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tv   BOS Full Board of Supervisors  SFGTV  April 30, 2024 2:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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>> good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting for today, tuesday april 30, 2024. madam clerk, would you please call the roll? >> thank you mr. president. supervisor chan, present. supervisor dorsey, present. supervisor engardio, present. supervisor mandelman, present. supervisor melgar, present. supervisor peskin, present.
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supervisor preston, present. supervisor ronan, present. supervisor safai, present. supervisor stefani, present. supervisor walton, present. mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you madam clerk. the san francisco supervisors we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. the san francisco supervisors we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place,
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as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. colleagues, please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> colleagues, we have a motion to approve the board meeting minutes of march 26, made by supervisor mandelman, seconded by supervisor dorsey. on that motion made and seconded, a roll call, please. >> on the minutes, supervisor preston, aye. supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor safai-on the minutes supervisor safai. >> ahsha. >> on the minutes. safai, aye. stefani, aye. supervisor walton, aye.
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supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> those minutes will be approved after public comment as presented. madam clerk, would you please read the special order 2 p.m.? >> special order 2 p.m. is the appearance of today's meeting by the honorable mayor london breed present to engage in formal policy discussion with eligible memberoffs inboards. the mayor may address the board up to five minutes. >> welcome mayor breed and you are welcome to start with any opening remarks. >> supervisor peskin, we are here matching like blue tie, blue outfit. we came ready to go, didn't we?
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anyway. hi, everyone. san francisco mayor london breed. hi, to members of the public and folks here from the board. today i want to talk a little bit about joy. now, in these brown walls i know we don't often times see a lot of joy, but when we talk about revitalizing the city, woo ehave to talk about the arts, entertainment and night life. yes, our work on revitalization will always involve tax reform business recruitment and improving the conditions on our streets, but we also need to bring a little more joy to our city. yesterday i had the opportunity to attend an annual night life entertainment summit. what we hear over and over from those in this industry how hard it is for many small businesses to actually run their business. how the city needs to find ways to support bringing people together and to celebrate in our bars, our
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restaurants, our night life. these businesses not only bring excitement and culture to our city, but they bring jobs and revenue. we made changes to the planning code to relax restrictions and we created new programs like the, just add music so it is easier for these businesses to bring in someone to play a guitar, piano or any other type music. we made a hundred changes to our small businesses. we gotten rid of hundred layers of bureaucracy to get to yes, and we are investing in live music and entertainment across the city most recently with the sf live concert series kicking off saturday in golden gate park. we are also working to support outdoor festivals in neighborhoods throughout the city. last week i introduced legislation to make it easier for our communities to put on a party.
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night markets block parties and farmers markets and thank you supervisor engardio for bringing the night life market to the experience of our communities. by eliminating fees and streamlining permitting for vendors, we can do more. we can spread joy to more parts of the city. this thursday is a example of what we want to encourage. the first night of a new series called, first thursdays that is funded not by the city, but by members of the community for the whole community. this is good for our city, it is good for small businesses, it is good how people view our city. too many people who might live outside san francisco only see us for what they see on social media or on the news, but if people come to chinatown or to the sunset for a night market or if
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they go downtown for a night time festival, they will see the very best of san francisco. they will see our people, our communities and our streets come alive with excitement in the way that only san francisco can. and this is good for san francisco and good for the economy. it is good for the future of our city. when it comes tonight life, we are saying improvements. in 2023 the entertainment commission received a 53 percent increase in applications compared to 2022. this makes a total of 125 entertainment permits issued to venues in those two years. it includes the stud, the san francisco gay man chorus, chan national queer arts center on valencia and the music city hotel. these are great steps, but we
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can do more so let's do our part and wave fees and remove restrictions. let's support live music and small businesses. let's lift up the arts culture entertainment and night life in our city. let's open the streets for fun and joy. we will always have the serious important work to do here in city hall but we can't forget the spirit what makes san francisco so special to the bay area and the rest of the world. i'm clearly in a good mood today. >> thank you. madam clerk, can you call the first and only topic? >> yes, the topic submit ed by supervisor preston is the tenant right to counsel. >> please ask your opening question. >> thank you president peskin and yes, yes, yes to live music
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everywhere, so thank you for those introductory remarks. good afternoon mayor breed and thank you for being here for question time. my question is about the right to counsel program. as you know, prop f passed in 2018 establishing the right to counsel for tenants facing eviction. guaranteeing that any tenant who receives an eviction notice gets free legal representation is one of the most effective anti-displacement strategies we have. it is also extremely cost effective saving the city a estimated $10 for every dollar spent thon program. at a hearing yesterday on the right to counsel program at which your office of housing community development presented mohcd released multiyear data showing how effective this program has been. 63 percent of tenant fully
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represented by an attorney are able to stay in their homes and 92 percent avoid homelessness. the program overwhelming benefits low income tenants. san francisco is seen as a nation wide leader when it comes to the tenant right to council. we have the most robust program for right to counsel in the entire country and for that i think we should all be proud. as we work to recover from the pandemic with rising evictions after the expiration of eviction bans, the tenant right to counsel program is more important then ever. mayor breed, my question for you is, will you commit to continue funding the tenant right to counsel program at least the current annual amount of $17.7 million in your upcoming budget? >> thank you supervisor for the
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question. mayor breed, you may respond. >> thank you for the question supervisor preston. let me just say, we all know this is a difficult budget year. we are facing significant deficit and tough decisions will need to be made that will impact programs that all of us in the room care deeply about. when it comes to tenant right to counsel program, we know this program has seen trumendsing success as you mentioned and my data might be similar, but a little-worded differently here since the program started in 2019, we invested nearly $68 million and provided legal representation to roughly 12 thousand tenants to prevent them from being evicted. that is tremendous results and as we-you and i both know, prevention is the key insuring people do not beit come homeless in san francisco. this is definitely at the top of my
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priority list. i am engaged with the number of conversations around some changes and adjustments and things we need to make to the budget. i haven't gotten into details what we might do in this particular program and cannot commit to the amount of funding you mentioned, but i am definitely looking at the data, what the cost s are and making sure that we make a decision so right to counsel is funded appropriately so no matter who you are you can get the kind of support necessary in order to receive services when you are facing an eviction as a tenant. >> thank you. supervisor preston you may ask a follow-up question if you so choose. >> thank you and thank you mayor breed. i'm hopeful there will be no cuts after you complete that review and just want to invite you to be in touch
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with our office if we can work together on that to insure there are no cuts to this crucial program. i wanted to follow up on a crucial issue that enabled the right to counsel to be so effective as you point out, particularly recent years and that is availability of rent relief funds. as you know voters have twice taxed the ultrarich in 2018 with prop c and 2020 with prop i to fund local rent relief program that is unprecedented in u.s. history, and as laid out in a bla report dated april 23, since the start of the pandemic our city already dispensed $60 million through the local program and stabilized 20 thousand of san francisco's most vulnerable renters. having these funds available has often
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meant the difference between eviction and housing stability and provided a crucial tool for the attorneys who are working under the right to counsel program to actually stop evictions. it is my understanding there are still significant rent relief funds available which is good news and ongoing dedicated tax revenue that add to that. that said, i think there is a risk the funds at some point were not there yet, but some point will not meet the need of the non payment evictions as those continue to be filed at higher rates then during the pandemic, so my follow-up question for you is, will you commit to working collaboratively with our office and this board to insure that our city maintains a sufficient local rent relief balance to prevent as many evictions as possible in san francisco? >> thank you again for your question, and consistently not just as mayor, but a member of this board, prevention has
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been a top priority for me and making investment in rental relief to prevent someone from becoming homeless is just as important as right to counsel. as you said, they go hand in hand and so making sure that people have access to these resources is important and my plan is to insure that there are sufficient resources to the best of our ability during this budget cycle possible. more so to insure that these programs are effectively helping with the challenges that we are experiencing. we are again doing a very deep dive on what is happening with the program, who are receiving the resources, and whether or not there are some challenges around how the money is being spent and some of the repeat requesters of this resource, so that we can insure that people who really need this money that is available
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for them and we prevent people becoming homeless, but also that we are addressing some of the challenges around the abuse to the use of this money. we need to make sure there is a accountability component that is part of this as well. i will commit working with the board and your office to insure resources necessary for prevention are sufficient to continue the success of all the great programs we have done. >> thank you. >> mayor breed you may ask a question to supervisor preston or any other supervisor pertaining to the same topic if you do desire. >> i do have a question for supervisor preston, because over the years during the budget season, i have been extremely collaborative and very supportive and generous to many members of this board, especially when it comes to things that are important to you, important to your districts,
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because many of those things are important to me as well, but unfortunately in some cases you have still not supported the budget and voted no against the budget as a whole, and what i wanted to ask in my question is, you know, especially because the things you have requested in many cases have been provided. if that is the case in this particular budget, are you planning to support or reject the budget as we move forward in the direction of trying to work together? >> supervisor preston, you may respond to the mayor's follow-up question. >> thanks for the question. i'll need to see the budget to know if i'm voting for or against it and look forward to making it as strong as possible. i made clear in the budgets i voted against why i have voted against them, and the two main reasons that i
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voted against recent budgets were unprecedented and massive increases in sfpd budgets, as well as the refusal of your office to allocate prop i funds to social housing, and i hope those are both things we can talk about. i think it is essential as we look at the budget in a difficult year to make sure that we are not cutting the services and the safetynet that those most vulnerable in the city rely on. that will be my focus when i see your budget. i highlighted the right to counsel which is certainly one and eviction prevention which is certainly one important part of the budget, but as you know, we need to evaluate the budget as a whole. i start out approaching a budget as one i hope i can support and intend to support, and we'll see what's in the budget that you put forward and are
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then the changes that the board makes to make sure that those most vulnerable in our city are sentards centered in a budget the board passes. >> thank you for your response and thank you madam mayor asking your first follow-up question ever and that concludes the special order 2 p.m. this matter has been heard and filed. madam clerk, please call the consent agenda. >> item 2-15 are consent and considered to be retune. if a member object as item may be removed. >> would any member like a item severed? seeing none, we'll take 2-15-same house-sorry, supervisor safai. >> i wanted to make sure i didn't miss--yes. can we remove item 15, please?
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>> sever item 15. supervisor walton. items 2-14 we'll take those-supervisor walton. take those same house, same call. those ordinances are finally passed first reading and resolutions adopted. madam clerk, would you please read item 15. >> i want to duplicate the file and send-can i do thet? >> let's read item 15 before you do anything. madam clerk, please read item 15. >> ordinance to amend the public works code to streamline the enforcement of vending requirements and restrictions. clarifying vending permit application and compliance requirements, require certain vending permitees to register with the tax collector and pay
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related fees, prohibit stationary sidewalk vendor vending in residential districts to limit permissibleveneding times and streamline vending regulation and affirm the ceqa determination. >> supervisor safai. >> yes, can i duplicate the file and send back to the rule said committee, please? >> you can definitely duplicate the file and then the board can vote to send the duplicated file back to committee. the duplication is your right. the file is duplicated and then there is a motion to send the duplicated file back to committee, which is going to be identical as the original file, so then it will automatically die. >> doesn't it have 30 days once duplicated? no? >> madam deputy city attorney. >> ann pierson. it will be identity for 30 days. the original will not go into
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effect- [multiple speakers] >> okay. alright. so, motion to send the duplicated file to committee made by supervisor safai, second by supervisor ronan and take same house same call. >> mr. president that goes to rules committee? >> yes, that would-yes. would go to rules committee, and on the item 15, we will take same house, same call. the ordinance is finally passed. please call the next item. >>etum 16, ordinance to amend the administrative code to provide that the general obligation bond pass-through from landlords to tenant calculate on the amount the property tax rate increased due to general obligation bonds since the tenant move in date or 2005 which ever is later and allow relief from general obligation bond pass-through based on financial hardship.
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>> same house, same call. the ordinance is finally passed. next item. >>itesm 17 ordinance amending the administrative code to require department seeking board of supervisor approval to enter into contract for emergency repairs to provide estimated cost for proposed emergency work and upon completion repairs a summary of the actual cost. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is finally passed. madam clerk, please read 18 and 19 together. >> items 18 and 19 are two resolutions that authorize the police department to retroactively accept and are expend for item 18 inkind gift of 900 units of naloxone valued at approximately $48.750 through the naloxone distribution project funded by the substance abuse and mental health service administration and administered by department of healthcare
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services. item 19, accept and expends approximate $70.500 grant from the california governor office of emergency services for the paul cloverdale forensic science improvement program to train and procure equipment for the criminology laboratory with the project period beginning april 1, 2023, through june 30, 2024. >> same house same call the resolutions are adopted. >> item 20, resolution to approve the terminal 2 coffee cafe lease between gauva and java sfo inc. doing business as blank point cafe and la colombe coffee roasters. 12 year term with two one year option to extend. >> same house, same call, the
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resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 21. resolution authorizing the airport commission to accept and expend a grant in an amount not to exceed $90,972,120 and any additional amounts up to 15% of the original grant, that may be offered from the federal aviation administration for the implementation of the recycled water system project, for the period of october 1, 2023, through september 30, 2028, contingent on receipt by the airport commission of a grant offer from the federal aviation administration. >> same house, same call the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 22, this item accepts and expend $1.4 million grant from california board of state and community correction officer wellness mental health grant program to improve officer wellness and expand mental health sources for sworn members with the project period beginning july 1, 2022
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through december 1, 2025. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 23, resolution to establish appropriations limit established at approximately $11.7 billion for fiscal year 2023-2024 pursuant to california constitution article 13b due to the addition of local non residential new construction and the percent change in population within the san francisco metropolitan area from the previous year for the purpose of computation of the appropriation limit. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 24, resolution to exempt from the competitive bidding policy set forth in administrative code section 2.6-1, the potential lease on a portion of the east end sea wall lot 301 with
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skystar wheel, llc for the continued operation of observation wheel and to adopt the appropriate findings. >> same house same call the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, please read three department of public health contract amendments, 25-27 together? >> 25-27 are three resolutions that pertain to department of public health contract amendments. item 25, approves the third amendment to the agreement between bayview hunter point foundation and department of public health for substance use disorder services to incroesus the agreement for new total amount not to exceed $15.4 million 18 month term extension through december 31, 2025. 26 is approval for second amendment to the agreement between the regents of university of california and department of public health for behavioral health service for high ringe transitional age
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youth adults and older adults to increase agreement by $84 million for new amount of $133 million term extension by 5 and one half years and new total term through june 30, 2028. item 27, this item approves the first amendment to the agreement between the san francisco public health foundation and the department of public health for food security services to increase agreement for amount now not to exceed $11.2 million, 5 year term extension and new total term june 30, 2029. >> supervisor walton. >> thank you president peskin. i want to speak to 25 and thank chair chans and colleagues on budget finance committee, controller office and budget legislative analyst for holding this organization accountable. i want to thank the bayview
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hunter point foundation taking the work improving their programming seriously and give credit for taking the actions requested of them. as a valued city partner i believe they know what is at steak prr for the clients, community and itisy as a whole and looking forward to their continued improvements and work with the city as we move forward. they provide a valuable service and this partnership is important. just wanted to state that. thank you president peskin. >> thank you supervisor walton. supervisor chan. >> thank you president peskin and thank you so much through the chair to supervisor walton for recognizing the critical services that partner like bayview hunter point foundation provides. i do want to be clear that, we want to really make sure that all the services and thank you again president peskin for calling all the items together, that seeing all the critical services that we are looking at, it is
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right now looking at all these to see the contract amendments is what i want to specifically point you to colleagues at the budget committee. we are seeing these contract amendments coming through the committee and that at times we need to really right-size the contract. seeing potential things like the inflation cost increase, because of food cost, so thanks for our contract like the food security, or things like including this item 25 that an organization really requires catch up to do due to challenges they face during the pandemic, but really to see we need to catch up with performance audit and some other accountability measures that we really need to reevaluate some of the contract. it is really my goal to see these contract amendments to allow them to come in in a shorter term and
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lower dollar amount, so for us to be able to have the opportunity to reevaluate them again and allow this body to make decisions before it is too late like some other contracts we have seen previously that we did not really come to a space where it is all most 6 month s to possibility of door close that organization and this continuance of services that we really make improvements to those contracts and to those organizations. these contract amendments that come before you today and hopefully in the coming months really with those lessens learned and i look forward to having your support and know that when these contract do come before you, they are actually vetted and well thought out and but to continue to ask for your trust and support on these
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contract amendments. thank you. >> thank you supervisor chan. i think we can take these three items same house, same call. the resolutions are adopted. madam clerk, let's go to 2:30 special order commendation. >> 2:30 special order commendations are for to honor individuals for their meritorious service to the city and county of san francisco. >> first in order is district 1 supervisor, connie chan. >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, i'm delighted to recognize the asian pacific american heritage foundation for their tireless work coordinating the asian american and pacific islander heritage month in the city and wanted to recognize this is 20 anniversary of this celebration. join ing us today from the
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celebration committee are [calling names] may is the aapi heritage month and an amazing forum that supports arts, cultural programs while also creating a space for civic engagement. this year celebration is particularly special, like mentioned earlier, it is really the 20th anniversary. a labor of love from the celebration committee and showcase that continues to evolve engage and really dazzle the community each and every year. the 2024apa heritage award honorees who will be recognized tomorrow at the kick-off are also cherished community organizations and leaders that remind us about the shared histories and community resilience inclusiveness and of the fight for equity. those are also details in the
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resolution we will be voted on today at the adoption without reference to committee. each year the celebration committee before you create a celebration guide and now it able to find online to highlight the diverse cultures in our aa pi community and up-lift our cultural and communities and spotlighting our communities. i like to encourage all of us this month, but really also remaining of the year to support these events and activities in perspective districts and across the city during this month and again, just really want to give a special shout out to claudine chang. has always been dedicated, unveiling and activities, finding ways to bring us together and hold us accountable to make sure we do celebrate not just this month but the communities, the
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aapi communities across the board, so it is thank you and with that, now the floor is yours. >> before mrs. chang speaks i want to add my words of thanks. i was here for the first one. i cannot thank you enough for sticking with it now for what has been a generation and i have watched as the community, which is a very large and diverse community that is not just the chinese american community, but encompasses a broad swath of the api community across san francisco. it has been uplifting to watch. it has been a pleasure to participate in, it spans arts and culture and entertainment and has been profoundly meaningful, so to mrs. chang and mr. lee, who has been doing this for all most all that time and to
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everybody else who has given of their time and their volunteerism, i just want to extend my heartfelt gratitude. go ahead. sorry, supervisor safai. >> i want to say a couple things about thomas and al, the cochairs. claudine you are amazing. i want to say a few words about cochairs thomas and al, both residents of district 11 and for all the tremendous work they've done to uplift the aapi community. commissioner perez, thank you for establishing and working in such strong ways to create a culture of solidarity unity and pride and the work you've done with the pir aid and child fund, excelsior and all the ways you promote api in the district and thomas for your drive, creativity and the
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excitement you bring to building community and using your personality to really work with people has been a true joy to watch, so thank you for both of your grassroots engagement, thank you for being the cochairs and thank you again claudine your tremendous work uplifting this celebration. thank you for letting me say a few words. >> thank you supervisor connie chan, supervisor peskin and supervisor safai. it has been 20 years. it feels like yesterday. at times it feels like such a long time, but we were able to do it because supervisor chan says, it a labor of love. it is amazing sometimes thinking back. we never had a office, we don't have paid staff and year after year the community want to come together because we feel so passionately about sharing our arts and culture and
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traditions with everyone else. this year the theme of the celebration is moving forward together and we really meant it since day one. connecting celebrating 20 years of connecting and uplifting communities. i think we have done that pretty good and making good progress. to cite one example, when we started in 2005, i think at that time we had already 30, 40 volunteers on the date of the event and everybody helps to promote awareness. we started every year to compile all the events in the city so people can go through our website to see what we can do in the month of may. [indiscernible] and then in the year 2016, we decided that well, we are here to build community. it is good all the community partners feel they are a part and
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playing critical role, so we decided okay, we will start the partners. through the pandemic, this year because of the good work of the outreach committee we reached over 180 civic and non profit organizations, that responded to our e-mails and calls and signed up as partners. this is opportunity to invite everyone. tomorrow at the event we will screen the 20th anniversary video. i hope those who can make it enjoy watching it because it is about capturing the spirit what we are doing, why and what we are celebrating and all about community. a community so diverse, but at
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the same time, we want to embrace the uniqueness of each ethnicity. it is about uniqueness and also about togetherness so we appreciate your support through the years. we hope to see many if not all of you tomorrow at the theater and i'm very-we are able to do it because we have our volunteers. we are all volunteers and with us today is cochair al perez, thomas lee, who is a brain behind every single piece of design and our website, and work of love of thomas here. then the chair of our awards committee, grace [indiscernible] also a cochair and running around in preparation for tomorrow. so, we have a good planning committee of 30 some people and tomorrow we'll have volunteer crew of over a hundred. we hope to see all of you and would you
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like to add something? anything to add? so, thank you so much for this commendation and all we want is to see you tomorrow. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. >> before i love we all you to have the 18 and wear with pride. especially in may, but year round so i like to pass it around. i think i did that before but i like to do it again. >> we will wear it with pride tomorrow evening across the street. >> thank you.
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our next special order commendation will be presented by supervisor preston. >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, today i'm honored to recognize miguel, housing justice leader who has been organizing with the coalition on homelessness in san francisco three decades. miguel, come on up. [applause] in 1989 miguel left mexico for the united states settling in san francisco by 1993. upon arrival, his aspirations began to unravel and he found himself without many supports he was counting
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on, including a home. he tried to work out of the situation working tirelessly from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. in a restaurant washing dishes but victim to exploitation by the restaurant owner who took advantage of miguel's citizenship status and language barrier knowing he couldn't seek help. the exploitation resulted in physical and financial abuse. miguel earning a meager $20 per week for his labor. to cope with his hardship, began to self-medicate through drugs leading for cycle of arrests for substance use at times involving excessive force by law enforcement and found himself in jail for three months in 1993. miguel knew he wanted to turn his life around while in jail met two men who told him, as soon as you get
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out, you need to find [indiscernible] and the coalition on homelessness. for those unfamiliar, [indiscernible] direct service organization founded in 1993 by jesus perez alongside then current coalition homelessness director, paul boden that supported the undocumented community. as soon as he was released from jail miguel set out to find [indiscernible] and the coalition. he soon found himself at a shelter where late homelessness advocate arnet watson was giving a speech and spoke to a room of 35-40 people sharing the coalition on homelessness mission, inviting all who resonate with their cause to join as volunteers. recognizing this as his chance
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for change, miguel eagerly signed up and remained dedicated to the coalition every since for 30 years. he devoted his life to people who are experiencing and who have experienced homelessness in san francisco. at the coalition on homelessness, miguel had a leading role in 2018 prop c, the our city our home ballot measure which brought hundreds of millions of dollars to the budget annually to fund homelessness services, homelessness prevention and housing. the majority of his direct service work involves helping homeless families stabilize moving them from off the streets and from transitional housing to permanent homes. he spends his days building relationships with people experiencing severe suffering and trauma and
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helping them overcome these struggles to become leaders in the community. tremendous skillset of a true organizer who mentored so many other organizes rers here in san francisco. it is with great pleasure and appreciation that we recognize miguel housing justice organizer for coalition on homelessness. for 30 years of fighting for revolutionary change with and on behalf of unhoused people in the city and county of san francisco. miguel, thank you for your tremendous service to the city of san francisco. [applause] >> thank you very much. >> miguel, sorry, mr. president, i see we have another supervisor on
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the roster before miguel. >> supervisor ronan. >> miguel, i wanted to personally thank you as well. i'm over here. [laughter] i have known and worked with you so many years and have always deeply admired you and your passion and your care and the humanity with which you treat everyone and i want to offer a personal congratulations and thank you for 30 years of extraordinary work. >> thank you. >> i incorporate just what supervisor ronan and preston said miguel and sorry, i missed your event the other day, but jenny sent an e-mail saying it was the next day. at any rate, the floor is yours. >> thank you. anyway, so, you know it is really hard
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for when you trying to change your life and doing better, helping others. one of the biggest opportunities given to me is to become the human rights activist and housing justice organizer. it is because i was--for so many discrimination in the city. i was abused so many times from the police like everything with homeless people and been focusing more and more on black and brown people. definite. it happened to me a lot.
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so, that part we need to become an organizer. i have my bachelor degree. i finished my school in mexico. but i choose to come right here for different reasons. in the human being who--that has different results. [indiscernible] i want to say, i don't see a problem for me. i see my learning skills, my process. i have been seeing so many different things happens to people and at the same time, i have been helping
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these people too. one of the main things making me be here today and expressing to you guys, we have so many homeless people. i was homeless. we have so many homeless people on the streets and for 30 years i seen the same problem and no changing. we tried to create proposition c to show the mayor, to show the city that it is possible, we can charge 4 and 5 percent of the rich people to give to the people poor. it this happens and it is possible. we--try to work together to make sure we provide services to homeless people. but it not happened. i am so sad because i see these
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issues every day and keeping to continue and happen and happen and nothing being changed. we have about 400 families and-hf-we have so many families waiting for housing for years and years and years. we have family living in a hotel for example and it is homeless too for 28 years. it is still there with the childrens. we have families who are working in the community be leaders and they still living in these conditions. so, when i talking about this issue we
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are facing and how many things we really doing for people, we doing really little. when the mayor telling us, we all responding so much million dollars on homelessness, i want to say, it is not true, because we still having problems. this year for over many years i come here speaking to you guys about the budget for many many years. so, what happens right now, we want to figure out the money from the youth. we want to figure out money from kids and families, so this is a solution to the problem on homelessness? no. not solving anything. we create more--so, again, coming back
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to my main point what i was saying earlier-- human rights activist and housing justice organizer, because we don't have a choice. you don't give a choice to us. we need to bring the people here--let them know we need to do changes and we can do together. it is possible. give you a chance for families and the youth and give a chance to the childrens because those childrens are the future of san francisco. thank you so much. [applause] >> thank you miguel. our final special order
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commendation comes from our district 6 supervisor, matt dorsey. you can wait, matt. sorry, my apology. [applause] >> thank you. >> this is not our final. i apologize. supervisor walton. >> colleagues, in advance of international workers day tomorrow, it is my honor to recognize the front line essential workers of labor union local 261 for their hard work and dedication to the residents, commuters and visitors of the city and county of san francisco. it is especially appropriate i think to offer this commendation on the eve of may day,ing which holds meaningful historical significance for the labor and workers rights movement world wide.
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may day has origins reaching back to 1886 and hay market ride in chicago when the american federation of labor called for a nation wide strike in pursuit of a 8 hour work day. at a time work days were 16 hours or more, a peaceful rally and support of workers rights turned violent on that tragic day in history with a bombing and gun fire that claimed at least 11 lives with dozens more injured. in the 138 year since, international workers day has come to represent an important occasion for us to honor the sacrifices of workers and labor unions that they are a part of and to continually renew the struggle to honor labor and protect working families on issues like wages and benefits, workforce development and protection work place safety and so much more. many of us know about the work labors do in the private sector, building housing infrastructure,
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commercial project that create jobs and boost our local economy but also represent 900 men women and non binary in the public sector who work for a number of city departments including public works department, rec and park department, public utility commission, port and sfo international airport. our public sector labors perform essential city services, including landscaping gardening and horticultural work to keep the parks and open spaces beautiful and staff the city tree nursery that opened in my district. they provide environmental and safety services and general maintenance and buildings and facilities city wide across multiple city agencies. they prepare for and clean up after all the joyful parties that mayor breed spoke about earlier. including the first thursday coming up in my district thursday may 2, don't miss it.
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labor is generally do the work and can speak for district 6, do the work in district 6 neighborhoods that quite frankly make all of you a lot more popular then the district 6 supervisor and in those neighborhoods. the laborers are partner with the city on our preapprenticeship training programs come include opportunities for member ozf the recovery community close to my heart and look forward working with you on. like healthcare workers and emergency first responders and many city employees who put themselves on the line times of urgent need, we count on the 900 public sector members of labor local 261 to help our city run, but rise to the unforeseen challenge hads that come with running a major american city. during the pandemic that meant showing up each day for the essential work maintaining streelts sidewalk and parks at great risk to yourselves and families. we continue to advance our city
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economic recovery, the work of the public sector laborers is critical helping keep san francisco beautiful and welcoming. colleagues to recognize the work of laborers union local 261 for international worker s day i like to bring up the members of the labor committee, which represents the union and interaction with the city including the recently successfully concluded contract negotiations. i understand this city committee helps secure major wins for work place equity for women this year as well for the city wide apprenticeship program in the recent contract negotiations. it has been 15 years since the last time the board of supervisors through then supervisor alioto recognize the unique important work of labors with a formal commendation and i thought it was appropriate this year in recognition of may day. it is a perfect opportunity to do so again so colleagues, thank you for joining me and commending the
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member leaders of local 261 [calling out names] [applause] congratulations to you. thank these leaders and many other members of labor local 261 for your hard work on behalf of our city. [applause] i like to invite up if i may vince courtney, jr. and joshua to offer their own words for these remarkable city leaders and then we can present the certificate. we got somebody on the roster. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you. sorry, supervisor dorsey. thank you so much for doing this for this amazing group of people. i just wanted to-in addition to all the
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things you said, wanted to give a special shout out as district 7 supervisor, because over the last 4 years since i have been supervisor, your members have done just so much work post-pandemic. we rolled out the graffiti abatement program which would not have happened if not your members stepping in immediately and addressing the growing problem of graffiti throughout the city on commercial corridors and then the last couple years, we have seen in district 7 for lake merced, the golf course, mount sutro, mount davidson, all these trees that have been uprooted because of so much water. the changing climate. the roots being just weakened by constant drought and then more
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water. but your members have been there to make sure people are safe, that things are done quickly and it is pretty amazing to watch how dedicated to public safety and to the beauty and good working of our city. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and from district 7 and thank you supervisor dorsey for this wonderful recognition. [applause] >> thank you for your kinds words. president peskin and the board of supervisor, these are ride or die brothers and sisters. this is how a union works. it is the people that actually do the work year in and year out decade after decade to give their lives to civil services. guys like me come and go. josh will talk about our union, but i want to talk about all of you. tomorrow is may day. it is international workers day
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and the work you guys do for the city, including you-the work you do for the city doesn't get acknowledged by our members. the assist from each and every one of you over the years and past few weeks, supervisor engardio working on the preapprenticeship program excites me. supervisor dorsey, excited about a lot of the super significant critically important things we are able to do in the future. supervisor walton, we actually met some critical goals in connection with there workforce alignment committee. what is the difference between the public sector and work they do and what we value and do in the private sector to give people a opportunity to work in our industry, it doesn't go unnoticed the amount of time effort and energy trying to make it betder for the workers privileged to represent.
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supervisor stefani, two assists for you this bargaining cycle. along the lines what i was talking about supervisor walton. the equity issue for female employees we were successful of your help [indiscernible] we were successful resolving the matter at the bargaining table and transparent way. really proud that and want to thank you for all that. i want to thank each and every one of you taking the time president peskin to recognize these workers. it is hard to get indoors. they like being outside and dont like sitting through these sorts of things but it is a great honor for me. i have to thank my boss oscar who assigns me to do this work. it is a great privilege and honor for me and i'll continue to do it for as long as they will have me. josh. [applause]
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>> thank you brother dan. thank you members. leaders and thank you supervisor dorsey. josh special assistant to the northern california district council laborers rchlt i have to say, having spent a number of years in city government and continue to be a city resident, having the chance to go around to different counties with 30 thousand members within northern california, the thing people ask all the time policy makers, other public stakeholders they ask, how do you do it in san francisco? how is it done in san francisco? how are your leaders, your supervisors, your legislators, what is it like working with them, what is it like working with your mayor, with your departments? you do it it every day and i think supervisor dorsey starting with you in this commendation, 15 years, all most to the day after the last time the recognition was paid to these front line essential workers working so hard, we thank you so much and vince started and i just wanted to do it too.
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supervisor stefani for work around transparency and supervisor safai. supervisor roaner right to recover program that provided relief to many members. supervisor mandelman work to city college days and supporting the apprenticeship. president peskin, your first work with the union goes back maybe the 90 working to help support our work in the parks and being someone who cares so much about neighborhoods. sop sop walton you go back to all the work throughout your life time and workforce development. supervisor preston came here member leaders the concern at the bargaining table and offering support and taking your time is amazing. supervisor chan support and create beautification and work our members do. we take note and appreciate it. supervisor melgar, the work
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landmark to help do the work around graffiti abatement and support the open spaces and supervisor engardio, you recently said lelts polk partner on a job training partnership connecting to the mayor preapprenticeship program in your district to advance the emerald neckless. the mayor and her team to get a great contract. this is how it is done in san francisco. you recognize and honor all front line essential workers, all city employees. kudos to you. this is how it is done. thanks everybody. [applause] and congrats. [applause] >> i will come out with these and colleagues anybody who wants to be in the photo up here.
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[applause] >> supervisor walton. >> thank you so much president peskin. colleagues, it is with great
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admiration we honor mrs. willered harris who is a remarkable-- [applause] who is a remarkable community hero at 104 years young. [applause] embodying the spirit of resilience, compassion and unwavering commitment, mrs. harris was born in chicago and raised in jackson tennessee. dedicated to service and advocacy and unwavering force for positive change. mrs. harris earned her bachelors degree from medical college and master from new york university. she arrived in san francisco in 1957. she served as the first african american nursing supervisor and the first african american director of nurses at mount zion hospital.
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mrs. harris is committed to community service, dedicating time and energy to making a positive impact in the lives of others. mrs. harris has served as chair of the board of directors for the haight ashbury free clinic and the president of the san francisco commission on aging. in the 1970 she secured a federal grant for free clinics in areas of most need. this included hunter point, potrero hill, and the mission. still in operation today. additionally, today marks mrs. harris 75 year as a proud member of the delta sigma theta sorority inc. [applause] a public service organization of college educated women committed to the constructive development of its members and to public service with primary
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focus on the black community. mrs. harris embodies the organization values of sisterhood, scholarship, service, and social action. still at 104 years old, mrs. harris active water aerobics and takes piano lessens acknowledging you are never too old to learn. when asked how to feel about reaching the century mark, she says age ain't nothing but a number and mine is unlisted. she continues to support district 10 businesses as well as support communities across the city. mrs. harris legacy of leadership, compassion is unwavering and her dedication and self-lessness serves as inspiration to all of us. happy birthday, thank you and congratulations. [applause] >> thank you supervisor walton. we are honored mrs. harris.
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go ahead. >> thank you very kindly. i like to first say thank you for taking your precious time to spend with me and of course, i must give kudos to my good cheering section, the ladies in red. [applause] i am 104 years old. i was born in 1919. i have two adult children right behind me. i have five grandchildren and six great-grand. as you know, you heard part of my work career, which is in nursing. again, as i said, i was the first black supervisor director of nursing at mount zion hospital and stayed there 16 years and moved on to receive and to be part of a federal grant. it was designed to put free
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clinics in the area of this city which was most needed. we put clinic in potrero hill, hunters point and in mission. those clinics are still running today under the supervision of department of health. [applause] i left there-- i left there and took another job as nurse consultant for the state in the department of aging. i commuted from san francisco to sacramento on a daily basis. many people wanted to know why i was so crazy but there was another reasons. i had a carrot dangling in front of me, health and dental benefits and i thought, i can work, i can do my job and that is what i did. i have lived in san francisco for over
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60 years. most that time in one little house there in the coal valley district. i am very interested in the civic activities. i have voted every year. i have volunteered as a poll worker and i even opened my garage as a polling place, so i kept very active. i was also the chair of the drug and alcohol committee under mayor moscone. i received commission as a president of the san francisco commission on aging under the auspices of mayor art agnos. i began to be active in the activities that was very near my home in
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the haight ashbury district and became the board of directors of the haight ashbury clining and i sat under the auspices of the flower children. i have been very active and continue to be so. most people ask me the question, what is your secret for getting to be 104? my secret truly is the good lord who i believe i am his vessel to carry joy and happiness through so i might be able to give a cup of strength to some needed soul. of course, i do exercise, i walk, i do bike, i do water aerobics, and i am also very active in the piano. i started taking piano lessens
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when i was age 90 in order to do something about the arthritic fingers. i figured if i to pay someone to teach me i would work them. i didn't forget when i didn't have to pay the piano teacher. i'm hearty eating. anything you put before me i'm willing to eat. i have a very good appetite. i also have to admit, a little brandy dont hurt. [laughter] my doctor wanted to know what is a smidgen. i said, go to google. [laughter] i don't do the brandy often, however little bit in your coffee really starts your day.
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i am going to tell you just a little quick joke. the man was sitting at home on his porch, old man. smoking his pipe, rocking in his chair. his neighbor came by and said, good morning, john. what are you going to do today? he said, nothing. he said, you said that yesterday. he said i didn't get finished. [laughter] so, i have not gotten finished. i'm still active with the delta's. i'm active with my church all saints church and still trying to get rid of doing nothing, but again i say to you, i thank you so much for allowing me this opportunity, for caring, and for sharing your time. i will also say as george
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burning said, grow old with me, there is much yet to come. [applause] >> thank you mrs. harris for gracing us with your presence.
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[applause] >> madam clerk, can we return to our regularly scheduled agenda item 28? >> item 28, resolution to authorize and approve the first amendment to real property lease located at 1305
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and 1309 evan avenue. with raul and denise arriaza husband and wife undivided 50 percent interest and linda lee olson and carl edward olden as trustees of the olson family trust october 16, 2014 as to undivided 50 percent interest as landlord for extended 5 year term through june 13, 2028 at base rent of approximately $39 thousand for base rent of $470 thousand. >> are roll call, please. >> on item 28, supervisor preston, aye. supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. supervisor walton,i absent. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye.
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supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. there are 10 ayes. >> the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 29, resolution to approve and authorize the director of property to enter into a license with honeybe food corp doing business as joll ibeeusa at license fee of $1200 annually with 3 percent. >> same house same call the resolution is adopted. please read items 30 and 31 together. >> >> 30 and 31 are two resolutions that pertain to 2550 irving street. item 30 is resolution that approve and authorize the director of property to
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acquire real property located at 2550 erving street for $9.6 million to place the property under the jurisdiction of the mayor office of housing community development for use in constructing affordable housing to approve and authorize ground lease to lease the property back to the borrower for 75 years and annual base rent of $15 thousand to construct 100 percent affordable 90 unit multiunit rental housing development for low income households and approve authorize amended restated loan agreement for $17 million, 57 year loan term to finance the development and construction of the project and are adopt the appropriate findings. item 31 authorizing the execution and delivery of multifamily housing revenue note for $63.8 million to provide the financing for construction of the project and approve various forms and execute various loan documents
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and agreements. >> seeing no names on the roster, and the same house, same call, the resolutions are adopted. next item, please. >> item 32 is resolution to authorize the director of property to execute first amendment to lease between the city and la cocina of property at 101 hyde street to extend the lease one year for total term through december 31, 2026 to reimburse the tenant in the amount of $106.5 million for sidewalk improvement to allow shared use commercial kitchen to remove utility payments by it tenant until expiration or termination of the lease and forgive past utility payments retroactive march 1, 2020 to date of first amendment to lease not to exceed $115 thousand. >> same house same call the
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resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 33, resolution to find the proposed lease development of piers 30 and 32 or 30-32 and sea wall lot 330 and approximately 15.3 acres site generally located along the embarcadero between bryant and beale street is feasible under administrative code chapter 29 and to endorse the term sheet. >> roll call. >> preston aye. supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. supervisor walton, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye supervisor, engardio, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye.
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there are 11 ayes. >> next item, please. >> item 34 was referred without recommendation from the budget and finance committee. ite resolution to approve the third amendment to the agreement between tryfacta inc. and department of public health for personnel for amount not to exceed approximately $11 million and term of june 1, 2021 through december 31, 2024. >> i should have said the last item, the resolution was adopted. supervisor chan to item 34. >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, this item came out of budget committee without recommendsation so ypt to give context as to why and what i still hope that you would consider is to support it, even though it is without recommendation. first, this contract-before us
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started off in two fiscal years ago with about $5 million. it now escalated well into $11 million. the budget and legislative analyst report indicated that there were billing dispute that lead to wlaut we are seeing now of escalated cost. we see that this contract is going to be through this year december 31, but it is really not-it is really to finishing up the contract, but to finishing up also the back payment that was left over from 2023. this contract amendment really highlights the nurses shortage staffing shortage that we have in san francisco. we in december approve a $39
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million overtime based on the fact that that is included. about hundred thousand hours of overtime in laguna honda alone. we are seeing we approve not to exceed of $85 million across country for nurse registry contracts, so we can meet the demand of the nurses throughout the city. we know it is a problem that we have yet to solve. it is the reason why this came out without recommendation. f it is warning to ourselves as a body as we coming up with the budget conversation, that we not only hold department of public health accountable, we also hold ourselves accountable for tracking spending and make sure as we continue to try to problem solve the nursing
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shortage, we really have to figure out a long-term solution and not just with these short-term contract, so that we hire our nurses because as needed through these contract, we know it is not enough. we know it is still not meeting the demands. we still have to pay overtime and so i ask that should these type of contract come before us again, which is very likely in this upcoming budget that we start asking ourselves the tough question what we need to do as a body and as a city to really have a long-term and short-term solutions, because our nurses are burned out. it is not safe for our nurses and for our city to keep up with this pace. with that, urge for your support of this item, but i think that we need to start to really take this conversation seriously. thank you. >> thank you supervisor chan.
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supervisor melgar. >> thank you so much. i wanted to thank chair chan for her leadership and framing the issue. i will be supporting this item. i do want to put on the record what i said in committee, which is, one of the things that we promised folks at general hospital, 17 years ago through their collective bargaining agreement was a child care center, and we have not made good on that promise. there is great deal of value in terms of both recruitment and retention that comes from that. it is a promise we have made. we have you know, had grievances filed repeatedly and lost so i want to make sure that as chair chan said, if there's a new contract that comes before us on this, that we do what we can to make sure that staffing
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shortages are addressed and one of the low hanging fruit is do something we promised to do is child care center at general hospital, but again, as chair chan said, i urge you to support this, it is something we need to laguna honda and general hospital, but please stay together and watchful. thank you. >> thank you. so, on item 34, colleagues can we take that same house, same call? the resolution is adopted. please read the nextite item. >> resolution to accept the sheriff office military equipment use policy for 2023 the annual report and inventory and to approve the request for purchase and use of additional equipment, consistent with criteria set forth in state law. >> no names on the roster, same house same call the resolution is
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adopted. next item, please. >> item 36 ordinance to amend the planning code to designate san francisco fire station 44 located at 1298 gerard street as a landmark and affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. >> same house, same call, the ordinance is passed first reading. next item. >> item 37, resolution to authorize the place ment of commemorative plaques at two locations within the north beach neighborhood known as little italy at the sidewalk near the northwest corner of the intersection between stockton and union streets and the southwest corner of the intersection between stockton and filbert street to celebrate prominent figurers in the italian american community and direct the department of public works to complete this work. >> supervisor stefani. >> thank you president peskin. i wasn't feeling a lot of joy when i walked in today. i have to admit, but after those
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commendation and looking at this resolution i say i got there so that is good. i want to thank you so much president peskin for taking the lead on this and really being there for the italian community and the 6 years i have been here we have been able to do a lot. the italian american heritage heritage day and month. we had celebrations at city hall that we haven't had in a long time and now this resolution which authorizes two bronze plaques in north beach which honor former mayor george mascone and [indiscernible] historic italian community. the plaques are the first of many and thrilled to take the first step making the full san francisco little italy project realty. eventually this honor walk will create a sidewalk pathway marked by many commemorative plaques exhibitions and experience mobile app
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throughout north beach. all together this project celebrate many individuals who contributions were prominent in the italian american community and integral to the north beach neighborhood essence. i want to thank again president peskin for your partnership on all these issues and taking the leadership on this as well. i want to thank council general of italy, sergio, his husband, the san francisco little italy honor walk foundation board of directors, especially president jennifer and all who contributed to furthering this cultural project. also [indiscernible] here in committee with the san francisco italian athletic club. look forward joining fellow leaders and thank you colleagues i look for twrd to your support. >> thank you. it was a pleasure collaborating with you and consul general and community and are thank you to respective staff
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who did all the hard work and i'm glad to see that joy was brought to you by this and the special order commendations even though it was the mayor-joyous beginning of the meeting. supervisor dorsey. >> on behalf of the [indiscernible] little italy of my ancestors i like to be ated as cosponsor. >> so noted. supervisor safai. >> [indiscernible] >> it shall be. we'll take the resolution same house same call. the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, let's go to our roll call for introduction; >> first member to introduce new business is supervisor preston. submit. thank you. supervisor ronan. >> thank you. introduces a resolution in support of sb997 introduced by senate member
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anthony--would allow students to carry naloxone nasal spray at schools. it also allow school to provide fentanyl test strips to students. drug overdose is a leading cause of death in the united states and san francisco felt the impact with more then 800 accidented overdose deaths last year. young people including students in middle and high school are not immune. there is increase presence in availability of opioids including fentanyl and counterfit pills that are much higher risk of accidental overdose. despite drug use among adolescent decreasing there is increase in overdose deaths which are linked largely to the presence of fentanyl and counterfit pills such as oxy codone. if is reported some are using social media to connect to dealers who
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sell pills laced with fentanyl which young people persons purchase. a key intervention to reduce fentanyl relaced overdose death is increase access to fentanyl test strips. the fda approved narcan as a safe effective medication. countless medical and public health professionals long [indiscernible] narcan administration training as a key effective prevention intervention to drug overdose. allowing student to carry narcan and expand access to drug test steps they are empowered to intervene during emergency whether on campus or in the communities. this bill is evidence based and practical. it gives young people the tools to prevent or reverse overdose and ultimately help tackle drug related overdose among stud nlts. i want to thank the youth commission
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and especially our district 9 commissioners skylar dane for advocating so passionately on the important issue and for working with us to introduce this resolution. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor ronan. supervisor safai. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, today introducing legislation aimed at attracting accredit public universities to downtown which i have been working on over a year. we'll create a category fund name, the downtown university attraction retention fund that provides financial insentsives to public institutions interested in locating their presence in key neighborhoods such as soma, union square, and the financial district. the public university investment fund is designed to welcome contributions from public and philanthropic sources and aims to replicate stories we have seen around the country. one is most notably in phoenix
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arizona where their downtown experience much of what we are seeing here today and had a remarkable resurgence since they began this process in 2006. following the creation of arizona state university campus there. today enrollment in the downtown is 11 thousand students occupying over 3 million square feet of former office space or new office space, new educational space and according to recent study by the university design institute, lead to the attraction of more then 6 and $6 and a half billion worth of investment in the area. we have been talkic about the reality of the office market being at the lowest point in the last 30 years and now more then ever is the time to invest public dollars in the creation of public education institution in the downtown in a innovative way. many probably noted just two
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weeks ago a building that sold in 2019 for every $60 million sold on the market two weeks ago for 6 and $6 and a half million. this is time in san francisco's real estate market history that we probably will not see again for maybe another 50 to hundred years. i believe that one of the most effective ways to create a more thriving and economically vibrant downtown is needs a shot in the arm to do so. i believe this fund should probably begin with around $25 million but before we do that we need to start the conversation about bringing students to downtown and board of supervisors before it is reality. we know this model works, we know we can do this and this is a historic opportunity and i'll say this and said over the last year, what do students like to do other then study? they like to spend their parents money so that will generate trips to
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cafes, restaurants, clubs, retail, invite visitors into our downtown and i can tell you colleagues, we met with the president of arizona state university, met with a entire delegation and toured the downtown and they were very interested what we have to offer here in san francisco. they just recently purchased and making that downtown los angeles so we know there is interest in the market. we know if we lay the table for this we can put together an exciting vision to reimagine our downtown. other then that, i appreciate the opportunity. look forward having the conversation with you all and the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor safai. supervisor stefani. submit. supervisor walton, submit. supervisor chan submit. supervisor dorsey, submit.
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supervisor engardio, submit. supervisor mandelman, submit. supervisor melgar, will return and supervisor peskin. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues today introducing a resolution focusing and celebrating our collective work on affordable housing in honor of may national status as affordable housing month. i know there will be many activities and opportunities to learn more from our affordable houseers tenant advocates and stakeholder groups throughout the month, so i look forward to our all participating and just in time for affordable housing month, which also starts tomorrow, excited to announce ordinance i have been working on with a dedicated team of housing advocates on for profit and non profit sides which i hope refocusory attention what i consider the real challenge of and solution to our affordable housing crisis.
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san francisco housing market needs to be fixed. it is not working and despite the many efforts we have undertaken, which have not moved the needle and talking about massive cuts to inclusionary on site, i'm talking about various rezonings, talking about increased density, i'm talking about rezonings we have undertaken, we have yet to unstick the pipeline projects over 70 thousand of them despite all these efforts because what is really missing is financing, and in this moment that we are in with interest rates being high and as one developer lobbyist maybe inadvertently said at planning commission the rents are too low, and so manywhile
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there is-we kront a housing system that responds to the needs of the middle class working families and our essential workers, including our teachers, our helt care workers, first responders, bus drivers, construction workers who all deserve the chance to live in the city that they serve and that's why and i really want to thank the folks in the world of tax exempt financing who helped me and my staff craft this legislation, i am announcing the housing we need act, which establishes a new set of tools to address the single biggest issue that private and non profit developers face in building housing and that is access to affordable capital. the housing we need program would enable the city to issue two never before used type of project revenue bonds for housing in san francisco. governmental bonds for publicly owned privately developed and managed housing and 501c3 bonds used by housing
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owned by non profits serving a governmental purpose. the new program works really because of three different factors. first, affordable working class rents which are sufficient to cover expenses and service debt with no or minimum public subsidy. the authority to issue low interest tax revenue bonds financing and third, property tax exsemption for workforce housing up to 120 percent ami to maintain low operating cost. also model a streamline process for accessing and leasing affordable housing in the city and sets clear directives to mayor office of housing and community development to remove barriers to existing affordable housing programs to the maximum extent allowable by law. these new tools can be applied to a variety of project such as acquisition of for closed distressed rent
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controlled apartment portfolios. downtown office to housing conversions, public suplus property sites and expanded hopefully in the future when bond rates stabilize and tax rules we are trying to crarify threw the courts and change in state law are resolved. i think instead of spending our time arguing about paper entitlements we are creating the foundation for a funding mechanism that can be applied to real sites, marshal the capability with local steak holdsers and to preserve and produce housing for san francisco working families who needs really have not been adequately met. secondly colleagues, i am requesting the office economic workforce development film office and the san francisco film commission work
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with our hospitality and film communities to develop a comprehensive plan to hoestz a world class international film festival like sundance which indicated desire to relocate the gathering site outside of park city utah else where and i think we are uniquely positioned to be that elsewhere. we are rich, we have rich heritage in cinema on the silver screen or behind the camera and home to incredsable film assets whether independent cinema and film housing toroxy to exploratorium film department or letterman digital art center. the incredible organizing efforts and hard work of reenergized film sf office. this board of supervisors honored--and her incredsable small and mighty team shortly after assuming her leadership role and expanding impact
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beyond the film rebate program. she and her staff engaged our office and supervisor dorsey's office and coalition of film festival and community based film non profit to look at the 9th street corridor as a film district and figure how to have a bigger voice in city collaboration around film in general. if you look at the annual report you see the strides that the film sf office has taken, including organizing the first sf delegation to sundance and hosting events there. if anyone can lead us to renaissance in film in san francisco i'm optimistic about the teamwork between mrs. [indiscernible] and her commission who got back from the first film festival in vietnam. we want to see comp rehensive how san francisco hosts partners with and support the film economy and hope that the plan can involve non profit film coalition stakeholders, artsert
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intainment community, remaining independent theater companies and private theater, international airport, sf travel and building manager association to name a few and perhaps sundance will be inspired by and optimistic in the planning efforts. thank you colleagues, the rest i submit. >> thank you mr. president. and supervisor melgar submitted. seeing no names on the roster, that concluz the introduction of new business. >> let's go to general public comment. >> at this time, if you wouldn't mind come down and line up your right hand side. you can speak to approve of march 26 meeting minutes, the mayor appearance and policy discussion. you may speak to items 40-49. those items on adoption without reference committee calendar and general matters not on the agenda but must be within the subject matter jurisdiction. welcome to our first speaker.
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>> thank you. good afternoon board of supervisors. as each know, i'm christopher cline. i spoke about [indiscernible] district attorney office on individuals using systems such as sure lock giving out illegal access. where are we with those referrals? due to public comment [indiscernible] tried to evict me, bankrupt me and stalled doimation and grants to my non profit. prejudice violence ends now. late last week i also urged the director of public health and human service agency to launch a investigation specifically at 250 kearney street with abnormal amountf odeath and incident resulting in serious injury. these are not the only location. this can cause [indiscernible] getting shot or killed. yesterday 4 law enforcement officer
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killed and others [indiscernible] accessed and our jammed. my prayers for those families. all most daily there is another mass shooting. since 2020 in san francisco there have been over 3,000 overdoses, forget about the $75 million loss of disposal income including taxes. in the name of peace unity and community i like to take a moment of silence to remember the victims from not just our community, but all communities. [moment of silence] thank you.
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>> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon board of supervisors. great to see you all here today. it is always a thrill. i usually don't know what i'm going to say until it comes out of my mouth, and but let me just say that i very happy to see the mayor today. very great. it is always great. to remind us issues that are effecting the city and programs there to you know, do what it has to do. i'm very happy. i think you all are as well and we will all be happy very soon about the different things going on in the city. i don't have anything to say. i thought i did, but i don't. i'm really kine of at a loss for words.
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butd but thank you all. thank you thank you thank you thank you so much. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. alright. before this next speaker, if you are here to speak please line up, otherwise this will be our last speaker. >> hello. i wanted to encourage you to allow the moratorium to lapse given the potential supply of [indiscernible] housing sitting empty. for other buildings now occupied you provided strong tenant protections that you should be proud of and confident and yet many condominiums [indiscernible] despite decline in market rent. some concern might exist about over-building given present market weakness. however, if you allow the moratorium to lapse without resorting to a lottery again, it would stimulate job create housing supply and tax revenue rather then to witness potentially more buildings taken out of
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circulation. increase risk in liability in the present economic climate. we need more residents to support the growth of the local economy, the condo moratorium exist against population growth and exnomic expansion. it should expire without contest and without detaching impediments towards conversion. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> may day, you say may day. it is french and means help. may day, to help me. [indiscernible] cinema, yes. my way. because cinema has been infected by propaganda, so it is interesting to see all the propaganda evolve. that is whey we go to 70 years
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ago before 10 years before the [indiscernible] the reason why everybody knows that you don't know what you are doing. it is because if you did, you wouldn't say what you say. or what you do. you will focus on beauty. beauty--basically you wouldn't lie. no matter what. it means you dont know what you are doing. step by step. in the new system of education, any way, there is going to be the first thing. you understand how to be happy to justify your reason for being, which is simple. you focus your attention on the emotional--that we call beauty.
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that's it. extremely simple to understand. 7 years old. elementary school. if you dont do that, you lie, therefore, you can't be happy and you die. it is a consequence. never mind, i talk about the other space. knowledge that is light, that is intelligence. next stage to expand to you how light sits--that fits on matter that is full circle and eternal. >> thank you for your comments. mr. president. >> that will conclude general public comment. madam clerk, can we go to our adoption without committee reference calendar? >> 40-49 introduced without reference. unanimous vote is required for resolution on first reading today. any member may require
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resolution first reading to go to committee. >> would any member like a item severed? supervisor melgar. >> i like to be added to item 40, please. >> 40. supervisor melgar you said 40? yes. and supervisor stefani. >> i like to be added to 40, 43 and 44. >> 40, 43, and 44. on the adoption without reference calendar- >> supervisor walton wanted to be added. >> add me to item 40. >> added as cosponsor on 40. supervisor safai like to be added to item 40. that correct? okay. that will be the order. seeing no other hands raised, names on the- >> we have all 11 members from your staff communicating with us that you like to be on.
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all 11 are on item 40. >> there you go. you already did it. same house same call the resolutions are adopted and the motions approved. madam clerk, it doesn't sound like we have in memoria today. >> none to report, mr. president. >> we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]
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(laughter). >> hi, i'm pilipinas chi chai mateo and am the artist here.
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i'm current working on a title meaning together and the reason why i choose that theme because celebrating the legacy of some of the latin tennis especially with the power that put us together as formed when he come together and before us putting for our recognition and housing. but through our art culture and we see that today which we're together and it is always a hope for the generations after us. >> here in this district where we revising the languages and culture but in yes or no answer why we do this i get to see kids
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come out of this kind mr. ryu rattle where they came from and we are here. such an honor to be part of this legacy of togetherness and those opportunities have painting a mural such as this but teaching different skwashgs and learning more about my culture i thought i already knew but so much more to this is beautiful we have so much to give each other and we're also willing to work ♪♪ >> san francisco!
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♪♪ >> this is an exhibition across departments highlighting different artworks from our collection. gender is an important part of the dialogue. in many ways, this exhibition is contemporary. all of this artwork is from the 9th century and spans all the way to the 21st century. the exhibition is organized into seven different groupings or themes such as activities, symbolism, transformation and others. it's not by culture or time period, but different affinities between the artwork.
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activities, for example, looks at the role of gender and how certain activities are placed as feminine or masculine. we have a print by uharo that looks at different activities that derisionly performed by men. it's looking at the theme of music. we have three women playing traditional japanese instruments that would otherwise be played by men at that time. we have pairings so that is looking within the context of gender in relationships. also with how people are questioning the whole idea of pairing in the first place. we have three from three different cultures, tibet, china and japan. this is sell vanity stot relevar
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has been fluid in different time periods in cultures. sometimes being female in china but often male and evoking features associated with gender binaries and sometimes in between. it's a lovely way of tying all the themes together in this collection. gender and sexuality, speaking from my culture specifically, is something at that hasn't been recently widely discussed. this exhibition shows that it's gender and sexuality are actually have been considered and complicated by dialogue through the work of artists and thinking specifically, a sculpture we have of the hindu
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deities because it's half pee male and half male. it turns into a different theme in a way and is a beautiful representation of how gender hasn't been seen as one thing or a binary. we see that it isn't a modest concept. in a way, i feel we have a lot of historical references and touch points throughout all the ages and in asian cultures. i believe san francisco has close to 40% asian. it's a huge representation here in the bay area. it's important that we awk abouk about this and open up the discussion around gender. what we've learned from organizing this exhibition at the museum is that gender has been something that has come up in all of these cultures through all the time periods as something that is important and relevant. especially here in the san francisco bay area we feel that it's relevant to the conversations that people are
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having today. we hope that people can carry that outside of the museum into their daily lives. >> i think a lot of times we get in adult lives we are afraid to follow our passions and think life can't be that easy. but i truly do believe i followed my heart this time in my journal in city government i did not know that is where my passion lied. i kept following it and ltd. to great opportunity to serve the city.
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[music] >> i'm katy tang the executive director of the office of small business. >> small business contributes to san francisco's economy. they provide the bulk of employment in the city and employing a million people in san francisco. and roughly 90% of the businesses are defined as small businesses. so, they contribute to the economy but also just the quality of life. small businesses are more then and there a place of transaction it is a community center. a play where people gather. know each other and form memories about the city. >> at the office of mall business i run a team this helps report all mall businesses in
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san francisco whether they are looking to stfrt a new business or expand or perhaps they are feeling with issues. our office is here as a point of information for anyone with a business that has 100 or nower employees. >> i was growing up i had many ideas of when i wanted to do. i wanted to being an olympic swimmer. and i wanted to men be an architect, you name it i had many ideas for what i wanted do when i grew up. and i never anticipated entering in politics. this opportunity came along wh started working for former supervisor carmen chu and she became the district 4 sunset district supervisor. that was my firstent row in politics and government in a different level.
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and so when i was finishing up my time working for legislative aid i thought, i will go off and do something else. may be explore opportunity outside of city government what was then approached by this opportunity to also serve as a district 4 supervisor. if not the traditional route that many people think of when you enter in politics. a lot know that is manage than i want to do and run for office. that was not part of my culture and upbringing with manage my parents were wondering why i wanted to go in that role this legislation and important because so many women when have it return to work after having a child feel embarrassed or don't feel comfortable asking their supervisor for will any lactation accommodations. i saw it as an opportunity you could use the position where you
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have tools creating legislation and pass laws and where people listen to to you help the community and pass cause catharsis important to the city and individuals. my family immigrated to the united states from taiwan. and they came here in pronl probably late 20's almost 30. and so, they came also in the knowing english limp barely read or write but had to quickly understand english to i can't haveigate services and find a job in america. i grew up in the san francisco sunset district i spent most of my childed hoo up until i went off to college. so when i started working in city government, i think i had mixed reactions about my involvement working government because for some of our parents generation, there is i bit of distrust in government. i think there are questions
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about why i was entering in this field of work. i think you know when i went in city government i thought about my parents like so many other who is have to navigate city services and resources english first language and help the individuals both navigate, intercept that is on an application approximate signage. it is fulfilling to mow to help people like my parent and feel like government is there to support them and not to harm them. my parents are happy that i retired early from politics and being a district 4 supervisor i could have continued on for a couple more years approximate decided to leave early. i think that over all they were able to see some of my work appear in the chinese newspaper. through that they were able to see i was able to help communities in a tangible way. >> the member of the board of
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supervisors. >> transportation authority. for the city and county of san francisco. congratulations. >> i think about one importance when i was worn in as district 4 supervisor. years ago, and someone actually came up to me during the swear nothing ceremony and said, wow, i'm traveling here from canada, and i just i could not believe i saw an asian female worn in in this role a leadership role this meant so much that someone would say that and felt they were inspired by the scene. so -- i hope that as more people see people that look like them and more women coming in positions of leadership than i feel they can doing the same. person this inpyred me is carmen chu who is our city add administrator but also was district 4 supervisor when i
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worked with her as a legislative aid. at this point, i too, was skeptical of going in politics. i saw someone who had herself never seen herself in politics. got thrown into it and put her heart and soul and dedication to serve people. and it gave me the confidence to pursue that same job and i honestly would not have either chosen or accepted or considered serving on the board of supervisors were not for carmen. >> if you want to make your business accessible. >> in my role in city government where i have seen the most challenge is people who don't know you and you are here to serve and help them that they classify you as our city government and here to hurt you. so, people will talk to you and -- and just you know treat you disrespectfully. and sometimes i noticed that they might do more to me as a
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female compared to my male colleagues. but you know i try to be empathetic. one of the most significant barriers to female empowerment we feel like we have to be 100% meeting all of the qualifications before we think that we are qualified to do a job. if we look at a job description or an opportunity to come your way well is self doubt about whether you can fulfill the obligations of that role. i think that the confidence is huge and sometimes i think we make up for it by trying to gain more experience. more and more and more in whatever we can put under our belts we'll feel better. that may not be the case. we might be qualified with when we have already accomplished.
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i started rock climbing indoors a couple years ago as an activity to try to spends time with my husband and also to try something new and i finds that rock climbing there are so many parallels to life. you know when i'm on the wall i'm concentrating and trying to make it to the next piece without falling. there are daying you think i'm not making progress. you come back and wow, i hit another level. and so i feel like in our daily lives and w we think we are not making enough of i change in the city. and sometimes we have to take out time to reflect every day as long as you try and give it your all and you look back you will have made a significant contribution there is no limit to where you go in terms of rock climbing. i want to reminds myself of that in terms of daily life.
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>> follow what it is you are interested in, what makes you feel excited about wake up every day. you never know and be open to all the possibilities and opportunity. [music] >> the market is one of our vehicles for reaching out to public and showing them how to prepare delicious, simple food. people are amazed that the library does things like that.
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biblio bistro is a food education program. it brings such joy to people. it teaches them life skills that they can apply anywhere, and it encourages them to take care of themselves. my name is leaf hillman, and i'm a librarian, and biblio bistro is my creation. i'm a former chef, and i have been incubating this idea for many years. we are challenged to come up with an idea that will move the library into the future. this inspired me to think, what can we do around cooking? what can i do around cooking? we were able to get a cart. the charlie cart is designed to bring cooking to students in elementary students that has enough gear on it to teach 30
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students cooking. so when i saw that, i thought bingo, that's what we're missing. you can do cooking classes in the library, but without a kitchen, it's difficult. to have everything contained on wheels, that's it. i do cooking demonstrations out at the market every third wednesday. i feature a seafood, vegetable, and i show people how to cook the vegetable. >> a lot of our residents live in s.r.o.s, single resident occupancies, and they don't have access to full kitchens. you know, a lot of them just have a hot plate, a microwave, and the thing that biblio bistro does really well is cook food accessible in season and make it available that day. >> we handout brochures with the featured recipe on the
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back. this recipe features mushrooms, and this brochure will bring our public back to the library. >> libraries are about a good time. >> i hired a former chef. she's the tickle queen at the ramen shop in rockwood. we get all ages. we get adults and grandparents and babies, and, you know, school-age kids, and it's just been super terrific. >> i was a bit reluctant because i train teachers and adults. i don't train children. i don't work with children, and i find it very interesting and a bit scary, but working here really taught me a lot, you know, how easily you can
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influence by just showing them what we have, and it's not threatening, and it's tasty and fun. i make it really fun with kids because i don't look like a teacher. >> in the mix, which is our team center, we have programs for our kids who are age 13 to 18, and those are very hands on. the kids often design the menu. all of our programs are very interactive. >> today, we made pasta and garlic bread and some sauce. usually, i don't like bell pepper in my sauce, but i used bell pepper in my sauce, and it complemented the sauce really well. i also grated the garlic on my bread. i never thought about that technique before, but i did it,
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and it was so delicious. >> we try to teach them techniques where they can go home and tell their families, i made this thing today, and it was so delicious. >> they're kind of addicted to these foods, these processed foods, like many people are. i feel like we have to do what we can to educate people about that. the reality is we have to live in a world that has a lot of choices that aren't necessarily good for you all the time. >> this is interesting, but it's a reaction to how children are brought up. it is fast-food, and the apple is a fast-food, and so that sort of changes the way they think about convenience, how eating apple is convenient. >> one of the things that i love about my program out at the market is the surprise and delight on people's faces when
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they finally taste the vegetable. it's been transformative for some people. they had never eaten those vegetables before, but now, they eat them on a regular basis. >> all they require is a hot plate and a saute pan, and they realize that they're able to cook really healthy, and it's also tasty. >> they also understand the importance of the connection that we're making. these are our small business owners that are growing our food and bringing it fresh to the market for them to consume, and then, i'm helping them consume it by teaching them how to cook. >> it connects people to the food that they're buying. >> the magic of the classes in the children's center and the team center is that the participants are cooking the food themselves, and once they do that, they understand their connection to the food, to the tools, and it empowers them.
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>> we're brokering new experiences for them, so that is very much what's happening in the biblio bistro program. >> we are introducing kids many times to new vocabulary. names of seasonings, names of vegetables, names of what you call procedures. >> i had my little cooking experience. all i cooked back then was grilled cheese and scrambled eggs. now, i can actually cook curry and a few different thing zblz . >> and the parents are amazed that what we're showing them to cook is simple and inexpensive. i didn't know this was so easy to make. i've only bought it in the market. those comments have been amazing, and yeah, it's been
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really wonderful. >> we try to approach everything here with a well, just try it. just try it once, and then, before you know it, it's gone. >> a lot of people aren't sure how to cook cauliflower or kale or fennel or whatever it is, and leah is really helpful at doing that. >> i think having someone actually teaching you here is a great experience. and it's the art of making a meal for your family members and hope that they like it. >> i think they should come and have some good food, good produce that is healthy and actually very delicious. >> cooking is one of my biggest passions, to be able to share,
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like, my passion with others, and skills, to h h h h h h h hh >> assistant chief david lazar, chief of operations for san francisco police department and i like to welcome you on behalf of mayor london breed and chief of police bill scott to our quarterly officer of the month celebration. this has been such a beautiful venue to honor our officers for their work. i want to thank you mayor and chief for continuing these programs, so thank you very much. round of applause, yes. for our mayor and for our chief! [applause] i would like to acknowledge a lot of special guests that are here today. first, san francisco police command staff that are here. can i ask you to stand up if
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you are part of the command staff and give you a round of applause. thank you for your leadership. [applause] from the board of supervisors, president aaron peskin, supervisor myrna melgar, supervisor rafael mandelman. thank you for being here. [applause] i would like to recognize our police commissioners, commissioner walker, commissioner yee and commissioner benedicto. thank you commissioners. [applause] i would like to also recognize the mayor's chief of staff, shawn elseburn and also i like to thank from the mayor's team, ivy lee and martha for making sure everything is perfect. [applause] thank you martha for getting us all organized. i see in the crowd as well, rodney fraung from the chamber of commerce, thank you rodney for all your
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support. what is exciting about this ceremony every quarter is the list of sponsors continues to grow and we cannot have this event unless we have sponsors willing to step up and support us. first i like to start out with the bxp team. steve colvin, rod dale, of course our former chief of police greg sur and deputy chief john loftus. thank you for being here for your sporelt. also like to thank tracey the president of san francisco police officer association who is here today. round of applause for tracey. she always likes to stand in the back but definitely front and center. the entire list of sponsors. the [indiscernible] mccall
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catering, decker eelectric, [indiscernible] hok, metro service group. pag nini electric. -bay area host committee. jma, parks hotel group, hilton hotel, jp morgan chase. in addition to that, some of the larger sponsors have boma, the hotel council, union square alliance, neighbors for better san francisco and of course the chamber of commerce so round of applause for all the sponsors that helped make this happen. [applause] this has been a remarkable 24 hours for the san francisco police department. i just want to share with you we started out 24 hours ago notifying a captain and new lieutenants and sergeants of promotions.
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daniel dudley is here today. starting-some were at the department of emergency management as the mayor kicked us off for the unveiling of the new dist patch center. we are very grateful for dem and all the support for the officers in the field. and then after that, we are at headquarters honoring sexual assault victims by denim day. a great event with all the special victim investigators honoring them. couple hours later, we were honoring the professional staff. this is administrative staff, professional staff we had a chance to honor them. then, we took our photo for the 175 anniversary of the san francisco police department. that photo, will be a tremendous history piece as we look back years from now and see who was in the photo so thank you mayor breed and
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everyone who showed up for photo. now we end the night honoring our police officerss in san francisco so it has been a incredible day and grateful to be part of the department and entire team. okay, with that we'll move right into the ceremony and we have three separate captains that are going to describe the heroic or great work of the officers, but before we do i will have there mayor and chief say a few words and we'll start with mayor london breed. mayor breed. [applause] >> thank you assistant chief lazar for recapping the last 24 hours with all the incredible activity that occurred for the san francisco police department. as was mentioned, i want to give another shout out to our former police chief, greg sur for bringing forth this
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incredible idea to honor our officers and all the incredible work they do for the city and county of san francisco, and bringing bxp along to be a sponsor as well, so thank you again chief sur. [applause] assistant chief lazar mentioned we were just out in front of city hall taking a commemorative photo to recognize the 175 year history of the san francisco police department. when i looked around at the men and women of the department, there was something very different in the photo of today then the photo of 175 years ago. there were not only people of color in this photo today, there were women and in fact there were so many people leading this department that had a great opportunity to insure that the diversity of the department reflects the city that they serve.
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it is so great to be here today and to honor the men and women of this department. the people who put their lives on the line every single day and to say thank you. thank you for your work and your service, and thank you for choosing to be a part of making san francisco safe. the thing that was not mentioned is what is happened recently that we should all be very proud of. the fact that this year-this past 2023 and continuing has marked one of the lowest crime rates that san francisco has seen in the past 10 years. not including the pandemic, and that is attributed in most part to the hard work of the men and women of the department, their investigations going above and beyond and doing all the amazing work they do to keep the people of san francisco safe and today you will hear about some of those stories. they may sound as though they are easy
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to do when you talk about them, but can you imagine the action that it takes? the intuitive nature they possess and use in order to have the skillset necessary to combat a lot of challenges in san francisco. today we recognize their work and that they have gone above and beyond and we celebrate the department and the history that has been made in this department over the past 175 years. so, i'm excited to be here and excited to honor the officers and grateful to each and every one of you for what you do to may san francisco better and safer on a regular basis. thank you all so much. [applause] >> okay. thank you mayor breed. i now like to call up our chief of police, bill scott.
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[applause] >> thank you assistant chief lazar and thank you mayor breed. good afternoon everybody. first, i want to say hello and welcome to the families here supporting these officers who will be awarded today with the officer of the month. it is really really gratifying to hear about your work, to see your work and to be here to give you a personal thank you for all the things you have done to get this award today. to the families, i just want to say just a few things and then i'll turn it back over to assistant chief lazar. those in the administrative positions, we live through the work of the officers on the street. we live through the work of the investigators on the streets and this isn't a easy job as we all know and you hear that said. there is a lot of ups and downs but the one thing that keeps us going is when we see the fruit of all the
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investments this city buts in its police department, work its way down to the people doing the work and we see it work the way it is supposed to work. we see it work right, and this is the example of what it looks like when it works right. it is uplifting when i hear your stories and we read your reports and read your commendations and captain comps, that keeps this department going and what keeps us going, and don't stop doing what you are doing. we have momentum now, mayor mentioned about the crime statistics. things have turned around from a couple years ago when seems like everybody was against law enforcement and we know not everybody but it felt that way, and now we have tons of not just support, but vocal support, visible support, people are cheering us on and are that momentum and wind behind our sails propels us forward. i want to personally thank the
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officers officer vincent, officer daniel dudley, officer taylor, officer--and officer cameron. i remember your names. and officer cameron stokes because when you hear the stories and the work they have done, it is not only heroic, but this is what we do. this is what the city is here for, the police department is here for, so thank you again and going to turn it back over to assistant chief lazar and the captain so they can read the commendations and you can hear about this heroic work, so thank you. [applause] >> okay, thank you chief scott. i now like to call up captain tom harvey commanding officer of mission statement. [applause]
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>> hello everybody. my name is captain harvey, mission station and tonight i have the pleasure of presenting the following award recipients for both officer vincent and officer daniel dudley, mission station. i will be reviewing two incidents with everyone that involve both of these fine police officers. the first incident is regarding a crew of middle of the night garage door burglars had been hitting the west side of the city in the early weeks of january this year. the organized group case garages in the middle of the night while people slept and successful committing burglaries stealing bicycles and other items before escaping to a van. for clarification, the hot
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burglary describes a burglary where the suspects break in while the people are at home inside their house. due to the superb investigating efforts, department wide e-mails and alerts kis tributed regarding the suspects believed to be involved. officers from mission station are soon enlisted in the operation to apprehend the offenders. after locating the suspect vehicle, a surveillance was conducted on the 1,000 block of clayton street in park district of san francisco. officer vincent learned the vehicle occupants were on foot and standing next to a open residential garage. officer working undercover began foot surveillance on the suspects. he watch as they use flashlights to peer in garages and able to communicate to the arrest team when this
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group successfully burglarized a garage stealing bikes, scooters, among other items. once the burglary had been completed, officer advised the arrest team to move in and all 5 suspects were arrested and booked into custody and all stolen property returned. as a result of this, the string of burglaries that plagued the west side of the city was over, thanks to these two officers and their team, which is right over there. [applause] the second incident on february 9, investigation was underway to the where abouts of the suspicious vehicle which fled from mission station officers the night before. the vehicle occupant suspected of being involved with vice related crimes. as early as the very next morning the investigation lead to oakland california. in oakland, officer vincent and his partners who i will quickly
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acknowledge, officer dan dudley to left, officer glen griffon, officer cody, officer--located the vehicle and observed the suspect as he entered a liquor store. the team had a preing plan to safely take the suspect into custody. officer was the first in. he was the first officer inside the liquor store and that is where he encountered the suspect who was 6 foot 4, 250 pounds and standing in a narrow isle. with the assistance of officer daniel dudley, officer moslang ordered the suspect to let go of the gun. officer had his hand inside the suspect pocket while the suspect was holding and grabbing to a gun and refused to let go. these two gentleman to my left with the assistance of their team wrestled with
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the suspect well over 2 minutes. it was a long physical struggle and as i said, the suspect was tall, he was large and strong. none the less, they persevere jd able to take the suspect safely into custody after a very close call. the gun was recovered. the arrest was made and are this suspect was booked not only for the fire arm related charges and also the person h a burglary warrant out of palo alto, domestic violence and probation warrant out of contra costa county. congratulations to officer vincent and dan dudley, soon to be sergeant, daniel dudley. [applause]
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[applause] >> okay, thank you captain harvey and congratulations to the officers. i would now like to call up captain luke martin, commanding officer of southern is station to make his presentation. [applause] >> alright. thank you everybody. good evening. i'm luke martin, commanding officer of southern station. i have the privilege to present this award to officer taylor,
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officer luc and like to go into a little about each officer before we get into the incident we are here to talk about. officer taylor has been in the department 6 years, total 8 years law enforcement. she works midnight shift for those that are in the police department that is like grave yards. she has been doing that the entire time by choice. she has seniority to work easier shifts but chooses to work the night shift. also a field training officer and i can probably talk to you about 3, 4 dozen different incident officer taylor is involved in. she is extremely hard working, amazing work ethic and generally does impeccable work. she is a joy to have as commanding officer. i sleep easier knowing she is out there tonight. officer luc did her probation at southern station and recently finished
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that and transferred to central station. our loss, their gain. very impressed with officer luc right away. she showed a real eagerness to get out there and learn about the job and do police work. she showed a tremendous work ethic, very fearless out there and showing all the officers on our team she was out to do this job and do it the right way so hoping she transfers back to southern, but we'll see. hopefully chief can make it happen. the incident we are here to talk about, like i said there are many we could have reviewed, but this is a particular one it happened on thursday morning february 8 at about 1 a.m. in the morning. the officers were on patrol and one of the rougher neighborhood in the southern, which incompass 7th and mission, 8th and mission. we tend to have a lot of narcotics activity, a lot of violence in that area as it relates to narcotics
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and i asked the officers to do a lot of work out there and being the good officers they are, that is what they were doing. as they patrol they noticed somebody riding their bike on the sidewalk. didn't seem to have much purpose just roaming around and they decided they needed to stop that person for that violation. officer taylor was driving the car and officer luc in the passenger seat. officer luc exits the car to stop the person and immediately the person drops the bike and takes running on foot. so, officer luc without hesitation is in a foot chase with the suspect not knowing what is going on but thinking there is probably more then just riding a bike on the sidewalk. being the veteran officer officer taylor is, she didn't bail out of her car too, she knew to stay in the car and keep the pursuit going but in the vehicle. lot harder to outrun a vehicle as you
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can imagine. so, as they continue the pursuit, the suspects runs up an alley where they lose sight of suspect for a short while. officer luc makes the turn to the alley and the suspect is waiting for her. they order the suspect to the ground. he is refusing all lawful orders. in the mean time they call for backup. backup is coming from tenderloin and southern station officers, and they end up physically trying to take the suspect into custody. as they are doing it, the suspect is fighting and resisting but they are able to safely take the suspect into custody. they do a pat down search for weapon jz don't find any. they are very confused why the suspect might have been running, so as good officers they retrace their foot pursuit to see if the suspect tossed anything and sure enough, short ways away locate a 9mm hell cat fire arm that appears to be loaded.
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so, they are able to recover that and in order to really solidify this case for prosecution they start canvasing the area for video surveillance and they locate a video that captures that suspect pursuit travels. sure enough, on video they see clearly the suspect with his hand dumping the fire arm on the street to avoid him actually being caught with that fire arm, so excellent work by the officers from start to finish in this case. that wasn't all actually. so, as they continue their arrest search of the suspect, they find a scale and several different types of narcotics, fentanyl, meth, marijuana i believe as well and enough for sales-possession for sale of
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narcotics so all in all an amazing case, one of many the officers do on a nightly basis. congratulations. thank you very much for all your hard work. [applause] [applause]
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>> okay, thank you captain martin and congratulations to the officers. i now like to call up, captain jason soyer, commanding officer for northern station for his presentation. [applause] >> good afternoon everyone. jason soyer, captain of northern station here with officer cameron stokes. where is your family at? alright. [applause] buckle up i will tell a story what a fantastic and heroic family member you have here. march 18, just over a month ago, just after 6:30 in the morning after her shift starting, officer stokes responding to call for service of a man asleep in his car as octaveia
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and lombard. a wellbeing check and that is all anybody knew. officer stokes responded by himself, made contact with the driver who was asleep and keen sense of observation noticed a fire arm within reach on the floorboard of the car. realizing he did not have time to wait for backup, officer stokes quickly seized the fire arm in front of the suspect and able to secure the fire arm and ordther suspect out by himself without any use of force to get the suspect into custody. then the backup came. isn't that how it works? after the scene is rendered safe officer stokes decided to do investigation instead of leave it there. a search of the car revealed large quantities of crack cocaine, meth, mushrooms and american all packaged for resale. this is something that happened
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every day that the public thought was a wellbeing check, but because officer stokes doing what he was doing to be trained correctly was able to safely take a situation far bigger then what people thought it was and able to defuse it into a arrest. needless to say, the gun was illegally in position, it was was a stolen fire arm. the car was not the suspect. everybody about it was wrong but this happens every day when a officer using proper training, safety techniques is able to do his job and i also want to point out, thank you for putting something like this together, because this is a arrest that happens virtually every day at northern station and most part doesn't get noticed. this the work the san francisco police officers do daily you don't hear about. it doesn't make the paper. as a quite professional does this work on a daily basis as other officerso extremely proud to work with
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officer stoke jz for your family members you have a great person here. we are happy to have him at northern. come get your award. [applause] [applause] >> okay, one more large round of applause for all of today's honerees! [applause] okay. the ceremony may be over, but the celebration continues, so i like to say a couple things.
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first, we'll have mayor breed and chief scott along with the honorees and their captains proceed out to the photo area, and secondly, we hope you enjoy the refreshments that have been provided. my gosh, mayor breed always has to remind me, i get a c plus overall. mayor breed, thanks for the reminder month after month. the honorees receive and would be remiss if i didn't tell you this, each receives a $500 gift certificate and they also receive a night at the hyatt regency at the embarcadero for their great work thanks to the sponsors and thank frz the remindser, mayor breed. [applause] yes! okay. thank you for that. now, if i may ask the mayor and the chief and the honorees to make
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their way up to the photograph area. stick around, say hello to everyone, enjoy the refreshments and have a wonderful evening. thank you.
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>> good morning. and welcome. it is a glorious day here in san francisco. my name is mia, meeting place manager san francisco. i am thrilled to be here today as we welcome part of our meeting place here at san francisco. this is a really special moment for all of us. i coulden be more excited to be here together with all of you. at inca centers we are committed to transform this beautiful beautiful building into a meeting place, a place tobring people together to meet and eat, to shop and