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tv   Transportation Authority Board  SFGTV  May 28, 2024 10:00am-10:31am PDT

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the information will only be saved for the direct your attention of our parking time and it is by the pay by phone is simple check our other parking zone number and thanks for (gavel) (gavel)
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county transportation authority meeting this morning at 10:00 am., tuesday, may 21, 2024. i'm chair mandelman serve as chair and our vice chair is commissioner melgar and thank you, sfgovtv and our clerk clerk yvette lopez-jessop madam clerk, call the roll. >> absolutely commissioner chan absent. >> commissioner dorsey presents. >> commissioner engardio present. >> chair mandelman present. >> commissioner melgar absent. >> commissioner peskin present. >> commissioner preston present. >> commissioner ronen absent. >> commissioner safai absent. >> commissioner stefani absent. >> present commissioner walton present we have quorum. >> thank you, madam clerk i've received requests from
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commissioners commissioner safai and commissioner chan also objections upcoming to grand that request i believe you have a public comment announcement. >> for members of the public interested in participating in this meeting we welcome our attention in-person in the elective chamber in room 250 or serve the meeting live add remotely the best way dial the number on your screen. >> legislative chamber, room 250, city hall watch sf cable channel 26 or 99 (depending on your provider) watch 2663 506 8858 # # to make public comment on an item, when the item is called, dial '*3' to be added to the queue to speak. speak. when your 2 minutes are up, we will move on to the next caller. calls will be taken in the order in which they are received. calls taken in the
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order they're he received speak slowly and turn down the volume of my radios around you public comment for items on this agenda will taken first in the chambers and than after on the telephone line i'd like to acknowledgement that commissioner ronen and commissioner safai and commissioner melgar have arrived i want to limit public comment for thirty minutes and each speaker has two minutes unless i
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indicate otherwise. and madam clerk will you call our next item. >> >> 2. chair's report - information. >> thank you, madam clerk >> this month we are pleased to join the transporting in celebrating the administration commitment of $3.4 million for the capital investment grant program in rating for the medium high to the engineering phase of program has been recommended for $500,000 for the budget we are grateful for the ftas partnerships to deliver the portal will help the statewide in climatic and community development the portal will bring in high speed rail to the heart of the downtown for the
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sales forces connecting 11 transportation services at the transit hub the funds in building upon the transportation authority that includes 20 percent of funds for sales force and $41 million for the caltrans electrification and $340 million for the portal from prop k and the skaishgs the fta is from the work of my hands our prior chair and now commissioner peskin for his leadership to reset the portal project 4 years ago with the creation of integrated team that team has undertaken and three year work program for the
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funds and lots of hard work and collaboration got to down and the public transportation authority was led by jessie with carl and on capital projects. supported by our director the $3.4 million brings the project to thirds funded and positions us well, for the m t c for the highest endorsement for funding for seeking further statements fell funding to complete the funding we are getting there we have a significant gap to close but hopefully to do that on another happy note congratulations to commissioner dorsey and public works on the graeb for a 2-way bike lane and
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dictated transportation lane and parking improvements for curve pace and beauty the amenity sdoentsz ta it providing $11.4 million for the project we looked forward to the finished results that's it for me i don't see comments or questions from colleagues let's see - any public comment on this chairs reports anyone in the chamber or if not public comment on item two remotely. >> good morning, chair checking for remote public comment. >> there is no comment for this item and public comment is closed. and madam clerk, call the next item and. >> 3. executive director's report — information.
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commissioner chan. >> going on an update on the revised that governor gavin newsom shared an may 10th this preserves most of transportation funding for this including the ab one 02 transit fund intended to support the diversities this year. and this thank you, chair mandelman for advocating to maintain this funding. we're thankful to governor gavin newsom to support transit in a tough budget year and looking forward to the budget passed by june 15th. turning to legislation sb 10 three 1 by wiener was amended last week and emerged in the transformation committees some of the changes would impact the regional
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measure ability to help the chauvinists for the agencies including bart and sfmta under the new version required return to sour start at 70 percent in the 5 years and to 90 years in the 6 year the higher resources limits the total regional discretionary fund for those purposes with the connected and regional system and supports the operators beyond 5 years and prohibits the county from the regional measure under sb 10 three 1 until 28 t timeframe to sponsor for the quarter sales
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tax and after that sb three 1 regional measures includes the two counties in north bay sets aside operations and capital costs in the event that smart is not able to reauthorizes their sales tax it is complicated but want you to know about that that bill must pass by may 24th before the assembly to june we anticipate more amendments not coming weeks ago and will keep you updated and the three builds advanced in the appropriations committee that that includes ab 1777 by tang and ab three 0 61 by haney the positions, of course, a reminder those bills
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are fascinated in the enforcement for protocols and reporting and senate bill 915 can i have passed the appropriation and will authorize a population over 250 thousand that regretted the services within the jurisdictions. um, various packs of the operating permit and fleet and times and locations well, that disallowing the ab services. and bills must pass by may 24th in order to advance and i'll keep you posted as they pass the house. as another update the pilot begins in june and members of the public can sign up this as a six months pilot program that vaults charging spaces in on the number of miles they drive for
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california gas taxes the idea to supplement and replace the gas tax with a rate fee as a gas tax is in the equitable funding source with more electrical vehicles on your roads and up to $400 will have their mileage reported and have to paragraph the charges labor day to seeing the results of this pilot for more that information www.road for may 25th - june 15, 2018, more details and the water entering transportation that runs they adopt their 2050 vision to serve mission bay and treasure island and this expansion in terms of their service vision the 2050
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plan focuses on this plan to meet on short routes are treasure island and looking forward to that next month. >> turning to the daily city neighbors bart station a wonderful event tsa at the start of may and sill son bike coalition and others leaders together with bart and lift to welcome the newest stations at the bart station had was wonderful i note to commencement to make that happen and congratulate commissioner melgar commissioner melgar that serves san francisco to help meet the last mile for accountable low
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carbon and improves the accessibility for travelers thank you for the partners to deliver it for southwest san francisco and the region and bike to everywhere have this past week with commissioner mayor london breed and commissioner dorsey and commissioner safai and many others to celebrate this annual bike to work and bike to everywhere excuse me - can i day and the transportation authority provides $10 million a year excuse me - congestion mitigation fee with other programs for this safe to bicycle network and educational programs for san francisco and bike classes. district it will be having outreach for the
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safety study requested for serving this month and next. the study design and implement quick bill for 6 locations for vulnerable travelers including seniors and children the first round survey at libraries and places of worship and senior centers for the providing branch library and virtual town hall on the 13 go to sfgovtv/detour safely and congratulate caltrans in one hundred and 60 years they reached the interpretation
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milestone moving from diesel and a opportunity completion and gathered with the caltrans at the san mateo and college station this month to celebrate the testing of the transit along the length of corridor from santa fe to san francisco so focusing on commissioning this september really a few more months to go and bringing an update on that celebration from the graeb the ribbon cutting the launch of electrification. >> thank you to and for celebrating that progress. and turning to the quick build update the sfmta has approved the quick build and the project between ocean and green house of
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this or this supports the priority from district 7 ocean avenue mobility the ta adopted last year the changes will improve people for walking and killing and improving the transit reliability from the sales tax and look forward to more quick build updates throughout the year. thank you. >> thank you. >> ma'am, executive director anyone in the chamber wish to speak about that if not remote on item three (microphone feedback) no remote public comment for this item. >> public comment is closed. madam clerk, call the next >> 4. approve the minutes of the may 14, 2024, meeting —
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action* (microphone distorted). >> an action item. >> open up for public comment again anyone in the chamber want to talk about the minutes seeing no one and public comment on item four for remotely. >> public comment is closed. is there a motion to approve item 4 of the minutes by commissioner dorsey and seconded by commissioner peskin. >> commissioner dorsey, aye. >> commissioner engardio, aye. >> chair mandelman, aye. >> commissioner melgar, aye. >> commissioner peskin, aye. >> commissioner preston, aye. >> commissioner ronen, aye. >> commissioner safai, aye. >> commissioner walton 9, aye. >> and the item it approved.
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>> please call consent approval] allocate $140,000 in prop l funds, with conditions, and allocate$1,021,021 in prop aa funds for two requests — action* staff not available to comment but available for questions. >> by commissioner walton and seconded by commissioner dorsey. >> same house, same call. the motion passes. and madam clerk next item. >> 7. other items: introduction of new items — information. >> don't see anyone in the queue call the next item. >> 8. public comment. >> all right. any public commenter. >> good morning. >> yes. harry the informs came to patch many of the potholes
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and have green paint on the plazas i was hoping the white crosswalks were repaired in the 5 member crews painting projects also couldn't we find rainbow calories on castro street i was happen but look at the - today, i just feel depressed this great city will have lost whatever passion it once had to shine and stagger as that once did i wonder if i changed the name to harvey milk and in the san francisco websites perfect day in the castro i find this quote depending on where you're coming
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from take the f market to the castro this will let you off in the plaza across in the gilbert rainbow flag if we advertise shouldn't we make a halfway effort to greet them the castro depends on the city governments compensated bring life into the jane warner plaza to accommodate harvey milk plaza. >> thank you. >> any remote public comment? >> no public comment for this item. >> all right. public comment is closed. madam clerk, call our next item. >> >> 9. adjournment. we are adjourned (gavel) [meeting adjourned]
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(laughter). >> hi, i'm pilipinas chi chai mateo and am the artist here. i'm current working on a title meaning together and the reason why i choose that theme because celebrating the legacy of some of the latin tennis especially with the power that put us together as formed when he come
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together and before us putting for our recognition and housing. but through our art culture and we see that today which we're together and it is always a hope for the generations after us. >> here in this district where we revising the languages and culture but in yes or no answer why we do this i get to see kids come out of this kind mr. ryu rattle where they came from and we are here. such an honor to be part of this legacy of togetherness and those opportunities have painting a
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mural such as this but teaching different skwashgs and learning more about my culture i thought i already knew but so much more to this is beautiful we have so much to give each other and we're also willing to work
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>> [music] you are watching golden gate inventions with michael. this is episode exploring the excelsior. >> hi i'm michael you are watching golden gate inventions highlighting urban out doors we are in the excelsior. pickleball. let's play pickleball! pickleball is an incredited low popular sport growing nationwide. pickleball combines tennis, bad mitton and ping pong. playod a bad mitton sized court with paddle and i plasticic ball. starting out is easy. you can pick up paddle and balls for 20 buck and it is suitable for everyone in all skill levels
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you see here. the gim is played by 2 or 4 players. the ball must be served diagnoty and other rules theory easy to pick up. the game ends when i player or team reaches a set score 11 or 21 point bunkham win bright 2 pickleball courts are available across the city some are and others require booking ahead and a fee. information about the courts found at sf recpark. org if you are interested in playing. now i know why people are playing pickleball. it is so much fun you play all ages. all skill levels and pop on a court and you are red to g. a lot of fun i'm glad i did it. all right. let's go!
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time for a hike! there is i ton of hike nothing excelsior. 312 acres mc clarin the second largest p in san francisco. there are 7 miles of tris including the there was fer's way this spreads over foresxeft field and prosecute voids hill side views of the city. and well is a meditative quiet place in mc clarin p you will siendz labyrinth made of rock:now we are at glen eagle golf course special try out disk golf >> now disk golf! so disk golf is like traditional golf but with noticing disks. credit as the sport's pioneer establishing the disk ballsorption and the first
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standardized target the disk ball hole. e gam involves throwing from key areas toward i metal basket. players use different disks for long distances driver, immediateerate. mid range and precise shot, putters. players begin at the t area. throw disks toward the basket and prosecute seed down the fare way. player with the lowest number of throws the end wins the game. disk golf at glen eagle cost 14 dollars if you pay at the clubhouse. there is an 18 hole course this is free. du see that shot? i won! am i was not very good now i have a huge respect for disk ball player its is difficult but
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fun. thank you for joining me in the excelsior this is goldenate adventures. >> good to see everybody this morning. the sun kale came out. we will get started here. my name is megan mitchell. thank you. [laughter] and i joined the san francisco bicycle coalition board of directors because i believed in the organization's mission to advocate for transforming the city streets, neighborhoods into safe livable spaces by promoting bicycles for every day transportation. [applause] now, honesty, when i was asked to the rally i wasn't sure about it because i felt i didn't belong up here. i'm used to te