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tv   Commission on Community Investment Infrastructure  SFGTV  May 28, 2024 4:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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able - have my restaurant here in the district of the mission is such an amazing i grew up around the mission area and respect to school around here and so i was able to come in as establish any restaurant here (background noise.) really a feels like >> good afternoon everyoneism it is
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115 p.m. i'm commissioner brackett. today is tuesday may 21, 2024. i like to welcome everyone joining today in person. today's meeting is going to be held in hybrid format, therefore we will take public comments from our both in person and remotely by phone. thank you first foremost to all the staff who prepared the meeting for us and the guests participating. madam secretary, can you please call the first item? >> the first order of business is item 1, roll call. please respond when i call your name, commissioner aqueen aquino is absent. vice chair scott is absent. all other members of the commission are present. madam chair, we have quorum.
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item 2, the next regular meeting is scheduled tuesday june 4, 2024 at 1 p.m. announcement of sound producing electronic devices. the ringing and use of cell phones pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohebted. the chair may order removal of using cell phone pager or sound producing device. c, announcement public comment. please be advised a member of the public has three minutes to make public comment on each item unless the commission adopt as shorter period on any item. during each comment period, members attending in person have the opportunity to provide comment. it is strongly recommended members of the public who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit the card to the commission secretary. members of the public joining remotely will be instuckted to dial
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415-655-0001 access code 26628309581, pound and press pound again to enter the call. when prompted, press star 3 to submit request to speak. when you dial star 3 you will hear, you raised your hand to ask a question, please wait to speak until the host calls on you. when you hear your line is unmuted,b there is your opportunity to provide public comment. you will have three minutes. please speak clearly and slowly. you will be placed back on mute once you are done speaking . you can istaon the line and continue to listen on the meeting and also choose to hang up u. if you are planning to provide a public comment on any item on today's agenda, it is recommended that you call the public comment line ahead of time to allow you to listen to the meeting life and prevent you experiencing delays.
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today's meeting materials are available on our website at under commission, then public meeting tab. the next order of business is report on action taken on previous closed session. there have mow actions. item 4, matters of unfinished business. no unfinished business. new business. first is consent agenda. 5a approval of minutes regular meeting of may 7, 2024. madam chair. >> madam secretary do we have anyone from the public who would like to comment? >> at this time members who wish to provide comment on this item should call 415-655-0001, access code 26628309581 fallowed by pound and press pound again. press star 3 to be placed in
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the queue. a voice will let you know when it is your turn. if you are listening by phone press star 3 if you like to provide a comment. we like to begin inviting anyone in person to provide a public comment on this item. we would like to call on any members of the public who may joining by phone and like to comment. please raise your hand by presser star 3 on your mobile devices. madam chair, there are no members of the public wishing to comment on this item. >> i'll move to my fellow commissioners and see if we have comments or questions on the meeting minutes and entertain a motion.
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i'll second. >> commission members, please announce when i call your name. commissioner drew, since i wasn't at the meeting of may 7 and abstain. commissioner lim. vice chair scott is absent. chair brackett, yes. i have two yes, 1 abstention and 2 absent. >> the motion carries. can you please call the next item, please? >> next is regular agenda. 5b, authorizing an amended and
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restated memorandum of understanding with the san francisco mayor's office of housing and community development (“mohcd”) for administration of the legacy foundation homeownership grant program to increase the amount by $200,000 for an aggregate total in an amount not to exceed $380,000 from the community benefit fund of hunters point shipyard phase 1 disposition and development agreement; hunters point shipyard redevelopment area. discussion and action. resolution 11-2024. director. >> thank you members of the commission and public. this is a mou with mayor office of housing and community development to administer down payment assistance provided by the legacy foundation for affordable housing opportunities here in san francisco. commissioner, if you indulge, i are want to recommend you move up 5a. i recognize adams in the audience and i know the commission had requested his
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attendance to introduce himself to the commission and take questions from the commission, so before you hear that item i like to recommend you move that item up. >> do i have any- >> i like to make a motion make a change to the agenda advancing item 5a or sorry--no, what am i doing? 8a to be heard concurrently with the legacy or-? yeah. to be heard after-prior to item 5b. how is that for a motion? >> [unable to hear speaker] >> madam secretary, can you please call
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the vote? >> please announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner drew, aye. commissioner lim. rice chair scott is absent. chair brackett, yes. madam chair, the vote is 3 ayes and 2 absence. >> the motion carries. we will now here presentation from the mohcd executive director. dan adams. >> so pleased to be introduce myself in person to you all. i'm very delighted to be here. thank you for letting me piggy back on the item to introduce myself. i'll keep my comments brief. i am mostly here to express my commitment to be a continued collaborative partner with ocii.
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we love our ocii colleagues, we set on the same floor, we share a lot of the same certainly values, but also policies, our housing development team worked really closely together. we share membership to our loan committee, and our missions are totally aligned. the work you all are dedicated to, so are we, soei think it is such a great partnership and i want to again just affirm the history of collaboration and also express my commitment to continuing in that vain. also to continue to work on a really priority program for us, which is the cop program. i know maria has come and presented many times before you, but this is one of our critical program elements across our portfolio. we want to continue to improve it and refine it and grow it and make it even more successful then it is
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today. it is a core piece of our racial equity work we apply across all our program areas so again want to stress my continuing in that framework and continuing to refine and improve and grow our administration that critical program. so, with that, i'll just open it up for any questions you may have. again, this is not by any means the last time you'll see me. i'm happy to come back on specific items or general topics as might be interesting to you all or helpful to you all, so i'll be around. you'll see me again. thank you so much. >> fellow commissioners, do you have any questions? >> thank you director adams coming to our meeting today. i was hoping you could expand more about our partnership on the
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cop program. it is obviously a program that is critical to our mission in terms of addressing wrongs performed by this agency during urban renewal, inviting our folks who left san francisco or folks who were displaced during that period is really critical to our core mission and we have been hearing a lot of feedback from folks who are cop holders or descendants and struggle in receiving the certificate or applying for housing. i hope you can share more about your plans as director for easing that burden on our cop holders and hopefully getting more of those folks into the housing units we are building in partnership. >> thank you for that question. definitely, again to assert how important it is for us, we talk a lot about african american out-migration in the city. wouldn't it be amazing to have african american in migration and
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reverse those trends, so whatever we can do to expand outreach. i would want to talk specifics with our program director maria benjamin so don't have specific answers to the issues you are raising, but any ideas creative ideas to expand access to those certificates to increase outreach to potential certificate holders. i know we have done a lot of measures including hiring specific folks to go out and identify people who may not know of the program and to be able to redouble those efforts i think we are totally open to. again, would want to confer with maria on any specific ideas insuring we have the budget and staff capacity it do that, but as a matter of principal i'm totally enthusiastic and eager to undertake those tasks. >> thank you for that. maybe i missed our last meeting where i think this was a topic of conversation, so apologies if this was answered then. our prior conversation ocii
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were funding roles that were unfilled. maybe maria can help update me whether those roles have been filled given the criticality of the program. >> good afternoon, glad to . yes, we have one vacant role, but currently there are no gaps or we have filled those roles or filled the vacancies, the gaps in staff with other staff, so we have about 4 and a half people working on the cop program currently, and again, we have no delays. there is people--if there is a delay in them receiving their certificate, it might be that there is a issue with their inquiry into the property that was displaced or their own identification or things like
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that, but we've really cut back on some of the bureaucracies that have been carried over, even since the redevelopment agency was distributing the certificates to be able to really cut it down to what exactly we need to be able to move things along more quickly. we have also been able to systemize things through our sales force system, so that we are not searching through micro fiche like the old days-in partnership with ocii done a whole lot to move us into the 21st century getting records and getting things out to folks. >> great. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> director adams, thank you for being here today and thank you for
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being a long time city employee and working in various different departments and especially your long-standing time with mohcd so appreciate all the knowledge and the wealth of experience you are bringing into this role. i do have some questions in terms of vision. as we usually talk about changes in departments and how we look at the future how we want to change affordable housing in san francisco, we really look to the director to come up with the vision for where we will chart new paths. specifically in our last meeting that we had here on the commission we received our cop report and while this mohcd has done a wonderful job over the last 10 to 20years to increase a mi to 150 percent it is annual report all the cop holders and large percentage of the black population cannot afford affordable housing anymore. we had 40 percent decline rate in potential applicants declined
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because they did not make enough income so i like to understand from you, what's your vision to change that? >> great question, thank you chair brackett. we struggle getting deep affordability across all our program areas, it does not surprise me cop holder are also challenged to afford what we describe as affordable housing and the--the challenges are myriad. i think they start with the fact our aperating expenses across a lot of our developments are increasing. you probably read about insurance rates. some may have experienced that as home owners. the insurance crisis as well as other expenses oprating expenses that have gone up. they then require greater subsidy from our office and from the city in order to maintain them. we have piloted a number of subsidy programs. obviously we have our local operating support program, which provides
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funding for residents for formally homeless. we have a senior operating subsidy, which is capital dollars that we turn into on going subsidy to meet the lower income levels. i think the key piece is really around having the resources to reach the deeper affordability levels. we are very hopeful. first say, we are very pleased the city passed a $300 million bond last march that allows us to continue our production of our current pipeline, and we are hopeful and optimistic about a regional bond that could bring between 4 and 8 times as much money to the city should it pass in november. i think with those additional resources, we can really look at providing subsidy levels that
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deepen the affordability and as such, are then able to offer more units to cop holders that are going fit within their range of affordability. so, it seems like a bit of a dodge of the question just to say it comes down to dollars and cents, but it really does come down it to like, having the amount of subsidy we need to get to those deeper affordability levels. so, you know, that is going to be a critical piece of the work that i and we will be doing over the next coming years is to try to really attend to the needs of cop holders to attract and increase the uptake of the units we offer. >> thank you for that. i also had a couple fallow up questions as well. the citizens of san francisco voted several times to add additional money into the affordal housing pot. recently prop a, which was a great help belding more affordable
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housing, but there is also prop c which was supposed to support homeless people or formally homeless or currently homeless, and other ancillary bills that came after that and money set aside for that and what we notice in the same reports are that, the homeless population which currently in san francisco i believe from the last report 47 percent of the homeless population is african american in san francisco and the cop holders are overlapping so i like to understand where is the prop c money going? how is it actually used to support cop holders and african american population right now who we understand are not getting access to housing because of these kind of income limitations and so forth, and if these subsidies were put in place to help that, then i'm trying to understand kind of where we are going with that and why there has been no accessibility for that?
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>> i will need to follow-up with greater detail on the prop c or our city our home. there is a committee that oversees the use of those funds. the primary department that facilitates that committee's work and distributes the fund under our city our home is department of homelessness and supportive housing. we at the mayor's office of housing community development generally access those funds to support new productions, so permanent supportive housing as a percentage of the units that we would include in our developments, but the programmatic side is generally managed by hsh. i will add that, our office administers the eviction e rap program, the eviction--blanking-the right to counsel. yes, thank you. and so those funds come from a
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variety of sources, but they include our city our home so making people are not subject to eviction or have right to counsel if they are in the eviction proceedings. we get subsidy through our city our home for that. but i think your question is a good one and happy to provide an update to you all as to the our city our home expenditures and where the funds are flowing. i'll add that the--my previous role as a senior advisor to the mayor i was dedicated primarily to acquiring properties for conversion to permanent supportive housing. those acquisitions were funded through our city our home dollars. those dollars had accrued since 2018 when the legislation was enacted, but there was litigation so, so the taxes accrued but there were not expenditures so the city amassed $300 million to deploy and able to leverage
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$250 million from the state to buy 700 units of now permanent supportive housing. so, a lot of capital dollars deployed in a intense manner as we came out of the pandemic and much of the funding coming as i understand it, i dont want to overspeak here, through the our city our home program is dedicated to prm programmatic infrastructure. to the economic turn the city has taken, the projections for ongoing revenue from that tax have dropped fairly significantly, so in our office we are not seeing the same capital contributions to continue to produce the permanent supportive housing, but again i need to follow up with staff to give more specifics on our city our home expenditures and how those are or are not attending to the needs
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of the cop holders. >> thank you. i have one final i guess more a comment and kind of back end of a question. i just wantsed to they think for the work you did do last year and the year before. i know that a lot of the work you did around rehousing in the sro making sure chinatown home families were in appropriate size units and so forth and you guys were able to move around 300 something families within a year and a half period so hats for doing that. is there similar strategy proposed for the mission district, omi, bayview or other places or the tenderloin where we see a lot more families needing larger size units and or is there a way to replicate the successes city wide in areas that need more attention? >> great question.
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that initiative as i understand and pre-dates my tenure as the mayor office of housing so don't have as many details as i might, relied on vouchers from the housing authority to be able to facilitate those moves of sro residents into larger units, and so the federal vouchers are such a critical component of our resource infrastructure here in san francisco and across the country. those vouchers are managed by the housing authority so as they accrue balances of budget capacity to deploy vouchers i think replicating the success of the program makes sense. it relies on the availability of the voucher availability and those projections and calibration of voucher disbution is in the housing authority court, but it is a great reminder to reach out to them and see about
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potential partnersures to replicate the success of the s ro program in chinatown. >> thank you. i have one final question from our cop committee. our committee members have been meeting since 2020 around a lot of changes your office has shepherded and helped to make sure they have gone through including changes to efficiency how they are processed and things are working and not working and been very supportive of the legislation passed over the last couple years to insure that not only the persons who were displaced and also descendants still waiting for housing have access to that so they wanted to know what was your commitment to insuring that the descendants still remain getting the full benefits that their parents did in the cop voucher a and c?
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wondering are those the same rules still continue to apply to them are still issues with how they are going to be accessing or getting benefits through city wide housing? >> well again, i need to differ and refer to my colleagues, including maria benjamin on specific program elements that we can apply or not able to apply under our current set of rules in the legislative framework under which we exist currently. that said, i find the cop-d program very exciting. i think extending the number of folks who can benefit from these benefits to descendants i think it is fantastic and i'm really excited ocii is already deploying and employing this program
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and really eager to see the kind of response it receives and number of folks applying under the rules as you already implement ed them so i think it is great learning opportunity and one i think will benefit from immensely as we look at program refinements we can undertake across the broader non ocii port folio and how we apply to the broader portfolio. i think it is tremendously exciting and eager to partner with you on how to extend that across our portfolio. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> if there are no further questions from fellow commissioners i will recall item 5b. >> [unable to hear speaker because microphone isn't on] >> okay, sorry.
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>> we are back in session and can you please call item 5b and allow our presenter to present?
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>> item 5b, authorizing an amended and restated memorandum of understanding with the san francisco mayor's office of housing and community development (“mohcd”) for administration of the legacy foundation homeownership grant program to increase the amount by $200,000 for an aggregate total in an amount not to exceed $380,000 from the community benefit fund of hunters point shipyard phase 1 disposition and development agreement; hunters point shipyard redevelopment area. discussion and action, resolution 11-2024. >> thank you madam secretary. printing this item is lila. >> thank you director kaslofsky. good afternoon chair brackett and commissioner drew and commissioner lim. i am lila, introduced me, and i'm here to talk about the a-minded and restated mou with mayor office of housing
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community development. for the administration of the second phase of the legacy down payment assistance program, also referred to as legacy and town grant program. with the second phase of the project, we are adding an additional $2 hundred thousand to previously mou that had $180 thousand for down payment assistance for total aggregate amount not to exceed $380 thousand and the source of these funds are from the phase 1 community benefit contribution and couple month said ago i was here before the commission to give a full update on the legacy foundation and community benefit and where they stand and i mentioned i would be coming before the commission to reallocate a portion of the funds for the second phase of the down payment assistance program. for background purposes, the
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legacy foundation was created by the phase 1dda and continued into phase 2 disposition development agreement. advise ocii on the dispersement of various community benefit funds, some of which specifically prescribed in phase 2 dda and some more programmatic and are discretionary elements. they cover a wide raisk of activities listed. program areas listed on the slide, and in 2017, the ocii commission approved strategic plan of the legacy foundation, which covered 3 core components around neighborhood building, education and home ownership. a little background on the
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original legacy in town, the first phase of the project. first phase of the down payment assistance program. on november 18, a legacy foundation board aestablish the program andal aicate $180 thousand for purpose of home ownership assistance for first time home buyers in district 10. on october 20, ocii commission approved the mou with mohcd for legacy town program which consisted of making 5 forgivable loans in amount of 34.200 and under various terms forgivable no interest and loan amount decrease is 20 percent each year and loan forgiven at the end of the 10th year.
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so, [indiscernible] gives the result of the 2021 program we were able to give five of the forgivable loans to individuals with a wide variety of professions, healthcare, transit supervisor, compliance officers and those funds were--people were able to buy a single family home 3 condos and one townhome prices ranging between $700 thousand and $1.1 million. all the resip ypts this portion of funds married with the dream keeper down payment assistance loan program and they received additional assistance in addition to legacy and town amount of 278 to $500 thousand. the program just a little about
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that, is-low moderate income for first time home buyers and you could get a maximum of $500 thousand. so, success of the program and also the fact that the phase 1 community benefits funds had additional discretion within the programmatic elements to move reallocate funds, legacy foundation decided to reallocate a portion of funds from the college readiness program originally $400 thousand to take $200 thousand from there to add it to the down payment assistance program. part that was spurred by upcoming home ownership opportunities at 400 china basin and also to be able to prioritize these funds for certificate of preference holders, so the main difference between the original program
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is that we are now prioritizing these funds for certificate of preference holders for the first four years of the program and after that it follows a similar course as the previous legacy and town program. the $200 thousand amount will be broken out by $190 thousand for the forgivable loans and 10 thousand therefor administration fees. we estimate each to be $38 thousand and we estimate giving 5 loans and the loan details are similar to the earlier program and if the item is approved today we'll transfer the funds to mohcd within 90 days and similar to the last round of the program, the program will be used to assist individuals receiving this fund to be able to make
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down payments on home ownership opportunity. so, that concludes the amount about the mou, but i want to emphasize part of this is really to-we really hope that the cop holders that we are working with for 400 china basin will be able to take advantage of these funds, and get some of the homes there, but it is not only allocated for that project. thank you and i'm here for questionsism . we have maria if you have questions about dalp details she will be able to or the first round administration. thank you. >> thank you. madam secretary, please call for public comment. >> at this time, members of the public who wish to comment call
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415-655-0001 access code 26628309581, pound sign and press pound again to enter the call. please press star 3 to be placed in the queue and automated voice lets you know with when it is your turn. if you are listening by phone, please press star 3 if you like to provide a comment. we like to begin inviting anyone in person to provide public comment on this item. first person is [indiscernible] >> good afternoon commissioners, director and staff. my name is oscar james. i am a certificate holder. this is a good program and i wish it would be extended more then what it is. the problem i have is with
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information being put out publicly on buses or something like that where certificate holders, homeless and those who are out of the city can get a phone number where they can call directly to the certificate verification place. that's been a problem. a lot of peoples have been calling me. i have been giving different numbers out pam simms number to get certificates, also to the dr. davis, but we need a number for peoples who are on skid row or wherever. have a phone number for certificate holders, number to go directly to the mayor's office of housing or whatever and i like to get that number personally myself so i can give it to
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them, besides just going through dr. davis who has been really trying to find certificates, but we need one for the whole entire public. thank you very much. if you can add more money on to it, add more money on to it. thank you. >> any other members of the public like to speak? i like to call members of the public who may join by phone who like to comment, please raise your hand by presser star 3 on your mobile devices. madam chair, at this time there are no more members wishing to comment on this item. >> seeing no further comments from members of the public we will close public comment and refer to fellow commissioners for any questions, comments or a motion. this is actually a workshop, so it is not a motion. it is, okay. sorry. i forgot we are increasing it.
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>> i just like to commend the legacy foundation coming up with this innovative solution to address the current need and to do that in time to take advantage of the 400 china basin project. glad we can step in and provide this much needed funding in time to support it looks like the potentially 10cop holders interested in taking advantage of home ownership opportunities in the project, so thank you for your work on this. >> if mrs. [indiscernible] and mrs. benjamin, if you can please approach the podium. i just want to thank you for the work you guys did on this, as well as with our cac members and are so forth that helped to approve this and meeting with them and making sure that they
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understood how important this was to not just help people find homes, but helping people find permanent homes and being able to access and be part of what we call the american dream, which is home ownership, especially in this day and age where interest rates are rising and people are being who are working hard to stay in the city and work in the city and essential workers and want to continue to be a part of the city and don't want to drive across the bridge to work in this beautiful city that now they have a chance to be here, so where just want to take my hats off to working together and partnership to get this done and to commission in time to vote for this to provide more opportunity for people who are trying to get into the 400 china basin, which is once in a life time development if we really want to be honest right now in terms of not just the beauty of it and the location, but also the deep affordability of it. just wanted to put hats off
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and thank you to the housing team and elizabeth and other ocii staff who worked together to make this happen, so just want to say thank you again. >> i just are wanted to add dr. [indiscernible] could ntd ant be here, she was going to be here and something came up and i'll pass her words to you and the other legacy members. thank you. >> if i may, through the chair, i want to especially commend chair brackett leadership and dr. honeycut leadership. this arose out of collaboration among how do we help cop holders more around the opportunity around 400 china basin, so i thank you for not only the idea but working directly with director honeycut and the legacy group. like commissioner said their work is quite in the community and impactful and we are seeing that today so thank you. >> yes, and for those of the members of the public who do not know, the legacy foundation also funds
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scholarships to help our youth be able to afford to go to college, they do a lot of amazing work in the community to fund the initiatives that make it possible for people to be fabric of san francisco, so if fellow commissioners like to make a motion on this item. >> i'll second the motion. >> madam secretary, can you please call the vote. >> please announce your vote. commissioner drew, aye. commissioner lim. vice chair scott is absent. chair brackett, yes. madam chair, the vote is 3 ayes and 2 absent. >> the motion carries. madam secretary, please call the next item. >> next is item 5c, authorizing an amended and restated memorandum
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of understanding with the san francisco mayor's office of housing and community development (“mohcd”) for administration of the legacy foundation homeownership grant program to increase the amount by $200,000 for an aggregate total in an amount not to exceed $380,000 from the community benefit fund of hunters point shipyard phase 1 disposition and development agreement; hunters point shipyard redevelopment area . discussion and action resolution 12-2024. director kaslofsky. >> thank you madam secretary. members of the commission and public. as you just heard, this is a recommendation to amend a contract for economic advisory services related to evaluating proposed changes to candlestick hunter point ship yard project with the 5 point director under discussion and hopefully have a update in june but in the meantime we need this firm to assist us in the negotiations. toprint that is nicky henry, development specialist at oc
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eeux ocii. >> thank you. good afternoon commissioners. the item before you today is first amendment to the personal service contract with alh rurben regional economics to increase the contract amount by $75 thousand for total not to exceed of $124 thousand to provide economic advisory service related to disposition and development agreement for candlestick point and phase 2 of hunter point shipyard. as director kaslofsky mentioned, the developer updates to the financial agreements fiscal impact report project phasing and land use program for candlestick point and hunters point ship yard. related to phase 2dda update, selected alh urban regional economic a
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woman owned business from the controller office pre-qualified pool of economic consultants. consistent with ocii purchase policy entered into contract with alh january 25, 2024 for three year term and not to exceed contract amount of $49 thousand. the contract scope of work is divided into three categories, review of the financial agreement, evaluating and advising ocii on the development proposal and analyzing the fiscal impact of the proposed updates. in 2016, alh provided economic advisory service related to previous updates to phase 2 dda and found their work highly satisfactory. it is anticipated alh expertise will continue to be needed as negotiation progress, therefore seeking to enter
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into amended contract to increase the contract amount by $75 thousand for total not to exceed of $124 thousand. all other terms conditions of the contract remain in place. community out reach has begun on the phase 2dda update with a workshop that occurred may 16, 2024 and future community workshops are held on may 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. and june 1 from 12 to 2 p.m. in the bayview. it is anticipated the commission workshop will occur in the coming months. this concludes my presentation, please let me know if you have any questions. also available for questions, amy herman from alh. thank you. >> madam secretary, can you
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please call for public comment? >> at this time members of the public who wish to comment on this item call 415-655-0001 and enter access code 26628309581 fallowed by the pound sign and press pound again to enter the call. please press star 3 to be placed in the queue. a voice will let you know when it is your turn. if you are listening by phone, press star 3 if you like to provide a comment. we like to invite those in person to provide public comment on this item to come up to the podium at this time. we like to now call on any members of the public who may be joining by phone who like to provide public comment. please raise your hand pressing star 3 on your mobile devices. madam chair, at this time there are no public members of the public
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wishing to comment on this item. >> seeing no comments from-seeing no more comments from public comment we are going to close public comment and refer to my fellow commissioners for any comments and/or motions on this item. >> i like to make a motion to approve item 5c. >> madam secretary, can you please roll? >> please announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner drew, aye. commissioner lim. vice chair scott is absent. chair brackett, aye. madam chair, the vote is 3 ayes and 2 absent. >> the motion carries. please call the next item. >> next item is item 5d,
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authorizing the executive director to execute a memorandum of understanding with san francisco public works for its infrastructure task force to provide coordinating services for the completion of infrastructure improvements related to enforceable obligations in the transbay redevelopment project area in an amount not to exceed $100,000 for fiscal year 2023-2024 and in amounts not to exceed $100,000 annually in future fiscal years, subject to the annual appropriation of funds; transbay redevelopment project area director kaslofsky. >> thank you madam secretary. members of the commission, members of the public, as just stated, this is a mou with department of public works with the city coordinating service in the transbay area around infrastructure projects that are ocii responsibility in the transbay area and toprint present is ben brandon the
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project manager for transbay. >> thank you director kaslofsky. good afternoon chair brackett, commissioners drew and lim. as director just said, ben brandon, the transbay project manager and will present 5d on the agenda, which is proposed transbay infrastructure memorandum of understanding with san francisco public works. more specifically, before you today to seek approval of memorandum of understanding or mou between ocii and public works with infrastructure task force to support ocii completing infrastructure improvements relative to transbay project in a annual not to exceed of a hundred thousand dollars. ocii is the transbay master developer and therefore we are responsible for the development of transbay zone 1 infrastructure, which includes street and sidewalk improvements, sidewalk furniture, parks and open space
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such as block 3 and under-ramp park projects and other improvements examples are like a signalized crossing we also install. to complete the delivery of these infrastructure improvements partnered with public works and other city agencies. the bulk of the vertical housing and commercial development in the project area has been completed and remaining projects in pink represent the remaining sites. the rectangle on the right of the map encompass the former transbay temporary bus terminal redeveloped into two affordable housing projects on block 2, a park block 3 and mixed use mixed income block 4. construction of block 2 west, a senior housing project is underway and we expect construction of block 2 east, family housing project to begin
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early next month. together these two projects create 335 new housing units. to the west on the left of the map we have the 2 and a half acre under-ramp park and block 12 to the south which is slated to be another affordable housing site. the block 3 site currently is the home of the crossing interim activation led by east cut landing partners and provides a range of programming and activities benefiting neighborhood residents, workers and visitors. prior to the block 3 park development ocii is prioritizing infrastructure improvement that benefit the block 2 housing projects. these includes the construction of the clemen tina street extension and relocation of a water line along main street for under ramp park project completed hundred percent design development and readying to begin work on construction documents.
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ocii partnered with the department of public works three other times to support the agency completion of our transbay enforceable obligations. for folsom street, public works providing public coordination and managed construction of the roadway. block 3 park street imprubment, public workeds providing coordination design and engineering work for the park and adjacent street scape infrastructure improvements as well. on public works will bid out phase 1 infrastructure scope of the block 3 infrastructure project and will manage the construction as well. relative to the under ramp park project, public work provides project coordination that advance the design, engineering and permitting. under the proposed mou, public works infrastructure task force staff will
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support our transbay projeths in the following ways, guiding project parcel map through review and approval of streets and mapping, coordinating infrastructure design review and approval through the permit agencies, coordinating public works director hearings and orders, processing noted notice of completion for infrastructure improvement and acceptance by the city, documenting maps easement or agreements and also participating in meetings and site visits as needed. the term of the proposed mou is 13 years which runs through the expiration of the project area in 2035 and allow for the infrastructure task force for issue final bill for service to oc ii. the budget for the task force mou is annual not to exceed value of a hundred thousand dollars for remaining
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years of the project area. the mou allows for a single payment to public works to cover the task force work on transbay projects throughout the current fiscal year, so for 23-24. during that time public works infrastructure task force facilitated the transfer map approval for transbay blocks 2, 3 and 4 and final map approval for 2 east and west projects. it processed the block 2 street improvement permit for plan review and approval. there is staff also coordinated infrastructure development between the two block 2 affordable housing developments and block 3 park and street scape project and finally, provided dewrine review logistics planning and city acceptance guiding for the plan widen sidewalks along the main and beale streets which boarder blocks 2, 3 and 4 sites. here is a breakdown of monthly
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cost. the mou covers the following infrastructure task force staff. the division manager, the task force project manager assigned to transbay, engineering staff and small amount of admin hours. as well as time allocated for mapping reviews by staff at streets and mapping. propose a monthly budget no more then $75 hundred. the budget includes a 10 percent contingency to cover as needed task force staff oen the projects in transbay. this not to exceed annual budget of hundred thousand dollars is subject to review and approval by state department of finance and board of supervisors. this concludes the presentation. with me today representing the task force is project manager for transbay,
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cahall hennessey. thank you for commissioners for your time and happy to address any questions or comments following the public comment on the item. >> madam secretary, can you please call for public comment? >> at this time members of the public who wish to comment should call 415-655-0001 and enter access code 26628309581 pound, pound again to enter the call. please press star then 3 to be placed in the queue and automated voice will let you know when it is your turn. if you are listen by phone press star 3 if you like to provide public comment. we like to begin inviting anyone who joined in person to provide a comment on this item. any in person? comment on this item? we like to call on members of
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the public who may join by phone who would like to provide public comment. please raise your hand by pressing star 3 on your mobile devices. madam chair, it appears there are no members of the public who wish to comment on this item. >> seeing no further comments from the public, we'll close public comment. sorry. we have one member of the public. oscar james. >> oscar james. >> oscar james. i support this mexican museum. for over- >> that's not this item now? next item. >> next item? >> yes. >> okay. >> this item is for transbay.
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seeing no members of the public, we are going to close public comment officially and move to my fellow commisers for questions or comments. >> one quick suggestion maybe. i see you are looking to essentially have this mou be in place for the remainder of the project area term. it seems there might be cost escalations over the next 13 years, but is the budget remaining flat for that? >> say one more time, there might be what? >> the costs of our friends at dpw must increase over the next 13 years, did you include a cost escalator in the mou? >> the contingency is meant to cover that, and what i would say is
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that, the $7500 monthly budget we showed in working through with staff at dpw is meant to be their kind of upper limit. we see some of the complications of our coordination work we need to run through them being centered around the formal temp terminal site. as we move over to lets say under ramp park or block 12, those projects are more-just less complicated and we also have as you recall, and i mentioned in the presentation, other agreements with dpw where they provide coordination staff to facilitate work on those projects so the purpose of task force is to play the role, supportive role in ocii as the master developer. let me provide context on that. i think as many commissioners might know, in both hunter point ship
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yard candlestick point and mission bay there are exist agreements that allow staff to play the task force type role. in particular, there are interagency coordination agreements that are exist with the master developers and city agencies. in transbay, because ocii serves as the master developer, we do not have any of those existing interagency coordination agreements, which is what lead us to enter into many mou with other arms of dpw and the task force. the task force is playing the same role that it plays relative to the other project areas, it is just those situations we didn't have to enter into separate agreements because of the existing interagency agreements. to your point on budget, we did work with task force staff to evaluate how much was their time or what were the budgeted times they were needed for, the other project areas and how much did we think their work needs to be focused on transbay to come up with that budget.
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because it is subject to annual appropriation, when i have to prepare the obligation payment schedule budget every fall for transbay, i would be working with task force staff to make sure that that hundred k limit still suffices and covers what we need. if some reason it want enough we have to come back for this body and request your approval for any appropriations increase in advance for us to submit the budget to first the state dof and on to the board of supervisors. that make sense? >> totally makes sense. i just think-i would be supportive of annual escalator to the extent staff finds it helpful but if you like to come back to us, that is fine as well. >> i think we can work on building that into the mou itself. thank you for the recommendation. >> if i may, through the chair, commissioner drew, the budget is a hundred thousand dollars for this year. every year when you approve the budget you will be approving a series
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of mou, mohcd, dpw and others that is annual amounts and as ben said, if it needs to be adjusted up or down, as you suggest it will go up, it will be proposed at the time first in the rops and in the annual budget so that will be adjusted as needed. thank you for the idea as well. >> thank you. >> thank you for the presentation. i know this is a long time coming to get this in place. i know that prior to nadia leaving and sally taking over, there was a agreement between the different agencies what should happen but that kind of lead to some of the stuff not being readily available in terms of staff time and stuff like that, so glad we have a more formal contract in place with dpw so we can continue this work on parks and recreation areas and transbay as more families are moving into new development on block 2
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so thank you for your work. >> if i may through the chair, i want to acknowledge, i know you acknowledged [indiscernible] department of public works has been a good partner and there for ocii and other departments when needed so i want to thank them. >> have a motion from one of my fellow commissioners? had >> i second. >> madam secretary, please call roll. >> please announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner drew, yes. commissioner lim. vice chair scott is absent. chair brackett, yes. madam chair, the vote is 3 ayes and 2 absent. >> the motion carries. please call the next item on the calendar? >> next is item 5e,
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conditionally authorizing an amended and restated grant agreement between the mexican museum and the successor agency and authorizing the transmittal of the amended and restated grant agreement to the oversight board of the city and county of san francisco. discussion scr and action. resolution 14-2024. director kaslofsky. >> thank you madam secretary. members of the commission and the public, this item is to amend restate the grant agreement we have with the mexican museum. this grant is for longstanding project of mexican museum in the former yerba buena project area. the grant expires june 14 this year and ocii is proposing this 18 month extension be allowed for the museum to continue their fundraising and implementing a series of recommendations from arising from a recent city audit on their administration of the project. to present this is deputy director mark of ocii. >> thank you. good afternoon chair bracketts, commissioners, director
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kaslofsky. mark, deputy director ocii. the action-this item before you is action item. it is for conditionally authorizing grant agreement between the mexican museum and successor agency and authorizing the transmittal of the amended and restated grant agreement to oversight board of city county of san francisco. the grant agreement started back in 2010. the agency committed to $10 million 566 thousand dollar for redevelopment and tenant improvement for 40 thousand square feet of cultural space at 706 mission residential tower. before the mexican museum. [indiscernible] constructed by 706 mission street llc and the museum is responsible for build-out. the project now has 190 residential condos and 480 tower.
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the city county of san francisco owns the four story cultural space. the city and museum entered into a 66 year lease for the cultural space for a dollar and there is a 33 year option. the museum accepted possession of the space in july of last year and they are required to make their tenant improvements by july next year. here is some pictures. as you can see, the ground floor and four stories is the cultural space. mexican museum added decorative screening and on the bottom you see floor plans-the museum will come up and explain their project in more detail later. as we said, it was a 10 year grant term that expired in 2020. first amendment was for 18 month extension to june of 2022 and then a second 24 month extension to
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june 2024. there have been 5 grant distribution agreement frz $6.3 million but they only spnt $4.1 million. for the 5th distribution agreement it was approved for $2.5 million but they only spent 278. there are about $500 thousand in expenses that we sent back to them for further details so there may be more distributions for the 5th distribution agreement. march of this year, the city issued a audit for the mexican grant showing the museum has a small fraction of funds needed to complete the project. the museum has not complied with the requirements of the leasing agreement. the museum spent $43.616 in ineligible expenses. currentsly we are work wg the museum to identify which expenses are or not ineligible and anything
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ineligible will be refunded. there is $930 thousand for questionable activities and a lot of the activities were operational expenses that were not detailed in the grant but staff at the time as well as the commission believe they were eligible expenses. then also ocii found we have not effectively enforced the grant agreement. again, a lot of those go baic to the first, second and third distribution agreements in 2012-2013. since then, we have enacted a lot more checks and balances to make sure the grant is properly enforced. the audit had 10 recommendations for ocii and are 4 recommendations for the city the real estate division to improve the oversight and management for ocii. we require specific realistic
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achievablefundraising goals, we seek reimbursement for ineligible expenses we just spoke about and improve reimbursement specifically spelled out in the grant agreement. for the real estate division, they require to complete build-out, including the schedule and milestones as well as to provide annual reporting and proof of insurance. the mexican museum has been acting on the recommend ations and contracted with mission neighborhood center as the fiscal agent and fund -requesting extension for 18 months. they will do a phased design build approach for tenant improvements.
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permits 1 and 2 build out the first floor with lobby and pop up gallery and second floor. this total $11 million. cost include $6.5 million remaining in our grant plus the museum is required to raise $4.5 million. phase 1 permit 3 will build out the third and 4th floor and phase 2 permit 3 will include the final finishes. that will cost $27 million, so total the museum cost for tenant improvements and build-out is $38 million in costs. now i like to invite up the chair of the mexican museum, andy cluger to present more on the museum. >> good afternoon madam chair,
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commissioners, director kaslofsky, general counsel, jim morales. i'm andrew cluger chair of the mexican museum board of trustees, mexican born and part of my upbringing was in mexico. i want to thank the volunteer board of trustees and committee member volunteers, especially the museum building committee which will discuss plan construction of the tenant improvements and museum space at 706. i also want to thank the local community for ongoing sport and museum everyone here in support of the museum, thank you. and of course i want to thank our founder, peter rodriguez and his vision. today you will hear from the first employee of the mexican museum, board trustee, mrs. nora wagoner. the board vision is look back and preserve our history as we move
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forward. next slide. for the request of extension, on behalf of the mexican museum before you to request the support ocii staff recommendation for combined 18 month extension of time to draw down the remaining $6.5 million of grant funds. we collaborated with staff to address tight compliance metric for expenditure funds. we also jointly developed metric to meet city audit recommendations as reflected in section 13 of the amended grant agreement. thank you in advance for your support and approval and extension time. i especially thank mr. kaslofsky who worked with us very carefully developing part of this as well as the staff and also jim morales. next slide, please. the historical perspective, over the last 5 years the mexican museum has grown to 17 of art ranging from
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colonial modern contemporary [indiscernible] the museum is preserved through the work of volunteer boards and committees and dedicated 10s of thousands of volunteer hours over the half century. thanking you for all that support as well as the founder peter rodriguez on this journey. the corn shell and iconic facade have been completed at the cost over $30 million at 706 mission street. the museum is prepared to move forward with tenant improvements. next slide, please. the city audit. as you know, the city controller office issued a audit report. we do not agree with all the findings, we are fully prepared to adopt all the recommendations and have been working in ernest with ocii staff to implement set 4th of ingrant agreement in your packets. in response to the fiendings,
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the museum entered into fiscal agent and management agreement with mission neighborhood center to oversee the grapt agreement and operations of the museum. mission neighborhood will also oversee the museum capitalcome pain in u.s. and mexico plus grant writing efforts to raise fund at the build-out of the museum. the museum will raise $4.5 million before accessing grant funds for phase 1 of the construction, which is estimated to cost $11 million. a copy of the detailed fundraising plan has been submitted to the commission. next slide, please. mission neighborhood centers is non profit provider of community based culturally sensitive and multi-generational service focused on low income families throughout san francisco. founded as settlement house, revenue in 2023 total $41.5 million. long history of sound fiscal
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management and fundraising success. with help, the museum will be able to address each audit report and recommendations. members of management and fundraising team are here to respond to any of your questions. fundraising milestones, the museum was able to achieve the fundraising milestone. part of my business takes place in mexico, i was able to work with the government there to perceive the first and only out of country 501c3 certification, which is the equivalent that in the united states. that enable mexican corporations companies and individuals to designate 7 percent of the tax liability to mexican museum offset to taxes. the museum received a pledge of $5 million for phase 2 of construction as the lead $5 million gift using
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this mexican legislation as a vehicle to this gift. next, please. with the help the mexican museum has created a fundraising plan for the u.s. and mexico. the u.s. campaign phase goal is $3.5 million over 6 month to raise funds needed for phase 1 of construction which builds out the ground floor and first floor. the u.s. campaign phase 2 the goal is 23 and a half million over 18 months to build out and fund the construction of 3 and 4. the mexico capital campaign and fund raising goal is 1 million over 6 months to fund phase 1 construction. mexico campaign phase 2 goal is $4 million over 18 months to construct buildings. u.s. grant writing program is $5 million over 24 months. lead fundrazor barbara is present to answer questions. thank you for any time and your
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attention. i'm going to ask miguel of the museum building committee to will discus construction plans for the museum. i thank you both, all of you for being supportive of this project. thank you. >> good afternoon madam chair. honorable commissioners, and director kaslofsky. my name is miguel and i'm native san franciscans. i have been the founder and are the principal for yerba buena engineering construction here in san francisco for 23 years doing civil construction for federal, state and local agencies. i teach construction estimating at uc berkeley, and i sit oen the
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faculty of city college in the construction management program. so, my long history of working within the community and making sure that we find ways to create opportunities for small business. today i serve as and represent the building committee for the mexican museum and speak on their behalf today. thank you again for the opportunity to present our vision for the build-out of the mexican museum and new home at 706 mission street. we will discus in great detail this afternoon about how the design build approach and sole source for design build will contribute and refine the cost for the mexican museum and haven't been able to hone it down to a $38 million project. phase 1 would be the build-out of the first and second floor and will
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cost as stated, $11 million. it will also be vitalized by the raising of $4.5 million of fundraising and it is important to note that as previously stated, but should be emphasized, is that these $4.5 million need to be raised before any of the ocii grant money is distributed to the effort, which would be in the form of $6.5 million. the project manager is cordova corporation, long history in construction management and the contractor chosen is a lbe, san francisco native, guzman construction group will be leading the charge for this design build project. the phase 1-architect of record
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is [indiscernible] coupled with and she is responsible for phase 1 of this project. bar architectural will be the architect of record for the second phase and the rest of the construction of the project. the museum goal for this project and ocii's goal have always been outstanding for the community. the mexican museum has agreed to and is looking to exceed those goals. quite frankly, we've spent a lot of time within the community, the lbe community, the local business enterprise community to make sure that we can unbundle this project properly to make sure we can utilize our micro small businesses that and give them a opportunity to showcase talents within the museum community to build
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capacity moving forward as viable entities within the city of san francisco. as i might say and my ask, as i walked in the room i noticed there were a few micro small businesses. how many micro small businesses are in the room today? thank you. i appreciate that show of support. it is important to note that during the course of this construction there will be a hundred union workers that are local that are represented by local businesses that will be utilized on this project. so, we hope to not only exceed the goal, but set a mark for other projects to try to shoot for, and beat. as part of the mexican museum, there are slides that you can see. obviously the initant intent
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of phase 1, permit 1--there are two phases and multiple permitting that happen in the course of the project. permit 1 consist of build-out of the ground floor and the proposed cafe and utilization of the mexican museum as a pop up gallery to create a presence in the jesse square to create an ombiauns and attract people in the area to assist in construction. the estimated time for construction during the first permit is to receive the first [indiscernible] in three months and the construction phase of the first permit is also approximately 3 months. during those three months, there will be a cost of about 1 million $850 thousand expended to complete this first phase, first permit cost.
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during phase 1, this other items as you note, the red banner will be displayed and wrapped around, proposed as new entry in the lobby drawing people into jesse square area with decals and posters of past exhibits from the mexican museum from 1975 through 2001. phase 1 permit 2 will consist of the build-out of the second floor gallery and the space with instillation of the grand staircase from the ground floor to the second floor gallery space, and the estimated cost that phase of the permit will be 9 million, 250 thousand dollars. so, the grand total for phase 1 of this project is slotted for $11 million. again, with extensive utilization of the micro small business
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community within san francisco. phase 2 permit 3 will consist of the build-out of the third and 4th floors with estimated cost of 26 million 900 thousand dollars and that will take approximately 8 months to complete. the total estimated cost for all three phases again as previously stated is $38 million and will take approximately 20th months to complete. as we go through several slides we highlight some of the gems of the process. the ground floor, again will consist of -jesse square plaza in the lobby area, the reception area and the cafe and the alley and there will be a store for the mexican museum and tenant space and that would be in the upper
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right box. the second floor, which is the second row to the left will consist of a gallery space with grand staircase, which is used to access the third floor gallery, which is programmed to have a sculpture gallery. the third floor will consist of additional gallery space with a balcony that projects into the struck tural and or sculpture gallery, termination at the grand staircase. and then there is obviously existing internal stairways that go in and those are depictions of the sculpture galleries and the exhibits. the fourth floor consist of administrative offices and educational spaces and programs and fixed
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office partitions and flexible educational spaces. there is a lot of programming a lot of forthought and a lot of ways to make sure that cash-flow and the constructability were put in and thought through. we spent a lot of time unbundled the project coming with unique ways to be cost effective, yet utilizing our local workforce and with that, we believe we have figured a way to be cost effective, but bring a historically outstanding museum to the already great collection that exists within san francisco. commissioners, thank you for allowing me to speak and if you have any questions, happy to answer them for you. thank you so much. >> thank you. so, staff recommends that we
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provide a 12 month extension with a 6 month option at the executive director's discretion. the 6 month option is contingency on the museum needs to raise 50 percent of the $4.5 million which they are planning to raise the awhole amount in 6 months so 50 percent in 12 months we think is a fair benchmark and also have to be in compliance with conditions of article 13 of the grant agreement, which are based on the audit and then, the actual grant agreement, no grant funds should be distributed until the museum has raised minimum of $4.5 million for phase 1, the permit 1 and permit 2 and they also still have to remain in compliance with article 3-13, sorry, of the grant agreement. the next steps, next week we will go before the oversight board and then after the oversight board it goes to department of finance so there
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is 45 days there to runs till july 14 and then we would be back here before you in fall with seeking approval of the 6 distribution agreement. that is our presentation, so any questions, happy to answer. >> if i may madam chair, i just wanted to acknowledge and recognize [indiscernible] the city department of real estate director. just raise your hand and their department administers the city lease referenced 706 mission. thank you. >> thank you. madam secretary, can you please call for public comment? >> members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item call 415-655-0001, enter access code 26628309581 fallowed by pound sign and #30u7bd pound again. press star 3 to be placed in
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the queue. a automated voice will let you know when it is your turn. please press star 3. we like to invite anyone in person to provide public comment to come up to the podium at this time. first i have oscar james. >> if we can have members of the public make a line on this side so we have one line. if we can go to my left but your right. thank you so much. >> oscar james- >> for those who cant stand for a long period of time, feel free to sit in the front row. >> thank you commissioners, director, staff scr the public. my name is oscar james, a native resident of bayview hunter point and [indiscernible] as a younger
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person. i was here when they first brought the concept that mexican museum to the redevelopment agency and i think at that particular time, supervisor-well, mayor breed was here, but before her it was mrs. kennedy when they first brought it with leroy king and i think the spanish guy, morales was here at that time. my whole thing is, when they first brought it up and they had just completed the african museum, i told them the mexican museum and the mexican peoples were the first people besides
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the native americans here in san francisco. this is their land. they have been forced out and what have you. i think it behooves this commission and the city to whatever it takes to make that museum possible bring to fruition. we need the history from the african american community and the other races in this community to know about the mexican american museum. they have a rich history, okay and when they had free slaves a lot of the slaves african american slave s went to mexico okay. we need to have that history, so peoples know how we are intermingled, okay. whatever they need, this commission should give it to them. you didn't have no problems giving the italians the produce market out there in on gerald street and they didn't have to go through all this.
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you didn't have no problems the commission didn't have no problems giving the money to cathedral hill when they were developing all that, so why should third world peoples go through all these hopes to have their history told in city and county of san francisco? had thank you very much. [applause] >> next we have patricia gregory. >> hi, commissioners. good afternoon. my name is trisha gregory, i am the owner of heavy weight trucker here to ask for your support kwr let you know the building committee has done extensive reach out to include all of us hyperlocal micro lbe, which is local business enterprises, so just here in support of the mexican museum and hope the commissioners are also. thank you. >> ron arana.
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>> good afternoon commissioners. my name is ron a san francisco general building contractor part of the lbe community and small business owner. coming here i can certainly echo the thoughts and remarks that others such as miguel made about this project and how important it for our community and culture and history, but i think my value here standing in front of you is briefly share my perspective and experience while [indiscernible] gained as small business owner and builder in san francisco that worked on similar projects at a smaller scale. what i witnessed first hand is positive transformations these projects bring to our communities, our culture and the youth. i'm sure these positive effects will be significantly enhanced to the construction of the museum by several factors of including pulling local labor, creating jobs and supporting small business.
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this offers a glimpse the mexican museum has on our community. not only will this generate employment opportunities like i said during construction for local businesses and trades people, but create permanent positions within the museum while culturally enriching enhancing and preserving our community for the long-term. thank you. >> can we have the next speaker come up, please? please state your name for the record, please. >> yes are. my name is nora wagoner. and first of all, i would like to thank good afternoon madam chair and commissioners and director kaslofsky and staff and everyone who is
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here in support of the mexican museum and so many other wonderful projects that have been presented. it is wonderful to hear about all that. i'm nora wagoner, born and raised in mexico city. i was a former education director at the mexican museum for 16 years when it first opened. we provided tours and outreach programs for schools and visitors throughout the bay area and subsequently i was cochair of the board of trustees with mario diaz, formally of wells fargo bank. after several years i'm on the board as vice chair. after i left the mexican museum, i worked as education director for 27 years at the large art science and history black hawk museum in danville california. it was affiliated with university of california berkeley, then the smithsonian institution of washington
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dc. there exposed to the art, art ifacts and culturals of so many countries. how vital it is to have cultural representation in community and beyond. we are a nation of immigrants. san francisco has many cultures. it's mexican, mexican american, chicano and latino community is very large. some pre-date its founding. the diversity enriches san francisco, the bay area and beyond. these residents from other cultures and visor its from this country and the world view, enjoy, appreciate and learn about many facets. the mexican museum has a collection of art and artifacts from prehispanic period to the present. it has shown exhibitions using these and bars from museums and collectors with great success. it has a recognized record of
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outstanding educational programs for children and adults. it has commitment, passion, and hard work from its boards, donors, supporters and staff. the mexican museum has been working on the physical showcase for these activities for a long time now. anyone can see the result of this work so far. the spectacular entrance that has been shown in the slides of the building at 706 mission street, which depicts migrations. that is a theme that magnificent facade and 4 floors of exhibition, education and work areas. a impressive site. now it will finish the interior build out. the support must continue. the people of san francisco and beyond deserve this and will be enriched by
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its presence. thank you very very much. >> thank you. [applause] >> good afternoon madam chair, commissioners and staff. my name is--born in mexico, raised in guatemala and came to this country 30 years ago to fulfill my kind of american and latina american dream, and i'm a professor, researcher at university california berkeley, director and founder of the largest immigrant organization in the country regarding health of immigrants with over 20 thousand people working and volunteering with my program since 25 years ago. and, on that trajectory, i learned that
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culture heals. [speaking spanish] i'm convinced that and when i decided to join the board of the mexican museum, i started to dream because i think when you have a project like this in front of you, you have to have hope and my hope is to dignify the latino, the latinx, the immigrant communities in this country, especially the kids who some of them do not have the sense of belonging that their parents have and i see the museum as a venue to do that. but not just for my community but also for the communities at large. if latino american mexico [indiscernible] for their culture. you talk about mexico immediately you think culture and that's why what we are bringing. in these years of directing the
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program, i affiliated with 9 latin american countries and what i know what to do is national work. i'm a [indiscernible] not just fundraising capabilities, but also funds from my large network of partners that are willing to support the museum. i'm the cochair of the fundraising campaign as part of the board. and i just want to say that in this life, we have to be in what we do, and that's what i bring to the museum. i believe-i hope and i'm committed to make this dream to come true. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> hello, good afternoon madam chair, commissioners and director kaslofsky. my name is sylvia florez. a coordinator at the fundrazor committee for putting on events and this is going to be our first event scheduled for june 27. it will be at the four seasons private resident tower and hosted by the president of the home owner association, larry winer, so myself and larry and my team will have the first fundraising of the year. we are very excited about this. today i come to you because i want to express how important it is to have it mexican museum in san francisco. my team and i plan many more fundrazor. here are several reasons why it is important to support the mexican museum.
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preservationf ocultural heritages, we are directly contributing to the preservation and collaboration of the mexican and mexican american culture. your efforts help insure that we have a rich history and tradition these communities are presented and shared with a wider audience. second, educational impact. we strongly believe by fund raise support the museum educational program, which are culture and fostering understanding appreciation of the mexican culture among people all ages. inspire student education to the public and enriching the community knowledge and appreciation of diverse cultures. thirdly, community empowerment, our support helps empower the local mexican and mexican american community providing a space where the heritage is honored and their voices are heard. the museum serves as a culture hub bringing people together and
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foster sense of pride and identity. fourth, artistic support and promotion. our fundracing enable the museum to support local artist and culture by providing a platform for their work. the museum helps showcase artistic talent contributing to vibrant diverse culture landscape. the most important thing i think for the mexican museum to be thriving would be economic benefit. successful fund raising help positive impacts economical impact by attracting visitors to the museum and surrounding area. this benefits local businesses and contributes to the economic vitality of the community. fostering culture, dialogue and understanding by supporting the museum, we are promoting culture dialogue and understanding. the museum provides a space for
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the conversation about heritage identity social issues foster mutual respect within the community. personal fulfillment and civil engagement is probably one of the most gratifying things for me. supporting the museum through fund raising allows to give back to the community make a tangible difference to be active involved in civic engagement, your dedication can inspire others to contribute and participate creating a ripple effect in a positive impact. legacy and future generations your support helps build the lasting legacy for the future generations. by insuring the museum growth you help to create a valuable culture resource that educate and inspire generations to come. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. [applause] >> my name is [indiscernible] the owner of mansefield and mansefield
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construction cleanup company site support. madam chair, members of the commissioners and public, i'm a native of san francisco born and raised and excited at the opportunity to participate and grow my business in working with the mexican museum. i am in support of continuing with the mexican museum moving forward and extending the length of time they need to put things together. on the side note, my grandfather is full cuban and my grandmother was full --they died with the history of african american, cuban-i do not have it the heritage so i look forward to the conception and the finish of
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this museum so i can share with my children and myself the history, our rich history i'm not aware of so thank you. [applause] >> thank you. >> hello. my name is [difficulty hearing speaker] >> can you speak louder in the mic? >> can you hear me now? >> i'm excited about the project. one for the finished project so we can actually get a chance to see the history but two, as a lbe in the community, we are excited to be a part of the project because it is something we can look back t is a historic project and for two things, we will be-our staff is part of the community, so we are circling doctors dollars in the community and when the project is finish ed we'll be able to come back and support that project by
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visiting the museum. i'm in support of the project. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is michael gregory, a part of the african american construction collective and i support the mexican museum. they have done a lot of outreach to us micro lbe and we support it. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. >> good afternoon madam chair, commissioners. my name is nick colina we have been in the bayview since it 60's. here with my dad today third generation family owned business. my grand father came home in the 60's to start a dream and start a business and it has been a blessing we
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have been going on this long and we worked on many projects for the city of san francisco and we dont speak up a about issues but we are tired of those days and we want our acommunity to be acknowledged and this is about a legacy. a legacy business, a legacy institution is--it's the threads of san francisco. it is the fabric of san francisco. the people who build these buildings are the fabric of san francisco. we are here in support along the san francisco latino black builders association and we really appreciate the opportunity. [applause] >> thank you madam chair and commissioners for the opportunity to speak to you. i am hector colina the owner of
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anchor iron and construction and i have my son and daughter here and my other daughter also participates in the business and when i was a kid, i remember seeing a chain on the grounds of my dad's company and it was the chain that went around in deloris park around the bell that was put in there that was donated by mexico and then also, as i was older in my teens, i remember i went to a job site and there was a helicopter in the middle of, which is the old international airport, it was a courtyard so we couldn't access through ground, and we were putting in the statue or the mural that [indiscernible] he is a old
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mexican artist and we put in that mural, so we have participated in different mexican-had the opportunity, so we would love the opportunity to participate in this build-out and be proud of all the things we have been able to accomplish in the city. thank you very much. [applause] >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is susanna rojas the executive director here to spirit the ask for mexican museum as an organization that promotes elevates and enhance the latino culture not only in the cultural ditsricate but as a whole. we see this as a important project not only for the culture and for the history of our city, but also for the
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economic recovery. employing small businesses and making this a destination for people to come and not only visit our beautiful city for architec ture and views but also the ethic indiversity we have here. i hope that you would support this project and thank you so much for your time. [applause] >> good afternoon commissioners. thank you very much for the opportunity to be here. miguel guzman. a native san franciscans. i like and for your support on this project. i support the project very much. there's two things i like you to focus on. one is cultural history and legacy we leave behind for the younger generation. being native san francisco and mexican heritage my parents migrated from mexico. they had the opportunity to
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take back for vacations and able to absorb culture and history. some don't have the luxury. a lot of fellow bay areas are looking to be cultural enriched and relearn the history and understand where their parents, grand parents, great grand parents came from, so i ask you approve this to create an opportunity for younger generations. the second focus should be on the projects and the jobs and subcontractors. this project will add opportunities for workers local workers, but also for local companies, so in support of our fellow small local businesses, i ask that you approve the project moving forward and that you open up the doors for an opportunity for small local businesses. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> hello everyone. my name is [indiscernible] i am the administrative assistant for mexican museum and will read a letter on behalf of the former board member. dear officers as a former consul general and san francisco very proud to be a part of the mexican museum. during my tenure, [indiscernible] mexican secretary of foreign affairs visited san francisco to have the first stone of the project placed. it was very moving to see all the hispanic community thrilled with this amazing milestone and sure you will support our efforts to make this dream come true. my warmest regards. thank you. [applause] >> good afternoon madam chair, commissioners and the public. i am diane nevy, part of the
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department of education and mexican museum. however, here today to read a letter from juan [indiscernible] dear board members, i am writing to respectfully ask for your support of the extension requested by the mexican museum. i believe this decision is the right choice to make, not only because having the mexican museum in the city will bring evident economic benefit to san francisco, but because it is a accurate reflection of the city's values and commitments towards its people. there are many reasons to support the mexican museum, but i like to bring this honorable board's attention to two of them. representation and diversity. mexicans make california a diverse state. mexican culture has a prominent place in the california ancestry. such culture has existed even before the great state joined the united states of america and has been deeply ingrained in california way of
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life throughout the generations. strong communities deeply rooted in the mexican culture have emerging consolidated socially, politically and economically. influence extends to people with different background within the mexican community. having mexican culture represented in the city is a testmt to the san francisco diversity. the city where equal dignity is recognized to all communities that form the fabric no matter how different they are. diversity shows through the arts. san francisco already recognizes this by fostering museums such as museum of african diaspru and asian art museum. mexican arts and culture needs representation and having have a world class museum showcasing and
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featuring world reaknouned art made by their own people is a good place to start. this is particularly important in the state which all most 50 percent of its youth identify as latino. mexicans are ready to start a pilgrimage to reconnect through art. visitors come from all around the bay area, the state and the world to visit this iconic place. future generations will find the mexican museum a place to reconnect with the roots for many decades to come. san francisco should always be a beacon of light for those who need it, so board members, i respectfully request let there be light. sincerely, juan [indiscernible] as part of the education department i like to say that it is amazing to see the childrens eyes sparkle as they see they are being valued, heard and belonging part of the community when
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programs are presented to them. thank you. >> local business owner in san francisco. i support this building. i speak for employees all local employees, and we are micro lbe company and we don't get a opportunity to work on projbects like this and a opportunity like this is great for what we do and great for the city. thanks so much. [applause] >> hi. my name is [indiscernible] i am part of the board of the mexican museum but also-[indiscernible] more then 15 years in mexico and here in the bay area, which i have been working for the 8
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years in multiple museums and someone embedded in the culture, i am asking you please for the support of the museum. the arts and culture is social improvement in general and san francisco is suffering on the culturaleralm quite a long time, especially after covid. most of the culture institutions have been closing and we really need the support of the city to prevent that from happening. especially for the mexican museum who is very important and embedded in the city. yeah, culture is important for social improvement and the mexican museum has been here and we have a lot of support. and thank you for your time and your support. [applause] >> good afternoon. my name is daniel gal vez and
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painting my first mission a popular mural, the carn val mural that over time slowly gets deteriorates. the neighborhood loved the mural and helped raise over $75 thousand so it was restored back in 8 years ago. so, what i'm saying is murals really provide a rich cultural history, provided to community 24/7 but not here forever. museums are. they hold the cultures, the relics, the paintings, the sculptures all the medians. the museum of san francisco has them, so mexican museum is great to be have that secure all that rich history
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forever, ceramics paintings. through the united states museums are so important so the museum in san francisco will hold the treasures for all the youth and people of san francisco to enjoy them. so, all for it. thank you for hearing me. [applause] >> my name is [indiscernible] a behind the scenes guy, don't get up to speak about certain issues but this had me speak for a important reason. i represent artists who create content. for example, a woman from mexico who came to san francisco, discovered love of children books by hanging out at the children library [indiscernible] everyone is talking about the importance of diversity in children but the one piece i haven't heard that i want to share is san francisco showing competitive advantage. i have taken artists to cities
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around the world and everywhere i go there is a mexican or latino museum. [indiscernible] new york. chicago, albuquerque, dallas, houston, miami, they have them. we need them too to show the vitality of the diversity and cultures that thrive in the community so encourage you to support the museum. [applause] >> good afternoon commissioners. chair brackett, director kaslofsky. sorry. my name is [indiscernible] the copresident of san francisco latino democratic club. i have worked with a team of community members to help make the mexican museum a dream and vision completed for the san francisco latino community. with the completion of the institution,
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san francisco will have a world class arts institution that respects and reflects latino narratives. and stories through the arts. this bring economic boom to san francisco in time when downtown recovyry is needed and attract latinos all over the world. if you are in support of the museum can you raise your hand? san francisco has a bad track record, particularly on the oppression of latinos whether attack on street vendors or stereo types our people drug dealers or criminals. i thank you chair brackett for being our latino representative. when latinos contributed to the fabric of the city and san francisco profited off it, while people strug gle to exist. with the funding and completion of the agreement san francisco will take a [indiscernible] respect and honor the latino experience. after decades of hope and promises, i look forward seeing the vision
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for the mexican museum become reality for the san francisco latino community. thank you for your time. [applause] >> good afternoon commissioners. i have been part of the community in san francisco for many years. part of the board of the [indiscernible] the san francisco carnaval. i have been around and i have seen, learned to know community. my name is sandra, from chile and been in san francisco since 1981. i'm a environmentalist a certified speaker for vice president al gore and [indiscernible] a ceo of [indiscernible] which is my own
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creation. i have been dedicating to using media to protect our environment and promote the health of all people globally. since 2016 i served on the board of directors of am mexican museum and on the advisory board and education and builder society. all those committees forwarding the mission of the museum. with background in community engagement management and innovative fund raising committed to empower communities and foster a thriving society. my dedication extends to my participation of the united nations in new york and geneva. i'm part of the ngo working group on status of women. being a visionary today is global trend. would you agree? but, your decision to support
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the mexican museum goes beyond mere vision, it represents a commitment to diversity, inclusivity and equality reinforcing san francisco leadership in these areas. supporting the mexican museum means creating new job opportunities, benefiting local businesses and increasing the tax bay for city of san francisco, aligning perfectly with the mission of the community investment and infrastructure board. the mexican museum is a vital addition to the yerba buena garden art district enhancing latino representation in the arts. it offers a venue for special events, educational lectures and a space where children can learn about latin american arts and become integral members of our society. approving the proposed amendment to finalize the project will foster creativity of culture appreciation among the younger generation
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reflecting san francisco rich heritage built by minorities. so, on behalf of thousands of volunteers and are past board of directors, i thank you chairman to support the mexican museum. [applause] >> the last thing, you want to hear from me again, but i have request from the [indiscernible] who was one of the commissioners previously. he is in new york butsent a quick e-mail asking to be read as a following, dear commission community investmment and infrastructure, reaching out to emphasize the importance of sustained support for mexican museum of san francisco. as a cornerstone of cultural diversity and guardian of rich heritage embodies investment and community central to the commission mission.
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supporting the institution enriching our city, lives up to the ideals of culture preservation and community enrichment embedded in your name. i urge the commission to continue the backing insuring the mexican museum remain a vibrant part of san francisco's cultural landscape and further collective commitment to keeping culture alive and flourish in our city. the reverend bustos, grace cathedral, manager of race [indiscernible] thank you. [applause] >> madam chair, director kaslofsky and members of the commission, my name is [indiscernible] i stand before you today as a lifelong san franciscans and resident of the mission district. a business leader as chair of san francisco chamber of commerce, the first gay mexican chair and member of the vibrant community to
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express heartfelt spoert support for the mexican museum i sit as a trustee and the chair of the building committee. thanks go out to ocii director kaslofsky and staff for their collaboration on this project. this isn't just about another institution, it is about enriching the soul of our city and embratesing the diversity that makes us who we are. the mexican museum presence in the yerba buena arts garden is bringing equity and representation to our cultural landscape. as someone deeply invested in our community wellbeing i believe it is crucial avenue wn sees themselves in the arts and mexican museum makes that a vital role making realty. it isn't just about art it people the jobs it creates and economic boost it provides to downtown san francisco and lifelong to astruggling small businesses. all this matters deeply to me.
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as we navigate through the aftermath of the pandemic, we need institutions like the mexican museum to breathe new life in our city and help rebuild stronger and more resilient then ever before. as someone who understand the struggles of local business first han, i know how important to have partners in our community. that is why we are eager to collaborate with diverse partners of the mexican museum to support its mission --sorry-- its mission, but also insure that san francisco workforce has access to the rich cultural experiences it will offer. it is about fostering a sense of belonging and appreciation within our own teams and believing this partnership will be mutually beneficial for our businesses and the museum. so, let's come together as a community to support the mexican museum, let's show the world san francisco is a place where cultural thrives,
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diversity celebrated and everyone has a seat at the table. thank you for your support. [applause] >> madam chair, mr. director, commissioners, my name is nora and i am a member of a large prominent influential family from the kingdom of saudi arabia here today as a american citizen working for a entity called the saudi american family office. the mexican museum plight came to our attention about a year ago, and we conducted research into the background, the politics, the funding
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situations, and ewoo came to understand a great deal about what was going on, not just with the museum itself, but in the city as a whole during this time period. i want to say that, our viewpoint is that, this is and remains, has always been not just california, but alta-california, which is a fancy way of saying, mexico. it seems ironic to me that as one person says there can be mexican museums all around the world, and all over the united states, but in alta-california, for some reason it is very hard to get approval, very hard to make progress and hard to get
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permits, and all sorts of obstacles having the mexican museum built here. to that end, i and the family have made a decision that we will support the mexican museum. i myself have made a contribution of $500 thousand to supporting the museum, and we are willing to backstop any other needs that arise for the mexican museum going forward and so it is my respectful request to all of you to consider carefully the petition in front of you as well as the testimonies of the people that have come in front of you in support of this, and um, really think about what it means that phrase, alta-california. i thank you all for your time and hopefully i'll get to hear more from you and talk to each one of you
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in the future. and mrs. diane [indiscernible] have a good day. [applause]. >> any other members of the public wishing to comment, please come up? we leak to call members of the public who are joining by phone, please raid e raise your hand pressing star 3 on your mobile devices. >> it is my honor to read this letter of support from mario diaz. as a former board cochair with nora wagoner and chair, now chair of the mexican museum, i want to
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applaud all volunteers of the current board of trustees and past board members for the steadfast volunteer support over the past 24 years. the new home of the mexican museum is now with the build-out [indiscernible] hurrah. in the last decade, i have not been-it has not been easy for any non profit to fundraise where corporate donors ceased to support capitalcome pain for the arts. detailed with the covid pandemic that followed for 4 years. in san francisco, companies have changed their priorities leaving the arts out of funding focus area, and or move out of the city all together. their work strategies have
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changed as well as being left people [indiscernible] san francisco travel is dealing with this new challenge. as a citizen of the bay area, my home is in oakland and i have noticed that people still are coming to visit san francisco and the many landmarks and museums that are waiting for them. i am hopeful that the city will continue to be supportive of the future funding needs of the mexican museum so the [indiscernible] yerba buena art district will be finally fulfilled as originally mapped out. it has been the mission of board members of the mexican museum to fulfill the building of the final distination home in the yerba buena arts district. the entire art community,
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nationally and internationally are looking at this historic step and watching to see what happens next. as a magnet to bring visor its back to the downtown yerba buena san francisco union square neighborhood. congratulation to all involved
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and getting us to this--best, mario diaz, chair to mexican museumism . thank you for the opportunity to read on his behalf. [applause] >> anyone else like to speak? we'll go back to public comment by telephone. if you like to speak, please press star 3 on your mobile devices. madam chair, it appears we have no more members wishing to comment. >> seeing no further comments from the public i'm going to close public comment and return to fellow commissioners for questions and comments. >> [unable to hear speaker because microphone isn't on]
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[applause] >> thank you commissioner lim. thank you to the many memberoffs the public who came out today. appreciate you all speaking on behalf of the museum and enumerated benefits to not only san francisco but the region. i think with this item in front of us, it really shows the partnership between ocii, the city and department of real estate now being a more coordinated effort as well as the mexican museum board itself. having a third party come in is the auditor did was i think jarring to me as a commissioner and something i take seriously and i appreciate that staff has worked so diligently to incorporate their recommendations into the grant amendment itself and are i think we all have work to do to demonstrate we can be consistent with those audit findings, so with that work
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that has gone in i'm supportive of the item. thank you. [applause] >> i hate to be long-winded with my remarks around the mexican mewsume, but i mest. if we are honest and talk about the mexican museum today we have to talk of the history that got to us place. not only the displacement of mexicans from the state of california and also in terms of this specific project area in which many people were displaced from the yerba buena garden area that were filipino, latino, black descent and that's why this location was specifically chosen for the mexican museum on site a block away is the african american museum, moab and jewish museum, the asian art museum received its property which is birds
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eye view from here and stating i would be remiss if i were not to say that our redevelopment agency has not always acted properly towards community and in these processes, which is why a lot of times some of the projects have taken such a long time to come to fruition, so while a lot of people may have aspirations on a lot of projects we do within community, a lot of times those aspirations or negative comments and remarks have nothing to do with what the hurdles and barriers the community has to go through to get the projbects off the grund and self--fund them and get to the end point. so, while a lot of people remarked this has taken a long time, a lot of people haven't actually been here at the meetings. i'm a san francisco native so i have known about the mew jeem i
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walked the block and seen when it was a dirt pit and walk ed my grand daughter by when she was one year old and took pictures on the plaza saying mexican museum coming toon. my grand daughter will be 7 next year and one of the issues around this i want to go over timeline quickly with you guys so you can understand some of the challenges that this museum faced and even within the audit process. number one, it wasn't until june 1 of 1993 that we actually put forth a resolution from the san francisco redevelopment agency which was number 92, 93, which approved the first disposition of land and private development for the lda for the standalone mew useum block 3706 lot 277.
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under 8 agreements amendments the agency finally agreed working cooperatively with the museum and want until 2006 that the property was actually acquired by the developer. [hard stop]
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important for us to recognize those things, as it is, and to be able to call those out and speak truth to power in those ways so that we're not, putting the communities back up against the wall when we're coming to evaluate things that are coming before us, we really should be looking at the full picture of what we're dealing with here today. and what we're dealing with today is emblematic of what our agency was in the past. and that was broken promises. and as you've heard from other things that we've done today and how this commission has taken a turn for the better since we've become oci, is that we are
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equity focused, we are interested in undoing the wrongs of the past, as are my fellow commissioners said today. we are interested in, you know, digging deep and figuring out how do we make it better, how do we make these promises a reality? and honestly, when you think about it, a promise of $10 million and t and i or tenant improvements and 2010 and we are now in 2024 and we're still expecting them to do the same amount of work with money that we allocated over 14 years ago. it's unrealistic. so i'm just going to state that it's unrealistic for us to expect our local contractors to also fit their budgets or squeeze their budgets to match a lack of funding, a lack of investment and communities. we say we care about. we, as oci, have found ways to, be creative and work
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with different departments and different entities to provide additional funding and support to make projects that we almost thought would never get completed. you know, as you guys know, covid hit us pretty hard, as well as every other department in the city. but we continue to move forward and we continue to add more funding to projects that we wanted to see happen. and as i look at this proposal before me, i want to thank, our executive director, kozlowski and our general counsel, jim morales, and everyone else who worked on it. but i really don't think this proposal and recommendation does enough or goes far enough. i do not think it is realistic to expect the mexican museum to raise $38 million within an 18 month period. i do not think it's realistic to expect them to even raise $5 million in a 12 month or six month period in this economic climate, i do not want to be in a position of
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making unrealistic expectations of a group who was already had to deal with a lot, including the change of the design of the museum space, which was not mentioned today as well, which also resulted in delay of the process that was not approved by the museum team or or those changes were not brought to the community by the developers or even our own real estate team. so, i am asking, for something a little bit different today, i am asking actually to make an amendment to the resolution before us and that we look to actually doing what would be more equitable, most equitable in this situation, specifically, in terms of fundraising, i have spoken with fundraising experts of different museums across this country. and one of the things that they said, and specifically
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in terms of the national museum of african american history and culture that was built in everyone raves and rants and raves about that. but it took them ten years to raise the money for that. and they had access to the space and it took them bringing donors into the space for them to actually see the space for them to get those dollar commitments. and i just don't see it being possible to get $38 million in this economic climate without being able to walk people through the space, being able to, you know, have multiple meetings with people to get those financial commitments. fundraising just doesn't happen like that. it doesn't happen that quickly. and while you know there are a long, large list of donors in front of us right now of people who are committed to donating to the museum, i don't believe that it would be equitable for us to say, you need to raise this amount. in 18 months, and i would really like for our oci team to, also come
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back and have more meetings with the mexican museum and figuring out how we can creatively assist them with the additional 38 million. but i do want to see some of those monies, in terms of fundraising goals met, i'm not saying that you guys shouldn't raise money right now. you definitely should raise as much as you can. and, there should be some goals set in place today, but i don't think that the proposal before us is realistic in terms of putting that type of pressure on a, community to come up with those fundings right now. and so what i'm actually proposing is that, we do do a year check in, but that we actually do a 1 in 5, we do a one year with a potential additional four year extension, and that it's a check in, by annually to make sure that there's movement in terms of the fundraising and that we also have some check and balances that we're able to monitor and make sure that, we are following all the recommendations of the audit, and that, i'm happy to
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also see that there is a fiscal team in mnc that's going to be providing that kind of critical support that, organizations need to, facilitate city contracts and so forth. so, i'm asking my fellow commissioners if you'd be amenable to amending the plan and extending it so that there is an adequate time to fundraise for this project. i was going to ask, yeah, do we have the money to build it? it doesn't sound like it. so you guys go out, you hustle and raise money. i mean, i'm, i'm support to build it, but you don't have the money to do it. that's kind of a tough. so so, i'm okay with, extended the extra days for them to
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months for them to raise the money and come back and see what happens. okay. we are. we're for it. especially me. i'm. i'm in construction, as you know, but, if there's if there's no not enough money to build it, then you have to wait, chair brackett, i appreciate your, review of our, agencies relationship with the mexican museum and how we got to this place, at this time, i would not be supportive of extending the time. i do have serious concerns about the issues that was raised in the audit. my understanding is the mexican museum requested this 18 month extension, i would like to move forward with staff's proposal, as as is and revisit it at that time, once we've seen how much progress has been made by the mexican museum
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against those audit findings, what specifically audit findings were you concerned about, i mean, i'm frankly concerned about the audit findings that spoke to oci's administration of the funds of the disbursement agreements. i'm concerned about the lack of capital that has been raised to date by the mexican museum, and i want to ensure that they have the financial capacity to move forward with the site and the program and to deliver on this long standing, promise, i mean, this is this is a this is a teamwork effort. so i think oci is doing our part by extending by the 18 months. i think we can revisit after that period whether, what needs to happen, next and moving forward. but i also think that we do need to see, how the mexican museum is working with the city as their landlord as well as, how well they're funding, their, their capital commitments and operation, how well, they're funding the project. i
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appreciate your concern. i think it's also, important that we stick to the facts and the facts in this matter around specifically those concerns that you brought up around the audit and specifically around, those specific whether oci was following our rules, etc, as, the they presented earlier there was different sets of rules that the museum was under due to us being under redevelopment agency, and there were changes to those rules that happened over time. we, the audit itself presented some of the information that was not under what we are doing now. so we had already been, managing it appropriately. we, what their remarks were, were in regards to prior practices that had nothing to do with the current, recent amendments that happened after 2000. that date. and so i think
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it's important that, when we review audits, that we actually review the accuracy and what was stated and how those things reflect to, the situation we're dealing at hand. and that's kind of why i went over that whole entire timeline, because it's important to understand when certain things triggered on certain dates, so that you can have a full picture of what we're dealing with now. and so both oci and the mexican museum have been in compliance for a long time now. so that audit isn't anything that happened recently. i've been making a motion. if you want to support this and report it there. you can also make a motion to amend it. it's
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up to you to make the motion on the floor with having a discussion. okay, i'm going to make the first move that i'm going to go forward with this with the amendment, you want to do deputy director umms. sorry, my for mark, if you could please, kind of explain a little bit about some of the changes that oci had made in regards to audit and, the findings from the audit as well as, reporting, procedures, etc. i think it's one of the big changes is as we started to, it was the fourth and fifth, reimbursement or disbursement agreements we were paying as a reimbursement process, not paying up front. so then we were able to you know, verify only invoices that we
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could verify that the legitimate expenses were paid, so that's a practice that as long as i've been here in 2016, we've for the most part, sometimes we front some money to smaller, you know, organizations to help them get started. but that's probably one of the big practices that i think has changed, and then there's just i think more, you know, incentive. i think part of the problem was this was all happened around dissolution, when some of these practices were probably not at their best. thank you for that clarification . i'm open to entertaining any motions from my fellow commissioners. including potentially tabling it to a future meeting if we want to get more clarification from director kozlowski or have more discussions on it at a later time as it is getting late, it's
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almost 4:00, and i believe we have another commission that meets directly after us, so i'm open to entertaining, moving this to a future agenda and tabling it. we'll talk a little bit more until the next meeting. matt. madam chair, if i may, this grant expires june 14th, right now, we have a oversight board meeting scheduled for may 30th, nine days from now to approve the extension action, that would effectively allow the grant to expire, certainly. the commission can reconvene, you know, as soon as you all are available, we can attempt to do the same with the oversight board, but we would risk being outside of the grant term, when we actually applied to doff, we don't know what impact that will have on their, a potential approval of it. they, when enforceable obligations expire, they cease to exist,
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essentially, so anyway, there's some risks there. so i'd love to see if this could be dealt with today, as we were, you know, at a very tight schedule. whatever the commission's, actual approval ends up being, that's what i'd recommend. but if the commission wanted to postpone it or continue it, certainly you could do that. but the risk is that we'd be operating outside of the grant, period. so, for point of clarification, also within this amendment that we're approving today, any subsequent changes to this amendment, it is under the purview of the commission or it is under the purview of, director klosowski, because i know there was some discussion about, sometimes we have motions before us or resolutions before us where executive director can make the decision, or whether us, as the commission can come back and make a future decision. unlike
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some of the other project areas, this grant is the enforceable obligation other rather than through a development agreement. and then we have sort of professional service kinds of contracts, which are typically under the auspices of the commission or the executive director. this grant, in particular the any change to the term, would have to go through this very same process that we're, conducting now, the six month extension is at the executive director's extension, excuse me, discretion, but everything else, any other change would be, have to go up through you again. the oversight board and the department of finance. i'd like to make an amendment so that the six month extension is to the purview of the oci commission, as well. so. so, madam chair, just because i had a question on your your amendment, you're proposing to add a five year extension with a six month check in and now adding the six month extension, is that the commission's discretion, no, from what we're
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hearing today is that today is basically we're under the gun to make a decision today. right. and so at this point, commissioner tim, commissioner drew is saying that she does not want an additional extension. what i'm asking for is that since we are not possibly going to come to an agreement and we have, we almost lack quorum at this point. and if we don't come to a decision today, it could make the contract expire. that the amendment now would not be for the five year, that instead of it being up to the, decision of the executive director to extend for the six months, it would actually come back to the commission before that six months, and that we would decide what to do at that time, whether we extend it another five years or we just extended the six months so that it would be to the purview of the commission and not the executive director at that moment. so that would be my offer for the amendment at this point. and i just had want
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to ask, mr. morales, you have something to say on it? yeah. right so as i understand it, because if it's an amendment, you have to move the amendment first and take a vote on it. so we have to be very clear what it is, the current term of the grant, the extension is as you know, one year plus a six month extension on at the discretion of the director, with certain conditions that would have to be met for the director to authorize that six months, as i understand it, the amendment is just to substitute the commission on for the executive director and considering that six month extension. yes so just to be clear, for the record, that's on page six of the grant, the proposed grant agreement, under article two to substitute the executive director with the
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successor agency commission and again, that would have to go to the oversight board, they they take the final action on this enforceable obligation. and dov will do the subsequent review. so, we if you vote to make that amendment, then you'll vote on the main motion, which is the report, the resolution that is before you, as amended. and we'll put in the language that you that you approve. so so the first action would be to, to make the amendment and then to take up the full motion, the resolution with the amendment, if it passes. okay, i'd like to move to amend our current resolution to, add that the one year plus the six months would be at the discretion of oci commissioner. it would be brought back later to our
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commission. for voting. do i have a second on that motion, yes. i'll second. sorry. i'll second the motion. madam secretary, can you please call the vote? commissioner members, please announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner, i. i believe we need to hear public comment on the amendment. okay public comment. okay. do we need . madam secretary, can you please call public comment on the amendment, please? at this time, members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415) 655-0001. enter access code 26628309581, followed by the pound sign, then press pound again. enter to enter the call, please press star, then three to be placed in the queue. an automated voice will let you know when it's your turn. if you're already listening to us by phone, please press star three. if you'd like to provide
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a comment, we'd like to begin by inviting anyone who joined in person to provide public comment . i'd like to thank the commissioner brackett, for demonstrating such empathy to the group and the struggles that they've had to in order to pursue this project, as well as commissioners. drew's statement that she supports the project, and i imagine that between the three of you, you can find a compromise somewhere between commissioner brackett's suggestion and, commissioner drew's suggestion that it just stick to the way in which it's proposed. so perhaps it's not five years, but maybe it's three years. i encourage you to work towards the best solution so we can make our kids and our community proud. excuse me. can you please state your name? sorry, sorry. luis orozco. any other members of the public wishing to comment in person?
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would like to now call on any members of the public who may be joining us by phone, who would like to provide a public comment to please press star three on your mobile devices. madam chair, madam chair doesn't appear that we have any other members wishing to comment on this item. seeing no further comments from the public, we will now close public comments again and add, i will ask madam secretary to please take the vote. okay. commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner kino is absent. commissioner drew i commissioner lim. yes vice chair scott is absent. chair brackett i madam chair. the vote is three eyes and two absent. the motion carries with the following amendments. please call the next item. madam secretary, the next order of business. and now we need to vote on the whole resolution, as amended. okay you're just voting
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on the amendment. sorry, not the , apologies resolution. got it. madam secretary, can you please call the vote on, the entire resolution as amended? thank you, thank you. commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name. commissioner kino is absent. commissioner drew eye, commissioner lim. yes. vice chair. scott is absent. chair bracket i, madam chair. the vote is three eyes and two absent. the motion carries, please call the next item. madam secretary, the next order of business is item six. go raise money. the next order of business is item six. public comment on non-agenda items. madam chair. okay, madam secretary, i'm going to ask five minute, if we can take a quick five minute recess,
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for the commissioners to reset, before the next item is called. thank you. we're going to go into recess. thank you. and we are now calling the meeting. back to order. it is 4:17 p.m, and this is the commission on community investment and infrastructure. and this is our may 21st meeting, 2024, madam secretary, please call the next item. the next order of business is item six. public comment on non agenda agenda items. madam chair . can you please call for public comment at this time? members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415) 655-0001. enter access code 26628309581,
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followed by the pound sign, then press pound again. to enter the call. please press star, then three to be placed in the queue. an automated voice will let you know when it's your turn. if you're already listening to us by phone, please press star three. if you'd like to provide a public comment, we'd like to begin by inviting anyone who joined in person to provide comment to come up to the podium. first, we have julian below. okay. hi, my name is julian bellotti. i'm a master tenant at the hunters point. hunters point naval shipyard in san francisco, a redevelopment site. i'm here to read a letter from the independent master tenants. we, the independent master tenants of the hunters point parcel b buildings, 115, 116 and 125 hereby formally request immediate redress. as this commission is aware, we, the master tenants of parcel b, have been stewarding these building since 1984 as one of
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the last vestiges of affordable artist space in san francisco. these buildings are vital to the artists whose livelihood hoods depend on them. each artist is a small business. they also house lorna kohlmeyer ornamental plaster, a legacy business which services the historic architecture across the city and which is the last resource of its kind in san francisco. since the signing of the interim lease in 2008. we the master tenants, have worked to keep these buildings operational for decades. we have strived to keep the roofs functional and the buildings as watertight as possible. however, we are hamstrung by the constraints imposed by the outdated interim lease and a lack of resources since the construction of these buildings 82 years ago. the original roofs are finally at the point where they require an immediate overhaul. we are asking the commission to work with us, our direct landlord, five points, and our indirect landlords. the city of san francisco and the us navy, to find immediate solutions to these pressing safety issues. on may 9th, 2024, i had the opportunity to walk through kozlowski and some of his
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colleagues from oci and the mayor's office to our building to survey the problems with our roof firsthand. we are hoping that this direct knowledge of our situation will end some urgency to the process. for some years, we have been seeking assistance from all parties concerned and have tried working through different channels to no avail. it's time to act in the interest of public safety. thank you. thank you. next we have lorna kohlmeier. good afternoon and thank you for continuing on your meeting to hear the rest of us, chair brackett, it's and other commissioners, it's really nice to just have face time and observe how thoughtfully you guys handle all the different things that come your way. just to give you a, an overview to a
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brief. just a description. my business is an ornamental plaster company. i work on victorian buildings. we have the last archive of all of the different ceiling medallions and brackets, all of the things that you see, all of the things that homeowners citywide need to fulfill for a restoration project in an authentic and good way. i am the last business surviving that does this in san francisco, and i'm only surviving because i'm at hunters point shipyard. it's the last affordable space for a small, independent woman owned business like mine. we need space. we don't. we don't make a bunch of money, but we enjoy operating our business and we enjoy being in our community out there. since it's lenoir up and left and left, the project kind of floundering, we've been out there since 2018 with major
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capital improvements that need to be made to the buildings, and we've been trustee, trustee that the efforts of oci with other parties or have over the past five years would come up with some kind of solution to just put a roof on our buildings and stabilize them so that we can continue to exist out there for another ten, 20, 30, 40 years. whenever lennar comes back to town, who knows? but for right now, our buildings are leaking and they're leaking. now we need we need help now. and we're sitting here. we've been a football passed between three big agencies the city, the navy and lennar corporation. all you know, with millions of dollars. i know the city doesn't have millions of dollars. i mean, everybody's after the city money, but it's like i'm looking for a creative solution. and i'm
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happy to hear you state that you are interested in redressing the wrongs of the past and coming up with creative solutions, and that's what we need urgently. so thank you. i just wanted to put a face to the name to all of you and thank you so much for your attention to this. and i'd also like for us to be julian and the landlords and, and my business out there. we would like to be included. and in the different conversations that are going on with other parties, because we've been, you know, trying to make our, our selves known and have been kind of felt shut out. so thank you so much. thank you. any other members of the public in person for public comment? we like to now call on any members who like to make a public comment. joining us by phone to please raise your hand by pressing star three on your
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mobile devices. madam chair, does it appear we have any other members wishing to comment on this item? seeing no other further, members of the public would like to make public comment on non-agenda items. we're now going to close public comment for non agenda items. madam secretary, can you please call the next item? the next order of business is item seven. report of the chair. madam chair , i am not going to make a report today because the things that i wanted to report on are going to be talked about in item eight b when our executive director is kozlowski's account. so i will pass on this item. madam secretary, please call the next item. the next order of business is item eight. report of the executive director eight b evaluation panel recommends action of a team led by curtis development to develop, own and operate affordable housing. mixed use projects on mission based south block four east, mission bay south redevelopment project area discussion director
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kozlowski. thank you, madam secretary. members of the commission, members of the public, you know, last, report, last commission meeting, i shared with you that we'd have a recommendation for the developer selection process for the mission bay project, for east, and today we want to tell you more about the dynamic team that we've selected here that we're going to be recommending to, in the next coming months, mission bay, block four, east is fronting third street, it's right across from the mission rock development and across from the police headquarters over there, in november 2023, we briefed the commission on a request for qualifications, for this rfq, and we released it, shortly thereafter. it's an affordable housing site, and we got a lot of interest from the development. affordable housing development community and got four high quality submittals, and in january 2024, we, organized a panel and went
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through evaluation. and we're going to be recommending to you, the team of curtis development and bayview multipurpose senior services, oci has done projects with both of the organizations in the past, most notably the bayview senior with bayview senior services, the doctor, george davis, senior housing in bayview at seven 1751 carol street, carroll avenue. excuse me. and with charmaine curtis, one of our current projects, 400 china basin block nine a that she is doing as a co-developer with michael simmons, and it's where we had that, hard hat tour quite recently. in china basin, to speak more about the development team and the project is phillip wong ocey's housing development specialist, and he'll be joined with the co development leads of charmaine curtis and cathy davis, who i see in the in the audience there, and they'll introduce themselves up philip tell us take it away. wonderful. thank you very much for the
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introduction. director kozlowski. good later. afternoon. chair. brackett commissioner drew and commissioner lim, my name is phillip wong. i'm a housing development specialist who just joined the oci housing team, this past january. i have to say, this is my first presentation to this commission, and i have to offer that. i'm very grateful to have joined a really talented, passionate, dedicated, group. i think that speaks volumes about them and their work in public service. and i'm very grateful that they've been generous with their experience and, and their time to help me adjust into this role, i also want to make a land acknowledgment. i know that our work takes place on unseated ramaytush ohlone land, and our collective work, is important to further that cause. and we recognize their continuous connection to culture, community and country, i also am here to present on the very exciting rfq evaluation panel selection, but i also want to acknowledge that it was administered, very well
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by the talented and dedicated kim obstfeld senior development specialist, with guidance from elizabeth colangelo, who is peerless as our housing program manager. and then just the amazing team at oci. so i'm going to move on to the next slide. this is a additional orientation to the site again at third street between mission rock and china basin streets, it is directly across from a southbound t third mission rock stop, and again is quite close to the to the amazing mission based south block nine, a homeownership project, which some commissioners took a tour of last week. so, as director kozlowski noted, the commission heard an information item on the rfq process at the november 2023 meeting, the first one in that month and then oci issued an rfq shortly afterwards, submittals from qualified applicant teams were due and received in
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january, and the interdisciplinary evaluation panel interviewed applicant teams and provided scoring in february, a brief review of the rfq program summary is shown on this slide in a table. we're going to start with the population who's being served. that would be certificate of preference holders, those displaced by the actions of the former redevelopment agency and their actions, and then their descendants, low income families and households experiencing homelessness, the unit mix is expected to be a targeted mix with a range of one, two and three bedroom units with ground floor community or neighborhood serving commercial spaces, and uses the project is expected to maximize parking to the extent that is financially feasible, and provide parking at a ratio of one space for every two units. so this slide is a brief overview of the selection criteria. it's 100 point scale and scoring rubric. there were
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two main scoring categories development vision and team experience and capacity. 30 points were assigned to development vision with approaches evaluated in development design property management, supportive services and marketing. the remaining 70 points were assigned to the experience and capacity of the applicant team. i'm going to go over that in a couple of slides. as noted, submittals were received and four of them were received in january of this year. it was a really fantastic turnout, then those models were reviewed by an eight person panel that was comprised of a member of the mission bay citizens advisory committee and then staff from the mayor's office of housing and community development, the department of homelessness and supportive housing and oci's design housing and mission bay area project management teams, oci contracts compliance team also oversaw the proceedings to ensure compliance with strict rfq rules and procedures. all four teams were incredible and offered excellent submittals and qualifications. but ultimately, curtis development and bay view senior
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services received the highest score and they are the evaluation panel's recommended team. so this slide is a review of the applicant team. and this is where the bulk of the presentation will be discussed. the lead developer is curtis development and bayview senior services is the co developer. and also the services provider. the john stuart company will be the long term property manager. why a studio will be the lead architect and davison associates will lead workforce and contracting, outreach and compliance, its primary drivers, for recommending the team is that curtis development, bayview senior services and studio have significant and directly relevant experience in building for and serving low income populations on oci and most cdd projects. curtis development and bayview senior services are especially focused on the needs and placement of preference holders or cfp holders. in their submittal, they detailed a robust strategy that guides preference holders through the entire leasing process from early and consistent outreach, counseling and financial
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training until they have their keys in their hands. for those new homes, a key component of the rfq, again, is prioritizing preference holders. bayview senior services maintains a preference holder database in both bayview senior services and curtis development have success collaborating with oci and ocd in finding, finding, working with and placing preference holders. we fully expect that mission bay south, block four east will be a continuation of that success. other strengths include a clear development vision, envisioning a two phase project, the co developer partnership has clearly identified roles and responsibilities that it's informed by their extensive development and services experience in mission bay and throughout san francisco, with the focus on a feasible financing plan and expedited schedule, and with respect to diversity, equity and inclusion, the overall applicant team is composed of women led bipoc led, or largely women led and bipoc led organizations, and they also provide meaningful housing and
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workforce opportunities to people of color. y studio's architectural experience is extensive. with oci projects in mission bay. i'm going to note again, mission bay, block nine a and then trans bay, an example being block eight, and finally the submittal included a detailed workforce and contracting action plan, building on davison associates extensive experience with small business and local business enterprises, contractors and professional service firms. so we have presented this panel recommendation to the mission bay citizens advisory committee earlier this month. and following this later afternoon's informational presentation, oci staff is going to continue working with the team on a pre-development loan agreement and exclusive negotiations agreement that we would bring to this commission for action later this summer, we also anticipate a potential concept design and schematic design workshop and related actions in early 2025. and i know a very important
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topic for this commission and for oci is, allocation of replacement housing funding, that would be needed for a phase two project, in addition to several other actions that are being assessed and considered at this time, but that would be subject to comprehensive discussion and approval with this commission. so that is all that i have to say at this time. i'm going to leave you with what we have in terms of a rendering. it's not really a rendering, it's just the existing conditions of mission bay, block four east, and i want to thank you for your time and attention and really turn the floor over. if, if, charmaine curtis and cathy davis would like to make a brief introduction. oh, my god, sitting here for three hours, i like to move. sorry good afternoon everybody, chair. bracket commissioners. mr. kozlowski, i almost called you your first name. sorry because we have known each other for a while, but, i'm charmaine curtis
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, and the lead developer for will be the lead developer. once you approve us for this project, i am, you know, super proud to stand here as one of the few black women developers in the state of california, i've recently found out about a couple more, so i'm really excited to meet them down in southern california, it was really important to me when i was putting this team together that it be a really afro centric team, especially given the objective of housing as many copy holders as possible and, and, i'm working with cathy. i think we're really going to be able to achieve that because bayview senior services has done a better job than pretty much any other organization in the city, i think to date at getting copy holders into the affordable housing that's being subsidized by the city, sorry i missed you last week at block nine, but i'm really happy to be continuing my journey in mission bay. it's, i think block nine a is going to
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be i mean, it is a fabulous project. it's going to be a really beautiful addition to the neighborhood. and for 148 lucky households. and so i am really pretty thrilled to be able to continue helping shape what i think is going to be one of the best neighborhoods in san francisco. it already is moving in that direction with mission rock, the new park, you know, the chase arena. it's really just an exciting neighborhood. and i've spent a lot more time there in the last few years and gotten to know it a lot better, so, you know, we are we're planning to knock it out of the park, and we are planning to do it relatively quickly because of the time constraint around the mission bay redevelopment plan that expires in 2028. so in order to do a two phase project, we are we're we're already moving, and we are, you know, we're going to we have a tight schedule, but we are confident that we are going to get it done and make it a really great project for the city and the
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neighborhood. so cathy would like to say a few words to, good afternoon, commissioners. i'm cathy davis, i'm executive director of bay view senior services and i'm very excited about this project. excited to be working with charmaine and yakub. that's the ideal team for me to be able to work with. and as i always say, you can build it, but you have to put the people in it. you were supposed to build it for. and if there's anything that we're about, we're about that we want certificate of preference holders to live in this building. we want the community to get in this building, and we want to be a part of from the beginning to the end. so i'm excited about the opportunity, to be able to create this space and to be able to work. i'm hoping more and more certificate of preference holders will really be able to be identified, and we'll be able to work with them. and by the time this building is built, we'll have a whole bunch of people that are ready to move in. so that's my motivation and being part of this team. and i'm very, very excited to be working
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with the group that we have. and thank you for this opportunity. thank you. madam secretary, can you please call for public comment? at this time, members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415) 655-0001. enter access code 26628309581, followed by the pound sign, then press pound again. to enter the call. please press star, then three to be placed in the queue. an automated voice will let you know when it's your turn. if you're already listening to us by phone, please press star three. we would like to now begin by inviting anyone who joined in person to provide a public comment to come up to the podium at this time. we do not have anyone here for in-person comment. we'd like to now call any members of the public who may be joining us by phone to press star three on your mobile devices to make a public comment
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. madam chair, at this time, there are no members of the public wishing to comment on this item. thank you. do we have any comments or questions from our commissioners for this item? this is just great to see. thank you. looking forward to seeing it progress. 100. so i had the pleasure of being at the hard hat tour of, building nine, a 400 china basin, with a lot of the ocie staff and some other folks, this past week. and it was just wonderful to see it all coming together, the units were very thoughtful, a lot of them had a lot of lighting inside, natural light coming into each unit, the fixtures, being able to have a washer and dryer in each unit. and i just was very impressed by the work that was
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being done by the team of, michael simmons and charmaine curtis in terms of, an affordable bmr for purchase unit space that, really utilized, the environment, the amazing views there. and then also was thoughtful in terms of creating a community within the building. you know, there were a couple different spaces that we got to tour that will be convening spaces, even a space for youth and teens, as you know, in san francisco. so we've been losing our little, little ones. and you know, as we've noticed, part of that is we just haven't built enough spaces for them to feel welcomed and families to feel welcomed. so i'm really was impressed and happy to see that. and am excited to see what this next project looks like in the future, i did have some quick questions, if you don't mind, i'm not sure who might be able to answer that, there was some mention of it being in two
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phases and would love to hear a little bit more about that vision of like, a two phase, and does that include food, potentially going high up? i know that we have limited real estate left in mission bay, and, the thoughts around maximizing that site space with the most units possible. so. thank you for the question, chair brackett, definitely, certainly within the initial stages of a developing concept, massing, because, again, we're currently limited to 165 units within the mission bay south redevelopment area plan, but i think there's a we're going through the initial stages of reviewing, a portion of the site, i think half of the site to build a, a mid-rise building, possibly a tower to accommodate those 165 units. and then when we come back later this summer, i think we would be seeking a pre-development loan
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agreement amount that would allow us to pursue, additional concept and schematic design for a phase two project, which we currently do not have entitlement for in terms of units, to make sure that the two buildings, which will likely be mid-rise or high rise towers, work together in terms of design and programing, but i hesitate to say exactly what it's going to look like now. and i think that was the purpose of going, that was like the ethos behind moving forward with the request for qualification process, because we wanted to bring aboard a group that was visionary and expert with oci projects, to give them a bit of license to work with oci as design review team and planning team to come up with something really magnificent as what you toward at mission bay block nine, a thank you. is that helpful for now? yes, that was very helpful, madam chair, if i may, through the chair, just to add to what philip said, also, this is a very classic large block approach. block two went
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through a similar process where a design team and development team was selected, and the project got funded and developed and designed in phases. so thank you, director koslowski, are we taking, action on this item to move it forward, or is this. no no, madam chair, this is just, advisory at this point. okay, we're going to be working with this development team, negotiating an exclusive negotiations agreement and a pre-development loan. and so the next action items will be that will be those two items, we'll give you some updates along the way to let you know how the negotiations are going, but the next action will be those two items. okay thank you so much. i'm seeing no fellow comments from my fellow commissioners, madam secretary, can you please call the next item? the next order of business is item nine. commissioners. questions and matters. madam chair. commissioners, do you have any questions or matters that you would like to discuss today?
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madam secretary, can you please call the next item? the next order of business is item ten. closed session. there are no closed session. session items. the next order of business is item 11. adjournment. madam chair, fellow commissioners, i need a motion and a second to adjourn this meeting. a motion to adjourn. i'll second. thank you. so moved and moved by commissioner zhou and seconded by commissioner lim. the meeting is being adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
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>> my name is julie maw. i am a captain in the san francisco fire department. i didn't grow up thinking i would be a firefighter. i didn't realize it was an option. i didn't see other people who looks like me in the fire service, so i didn't have an idea that this was a possibility for me. what inspired me is i had a few friends from the hip -- hawaiian community who were applying for the job at the time and they encouraged me to apply as well. we are a pretty tightknit community. we are like a family, the fire
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service is like a family. food is essential -- is central to our gatherings in the fire service as well. and teamwork and being part of something bigger than yourself and really having community. that is what inspired me to be part of the fire department. when i was applying for this job and i was going down that route of the hiring process, i looked around and i started looking at the different engines and the rigs driving around the street and i said, you know what, there is somebody that looks like me. there is somebody that looks like me. to me, that was really important. and that representation, what i saw, the light bulbs went on and i could see myself in the job. for me, being in this position as a captain, and being on the track and going around to her neighborhood, even when we are doing the most mundane of tasks, it is important that they see me
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in the role, right? asian pacific islander woman in a leadership position, that i am in this job. and even ringing the bell for the kids in the neighborhood, they see me, they cs, they see my crew and it is huge. that lightbulbs can go off for them as well like it went on for me. it truly is important to me to be part of an organization that supports diversity and representation. being in a job where we serve the community is really important that we represent the community. i think visibility, representation is key to opening doors for others, other people of color, other women, other people in the asian pacific islander community and say, hey,, that could be need too. i could be here serving the community and being a firefighter. [♪♪♪]television.
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>> (music). >> my name is vet at a original artist based in san francisco. >> i love it i love it i've never seen something else and we see how the people see which is happening and what is going on. kind of cool i wanted to be part of that. >> i saw it 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes
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you yeah. >> so we have you - yeah. i started going when i was young but not the type of kid would get food but this is something i really have been progressing on a talent from like other artists. >> this is amazing. >> this is so good yeah, it is so good like the artists. >> i love it. >> what a great project. >> part of the part for have i grants. >> yeah. i love it. >> i serve in for 2 two years now and i really am fortunate to live in a place for art.
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>> an effort creating places it serve san francisco soul and that makes them want to see this place; right? with the experience of art in san jose experience in from the get-go sometimes our environmentalist has created tests but we have an opportunity for that and have artists in the storefront part of project you can walk in and experience and hoping we'll be there for a long time. >> this is the first farther easy way of going to spaces i didn't know how it is really cool it would be and we're forced to be in the moment when we're test and creating
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something really cool. >> makes us feel good. >> as far (unintelligible) done all temporary and took them down i like the temporary aspect base (unintelligible) (microphone distorted) not permanent can enjoy it. >>
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>> making to may grandkids a program all about pop ups, artists, non profits small business in into vacant downtown throughout the area for a three to 6 months engagement. >> i think san francisco is really bright and i wanted to be a part of it revitalization. >> i'm hillary, the owner of [indiscernible] pizza. vacant and vibrant got into safe downtown we never could have gotten into pre-pandemic. we thought about opening downtown but couldn't afford it and a landlord [indiscernible] this was a awesome opportunity for us to get our foot in
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here. >> the agency is the marriage between a conventional art gallery and fine art agency. i'm victor gonzalez the founder of gcs agency. thes program is especially important for small business because it extended huge life line of resources, but also expertise from the people that have gathered around the vacant to vibrant program. it is allowed small businesses to pop up in spaces that have previously been fully unaccessible or just out of budget. vacant to vibrant was funded by a grant from the office of economic workforce development that was part of the mayor's economic recovery budget last year so we funded our non profit partners new deal who managed the process getting
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folks into these spaces. >> [indiscernible] have been tireless for all of us down here and it has been incredible. certainly never seen the kind of assistance from the city that vacant to vibrant has given us, for sure. >> vacant to ibvooerant is a important program because it just has the opportunity to build excitement what downtown could be. it is change the narrative talking about ground floor vacancy and office vacancy to talking about the amazing network of small scale entrepreneur, [indiscernible] >> this is a huge opportunity that is really happy about because it has given me space to showcase all the work i have been doing over the past few years, to have a space i can call my own for a extended period of time has been, i mean, it is incredible.
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>> big reason why i do this is specific to empower artist. there are a lot of people in san francisco that have really great ideas that have the work ethics, they just don't have those opportunities presented, so this has been huge lifeline i think for entrepreneurs and small businesses. >> this was a great program for us. it has [indiscernible] opening the site. we benefited from it and i think because there is diverse and different [indiscernible] able to be down here that everybody kind of benefits from it.
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good morning. the meeting will come to order. welcome to the may 22nd, 2024 meeting of the budget and finance committee. i'm supervisor connie chan, chair of the committee. i'm joined by vice chair raphael mandelman and hopefully shortly by supervisor myrna melgar. there she is. our clerk is brant halpa. i would like to thank eugene. labbadia. and for from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. mr. clerk, do you have any announcement? thank you, madam chair. just a friendly reminder for those in attendance to please silence your cell phones so as to not interrupt our proceedings, public comment will be taken on each item on this agenda, when your item of interest comes up and public comment is called, please line up to speak alonghe