensuring that these projects are not out of scale with the buildings that are contribute to the historic nature of the three landmark districts. we're just talking about a
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small area here and to be clear about these amendments, more now needs to be done to better understand this approach. the double density bonus that allows for a 100% increase in unit count was enacted just this year. while after we passed the policies and guidelines. all stakeholders that i've spoken to agree that more analysis needs to be done to understand the impact of the double density bonus especially within thaoz areas. i'm confident that these analysis can be done through these order nanz and i'm asking the committee to accept these committees. that does not indicate approve of them per se, but by accepting the amendments so that this new ordinance can be studies by the experts of the planning department and then it will go to the planning commission again. and i want to thank president peskin in the city attorney's office for the conversations
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we've had up until this point. and i look forward to the planning department to achieve the goal that we're trying to get to. and the goal that works on policies solution that encourages more housing options on these wonderful neighborhoods w.those, those are my comment ons that and i want supervisor peskin to weigh in as well. >> thank you, supervisor stefani, i think our goals are the same. as i said when we went through this whole contentious mess, our intention when with the ordinance that we passed in the c2 was always to allow additional density, i think what we did not understand is the combination of form base density with state bonus density would lead to proposals
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for super sized luxury condominiums not far from our water front that vasly exceeded the height limits. the workout was to revisit that for a small portion of the c2 in some of the city's, the city's earliest district, the historic district. but i share the goal, and the goal was never to allow squeezing of double density to produce a wall of towers. and as supervisor stefani said, there are a number of questions which remain unclear to all of us which should be studied before we advance this ordinance. so i am open to adopting these amendments and sending them to planning for analysis, i think the city attorney who is not a planner said, it may do what we both intend it does, but i think we're going to leave that to the professional planners to analyze.
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so i'm happy to send it it over to planning and see what they have to say. >> okay, thank you so much. with that let's go to public comment on this item please. >> thank you, if you have public comment on agenda item number 2, please come to the lecture at this time. it appears nrr no speakers. >> okay. i guess there is no public comment, there you g.public comment on this item is now closed. i would like to make a motion that we adopt these amendments that were circulated by supervisor stefani and that we continue this to the call of the chair. >> on the motion offered by the chair that the ordinance be amended and then continued to the call of the chair as amended. pes ton. >> aye. >> peskin. >> aye. >> chair melgar. >> aye.
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>> clerk: madam chair, there are three ayes. >> that motion passes, congratulations supervisor stefani. let's go to item number 3. >> clerk: item 3 is resolution commemorative plaques or statute tory two locations in a neighborhood known as little italy at the northwest intersection stock son and union and southwest corner between stockton and fillbert to celebrate figures in the i tal nann community to carry out of the installation of the a for mentions plaques or statutory. >> thank you very much, supervisor peskin. >> it's to approve the installation of the first two of the series of commemorative plaques honoring significant i tal january leaders who have had a lasting affect on both san francisco and our country.
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on october 2 of last year, under the guidance of sergio who could not be here today a coalition of italian association came together to establish the san francisco little italy honor walk project with a reason to celebrate and enhance the italian community and development in san francisco and development of san francisco particularly in the historic italian neighborhood of northbeach that i've had the honor of representing. these plaques have been approved bit arts commission and public works and we are the last and as i said this is going to be a series overtime.
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a wide swap of communities pointing women laboratory people and racial minority to city commissions and advisory forms. the other plaque will commemorate marian proud member of the medical association in the san francisco medical society and she championed a idea of establishing a maternity and xhirn's ward in every county california in the state of california. and i want to thank nick and athletic club for their participation and leadership. and i also want to give a nod for chair melgar for authorizing the love your, the commemorative thought process that we're a veiling ourselves of today and with that, it's my pleasure to turn it over to my cosponsor supervisor stefani.
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>> thank you, supervisor peskin, i'm absolutely thrilled, i think everybody knows why, i love my italian heritage, i don't hide the fact that i'm italian. i want to thank supervisor pes xin for moving this along and every one in the italian community who has persevered to make sure that our italian meritage is celebrated. i'm thrilled to be here today and thank to every one who has had a part in this. >> thank you, supervisor. if there is no other comments or questions, colleagues, let's go to public comment on this item. >> do you have public comment on agenda item number 3, please come forward to the lectern at this time. we have speakers. >> speaker: nick figoni vice president of the san francisco
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little italy honor walk and thank you supervisors for your kind words and acknowledge of this important project it's been years in the making and thank you to the chair for her legislation to streamline this process. we were well received at the commission, there has been a community effort, there is 8 italian communication to form yet another nonprofit that will be responsible for managing and managing this effort. there will be an app and website and the goal is to drive as many people as possible to northbeach, or little italy and to spend money and time there and to promote and celebrate all the small businesses that, president supervisor peskin has endured for many many years. so with that, i will pass it over to the next speaker.
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>> speaker: just to say thank you. in charge to follow the project and it's very honor to be here and i say thank you to all the supervisor to support this project. thanks. >> please give the council general our rewards. >> thank you so much. sure. >> clerk: does anyone else have public comment on agenda item number 3? madam chair. >> thank you so much, public comment on this item is now closed. president peskin, do you want to make a motion. >> would i like to make a motion to move this resolution to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> clerk: on the motion offered by supervisor peskin, vice chair preston. >> aye. >> clerk: member peskin. >> aye. >> clerk: chair melgar. >> aye. >> clerk: madam chair, there are three ayes. >> thank you that motion passes. thank you. do we have any other items on our agenda today? >> clerk: there is no further
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business. >> okay, we are adjourned. thank you. chinatown. >> (music). >> welcome to san francisco
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japantown. >> san francisco japantown is the oddity downtown in the united states. >> it was founded in the late 1800s by japanese immigrants for construction over the jars japantown has become a home to a japanese community with restaurants and shops and a popular tourism decision in the heart of san francisco. and san francisco and japantown is quite unique it is one of the three remaining chung's by the states and how i explain japantown we're a city within a city to taste and experience the japanese culture but really be a community what is all about and one of the best things about japantown is the food. there are
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dozens of shops in the neighborhood serving from modern deserts and go with friends. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> my name is t a leader of the japantown to we try to provide something they creates like savory yummy favors we try to provide like japanese flavor as well as for the japanese customers. >> if you're foodie or looking for a quick and delicious meal you're sure to find something. >> it is a authentic japanese
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deter and drink shop special lists in we also offer a roasted green tea and we have flares and other flavors we're known for ice cream and sun disingenuous. >> japantown is a variety of culture contributions with the community center the eight amendment association of north california. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> this tearoom is designed by the tearoom art (unintelligible) and then they built everything in jpa that is a a he ship it to the united states. with the carpenter and this is one of the
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public only two in the united states and the japantown takes you on journey sdlts neighborhoods and the history was a self guided tour you start by japantown center west mall and work your way and learn about the history what made japantown had say is today. >> what as young people; right? what to make sure this stays here for the future. speaking of future you can enter the world of augmented reality created we adobe in a phone stand under which of the store we call that the tree ar experience a great opportunity to do something completely different that will take you to the future with a
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immersion of an experience? incredible. in addition to the culture and ar contribution japantown hosted festivities and events throughout the year some are the cheri blossom festival. and after dark japantown comes life with night clubs and or joy serene moments through the illuminated part and san francisco is japantown an engaging community that likewise people to experience japanese culture with food and exciting events and japantown is a must see for any visitor to san book
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you. >> (music). >> my name is orlando i'm the owner and operator of sf pizza. >> pizza is my expansion growing up i loved pizza and loved to cook and been in corporate banking jobs my that whole life wanted to own a pizza or and moved to san francisco 45 years ago and couldn't find pizza i like so one day of saving and trying to figure out what i would like to do to
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fulfill my dream and to literally must be that i went out on my own toes an interesting things skills i again have to working on the slight changes to find the right product and came up with something i enjoy and continue it. so the positive important thing in years and years and years of trying to get it where i like it is for the sauce i use a unique sauce to bring out the flavors have to mats and capital improvement plan any and using use a high quality of cheese the products work together more important to me have a high quality of pizza and made with love and what i try to keep it
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to be a comfortable foods or food and that's what i try to over and offers so having a really bus illegal day in the community and rile appeal to me and that's what i was trying to accomplish i have thought when i got into pizza the main thing if i can, make a great cheese pizza he can do anything like growing up that's what i brought to to and now called san francisco
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>> welcome infrastructure successor agency commission meeting this afternoon at 1:00 pm., tuesday, april 16, 2024. i'd like to welcome everyone it is joining us today's meeting is held in hybrid members of the public can provide comment in are in person at city hall and thank you, to the star 6 guests madam secretary. >> k5e789 the the first order of business is one call the roll, please. >> commissioner aqunio