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tv   Full Board of Supervisors  SFGTV  May 7, 2024 7:00pm-9:16pm PDT

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>> good afternoon and welcome to the may 7, 2024 regular meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. madam clerk, would you please call the roll? >> thank you mr. president. supervisor chan, present. supervisor dorsey, present. supervisor engardio, present. supervisor mandelman, present. supervisor melgar, present. supervisor peskin, present. supervisor preston, present. supervisor ronan, present. supervisor safai, present. supervisor stefani, present. and supervisor walton, present.
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mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you madam clerk. the san francisco board of supervisors we acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. colleagues, please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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>> colleagues, do we have a motion to approve the april 2, 2024 minutes? made by supervisor safai, seconded by supervisor mandelman. on that motion, a roll call. >> supervisor ronan, aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. supervisor walton, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor preston, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the board meeting minutes will be approved as presented after public comment. please read the consent agenda.
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>> items 1-6 are on consent and considered routine. if a member objects, an item may be removed and considered separately. >> would any member like item or items severed? seeing none, we'll take these items same house, same call. these ordinances are finally passed. next item , please. >> item 7 is ordinance to amend the administrative code to prohebt the fire department from providing or using personal protective equipment containing intentionally added pfas by june 30, 2026 and require the fire department to conduct regular meetings with labor representatives, and submit regular reports to the board of supervisors and fire commission, pertaining to the progress towards meeting the june 30, 2026 deadline. >> seeing no names on the roster, thank you colleagues for your cosponsorship. supervisor safai, chan, melgar,
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engardio, mandelman and stefani, and this is a national first and we will take it same house same call. the ordinance is passed first reading. madam clerk, please read items-thank you, chief--please read items 8 and 9 together? >> two resolutions that approve grant amendment frz west side community mental health center. item 8 approve the second amendment to the minna program contract between west sitey community health and the city. increase the grant amount for total of approximately 18.3 million dr. and extends by two years and 10 months performance term through april 30, 2027. >> seeing no names on the roster, we take same house same call-- >> mr. president. my apology, just very quickly, item 9 is grant amendment which actually is a grant amount by $7.8 million
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and new amount of 17.3 for the treatment recovery prevention program contract. thank you. >> my apologies madam clerk. we'll take these two item same house same call the resolutions are adopted. >> item 10 resolution to authorize the rec and park department to accept and expend $300 thousand increase to the grant from the bays,b the bay area young survivors with new funding amount of $800 thousand so bays can deliver inkind grant of unrenovated seating area on conserve tory east for the project term until notice of substantial completion. >> same house same call the resolution is adopted. please read items 11 and 12 together. >> 11 and 12 are two resolutions that aproouv a grant praement and amendments for compass family service. 11 approves the second amendment to the
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grant for supportive services and administration of a flexible housing subsidy pool program agreement and department of homelessness supportive housing for families with a 24 month grant term extension now through june 30, 2026 and increasing the agreement amount by approximately $20.2 million for new total of $29.2 million and item 12 approves the first amendment to the grant agreement with compass and the department of homelessness and supportive housing for services and subsidy administration for the family housing ladder program. this extends the grant term by 24 munthds through june 30, 2026 and increase the agreement amount by approximately $7 million for new total amount of $13.1 million. >> same house same call the resolutions are adopted. next item. >> ititem 13, resolution to approve an
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emergency declaration of the san francisco public utilities commission to contract resources for tree removal, slow repair, restoration and geotechnical injb earring in pine lake damaged by flooding caused by a failed air valve on a water transmission pipeline with total estimate cost of $5 million. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. madam clerk, read item 14-17 together, please some >> 14-17 are four resolutions that approve the annual block grants from u.s. department of housing and urban development to authorize the mayor on behalf of the city to apply for accept and expend the program entitlements for 24-25 for the following items all to begin july 1, 2024. for item 14, this is the approval of the community development block grant program for $19.8 million and the expenditure of the estimated
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program income of approximately $5.8 million for combined total of $25.6 million through the date when all funds are expended. item 15, this approves the housing opportunities for persons with aids program in the amount of $8 million and expenditure program income and reprogram funds for $5.2 million for combined total of $13.3 million for term through june 30, 2027. item 16 approves the home investment partnership program for $5.8 million and program income of 2 million for $7.8 million through june 30, 2029. and for item 17, this approves the emergency solutions grant program in the amount of $1.8 million for term with unspecified ending date. >> same house, same call, the resolutions are adopted.
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next item, please. >> item 18, this resolution authorizes the mayor office of housing and community development to execute the standard agreement with the california department of housing and community development under the affordable housing and sustainable communities program for projbect at 200 folsom known as the transbay block two east for total award of $41 million to include $28 million dispursed as a loan and $7.7 million dispursed as a grant through the transbay two family lp and $5.3 million dispersed as a grant to the city for public transportation improvalments nearby through november 30, 2043. kwrrks same house same call the resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 19, resolution to approve and authorize the mayor and director of the mayor's office of housing and community development to execute agreements with mercy housing california 108lp
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relating to a loan in the amount not to exceed $41 million for 55 years to provide permanent financing for 146 unit permanent supportive housing development with common areas and supportive services space on real property locaitded at 1633 valencia street and a grant in the amount of $80.8 million for a 19 year term to provide local operating subsidy program funds to subsidize operation and debt service for the project and to adopt the appropriate findings. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 20, resolution authorize the public defender office to accept and expend $150 thousand grant from grankstart foundation to provide representation in pretrial release and prearraignment proceedings that insure
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the rights of those accused of crimes. >> same house, same call, the resolution is adopted. >> item 21 referred without recommendation from the budget and finance committee. resolution to approve a 5th amendment to the justice involved housing and supportive services program contract between the tenderloin housing clinic inc. and the city with a grant increase of $1.2 million for new total of approximately $11.1 million with no change to the grant term through june 30, 2024. >> supervisor chan. >> thank you president peskin and colleagues. similarly to other items that came out of the budget committee without recommendation, this one is to just draw your attention about concern s with the performance and contract oversight, not just by the contractor but also the department.
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adult probation department understand we really look to see these type of contract to track not just about the contract itself, but the impact of those contract. in this case, it is just recidivism rate amoung those that are housed and will replace in long-term housing. we do understand there is a new request for proposal issued in 2023. we'll learn about the result of the rfp june 2024, so very very soon, so with that, this is only extending this contract to end june 2024, coincide the time we have a new contract in place i hope, so the reason why without recommendation and also just the policy matter from the budget and
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legislative analyst report. we are urging you to support it and vote for it today, because i'm eager to see after we wrap up with this contract what's next and hopefully we'll have better results then. thank you. >> thank you supervisor chan. supervisor preston. >> thank you president peskin and supervisor chan is and budget committee for thoughtful consideration of this. i want to speak briefly on the drake hotel is in district 5 and the bla report documented that there were significant vacancies throughout the duration of this contract, which i think is really unacceptable. fortunately the good news is vast majority of the vacancies has since been filled, so i appreciate that and also appreciate the work that the thc workers on site are doing some
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challenging work and appreciate all their efforts. but, i mention this because i just think from what we've seen in digging into this a bit, that there was a real lack of formal monitoring and oversight from the adult probation department, and i think some lacking on the side of efforts to make sure that these spaces were filled with people. there is obviously the tremendous need and i think we just need more to make sure that if we have vacancies and we talked about this in other context, that is flagged earlier and we really address and tackle the reasons for those vacancies, especially when we are already funding this housing option for folks. i just want to encourage probation on
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that front. i will be supporting this and i know the grant agreement as chair chan noted ends june this year and look forward to continuing the conversation then, so i'll be supporting this. thank you. >> supervisor safai. >> yeah, just through the chair, just looking at the report. i just wanted to ask the budget chair, is this still a partnership between thc and adult probation? i wasn't clear a hundred percent. that is my understanding, correct? >> so, through the chair, item 21 this grant amendment is still with tenderloin housing clinic with adult probation department is the actually existing contract and since 2020. it has been ongoing, this is the 4th amendment of this grant agreement. i think that mainly really because the last one is to add it i believe the drake and sharon hotels, which
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makes sense, and also added the dollar amount. it started off with i believe $2 million and added to now to $11 million. it makes sense in terms of dollars. really is more or less that they have not been meeting the performance audit really or should say the contract in last two fiscal years at least, but you know, according to the budget legislative analyst, it is also on the adult probation as well. during the pandemic they have not performed the performance audit. during the budget committee they expressed strong commitment that they will start to do in-person and site visit. i dont know if the new rfp means that the awardee is tenderloin housing clinic, but i look forward to seeing the results.
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they will be report back in june. >> thank you. i just wanted to just jump in and say, i really appreciate the hard work that adult probation has done over the last few years. we worked with them in the nob hill, union square area to do sober living and reentry work and alternative sentencing work and community partners so we know that is a successful model. appreciate this is also in the vain with tenderloin housing clinic so very supportive of the work adult probation has done in general to expand these options of clean and sober housing. we need more of it, and i think that probably what i got from looking at the bla report there was widening of their target population becausef the referrals or lack of referrals in covid and now they are getting back
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to doing their bred and butter work i think they will be a lot more successful and full occupancy along with full implementation of their program, so i'm fully in support of this today and hope that we can continue to expand clean and sober housing models with adult probation and reentry. thank you, mr. president. >> alright. so, seeing no other names on the roster, colleagues, i believe we can take this item same house, same call. the resolution is adopted. next item, please. >> item 22, is ordinance to amend the park code to close the great highway extension beginning at sloat boulevard and extending south for 3317 feet to vehicles to allow for a multi-use trail and to improve shoreline resilience as part of the ocean beach climate change adaptation project. >> supervisor melgar. >> thank you so much president peskin and thank you colleagues for your attention to this legislation.
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i wanted to explaint this is not the great highway north of sloat, which is in supervisor engardio's district. this is the great highway south of sloat, so runs alongside the sewage trument facility on the west side. we are doing this because our sea levels are rising. the sewage treatment facility is right there and we are lost part of the road to the organization already. so, in the years of planning and collaboration with the coastal commission, and the great work that the puc staff has done with multiple stakeholders, this project is now finally ready to go forward.
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it is comp licated and will involve lots of construction, but in addition to closing off the great highway south of sloat, we are going to get a wonderful new park that is pedestrianized with amenities like a staircase going down to the beach and a new parking lot where folks who surf can park and carry their surf boards down to the ocean. there is going to be a way for kids to be able to experience this area of the city in a completely new way, and i want to say thank you in particularly to the folks at the puc and rec and park for having come up with a plan and design that works for everyone. so, i hope for your support and you know, a few years from now when it is all done, we will enjoy this amenity which will have a bathroom
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where currently there isn't a working one and it will be awesome. thank you. >> thank you supervisor melgar. seeing no names on the roster take this same house same call. the ordinance is passed first reading. next item, please. >> item 23 is ordinance to amend the administrative code to set minimum qualifications from suppliers which the sate procures fire arms and ammunition. >> supervisor stefani. >> thank you. we know gun violence is epidemic in this country and the number one cause of death for children and teens now is gun violence, which is absolutely unacceptable. we know this effects our communities on a daily basis. our kids practice for lock down drills in the event someone with an assault rifle enters their classroom and the stories go on and on and on, so i'm very thrilled that i'm able to bring this ordinance to you today.
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this started after i read a report by brady united against gun violence and shed light on concerning practice with law enforcement procurement across california, including here in san francisco and what that report found was that, several of our law enforcement agencies, about 90 in california to the $90 in california to the tune of 20million were buying their fire arms and ammunition from unknowingly and unwhitingly no fault of especially on our law enforcement agencies here, buying them from federally licensed fire arm dealers with documented history of violated fire arm regulation with the atf, and those violations notably included failure to report sales involving multiple weapons which is often a red flag for potential straw purchases and other such violations that gave us great pause in terms of the
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fact that fire arms dealers are often one of the reasons why we have such an epidemic in our country. when we first talked about this ordinance we thought where will we get our weapons if we have all fire arms dealers that are not following the law and in violation of atf. in 2022 there were nearly 78 thousand licensed gun dealers in the united states. that is more then all mcdonald, burger king, subway and wind r wendy locations combined and twice number of u.s. post offices. i'm thinking without purchasing power and with those other law enforcement agencies up and down the state we should do something about it and make sure we are not buying our weapons and ammunition from those dealers that have shady pasts and shady violations on record with atf. so, we worked with the city administrator office, oca and the san francisco police department was
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incredble giving feed 37 back and figuring how to make this work, so i'm excited we landed on a great solution. oakland has also done this and we are a city that provides itself on being a leader in gun safety so i believe it is incumbent upon us to insure our law enforcement agencies exercise due diligence selecting vendors and making such purchases. san francisco as a beacon of gun vaet and law enforcement share responsibility to uphold the highest standard with sources fire arms. fire arms recovered in criminal incidents are often traced back to vendors who just flouted federal firearms law and we want to make sure we do everything we can at city and county of san francisco to stop that. we are only protect our taxpayer dollars but also mitigate the
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risk of perpetuating the cycle of gun violence. i want to thank those that helped gets the ordinance where it is. deputy city attorney vicky wong, the office of contract administration, carmen chui, the brilliant brady, chief scott with the san francisco police department and so many others. also, thank you to cosponsors, supervisor preston and supervisor safai. really grateful for your cosponsorp sh and hope you all support this legislation. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor melgar. >> thank you. i want to be added as a cosponsor and are want to thank you supervisor stefani for your continued advocacy and hard work on the issue. thank you. >> thank you. seeing no other names on the roster, we'll take this item same house same call. the ordinance is passed first reading. next item, please. >> item 24 is ordinance to amend the
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administratesive code to extend the sunset date of the family violence council to may 1, 2027 and to allow the mayor to select a city des apartment to provide administrative support to the council and update the text to reflect prior changes in membership of the council. >> same house same call, the ordinance is passed first reading. madam clerk, please read items 25-27 together. >> 25-27 pertain to three liquor licenses. item 25 determines the issuance of type 90 on-sale general music venue liquor license to endgames improve doing business with the same name located at 2965 mission street. item 26 determines the issuance of a type 90 on-sale general music venue liquor license 77llc doing business at paname sf located at 523 broadway
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street. item 27 transfer of type-21 off-sale general beer, wine distilled spirit liquor license polk llc. that all three items will serve the public convenience and requesting that the california department of alcoholic beverage control impose conditions on the issuance of all three licenses. >> we'll take these items same house same call. these resolutions are adopted. madam clerk, why don't we go to 2:30 p.m. order commendations and i will start. do them in district order. colleagues, while we are just a week shy having celebrated early child care month, i would like to honor the preschool director of the tell high
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coop, margaret thrup requiring serving the 70 year old institution after all most a decade of loving leadership and caring programming and incredible services. margaret, if you would please come up to the podium. thank you for being here. [applause] i know you rearranged your travel plans in order to join us today. margaret has been with the tell hicoopsince 2015 and previously worked in several coops in the city including 11 years at play mates. when i came back to city hall in 2016, a first task as district supervisor is helping coopgetting the bathrooms addressed and making sure preschool students and parents could safely use that facility. thank you to my former aid, now supervisor connie chan for helping make that happen at the time.
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margaret is from sydney australia studying music and education and worked as a music teacher and musician including working in the opera ballet. moved here in 1992 and studied early childhood education at city college and completed ma in elementary education performing arts at san francisco state in 2005. margaret enjoys teaching preschool children because she says they are smarter then anyone realizes and have such funny and original things to say. she is passionate about the coopmodel which allows the opportunity for unique programming and rich diversity of culture and experience in the classroom. one of my legislative aids also uses the coop model and it has been helpful to learn how parents can enrich early childhood education experience and why this type of holistic care is
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so impactful and meaningful. it is hard work, but collaborative work and i just want to recognize it that margaret has given so much of her life sharpening young people lives and minds at the most formative points. margaret likes to do many things including messy science projeths, open ended art, exploring pattern and numbers, sings song jz reading good books. 70 anniversary i want to thank margaret for dedicated service to the communities of district 3 and beyond where she helped provide a healthy safe stimulating environment in which children can dwem socially physically emotional intellect wale. joined by her husband and jessica tong. margaret, thank you so very very much and the floor is yours. >> thank you very much supervisor peskin and-- [applause]
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-- thank you for your continuing support for our school. supervisor peskin was helpful in getting the grant to start off when we put in the bathroom and fire alarm and other things required to move to the site that allowed us to support children and whole families by educating families helping parents learn about child development and developing parenting skills. since 1954 the school has been in operation and probably educated thousand of children i imagine. not all me, but--since we haven't been able to qualify for a els school, it is easier to give our own scholarships. we have been doing that so low income families can attend. we haven't backed down taking on children with disabilities and children with difficult behaviors which is something i'm proud of as an
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achievement. we continue to offer school in person and virtually during the pandemic which was a very difficult year. we endeavored to serve everyone in the north beach and more recently in the russian hill communities. being here reminds me of one of our most fun field trips we did a few years back when we came to visit city hall and visited the mayor at the time ed lee and various supervisors. the children had prepared some questions to ask here and one of the kids asked mr. lee, who is your boss, is it the president and he said no, you are. i thought that was a wonderful lessen frz them to learn and a really fun day. looking forward things are looking grim for us, because we lost a lot of families in that neighborhood. it has been a really difficult time in the russian hill area for families and
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schools we are losing a lot of kids to public [indiscernible] they are not doing the same thing as us. i hope the school continues and is successful for another 70 years. thank you very much for your support. >> thank you. [applause] [applause] our next special order commendation is from district 8 supervisor
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rafael mandelman. >> thank you president peskin. chief scott, come on up. [applause] colleagues, two weeks ago supervisor dorsey recognized the san francisco police department collective efforts to achieve comprehensive police reform. as evidenced by the department submission of the final 27 responses to the 272 reform recommendations from the united states and california department of justice. today, in keeping with this board's relatively new practice of using this time to honor excellent departmental leadership, i want to specifically acknowledge, recognize and honor police chief william scott. chief scott was sworn in as our chief in january 2017. he was selected for the position following a nation wide search in the wake of a series of officer involved
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shootings that had shaken the city and public confidence in our police department. his mandate is reform the department and to rebuild trust with elected leaders and the broader public. chief scott came to us as a outcider. 27 veteran of the los angeles police department risen to the rank of deputy chief. he could not possibly have had any idea what he was getting himself into. in ordinary times, san francisco is hard on its department heads and especially hard on police chiefs. whether you consider it a flaw or a feature, our charter structure insures our police chief will have 19 bosses at least. he or she has to respond not just to the directors of a mayor but 11 member board of supervisors and 7 members of the police commission. that is before you add in the community or rather the diverse
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communities that make up san francisco. needless to say, that assemblage of bosses agree on many things, we do not agree on all things. and of course, these have not been ordinary times. between what we very much hope was a once in a life time pandemic, george floyd summer, overdose crisis like we have never seen, an encampment crisis that exploded in 2020 and seeing the department squeezed between civil libertarians and homeless advocates on one side and neighbors and merchant on the other and ever changing set of rules from the state legislature, local policy makers and the courts that are constantly changing the expectations and constraints we impose on our front line officers, these have been truly extraordinary and challenging times for our police department and i imagine for our chief. i believe we have been
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extraordinarily fortunate to have this chief for those 7 plus years. with the chaos and conflict he lead with grace. i have seen this chief grilled often and never seen him lose his cool and dont know how he does it. he has seen dramatic decrease in crime rates especially violent crime. the first quarter 2024 double digit drops in violent and property crimes compared with first quarter last year. perhaps most notably a 35 percent drop in vehicle break-ins. since last august when chief scott worked with district jenkins for operation with bate cars, smash and grabs cut by more then half and continue to decrease. of course, there is much more work to do and i anticipate that all 19
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bosses and more will be calling to demand this or that. but chief scott has shown that reform and effective policing need not necessarily be in opposition. we can advance both goals and they can complement each other. i cannot be prouder to present this commendation with chief scott with great great thanks. thank you. [applause] >> chief. >> thank you supervisor mandelman and the board for, president peskin. i didn't know what to expect today but humbled and touched by the commendation from this board. esyes, this work isn't easy but for me it a passion of really believing in the work we do, the work that we do
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as a city and none of this happens without your cooperation and support and your push and the hard work of the people in the san francisco police department, so i stand here representing those people, representing you as your police chief, representing the police commission and the mayor and it really is a team effort to get anything done in this city and do it successfully, so we do have work to do and long way to go and i don't stand before you to claim victory. i do believe we made tru-minds strides in policing in the city and continue to-committed to continuing those strides. i am blown away by this and want to thank all of you for the commendation and hopefully continue to work with you all to tackle the challenges that we still have before us. thank you.
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[applause] >> chief, why don't you step and take a picture with all 11 of us. >> okay.
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>> our next special commendation and should have started with district 2 but there was a bureaucratic mix up. always have your staff copy the clerk or things could get lost but it is my fault. supervisor ronan, then supervisor stefani. go ahead supervisor ronan, the floor is yours. >> thank you so much. colleagues, in honor of the 20 anniversary of small business week, i'm thrilled to honor the jelly donut, a
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small business in the mission district run by the null siblings cuneeka and victor null. please come up. [applause] cuneeka and victor upheld the legacy of the family business and their father and aunts and great aunts are here who ran the business before them. this business opened three decades ago after their family fleed cambodia. the null family has a long history of running donut shops that all most grants the title of donut dinsty. it all began in the 1980's with bells donuts founded by parents frank null here and pac who passed a
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couple years ago i pleev, and who we hope is looking down upon you all and just smiling with so much pride right now. over the years, they ventured into several donet enterprises before establishing the jelly donut at 24 and van ness in 1987. cuneeka and vector were fortunate to grow up seeing their parents business flourish. they were just 11 and 12 years old when they started helping around the shop and bringing their neighborhood friends to hang out. their parents way of operating instilled from a early age a understanding the donut shop is more then just a business to sustain their family. it can be a place that welcomes neighbors, models generosity and brings joy to others and that is truly what you do every single day. decades later the siblings reflect that sense of community and love to everyone that walks into the shop.
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you could find victor tend toog the frier and cuneeka giving customers a warm welcome as she takes orders and always gives freebes, i have to attest every time you order. they know most of their customers by name. always willing to help those that are struggling and it is not only help everyone who walks in who needs a coffee and doesn't have money, but they also allowed the--family to create a mural on the side of their building honoring shawn mont rosa killed by the vallejo police and it is a beautiful mural that means so much to the mission community. the family has been through many challenges of their own, including illness, the passing of their mate riark and personal struckers the warmth keeps the jelly donut thriving. i don't know if had this experience,
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but you walk into a place for the first time and something just feels special and different and the first time i walked into the jelly donut, that is how i felt immediately. your warmth and connection to the customers and community was so obvious, and then i just kept coming back, because not only did it feel like a special place, but these donuts are to die for. they are so good. >> number 1, baby! >> number 1. and they keep getting better, so i thanks to you am gaining a lot of weight for your donuts but having a good time in the price. cuneeka, victor, frank, i want to congratulate you so much for providing and holding such a special place that means so much to so many of us in the mission. congratulations and the floor is yours to just share words with us. [applause]
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>> i just want to say thank you to our neighborhood. we love it. i grew up there. that is my heart. i think i love it and i just treat everybody like family and that is how we grew up and i how i love to treat everybody else the same way. >> i just wanted to thank basically the customers of the past 30 years just for everything, the support and everything and our whole community and thank my mom and parents basically for able to come over here and survive and live the american dream. >> we didn't have a choice but we had to work. >> great. thank you. congratulations. >> thank you, thank you. [applause]
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>> we want to make sure we show our flag. >> supervisor stefani, the floor is yours. >> thank you president peskin. colleagues, it brings me immense joy to recognize a truly exceptional individual who influence at roosevelt middle school profoundly effected the lives of student, families and fellow educators alike. over the past 7 years, brian
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commitment as a special education teacher has been nothing short of transformative. his dedication enriched roosevelt school community in countless ways and we heard all about them when my aid came to visit roosevelt and your name come up over and over again. as head of special education department, brian played a pivotal role shaping the culture and climate of the community insuring inclussivity for all. professional development is embodied in so many ways. such as through his organization of special education coffee hours during these cougho hours he helps to provide colleagues with valuable insight and strategy to enhance work with students receiving special education services. recognizing the importance of every member of the education team,b brian goes above and beyond to create spaces in meetings for roosevelt paraeducators
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to show how much they are valued and significance within the school community. brian is always thinking how best to serve students through the innovative student lead coffeeness program which sounds fascinating to me, brian empowers autism focus student to develop essential social skills delighting staff with customizing coffee deliveries each morning. thanks to mr. lowe and his students roosevelt has the best buristas in town. exlempify the best of what teacher appreciation week celebrates. thank you brian for all you for your special education students and roosevelt middle school. we are privileged to honor you for your outstanding contributions to roosevelt middle school, the entire sfusd community and city and county of san francisco, so thank you, brian.
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[applause] >> thank you supervisor stefani. huge privilege to be here and represent all the teachers within the san francisco unified school district. i have been teaching profession and especially special education is all about collaboration and the teams that we work with and so i want to take this moment to recognize different groups, individuals and stakeholders that supported all our students with special needs. firs off i want to start with dbi project at standferred. thank you for the research that we have done together and supporting literacy and improving literacy. the beacon team that provides after school programming. special olympic coordinator shausha trope. [indiscernible] came to roosevelt for
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three weeks and taught our students how to ride bikes independently. [indiscernible] restaurant, inviting and giving the student a opportunity to cook burgers. the roosevelt community. [calling out names] and the friends that i grew up with in san francisco unified school district who shaped my vision of what i want for my students. and of course give a shout out to my wife and our daughters, wife melanie, daughters [indiscernible] thank you mom and dad. thank you. [applause]
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>> congratulations. [applause] madam clerk, let's return to our regularly programmed scheduling with item 28. >> ordinance to approve the surveillance technology policy for the san francisco municipal transportation agency use of the driver safety video analytics. >> same house, same call. the ordinance is passed first reading. next item. >> item 29 is ordinance to amend the administrative code to allow city departments to enter into and amend agreements for construction goods and services and real property leases with government entities without complying with solicitation requirements that would otherwise apply and without adhering to provisions in the municipal code that impose obligations on contracting parties as a
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condition to agreement with the city. >> thank you colleagues. same house, same call. the ordinance is passed first reading. next item. >> item 30, motion to approve the mayoral nomination for the appointment of lydia so to the planning commission term ending june 30, 2026. >> same house same call. the motion is approved. madam clerk, let's go to committee reports, item 35. >> item 35, this item was considered by the land use transportation committee at regular meeting on monday may 6 and recommended as amended bearing a new title with similar changes reflected in the short title. reads ordinance amending the planning code to modify the 900 kearney street special use district to allow enclosed rooftop building addition with restricted arts activities use,
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amending the planning code to clarify the use size maximums applicable in the chinatown community business district to affirm the ceqa determine aition andation and make the promed findings. >> colleagues, yesterday in the land use committee, we amended this piece of legislation to include the clarification of the maximize in the chinatown community business district as recommended by planning commission staff to the planning commission and in turn, to the board and the land use committee. in the interim 24 hours, i heard from memberoffs the community who do fot feel they were adequately consulted about the change. that wasn't part of the legislation i was carrying for the sud and as a result i would request that there be a motion to strike section 4 on page 4 and the top of page 5 relative
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to the size limits which were basically a add-on accommodation that we accommodated yesterday in land use, but the community needs to review and feel comfortable with. if we can strike that language and strike the corresponding mention in the long title at lines 5 and 6, we can move forward with the rest of the legislation that will allow for a sud at 900 kearney that is been embraced by the community. is there a motion to that effect? made by supervisor melgar, second by supervisor mandelman. why don't we take without objection? on the item as amended and originally presented, we can take that same house same call as a-minded. the ordinance is passed first reading as amended. madam clerk, please read the
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next item. >> item 36 is considered at rules committee and forwarded as as committee report. item 36 is a motion to appoint supervisor hillary ronan to the local agency formation commission term ending february 4, 2027. >> is there a motion to excuse supervisor ronan? made by supervisor walton and second by supervisor mandal and take without objection. supervisor ronan is excused and on the motion madam clerk a roll call, please. >> item 36, supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. supervisor walton, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor preston, aye. there are 10 ayes. >> the motion is approved and
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supervisor ronan, you may return. madam clerk, let's go to roll call for introductions. >> as supervisor ronan returns, i would state she is first up to introduce new business. >> thank you colleagues. today i have an in memoriam. in honor of randy leo dudley, vibrant and beloved members who passed away far too young. most recently a member and housemate of marty place a coop for people living with hiv in district 9. feechards in a documentary about marty's place sharing perspective on the history of what draws people to san francisco and reflecting on reasons that mirrored his feelings of connection to the city. randy dudley was a young man who star on the--he graduated from san francisco state university with ba in broadcasting and received scholarship to new york film institute. back east found he missed the
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southern california sun and decided to return to the west coast after sceering a job in la with a production company. he became a member of the director guildf of america and lead to internship of rupaul's drag race. his level creativity for art music and design kept connected to the west coast and epoened new doors. after attending conference randy inspired to get actively involved in advocacy and move back to san francisco in january of this year. he immediately became involveped in the hiv advocacy network and accepted to the black health clinical intern 147 program at the san francisco aids foundation set to start the day after he died. randy dazzled everyone with infectious smile and sense of style and flair and will be deeply missed by family,
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friends and community to whom i offer deepest condolences. rest in peace, randy leo dudley and the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor safai. >> today introducing resolution to stand in solidarity with committee of intern and residents, cri, sciu. numerous reports from residents physicals detailed work place violation miner and severe unreported to the california division. this is violation for healthcare facilities. most notably reported a story about a violent assault on a psychiatric resident, dana coulomb in 2020
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that underscores the need for action. dani suffered traumatic brain injury and spent more then a year recovering. this is truly unacceptable. more alarming cpmc failure to report the incident to state regulates mandated by law exposing safety flaws in the helths care system. we can't turn a blind eye to incident like dani asop u salt. i urge to implement contract language insuring safe conditions for residents physicians and patients alike. it is important we prioritize the wellbeing of healthcare providers by providing better seek leave policy and fair compensation. this resolution is our commitment to upholding highest standards of patient care and insuring san francisco residency program in california. the front line healthcare workers
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deserve a safe working environment. i hope cpmc will take action to insure incidents of violence are properly addressed and measures in place to prevent future occurrences. and the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you supervisor safai. supervisor stefani, submit. thank you. supervisor walton. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues, today along with supervisor preston, i'm introducing a resolution urging the state to fund the employee ownership hub and governor office of business and economic development. in 2022, senate bill 1407, the california employee ownership act introduced by senator josh becker passed with unanimous bipartisan support which establish the emplyee ownership hub to provide business owners and employees support to transition a business into a coop.
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this passed, it lacks funding necessary to be fully operational. employee owned businesses have been shown to enhance business performance, create quality stable jobs, build wealth for workers, contribute to more resilient local economy and retain jobs during recessions. increasing worker ownership also contributes to stabilizing the economy and next decades a significant number of california small businesses face a crisis as business owners retire and only one in five businesses find a buyer. the employee ownership hub will provide support for businesses to transition to worker owned coops. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor walton. supervisor chan. submit. thank you. supervisor dorsey. >> thank you madam clerk. colleagues i'm joining with board president aaron peskin calling
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for a hearing on the bmr program in rin contowers to ascertain whether ownership is engaging in bad faith tactics to evade decades old affordable housing obligation. examples reported to me include intimidation rent increase and affordable units left vacant. reported to report is city attorney office, the mayor office of housing and community development, carmel partners and gray star management. after working 14 years in the san francisco city attorney office i can say few local injustice--sadly our city has seen no shortage of examples over the year in cases against the likes of city apartment, sky line realty [indiscernible] landlords see profit
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motive in skirting the law. these include laws to protect affordsalb housing to insure habitability and safety and protecterant stabilization. may or may not include illegal conduct, but these obligations date back to 1985 san francisco redevelopment agency agreement with the original developers requiring 76 units of on-site affordal housing be maintained. the property has changed hands several time over the years and beyond the dispute rincontower ownership sought to unburden from the affordable housing obligation. last year a legal team including many former colleagues in the city attorney office fought and won arbitration requiring the new owners keep 76 units affordable. we are hearing ownership issued rent increases, some as high as 12.5 percent which low and moderate income tenants is tantamount to eviction notice.
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these reported rent hikes on long-term tenants if true may be illegal. many units sit vacant. my office heard about intimidation tactics to sign leases at unaffordable rates before they have been able to seek legal counsel or guidance whether these increases are allowed. i'm aware that mohcd is attempting to work with property management right now. too many residents i represent lack clarity, which i hope and expect a public hearing will bring. i want to insure our city is doing its part to protect and stabilize the towers residents i represent, specifically and generally send a strong uneequivalent message san francisco takes seriously the affordable housing laws and agreement and we expect all parties subject to those law s and agreements to take them seriously as well. i want to express appreciation to president peskin for his institutional knowledge of this property and many residents. i look forward working with him
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and stakeholders on the hearing and other meetings and the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor dorsey. supervisor engardio. submit. thank you. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you madam clerk. today i'm introducing a resolution in support of ab1775 authored by member haney. california cannabis industry faces significant challenge. legal dispensaries struggle to compete outside the bounds of environmental distribution and tax laws. multiple reports highlighted the despairty between the legal and illegal cannabis markets with the latter surpassing double the size of legal market. seeks to provide measure of relief for retail cannabis establishment allowing jurisdictions to permit the sale of non cannabis infused food and non alcoholic drinks and permitting ticketed
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events at those establishments. builds upon previous legislative efforts. last year assembly member haney introduced support for ab374 which allow cannabis cafes and raised concerns regarding worker health. the governor vetoes ab374 but asked assembly member haney to work with stakeholders including debarment of cannabis control. ab1775 address sth concerns requiring proper ventilation and separating smoking-hf-
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>> supervisor melgar. submit. thank you. supervisor peskin. submit. thank you. supervisor preston. >> thank you madam clerk. several items today. first today i'm proud to be cosponsoring with the mayor a resolution to support the acquisition of 624 laguna in hayes valley, my district to provide assisted living for low income seniors. i want to thank the department of public health along with department of real estate for leading the outreach efforts and negotiations to purchase this site. once acquired, this site will provide assisted living for an estimated 56 people over the age of 60. these facilities will be staffed 24/7 and residents will receive help with daily tasks such as meal
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preparation, medication, house keeping and personal care. there are ongoing conversations about the site across the street at 601 laguna. it is owned by the same ownership. colleagues, over the years as you all know, we have seen the cost of elder care rising beyond the point where most people can afford it and this acquisition will support seniors in hayes valley and insure low income seniors will have a place to call home in the community. i think this is great for the neighborhood. i think it is great for the city. i have spoken with many of my constituents who support this acquisition and we look forward continuing to partner with dph and the mayor to get this assisted living facility fully operational as soon as possible, so proud to join the mayor in support of the resolution and hoping we can count on everyone's support for this as well.
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next, i'm introduce a letter of inquiry regarding the san francisco police department failure to comply with assembry bill 481 sponsored and passed in 2021 by then assembly member david chui. that bill intended to give californians insight into local law enforcement agencies acquisition and use of military equipment. as background, in december last year, the government audit and oversight committee which i chair received the san francisco sheriff office military equipment annual report for approval as required under state law. when we did not receive the sfpd report for several weeks after, we received the sheriff report. my office reached out to sfpd to request a timeline for introduction of their report. despite repeated requests over the past few months, we have not
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received the report or timeline for filing the report so today filing a letter of inquiry regarding this delay and seeking timeline for submission of the required report. these annual reports are not only required under state law, but are also important to san franciscans. i note the last time sfpd filed its report and proposed military equipment use policy in 2022, hundreds of san franciscans reached out to the board to express disapproval of sfpd now tabled proposal for robots. these transparency laws matter and help us have important policy conversations in the public eye, but these laws are only effective when agencies comply with the law. we may not all always agree on what the appropriate military equipment is for
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local law enforcement, but we should be able to all agree transparency in compliance with the law matters. the san francisco sheriff office has substantially complied with state law providing their report, and we should expect no less from the san francisco police department, so hoping that we can get a firm timeline for this report and look forward working with sfpd and stakeholders to get that policy before the full board as soon as possible. lastly colleagues today introducing a resolution calling our our state delegation to prevent cuts to an affordable housing program aimed at preventing displacement and homelessness in california. the for closure intervention housing preservation program also referred to as cip provides funding for non profits to acquire and stabilize market rate residential buildings at risk of for closure or in the foreclosure
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process. in 2021 california law makers created the program and allocated significant funds to scale the preservation work, but as affordable housing groups were ramping up for the program launch, last winter the state announced plans to pause efforts for implementation and in january initial budget projections/ed the program budget for $485 million to $237.5 million. we need to hold the line and demand state leaders including governor newsom impose no further cuts on this program. it is a crucial tool for anti-displacement and homelessness prevention in san francisco and across the state of california. our city small sites program is a model for housing preservation to take apartment buildings off the speculative market for permanent affordability. after passage of prop i in 2020
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we created a emergency acquisition plan to purchase buildsings and our board voted the next year to allocate $64 million from prop i revenues to this program. most recently, san francisco voters passed prop a recently, which will replenish funds that the mayor cut last year from the small house preservation program. i think we should all listen to san francisco voters who have consistently indicated strong support for these crucial preservation and anti-displacement programs. while we work and continue our work to increase city funding for these investments, we also know the only way to really scale up to meet the need is through state and or federal help and the cip program offers the start that kind of state commitment. funding the program is the ounce of prevention that avoids the
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pound of cure. i urge the city to stand together to insure this program is funded and urge our state delegation to stand strong and make sure the funding is there and not cut further and the program is launched without delay. i want to thank my early cosponsors, president peskin, supervisor melgar and supervisor walton for their cosponsorship of this resolution. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor preston. seeing no names on the roster mr. president, that concludes new business. >> let's go to general public comment. >> at this time, the board welcomes general public comment. you may speak to the april 2, 2024 board meeting minutes as presented. 39-43, the items on the for adoption without reference to committee, part of the agenda and other general matters not on today's agenda but must be within the board subject matter
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jurisdiction. we are setting the timer for two minutes. let's hear from our first speaker. welcome. >> thank you. if you keep looking down you are in trouble. you can't look down. you look down at people when you know you [indiscernible] that is it the way humans--it is good. because, she's good too. you are good too. not bad. never mind. warning the use of any cell phone as [indiscernible] from the tech community.
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in order to not make unintelligent, go to [indiscernible] wanting the use of any cell phone is today deadly. i need to finish what i told the airport commission this morning. telling them, it is only the second time i spoke to this commission. watch the skies. it is because the skies are watching them. they are watching you. can't escape. so, yeah, i won't be able to finish in order to explain to you all, light fits on evolution that fits on matter. next time, i guess.
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you need to understand this. otherwise you are done. [indiscernible] >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon board of supervisors. my name is christopher cline. i was going to read a statement i read yesterday at the local homeless coordinating board but something drastically changed this morning. before i came to this meeting i sent evidence and information to the sheriff and assistant police chief. as some may aware there were two injured this morning, a child and adult hit by a driver suspected fleeing police. this morning, i witnessed that arrest of the driver. that car was meant for me. now, sure lock is a military grade equipment surveillance system. we had this conversation before. the people in this room need to make a tough decision today about what to do
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about the few people using these credentials illegally. i sense the same information to some of the board of supervisor, please share with each other. the it headacheing surveillance by the few people are causing a violent uptick and i'm not going to tolerate someone trying to run me over with a car and i don't expect you to tolerate that as well. i know who the individuals are and i have been very calm, very calm while i waited for each of you to do your job and respectfully asking you to do your job by asking the person to resign. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors. john avalos from council community housing organization. i'm here in support of item number 40, recognizing commemorating affordable housing month in san francisco may 2024. i have with me a flier which
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i'll share for the clerk to share with you all. of all of our events for affordable housing month. first of all, want to recognize the unity that the board of supervisors and city hall had shown in the passage of proposition a, the $300 billion affordable housing bond. it shows a lot about the commitment of the voters to support affordable housing. if you look last year there was a esh measure there wasn't that kind of support. when we build community we are able to educate voters to scale up the resources and invasion to meet housing production preservation and protection goals. overall, our theme for affordable housing month is housing justice for sitting where we all belong. if you think about affordable housing organizations that decades have
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been fighting for local residents to have a voice shaping housing policy and insure affordsability we meet working people standard for housing development in the sitsy, we are building a place where we belong in the city and don't see that we have to be priced out in order to build any housing for the future. with the future that insures that people who live here can belong here. our events are going to include the marvel in mission celebration, the plaza [indiscernible] had one over the years along with meta and mission housing organizations that will be may 9 this coming thursday. there is a housing expo on may 18, to share the resources for housing home ownership. we will have event uplifting sro and history of sro walking tour and lastly, an event that helps sustain bipoc communities in san francisco.
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thank you for your work on this. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> my name is jim maxy here seeking liberty and justice for my domestic partner randy welch. not a stand up comedian. also brian alexander as laguna honda was conserved without going to probate and no chance to defend himself. randy and myself are not given standing [indiscernible] registered with the city and durable power of attorney. the only one they give standing to is the person they helped embezzle $8 thousand of randy's social security money, his father. not only that, not only able to embezzle the money, but they gave him the authority over his healthcare, his
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finances and his placement. recently, jason yarb burrow got me back into laguna honda in the capacity of durable power of attorney, however, when i left i discovered that actually there is nothing in writing that differentiates a visitor who is has a durable power of attorney from a regular visitor, so any time i go in, the sheriffs can handle it however they want. interesting to note, when they talk about the security that you go through at laguna honda and the sheriff is doing, they are not mentioned. they are called stats. [indiscernible] it wouldn't seem so like the one article i read where laguna honda was called, god's
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hotel. that's a strange god. now, i'm telling you for a fact there is a flawed recertification methodology and if i had standing and you dont have to have standing to report crime. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm jenny pearlman with safe and sound and here in support of item number 24 regarding sunseting of the violence council. >> that matter has been heard in committee and public comment is satisfied so you can speak on something else. >> i was here to support that. thank you. >> it passed. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon board of supervisors. always a pleasure to join you
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here. this afternoon i sat for the meeting of the sfmta and we talked about vision zero and bike infrastructure. we talked about making this city more livable for those of us who are walking around all the time. because the current standard is not working for nobody. you can see it isn't had working for me. it just is about time to start. don't you think so? i think so. it starts if you want to be honest and talk about it heart to heart. what i just want to ask you is, when are we going to turn this ship around? when are we go toog see light at the end of the tunnel? when is it going to stop? when will it end? you know, that is all i want to
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know. hopefully maybe tomorrow. you know what i'm saying? that would be great if it was. it would be great if it was. that's how we go. that's how we do it. thenking about tomorrow. don't stop thinking about tomorrow. you know that song? fleetwood mac. a pretty good song. let's do it, let's gets the show on the road, let's make it happen because i'm tired. it has been 10 months of homelessness. i'm a homeless guy. it is 10 months of this. it is growing. my back is about to break. i am carrying around a hundred pound backpack. i just want to know when can we start saving the city. let's save the city. the city needs to be saved. let's do it. thank you guys. >> thank you for your comments. any other members of the public who like to address the board?
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please stand up. mr. president. >> public comment is now closed. madam clerk, please read the adoption without committee reference calendar. >> items 39-43 introduced for adoption without committee reference. unanimous vote is required for adoption on first reading today. a member may require resolution on first reading to go to committee. >> madam clerk, would you please sever item 40? and on the balance of the calendar, items 39, 41, 42 and 43, we will take those same house, same call. >> mr. president. we need a roll call on this one as supervisor ronan was excused. >> you are right. roll call. >> 39, 41, 42 and 43--supervisor ronan,
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aye. supervisor safai, aye. supervisor stefani, aye. supervisor walton, aye. supervisor chan, aye. supervisor dorsey, aye. supervisor engardio, aye. supervisor mandelman, aye. supervisor melgar, aye. supervisor peskin, aye. supervisor preston, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> those resolutions are adopted and motions approved. madam clerk, please read item number 40. >> item 40 is rez solution to commemorate month of may as affordal housing >> this resolution recognizes this month may as afford nlable housing month in san francisco in order to bring the attention to dire
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need that is affordable to extremely low income, low income and middle income san franciscans to works in hospitality, service industry, retail, healthcare, teachers first respondsers whom our market does not provide housing that they can afford. many housing organizations celebrate may as affordable housing month as a opportunity to bring people together and uplift the policy and organizing work of producing preserving and protecting affordable housing. here in san francisco as we heard from former supervisors avalos, the council on community housing organizations hosting a month of event celebrating the success of the maval in the mission project. congratulations supervisor ronan and uplifting the housing stories and needs of our sro residents spread between districts 3, 6 and 9. it is also a chance for us as
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policy makers to reflect-i should say and 5 now, it also is a chance as policy makers to reflect on successes and challenges in which we lead the nation in innovative approaches to local affordable housing funding as evidenced by the passage of prop a as well as market interventions such as the inclusionary zoning program, the community opportunity purchase act, and other public policy initiatives while facing a mandate from the state to build 46 thousand affordable homes by 2031 but without any funding to do so. given this, we must recommit to scaling up investments and continuing to pioneer new methods to produce, protect and secure affordable stable housing to fight displacement and stabilize our communities. supervisor ronan. >> just ask to be added as cosponsor. thanks. >> so noted. seeing no one else on the roster, we will take this same house same
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call. the resolution is adopted. colleagues we will recess until 4 p.m. [recess until 4 p.m.]
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[meeting reconvened] we'll reconvene the tuesday may 7, 2024 regular meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. madam clerk, please read our two special order committee of the whole 4 p.m. items 31-34. >> the board will convene committee of a whole combining 31 and 22 pursuant to a motion approved on april 16, 2024. item 33 and 34 scheduled pursuant to a motion approved april 16, 2024.
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item 31 and 32 comprise the public hearing to consider objections to report of assessment costs submit ted by director of public reports. the resolution and report contained for sidewalk and curb repairs. for item 33 and 34, this is public hearing to consider objection to a report of accessment cost resolution and report in item 34 submit bide the director of public works for inspection and/or repair of blighted properties ordered through the sidewalk abatement program. >> thank you colleagues. as previously noted we are combining the hearings on the assessment cost together with the sidewalk inspection and repair program and accelerated sidewalk abatement program. these hearings are both now open and first we'll hear as we normally do from the department of public works. good to see you mr. lennon, the
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floor is yours. >> good afternoon president peskin, supervisors. my name is michael lennon and today appearing on behalf of public works in the sidewalk inspection repair program and accelerated sidewalk abatement program. high level, under both programs, pursuant the state highway code and public works code 706, the property owners are responsible for repairs adjacent to the properties. items 31 and 32 twoe is a proactive inspection program to inspect and repair all sidewalks in san francisco on a 25 year rolling basis. we inspect, notify property owners and other entities responsible for repair of the need to undertake specific repairs and the program is designed to make easier for property owners to complete those repairs by providing a contractor which they can use. they also have the option of engaging their private contractor and
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making the repairs themselves. in instances where the department makes the repairs and the bills go unpaid or instances where the property owners elect to have the cost of repairs placed on their property taxes, we submit annual lien to the board of supervisor for approval and inclusion on the annual tax roll. since the hearing in may 2023, and through december 31, 2023 there were a total 468 invoices issued to property owners and 443 of them or 95 percent were paid. the remaining 30 or 5 percent were submitted couple months back for initial review. as of noon today the number decreased to 22 invoices totaling $19.513 and the report submitting today
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currently has $8522.08 asking to add to the roll with total of 8 invoices. agenda items 33 and 34,b cerp is the most proactive holistic arm in sidewalk repair program, more designed specific and high priority locations. we respect and notify property owners the need for repairs. if they fail to do so and the department makes repairs on their behalf or elect to have the cost put on their property taxes, we bring it and submit it to you annually. since may of last year, and through december 31 there were 46 invoices issued to property owners. 16 of those roughly 35 percent were paid and the remaining 30 were submitted as part of the list for consideration.
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as of noon today, 15 invoices were removed so the report before you today is total of 15 invoices totaling $6260.80. we have one more last minute amendment. line item 2 on the agenda spreadsheet is associated with 480 geary street. we have anotherpeneding enforcement action at that property that is set to come due friday, so we are removing the lien for this abatement action and we will align it with the other pending enforcement action because it involves the same fence and encroachment. and with that addition or subtraction, the total balance for the list is $5212 with the 12 percent admin fee,
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$5837.44 will be the total. it is with that that the department request the board's approval of the list for both. i'm available for questions if you have any. >> thank you mr. lennon. any questions from members? if not, we will now open these items for public comment for items 31-34. if you are here for these items but do not want to provide testimony you have the opportunity to speak with the department briefly outside or you can just meet with mr. lennon and let him know to resolve your issue. any member s of the public who would like to speak on these item s? please come forward. >> hello. my name is eric and i'm not too
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sure why i'm here, but i figured i will explain why i think i might be here. this is probably 15 years ago i was gardening in the front of my house in diamond heights and a woman walked by and she said, why dont you cut some of the plants in the front and i got up and i am like, what's the matter? she goes, they are touching the sidewalk. like you got to be kidding me. she goes yes, i'm like, well, it isn't impeding traffic. if you dont like it, if it isn't to your liking, you can come and prune it yourself and she walked off in a huff and a week later i came home and there was a thing taped to my house about an abatement with the plants in my front yard. this has been going on for probably about 15 years now. it is the same woman. she is still alive. i see her walking with her dog. she doesn't live on my street
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and this happens over and over again and i have to take pictures and i'm here because of this. it is incredible. so- >> sir, definitely provide you the opportunity to speak with public works and don't have to say publicly, but do you know which of these it is referring to? block and lot number. >> 196 amber drive. >> got it. >> where i lived for 25 years and i do a lot of work on the house. >> okay, item 8. okay. mr. lennon, here's your first customer to visit with. thank you and sorry for this. this is something we go through every year. >> it isn't every year, it is every couple years. >> we get these every year. the official functions that every board of supervisors play in the state of california, but yeah, i kind of recall seeing you before, but-- >> i have never been here before? >> you haven't.
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>> this is my first time, but these notices i'm sure from the same woman has been going on years and years, well over 10 years now. it is like, i'm hoping i can put it to a stop. anyone can call 311 and do a complaint and they can do it anonymously and i have a feeling this woman is doing it over and over and over again. it feels kind of like harassment at this point. >> i will get you and mr. lennon together in a minute. why don't we hear from the next speaker. please come forward, ma'am. >> hi, my name is priscilla and i work- >> can you bring the mic down so we can hear you. >> can you hear me better? >> yes. >> my name is priscilla and represent 1600 market for violation 1234064, block 0854, lot 1. i was represented this violation on the 30 of april of this year.
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we noticed the violations were sent to a los angeles address and we didn't know where that address pertained to. i spoke to inspector chung and he sent me the original violation. we addressed these sidewalk defect may 6 and paid the blight inspection fee of $362. >> why am i not seeing 1600 market on this list? you say the block and lot number again? >> it's block 0854, lot 141. 1600 market street. >> i do not see that. mr. lennon, it sound like she's speaking to a property that has already been resolved. is that correct? sorry for your having to come
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down here. mr. lennon. >> we are looking to see if we have a earlier list to see if it is on it initial list but it isn't oen the roll we are seeking so if the payment was remitted it looks like everything has been cleared at this point. >> thank you, sorry for your troubles. are there any other members of the public who like to testify? please come forward, ma'am. >> okay. if you will be so kind to allow me to address the board today. >> of course. >> my name is cheryl williams and i reside at 278 mango in san
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francisco and my lot number is, 3062018. >> yes. >> alright. the notice of repair. i know it started in i think april. i think april of 2018 and was right after i think my mom had got a i think it was like a home healthy loan, which was completed, and so my neighbor, one of those neighbors like that gentleman has, my neighbor has been complaining. yeah, the sidewalk i have pictures of it. it doesn't--it's horrible, but before it became dilapidated, my neighbor has a tree and that tree, those
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roots have grown, and you can see how it has uplifted the cement and before my mom passed she was like, the inspector came out and said i want a camera down there because a camera will more then likely show those roots. well, i am not sure who the gentleman was, it might have been chung, not sure, back then. it was the asian man. very nice. he came out and we spoke and he said, just try to get somebody to fix that part, but like my mom was saying, it is those roots and so even if you fix it whether i'm here or not, you will have the same issue. so, time went on and i was like, well, i was going to try to get it fixed. they sent me a list.
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thank you. >> the problem is we have to allot everybody the same amount of time. what i like to do ma'am is to have you visit with mr. lennon and the department of public works. >> okay. >> and if you all want to step outside and chat for a minute and see if you can resolve this matter. are there any other members of the public who would like to testify on these items 31-34? if not, public comment is now closed. colleagues, if you will indulge me, we will reconvene as the board of supervisor, but wait just a moment for the department of public works and the individuals that we heard from to reach resolutions so if we can sit here for a
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few moments, hopefully we'll get this behind us. supervisor walton. >> thank you president peskin. i was going to add to give a firm time, but they are gone. >> they will be back in a minute. >> at some point.
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[waiting for meeting to resume]
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>> okay. we are reconveneds as the board
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of supervisors and public comment is closed to the members of the public. thank you for being here today. the department of public works staff has met with you and we are now returning to items 32 and 34 and i believe that on the sidewalk abatement program in addition to the item block at 48 geary that mr. lennon talked about removing, he is also removing the two cases that we heard from members of the public on mango and amber in district 7 and 8. is there anything you want to add to that mr. lennon? >> just add, the mango is removed. we had found evidence of having work been completed so the fee was waived and for amber removing from the list and following up for payment and abatement of the sidewalk conditions. other then that, just the new
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total for that request is $5026.50. >> i note the sidewalk inspection and repair program as compared to the accelerated sidewalk abatement program remains $5022.08. motion to amend the report contained in item 34. the one we are amending, right michael? >> yes. >> remove the properties identified by department staff. the three properties we discussed. motion by supervisor mandelman and second by supervisor dorsey and we'll take without objection. on the item, the original item which was not amended and on item 3 as amended, we will take those
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same house, same call. those items are both approved. madam clerk, do we have any in memoria? thank you mr. lennon. >> today's meeting is adjourned in the beloved individual on behalf of supervisor ronan, for the late mr. randy leo dudley. >> we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned]2
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[music] >> opening this space with my sister, and being able to continue the very deep literary lineage that exist in the mission is part of the fabric of the neighborhood. this is neighborhood of poets
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and litary readings. you see the writers from the neighborhood, their books are here. paul flores books are here. --that is what we are doing, keeping the litary lineage alive and going, you know? [music] >> san francisco is actually the only place that i can do this. in its quite way, something i can actually do that is a benefit. sure, i like to open up a really cool well curateed spot. it would be beneficial but not the same beneficial it is here. when i say young folks that remind me of us, when we were that young, and they come in here, they can relax.
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nobody is following them around like they are going to steal anything. that means they can be a little more free and little more of themselves and i can do some small thing that helps them do that and that is part of what lets me know i'm doing exactly what i want and need to do. [music] >> we have events here that focus on the deep neighborhood history here on the artists and writers. if you look now there is antany, his exhibit and focus is on neighborhood people. artists muralist, the space was basically a gift given to us in a really weird way. we had to work our asses off
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for, but it was that opportunity for me that chance to be that link in the long literary chain of the neighborhood. it is a blessing to be here. [music] >> come shop dine and play. taraval street is open for business. >> i am a coowner at 19th.
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this establishment came about when me and my brother andy, coowner, we decided that it time for us to take a step up in the barber industry, and open up a space of our own. ory business is a community that shows their true artistic side of the barber industry. we are involved in teraival bingo so stop by, get a hair cut and when you do you get the barber sticker made just for us. i say in three words we are community, arts and here to help any way possible we can, so come by, visit at barber lounge, 907 taraval in the sunset. you can find us on instagram. >> time for teraival bingo supporting small business, anyone can participate. it is easy, collect stickers on a bingo gameboard and enter a raffle event.
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[music] digital literacy is something severely lacking in our world today and it takes a lot to understand that. food water and shelter have basic necessities so long we forget about wifi and connection to the interenet and when you go into communities and realize peep ople are not able to load homework and talk to teachers and out of touch with
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the world. by providing the network and system we are able to allow them to keep up in the modern age. >> folks still were not served by internet throughout the city and tended to be low income people, people in affordable housing. people of color and limited english and seniors, all those are high concentrations in affordable housing, so we thought given that we had a fiber network that stretched throughout the city reaching deep into neighborhoods that would be a perfect opportunity to address it in san francisco. >> the infrastructure the city and star help us run are dejtle programs. it played a critical role from the time we opened during covid till now so we were able to collaborate with online services that offer tutoring and school support. it also helped us be able to log the kids on for
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online school during covid, in addition to like, now that everybody has switched most of their curriculum online we can log kids on to the online homework, check grades in addition to helping parent learn how to use the school system portm >> the office of digital equity our goal fiber to housing is insure we have all three legs of the 3 legged stool. the first leg is high quality internet connection. we liken the high quality internet connection to the highway. the second leg is high quality devices. this is the car. you want to make sure the specks on the car is up to speed and lastly, it is important to get kind of that driver's education to learn how to navigate the road, to know the signs to watch out for in terms
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of making sure you are school while you are surfing the internet it is private so that is the digital literacy piece. >> my daily life i need the internet just to do pretty much everything. the internet has taken so much control over people's daily lives including myself that i just need it to get certain jobs done, i need it for my life. i need it. >> the program really seeks to where ever possible provide a service that's equivalent or higher speed and quality as the best commercial service . >> we serve all of san francisco, but we definitely have to be equitable in our distribution of services. that means everybody gets what they need to be successful. >> actually one of the most gratifying part of my work here at department of technology, it is really bringing city resources to address problems faced with our communities with the highest need. >> i think it is
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important because i grew up in a low income community without internet access and it is hard. i think it is important for everyone to have internet access no matter their income and maybe one day their kid will have internet access for us and help the school and with their skills.
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okay. good afternoon everyone. this meeting will come to order, welcome to the may 6th, 2024 regular meeting of the land use and transportation committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. i am supervisor myrna melgar, chair of the committee. joined by board of supervisors president aaron peskin and vice chair dean preston. the committee clerk today is mr. john carroll. and i would also like to acknowledge jaime etcheverry at, sfgovtv for staffing this meeting. mr. clerk, do you have any announcements? yes. thank you madam chair. please ensure that you've silenced your cell phones and other electronic devices. you may have brought with you into the chamber today. if you have any documents to include as part of any of today's files, you should submiem