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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  May 1, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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[applause] i would like to highlight one unique invasion that speaks to the sustainable approach mission rock partners utilized across the entire development. the park is designed to be 10 percent lighter then the existing surface parking lot that it replaced. so, even though it has grown as much as 16 feet in elevation, when you are at the top of the great lawn behinds me you are on top of tw feet of soil, 13 feet of light way geo foam, 7 feet of concrete and 2 feet of foam glass aggregate made from recycled bottles. [applause] this is a truly complex mument layered engineering approach which achieves load off set and creating resiliency against future sea level rise.
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we are forch tunate to have a truly all star design team. i like to thank min design, [calling design team] [applause] all of these great firms worked under the direction of the wonderful team who artistic vision is a driving force for the park we are dedicated today. >> hello. today represents the culmination of decades of visionary thinkish, gritd and hard work. on behamp of the team, congratulations to everyone who played a role bringing this park to life. i also like to say thank you tiffman spire, san francisco giants, the port of san francisco and all who entrusted the design to scape.
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much of the early efforts focus on building consensus what the park needed to be and how to best serve the public giant fans, local residents and members of the new mission rock community. this unmatched site is so inspiring and offered up so many aspets. oracle park, mucevy code, san francisco sky line and bayviews. i lost my spot. [laughter] and the new mission rock neighborhood. we work carefully to sculp the land and connections to the urban experiences. at the time a performative park that manage storm water through the mission rock neighborhood, enhance comfort protecting the site of realty of sun and wind and anticipates the future of rising seas and climate changes. the soul of the park is the unique terrain of san francisco
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magnifying a landscape. the sweeping lawn with cypress trees. plant specious that shade the gathering grove chosen for special relationship to the city. the beach pavements and materials echo the gradients of coastal edge present across san francisco shoreline. design is inspired by waterfront landscape of san francisco and urban spectacle of game day splash hits. today china basin park is a multifaceted park greater then the sum of the parts. it is a collection of the spaces, diverse habitats and experience. flexible enough to accommodate both game day crowds and quite moments of reflection. the park serve community events and cr daily connections between neighbors and the bay. it is is a place that expresses the diversity of the city and welcoming all people to mission rock, mucovey cove and the bay. we have been so honored to lead the creation of this new public space that
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serve san franciscans into the next century. thank you so much. [applause] >> up next, maggie and larry. [applause] >> hello. maggie from tischman spire side of the mission rock partners team. it is really surreal to be up here now standing in front of these buildings in this amazing park. john and chris highlighted resiliency elements of the park and i wanted to talk more about something near and dear to my heart which is irrigation system here for this. when you are building a tremendous amount of new green space, you see all the vegetation we have among us. it is hard to do when you are in a drought ridden climate and something mission rock did, which is different and sets apart from other projb ects within san francisco and
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beyond is built a black water treatment plant which is no small feat. that treatment plant will serve to irrigate the entirety of this park and other open spaces within mission rock with water we recycle on site. it is another element how coming together with a public private partnership working directly with the port, the other city agencies have allowed private development to do things differently. we are excited how that can set the tone and be a example for other future project that think about design sustainability and build the project of tomorrow and excited to see that come to fruition here. i touched on the importance of public private partnership nature and the amount of people and faces standing out here who i have interactsed with over the process and many beyond the people here that have had a hand in this. i have been able to see late nights early mornings that all come to
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bring this park to be reality and incredible this perseverance paid off to get to this point today. lastly, excited this park serves as the front yard to this new neighborhood. we have residents living in the canyon who can come out bring their dogs to play in this park, bring their kids out to have picnics and really serve the transit point for them getting to and from home and the office. we also have visa coming here and you see their sign very prominent behind me who is coming to make this neighborhood their new home within the next month and then you have cat gemini who moved in their space this week and have a place to have lunch on the lawn, they have the ability to enter their space, have beautiful views of the park while they are working and it just serves as a landmark here in the southern waterfront and we are excited what it does for this great
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neighborhood, so we are incredibly happy to be here. there is so many people to thank in the process and wouldn't have been done without all the contributions of people thin crowd and well beyaunds. with that, thank you all and i'll turn it over to larry to say a few words. [applause] >> thanks maggie. hello everyone. wow. i was actually as i was standing here listening to maggie, i was looking out and i was looking out--it was a major wow, because as i was looking out in the few minutes that maggie was speaking, there was a jogger jogging on the bay trail, there was somebody walking a dog and somebody taking a picture with willie mccovey in the background and ball park. it today crystalizes what so many worked on in a incredibly
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collaborative way for a long long time, as jack said, 15 years. i will start by just asking, we call them the mission rockers. everybody's in the giant family that worked on mission rock, because as jack alluded them to stand up and take a collective giants bow, because amazing work, including a wonderful alumni fran well who i will call out. fran lead the projbect for years and years and years and years and now on the east coast and doing wonderful things there. so, the collaborative nature of what this project is and was was how it was conceived, super important to what we have today. i distinctly remember and this has been referenced, but want to
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highlight the decision to basically do the park first. to open the park at the front end and elaine and the mayor and all our city partners were very much on board with that. tischman spire. because what this feels like on the ground to folks that are coming as maggie said, the folks working here, people living here. we have 60 plus percent of the canyon filled. the red building. the green building will be opening later this year. we have more buildings residential and office to come. we have retail opening. to be able to have this park as an emenity for everybody in the neighborhood as when we went to the election in 2015 is a crucial part of being able to get off to a great start with mission rock project. i want to especially call out the mayor again for all of her
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leadership, and while this project has crossed several administrations in our 15 years of working on it, getting all of these buildings open and there is more ribbon cuttings to come later this year, rest with the city apparatus as it exists today and it has been nothing but incredibly supportive as tischman spire as has the port of san francisco and all the community stakeholders as well. we are really looking forward to very shortly to have in this park movie nights and fitness and music classes, and food trucks, and all of this activating. already-yesterday before the day game it was great hearing larry looking at the park from 323, i also was kind of seeing how people were interacting with the park before the game. tons of people were over taking
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instagramable moments. take a picture with willie mccovey and would say willie would be so proud of this park on the cove and just kisses and hugs to allison, willie's daughter. one more round of applause for allison who is here. stand up allison. we know her father no matter what ailment he was battling in the later years was so proud to be sitting in his perch in the broadcast level in the box looking out over mccovey cove and he would see the statute here fronting the beautiful park. thank you all so much. i wanted to call up a couple community partners who have been wonderful throughout this project, and we got just a couple more speakers. hang on everyone.
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the folks we will introduce now are, ed hatter who was the chair of the southern advisory committee. edward. are you here? yep. come on up. and alice rogers who is a south beach rinconmission bay neighborhood association. they are the folks here and make this all happen, current residents. [applause] >> good morning. i'm edward hatter, chair of southern advisory committee for the port, and i promised i was going to be brief, but i got a history that just will not stop. [laughter] i look out here and i see the new home of the giants but i was a kid of the old home of the giants candle stick park. i look at this park and look at the people and say giants good job,
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city great job. this very rarely that we are able to all come together and come out with a finished product such as this park. alright? i can't wait to get my kids from the neighborhood house down here playing in the fields and everything else and long the bay shore, but this is only the beginning. i want to make that very clear. the giants have an outstanding development team. the city has outstanding department heads. we can come together and start with china basin and at least finish at indian basin. with great parks, great housing, great buildings, great infrastructure. [applause] and with this work, maybe we can even take it back to candle stick. thank you. i would like to introduce alice rogers. thank you.
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[applause] >> good morning. mr. hatter is a difficult act to follow. speeches are long, time is short, and what i really in essence want to say is thank you mission rock team for creating this incredible addition to the public waterfront. it has been said earlier, but can't be said often enough, in a properly ordered universe it would be corrine woods standing here in my place ushering the best of class commons. it was corrine's steady advocacy and as importantly, the respect she garnered from the port and from the giants that got us this park now today in phase one of mission rock development as elaine said, normally public spaces
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bring up the rear when the cash-flow can support them, but great effort was made to have this now. it was corrine that put the heart and soul at the forefront of the neighborhood and generations who will inojoy this place will carry that forward. corrine set the keystone, but it was mission rock development team that really leaned into neighborhood engagement. throughout the entire 15 years plus of the development of this project, they included solicited the neighborhood input. they created interesting fun charrettes and for all of us to come and brainstorm and think what would make this place unique. appropriate to the site and an addition to the neighborhood that
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everybody would anticipate. hundreds of neighbors joined over the years and it is really on their behalf that i'm here to say once again, thank you so much mission rock development for creating this incredible haven. in addition to all of those neighbors who worked so hard over 15 years, we have great new neighbors now, and i like to introduce the bomed family who are new residents in the canyon to what about what it feels like to live here. [applause] >> hello everyone. good morning and good afternoon. we are canyon residents. we just moved here. we always wish to live in mission bay,
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mission rock neighborhood. we are lucky to get this project done. i want to thank everyone who contributed to get this done after hearing the challenges and the hard work. thank you. i cannot say enough about this, because we live like on the 11th floor and we are facing the giants. the view of the park, the beach. thank you for everyone who makes this landscape for us. i'm the father of three kids. we can enjoy it, play, riding their bikes. we are very lucky to be here. thank you everyone. [applause]
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>> before i introducing the last speaker, i want to acknowledge stella willie's widow who arrived. thank you for coming stella. [applause] now, my colleague and the person who's will oversee the operation of this park-- [applause] >> for the record, i'll managing the fun. there are others doing the real important work. thank you jack and thanks everyone here who has come together and celebrate all the faces that planted the seeds to make this public space possible. if you build it they will come and this is true for china basin park. it has open two weeks and we have seen dogs, dog parents, bikers, kids playing in the sand, we have seen our
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first bride and groom take photos in the park so people are making memories here and they will be the stakeholders we have to answer to when operating and managing this amazing public space. we'll build on this and bring great events and concerts and key amenities for this great urban space. may 11 we will have our first community event free to the public and open to families so nice to start a great season of programming. this concludes the speaking program so thank you everyone. that was a lot of important really great speakers. next we invite the mayor, director forbes, larry and maggie over to do our ceremony planting of the park, then fallowed by a ribbon cutting on the bay trail and join us for photography on the steps and complementary free ice cream in the central plaza because what is a park if not having a good
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cone on somewhat warm day. thank you everyone and join us over here. [applause] >> alright,b here we go! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! [cheers and applause]
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>> [music] in the town inside
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here i'm young. he was putting art, music and drinking together upon today have a nonpretentious pretentious spitz that the community can enjoy each other and the time off we get in this world. [music] >> spends energy elevating artists and credit a safe place. a place to have a community. >> it is i great neighborhood the art district because we have the contemp refer museum of sf. yerba buena for the arts all of the operators and businesses here we get together and xhoukt and support each other this is a very cool neighborhood to be a part of. [music] paint on canvas is
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primary low when we do. this is guilty pleasures an all female artist show. it is going to be great. fun we have interactive elements. >> we love having this gem. you know people come in and discover it and get to feel at home. this is like home san francisco >> never be afraid it anybodying on our door. [laughter]. if the hours are post and you had want to seat art we are here 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock most days. [music]
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>> driver, bye. >> hi. i'm will b. mixture weltake a walk with me. >> i just love taking strolls in san francisco. they are so many cool and exciting things to see. like -- what is that there? what is that for? hi. buddy. how are you. >> what is that for. >> i'm firefighter with the san francisco fire department havings a great day, thank you for asking. this is a dry sand pipe. dry sand pipes are multilevel building in san francisco and the world. they are a piping system to facilitate the fire engineaire ability to pump water in a buildings that is on fire. >> a fire truck shows up and does what? >> the fire engine will pull up to the upon front of the building do, spotting the building. you get an engine in the area
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that is safe. firefighters then take the hose lyoning line it a hydrant and that give us an endsless supply of water. >> wow, cool. i don't see water, where does it come from and where does it go? >> the firefighters take a hose from the fire engine to the dry sand pipe and plug it in this inlet. they are able to adjust the pressure of water going in the inlet. to facilitate the pressure needed for any one of the floors on this building. firefighters take the hose bunked and he will take that homes upon bundle to the floor the fire is on. plug it into similar to this an outlet and they have water to put the fire out. it is a cool system that we see in a lot of buildings. i personal low use federal on
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multiple fires in san francisco to safely put a fire out. >> i thought that was a great question that is cool of you to ask. have a great day and nice meeting you. >> thank you for letting us know what that is for. thanks, everybody for watching! bye! [music] >> my name is tiffany cobb and i work for the san francisco fire
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department. i was raised by a single parent. i grew up with a very strong work ethic mental ity. i would like to compare it to a bar back and anticipated the needs and the call. you will provide the needs and complete the call. >> the favorite part of the job is when i can actually connect with a patient and utilize your people skills as a human being. sometimes it's not a medical need. they just want someone to
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talk to, someone to listen to and want to be seen as a person and want to be recognized and see them as they are. those are my important calls. i remember being a seven or nine year old girl and never seen anyone like me in a fire engine and that gave me hope that i can do that. there are people like me that can do that job. sometimes people need to feel nurtured and feel safe. i feel like i can bring that to my patients. >> you maybe feel afraid. just try it out. that's what i did. just never give up. i was told no. i failed the fire academy. i'm still here and i never quit.
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just learn from your mistakes and never give up on yourself. i'm in station 49. eventually i would like to utilize my skills as a fire paramedic and hopefully become an officer some day. >> for san francisco, i said this in my interview, it's like the new york of the west coast. it has everything i wanted to be a part of. it has ems and has a rich history and blue collar history which i absolutely love. i want to be a part of that.
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(gavel) good afternoon the melting county of san francisco budget & appropriations committee meeting this afternoon at 1:30 pm., wednesday, may 1, 2024. i'm member chan and joined by member melgar and shortly by member mandelman and member peskin like to thank junetta my apologies for broadcasting this meeting and mr. clerk any announcements. >> just a friendly reminder anyone in attendance to make sure the silence of all cell phones mother to disturb the meeting and