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tv   Housing Authority Board  SFGTV  May 29, 2024 7:30pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> our san francisco housing authority commission at city hall on thursday, may 23, 2024, at 4:11 p.m. >> bennett we're zooming - i thought we were on - >> oh, exactly yeah. >> may we please take the roll. >> president torres present. >> commissioner lindo present and commissioner kim present and commissioner pikes present and item item item unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san
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francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> thank you item 4. >> 4. president's report. on a note wonderful to join the mayor narrate wiener and walton at a on top of off at sunnydale properties a couple of weeks ago that was a wonderful reminder of milestones reached and being able to see what we heard and
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voted on earlier of maybe a couple of months the sunnydale community center and being able to see commissioner that was wonderful to see you there and have a celebration for the housing on a more sobering note ceo will be providing us with an update with issues related to the conduct reported on by media and discussed at the hearing analyzed to the potrero conditions in particular and how we're addressing do vacancies and for those living on the property and caught up in the serious significant issue and note legal perimeters we need to operate on so know that ceo will
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be/55 us what we'll be discussing but evident assured i want to make sure that commission is that in pitching with the bpm c diving into the issue and grateful for the serious approach that we and our partners are talking to address those issues. but we look forward to hearing more from tonia lediju, phd, chief executive officer. later on today and concludes my report. >> thank you like to bring a matter to the commissions' attention, please send your communication via e-mail to
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we'll start 2025 written speaker cards and two minutes and starting off with mark from the tenants association. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> um, it's been a long time so bear with me. okay. >> i represent the chief in
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progress and here to share the significant um, progress we have made as a community east plaza residents and have secured $7 million for capital improvement and additional $1.2 million for a central services this funding is a testament to our collaborative efforts um, and advocates. um, advocacy. current the situation needs and despite victories we are trying to find out where all this will be and i understand up we're in limbo with the fund that we are - were awarded if
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how does that work. okay. hud and as a resident council i'd like to know in the fund will be still be available for plaza east. (clearing throat) so ongoing issues the site victories several critical issued include our maintenance problems. the need for more transparent communication, um, and from the san francisco housing authority. and the urgency of addressing historical um, disinvestment in your community. what we're trying to do excuse me - in our community is to employment resident who have skills to do (bell ringing) a programs and projects in our
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community this is what we're trying to implement everybody. because our community is a diverse community and if we can't um, you know, have this implements in our community we can't do this our community how will we move forward. i have a word for today and it is self-sufficiency and i know you all know what self-sufficiency is all about we're going not meant to live in those projects housing. forever. we're supposed to be taken care of and so we can have our chances to move out and up but can't move up and out with certain people on our necks. okay. so addressing the lack of response we are deeply concerned about the lack of response for our letters dated
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april one, 24 and april 8, 2024, the silence under my wife and i trust and hinders our ability to work collaboratively the meeting on april 26th it didn't met and fails to address our concerns needs and critical issues. so um, if you may we're going to have a section later on in the meeting around this in particular if we can pause this part of the conversation and bring it back when we discuss this do you know if we could insert public comment on that one item to have a admonish robust presentation and hear from other commenters i want to make sure i hear other public
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comments at large and we're going to come back to plaza east right after the ct s d comments. >> okay. >>. thank you. >> and just if we could move forward with bennett calling for public comment in relation to plaza east hold that and we'll bring those discussions as a separate item in the ceos report and taking public comment specifically for plaza east in this section. >> if you're public comment - we can ppf to the next speaker general public comment and next is alexia. >> provide a slide for sfgovtv i'll be sharing that now.
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>> today, i w provide a quick update on i'm alex and working with the association and for the jfk building and we are currently wanted to report on what the largest complaints in the community and plan forward to be testing. so one of the things this is currently what it looks like as you can see the red blocks and any time you need something whether that is infor that is wondering what else he can do or feeling helpless those are the ways to access the information this is that why it
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is frustrating everything end in try this and wait. no later than the means are "they're currently able to access information that is very frustrating. and that's kind of the sentiment we want to change that in the next slide showing really a collaborate approach the sense of ownership we can help ourselves we want to help ourselves the power of the community to do so this is um, a new way to get the right information or the right resources or connect people to help each other without having to go through the administration but to help themselves (bell ringing) being able to connect easier and on the next slide the idea we want to make that easier remove the barriers and those who need
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the problems and not having to come here the way we're setting up circles will be (bell ringing). >> a place for people to go and log in and the community can a help themselves and the next couple of slides the types of things they can solve for themselves like aiding work orders and building a better community they feel that is their community and, do things to move forward and as we go to the next slide we provide a tool kit. so we provide them with the tools they need keep everybody on the on the same page to solve their own problems this feedback will give us better data and see
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see solution right for them and going to be able to template other communities that can duplicate and get ideas or even create their own solve their problems. is so we're heaping e hoping this pilot will keep everyone on the same page and not frustration and report the impact to improve this is a pilot circle question wanted to let you know we're working with the jfk association i'm grateful for henry and sue for bringing me in and work just appreciative and keep i posted. >> it kindra here? >> can you connect with kenna draw with the san francisco
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housing authority this is provided for mayor's office on disability so has an understanding what is happening and . >> we'd love that feedback or support. thank you. >> thank you. >> dawn. >> so good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. >> how are you today?? >> we're here on behalf of myself and i'm here today because i'm in jeopardy of being evicted from my residence of 20 years and becoming homelessness has recently terminated me no
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fault of my an or own but ethics i have do you mind proof of this mistakes they have made on my paperwork and other issues. and i was in my opinion the mistakes i have proof of should be enough to restate me immediately but come to the form hearings to resolve those and here today asking for your help the section 8 office is not offering me any help and i owe my landlord $1,900 i - i don't have and it will keep on going. >> thank you i'm going to ask patrick to connect with cynda to find out what we can do and
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anyhow mayor's office on disability mayor's disability council. >> kindra we'll help. >> have a great day. >> you, too. >> gregory richardson. >> through the chair. commissioners and residents and staff i want to say san franciscans i just want to say i want to wish every veteran has lost a family member happy memorial day this is monday is a
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holiday many live in public housing and we talk about my name is and physical all times and health conditions will be a hand up instead of a handout for our veterans when we built the north beach public housing the same opportunities that you have on the map were lost back then because of fear of afraid to move forward in improve the lives taking risks. i'm glad to hear we're back good morning it is so important now the cost is
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out of sight. this time around if you're in that remodeling, rebuilding, stage it residents extremely important to put away you're differences (bell ringing) working with all participants like it or not more of a united way and more things can get done i'll urge everyone who is all about us you are one, and if you remember that we can get a lot more out of it (bell ringing) >> thank you. >> next s y b e r we have
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interpretation with us. >> through the chair. she is not feeling well any way to 40 for help is that possible? >> good afternoon, everyone [off mic.] >> (microphone distorted). >> i'm sea bear and from the representative and also the vice president of jfk towers i want to thank you for recognizing people that exist on that land still a part of us. really we
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all are one. we are able to exist of each nation a repetitive but have the same needs. we all need each other that is the most important thing that we each one of us has a speciality and that speciality is what each one of us shares with others can use it don't know how to ask for help or ask to fix something. the people no guidelines no pooifkz this is what you have to do do this this or this and that no - we need to have that to help each other. we can help one at needs we can't fix it without having each
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other. thank you. >> . thank you very much. >> you requested an interpretation would you like to do that now? >> no, not [off mic.] >> mccormick to (bell ringing) jeremy cotter. >> okay. my story is one you've already heard an 20 years of waiting for approval for a section 8 voucher approved year and a half ago and tell the jury in my paper 6 months later i was off the program i was under the completion for the inspector to approve the rent for that place no other place to live and never
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contacted me or let me know were removing me from the program and another year has 0 gone by a not heard anything i bought a case manager had a different number and tested and told me her he was on the program bus one reason and then another person told mow another reason and sfoshtd and it is during that 6 month period about that situation and came back with me didn't have any answers about it. apparently the reason you're doing with now my paperwork was not turned in on time i have proof that was e-mails and have the the hard paper i turned in
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um, so i guess it was lost in their building (bell ringing) not gone to the right office or something like that and they won't give me the formal review flat out rooufgz rooufgz. thank you very much. i'm sorry you had to come here. >> pierce. >> i've been affiliated with the housing authority since 1980 and i have functions in various capacities primarily started out as an advocate for the public housing tenants association and was living at 48 harbor road and
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all new they renovated it by had issues i became active over the years i transitioned out of the housing projects and had a section 8 voucher. i have children of my open and now grandchildren and i have seen the housing authority go through a number of different kind of challenges we'll say and we always came together to try to solve the problem. and so i'm going to keep this short as i can. i worked with um, it children, i've worked with seniors i'm a retiree of the city and county of san francisco. i was a foster parent in which i raised over one hundred children in this town. so i'm a person that is really committed to doing the work and
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getting in the trenches and being retired have an opportunity to travel a little bit more than i used to you go back east (bell ringing) and my family and friends i take it personal when people out there in the world are talking bad about san francisco i'm 71 years old i'm ready to fight don't talk that san francisco in negative terms but on the other hand, we need to address some things and fast forward i went to the egbert office (bell ringing) today and tuesday and utter chaos utter chaos okay. i'm being incriminated for reasons i don't know about and if there is something we need to come back together to do so solve some of the issues and get this place
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functioning in the 21st century because if you send an e-mail i don't get an answer if you make a phone call no answer you'll kinds - you do good to get the documents you, you know, they want from you. so my hope is that we can put our heads together and pull this thing up off the mud because the larger problems of housing in san francisco has no better place to go and three to four no better advocate than the san francisco housing authority i believe the latter landlord in the city is not i know they're close but we depend on them but i have at some experience know that the people that depend on the housing authority are most of
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the time willing to step up to the plate and advocate and do the work and some kind of you know base level of organization or um, recommendations to maybe we can make i will recommend, you know, we get together and talk about this we've done this over the years like i said, i have 40 plus years of working in tenant relations with the housing authority. >> will you leave our information. >> i talked with kindra but this was a hardship coming down at 4 o'clock i was paranoid by parking and don't stay out in the day but of the i needed to come down here and say 0 something because i know how it goes not everybody gets the same
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amount of credit i wanted to come and present myself as a creditable converted resident of san francisco and i left my home to be a san franciscan and like i said, i will fight anyone about san francisco trust me. >> thank you. >> you know, people don't talk to me my sisters and neighbors and they don't imagination it no that more they know how person it is to me came down here to say to you all this is still personal and witness people that were not intellectually capable and not physically and disabled people and intellectually disabled all kinds of stuff people are needing help in the office at 1:30. >> i appreciate. >> i mean it is something i
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can do to help i'll step up to the plate still. >> thank you. >> margaret hi, good afternoon. >> i would like to give you an update on the best thing ever happened to me a whistleblowers the a negative campaign i have found out any niche and compiling that data and keeping copies everyone i've helped i've gotten calls from san clara from people that point my knowledge i studied so um, i would like to let you know that is
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post-secondary education and um, as i put my applications in for funding in the different departments finding my niche what i'm do or my company will be able to do and can't utility my time give me a job when i can contribute over everything that is my passionate so thanks for your support and i'll keep you posted. thank you. >> thank you. >> any other general public comment in the room? >> good evening. >> good evening. >> maxine jones. >> i don't benefit anything in section 8 or housing or nothing like that this is something i would love to become a
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participant for section 8 on a voucher or what have you but let me say something when i started coming here to city hall to speak about the housing authority let me say for me it is like explaining to you and i can't go to the police i can only come to the board; right? and tell you that i've been abused by my husband been beating me and my children i have no where to go; right? i tell you this in hopes you will find some resolution or a way to help me; right? and then you say the lady on the wall there see her, her name is kindra talk to kindra that's like talking to the abuser it is what it is i go
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to the housing authority with my niece back and forth and back and forth mind you have a landlord living with her and i don't know if you have connections in the housing authority i don't know what - i'm still trying to figure out, you know, how that man is able to build a unit underneath her unit where they lives; right? and single-family home and this on an is staying there ever since and again, i'm trying to figure out (bell ringing) resolutions for my niece to live peacefully with joy; right? and everyone want that; right? >> may i ask have you given the information to kindra we can follow-up with her (bell ringing) >> if you don't mind me saying
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we did better with da john than kindra he's been making things happen. >> we'll do we have authority he contact information and you should have her phone number. >> (multiple voices). >> and kindra we have that information; correct? we'll be following up on and have your information we can- >> (multiple voices). >> i can leave you my information and do that that will be perfect and we'll follow-up. okay. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> any additional comment in the room? >> we have someone on line like to give public comment bring them in on zoom unmute yourself. >> dennis if this is in
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regards to plaza east we'll take this as a separate item in the meeting will take place after statewide senior and attacked presentation and should about 5 minutes. >> right um, good afternoon. i'm speaking um, about my development company as a micro business on the - >> thank you. >> as you spoke on sunnydale and becoming the swimming pool and community center excuse me - the day before myself and others in the local building trades developers and contractor collective in the construction trade at the seem site for the lack of for the only community participation in the workforce but also joint ventures with
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mercy housing for people like myself as micro developer with the out of state developers. and so that's what i was speaking on but owner of the district of columbia williams development company i know that hud and the housing authority is dedicated to prom diversity and supporting for the construction industry is commendable with other black leaders in the community values for community support but, but not seeing unfortunately, for the developers as myself and i want to just to be clear, that hiring and employing use it good for the community and immediate
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economic immediately excuse me - (bell ringing) as well, i'm i don't know over the page i only have 2 minutes but imperfect as crime rise we hire young adults from the community and want to know what you guys are going to do about that millions are leaving the community like k and others to monopolies pea we have none (bell ringing) and that is a egregious and and think you guys agree so love to know what you guys do for the micro developers to gain access to projects in our own communities. thank you. >> thank you. last call for
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general public comment. >> >> 6. tenant representative report - city wide council - senior/disabled("ccsd")/public housing tenants association ("phta") anyone like to report to the board? >> we can ask for public comment on item number 6. >> if not, no public comment for the. >> 7. chief executive officer report a. plaza east update. and anyone from the company like to - come to the stand?
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. president torres. >> good afternoon. >> sfgovtv we have a presentation with that as well (rustling of papers.) . thank you. >> the first slide is staff to changes in the property currently fully staff except for one tech we have attempted to hire going through the probation period with the agency and should be staff member soon hopefully. the next staff is the work order last month 200 and 16 work orders the largest since we are tracking that and closed 200 and 16 work orders the average day was one we had two entering work orders opened and closed
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the number hours to complete an entering work order was 27 you notice that is large than the number of hours to complete a enter work order one took 15 hours that was leak reported one night and fixed the next morning the second work order a sink facet went to the store and got a handle took a day no active leak or anything we shut offender off the facet the average came to 27 hours for the entering work orders. the next slide is the graph um, showing that any questions about the work orders? >> commissioners any questions on work orders.
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>> a quick question a thump nail you completed in a day? >> so months i do an carpentry but didn't get to this month i will - bring more detailed fox o information next month would that. okay. >> that's fine if you don't have is this month. >> i like to add up the work orders so you guys can get a better idea there than what the slide provides. >> thank you. >> absolutely. >> um, the next slide slide is the unit detail ouktd units not currently rented and absolutely no difference in the slide than
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last month the same number of single-room occupancies and i will give a verbal report later on on that we have 5 unit were remodeling and 14 units are not being rented right now now and go back to some part of that later and zero move ins and outs last month. and i wanted to talk briefly perhaps back a slide to the unit detail i wanted to give a verbal report on um, taking no particular order start with the units we have asked for referrals and we are processing applicants had a robust conversation last month about that. i believe that we reported
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last month asked for referrals and received 6. i wanted to report out to you guys that of those 6, two people delighted the unit and three people we contacted but no appointments and they received two letters from us as far and tomorrow a denial letter when you get a denial letter you've been depend for failure to respond and 14 days to appeal we're taking you off the list but you can appeal if you feel like you didn't get an e-mail or whatever happened. so that's 5 of the 6 unit the 6 unit applicant we're processing that person and we talked at length last month about
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processing time i brought detail for you guys i'll not unusual go over this but an idea of what many looked like we resolved this applicant on april 11th. we contact them and set up appointment for april 15th they came in on the 15 and we filled out the verifications um, on may 2nd and asked for more income statements on may 10th and sent the applicant to our compliance department on may 10th and the file was compliance but about ready to be approved over a month to get um, we're just a few days from an approval for this family and have 2 ready to move in we talked about thirty days beforehand a target and the take
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credit guidelines can make that difficult i think we're going to have this file approved in 35 days from the day we first - interviewed them and the day we 2k3wi678 acceptance day and you said 35 days we met with them on the 15 and will get an approval letter in the next days. >> what does that gesture mean? >> it means i'm trying to balance getting too far into a details and that is a gesture meant for. >> yeah. i think how are you? feeling about the rate of time in partnership with the housing authority and in filling those units how do you on the system
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is working. >> it is working fine i'll tell you is not a secret not new to affordable housing but new systems this is the first move in file if staff has done i've been watching closely and it went well, they learned a lot and didn't slow down because of lack of knowledge the family is happy with an opportunity to live somewhere and it went well, some files are more difficult than others and this one didn't go two a bad i'm disappointed in the number of people that didn't follow-up didn't want to live there or didn't that bother to answer back. so 5 out of 6 applicants choose not to proceed that is unfortunate but as i
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briggs chaney said last month the list from 2015 to say pretty old that's i think we have units um, we or still collecting bids on to verbatim if taken offline the biding work is not completed at site yesterday and the contractors were gavshth information still for the bids i hope to have that as quickly as possible perhaps next month. thank you. concludes my part. >> any questions? >> when we move to public comment or after other parts the
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presentation but no, not right now. >> thank you. >> next consulting for the services update. >> good afternoon, commissioners. how are you? >> pretty good the month we hosted and coffee hour. >> we make sure we catch you on the mic for we hosted a coffee hour providing hot meals to 18 families we do every wednesday and in partnership are the dph and partnered with the tenant association to support the senior programming every other tuesday fluctuating a fair for in partnership with dph
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services and mission and project level and sf if f b open door legal and a few more a few other organizations we provided on site for other residents and we held a community meeting with tenant advocates and volunteers. assisted with scheduling wellness for 101 and property management for work order peta's and we met with the tenant association to plan for may served offer one hundred and fifty residents with referrals with different connections and different organizations and provided financial coaching and substance abuse assistance on site i know that was a mouthful.
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>> when you're looking at the dip in participation for support services referrals as well as workshops what - how to. >> more people are looking for anymore things and we give them a referral they're still working with the organization or i believe the dip is coming a lot of the residents are getting the services with referrals were good referrals and those referrals are working for them. >> and for the second part of question the yip and event may be the residents are interested in what we're having or offering and sometimes the timing doesn't work so they're showing up at the time of the day so they're
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interested lots of in the summer we get more people participating. >> similarly last month how is the communication and coordination with the residents council and resident leadership partners. >> i believe that partnership is working we're meeting more reinvent the wheel to collaborate on bids and different things to work together. >> and can you give me works. >> we've been doing for example, we met this week to move forward with the summer program we look at the calendar what we want to offer meet on tuesday so when we meet we ask them what or things you want to see on site and provided if we can't provide those let's find people that can and we have residents on site that have skills we're looking to work
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with them he this, bring things to the community and to be self-sufficient and knowledge to other residents. >> when you're thinking about the self-sufficiency pack of the work what opportunities for growth that can benefit the population whether or not that is families and children or seniors what do you see opportunities to better serve in a more comprehensive way for the residents (clearing throat). >> good evening. >> my name is danielle director of the resident. >> um, well, i think how we can better serve the receipt is looking at their needs um, one level is education. and even speaking with the residents council had a conversation with ms. martha last week talking
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about a program and another county that was working with the young people who needs more support and she's saying we don't have enough of that and people live with the property could be able to, you know, take for young people in and be able to provide the services they need the resources for them to accelerate so we alone and we're going talking about stability and like educate like education programs for adults and training programs and the fact there are people that live on site not super defined we started those conversations this past week and with the communications when we hit a roadblock weighing trying to figuring out they're saying and explain what we're trying to offer and why and when it i'm
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going off topic. and when it comes down to the programming with that we're bringing in we're always trying to let the residents know those providers we want to make sure we're messed everyone accountable and even when just like the cooking class a conversation and a resident want to do cooking can she be the lead they're like okay. we can do something like that we're trying to stream gives not easy but we don't want to feel like we're stepping on anyone's toes that is hard but self-sufficiency we want for the residents. >> it is fiasco to hear about the space for opportunity for residents to help and where the
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needs exist or individuals can be supported to help create that network among the residents themselves when you leave the site dollars expertise. >> you began to talk about what we offer and why can you speak about the what and why? of at that high-level. >> okay. what we offer and why. as services in general our number one, goal is to make sure that residents are stable. in their living situation and our goal to make sure it is self-sufficiency at the end of the day, like skills that they need to object or have access to support to get connected to, you know, take their careers they're children's careers to the next
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level to build for wealth for themselves this is our overall goal to how do we serve in the - health and wellness space in the they're income they're education, sorry i'm might off the top by development in providing opportunities for young people so they can, exposed to what is offered sometimes, you know, a lot of offering within the city and county and can be overwhelming so sometimes we're going through the personal things might prohibited us from speaking out the information we feed and so our goal to continue connect our residents with the opportunity just showing them and even with the conversation with the tenant council like hearing we want to do this and provide this is like helping us okay. how do we
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pivot previously we are open to adjusting and i feel like the best form of leadership to listen and apply and just come together owe and sometimes a mountain we're clivenl together but make sure everything it heard and recognized it is process we have to do our due diligence and advocate for residents and sometimes takes both sides to come to the common goal hope that answers your question. >> do be sorry i'm curious as so as we we're talking about earlier as a commission meeting not going to the details. >> uh-huh. >> but one of the benefits and champions with the remaining portfolio of units we have we
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have direct oversight. this is an opportunity to ask for questions and see how much further we can go to get out of the way or step in when we need to and supporters. >> absolutely. >> to balance with common goals and understanding have different opinions about and so still move forward. >> absolutely. >> so, you know, very well from being on site and providing opportunities that um, there are a lot of failures in history of failures at the plaza i appreciate the work to fill the gap it is one of the reasons that might get for complicated as we introduce new services on site or opportunity for services that require for juggling but the hope is that everything will
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be complimentary and as it is more complex we'll have to see how it works. >> can i say one more thing. >> please. like i've been doing it work for 12 years and every site is different every family, every individual i came in contact is different i have learned um, that there is opportunity in the complexity of what we're doing and in a sense i wish my other properties had such vocal leaders step up to the plate and demand for control of ownership because people if you don't live there everyday like you only know so much of what people have to evan demur the presented that helps us like really try to recreate a program for plaza
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east and want to go with our best practices to do do work we do well, we understand how pivoting works and we're okay. it is championship but we want to have create program that helps the residents and feel secure like i said after we leave you know what i'm saying i don't want to leave any time soon but everything come to fruition i'm sorry at the end of the day, helps us to see like things going through and, you know, once again people are disappointed and left behind i don't want to see that happen. >> i appreciate no, thank you. >> any more questions from the commissioners? >> no? >> okay. >> any questions for us? >> no. >> all right. >> (laughter.) >> thank you. >> lots of good work.
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>> thank you very much. next from housing update in the housing authority. >> thank you, commissioners. so - >> give it a, huh? >> thank you. >> okay. the residents services solicitation update this is the $1.2 million solicitation that is for $44,000 over three year period. um, the timeline for this whole process so far has been that (coughing) from february of 2024 the services scope was drafted uniquely based on communications with the residents over a course of and we're for the fm speaking to them about services but pc to
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them in general and a conversations about they're entrepreneurship in a different context not anything we did with the guess information except for collaborative when this tint for services came with that in mind the scope was crafted how to help them get the assistance with the businesses they have if they needed help to get um, nonprofit licenses or whatever they need for businesses or whatever for self-sufficiency capacity building. so this went to the scope of services no march of 24 sent our scope to
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the to helpful to note this will be our first time doing this solicitation for services on site all the sites most of our public housing was transition to red and managed by mayor's office of housing and community development so we had them look at the scope to assist us in on the right path or how does that work? >> and april of 2024 so on april 8th we met with the well this board asked us if we've been appropriately communicating our plans with plaza that is great we want to do so much we should incorporate that so in
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april we um, spoke with the residents council for the residents tenant association and members of the deck on site. and we informed them of our intentions to bring the additional services to plaza through this rfp process. we had an additional meeting this is the last thing for april on april 26th where we met with residents for the second time around not residents but the responsibility council and some deck members that surrounding did rfp and asking them to provide to me specifically um, by may 3rd their priorities if there was anything sent time sentiment that a lot of money
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was going into the plaza and money went into the - they didn't feel they were benefiting in the way they said in an effort to make sure that those services we provide were addressing the specific feeds and concerns we asked them to give us their priority for both the rfp as well as for i f b i'll talk about in the next slide. so we can make sure that we focus on those things and they can feel, you know, they'll be able to say okay we got what is we want to from the solicitation and as of today i did not receive any e-mails to me to incorporate into the solicitation and any conversation i had with plaza
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resident and keep in mind and make adjustments. >> if i may. >> can i enter jetting they had concerns about follow-up from letters sent to us but a meeting took place after the questions and any communication with the leadership since that meeting directly? >> since direction was provided how to provide additional feedback after that? >> yes. >> kindra and i had a teams meeting with or zoom meeting with um, i believe - in this meeting just ms. martha and tenant council and dennis is one
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of the staff members specifically around the solicitation that came to be because of a miscommunication i'm not sure but someone told ms. mary 245 we put out an rfp and so we had a follow-up meeting with her to explain nope we've not pushed out anything we still love you if you have any priorities you want to tell us about. we had that meeting with those two individuals and during that meeting. >> what was the date of that meeting do you know? >> i don't know had a date is today so
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(laughter). >> and if not for my agenda, you know. >> pulling up the calendar. >> yeah. just a sense of timeline and responses and nature of conversations. >> um, just when do we anticipate the rfp will be um, available for review and response and getting the consideration from members of the public? >> i'd like to get it issued by the end of this most if we can agree that - we're done, you know, talking about that. >> and then is that going to be on the same timeline as the capital improvement rfp? >> to will not be in is same timeline the meeting was may 9th a great. >> the capital improvement will go out in june. >> yeah. >> we do plan on that going
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out. >> thank you. >> no problem. so that's the services (clearing throat) and the next slide is for the. >> oh, i'm sorry just because we heard from residents leadership today what is the intention of housing authority and future communications we're moving towards this process was contention in the beginning and made the housing authority made positive improvements in dialogue and relationship building and now the issue has come up in this room what will the next steps for the housing authority prior to publication of rfp? >> the next step for further communication with that particular not the body but the
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before we put out the publication next week. um, well. >> - is a more a conceptual question f rh the intention behind putting things out and the dialogue as we do so with the community. is so there is a um, a principle of inclusivity and dialogue and partnership that eventually in all the steps we're taking. >> right. >> without an answer but remind us this is the supporting the site and having dialogue and rigor aaron making units time to improve units and capital dollars assigned to particular
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units and clear finding around why things are not getting done on site and making sure they're at least a specific communications shared communications strategies. >> right. >> and again, there is 0 no need to i'm sorry, i wanted to share that to make sure with all the good work done. >> yeah. >> we don't let that fail apart. >> i understand part of the scope of the services we want part of that is to um - sorry provide communications to ongoing communications during the term of that providers contract. between the authority and the residents at large literally a part of the scope of duties that will be in the contract in the rfp. so this is
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moving forward not a, you know, not at the time we issue it but the difficulty i can say i have found with the having to communicate as time through the rfp process is that the rfp process is pretty um, regulated so just certain things we're supposed to do and a lot of sometimes - um, too much i don't want to say involvement i try to incorporate as much as i can but a certain level of control i feel like tenants might want just not appropriate for - >> yeah. >> so i don't want it to seem as though we're for the representative but a process to be followed that makes that part difficult but definitely want this out i'm not sure will
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continue to report and now in the paper for two weeks i can do that just the formal process - normally you see those. >> yeah. >> the procurement after we have done the process and to approve a contract. >> with adherence to the regulations. >> uh-huh. >> what is it can be different in fair market value positive communication for residents who have an interest understanding what the process is and who it will move forward. >> the best thing we could have done this time and again, back if february would have been to say um, to come to the residents and say hey this is something we'd like to do for this community and at that time discuss what sort of scope services they needed um, to help
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to draft the scope not completely appropriate and then once we had that as far as it could are guilt or innocence regulatory partners will took over this communication happened so late in the game. >> so in the interest of further collaboration down the line where the only place that can change. >> okay? >> uh-huh. >> any items we need to take action on the before commissioner kim leaves. >> one for the minutes. >> can we. >> maybe go ahead and pause right now and move on to the item and as a point of order hear items with no action and decision making. >> okay. and sometimes not the
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best is what we can do um, but. thank you very much. >> move on come back to this in one moment and go ahead and take up the commission meetings. >> 9. regular business - consent items: commission meeting minutes of april 25, 2024. xhimgz from commissioners open up for public comment rear yard the consent calendar with the a. >> need a motion for approval for the consent agenda and second. >> second and roll call vote. >> commissioner pikes, aye. >> commissioner kim yes. >> commissioner lindo, yes. >> president torres, aye. >> that's the only voting item for today. >> and congratulations in all your negotiations. >> uh-huh. >> all right. >> thank you, council. >> um,
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all right. i don't know much more to go into unless another items regarding the capital item. >> yeah. this was basically just a timeline as well. which pretty much mirrors that point we're doing everything in tandem so mirrors our t down to the final um, meeting with the resident council except for the um, additional meeting we had on services we didn't discuss capital improvements program at that time. >> and then then if we move to the - i have the vendor regulations slide i have been reporting on this with any vendors at all for any sort of service want to do any sort of business with the authority
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which is needing to regular in the marketplace we have that if anyone has a company to fill out the information and say what sort of business if any concerns say that minority businesses will be in there and didn't cost anything to um, regular to the site. they check the business and receive notification this year is a job opportunity out there and the next slide, please. this one is new um, so the marketplace as added this section three portal so this is my first time reporting on that because i just got the e-mail last month. so or at the end of
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last month so this registration portals second three low and low income persons in this category income bracket limit than they qualified as section three resident and h a dot that is h p t t s not www.if you put you're name what sort of work they not be open to doing. and then contractors will click in there and see the list of available section three residents they can hire and how the guess will add in the development so 0 they can link their name to that development well, since it was new i went into the site and
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input the plazas to see how this works that was in there and go ahead and put of the sites this is open to any section three residents to be contacted for job opportunity available and all of contracts require anybody who any contractor who is receiving one of the contracts if it is federally-funded to have their section three hiring so if they were to have a job opportunity they don't necessary have at the create one but an opportunity open they have to alert us to it and give the section three resident the opportunity to apply for those jobs this makes it easy to find
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those residents rather than the housing authority trying to create some sort of spreadsheet this is a a streamlined way connected to the same procurement website for all the little sections. and then um, yeah, just for further clarity on the procurement process in general. um, once we have our, you know, proposals and everything completed and ready to issue them at that point further communication can't happen individually because at that point at the transparency of all potential bidders and prosers we issue it everything any questions? anyone has to ask
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go to the procurement wetland and then i'll literally type out the answers and anybody that is trying to - has the same information and working off the same information we can't tell someone that can assist them in the process. so once advertise it out has to be transparent for everyone we have to kit off specific councilmember munck at a point in time. okay. any questions? >> what are the steps - and the issuance of the capital improvement rfp will happen now june you said. >> yeah. >> at the end of the month. >> i don't have the exact date i know what is been directed to me early june so i'm looking at the second i'm looking at the 22 and if we have it it fly pulled
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together. >> how does the authority consider contractors may not fulfill the qualifications that the procurement regulations require or have to do work with the partnership that it does how are we helping to facilitate f that conversation given the hosting has been approached by multiple individuals who would love for part of capital improvement so a presentation from the community members within san francisco to serve that - how do you navigate the um, restrictions that registrations placed in the department with the opportunities we're seeking to provide? >> uh-huh. >> typically when issuing doing the construction like the rfp will be you're generally
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contractor whether contract with small businesses so small business now i'm not sure how for that part that is just generally how it has been i'm not sure how they connect with each other. we don't i don't think we point anyone in a particular direction. >> similar to i'm wondering opted to me by looking at the previous slide around section three and they're being a live portal to individuals who contractors my hire individuals that potential contractors who would have an opportunity bid on this and knows who those people will be a list of potential
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subcontractors may not anticipate fulfill the requirement but be considered in a transparent way and i understand what you're saying i'll need to - i believe that the off site allows for that but i will check request the our - housing agency liaison so but i remember when he was training me a way to do that i can't recall how that is done the small business needed to be in the site they need to register large or maul but the contractors have to see that i'm going to double check with another step at all needs to be taken to connect. >> i wanted to add when you're saying through the fell fund and if federal fund section three
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are part of bid petitioned to part of the proposal the /* lowest responsible and responsive bidder in our specification in the rfp requesting the proposals and submitted and in addition all of our projects the sunnydale, the hunters point we have active joint venture agreements with the city and county of san francisco as well as the housing authority to meet our requirements in terms of transition but also the city and county of san francisco takes a lead most of the time multiple financing and have requirements and requirements as well as the city the city sometimes have more capacity in terms of the staff but if you look at most of
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the - we have a mou where the city and county of san francisco are required to report how we have been able to meet the particular addressing the requirements under the contracts so similar things (coughing) in connection with was proposed we don't have one for plaza east but all the f a sites and probably one developed for plaza east. >> yep. >> i will also found out how they can connect i think they connect through the portal. >> it is not um, just to be clear, in the commissioner parker that it is it is not meant to preclude anyone from applying but make sure that some of the improvements we're
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talking about are not sophisticated improvements. and if there is capacity from members who can had had work. >> uh-huh. >> the regulations require a certain type of partnership the fullness of that opportunity is possible for them. >> the second three requirement is requiring a general contract earthquake to hire section three workers that are defined by status so this should be include in the rfp as particularly for the capital grant the funds are the first are federal and the city and county of san francisco and on and off did have local requirements for small businesses. >> that's right and the enforcement they have a robust program. >> yeah. and that is we can
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piggyback on top of that that program. >> to port those efforts and make that easier and in the past what happened generally, the experience contractor will joint venture the way the less experienced and have more the capacity able to kind piggyback with the general krarnlt but the residents they're federal funds i know a lot of times city and county funds and have a resolution for san francisco i mean for the housing authority to - both residents as well as local or small businesses. >> there's the owner with a
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high threshold of requirements i mean it is robust and city potential responded has to move through and the operational issues working with government guest and the housing authority has resolutions they've adopted with the contract with the housing authority have to make certain good faith efforts and if you recall many of the developments agreements memorandum of understanding is definitely geared towards the workforce and the contracting rodent and the enforcement and monitoring from the city and county of san francisco. >> just even more i had a chance to review the housing authority policy in relationship to section three or micro entry
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/* introi. >> the section three helps with the portal what the resident will see when they try to apply so like an office component like and the more of the contract component more categories so an individual with skill votes they'll click on the things they'll be able to do the contractor got the job and could look through that and see who from plaza or who from not plaza but if plaza residents were to go and connect to themselves and contractors in doing the work for plaza likely go ahead and
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hire from here and see who has the skills need done on site easily the other parts small businesses they will be through the other portal for the vendor portal and um, so large contractor will have to find the sub contractor through there and if they're minorities so all those things if a winning bidder was trying to somebody want to win a proposal, you know, more marketable find that in the way and connect them i did would not be part of that but. >> those forms are part of the bid page for both the workers and also businesses so that will be considered and evaluating
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what is the positive responsible. >> thank you. >> okay. >> no problem. >> and i know you want feedback would we like to wait for the other presentation before we open up for public comment. >> assuming is ms. hypothetically still here and other members wishing to speak? >> please come on up (clearing throat) thank you, ferry having me back. >> i've been working at it
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plaza east for a very long time you all know who i am. >> all of our programs and the things we do at plaza east is basically done by the residents council and we tried to implement others from the outside to come in to help if we need help. and um, we just, you know, are trying to work with people that come into to the community um, you know, we're trying to work would go f rh and hit smagz but the things we need in our community is violate to our residents violate
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volatile we're trying to get your - if they have skills schizophrenia implement those skills into the community i did with that f rh and so far as our children are concerned other project we're working on right now we want don't want to keep our children inside of the center all day children have a small attention span and want to go outside and play we want to have a center for an hour and take them outside if i can get, you know, like those the disposal cameras we walk through the city and take pictures i brought my kids to city hall and
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took pictures of city hall all day long the residents council has been trying to make ourselves improve upon ourselves. for our community. and we can't do that without the funding. our funding over the years have been less and less (laughter) just i don't know act of god we keep on going that we take what we have and put that into the community and all work together and get our programs done. okay. it is hard, but we do that anyway, you know, sometimes, you know, we don't have as much, sometimes, we implement with like a booker t washington on top and sometimes, we up at
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booker t washington she's help md 5 year after year with backpacks give away the things in the adults like our seniors um, our seniors we got our senior program back started together again, because we have lost our programs and because of covid we shut down programs (clearing throat) so, now we are trying to start back to get our programs together good morning we have had people to come into our community left and right ever since this you development redeveloping plaza east since then people are being running to plaza east and stay up at a certain time and automatically leave and they're gone, you
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know, we wonder why, you know, they're getting out. i don't know if it is about the money or what is is about we're not really told anything, you know, we're not kept up with the meetings and not kept up with, you know, wasn't we're supposed to do people talking about with the housing authority or different guest come into our community we don't have meetings, we don't have mous we're still under the csr under hud we're not supposed to have services in our community until the development is finished. and i keep telling people they step over me and my council and do what we want to do and that
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pisses me off scheme but the thing is i am the leader and have been for quite some time i know that community backwards and forwards and right for my community and wrong for my community if i come into my community with a bunch of bull you got to go i see but we can figure out things for the people that live in the community, you know, in that an applause i'll looking for a lot of pluses we have people in the community with with skills beyond but never get a chance to show their skills and never get a chance to shine, you know, so therefore we're stuck they're not doing anything were with our skills
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and children our children have to carry guns just to live in the community. our children um, are frustrated we have graduates graduating if high school and college and nobody don't pay attention to anything like that and we want to give you are kids have graduated and have proved they can finish, you know, and it is hard when you live in a community don't nobody want to do nothing for that community you know what i mean so, please listen and everyone talks about what they want to do all the time but what about the people and the residents what do we want in our community? we no further get a chance to do that now all of a sudden here comes
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this bucket of the money into the community all right. and everybody is skrarnl and this is in - no one is telling me what is really going on by the meetings are behind the back. and everything is behind the back. >> ms. collins thank you, that's why we shared the last meeting you want this opportunity. >> president torres i'm so tired of this. >> i know. >> years of it. >> i know, i know. >> we get all those things on the computer saying, you know, oh, this is fixed and that's been fixed. i know a man right now that lives in our community mr. s his walls are black with
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mold. i know people that come into the community living in the community that boards are failing in and sewage backing up into the tube but yet everything is done. >> i don't believe everything is done. >> this what they tell you. >> what you bring up issues with property manager how are they received? and how are they communicated um, in the manner in which they'll be revolved and we're looking for - we have a day jon stewart has created a day for people to come in an certain day to fill out of work orders okay. i don't know how that is working because jon stewart and myself we don't
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communicate we myself have created some days in june, and july to meet. and we're going to be meeting more regularly and trying to implement and start that up, you know, to get everybody on the right track. but you got if you are a person from the outside of plaza east you come into to plaza east to do services have to um, be respectful to the community and the people in the community. and if you come into that community um, putting pennies in the community, and we still can't do anything because we only have a um, limit limiting i mean limiting an amount of the money to do anything with. 57th
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avenue. >> i do hypothetically in what way are we resolving that issue a small amount of the money for the tenant appreciation funds we're hoping to do with the rfp will be discussed in the previous meeting and again for that council, i need to make sure i'm staying in alignment what, what i'll allowed to say the purchases these dollars be in direct response to the meeting we've had in communities and in direct response to the needs that you have circulated and i was asking the questions why earlier. >> uh-huh. >> so make sure how can the
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communication be maintained. >> okay. >> i've given i had sent a list not the list by a proposal not that but an itemized list in plaza east. it was all of the the projects and the different things we, you know, been doing in the community for a long time we're still doing them but trying to um, make that better we are trying to move forward. and so we are - today's appraise going up and things, you know, you used to could buy it for a dollar now costs 5, you know, and that has to be implemented into the whole that project too has to be implemented into that
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two know about the cost of living, you know, because the cost of living has truly gone up. >> you can't go to the grocery store and get anything under one hundred dollars those days you know what you can't pitch pinch a penny here and there and you're going to takecy phenomenon - you can't go behind my back and i don't due get neighbors to the to get her out and a new election going. those are the things that happened in
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our community these are the things i don't care about elects i'll be here i'm truly, truly worried about plaza east. >> i understand that. >> i'm truly worry about about that president torres some of the things going on in the community is not right. >> we want to have an update in the housing authority with you and with jon stewart as next steps um, any further questions that you have around the rfp prior to its publication i want to make sure you have that conversation with the housing authority. um, to make sure that we have heard everything we've discussed we believe in there to
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be responded to and we will let that prosecutes play out and i want to assure you and ask the housing authority um, if i'm able to ask this question that there is going to be a resident voice as part of the proposals that take into consideration what we're hearing in addition, we heard at other meetings and our colleagues and attend the council meetings. >> and all the residents that attended those meetings and the service senior that attended those priorities those issues are reflected and more so that that voice can be present in the room for making the decisions to move forward. >> of course i want to make sure that you feel we're hearing
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your voice because of the long-standing relationship with the community that you have we're moving in the right direction i i can't imagine how frustrating it must be and hoping we can continue moving forward in a positive way to best serve the community from the children to seniors, to the families and own site and do that together and do that in the best and more organic way that makes that worth with the regulations we have so i want to thank you, thank you for being here. >> i humbly and hopefully we can get this done. >> thank you. >> do we have - yes. >> sure. sure i - >> go ahead we have a couple
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of minutes for any final comments from you? >> good afternoon. >> i just want to thank all the sentiments that my resident council pertaining to the funding for the - first reiterate that the president council and committee was composed of several residents and even the leadership one of the most power council in northern california and we've been working diligently the problem with - and because of that funding was found i know that president torres the things you've done with the funding and noted that because you guys know about the day in february and for the alerted by the
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leadership at that time so it took hud official the gentleman to keep in mind and take this from the resident council to gape access to the information and under the impression that was given to the council who knows better to understand the conditions of this in the residents council and the leadership as you guys know through many publications as well as your interaction with us with that we have the problem is we have residents services coming in to a whole site predevelopment that is against the law that money should be going straight to residents council by way of ph if i'm not mistaken for the money to go
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to residents coincides and i want the law to be checked into we handout have resident services on site the ones we have to their best but one from sacramento not seen in over a year that's another problem you giving the funding citywide out of the community and the money it spent and we've been painstaking coming to the residents couldn't the money going to the what is is it the funds like not even one hundred dollars per unit we have one hundred and 95 unit one of the largest projects in the city our leadership data shows 2 to three
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residents per household and president torres one hundred dollars be for the sufficient and some provisions for funding can be raised that 4 hundred thousand can go like the president martha didn't have to wait for housing authority or any of you guys to chaperone her or for us to be painstaking waiting for services to provide our funding when we need funding day to day me myself and because of my mail was going somewhere else and people have needs immediately we're not able to get that when he anyone has the funding that's about that and want to say that jon stewart management pushing for the of that company because not only
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from the tenant harassment but the theft of the residents were not aware of by us through other means of investigation. so we feel unsafe and also brought on by mccormick and salazar so why is the management company still here and the flip side the leadership pushing to start our own sidewalks to manage our own buildings and i'll speak about that a at a later date and m bs wags was gone and housing authority said we asked for the
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accounting of past funding you guys spent for the capital improvement $2007 million. we. >> 9. regular business - consent items: commission meeting minutes of april 25, 2024. $3 million were given to m bs not at plaza east and told a accounting of that and the spends of that that 15 thousand was spent per unit and i'm sorry president torres and the board that's not good enough for accountability sake. there is a lack of for the residents services when the residents need funding a lack of actual funding people don't need to be serving and things paid for and limited amounts especially much money is coming to plaza east and i'll highest quickly and among those will continue to be
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$2002 million we want to know more about that and how long has it been implement and where that money is going? there's a lot of unanswered questions for leadership to be pushed and ms. martha but listening and still implementing what you guys are saying even pertaining to the rfp. we found we're qualified to do some of the work that we have no experience and we did a survey have no residents have no experience for an rfp but no one will be given by the housing authority and others that is a problem again for residents missing the opportunity; right? to access those funding. so- >> sir. >> say that again. >> i just said. thank you.
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>> oh, okay. we urge the plan commission to take immediate action to address those concerns physically for the rfp capital improvement because as you know prequalification make it impossible for us to gain access do closed doors wording has to be chained in the rfp that is something has the residents and others are passionate about we dealt with m bs in the past and removal is not a happy removal; right? because of their lack of well, you can read about that in the newspapers. >> thank you very much. mr. williams we're. >> and president torres the hiring of our people. >> (multiple voices.) >> and not hired by you guys and housing authority and mr. williams. >> the one incarcerate you
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guys hired said in a meeting has not been paid in 25 days one hire here and in sunnydale yes. you guys are hiring contractor by what about the developers like you myself why am i not receiving a joint venture i hope not blackballed in the community. >> thank you very much. mr. williams a lot to unpack the majority of item is what we've been discussing throughout the meeting to see what we where we're able to address increased participation for those within the community can access the opportunity that will be coming to bear over the next 4 to 6 weeks. that is a rough fabulous i'm not controlling the exact schedule a quick point where will resident go or interested party to learn more about the
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timeline the rfp will be published? >> before we get there i want to respond. >> please. because a. thank you. >> it is true that the public housing are by statutes to get tenant participation funds but the rfp is dealing with fund not for the residents council, however, their comments definitely as well as the other residents of the east i think are considered in developing that rfp. and it is because those are public funds and also they're funds coming from the federal government under. >> okay. >> requirement and they are conflict of interests if you have an interest in the contract and you are precluded from being
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involved in the procurement process. >> of course. >> that is the kind of limitations - that are applicable i want to make that comment the funds that we have, of course, we want to consider the residents but those are funds from the projects and many times requirements of the federal government as well as the city have to assure that all the residents - everyone has a fair opportunity to participate and you don't want to do something in preng the rfp that precludes the participation applicable to the issues. >> thank you very much. i just want to reflect on those comments that the housing authority from what i have been
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how this body is informed is doing the utmost it can to make sure participation and access to opportunities through those procurements. and that um, and trying - also in the manner in which it is able to on its on eventual litigation from deck or original conversations with residents had found add path how to make the dollars available through the process and seeking as conversations has been had tonight to make sure we're doing everything we can to sure those doorways to opportunities can be opened and if not directly in some fashion that is appropriate in a line of rules and
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regulations that federal and state guidelines and local guidelines require; correct? >> i think she's actually been in involved in the federal ways to pursue the services that is in response to see going to meet the needs of residents not one way. i think meeting with the resident council there are members of the community that don't participate in the city council and just things that we know as being involved in this development of what things - all will be considered in the rfp process but that is not to takeaway from the involvement of c pack not the only factor that supports them. >> thank you and just for housing authority we've done in
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previous meetings make sure that the clarity around the dollars spent to date we've shared in previous meetings both here um, and in consistent basis and in communities um, to make sure that um, those are clearly understood again and in future conversations separate from the procurements but also reviewing any of the progresses in terms of payments not made was revised raised not ongoing issues not addressed. >> i do not know if a need unless someone to answer that so due diligence to make sure that people are paid. >> where the housing authority is involved that we be paying
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our vendor on time and and i understand? work on the plazas we talked about that yesterday around the independent assessment of units we have an different opinion how that information came to the housing authority we have an opportunity to understand that these funds if preclude from my perspective a payment being made to a vendor that perhaps worked on the plazas. >> and then with regards we heard from the retained leadership that was on the call right now through mr. williams why is the dollars made available in this way why are they not creatively used to enhance and compliment existing participation funds can you
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explain and outset why despite the extraordinary he creativity currently why that is not a direct possible given the restrictions on the funding. >> as i understand implementing parts of funds coming for the city and county of san francisco and part of fund coming from our capital funds. those funds nothing in the act that provides those funds go directly to the residents council the status that was you cited it provides what funds to be used for and generally basically services for the tenants but the funds we're securing the capital fund for the city and county of san francisco those few minutes are being provided for, of course, they are in response to some of the services and the needs that
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the residents have articulated but all public agencies including the city and county of san francisco have very strict rules so, you know, really didn't preclude individuals can not, you know, dictate the procurement and get a contract that is just they can't do that. >> great. thank you. >> through the chair. >> may i have our cfo explain who can participate. >> (multiple voices.) >> and, do that absolutely. >> commission funds we receive from hud $25 per unit and that is on the cf r celebration and that's just a set amount every year we get that amount and true for my public housing so all of
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that. (unintelligible) those funds are sent to the public housing and we've been sending this on a quarterly basis up front for the fiscal year and sent those funding are provided and the ph - receiving the funds to the local hud (unintelligible) like the funding so sending money to - local institutions. >> are we certain that the manner and the calculation and the formula as provided are adequately being distributed in the operational dollars be moving in a timely manner today? >> we checked with the ph d
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and confirmed to the local tenant association so for that amount that is budget every year and the calculations but once we get the subsidies we accepted it to ph and right now meeting on a monthly basis and the (inaudible) distributeed to the tenant association. >> can we we say using the start of year on a calendar year as a starting point that tenant participation funds and uh-huh and that are will be provided to the plaza east association have been fully distributed. >> yes. >> on the housing authority we send those first quarter in january and took over the cost
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for february and march and meeting on april 8th we shout out to the and get the conformance confirmation - making sure we send that up front on a quarterly basis. >> okay. thank you. >> i want to thank the housing authority staff everyone has been contributing and f rh fornix o for being hear thank you for the presentation and xfls and sharing our perspective with us today and thank you, mr. williams calling in and participating in the council meeting and notwithstanding ms. martha and her leadership on plaza east and much of which has
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led us to the place we are today. and in terms of changing how the authority is engaging on site and also how the city is engaging on site. and to make sure that residents are served. and i hope the maybe some miss giving in the way that the authority it moving forward we have to action to continue building that trust and finding the alignment with you to serve our needs again, we are here at the body to assure we are centered and how we make decisions and how we have a continual process for us to make sure we come back to that center of residents first and i want to appreciate everyone for engaging in the process and dialogue with
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us so with that, we're going to close the plaza east and move to the remainder of the cfo report with strategic plans manual report from possible no pending deadlines i would like to wait for a full build of commissioners to address those items we want to have enforceable decision making around that. >> the annual plan i need to chick we definitely are a strict timeline we have to follow. >> i don't. no no apologizes necessary we'll be here as long as we need to but have the full body. >> we are - just a presentation. at that point and have a several other presentations will be the june meeting where we have to have a
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decision but um, this is one of the public plucks i don't know to what extent the people in the public paying attention and why not here it as the level you deem appropriate and for the annual plan to hold if it is possible to hold this strategy plan conversation until we have the full body present. >> sure. >> move first before we move to an entrepreneurial conversation may we hear from potrero and sunnydale? >> and thank you, everyone for your patience normally not the manner we move and i'm not sure thank you, john stewart company for engaging and it was absolutely important to say thank you and at the 230er engaging in the dialogue and for
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the manner you've been interacting with the leadership and say that that is, i want to say thank you for that. >> all right. >> and then just because it is important we're having a dialogue to move forward in the most successful manner and to honor the conversations in the communities so, thank you. >> good evening, commissioners a teresa for the savings and loan and potrero report and before i actually get started on the report itself to go into the details of the monthly operation, i want to take a moment and acknowledge the fact has been some media and press surrounding the operation of the property and the fact i want to address the authority and commissions to let you know that the corporation absolutely stands to the format to make
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sure that the proper responsibility for the operations of the property and kroektd action if need for the property and coordinating with the internal investigation and he external investigation surrounding the matters at hand before i start, i want to acknowledge that. >> thank you very much. >> i virtual appreciate it and the work to date i know we can't go much further but allow it to play out again very much appreciate thus fargo. thank you. >> absolutely. >> so it is i get started talking about the operation for the month of april i wanted to share that some of the initiatives to both enhance the experience for the residents and fine-tune the daily operations
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had provided the authority with a few action plans. for greater clarification and communication that first plan was the vacant unit monitoring plan. and through that we provide the authority with a weekly update where they are with the vacant united the count of vacant units, what the daily status for the status of those vacant units are, and to actually 21 matrixes measures for the matrix we measure so that we can household to households unit by unit door by door identify if it even the hotline number is torn down needs to be recording it is detailed and that is shared the with the housing authority on a
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weekly basis and in turn sharing with hud and initially the next plan we have provided is an action plan with regards to unauthorized dogs - we have seen an influx of dogs through the community and persons on property, etc. and with the new signing of lease agreements seeing an increase of individuals that are listing animals on the renewal execution boac making sure those animals are addressed and whatever fashion that is appropriate for whether start the dialogue in the next for reasonable accommodation and/or need be to bring in animal control if they're off leash - leash excuse me - animals throughout the
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community. fourth plan the maintenance plan we did three prior vertigos of a preventive maintenance that didn't incorporate the expired version the housing authority will stay with hud and will be doing through october of this year this maintenance plan um, takes that into account and provided an entering preparesness response to the authority for the review and another initiative we or working actually with the cbos and identified four households we have engaging and um, evaluating
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is conflict resolutions with the community combined in the current month and also going through our unit inspections as we reported previously doing annual inspections throughout the community and as such uncovered the interior living conditions working with some households transferring them if we find that has did he can't take down and make sure the household is provided h in relooking at households whether to close out a building one resident left or occurrence didn't get reported to make
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effective repair and another condition has resulted we are diligently going through those unite inspections and we continue to do so. um, plus as we are also in the planning we realized that with the new lease signing and the reexamination we are expecting the housing quality inspections to be done and pro-active with regards to that process. and move on to the next slide share where we are with the participation in the meeting held on the property with our cbos the most of april the meeting till was suspended for the month that was the only one
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not attended by you are team. i provided the unit vacancies for both property and proovrt is a 56 occupancy and sunnydale at 76.9 occupancy with 200 and 22 at poorly and both as of last friday we were able to during the walk and confirm one-hundred hundred plus units boarded up and potrero units were compromised we were immediately additionally and by the wednesday, i building that was they were back to 100 percent unit built back for potrero and
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all compromised and 47 at sunnydale and on the next slide talk about where we are with our billing accuracy work with the c r and the housing authority with regards to the reexaminations with that process comes the need to reevaluate tenant leverages working on that as well and of the 100 percent of the community being 6 hundred and 57 doors need that reexamination process have received one hundred and 21 are fy2022-23 and with that able
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to get new visas and don't necessarily go hand in hand and that's a domino effect i can correct leverage while we're chasing the documents with that 1 hundred and 21 leverages corrected with regards to the sifshgsz we received and got 37 were executed at that time. i want to share with the rent collection process um, we have been working with the cbos and making sure that part of the conversation we're having in the weekly meetings it is how the residents wishes to have their rent that they're paying applied to the leverage there are two methods that can be applied under the terms of dwoel agreement any payment can go to the the oldest balance due or in
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the resident rights the month they want to applied a more recent month on the payment they write the month we apply it to the recent month and going through and making sure that is critical posting and communication process is followed because if the resident chooses to have it posted for the recent month and demonstrate three months keeping current with their current rent if it makes them eligible for other support and subsidizes that might especially had them with their prior balance a topic in our regular communication with the cbos so we have an adequate accounting where we are with the household and may need help have a designated individual that
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does that monitoring process it is more (coughing) benefit to the resident and as they're going through that. >> just - is now the best time for a question regarding the general combhfgsz cbo policy on size or wait until later on in the presentation. >> now would be fine. >> with regards to vacate unit i'm speaking generally not periodically. do you feel that the communication of the policy of how we're managing those sites monitoring those - units managing those unite they are offline unit is made clear to our cbo partners and cbo partners with communicating within in their staff to make sure that is the policy? existing on site and i reported previously we created a share
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we're sharing documents one of the things assist are adequate communication with the cbos we put in a um, a sample dwelling agreement they can see terms of lease and the terms of observecy, etc. and provided for them a copy of what is first of all, a container notice looks like an individual gets served with a forceable unit they know what the pro is and the - they know what is served and response times so we're constantly working on bridging that communication. um, but it is something that is a regular conversation. with the cbos we - we can um, periodically even
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provide update in a dramatic difference to the number of units with forcible detainers we finally got the materials and had everything boarded up that is shared with the cbos. >> thank you and we want to assure they're protected they are making the outreach an engagement with animal control to vacate the unit we want to keep our partners staff as well as our people. >> hope that answers your question. >> thank you. >> moving on to our rent collection our prior slide to that has our dollars amount and that shows kind of where we are with the most, etc. and potrero
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was 5 three percent collection rate and sunnydale was 66 collection rate and moving on to the next slide the graph we have provided for both potrero hill potrero and sunnydale with the collection month over month you see trend and one of the great pike in february and at that point and receiving at the push and it seems to level off at this point but trying to work with the cbos as much as potential and resident to continue a current rent and
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prior rent. >> moving forward to the next slide. i wanted to give the vacant unit update property management things change and updated all the time but at that time of this report 100 percent of units were posting with is in trespassing sign allows the pd to come in and removal an individual had all the proper language, etc. clearly indicated that unit was not for dwelling and have the 800 number and seen an influx of those signs vandalized and trying to be removed from the property been very diligent in getting them back i saw a increase of a reclarification between oriented up and secured to the signs
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being vandalized we're mur micro managing what is happening in the doors behind those doors and again. >> just before the commissioner has a question immediate collaboration with unauthorized denounces of vacant units what other agencies with care. >> with regards to i'm sorry and on the slide of vacant unit when units are consolidation mentioned in the slides immediate collaboration with sfpd but in terms of a service those individuals may need with the collaboration of other cities guest i want to make sure that is not miss interrupted that's the only approach and
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offering. >> (multiple voices.) >> august 14, 2006, a future presentation making sure that there is um, an acknowledgement of. >> make sure we have that that on the record. >> this is in a building block from the prior meeting we indicated and the prior presentation indicated that every one of those individuals were behind the door any contact with them whatever have the hot team and have the lists of resources we're providing to every single one of them and in addition one of the things we're regularly doing is as we're going in 100 percent of the unit and performing smoke detectors tests and leaving with an inside the door abused samoan maybe
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there and 11:00 p.m. main by 4:00 a.m. so constantly evolving leaving those resources there. >> commissioner lindo my apologies. >> in regards to the no trespassing policy what happens with the police department gets involved and are you tracking what occurs? >> for the person is cited or - >> in fact, yes what we're doing a tracking method that we're tracking units that have indication of tampering and units where people are are left belongings behind and departed and individuals are behind the doors shouldn't be they're not previously identified for a soft landing shouldn't be there and
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those are the ones that we are reaching out to pd and providing those resources listed to but they already know they shouldn't be there we're working with pd. >> (multiple voices.) >> and what protocol i'm trespassing and the police are called in the police come in and cite that person for trespassing or dots police come in there and book them for trespassing is continuing offense are you tracking the outreach from the understanding. >> the understanding is actually working with the team asking the individuals to leave and they are given an opportunity and they're taking the belongings out of the units the true true interpretativeers
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- regular periods asking the understanding to come and assist us with moving the individuals out of the unit can get the unit back resecured measures are talking to secure them, no toilets in the unit no appliances the the circuit breakers are removed not a habitable condition and not a place we want people to be using the had beention has to that. >> i'm talking about the
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people that come back. >> we have those and understanding is shared with us the ids that they have obtained from the individuals and the next step we're starting is um, because i do have individuals that are presenting to be a has to the community by the behavior and we're actually starting to file restraining order against the individuals that pd has identified. >> for clarity purposes. >> i'm prior law enforcement we get a call and we determine if there is somebody trespassing. typically i give a warning you mentioned that they come back a second time dbe
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cited for no trespassing and the third time booked factor the trespassing this so what i need to know is that - going on between you're management company and the police department? or have you just chasing the tail. >> what they're doing is they're with our teams informing the individuals trespassing they're not allowed to be there. and so they are moving out of the unit and we're boarding those up in live time as pd comes to support that work. >> that's what's currently happening. >> being on the property they've find somewhere else to
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live how do you handle that. >> those processes you identified we have a trashg system within the software we can identify those individuals but advertise it makes it challenging because - we see who they are and they become known persons for us in the community. um, but we're tracking for those who they are to get to that restraining order level but if they have been moved on, they're not in the unit at that time i don't know if they're staying with other family member or someone they may know in the community not outside of a dwelling agreement restriction. so if they're not in the unit, and they're not in another unit and they're not in a - storage room or anywhere we secured were
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working with pd. >> how many people are you dealing with with those trespassing problems. >> individuals we're having to track at that time with names and ids, etc. only three excuse me - only three a potrero and have to look at sunnydale i don't know off the top of my head but 3 for potrero we have pd or caught and know who they are. >> are you aware whether or not those that are is family living in potrero. >> not been shared with us. >> thank you. >> uh-huh and. okay. >> and moving on i want to
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share that we actually this shows 16 individuals that was in april and actually been further detainers with regards to a person's behind the doorsz with soft landing they um, services are working with and - but those individuals that have 16 of the ones that presented to be public health so at that point today's date i'm at 46 um, forceable detainer a summons and detainers has been made and for the month or staffing (coughing) i want to move we have 44 staff members for potrero and
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sunnydale i think that is important to share as well as that of our staff of that 44 staff members on site, um, 24 hour contributed to the site are 11 of them that have family that are in the community are related raise or have family members or spouses or in-laws i-i should say within the community so many of our staff members are very well familiar with and was raised in the community. so there is absolutely a great connection to the community by our staff. and it is interesting to see um, it feeds both the other staff as well because this is their homes and family and this is that makes this our home and families. so the pride in
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the community and how it looks and it is overall presence is eaten by the efforts of the teams and the veterans we are bringing out there with the improvement of appearance and highlighting want working orders we did have there is a both the numbers easy on the next page the slide so you can see the trend over with the number of work orders but 200 and 90 work orders at potrero a to 67 for sunnydale were performed and um, we did have a couple of miss communications with regards to closing out the work orders. um, with the team as i asked for the smoke detectors to to be checked
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and they had some entering work orders doesn't close out because they went back to the smoke detectors and so i did have just a small number of those i went personally went back to the work order and read them myself and an emergency work order with an individual no power in the opted within 20 minutes the teams had responded and went to the breaker and restoreed the somebody detectors so, so they went back and the residents was not under and went back on monday and tested the smoke e smoke detectors i'm looking this and so that was just a miss
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communication those delinquent and next the trend over on the far left the current month that kind of gives again, the trending and the raging of our work orders for potrero and sunnydale and our maximum days of completion for this month parking meter was 29.3 and our average days of completion were 3.5 and sunnydale maximum days 34.1 completion and our average day for completion is 4.5 and the 34.1 many of those were the materials we're looking for the back door up and that has been taken care of at that time.
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>> and wanted to talk about what our may initiate we have three establishments we were working with other vendor not getting the traction so we're moving back to that to be able to take care of the parking concerns and because we don't want stolen and abandon vehicles on the property and one other thing regularly are tagging vehicles on the a weekly basis for properties. i wanted to talk about our roofs we did have both properties had roofing challenges with the winter storms one of the greater challenges was there was a temporary repair that was done to about properties entering
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turfs until we get vendor and estimates and work to be scheduled and approved so with that, process sunnydale has been done and able to get sunnydale contract signed the roof repairs, etc. and potrero is more challenging what transpired was the chimneys there are three 7 had whims are designed where proper shading and 37 had varies pieces of chimney stripped off the actual chimney itself or the top cap or whether it was the flashing consolidation or got pulled up so and more
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challenging not always square every one of those chimney showed us had been custom manufacturers because not built to a standard 36 and a quarter maybe 36 and a half maybe off with the age aging of the property the materials are in manufacturer few and we um, are a regular schedule we provide housing with the update for those repair. >> it sounds like people are taking this the copper for cash. >> we're replacing that with a sheet material i building it is
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galvanized to lifetime that problem moving forward there are whims that are subject to theft but part of bill if it ain't broken i don't want to fix that and that that concludes my report. and open to questions. >> yes. commissioner and i'm a animal lover i love my dogs and do spca an animal lover from child birth you're mentioning the dogs it caught any attention i was living in sunnydale before the communication and everything started bring that's dogs i'd go outthink my back porch i had two
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huge dogs a big open field right now am they built we would let our dogs out and go do neither business and play and throw their ball now i heard you say something about a leash they have to have on a leash you're saying a person has a proper document like hot records to date, no mention or record of anything that in order for them the dogs just play for a little while the owner has to have them on a leash are animal control will step in no where for the dogs to play i'm talking about open space or would they agree i'm - i'm personally used to
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take any dog out in sunnydale the pool right there a big um, baseball field and it is gated i'd take them up and and lock the gate, you know, but now this is not possible because putting all the buildings no one is putting a section aside for a dog park. >> if they don't want to put they're dog on a leash every single they go outside the dog is locked in the house they have no choice? i mean a done deal? and my second question what about the cats you see cats all over sunnydale they're stray and they get pregnant and have
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babies i've watched in and the little babies grew up and is there any way to make arrangement for animal control i love the cats to come get the cats and have them safely neutered put them up for adoption the problem is not the dogs the owners are the problems walking them but is it already a done deal can't come out of your house unless you're dog is on the lease and and there are terms under the agreement we are for seeing the dwelling unit and the terms of dwelling lease but you can take it pack to the team and brainstorm and see what we can do since a loss of where
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there is now a swimming all- >> (multiple voices). >> right. right. >> so we can take it back and put our or put our brains together and- >> (multiple voices). >> every time they walk out the building. >> yes. thank you for that. >> that's the cats. >> we're equal opportunity animal care (laughter). >> do you have any idea - tenants are reclaiming their dogs. >> not off the top of my head not have been - we're just only three 7 signed leases back i'm seeing individuals for the first time starting to disclose an animal behind the door i think that is reinforced so they're willing to. could the say hey
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because spca will not pick up cats, but they will neuter. they'll pick them up, and they will, stop them from being able to keep on, reproducing. and so that is something that, previous in the past, linda had, animal control come and treat the cats in the area. so because we can't necessarily remove the cats, but they if they're not sick, but we
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can make sure that they're not reproducing on the site. but it is, it is our policy that pets on site must be on a leash because they're your love and your companions, but everyone is not are not pet people. and so that law and that rule is for the protection of everyone on the site. i totally agree with an aggressive dog that bites because i've been bit in sunnydale and it was a teeny weeny one. is that exactly me? that got me? and he seen me walking by his house every other day, all the time, and i. i thought he was new. so street, i mean, and he just really ripped. but then again, his owner begged me not to tell housing authority because he said they have his dog's picture in the office, and if he attacked one more person, he was going to be evicted. so i told him, i'm not going to tell, but you better do something about your dog. and he moved to hunter's view, so that problem
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went away, you know. faster. yeah. ambassador yes, but if you ever need anything, thank you. i'll help you, i appreciate that. thank you, thank you. that was my pet whisper. yeah. commissioner. pet whisper, is there any other questions for me already? thank you all. thank you. theresa so we're confirming that item seven c for the strategic plan update and item seven d the annual plan will be continued for next month's commission meeting. item seven e just want to i just want to clarify why we don't need any presentation on the annual plan today. i want to make sure that any compliance issue that you need to abide by, i we need to do it. i don't yeah, this is this is our job. this is what we do. the commission through our board president, we're going to do an abbreviated. yeah, i can go i can do it quickly, and then
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if there's something you want me to pause on and slow down, that i can, yeah. so i'll just do it like that. and i just want to confirm it's about 1500 slides, correct? no. you know, i whittled this down to 40 slides out of, like, 100 and something, so i already tried to. this is more than what i presented at committee, but we did have a meeting already, so there was some feedback which led me to add some additional slides. but i'll, i will shoot through them, thank you, bennett, for republishing the book so that the slides are available and they will be available on the website. so anybody from the public who you know is interested in what this is, they can see it. so that's what makes me feel comfortable about going so quickly. okay. so the first two slides are just a simplistic view overview of the hcv and the public housing programs and how they work and who's in charge of them, the point of why i put those slides in which are new from the, from the committee
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meeting is because although the reasons why we had to make all of the, major changes in our policies are due to two regulations, hotma and inspire, they can apply to the programs differently depending on if it was hcv or public housing. so this was just to give a quick overview of that next slide, we changed our we put the new mission statement in next slide, this one actually garnered quite a lot of conversation. we have adopted a more, affirmative language in our authority policy portion of the nondiscrimination. section of the of chapter two of the plans, where we if you go to the next slide, you'll be able to see we added that, we would investigate any any complaints of discrimination against the
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authority within 30 days. the requirement is for any applicant or participant who believes that they've been discriminated against by the housing authority or an owner to advise the housing authority, and then hud requires us to make every reasonable attempt to determine whether the applicant's, assertion has merit and warrants any corrective action. so we just added this, more affirmative language that gives a timeline of when we would do this, we i do want to point out, because it kind of got brought up in the meeting we had on the 17th of may with the residents that what we changed in here is specifically about or what we've added in here is specifically about complaints against the housing authority that typically would come from they think that something something that one of our contractors did was discriminatory. we think that we can resolve potentially those things within the timeline we have set, you'll note it does not necessarily explain what we
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might do if the complaint is against an owner. a lot of conversation is being had and suggestions are being, tossed about about what we might do in that instance. but our changes does not address that. and we recognize that, next slide. okay. what is hotma, so hotma is a law that was signed, in 2016 by obama. this is primarily affecting income related, things in both of the policies and income reviews, limits, asset limits, deductions, how we verify it, and when you look at it in reexaminations, yes. next slide. okay. so eligibility for an applicant to get into the program they have to be eligible. so they need to qualify as a family. they need
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to have they need to meet the income limits of the program. citizens social security. they have to sign release of information consent forms, you can't be getting duplicate subsidies and they have to meet a net asset limit. the ones in red are the ones that are. there are other things to be eligible, but the ones in red are the ones that were affected by hotma, and which i will go over quickly. next slide. so you have to be a family as defined by hud. and, hotma added an additional, an additional language to what qualifies as a family under the single person definition. so that's in red, next slide. and i will pause at this one for a little bit longer, you have to meet the income limits. so at admission, basically they're looking at the annual income of
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the individual. what program. and then if they meet the income limits of either a low income family, a very low income family, or an extremely low income family, which is defined in the code code. and if you if you're if you make more money than the income limit, then you're denied access to the program. so that's at the outset, if you're in the hcv program, once you qualify to be in it, we do not check and hotma does not did not provide for anything. different. we don't check income limits again at annual reexaminations interims or anything of that nature. however, hotma does provide income limits for continued occupancy in the public housing program. so or a public housing resident is not allowed to stay on the program if they are over the income limit for more than 24 consecutive months. so the
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new rules and therefore changes within the akop are going to be that, if during an annual reexamination or an interim, for whatever reason, that they were checking income, it was found that a public housing resident was over income, they would get a notification, you're over income if you remain over income for 24 executive. consecutive months, you will be they will essentially be terminated, terminated from the program and therefore evicted. since it's public housing, so it will be checked again after 12 months, and then it will be checked again after the final 12 months, after each time that they check if the person is still over income, they will get another notice until that final notice which says, okay, it's been 24 months, you're still over income. you know, you'll be evicted. and i believe that the time period for eviction is within six months of that last notice. so, are there are there, real case? studies around this
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policy item that we can discuss real case studies, not to my knowledge. interestingly enough, this, provision in the code was took effect like june of 2023. this is one of the situations where i said or i said at committee, the law is going to supersede our policies whether we changed it or not. so this has always been the case. i we haven't changed it in our a cop. so i don't know that it's been implemented, but now that we see it and we're putting it in there, we certainly are supposed to follow it. and we should have been since last year. okay. all right. so a reprieve has already been inadvertently allowed. was there do we have any, not for now, but do we have any background on how this policy was developed in terms of 2.4 times over the income, the 24 month period of time and how that relates to, economic
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empowerment activities in a hyper inflated housing market that would limit opportunities for people. i just want to get a sense of the message that this policy sends. i just do some research on that at a later date. not not today, but i just yeah, i don't i'm not sure how this policy was developed, i suppose some research can go into that some sometime later. you know, i've got solicitations to do, but, yeah, but, but definitely one of the things that this does allow is that if the person is, once they get past that 24 month grace period, which is how it's termed in the code, we the authority has to terminate them from the program. it said unless the family executes a new lease, paying an alternative nonpublic housing rent, then they could potentially stay in the unit. they'd be paying essentially for what the actual cost of the unit
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is, rather than, you know, the 30. right. they'll just they can right. so they'd pay whatever the, the, the unit cost and they can stay in the code. it says they would do that. they would execute that lease with the housing authority. as you know, we don't actually, manage the public housing. so they would i would assume they'd execute the lease with their, with the management on site, if something like that were to be done. but that's a possibility or if the person, i mean, i potentially maybe they could attempt to see if they could get on a waitlist for the hcv program, which doesn't not function in the same way. right. it would just be great to see, like, what the cost of that unit would be in relationship to someone who is making 60 k a year, got lucky within the city or through training with the city. ended up getting a job that paid them.
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what would that amount be? $144,000 a year and is that, is that based on actual. well, anyway, just just going through that process and then what kind of housing would they be able to find elsewhere in the city? or, you know, what the cost would the unit be? how would that line up? i'm just curious about those pieces. yeah okay. next slide. okay. they have to, to, consent to the release of information. they have to sign the consent forms, so each member of the family of an assistant of an assistant applicant or participant who is at least 18 years of age, or is the head of household or the spouse, regardless of age, they have to sign the consent forms that allow, the authority, or the owner to verify the information
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that is being provided at the recertifications or at, you know, initial application to get into housing. so the way that the code was written, if you didn't provide the consent form, then you were denied access because it keeps us from doing our job, but because of hotma, they they're going to have another consent form, which is, which includes this portion where the, where the authority is able to obtain financial records from any financial institution. when hold on, it's a provision authorizing the housing authority to obtain any financial record from any financial institution, as the term financial record and financial institution are defined in the financial right to financial privacy act, and whenever the attorney, whenever the authority determines that the record is needed to
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determine an applicant or participant's eligibility for assistance or level of benefits. so because that's a new part, it was explained it hotma said that, the overall rule that if you if you don't sign the consent form or if you don't provide consent, then you're, you're denied, assistance does not apply to that portion. if a person was to say i revoke that portion unless the authority, provided a policy that says that we want to adopt that if you revoke that portion, then then you will be denied. so we have adopted that policy in order to just align it with what the law has always been with regard to, release of information, which is that if they revoke it, we cannot, run the verifications on the finances through the iv system in the way that we're being mandated by hud to do so, it's just like, let's just keep
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it level in the way that it's always been. if you if you don't sign the release of information, you're denied. if you revoke this new portion of it, you're denied for the same reason. we can't do what we need to do to verify that you are eligible for this program. so we have adopted that, policy. okay. this is the next slide. okay. so that's just more this just explains it, further, it just shows the new language by hotma. so we can actually go ahead and skip that next slide okay. oh, and what i want to say about the release of information as well, is that the way that it has been working is that, the former forms expired after a certain period of time. so the families would actually have to sign the release every year. but a lot of the things that hotma was doing was intended to streamline the
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process. so they only have to sign the form once. and so when you're 18, you sign the everybody in the household who's 18 signs the form, and then, and then you don't ever have to sign it again, so long as you don't revoke it or anything like that, and it automatically only, is null and void if you leave the program or if you're terminated from the program or anything like that. no, no one's going to continue to look up your information. but because you only have to sign it once and be done with it, that's another reason why we decided to adopt that policy. okay. so eligible, they have to sign a form hud. 52675. also, only one time that, that will allow us to, to, verify that they, do not have any debts with any other, authorities that they're not being subsidized somewhere else. you're not allowed to have
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multiple subsidies, it allows us to run those searches, so, so everyone in the household would also have to sign that form again, hotma is requiring the 24 cfr 5.233 is mandating that the authorities use hud's enterprise income verification system in its entirety. and, and there's even penalties for noncompliance. so we really need to be able to utilize this thing properly. and they definitely have done that at, you know, to do the existing tenant search and the debts owed by the ode to pha's and terminations, during that initial process. okay. next slide is the asset limitations, so hotma has applied this asset limitation at initial initial
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eligibility, where our, there is a restriction, public housing under the public housing and the hcv, applicants would be ineligible for admission if their net assets are over $100,000, the effect of that would be that they would be denied, participation. or if this is checked during an interim or an annual, they could potentially be, evicted or terminated from the program, the second part of the asset limitation is ownership of real property that's suitable for occupancy. if a family has ownership interest, legal right to reside in or authority to sell, real property that's suitable for occupancy, then they would must be denied. at admission. but there is the ability at this time we have not
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et adopted a particular policy about if we would want to enforce that, for continued occupancy, there is discretion to do a total non-enforcement of that for continued occupancy or some sort of, limited enforcement. and we haven't we haven't, said either way. so so i think just based on the mandatory, part of it, it would seem that we would potentially enforce it at both. so i, you know, welcome. any comments from anybody who might want us to do something differently there? okay. so and then this just goes over that same, policy that i just spoke about, just a little bit more detail. and then these are some exemptions to the real property restrictions. so if a person did own property but they could justify, you know, under
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one of the exemption is that it shouldn't count. that would be, allowed and it would keep them from being, terminated from the program or from being denied if they can show that the property is under one of those exemptions , okay. so we can definitely quickly go through these this was just to show the in red all of the different areas that was affected in some way, large and small, by the hot mud changes, just for visual. so next, similar. next. okay all right. calculating, income exclusions. okay. so the code has changed the way that they define, income. it used to be that they said what all was included in income. and, and they also said what was excluded. but now basically it's written that it, all income is essentially
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included if it is not specifically excluded. so the code very in detail lists like 28 exclusions. and then you would just look and see if, if the income that a person has falls under any of those exclusions and you don't include it, and if it's not in there, then pretty much can count it. okay. next slide okay. the earned income disallowance or disregard. this program is being is ending. hammer removed the statutory authority for the earned income disallowance. ide is available now only to families that are eligible for and have been participating in the program as of december 31st of 2023 or before. no new families are allowed to be added, since the implementation of that policy, which was the first of this year, and the it's
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going to sunset on january 1st of 2026, in order to allow the families that were, participating in that to get the full benefit of the 24 month period that that, program allowed for, yes. and then it seems like, i know commissioner linda, you asked how many people, have participated in that program. it seems like on the hcv side, it's not something that was in any sort of wide use, and it was very restricted to, to, to people who had disabilities and to encourage them to work. it seems like it was widely used on the public housing side. and it did because it was not narrowly tailored to the disabled. and i will, but i only, you know, i asked one of the contractors and so i will check to see if this is if the ending of this program, ends it,
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pro program wide, i believe it does, but i, i also saw that it said it would not affect people who, who were getting this sort of benefit in specific areas like family self-sufficiency program. so i think they have to be involved in a very particular program, in order for this widespread, shutdown of this particular policy not to apply to them. so i will look into the specifics of that. but yeah. so just to answer your question, i actually meant to remove this slide. this is just a slide that got into a something, a payment that is excluded from income. so when i was whittling down the 117 or so slides from every single thing that got changed, it looks like i missed one. but that's just an exclusion that won't count toward a person's income, okay. deductions and expenses. so there are mandatory
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deductions, which for some of them, the amount has changed and they're also going to be adjusted annually, by hud. so what happens is hud on september 1st of every year would come out with the new adjustment standard for the deductions that are going to be adjusted and then the adjusted so that people know ahead of time what it will be adjusted to. and then the adjustment will take place january 1st of the upcoming year. so for right now, the deductions are $480 for each dependent. the elderly and disabled deduction is $525, which is up from, from the previous year, which i think it was four for something on them. but it's 525 now. the unreimbursed health and medical
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care expense and reasonable attendant care auxiliary apparatus, that used to be that the, the some of the, some of unreimbursed medical expenses that exceeded 3% of the annual income of an individual, could be deducted, but that has changed through hotma to say that exceeds 10% of the annual income. so because of the adjustment in in the threshold that you have to meet before you can receive the deduction, they have allowed for families who were already a part, who are already receiving that deduction, the medical deduction at the 3% level, if it is difficult, if it's a hardship for them to have it to where they can't receive the deduction anymore until it gets to the 10% level, they can get this phased in relief, a phased in relief
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will allow for the first year of the annual of the annual re-exam or an interim that they would, do it at a 5% threshold so it would still go up, but not so much from the 3% that they're used to. and then after a year, it will go up to 7.5% threshold. and then after another year, they're at the proper threshold to do the plan properly, since that only applies to people that were in the program at the time, that it was at the 3. anyone who is in the program, but 10% is too much for them, they can ask for general relief, which they would have to show. why is this a hardship? why is this difficult for you to meet? and if it's determined, like, okay, it's fine. they can get it at a 5, threshold until all, it will expire after 90 days or until, whatever the circumstance was
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that made this a hardship for them no longer exists. whichever of those comes first. okay next slide. verification so what is this one about? oh so we have to verify everything that that the, applicants provide to us in the, in the reexaminations and all of that. and we hotma and as i said before, hud is requiring the use of their eiv system for third party. verification, at annual re exam, unless unless you choose to do, other means tested federal public assistance, programs. we have not chosen to adopt that. i have gotten
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comments with people saying, hey, adopt that. and i've also gotten comments like that's not necessary. so we're trying to figure out, we so far have decided not to adopt it to allow them to do it the way allow us to do the examinations, the way that we have been and are still taking comment on that to decide what to do come june, next slide . interim reexaminations now have to be triggered by specific, events. so, if there's a decrease in the adjusted income of a family that, will will decrease their, their income by more than 10% and interim must be done, or if an increase in their deductions would, would cause a decrease in their adjusted income to that 10, it would have to be done. also, it would be triggered if an increase in their, annual
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adjusted income results in their , in an increase of their income by more than 10. you'd also do one and a decrease in the family size due to death or permanent move out. you would do an interim at a 0% threshold. so based there are specific reasons why an interim might would be triggered. and so normally you're just doing an annual each year. if some if a qualifying event triggers an interim then an interim would be done. and if something because of all these hotma changes, needs to be assessed, there's all kind of rules behind, like the phased in relief. you've got to check back after you've given them phased in relief 12 in 12 months. if that didn't, if the time that they got put on the phased in relief doesn't coincide with the annual, reexamination, and it doesn't trigger an interim, then you would, you could go to the next slide, but you would do what's called a non-interim transaction, which next, you
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would do a non interim transaction where you would record, you know, whatever this change is that, that they're now at that 12 months of the phased in or that they're now because you do have to keep track of it. somehow now and you can't always wait for the next annual reexamination. okay. next slide. and we are getting to the end. so then that brings us to the next reason. the next biggest reason for a lot of the changes is inspire. so inspire is the national standards for the physical inspection of real estate. it is replacing the hqs standard and the and the one for public housing was like upc or something, we have to be in compliance by october 1st of this year, which is why we're asking for ultimately we'll be asking in june for the all the policy changes to be effective
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come october 1st of this year is to align with when we have to be in compliance with inspire, so, yes. so so basically chapter eight of the of the hcv plan has been completely just redone. i do have insights about the difference between the public housing and hcv here because the way that it, the standards are the same, but, in the public housing side, the management, you know, does the, the inspection of the property before a tenant moves in, they'll do annual inspections of the property around the same time that they're going to do their reexaminations. but then hud does, inspection of the property, annually and scores the entire property based on these inspections. and then the score that the property gets also affects different
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designations with the housing authority, whereas on the hcv side, the housing authority does the inspections or our contractors do, they do the inspections at initial inspection to make sure that the unit is, meets inspired standards before a tenant can move in and hap payments can be made and, they are not scored like the like the public housing which gets a 0 to 100 score. they're just given a pass fail, re-inspections can be scheduled if a unit were to fail and, if a owner were to do o special inspections can be done if, if, if a if we got a report that something was wrong with the unit, we would go in and do a special inspection. and then the remedies, if a owner was to fail to do to repair something as they were supposed to, would be that, the unit could go into abatement, the authority would
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stop making payments to the owner on it. the, the tenant potentially would need to be moved depending on what's going on in the property and things of that nature. so it's very different how it would apply, even though it's the same inspection standard. okay. next slide. so inspire has 64 standards which can they have three inspectable areas. the unit the inside the outside 64 standards which can cross over into all of the inspectable areas or just 1 or 2, and then different deficiency amounts for each one depending on what the standard is, they, the standard designations that they have accorded are life threatening, severe, moderate or low. and the repair schedule that they have in place is 24 hours for life threatening and severe, 34
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moderate, 60 for low. that it's pretty much the public housing repair model for hcv. life threatening is the only one that's a 24 hour, repair, severe and moderate are 30 days and low is 60. okay, so similar to the chapter six, this just shows some of the areas a lot more of the areas of chapter eight that had to get changed because of the, new inspection model. next next. okay. and then this just shows the three inspectable, units. it's all in red because it's all completely new language. so, and then it just explains what the inside area is, what the outside area is and what the unit is. so the unit is actually where the individual lives. the inside is like within the building common spaces, hallways, laundry rooms, things of that nature. and then the
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outside are all your common spaces. and grounds, and like your balconies and patios and things of that on the outside of the unit, next slide. and then they also have affirmative of, what they call affirmative requirements for each of the spaces. will say specific things like inside the inside area must have must include at least one battery operated or hardwired smoke detector in proper working condition on each level of the property. things of this nature. so they have affirmative, requirements for each of the three inspectable areas, so next. yeah. so that just shows, all of the affirmative requirements. i don't need to read it out to you all in the interest of time. and, and then the health and safety concerns, the inside outside. and the unit
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must be free of health and safety hazards that pose a danger to residents, the types of health and safety concerns include, but are not limited to, carbon monoxide and electrical hazards, extreme temperature, flammable materials and other fire hazards. garbage debris. handrail hazards, infestation, lead based paint, mold, and structural soundness. so these are all things that they look at and, yeah. so that's my very quick walk through. and then i have the timeline here. we, so the comment period began on may 6th. we had the committee meeting on may 15th, already then we had resident council, meeting on may 17th at 10 a.m. and then the stakeholder meeting on the same day at 1130. and now today, here we are at the commission meeting where we've given this presentation again in
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a little bit more detail than the previous ones. and then my upcoming meetings are is another meeting with resident council and separately, but on the same day with stakeholders to get additional feedback. and i will have a public drop in session all day. i'll be in the office on june 11th for anybody who wants to drop in and talk about annual plan with me from the public, they can, and then there'll be a public meeting, where i'm available to go through the full presentation with, anyone from the public who wants to on june 17th at 10 a.m. and then on the same day at two, we'll have committee, at that point, we the intention is that we've got all of our changes. we've made definitive decisions about everything, and this what we present at that time will be what we actually plan on asking
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for you to approve. and then the public hearing is on june. i'm sorry. then the comment period is still going on until june 20th when it ends. and then the public hearing, to incorporate whatever the final policies are going to be will be on june 27th. so everyone final slide is reminded that the comment period does end on june 20th. i am open to all comments and suggestions, and i can and all comments and questions should be sent to my email at josé at sfha. org that's l a n g e z at sf h. org that's it. thank you. zawadi no problem. yeah. did you want to do any more, any more slides? no. i'm good thank you. i just a quick question. when people go
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on to the website, are they able to see exactly that they can. is it prominently displayed on the website. yeah. so as soon as you go to, and you scroll down there, it's on the announcements page. it's the front. it's the first page. great, so i think it used to have first position. now it's in second position. the waiting list, opening i think knocked it out of its spot, but it's right next to it. you can see it easily. click on the link and then they can get the, the all of the submissions that, that we have posted up there, which is the annual plan, the admin plan and the a cop, yes. great. thanks. no problem. 70 finance report. good evening, commissioners. good evening. good evening, i'll keep my
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comments brief. nothing's really changed in the numbers from last month. added in an additional month. being added of expenses, so this will be the finance. sorry. we'll see. we'll see. so let's see this is the, financials for the seventh month ending april 30th for the housing authority, so for the housing choice voucher program, we're still waiting for the updated administrative fees structure from hud, it was it was supposed to come in last month. we still haven't seen it, when we get the new rates, we'll be able to then update the administrative fee, just some context. last year, in 2023, the administrative rates grew by about 4.5. so these rates were just, what, 2023 rates were, and then we'll see if there's any increases which should actually reduce the negative variance on the year end budget. expenses
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are pretty straightforward. we talked about the increase in the it investment spend, an and there's nothing more to that. i'll keep going. and sorry, just a quick question about the 524, variance, being over what was budgeted. do we know why? again you mean the negative variance? yeah. yeah, i think part of that was just, you know, the, the wait list for the project based vouchers were actually budgeted earlier than what they actually then when it's actually going to take place and it's going to take place later on this year. so that'll be one. it's also the difference in the rates that we are getting, between the admin rates from 23 to 24. and then the third part is what usually happens is since we're on a fiscal year and they on a calendar year, what will happen is in the early part of the year, we will always get less money, and then there'll be a
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catch up and a true up towards the end of the year. okay? okay, great. perfect. thanks. no worries. on the emergency housing voucher program, as you can see, for the most part, these expenses are in line. the other revenue is really us waiting on the moneys already in deferred revenue. we have the money from hud. it's just us waiting for the invoices to coming from, hsh housing and supportive housing for the invoices. once we receive the invoices, we can actually then remove the money from deferred revenue, put it into revenue. that same amount you see in other revenues is also the reason for the positive variance in administrative expenses. so they cancel out each other. in essence, on the central office cost center side, the management revenue is down, obviously, because the admin fee subsidy is just a quick question on the previous slide. sure. how long
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have we been waiting for invoices? so we got the january. so in may, we got the january to march invoice. right. but by now, all the invoices should have been received. but we anticipate, by september, we'll have received all the invoices. i think that's the invoice we got in january to march was about 400,000. so adding that on to this would would get you about in line with where the budget is. and we're waiting for one more invoice. do we have a sense as to why they wait a full month until after the first quarter to submit invoices to us? yeah, yeah. i don't believe this is the first quarter of 24. so part of this is, there's a lot of different, agencies that actually help with the with the emergency housing voucher. and so they have to collect all those receipts from those various different agencies gathered together before they
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can present to us in an invoice that's coming from the cbos that are doing the work. yeah, yeah, yeah. i mean, okay. and usually if i'm if i remember correctly, it's been five years since i've been in the controller's office. so i think wait, since five years since when? what was the date? july one. july 1st. so we have to make a note of july one is a five year anniversary for. so, doctor letizia i think is in it i think is what, 30 to 60 days or mom i yeah, yeah. on the city side, the requirement is to pay within 30 days of the receipt of the invoice. so the service provider, working on the esg program, they have contract with the, the homelessness department. doordash, so as they complete the work, they have to collect all the information, submit the invoice for, for
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payment and so and then our mou with the homelessness department is to make sure to review all those invoices. we do the invoice to and combine all the invoice on from all the service provider working on this project. and submit that to, sfmta's on a monthly basis. but there's been some delay on collecting those invoices from the service providers and then submit that submitting that payment, the invoice to san francisco housing authority. so we've been we meet with them monthly. okay. we do remind them of those outstanding invoices, but it's just a it's been, i guess, a challenge on the city side, collecting all the invoices. okay. got it. thank you. it's a good thing to have a lifeline. for the central office cost center. again, the management fee revenues are down just because the admin fee on the subsidy side is down, when
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they come in, when we catch up on the admin fees, we'll also catch up on the management fee revenue. other than that, there's just a little timing issues in the compensation and the administrative expenses. mainly related to, like it and legal, the hope six site. this is the plaza, eastern north beach. and as we've talked about before, the 100% of the revenues that we get in from hud is sent over to both plaza east and north beach. in addition, i think for this year, we anticipate forwarding an extra 800,000, of which 184,000 was already dispersed to plaza eastern may. on the next slide is public housing. this is exactly the, it really is just the asset repositioning fee for the sunnydale potrero sites. and again, this money that we draw
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down will will be primarily used to pay off the pension withdrawal liability. just as a footnote, the pension withdrawal liability as of september 30th, 2023 was roughly about 14 million. right. next slide on the mod rehab, this is just the sro building, the senator hotel on five and 19 again. i have limited information and limited data on this program. and same with the mainstream program, which is the next slide. okay. and i believe our final slide is just a summary of, all the different programs that we have. i think six different programs that we have. great. okay. and
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then, i'll let mamoru speak to the hcv metrics slide. thank you. i'll just provide a quick update on the hcv metrics. so we have received our budget authority for calendar year 2024. so looking at the second row on the far left, based on the budget authority and the reserve, we have, we will receive we expect to have 411 million as our budget authority for the section eight program. and based on our current expenditure trend, we expect to spend around three, three, 380 million in hap expense. so that's the equivalent of 32 million a month. so our reserve for the calendar year is, we are projecting currently 31 million reserve. so we are working on a leasing plan, similar to the leasing plan we presented to the commission this past two years will highlight the plan on how many vouchers we we're going to
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issue this year, how many, pbv potential we can issue, how many, hap reserve we planning to spend on making sure the vacancy are addressed at the different sites. so it's going to be a detailed plan next month that we present on how the plan to make sure we use this reserve we have available for this calendar year , on the first row, that's just the trend we're seeing right now. we received from her, from her 32.3 million and our expense expenses 30 to 31.9 million. so this being around 30, 32 million a month in term of how paid every month. and the bottom row just shows how much cash we have on hand from hud, from all this funding we receive from hud. so currently we just are around 1.2 million restricted cash. that's just cash that can only be used for harp. right. any question any questions. no no no thank
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you, thank you. item seven f is the chief executive officer's report. general communications okay. good evening commissioners. we wanted to announce to you all that our pbb and rat waitlist will be opening, on may 28th and closing on june 7th. we have had two walkthrough trainings for our community partners to help demonstrate the online application process. the trainings were on tuesday, may 21st from 2 to 3 and today, may 23rd from 2 to 3. to ensure that our partners are able to assist our applicants in applying, it will be an online, application process, the same as our hcv opening. and we will also be available at egbert. to assist applicants, with kiosk and also
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our partners at the san francisco libraries. what's the media strategy in relationship to the waitlist being opened again? i'm sorry, what's the media strategy are we planning to talk with with networks? do, anything in any of the local papers around the opportunity opening up again just to provide context? yes, it is a requirement that we announce these waitlist openings in the newspapers. so we have put the openings in, not only, the regular mainstream, like the chronicle and examiner and things like that, but we have also, put it into, smaller, communications to reach out to other, communities within san francisco to ensure that everyone is aware. okay, if we can just have a offline conversation about this just around some next steps we should probably take next week. yes.
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all right. thanks just in relationship to the waitlist and making sure that you're getting that news out there beyond what's required, beyond the requirements. oh, no. we do beat those are the requirements. but we work with all the nonprofit organizations within the city, providing training and getting out the news through, the nonprofit organizations. i also mean making the news so that the city, the city public can understand the, the weight of the work that's being done to ensure that people have opportunities for the very limited spaces of affordable housing that are available in the city and county, and that we are doing our part and the story that we can tell, it just it there's a great opportunity here. yeah. i just thought, i apologize, i thought maybe, the inference was that we weren't working with. okay. so i get what you're saying. i did want
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you to know. yes, we're doing our normal process. okay. got it, got it. because the team is working hard. so i wanted to make sure i didn't. thank you for that. president torres, i apologize, i don't know, so just really quickly, as you had stated earlier, and even our contractor made mention of we did have a hearing in the rules committee, and we were asked to come by supervisor walton, who is responsible for district ten. and as we've all known, our no. because there have been different reportings. i just want to touch on a couple of different topics around our site, especially sunnydale and potrero, and to just assure this commission and the public that one, this information was reported about inappropriate behavior by one of our
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contractor staff. we began in motion immediately and took some really important steps and one of those steps that continues to happen is a 100% audit of all vacant units on our properties and we don't take this lightly. it is very serious and we have taken it very serious. and we don't condone inappropriate behavior and we don't condone any of our participants in our program. residents on our site to be, treated inappropriately and disrespected. and it is very important to us as an agency. and with that in mind, with that work, not only doing 100, a 100% audit of the vacant units and anyone impacted potentially by that reporting, we have worked
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continuously with our partners and we have a vacant unit management plan monitoring plan where with our partners, mayor's office of housing and community development with the department of public health and with the department of homelessness and supportive housing. we are working to ensure that individuals impacted have a humane soft landing for services to ensure that there is a pathway for any services that they need, as well as housing, and we continue to do that, work diligently. and both myself, myself as well as my colleague at the mayor's office of housing and development, are intimately involved in this work. and because we do have, investigator is going on, i'm not at liberty to discuss the details, but i do want you to know, i want our
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board to know that, again, we have taken this serious and we have moved forward and i am personally involved in this effort as we continue to resolve, whatever wrongdoing might have occurred. and at the same time, as we are working alongside our colleagues and we are working with our property management company, i'd like to assure you that we are holding our management company fully responsible. all of our vendors fully responsible for the work that they do on behalf of the housing authority. and while all i'd like to touch on this quickly during the board, it was stated similarly. basically, what was our plans as it relates to continuing our relationship with our contractor? and i'd
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like to remind us all that we were mandated by hud to contract out our property management program, our housing choice voucher program, all of our programs and we have done that with in conjunction with the permission of our legislative board of the city. and we are doing what has been required of us by hud. so that we can continue to pay over three, $400 million of subsidy to over 15,000 families in the city. and this program is extremely important, and we take this work extremely important, and we will continue to do due diligence around all the work that is being done at the authority. so i just want to again, confirm my commitment as the ceo towards
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this work, confirm my commitment as the ceo to each and every resident that we serve in the city and as you as our cfo shared today, we have quite a bit of reserves that we are going to bring a leasing plan to you to be able to add more project based vouchers to existing units in the city, as well as give out more housing choice vouchers. so the program is extremely important to this city and we do not take lightly the responsibility that we are charged with at the housing authority and i'd like to thank you again for your continued support in the work that we do. and i'd like to assure you that while i can say this, affirmatively, that the housing authority, we still have a lot of work to do. but i'd like to also assert that we have done a lot of work, and we are going to
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continue to do this good work, and we are going to continue to transform this agency because we know the importance of the work that we do. and how that work goes hand in hand with the city work that's being done to house san franciscans. and we are going to continue to be a part of that good work. so thank you, thank you, colette, as you just, in respect to, oversight of, ibmc management, and in respect to the amount of work that you and the team have been doing to, to, improve their operational impact on sites. when can we get an overview from the housing authority's perspective on how, and by what means improvements have been made in relationship to the scorecard that's been reported on and that we've
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discussed here in commission, so that we can have a data based, approach to building confidence from the commission for the work that the contractor is doing, for two reasons. one, to acknowledge positive movement, on sites and then secondarily to reinforce the our commitment to oversight of those contractors, for the obligations that they're bound to and that they're paid to perform on site, it's been a great vote of confidence to know that we are working in partnership with them, to deal with these serious issues and allegations on site. but i also want to continue that work and recognize improvement where it's happened, and, continue to apply , apply the pressure that's necessary to make sure that there's a level of operational excellence that residents can feel in a positive way and that we, as a commission, have a strong understanding of. but thank you very much for that. thank you. if so, agreed upon,
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i'd like to bring that in july, simply because i know, june is going to be heavy laden with the , our plan that we must get out on time. so if everyone is amenable to that, we will come in july. commissioners, does that work for everyone to have something more substantive in july that that means that we'll have two long meetings, most likely back to back june and july. okay, great. great. thanks. commissioner thanks, commissioner. all right, do we have any additional commissioner comments, any comments from the public on the ceo's report? no. going once, twice? no. all right, thank you very much. and we will see you next month. we do have an additional item of the committee report. if commissioner would like to give a report out really quickly. great. please just as agendized. yes. we the committee met last
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tuesday, and, we got to brief overview from the executive director and the wadi regarding the annual plan and the strategic plan. one of which was discussed tonight, thank you for the report, commissioner lindo. and then this this is an item with public comments, which i do not see any. and we're closing public comments and, yes, presenters, are there any move to adjourn? yes. thank you. time is 8:05 p.m. thank you.
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government television.
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>> my name is kevin roger tang one live owners and at a 2 owe 50 that's it avenue in the sunset so the bayview original hip hop store we have music so every purchase counts for either the charts and the tri work chart that is acquired by 3 best friends we love k pop and why not share that and would the community here in the bay. and originally supposed to open up an eco but unfortunately, the covid hit by the we got creative with the social media and engaged and bring in people within the being sure like pop
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and the instagram live or hip hope to bring that connection with the bayview k pop community and we grow. and hello we're a collective store so the cc around us within us has the cards people like to collect and try to collect limited edition mr. sincroy manufacturers like a state university or memorial and we have which is a venue for people to kind of make new friends and open up they're a goods and invite people to stay and oftentimes see the context we're very, very fortunate and everyone is super sweet and loveable to sum up i guess two words is a second home (background noise)
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and a lot of people visit. >> and connect this place even if it is really cool. >> san francisco is a city known for music and art and we at the pop store we to go show the k love and added to the diversity of music and the way of the community. >> it is safe place it is a great way to dmrofr new things and any friends and it is saying hello 2050 carville from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and followup on the
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>> thank you all for being here with us today. and obviously a special thank you for wells fargo for hosting us here at 33 market street. good to be in downtown san francisco. i'm simon, the exective director of san francisco new deal a non profit launched at the start of the pandemic and our work strengthens neighborhoods city wide making it easier for small business owners under resourced small business owner ered to succeed and glad tb out in small business week and celebrating all the small businesses in san francisco. today we'll share many celebratory moments but proud to share one for sf new deal. last week, sf new deal reached
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a major