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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  May 29, 2024 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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>> welcome, welcome, welcome. come aboard, come aboard. simon, if you want to join us, you are more then welcome. alright. laura. lori. got the whole community here! hi, everybody. i'm san francisco mayor london breed and we are at harrington's bar and grill, schroaders is across the street. on saint patrick day this street is closed down and filled with people in a celebratory mood and every now and then we have opportunities for fun. every now and then. but, we are trying to change that, and we are so excited to be here
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with our-don't let the looks fool you. this guy likes to have a good time. state senator scott wiener, has been a really huge champion of night life and entertainment in san francisco and we appreciate his work and his advocacy on the state level to help us bring the fun back to san francisco. so, last night senator wiener and i were just down the street on second and there were a couple of blocks of our first thursday events, the first time ever and let me tell you, there was entertainment, there was a larger then life disco ball on the craen crane. there was a cute alice in wonder land instagramable moment and all the food trucks and restaurants were packed. they didn't have enough employees to handle the volume of people
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every restaurant you looked in was packed. every food truck had a line. all of the different vendors were selling their murchen size en murchen dize and more importantly, there was entertainment and people were happy. they were smilejug it was packed and i ran in250 folks and i said how did you find about this? well, i live down the street. how did you find out about this ? i work in the building. i said do you come 5 days a week. he said we come 4. i said good enough. the excitement of first thursday and creating downtown vibrancy and opportunities is why what we are doing today is so significant. downtown, we have a lot of work that we have done around rezoning and changes and 30 by 30 plan to bring 30 thousand students and residents downtown by 2030
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and excitement and businesses and restaurants, but fun has to be aert part of the mix, and what is more fun then creating a entertainment zone that isn't just during saint patrick's day, but the opportunity to do more fun in the streets of san francisco by allowing a certain area and businesses within those areas and restaurants and bars and others to provide alcohol that you can basically sit out on the corner right in front of the restaurant and hang out with your friends and have a beer. and listen to music without going through some lengthy city process of a sound permit drama stuff. i am trying to get rid of the bureaucracy, which takes away the fun in what so many of our small businesses are trying to create to continue to insure that the vibrancy and
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the excitement of why people love san francisco remains, and it remains in full effect. the night markets, the events and activities, the music, the fun, the dancing in the streets, the having a good time, that is the vibrancy we need to bring back and just to put it in perspective, there was a pandemic a hundred years ago, and i remember reading ing about this pandemic because we were in the midst of one ourselves and needed to get some knowledge about what was happening, and after the pandemic, after a few years or so, people were more celebratory. it was like a new era of excitement and fun and entertainment. that is where we are now in san francisco and this entertainment zone will provide an opportunity to
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make it easier to get to yes. to make it easier for us to create those opportunities and so i want to thank everyone who's joining us here from sf travel to, the golden gate restaurant association, to new deal and the people we work with here as partners in order to produce amazing events for each and every one of you and the last thing i'm going to say--to all those folks only coming into the office 2, maybe 3 days a week, the fear of missing out. just so you know, there might be something going on that you might miss, something exciting, because you decided to not come to the office. so, who knows what might happen on any given day we when we establish entertainment zones in a way to bring the fun and excitement back to san francisco and downtown neighborhood.
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with that, i want to welcome state senator scott wiener who created the legislation to make it possibility! >> thank you. thank you madam mayor and gay guys do know how to have fun, so we'll be okay. it is always so rewarding when legislation that you work on and this is now a three year process on this one, like manifest in real life and i am so excited that the city is taking this step and the mayor will be introducing legislation to create the first entertainment zone in san francisco under legislation i authored last year, senate bill 76, so thank you madam mayor for once again leading on entertainment, but also on the
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turning around of downtown. san francisco has gotten beaten up a last few years and downtown certainly has its very real struggles and we have to reimagine downtown san francisco. we are not the first downtown, lower manhattan went through the process and a lot of cities had to have a open mind about what the future holds and i'm very optimistic downtown will be reimanaged and reborn and absolutely amazeic in the future. not just about housing, it needs to be about housing and educational entertainment and what last night showed us first thursday, it was absolutely amazing for everyone there. there were thousands and thousands of people there from all over who were just enjoying themselves, and so i know that this entertainment zone is going to be equally successful and
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i'm very very exseated about it. in terms of what this does, it really-this would be impossible had we not changed the law, because under california law, until sb76 went into effect a few months ago, the rule was, the law was in california that you can have a street festival, you can have a street closure, you can do all that, but the local bars and restaurants can't sell into it. you can bring a outsideveneder vendor but the mom and pops bars and restaurants locally owned on the street can't participate. if you think about it, it is outrageous and makes no sense. it undermines the vibrancy in terms of having that interaction between people going inside and coming outside and everything being integrated, and it is just really flipping the bird at our
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small businesses in a lot of ways, saying you have to be here and just watch as everyone else enjoys and benefits. you can't do it yourself. i can't tell you how many times for example, when i was supervisor and we had the castro street fair and all the bars on castro street and 18th street unless they violated law were not allowed to sell in the castro street fair and that has to change and that is what we did with senate bill 76. i saw a headline this morning about bourbon street and new orleans and nashville is a lot of fun but there are a bunch of states, michigan, ohio, new jersey. this is something states have done in recent years to empower cities to have the most activated public spaces possible. to empower cities to have this kind of
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amazing interaction where people go out, enjoy themselves, have a beer and just have a great time so i'm very excited about it. i also just want to say that, we want to make sb76 even better. the bill right now allows one-off special events, which is great. we love special events. it was limited only to san francisco. i'm author senate been 969 to expand to the entire state, because if san francisco can do it the other 500 cities in california should have the same choice. and also, to make sure that these zones can be made more long-term and even permanent, because once you can make something permanent you can make physical changes to make a truly amazing space for long-term. this is very exciting, thank you to every one who made this policy and i'll turn it to sarah dennis phillips with office of workforce gement.
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development. >> thank you for allowing this to happen. thank you mayor breed. thank you robby [indiscernible] harrington, [indiscernible] these are people that will move these things forward and that's what real economic development looks like, including local business moving forward. we are so excited to take this next step on this part of mayor breed road map to san francisco future:downtown of arts cultural and night life. this is happening on the heels of two programs launched last week, sf live where we have a great line up of outdoor concerts and fee wavers which allows more night markets and festivals and things happening all the time in downtown san francisco. this week at the entertainment commission hosted a night life entertainment summit where we talked how we can move these folks forward, and here we are today talking about two really important moves.
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this proposed entertainment zone will pilot a idea long in the making opening downtown streets not just for pedestrians but real fun with booze, music, the things we want to do out there. we are incredly lucky to have a experience place making partner in the downtown partnership to show us-they have shown us what they can do with pedestrianized spaces and we are excited to see what will happen here. our energy grants which we are launching help our partners execute these events. we will have grants out for live pernormance program at downtown venues, outdoor concerts connected to ajaishant venues like these here and new festivals that occur across multiple venues to see real excitement throughout san francisco. both concepts were born of outfeed from local business and cdb. folks exploring projects like first thursday last night that can
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drive attendance across venues and actual local restaurants and businesses throughout the city. we heard from theaters, we heard from bars, live music venues, arts institutions and others about the needs to make sure we are investing in local businesses when we try to activate downtown and that's what this is doing. another grant program, we have half a million dollar we will be able to invest that will feed up to 20 projects and hoping we can get more so excited to start this today. with that, i like to turn it over to duncan from harrington bar and grill. >> thank you. hello. good morning everybody. dunking li. it is trick on there. it isn't jour your fault. i want to thank mayor breed and senator wiener and economic workforce development for efforts to support night life over the years. san francisco the last 15 years has gotten to be known for a lot of rules
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and that has i think stymied entertainment and fun here and i think this is a small step-this is big step in the direction of making sf a more enjoyable place to be for everybody and hospitality, night life are key components of the san francisco culture, so freeing us up to activate this street ant yet for what it will look like down here, but we started to imagine and it is pretty exciting, so yeah, i say stay tuned and this is a really exciting opportunity and i'm going to turn it over to robby silver from the downtown sf partnership. who we look forward to partnering with! >> downtown renaissance is here whoompt
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is ready to party on front street? ! >> it isn't 5 o'clock yet but we know 5 o'clock is somewhere. robby silver, executive director of the downtown sf partnership, the leading organization focused on place making and place management efforts here in the financial district and jackson square and central leasing our public around action plan in july 2022, we have been very focused on making new improvements and creating new public spaces in downtown for all to enjoy. last september we opened landing on light. there is murals. we act vite 5 days a week in lunch time. if you haven't checked out landing you are missing out. during the glow sf. we will take that energy and bring it right here to front street. and during pride month we are
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bringing back drag me downtown and you'll see a multitude of drag performances around downtown bars. i want to thank mayper breed and senator wienerfor their forward thinking legislation. this is highly significant that the first entertainment zone in california in san francisco is happening right here on front street in the financial district. and i have a call to action. we have schroader and royal exchange and harrington, but we have three vacancies on the block. i call entrepreneurs, restaurant and bar opens to step up and reopen your business here on front street. do not have fomo because you will miss out on all the fun. thank you all. we look forward partnering with our businesses and thank you all.
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[applause] >> thank you robby. well, the other thing i wanted to also mention is that, as i said, the city has been pretty notorious for saying no. no, you can't have fun today. no you can't set up a parklet on the block. no you can't do things that bring excitement and fun and entertainment and we are changing everything to yes. not only are we saying yes to opportunities, to have night life and entertainment and to close down streets and to make it possible for people to come together, we are actually proposing legislation to wave those fees that people get charged to close down streets and, we have a grant program that could help with up to $50 thousand to help support activation and entertainment zones like the one we are
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establishing today as well as other parts of the city. we want to incentivize instead of penalize. we want to provide the opportunities and we want to put a smile filled with joy on the faces of san franciscans and the people who live and work here overall. so, i am excited about what this means and all the partnerships that we have and duncan mentioned all of the different rules. we are breaking the rules today. not breaking the rules literally, chief. but we are breaking the rules today. we are like, deconstructing all of the things that have made it impossible for us to get to moment like that, and that is why we are excited about what the future means. as sarah said, this is part of the downtown economic recovery plan and we are headed full straight ahead and thanks to senator wiener and so many others who advocated for this opportunity to celebrate joy in
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our city. thank you all so much for being here today. [applause] >> well, sadly yes, it does require legislation at the local level, so i introduced the legislation. it goes to the board of supervisors, there is a committee hearing, so many folks here in the golden gate restaurant association, the sf travel and other groups, new deal and others will be helping to advocate for this, and it would still need to go through a process. you know, unfortunately i can't just wave my magic wand, otherwise it would have already been done, but this is what we have to do.
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>> [indiscernible] >> the possibility to definitely close down this street, it is possible, and part of the legislation i introduced to allow for free--because typically, when the businesses close down the street for october-fest or saint patricks day they go through the city process and also have to pay for it, and so i am waiving fees that allow for something like to happen without doing so and they can do so up to 12 times a year. the fee can be waived. i think there are opportunities to do it more. now, they still have to run their establishments, and continue to do business here, but i think it will open the door to more opportunities to do more street closures and allow for more
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festivals and activations so folks can support these businesses, but also pour into the streets with entertainment and excited similar with first thursday last night. if you missed first thursday next month there is a opportunity opportunity p. next friday [indiscernible] beats will happening downtown in san francisco. i heard a lot of folks don't come to the office fridays, so we'll continue to make sure these events are happening on days when folks are going to want to come to the office so they don't miss out on these great opportunities to enjoy san francisco. thank you again. [applause]
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>> [music] in the town inside here i'm young. he was putting art, music and drinking together upon today have a nonpretentious pretentious spitz that the community can enjoy each other and the time off we get in this world. [music] >> spends energy elevating artists and credit a safe place. a place to have a community. >> it is i great neighborhood the art district because we have the contemp refer museum of sf. yerba buena for the arts all of
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the operators and businesses here we get together and xhoukt and support each other this is a very cool neighborhood to be a part of. [music] paint on canvas is primary low when we do. this is guilty pleasures an all female artist show. it is going to be great. fun we have interactive elements. >> we love having this gem. you know people come in and discover it and get to feel at home. this is like home san francisco >> never be afraid it anybodying on our door. [laughter]. if the hours are post and you had want to seat art we are here 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock most days.
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shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within neighborhood. we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. where will you shop and dine in the 49? san francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. each corridor has its own personality. our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. >> you are putting money and support back to the community
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you live in and you are helping small businesses grow. >> it is more environmentally friendly. >> shopping local is very important. i have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. by shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. it is really good for everybody. >> shopping locally is crucial. without that support, small business can't survive, and if we lose small business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see
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that become a thing of the past. >> it is important to dine and shop locally. it allows us to maintain traditions. it makes the neighborhood. >> i think san francisco should shop local as much as they can. the retail marketplace is changes. we are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. >> the fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. there are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. at the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for
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everybody. >> shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter fabric to the community and allows the business owners to thrive in the community. we see more small businesses going away. we need to shop locally to keep the small business alive in san francisco. >> shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. you can see the banners in the streets around town. it is great. anything that can showcase and legitimize small businesses is a wonderful thing.
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you have 15 minutes. it was 1106 and 1130. now good morning. the meeting will come to order. welcome to the may 22nd, 2024 meeting of the budget and appropriation committee. i'm supervisor connie chan, chair of the committee. i'm joined by, supervisor myrna melgar and shamann walton and today, supervisor matt dorsey has been temporarily appointed to replace president aaron peskin, our clerk. it's brant saliba. i would like to thank jamie ivatury for from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. mr. clerk, do you have any announcement? thank you, madam chair. just a friendly reminder to those in attendance to please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices to prevent interruptions to our proceedings, should you have any documents to be included as part of the