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tv   Entertainment Commission  SFGTV  June 8, 2024 12:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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>> hello and welcome to the tuesday, june 4, 2024 hybrid virtual meeting of the entertainment commission i'm ben bleiman i'm the president. we will start with announcements. >> good evening. we want to start with a land acknowledgment. [ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgment]
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>> this meeting will be in hybrid occur nothing person at city hall. broadcast lineup on sfgovtv and available on zoom or or listening to calling. we welcome the public's participation during public comment periods. an opportunity for public comment at the beginning and an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to 3 minutes. for those remote, the commission will hear up to 20 minutes of remote comment total. for each item. because of the time limit it is possible not every person in the queue will have an opportunity to provide remote comment. remote comment from people
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received accommendation for disability will not count toward the 20 minute limit. >> for those in person fill out the speaker cards at the side table come up to the podium during public comment. state your name and your comment. you will have 3 minutes. once finished hand your card back to staff that is me. >> if you use zoom select raised hand when it is time for public comment. when your item come up. when you asked to speak you unmute yourself by hitting star 6. speak clearly and turn down your television or radio.
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thank you media service for sharing this meeting with the public. >> do a roll call. >> trying to listen to people >> roll call. president bleiman. >> here. >> vice president wang. >> here >> commissioner davis >> here >> commissioner schlander. >> here. the commissioner perez and poej i don't and thomas are excused.
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>> thank you. jot next item is two. general public comment. an opportunity for anybody here to comment on anything not on the agenda tonight. anything this you did in the see on the agenda. do we have general public comment? none in person. kidnap on zoom? jane, this is general public comment if not if you have a comment for an item lower your hand and wait for that item to come up. >> lower hand. >> no comment. no comment.
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>> sorry. ja close public comment. next item is 3. approval of the minutes for may 21, 2024. do we have a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> public comment on approving the minutes from may 21st? >> any -- there is none. >> close public comment we can vote. >> president bleiman. why aye >> vice president wang >> aye >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> the minutes have been approved. move to 4 being report from executive director. she is remote. yes. >> hello president bleiman, good evening. i will keep it brief i'm losing my voice. wanted to update you all that we
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approved a permit to occur in civic center on saturday june one. you might have heard about. for again and -- and just wanted to thank the staff so much and thank our partner departments for helping us put on a successful event with another planet. right there in civic center. many years we had an event of that scale. and we received 45 sound complaints through 311 regarding the event. which -- reasonable number comper seed to other events of the scale from previous years. >> and again. wanted to congratulate those that worked to create a safe environment for everyone. and am we learned from all of the music festival in helping
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desunrise and implement neighborhood out reach plan and sound mitigation plan. despite it being an impactful event for the 25,000 attendees. things like this that help us activate our out door spaces with live music and helps align with our city's revitalization goals. this is a shining example of our strategies from the not the downtown [inaudible]. future plan in recovery. so. wanted to bring that up. for everybody this evening i have nothing else. any questions? >> i want to congratulate staff on an incredible event. that performance in city hall
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was like a landmark turning point for the city. that's my take. i think the amount of press it got and how cool it was put us back on the map in a way that has not happened yet since covid. thank you. public comment on the executive director's report? people on zoom. note that we prefer you raise it when the item is you want to speak about. fady. do you want to speak on this item? du want to speak on the director's report or waiting for another permit? okay. i don't think he can we can hear him. >> let's lower his hand.
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there is none. president bleiman, there is none. >> thank you. public comment is closed on the director's report move on to item 5. report from our senior inspector. thank you. good evening commissioners we received 123311 complaints since may 21. i have a few u.s let mow know if you have questions. my first is about the brickston at 2140 union. ful llp with our office on friday may 24 the inspector
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visited. upon arrive a dj was performing. inspector spoke with the general manager. entertainment must end by 11 p.m. gm said that this was a business decision and not switch o. saturday may 25 visited again. upon arrive a dj was in the business. and the inspector spoke with the owner had the dv switch to prereferreded music. s 2 citations entertainment after 11 p.m. this marks the sixth, 500 citation for operating after 11 p.m. since march. we ask you save your comments and questions regarding it for the 2 items regarding it later in tonight's hearing agenda.
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>> my next summit about jackson. located 3231 fillmore. holds a poe with our office on monday may 27 the complaint submitted stating the speakers remaybes on after 10 p.m. the inspector responded on friday may 31 at 10:30. upon arrival there was a speakers and the speakers in the large tent on the north side of the business in operation. innerattorney levels compliant. when addressed staff turned off the speakers. reminded staff music was not allowed after 10 p.m. of another complaint the following night and the inspector responded at 11 p.m. upon arrival music of playing on the wall speaker from the pat row space. there was no out door
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entertainment. internal measurement showed noncompliance with sound limits. he turned oust speakers and brought it in compliance. issued jackson a notice of violation for operating after 10 p.m. my last is about cavannia, 100 channel street. on june second at 5 p.m. visited the business to conduct a check because we received sound complaints if the weekend prior. when make his way to the building noticed he heard the band performing on the officer top from street level. after entering the business took a measurement and south pam i don't, and was found to be operating 10 and 6 above sounds limits. after speak with management efforts to low other volume did
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not bring them in compliance with the sound limit of the staff had conversations with staff about controlling fragzs and we advised against bandses out doors special suggested they move the band performance those with horns and drums in the building. during this visit the inspector acompanied management on a walk to understand the impact of their operations on the neighborhood. was issued a notice of violation on june 40 for above sound limits. thank you. questions? none. i don't have questions thank you for this report. is there public comment. >> thank you we can move on to
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6, hearing and action regarding permits under the entertainment commission. i'm going to recommend that we vote to move an item up in the agenda so we take it first and that is i believe d. the license d which if i'm correct, yea. 1583 the next level sfllc1217 lounge on sutter i would like to address this first. we vote on moving it. the first question is is there a motion to move it? >> moved >> a second? >> second. >> is there public comment on moving this agenda item not on the agenda itself but the act of moving it. >> there is -- yes. well is one hand raised abdual. just to note this we are voting
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on whether or not we should hear this item now opposed later in the hearing. that public comment is limited to that. joy understand this. abdual you hear just to move item is that what your comment is about. >> later in today or next week >> we are talking about to now so we can talk about it earlier in this hearing. >> okay. >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you. all right. is there further comment on the moving on this? >> none. >> close public comment. take a vote. >> president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president hang. >> schlander. >> aye. >> we have moved the item and will pull today to now. which is the to which agenda. so, we received a lot of out reach on this item. from the mosque from the cbd and
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from supervisor's office and other groups. they have all asked that we continue this item to a later hearing that is the request. which 19s we would take this item up in the june 18th hear something anybody who had concerns about translations and other issues that came up to get all of the information that they need. that was the request from them. i am going to motion that we continue this item to our next hearing if possible. >> and do i have a second? >> do we need to take public comment >> after we motion >> yes, i second >> okay. >> and this is specific low requested from the the mosque, from the cbd and the supervisor's office a request to
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us. so. the motion stansdz now we'll allow public comment on again an opportunity anybody can speak but what we talk about is continueing to a future hearing which was the request. if you can comment on this item but specific low voting on wlo to move it to a future event.
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the mosque have nell problem gives us time to get ready. from the motor vehicle weep don't have an objection to rescheduling as long as the hours don't change until thenful the proposed hours of operation. >> thank you. more public comment on continuing this agenda item? good evening. supervisor china town community. most [inaudible] the community is [inaudible]. i believe that we need time to like to discuss more we have
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misinformation and i believe the interpretation and translation as well. i think all of us cherish having diversity and bring together and cultivating ethnicities can,
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background and is think those other important motion for you to consider. the 1217 lounge is not a lounge that is misis a night club and boarding a strip club. them is not a simple bar. allow you to come and eat for free and share and these are disrupted by the bar they open on the sidewalk and have a line of people who are dressed and up angry it is disrupting our ability to cross the sidewalk. i live on the block. i have been benching the behavior and i'm confident that if they get this permit they
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will fully open up. >> when the lounge fully opening statements up. thank you for your time. hopefully if we adjourn we can add more light. but over all we have seen a disruption to our mosque and community. we have bars around us and someone broke ape window and hate speech in our door step. >> good evening. [inaudible]. if we look at code and law now. if anybody applied for not the bar license that had existed for a long time.
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if they went to apply for a license now you have to be sick00 feet away from a scoop, day care or place of worship if we take the law in affect this license would be denied. that's where we are asking. putting in mind statistically if you look embarrass cause more problem people drink more there is entertainment. well is worshippers and kids and families that we don't want to be affected by the entertainment license. thank you. >> i'm carba and i'm the board for san francisco council and a school add administrator. native. i want to you received i letter from the board from the san francisco council,mented to clarify that we are here to push
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this out to june 18. receiving public comment for. i want to make sure they know they can take their kids home. if we seize public comment you will vote whether or not this gets pushed out to june 18th? thank you. il hold my comments for next time. i think we are done in person. now we will do zoom.
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so. if you hear us. unmute yourself. you have two minutes. thank you. i want to share i did not hear the statement. is it okay if i comment about the opening of this place. absolutely. as a native i went to the mosques in the tenderloin and it was hard. that was the only space for me as a muslim in san francisco i felt like i could that was the space. my family and i took a safety risk going in the mosque in the tenderloin this does not recognize the diverse population in the area. and so that's what i want to comment on. thank you. >> thank you.
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anyone else? >> one more. abdual. unmute yourself you have two minutes. >> can i ask for clarification what do we hope to achieve from now from the 18th for the continuance >> so the public comment is not a q & a. if you want to reach out to staff after, we are happy to connect with you that and somebody can reach out in the chat. >> what's that. i'm sorry this let's finish up public comment and i will give you a chance to answer that. we don't want to interrupt public comment if there is more. >> so. looks like that is all. >> all right. so answering the applicant. we got an influx of concerns about translations and other
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items that were not people -- did not peal feel like they were communicated around this hearing. we want to make sure we give everyone a chance to be communicated with and understand wham is going on that is the reason we are asking for this. am i propose third degree continuation. >> i am close public comment we have a motion and a second we can vote >> president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president wang >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner schlander >> aye. >> all right. that item has been continued and now we start with the other items on the regular agenda. starting with a. and who is introducing these for us.
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good evening. going back to item 6 agenda item from a. the first item of the regular agenda is hawthorn to host out door sound for the duration from june 7, 24 to may 18, 25. from 5 to 10 p.m. tochlt friday and from 12 to 10 p.m. each saturday. they are teaching outside permits. they had one complaint of 23 but our [inaudible]. they were in compliance with the
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per nit. did out reach. and [inaudible]. you will find in the folder the application, approved [inaudible] and application has the layout for the events from the street. and the neighborhood out reach and a copy of complaints. here to speak to you is chadwic owner [inaudible]. as a panelist. unmute yourself. >> can you hear me.
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>> yes. >> great. i'm chadwic and i'm here on behalf of hawthorn. we have been in operation in the downtown district since 2014. and -- hawthorn an alternate entry exit at 47. between kaern and he grant which is a pedestrian alley way. this would be the location of the closure. we made the space [inaudible] and entertainment permit for several years and given us the opportunity and offer alternative for happy hours and lots of fun dj, music and live art activations. as far as sounds equipment we floon have [inaudible] 4 corn rig. with the dj set up.
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and on sight sound set to monitor the system. i will be there as well. and will montort sound and the events over all. we have didn't out reach prior to the hearing and received no complaintsor occurrence hopefully bring more people to the area. if there is a concern a phone number is attached to the out reach and available from the hawthorn business any time. we plan to have security. [inaudible]. that's t. today we ask a renewal of the permit for another year. >> thank you. >> thank you. questions for the applicant in >> open for public comment.
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there is no public comment >> closed. >> can we have a motion. >> motion. >> can you are specific. >> may be. >> motion to approve. >> got excited there. >> second. >> take a roll call. will president bleiman. >> aye >> vice president wang >> aye >> commissioner davis. >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> if we did a motion without anything that would go to the supreme court. what that meant. >> moving along. >> thank you. >> the next permit is limited live performance permit out door entertainment in the parklet of the page at 298 divisidero. a jam to bam permit application. page opobtained a permit in 2020 early on in the program and bruin musicians to provide
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entertainment. now applying for the permit to continue as well as add the layer of indoor entertainment in the bar. under this the owner is seek the ability to host it daily until 11 p.m. and out door in the parklet or in the bodily harm with the door open daily between 12-8 and not exceed 4 hours per day. no out door sound in this application q. the business has an out door sount sounds limit in 22 and senior inspector indoor sound test and reconfirm the limit. since 2020 received count eversounds complaints i like to note all were lodged by the same 4 neighbors 2 live together and the rest unanimously. in response to the complaints inspectors visited 36 times. there is a sheet of complaints
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and actions. you note a number came in during the weak when we did not have staff. would verify complaints at the team visit. >> applicant conduct out reach and sent a letter to the residential and commercialing neighbors. on both sides with scott and divisidero. and response i received air phone call opposing the permit and two e mails with questions and a letter of support in your file with 1 know 75 letters of support. all of this out reach is documentd and included in your file. sfpd northern station did not have conditions and here to speak with you saturday owner of the page of bob wait.
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>> hello. i'm here to introduce myself. bob wade and the owner of the page. and we are here to apply for llp permit to host happy hour from 5-7 p.m. we applying for every day we really only program tuesday-sunday. >> if it matters there were froor letters of support upon that arrived after the dead line. questions for the applicant? >> i have questions. so, just because of the sheer number of complaints we received, relate today sound there i would like to hear more about the time entertainment you have planned. sound mitigation. strategy. what you are going to do to prevent more of the come mrinlts
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going forward. >> right. the genome the program is mostly roots. we don't provide sound equipment. mull sigsz will sometimes bring their own pa n. response to the complaints we removed out door speakers and limited performance 5 television 7 and weekends 3 to 5. keep also limited vocals depending on complaints. it seemed like they traveled further. e eliminated brass. you continue is noise to hear an ambiguous loud horn in the afternoon not everyone think this is is nice. we don't book bands with brass and limited percussion a guy that plays with brushes roorth than sticks. so. yea. i think we are compliant with the other the spirit of the rest
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of the program. we have a guy on at 5. the parklet neat. i think the complacements were about out door performance. and we had performance indoors for a time until we realized it was not a session musician we needed a permit we stopped and obliging them to play out doors when they show up an option to play in or out and it is a winds tunnel. they usual leap want to play inside. i think once we do that the majority of the sound will being inside that's the way it has been and suspect more oshg bliging to neighbors. i think when we say we will have live music every day. reality is probability 2-4 nice dayos a week outside. >> okay. >> sounds good like you taken steps are you doing like your
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own sound measurements to make sure you are in compliance. i think i will meet with andrew tomorrow. to set a now sound measurement and an app on their phone we measure it. >> great t. is yea. >> we i'm not sure what mitigation we do outside. it is an open air parklet. >> anything else? >> you can have a seat we'll open for public comment. >> am i'm albert. you have my name up as the complainers. i complained from day one. i approached the owner when they first started dismissed me.
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i did in the appreciate that. when you go off of your sound checks you never dime my house. you don't hear what i hear. you go and sit with the rest of them and you are hearing the sound there. you didn't come to my house with my windows closed i hear their music when they have live music with singing it is a ruckus. he has not roached out to the community until he applied efficient latest thing i have not heard from him of he has not knockod my door or sent me a letter or anything. it disruptive and affecting my quality of life. you will give him that permit live in that neighborhood. most the people don't live in on my block. those are their fellow parties and drinkers. take that in consideration when you are going to give reign to
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make noise temperature i walked by there the other day it was -- an entertainer had an amplifier. how will he control that. don't say one thing and do another. >> hello i'm tony i live acrossed the street from the page bar for 20 year. the last 3 years it has been terrible. talking built quality of left birds don't chirp and i'm one for din are jazz and i support musicians. you know. and that but it has been so loud. and when i call and speak to someone at the bar no matter who
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answer today. keep have no control over this sounds. . yea. dweel something did temperature double pain glamsz of thick door. can't use the front of my in the. that room is off limits you know during din are hour you got -- i heard a din are jazz and rammed down your ear for a couple hours a day and now asking for more. we set our night life aside for the outside not outside drinking. it is not -- you know. and so the good so -- mr. wait wrote something about the we also follow the entertainment commission. good neighbor.
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to lower sounds the others don't have top play louder to make up for this. and then when you talk about you know now from 5-7 it has been. through the years got discouraged and stopped calling the police never showed up. you say that some of your inspectors showed up. am where is the reading for that. you said that short handed.
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i don't believe anything i hear. they have not respected you gos. there has been illnesses and elderly. migraine headaches. thank you. this evening good oomph. i'm tom. i'm a 33 year residents of the lower haight 5 blocks away from
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the paige and privilegeed be a musician this play there every tuesday. except today since march of 2021. outside during covid. the band is scheduleit a band toured.
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>> and i'm rain to speak in favor of this permitting. i have been to the page many times. and report bands and the value to san francisco for the bands that can play aat low level and contribute to our 53 upon million dollars a year reward. we reap from the entertainment
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options available here in san francisco. it never will be a big venue attraction. it is a neighborhood bar. the seeds that they plant there are going to be moving on and i seen them moving. this reason i stand in faithful of investigate page continue the music they have been for the past 3 years. thank you. i lived across the from the page. until bob got it people were not wake me up every nightful don't
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believe that he will do when he says. of call every night to 2 o'clock in the morning they would not answer the phone. the staff has no consideration for the people that live across the street. i know they will not close down but he gets beside himself and the people you see i never seen anybody from the building go in that parklet. so. it has been an irritant for many years. thank you. >> thank you.
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you are welcome to come up here. >> i'm cedar wingate employee of the page. to reveal that. it is heard to find words to say now. i came to page 5 and a half years ago. had a 3 hour interview with bob for a door job. longest interview i ever had of that type. and it was about half of the conversation was about investment in the community. knowing the legacy of the community. how much hurts mow to hear people accused bob of not being oriented toward this it was clear to me the day i was at the interview that is very important
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to him. as far as i have taken many sound measures with the app. i'm a musician as well. the. levels have been from the tree we ad db and the same as on the street. i don't know this is a -- there is so much going of am some of the -- i live in the neighborhood 5 blocks away. some of the best moment in thes neighborhood i had. in left 5 years have been when there is a ruckus going on. there are a lot of people from the entire community who are enjoying it. i know many of them. the sounds of people musicing
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and enjoying that it is the life of a city. i will stop this is really getting to me but -- this it is a great thing i have been behind push for music and supporting and i saw bob take up on the not only with musicians and with art. and in the investment in that parklet that -- the whole place is a work of art in a way that is part of the intention. and it is not just for making monteis for the community. for all of us. >> thank you.
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more public comment? we are -- there is none. >> close public comment. discussion? motions? the part that struck me was that they have not been able to have musicians inside and granting might bring more musicians inside. i feel like that is a win for everybody. >> i feel like i heard from the neighbors who clearly feel this has been a disruption to them and explained. we have this situation in here a lot where not everybody in the city understandses what the entertainment does. we are small but mighty.
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department. and when we approve permits for if this were to be approved, we are a civic investigating group that has investigators in the field what people experienced before when somebody does not have a permit is call the police and the police don't show up they are busy doing other things and under staffed we have de dedicated resource.
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i will motion to approve. this is an llp for the record. with staff recommendations. >> seconded. >> take a vote >> president bleiman >> aye >> vice president wang >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> it has been approved.
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follow up with our staff at your earliest convenience and we will move on. >> the next permit is a play-offs entertainment change in ownership for bad lands the application is primarily an administrative change the previous holder an owner and add a business partner and changed the entity. bad lands since 2000 and the entertainment and programming will remain the same. additional low they will be required continue it to the planning motion 14864. states that indoor entertainment is permitted between 6-2. due it being 2 dkdzs olds they never had a sound lim there will be a sound test to set a limit with police code.
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ownership team sent a letter notifying them and no opposition was submitted. northern station did not have conscience. and here to speak with you is ownert j bruce and operation's manager brian. >> good evening >> commissioners. i worked san francisco bad lands since 99. involved with the bar from the beginning. and i'm in the bar business since 97. very used to working with my customers and neighbors. and so i did get a couple letters and reached out to the people that sent laters and took it seriously and told hem to let us and i know talked to hem all week. if there was i problem we adjusted the sxound had the avl guy and lower the limit. we would not remind the dj's we
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did. made it manualedtory net back of the house. i'm excited be a part of this. i worked with less all the years this last october we reopened october fourth. to be exact after closed for years due to covid with health problems. hello to all you have. thank you. >> questions? i don't have any. open up for public comment. there is upon 91. do we have a motion yoochl moved. >> approval with staff
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recommendations. >> second. president bleiman. why aye >> vice president wang >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> approved. congratulations. follow up with staff for next steps. >> the next on the agenda is for a one time out door permit for page street fit on fell street with the new baptist church. they are seek ability to play music during work outs monday-friday. and saturday. not exceed 6 hours a dame upon review with med sense to switch them to one time with extend duration the use is not permanent. 1 time permit a temporary were
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use authorization from planning which is valid for a year and the ability to be extended for an additional year if page street would like to continue operations they will go through a building permit with planning and apply for a perimism out reach the applicant sent a notice on april 10 a couple days before they started let them know they will host the classd and introduce themselves. witness they started the application process they mailed out a letter 88 to the surrounding residential neighbors the residential building at 350 has 70. in the file you see the out reach flyer observe per mist 38 letters of support and 15 opposition from residents at 350 broderick one in the file sent by gibb the pedestrian broderick residential association hoa. the applicant replied in the
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this thread is in your file if you want to look. the neighbors are concerned about and terrible of the music causing disturbance i would like to mention that page street operated from april 12 through may have 22 and the applicant received sound complaints. you will see below we are suggest to condition the permit society vol uchlt music shalling not succeed sounds 50 feet from the property of the sfpd park station does not have added donees and here to speak other owner it is david and aaron wong. >> we have a presentation.
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thank you for hearing our application for the perimism applying for 1235 fell street. page street fit. i'm aaron wong a san francisco native and san francisco residents.
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>> commissioner, thank you for hearing us i'm a cofounder of page street fit grew up here in san francisco. roof top alternative for elementary. met aaron at lookers. am and today i -- i am a director of early stage technology start up. >> like to start with our history with our neighbor in previous areas we worked out in. we operate in the ajainicloe valley and haight neighborhoods a two minute walk where we are applying today. through 4 years and 300 w outs we demonstrated an ability to maintain a peaceful can open rep with all neighbor. we have been thrilled with the positive engagement from home ordinance. families and renters. someplace neighbor it is cheer
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us on. . our prop on the new street in the exact neighborhood we near will be no different. my spoint our neighbors matter to us. and the reason why we dot got had where we and are continue to not they're relationship. we grown in numbers. and so we continued to offer new classes and explore new areas class wise we offer cycling and yoga and explored new spaces. the end of last year we were grateful to have 2023 from when we started we were 8-10 neap my garage. after aaron's [inaudible]. and grew over 100 members. we were overwhelmed by support from people in the community.
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we want to be a part of the way to might neighbors and healthy activities. we did that on the page street and fwt to a point it was not sustainable and wanted timed our own space to have gear and host work outs. not a ton of open free space in san francisco in our neighborhood and walking by i saw there was a large park lot in the baptist church and xoeld called the number and the church upon chairman answered and i pitched him on the idea vehicle work out in thes church and he was excited about the idea. we worked with the church. going to sunday services and getting to know them. and we could store our equipment in the basket property and signed an agreement and hosted the first work out on april 6.
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we sent out flyers in the mailbox in every building we mailed the letters to.
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we had discourse with the 350 broderick pedestrian hoa the only individual who was inclined work to peek with us directly. we responded to a variety of occurrence. we suggested compromises with themful we have not come to compromises with them kwlt that conversation remain open and excited make sure they are comfortable. >> the baseline of when we do
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today we host 3 work out classes. a week for forever. now. and we host membered, wednesday 5 p.m. and friday 4:30 we would like to increase the number of classes that we do host today. from 3-4 or 5 classes per week. we would like to open the gym space for open jim an student everopportunity for members to use it for their w outs. which is a low are volume. we like to use the space for yoga would be a great use of the space. details on how i will use the permit never play music during business hours we have full time job this is say passion project we have. never play music after 7. . 30 p.m. and will never exceed 3 hours in a day and the set up the language on the permit asks
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annual amplified installed sounds system our speaker system is a blue tooth in the corner of the parking lot woad place to face away from the 350 broderick building. joy want to mention one thing we have not talked about why we want to upon have a permit for music. it makes an incredible difference in the way the space feel when is you play upbeat music for neighbors to come and work out. hosting a w oust with no music is like going on a party with no music. you feel difference. having some feels differents than none. the last point on this slide is about creating more capacity. on the right you seat wait list for people from our neighborhood who want to join in. this is only the wait list in our app. had tons reach out to us. and we if we can't admit more
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without creating more capacities. we love to do that in a responsible fashion. >> otherwise. thank you for your consideration. >> any questions before they have a seat? >> we will open it up to public comment. >> hello. i'm christie. i live at brad broderick place i own a small one bedroom apartment for 10 years and in san francisco for 27 years. you have his notes he gave me a few notes he wanted share today.
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upon broderick place has 70 homes the residents live and w from home. many have young children. our building is between oak and fell. and has 27 unitos the east side facing divisidero with patios. balconand hes windows next to and above the new antioch church.
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>> thank you. >> hello.
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the thing i live directly in front of this park let. that's [inaudible]. we [inaudible]. butt building the garage and everything else they act as a buffer, creates white noise. people can absorb the white noise and put that in our head with the bar bells. music. the talk, it is i bit more because of the affect in that parking space. you upon we don't have the luxury of going to another room the basket house or basket building because our unit faces all the room face divisidero. right? talk about building community and talk about you know -- how do you lounge to out reach
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request the neighbors and engage the neighbors, our engagement was somebody talk to them but don't know who >> they dealershiped the. in our garage door. it is our building and i spoke to people, have you stheen before am what noticer? we were never aware of that.
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created with balconies and patiose the adequate sound barrier from the every day noise. source from divisidero and fell street. a big garage building that is a barrier. we don't hear much of like noise from divisidero or fell. church and garage and the station are not exposing us to business operations sounds or music sound. and if they do the sounds production are very insignificant. i live in the apartment since 2007. me and my husband. we would like to cultivate
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neighbor relations since he moved here and want to continue in this manner. we agree to construction of the bike path part of the agreed with our gentrification. respect and use the [inaudible].
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>> hello i'm brianful scomborn raised in san francisco. i have been part of haight
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street fit for two years. i can't recall a day where i had the opportunity to walk down the street and flub a face and neighbor, upon friend in a deep rooted community. what paige street fit has done intertwined me in a way i would not do to stage my life and i'm grateful for that. i feel healthier daily. and -- i can walk down and -- like today i walked down the street and republican in friend low faszs with a somewayism know them on a deep are life. not only that what we are able to do from the connections we drive further in the community. music is really important. can't hear me now. right? it is a tool.
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sound is a tool for creating these environments. i think like this permit you will find that people contribute more in their community and feel comfortable and have greater keksz. this evening it is has been a
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huge community resource i lived in the same place for a year before i joined. the first 3 months i met more neighborings it has been a vector for building community and being healthy. getting out and hearing the music. people waiting for me. getting out there has been really health competence wornful for me. it is a different vibe investigate music out loud creates an energy important for the w out and people meeting each other.
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upon and so it has been helpful and important. thank you. i lived in lower haight for several years. i -- can't think of a group of people i met throughout community and being a part of this made me feel more connected to the neighborhood i live in. the positive atmosphere and the welcoming vibes is a testament to the group of people we have and the space and the format of our groupful i want to thank the
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neighbors that have shared their views and say that i see dave and aaron as setting an example forment to have i dialogue and making sure that we are respectful of the people around us and i have every faith they will continue to and make sure that we are welcoming of all around us and thoughtful of our impact. thank you. mi. i'm nathan i live at 1264 pageful i have been a part of psf for a year now. and -- i moved in my apartment
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2020 fortunate to purchase and -- i guess during the pandemic my community all joined and left san francisco. i decided to double down and having no community was difficult for me. start of 2023 my resolution was nomeet the people, introduce myself common people of brian mentioned earlier, you know it is -- group make the city feel small and more connected. i bumped into people downtown at ocean beach. and so it has been a great community for people i would say like aaron and dave other most
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accommodating people of can you play music that not as -- filled with profanity. >> absolutely. like i'm sure -- going for a lark are group of time. i'm also positive -- what we would be actually the times we would play much less than what is asked. we want to make sure we don't over extend our welcome.
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love this city [inaudible] an effort to build community. and surrounding neighbors others mentioned they have been acomeidating and respectful i trust they have no intention of disrupting the community.
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>> good evening. members of the board and the neighbors. behind me. i'man tina wong. i have been a member of paige street fit since inception. born in san francisco. and through local all the san
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francisco -- education schools. i'm here to support the permit. i'm in my approaching 60. and most of the group members are in 20's and 30s i have seen the positive impact this group has had on the neighborhood. and as you can hear from the stories they shared with you today. regular exercise and mental well being. i'm an advocate for that. at this day in my life. music that is needed for our work outs helps motivate and energize the members that attend
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the work outs. we dot work outs. see kids that walk by. stop to see what is going on and by example they are seeing members working out. seeing older folks working out that is huge, right? and in a time many of us are often indoors having an out door fitness group with music promotes being outside and enjoying the fresh air. there may be concerns about
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noise however. the music that has already been played since the beginning of the sessions in that space and for the past few months without has not had significant issues. from my experience music has not been a nuisance. i have seen people stop and look in what that activity is about.
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i think music is important for work outs as others said you don't need a lot you need some. bridges people in. and by geting work out i think i
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can expand and community met good friends coming out of covid and isolation of the pandemic i think paige street has been a way to meet people and build a community and feel the city. i want to support the permit. thank you very much. hi. i'm a new member. at the pairj street location and now south street i live on broderick i'm close to the location. you heard the positive affect of the group on the community especially where it is hard to make the most of unused space. what in shared how conscious the group tried to be.
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3 handsos zoom. ryan you are the first personful unmute yourself.
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fathered of two kids and i want to share what sharing the music and you know all the commotion and the things that happened with paige street the father of two kids and homeownerful upon one of the deepest joyce i experience. no affiliation of the paige street this is a fantastic thing for the city and encourage to you approve the permit. andarctivities that get great people together. and active. and enjoy city and build a community on paige street. thank you for the time. thank you. next person is jeremy schneider.
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hi. thank you for take the time. i always live corner of bigger and pairj and coming to the work outs for two years now. i was drawn in by the music and it is vibrancy that the group in the neighborhood. investigate music and the energy is per whf make its success and will a powerful community force. it changed how people are and spicht they are and excited people are to hype each other up. i think that -- that energy cannot be the importance of that
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not under stated. i want to refocus everybody like the actual scope of what is asked. thank you. next is the i phone user. please state your name. and you have 3 minutes. >> can you hear me okay?
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yes, we can. >> thank you. i'm suzanne martin i am a broderick place resident. i like to make it clear we don't live on page street we are talking about broderick street. we are talking very specifically about 20 units that face on to the parking lot that page street using. and am we are not in ajainicloe valley, either. we north questioning the value of fitness. we are not questioning the value of community. we ever questioning putting 30
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people. i don't know. how many participates paige street fit want in classes. but we are questioning the pour sheer volume of putting those many people together directly below our homes. it is 3 hours every week evening from 4:30 to 7:30. and on saturdays from 10 in the morning to 6 at night. 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon. it is much more than the 3 plus hours that they are doing every other week night currently. much more. total low different. so, it is the volume and the
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sheer number of people and it is the volume of the music. that's when we are trying to head off. we don't question anything else that anybody else has said during the comments. that's not our position. i believe i am just trying to clarify. and -- once the permit is granted for a full year. where do we go? what? thank you. thank you very much. okay. next person is chris. chris, unmute yourself. you have 3 minutes. >> thank you. i'm chris. i'm also a member of paige
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street fit. what i want to add to the words of support voiced already is dave and aaron's ability to foster a community. i will be a testament to dave and aaron's ability to create an environment that enjoyable. for everyone on or abouted them. respectful to everyone and is positive. >> thank you.
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why thank you, chris. hi. i'm also near by resident of paige street fit i live on pairj street. attended for two years now. i think brian knows the game change they're psf provides. you see smun know. you can go on a 20 minute walk and confident you have someone you know -- feeling of community
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and place. a volume of people of the i don't know if we ever had a work out like on in the neighborhood. that was more than 30 people. aaron and dave could handle it. when that motorbike. so i thank you the time range provided is not intended say we will play music throughoutule of the times but give flexibility such that they meet the needs of membership. anyway i wanted voice support
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for the sound permits. for page street fit and wanted appreciate the feedback from the residentos broderick as well. though the value for the membership is also significant. thank you. i'm a resident. and i hear comments about community it is fantastic.
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because my living room and bedroom. [inaudible]. organismed the whole time. the bottoming does snot have air congress. it gets warm and most have patiose open. pretty much all day. and so the sound carries straight up to my apartment.
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i have nowhere tolls go. and i'm not [inaudible]. it is just i'm not part of that community nor i do wish to be. thank you. next is amanda hughy. >> hi. hi. yea. i'm a member of paige street fit. a member for over two years. in addition to the positive impact, about the community and how respect. everyone is i want to say that where the people love to know the neighbors this is not a typical mall business owner coming in. renting i space and disrupting
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the community. pairj street fit by people who live in the neighborhood invested in the neighborhood and invest in the building in the neighborhood a better place. i think it is [inaudible] that the reason i didn'tment to live in the area is because where it s. jordan fuller
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>> thank you. >> i want to [inaudible]. a lot i'm a member of [inaudible]. pairj street fit i member for two years. i will keep it brief. i appreciate perspectives. i wanted say that one of the best parts about pairj street fit as somebody who lives in the neighborhood was at the last location.
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a neighbor came by and so excited to see people working out. one did jumping jacks and amazing to see somebody connect with neighbors and fitness so young. how neighbor low they are. and the per mist can't put in words the intention and the kindness of gave and aaron. y they have always been perceptive, spoke with neighbors and the goal is to make a great community. not just having one in the work oust classes. and -- i wanted reiterate that.
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thank you. >> thank you. we have kristin. you have 3 minutes. hi. can you hear me? we hear you. good ahead. >> excellent. thank you. i will keep it broef. i think there has been a lot of support and concerning opinions here.
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the work outs and it is something that i think i have not seen in other places and other work out facilities that has gone far to create a community orient exclude respectful environment. and ran educational environment this is accessible and -- respectful. that has been the most impactful things on peach street for over 3 years now. and i think this embodies part of the sheet we have on page. i love seeing the other local paige street event this is is another thing that adds to the
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community. and again reiterating our enthusiasm to -- have a dialogue and make it something that is beneficial and supportive for everyone. thank you. no more hands raised for zoom. we will close public comment. discussion? i want to acknowledge the comments and see a value in the community center business that you are rung here. especially one that is not upon oldsmobile building neighbor relationship and health and fitness and wellness. i also hear the neighbor
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concerns. but when we do approve the permits the activity come under our purview and the activity come with the good neighbor policy and sound limit. i hope that a swajs the neighbor occurrence i'm ready to vote. >> like people are allowed garth and do fitness in the commercial zone and this is allowed we are looking at whether they are one blue tooth speaker playing music that has been approved with our sound inspectors. that's our specific purview. clanging of the weights and doing work outs that is not our world the music is. >> motion to approve with staff recommendation.
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>> second. >> okay. president bleiman. why aye >> vice president wang. >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> congratulations. your permit approve exclude move on to one more permit. why two. upon the time permit is for paprika restaurant at 3324, 24th. the permit collaboration indoor entertainment and out door in the parklet of the business. pablerica operating am in the parklet under a grant. they are applying for the permit tonight to make the programming on going. i'd like to note we have not received a sound complaint. they plan to host outside and like the option to host forms indoors. senior enspecter set a sound
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limit and recommending that we condition the entertainment with standard language the staff recommendations. ordinance sent out an out reach letter and no opposition. there was a letter of support include in your file. mission station had no sdpns here to speak is the owner peter zuker. i'm the owner ofpableric applying for the permit for our strewn. been there for 11 yers special a lot of travelling and hope this will bring mission back to the live music.
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is there public comment? are motion to approve >> second >> >> i second that. >> okay. >> take a vote >> president bleiman. why aye >> vice president wang >> air >> commissioner davis. aye >> commissioner schlander. >> aye. >> all right. congratulations that is approved we have two more items one i will talk about we will pull it is moved before this take a >> for the two of the nut back can you continue what conversation outside we have more business. thank you. >> all right.
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so item 7. was concerning an appeal that we had and it is moot the person has removed the appeal. with drawn. we don't need to vote we can move on to 8. >> okay. >> all right. qualify commission this item agendaizeed bring the ownership team before the commission to discuss llp violations at the business. note you can find all documentation in agenda item 8 in your folder tonight. received the permit on december 21. legal they would like a permit due to the premesis the permit is the only option unless a cu process with the planning department. since the permit granted at the end of 2021 we received 25 sound
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complaints and e mill complaints about volume after 11 p.m. the cut you have time for the llp. of the 25 complaints we visited the business 22 time and pound to to be in i have ligsz during 14 visits of the 47 violations 12 were for sounds. 12 were entertainment after 11 p.m. it is important to note when i say operating after 11 p.m. this is between 11. . 45 and 1. . 45 a.m. after their cut off time. at the direction of. the director the inspector visitod may 24 and may 25. diring visits it is business operating at entertainment after 11 p.m. the accident issued 1nov and 14 citations 12 after 11 p.m. and the other for violating sound
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limit. as of today, 3 of the 5 citations unpaid amount to 1500 in obligations. of the bricks ton was here in july for the same reason. using the same memo and updating the numbers it is basis remay not same. at the hear nothing july the gm and owner explained they are make egg business decision to host entertainment after 11 p.m. it is when custody admirals are there the commission discouraged disregard for conscience they did not recondition permit and adhere to the existing conscience special if than imented operate after 11 p.m. go through plan to apply. the brickston has not startd that process and the ownership can speak to that more tonight.
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article 15. 1 entertainment director ownership designee can suspend the permit if 3 or more violation this is occurred left july issued a 15 day suspension for receiving 3 within a 90 day period x. we received 6 citations between march sdpen may 25th. as the ability to issue ay third suspension the second issued. if that occurs. a third would trigger a suspension hearing result nothing suspension of operations up to 30 days. this item is i discussion and public action which the commission as the ability to recannot permit as you see fit inform your file are the following. notice to appear tonight. llp permit. call of nov and enforce. time lineup. staff don't have a
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recommendation for you tonight we encourage you to recondition the permit to be near restrictive. should we hear prosecute permit holder and have a discussion here. >> i have not appropriated anything i took possession and control of the business. as of two months ago or 45 days ago. >> great. we are in a pickle here. you don't have a permit to operate after 11 p.m. you can apply it has to go through planning. you continue to operate after 11 p.m. and we have to show up and site you for it.
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these will continue to ~esque lit getting worse from your side as we exhaust the different resources we have which we have to do by law we don't have a choice. we have to go and investigate it. >> understood. >> so we are trying to figure out what to do. our situation you know it has been a long time. with the brickston saying things will be different and than i are not and now at least there is honesty now it is like this is a business decision can you speak to that? is this a business decision? is there a reason you are not alie ploying for the cu >>. i took possession. operations i have been an owner since 2010. have been in business for 14 years i took over possession. i plan on doing everything i can
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to apply for the new permit. or -- i just took over. so i can only say i'm going to. and that i'm sorry we have not been operating under the conditions that our llp permit stated. i have 2 other business parters that were a part of the business and in charge of those operations prior. >> i'm receiving violations since you have taken over operations. can you speak to -- >> the time inspector shown up i had other issues i had to attends to when they come up to me personal low when the music was passed the 11 o'clock the dj past 11 o'clock. i told the dj to switch over. i told the inspectors i had issues preventing mow from walk to the dj there is a process of
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telling the dj to stop and switch to house music. >> that's why my dj did not stop at 11 >> were they have told it? >> they were when we told them to stop. >> okay. jue have been an owner since 2010 and awear there have been the violations in the practice sns >> violations since 2021. >> right the first part owner since 2010 and aware? >> yes. >> there was 3 owners i had one voice. other 2 took care of operations. >> you have been aware. >> several years. >> yes. >> what corrective action du take prior. >> i told my business partners they need to correct the action. >> yes , sir. the issue we are having here and i just you have had it for two months that is enough time to if
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you near charge the buck stops with you at least. >> absolutely. >> we had a number of am instance in thes left two months. >> how many. complaints? i have to ask my staff for this one. >> either way, you know upon the issue is you are in the applying if are a new permit. >> now it isow and your partners are gone. >> absolutely. >> without a new permit you have to this is not like a fresh start it is the same permit and seeing the issues as before. we can continue to give large foins we don't want to do. we have a staff that is extremely business, answering a ton of calls and yet spending time having to respond to this issue not fair to us or staff
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and things. and it seems like the answers you give are hard to reconcile with reality. i'm trying to understands -- how they will be different. we need discuss as a body. it is rare we come across somebody a group or permit this is so not compliant we have to take action.
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i don't00 eye hear you it soupds a little noncommittal. i don't have more questions i heard enough. >> neither do i i seen it a pattern a flagrant disregard for the law, city and staff and this commission. and i'm not seeing any real commitment to abide by the conditions. >> questions for the permit holder. >> you can have a seat. thank you. >> can you remind us the current
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conditions are? daily entertainment until 11 p.m. indoors. >> daily. until 11. >> yes. i'm ready to dramatically ruse that. >> 2 days a week to 9 or 10? >> when the incidents happen? for the most part. why friday and saturday nights. when we have staff to verify that is occurring. >> all right. and are we prebl hard to tell on the notice do we know complaints on nights not friday or saturday. >> oceanally a thursday night that was causing complaints i don't know it was a short time. and holidays. >> okay.
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limit couple days a week but that my concern is it is will not have an affect if the same days they have entertainment and reverse we push the entertainment to the days it is causing in terms of limiting hours that is something i'm open top doing. >> we need to have sort of thought about it. i meanwhile i'm concerned anything will stay in compliance. i agree with limiting and i would prosecute pose wednesday and thursday until 10 p.m. i can get behind that. johneds reasonable >> this is maggie.
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can you repeat that. you said wednesday and thursday? >> yes. >> okay. and again those are nights we rarely have staff. >> good point. >> good point. >> so. >> i think limit to 9:30 on friday and saturday. and cut the rest of the week and daul a day. >> i'm willing to go until 9 there needs to be consequences for disrespect. >> okay. 9 o'clock. for the idea is 9 o'clock. friday and saturday nights only. and no entertainment the other nights. is there any -- open this up for public comment and continueful good start for discussion. public comment on this item? >> gabriel on zoom.
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>> hello. can you hear me. on the if website pitches itself rise a gastroclub. i encourage the entertainment commission to look at the patterns of behavior. open 4 days a week. until 2 a.m. on friday and saturday. talked about the citations for live entertainment without a permit and noise. and 3 suspensions. in spchlt limiting the permit. i think additional i have a problem hugo saying he is only taking over. he and i have been in communication in person by e mail and text. since 2021. and so frustrate to hear he says
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that is not the same. but -- strongly obybeth to the idea of them acting like they have and appreciate the actions of the committee to curtail that. thank you. >> thank you. >> unmute yourself. >> i'm sorry if the mislabel. gavin parseons hoa president of 2148 union. neighbor. we this came up in 2021. when they first got their permit to operate. our concern at the time was -- they have been klimted amount
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for the good neighbor policy and stay by the rules. >> close public comment. >> do we have a motion. >> further discussion necessary? anybody want to add anything. >> move to recannot permit. thursday and friday?
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>> friday and saturday until 9 p.m. >> so -- maggie again do you want to add a start time? 6 to 9 p.m. is reasonable. yep. i agree. why so, the motion that i heard is to recondition them and correct me if i'm wrong. to only be able to conduct entertainment on friday and saturday nights hours of sick p.m. and 9 p.m. >> correct. is there a second? joy second. >> >> take a vote >> president bleiman. >> aye wrochl vice president wang >> aye >> commissioner davis >> aye >> commissioner schlander
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>> aye. >> all right. that is reconditioned moving on we can go to the last agenda item commissioner comments and questions. requests for new business in the future. anybody got anything good? the show is cool. >> you go? >> no. >> i heard. >> it was cool. [inaudible] fred again. right. >> again and again. >> i never heard of it. >> missing out.
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all right. anybody else have anything. i missed ale. happy pride month. it is a mont for partying >> any public comment? >> nope. >> i did in the tell you by my work out. >> public comment is closed we are adjourning the meeting.
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>> making to may grandkids a
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program all about pop ups, artists, non profits small business in into vacant downtown throughout the area for a three to 6 months engagement. >> i think san francisco is really bright and i wanted to be a part of it revitalization. >> i'm hillary, the owner of [indiscernible] pizza. vacant and vibrant got into safe downtown we never could have gotten into pre-pandemic. we thought about opening downtown but couldn't afford it and a landlord [indiscernible] this was a awesome opportunity for us to get our foot in here. >> the agency is the marriage
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between a conventional art gallery and fine art agency. i'm victor gonzalez the founder of gcs agency. thes program is especially important for small business because it extended huge life line of resources, but also expertise from the people that have gathered around the vacant to vibrant program. it is allowed small businesses to pop up in spaces that have previously been fully unaccessible or just out of budget. vacant to vibrant was funded by a grant from the office of economic workforce development that was part of the mayor's economic recovery budget last year so we funded our non profit partners new deal who managed the process getting folks into these spaces. >> [indiscernible] have been tireless for all of us down
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here and it has been incredible. certainly never seen the kind of assistance from the city that vacant to vibrant has given us, for sure. >> vacant to ibvooerant is a important program because it just has the opportunity to build excitement what downtown could be. it is change the narrative talking about ground floor vacancy and office vacancy to talking about the amazing network of small scale entrepreneur, [indiscernible] >> this is a huge opportunity that is really happy about because it has given me space to showcase all the work i have been doing over the past few years, to have a space i can call my own for a extended period of time has been, i mean, it is incredible. >> big reason why i do this is specific to empower artist. there are a lot of people in
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san francisco that have really great ideas that have the work ethics, they just don't have those opportunities presented, so this has been huge lifeline i think for entrepreneurs and small businesses. >> this was a great program for us. it has [indiscernible] opening the site. we benefited from it and i think because there is diverse and different [indiscernible] able to be down here that everybody kind of benefits from it. . >> i just feel like this is what i was born to do when i was a little kid i would make up
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performances and daydream it was always performing and doing something i feel if i can't do that than i can't be me. >> i just get excited and my nickname is x usher my mom calls me i stuck out like a sore thumb for sure hey everybody i'm susan kitten on the keys from there, i working in vintage clothing and chris in the 30's and fosz and aesthetic. >> i think part of the what i did i could have put on my poa
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he focus on a lot of different musical eras. >> shirley temple is created as ahsha safai the nation with happens and light heartenness shirley temple my biggest influence i love david boo and el john and may i west coast their flamboyant and show people (singing) can't be unhappy as a dr. murase and it is so fun it is a joyful instrument i learned more about music by playing the piano it was interesting the way i was brought up the youth taught me about music he picked up the a
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correspond that was so hard my first performing experience happened as 3-year-old an age i did executive services and also thanks to the lord and sank in youth groups people will be powering grave over their turk i'll be playing better and better back la i worked as places where men make more money than me i was in bands i was treated as other the next thing i know i'm in grants performing for a huge protection with a few of my friends berry elect and new berry elect and can be ray was then and we kept getting invited back you are shows got better we made it to paris in 2005 a famous arc
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we ended up getting a months residencey other than an island and he came to our show and started writing a script based on our troop of 6 american burr elect performs in france we were woman of all this angels and shapes and sizes and it was very exciting to be part of the a few lettering elect scene at the time he here he was bay area born and breed braces and with glossaries all of a sudden walking 9 red carpet in i walgreens pedestrian care. >> land for best director that was backpack in 2010 the french
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love this music i come back here and because of film was not released in the united states nobody gave a rats ass let's say the music and berry elect and performing doesn't pay very much i definitely feel into a huge depression especially, when it ended i didn't feel kemgd to france anymore he definitely didn't feel connected to the scene i almost feel like i have to beg for tips i hey i'm from the bay area and an artist you don't make a living it changed my represent tar to appeal and the folks that are coming into the wars these days people are not listening they love the idea of having a live musician but don't really
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nurture it like having a potted plant if you don't warrant it it dizzy sort of feel like a potted plant (laughter) i'm going to give san francisco one more year i've been here since 1981 born and raised in the bay area i know that is not for me i'll keep on trying and if the struggle becomes too hard i'll have to move on i don't know where that will be but i love here so so much i used to dab he will in substances i don't do that i'm sober and part of the being is an and sober and happy to be able to play music and perform and express myself if i make. >> few people happy of all ages i've gone my job so i have so stay is an i feel
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like the piano and music in general with my voice together i feel really powerful and strong the san francisco music hall of fame is a living breathing world that's all encompassing about music. [music playing] it tries to do everything to create a music theme. music themes don't really exist anymore. it is $7, the tour is two
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floors, (inaudible) so, each one of these frames that you see here, you can-you are and look into the story of that act, band, entertainment and their contributions to music. affordability is what we are all about. creative support. we are dedicated to the working musician. we are also dedicated to breaking some big big acts. we like to make the stories around here. ultimately legends. government television.
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>> my name is kevin roger tang one live owners and at a 2 owe 50 that's it avenue in the sunset so the bayview original hip hop store we have music so every purchase counts for either the charts and the tri work chart that is acquired by 3 best friends we love k pop and why not share that and would the community here in the bay. and originally supposed to open up an eco but unfortunately, the covid hit by the we got creative with the social media and engaged and bring in people within the being sure like pop and the instagram live or hip
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hope to bring that connection with the bayview k pop community and we grow. and hello we're a collective store so the cc around us within us has the cards people like to collect and try to collect limited edition mr. sincroy manufacturers like a state university or memorial and we have which is a venue for people to kind of make new friends and open up they're a goods and invite people to stay and oftentimes see the context we're very, very fortunate and everyone is super sweet and loveable to sum up i guess two words is a second home (background noise) and a lot of people visit.
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>> and connect this place even if it is really cool. >> san francisco is a city known for music and art and we at the pop store we to go show the k love and added to the diversity of music and the way of the community. >> it is safe place it is a great way to dmrofr new things and any friends and it is saying hello 2050 carville from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and followup on the
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