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tv   Housing Authority Board  SFGTV  May 2, 2024 6:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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n.i'm going to go ahead to welcome everybody to the housing authority commissioner meeting on today thursday april 25th, we're ging at what time? >> 4:19 . >> 4:19, all right. let's we're calling the meeting to order. >> joaquin torres. >> present now. >> >> present. >> marrian pikes. >> present. >> item 3 acknowledgment of the ramaytush ohlone. >> we acknowledge that we're on the unseeded ancestoral land.
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the ramaytush ohlone have never zeeded, lost nor for goat en their responsibility as care takers of this place. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relative of the ramaytush ohlone, and by acknowledging their soverne rights. >> item 4, the president's report. >> great, nothing to share at this time, beyond comments during the ceo's report. >> thank you, president torres. item 5, item public comment. it is not appropriate for commissioners to engage in a
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debate. if you have questions and would like to bring comments to attention, please bring, with that being said, i do have some speaker cards that have been filled out. would you like to come up for your general public comment. and you have two minutes. >> speaker: through the chair, thank you very much. i'm craig, there is been a slight change at john f kennedy and want to alert you the new officer, i'm now the president, for the record i wanted to let you know that. we were sworn in today and we look forward to working with you. and it's really, really good news that we're able to now, not be dysfunctional on how we have one another in our new
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meetings. so two, three board members are here today just so you can see who they are. and we have one he vept coming up, john f kennedy's birthday coming up, so we want to plan a little celebration just because, john f kennedy towers building. now we may want to do it up a little more next year. but we'll have just a little small gathering honoring john fk. but in the future i would like to work to have some art work of maybe a, we have a fountain there, beautiful in the middle, fountain. and we can put his musk or statute or--just a thought,
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just a thought. and have that be recognized, so i think that would be good for the residents for being in a building like that and authority as well as the city and county, you can kind of make it a big deal out of it. and so that's it, thanks again and we look forward to working with you in the near future and look forward to seeing you at juneteenth. >> right, thank you very much. next written public comment is from francis hayward. >> speaker: thank you very much, thank you very much. i'm frances horhoward, i've been advised to tell you, there was a vote taken today regarding the acting president
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of the ccsd, and that i need to show you this. this is for the record, that 6 to 0 vote was taken today at the board meeting, regarding the 19th president of ccsd margaret and that is going to be called. so i just wanted to inform you that. >> thank you very much. >> no problem. so right now we an acting president martha smith she is taking over that position and margaret has been officially removed from the ccsd board. thank you. >> great, thank you. >> thank you, our next written public comment is from c bear if you would like to come up to the podium.
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>> speaker: good afternoon, i'm c bear from the loan' nation, i'm a representative of jfk towers and vice president. i would like to say thank you so much for recognizing any people to have a moment and time of your day even to recognize us. that is a pleasure to know.
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my colleague here is lilly wong, she is chinese and she is my treasurer for jfk. i would like for to you recognize lilly and she is an elder, so am i, so we're trying to make it to your meeting to address you and say hello. >> speaker: okay, sorry i don't speak english well. can i have a translator? and -- ~>> yes, can you hold on one moment, what language do you speak?
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>> cantonese. >> cantonese. >> give me one moment. >> translator: just when you thought the housing authority wouldn't perform quickly, that took about 45 seconds to have a translator. she says she does not know what you're asking her.
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>> speaker: [speaking cantonese] >> my name is ms. wong, i'm 9 4 years old so my building they trust me to she sent me here to talk about the financial issues in the building. >> speaker: [speaking cantonese]
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>> translator: she is just talking about her background information and how she got here. let me ask her to talk about the real issue. >> speaker: [speaking cantonese.
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and she is very excited to be here to represent her building even though she is 94 and not very healthy but she is here to talk about the other incidents. >> speaker: [speaking cantonese] >> translator: she says she use feels a burden and huge responsible on her representing the residents, she is trying her best to come in front of you to speak her issues. >> speaker: [speaking cantonese] >> translator: that's it, she says thank you. [applause] >> thank you, thank you very much for coming and we'll want to know what the number what building it is, that she is speaking about so we can
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follow-up. say again. jfk towers, got it. next public comment is rager met mcnolty. >> clerk: -- >> speaker: hello thank you for having me. i come to you as a first time for president, there was some retaliation on calling them out i did resign before i was recalled. the good thing is that dean preston has taken up our
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proposal and he's interested tenants rights and lawyer and i'm going forward with the resident advisors. so i'll have cards next time we see each other. thank you for your support throughout the transition and it's going to be a positive thing, only good is going to come out of it. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> clerk: next is monique wilson, apologize if i got the last name. thank you. >> speaker: good evening, i'm monique, i'm here on behalf of myself, my son, recently i lost my husband in july. and he was on section 8.
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he once in section 8 to get him a two-bedroom so he can get a caregiver and as a matter of fact, my son was going to be a live-in with him. in the process of that, it took a very long time. it's been since january 2022, never heard from anybody, everybody i go down there and have my receipts, go down there and all i hear is i'll email you back, i'll email you back. never got an email, i might have got two emails within two years from section-8. so i have to keep going down there, you know, asking questions why they're taking so long. so we'll email you, okay, fine. sol in the process of that trying to get the doctors to
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get the paperwork so that he can get a two-bedroom that was another process, we'll email you. that took another year. so i finally end up getting the two bedroom and my husband this h signs for his son to take over his voucher. so i presented to them and in the process of that, when i presented to them, and we did the paperwork, the guy dranko, he said my son could not receive the section 8 voucher because he was too old and that's 25. i said well, what age, he said at 25, i said well he's 25. so he said he can't do that. i said that does not make sense to me.
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he tried to put him as a live-in aid instead of living with his dad, because his dad needed 24-hour service because he was paralyzed so in the process of me trying to get the paperwork as my son as his live-in caregiver too, we finally got that but i'm still waiting on the answer for him being the live-in basically, since he passed, i was trying to --kind of much bringing up memories, i was trying to have my son to receive his grant even though he is disabled which he should have been before he passed. so in the process of that, all i'm getting is the run around.
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i'll call you, back, i'll email, i'll call you back, i'll email there, i went on there thursday, on the 18th again. i spoke to la sean, daysean some mustard name, however that mustard. i have not heard from him. it's just, they're good for telling you that they're going to email you, they do not do their job and i'm still sitting here waiting to see if i can get my voucher. i had to take a housing lady that has been working with me for a long time with me. the only time i get somewhere is when i bring her, the other way, i take no help. >> i'm sorry this has been your experience, they will walk this
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through with you. i hope that you don't have to come back to this commission to bring up an issue like this, it should be straightforward but we're always here as a resource and i'm glad that you came. please we can with ms. crawford. >> thank you for listening to me. >> absolutely. >> clerk: maxine jones. >> speaker: good afternoon, i first want you to ask that you excuse mia paneser. i've been working and doing maid service. with that being said. >> you look great. >> speaker: thank you. i went to housing section 8 housing thursday the 18th with my niece and she wanted to
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discuss some things that was on going that was not, in a timely matter for her as inspection and little things that should have been done. but in the process of that, they tell us, we got there at 10:00 o'clock, they tell us, oh you will not be able to see anyone until 12, right. they're in a meeting. so we said, okay, we're not going anywhere, we're going to stay right here and wait it out, right? the next thing i know, almost noon, here come a lady comes out with the a piece of sake and i said, oh that cake looks good can i get a piece. come to find out, they were having a potluck in the back and they had people all in the front waiting to see supervisor. one guy they had just told him that he was about to lose his section 8, he left out, my
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niece she's already in a panic because she don't like there anyway, because she always having problem and it looks like a jail house. for me, the problem is, you lie and you say it's a meeting, you have people there waiting to see you. and the person that we asked for, which was ofk or, he was not even there. and we were waiting on somebody that be was not even there. so when the head guys come out, i said to him, you guys had a pop luck back there in the back, and nobody shared and we were just lied to. he says oh i'm going to take care of it. then the next thing, they are running out like roaches, they want to help us now. that was sad. and the saddest part was, there was a lady there by the name of belinda, this lady is always in the housing authority, when people come there, this lady is
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will be to help them with their needs are and this is sad that this lady is in the waiting room, waiting to help some other people so they can get the help they need and to find other people come in there and constantly help, and there is nobody to help anyone, that's sad. now i have a question, my question is, when you have somebody waiting for a voucher and you're on the list and you're waiting for the voucher and they tell you, you need to go look for a place. are they just to tell you that you will lose your voucher. >> thank you, i'm glad that you came n i'm sorry that that was your experience, kendra is here to talk to you and help answer the questions. thank you for bringing the issue, thank you. any additional public comment
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in-person or online? >> anyone from city wide council, that would like to report out to the board? then we can open for public comment, item number 6? don't see open closing public comment. item number 6, this is the chief executive offer's report, starting with 7-a, this is the east updates. john steward if you would like to come up. >> speaker: good afternoon, commissioners, staff, everybody. our first slide is always the
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staffing slide, there is no change in the last couple of months, we are still short. two maintenance guys, since this was the march report, we hired somebody on started march 30th but it didn't get on this report. so we're down one maintenance t*ek and we continue to use a tech to fill that position. at this time, i also, commissioner for he is asked me to talk about resident communication and without really being specific but i did want to say that, that the property manager meets biweekly with the council, we also go to the coffee hour that they have once a month.
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we currently are not going to council meetings because they have not been inviting us which is absolutely their right but i wanted to report that we're available for those meetings left side and any other activities that were putting on by services where they ask us to show up. again, ifls not sure what you want today hear but i did collect that data for you. >> thank you very much. in terms of the resident engage, i know that the housing authority and thank you again for making time to be present when we had that collective meeting, well members of the resident council and residents who had also been serving at the dack and for also sitting there that you can make yourself available to residents. in our further conversations, we're going to want to ensure
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that the property management questions that they have ultimately can be the relationship between property management and residents can be established to such a degree that they're not issues of residents and resident bodies that are responsible for leadership onsite not to want property damage in discussion that's pertain to their main needs. that is the main intent and we'll be reinforcing that tomorrow to as we listen to residents, we appreciate being drawn in and where they exist to help you work through them but that does require property management to be in the room so you can address those issues and if there are any concerns or questions that arise out of your operational choices and structure onsite, we can follow-up on those. as oppose today getting involved in the day-to-day needs of residents, but i want
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touz to be present for that conversation i know that we will we'll be having more. in terms of, the outstanding questions that we were hearing, and i know you may not be prepared to discuss those today, these are similar to communications that the housing authority that's received at various levels from resident. that there needs to be a level of follow through, documented follow through at large at high level issues that residents have brought to the table. we can assure how we're responding holistically, how property management is responding basic operational issues that need constant confirmation, so at the very least the body understand how to share information at issues that are taking place whether that is on recertification issues whether that's on relocation questions, et cetera. i think that they need to feel
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and need to know that they come and can come to you to answer questions and where the housing where the housing authority can be involved or other grantees can be involved, city departments or otherwise, that we will be responsive but based on the engage that property management has on sign, based on what -- ~>> understand. --understood. i will comment that i think there is a narrative from the past, covid happened and there was a transition with companies that's been hard to overcome. but i think that we have had the same staff there for a while and i think, you know, person by person, we are reestablishing that trust and that relationship but it takes a while. >> it does take a while and again i want to say thank you for being present at that meet anding thank you for reiterating that you want to be
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present in there and i appreciate you staying true to that by staying consistent in your approach with president. we're here to be supportive of that approach and together with residents to make sure their questions are being answered. and we'll go from there, so thank you very much on this part of the question. >> absolutely, the read of the council has my personal cell and i'm as available as i can be. >> just so make a quick note on that, the, the i'm getting more involved on issues that i should be commenting on but from what i have been seeing, one thing to watch out for, as you're having conversations one on one with residents, making sure that you're documenting the themes of issues that property management is responding to so that you can communicate back to resident councils when you are invited to present or invited to answer
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a specific question, you can share for example, yes for the past quarter i've talked to xy andz. and thank you for that, thank you for that feedback, here is what we've done, what every one here in this room understand, because i know that sometimes that communication does not take place after an issue has been trouble shot and at times resolved. >> excellent. moving on to our unit slide, we still have 160 units occupied. we have 12 units vacant and ready to rent and that means for us that we have asked for referrals for those 12 units. we have five units vacant and under remodeling, two are being used as a motel units right now. three of them are waiting for
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remodel and i have more details after this slide. there is 14 units off line, so sorry, you would ask for some detail on this also. i have a verbal report today and next month, they will have their own slides. so, of the of the 12 units that we've asked for referrals for, we have received 6 referrals in april that is not in this report because this report is in march, of those six, two people have come in and had their initial application and their in the compliance process right now. one person has was a no-show, and the three others are have also not returned calls. so, the housing authority and as they're working closely to continue to get referral sxz process them, there is a process when people don't call, they get a certain number of
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letters then we tell the housing authority that and then they move to the next person, so we're communicating on that process. >> can you jufpt from a time mrien sper respective, can you share what that timeline looks like and what the repercussions are when somebody's contact information that you reach out to help fill vacant units with individuals who have been waiting quite a long time for these opportunities in most cases, when they don't answer the phone, when you're not able to reach them, when they don't call back or respond to, respond via the contact information what type of timeline are we talking about both for the individual resident to see move through the process and get housed and/or how long does that process play out before moving on to the next individual? and this could be for housing the authority and for john steward company. >> i'll take a stab at this,
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but, but i want you guys to know i just started working with public housing in san francisco but i asked this question last week, do you want to answer it? so many of the metrics for success are grounded in the time lines in which we perform certain actions and fill vacancies. my question is what are the repercussions when the contact information that we're given as part of a in take process, what are the delays for that individual resident and ultimately if that resident does not respond and if they need to move on, how much time is lost then? >> well that is something that
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we talked about this week during our weekly meetings because the, a big part of that is the communication between our intake team and the property management team. so our intake team gives the property management all of the information to reach out to the applicant. and, we need to know if the applicant has not responded so we have, found a way to make sure that our communication is clear, weekly so that we are informed and that we know so that our team my team can go back and request that applicant to get in touch with the property management. another thing that i requested this week is that there are letters in written communications that is mailed from john steward to the applicant, so not only are we calling but we're also getting a letter in the mail to respond to. but in the meantime, we're
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getting more wait list pools. but the, the simple answer is, the communication between the property management and the intake team who has provided the referrals. >> when you're thinking about how to measure your improvements based on the changes both between property management in take, communication to see residents and utilizing additional pools to the wait list, how are you going to measure your success? >> we are measuring one great way to measure success is a lease up, so that's what we're waiting for. tell us who has leased up, who has moved in. i had set a goal of my lease say by may. and so, with setting a goal for myself that is how i can tell what better we need to do something that i requested is that we receive a weekly update
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so that we know when to request more wait list pools, we know when to follow-up with the applicant. so really the success is, people moving in signing leases and becoming residents and that is success to me. >> based on when you're first making the calls and when the unit is leased up, when is the time goal that you would like to see that the authority would like to see? >> 30 to 60 days. >> where are we now? >> we have not leased up anyone from my knowledge, we have five referrals, three applicants have responded, two have not. we have done more interviews, we have to send more letters and we're doing more wait list pools to have more people come in. but out of 100 pools, 5 so far, sorry, out of pool of 100 applicants 5 have been referred to plaza so far. >> so would you like to see
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from the moment that you pull a name and you're interacting with this t and the time from where the name and the name moves into a unit, 30 to 60 days. >> that's correct. >> going back to a number of days how many days are we at now in this process? >> i believe we did pools in march, mid-march. and so, right now, we're, like i said, we spent five applicant and my hope that was that we can get them leased up by may. >> and then from applicant, are you able to meet the goals that you're setting for yourself or are we not? i'm trying to understand what the complications are. >> thank you for that. so one of the really important
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complications is that tt wait list is really old. the applicants are from 2015 and maybe before. that is one of the things and another thing about the wait list pools are we were pooling for hcd doctors. so these applicants have a choice. and so these applicants have a choice and right some of them are make ing the decision do they want the voucher? or do they want to move in to plaza? so there are different, barriers that come with dealing with an old list and also with applicant that are processing for two programs. we cannot make the decisions for them so we want them to have the opportunity to go see the site, it's not always easy to lease up with the section 8 voucher.
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>> you know, let me ask the question is a different way. our goal is 30 to 60 days. >> yes. >> but because of the realities and lives of those that we are seeking to support with housing, the vouchers are actual units, what is the time it's really taking to go from the name being pulled in front of us and putting them into a unit? are we 30 days over that goal? are we 90 days? >> within fill, my time frame. because if we sent those five applicants, if we can get somebody housed very past because one of the other things to remember is that, housing authority does, its eligibility and john steward has to do their eligibility, they still str their compliance, their documents are not the same that
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the housing authority collects. so, but i would like to try to stick to my goal of 30 to 60 days. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> maze i interject through the chair? >> so while we're talking about plaza and kinder's goal is 30 to 60 days, the reality is s every time somebody does not respond, that delays. we legally have to give at least 30 days and it's another days i think, and so, we have to manage the time frame or operate within the time frames that are mandated by hud before we can just simply move on to another set of pools. and by the--it is true that we do have some wait list that are old, we have a responsibility to what we call percentage those wait list.
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and percentaging those wait list takes quite a bit of time. because we have to give individuals a sufficient amount of time to respond, i think it's anywhere from 30 to 60 days to respond whether they want to stay on the wait list or not. so it is a huge undertaking to so we can move forward and then determine with we determine new wait list. of opening certain sites for grand new wait lists as well. so while, over the last several years, we have had a public housing wait list that was i think over 10,000 individuals on that list, we had to purge that list and this is also part of that, making sure that we have honored every one who has been on our wait list before
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purging sxlaoet completely purging the list. >> reflecting on plaza e specifics, it sounds like, that there is a goal in place for to set and there may be way to see improve the timeline in which an individual gets housed through the conversation that's you're having with john steward, but at the same time, there are legal, legal complications as dictated by hud and required to be adhered to by the housing authority that create complications both in financing four units themselves and overall development, there is an implication there and also in our ability to report successfully on actual lease ups within any given correct. >> correct. >> i i know that we can have some conversations when we have time to prep thank you.
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>> i just wanted to add if that was not enough, this property is layered with tax credits so there is asset vair fickations that can get very complicated. in today's gig economy, when people switch jobs, they have uber drivers where they don't get traditional paychecks. we have to allow the applicants the time they need to qualify for the irs program that is not really set up well to service this population and that's what our compliance department does. sometimes it can go much slower. now we track, we track all the person and challenges and time, and we review that and come up with efficiencies and problem that's we're having to make sure that we're doing it as fast as possible while following the legal man tates that director mentioned. >> thank you.
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continuing on that slide and the verbal part, we have 14 units off line, and you had asked some questions about that and what i can say today is we're getting bids to evaluate for potential capitol improvements with the next set of money that has been discussed. so so that is the update on the off line units. there are 5 vacancies, two are being used as hotel. three are being in the process of being rehabed and will be added to the units being referrals. okay, is there any question on that slide? >> questions from commissioners, thank you. >> the next slide is merely, sorry, i am out of order here. >> if purchase out of order, that would be a problem but the
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slides may be in a different place. >> i think i took the slides out of wor. this is work order graph, it shows that we've done the highest number since we started recording this. so this month we opened 194 work orders and balance to 95. we went back and finished that last work order which you might remember was, i believe it was a carpet that we couldn't get done before the month close. again, the number of days to complete a normal work order is one and the number of hours to close an emergency work order is 6. in march we had 13. i slit these up by type in case you were interested.
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we had 17 plumbing work orders, two safety work orders, 3h b.c., three for painting, three for karp enter, three for cleaning and 18 for electric and 7 for general carpentry. repairs or replacements and 9 annual inspections. so, a lot of work was done. you guys, you may remember we had an inspiring inspection and a lot of this was work orders that were done during that inspection process. if there is no question, i already did the detail. next slide. >> can you go back.
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>> in the three-month payment, we had, and so what's, tickets based on your ability to track, and you up take on communication. sense on,--maintenance people, this they were putting, practice to do.
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keep an item, on one work so the number of total work orders went down. we reached, separated, that's one factor. preparing the program that replaced. physical inspection. to prepare for that inspection.
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and splitting them up. and the next month, so it went back up. >> either way, it still takes a day to complete so even if you have a bunch bunched together it takes a day or if you have them all spread apart, it takes a day or that because you're doing in a metric of a day. >> it's an average and i have a spreadsheet and it shows how many days. some took two days, some took one, some took three but the average was one day.
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to me one day is for work order and hours, those should be dealt with very quickly. >> got it, is that your service delivery level? is that industry standard or is that by regulation? >> so there is i don't think there is a written, my personal view is, normal work orders are done within three days. emergency workers have within a day. that's the mantra that i've learned over the last few decades. so i think we're beating that in general. >> okay. >> and that's because i have to come in and tell you about it every month. >> it's been really nice seeing the movement since you first came on.
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gep, i very much appreciate the manner in which you are applying the hig riger, i think it's extremely helpful in addition to every that you're dealing with and thank you for housing with housing authority to make sure that we're able to, give the best to our residents at plaza east. i very much appreciate you continuing to work with us to make this possible and do something different onsite. thanks. >> thank you, sir. next we have services with consulting, if you would like to come on up. >> speaker: good afternoon, i am camille aid service with
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consulting plaza east. >> lasean with plaza east. >> britney supervisors at plaza east. >> so for this month at plaza, we were able to host a coffee hour with 16 resident, we were able to continue to provide weekly hot meals for families, that's every wednesday at 12 noon. we hosted a healing and wellness event as well as a resident appreciation dinner which brought out 29 residents, we also partnered with tenant association and president of their senior programming to be able to provide socks and giveaway items for the senior programming that is every tuesday at 1:00 p.m. and they bring out about 20 residents. we were also able to provide onsite technology support and computer literacy and that's in partnership as well as made an awesome connection with tenant
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association so he's been helping them out during their senior programming on tuesdays as well. we also were able to hold our community meetings with tenant association, their community advocates and volunteers that they have surrounding planning for the next month, as well as being able to incorporate them into our board of commissioner reports. we also were able to schedule some healing and wellness one on one for resident that would be for two of them. we also assisted property management with open meetings and overall we were able to service over 150 residents at plaza east within connects referrals and being able to provide them with other connection as well. >> can you share a little bit about the healing and wellness circles and which population on which populations of residents we're supporting there.
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>> for sure. >> so we work with dph, we have dph come out and we do groups where they can talk about traumas or different things that are concerning them and within that, we connect them to one on one counselorr or therapist depending on what it is that they're looking for to have one on one meeting. >> what did you say the size were? and do they fluctuate? >> they fluctuate, so we can see within a month about 20 people, 20 residents and on the smaller side, we may get three or four residents, and they come out throughout the duration but we're servicing about 20 residents each month. >> thank you, and then, when you're having the conversation wz residents around advocacy issues in addition to planning in the month ahead, what other items come up with residents? and i think i most interested well first i'm most interested
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in just the quality of life conversations that come up that we can help respond to. >> so the big thing is, safety, safety is a big concern of a lot of resident asks we're just working with them and property management has hired the patrol team who is there in the evening patrolling. we've done some remediation, so there have been some instants where we don't get into too much speflz where there is been onsite violence with residents to work on mitigating that final resource to see get some people moved or mediation within with during the work orders and they've been going into the units addressing a lot of
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things that need to be fixed in the property management has been work to go get that done as well. >> do you have and i don't know if this is a coordination item, i don't want to duplicate any work but if you're already documenting the number of residents that you're supporting, those types of services, quality of life issues, residency issues, it would be wonderful to hear more about that when you come to report. >> okay, great. >> because i just think it's wonderful to hear. we just had a meeting with resident council a week ago and they were speaking with positivity about some of the coffee hours and senior support areas but they didn't seem to be as well versed on some of the other work that you're reporting on. it's just a a note. >> yeah, sorry, and i can speak to that, we have been able to collaborate with her and give our tenant council a brief of
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what we're reporting for board of commissioners as well as being able to take down a report that i would like to present to you now. >> yes. >> for tenant association for the month of march, they were able to host their after school programming for their children that is all ages from elementary school through high school. they were also able to host three senior programming sessions, one more bible study, one including bingo and one for jewelry making and they also hosted the foodbank. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> any questions for services? >> commissioners any additional questions? >> yeah, thank you. thank you for your work. and it's always a pleasure to see you all. can you talk a little bit more about the types of referrals that you're making. i know that you talked about
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around health and healing, but what are types of referrals are you making? >> rerecently we did referrals at the ymca where we have residents that need the extra food so we're giving them extra food. and smart money coaching, we have some residents who want to figure outweigh to see save their money or make their money work for them so we've done that. also work withing some employment barriers where doing adult education, we're trying to get adult education school to get their ged so they don't have those barriers and we've been working with run resident on money management how we're going to be able to pay rent instead of reoccurring and paying different services. >> as well as parenting classes
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with ymca beau cannon. >> and also referrals for the teens that are not in school to the care program at the y which is partnered with the unified district to help the kids do retention program, the kids that are not in school that have, violence issues of why they can't attend some of the schools that they're doing schooling there in order to get their diploma. because we have some onsite violence and youth that cannot leave the neighborhood so we're trying to find ways that they complete high school. >> great. and for commissioners, the questions are coming from ceo letters that you're, indicative of this question, we're seeking to answer which is mrh is funded by most and what we're seeking to do is create more synergy among more resources,
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what service sxz operational responsibilities, john steward is fulfilling. what services are currently being provided through most cds, like frh and being able to see what additional, what complimentary services and engagement services and engagement can be produced for the benefit of our residents. it's this on going conversation of making sure that we're work as a singular city not just a city department and another city department which happens to be the housing authority or mayor of housing and community development but rather what is the city doing that is interfacing on a particular property? whether we're talking about plaza east, whether we're talking about other properties in the vicinity of the city where we're still engaged. it's very encouraging to hear is you're level of engagement with the department of public
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health and already drawing in as a service provider those resources in addition to talking about the coordination that you're also doing with property management and it's great seeing those, specificity be listed up, so we have an understanding. thank you for that work on that day-to-day basis. but you're giving us holistic view of how we're working together, not in silos, not always aware of the specificity but we have a shared understanding of what we're seek to go achieve in any given cycle, year, any given grant, with any given grant. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> one last question, if i may, can you share with me how how
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you engage with residents and what i mean is how you contact them. how they know that you're there? are you door knocking? how are you offering your services? >> so each month, we send out a monthly calendar of what we're doing and when we're having the events, sometimes we door knock. i handout the flyers myself, i'm just speaking, hey how you doing, we're having an event and wile the event is going on, we walk around and let them know this is what we're doing. the resident that's we do have contact with, we're sending out text blast so the numbers that we're sending and some numbers that are in a system and that we can send an email blast to so we're using all methods of contact that we have, we're sending out emails and text message, word of mouth, some of the residents that we work with daily in the community we're
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letting them know, let your neighbors know that we're doing these things. so we're just trying to do the emails, the phone calls and of course the word of mouth putting out the papers because a lot of times we can put letters in their doors, but they're opening the doors but they're not looking at them, so we're make iting a point to say that this is what we're doing to put it in their mind. >> thank you. and just to add, a little bit extra, we've also with the community base that we've made connection wz and established connections we've made sure that we share our newsletter and calendar so they're actively involved with everything that is going on onsite as well as being able to support with tenant association as well. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> hello commissioners, i'm the
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wady langa and i'll be presenting on the new funding that we are anticipating putting or that we will put into plaza to augment the services onsite and also for capitol improvement. so, the residents services solicitation to augment the great work that frh is already doing onsite is an additional 1.2 million dollars and president torres you did ask me last month to specify where the sources of funding where these services will come from? and i have verified that they will be coming from the housing authority rad residual receipts and then the timeline, thank you. the timeline of events so far for this request for proposal
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is that we began the scoping out the services that we seek to provide to the residents of plaza, back in february of 2024, the service wrz scope, it was drafted uniquely base on communication wz plaza residents, will clarify that when i say that, i, began scoping it out based on information that plaza resident either told me directly or that i heard during meetings that i have attended regarding plaza since august of 2023. so at that time we were having resident meetings and i was speaking directory to individual residents, we had very large turn out to those meetings and they were also just you know, stating their concerns and different things and so, i just was hearing a lot, just what they wanted, they were concerned about they
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had businesses and they wanted support for their businesses or they're concerned about section 3, training services. so as i was hearing that, there was nothing for me to do with information but when this particular rfp came this year, it was with all of those conversations in mind that i scoped out how the sorts of services we would want to bring to plaza. now in march of 2024, we began our collaboration with m.o. hcd, to review the scope and give us any additional feedback and we collaborated with them due to their current on going investment on the site with services and their experience with the residents and services that is happening currently. so, last month you also asked
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me had we, the housing authority been communicating with the residents specifically about our efforts with the solicitation? and i can say that we did meet at the time we had, we did directly communicate with the residents shortly therefore on april 8th. and there was a presentation specifically about the solicitation that are upcoming and we also have a meeting tomorrow. where we do plan to--uh-huh? >> may i ask, so how long has this this idea of enhancing investment dollars for plaza east been going on? >> we asked the board for approval to commit these funds back in september of 2023. >> and i'm assuming that that request is one that was
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grounded by lengthy conversations prior to that timeline when that formal idea came forth, what were the nature of conversations either both with hud with city departments around making these resources available. and i cco letter you, really getting ready with that microphone. >> speaker: so this conversation before coming this our board officially, has been going on for over prior to that time and i guess we came to you in november, so we had been talking about this for over a year and a half, because part of the conversation, while we had been working on plaza had always been, my belief that plaza needed more than one service provider that we needed to to ensure that we were able
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to reach as many residents as possible and we have a very diverse group of members at plaza east. so it was always my concern that we did not have enough service to see provide specifically to plaza and at the housing authority with the c.f.o. had to figure out how we could fund a decent level of services outside of what m.o. chd had already begun to provide. and once we found what funded sources we could use, we had to go to hud for permission to use those dollars, specifically. >> thank you. >> okay. and -- ~>> i'm sorry any questions from commissioners? no, okay. >> all right and so, the so the budget for that particular
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service is 400,000 a year over the course of three years. okay. so the next funding source is for capitol improvement solicitation, so the authority has committed five million dollars to that to capitol improvement which required us to use our or to get approval from hud to use our remaining 2021-and 2022 capitol funds grant money examine that was approved i believe back in december of 2023. and so that's where the funding comes for that one. examine then you sew the same timeline, so we began scoping out and drafting that as well and, we are met with the john steward company who since they do their annual inspections,
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work orders, there were the emergency repairs that had been done. through the emergency repair loan examine we were trying to figure out, given everything that is being done onsite, what were the remaining pressing issues this we might be automobile to address with these additional funds? and the mayor's office of community development had committed to let loaning and granting to the authority an additional 2 million dollars which has to go through their city loan committee to commit those funds and so, i did have a meeting this morning with, with m.o. hcd in order to understand the parameters around what would need to be in the invite awesing forbid to mack sure that arters know what obligations they would need to follow in order for us to
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utilize the city funds to support use our capitol dollars just so it's out there fully one what that you are going to have to comply with. and again, we'll be meeting with resident tomorrow. >> great. >> to discuss it. and then the last slide, this will be the second time that i'm presenting this slide to the board, it was our vender registration slide. and this is just to let it be known this is a process for ninnie vendor who is interested in any of our procurement notsinger this is not specific to the plaza so luce tation, this is how we advertise and establish and the official process is to register on register in the housing agency marketplace. so we've got the link to get in there and whoever the vendor, large or small, they create
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their account it does not cost any money to create your count with the vendor or so receive solicitations. they would state in there what services, they provide what the company do. there is a section to state all the information that it's a women owned business or minority and things of that nature. and then the official way for every one to get any of our solicitation is through that site. it will send an email once we issue it, it will send an email. we to also put publish our notices of procurements in the paper and we can also engage in and we'll also engage in direct communication like through emails and stuff through, to small businesses if we know in
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facebook or to have axes to a list but i to want to reiterate that those communations just alert the vendors to the fact that there is a solicitation and then it directs them to sign up on the site. that's the way to get the documents. and this information was also shared with the plaza residents at the april 8th meeting and will be shared again tomorrow. >> when it comes to review, has the housing authority has determined who the review panel would be comprised of? >> no, we have not, we have not decided beforehand who the selection panel will be. and i will state this, only going to be a selection panel for the services solicitation, because that's a request for
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proposal. that's just, you bid, you quote examine then, tip i can low you start with the lowest bidder and then we figure out make shower that they're responsive and responsible so you check their background, all of that sort of stuff, if it turns, do they have the capacity to do the work. if it turns out that they cannot, you move on to the next lowest bidder and so forth. >> with regards to the review panel for that will be made available, has there been any consideration of any resident involvement? >> yes, we did speak to hud about this and on a five-person panel, we can have one resident reviewer, no problem. >> just for preparation for questions that residents may have onsite around why they can
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participate in one review but not another, how will you help them understand that? in addition to renewingsinger, i can follow you because i've been with the housing authority for 11 years and 2 months as a commissioner but they might not have a same understanding of procurement rules, it's true, 11 years. how will you help help them through while it's different? >> okay, i'll do a mini procurement training, no, well maybe sort of like that. an rfp has a panel because
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you're literally asking for a proposal, an individual is describing their approach to different things and you're trying to select and they're getting scored based on the availability of their different approaches with construction type project, there is not any proposal, there is set scope of things that need to be done and we're trying to do who can do the work at the standard that we have set, you do have a standard so you don't set, they're anticipating that they're going to use the cheapest materials.
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the only process after that once, somebody is selected, they're the lowest bidder would be on the back end, my responsibility to run them through the system and make sure that they've not been debared from hud what does their team look like can they actually do this work. i don't think i've mentioned this, but it is in the ifb, we are opening to choosing more than one contract. >> i'm trying to put my resident hat here, are you making a discretionary choice? or is this in discretionary hud choice. >> it's not a discretionary it's the preferred process for all construction contracts.
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>> i see ceo, again reaching for the mic. >> thank you. so again all of our procurement is done within the requirement set by hud and as a reminder being the ceo i'm responsible to ensure that this agency follows all of the procurement rules. they are our funder and we need to ensure that we're complying with each and every rule that they have the work that they do. it is, the job of the wati who does handle our procurement who is fully versed to help us, to help me ensure that we are doing those things and as we do this work, we also do
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collaborate with hub, deeply to ensure that thetion follows the rules that have been set forward. and so where we can, we are doing so, offering an opportunity for one resident to be on a five-member panel for services as it relates to construction work. it is true that we're following the mythology followed by had youed to do that work and in doing that work as it relates to construction, we do have an individual, we have several individuals on staff who have deep understanding, deep knowledge around, this type of work for capitol project work for capitol improvement to be able to ensure that we set the appropriate standard for quality of material, so that when we are looking at the bid, we do fully understand that this individual company along with all the certifications
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that will be looked at and ensuring that, a particular entity actually qualifies, we are ensuring that that chosen entity is able to do the work with the quality of standard that we have set out for for this work. >> thank you very much. management corporation. >> hello good afternoon, i'm ma will i na and i'm the new,
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alyson, i've been at the site since february 16th of 2024. today i'm here to present on behalf of teresa pegler as teresa pegler is out in fort brad celebrating her daughter's achievement. she is been honored by the city of bradford for her hard work with the homeless community. and she, she is teresa is very happy for her daughter's achievement, that's why she's not here today. >> please offer our congratulations. >> speaker: i will go ahead
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examine present today. the accelerated conversion is crucial as it impacts the quality of life for resident by providing safer, or controversial live-in conditions and better managed properties. it also ensures that properties are sustainable and condition to serve the community effectively. so i will go ahead and the i mplementation of shared file. communication across the board. community engagement and support collaboration with community base organizations at potrero we have assists maintenance issues and overcoming language barriers, contributions bayed a crucial role in keeping residents informed about their ledger accuracy and also in
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facilitating discussions between ebmc to ensure ledger accurately reflect current payments, so, operational challenges and progress, unite inspections when encounter delays in, we encounter delays in unit inspections. were addressed through prompt court orders. the majority of the sunnidale space one work orders have been completed. sunnidale team continues to work with mercy and continues support for houses of subsidy determination and advocacy. we locationer theser coordination is on going for
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the smooth transition of the last resident with the unit prepared and relocation plans in place. we will keep residing our process to enhance the living conditions and satisfactions of our resident, we can move on to the next slide. so this is our monthly executive report for march 2024. so collaborations, ebnc attended the weekly potrero san francisco so four meetings were attended for the care program.
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we attended the monthly meeting, for sunnidale we attended three meetings with weekly check in. and the partners that had held mondays, we attended one time so for a total of 5 meetings attended, with the cbos and then for potrero for a total of nine. weekly occupancy we had 114 at pro potrero and 97 at sunnidale. occupied units 299 at potrero
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and sunnidale 329. any questions? >> commissioners any questions, no no, thank you. >> thank you. next slide please. so property highlights efforts continue at both sites to enter into repayment repayment for resident with a prior balance. so this is the month low executive report, billing accuracy, at potrero total rent collections were 299, sunnidale 329. unlist changes, sunny dale 24, potrero 24. notification period, 84 at potrero and 14 at sunnidale. for the lease executed on new
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per leases template with hud incorporations, we had 15 at potrero and we had three at sunnidale. 84 at sunny dale and 4, 84 at potrero. rent collections total rent billed 1811,766, at sunny dale we had 1811,414. total rent collected was 428 and sunnidale 161--. tenant repayment agreement, we
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had a total of 1469 at potrero and 3103 at sunnidale, so as you can see the percentage of collection. number of delinquent households, 21817 for sunnydale we had 133. number to reach households, 200 in potrero. repayment graoementz, we had 17
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at sunnidale. 224 repayment agreements for and for the month of march, 14 at potrero and 48 at sunnydale, any questions on this? >> any questions? any claire fick as any concerns? all right, no. >> thank you, moving on. so rent collection trending report, so we had, we had a decrease in the rents that were collected up at potrero during the month of march. this is due to the staffing changes at potrero during the month of february.
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we lost a senior manager. >> who was that? >> that was carol camrerol. >> there were some other changes before that as well? >> so prior before january 16th, i was not there so i don't have a answer for you. so since then, we lost carol the senior manager, we also lost, what was the, c.j., she was part of the administrative team. as you can see, the property hurt for the losses.
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i believe we didn't deliver the notices during that month so that's why you see in the decrease in the rent collection during that period. for sunidale, we saw an increase and that is because of the on going effort from our senior manager which is present here, her name is he yvonne she does a great job with communicating with the resident and explaining to them, that they have a balance and she is also making the effort for her and her team members to reach out to these households to let them know that they have options to come into the office and to talk to them for repayment plan action. any questions on this?
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>> about a 25% examine maybe this is for a future conversation and maybe one to compliment in that close session, around how if beyond staffing changes any other conditions have been reported on, and in the papers have had an impact on rent collection, that would be good for us to understand, i don't know if that's most appropriate on closed session but we can wait on that for our next meeting. >> thank you. moving on to the next slide. it's the monthly executive report, this is legal action. one violation was seveneder at sunnydale, lease violation we had zero, evictions we had 16 at potrero and zero at
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sunnydale. notice of abandoned 13, and 96 at sunydale. press passing notice wz san francisco police department, potrero had 214 and sunnydale had 96. staffing total positions allocated were 22 for potrero and total office staff is four, at pro potrero, so total open options we have 7 at potrero and we have 9 at sunnydale, wore going tlut hiring process. we have i believe 2 applications from resident that are apply for the sunnydale,
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i'm sorry not sunnydale but potrero so we're going to engage in the interview as soon as monday for potrero is yvonne, we just hired two porters for, i'm sorry not hire but we are in the process of hiring we're doing the background check on couple of porters that have been interviewed and going through the process now. so we are actively looking to fill these positions as soon as possible. any questions? >> not right now. >> speaker: total work orders, 244 at potrero, sunnydale we have 242. total dbi work orders during
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march, zero at potrero and zero at sunnydale. work order meetings, meetings standards it's 222 at potrero and sunnydale we have 190. work order not meeting standards and noted 22 at po tremendousro and 8 at sunnydale. maximum day to completion. any questionsr any comments. >> no no, thank you. >> okay, moving on.
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so this is vacant unit update. 100 percent of vacant units have no trespassing posted with is in coordination with the san francisco police department upon any compromise of this unit. actions have been served on 18 units where they have pose a life and safety threaten shoeinger the safety and security of the property. that's my report on that, any questions? no? >> no commissioners? >> no. so the accelerated report. so for march 24, potrero is 244
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and for sunnydale 242, so this is pretty much just a trending report, you can go ahead and look at the numbers. the total number performed is at the bottom. so put is potrero terrace and sda is sunnydale. as you can see we have a lower activity during the month of march. so it's pretty remains steady. so, and then for april initiatives. mosque on to the next slide, nickel care a monitor which she is present today, can you stand up so they can see you. thank you.
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so she is our new face and out with the teams and ensuring that we have the units vacant and secure and boarded as they should be. outside operations, roofing, sunnydale and potrero have temporary roof reports with primary person going. so in the month of march, their repairs begun, i don't have the exact date but i believe the last week in march. we anticipate the repairs to be done by the second week in may. three buildings at sunnidale are being repaired and 13
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buildings at potrero. we have also increased our landscaping service. we had added one day currently it was serviced for two weeks but because of the rain it increases the grass level we increased it to five men crew and we but we will, you know adjust it as needed. >> property yes and nice and trim as it should be. any questions? >> any questions?
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>> no? one of the questions is not for bmc thank you for the presentation, but just around, how are we measuring it, this is going to be like the common themes that i'll come back to. how are we measuring performance across sites? the formating where we have presentations. how are you as an authority po holistically and how will you engage that. i know there is a lot of behind, work being done in conversations around certain metrics that you want to be met?
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so that we engage where we're trying to get to? holistically with the partners, with city departments. >> so just to briefly comment on your question, and you're correct, we do have a mythology by where we are measuring things and part of that methodology particularly for sunnydale and potrero, we have our sustainability director and there is an additional staff. staff go to sunnydale and
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potrero every single day, and this staff, can tell you they give me on the sites. >> we had a heating issue where we had to replace 1150,000 boiler, i literally spent several days walking the property talking to the contractors, so while yes, we do the paper, we're out there, i'm out there with the team so that i'm understanding what is going on and you know, the rest have been really big challenge and a big deal and that is because we have copper tops on the chimney and you've all been to potrero and we have individuals climbing on top of
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these roofs taking off the copper top because they're money. and so with that, that creates a whole another issue when the main comes and getting into areas that shouldn't be and then, so, we're managing and monitoring at different levels and yet it's a very, it's complex work on the sites. i have to say we're running as fast as possible, because i too am responsible to understand why we're having some of the challenges that we're having and being able to speak with our contractors who many of have been there, assisting us for quite sometime, we know that our buildings in those two sites are extremely old and not just any vendor can come or assist us on the repairs on that site. so i would like to say,
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especially around what has been going on with the roofing, i understand what the challenges have been with the boiler being out and having to have that boiler reed, it took us just--replaces it took us a week and get it onsite and then have the company come and do the work. so one of the solution that's came around because we were without, one of our buildings and i want to thank our residents for being so patient with us in this work, we were without heat, and we were without hot water and so, there was a lot of ingenuity because because we had to xlit come poents, i learned a lot in the last several weeks with some of these issues that our pm is dealing with, that really is not the residents fault, not
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our property management fault but by virtual that we have old buildings, trying to stay on top of these things and create management processes around our boilers and elements that we have to deal with. we are in fact changing chimneys to a different type of products. so those have to be manufactured and today if you go out there, you will see some capped in a strange ways and that is to protect until we get the material. and we will couple bring you quantitative information on how we continue to do this work. but i am taking tours with maria no, i am talking to our vendors, i am linsing to what
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residents are saying. i am watching and grounds, i have to say, they are clean, and i also want to say, that i have to sat onsite because it's a joint effort for all of us that work with our authority and our residents to help us maintain these huge sites and it takes quite a bit of time for a 5-man crew over two-day period to get through one site. and they have to two sites to maintain. and we really need the, we have both pickup several times a month. so we have to together really been working and trying to work with all of residents.
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where they have all the trash bag and staff. ten minutes later all the trash is on the site and we have to go back and pickup. i say this all because to say that we're working really hard and i have to apologize for that because that is unacceptable and yet at the time, the teams that are working with us, along with ourselves are working really hard and working with due diligence on the site, because we truly genuinely care that our sites are livable for everything that is living there. >> thank you for that, i heard your questions a little bit
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differently. so i appreciate you on this sites talking around and i don't know if it's a daily but i appreciate that. the way i heard the question was actually in my mind and i wanted to ping it towards, pivot a little bit towards the strategic plan. so i think it is fwrait to be able to see things onsite and walk the floor and make sure that trash is picked up and you seeing it and doing that and i wonder about a bigger picture because you have a lot of contract, a lot of different properties, and it's just not possible to so are you doing on the strategic plan? i'm wondering if that's the committee location or here where we would understand and hear how you're doing on your strategic plan, what are the
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metrics that you're putting? what is that going and how are you measuring so it's uniform across the board? and that, that the, the the, regardless of where you go or who the vendor is, the expectation and the quality is the same. so i heard it a little bit more from that bigger picture. dashboard from your office sort of knowing that, things are going well. would it be at the committee that would be reported out. >> giving the nature of the conversation and those would be working environment that it would go to committee first. setting a base line for how we want to report out with movement or align with strategic plan.
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and depending on the recommendation bring those conversations more fully here once we have that structure set up. >> so, thank you, commissioner kim. >> i heard it exactly the way you heard it as well, i was just adding commentary. we are working on our metrics. so we have our metrics, because our metrics, fundamentally are really a contract and they're written in a performance metrics way. so we do have our metrics and team is working on putting them altogether so you can see them ho listically, they are the contract metrics. the big question for us is we know that so much of the efforts and direction that you've been leading in and no
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further questions, yes, i'm sorry. >> thank you. thank you very much. so much of the focus has been on compliance, and the rigorous associated with fiscal and operational compliance. since we've done a good job, how can we apply the same for performance? and really having that holistic assessment how it wants to evaluate and bring that to us through our committee first to ensure that we, we are understanding what we're hearing holistically and that's it. >> but thank you so much because you know, that's part of a large body of work that we can now take on because of how
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much work you and staff have done to get us to that first very important part. so thank you. >> additional comments questions from commissioners? all right. yes, please. >> i think it's important that if you want to go in the direction of commissioner kim with commissioner comments and reports give direction to staff if that were to come by the next meeting, we cannot go into much details because it was not listed. >> of course, thank you very much. >> all right, item 7c the financial report. >> good evening, today i'll be presenting the house hading authority of the county of san
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francisco for the six-month period ending march 31, 2004. and it's as we look for the first slide for the program, my comments will focus more on the year-end budget columns on the forecast and the adjustments that we've made for that forecast for the year-end. on the housing choice voucher program, on the revenue side aspect of the program, we have not made much changes, we're still waiting to receive the updated, numbers from hud for calendar year 2024 once we do receive that we will go ahead and update the forecast for the subsidy. on the expense side, we have
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updated and mainly to include, without courts this time, the id expenses for our county of 2024. is about 1.5 million dollars in is spending both infrastructure and software, i a portion of about 1 million dollars has been allocated to the housing voucher program will update on the allocation to the other programs as we go through them. and i think that's about it if anybody has questions. the revenue expenses, >> none from me. >> and one thing i want to point out. >> is it a surprise? >> no. >> that is profits that we have in the programs are very restrictive in the programs. so i wanted to point out that
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as we go through the programs. >> i remember that was an important part when i first came on to the commission 11 years and 2 months ago. so i very much appreciate you constantly reminding us to ensure that we're compliant with the rules and regulations of hud so thank you. >> i'll update you. >> again no surprises. >> we're just trying to stay safe. on the program, the subsidy relatively in line with the budget, we have updated, the service feed that we get we get for placing the vouchers. we will insir all of those expenses, i know that has been a delay. for the vouchers that were issued. that's why you see that update
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in there. and the only other line item is expenses for the id expenses is about 100,000. the way we base allocation is this this case is based on revenues on the program. and as a result the expenses for the 30s will be allocate thed on square footage. that chb i think the next slide is really just talking about the utilization of the unit. and even though we start slow, we're close to issuing all of the vouchers that we were asked to issue.
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we talked about it how we in line with how where the state of california better than the state of california is better than the nationally. so again we have not issued any voucher. >> it's the greatest state in the nation, we should be exceeding those federal numbers and metrics, correct? >> and that's why we pointed that out. >> we should be striving to exceed those metrics as well. >> all right. the next slide on central office center.
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and that back up systems. on the hope site this is for plaza east and northbeach. now you you will see as you've dated the forecast, you will see a loss of about 950,000 close to a million and this is because we anticipate having to fund an additional 700,000 this year's as well from our general fund to cover the insurance costs that plaza east is facing. >> can you rpt financial contribution that they're
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making to ensure continuance? >> yeah, so last year, we made 700,000 that we took out of general fund. to fund, not just insurance expenses but to fund additional expenses. so we have a number that we get from hud, i believe it was 2.3 million that we get from hud from plaza east, we had an excess of that, to cover not just additional expenses as the expenses will come up to ensure that the residents are being taken care of at the end of the day. we anticipate providing an additional 700,000 this fiscal year as well for expenses if you will. >> thank you. >> again on the public subsidy
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side, while we don't have any units in public housing, what we do get is asset repositioning fee, we'll get back back for three years after the sites have been disclosed of and this money will be used to pay down the pension liability that we have for public housing. and at some point we'll come to you to give you a sense of where that money is restricted. mod rehab this is this is the sro building. we do have the suitization for mainstream, i cannot speak p i don't think it would be appropriate for me to disclose the numbers without having the
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context behind the numbers. >> same thing for mainstream. and the same aspect goes from there. and my very last slide, if i look at this, if i look at that, if i look at that tote at income about, you know, about 200,000 of that is from housing choice vouchers, 93 from that is for ehb program then we have a 900,000 almost a million dollars loss from the whole, from the plaza east side and maybe the remaining is ncc. >> thank you, any additional questions from commissioners? no, all right. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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item 7d this is chief executive officer general communications. >> good evening, commissioners i would like to talk a little bit more about plaza east and as you know, we have been working really over the last several years around plaza east and stabilizing plaza east and i would like to talk about what their operating subsidy and funds that we have placed at plaza east and what we're projecting to do in this particular calendar year. so they have an annual subsidy
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that comes from hud it's 2.9 million annually. and while our organizations has afforded an opportunity to take overhead cost for the administration of these funds, we have chosen in all the years that i have been here except for one and, we have eventually in the last year gave it all back.
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to cover the significant increase in insurance costs. and as we know, insurance costs has risen across the nation for not only commercial property if you will, but even for single-family homes as well. all of the 1923 units operate as public housing and the public housing subsidy at plaza is basically 1 third of a standard project base voucher subsidy. so it's quite a significant difference in the funding receipt for public housing site versus where there is a project base voucher. we also, have a tenant association there and the tenant association is entitled
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to receive tenant participation funds. and so the monthly tenant participation funds are provided directly to ptha affiliated council m.o. u entered in on march 17th, 2027. --2017. so there is a charge to show what has been allocated and albeit it really is a small amount that is provided to the tenant, i'm sorry to the public housing tenant association and the amount that goes to plaza east. and we have we work with phta we allocate those funds on a quarter basis to phta and we are, we understand that they are remitting funds timely to the
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association. in april of 25 million was to address significant differed maintenance and life safety issues. being onsite at plaza. so that's about 3 million total for just emergency repair loan work. and in addition the authority provided 320,000, 160,000 was to provide a contingency loan which this board approved and 160,000 in september of 2023
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which we brought before the aboard and you had approved. the repairs were being done much quicker because most of those repairs were done by markets and lions company which was a small minority contractor who went have the ability to float a large, deficit if you will or float the bill along with their own funds. so having that 160,000 revolving fund really helped move the project alone and again i thank you for that. and most of the common repairs completed was flooring, toilets, heaters, doors and washers and driers 137 units were required repairs exceeding 112,000 per unit, 50 units required about 7,000 per unit.
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>> yeah, 12,000, not 120,000, thank you sir. so i would like to quickly share again about the new funding for this financial year that will come to plaza and that 9.2 million dollars. onsite which we will allocate 400,000 per hear over the next three years. move towards greater self sufficiency, then there will be capitol improvements of 7 million dollars, 2 million of city funds and 5 million of capitol funds coming from the housing authority. as we have been we're finalizing the scope for invitation forbid to pro cure
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contractors considering the already work. tomorrow we'll spend time with our plaza east family and having more discussion around what their priorities are what they would like to see and give them about 5 to 7 business days to send us that information to be considered in the final ifb as well as for the services contract. the 2 million dollars will continue to go to the site as formal and this will augment the budget of that site.
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and they did remind us, but we do have vendor registration, that is a instruction to become a vendor in the agency marketplace, the place where the housing authorities must use and it gives anyone an opportunity who would like to bid on anything that the housing authority has out forbid that opportunity to do so. >> thank you, thank you very much. any comments questions? anything else that you wish you had said? >> um, one other thing. i apologize. i just think these conversations are really important and so these are the times that i have to the opportunity and more solis tick way to speak with you even though the staff continual are helping me bring all of this
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information to the board and working with all of our residents in earnest and i also want to be able to kind of condense it if you will. so one of the things that something that i would like to thank you highlight is that just as a reminders, it is always been it's been on the hearts and mind of the staff about how best to sevenser plaza.
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and getting residents ready to move into the building. now that we have completed that work, we're able to turn our attention and be able to figure out how to best use the dollars that we have at hand to now, work to really stabilize plaza. now is the time that we have working. and as we know it takes time to get through processes and identify dollars and then it takes time to have all of those dollars approved because as roy has mentioned, dollars sit in certain funds and we do have to have certain permissions from hud when we're pulling from certain pots of money. so we've had to cover all of those bases, we've gotten those approval, i continue to work with hud on some future plans that we have yet to bring to the board around funding and
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stabilizing plaza. again i thank you, and we will continue to really work hard and stabilizing plaza through new services through this isv and looking even further in the next three years as we stabilize them with funding that we potentially might be able to use as i continue to have those discussions with it hud. so again thank you. and thank you for working with me through these processes. >> great, and just, i know there have been a series of articles that have been written beinger i'm not sure if you touched when i stepped away, did i miss anything?
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how would you character? and i understand that for some of them we're going to be having conversations about those issues in closed session, i leave it up to you if you would like to disclose or if you would like to hold off on one portion of that conversation. thank you very much council and then the second item, i wanted to make sure that the minutes would reflect that this commission is interested aware of those reports and that we would need a close session to discuss them so thank you for that. with regards to other reports, about some of the engagement efforts of of the housing authority and other sites, you
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know, i asked one of the questions to sawati earlier about when and how our level of engagement began to provide resources, i wanted to make sure that was on the record reflect the longstanding interest passion, and commitment to seeing how equitable investment would be realized on behalf of residents, centering residents through our work. and that is not just around urban development not just development at large and not just around engagement with hud but all of it taken together. soy just wanted give you an opportunity to speak to that for a moment to share with us, just remind commissioners of sometimes, it's hard to find the truth in what we read and it's much more complicated and
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takes more than just what you hear in this commission even in addition to what you read in the press to ensure that the people people and voters and those who have a interest doing the work on behalf of the most vulnerable residents, families, seniors those are disabilities, children, those who have english as a first language and those who have english as a second language that we have them in mind through our work and i want to make sure that they toent have a view of this is authority because it's not our intent nor do i believe it's reflected in the actions that this body takes that we're merely another bureaucracy to be disparaged rightly held account as we saw today with people not receiving the services so we own those moments but that we are here to
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realize the best of government through our work. and i wanted you to speak to that for a moment if you want to.
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each and every one day when specific cases come to us, we have individual cases because we are dealing with individuals and then when we're dealing collectively with our development, our and with the community at large, how are we going forward? just as commissioner kim had stated, when you're looking at the bigger picture our metrics and our mission, we spent a lost time this past several months rewriting our mission. our mission is at the heart and center of how we best can serve our residents. and so, we continue to be committed, we're committed to each location, we're committed to equity in the work that we do, in equity and services and equity and housing. through this commission we have been able to achieve much work and it's not just you know, when we think compliance,
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compliance fell right into performance. our goal is to serve the constituent, the resident, the of the city and county of san francisco well and we do it with much heart so i thank you for this opportunity. >> thank you very much. all right if no further comments or questions, why don't we move on to our committee reports. >> i'll ask for public comment before we go to number 8, any public comments? president we can go to item 8 for committee report, commissioner linda would you like to give a report from last committee. >> yes, we have one item that we sent as an action item and that was the, agreement to enter into a contract with tnc for 13 project base units at
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250 irving street and we voted to move it to consent and here we are. >> thank you commissioner lindo. any public comment on item number 8? then we can go to consent agenda number 9, there is two consent items, special minutes of april 1, 2024 and b, resolution approving and authorization the chief executive to enter into an agreement to enter into a project based voucher contract for the total not to exceed 15 project based vouchers. any commissioner comment? would you like to move further discussion? no? then we can open for public comment on the consent items.
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i don't see any, we can ask for a motion for approval of agenda. and a second. >> i second. >> roll call vote. >> commissioner pikes. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> lindo. >> aye. >> president torres. >> aye. >> thank you very much. so moved. this is action item we have one action item number 10 a, resolution approving housing choice voucher amendments in section 4-3.2.c.2.b4-b local local demonstration or rad program base section 4-6--for project dodger site base waiting list.
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and finally exhibit 4-3 for the wait list and this will be presented by long our housing authority attorney. >> hello commissioners. okay, the authority administers the housing voucher program which adheres to the administrative plan. they provide policies that governs the hcvs opening and closing of the wait list, administration of the wait list and local preferences. the authority has and its committed to continue to exhaust its wait list and recommending the amendments to administrative plan chapter 4 found in attachment 2 to allow for a more efficient process to refer applicant allowing for vacant units to be filled in a more expedited manner. next slide. the decision to amend the
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policy--and 4-3.c.2.d and exhibit 4-3 were result of the following considerations. the authority awarded ppvs to several units with select sip roads through a request for proposals. so those are new sites on the one hand. then on the other hand, the authority began to plan an opening of its wait list for may of 2024 to address vacancies that were already in existence in our admin plan. the authority was notified that the newly awarded site had vacancies or would have vacancies upcoming that needed to be filled. those sites have specific prequalifiers attached to the buildings or the units on the sites.
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now our city agencies that we work with for some of these referrals are the department of homelessness and supportive housing and the mayor's office of housing and community development when they were attempting to try to refer some applicants for those new site vacancies, we could not accept referrals at the time because those sites are not in our admin plan. so, this this necessitated us to make the following amendments. next slide. okay, so to align the needs of all t.d. v and rad development for the opening, the policy language at 4-3.2.c.22.d has
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auto refer from their wait list before the authority can use its wait list so we've made this change across the board, this is the streamline and expedite the lease up process of units with the primary goal the primary go is to utilize, the caveat has been added that if no referral the authority would fill the vacancies fritz wait list so in order to meet that a plyingation, we also had to change some or add language to our admin plan that that effectively explains prequalifying and as well as
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how many with no, with no referral policy the policy language needs to be added how offers would be conducted and should be built examine prequalifiers need to be filled as well as how many offers the authority would be allowed before an applicant can be removed from the list. and under the same section, the other change that's been made is that for city garden specifically, the referral language for that site has been changed to basically mirror the rest of the language that we're doing which is that dhsh and m.o. hcd can refer and after 30 days with no referrals, we will refer from our site.
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it shows which part has been omitted and in the red shows what language was added so it just shows there that the authority will utilize the coordinated entered resystem via referral from the department of homelessness and supportive housing for units converted from the moderate rehabilitation program to the rental assistance demonstration program and units former subsidized for the local subsidy program that are now under the project base voucher program.
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this policy language was added this would apply if the authority after 30 days the authority now needs to pull wait list. where occupancy hopes, i'm sorry, hope sf properties or units has a prequalifier, ie homelessness with persons with disability and families needed services veterans or families needed assisted living, the authority will not consider an applicant eligibility without
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first confirm thating they meet the prequalifier. in order to qualify for the building. if they refer to a building that they do not qualify for the building, the family's application will immediately hault and they will be placed back on the wait list in accord withing their date and time of application without a right for informal review. the next section of that policy that is amended states where the authority has determined that there are not enough a mrik apartments to fill anticipated vacancy in the rad pbv program according to section, the authority will one open the waiting list for the bedroom sizes to weight a waiting list that will provide severals for all rad sites needing referrals and/or 3 create a single wait list that
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will provide referral for rad. and final section, states the authority will make a maximum of 3 unit offers per wait list. the initial aoupt --unit offer may be refused for good cause as defined in chapter 3, noticed of proposal withdrawal will be sent to the applicant advising of a final offer remaining and a rick of with crawl. --withdrawal and then this slide is just the new look of the wait list exhibit. the original exhibit just listed site name, the original exhibit just listed site names. the new exhibit will have the project name, the street name
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and number, the prequalifier, if there is a prequalifier for the building. whether there is any prequalifier for the unit and then the referring entity. so, and that's to aid the administrative task of those that have to pull from the wait list so they know when it will be appropriate to skip down to another person who actually qualifies and it helps the public who are looking at the who are trying to decide what sites they want to put their names and what site they want to go on to be able to tell right up front if they, if it might be a building that they do not qualify for. next. slide, okay so this slide is
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these amendments are just clarification type amendments. so the first one after discussions for 4-3.c.2b, after the discussions between authority staff and the city department of probation it was determined that the scripter justice involved was a better description of the group of this preference designation, so we added this preference during last year annual plan process so this is just a name change. while the change is captured in the red line to chapter 4 provided as attachment two to the staff report, the body and title of the property i did want to note that's why i had an asterisk next to it, it does miss 4-2.c, which is the first that appears in chapter 4 and
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again, the name is just amended there but, just for transparency but it is in the amended chapter that i have attached. and the last clarification type change is for item or for section 4-3.c.2.d after receiving approval from the department of public health, the referring entity for the doctor george w. davis elderly-23 units site preferences has been undated to read that the homeless families referred bit department of homelessness and supportive housing, dhsh, is going to be the referring entity for that site, since dph transferred their referral responsibility over to that entity.
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under the local site preferences at 16 points. since the authority converted most of its housing development through the rental assistance demonstration program, there are only two remaining public housing sites northbeach and plaza east. if residents of either of those properties are placed on the public housing emergency transfer list, and either of those sites have no availability, the residents transfer effectively delayed. this amendment is recommended to provide increased options for public housing residents on the public transfer list.
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it provides for the safety of public housing families placed on the emergency transfer list by living them for options for transfer. and then the final slide, by adding the preference the final amendments that we needed to make was to exhibit 4-1 which are the definitions of preferences. so that all the definitions listed in alphabetical order so we had to add the transfer and this definition has been provided as this preference specific unlimited resident of housing setforth in 12-11-a emergency transfers of continue
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be occupancy that were warrant immediate transfer and the family has been placed on the emergency transfer list. and i will state that the justice involved definition, has been changed there as well to justice involved and it has been moved alphabetically down on that list as that exhibit as well. plier to the process, which we did say to begin for public comment on may first. and that is because a delay could last until october first when implementation of the changes to policy through annual planned process will take affect.
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from our most vulnerable population nz sf by causing that through this amendment could otherwise be filled, additionally the recommended changes are not substance i have which allows us to present this to the board for approval today. any questions? >> commissioners questions? >> no i should make reference to dph where i work because as pointed out, i have no authority. >> but you do have the moral authority to advocate within the department, yes. >> so i think, i do.
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so i don't believe that i have a conflict and i have been told that by a very learned council. >> so again for the record, based on council consultation, you'll be recusing yourself from the vote? >> no, i do not need to. >> i just want to have it on the record based on counsel conversation. thanks. any additional questions or comments? yeah, can you share thank you, very much for the excellent presentation. can you share what level of engagement has taken place with both city departments and advocates of interest in relationship to the changes listed here? >> yes, thank you commissioner.
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the housing authority has met with hsh and mayor's office of housing to ensure that that we have the correct information. they have also checked in with the providers and property management on all the sites. we are in regular with the property management on the site because some of these sites already have vacancies so they are anxious, that is why it's important for us to bring it to the commission now, because they have people waiting who are in serious situations, either homeless or chronically ill. we have been in constant communication and they are awaiting for this item to be approved.
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>> can you give a little bit of background, and i mean a little bit, why they moved from incarcerate asked why they were encouraging this change and maybe an example of those advocacy groups? >> so, the terminology wasn't because i have an advocacy group asked me to change that. we brought it through, and as i thought about it more, and just did more research that terminology was not the terminology that was humanistic, if you will and i felt using justice involved and it aligns with language today that is being used in these circles. and when we about the circles who are engaged in justice,
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reforms, improvements that provide opportunity for housing, workforce development or otherwise, how have they been informed of these potential changes that are meant to be in alignment with their goals as well. have we had any conversation wz those advocates? is%backer so this came about, because we've never had this. this came about because the housing authority happened to get happened to get a few vouchers and we had in our programming, we did not anything specifically that aligned with the justice involved work.
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>> housing in different ways to different populations, that are in our city. >> understood. thank you. say we were not rushed to make changes because we would be relying on the administrative plan process that take place annually. but we're electing because we have been proactive in finding outweighs to improve our procedures, our language, our approach to and fill vacant
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units. with communities in need, members of communities in need. if we had gone through the normal administrative process, my assumption is that people show up there correct? >> correct. >> advocates show up there correct? >> correct. >> and quite often they're bringing improvements as ideas and going back to what we went back to earlier, you're finding proactive ways to address longstanding issues that because we have not had beyond city bureaucracy conversations, will potentially disappear in a vacuum, as if they never occured as they were never intended and as they were not
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in thoughtful alignment with community interest. and i think there is a wonderful opportunity here, yes another layer of work, not to holdup this process because unfortunately, you think this this case, expeditiously moving forward is, is important but i want to make sure that as you are as you are creating improvements, that benefit residents in alignment with community interest and community activism, and community advocacy, i think it would behoove the agency that we're moving in this direction so that this bureaucracy this place called the housing authority, can be viewed in the collaborative light that it has worked so hard to create among those groups. so it would be wonderful to
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note that after this vote is taken today using the networks that i know we have, that there is a thoughtful presentation to them around these changes that are being made to help facilitate the goals. secondarily is that, noticing that the and this is the city question as well, is that the financial implications of finding ways to streamline opportunities to fill vacancies, also should be highlighted because it matters when those units are filled and revenues attached. and revenue is no loaninger at-risk or the risk is minimized for those partners that are necessary and so vent.
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>> (music).
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>> my name is vet at a original artist based in san francisco. >> i love it i love it i've never seen something else and we see how the people see which is happening and what is going on. kind of cool i wanted to be part of that. >> i saw it 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes you yeah. >> so we have you - yeah. i started going when i was young but not the type of kid would get food but this is something i really have been progressing on
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a talent from like other artists. >> this is amazing. >> this is so good yeah, it is so good like the artists. >> i love it. >> what a great project. >> part of the part for have i grants. >> yeah. i love it. >> i serve in for 2 two years now and i really am fortunate to live in a place for art. >> an effort creating places it serve san francisco soul and that makes them want to see this place; right? with the experience of art in san jose experience in from the get-go sometimes our environmentalist has created tests but we have an
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opportunity for that and have artists in the storefront part of project you can walk in and experience and hoping we'll be there for a long time. >> this is the first farther easy way of going to spaces i didn't know how it is really cool it would be and we're forced to be in the moment when we're test and creating something really cool. >> makes us feel good. >> as far (unintelligible) done all temporary and took them down i like the temporary aspect base (unintelligible) (microphone distorted) not permanent can enjoy it.
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>> good morning. and welcome. it is a glorious day here in san francisco. my name is mia, meeting place manager san francisco. i am thrilled to be here today as we welcome part of our meeting place here at san francisco. this is a really special moment for all of us. i coulden be more excited to be here together with all of you. at inca centers we are committed to transform this beautiful beautiful building into a meeting place, a place tobring people together to meet and eat, to shop and have fun. our journey