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tv   Mayors Disability Council  SFGTV  May 20, 2024 7:05am-10:01am PDT

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>> >> good afternoon, everyone. >> welcome to the san francisco mayor's disability council (mdc) meeting this afternoon at 1:00 pm., friday, may 17, 2024. and we are glad you are here today, is a in-person and hybrid meeting. um, this meeting is broadcast to the public on
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sfgovtv. it is open caption and sign language interpreted if you need any other accommodations or have difficulty attending please at the end sends an e-mail call. >> you can also join the webinar by phone: dial in: 415-655-0001 access code: 2664 975 6460 did i say my name is sherri the mayor's disability council holds 10 public meetings a year and they are generally held on the third friday of the mom um, from 1 to 4:00 p.m. more information about past or upcoming meeting visit the motion carries. our next regular public meeting on
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friday june 21st. from one to 4:00 p.m. it will also be a hybrid meeting and broadcast on sfgovtv we thank you 2024 joining us your clerk is john. who will be performing his function with the use of an als interpreter city clerk call the roll. >> yes waiting for the camera to get the camera up for me there we go. >> at this time, i will do roll call. >> co-chair madrid, co-chair
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albers present. >> councilmember leasure present councilmember senhaux present. >> councilmember arack. >> present. >> present. >> okay. >> thank you. >> now and clerk read the agenda for today's meeting. >> agenda for today is we'll
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begin with welcome and roll call. >> we have number 2, an action the council which are not on today's meeting agenda. each member of the public may address the council for up to three minutes, (rustling of papers.) number more information item. >> 4. information item: co-chair report. >> 5. .information item: report from the mayor's office on disability. disability. covid-19 health ordinance update presented by dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health public health public health priorities from representatives of disability community organizations. presented by fiona hinze, dignity fund coalition. coalition. third
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coalition. third coalition. third of disability community organizations. presented by allegra heath-stout and itzel romero,senior and disability action (sda) i forget to he mention before number 7 and moving forward. moving forward. of disability community organizations. presented by allegra heath-stout and itzel romero,senior and disability action (sda) . >> 9. information item: correspondence. and 10 general public comment and 11. >> 11. information item: council member comments and announcements. >> 12. action item: adjournment. i'm going to turn it over to co-chair albers thank
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you, counselors is possession to accept the agenda. >> i move to accept the >> i move to accept the >> do i have a second? >> all in favor, say "aye." >> aye. >> >> opposed? . okay. >> motion has passed to accept the agenda. we will move on to um, general public comment clerk read the instructions. >> the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council which are not on today's meeting agenda. each member of the determines that, in the interest of time, comments may be limited to a shorter time when there are a large number of public comments.
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brown act forbids the council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public - a reminder that council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. if you would like a response from the council,please provide your contact information by email message to with
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the subject “mdc comment reply request,” or call 415-554-6789. if you join raise hand to make a comment. >> >> >> making a public comment on webex. if you join the webinar using your tablet or smartphone webex app, click on the three horizontal dots icon and then click on “raise hand.” also use the q&a feature in webex webinar to make a comment. it is located on the top part of the video after touching the screen. if you are using a desktop or laptop computer, “raise hand” and q&a icons are located at the bottom of the video screen. if you join by phone, dial *3 to indicate you
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would like to make a comment. the clerk will prompt you when it's your turn. we'll start now with anybody joining us in-person. if you like to make a comment at this time come and line up at the podium or have comment card located at the front of room. with information to the franchise of your comment. >> scanning the room no public comment at this time. >> debt any do we have any hands raised on the webinar? >> co-chair albers i'm going to turn it over to. thank you. >> thank you very much. okay. we are moving on to an informational item which is the
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co-chair report the motion carries. sent a letter to the board in opposition of the proposed quick bill project on freda which will removal parking pays by needed by the students and faculty. with disabilities to attend city college motion passes. have been recruiting individuals to fill the vacancies think mdc we encourage anyone in the public to contact us if you're interested in joining the mdc. so if i are
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interested completely e-mail um, mdc at or call. um, that's it for my co-chair's report for this month. >> um, we are now more importantly to our next informational item which is the report from our thank you. good afternoon. i'm nicole brown. thanks for joining us today and thanks for watching on testifying or on line i'm going to highlight a few items from
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the full written agenda today. um, the full agenda will be posted on line at on the landing page as sfgovtv back/m organization d following today's meeting if thank you, want to engage with his contact at or by calling us so a few elective updates for today for may 2024 update around file 2 three 1005 the building code extending the deadline for date for places of accommodation which is better known as a
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assessable business ordinance. has been extended to the end of the calendar year (bell ringing) file has been duplicated and additional amendments tend to change the programs are currently under consideration and mo d continues to be in conversation with the supervisors offers and encourage the members of the public wishing to be involved with that initiative contact mo d or the supervisors office directly. the other legislation resolution that is still out there is the one on the only on the un plaza protest of 1977 reminder for the counselors we want the
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commemoration when it happens of the historic rights protest to be as assessable as possible to the disabled community and which means more than the architecture placement of status and please continue it keep an eye on that that the commerce can be universally assessable to everyone at boo physical and for those with disabilities have minor vision as well as folks with mental disabilities plug that one more time i don't have additional updates related to the elective items that are the as a reminder are the california public utilities mo d is a party to the under your
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recommendation as council those are the autonomous vehicles and the transportation network companies and no updates expect that mta it isn't process of facilitating the access fund and those mrashgsdz are currently under review for the access providers as was brought to you last month in april. with federal legislation no movement on the access amendment i encourage mo d and nbc to be engaged with what happened there (clearing throat) . okay. so along with news on that announcements i mentioned last time again the mo d along with all city departments and
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little market building have moved locations as of today very um, busy several weeks for the members of the committee and staff will be working on a in-person remote and he would sometimes in-person sometimes remote but also be someone in-person at the our new location the permanent spaces is conducted which is 1455 market street building 1455 market we expect the permanent space will be completed within 4 to 6 months and same location second floor and until then business as usual we appreciate the public's patience during the first few days of transition where the
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technology and communications are set up at 4001455 market street and say up-to-date with changes to continue to follow the admonition o d distribution list on the website nominates and as a reminder sfgov back/mo d and scroll to describe and the button at the bottom of the a page to so added to the distribution list the best way to stay out-of-date and a couple of more announcements a considerable amount of time for disability and affordable housing news assessment did council will engage with that temple during the season during
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efrng hearing about the advocacy requests and i anticipate that request related to the disability and aging affordable housing assessment of will be among those but please do recognize to continue monitor that. >> next i'd like to welcome alicia who is mayor's disability council compliance and civic coordinator thank you and her duties includes clerk and liaison for the council and the liaison to the disabilities community on legislation matter and tracking and recommending stuart program improvements and we're thrilled to have you and i want to take a moment to thank
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both john who is filled in you're or during our live meetings and a the last few months thank you, john and to deputy director debbie has really do a lot of work to fill a hole in the liaison with council members. thank you very much. and i have a few more things to announce and talk about first, i want to continue to remind you of items as you preserve may want to continue to track and several i will skip the ones i've mentioned earlier in the report and highlight again that you may want to be um, thinking about communication, assess for the city and county of san francisco
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in response to both folks providing public comment in meetings and also the ongoing need to address and introduce communication access for deaf individuals. as i mentioned several times that the controller's office is in progress with single room sro sro assessment and we received mo d an update we expect a full report to be released to the public symptom in the fall of 2024 not as aggregate as the timeline by done a lot of work in the controller's office toe-in about their scope and really getting a good handle on the citywide single-room occupancies inventory so a lot of work towards that in the
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meantime several supervisors including preston and supervisor stefani called for a hearing or considering legislation for the sros and folks may want to continue to monitor that and the emergency management and response for people with disabilities is another big topic that council is interested in the past. um, we continue to be engaged with efforts related to the disagree response and planning the public right-of-way and shelters, etc. this is a couple of things and then i think as the last thing i want to say is this council knows and put out messages to the public and press release so today is my
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final public hearing with you all as is director of mo d the interim director will be deputy city administrator jennifer johnson i want to say it's been an honor and privilege to be your director for the past seven years and this council raised a place a critical role no advancing the perspective of deaf and disables people in the community to all of you all of you come back members thank you for your help personally for taking your role seriously and in housing and employment seriously and please continue toal the tools available to i resolutions and conversations with city and board of supervisors representative and letters of advocate sill and make change and improve the
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lives of people with disabilities thank you, each for your service you've been a pleasure to work with you. and that that concludes my report. for today. >> thank you director nicole bohn that being said, we're going to go off the agenda for a minute because we'd like to thank you, director nicole bohn for your service and mentorship and direction for us as members of council and for the city city and county of san francisco. um, we wish you well and carrying on your your inelect and bring it
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to our new role our honor for that that's what i (bell ringing) want to say and any other council council can just this if in we have something for you (bell ringing) >> any other come back members can jump in. we have something for you.
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>> thank you. >> (laughter) you're in good health i. thank you. >> (laughter.) >> thank you, everyone for those that may not be able to see i have a lovely bow can i have spring flowers and also thank you. >> (calling names.) >> and alex is not here but really been a great place. thank you. >> (laughter.) >> the wanted to make a comment on behalf of the council for the appreciation for
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director nicole bohn so many appreciation for your expertise and you're legislative advise regarding access i've learned from i personally and understand how you were involved been aspiration and the letters and really moving actions forward and it is important for our work showing us how to speak up and access and public pace we're watching the variance things coming forward and oats he legislation and i have wrthd and such a surprise into my roll here on the council, i want to personally thank you, thank you for all the lessons and i agree
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so important to listen and learn and to work with the effectively offered that feedback is comments becomes public policy so thank you for all the impact you've made we're going to miss you. >> thank you. >> denise and hello nicole that is patricia i want to thank you for your support. and you're intelligence i wish you the best in our role. and good luck. >> thank you very much. parking very much appreciated. thank you. >> thank you. thank you, for your services i bring a value perspective to the group i'm glad you're here.
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>> denise i'm sad to see you go nicole been a pleasure to work with you you've been a mentor and friend to myself and the council and you're always there to lend advise and supporting us for people with disabilities so i really thank you, been a pleasure thinking you and pleasure working with our staff they're dedication and commitment i wetland wish you lucky know you'll be scenic for the mayor's office on and we'll know you'll continue to do best you can. thank you. denise that
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is thank you, sherry and everyone very, very touched. um, and with that, are we able to move to the bulk of our meeting today? >> (multiple voices). >>. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. and thank you. (laughter.) >> all right. we're going to move on to our next item discussion item discussion item it is discussion item it is discussion item it is covid-19 health ordinance update presented by dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) um, so dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) are you with us. >> hi and wait one second. >> we need our mic and
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welcome. >> thank you. >> the microphone is on i believe that the slides are - hang on we're going to double checking. i do see them here should i believe advancing them. >> for the control room please bring up the power point and . >> control room please display the power point. >> i will.
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>> control room please bring up the power point. >> control room? we need the power point slides please. the phone is ringing, the phone is ringing
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[off mic.] >> yeah. if - >> if they're connected to your screen. yeah. >> one moment everybody
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(technical difficulties) thank you for your patience. >> don't worry. >> thank you alicia.
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>> (laughter.) >> what is the appropriate you want to wait for the slides. >> i would defer to you director i'm happy to read through the slides that complains the information we want to share. >> we have your slides. >> i think in the interest of time let's proceed. >> and if you wouldn't mind to make sure you cover everything on the slides that would be great. >> yes. is that okay? with you co-chair. >> yes. >> that's quite acceptable. >> thank you my name is dr.
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susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) of the population health and very grateful to the council and to director nicole bohn and her team for the invitation to speak with you. and if i may say for just a moment a pleasure working with director nicole bohn and her team throughout covid and beyond. we spoke a lot. and i have to say that um, her expertise but her advocacy and her commitment to take the most health proposed approaches in san francisco bend the community of people in san francisco
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living with disabilities she was an advocate but nicole would always take my call and answer questions and help me make the best possible decisions in very difficult circumstances thank you, nicole been a pleasure. >> oh, thank you, very much can we go to the second slide please i'm here to cover an update on the covid health order. this is health order number 2, 02 three/01 this order required personnel healthcare personnel working in designated health facility to wear and
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well-fitted mask when in patient areas it expired. following the end of the winter respiratory virus season the healthcare facilities will address respiratory virus through they're on infection programs and policies as they do for other respiratory virus and conditions. oath in san francisco we remain in a strong position to fight covid due to hi vaccination rate as well as the availability of effective treatments for covid like pack covid and prevent medication like pam i'll speak more about
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the treatment resources. in this presentation. next slide, please. this slide covers masking and healthcare setting. healthcare facility operators even after the end of the health order can decide to implement their own requirements regarding masking for patience and staff. for example, may choose to condition the prior order or my require masks within their facility or in certain circumstances for example, an outbreak or increase in cases of respiratory disease we know that that is for the always apparent that a patient maybe at higher risk we know that covid is not quote/unquote
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over and continued attendance is needed. therefore to encourage a central healthcare visit the san francisco department of public health recommendations that health system and facilities implement that staff will mask think patient request in the policy didn't require staff pacific. next slide, please. masking requirements and recommendations the san francisco department of public health has clinical facilities including zsfgh and laguna honda and clinics within the health network those facilities have made a decision to continue staff wear masks this is one example of a health system
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making a decision to continue masking requirement for healthcare working he even after the healthcare order everyone should wear and high quality mask likewise k f-94, k n-95 or n-95 mask and crowded or parolee ventilated setting especially at higher risk for disease or what the levels of respiratory diseases like covid is high or increasing. next slide, please. this slide is titled vaccine recommendations. we have known and have said for a long period during the covid pandemic and beyond that staying up-to-date
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is the best way to protect and everyone who is a 6 months and older should get the most updated covid vaccination and currently the version six the 2023-24 vaccination those are 65 years should receive an additional dose it is more than 4 months since the last dose. visit vaccines gov to find a vaccine near you next slide, please. the slide is i'd like to covid treatment and prevention for people who become infected with covid 19 effective treatment including p continues to be available under healthcare
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providers and pharmacies to consolidated adults and adolescence is new anti body known as pam as the trade name that is authorized by the fda on march 22nd of this year for the prevention of covid 19 with and can be administered every three months in needed. next slide, please. this slide a keeping the community informed we have maintained our covid 19 vaccination test positivity and database at sfgovtv and hospitalization data has been paused since the beginning of may from hospitals to report via
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the national healthcare safety net, however, because in san francisco we have kept in place a health odor we continue to receive covid 19 missions data by a or reporting system and working to create a dashboard with those data we do have internal built to look at them. >> for more information about the health orders including frequently asked questions invite forward/health rules one word next slide, please. >> i want to thank you so much for the invitation to speak with you know that the topic at hand is this particular covid 19 health order i want to take the
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opportunity to reinforce that there will be other public health issues we'll continue to work with the mayor's office on disability with the team and the acting director we look forward to those continued collaborations and important input into health input in san >> thank you. phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph). >> at this time we're going to open up for public comment. clerk, please read the instructions. >> non-complaint we'll start members of audience come up to the podium or to the side you
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need to fill out that card with our information and looking across the room no one - one person. okay. >> good afternoon, council. congratulations director nicole bohn. dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph). >> my name is lisa member of senior and disabled action i'm a senior and my his is a 79-year-old disabled person we have contributed to the life of for over 50 years. me as teacher with the san francisco school district and my his an, an appellant attorney for prisoners and we hope that at that point
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san francisco tries to keep us safe as that vulnerable time in our lives. masking and healthcare settings prevents us from flu and tuberculous. "disproportionately effects seniors with more serious outcomes. as a side note, i waited 75 years to be a grapple grandparent and want time with my 2 and three-year-old grandchildren please reinstate masking and another not dr. bob we all watched suffered the consequences with covid he made a statement the last part of his
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statement if you can avoid getting covid dozen. i'm asking if we avoid by keeping masking in healthcare thank you, everyone. >> thank you for your comments. >> anyone in-person. >> if not we can move to the webb. we are not seeing else in the room that would like to make public comment, debbie is there if i wish to make a commit online. >> control room please unmute the phone line i'll start the timer for the first person to make their comment. >> caller go ahead.
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>> caller and caller go ahead. >> hello can you hear me? >> yes. >> hi. >> very much hello can you hear me? >> yes. >> okay. thank you. >> hello ami elizabeth a member of senior segregate action and a company going to the doctor is risky i'm hugely disappointed point department of health has
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allowed this to expire that in on ongoing pandemic this makes healthcare for dangerous we deserve i'm calling on the department of health to restate the universal masking and healthcare not many of tools and not in a place no cure or treatment for covid and covid is still disabling and killing people over thirty thousand americans are died this year and no fall back the government program this provide from the covid in august and kids can't be - if you're uninsured so susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) mentioned those things there are a lot of limitation and is it available
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this medication i - my providers have not heard of it and can't be taken by children under 12 and a lot of - so it is just something we need to keep on masking and healthcare and data if san francisco hospitals how regular people access that that is important information to be able to see and if the data is always the decision (bell ringing) to drop masking seniors are met with dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) and calling on you to keep the masks we called many commissions meetings. and last month had a demonstration calling on the department of health to keep the masks with a bunch of organization more than 70 people came out
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internationally he (bell ringing) about the importance of keeping - and this is a thank you for your comments this is nicole speaking we neglected to mention this is a reminder to our callers we allowed time for the members of the committee and have three minutes hearing a chime with that, next speaker. >> hi this is a medication for dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) my name is robin a member of. >> excuse me - can you hold on for a second. we will start the timer and be aware this is a sign language so place your comments according. >> let me know when i should speak. >> please go ahead and okay. thank you. >> um, i am a member of senior
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action and $400 for the materials to make banners and 70 foot in the hopes our message is reached i don't think it did we're going to try again in-person by unfortunately, most public spaces. >> was robin stopped me from getting infected and not a slip-up base anyone else was not wearing and mask and i had covid i was reinfected. we've let it is to con tag didn't work i'm sure i know this and worked you
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must recognize the signs of a population that have been damaged cancer and people taking more sick time i know three healthy people that is may and aids used to be called gay deceased and they thereof manufacturers the concept by the people with disabilities and know that but that last category is shrinking the truth is we have allowed this to run lose for years and people are - but i'm what you imagine supporting with that field masks will be
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required that doctors started washing their hands a change will happen but kicking the can down the road your office has as miss complicated. >> what happened to marginalized people now is coming forever people tomorrow in an interview you upstairs my children understand to help people and san francisco literally changed the tide on the health crisis thank you for your comments. >> next speaker. >> i'm sorry we had to - >> okay. now. >> (multiple voices.) >> >> next speaker, please.
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>> holds for one second and hi, i'm marianne a voter and calling to say i have called. and compromise consolidated loved ones the idea of getting care in the doctor and i really hope that our city can follow the great (microphone distorted) and i encourage to you keep the mandatory mask. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> and we're going to reset the timer for the next caller. >> control room i'm ready for the next caller you've been
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unmuted. >> yeah. my name is debbie i guess it it unmutes and let you know that i didn't know who those called on. um, i am a member of sda and um, a chronologically old people can't leave their home without risking their lives. >> our new norm excludes people and it is funny can you hear me? >> yes. >> yes. >> there is awful (microphone feedback) i don't know how to make that
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happen. >> i continue with our feedback. >> (microphone distorted.) >> unmuted. >> who something else is talking. >> please allow me to have the correct amount of time to speak um. >> will you do that. >> we're waiting for the timer right now. >> go ahead. >> carry on um. >> our new norm that excludes people from society and people with disabilities (microphone distorted) . we can't appraise society without risking our lives this
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is for too common feedback we shouldn't have to - (microphone distorted) we need to practice care by requiring masks in all fields including for patience and been countless feedback help to control covid and not up to individual patience to choose masks and one way masking is not - um, from this on covid 20 million citizens have been feshthd by covid and your risk is 40 percent after the third infection and effects the brain. there is no new cure. that means
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that 20 million anyly disabled people in the u.s. we have met with professionals. >> and they will have you believe that vulnerable people can ask for a reasonable accommodation but that did not work it is an potential task everything went through that. and even if someone is quite used (unintelligible) visually disabled was tasked with myself (unintelligible). >> led up to the procedure i didn't know whether they'll take me seriously until the very last second right until i was into the procedure and left people
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catching covid i was in a small room (microphone feedback) before or after even one of the (bell ringing) nurses surgical masks falling below her nose i was advising for people to wear n-95 and my (unintelligible) of the procedure room after because i'm vulnerable to negative outcomes because of covid doctors told us that's a difficult reason (bell ringing) >> okay. thank you. >> thank you for your time and ready to move on to the next caller. >> thank you for your
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comments. >> (multiple voices). >> thank you for your comments. >> thank you if you could please i've run out of time caller we need to ask your time is done. >> (multiple voices.) >>. okay. so thank you for your comments and want to make we're getting some feedback so folks on line could not hear those joining mute and alicia your computer is muted also please. it's comes up. >> making sure your monitor is muted right now. >> no.
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>> it is, it is. >> no sound? >> no the sound needs to come for the computer i'm sorry everyone thank you for your patience. >> i hear you now. >> let proceed with public comment now, please. >> for the next speaker. >> i have a quick comment you mute we can't hear anything in webex who you, you mute the mic we do the right thing what is going on i don't know what is happening but i can't mute and unmute let you guys know that. okay. >> thank you. >> so we're going to need to mute when the time is up. okay. >> okay. control room go to the
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- go ahead go to the next caller. >> (clearing throat) hi, i building that is me i'm not sure my name is (unintelligible). >> is someone trying to speak over me. >> no please continue. >> i'm on a immune i've been infected since three/27 of march and vaccinated in december. i was in a car accident on a bicycle and hit by a vehicle and hit the windshield i've noel not be able to access treatment and dropping the mandate is absolutely unacceptable this is
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happening i hope you're making this decision and giving the power we don't have that as disabled people not having the power you have the power to make a difference decision and people that are more eloquent and for you to listen to but- it is despicable and disturbing a time in history you can make different decisions we go other political process and do this not this is absolutely unacceptable i don't see people wearing mask right now this is respiratory disease will continue to exist and effect the most vulnerable it is unacceptable you take it seriously and you have access to the information and reservoirs
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vaccination costs one hundred and fifty out of pathologist it is unacceptable i am enraged i can hardly breathed and have to buy my own equipment i'm unemployed i was hit by and fucking car scheme my car i'm angry and very, very clearly and loudly we're angry you're killing us you have blood on your hands with that mandatory do better. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments. >> any anymore callers in the
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queue please. okay. next caller please. unmute the next speaker. >> please go ahead. >> i'm a member of sda and hear dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) asking you to bring back the masks. i have (unintelligible) i can't afford to bring covid home and to get it and another club with the age high quality actions for free we spend our own money. because
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during the pandemic i can protect my family and strangers and dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) don't seem to have noticed grow as people to do better. i didn't prepare reached remarks because has done that many, many times and dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) is not willing to take our words i understand a public haektsdz officer job and i expensed dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) to do her job i once again ask to please to consider listening to vulnerable san franciscans and at a time when other airborne
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disease influenza and tuberculous are spreading i also of the the dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) experience deep shame to do her job and it is killing myself and my friends i hope that shame will help her to listen to us and have protocols to prevent all san franciscans they can be prevented people on the call seem to know more about the topic that is grotesque and outlandish i can't believe we pend our time and diddy hope you experience shame and your life a
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long and filled of shame always (bell ringing) at the. >> move on to the next speaker. >> we want to say again that the controller room can hear us. >> move on to the next speaker. >> next caller please. elizabeth? >> uh-huh. >> give me one second. >> can you hear me? >> yes, we can hear you. thank you. >> hi, my name is elizabeth a bay area residents in healthcare in san francisco i'm also a graduate of uc berkley law school and disabled in part due to the - i'm joining from my
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bed. and caller. >> because a you're audio. >> i'm too sick so from my bed. covid is real and disabling and will continue to disable for people if we don't have universal masking in healthcare. um, everywhere. >> and allowing people to request to wear masks is not enough universal masking and healthcare is needed despite my experience of this advocacy for others i wait on this health
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combhars the risk of covid is too high i recently cancelled a surgery because a unconcern was here. and as someone who needs frequent medical expert to maintain my ability to do experience i am weighing covid against going for medical treatment? in the the calculation people should have to make. and they are widely available and no reason not to wear and quality mask and please stop abandoning us. >> thank you for your comments. >> i'm going to pause for a moment and have the control room move to the next caller and 5
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more callers in queue. >> thank you. >> control room please move to the next caller please. can you hear me? and we're starting our timer please go ahead with our comment. >> thank you my name is matt i live in oakland by speciality healthcare in san francisco and i'm chronically ill and vulnerable for disability if i contracted covid i mask everywhere i'll go but we know that masking didn't provide 100 percent protection for the individual masking and i'm more susceptible when i'm the only magnified person and by a 3re6 caller mentioned - in facilities
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many people in the space staff can potentially be carrying covid and a systematic i'm chronically ill more medical treatments than the average person and have a higher amount of exposure and putting this burden on staff is i've asked and have been masked and get different responses and staff fte to keep their mask on in and out of room i have to keep track of their masking and that takes energy away from my appointment i'm asking for universal masking in care facilities to protect the headquartered of chronically disabled folks like myself and the protect the health of all
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members of the public and patience. because we know all of our kwrl susceptible and equally publicly to developing covid a disabling chronic illness thank you for your comments. >> we're going to reset to the next caller please a few more callers in the queue. >> control room you may unmute the next caller. >> go ahead, please control room can you can unmute the next caller. >> yeah. go ahead caller you may speak. >> go ahead caller you may speak. >> we can see you but you're
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cutting in and out. >> sarah we can hear you but you're cutting in and out. please go ahead. >> you're cutting in and out and try one more time and come back to you. >> unfortunately, you're not audible you're cutting in and out. >> okay. let's. okay. sorry try to call in again. we're going to momentarily move to the next caller. >> control room. >> can you hear me? >> one moment yes give us a second. >> okay. >> (multiple voices.) >> please proceed. >> go ahead. >> hi my name is erica i live
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in san francisco and get healthcare in san francisco or try to. i i'm not dabd but i haven't gotten covid and not disability but don't need to be in order to know about masking just not right but masking is i think we learned was a lockdown and i believe (unintelligible) the information that too way masking is the most effective way to prevent covid would be may masking didn't work. >> i know that people have gotten it with n-95 while continuing and the fact that you can get it even while you're doing your best and terrifying.
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um, i (unintelligible). >> i have my loved ones and friends in consolidation and disabled i'd like to - furthermore i'm not i know i could get covid so can you u - not everybody can favored n-95 and even the energy for the covid callous i leave my apartment every single day and with individuals so much easier if we call you all just masked. and you have the power to - very
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healthcare person no one should risk their lives risk being 12k5ib8dz in other words, to get basically healthcare that's your job and right now - i'm so i would like to please (bell ringing) for you to please be safe not live in healthcare (unintelligible). >> thank you very much. >> thank you can't recall control room can we move on to the next caller please. please go ahead (microphone feedback). >> caller you're not audible
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at the moment (microphone feedback). >> (background noise.) >> caller we're enable to hear you at the moment. >> hi there can you hear me? >> please start the timer. >> it's running now. >> okay. >> caller. >> go ahead, please. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. for my name is god blesser live in san francisco and i really want to encourage you to do your job and keep us safe we want universal masking the only time i thankfully had to go to a
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emergency room a negative reaction to a covid vaccine and went to the emergency room and in the halfway bed next to anyone that tested positive for covid and the only reason he of the like i could stay and receive care that person was wearing a mask that is a one way mask is not effective the care i was receiving the- halfway was effected with covid and so many people would have to receive less care just so we can stave alive we don't go to healthcare facilities to get sicker but that is your job and i'm not waste of time but bring back masks it is the bear minimum.
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thank you. >> additional callers in queue? >> next speaker, please. >> go ahead. >> go ahead. >> yeah. >> my name is mia. and i'm an advocate for the senior district and core member of the league i'm a 58 years old disabled person that is experiencing long covid and i like domestic violence and in may of 2021 and mostly unhoused for the last three years and very, very low income and dozens of people with covid including my parents (microphone feedback)
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i'm terrified for the basic medical care a low income person can't afford to go in age emergency room but 6 times in the last year and the stress level for chronically ill and especially professionally people of color and folks of department of transportation i - and i saw the leadership of san francisco effected the country and we have an opportunity to lead i have a masters and all
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you need to do dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) is keep masks in healthcare we will amplify this message we know that you have the information please listen to our experience and our hearts and listen to the people we've lost in the last 4 years as well. thank you very much. >> thank you caller. >> reset for the next caller please i believe 2 more in queue please go ahead. >> please go ahead caller. >> unfortunately, you're not audible at the moment. >> if you would like to send
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in your comment you are access e-mail e-mail mdc >> hello. >> please go ahead. >> i'm france and - the disabilities act and san francisco has a hard act to follow. with the tint is not ignoreing so many of - pleading
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to do do right thing. >> and pleading with the commissioners that you have to send a letter to dr. colfax. >> and to the mayor. and to the governor. and to cdc to protect the challenged (bell ringing) and she should have tried (unintelligible) to she did a lousy job and (unintelligible) when it comes to the physically challenged and those who are vulnerable to covid, higher
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standard has to be used am (bell ringing) >> my name is francisco and i am an advocate and (unintelligible) organize and gave every 4 thousand plus vaccines i know what i'm talking about. you do - (bell ringing) >> the letters i stated. thank you very much.. thank you. caller. >> does that conclude that. >> yes. . thank you for your time. >> controller we're ready to move on to the next caller.
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>> please go ahead caller. >> thank you. >> i live in the bayview and i'm not disability. and i'm also calling to request that you restate the masking mandate and in san francisco and there's a nearest that that alone should be enough in healthcare and an exaggeration my uncle was admitted to the hospital a year ago with acute liver problems and acquired got covid and died a week later. um, while i he was
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in hospital he attached covid to my aunt and infected my cousin suffering from a host complications he didn't have over the spring with pneumonia and onist ballistics and still he's height any as 14 this is common situation. and i know that are again callers pointed out career signs avenue population of suffering from regulations. numerous studies again um, as people pointed out
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clearly the impacts on people with covid in their systems we need to be vaccination and taking again other callers said - and reinstating masks and immediately. thank you. >> on the ground we have one more comment that came in that was written because we were struggling with units from sarah. >> since i--i don't know how to make that work my father a san francisco resident over 75 and everyone in that age has a waemgd immune system and a lot
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of blossom he refused to seek professional healthcare because he knew that staff wear masks maybe only other patients maybe con tag and over 6 months since vaccination. and figured would be a healthcare facility one moment a little bit of a chat. >> hi yes. i'm sorry this is jeanette from sfgov we have been trying to contact john and let him know a chat and anyone a coworker is trying to be added to help to moderate we're trying to remedy that and a comment. >> thank you. >> thank you. my apologies. okay. >> so i'm going to start this
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time over sorry about that he refused to seek professional healthcare knew that staff were pawned to wear masks only surgeon masks and other patients maybe unmasked and con to over 6 months since his last vaccination he figured out healthcare facility i'm the one that also bandaged his wound unlike people i was wearing 95 to protect him thank you, sarah and i believe that public comment is closed. is this correct control room. >> is there anyone in queue. >> we have this public comment is closed. . thank you. >> go ahead sherri thanks.
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>> okay. thanks everyone. >> okay. >> um, at this time move on to council motorbike comments. >> i'm going to start at desk does anyone here go ahead or can do orchid i want to thank you dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) for showing up and having this decision that is a very difficult topic. many years ago, i was um, dealing with health issues for 8 years and actually unable to life leave my home and so places easy to get
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exposed to something by going to, you know, um, even places like the public library and people that are dealing with, you know, issues of even going to get groceries and so for a very difficult way to affect life with issues and one thing that i like to express it is difficult to understand people a deaf person if their deaf unfortunately, i need them to remove the mask to deal with the communication barrier of covering half their face. so i think that um, you know, masks can be optional it is in the just covid we're talking about we're talking about other
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diseases like measles and infects we're looting numbers and people are exposed asking people to mask during difficult or higher case numbers as we're, nay. different virus and so forth come through unfortunately, you're trying to make a decision and i think we really need to weigh both sides and come up with a compromise and also yeah honor people's request they ask you to mask you're presentation was difficult i understand you're in a tough position. thank you. orchid and dennis thank you. co-chair dr. susan phillip, health officer, city
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and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) thank you for being here you heard moving public comments and listening from councilmember sassouni i'll support some sort of compromise if you can't do a you feel mask mandate have something in place people request an accommodation to make sure and for some of the situations were state for surgery people don't have access to healthcare because they're in fear of their lives and can't go to doctors point out they're bedridden so i understand that is championship challenging and we look to you and in-person to take what you heard to figure out a way maybe to make the
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situation better for people to have a choice for healthcare and feel safe, you know, in living in the city and county of san francisco so i would encourage listening to the comments coming up with something like this. and find a way to accommodate when people need they want and other people to mask to mandate. i understand advertise difficult to tell people that don't support that but has to be a compromise for people it need it for their lives and people to meet halfway i appreciate i thank you for your time take into consideration. >> thank you councilmember members i'm grateful and heard from several callers i've been getting input and meeting with community members and advocates throughout the pandemic. and i
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will continue to consider the concerns people have raised i do have imthey empathy so, so yes continuing working with the mayor's office on disability and the community advocates to do what we can to figure out we've heard a pathway forward and the ability to have the health system at a minimum have staff members wear masks when requested by patients who are coming in. i want to also add that we as the department of public health have in the past two weeks sent out an advisory
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to providers rifrmd them of this recommendation at a minimum masks worn by healthcare workers with working with patient where patients request it and reminded them of the availability and recommendation for vaccination for paradox that is one approach of speaking directly to providers in our role as capital hill to reinforce the messages in this meeting i'd like to give an opportunity for councilmember arack to give a comment. thank you. any would like to make a comment. um, i and have an auto immune deceased and asthma i
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think i may have been infected by someone i had a - good friend to visit my not long ago and had on a mask he had said he had covid and sheer terror i felt have a guy in my house has covid i didn't have a mask on and so i really understand how it feels and i found the comments compelling and heartbreaking and we can revisit this decision definitely because maybe this is not the right decision to make at voluntary i don't know we feed to talk about that. also dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) said this free
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shots are ending in august any way that can be postponed i think having three shots is such a boom too, so many people and so important that especially for the senior citizens continue to get the shots when they need. so. thank you very much. all of you for all our comments and i definitely hear hear you and hear the terror how you feel. today because of these health issues at the. >> thank you. >> councilmember arack and finally, i'm not really in a position to talk about this in a clear mind because um, we put you my mother her life in the
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hands of a healthcare facility and in effect we feel they let us down and my mother died of covid you put your loved ones in the hands of someone who you feel is going to keep your loved ones safe. and it didn't turn out that way. healthcare workers take an oath to do no harm this is such a small step in my mind to go in this direction he didn't i didn't feel it should be a you for being here. dr. susan phillip, health officer, city and county of san francisco, department of public health (dph) and i hope we can more discussions on that topic. >> thank you very much. >> i believe has everyone
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spoken on the council would like to speak and so on behalf of the mayor's office on disability thank you. i hope that um, we can um, continue through the mayor's office on disability staff to continue the conversation council if there are particular recommendations you would have related to additional messaging for healthcare providers and healthcare workers i encourage i to think about that and we know that dr. phil is open for dialogue and certain will be and so wanted to put i want to put
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that out there partner around the messaging let's think that of and recognizes public comment has been very e possible for many people i want to say thank you for taking the wanted to share your stories to council and mayor's office on disability takes them seriously that's all you want to say anything debbie and such a given love you of a lot of us more to think about and it um, and always really important to hear from people. >> who have real life experiences that make the issues more real. um, i also want to apologize for the technical
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difficulties and will have time during break to try to figure out how to avoid that for the rest of the meeting. >> thank you. >> um, with that, i think we are going to take a break few and we'll [break: the council will take a 15-minute break] and back at three 03. ( in recess). >> terrific okay. we are going to move on now. we have a um, couple of discussion items next on the agenda. they are
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going to be um, that budget priorities um, from representatives of the segregate community organizations and our first presentation is going to be by fiona hinze, dignity fund coalition. fyi in a are you with us. >> sorry about that. >> thank you. >> for having us today. i didn't see my slides up but have slides. >> yep. >> i understand staff is going to take control for me in the room and thank you very much. i see. so in the interest of time get started good afternoon
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council members as said things like that a fiona hinze, dignity fund coalition. and i just have a few slides and then we're going to public comment and happy to take your questions on the first slide you see title slides when say the dignity fund coax and the dignity fund on this you believe it or not of forget me knots bow can i i'll and move forward. next slide, please. and so on next slide just they can there are some.
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>> hang on. >> councilmember members. >> there we go. >> you might have heard this item presented before so the dignity fund is necessary more than ever. so what the dignity fund it is is charter amendment that um, has in 2016 proposition i was formally endorsed one 120 organizations including by the way, your body the mayor's office on disability i believe the council member may have been around for that the dignity fund the legislation will provide $3 million of the new funding every year foot department of landing and all services for programs and services in various
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categories and a promise for the voters in the city and 2w507 120 organizations that the city will continue to serve the going population um, as the needs expand. um. next slide, please. alicia. >> all right. >> so why in the promises the dignity fund at risk? >> so as set aside that was crafted that says allows the city to see - but didn't require the city to suspend this annual
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allocation. in the city's by the deficit in the city receives a certain amount of money in the march controllers report this has happened for the - doing community advocacy for a while and happened twice - yeah before um, i believe in fiscal year 2021. and earlier this year it also earlier in year looks like it will happen again. next slide, please. um, so our specifically ask i had mentioned earlier this year um, had at the trigger for them
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would be pulled the good news is that currently in the mayors budgeted for year one but want to in this department want to make sure that is protected and we would like a commitment that um, if you as you can see i'm sure there are two the mayor's the budget gets released a two-year budget process we'll also like a mountain that the annual allocation be put in the budget foyer two and that is still pending in the deficit is looking bad or if not worse the one faikdz this year we'd like that commitment in advance.
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>> also um, we would like to avoid other cuts in the department of angling and disability services. again, the did not have been asked to cut their budgets by 10 percent so we would like to make sure that that does that without any programs the funds the promise is that we would expand um, the services again as the need grows. um, so again like i said there are really no excuses to do this for the population and the funding we're growing it is
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really the suggestion right thing to do and that is what we're sort of campaigning on. and next want to touch briefly on the fact that our advocatescy campaign is really data is xrerngz with respect sharing in the community. there there is a need necessary required by the protective that is done i believe every three years before um, but these needs as outlined in the previous community needs assessment i can send you the staff a link to that to read.
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these needs have grown. and we're i'm sure you all experiencing the general cost of living is going up including transportation, and healthcare. and also the need for long term care services (bell ringing) again, just driving home the needs for this funding is critical and we are informing our dmron data and we can move on alicia to the late slide (bell ringing) any to explain to folks how you can help the campaign for this year our slogan forget us not
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you say the forget me not the believe it or not i had on the title slide we are having community members actually hand crow shaw bringing them to city hall and we have a postcard campaign. also, we have a sample flyer of someplace you can go go to write and support letter if you're aware of any peaking engagements that exists we can
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attend we're more than happy to speak at those engagements and you can find out all of that on our webbed that is sf dignity dot and e-mail at dignity fund and that to is on there as well and if you're anyone out there is interested in doing the flowers you can e-mail flower power alter sf community that to is on there on the slide as well. that there is sort of giving out templates and coordinating all the flowers so i'll i'll leave
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it at that. >> for the sake the time that's the last slide and madam chair i'm happy to take questions and the council has any other related questions i can answer those as well. >> thank you very much. fyi in a. >> clerk would you like to take it from here? >> yes. checking in the room to make sure we have ready for public comment you can leave and card. >> talking in the room like we can't hear you so you need a microphone for that podium and for this. >> the room is muted to those.
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>> so let's pause and fought figure that out please. you need to unmute. >> testing testing testing, testing can people hear now. >> how about few. >> they can hear now. we're good. >> switch the camera to the clerk, please. >> checking the public spaces you're welcome to come to the podium or fill out a card anyone in the room like to make a public comment. >> seeing none, i'm checking in with debbie to see any people interested and informed no one so turn it over to co-chair
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albers. >> moving now to come back members comment anyone would like to make a comment? >> yes. i would and thank you for your presentation and, yes, i was around for the dignity fund um, which how can coincidental help what kind of input what kind of support are you looking for or the letter writing or calling in or what exactly are you looking for? >> i think as the body specifically for you all as an advisory body to the mayor and board of supervisors i think have the power to reach unique positions to reach our elected
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types of folks specifically as council members and as a body interacting with elected officials will be a powerful um, statement. on behalf of the body as a whole if i like to engage there and few know of people who like to get involved in - if you know of people who like to do things and will get involved in letter writing campaign that is hopeful getting the word out we're doing this is helpful but as a body looking as advocates i think that e-mailing and
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subtracting with the elected will be particularly meaningful and helpful. >> thank you for your input and presentation. >> thank you. >> councilmember senhaux. >> oh, we're guy have a comment? >> hello this is councilmember sassouni. and i am just to glad you came to decide this issue i am concerned i was involved with - the disability coalition center i was involved in the organization and this button has been decreased dramatically and
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concerned how that impacts the organization. there is a big need and as far as like getting letters for support i know that if connected to funding sources and the think, you know, $3 million is pocket change we're talking about that and i think an $800 million deficit the challenge the city is trying to move the fund to manage issues. and i say board of supervisors really needs to be convinced to improve the situation and i'm hoping that campaign will will effect changes and i know ideas to keep the budget in the financial situation. thank you. for that orchid you summarize that well. >> co-chair albers i believe that councilmember arack has her
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hand up. >> go ahead councilmember arack. >> yes. thank you, you um, i agree with our orchid so i'm willing to give it a try i think the council should definitely discuss this we can help this very worthy cause. >> thank you, council. member. >> i'm okay but that is pretty easy. >> (laughter.) >> and it is context but one last thing. >> fiona is there any
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particular point of reference or subject matter that you want us to conclude in a letter like like at the dignity fund will benefit benefit folks in area. >> we have a template it summarizes the incident but if you go to the website i'll e-mail that to you directly and to the clerk and the rest of the council gets it but i think if you are a service procedure stories of or your participants
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how the (unintelligible) services particularly if (bell ringing) have a few programs is partial to our fully funded that would be powerful. just your experience with the cost of living gao and fearful of losing those services. >> great. at the. >> that's it for the council and move on to mo d staff. >> nicole you thank you fiona and if the digit fund is planning to participate in
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public comment today incidental at the end of budget hearing or what's the next step for you. >> we we have the coalition and continue to be our own meetings with the (inaudible) yes intend to budget public comment today (unintelligible). >> uh-huh. >> just i want to put that out there for the folks. yes we do intend to do that. >> thank you i want to list another option to be considered should you like to do that. okay. >> that's all the questions
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for me debbie and no questions and thank you, if i and wish you to the best with our budget. >> thank you for having us the next presentation is from a budget issue budget issue of disability community organizations. presented by allegra heath-stout and itzel romero,senior and disability action (sda) i'm sorry. i'll get it. >> (calling names) okay. and friends from the senior disability action take it
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away. >> thank you so much for having us you said from the senior and disability action. i'm the director of the campaigns and with my colleague one of the housing organizers and start by saying we absolutely support the item about the dignity fund that was just discussed. and we're here to did you some additional budget proirtsd thank you, again, for having us so and imagine of you are familiar but for those of you who don't know mobiles and educates seniors and people with disabilities to fight for individual right and social generous through support and productive action we were the to create a city and world with seniors and people with disabilities live and work safely driven by the hundreds of
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grassroots members from seniors and people with disabilities throughout the san francisco who are intimating amount with the issues we're working on so we live in a moment speak about the budget priority but start with our big picture 2024 advocacy agenda every year we have members voice their issues to make life that better for seniors people with disabilities in san francisco. and we have three priorities items this year some of which are reflected and some overarching goals for this year i'll speak about that first and i'm going to turn it over to my colleagues first is masks and healthcare we've been talking about is this and that's one of the most urgent hi priorities and we know that the pandemic is ongoing and that we're all in grateful danger in healthcare now that masks are not required
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for providers let alone for universal masking which we advocate for for providers and staff and be patients it is critical for compromised people we heard from we heard from not able to access healthcare and none should risk their health to stay alive and we're at risk for a long covid a seriously disabling condition i appreciate the council hearing the public comment and you'll consider taking action as a body to advocate for the reinstatement of turn it over to to my
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colleague. >> second advocacy priority to build more truly deeply affordable housing had many conversations with members how affordable housing is not affordable enough so we have been working in the coalition to get more housing subsidies for people streamlining low income and that is a seniors and people with disabilities and families. and our members want more fund for the senior operating subsidy program been a hit among other things the members and appreciated the campaign around disability or senior operating subsidies. and our members wanted to fund the disability operating subsidies program. and the next advocacy agenda item
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remote public comment and first thank the council for keeping remote public comment open. last year when i joined sda within the first week jessica our previous director asked city hall to keep that open and sadly public comment was taken away and to choose to open remote public comment and this time public comment is not on for larger board meetings until you have a reasonable accommodation and heard this process did work. um, and so we are in coalition working to figure out a solution for the city and for community members to provide remote public comment. um, now we have quorum
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a low going on this year and timed to spend a lot of time thinking about the history and context of the budget moment right now. we know that this is a particularly bad budget year. um, and i can recall from the budget fight last year how difficult that was to win back funding for the collaborative and others. so we epic this year will also continue as a big fight. and we are also part of the budget justice coalition and the people's budget coalition for us guides us in our work around the budget and supporting the community members and allies and we know this year many programs serving children age youth and seniors and people with disabilities sros residents and families are cut out and
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devested and know that the mayor has been weighing nonprofits for a lot of the issues the city is facing as well as a budget deficit and no spare we also seen that while our budget are cut we are being divested (bell ringing) we see the police budget has been increased and as a community of nonprofits we who are working towards a more justice and equitable world our community and our programs are what keeps us safe. >> all right. walk you through issues. we see clear and people with disabilities facing in san francisco. um, the findings are from speaking with your members doing research as well as talking with the allies the first and big one highland
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before already day day is a lack of affordable housing and i said affordable housing is not affordable enough my seniors and people with disabilities are risk ssi is one this is blue the fair rent price in san francisco for studios, however, even affordable housing and monthly income of just over $1,000 seniors and people with disabilities cannot afford to pay affordable housing costs. and we also know that housing is innovating another big factor
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for seniors and people with disabilities accessibility to find affordable housing how easy is it for seniors to find housing they, afford and conversations with allies and people get into housing is a struggle we heard people been waiting for affordable housing for 10 accomplice years and know from talking with our members that are not assessable to people with disabilities and specifically with mobility did the difficult to find housing that is a big issue. we also know that loss of next speaker. >> income is a big issue for seniors and further did to find housing they can afford and not rent burden living on a fixed
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income a large majority of the population of seniors and people with disabilities in san francisco are residents of ssi and from talking with our allies we know that evictions can be death for seniors often means that seniors will end up on the street and homeless. we also see that cuts to programs are a big deal and do impact the lives of seniors and people with disabilities and that make it harder for seniors and people with disabilities to access the services that they need and now walk you through what our community need we have talked about senior operating subsidies want more of that and the disabled programs and we also are advocating for the
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preservation of programs in the department of aging services and in the department of building inspection and the department of department of children, youth, families and again, we want more subsidies for those who are extremely low income. and our asks. so first is $5.2 million to restore funding for code enforcement outreach programs and the sros and a lot of disabled people live in sro and it is important for code enforcement and we know that a lot of the times habitability are able to addressed through certain programs that is likely that tenant who are going to
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mental health issues or hoarding don't feel supervisor blahnik so we need community programs to be able to provide meaningful code enforcement. >> next, we are asking $3 million to restore for the dignity fund as well as preserve preservation for the next 4 years and additional one hundred that $25,000 for the community unit for health and justice coalition the people to demand environmental and economic rights this includes funding for the humming bird program and 5 staff members. the humming bird farm program is a program to serve our immigrant communities to connect immigrants to the land and heal with the land and the whole site of humming bird
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farms was developed with elders and people with disabilities and seniors and people with disabilities the staff members and. >> apprentices of humming bird farms don't a lot of multiple generational outreach and last year over 2000 a volunteers a maevenl program to a lot of the seniors um, and have allowed people to connect with nature and heal with nature. >> and yeah, he want to thank you for your this time. >>. thank you very much. for inviting us to speak with you about these urgent priorities and director nicole bohn shared to remind us of the opportunity power you have as councilmember members and opportunity to take action given our important agenda in the city so i hope you write to the mayor and use the
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opportunities available to i to speak he and happy to address questions thank you, much. >> thank you for your presentation and we are not now move to public comment if any and stubborn to the clerk to facilitate this. >> at this time first check in with the audience anyone wanted to make a public comment for the seeing none, at this time debbie anyone online. >> one caller. >> control room one person on the line like to make a public comment. and let me start the
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timer first and unmute that person. >> thank you i want to remind folks that public comment is three minutes and hear a warning time at thirty second warning. please go ahead. >> my name is robin i spoke earlier but will be shorter i wanted to reiterate the letter and just should my support for the priorities. this year and also um, wanted to echo my appreciation for the availability of this public comment via promote maintenance that a few avenues we still have as disabled folks or
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compromiseded folks and greatly appreciated and want to - this budget is important for the city and i'm sure people are familiar with the disable rates in the united states and have been skyrocketing since 2020 and going to increasely be needs for the services and i personally know that there are having whispers of the new disabilities i think that is one of the reasons why keeping masks in healthcare are critical because number one, self advocacy if work when it does you feed to
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know what you're advocating for some of the interpreters an effort to protect people do the right thing they need protecting and every form of marijuanation and the way to - all my friends love humming bird one of the few advocates for like community and food solitary we're appreciative of it. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> anyone else? >> next caller please for a moment (bell ringing) >> my name is - i also talked
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earlier a member of sda and owe would like to say that um, i sport all appointments sda has bought up and the dignity fund and just speaking as a i'm a kwheer user and it is really hard to find - i've been trying to for the housing affordable housing for seven years now. and now on a list for years and hard to just to get on a list when you're on the list can be sda a member you can be on the list for 5 or 10 years this is
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ridiculous. and we should be able to find a house and just awful hard basically impossible and yeah. i don't know if - but the law in california it not responsibility via of the landowner to make apartment for house available the burden is on the - and not only have to pay for um, have to get alternated but return it the way it was
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before it was 340i69d moiftd that's it. >> thank you for your comments. >> sorry about that that concludes public comment co-chair albers. >> move to the council members any comments from the council members? >> briefly in the interest of time. >> thank you for your presentation it was very informative on your priorities i heard with you said the council are representative towards the community another topic we need to discuss to see wla what we can do so i thank you for bringing this to our attention
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and budget items are, you know, quite challenging given has going on in the city right now so i appreciate your detailed presentation and having our priorities focused on exactly what you need and how important funding is for the services and how they impact the community i thank you for your. thank you for your time. >> . thank you. >> councilmember arack a comment? >> i believe she is unmuted. >> sorry. >> sorry. >> um, i'd like to add to the comments. that was an excellent conversation over a lot of ground and plan to continuing this discussion with the executive council. the item remote public comment had a
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chilling affect on people residents to be able to add their comments to a various agency meeting including the board of supervisors and i understand what supervisor mandelman the supervisor initially sort of became fed up when i sat in meetings that went 9 hours so many comments and understand his frustration. i feel that it is unfair that public comment has been so basically completely restricted unless you jump through hoops to get on a special list if you're disabled i don't feel that is equal access i'm glad you put that on the list and sure you
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want to decide that it by. thank you very much. firing presentation and excellent. >> and thank you, councilmember sassouni. >> waiting for the microphone okay. this is councilmember sassouni. orchid. speaking through an interpreter i love the way you bullet pointed if this population we're talking about and i am m b y and voting no such a setback and i really getting their attendance to support that regarding issues related to housing a problem over california state and it is also a legislative issue and
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trying to deal with appropriate accommodation to have the accommodation i mean the slaughter program has been held back with the approvals and departments have to collaborate so difficult to overcome the barriers. and the communities can't had had work that needs to be done more advocating for even housing for example, you know, it talking about the town 35 homes became available one issue in particular case 20 percent there is only 10 to 20 percent of affordable housing available in at least in the total of 35 hundred available apartments or structures to it is quite
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difficult you're thinking about convincing people to allow for funding for housing equity for projects like this i feel you did such a good job and don't quit keep up the good work great work. >> thank you councilmember sassouni okay. he want to echo what my council members have said we'll follow-up at the planning meeting and in our support thank you, very much. >> i'm going to be happy to speak more and move on to our mo d staff for any comments. >> thank you to both of you for attending and express my appreciation to the coincidental for hearing time and continue to
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solve things together so i don't want to under estimate the power of the city and work together thank you for that appreciate it. >> thank you. >> debbie. >> (laughter.) >> um. >> i'm grateful that staff member [off mic.] um, (unintelligible). thank you very much. >> okay. great.. thank you. >> all right. moving on we
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are going to turn to debbie our mo d deputy director and debbie do we have any correspondence this 340 [off mic.] >> you sure it didn't get lost in the shuffle of the office (laughter). >> all right. >> then we are going going to move forward to our last chance for public comment um, clerk could you please put the call out for the last public comment opportunity? >> this is a reminder this public comment of committee for items not on the today's agenda.
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with that, please proceed. >> okay. i was planning to read the whole scrip do you want me to go ahead. >> please go ahead. >> the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council which are not on today's meeting agenda. each member of the determines that, in the interest of time, comments may be limited to a shorter time when there are a large number of public comments. contact council
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members at message to with the subject “mdc comment reply request,” or call 415-554-6789. now i'm going to check with the audience anyone wishes to make a public comment if not fill out a card. >> turn to debbie anyone on line you see none that is where i i'm going to turn it over to co-chair albers. >> i'm asking any council members to have any final
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comments or announcements? >> anybody anybody? >> i have a comment. >> yes. go ahead. >> um, the council submitted a letter (clearing throat) to me sfmta regarding the free check i attended the meeting hearing with the council with the board of directors for sfmta. on may 7th and pet the many pleas of us our students and faculty staff, they voted go ahead may with the double bike lane for taking away parking for students and disabled people and
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wanted to let you know i received many, many heartfelt thank you's from people that are fighting for city college over this misguided bike lane and they were very, very happy and gratified and graffiti's disability council came out in support of their efforts to not have this happen. so i wanted to convey to all of you that letter of the support very much appreciated by the people who were fighting for city college over this issue. thank you. >> thank you very much for letting us know. >> okay. if there are no more
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comments? it is now three 59 do i have motion to adjourn. >> i so moved. >> mo to adjourn. >> with that, being said (gavel) we are adjourned thank you, everybody
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>> shared spaces have transformed san francisco's adjacent sidewalks, local business communities are more resilient and their neighborhood centers are more vibrant and mildly. sidewalks and parking lanes can be used for outdoor seating, dining, merchandising, and other community activities. we're counting on operators of shared spaces to ensure their sites are safe and accessible for all. people with disabilities enjoy all types of spaces. please provide at least 8 feet of open uninterrupted sidewalk so everyone can get through. sidewalk diverter let those who have low vision navigate through dining and other activity areas on the sidewalk. these devices are rectangular planters or boxes that are placed on the sidewalk at the ends of each shared space and need to be at least 12 inches wide and 24 inches long
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and 30 inches tall. they can be on wheels to make it easy to bring in and out at the start and the end of each day. but during business hours, they should be stationary and secure. please provide at least one wheelchair accessible dining table in your shared space so the disability people can patronize your business. to ensure that wheelchair users can get to the wheelchair accessible area in the park area, provide an adequate ramp or parklet ramps are even with the curb. nobody wants to trip or get stuck. cable covers or cable ramps can create tripping hazards and difficulties for wheelchair users so they are not permitted on sidewalks. instead, electrical cables should run
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overhead at least ten feet above sidewalk. these updates to the shared spaces program will help to ensure safety and accessibility for everyone, so that we can all enjoy these public spaces. more information is available at sf.govt/shared spaces. >> once i got the hang of it a little bit, you know, like the first time, i never left the court. i just fell in love with it and any opportunity i had to get out there, you know, they didn't have to ask twice. you can always find me on the court. [♪♪♪]
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>> we have been able to participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. they provide what is an expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a national paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. >> it is great to have this opportunity here in san francisco. we are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. now that that is happening, you know, i i'm looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs -- that these people are here for everyone.
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i think it is important for people with disabilities, as well as able-bodied, to be able to see and to try different sports, and to appreciate trying different things. >> people can come and check out this chairs and use them. but then also friday evening, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. >> we offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment. [♪♪♪]
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[music] >> my name is lana. i am part owner of the excelsior coffee. my roll with excelsior coffee is pretty much the [indiscernible] i do a lot of the back-end operating procedures and a lot of customer front facing, a lot of customer outreach, naerbd outreach, but for the most part the coffee is it driving force of the community. i have been here in the excelsior district for 11 years. the idea behind excelsior coffee
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spouted 6 years ago out of the need for community space and coffee. excelsior coffee to me is a cornerstone of the neighborhood. next to this iconic mural on excelsior along with the legacy businesses. we decided that this corner of san francisco on the southeast side of the mission is the place we like to be. i know you see a lot of eththetics of motorcycles behind us. a lot of people ask, what's up with the motorcycles behind you? motorcycle and classic cars are a big yite of our upbringing so the idea was to connect to this neighborhood from classic cars to low riders to motorcycles and my husband is is a high school teacher that teaches automotives and history. we love the history of
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motorcycle engineer and design. for us it was more like a talking point and connection. honoring that and that is also the driving force between who we are and the make-up. i think what separates from other coffee shops is that, we are serving a community that has been here for a decade before us, and i think it is really special that there is a vortex of non english speaking communities here. between my husband and i, we represent many cultures. i'm [indiscernible] he is black, his mexican and through our cultures is how we connect with people in the excelsior. to speak their languages, and i think honoring our culture background through coffee and pastry. excelsior coffee, we are at 4495
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mission street on mission and excelsior in the excelsior district. call excelsior coffee in your face excelsior. we are open 7:30 to 4 p.m. for now. [laughter]
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>> so i'm linda i'm part owner and manager of the paper tree in jeopardy an town. >> paper tree opened by my parent in 1968. so we other second oldest business in jap an town. at 55 years this year. we have beautiful papers from japan, thailand, italy, korea and the biggest selection of orgami. i do it because of my grand father and he wrote to the first english in it in the early 50s. he had an import business to import japanese goods and of course we had our line of paper. to go with the books he produced. it is something i have been doing since i was 5 and i'm happy to say i'm a designer now
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and of course having paper tree. it is grit. >> during the pandemic i wanted do something to make a statement to help combat the asian hate that was prevalent at that time. and so i put a call out to have a thousand hearts. this is a spin on the tradition of holding 1,000 cranes when you have a wish. well, a thousand cranes does not make a statement enough why not change it and a call for a thousand hearts? i created a website dedicated to the project. a video and fold heart instructions. people sent them in the first mont was 1,000 hearts. they kept coming in. and the next goal was 7, 698, which was the total number of case of reported hate by the ap i website. those were the reported case of hate. there are more not reported.
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that became the new goal. we achieved 2 months later. the hearts were coming in it it is a big project, we have it part of our store. anyone can come and fold an easy heart. keeping that part of the japanese tradition of this in that way here in japantown is pretty special. its great.
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government television. >> my name is kevin roger tang one live owners and at a 2 owe 50 that's it avenue in the sunset so the bayview original hip hop store we have music so every purchase counts for either the charts and the tri work chart that is acquired by 3 best friends we love k pop and why not share that and would the
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community here in the bay. and originally supposed to open up an eco but unfortunately, the covid hit by the we got creative with the social media and engaged and bring in people within the being sure like pop and the instagram live or hip hope to bring that connection with the bayview k pop community and we grow. and hello we're a collective store so the cc around us within us has the cards people like to collect and try to collect limited edition mr. sincroy manufacturers like a state university or memorial and we have which is a venue for people to kind of make new friends and open up they're a
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goods and invite people to stay and oftentimes see the context we're very, very fortunate and everyone is super sweet and loveable to sum up i guess two words is a second home (background noise) and a lot of people visit. >> and connect this place even if it is really cool. >> san francisco is a city known for music and art and we at the pop store we to go show the k love and added to the diversity of music and the way of the community. >> it is safe place it is a great way to dmrofr new things and any friends and it is saying hello 2050 carville from
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1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and followup on the
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