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tv   Sanitation Streets Commission  SFGTV  May 24, 2024 3:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> sanitation and streets commission. today is monday, may 20, 2024 and it is 1001 a.m. secretary fuller, please call the roll. >> good morning. please respond with here, or present. commissioner eusope is present. vice chair harrison is present. chair hartwig-schulman is present. commissioner simi is absent. we do have quorum. public comment is taken for all informational and action items. to comment in person please
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line up furthest from the door when public comment is called. members of the public wishing to comment on an item outside the hearing room, you may do so by joining via webinar through the link on page two of today's agenda. to be recognized select the raise your hand icon in the webinar. you may also comment from outside the chamber by dealing 415-655-0001 and use meeting id of 26617566516, # and # again and to raise your hand to speak, press * 3. the telephone log in information is also available on both pages 1 and 2 of today's agenda. commenters may speak for up to three minutes per item and you'll receive a 30 second notice when your speaking time is about to expire.
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in thethe event we have many commenters the chair my reduce the time to less then 3 minutes per person. you must limit your comments to the topic of the agenda item discussed and if commenters do not stay on topic the chair may interrupt and ask to limit your comments to the agenda item at hand. we ask public comment is made in civil respectful manner. abusive or hate speech will not be tolerated. please address the commission as a whole and not individual commissioners or staff. you can submit comment at or 49 south van ness, suite 1600 san francisco california 9410 3. i like to extend thankss to
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staff of sfgovtv media serving and building management to helping put on this meeting. and it appears we are having audio issue. let me see.
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test, test.
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and a question for sfgovtv, are
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the-i am guessing that the callers--callers are also unable to hear us too, is that correct?
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perhaps we should take a brief recess. >> alright. we'll have a recess. we'll take a brief 5 to 10 minute recess while we figure this technical issue out. thank you. >> we are back in session after technical difficulties. it is 1037 a.m. thank you for sticking with us while we adjust that. next is--are there any amendments to the agenda?
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seeing none, we'll move to the next item. please call the first item that we are at. sorry? no. >> first item, item 1 is general public comment. which is for topics under the commission mandate but not related to a specific item on today's agenda. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of general public comment in person may line and if commenting outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button in the webinar or * 3 on your phone to be recognized.
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it appears we do not have in-person commenters at this time and we do not have callers either for general public comment, so that concludes this item. >> that concludes general public comment. please call the next item. >> item 2, communication and director's report and director carla short is here to present and this is informational item. >> good morning commissioners. i hope you all had a good weekend. carla short, director. ours was a busy one at public works. yesterday was beta breakers a big event of the year for pre and post cleanup. the crews did a great job getting the route back in shape. next weekend is carnaval and pride next month. there is a lot going on. i have few other topics i like to report on today. since the last time we met we
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celebrated public works week, a annual event to celebrate and showcase employees and work we do. we kicked off the week monday april 22. the highlights were open houses, one at operation yard in the bayview. there young people participated in hands on activities with carpenter, plumbers, street cleaners arborists, [indiscernible] asphalt workers and others to learn about the work we do greening, cleaning and maintaining the city. the other open house was at our 49 south van ness avenue offices where our architect landscape architects and engineers worked with students to build model cities and how well they withstand a earthquake. the young san franciscans grade school to teens numbered 400, the most ever during the yearly public works week
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festivities. we held the annual employee recognition awards. it was a well attended event at the southeast community center. couple words i like to highlight. the graffiti team working with private property opt in abatem program won the award. the street tree nursery group improving and inspiring stewardship of public spaces and this year outstanding employee of the year award went to nicole cook who worked through the ranks over the years and now oversees dispatch. we had a separate celebration during the public works for mon taya awards for san francisco building and construction trades council and local 261 who perform exemplary work bv and beyond call of duty. this years recipient were shawn robinson, mike lunar deli,
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ryan, dean, lawrence, greg gonzalez. congratulations to all. and we are about 2/3 through asian american pacific heritage islander month. aapi heritage month. there is mix of celebration and educational opportunities to uplift and inform our staff by highlighting the history and contributions of the aapi community. this annual staff lead initiative is the latest in a series of heritage month initiatives growing in participation and pop-allarity. looking for the final stretch of aapi heritage month and thank the organizers for their great work. and lastly, we had very fun and productive neighborhood buft fiication day event in district 3 neighborhoods on april 11, with the kick-off at joe
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playground. planting trees picking up litter, mulching pruning and weeding. thanks to community engagement street cleaning and urban forestry teams as well as community volunteers for coming out to improve our neighborhood. next month we'll be in the excelsior and are district 11 neighborhoods june 22 and that wraps up my report and i'm available for any questions. >> does the commission have questions on the director's report? i like to say congrats to all the winners of the montoya wards and everything. that is really such-i'm so happy woo we have the awards back we started again last year. i guess we can open to public comment.
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>> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on item 2, communications and the director's report may line up against the wall furthest from the door, and if commenting outside the chamber, press raise your hand button in the webinar or * 3 on your phone to be recognized. and no one approached to speak in person and do not have callers who expressed interest in speaking either. >> hearing no discussion, please call the next item. >> item 3 is the minutes from april 15, 2024 meeting of this commission. this is a action item and before any motion is made, happy to take questions or corrections to the minutes.
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>> any correction to the minutes or questions from commissioners? okay. do i hear a motion to adopt the minutes for april 15, 2024? >> motion to approve. >> do i hear a second? alright. given the motion, we'll now hear public comment. secretary fuller, please open public comment. >> who had the second on that? commissioner--okay. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment to adopt the minutes from april 15, 2024 meeting may line up furthest from the door. if commenting outside the chamber, press raise your hand button in the webinar or * 3 on the phone to be recognized.
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we do not have any people approached in person on this item and sfgovtv is indicating no one expressed interest in speaking so that concludes public comment. >> hearing no further debate, all in favor adopting the minutes for the april 15, 2024 say yes. >> yes. >> anyone opposed say no. we are all unanimous. the motion passes. secretary fuller will post the adopted minutes from april 15, 2024 to the commission website. please call the next item. >> item 4 is bureau of street environmental servicesper performance measure report. it is a informational item. >> yes, good morning
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commissions. chris mack daniels superintendent of bureau environmental service. i'll talk to you you about data. the first slide is service request. this is an annual record of our performance so far. we are at around 72 percent. our goal at the end of the year is 80 percent. we got a couple more months to improve our scoring. hopefully we'll be in the green instead of yellow. we have a couple months before the end of the fiscal year and we'll evaluate our numbers then. this is a look at our monthly service request, and our sla of 48 hours. the top row shows you the percentages of closing in 48 hours and the bottom is the number of service
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requests received. as you can see here, we are in the green at about 85 percent, but again we have a couple more months and we want to raise our average score. currentsly our average score is high 70's, but since we have a couple more months left we hope to end the year strong over 80 percent. sorry about that. again, this is our-double check. this is our monthly service request. it shows the percentages as far as meeting our sla of 48 hours and the bottom section shows you how many service requests we are dealing with. we show in the green 85 percent now. this is up monthly graph right here. as i mentioned earlier, the average is lower then that so we want to end the year strong so we plan to at least get 80 percent for the next couple
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months. alright. i am on the right slide now. this is our performance and data for the tonage collection. as we all know, we go to recology and dump every single day. their system has been out over the last couple months and were not able to get the accurate tonage from them. good news is they are back online so should be catching up. as you see on the graph so far we have 8878 tons going to recology for non sweeper and for the sweeper, 5363. again, these totals are not correct because we are working with recology to get their system back up. so far this is what we have. at our next meeting we'll be able to give you a complete picture of tonage. okay, now we will move to graffiti. this is our service orders
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combined total. in 2024 so far. you can see the pink area is private and the blue area is public. we are still in graffiti. this is public property. these are closed service requests so far. we are not done with 2024 yet. we are in the yellow and hope to be a little better by the epd end of the year so far as far as close to service request, we have 17.291.
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i think we are missing a slide. okay, this slide shows our private property service orders so far. we have 16.033 for private property graffiti. so far in 2024. this slide is kind of confusing. on the left side you see the annual service orders and on the right side you see the monthly depiction of our service orders for private. on the left side you can look at the different years. the far left is 2023. big difference between 2023 and
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2024, so far we have 1077 applications approved, and if we go to the blue area you can see these are the one s that are abated. this is a annual record so far, so navy blue is abated. i want to note that, some locations we go to more then once, so this is a combination of all the ones that we have so far in 2024. that's a large amount. 1857. if we move to the right side, now we are looking at the monthly break-down of the annual work. you can see in 2023, as far as the applications approved, you can see the number there that matches the number on the right and on the left and on the right you see in 2024, huge jump. you can see in december we had a spike of 170 applications and this is so far. we are still working within the
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fiscal year, so if you go down to the blue area you can see how many we abated. quite a few. 2023 compared to 2024, there is a huge gap between the two years we are doing well for service orders, private. this slide is kind of confusing. as i mentioned, we abate multiple locations. we have a location at on mission street that we abated 70 times. the way you read the graph, on the left side we have 287 abatements that we've conducted where we only had one visit. if you slide to the right, you can see where we had one location with 70 abatements. this is for private.
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>> can i jump in on that note? so, as we discussed in the past, we have been trying to work with our colleagues at the office of economic and workforce development to reach out to these businesses to see if they would be interested in possibly putting murals on their property so businesses with records numbers of abatements we are working with colleagues to see if we might get a mural which generally helps prevents some of the constant tagging so that is still in process. they were working on a rfp to get a provider so that is something we are still working on. >> okay. the next slide shows the map of san francisco. it is a break-down of service orders. you can tell in zone d, we have the highest amount of service orders as far as graffiti in the opt-in
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program. over to the right you can see it broken down again. you can see our zone d. we have 1276 service orders for d. the closest one is f, but there is no comparison to the amount we have in d. we are missing one slide and that slide shows the litter receptacles we have in san francisco as far as instillation and removal. i'm working with the performance team do a better job on the description of the slide so the next meeting we'll have a more accurate and correct slide. that's all i have for this particular slide. any questions?
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>> i had occasion to drive south on park presidio drive going through the cross-over drive and the cement barrier between the lanes, is that ours or state property? >> brotherhood way? >> this not brotherhood way this is park presidio going south. >> okay. >> through golden gate park the cross over drive. >> right. >> would that be highway 101 and would that be state and do we do any graffiti work on that? >> that is highway 101, i think that is caltrans responsibility. we do work with them with our paving group but we dont have jurisdiction on that particular area. we do meet with cal trans on a regular basis and let them know about those things. >> let them know it is a little overwhelming. >> i think we got rain and
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quick sunshine, so a lots of [indiscernible] >> thank you. >> we'll put that on the agenda. >> one other side question on that, is there a type of paint that can reduce the ease of cleaning? like a gloss paint or something? >> on some new construction contractors have coating they put on the new concrete and that makes the graffiti easier to wash off. it isn't required, but some contracts have that in the contracts. if it is concrete we can high pressure wash it and it comes off, but not every projects do that. i mentioned that at the treasure island meeting. they built a new off-ramps off the bridge and i asked if the contractors had applied that on the concrete and they told me it wasn't part of the contract, so-- >> i wonder what that would cost for our abilities to cover up some
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of these multiple visited-- >> it would be a lot easier for us for sure. >> can that be done? >> we can negotiate and try to put that in our contracts. in the past, we have done that. years and years ago, when i was doing contractor work, but i haven't seen in the contracts lately, maybe that is something we can work on. >> alright. thank you. >> uh-huh. >> just chime in. i think most public work lead contracts we do require antigraffiti coating on any instillations in the right of way that our contractors installed. i think what we can certainly request and work on is, maybe trying to insure other city agencies or county agencies also insure they have that as a requirement. >> thank you.
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>> i have one question. the beginning of the slide, the sidewalk and cleaning request, you say you little about 70 percent, and the goal is get to 80 percent or above. what is it the challenge? is it staffing? what's the challenge that not able to fulfill the request? >> there is a lot of different reasons. we do have conflicting priorities in the city. we do have emergencies. we have special projects and events and so on and so forth. one of our main responsibilities is to help the city with the unhoused and we spend a lot of time and energy working with those agencies. we do have corridors that require a lot of work, such as mission and market, so we've been asked to do a little extra cleaning on those corridors to make sure they are clean. we are working with bart at the two bart stations to make sure
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those areas are clean and safe, but we do feel we can meet that goal by the end of the year. it is just a issue of conflicting priorities. staffing was a issue couple months ago. we are getting a lot more staff. we are getting them trained up, so they can provide the tasks they are supposed to provide. all new employees have to go through a driver training, they have to know how to use certain equipment, if they are steamer they have to be trained. res pirateer fitted. a lot to get done before we can put them out on the field. we are on our way and we'll get there. you're welcome. >> i have a couple questions. for slide four, in 2022, we were at 82 percent. 23 at 79 and then this year at 71. response rate within 48 hours.
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why does it seem to be trnded down i guess is the question, and is there a way to get it to trend back up to where the response rate between the-within the 48 hours is back up higher? >> let me make sure i got the right slide. >> slide four. >> okay, for march we are at 85 percent. you see the green? >> i think you are on a different slide, chris. if you go to that first slide, that's where you can see that we are starting to kind of climb back up in the
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percentage and then on the forth slide we are looking at that annual aggregated percentage. >> okay, so we are working on it. >> the good news is, we are on the positive track upwards, but as chris was saying, we are-this is annual so still have a portion of the year left to try to bring that back up. i will say, one of the things we are balancing and we were just talking about this with chris's team is, trying to do a lot of proactive work and not just wait for people to respond or to call us, and then making sure that if we-if our proactive work does address a call that we are able to capture that, because our hope is the more proactive we can be, the more efficient and then we are not just relying on
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calls from the public, but we have to be sure we are also capturing all those call s so that they are not actually done, but didn't get closed, so that's one of the balances is making sure as we do proactive, we close out anything that relates to that same work. >> got yeah. >> can i ask a question? proactive means what is on schedule or route, it just are means taking care of a scheduling place or if you picking up dumping just giving a example, so it has been taken care of before somebody else calls 311, that is part of the scheduling? >> exactly. they have a route they run and rather then just bouncing around to do requests. we do a balance as i was saying, we cant just turn off the light when people are calling in and used to calling in, but we want to be sure we are giving good services even
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in places where people may not be calling in. >> slide five, for the graffiti. i see that it is trending up and i know you guys have been doing a lot of the private property abatement. i'm just--is that what is effecting where like the percentage rate is only at 39 percent, because we are doing so much private property as well, or? >> again- >> why isn't the 48 hour a higher percentage response rate, and if we can't get to most things within 48 hours we need to reassess to where there is a 72 hour response rate for
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graffiti instead of holding the 48. like, yeah. >> i think last presentation we talked about our standards and we want to hold tight on our standards for now. we do-when we look at this as a annual and we do have some time to work on our percentages, again, just stopped raining, so you can't really paint graffiti when it is raining. it is sunny now so maybe can make up time on those percentages. >> yeah, i just want sure since we are reviewing the standards of conduct if we need to or if we need to [indiscernible] 72 hours instead of 48. >> we can look at that at the end of year. these percentages are so far, we have a lot of work to do and lot of days to get the work done so hope we can get to those higher percentages.
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>> it trending up,b it is just trying to see where we can maximize. alright. any other questions? >> you have partnership with cbd, the local community cbd helping with this graffiti abatement and cleaning them up? >> yeah-we work together. we have a great relationship with the cbd's. we have our work to do and they have their work to do. for example, tl, cbd we have a good relationship with john so when he is struggling since we are already in the zone we have corridor workers close by and can help every now and then. since we have that relationship, we help each other out. we have jfo in the tl joint field operation. there is is a lot of challenges. there are a lot of unhosed
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folks, so the team spends a lot of time working to help those folks out. sometimes the encampment or challenges in the cbd area we are on-board to help whatever situation is taking place. >> one of the neighborhood that have the highest report, do they are cbd that dpw work as a partner with? that is my question. >> we work with soma on a daily basis. we have a jfo at 915 or 1015 every morning and sometimes the challenges on the other side of market street, so that cbd is on our daily call and if there is any challenges that are spiked, our jfo helps them out as well. >> maybe if i can chime in. so, generally speaking, the cbd's do address a lot of the graffiti
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on private property, and that's often part of what they are collecting their fees to address and in those areas, we don't necessarily have as many people opting in to the private graffiti abatement because the cdb address that as part of their agreement. in the mission corridor, we don't have a cbd in that area, but the mission merchants association did a lot of outreach to get people to opt-in, so i think that's why you see that very high subscription, but we still have responsibility in those cbd areas to address graffiti on public assets, but generally the cbd do a lot of private graffiti. >> i just was not so sure in mission, especially a cbd you can build partnership with to off-load some of these work. that was my question initially.
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thank you. that was very helpful. >> okay. >> hearing no further questions [unable to hear speaker] >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on item 4, bureau of street environmental performance measure report may line up against the wall furthest from the door. if commenting outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button or calling in press star 3 on your phone to be recognized. we do not have in person commenters on this item. and we do have one caller who
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would like to be recognized to speak on this and sfgovtv, please go ahead and unmute that caller and caller, you will have three minutes to speak and i'll provide you with a 30 second notice when your time is about to expire. >> hello? >> hello, caller, go ahead. >> okay. my name is mike zimmerman and we have been a property owner in the bayview for 65 years, and i just want to know if you guys are aware what is happening in the bayview regarding the rv's that are not moving and not able to do street sweeping in the district and are dumping feces and garbage throughout the district? i sent pictures to the board or commission and haven't heard anything back, but it is a big problem,
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and it needs to be addressed. we have people that have-we are not talking families, we are talking people that have-doing drugs, selling drugs, stealing things, and dumping garbage throughout the district and they have no license plates, no vin number showing, and the city is allowing it and it is just disrespectful for the community and totally ridiculous in my opinion that a city would allow this. i'm third generation san franciscans and tired of it. i'm tired of excuses of homeless people. this is a dug bin for them to do whatever they want and it is unacceptable. the families situation in the bayview, i don't see too many families
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with rv. it is basically people getting away with it and they need to be removed. i want to know what you have to say about this issue, because it isn't going away and i challenge the commission in a respectful way to come down to the bayview and see what i see every day. we are in a industrial area, bayview and it is all over the place. there is hundreds of rv in the community, so wondering if someone will respond to my question. >> thank you for your comments. that is our only caller on this item, so that concludes public comment.
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>> is there any further discussion from the commission? secretary fuller, please call the next item. >> item 5 is the report on public trash cans and bureau of street and environmental services chris mcdaniels will also be presenting this report and it is a informational item. >> good morning commissioners. chris mack daniels, superintendent street environmental service and today i'll talk about public trash cans. this slide is just to make you aware of how many public trash cans the city has compare d to surrounding cities.
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we have around 3300 cans. the next slide explains who has what responsibilities, so public works manages our trash cans throughout the city. recology is a great partner. they actually do all of the service work. they work 24 hours a day going by and collecting all the trash in the cans, and then we have cbd that manage the trash cans in their area. recology is a big help keeping these cans serviced. we do clean a few along the great highway, we have the promenade along the beach and we do service those cans ourselves. we drive along the promenade and make sure those cans are serviced.
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this slide is about letting knroi how the system works as far as requesting relocating and removing trash cans. we do monitor this very closely. 311 is very involved. there is no delay in 311 requests. they send us these requests in real time. anybody can call in the condition of a can. you can use the app, send it to 311, supervisor or aid can call in and say hey, we need a trash can. anyone can submit a request. we do process those requests. we go out and take at the location and see if it is beneficial or not so there is a process for that. recology also since they service the cans, they are very good partner for us to let us know how the can is doing, if the door is broken, so on and
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so forth so it is a team effort to record the condition of our cans. this slide is about preferred locations. as you know, we want to put the cans where they are needed. market street, different corridors are busy, hospitals and such where we want to catch the debris before it is thrown on the streets. bus stops are pretty popular location. recology reaches out to us on occasion and say hey , i think this area is in need of cans so we work with recology to get that intel. we have supervisors that work in their zones and people work in the zones so when we see a hot spot developing, that is a location we'll consider for a can. there was a question about special events. there is a lot of special
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events. most sponsors have to get a permit from mta and dpw. part that permit is how are you going to clean up behind your event, so we are involved and mta is involved, so if there something needed we address it at that point. this slide is about illegal dumping. as you know, there is a big problem. our outreach team does a great job in canvasing the area, they go through trash on occasion and try to find out who is putting the trash out. when i first started at scs i was chinatown and saw this big illegal dumping on the sidewalk and i went through the trash and i thought it belonged to the store it was in front of, but as i went through the trash i found the address of the
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business across the street, so they would open their cardboard boxes, bring their stuff in and bring the trash across the street so it seems like it is somebody else. our outreach team really does a good job. they should be investigators. they do a real good job finding who put the trash out. recology is another asset of ours. they give us information. the corridor workers give us information and we are working on a camera deployment that can help us identify where these illegal dumping is coming from. there is license readers on the cameras so we are hoping to get those deployed soon so they can help us in the bayview and other areas throughout the city. unfortunately, the company that is providing the cameras are also working for sfpd and i think they have higher priority over us and thus far they are delaying our cameras for right
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now. there is other fathers when we have to remove and replace. as you can see on the picture, this is a older can. it appears to be rusted on the hinge area so sometimes these cans get defective and are vandalized so this is a reason why we go out and replace the can. other reasons why is, they may be in the way. we may have new public works project that installs a bulb out and that can has too relocated. sometimes we work with the fire department and they have hydrants they are putting in so if the cans are too close to the hydrant we have to remove it. those are factors that remake us change the location, remove or replace. over flowing cans happens a lot.
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i do a early morning inspection in the morning and go through the tl and other hot spots. unfortunately some of the population live on the street and they do the same thing we do every morning. i get up, go to the restroom, brush my teeth and think about a cup of coffee and pop tart. there is homeless people when they wake up and move around the trash cans are there. unfortunately that is their option so they go through and pull out looking for a morsel for their breakfast. we are working on rummage free can. we haven't got there yet, but most of the trash is from that operation. i see it every morning and i kind of feel sorry for the folks, but now that is what they have to deal with to get breakfast. we do have monitors in the cans. we are starting to look at that
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data. as we reported, we have 3,000 cans out there. recology works with us. a lot of people call in over-flowing cans and we address that if recology has gone by and did their job and we are in the area we'll just take care of the trash around the can and move on. it is their responsibility to service the cans, but when they go through we can't call back and say look, someone threw stuff-we can't call back for that so we do that work. this is is a strange picture to look at. hard to focus on it. but that little dark unit with the holes in, that is a picture of our censor inside a trash can. as i mentioned, we have 900 censors already deployed and what it does is try to figure how full the can is. that information is sent to 311
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and that goes to recology for them to come out and service the can. we have quite a few more to install. we are evaluating what we have now. the whole idea is to modify the schedule for recology as far as servicing, so we don't have to look, we dont have to wait, the censor is snding the information to 311 and it goes to recology and at the end of our evaluation period we'll have better sense how often we have to service the can. i wanted to add this slide. when we talk about moving the can, it is not like pulling up in the pickup and throw it in the back and go. it requires heavy equipment, so you have a crane operator and labor there. we have to have all protection gear for safety reasons. they weigh a ton, so i wanted to show the picture so you have a idea what it
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takes to remove or replace a can. that's all i. open for questions. >> i have a few from the public works commission. you delivered this presentation to them i believe last month. >> this presentation? you are speaking of-follow-up questions for-- >> just to clarify, the conversation originated in public works commission, but it is clearly under the purview of the sanitation and streets commission and question sent over from chair post. her interest in the matter as well. >> yeah. >> okay. >> some of them are mine, some
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of them are hers, some are a combination. i am going to combine them but i have quite a few so bear with me. so, we have for slide three, the map, it states that recology services all the city's trash cans, accept for the ones the cbd service. so, you are saying the sf public works does not empty any of the cans accept for the ones along the ocean, right? and it is done solely by recology? >> right, if there overflowing cans as i mentioned we will do the cleanup around those cans. recology is mandated to service the cans and we work very closely with them. we have two weekly meetings with them with their management and then with their front line people to make
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sure they are doing their job and they do it well. >> alright. and then for slide four, it appears public works relies on 311 to notify the department of citizen and business requests for new cans or replacement or removal of existing cans. how reliable is 311 notification? how much time elapses between the request coming in, public works receiving it, and then scs reviewing their request and the business citizen/business being notified it has been received and under review and action is taken? >> i mentioned there is no delay in 311 requests, it comes real time to us and
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then we handle it from there. do you reach out to the citizen or business at all regarding the resolution or does public works just take care of it? is there a response like-- >> let me explain something. removing and replacing a can could be very complicated. we manage that because we where are the ones removing it, but we have a process where we have to check in with board of supervisors on some occasions because you have two opposing groups that one wants the can and the other doesn't want the can, so we are stuck in the middle, so when those situations we differ to the supervisor, because he or she has to manage the district and we want to do the right thing, but we need a little help on that. a little direction, so we work closely with the board member if it is
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one of those cases where opposing sides want a can or not want a can. >> yeah . alright. for events like beta breakers yesterday, public works is the one that puts the cans there and empties them and removes them at the end of the events or who is in charge of the temporary trash cans for events i guess? >> we talked about mta and public works issues a permit through the event. during that process we recommend what they need for that event and they take care that. we don't take care that. >> alright.
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and then--for slide six, do we work with businesses in the area to see if we can like check cameras for illegal dumping? i know you guys comb through trash cans but is there anything we can do to narrow down to who's responsible if they were smart enough to remove their address labels or something like that? >> as i mentioned, we have our outreach team and they do audits from time to time. they are very useful. as i mentioned, they go through the trash and find out where it came from. we can issue fines, so i think they do very good job and we are trying to be as proactive as possible. on the corner of ellis and jones there is a bar on the e corner and i swing by every morning. the cardboard is better there because
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when i see something i say something, so i'm on the radio telling my guys hey, you need to take care that and that goes to the outreach team as well because they attended the weekly meeting so i'm able to communicate with them what i find out in the field and what supervisors are finding in the field. i is a team of 7 or 8 and they canvas the city and work really well with the supervisors in different zones, so we are on it. the team excellent what they do. they should work for the fbi collecting the information. we do due diligence and do our best to create a better environment on the streets and that one location is look ing better. the piles are starting to reduce a little bit, so we are happy about that. >> yeah, just wondering if there is anything else that we can be doing? it seems you guys are a great job, it is just obviously it is not
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totally solving the issue. is there anything else? >> right. we celebrate small victories. as i mentioned we are getting the cameras eventually and that will help a lot in the bayview and other places too. we have jfo in the tl and dmac meetings every day. it is a group of city folks trying to push the envelope a little bit, then we have three dedicated crews made up of various city employees. we are trying to do the best we can. it seems the groups are moving. we go blitz a place and the next morning they are two blocks down, so we are going to keep chasing them until we improve. >> we have had some success in the
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past where we have camera footage and identified the party, when that is available if we identify the person we will go after the right person. we also had instances we got footage but the person dumping isn't someone known to us and so we can't necessarily take action if we don't know who the person is, but we have successfully used footage to issue citation and uphold the citation when they appealed it. when we can we absolutely will try to do that as well. as chris mention working getting the ligesance plate readers particularly in the areas with large quantities coming from other areas and dumping we hope the license plate readers will help identify that and if the word gets out you can get a hefftfy fine from the city maybe they will look elsewhere. >> the outreach team is looking for trends.
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they are not just looking at the location, looking with a broader brush and we are collecting that information as well and doing something about it. >> and then, so again, slide 6, the part where it says audits checking for sufficient garbage service and knowing dumping hot spots. have we tried increasing services there? no matter what the data says, it is a hot spot. do we increase service before becoming a problem and we remove the trash can i guess? >> so, our outreach team is looking for business owners and residents who don't have service, because that
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tells us a story right there and so, as i mentioned, they are very good at that. we do look at trends and if we get data that supports higher traffic then normal, if the hospital is built mission bay or placings like that, chase center, we evaluation the information and decide to put additional resources at that location. one main problem is folks don't have garbage service and we are doing something about that. we are suggesting they get service because they always say, i didn't know. we have to be patient and tell them yes, you are supposed to have trash service and we give you a couple days to establish your service. >> how long before fines are-- >> i think it is 30 day cycle. we issue a nov. notice of violation then we
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follow up in a period of time and make sure they have their ducks in a row, so to speak. if they don't, it goes to the next step. >> great. thank you. on slide 7, the removal criteria, if a can is regularly vandalized, what makes the can considered regularly vandalized? >> cans people throw matches and fires, they paint graffiti, they tear off a door. put certain stuff in the can that we dont want in the can. if we see that happen a lot, we evaluate and see if we need to make a change. we have to provide service to clean it up, put the fire out and paint
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the graffiti. at some point we have to make a decision. >> but it is like, weekly vandalizing or monthly or like, when does it-this one is always getting vandalized and needs to be removed? when does it get to that point? >> i would say on a weekly basis if we have it go every week or every day to deal with a can being tagged or vandalized we want to get that asset removed. >> do you try to increase the services so that can before removal? >> if they are vandalizing it isn't providing a service of collecting trash, right? they just use it as a tagging mechanism, so that is different- >> you paint it over and stuff. it doesn't mean the can isn't needed in that area, just because it is getting graffitied every week.
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so-- >> we need to make a decision on that particular trash resepical at that location. if it is tagged and set on fire on regular basis we don't need to there. it isn't provide a service of collecting trash, it is more of a target or tagging opportunity, right? we got a lot of taggers and know what that means. this is our area, this is our whatever initial, this is our stomping ground. we dont want to promote that. we want to remove that if we can. >> and then, i think the last question is for slide eight. there are-it says, over 1665 service calls for over-flowing trash cans in a month. probably not a accurate count, because many people dont actually report them, so since public works manages
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the city trash can program, are you guys responsible for insuring recology does it's job? >> absolutely. >> because it seems really excessive we get that many calls every month, so maybe we need to push back on recology to get them to service the cans more often? >> i think we mentioned a couple things. we talked about the censor and recology doing their work. they have a schedule, they come and check it, dump and keep going and we talked about how that could turn into-even though they serviced it, it could look like it wasn't serviced, so we can't tie them to something that they already provided a service for, so then we have to pick up the slack and take care of it. okay. i think that number is accurate.
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we deal with this every single day and so recology is responsible for servicing the can when it overflows we have to take the responsibility to make sure it is clean around that can. if you take the tl for instance, they come through early in the morning. 1030, 11 o'clock it is like they were never there. we are already in the zone, doing our proactive work with our reactionary work is servicing the overflowing cans and the debris around it. >> could i add a little to that? just couple of points i want to make. one is, i think the calls often come in as overflowing and i think what chris was mentioning is, they may not be overflowing it isn't recology didn't service, it is people rummage
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and looks like it is overflowing because there is debris around the can. we are monitoring with our censors the level of garbage inside the cans and the censors will send request for recology if it is close to overflowing. while it has t comes in as a request that could be misleading. also we get 1600 requests but all most 12 thousand street cleaning requests. it sounds like a lot, but with 3,000 cans in a month it is actually to have 1600 is not maybe as huge of a number if you think about the sheer volume of cans we have. lastly and i think most importantly the point i wanted to make, we did include in the refuge rate process this year to have a trash can manager, because we dont have a full time trash can manager are. this work is done by special project team and they have a lot of other responsibilities so the
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responsibility of the trash can manager will be to track the censors and make sure that recology is being responsive, that they are potentially changing their routes to address areas where cans fill up more regularly. also, to kind of manage when we get request for can removal or relocation to really make those assessments if a can is repeatedly vandalized what point do we move that so the trash can manager will be focus ed on the issues holdsing recology responsible. they are a good partner but we need to make sure they detheir job well and trying to use the technology to better inform where and when we should be picking up around the cans so that is a great new position that is is funded by by the recology contract, so it is coming out that rate payer
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process, rather then the general fund budget, that will allow us to focus in on cans and the challenges around the cans. >> one last comment, when we negotiated their contract all is a provision in there that says they will clean 5 feet diameter atround the trash can and we negotiated a little bigger diameter, so they have more responsibility now. we went back and forth for a bit, but they finally said okay. we'll do the larger diameter. >> we have any other questions? >> i have a few. >> pardon me? >> i have a few questions for you, chris. just to follow-up on director carla short. recology is funding cleaning up this, it isn't dpw, it recology? i want to understand who's
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managing it? there is always cost involved in it. >> i may invite our deputy director for finance to speak to this, but basically it is part of the rate payer process, so when recology charges rates, included in that are funds that come to the city to fund certain things, including some of our cleaning operations as well as managing now managing our trash cans. so, it is funded not really by recology, but through their contract with the city. deputy director robertson, dead -did you want to add? >> director carla short is spot on t. is part of the rate payer process so it is coming from residential rate payers. there is ancillary items added to that process for city staff and one would be the trash can manager that is
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included in the public works budget for the firs time and that that is underway so we get the money from the residential rate payers that come to the city managed by the controller office. there are other items, department of environment gets funding for some programs and public works get funding for programs through that process. it has been that way quite some time. >> is it regulated? just curiosity, because if it isn't regulated they can charge more and more every month? >> it is highly regulated and under proposition f approve bide d by the san francisco voters a few years ago and all managed by the controller office and there is a refuge rate boards that oversee and makes decision and approval action on the residential refuge rates. very tightly regulated. i feel it is always important recology and dpw work hand in hand
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together, because it is all most achieving the same goal in recology should do more work, but i don't really know a lot of the nitty-gritty of all thist these negotiations and contracts and such, but this is good news that they should be responsible and hopefully they don't keep raising the residential fee time after time. i have a few questions for chris. is that okay, chris, it is probably long. for some of the neighborhood, like bayview, soma, tenderloin, this is the hot spots of san francisco, and when--i don't know how to phrase this, but as a small business owner, i am in the tenderloin, so i used to have a
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bin that caught on fire and we don't have gates to protect all our windows that were very close proximity to our windows, all most shattered so i say i do not want the bins ever. a, is hazardous. b it create illegal dumping and comes from various ways. people that live in sro. people are living on the streets. people are driving by and leaving all the trash because ey don't want to pay the extra fee. so, what do you do? we had a caller call in earlier about these issues and i know some of the residents and business owners like i am, kind of scream our lungs out say, we have this information, can you guys do something?
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as far as my experience, not a lot has been done. when we give your evidence, how quickly do you respond to that? i think i can speak on behalf of some of the frustrated residents and businesses. >> are you calling 311 with to report? >> i do call 311, because that is the only way for us to report it. sometimes i do call john, because it is faster and if he can help he will and some of this hazardous material they dont do anything with it, so it gets left out. those other situations and now i want to add--we have the-hf the--broom attendedant but the crew only works 5 days a week. that made magic and helps, because they
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pick them up and there is a channel of reporting to maybe the trucks, which is great idea, but i am only seeing one location, so i wonder like bayview much more bigger issues that probably not been attended or been taking care of. what do you do? [indiscernible] >> i think we focus on our proactive work and then we try to address the emergency work that comes about. you mentioned the bayview, we had a half block of debris and the guy laid in it and said he won't move so we had to call pd, they sent two units out. took a half hour to convince the guy to get out of our way. he was laying in front of the large front end loader, in front of the tire and said he will not move. this is his stop. from that wall beyond that wall
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and we had to wait for a hour and half to get him off so we can do our work. it was a mess. he was swimming in it and said all the stuff belongs to me. and so it took us half hour and half to get him out and spent the rest of the day to clean it up. i guess what i'm saying is, the challenges are there every day and we are--you know, i have to do morale boosting events for the staff because it gets to the point where folks are broken down and difficult to come to work. we have people who passed in their tents and attacked by dogs. i feel for my staff and it is a very difficult job to come to every day and have to deal with that.
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we the city we share the responsibility of the right of way, and we need everyone's help. we can't do it alone. that's why we have cbd and property owners that are willing to help us fight this fight. we all feel we'll be successful one day but now we are still in the fight. we looked at blocks on mission street and steam cleaned them. we removed everything off the sidewalk, all the gum and stains and then we had our outreach team go into the properties and businesses and say look, this is the standard of what we are trying to do, but we need your help. it is a combination. it is a joint effort. we can't do it alone and we use pd and you know, health service, fire department everybody is out there trying to help us clean the street and make the quality of life better. i don't have all the answers.
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we try like heck every single day. we are 24 hour operation. i have day, swing and night and we do our good work every single day. after beta breakers, we were right behind them trying to get the street back to normal as soon as possible, because we care. we want your business and other businesses to be able to go back to normal as soon as possible. we had a army of people out there and that's what we do every day. some is seen and a lot of it is unseen because we work at night so when people come to work, the next morning those areas are clean. you would never know it. we have been working all night to get to that condition. i'm going to differ to carla short. maybe she can add to that. i'm getting a little emotional here. >> that's okay. i appreciate what you are saying. i sympathize as well.
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i know it is not easy . i'm at my location every single day and i see things and understand things, but i'm just saying, if you want to talk about working collectively i feel like every agency has to hear about this complaints or the call-in and respond to and if a way you can't respond. 311 doesn't say, hang tight, but they always give 72 hours. the 72 hours could be anything. by the time 72 hour come i will have a pile of things in front of my restaurant. the problem is, when people drive by, they think it is us making all this messes, right? i have informations about who doing this, so a follow-up question i have is like, how often when the agency know who is doing all this illegal dumping or trash and stuff, do you take
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action and give them citations, and follow through? those are important-if you don't follow through they will continue doing that, correct? >> i would love to chime in a bit on this. if we know who is doing the illegal dumping we absolutely will take action. we do have processes we have to go through so we issue a citation, they have a right to appeal the citation, i gave the example where we did use video footage and the person denied it wasn't them and we had video footage that confirmed that was the person so that citation was upheld. we used private video footage in the bayview to identify the person and issue the citation, so we will--i would say i want to say hundred percent of the time we will follow-up. that is absolutely our goal. we are also you asked what else
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are we doing. we rely working with partners whether cbd partners. we have been also working with the police department to potentially use any footage that they have to identify people dumping illegally and we'll pursue that. we are also exploring other ideas. there is a resident in the bayview who has been independently collecting drown footage. the city has policies around the use of drones and so we have to go through the process to get authorization to use that, but that's one of the tools we are exploring to identify the hot spots and possibly the bad actors and go after them so we are trying to be innovative, but it does--at this moment we are still relying heavily on the partnership with business owners, but we do try to respond if we have that information we will absolutely issue citations to folks.
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>> i think the follow up too is pretty crucial, because i feel like it is easier to apologize then anything. if you don't give citation they just keep doing it over and over again. my last question, you said dpw work 24 hours, swing shift, evening shift and morning shift. >> uh-huh. >> i have seen trucks come and pick them up after 11 o'clock at night, but i don't see in between 3 to up to that 11 o'clock at night. how do we ask for more support for some of these hot spots for you know, frsh the shift that in the time period? >> so, we have a swing shift that starts around 1:30 and they
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have service requests that they need to investigate and close out, which means they have to respond to whatever complaint they have and they are city wide. our zones work during the day shift, so every zone is covered during the day. swing shift comes in at 1:30. they receive the service request from 311 and leftover from the day and attack those. then the night shift comes in and they look at the major corridor like mission, market street, un plaza, civic center, they are looking at the major corridors. the embark cadero and they want to make sure the bart stations are clean and sanitized before folks come to work. we are city wide. can we focus on specific areas? no. we are looking at more of a general scope for the swing and for the
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night. the day is used for every individual zone that we have, and we talked about before, we have our clean corridor events where we are trying to work with the commercial corridors, giving them a deep clean once a year. we go to clement street and west portal, where there is a commercial corridor and do deep cleaning on a regular basis so we cover the city city wide. we may not be at the location you are talking about but we are out there every day and every night. >> because i feel the city doesn't sleep, so we probably can have a different plan an how we can distribute timing wise some of this business corridor, i don't know if it is possible with staffing, but i get it. it is swing shift has to cover
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the entire city, it might be tricky. >> right. depending how many service requests they have. at 3:30 a.m. every morning you'll see a army of people at un plaza, civic center, main library from cortland to embarcadero. >> good. thank you. >> [unable to hear speaker] >> i think we are-our questions are concluded. secretary fuller, please open to public comment. >> members who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on item 5, the public trash can report may line up against the wall furthest from the door. if your commenting outside the chamber, please press the raise your hand button in the webinar, or press star 3 on your phone to be recognized.
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no one approached to speak in person, and sfgovtv is indicating that we do not have callers on this item either so that concludes public comment. >> secretary fuller, please call the next item. >> item 6 is the adoption of the sanitation and street commission land acknowledgment statement and i will present the item and i need to use the public comment microphone to do so. just one moment.
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just to introduce myself, secretary bob fuller and as you can see, if sfgovtv team bringz up the slide deck. the commission has been working on land acknowledgment statement since inception in 2022 the working group that helped launch this commission one of their recommendations to align with both the city wide and the department's own racial equity action goals was for the commission to adopt a land acknowledgment statement which is quite common among other city commissions as well as public bodies and cultural organizations as well. in november 2022, director
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jonathan cordaro, the association of ramaytush oholone and joined the public works racial equity to present to the commission about this and then as presented at the last commission meeting we went through many many drafts with then chair mario and now chair kim hartwig-schulman were on the working group, and have been working with both dr. cordaro as well as members of staff to really craft a statement that is meaningful to this commission, hopefully meaningful to the department and to staff whenever it's read out. we had a review of this draft statement at the april 15 meeting of this
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commission last month where we had some conversation and then today we can potentially adopt it and just to note, we had some discussion of how frequently the statement would be read and everything and the recommendation is that we'll have it on the website. we'll have it on the agenda and it can be up to the chair and the overall commission discretion how frequently to read it, so it is more in practice as we do it. just to bring it up so you can again, read it. happy to take any questions about this and i'll return to the clerk station.
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>> you said this was going to be on our-every month agenda? >> it would be presented on the agenda definitely and it is up to the commission of whether to read it every single month or on a quarterly basis or kind of have the flexibility to implement it as you all wish. >> so, in fact the chair would be able to decide whether or not they bring it up this month or next month? >> yes. >> quarterly or whatever? >> exactly. >> thank you. >> do we have any other questions? nope. alright. do i hear a motion to adopt the proposed land acknowledgment statement? >> so move. so moved. >> can i second it?
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yep? okay. given the motion--everyone that says that wants it to proceed say aye. >> pardon me, we need to take public comment. >> we have to take public comment. sorry. given the motion we will hear public comment. secretary fuller, please open public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on the motion to adopt the sanitation and streets commission land acknowledgment statement, you may line up against the wall furthest from the door. if you are commenting outside the chamber, again press the raise your hand button in the webinar or star 3 on your phone to be recognized. and no one approached to speak on the item and sfgovtv let me know we do not
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have callers on this item either so that concludes public comment. >> we all good? alright. is there any debate on this motion? no. alright. hearing no further debate, all in favor adopting the sanitation and streets commission land acknowledgment statement say, yes. and anyone opposed say, no. sorry, didn't hear you. i vote yes, so the motion passes. [gavel] secretary fuller will post the land acknowledgment state to the website and include in the future meeting
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agenda. please call the next item. >> so, item 7 is conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation and deputy city attorney kaitlyn murphy will brief the commission in closed session. the briefing is a informational item and no action will be taken. to enter closed session, the commission will need to take a motion, hear public comment and vote on it and then once that happens it will take a few minutes to get the room ready for closed session. >> secretary fuller, please call the next item? >> so, ask for a motion for closed session? >> sorry, do i hear a motion for the commission to enter our closed session regarding the existing litigation? >> so moved. >> do i hear a second? >> second. >> alright.
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secretary fuller, please open public comment on this item. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on the motion to enter closed session may line up against the wall from the door and if you comment from outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button in the webinar or star 3 on your phone in order to be recognized. we do not have any in-person commenters on this. and sfgovtv also indicated we do not have any callers on it, so that concludes public comment. >> alright. so, is there any debate on this motion? no. no debate all in favor entering closed session say, yes. alright. and the motion passes.
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time entering closed session is [meeting reconvened] >> we have no announcements following the closed session. secretary fuller, please open public comment on this item. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of announcements following closed session may line up against the wall. if you are commenting outside the chamber, please raise your hand in the webinar or press star 3 on your phone to be recognized. we do not have any in person commenters on this item, and we do not have callers either, so that concludes public comment. >> awesome. do i share a motion to not disclose discussion in closed session? >> i make a motion to not
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disclose actions in closed session. >> do i hear a second? >> second. >> alright. secretary fuller, please open public comment. >> members of the public who wish to comment on the motion to not disclose discussion during closed session may line up against the wall furthest from the door. if you are commenting outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button in the webinar or star 3 on your phone to be recognized. we do not have in person commenters and s fgovtv indicatoring no callers so that is end of public comment. >> hearing no further debate or anything, all in favor of not disclosing closed session say aye. >> aye. >> the motion passes.
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secretary fuller, please call the item. >> item 10 is new business initiated by commissioners. this is a opportunity to raise topics and add to future agendas and it is informational item. >> i would like to hear follow-up on the call from mr. zimmerman earlier today. i guess next meeting. that's it for me. anybody else? >> just to clarify, do you want a formal presentation? do you want me to include in the director's report or would you like a memo we could provide to the commission? >> yeah, i guess--that's a good one. i guess talk about-i don't know
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the best way. i'll leave how you deliver it to you but that we looked into it and this is the steps we are doing to try to resolve the issue. i'm sure people will leave and come back and there is going to be dumping continued dumping issues in the bayview, but since it sounds like all are stationary vehicles and stuff and-yeah. [laughter] >> okay. if i may, i think what we can do is i can give a brief summary in my director's report just noting the challenges. and how we followed up. >> okay. perfect. does anybody have--alright? where are we at? alright. so, hearing no further new business,
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mr. fuller, please open public comment on this item. >> members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment on item 10, new business may line up against the wall furthest from it door and if you are commenting outside the chamber, press the raise your hand button in the webinar or star 3 on your phone. we have no in person commenters and no callers either so that concludes public comment. >> alright. hearing no further discussion, secretary fuller, please call the next item. >> item 11 is general public comment continued from item 1 if necessary and since we did not exceed the time limit for item 1, this item is not necessary. >> awesome. so, mr. secretary, is there any further business? >> there is no further business on the agenda. >> alright. this commission will meet again
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june 17, 2024. hearing no objection, i adjourn this meeting at 1250. [gavel] [meeting adjourned] >> we can sweep by in front of a house in a matter of seconds. the only people who don't like it are the people who get the tickets. >> this is a street sweeping sign. don't let it get you. pay attention.
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[♪♪♪] >> in the morning, when we first go out, we start at six in the morning or seven in the morning. we call that our business run. we sweep all the main arteries of the city. after 8:00, we go into the residential areas and take care of all the other customers. >> the idea with the street sweeping program is to get the leaves and the debris off the ground. >> we -- for not only appearance and cleanliness but safety as well. >> we will get anywhere from 2- 7,000 pounds per truck depending on the season and the route. the street sweeper and the choice of the use right now is an error sweeper. they have a motor in the back and it blows winds down one side and carried by air into the hopper. what will mess this up is new --
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large pieces of cardboard or sticks or coat hangers. anything that is more than 12 inches. the tube on the tracks is only 12-inch diameter. >> people asked what they can do to help to keep the city clean. there are people that letter. leaves are one thing. any of the garbage you see is from people being careless. [♪♪♪] >> one cars parked in the way, we can't sweep under the congress. to deal with this, we have parking control officers that are provided by m.t.a. and they go in front of our sweepers and pass out citations to people that are parking the wrong way. once the sweepers sweep past in san francisco, you may park behind the street sweeper.
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we all know parking is a big issue. north beach hasn't been swept since the eighties because of opposition. but we are getting a lot of requests to sweep. basically our trucks are 10 feet wide. we stick the brooms out and they are may be 12 feet wide. >> there are a lot of blind spots when driving a large truck pedestrians and bicyclists and cars. and navigates this 22,000-pound truck through the city. >> we involve the public here -- to adhere to traffic laws. these routes were developed back in the eighties around the capability of the sweeper. things have changed since then so we have to adapt. luckily, public works is embracing technology and working on a system to alter our maps. this is literally cut and paste -- cut and paste. we will have a computer program soon that will be able to alter
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the maps and be updated instantly. we will have tablets in the checks for all of the maps. we will send a broom wherever it needs to go and he has the information he needs to complete the safety. what is needed about these tablets as they will have a g.p.s. on it so we know where they're at. you do get confused driving along, especially the inner sunset. recall that to the be made a triangle. >> thanks for writing along with us today. i enjoyed showing you what we do and i urge you to pay attention to the signs and move your car and don't litter. with all [music] >> san francisco is known as
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yerba buena, good herb after a mint that used to grow here. at this time there were 3 settlements one was mission delores. one the presidio and one was yerba buena which was urban center. there were 800 people in 1848 it was small. a lot of historic buildings were here including pony express headquarters. wells fargo. hudson bay trading company and famous early settlers one of whom william leaderdorph who lived blocks from here a successful business person. african-american decent and the first million airin california. >> wilwoman was the founders of san francisco. here during the gold rush came in the early 1840s.
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he spent time stake himself as a merchant seaman and a business person. his father and brother in new orleans. we know him for san francisco's history. establishing himself here arnold 18 twoochl he did one of many things the first to do in yerba buena. was not california yet and was not fully san francisco yet. >> because he was an american citizen but spoke spanish he was able to during the time when america was taking over california from mexico, there was annexations that happened and conflict emerging and war, of course. he was part of the peek deliberations and am bas doorship to create the state of california a vice council to mexico. mexico granted him citizenship. he loaned the government of san
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francisco money. to funds some of the war efforts to establish the city itself and the state, of course. he established the first hotel here the person people turned to often to receive dignitaries or hold large gatherings established the first public school here and helped start the public school system. he piloted the first steam ship on the bay. a big event for san francisco and depict instead state seal the ship was the sitk a. there is a small 4 block long length of street, owned much of that runs essentially where the transamerica building is to it ends at california. i walk today before am a cute side street. at this point t is the center what was all his property.
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he was the person entrusted to be the city's first treasurer. that is i big deal of itself to have that legacy part of an african-american the city's first banker. he was not only a forefather of the establishment of san francisco and california as a state but a leader in industry. he had a direct hahn in so many things that we look at in san francisco. part of our dna. you know you don't hear his anymore in the context of those. representation matters. you need to uplift this so people know him but people like him like me. like you. like anyone who looks like him to be, i can do this, too. to have the city's first banker and a street in the middle of financial district. that alone is powerful. [music]
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>> in august 2019 construction began on the new facility at 1995 evans avenue in bayview. it will house motorcycle police and department of forensic services division. both sfpd groups are in two buildings that need to be vacated. they will join the new $183 million facility in late 2021. >> elements of the cfi and the traffic company are housed at the hall of justice, which has been determined to be seismically unfit. it is slated for demolition.
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in addition to that the forensic services crime lab is also slated for demolition. it was time and made sense to put these elements currently spread in different parts of the city together into a new facility. >> the project is located in the bayview area, in the area near estes creek. when san francisco was first formed and the streetcars were built back it was part of the bay. we had to move the building as close to the edge as possible on bedrock and solid elements piles down to make sure it was secure. >> it will be approximately 100,000 square feet, that includes 8,000 square feet for traffic company parking garage. >> the reason we needed too new building, this is inadequate for the current staffing needs and also our motor department. the officers need more room,
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secured parking. so the csi unit location is at the hall of justice, and the crime laboratory is located at building 60 sixty old hunters point shipyard. >> not co-located doesn't allow for easy exchange of information to occur. >> traffic division was started in 1909. they were motor officers. they used sidecars. officers who road by themselves without the sidecar were called solo. that is a common term for the motorcycle officers. we have 45 officers assigned to the motorcycles. all parking at the new facility will be in one location. the current locker room with shared with other officers. it is not assigned to just traffic companies. there are two showers downstairs
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and up. both are gym and shop weres are old. it needs constant maintenance. >> forensic services provides five major types of testing. we develop fingerprints on substances and comparisons. there are firearms identification to deal with projectiles, bullets or cartridge casings from shootings. dna is looking at a whole an rare of evidence from -- array of evidence from dna to sexual assault to homicide. we are also in the business of doing breath allyzer analysis for dui cases. we are resurrecting the gunshot
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residue testing to look for the presence of gunshot residue. lifespan is 50 years. >> it has been raised up high enough that if the bay starts to rise that building will operate. the facility is versus sustainable. if the lead gold highest. the lighting is led. gives them good lights and reduces energy use way down. water throughout the project we have low water use facilities. gardens outside, same thing, low water use for that. other things we have are green roofs on the project. we have studies to make sure we have maximum daylight to bring it into the building. >> the new facility will not be open to the public. there will be a lobby. there will be a deconstruction motorcycle and have parts around. >> the dna labs will have a
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vestibule before you go to the space you are making sure the air is clean, people are coming in and you are not contaminating anything in the labs. >> test firing in the building you are generating lead and chemicals. we want to quickly remove that from the individuals who are working in that environment and ensure what we put in the air is not toxic. there are scrubbers in the air to ensure any air coming out is also at the cleanest standards. >> you will see that kind of at the site. it has three buildings on the site. one is for the motorcycle parking, main building and back behind is a smaller building for evidence vehicles. there is a crime, crime scene. they are put into the secure facility that locks the cars down while they are examined. >> they could be vehicles involved in the shooting.
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there might be projectiles lodged in the vehicle, cartridge casings inside the vehicle, it could be a vehicle where a aggravated sexual occurred and there might be biological evidence, fingerprints, recovered merchandise from a potential robbery or other things. >> the greatest challenge on the project is meeting the scope requirements of the project given the superheated construction market we have been facing. i am proud to say we are delivering a project where we are on budget. >> the front plaza on the corner will be inviting to the public. something that gives back to the public. the building sits off the edge. it helps it be protected. >> what we are looking for is an updated building, with
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facilities to meet our unit's needs. >> working with the san francisco police department is an honor and privilege. i am looking forward to seeing their faces as the police officers move to the new facility. >> it is a welcome change, a new surrounding that is free from all of the challenges that we face with being remote, and then the ability to offer new expanded services to the city and police department investigations unit. i can't wait until fall of 2021 when the building is finally ready to go and be occupied and the people can get into the facility to serve them and serve the community.
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[music] hi. i'm san francisco mayor london breed i want to congratulate sfgovtv on 30 years of dedicated service as a broadcast channel for our vibrant city. you played a critical role during the pan dem and i can worked keep residents informed. adapted to changing situations that allowed our residents to engage and participate in government. thank you for 3 decades of informing and inspiring and connect the people of san francisco as the voice that
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