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tv   BOS Budget and Finance Committee  SFGTV  May 28, 2024 8:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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good morning. the meeting will come to order. welcome to the may 22nd, 2024 meeting of the budget and finance committee. i'm supervisor connie chan, chair of the committee. i'm joined by vice chair raphael mandelman and hopefully shortly by supervisor myrna melgar. there she is. our clerk is brant halpa. i would like to thank eugene. labbadia. and for from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. mr. clerk, do you have any announcement? thank you, madam chair. just a friendly reminder for those in attendance to please silence your cell phones so as to not interrupt our proceedings, public comment will be taken on each item on this agenda, when your item of interest comes up and public comment is called, please line up to speak along the curtains
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to your, to your right, my left and, yeah, right along those curtains. and while not necessary to provide public comment, we do invite you to fill out a comment card and leave them on the tray by the television to your left, by the doors, if you wish to be accurately recorded for the minutes. should you have any documents to be included as part of the file, this should be submitted to myself, the clerk, alternatively, you may submit public comment in writing in either of the following ways. he mailed them to myself, the budget and finance committee clerk at birx entj a l i p a at sf gov. org if you submit public comment via email, it will be forwarded to the supervisors and also included as part of the official file. you may also send your written comments via us postal service to our office on city hall at one. doctor carlton, be good to place room 244, san francisco, california 94 102. and finally, madam chair, due to the due to the memorial day holiday, items acted upon today are expected to
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appear on the board of supervisors agenda of june 4th unless otherwise stated. madam chair. thank you, mr. clerk. and before i call the items, to on today's agenda, a reminder that for items that have budget and legislative analyst report, we will go to the department presentation and the then the budget legislative analyst report and then questions and then public comment. so with that mr. clerk, please call item number one and two together. yes, madam chair items. item numbers one and two are resolutions approving and authorizing the director of property to execute a, to execute lease agreements with the trinity center, llc, located at 1145 market street, the leases will be effective upon approval of the respective resolutions and authorizing the director of property to execute any amendments, made certain modifications, and take certain actions that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the city, and also do not materially decrease the benefits to the city in our
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necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of the leases or resolutions. item number one is on behalf of the law library for the term of 15 years, with one five year option at a base rent of 599,000 per year, with 3% annual rent increases and a partial market reset in year 11. item number two is on behalf of the health service system, to lease a portion, to lease of a portion of the real property, for an initial term of ten years with one five year auction, extension option to renew at an initial annual base rent of approximately 589,000, with 3% annual increases. madam chair. thank you, mr. clerk. colleagues, we have heard this these two items, last week and it was continued due to amendments that, in effect, adding the dollar amount corrected on the actual legislation as well as, the term, the years of and option, on these leases. so, i don't
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know if it requires extensive discussion today. i don't see any name on the roster. would it be okay if i just go to public comments on these two items i see nodding? let's go to public comments on these items. yes, madam chair, we now invite members of the public have joined us today who wish to speak on these items. one and two, to line up, to speak now along those windows, when you come forward to the lectern, all speakers will have two minutes to speak. madam chair, we have no speakers. thank you. seeing no public comments, public comment is now closed. and with that, i would like to move these two items to full board with recommendation, a roll call, please. and on that motion to forward, both resolutions to the full board with a positive recommendation, vice chair mandelman mandelman i. member. melgar. melgar i chair chan i chan i we have three eyes. thank you. and the motion passes. and with that, mr. clark, please call item number three. yes. item number three is a resolution approving the harvey milk terminal one museum store lease, between love from usa
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group, inc. and the city and county acting buying through its airport commission for a term of seven years with two one year options and a minimum annual guarantee of 205,000 for the first year of the lease to commence upon approval by the board of supervisors. madam chair, thank you. today we have sfo, our san francisco airport here. good morning, supervisors. the airport is seeking your approval for a new concession lease in harvey milk terminal one with love from usa group inc. for a lease term of seven years, with two one year options to extend this lease results from a competitive request for proposals. process love from usa group inc. was the sole proposer and their proposal was found to be both responsive and responsible. love from usa group is a women owned, established 100% airport concession, decent managed business enterprise with more than 45 years of retail experience. the store will feature merchandise from local bay area museums, including the asian art museum, contemporary
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jewish museum, museum of the african diaspora, and the california academy of sciences. there is no bla report as it did not reach the threshold requirement, and i'm happy to answer any questions. thank you, we don't have any questions. we appreciate this work. we understand, we appreciate the guarantees always. and with that, let's go to public comment on this item. yes. members of the public who wish to address this committee regarding this item number three, now's your opportunity to step up to the lectern. madam chair, we have no speakers seeing no public comments. public comment is now closed. i would like to make the motion. i make the motion to move this item to full board with recommendation and a roll call, please. and on that motion to forward to the full board with a positive recommendation, vice chair mandelman mandelman i member melgar melgar i. chair chan i chan i we have three eyes. thank you and the motion
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passes. and with that, mr. clerk, please call item number four. yes. item number four is a resolution approving amendment number three to the terminal three. coffee and quick serve concession lease between elevate gourmet brands inc and aim high esg, llc. a joint venture doing business as elevate gourmet brands, sfo group and the stanton county. acting by and through its airport commission for the removal of the sf mac and cheese kitchen facility from the lease reimbursement of approximately 279,000 to the tenant for unamortized construction costs relating to the sf mac and cheese kitchen facility and reduction of the minimum annual guarantee from 375,000 to 185,000, and the annual promotion charge from approximately 2000 to 405 to reflect the reduction in the square footage of the remaining premises of the lease, effective upon approval of this
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resolution, with no change to the term of march 11th, 2019 through september 30th, 2031. madam chair, thank you. and again, this is for san francisco airport. and this one actually has a bla report. yes good morning, deanna bullock again with sfo. the airport is seeking your approval for the third amendment to the concession lease with elevate gourmet brands sfo group. the proposed amendment would remove san francisco mac and cheese kitchen from the lease, reimbursed 279,627 to the tenant for unamortized construction costs and reduce the minimum annual guarantee from 375,000 to 185,000, and the annual promotion charge from 1991 to 405. the original lease was approved by the board of supervisors in february 2019 for two facilities and a term of eight years, with two one year options to extend the first location opened on march 12th, 2020. unfortunately, construction on the second location, sf mac and cheese kitchen, had just started when
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the pandemic began and has been suspended since. the airport would like to recapture the location for use in connection with the terminal three west modernization project, specifically for use by united airlines. the airport anticipates receiving approximately $90,850 per year in increased rent from united airlines for the premises. the budget analyst has reviewed the proposed amendment and recommends approval, and i'm also happy to answer questions. good morning, supervisors. nick menard from the budget legislative analyst office. item four is a resolution that amends an airport concession lease to remove one of the tenants in a restaurant premises and terminal two. the restaurant never opened, and so the amendment removes them from the premises, reduces the minimum guaranteed rent from 375 to $185,000 a year, and also has the airport
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paying $279,000 of tenant improvement work that was undertaken in by the tenant that benefited the airport, but that was never able to be able to be recuperated because that restaurant never opened. we detailed the changes on page eight of our report, and we note that this is a revenue loss of $1.3 million to the airport over the remaining term of the lease that is partially offset by the increased rent from united airlines. we recommend approval of item four. thank you, thank you. and we understand this change, and i'm glad that we can capture with united airlines in this space and be able to even out with the, rent. and so i don't see any name on the roster . we'll go to public comment on this item. yes. members of the public who wish to address this committee regarding this item number four, please step up to the lectern and you'll be given two minutes. madam chair, we have no speakers. thank you.
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seeing no public comments. public comment is now closed. colleagues i would like to move this item to full board with recommendation and a roll call, please. and on that motion to forward this resolution to the full board with a positive recommendation, vice chair mandelman mandelman i member melgar melgar i chair chan chan i. we have three eyes. thank you. and the motion passes. thank you. and i just wanted to say we hope you will be able to enjoy the wag brigade today, as they are here from 10 a.m. to 230. in case you need any doggy cuddles. so thank you so much. room 278. room 278. thank you. forward to it, and with that, mr. clerk, please call item number five. yes. item number five is a resolution authorizing adoption of the san francisco mental health services act. three year program and expenditure, or integrated plan for fiscal years 2023 through 2026. madam chair, thank you. and today we have our department of public health. it's quite a
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long title. the office of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion, behavioral health services. yes. thank you. thank you. supervisors, hello. my name is jessica brown. as i stated, i'm the director of the office of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion and the behavioral health services act. i am here today to present to you the three year integrated plan for fiscal year 2324 through fiscal year 24, 2526. i just want to advise that this plan was developed prior to prop one passing. and so during this presentation, we'll do an overview of the mental health services act. you'll hear me interchangeably say that name. and then we'll also get into some details about how prop one is going to impact and what our plan is. so thank you. so again overview of mental health services act going over our 2122 selected outcomes as well as our plans for the next fiscal or for this fiscal year, as well as just our integrated plan overall. and then again, reviewing prop one. so the mental health services act, now
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known as the behavioral health services act, was enacted into law in 2005. it is a 1% tax on personal income, over $1 million to allow counties to transform mental health services to really address the unmet needs of our vulnerable populations. it's a way to also provide culturally responsive care and also support peers with lived experiences to be able to be into our system of behavioral health and it's based off a set of core principles. those principles have to deal with not only providing wraparound services for families, but also cultural competency. prior to prop one, we have five funding components of the mental health services act. those funding components are allocated and mandated by the state, where the state will allocate funding into each of those. those buckets that you're seeing. the first is community services and supports, which really focuses on, mental health and substance use services for co-occurring conditions. it looks at full service
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partnerships and also to it provides support for peers with vocational training, peer support services and housing. the second category is innovations. and this this category allows us to, pilot and test innovative mental health programs that are culturally responsive to the unmet needs of our clients. the third category is prevention and early intervention, which focuses on population focused programs as well as prevention and early interventions for mental health support. and the last two categories are workforce education and training, and also capital facilities and technology needs, although we have five mandated funding categories, san francisco actually divides up those funding categories into service categories to allow us to be better, to serve and provide a wide variety of programing to our clients. and i'll get a little bit more into that. i wanted to go over the funding components because they have changed what, prop one. but just to give you a landscape of where
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we're at now, prior to prop one, we had five into prop one. we're going down from 5 to 3. and i'll explain a little bit more about that in a minute, so here are some of our, outcomes, what we did in the fiscal year 2122 is sustain a lot of our current programs and services that really support population focused programs. we expanded our funding to include pilot programs such as our culturally congruent program with our civil service clinics that focus on black african american clients, as well as providing culturally affirming patient navigation support at our chinatown north north beach clinic, we also developed a request for proposal to provide, mental health services for, post, post and pre, pre and postpartum birthing people. and so we're working with four of our community based organizations to start within the next fiscal year. those services for birthing people. we also partnered with the human rights commission to provide
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talk therapy services for black african american clients throughout san francisco, and then we also to ensure that we were continuing, as i mentioned, our population focused programs, in addition, we have our peer specialists certification program, where we created with rams, our one of our cbos, to be able to provide our peers with training to, support medi-cal billing as well in our peer programs. and so that was another program that was launched. so far, we have funded 258 peers in fiscal year 21, 20, 2122, throughout our behavioral health systems, just wanted to go over real quickly about how we evaluate our programs. we are mandated by the state to provide an annual update and also a three year plan. that three year plan does. and the annual update does consist of demographics and narratives on how our programs
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are doing. we have mid-year and year end reports that we require all of our cbos to provide to us so that we can evaluate the programs also to we provide technical assistance through our contract negotiation process, to better support our programs as they're implementing their their , their interventions. these are just some of our outcomes, giving you all some percentages for how our full service partnerships, outcomes were. we had 86% decrease in arrests for, older adults that had participated in the full service partnership. we also had an 87% decrease in mental health and substance use disorder emergencies for adults. our population focus programs, we saw a significant impact in 90% of our 97% of our client s, increased their quality of life as feeling better, also to participating in more therapeutic services. 80% of our older adult clients also attending some of our senior, drop in in center activities in
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which reported an increase in socialization. and then we also had 100% of our, our peers that graduated from our vocational programs with our ability. again, each year we are required and this again, prior to prop one, we were required to present a three year plan to you all to for board approval to submit to the department of health care services, this three year plan again just looks into everything that we've done over the last three years and also includes the community feedback we've conducted nine, 16, community engagement meetings across the city with over 165 individuals, to understand the needs and also to get community participation in how we were implementing some of our mental health programs. so some of the spotlight of our program, would be, as, as our community faces a variety of
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crisis and mental health and overdose and homelessness concerns, images say has been very committed to being a part of san francisco's mental health system to really transform and provide mental health needs to all san francisco, san franciscan, who lack insurance and also are experiencing homelessness. we provide 51% of our funding to address serious mental health and co-occurring substance use. we also provide comprehensive housing to meet the better needs of unhoused individuals and also we again, as i mentioned earlier, have a lot of population focused programs that address racism and equity issues as well, so this is, again, looking forward into 2000 to fiscal year 2526, some of our programs, again, include improving the mental health needs for pre and postpartum clients, working with homeless children's network. then
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continuing our kumba peer fellowship and also again launching our culturally responsive programs within our civil service clinics. we have, innovation programs that are launched at four of our civil service clinics south of market omi, our tech clinic, and also to our mission mental health alternatives program. and so we're going to continue to will be continuing to really expand on our full service partnerships, especially with the new proposition one requirements. so this just gives you an overview of our budget and our proposed budget that's going to be in our three year plan, i just want to just iterate to you all that we are 13% of the overall behavioral health service budget, and our funding is very volatile because we rely on the taxpayers. our funding can fluctuate from year to year, so this gives you a breakdown of all the different funding categories. the five that i mentioned earlier and how
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much funding we did put into it, what our expenditures were for actual fiscal year 2324, and then what our estimated expenditures will be for the following years. again, this was created prior to prop one. so that is going to change a bit with the new requirement points, and again i wanted to just give you an overview of our revenue. we did see a significant increase in our revenue in fiscal year 2324. but as the years are going, we are seeing a significant fall in the budget. again, that is because of the funding being volatile. we do get a state projection from our state financial forecaster, mike geis, that let's all counties know how our budget is going to do. we're going to be meeting with him and believe in july to get more insight of where our budget will be at. but these are the these are the projections as of now. this gives you all an overview of our unspent balance and where we're at, again, our funding, we do project out three
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years with the three year plan. some of this funding will show an unspent balance, that we are accounting for as we allocated for our prudent reserve that's mandated by the state. we also do an internal reserve just to be able to have a little bit of cushion for any economic downfall or downturn. and we also keep that internal reserve in the event that we are not getting as much funding as we thought the previous year due to the volatility of our budget. we also have an unspent balance that includes money that's allocated for positions, money that's allocated for some of our new programs that we're launching, and that we're still waiting for those programs to start. okay. so proposition one, so what we'll be seeing with proposition one is not it's not just necessarily the change to the behavioral health us or the mental health program, but it's also including things such as the care act. also our bond to build, also some other
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components of prop one and the reform of the mental health services act. so the next three year plan will reflect the adjustment to programing in alignment with the new design of behavioral health services. our for under proposition one, our funding components will now go down from 5 to 3. and those funding components will consist of full service partnership housing. and also the new funding category which is called behavioral health services and support. so we'll have to be making adjustments over the next 24 months to align our programs within those three buckets of funding, we are currently not aligned with the new with new. the new spending requirements for proposition one, we need to make some adjustments as it pertains to putting more funding into housing. but again, we have we'll be waiting for state guidance over the next 24 months on how we'll be implementing that. and just to give you all a timeline real quickly, this is
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this is from the department of health care services. right now, they're conducting a robust session of public, listening sessions for communities to get more feedback and really to provide any secondary guidance on the statutes and how we're going to implement, beginning this summer. i believe what you all may be aware of is that they are going to start having the applications for the bond for housing, beginning early to 2025. we'll start having more guidance on how on the integrated plan. and then by summer of 2026, we'll be responsible for integrating the new proposition one requirements into behavioral health services act. okay. and that concludes the presentation. i'm here for questions. thank you. vice chair mandelman. thank you, chair chan, thank you for the presentation. thank you for your work. i don't think i have a
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question, but i, i do, you know, i've i've now voted on, i think, two of these mhsa plans and, they always give me a little bit of heartburn in that i look back at the high ambitions that prop 63 set, the desire, you know, that my chair, then senator steinberg had for that to be, you know, game changing. and it really was in terms of the amount of money that was generated for behavioral health services in california. now, we spend a lot in san francisco. and this is, you know, as your presentation points out, only 13% of our behavioral health expenditures is. but they've all these plans have always seemed to me radically disconnected from the behavioral health needs that i think most san francisco ans are most acutely concerned about. and it may be that the
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plan actually accounts for a lot of expenditures that are going to address, severe mental illness and addiction among unhoused and marginally housed folks. but it doesn't it doesn't come crystal clear through with that. and i will say that i and my office and i think some reporters have had a lot of trouble getting information out of dph about how we and this is particularly relevant during the prop one conversation, getting information about how san francisco spends our mhsa dollars, because because we were the politicians, some of the politicians in this town, including myself, were big proponents of prop one, and prop one had two component s, one being a very large, amount of capital dollars for placements for people with severe mental illness. but the other piece was
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an implicit rebuke, i guess, to the counties in how they were spending their, prop $63 in a sense that those funds were really not getting used to tackle that really acute california wide need to make good on our commitments that we made when we started dismantling the mental institutions. and i don't feel like this plan that we have here rises to the challenge, and i understand that it is paperwork and that we have to get it done and that we're, you know, it's retrospective, but i don't quite understand why we weren't thinking about it in these terms. i mean, it's not like the world has changed dramatically over the past four years. i mean, it has in some ways, but in a lot of ways, the concerns around behavioral health, street conditions, overdose, it's all gotten. a lot of it has gotten worse. not all of it. a lot of it has gotten
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worse. but i think, this is not a description of all the work that behavioral health is doing. it's again, i understand a relatively small piece, but it gives me concern and, you know, we're talking about this stuff in other contexts. and working groups and hearings and in lots of different ways. but i continue to have concern about these. i'm going to vote for it, but i just continue to be worried about what i see as a lack of focus on the things that i think, san franciscans and california's more broadly are most concerned about in the behavioral health context. thank you. would you like to respond? oh, okay. well well, we do appreciate your your comments. and i do think with proposition one, the benefit of it is there are going to be conversations around making sure that the funding is not volatile. i think
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because the funding goes up and down, we've had to make quick adjustments to that, right? we also have to plan out in the future based off of projections that could be delayed. so in covid, we use a lot of state dollars to really help with cip hotels. a lot of our cbos went to do virtual case management. also being able to continue to really serve our clients during one of the most terrible times of our, of our lives. and so i do think, though, because there is a standard and what we have to report to you all in the state, it does not reflect the tremendous work, to your point, that our, our cbos have done, given the small amount of our budget and the volatility of it, a lot of our cbos have been able to do tremendous work with the with the mental health services act. and i do think it is an opportunity with the reporting requirements that they are going to change. we are going to have to report on all of behavioral health. it will give you all a
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clearer picture on how we work collaboratively with other systems of care to address those unmet needs. right now, it's more focusing on you know, trying to spotlight how we're spending. again, we have these requirements that we have to adhere to the state to get approved, to keep our funding. and it could be it could help to, you know, we have 200 pages in that document. it's not nearly enough to really present to you all on the work that we are doing behind the scenes and what we've been doing with some of the with with some of our community based stakeholders. absolutely so thank thank you for your your feedback on this. it is helpful. thank you. thank you for that. i mean, two, two thoughts in response to your thoughts. but, in terms of the volatility of the of the funding source, i think, you know, that is that is a concern that was raised by a lot of the counties, in the prop one, context, as you know, the state is pushing for counties to spend more of these dollars on addressing. i think these longer term, needs and the
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county's reluctance to, like, go all in on something when the money, you know, may dry up the next year or two years down. now, i do think we it looks like there is a way to address that, which is to, you know, build up reserves and plan, you know, to spend money over time and hedge against what will be inevitable downturn. so i do think that concern can be accommodated. but the other the larger concern i have, which you you and dpi cannot answer, we're going to have to have a conversation with the state about this is the implication in prop one is that the mhsa dollars are supposed to be the operating support to sustain the additional facilities that get opened. using the capital dollars and the scale of the funds in san francisco. i mean, i think even if we radically even if your
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next plan for us, which i would encourage you to bring sooner than 2026, but, even if the next, plan radically shifts our funding towards, you know, the ongoing costs of, say, facilities for people with severe mental illness, that's not enough money to come close to meeting the need. and so i do think, you know, again, i'm glad the state passed prop one. i think we should use prop one. and i think we also are going to need to be having an ongoing conversation on urgently with the state and federal government about getting the resources to, to, make sure that these facilities are operable in a way that we, we can be proud of and that our, you know, actually good, the options, you know, the ways to do this badly are, it's it would be easy to do this
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badly. it would be easy to open up underfunded facilities that are beautiful when they open and don't have the dollars to take care of. the people in them are horrible for the people who get placed there and are horrible for the communities in which they're located, and that would be bad. yeah. so thank you. thank you, thank you, so today we're we're approving an expenditure plan for the next three fiscal years, but meanwhile, we're also now have received the new prop one mandates, you know, changing five different categories into three different three different categories, which actually make sense. yeah. and just so that it helps us to be, less specific but more on track in terms of especially it makes a lot of sense to me when it comes to housing piece, which i think is what vice chair mandelman was talking about in, in terms of conditions. and then, of course, in combination with the behavioral, behavioral health services and programing now. so if we're going to approve this,
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expenditure plan today, you, during this next three fiscal years, you're also going to have to rework the actual plan to reflect the mandate coming from part one, and i think that's also where the part where when will you be back before. before us? or are we, by the time you come back, you're already are working the new plan. and for new approval. or will you be coming back mid-year to be able to or mid of this cycle? thank you, to be able to let us to understand at least where we're heading and how things really, truly have changed from what we're seeing today and from your presentation and what now, prop one is requiring and i think that definitely for most, at least for me, it's, most of my interest will be understanding you know, giving the fact that really, right now the existing funding source for, for this program is volatile, as you indicated, prop one will then be
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able to really provide a stable, at least i think i assume it's a stable funding for us, but we won't know until you adjust the plan and apply for it and make sure that we really meet the mandate. help me understand what do we do between now until 2026? yes. thank you. that's a great question, so for now, while we are waiting on state guidance, we are putting together, we're hoping to also be working with you all on some of the implementations, especially with the bond we're looking for more guidance from the state, though, on actually the statute for housing. so what the plan will be is to continue to partner with you all, maybe doing some briefings, not coming to you all when the plan is due, but ahead of time in order to get your feedback and also to bring you in on what's happening for the actual program. part of the behavioral health services act, and, you know, there is going to be a lot of changes, changes that the state kind of prepared us for in the prior years, especially including substance use. that's going to be a not a
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big change for us, but that's going to be an expansion of our full service partnership. so our plan would be to come to you and be able to do briefings before the next plan is due in 2026. so again, that we can keep you updated on what our plan is. we're developing a preliminary plan with behavioral health system. and then also to the biggest concern is trying to manage the timeline with the state. so for the program we have until 2026. but for the bond we have until this summer. and so i think it's going to be a collaborative effort working with you all and some of our colleagues within dph to end the mayor's office of housing on really looking at that bond, while also to planning for the next 24 months with the actual program at behavioral health. so the plan would be to continue to work with you all. thank you. and i think that one one concern that i have with this, i shouldn't say concern. i want to learn more and i want to understand better. and i want to thank vice chair mandelman for like, really a one stat that he
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mentioned at one meeting. we have too many of them. but like in discussion, like the stat statistic that really stuck with me is that, you know, for all the population that the state can serve, san francisco alone really housed 14% of that population. and i think that that's if we think about it, that's fairly significant. in san francisco, seven by seven alone, i am in support of and i was to, you know, in support of and thanks to vice chair mandelman bringing us to have a more better understanding of sb 43 by aikman. and then now came the prop one, which is really a funding mechanism to really meet that programing needs. and so all that is to say specifically, how does san francisco, how will san francisco compare to the rest of the state specifically in this components of housing or conservatorship? and in combination of all of that and plus the care act or the care corp and so i just kind of want
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to make sure that when we do, when you do come back about the expenditure plan, that is a piece that i really want to understand because conservatorship is interesting in a sense where how long and what does that mean and what are the living conditions. and i think that, again, reflect back to vice chair mandelman about the concern about the actual condition of living overall and is that really going to be able to significantly improve, mental health for the individuals that end up in those, conditions and, and status? so thank you. it's not easy work. i am very grateful for your for your work. i don't see any other name on the roster. and so with that, we're going to public comments on this item. thank you. yes, we now invite members of the public who joined us who wish to speak on this. item number five, please approach the lectern and i will start your time as soon as you start speaking. hi, my
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name is tracy helton. i just wanted to speak on my previous experience of homeless and being homeless, substance abuse and mental health issues, and how i rehabilitated myself and now i am in the unique position of being a person who runs a program through the mental health services act that works with other people, and those are peer programs. and so today, we've brought a coalition, many of whom are your constituents and also people who have benefited from mental health services act programs, who have prepared comments to talk about either their experience of being a client or being a service provider who've done things like respond to crisis, respond to overdoses, worked with people in different various facilities within san francisco to talk about the specific impact of the mental health services act. so thank you, mr. tracy helton. next speaker, please. hi. my name is mark. i'm with, rams higher ability, which the
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funding of which under the current plan would be cut. so rams higher ability differs from other programs provided by rams including i ability which was mentioned earlier in that higher ability provides job skills training but does not require competitive admission. and i think this is a huge component of why it was successful for me. i have struggled with self-confidence for a long time, and programs like this, the ability to provide supportive job skills training is just extremely important for anyone struggling with a mental illness. i think, especially if it's depression. and so i, i just think that my path forward without higher ability would have been a lot more difficult and uncertain and so certainly i
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can't speak to the broader implications of the plan. but what i can say for certain is that program rams that provide mental health services without also providing job skills training. the city needs more of them, not less. and this is one such program, and i think that cutting the funding under the current plan would be a grave mistake. thank you. thank you much, mark, for addressing this committee. next speaker, please. hi. good morning. my name is maria jimenez. i'm a postdoctoral fellow at ucsf, and i'm here representing 40 doctor martinez wasn't able to be here this morning. he sends his regards and wishes he could be here. immigrant children are one of the fastest growing populations within public schools. joining a new community, learning a new
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language and navigating the immigration system all compound stress and newcomer youth prevention programs that focus on shared experiences, regulating skills, regulation skills and setting goals for the future. promote children's well-being after migration. i'm here today to highlight how mhsa funding has made possible the delivery of the program to latina youth across middle schools and high schools in san francisco. i'll start by briefly summarizing what the program is about and what it endeavors is. then i will ask you to consider the critical need for allocating dollars towards prevention and early intervention programing. fuerte is a mental health prevention program for newcomers students for it brings together mental health providers and school staff to co-lead a time limited group intervention for this primary aims are to link at risk newcomers, students with care to increase youth's knowledge of mental health and
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to promote students sense of connectedness. since receiving mhsa funding through an innovation grant in 2019, fuerte has reached hundreds of newcomers, students, all students who participate in fuerte are screened for mental health difficulties so that program staff can link students with providers across wellness centers and community based organizations. over 20% of students we served screened high for high risk of mental health concerns, and all were connected with behavioral health services. mhsa funding has supported ongoing program evaluation to help us keep improving. 40. as part of this evaluation, students are invited to participate in focus groups so that we may hear their feedback to refine the program. speakers time has expired. sure, i urge you to consider the critical need of the first. yeah, sorry to cut anybody off, but we are timing each speaker at two minutes. but thank you much. maria jimenez, next speaker.
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good morning everyone. my name is nancy and i am working with mission mental health, mission mental health. i'm working with drums, and i'm here to advocate and be grateful for the funding and in fact, trying to understand with the presentation of the where the money goes and in like the limitations that we have. and also being here to let you know how delivered we are, we are delivering the services, myself, i am living in san francisco for 34 years. i've been working with, nonprofits in different settings and of course, being the recipient of the secondary trauma of living in san francisco and being, in a limited budget for my family and people. and i am grateful that i
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came to join rams, which is an organization funded with mhsa also. and. i am so grateful and happy to be a witness of how we deliver services and the need that is there on the streets. when i walk on the streets on tenderloin and i see the lack of, opportunities and the need from people to be be seen, i, i am here to advocate and to present what is the need there and how we are using and how we need to have an allocated funding to continue working with the population that is in need and also, homelessness, drug abuse and everything is related to, lack of opportunities and
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funding and we have to and in regards when people are talking about thank you. thank you much, nancy, for addressing this committee. next speaker. good morning. my name is aaron rubin. this is toki. i'm a client of rams higher ability. i'm here to advocate for myself and my peers, i've been a client since october 23, and, rams high ability has helped me not just stay home and collect a paycheck from ssi, ssdi. they helped me, go into work every day doing a task or working with my peers, making me feel better about myself. doing all the things that i can do to be a productive member of society and, cutting funding for something mental health like this would be devastating to me and my peers. thank you for your time. thank you much, aaron. next speaker,
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please. good afternoon, everyone. my name is courtney ewing. pronouns. she her, i am a peer counselor, for rams on the wellness and the streets team. and i'm just up here today to thank df for everything that it does for san francisco. and i also wanted to, just tell a little bit about my story. i was unhoused for two years in san francisco, and with the help of, peer counselors from the wits organization and also, the lovely people from the street medicine team, i was able to, accomplish some great, some great goals. and i am now a peer counselor, able to go out into the streets and help those in need, i just would like to say
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that mental health and housing are absolutely interconnected, and one cannot be healthy mentally if one does not have appropriate housing. and for me, i basically consider myself to be a co advocate, just giving people who feel like they've been forgotten or like they have no hope, the, the opportunities and access to resources that they might need to, to dust themselves off, and get, get back on their feet. and so these funds are absolutely crucial to the well-being and health of, of the communities and people of san francisco. thank you very much. and thank you for addressing this committee. next speaker, please. hi, i'm ann marie barlow. i was a former client of rams vocational
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rehabilitation services. i know this great program that helped me obtain transferable skills in my new job with abode services. i was in nine month internship beginning in may of 2022 and ended in february of 2023. and it is a lot of the reason why i wanted to become a peer counselor, i currently work as a peer advocate, first on bart, on for abode services, also for nine months, that pilot program dissolved and i'm still with abode services as a wellness specialist slash peer advocate at city gardens. and, i had written a speech, but what i really wanted to say is it's had a profound impact on my life. the skills that i obtained help me document and do a lot of my current skills. and my position today. and i don't know what i
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do without rams and the mental health services act. thank you. thank you much. ann marie beller , next speaker, please. hi. my name is kim nolan, and i am what you call a success story for rams. i now work in the private sector working with rams higher ability, helping people bridge that gap between being, you know, help them get work muscle basically. and rams took this depressed wretch and gave me. the ability to prove myself. and now i am giving back by working with the company called piper, which i get to. i get the best job in the world. i get to help little children. provide children with, tools to learn
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coding and computers. and i also get to work with people that were in the same situation. i was in to get their self-confidence up to work. so now i am because of rams, the operations manager for piper learning. and without rams higher ability, i probably still be out on the streets. thank you. thank you much, kim nolan, next speaker, please. my name is frank johnson. i work for rams. i came to rams in 21. i've been a drug addict probably all my life. i'm 69 years old. when i first went to my first day, i told him i was thinking about killing myself. we went out for a break and the police came. i said, they coming for somebody. they came for me. i went back home because i told them, you know, about my that i was thinking about killing myself. i said then i was never going back and i meant that. but they kept calling me. i couldn't understand why these people calling me. but then i realized,
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because i said that i was going to kill myself. that's why they call it. so i went back, i worked there, now i've been there. i worked there, i've been working there for about two years. it's been great. but recently about eight months ago, they told me i had cancer and they throw. and that was very devastating. but they work with me there. i just want to say, you know, the most important thing to me was to do the treatment was that i could still go to work and get my dog. i went to work, i got my dog and i'm i'm cured now, so everything's fine. thank you very much. thank you. frank johnson. next speaker, please. good morning, my name is angela tang. i'm the ceo of rams. you've heard from some of us around the profound impact that mental health services act dollars have really made in terms of innovating and strengthening the mental health services within san francisco. i feel lucky that i've been with rams since the early days of
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advocating for prop 63. i've seen the positive impact that it's had in terms of innovating and advancing and really strengthening our our services, at at rams, it has allowed and enabled us to have peer to peer support services, vocational services, culturally responsive prevention and early intervention and serving the birthing community, so i wanted to just really underscore the impact that it has, that and how it continues to have profound impact on so many of us in the community. thank you. and thank you much. angela tang, next speaker. hello. my name is danielle marshall. i'm the deputy director for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion office. and before that, i had the distinct opportunity to work for street crisis response team in san francisco under dph. and so a lot of what has been said, i have firsthand knowledge of
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how impactful mhsa has been to the citizens that i work with in san francisco. i agree, housing is an issue. we need more housing. i agree mental health is an issue. i have found that with me being able to get my clients housed, i was then able to help them with the mental health services. and as you've heard about all the, programs that are here in san francisco, to be able to tap into these programs, to be able to help our citizens of san francisco, i will end with saying that the collaboration is much needed from you all. supervisors from different parts of city and county of san francisco to really make the impact meaningful as a behavioral health clinician, i have seen the value in all of the programs that we have worked with in san francisco, and how much mhsa has done can i say that we are anywhere close to where we need
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to be? no. can i say we need more? yes. but these people are dedicated to the work that they're doing, and they are making a significant impact. and i just want you all to understand that these services are much needed. thank you so much, and thank you for addressing this committee. next speaker. good morning everyone. my name is carmen castro o'keefe. i'm rams director of vocational services. higher ability. you've heard from some of our participants, graduates and now staff. i'm here to really talk about the value of vocational services and how a job is so much more than just a paycheck. a job helps individuals with their self esteem. it provides hope and meaning in their life, and helps them, you know, put a roof over their head and so much more than just a paycheck. so i'm here to really advocate for vocational services and maintaining these
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meaningful, parts of people's lives are we provide everything from training to employment services, where, our job developers work with city and county of san francisco employers and help them diversify their workforce by hiring our participants, our graduates from our programing, from our training. so we're really doing a lot for the community and for, individuals with mental health disabilities by providing meaningful activities in their lives. thank you. and thank you. so this is our final call. if you wish to address this committee regarding this item number five, madam chair, that completes our queue. thank you. and seeing no more public comments, public comment is now closed, i look forward to seeing an updated, to have the briefing and potentially an updated expenditure plan,
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corresponding to the new mandates from proposition one. and so with that, colleagues, i would like to move this item to full board with recommendation and a roll call, please. and on that motion, to forward this resolution to the full board, to the positive recommendation, vice chair mandelman mandelman i member melgar. melgar i chair chan i chan i we have three eyes. thank you. the motion passes. and with that, mr. clerk, please call item number six. yes item number six is a resolution approving amendment number two to a grant between the office of economic and workforce development and sf new deal for management of a small business grant payment support program to increase the grant amount by approximately 2.5 million, for a total not to exceed amount of approximately 11.4 million for the period of april 1st, 2023 through june 30th, 2025. effective upon approval of this resolution and to authorize the executive director of food to enter into amendments or modifications to the contract prior to its final
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execution by all parties that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the city and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the contract. madam chair, thank you. and just a reminder that we this item has a budget and legislative analyst report. so we'll have to department, presentation and we'll go to the bla. but here i want to acknowledge our colleagues. supervisor matt dorsey, is in the chamber and joining us, today. and we'll have some opening remarks and the floor is yours. great. thank you so much, chair chan, i want to start by thanking you, chair chan, and your staff on all your work on this over the last few months, we have had a lot of discussions around apec and the fund. this fund for at several budget and finance committee meetings. so i want to keep my remarks brief, apec was an opportunity for san francisco to showcase what a vibrant and world class destination we remain. and that negative headlines notwithstanding, we are as worthy of tourism convention,
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convention and investment dollars as ever before. but this was no garden variety event. it was a national special security event deemed by the us secret service and department of homeland security to be of international significance, and there were unprecedented security measures that went along with that. i think it also bears noting that there were uncertainties around those security measures, measures, and in many ways, that's by the design of federal authorities, at our first hearing on this matter, we heard from several businesses that were negatively impacted by those measures during the week of apec, after that hearing, supervisor chan and i quickly got to work to ensure that a portion of the remaining city reserves went to small businesses that were harmed. now, i want to emphasize that these small businesses made an investment in our city by staying open to be good partners with san francisco. as we played host to 21 heads of state. despite the uncertainties and problems that they might face
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for doing so, now, now san francisco is showing that it's a good partner back by doing what we can to make sure that they are made whole for their harms and investing in a success that benefits all of us, both the pre and post apec outreach also strengthened in my office's relationships with the businesses in the neighborhood. not all of the businesses in the perimeter even knew about the kind of support we can provide. and hopefully these new connections will pay dividends for years to come. so i want to say thank you to sarah dennis phillips and katie tang from d and the office of small business, respectively, together with their respective staffs, thank you to the neighborhood stakeholders and advocates who have been patient but persistent in their advocacy. we especially scott rowett's, executive director for the yerba buena community benefit district. raquel diaz, executive director of soma pilipinas. and manuel rodriguez, a noted purveyor of deliciousness at bonchon and more recently, izzy and wicks,
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which i would encourage everyone to visit at 155 fourth street, once again, chair chan, i can't thank you enough for your leadership on this and the work that your staff has done. this is it really is appreciated. your your commitment to our downtown core and the challenges that the yerba buena community is facing. so thanks so much. thank you, supervisor dorsey. and with that, today we have, office of economic and workforce development here making the presentation. thank you. thank you. supervisor dorsey. and good morning to you all, thank you for the opportunity to present on the proposed resolution to approve amendment number two for the grant agreement between the office of economic and workforce development and sf new deal. my name is jose cruzata. i'm the small business programs administrator, and with the help of my team, i help design and implement grant programs that help strengthen businesses and particularly our commercial corridors. in san francisco. and so today, we are seeking
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approval to, again, approve the amendment number two, for the, for the agreement between wd and sf new deal. so currently under rfp 219 program area small business grants, payment administrative support. we have an existing agreement of 8,000,969, $960,000, with about 1,000,950 and $47 remaining on the grant agreement to be expended. that grant agreement has $8,070,000. that's gone directly to small business owners. so a direct investment in businesses, part of that, the grant agreement is, in essence, for administrative costs and program costs, which you see there for $890,000. and we've been able to support about five different grant programs with the current agreement. our proposed additional amount is to not exceed $2,455,000. for this second amendment, and the new
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total will be $11,415,000. this is, as supervisor dorsey mentioned, is going towards, two grant programs. one is for the businesses impacted by apec and also some tenderloin based businesses where we're taking a, you know, deeper focus to create an impact that grant amount, will be $2,235,000 with the program and admin costs again being 2000 and, $220,000, just to give a bit of a synopsis of some of the grant programs that we've been able to support under this current grant agreement. and then the proposed grant, grant programs that will be coming forth. so we have some active grant programs as afshin's, which is some of our bread and butter from our department, and as well as the fillmore pitch, which is dedicated to businesses that are operating in the fillmore or are residents of the fillmore, no longer active. grant programs are these storefront opportunity grant program, which we were pretty successful, over the year
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that it that it ran as well as the small business training grant that provided training as well as dollars for businesses that went through an approved technical assistance provider. and so with the proposed amendment, we will be able to disperse funding to, again, the businesses that were impacted by the apec summit, we will be able to have a like a set of focus in the tenderloin where the storefront opportunity grant program there, as well as the entertainment and nightlife revitalization grant program that was just announced in the last month, so with that, if you have any questions, let me know. thank you. item six. this is a resolution that approves an amendment to an existing grant agreement between the office of economic and workforce development and sf new deal, this agreement is in place through 2025. and the amendment doesn't change the term of the agreement. it does add $2.45 million to the agreement and
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some additional deliverables related to, administering new grant programs. so this $2.4 million will fund, the grants to businesses and organizations impacted by apec that are in soma that $2 million appropriation was approved by the board earlier this year, as well as $360,000 in grants for small businesses in the tenderloin and then addition and $220,000 in administrative costs for sf new deal. we detailed those budget items on page 13 of our report, and we recommend approval of item six. thank you. i, supervisor dorsey, i appreciate everybody's presentation. i just also left someone out and that i want to make sure that i express my gratitude to doctor carol chang of the children's creativity museum for her leadership on this as well. thanks so much. thank you, i don't have any
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questions. i really appreciate in terms of today, like i don't have additional questions about the proposed program. i think at the end of the day, it's really once it's administered. how do we really like work with the community that it's in need and that the funds eventually really distributed to the people that as supervisor dorsey had mentioned, has really contributed to really the during the apac and be a partner and yet suffer losses during that time. financial losses at that time. i think that i want to circle back, not today, but at some point also circle back about it because, now that i'm seeing the apac funding allocated, for this purpose and use, and eventually i want to circle back about taraval and to see if taraval is going to be with a similar model, also with new deal, if you can answer today, great. if not, i'm happy to circle back another time. yeah, definitely happy. i'm happy to circle back. so at this
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time, the proposed amendment is only for the apec summit. businesses that were impacted by apec. we are working with another technical assistance provider for the taraval grant program that has additional capacity to provide on the ground support for those businesses disrupted by the sfmta. l taraval project. great. wonderful. just wanted to make sure that and then so we'll circle back for more information on that. and i don't see any other names on the roster. let's go to public comments on this item. thank you so much for your presentation. thank you. yes. if you have any members of the public here in the chamber who wish to address this committee regarding this item number six, now's your opportunity to approach. hello. thank you. i'm doctor carol tang, executive director of the children's creativity museum. i want to thank supervisor dorsey and chair chan for taking this project on unexpectedly, after the success of apec and the challenges as well. so i am here
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on behalf of many of the dozens of small businesses and cultural nonprofits who have been part of this. and again, we're just really pleased that this is moving forward. as some of you heard from the last hearing, this could potentially be make or break this year. there are organizations that are companies that are waiting for these funds in order to actually pay bills that have still been accumulating since aipac and to make the improvements. so i do want to emphasize that these grants are not just about individual organizations. it's a true investment in this neighborhood that still needs support with the with just a pro long recovery for retail, for convention, and really the exodus of many families here in san francisco. so all of us are impacted. we also hope that this really provides a deeper conversation and partnership between the neighborhood, small businesses and new san francisco new deal as well. to think about the kind of ongoing support
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they're going to need in this neighborhood. so we look forward to having transparency and community engagement and also then future conversations about what to do. so just finally, we do want to say that, you know, this attention in these grants will help us not just survive till 25, which is the slogan, but we really want to be thriving through 25. thank you. thank you, miss doctor. next speaker, good morning, supervisors. raquel redondo is director of soma pilipinas and, i want to i'm happy to say that since we were here last on this item, there are two new filipino owned eateries that opened up in the south of market in the cultural district, easy and wilkes at the metreon, supervisor was there for the opening, as well as mestiza, which used, closed during the pandemic but reopened a new location, so both places just made sf eater's list of hottest
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new restaurants in may, and we're really proud of them. but at the same time, we also know firsthand how it's still a daily struggle for not just a small businesses in soma, but, you know, throughout the city. so we really want to thank and all of you here for really championing this new fund. and we just request that, as this goes forward, that and sf new deal continue to work with our community to design and to roll out this fund. so that we can ensure the greatest impact and support to our small businesses. thank you. thank you, mr. diaz. next speaker, please. good morning, supervisors. i'm scott, rohit's, executive director for the yerba buena community benefit district. good to see you all. and just i want to echo the comments that have been made, by the supervisor and by other public comments and supervisor chan, we appreciate all the support and the process that this has gone through,
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through complicated times for all. and we're just beginning collectively and we have a lot of work to do in south of market to really make a strong, vibrant neighborhood. we have a lot of diversity and a lot of strong assets, from small businesses to cultural organizations to the convention center to tourism. and so we look forward to continuing to work with you all, cd, sf, new deal on this project and others to really make it strong and vibrant for everybody and to echo what raquel said, we look forward to continuing on this one specifically and sort of finalizing all the details and supporting our small business. and thank you for all your support. take care and thank you. scott rhodes. and if we have no further speakers, madam chair, that completes our q thank you. seeing no more public comments, public comment is now closed and so, colleagues, i would like to make this move this item to full board with recommendation and a
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roll call please. and on that motion to forward this resolution to the full board with a positive recommendation to vice chair mandelman mandelman i. member melgar. melgar i chair chan i chan i we have three eyes. thank you. and the motion passes. thank you. supervisor dorsey, and with that, mr. clerk, please call item seven and eight together. yes. item number seven. and eight are resolutions approving the second amendment to the grant agreements between the episcopal community services and the department of homelessness and supportive housing for administration of the following programs. and authorizing hscps to enter into any amendments or other modifications to the agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities or materially decrease the benefits to the city, and are necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of the agreements. item number seven is for a flexible housing subsidy pool program, extending the grant term by 36 months from june 30th, 2024, for a total term of february 15th, 2021 through june 30th, 2027, increasing the agreement amount
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by approximately 19.6 million for a total amount not to exceed approximately 29.5 million. and item number eight is for continued administration of the housing navigation program, extending the grant term by 24 months from june 30th, 2024, for a total term of july 1st, 2021 through june 30th, 2026, increasing the agreement amount by approximately 6.7 million, for a total amount not to exceed approximately 16.7 million. madam chair, thank you. i think what we're going to do is that we're going to do one item at a time with presentation bla report, and then we'll open for comments and questions and then go to the next item for a presentation by report and questions. so let's with that we will we have our department of homelessness and supportive housing. thank you. good morning chair chan. good morning members emily cohen from the department of homelessness and supportive housing. and i'm here with you for this first item to seek the
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second amendment to an agreement between the department of homelessness and supportive housing and episcopal community service forces. the second amendment would extend the term of the agreement by three years through june 30th, 2026, and include the total not to exceed amount of 29.5 million. like the flexible housing subsidy pool contract that you approved, i believe it was last week for families. this program for individuals is, is really about providing people experiencing homelessness with an ongoing rental subsidy in the private market and wrap around social services to help ensure long term tenant stability and success. as i mentioned, this is a form of scattered site permanent supportive housing. we have a portfolio of
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approximately 950 slots, a flexible housing subsidy pool as part of our larger 2100 unit. scattered site portfolio. and x through this contract provides subsidy, administration and supportive services like case management, housing coordination, landlord liaison services for 130 adults annually, 79% of the adults served in this program are over the age of 55, 30% are women and 30% are african american. reflecting largely what we see in the homeless population, particularly speaking to the vulnerability of older adults. and in the last fiscal year, x served 109 clients in 99 households. in this program, it is and is on track to serve the full 130 by the end of the fiscal year. as i mentioned last
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week as well, this is always a great opportunity and a great program for local landlords to get engaged with. so if you have units available, we're always interested in partnering with you. and i am joined today by chris callandrillo from episcopal community services, in case you all have questions for him. thank you. item seven is a resolution that approves an amendment to the department of homelessness and supportive housing grant with episcopal community services. this grant funds, the flexible housing subsidy pool. it's one of several providers that hsh contracts with to deliver that program. this amendment extends the agreement by june 2027 and increases the spending authority to $29.5 million. we detailed the budget on page 17 and 18 of our report, this spending is
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funded entirely by prop c homelessness. gross receipts tax, we also detail in our report that under the agreement, the provider is contracted to serve 130 clients a year. they didn't quite meet that threshold, in 22, 23, but they are on track to meet it this year, we also detail other, performance reporting that the department compiled, in our report on page 16. and we recommend approval of item six, item seven. excuse me. thank you . thank you. chair. i'll move on to item eight. good morning again, emily cohen, department of homelessness and
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supportive housing. and i'm here today to request your approval for a resolution authorizing the department to enter into an to a second amendment to our agreement with the episcopal community services, to continue to administer housing navigation services. this program began in 2021 to support the goal of moving at least 2000 guests out of the shelter in place hotels. as we began to wind them down and was incredibly instrumental in helping us reduce supportive housing vacancies and help improve the housing placement process for chronically homeless adults and adults experiencing homelessness. generally. this amendment was heard and approved by the homeless oversight committee on may 2nd. and again, i'm joined by chris callandrillo from ecs. if there are questions that he can respond to. again, this is a second amendment to
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the grant agreement to extend the term by two years and for a new not to exceed amount of approximately $16.7 million. the budget for this program funds mostly staff, including 19 housing navigators that work directly with 600 clients on housing applications and the move in process, as well as funding some flexible financial assistance to cover move in costs. moving and transportation associated with housing placement. through this contract, ecs is supporting adults moving into permanent supportive housing. this is largely project based supportive housing. their work includes locating and engaging the client, whether that be on the street or in the shelter viewing units, completing housing applications, taking folks to their interview or their appointments, supporting them through the intake and move in
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process, and then supporting them for the first two months of their tenancy while they make a warm handoff to the on site social service staff. the agreement is for ecs to serve at least 600 people annually, and ecs has successfully achieved that each fiscal year under the housing navigation process. this, again, is one of the initiatives that really helped us reduce supportive housing vacancies by over 32, and i'm happy to answer questions after the bla report. thank you. item eight is a resolution that approves an amendment to the hsh grant agreement with the episcopal community services pertaining to housing navigation services. the amendment extends the agreement through june 2026 and then increases the spending authority to $16.9 million. and we detailed the budget on page
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23 of our report. this grants, funded by a state medi-cal funding, we also note in the report that this agreement, while it served the number of clients that its contract to per year, it doesn't have any performance metric regarding the time it takes to get clients into housing. that's actually a metric we've seen in other rental subsidy and rapid rehousing contracts that i think could benefit, this contract going forward. and for that reason, we're recommending that hsh include this in future versions of this contract. or if even in this one, but we otherwise recommend approval of item eight. sorry, miss cohen, would you like to respond to just the additional, tracking requirement? and i think mainly it's the fact that if we're extending to 2026, certainly we'd love to understand if
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that's possible, to add it to this existing contract. yes it is. and we're in agreement with this recommendation. we are working with the provider to determine, looking at the baseline data, what is a reasonable expectation. right now it's taking about 61 days on average, to move people into housing, which is actually better than some of our other, subsidy programs. so we are happy to do that. and we can, send a final version of the contract to the clerk to add to the file once it's executed. i, i want to say that i am i want to say that like it is definitely difficult to really i just even, anyone that even if you have means to find housing in san francisco, it's not easy. and to not let alone to meet the demands of that household that you have if you have kids and which neighborhood. and so i do think that i'm going to so, so
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with that context, so with the understanding that it is very challenging that, you know, i think on page 21 of the report indicated, you know, that that this organization outreach to thousands of people and that would hundreds and hundreds of housing applications, clearly it was increased significantly in 20, in the fiscal year 2324, with 859 like from from 21 to 22 was 616. and then it jumped to like 932 and then 850 like while while over like 800. that's that's a lot of households. yes and out of which though it did have significant success, like so i'm just trying to understand help me understand because it had a significant success in 22 two at least according to the report, in 2223, it was like 92% of move in, at 854 and it dropped. but maybe i'm reading
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it incorrectly and so try to help me understand. like what? what happened there? yes. chair chan, thank you for that question. fy 2223 was the height of our cip free housing program. so we had a very, targeted pool of ten or of clients that we were reaching out to. we knew exactly where they are. they were in their hotel and they had on site case management. so we were working with them to move from the cip hotel into permanent housing. as we move into 23, 24 more people are the cip hotels have found out people are either in our traditional shelters or maybe out on the street. they may be moving around. so the work has become harder as the folks are not necessarily in the same very specific, very consistent place to find them and work with them. so the work has become more challenging since the end of the cip hotels, and i'm not sure if chris has more he wants to add to that, but what's that? yes.
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that is an excellent point. thank you. peter, during fiscal year 2223, we were leasing up many of the newly acquired buildings and we had the ability to rehouse many more people more efficiently because we had all these new properties coming online at the same time. and so let me try to understand that. so it means that because now that they're occupied, we move them in the stock housing stock availability has decreased in 2324. the stock of available units hasn't necessarily decreased. but it is not as like we're not leasing up one empty brand new building. now we are leasing five units over here, ten units over here. and these are not always the brand new beautiful buildings that we were leasing up in 2223. these are turnover units in our existing stock. so varying levels of desirability. and again people are living in various locations
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now that's good to know. i think that's always the part where i want to understand more the challenges that i, you know, i think that early, early years, when i first took office, sam dodge had talked about, hey, are the person is the person ready to accept the service? but also do they actually qualify for the service available? and then the ones that they qualify for, is it available to them as well? and i, i think that similarly to that principle, it's really what housing for individual. and eventually with that, it's the reason why i definitely love to learn more about that monitoring of like, how long does it take and what is the average rate and what are the challenges. just help us understand better about what the challenges really face to how someone absolutely moving someone in this in these cases.
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yeah. so there's a variety of challenges. as i mentioned before, right now, the average move in time is 61 days. so just over two months, which i think is a fairly reasonable time thinking about the process of identifying housing and moving. the challenges vary depending on, frankly, the funding source of the housing we're moving people into. so locally funded housing is simpler because we have reduced all of the barriers that we can control. you know, people have 90 days post placement to provide their documentation. that is not a privilege we have with our federally funded units. it is one we have asked for and hud has indicated they're interested in moving that way, they just announced last week that they're moving that way for public housing, housing choice vouchers, but not yet for continuum of care funded housing. so that is one of the challenges is, finding people when they're out on the street. can be a challenge. and finding the unit that best matches
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somebody's needs in terms of amenities, ada accessibility, location, and, you know, just fit for that person. so all of those things can be challenges to the process. thank you. i don't see any other name on the roster. thank you so much for answering all the questions and your work on this. and so with that, let's go to public comments on these two items. yes. members of the public have joined us today who wish to address this committee regarding these items. seven and eight, please approach the lectern. madam chair. we have no speakers . thank you. and seeing no public comments, public comment is now closed. colleagues, i would like to move these two items. to full board with recommendation, with the recognition that for item eight, which is for the housing navigation contract, that it will now have an additional requirement for performance objectives, to measure the placement, the time of the
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placement or the duration it takes for, for placement into housing, so with that, a roll call, please. and on that motion to forward, the both resolutions to the full board with a positive recommendation. vice chair mandelman mandelman i member melgar. melgar i chair chan i chan i we have three eyes. thank you. and the motion passes. and with that, mr. clark, please call item nine and ten together. yes. item number nine and ten are resolutions, approving second amendments to grant agreements between urban alchemy and the department of homelessness and supportive housing for shelter operations and services. at actually. hold on. actually, that's wrong. i'm sorry. okay. item number nine is a resolution approving the second amendment to a grant agreement between urban alchemy and the department of homelessness and supportive housing for shelter operations and services at the 33 golf cabin program, extending the
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grant term by nine months from june 30th, 2024, for a total term of december 1st, 2021 through march 31st, 2025, increasing the grant amount by, approximately 2.1 million for a total amount not to exceed approximately 11.5 million. authorizing harsh, to enter into any amendments or modifications to the agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities or materially decrease the benefits of the city, and are necessary, or advisable to effectuate the purpose of their agreement. affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act, and adopting the planning department's findings that the program is consistent with the general plan. item number ten is a resolution approving the first amendment to the grant agreement between urban alchemy and hsh for shelter services and operations at 711 post street, extending the grant term by 24 months from june 30th, 2024, for a total term of march 21st, 2022 through june 30th, 2026. increasing the
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agreement amount by, approximately 11.6 million for a total amount not to exceed 30.4 million. and, and authorizing hsh to enter into any amendments or other modifications to the agreement that also does not materially increase the obligations or liabilities, nor materially decrease the benefits to the city, and are necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of that agreement. madam chair. thank you, mr. clark, and let's stick to that format of the presentation. bla report for each item. thank you. thank you. chair, again. my name is emily cohen, deputy director at the department of homelessness and supportive housing and before you today, with a resolution that would authorize our department to enter into a second amendment with urban alchemy for continued operations of the cabin community at 33 golf, which was the city's first cabin community. and i want to thank supervisor mandelman for his co-sponsorship of this legislation. and all my
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colleagues at urban alchemy who are in the room to, answer questions that might come up again. this amendment was heard by the homelessness oversight commission in may and was approved. the new term of the agreement would or the new agreement would extend the term by nine months to align with our existing lease for the property at 33 golf, and would increase the not to exceed amount to a total of 11.6 million, approximately $11.6 million. the operations and services at the cabin community include food daily operations, site management, support services, case management, wellness checks, meals, and referrals to outside services. the cabin serves approximately 74 guests at a time in 70 cabins, and the cost per bed per night is
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approximately $125. as i mentioned before, this is our community's first cabin community. a really exciting opportunity to pilot this building type for use as shelter. and we have since expanded on this model opening mission cabins and are in the process of opening the gerald commons in the bayview, both of which will also use a similar cabin model in fy 2223, 28% of the households staying at 33 golf moved into permanent supportive housing in that fiscal year, the site served 178 people and, noting a higher percentage of women served in this program than among the homeless population generally. and i think that speaks to the privacy and safety that people feel when they have their own door that locks and after the
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bla report, i'm happy to answer any questions. thank you. item nine. this is a resolution that approves an amendment to an hsh grant agreement with urban alchemy related to the operating the cabin program at 33 golf street. this is a short term extension of the operating agreement through march 2025, which coincides with the city's lease for that site. there is an extension option on that lease, which, if exercised, this contract would need to come back to the board for approval to extend another year, we note that this amendment also increases the spending authority on the contract to $11.6 million. we detail those, changes in spending on page 30 of our report. and we note that this is funded by proposition c. we also discussed in our report,
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some compliance issues at the site related to certain requirements, administrative requirements and the grant agreement in terms of reporting information to hsh and, proper supervision of documents and case files that has since been remediated. and we discussed that, in our report, and we recommend approval of item nine. thank you. i think my question is, you know, it's right now, so roughly a little bit less than a year, for this 33 golf sites, when will we know from both the developer and city college that we are able to, whether whether or not it is an option for us to continue? thank you. chair chan. i think we would like to know by the end of the fiscal year this. no. excuse me. let me say that again. by the end of this calendar year, if we're going to extend so that we can prepare the contract for extension as well, ideally we would have the
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funding and be able to continue this project and the space, you know, if they're not ready to break ground yet. yeah. and then sorry, i as i recall, in a totality of running the sites, it's about $10 million per year. and that we were very fortunate in the previous or existing fiscal year that we actually have an accept and expand grant from the state to cover this. it is that is that correct, no. chair chan, this is funded by this is largely funded, i believe, by prop c and not by the state grant. thank you. and so with that, let's go to item. the last item. thank you again, chair chan emily cohen, department of homelessness and supportive housing. the item before you today is a resolution that would authorize hsh to execute the first amendment to our grant agreement with urban alchemy for continued operations of the 711 post semi congregate shelter serving adults
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experiencing homelessness. this contract was also before the homeless oversight commission in may and received their support. the term for under this amendment, the term would be extended to june 30th, 2026 and the not to exceed amount would increase to approximately $30 million. this is funded by the state's 100, funded by the state's home homeless housing assistance and prevention, or chap program. so the shelter at 7-eleven post is pretty unique. it's a former youth hostel with rooms that range from singles to quads, so someone might have their own room or share with up to three other people. and that's why we call it semi congregate. it serves up to 100 or excuse me, up to 250 guests at a time. and the format is
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very well received by the guests. people like the level of privacy and yet still has a robust community with community space on the ground floor or on the basement floor. urban alchemy manages the maintenance reservation, storage, laundry, all the sort of operational components of the program, as well as the case management, referral sales, support groups, and document readiness work that is conducted in the shelter. document readiness to help people move into housing. they are also the lease holder at this property. this is a very cost efficient model as well. at at coming in at about $57 per bed per night. it this does not include lease meals or ancillary services like shelter health, but a really cost efficient approach. so we have two semi congregate shelter programs in
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in the city, with about 600 or 550 beds in them, among our 40 304,400 shelter slots. so it's a small part of our program, but it's something that is proving to be pretty effective for adults in fiscal year 2223. we serve just six, just under 600 people at 711 post. and this, this this project has been quite a source of interest to the neighborhood that is hosting this lower nob hill. and i have been working very, very closely with the community to help ensure that this project and urban alchemy, as the site operator, hsh, our housing programs that are in the neighborhood that we can all come together and be a good neighbor and an asset to the community. and we've, i think, been really successful in achieving that in lower nob hill in a way that can really teach us what's possible as we open shelters across the city. and again, happy to answer questions
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after the bla report. thank you. i am ten, this is a resolution that approves an amendment to a grant agreement between hsh and urban alchemy pertaining to shelter operations at 711 post. this amendment extends the agreement by two years through june 2026, and we detailed the budget for the new spending on page 34 of our report. this is funded by my state homeless housing and assistance and prevention funding. happy funding, and we note also that the, the contractor generally was in compliance with the grant request payments. we have a discussion about their performance on page 34 and 35 of our report. recommended approval of item ten. thank you. and i wanted to appreciate the discussion with hsh to, i think,
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both the 33 golf sites, as well as the 711 post sites. the effort, i think it's very similar in terms of making sure that the community understand, the, the sites and how it operates, as well as our community partner, in this case, our contractors, urban alchemy, also build that relationship with the surrounding community as well as the clients that live on site. i also appreciate, being thoughtful and responsive to the 33 golf sites. when it was identified, the fact that you need to make some administrative changes and personnel changes, i think that's that's not to say that, that i think that it's great that for us to be able to come back in the fiscal year by the by the time of fiscal year 2025, again, to have a conversation about to allow that space to be,
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more comprehensive discussion both about 33 golf as well as the 711 post. but overall just, contracters performance and audits at these types of setting, and that's inclusive of urban alchemy, but also other contractors that hsh is working with. so i appreciate the willingness to amend to reduce the extension from two years to one year for seven, 11 posts so that we can start to align those time frame and for discussion. i don't see any name on the roster, for, for this, for any questions. and so i'm going to articulate quickly about so that when we go to public comments, we can discuss about the, the amendments before us. deputy director cohen, would you like to read the amendments for item number ten? and thank you, one
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note i did want to add on the 711 post contract. and as mr. menard alluded to, urban alchemy not only met, but exceeded all performance objectives in this contract in their last program monitoring. so we were very pleased to see that, and you know, we are amenable, agreeable to your recommended amendment to the contract and, and for the record line, i guess that's line two would be amended for the not to exceed amount to now be do you want me to read the red line or submit it in writing? what's what's the best way to do that. yeah, i think we're out loud. out loud. yeah and i don't think necessarily for all the lines, but at least the change of dollar amount and term. great. so the new not to exceed amount for the contract would. be
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$22,246,326 on line five. the grant term is now 12 months instead of 24 months. the increase line seven, the increase in the agreement amount by. $3,509,506, and then in line eight is the not to exceed amount that i already read. then those edits also correspond. to page two, lines 22 and 23, and page three, lines 14 and 15, 13, 14 and 15, which i've already read. so hopefully that's clear. thank you. and yes, and so that instead of through june 30th of 2026, now is through june 30th of 2025, thank you. and with that, let's go to public
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comments on these two items. yes, madam chair, we now invite members of the public who have joined us today who wish to speak on these items, nine and ten, to line up, to speak now to the windows to your right and my left hand. come forward to the lectern and i each speaker will be given two minutes. first speaker, please. good morning, supervisors. good morning. panel, my name is brian shepherd. i am a practitioner for urban alchemy, and i represent 711 post and 33 gulf, but i will speak specifically about 711 post. i was there as the opening, operating director when we started in 2022, i was there to welcome the first resident. come in, the first guest, since then, we have housed close to 96 people to date, and we've helped so many people get employment, get back on course with jobs, get, of course, get back on course with
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their lives, also helping people reconnect with families. i think that's important, but seven of them. post serves the community. we're in the lower nob hill area, and we have a great good neighbor policy, and i just hope that we can continue to be part of the solution. and we ask that you continue to fund us. thank you. thank you much, brian shepherd. next speaker, please. good morning everybody. my name is dwight jones, and i'm also a practitioner at 711 post. and i'm also a community member. you know, i remember a time where a 711 post, we didn't have enough manpower to watch the, the corners and the bus stops, which resulted in to the bus stops looking like the ones that we see in the tls these days. but now that we have the manpower and we out there patrolling the streets, our bus stops don't look like that. no more we out there making sure the bus stops is clean and regular community members to have the right to sit at the bus stops and not worry
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about secondhand smoke or anything happening like that. so i'm kind of nervous, but, we, we patrol our streets, we make sure everybody's cleaning everything is cool, and we have a good relationship with our with the with the stores around there. like, they have a problem. they call upon us and we go handle the problem. and, just to say, we make a difference in the community. like i go to work every morning at 430. i got up this morning and the first thing that i seen was our workers out there sweeping power washing and picking up the poop. as a director of the site, it makes me feel good to see our staff members out there in the morning making a difference in our community. but as a community member, it makes me it makes me feel safer to see urban alchemy out there doing their job. thank you. thank you much. floyd jones, next speaker. good morning. my name is danielle
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killingsworth, and i am a co-direct at 711 post, i have also been there since the beginning, when we opened in july of 22. we have housed over 95, 96 guests in permanent housing, i started as a supervisor for the site and moved over to the care coordination and am now a co-director, we start off with building great relationships with these people that we serve. you know, they have lost their sense of hope. i like to think and believe that we are, making a big difference in the community. we do have great relationships with our neighbors. i ask that you continue to fund this program. thank you. thank you much. danielle killingsworth, next speaker. good morning, supervisors. my name is everett butler, i'm one of the site overseers at 33 golf, and i was
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there when the first guest moved from the tent into one of the tiny homes. and one of his words was, wow, this is for me. and i said, yes, that's for you, danielle. and he said, who do i think? i said, well, you might want to start with the creator and work your way down, but just being there and being able to watch the guests transition from the tents into the tiny homes, that alone was priceless. and we've housed over 60. actually, we just housed another one yesterday. the blessing in it all is to be able to see those that were once unhoused be housed, and to be able to be there for them in this transitional time, in such a trying time, that lies the blessing that i'm so proud to be a part of. and i just want to thank you and ask that you continue to be able to be us and help us be a part of the community that helps others that need our help. thank you. and thank you. everett butler, next speaker. my name is netty garcia. i work in on 33 golf. i like my coworkers, say we provide a 50 night permanent
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housing last year and we almost 20 people got permanent housing this year. we also engaged with the community and we made sure our residents feel safe and secure. thank you guys and thank you much for providing commentary. next speaker maria, i'm a practitioner and care coordinator at 33 golf. just in the past, as of january until now, we've housed 330 plus people, being able to be a part of that. and again, engaging with the community, building relationships with the with the people that we serve and also the people surrounding us, it's a beautiful thing to be a part of, and it works. so if you guys can continue supporting us, that'd be great. thank you. thank you, mr. mayor. next speaker. yes, my name is anderson. trey watkins, and i'm also a practitioner at 711 post. and i am happy that we're funded, being funded at least
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for until 25, until we come back . i think that's what i heard. right. okay. so i would like to say that working at 711 post, it's beautiful that we're helping others, but in reality, i'm helping myself a lot because being able to give for once in my life, to be able to give back in the way that i'm giving back is help helps me as much as it's helping those who are unhoused and i hope you continue to fund us. thank you and thank you for your comments. next speaker growth hormone and i work at 711 post. i just want to say it's been a pleasure working at 711 post. i love my residents. my job is totally amazing and my favorite part about it is when a resident is going through something and we're able to help them and talk to them and make
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them feel comfortable, and i, my residents, are my most important people. and one thing is one time when one of our residents got housing, they were running out because they were missing their train, and they turned around and looked at us and was like, you don't know what you guys do for us. without you, we wouldn't be able to get housing and we appreciate that. and i hope that you guys keep funding us. thank you. and thank you for your comments. next speaker. hello, i'm lorenzo miller. i've been with urban alchemy 711 post for a little under a year, and i have seen amazing things. i've seen people come in with help and i've seen them go out thanking us for the help, and i've seen them transition. it's one thing to see people do that, but it's another to be a part of it. it's priceless. and thank you for addressing this committee. and with that, madam
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chair, that completes our q thank you, mr. clerk. and with that, a public comment is close. and colleagues, i would like to first make the amendment to item number eight as read out loud by department of homelessness and supportive housing. and with that a roll call please, just for clarification, madam chair, that's item ten. sorry. item ten. yes. thank you. sure thing, and on that motion to amend the resolution, item ten has offered, or as read into the record by the department of homelessness and supportive housing vice chair mandelman mandelman i member. melgar. melgar i chair. chan i chan i we have three eyes and that motion passes. and with that and would like to move both items to full board with recommendation and including item ten that is just amended, roll call please. and on that motion to forward both resolutions to the full board with a positive recommendation item ten as amended. vice chair
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mandelman mandelman i member. melgar. melgar i chair chan i chan i. we have three eyes. thank you. the motion passes and do we have any other business before us today, madam chair, that concludes our business. thank you. and then the reminder of the budget and appropriations committee will be starting today at 11:30 a.m. thank you. and the meeting is adjourned.
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[music] digital literacy is something severely lacking in our world today and it takes a
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lot to understand that. food water and shelter have basic necessities so long we forget about wifi and connection to the interenet and when you go into communities and realize peep ople are not able to load homework and talk to teachers and out of touch with the world. by providing the network and system we are able to allow them to keep up in the modern age. >> folks still were not served by internet throughout the city and tended to be low income people, people in affordable housing. people of color and limited english and seniors, all those are high concentrations in affordable housing, so we thought given that we had a fiber network that stretched throughout the city reaching deep into neighborhoods that would be a perfect opportunity to address it in san francisco. >> the infrastructure the city and star help us run
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are dejtle programs. it played a critical role from the time we opened during covid till now so we were able to collaborate with online services that offer tutoring and school support. it also helped us be able to log the kids on for online school during covid, in addition to like, now that everybody has switched most of their curriculum online we can log kids on to the online homework, check grades in addition to helping parent learn how to use the school system portm >> the office of digital equity our goal fiber to housing is insure we have all three legs of the 3 legged stool. the first leg is high quality internet connection. we liken the high quality internet connection to the
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highway. the second leg is high quality devices. this is the car. you want to make sure the specks on the car is up to speed and lastly, it is important to get kind of that driver's education to learn how to navigate the road, to know the signs to watch out for in terms of making sure you are school while you are surfing the internet it is private so that is the digital literacy piece. >> my daily life i need the internet just to do pretty much everything. the internet has taken so much control over people's daily lives including myself that i just need it to get certain jobs done, i need it for my life. i need it. >> the program really seeks to where ever possible provide a service that's equivalent or higher speed and quality as the best commercial service . >> we serve all of san francisco, but we definitely have to be equitable in our
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distribution of services. that means everybody gets what they need to be successful. >> actually one of the most gratifying part of my work here at department of technology, it is really bringing city resources to address problems faced with our communities with the highest need. >> i think it is important because i grew up in a low income community without internet access and it is hard. i think it is important for everyone to have internet access no matter their income and maybe one day their kid will have internet access for us and help the school and with their skills.
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>> calling roll call. president collins, present. vice president shiota, present. commissioner beltran, present. commissioner schnair, here. commissioner shelby, present. we have quorum to for today's meeting.