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tv   2024 Nightlife Entertainment Summit  SFGTV  June 2, 2024 12:00am-2:31am PDT

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>> we'll get going here on today's summit upon agenda. welcome to the night life and entertainment summit brought by the san francisco entertainment commission i'm mental health executive director of the commission. if i don't know you come up is say hi at a break. i would love to feel get you >> you bfrment reflecting on the journal themarks the 14th year we hosted a sum tit is significant to note that we now have been a commission for over know 20 remarkable years. we are still celebrating that and excited about it. >> commissioners.
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if you could briefly stands and up wave. so folks know who you are. >> thank you. wonder. . we will hear from several commissioners i wanted provide a thanks for everyone of them. for off the work they do. you all serve as invaluable thought partner in this work and your dedication to the industry and service to our city is unmatched and deeply appreciated. thank you. >> same for staff. staff if you are here if you stands up and wave to folks. >> all right. cool. thank you. awesome. we had kate. dylan. may, andrew and asa if you could go and say hi to them on break we would love to know you better. thank you all for your dedication. staff you are wonderful.
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today could not have gone on without you. we have been planing for several month this is is the biggest event we put on every year. big thank you to all you have. >> i wanted to thank sfgovtv for live streaming and all those watching. online at home. we appreciate you attending. for everybody here in person, we really appreciate your presence it adds so much to the value of our discussion. and fantastic to engage in face-to-face. i want to you feel free to explore this space. upstairs we have the permit center. can you get ton other city departments there. also don't forget to visit our resource fair. we are going to host it again during today's break. today's agenda is in your program.
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we have an engaging lineup of speakers. panels and discussion for all. and while we may not cover every topic for today's agenda we'll break out in conversations in between to discuss more. without further adue i want to introduce our mayor london breed. [applause] thank you. megant is great to be here. this year i'm stick to my notes i can redeem myself and i know where to go on a wednesday night. now believe it or not, i am a night life personal i hang out late at night. dp in fact stein shake his head because it is not just because i hang out in the lion's den back in the day before i turned 21 i hung out at one up ump remember those days, steven.
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statute run out it is okay to be honest now. i will say it is grit to be here with all of you to really highlight and talk about night life in a way that is moving our city forward and getting people more excite body coming together more than i think ever before. i noticed that many more venues are not just crowd inside but spilling out to the sidewalks on the outside because of the excitement. the activity. i heard about and seen and been to many of the shows and experience some of you have been having. i like the joy. i like the excitement. people are hung row to come together. we know we are not where we need to be in terms of our recovery. i appreciate the fact that all you have come here every year and you are not getting up. you are continuing to work with us as a city on changes to
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policies. on changes to bureaucracy and way in which we can make it better and easy for you. today, it about providing with us that feedback. providing us with an understanding of the challenges you experience. so we can make it easy. we need to stop being a city of no, you can't have this or do that, no, no, no. we need to get to yes and be a city of yes because what you all represent in providing night life in san francisco is exactly what is so important not just for our economic opportunity but it is important so that people are happy and feel great. i wanted to actual about a couple piece of legislation we were able to sign including you all know about the jam perimism just add music. making easy and making free. so that for those who want to add additional music and less bureaucracy that you are able to
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do this with your various establishments. >> reasonable we just announced sf live. summer series working with some of you to help invest in out door and concert and events and other activities in downtown. not only for your venues but out in the public and extraordinary ways we appreciate your work. and your partnership. and one of my favorite thing system always going to an art walk or block per and someone performing and kids dancing and the community coming together. we're waiving the fees. not for every event but if not on the bus line and about 3 blocks and an art walk or another event we want to make it convenient and easy for people to come together as communities. trying to remove red tape and the things that make it difficult to have a baptist joy and happiness in san francisco.
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we are doing more night markets. thank you supervisor engardio and so many others who put together a lot of the events that are happening in san francisco. and i know we have been working on some of the permitting process alcohol and trying to make it easier to share. those resource. so. we hope to understand as i said your experiences and how we can make things better. pidepartment to give you all a baptist home about the future of san francisco. and the fact that some of it information we received has begin us an indication that we are in a recovery and things are appearing to be better. controller's office reported a jump in new restaurants and bars open nothing our city. with 99 new businesses opening in february and 147 new businesses opening in march. and increase of 48.
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for the month of march compared to last year. i'm excite body that and i'm sure all the folks are taking advantage of our first year free program we wave all the fees for those opening if new business in san francisco. and, the arts the entertainment commission has seen an up tick in applications for entertainment permits. venues in the last 2 years in 2023 the commission received a 53% increase of applications compared to 20 twoochlt we are excited see all of the changes. we are seeing new places open but we are bringing back some of the olds places like the stud reopened. and we have -- great venues the east cut. and all of the new places that bring excitement and joy. as the weather starts to
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improve, i am look forward to more things happen nothing san francisco >> now i declare today weed week a couple weeks ago. i did so when i 21 china intentionally. i know everyone had a lot of good times and fun the thing i enjoyed most when i made that declaration on an incredible roof top a club i partied at a did not know they had a roof top like this. and it was so great and exciting and we are seeing more roof tops as the weather gets better in san francisco. point is -- we want to make it easier we want to make it fun. we want to make it accessible and we want in all the work that you do to make these experience joyful. we have to be a partner from the city side to get rid of bureaucracy and the layers of fees, get riffed drama and get on, yes that , is my goal and
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hope and as a result of today, i'm hoping you have a chance again to share your experiences including your challenges and what we as a city can do better in order to move night life and entertainment forward in a positive direction so the city is more fun and exciting. thank you all for being here today. [applause] thank you. mayor breed. next up on today's agenda we will not be hearing from supervisor mandelman anymore. he could not make it temperatured but we'll hear from supervisor matt dorse. come on up. thank you for being here. [applause] >> thank you, so much and i want to express gratitude to mayor breed. before i talk about entertainment and night life i want to just say because there is something i talked to you
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about just talking to jeff about this. public safety is so foundational to our success in making sure naintament and night life succeeds and there is no one in city hall who has been a stronger advocate and partner of mine on public safety than mayor breed. i was proud to stand with you, last year on a plan that would get us to fully staffed police department in 5 years. i was proud to stand again with hair brained scheme to put tax hikes ahead of public safety. i think that is important it is something i hear from the businesses that i represent in d6. thank you, mayor breed for your leadership. i'm matt dorse represent d6. south of market, east company show place square. south beach, mission bay among
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others. since kickoff in 2022 supporting night life in our entertainment venues has been a major priority of mineful not just because many near d6 it is also because we have known from the start our economic come back is powered by what san francisco does well. and there are few things we do better than entertainment, night life, restaurant and cultural institutions. last year we won an ordinance i authored allow new bars in night time entertainment on the folsom street corridor. it brings new life in the communities and enabled the stud bar. to open. this was during out of a challenging time in the pandemic. the upon ordinance allowed businesses like folsom foundry to extend for amp sighed sound events up to 2 a.m. instead of
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midnight. our district posttotters an array of street faris. love foalson street fair. weird street fair. the events celebrate our culture but they serve as a platform for local businesses and artists. down tone first thursdays launch in the south of market. this thursday may second and i hope it see tlefrn for a brands new monthly street party along second street. with open air beer guardyens and more. from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. a partnership with sieve iing joy found and 111 gallery. yesterday, we joined with hundreds of very hot men to celebrate the eagle's 11th anniversary. a block party with party goers. my office is working with the d. public works to turn eagle plaza to the city's first public plaza
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with a full time steward making easy for night life permits. i represent a district with 3 cultural districts the soma district. the leather district and a portion of the transgender cultural districts. i'm a fan of the districts because they celebrate our city's past but they ensure that our rich and diverse cultural communes remain a vibrant part of our city's night life and entertainment in restaurant scene for generations. this is something san francisco has done well. that will be key to our come back. i feel in the last company weeks at least in south of market, i have been more restaurant openings and more things happening, san francisco come back surrounds way and entertainment and cultural powered. thank you to this community for that and just looking ahead my
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office is working k with scott weantory push entertainment zone in south of market allow people to carry alcohol outside on designated days throughout the year i hope you support sb969 and just know that as a supervisor i'm an old guy in recovery and may be i don't go to as many things as i used to. i will be a mart in in the entertainment and night life community i whandz it is for our economy and it is when makes san francisco in a destination city this . is something that helps us be a destination city for conventions and tourism. i want to thank the people from the entertainment and night life community for everything you are doing for our city. and know that you have a partner in my office. thank you.
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the of the night life is in soma what is going not sunset? i will actual the sunset is where it is at! don't count us out. i'm telling you from rivering and 20th we have a new place with a gorgeous bar t. always packed you go out to the ocean at taraval and got riptide. under dogs two there is a lot going to and more to come. i brought first sunset night market last fall. we will bring that back this summer and so, it is all about night life and night claimant has many definitions for everyone. night market is 5 p.m.
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to 10 p.m. that is where family vs night life entertainment. you got a toddler come at 5 or sick o'clock. a teen, 9 o'clock and get your bonea tea. one thing i want to do in addition to the mainstream night market on irving i want to create what i call the beach party adpichlgz taraval if you got a family and have toddlers come out to the beach party,dition and when the night market end us have riptide and white cap and underdogs and bars to keep it going. we are trying to be inclusive as possible and in the sunset you minot think of being a place for night life but it is the future of san francisco is through the neighborhoods especially the sunset and the west side exciting things are happening. hook fish they want to put together out door videos screening and movie screening a
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great idea. they are rung you can hurdles and permit problems my office is helping them shepherd through that. we want to cut the red tape and roll out the red carpet with good ideas if you have a good idea we don't know which will safety economy we want to attract all the people with the ideas to come to san francisco and give it a try. and be the place where we create the best everything the best san francisco and the best sunset. come out and visit us in the sunset. thank you. [applause]. >> thank you. supervisor. sunset sucks i don't know. may be stay home. kidding i live there. >> anyway. thank you so much. now we are going to hear from sarah dennis phillips the executive director of the office of economic and workforce
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development. thanks, sarah. >> hi, everyone. thanks for having me here. san francisco's night life sector has been critical to our city's economy. prepandemic night life generated sick billion in economic impact and employed 64,000. we know you are facing real challenges today. according to the controller's office the hospitality sector remains down over 20,000 jops from the peek of 64,000 compared to before the pandemic. our goal being present here today is to learn from you how we can return to but grow that level impact in the future. make no mistake, your work is vital to the recovery of downtown and all our neighborhoods even the sunset.
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your venues, bars, upon events and festivals have been one of the big evaluate reasons people come to san francisco not just to visit but live and work. san francisco is changing and adapt nothing ways after the pandemic the importance of night life has not changed. that night experience matters more than ever. residents and visitors in the city now are coming because they want to come not because they have to. having magnets is what will help us draw people back and continue to draw them to san francisco. many of you have been impacted by the changes. live here and come here when they come here. how. and those are changes facing a lot of cities. they are a big deal ump add to occurrence about public safety am inflation. increased costs and difficulty finding waiver whats is a lot for the sector to adjust to.
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the mayor is in the sector you heard her. the mayor's road map to san francisco's future our blueprint for how we move forward post pandemic has 9 strategies to guide us out. one of the critical is transforming downtown in a leading art's, culture and night life destination. the entertainment are key piece of strategies for recovery >> last year's economic industry summit wed implement a variety of the tools you told us you need. programs that will make it easy and affordable for all tough do your work. mayor mentioned jams we are excited b. earlier late last year in 2023, with mayor's leadership we adopted a handled changes to the planning code to were include permitting moving informed last friday the mayor announced new legislation to
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wave fees for out door community eventses and working on ways to invest november night life and create new tools to empower you. keep an eye out for more announcements this week. >> overnight last several years at advocated on tools we heard fru. liquor licensing reform. music venues to protecting alcohol service in parklet to the ability to designate entertainment zones. we try to finds new ways to support arts and entertainment nile ask you keep bring your combrds. share your challenge s and work with us to identify new truants we might be missing. our hope your voice will deliver results and i can say from everyone in the city we are listening and red to move those forward. toland afternoon upbeat topic i close acknowledging an important
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role the sector place beyond our economy. work do you is vital source of joy and fun for our city that is part of our recovery, too much san francisco has to be fun. we need places for people to garth. we need reason nears female celebrate as we e merge out of the challenges the last kefrl several year its is important to our economy and pride and the communities that you help us bring together. you other 1s that bring us together. thank you for that work. and thank you for being here today i want to thank the entertainment commission for letting us have a few words. thanks. [applause] thank you. sarah. now the moment we have been waiting for. we are fwk to hear from the two bens. so if you don't know them, you will know them now. this is ben van how then from office of economic and workforce
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development and ben bleiman our commission president they will give you an over view of ino have aing after dark legislative reforms for san francisco night life. so welcome the bens. >> ben does innovating after dark >> no, no, no. >> a little bit. >> no. >> so again it was nice to hear the moment you have been waiting for is it listen to the two bens i'm sure that is the first and last time that will be said about the two of us we wants to introduce ourselves i'm ben bleiman the pedestrian entertainment commission i owned 12 embarrass we just bought herrington's. i have dentses around town and advocacy for night life and on
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the entertainment commission for 5 years, i think. may be merchandise and ben. tell them about yourself >> hi, ben from the office of workforce develop. i work in the business development to support sect for for almost upon 11 years. nice to see familiar faces and new 1s and look forward to talk with all of you more hopefully during and arnold this sum and i any time beyond. yeaism where want to give a plug for intent when he does. he is probably like the duck on the feet are going under the pond you don't see what is happening on the top. you know he is as close what you call a nightmare. not the face of night life behind the scenes almost responsible with oewd for almost every good piece of legislation and zoning change that happened
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in the last 10 years and he would not admit it he is humblism want to give him credit. >> thank you very much. mruz mrauz jury room so we will talk about innovative things that are happening. we will try to focus on a few big ticket items coming down now that might help san francisco to help the night life and hospital hospitality industry to recover faster. i really believe in what sarah phillips said which is san francisco in order to recover and a place for people will bring economic activity and jobs. helps to be a place people want to go to. and i never heard it put that way. it is literal they don't vice president to work in the offices anymore. but we have to focus on making a place people want to come tochlt
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i truly believe that night life will be the engine that brings our city back. i think tell be the main engine as well as housing would help. i think that once people our night life is resilient and so forward thinking and it dpraun people to the city in numbers. we need to fleen to make it happen. i think the way this will work we gallon through 3 categories of things happening. explainer in chief here. who will give us the best knowledge we very much and we will talk about it and how it might be used. hopefully we will save time for questions i'm sure we can do 5 or 10 minutes of questions something come percolate and we will call you at the end. >> start with >> entertainment zone sns
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>> yes. >> so when everybody is about to fall asleep you will jump in. so, the idea of entertainment zone system a misnomer. it is not directly about providing entertainment t. provide and enhances out door social space. idea suspend that -- the last year senator wiener authored sb76 defined entertainment zones for san francisco. and the judged that the board of supervisors can now designate by an ordinance they can adopt an ordinance designating the yours in the entertainment zone alcohol allow restaurants, bars and breweries in the zones to sell go open containers. during spesed houros days during
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special events permitted by abc adjacent to the zones. this is new for california. and sb76 was originally apply state wide it got limited. we are, our really at the cutting edge with other industries watching to see how we implement this. and there is pending state legislation to make it city scombied remove the requirements of it. >> this is not a unique concept in the united states. actually over a dozen states have a framework in downtowns and other districts and north carolina and michigan and ohio and elsewhere sell to go beverages to walk with out door eventses and festivals and sometimes 7 days a week within hours. it is new for us not over all.
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it has been i think a fair amount of work to unpack exactly how this will operate program you know partly because we talk about local and state dynamics. a local process to designate entertainment zones and unlooks a state privilege for restaurantses and bars. the city would dez i guess nay a zone but would be each the individual businesses within that zone get additional benefits. figure out the state and local pieces and the idea of how do you manage a zone if you are trying to empower all the businesses. in the zone. to act responsibly. those other different considerations. i think we are getting cloegs on think burglar a frame w for the zones. how it would work. there is the wrinkle in the existing law that the zoning can
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only operate with abc special events not like you have a walk beer to walk around a downtown. it has to be with an event. there are events occurring all the time. or does that zone how does this impact the economics that rely on alcohol sales the key piece.
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union street fair i was thinking
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they would literally make anyone who wanted alcohol to be in a cage. they're bring in a tent of people outside businesses selling a product that the businesses sell next door and don't benefit from which outside. and made everybody stay. this would allow you for an event to permit an entire swath of an area and also for the businesses who are along that corridor to sell within the rules. nonglass. any alcohol to go that is cool. the other reason i like it it is flexible or should be. and the caveat it come along with the special perimism it is
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a piece figure out and this was not abc's idea this was the legislative process. you know playing out to narrow the bill. i think there are local questions how we implement it we are figuring out. there are questions with abc about special event permit and how that still to figure out. i do think that. . if legislation passes this year the special event piece guess away. >> sb76 allowed this. sb9 sky scott wiener's new bill would clarify the. and would expand this. >> that's right. i think ultimately the things people to think about now are like you know -- if you are a business located in a commercial core doe. can you and your neighbors.
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would you benefit and would you benefit enough to make implementing a zone. responsible management. thinking about the different piece of infrastructure namight be required whether it is a street closure and think burglar insurance requirements. you know what are the public safety impacts or concerns to think through and the conversations to be having. with your police district station. how you operate in the the past. i being to me while the details are still figured out, and you know and this year is a pilot phase for next year if the current state legislation pass. i think this is the time to be thinking among communities like where other opportunity. could we do something on our block or 2 blocks nor a plaza. behalf would it take to be
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creative and how can the revenue potential of an entertainment zone. what could we do. how could we turn that to. selling to go beverages can we have performances. discovery it support performance inside? i think thinking about that and identifying if it is right for your block and corridor that is work that will take awhile it figure out i encourage to you think about that. >> think i would love an entertainment zone. whom are you anything to do it with? are there businesses on your block that account join. how will you pay for it? there are going to be permitting costs if there is a street closure. the mayor reduced some costs but there will be some.
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and what neighbors do you need to talk to now to get out ahead television to float the idea? we than neighbors and night life don't get along perfectly that is part of the reason we exist. and you know if you throw this out there a couple months from now and say this is happening and they have not heard about it they will lose their minuses. what neighborhood groups can you partner with? that will help take down the barriers you might face. we are doing this like it or not. tell whether this year or next year's legislation. the board has to pass an ordinance to create an entertainment zone. if you have the neighbor resistance that will make it
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hard. it will not happen over night. you imagine 10 or 20 of the and more and more. we have out door eventses that are benefitting the businesses directly near by that is a huge for night life and ads a set of customers that could not fit in the businesses. it is is finish taftic. scott wiener is an incredible leadership. ben was work hard. this heads me very excited. should we move on? >> yea. jot next one was type 90. which we continuing is important
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to discuss here. and this i will let upon ben explain it allows a venue that has music to switch the license type to an over the counter license allow them to be all age venue. it was enhanced by sb76 in a way that is important and you know the idea is traditional low and you then and there more than anybody. but if you want to serve bore, wine or spirits you are a restaurant or a bar if you are a restaurant you admit all ages but have to make the foodservice requirements.
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you can't admit people creates the challenging place for anybody who wants to create a place where young people can see concerts. the type 90 is different from a 47 and 48. the idea is if you run when the state calls a music/entertainment facility. a performance area and audience space and pa system and lighting rig. people who are employ in the music venue role in a talent booking. if you check the box and you serve alcohol beverages to ticket holders 2 hours before through an hour after, live music entertainment events. that license that license there
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is no foodservice requirement that license can be as ben mentioned apply to abc for that license. you can get out of the secondary market for liquor license provide the you meet the requirements and offering bonified entertainment venue experience. for you venue operators that fooen means you don't veteran to find a 48 and show horn yourself >> 47s are something like 150 grand. 48 is within 80 grand in the market this . is how much. >> it is 19 thousand dollars. >> it is a huge money savings.
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the other sthing it do this prework around upon you know your neighbors and potential
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other stake holders. there are about 40 type 90 applications around the state right now. i think under half of them are in san francisco. there are some folks not guilty room. i assume have or applying for type 90. it is something for people to consider. we want more muven and existing venues not to jump through hoops. >> do they sort the provisions. >> sb76 private events. was not clear whether you could hold a private event with a type 90 before this legislation that was sign in the luin october. you in you can have private events unlike, regular concerts or advertising them. you are open to the believe and entertainment performances private events you don't need to
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meet the requirements and as long as the number of entertainment events exceeds the number of private am that was a big. if you heard about type 90 and said. private events are an important part of my business. that has been fixed and private events are possible it is a really interesting new option and final thought before we go somewhere else. it was confusing a type 90 application go to planning and planners would understand what is i'm used to 40 what is a 90? recent work at the board the legislation went by office small business to reform a hundred planning koesd. upon one of the things was
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clarifying a type 9 in the code. if entertainment is permitted. type 90 is. in many parts of the city you will not need to jump through hoops or reiksz tr. >> it is a big deal for parts of the entertainment industry if you are operating a venue that is masquerading as a restaurant so you can have all changes you would switch that and have a huge winds fall. 15. this is able to be used around performance it is not for somebody who wanted to pretend and limed 2 hours before and one after in private events when i'm hoping we see entertainment venues close at an abodily
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harming rate now. this would be a way to encourage new people to plant the flag 170 thousand dollars for a liquor license it is hard to think about when it is 19 the numbers are doorntful can bills that's the question . there are fun things one is a secondship by member hene to license what he is calling cannabis cafes. this would allow not upon only existing dispense easier who have lounges to sell things
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other than cannabis. which now they are prohibited from doing. only thing they can sell is the drug. they can't sell >> and mensh. no food. can't sell none alcoholic beverage. all of that is prohibited. this would give a life 39 dispense easier to add a coffee sxhop jazz club. also allow stand alone cannabis cafes that were more attached an existing dispense year. you imagine instead of a bar it is cannabis cafe. you go in and serve cannabis and coffee and jazz music or dj music.
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>> 1775 is member hene's bill. a different version was vetoed by the governor around concerns the health of workers in dispense easier that the assembly member is w to find an approach. you mentioned and you have seen dispense easier get entertainment permits and offer entertainment. in terms of providing a path way for folked to sell 60s to entertainment that is something that ab1775 would allow and allow the idea of selling nonprepackaged food and nonalcoholic beverages not guilty upon cannabis dispensary. pour a cutche coffee oshg moezed
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to the bottled beverage. which again to provide a variety of amenity and more creative experience. creating noncannabis elements. it is interesting and beneficial for creating new performance opportunity. very flexible. interesting to see how it is passed. there are different existing things especially arounded music. i have been told that music sound it is better when youor cannabis. tells us how we put on an out door cannabis events now. >> you don't. >> anybody from office of
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cannabis here? but -- one of the thing this is we have been working together on is think burglar cannabis events and how they -- so there is a pilot program with a limited number of out door cannabis events that happen. permitted to offer cannabis sales and consumption every year. movement at the state level. used to be that a business would liquor license could not do cannabis events, performed my understanding is that changed a little to -- if there is a local from allow it you could suspend your liquor license and do a cannabis event. to be clear there is no local program i think may be anywhere
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in the state to allow that. consumption of cannabis the smoking or vaping is always very challenging. so. that will always need to meet the state criteria having one of those -- the indoor sky diving fans you flipped upside down. that's the level of ventilation the state requires. for places that have out door spaces for events that are out door regularly. well is a potential option coming forward which needs to be codifyd and suspend surrender a liquor license associated with that space and,llow people to consume cannabis there. >> there are state stuff to figure out and local stuff. we're getting to a place.
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trying to figure out where the gaps you can't dom this because there are reasons not to. and because you can't do this. figuring out where that gap suspect and how to implement these. i think that is the line for all 3 of these topics we have been discussing. >> yea. >> those other exciting things we saw coming down the pike. we have 5 minutes here are there questions from the audience. >> dill ain't will come backby. we applied for type 90 we have an existing 48 now. while we apply we have the 48
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and we will open doors up for public comment from the residents. but we have a 48. if we get denied 90 we still got a 48 or now that when you say open the door to residents to oppose us. does that put our fret in jeopardy? >> i was speaking when, i believe that is just about the application process for the new liquor license. obviously, somebody could -- people can complain about a license establishment. call abc. you are going on the application path. i would say talk with a liquor license attorney.
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i have a separate question. enhancing night life is the city going to do anything about late night public transportation? this is tough at the moment. >> great question. >> >> a great question means no easy answer. i think -- so you know over the years and prior to the pandemic, again folks involved in the late night transportation work may have taken surveys several years ago we put together reports that looked at worker -- paths of raffle over night and tried to map those against the transportation service. i think that is work that as the city is continuing to recover we need to pick back up.
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i think that begin where transit agents are in funding challenges like everybody. that is may be a longer term strategy. i mean it is yea. it is inescapable. the top challenges. cities create mass transit 24/7 first and people follow when they run in funding, they cut least used lines, there is an equity argument here that the people who need at this time most the random times other most have the most challenges the people who are the deck is stacked against them. way we pull it off in san francisco we lead wither hearts to make that argument over and over which is because there is
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only 5 people on the bus line look at the 5 there. there are the 5 people who can least afford to not have a bus. the 24-7 economy hen a struggle. there was a time notteen 20 years ago where a huge foergz of our city believed nothing good takes place after 10 p.m. new york has been a 24/7 since it started. we also need to we did a bunch of data work on this. 7-8 years ago and a lot changes. better understanding where the
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workforce is now. how the lack of late night transportation is -- how that is part of the labor shortage challenge that folks are experiencing. that is the time is right to revisit to understand where are the workers coming from. where the opportunity and what ride everybodiship improved. my impression the transit agents nights and weekends rebounds more quickly than the daytime ridership by a percentage. really quick for the type mind would you atach tamp a 58 or no.
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because is about -- offering entertainment performanceos your premesis or a limed number of private events if you were going to do off sight catering the type 90 that is a part of your business a type 90 may not be right. great pointful it is 3 o'clock we are ready to go on break. thank you for bearing with us while we talked about exciting things coming. thank you. mruz mrauz. we will ask a series of upon 7 questions to the panel. all of which are regard the topic which is the night shift strategies for combating e organizationed theft in san francisco. we will leave about 5-10 minutes at the end for questions that want to be asked by the audience
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if you don't have a chance to ask today feel free to follow up later. and -- we will begin with our first question. which is the question that gets asked during any panel. can you each panelist briefly introduce themselves and their role. i will kick it off. i'm brook jenkins. most of you likely know i got appointed by mayor breed in july of 22. prior to that, i started in the san francisco da's office in 2014. handling misdemeanors then. 3 and a half years in felony unit i doubled as the hate crime prosecutor for most of that time seen from top to bottom the -- types of crime commit in the the
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city and what it takes to prosecute those crimes. you in i'm trying to do my best with our law enforcement partners on make sure this we address the neateds of each community and each and every type of business so that we can get back to having a city that thrives i'm here to talk about that and of course be as much support as my office can be to this industry which we know has been affected by the street conscience. >> depend afternoon i'm dave you'd lazar assistant chief with the police department in my 33rd iary with the pd a fourth generation in san franciscomented to be a police officer and luck tow be hired around my 21st birthdayism risen throughout ranks and worked in assignments all over the departmentful 8 of the 10 stagsz.
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i have been an investigation for 5 or 6 times. i was a captain for 9 years part of that i spent time in southern station when i worked with the night life community and the club owners. in 2014 assigned central police station working with folks associated with broadway and china town. a lot of experience there. so, throughout the years i gone up and and up now i'm number 2 in the department and the chief of operations i over see 80% of the police department. i have all of patrols citywide and the investigators.
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rodney fong. i have a very strange backgrounds grew up in wax museum. my grandfather opend that in 1962 and grew up with attractions and amusement thing and night life includes. became involved in that and opened the communities benefit district at the wharf and served on the port commission for 7 years and the planning commission for another 8 years and took this role to see the chamber of are commerce. have understanding of small business and big business and love for san francisco and night life. >> good afternoon, everyone how are you feeling? >> is tht last panel? >> all right! so. i also if a san francisco i'm ma racea rodriguez.
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testing. okay. and i grew up hanging out in business work as well. i was an inner city kid in the wharf my backgrounds i had a great career that has crossed paths with everybody on this panel i did not realize that would be the case today. i'm a former prosecutor that decided it would be good idea to regulate the cannabis industry. left the da's office and got into this. and then during the pandemic realizing that things were not so great for our city coming out of that thought. might be a time to take my backgrounds and passion for the city to help with the downtown
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recovery. i have been work to try to help bring our downtown back and imagine our future and what it could look like. excited say there are opportunity and in the night life space. like a lot of communities, art, night life. the energy brings community back and brings energy back to life. we ever excited have this skfrgz and happy top share the tools and the ways that we are trying to reimagine our spaces and what we think is necessary to have success. thank you and our first upon quell go to chief lazar and d ajenkin fist you need to add, feel free >> can you discuss trends or pattern in organized steps at m's alcohol or property targeting night life venues?
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>> thank you very much for the question. at m theft we had a series where a car would drive through and steel the at m and drive off we made arrest there is. when i think about night life and my experience, it come down to a couple things one is having security. to deal with potential problems you v. clubs that are falling apart have not had adequate security. people get nothing with weapons making sure there say system where people are screened before they get in the venues and they know the rules of engagement how to behave when they near there crime wise. the big i think i think about is the folks that visit and park and get windows broken.
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we have an autoburglar problem. we are down considerablely in autoburglar. i get a lot of credit to the da to my right working hard to make sure the case are charged. folk catharsis prolific in autoburglars held in custody. we see witness they are held the numbers go down. one person's responsible for a lot of autoburglar when is they are held in custody it is a no brainer. you have the staff. in night clubs and venues celebrity leaves their purse and phone stick out and phone gets taken. or something gets drop in the someone's drink. really. you and i have a lot in common.
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if i'm in your shoes i think to myself. you know how can i attract business but also do my very best to keep my business safe and. and he was patrons safe. they come back and have a great experience. so many timeless we see that is not the case. owners are not miemdzful of the topics i'm discussed or mentioned. the biggest trends i heard is really not what is happen nothing your establishment but around your stakement. things like autoburglar. and also just drrting street conscience. lead to other business close sxurs once we have vacant store fronts and unattendses and don't have traffic they attract other
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things, right and encampments and drug usage and other things going that then affect your ability to attract customers. we are work hard to address street conscience. most of what you heard syrup related to south of market and tenderloin. that is the epicenter of it. we have the drug agency coordination center the agencies responsible for street conscience coming to discuss strategies we are having coordinated strategies once the police assist the homeless department with remove of an encampment and public works coming to clean the area of trash. upon that we have. d. public health out reach at the same time encampment is addressed we are addressing
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those in the encampments get them in treatment that is coordinated. i said aggressing tenderloin and south of market and designed such that once we get that under control this model can be replicated for the city. for those of you not in either area don't think we are not paying attention. the work is going on. and thena strategy will move as we have the ability to do so once we get the epicenter a bit more address said. >> next question is for marissa and rodney. are there existing community programs that you have seen be success envelope enhancing safety and security?
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>> police. they have been great program thank you very much. yea. givey them a rounds. started the work with 3 weeks before the mass looting incidents you recall. i will tell you that was insane. what is happening? right. we are coming oust pan dem and i can things are different. i don't know what is going of the support from the city and the police department made the world of difference without this support and a real clear police presence in a community policing way, was incredible. got us through that holiday season and continued to support us through the challenging times as we try to figure out how as a city we are reimagining our downtowns. it has been partnership of the
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police department. thank you very much. and i know upon you know over the last few dwreers has been difficult to staff and up all that. resource are not -- we don't have -- all the police officers in the world to support everything we need. for union square what is exciting and lucky for us is the glorified hoa. talk to me i would like to talk to you. we provide a wrap around of support. we have a 24 hour dispatch. call us for issues. we have ambassadors cleaning our streets throughout the day. you will see somebody in blue who is an individual most likely who is happy thereby and do our
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best to support them and they support our communities. they are cleaning. power washing. have 24 hour security. that is private organization. we bring it full circle a mobile command van best trends for us. something that brings everybody a feelingful calm whether they are shopping or celebrating life moments this is where we celebrate the holidays and do everything our culture is here in the square. important to support t. stoort
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take foot in the district and looking for more. we think the support we offer and we offer escort. if you are in the district and you feel like. you know, may be i'm here near a meeting and it is late and i need go to my car. you can call the alliance and we'll provide somebody to walk to you your car. we thought of everything with that. there that is the biggest. >> thank you. >> i think the ambassador program is really critical piece for the wharf and china town that is run by amanda hall. deserves credit for together. eyes the ground. i think people in the clustering of people and restaurants and embarrass. other best method we are seeing that come back. we need more.
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we need the concentration of open businesses on cluster together 3 baros 4 corners all of that and people really protect each other. people feel safer. i think that the bandwidth missing link is people who live outside of sap flan used to come to party and enjoy themselves we will have to collectively rebuild that consumer confidence.
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boft our department it is applied for a grant left year. to the state for organized retail theft they were success elf, gave police department 15 million dollars. goes over time and technology. my office got 2 million dollars that we were able to use in order to designate a prosecutor to organize retail theft and an investigator. they full time only w on
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organized retail theft that is allowed you to do a better job as a city of addressing the prolific groups going out and really still looting storeen though we don't call it that and go in groups of 2-4 people. sometimes more. if we disrupt those causing the most problems we seat number of the crime plummet. these are people doing this daily, store after store and really when you tuck about retail theft they go count tow county doing this at the same stores and going usually to steal on 24th and mission. and other places. within the city. we have done a good job you have a da's office and police
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department working close on the issues to make sure that those are people that we have a targeted approach with. when they make an arrest and bring us the case we have the ability to do any follow up investigation necessary so we free up their handses to go out and do they they do on the street. our prosecutions are successful. so when we walk in court we can make the recommendation to the court about those who might need to detained. my policy it you are a part of the groups doing this. this is planned. coordinated and dangerous. when you talk about people going in groups what that fear that creates among customers and among the store employees they are often far more violent in when they are approached by security guards and store employees we have to make sure those other people we say public
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safety at risk. can't let you be on the street tomorrow. that is why we are successful disrupting what is going on. we seat numbers coming down watch autoburglar, another organized effort. when i was in misdemeanors one off's autoburglars. we saw a shift at some point and the number sky rot rocket they are crews committing 15 a day. keep the more prolifics off the street we seat numbers decline. and i'm thankful for investing resource. and having a strategic effort at abating autoburglar and since that announcement and the car and the place am of officers and
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the more high autoburglar areas, we have seen more arrests for theory crime. seen birth deterrents and allowed us to did our jobs they bring us the crews. and so i think this is the difference we are seeing again, coordinated efforts. direct strategies to address crimes overwhelming our city and if i chose with san jose or san francisco to go out i'm thinking of these things diwant to p my car in san francisco? i like to add to the question and when i think you should know as an owner of a business or
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establish am in the city. three categories. i talk about staffing technology and strategies. staffing in our departments. it is no secret that the san francisco police department down 500 police officers this is significant we should be it would be00 we are 500 below that. that is the not good news. that means this is less people on foot patrol. engage width business and having a visible presence or bicycle patrol. mark for identification that gets put to the side we need receives to be in cars. and this prevents us from getting to know the xhounlt. good news is notoriety first time in 6 or 7 years we have 3,000 applications left year.
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we had 9 huh human year to date. around 450 in the queue now. we are turning that around. work to get 50 in a class next month. we will be the biggest class in all those years. hire officer whos are work nothing other cities that want to work in san francisco a pool of applicants there and another 50 in august. and keep on going. the academy is 8 months we'll not realize it on the streets until next year. more are interested in the profession and want to work in san francisco we are excited. we have been making end's meat with over time. and you know00 hao this generation of officers is snot about the mopy they want their time off and freedom and made them w we have to make sure we
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have enough officers. now in terms of the da talked about the grant we received. we are grateful. not talking politic i can't. there was a ballot prop e. you lived in san francisco you may have voted for it. a let of private businesses it cameras. now opinion safety cameras on public patriot and poles. we can see what is going on dp what is happening. number two is drones. the ability with less red tape to put drones. a lot of city in california using drones as a first responder.
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beverly hills. santa monica. cities north the 911 calls and before the dispatcher hangs up the don't spanlding within a minute they are over seeing waiting for officers to arrive. drone technology. we'll move in this direction. automated license plate reader. have you heard this term? alpr. a lot in the room. by company called, flock. so the mayor cut ribbon we were there ninth and irving our first camera. now we are building out 400 cameras. we are every day putting cameras up so where you can't in about by june you can't drive around and bementd and have a stolen vehicle or plate. getting detected. i have the thing up now in my
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office. my other screen it beeps all day. i look at t. dollar is a stolen car modification and silver.
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the cordination of the two we have seen a luge decrease in retail crime. especially the organizationed mass looting attempts that has gone down. knock on wood. but -- yes. it has been wonder and will i appreciate that. makes i difference special huge difference for businesses want to locate here and we are seeing a number of businesses come back. to the square. lots of upon high luxury resdpal that you will stuff they rely on the safety and so thank you for providing that it is a game changer. >> great. thank you. >> great discussion. question 5 will be for marissa and rodney. are the specific technologies that have been fest in decrease crime this targeted night life businesses? we will begin with rodney.
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you think what was explained about tech not it is a shame weep live in the lands of tech mology and not using it. i will be the first that is concern body proif teas is so important in the fizz we are and the power we have or lack thereof we use these technologist. i went to mexico city and see their command center temperature is amazing the fire department, police department, 911 in the same area. photocopy there is a quake mexico city is a seismic fault and wanted responded quick. how fast they deploy life or death in seconds and minutes deploy people. one place we can get there i'm glad the people stepped up and want this technology. if not for them for family members and kids. and so i think that is the most
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important tool. we had cameras and 75% our district 27 block system covered by camera technology. we have the ability to dot license plate readers. we have not trig order that now bull be. what the cameras do for us is help prevent. it can be anything. can be car accidents. or you know something happened they dropped their cell phone ownership insurance claim we get all thing and it kept us honest as well. you know we are posed to be clean and power watching we roll back dpap there it is. and the things it is more than you mentioned the privacy thing it is making life easier for all of ulc. when i think about the drones, i
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know we had situations with jewel juveniled speeding through or impacting the safety of the community. i know the police department does not want to chase them buzz they don't want anyone at risk. drones can follow them and not harming people there are good thing about thes technology i know there have been sensitivities but i have to say it has been positive for us. litting is important as well. we are good about trying to light update al and hes activate them and a place for business to thrive to which do things outside. dangs, music, we are open what is good is we don't have residentses that is bad about it it make its difficult to make it through a pandemic. that said it means there is not a lot of complaints we can make noise. make noise in my district. i seen private security that has
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their own k-9 units. dogs along side security grsd. that's the new things with the dogs and security. we had dogs for a long time. question, can you raise your hand if you along the lines, if you have skaurt camera system in your business? most. you get what we are saying i will say that -- for many case we'll not make the cases and give them to the da had not been for video surveillance or coverage and footage makes all the difference. the other thing is -- crime
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prevention through environmental design. you need lighting. you need a door look. dintss that occur outside of your establishment. now as a line prosecutor the cases i got connected to night
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life were stabbings, assaults. shootings. things of this nature, intoxicated people coming out. right now we are in a point in time in this you know -- society of people understandings that there are cameras almost every wrchl so juries expect video surveillance evidence. we have tech workers and they like concrete evidence if you mean are worn of the folk who is did in the raise your hand to the question do you have cameras making sure have you them outside of your establishment helps us tremendously in making sure we have appropriate accountability when things get out of control outside. we can make sure you have a safe environment for people it come and enjoy themselves. it is really difficult on prove a case it a jury on something
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like an assault they don't have video evidence and helps us verify somebody says i was engaged in self defense. it helps us not to go woshg word for word if we have video evidence. the last 5 minutes questions from the audience to the panel. if anyone has a question? the staff will come over. will come around to you. >> hi. i'm san francisco native and in accident for 33 years. i am glad to hear about the technology and the big boost in hiring. i'm wondering if beat cops will
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be aning again once you staffed up because being in business for 33 years the only deterrence is beat cops. >> ia, so. not bike cops beat cops >> not bike cops bike cops peddle past your business. but -- >> i will pause i will pause go ahead. >> no, no. go. >> yea. the answer is that when we are fully staffed department, we are going to do everything we can to put officeros foot patrol in the high corridor areas all throughout san francisco. as a former beat officer myself i know the importance of engaging all the merchants and know everybody on the block all the stake holders. by doing so you build trust. establish relationships and the businesses feel good about talking to their cop. we seen success we do it in
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union square. a fully staffed department means beat copos sxhigz valencia deserves beat officers from 14th all the way down to 25-26. >> we do. the other thing is when i do see a beat cop and there is stuff going on in front of them they look and keep talking and walking. and i am wondering i don't know how. no disrespect it changed in the last 15 years. i don't know if training changed or gotten muddy? but are they going to engage? >> i say a lot of things that you know -- they try to stay correct. but we have been in the landscape where there is more
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hostility toward their prosecute fegz. i don't mean from the public, which look a lot of things have happened over you know with police conduct that has been troubling around the country. we move in the a space in san francisco not only was there public anxietist and there are are bodies of government that have been antagonistic that are involved in oversight. when you talk about a police commission that has form nad has been very antipolice and has really worked hard to do things that tie their hands. that have made it where if you if you even at a moint to use physical force to put member in a police car i are off the street. you have to create a use of force report turn in your body camera and reviewed. they clear you back on to duty.
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imagine how many things you are you are doing a risk assessment is it worth it? right? or should i let that go because it is sxhaul save all the risk for something more serious. you add-on top the department of police accountability. you may have received a citizen complaints for something else if they see du not wear your seat belt then, you get penalized by having multiple days off work unpaid. a lot people don't realize they need ton i did not know and i was in the da's office know how many things are going on thatune deter police fromment to dot job the way they have done temperature it is is not because they don't care it is because they are internally doing a risk assessment for fwhemgz is it worth, right? engaging if tell mean all the other things that come to me
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because of temperature so, now a lot of that is starting to be corrected. prop e was a part of that. you know i would like to see a police commission not hostile toward police and understanding, yes, we need effective reformless. we need right policies that make sense. we want a good police force. but can't be antipolice to get dollar. gi think we are on our way but that is my answer. for them. street fairs and festivals end at 6 o'clock. the last few months there has been big success with the china town and richmond district evening galleries. what is the view of allowing festivals and faris to go beyond 6 p.m. in san francisco? >> to my earlier point people
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in groups of people are the safest place. we need more of that. i knowledge that those 2 night markets have been success. . we are watching people want to be invited they want to go out we changed our pat everyones won't don't sdproefl do anything. and something after a din cert importantful food is an important piece to this equation.
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chien town has been great. on and off duty they have been good. good idea. great. thank you, sxefrn i want it take the time to thank da brook jen and i knows david lawhereafter and read neil and melace for taking time to join us today and for your dedication to a safe and sustaining entertainment industry in san francisco. and thank you to the audience. i look up i see everybody was engaged and we appreciate everyone's involvement in this today and for the great questions thank you very much. we'll be back at 4. . 15. >> it is a 5 minute change over for anybody that did not get to ask a question and wanted to i encourage to you meet the panelists outside to briefly chat with them and we will begin in 4-5 minutes for the last
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panel. thank you. >> welcome. >> upon hey. everybody. welcome to night life to new life. we will go from a little bit of a stayed topic to soming exciting innovation talk about how we have all enkoushtsed different challenge in night life and when we have done. first we will introduce the panel. i will have them introduce themselves. let's start with analyze. tell us about yourself. i'm founder of acanha a hybrid
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business in the mission. started as a tea house and moved a wine bar and entertainment venue. in the mission street. and also i am coorganizer of mission vibrant in the mission district to highlight our galleries and small businesses and artists and performance. >> hello i'm katie i'm the ceo of into the street. we are a culture production studio based in san francisco and start in the 2023. meet the moment of san francisco coming out of pan dem exhibiting need to come together in the streets to have celebrations and realize why we want to live in the city. that's when we do. thank you. >>
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>> hello. i'm danny bell the senior vice president of golden voice, san francisco. and we are concert prosecute moteer operating 3 venues the regency, ball room of warp field and frost in palo alto. and we produce portola festival. produce 400 concerts a year with our small office here. our main office is in l.a. and we do 1500 concerts there. as well as produce the cochella and stage coach amongst others. >> um i'm anthony of anthony presents i'm also a native in san francisco. i am looking throughout ice of businesses that i have worked with. from valid and everybody here.
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i am local, i produced 250 events a year. focusing on food festivals. night life. day life everything in between. i am also on the entertainment commission. as a neighborhood representative. thank you. >> thank you. i was so excitid forgot to introduce myself. i'm mark from 48 hills night life journalist and member of the stud collective. one of the readdition to the night life scene. we are all dealing where we are in night life nouchl we all face challenges. there are big broad challenges like the fact that jen z is not drinking as much and how do you finds a plummer on call.
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how they face the challenges. you know when are novemberel ways you come up with or how do you feel your business is blazing a path toward new front ears in the challenging environment? i know attar can awe are doing you are adopted a flex retail concept. doing everything from music and drag to natural wine embarrass. you really open your format. tell us about that. >> um, yes. so, basically everything started with me want to do one thing and pandemic happened. i immediately had to flex. >> if i did not feel like
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fiksdz not be fleckable in my business model i would not survived. opening a business amidst the pandemic. basically just my ad d minds was cross promote everything. if you are here for hanging out and like enjoying tea, may be. you can buy plants. and then we were like. like no one is open now. we will go ahead and bring music back. i remember the soft opening i was not going to entertainment in the capacity i am today. i remember we open exclude i was honestly hundreds of people on the street and -- it showed that being flexible and cross promoting different things worked well. with the drag shoes the same of they want to highlight our food. during the day. we started the drag shows.
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everything [inaudible]. katie, tell us about introt streets and we talked about the popularity of night markets and people coming back downtown to number street s and in the richmond. tell us about how you have been innovate to get people out and about. >> yes. well, so. we throughoir first upon [inaudible] night market in may of 2023. prior like the two weeks leading up to that the new cycle was -- windows falling out of sky scrapers and tek being murdered downtown that was our new cycle we landed in. also on top of that, we live in a cold city everybody said nobody guess to night markets
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and you should in the do this. so. how i say the innovation we did was to step out and have a night market even period to have a night market in san francisco. and to do it at the height of what was the beginning of a [inaudible] narrative in a few weeks of that hitting the news siechl stepping out at that moment. yest is cold there is a scary new cycle going on we will step sxout do temperature and we brought 10,000 people to the streets and able tom do that our first event and i think that proved both to us and to everybody here in san francisco that yes, we can come out at night and can have night market in san francisco. >> terrific. just to following up on that, you talked about the [inaudible]. you took almost a double step out in not just safe and a night
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market that people could come you collaborated with the really cultural forward organization. with nonstop [inaudible]. how did that start for that specific? >> yea. so really when we were thinking about what would, what would be an amazing thing to bring downtown. and i had been going to nonstop a reoccurring per at amazing venues public works and in the city. this was inspiration. that party take that outside and add food trucks and all ages that would be an amazing experience anybody will want to come tochlt that was the insfaration point going out and loving a party here in san francisco that a lot of others love exclude knowing we needed to give it a big are platform to thrive. >> love that.
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scalingum to giant festivals the once you produce of golden voice. what -- that larger level have you found innovations that made it possible for to you continue in the market? >> a lot of it has to do with the basic concept of wing smarter not harder. and the big issue that the large music scale live music event business face is that our operation costs are double for what it was prepan dem and i can cost art irrelevantists twice as much and fans are not well regular to pay double the ticket price. you know typeset just does not make sense for anyone. you know we are trying to do what we can. on the festival side, we have been trying to pick select
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vendors up and down the coast special make long-term relationships with them. where it is more about us telling them like this is all we have this year. what can we do in it used to be a bidding press we have our idea of what we want and stendz out. instead of this we start back going to vent and saying here is our budget what can we get that? that has been helpful the on the venue side. i had conversations with managers and agentses and everything and heard their pain and struggle. one of my college roommate in the band now that is we are having they are successful they sold out regency this year and noo in l.a.
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what i have been work toward is trying to understand the needs which is the ability to put on a good show without the over head costs of carrying all the staff and -- the production itself. so. when we are doing is making an investment and able to amor types production over a 5 or 6 year period. and to allow the games to come and up plug and play in order to help them cut costs. but we have had to step back instead of our individual numbers look at a long-term approach anthem and storm not be over. and try to work through it. butt other thing found new revenue programs. finding that the average ticket price is going down. butt same time the top one
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percent willing to pay for for experience or better tickets. in the way of balancing that out. we are able to create the hire end experiences the top 1% interesting in playing 3-4 times the base ticket price to allow you to bring the average ticket price down >> here are examples of the large are spfrnls maem may be people can incorporate in their own businesses. how are you appeal to the big spendsers. >> the interesting thing people want access to special rooms. ure know vip room system in the a new concept of the by elevating that further and going more of a territorial route weather a comtail or food programmer lounge or place to sit. people willing to spends a large amount of money to get access to
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the room. it is is a great experience and people had amazing nights seeing their ban by paying more for that view. i know as a person of i certain age i'm tempt when things like the fox theater access it your own bathroom.
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would i pay that much. may be >> anthony you are a marketing whiz and prosecute motion side of things and utilizing social media. looking at online trends what is is going. what wha is in your world now? as far as innovation what is grit now what i notice in san francisco the out door spaces. what is popular and trending and for me i had to adopt during the pandemic from going indoor night life to pret much out door daylight. so that is the trends i'm seeing and push now we are focusing on daylight activations and food festivals it is great people are doing great things with streets and i'm excited. that is a trends i have seen or am seeing as of late and going to be a great summer for san
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francisco >> yes, ma'am for sure there is like so much happening weekends. going nuts tieing to figure out what to do. >> part of that is i'm going nuts figure out what to do with no money how are we approaching the budgetary, on theibleo vagzs. and is there perhaps an example one you might have of somehow you over come a barrier. social media is free temperature is up to you to utilize your creativity. know your demographic, your spries and build a flam is free scombro just your effort. tell take a little education. as far as understanding how to use the platform.
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that's something i recommend for everybody in the tloom is not on social media is to ghost temperature is free. >> has anybody utilized city grants or city programs to kinds of get overnight hump here? katie i'm looking at you. >> so, you know in the streets we do free out door civic and community events. there is no ticket cost there. we want to and are looking in ways to layer in the idea and experiences to make it sustainable. how these programs are coming in the world is through civic investment. this looks like government grants the city of san francisco
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providing grants for recovery and develop and want as well as private foundations and donor in thes city who want to invest and what the city they what they want to see in the city coming out of this . it is a really i think that is important. and sitting in a room with folk who is work in and around government is a critical time to be investing in spaces and things like this. because as we are hearing like the streets are hard hit announcement and also individuals are hard hit now. and this is when and where government should be stepping in is to provide opportunity for artists and the money allows production companies to be able to pay them. and to create spaces that folks come to for free. and come together and also that allows them to go spends money at their local businesses they are not having to pay for their night they can pay for dinner
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and may be a drink and support their small businesses. definitely government and private investment is really important for this space. very cool. how did you have any and contributions here. like where you utilized the city program or you were kinds of may be thought about doing that? >> so, arcanha did not ever qualify for any of the grants that existed because we did not exist prior to the pandemic to show our numbers went downful now with mission vibrant we're trying to tap inspect that world for sure we hear that there is no budget in the city for us coming here. i think the right way to go about things in general is private funged. there are many in the city that care. there are larger companies in
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different neighborhoods that care about neighborhoods. those are once we are tapping into now. but one thing i want to say about affordable and easy ways to bring business to small businesses there is influencers out there that are sfil up and coming. and they are like willing to you know, exchange, gift cards or may be have bring in a group of friends paths come to promote us. we work with some of the influence and now they have gone to the degree and paid influencers. i think that helps small businesses they understand that we're tight with our budget >> this is interesting and leads into my next question which is where do you get inspiration from to open yourself up? do you stay open to new ideas?
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are you constant low online? danny, how are you finding new talityents or people you can bring aboard to help with this thing? >> i'm lucky i love my job where i'm a music nerd. my vacations are to see fans play and go to festivals around the world. i 39 music all day every day from the time i wake up to the time i go to bed. you know good thing my fiance worked in the biz otherwise she would be upset with me mach playing all the time. it is just keeping my ear to the ground. i'm very interested and open myselfed. i'm currently doing a dive in the new south asian artist wave coming to the u.s. that is big in london now.
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and it is just a constant -- exploring for me to be honest. i have my few things that i go to every day. whether pitch fork or boil are room. and the condition tacts i made overnight years i'm saying what are you listen to what is cool and exciting? it is irrelevant that simple. and then taking risks and just trying to be as -- conservative as i can to bring acts over that have not play in the this market before. anthony how about but >> i live in the city i'm all over the place yesterday i took an hour walk to china town. iate there. looked around. try to understands what is going on. i travel around the city and i try to find out you know what i can do what i like.
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my projects are inspire whatted i like to do. food and live music is another and i attends other parties. you know in san francisco i can't wait to come this week to katie's event. how are you katie? you have done many things you expanded the concept of the street festival and localize going out where do you get your ideas from. why similar to when anthony said go and up love up on the city there is not a day or a neighborhood or street there is
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not. go out there be present and go when you go at this time places go. don't text, be there experience it drop into it. andiel. continue to do that. loving on san francisco it is an incredible place of inspiration. go outside be connect. it helps us do when we do is for to you come to them and support small businesses go out and love san francisco. how do you finds these people and finds influencers to work with? where do you find this talent? >> i think we were the ones reaching tout to people it started small, local. and -- as the venue got old and
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started to establish the relationship, people started to reach out to us. that is how things are going now we are at the point people refer you to friends coworkers. and we keep getting e mails and messages. our upon event director is very -- and it it is a wrnldzful to see that as well. because we saw it from the pandemic all the way coming through. and -- one thing i kinds of caught my ear, katie you were talking about how you collaborated with [inaudible]. what are the net works is everyone involved in? are there the mission vibrant is
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one example and may be tell us a bit more about that. if other people have other networks. for me the facebook group this ben bleiman put up for bar owners that really helped us keep in touch with when everyone was doing and helped us sell equipment. are there networks that really valuable and i guess i will start with naz again. >> thank you. so -- i am still at a point i'm at a loss on business on mission my network is small are than citywide. and i gotta tell you i'm on the street and visitings sxefrn contacting to everyone.
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it is so inspire to talk to other small businesses sometimes when you are a small business owner and working between 10 to 16 hour days you forget you are not the only one going throughout same struggles when you talk to neighbors and everyone you realize everyone is in the same boat and many come out of it. anthony or danny
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>> >> sure, are you involved in networks or support networks or a collaborations that you found valuable are people supporting you within the industry. >> i think i'm in a unique space i'm a promoter. i'm able to work with more nan one venue. and that network or -- circle has been very -- mutual faster than other people that won't onvenue i support different small businesses i have been able to hop from night life to day life and all the different events. i'm into sports and have a network of friends that are interest sports.
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we had a great conversation about tht people are the young are generation is drinking less. my goal is if they are going out once a month i'm trying to do my best to get them to come to my space or event. i try to keep in touch with a lot of the other people in town who do when i do whether it be you know another planet who is local business with a competitor of mine. friendly with live nation and the midway and dials and different venue owners and making sure the ecosystem is
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staying health and he we are not killing each other. i sit on the program committee of stearn grove that is the most amazing live music programs for any city. i think it is cool after i went the first time i had to be a part and help out where i can. came from the conversations and clan sxragz there are times you know artists can plate same venue so many times they are looking for new ideas. time when i talk to agents after they played i suggest a small venue to go to terror one play. did is a small industry the live music business and it is nice up here how we are all able to be friend low not the case in every market. i think that is a very valuable thing to that helps.
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what is one innovative thing you seen others do that you admire or you want to think about seen something exciting for me going on now. i can go and passport it, check it out and grit to see it and inspire someone like me who has not done 10,000 peoplents yet. start something. am i'm on a small are sdiel see it i get inspires and produce it myself. and you have a good one the other day. amazing i hope you share that. it is interesting for me.
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there are a few things that come to minds. one whashg is a new type of programming. that has not been done before and or a new way or a way of presenting music. to me the thing is called boil are room. it is an international brandful started as you tube videos of dj's perform nothing a setting where they put the d judiciarying newscast center of the room. there is members behind them and in front. and the videos are great i have been watching them forever. they film events all overnight world from pakistan and in taiwan and japan and sudan and what they are trying to do is
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capture a time cappule over the next dkdz to show when lub life is like in the world. end of the day it is the same. but the thing excite burglar that is all these dj's now the new generationment to perform in the setting with the fans behind them not as much about the production now. i compared dance music 10 years ago to hair metal. they is sandwiches for a buck 50. chips for a dollar.
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waters 2 dollars and beers for 5 it is a well oiled machine and so cheap. i was blown away. took a lot of notes and went to the festival we have to make concessions like this! >> i love that. i will share my example. it is from the minds of darcy who runs oasis. during the height of covid when everyone was locked in. came up with meals on he'lls which was meals on wheels you call and a drag queen would deliver your food. i'm really sad that is no longer around and i want the stud to do it. i don't know when we would call it. >> any things that come to your mind you have seen out there you need to make your own or you admire that others are doing
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now. i have night market. and anything that brings people to the streetos any elf. is helpful. i say all the out door things bring small businesses to us. that is helpful and another thing we had a dj that did the same the cameras captured the night and posted on you tube it blew out to thousands of views now. that -- made them pop and us pop that brought a lot of new talent. if it was in house size it would
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be better. we say, yes. can you do that with cell phones now temperature is a free thing you can do to help your grand grow. how du come up with the night market. i knew you worked with street faris. what sparked? >> yea. i got my teeth running the street's program. it transz forms one to 4 miles to car free rec paces and this -- that event taught me how to celebrate the assets of the
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neighborhood. not like a destingination event. and i of course that helped me realize how many levers in event production. i saw my i went it a night market in thailand. and it is amaze and part of the februaryric. it is not a special big thing there are night markets every day in the cities and it how
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everybody lives their life. i wanted bring that to san francisco we can have a celebration any night of the week. >> terrific. one more question we live in the tech city and anthony talked about and both know how they use social meat media are there tips can you share on the panel for people to use social media better. people feel fatigued. they might need a new twist on things. something you do or offer. >> unfortunately social combleed is here to stay. it it is a way to amplify what you are promoting.
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aside from social mead why i'm using ai it hen a great tool and partner for me to create things on social media. that is one thing i would suggest anybody in the room is start applying it and using it. >> i will say that content is key. example i will use is the portola instagram i'm proud of. and the thing once we started the festival i wanted be a good follow not an information page. and so with this we have got it creative with content we use and the internet is an amazing place and great source. we have stolen so many clips from you know you name the show
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30 rock. sponge bob and pictures of paris hilton. dug into this and because of that the page not only grows and impactful. we stuck to general marketing on our other pages and not close to impactful if it it is a big reach. it is about getting creative and noted being afraid of the internet and the ip rules. the worse thing that will help you will get an e mail saying pull this down. it is fine. that is our rule we got 3 slap on the wrist. we are going for 4 this year. >> good luck to you and talking to what danny said good content is importantful stop posting blurry pictures. if you are in a restaurant make sure your food looks great.
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pull a great picture. i think did a great job on getting content from all of us and on the screen they represent us limp good don't does not have to be curated. good quality photos other minimum at least. >> one more thing is just making sure that your page has a point of view. you are not going in threeing something out to the masses and hoping something sticks. you have a specific point of view you stick to that that is how in my continue how things grow. >> i feel like polar opposites i post 50 times a day. i upon don't will in one post a day only. because i have a life outside of just the parties and events i
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post my gym sessions to food and everything that i do. my family. but then it is reportable to the person instead of posting 20 noticers then people be like i'm not paying attention because all you post is the party. that is the creditive way i try to stay engaged with people i apply parts of my life and then plug inform it becomes my ad without you is an ad. >> katie. the other side not as good. and the folks out there not social media wizards or don't have the time and capacity to be focusing on that, i adopt to offer that the low hanging fruit does count of tag the people, use #tags and a location. they are basic things it does not have to be. attach is better you want good
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content and a strategy of an opinion and voice and perspect think of is all the gold standard and to share if you can't get to the gold standard, tag people. it does significantly help what amount of resources you are putting into this will go a lot farther. why one more pearl of wisdom before questions. >> and also have clarify your brand. a bar in oakland posts a cute table with a flower on it x. gets 500 likes there is no way arcanha can do that it it is about their brand and you can post but needses to go with your
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brand and marketing strategy. >> beautiful. does anyone have questions we'll open up. looks like we got a bunch will dylan will choose. thank you. this was fun i'm cofounder discotheque media. personization is special and buy a product and feel is made for them. and doney you e louded that in your vip experience. i'm curious how is this something you seen in your venues or experience around peopleing to personalize their experiences and how have you thought about that as your strategy? >> we have not got had this level yet but this is the top
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level of experience in my opinion when you arrive and people greet and you know who you are. hello mr. bell. welcome. >> like what the -- how do they know who i am? that is the next step and something you not to work toward t. is tough temperature valley time and resource. you got a nice holing and they know who you are they spent time stenographed you. a taxer war alliance and drive around the major club and bars in the city at night.ive notify the proliferation of food trucks and hot dog vend and taco venders i think it important this night club owners either get a peefts action ownership
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permitted if than i are not push them away.
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this is our time i will sell had the dogs outside in the lobby. [laughter]. twice as much as you expect. thank you at this time panelists for being here thank you all for attending and please, feel free to approach us with questions or comments after. thank you. mruz mrauz. >> thank you to our final panel you all were wonderful if you make your way that way we want a photo of you all and feel free to say hello this is the end of our program for the day. thank you so much for being here it was wonderful seeing your faces zeal a happy hour now at anina in haze valoat 400 block across from patrish why's graen temperature is a cash bar 21 and
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xup we can mix and mingle. we will also send out a post event survey to all of you the next week as we are looking for ways to improve this event. with this thank you for coming. >> we are the risk takers the dreamers the expires we are the creative the artists the makers and the innovators from the gold rush and shaped by earthquake and cool by the fog. rocked by
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itself people. we been here we grow here and take a a chap here we have roots here. we found ourselves here. and we are the small businesses. >> with 2040 opened in san francisco where we met supportive people to help every step and stage and breaking. >> to welcoming the first encumbers and from idea to opening san francisco listened to our dreams and made them real. start your legacies [music] hi. i'm san francisco mayor london
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breed i want to congratulate sfgovtv on 30 years of dedicated service as a broadcast channel for our vibrant city. you played a critical role during the pan dem and i can worked keep residents informed. adapted to changing situations that allowed our residents to engage and participate in government. thank you for 3 decades of informing and inspiring and connect the people of san francisco as the voice that on mute.