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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  May 7, 2024 12:35pm-1:01pm PDT

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>> good morning, everyone. >> i'm san francisco mayor london breed and i'm so excited and happy to be here with each and every one of you to celebrate an historic milestone i want to express my appreciation. too, so many people have been there from day one to help us got to this moment it is important we take a setback to talk about the history, the challenges, how star we've come while? definitely a commemorative moment didn't mean we want to won't continue the great work to balance the reforms we need to implement as well as making sure we focus on public health for
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san francisco. we can do both we have done both the data makes that clear this is to be that's why day is to o so significant i remember 8 years ago and all with ed lee form mayor and form supervisor malia connecticut and police and our form chief and thank you for being here today chief sir. >> we came out (clapping.) during a very difficult time. there were a number of photos who were out ranldz a number of challenges to this department faced. and the fact is at the time and though we miss president obama his department
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of justice put out 200 plus to improve we adapted that and worked with the california doj to implement those recommendations first through xavier used to be the california attorney general and now others continuing through that process so much has happened a lot of outrage and frustration many of you know i grew up[in a community where trust between people in our community and law enforcement was challenging what i appreciate most about what this day means today how far we've come and significant it is that we have worked hand to hand with the police department and the communities and varies organizations and number of the folks to get to that place the
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leader of our department chief bill scott makes sure we have despite what we've experienced around public safety we have never band our desires to implement our criminal justice system reform work with the police department and this is why this day again so, so significant. >> (clapping). >> so here we go now mayor, that people know that we've completed in work but know that what this work over the process entails we have seen a restriction and chief scott will talk about this we have seen a reduction by over 40 percent in ois ois and over 60 percent that chief scott will talk about i
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want to take a moment to reflect in the beginning 8 years ago there were a number of people and many of the people in this room who really stood up sea faced consistent was a lot of protests a lot of anger a outage when a lot of the protests and anger and outrage started to decline people were focused on doing the work and city people to make sure we move forward with those reforms and they were going to make a difference and yet in still with the completion of those reforms there still critics who are saying not enough why did it take so long? my challenge to those people still want to criticize that extraordinary work if you're job give gavin you 200 and 72 recommendations of work you had
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to do adds implement with thousands of your employees how much will it take you to do that and not to mention the applications around the existing work that the department has to do eir day we continue to push forward about work and made it happen and did so in a dhaij. >> 1. call to order and roll call. time after a pandemic with the numbers decline around use of force and other issues in the immigrant we have seeing a 10 year low san francisco's crime rate in focusing 2023 and continues to trend down the lowest in years not including the global pandemic we've done both we balanced the need (clapping.) we've balanced the need to continue reform along with continuing to serve and protect
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the people of information. and i want to say to the men and women of san francisco police department thank you for the work you've done thank you for your patience while we work through these very challenging times and to the community thank you for in many cases instead of just being civil being welfare to work with the police department on implementing those valuable reforms and i will also say that we continue to do important work in the department to make sure that when something is not quite going right or nothing not working, advertise it. okay. to correct and to make adjustments in order to get to a better place we're not stuck in one thing or another we're continuing to evolve as a department and as a city. so i'm
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looking forward to what this means this milestone and everything we've done to marry that san francisco's police department is not only a leader around the reforms by one of the best departments for people to work in and work them the city and county of san francisco. (clapping.) so at this time, i want to introduce our police chief who has as i mentioned making sure those reforms are implemented ladies and gentlemen, please welcome bill scott (clapping). >> thank you, mayor london
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breed and so thank you, thank you for being here. we're going to start off by acknowledging the people that did the work and before i um, call the mayor back up for the presentation i'm going to read a lot of names to you not inclusive of everyone but i will ask you hold your applause and get to the remarks about our stories truly our story with that, i see mayor london breed if i can call you back up to the stage we have a certificate that is going to be presented to the c r team was the core people that organized this work and leading the charge to lead by executive director kathryn and accessibility rivera and calling all the names i can't keep up come on, come on
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up. >> (microphone distorted.) >> we got it. >> there we go. >> all right. >> thank you. >> okay. i'm going to read this off. >> if i can see it. >> the city and county of san francisco certificate of honor presented to the to police department april 10, 2024, warriors oofsh on behalf of the city and county of san francisco i'm pleased to recognize and honor the san francisco police department on the occasion of this successful commission of over two hundred recommendations to the california doj or the reform initiate and a commitment to advancing transparent a continuance improvement in the
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positive latin mark on san francisco further your work to build trusts to residents throughout the community and policy adjustments and employment and setting the standard is truly commend work by a safe society for san franciscans your step forward, please represents our value at the best through i hear to set my hand and cause of seal of the city and county of san francisco to be affixed mayor london breed. >> thank you
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(clapping). >> all right. >> okay. so now i'm to call the names and if i can have you all stand up everybody here that's representing the san francisco police department and a lot of names so, please hold our applause until the end some of the people that are up on stage i'll call the names again executive director kathryn maguire and officer candy and has discuss and assert gabriel rear view mirror and officer dashaun right they are standing behind me. okay. accessibility enrique alejondra the director
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hannah and officer william bartley and business analyst deputy wright and accessibility gary buccaneer and officer - executive assistant rodriguez listen and. >> (calling names.) >> please keep him he has health challenges keep him in our prayers. >> (calling names.) >> archive and lieutenant jennifer and officer alberto, officer kevin, assistant chief denise, commander darrell and couldn't be with us he's also recovering from health challenges and keep him in our thoughts and prayers. and lieutenant shawn, program
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manager and accessibility torrey and accessibility henry and the accessibility joy, xlth jack heart and commander nicolle jones and the accessibility diane and rachel kill shaw and analyst todd. business analyst deanna. >> business analyst terry and business analyst kathleen and assistant chief david and business analyst vince sent lee. >> officer matthew. >> sanctuary city martin and accessibility joseph milling in her. >> officer lauren nelson and look out michael 9 to 5 i didn't
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think depth chief and business analyst - >> expectation aaron and shawn and accessibility frank herrera and officer mike - director william samson and chief i'm not calling my own name so (laughter) and. okay. >> and who put that on there so (laughter). >> lieutenant christine and officer amber smith and expectation eric and deputy chief peter and accessibility greg wells and lieutenant angela welling ham and accessibility
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stacey young blood and though not on the list you'll hear into her later i want to acknowledge the president this is truly a partnering and trashz leadership is that amazing we have the c r i team here and as i mentioned this is not all inclusive i think every member in this department has contributed but please a round of applause (clapping.) hey. >> yeah. i may be seated.
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thank you. >> okay. i didn't want to say again, thank you everyone for coming and let me start um, piano back on a comment this is a my name is not the less be clear an accomplishment we know a lot more work to be done and this work called reform is trial never over we put in place systems and pit in place infrastructure and put in place support to overcome champions and to adapt that's really what that is all about again, thank you for thank you for being here. and especially the members of our san francisco police department who in primarily with members of the community across our city um, community groups and active groups a number of the city department nonprofits be clergy and academic partners
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and our commissions and i'm going to say a few words before the please commission but mayor london breed and her commission (clapping.) we're here to acknowledge the 200 and 72 recommends my mind to the california doj and to be clear 90 percent of this work we already have been in compliance the remainder of 27 our work is submitted collaborated with the california pta and which is the consultant firm we've been working with since the startup we know we're in fact to complete the recommendations that you found in substantial compliance, however, again there is more work to be done this is
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a great city always seems happening this is policing and always events happening if not here elsewhere but the process to recalibrate and adjust this is what that work it about put in the treasure to do just that the thing about reform is i think gets lost on some people it is complicated work and it takes time. and it really can't be done over tonight to we'd like to be to some changes you don't see but change happens that which is it done right and easy to forget how we got there easy to forget what, if anything, caused us to engage in the type work in the beginning the one thing i wanted to read verbal the u.s. department of justice shows they're leadership of this city and why would we are doing what we are doing and
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a reminder why we're doing what we are doing. i'm going to read this vermont from the doj report in 2016 in response to community concerns trolley otherwise growing sir, asked department of justice the doj office of the community oriented policing services to assess the policies and practices through the collaborative reform technical process. it takes both courage and leadership to open your that department to scrutiny we know this is the only way to identify weaknesses reerrors force our streets and improve the relationship fine community they serve and greg thank you, courage and leadership
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(clapping.) and 5 areas of c i use of force programs and policies and policies and to address the issue of obesity and policing and protocol with the complainants and disciplinary processes and recruitment hiring and personnel practice. now the u.s. doj implemented the assessment in october of 15 that's kind of where were you you i was at i cp conference in san diego was when the report was released by then unbe component to the public i was considered for in job instead of
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doing conference stuff i was reading the report. and preparing to expedite against 60 other people to step in and help what chief sir, started. it took a lot. to get us to this point it took courage and vulnerability openly the books and letting the world see our strengths and weakness led by the police commission was led the president of the police commission at the time starting taking on that work before that was released and by december of 2016 only less than two months after the doj report was released had one of the best police force policies in the country without controversy but
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it was a good policy. this started before the u.s. doj completed that report that's an important part it shows what the city is about we'll get to the work that's exactly what the pd did when the policy was published the mayor at that time mayor lee announced i would be the next police chief what an honor and continues to be i want to tell you kind of why i came here a little bit of context what romper means to me as the leader of this department. um, in 1991 i was a young offers with the lapd an incident
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happened changed across as the country if not the world at the time was warren christopher commission had a bunch of regions the lapd i had two or three years on the job at that time and that started my adjourn with change and police reform. but a decade later the same process and before we economy that la was under - 12 years later said done enough work and in compliance but the work didn't stop question is so sustain the work so bend i got here in 201725 of my 27 years at every level of the department was engaged in this type of work. it meant two to three something to me i learned that
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had impact that we as police officers have on the community we serve when things don't go the way the community want it to go particularly will i ourselves the greatest trust and we can do better and that's what chief sir, took on and what's what the members of the department took on and every member of the police commission has taken on since we have engaged in the work that's what mayor london breed continues with doing this lady she calls me a lot (clapping.) and all good (clapping.) so what does it take to get in
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work start to finish first of all, it takes time and for those of you who studies this type of work it takes years and some police departments takes years and never finish. um, 2016 we adopted in work and jumped in with both feet we got off to a slow start and september of 2017 after a change in the administration the said we're done and pulled the plug no no more country i - i we doubled down didn't stop by (clapping.) february - thank you. (clapping.) >> and by february 2018 had an agreement with the doj and brought bac