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tv   Full Board of Supervisors  SFGTV  June 11, 2024 6:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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(clearing throat). >> supervisor safai and supervisor ronen (gavel) good afternoon. >> welcome to the san francisco city and county board of supervisors regular meeting this afternoon at 2:00 pm., tuesday, june 11, 2024. madam clerk, call the roll. >> thank you, mr. president. >> commissioner walton present. >> supervisor dorsey present and supervisor engardio present. >> supervisor mandelman present address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction
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present. >> supervisor preston present. >> supervisor ronen present. >> supervisor safai for the present. >> xifrd present. >> and commissioner chan mr. president we have president we have quorum. >> thank you. >> unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> colleagues please join me in the pledge of allegiance.
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i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> (gavel). >> madam clerk do we have any communication i have the san francisco board of supervisors welcomes interested persons to attend this meeting at the chamber in city hall second floor room 250 or watch on sfgovtv channel 26 or the live stream at >> you may submit our public comment or any comments by sending an e-mail to or writing the postal service to the san francisco board of supervisors the number one dr.
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carlton city hall san francisco, california 94102 have a request for interpretation from 2:30 until 5:30 if you want to utilize this service visit the table we have set up outside of the chamber doors and to make accommodation under the americans with disabilities act or request language assistance contact the city clerk's office by calling the number thank you, mr. president. and colleagues is position it approve the. >> approval of meeting minutes: approval of the may 7, 2024, board meeting minutes. 340egs possession by supervisor mandelman and seconded by supervisor dorsey why not motion to excuse supervisor safai and seconded by supervisor ronen we will take that without objection
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supervisor safai is ensued on the adoption of the minutes a roll call practical pleasing. >> supervisor chan on the minutes. >> and i. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> murder in the third degree, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> and supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> and supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 10 ayes. >> those minutes will be approved after public comment as praentd (gavel) madam clerk read do special order 2:00 p.m. >> agenda changes: special order 2:00 p.m. - mayor's appearance before the board. being to questions submitted in the eligible district the mayor may address the board up to 5
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minutes thank you, president peskin and members of the public thank you for the opportunity to be here today. we are continuing to make progress on moving forward our proposed bond for the november ballot and thank you, supervisor ronen and others and supervisor engardio for joining me in introducing this will invest in public health and economic revitalization and thank you, president peskin to make sure we are meeting he critical public safety infrastructure needs and the overall goals of bond as originally proposed we moved through the legislative process and made adjustments i'll confident to bond to voters will pass and strengthen our city. last week, we announced
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amendment along with new legislation that combined and fund over one hundred and 4 point millions of dollars in enhancement as zuckerberg zuckerberg san francisco general hospital will help us tow have thousand for annually individuals health certification and complienls we have worked too hard to keep critical health facilities like laguna honda hospital open and could not let up on the significant process we are making and san francisco is safer and healthy for all when we have a strong healthcare system and when we have community clinics that can serve our month vulnerable community across the entire city that bond does more than that invest it
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invests in the economic revitalization at that critical time for the city and doing that for the residents and workers by to drive our tourist economy as first responders for the services our clinics and hospital provide that bond clean streets neighborhood parks and the trains connect our neighborhood and fund the police officers walking the beats and firefighters to 9-1-1 calls and increasing investing in our public spaces from all over is an investment in our entire city imagine streets with seats and and thriving corridor lit up to welcome residents catching the back and forth from san francisco and supports an improved plaza overdue for
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updates incredible spaces for the purposes and have the opportunity to turn concept into concrete improvements i mean visitors from all over the world come to this neighborhood what our lgbtq+ has contributed and feel the history of leaders like harvey milk and a brighter future we can do better to meet the expectation with a welcoming inspiring public space. we need something that matches the brilliance of rainbow over market and iconic castro theatre across the street that is the vision of harvey milk plaza and, yes will be a plaza for the residents to organize but welcome visitor and go ahead
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itself in the memories they are drawn back time and time again and need another same time for housing and market should see a vibrant spaces not just about investment but the funding that spreads i'm confident three this bond will meet all those goals and deliver a safer and healthy city and again, thank you. the supervisors who have signed on as co-sponsors and working with us on this effort i look forward to taking this to the voter and getting their support so thank you very much for the opportunity to be here and talk about that. and that's all i have to say. >> thank you mayor london breed and thank you for your collaboration and we looked to mostly this to the ballot and working together to get it passed that is the conclusion this will be filed offer public
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comment thank you, mayor london breed and madam clerk call the next item. one through 15 consent agenda if any item is removed or countered separately. >> any member or members like an item or items removed from the consent agenda seeing items one through 15. we will take those. >> same house, same call. those ordinances are finally passed. (gavel) madam clerk please read madam clerk please read the next item. item. item. organizations, small businesses, merchant associations, neighborhood resident associations, and property and
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business improvement districts. >> seeing no names on the roster take that. >> same house, same call. the ordinance is passed on first reading and read 17 and 18 lease extension of two years and four months for a total term of october 19, 2019, through october 31, 2024. (airport commission) of three and one-half years from december 30, 2028, with a total term of august 22, 2016, through june 30,2032. (airport commission)
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(coughing). >> seeing no names on the rosters let's take these items. >> same house, same call. the resolutions are adopted madam clerk read items 19 and 20 together. >> yes. she's in the chamber. >> fiscal me you're fine. >> item accordance with the help america vote act in the amount of $168,000 for the period of july 1, 2023,through june 30, 2025. (elections department)
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program in the amount of $60,380.03 for the period of july 1, 2023,through june 30, 2025. (elections department). >> same house, same call. the resolutions are adopted years effective july 1, 2024, for a total term of july 1, 2009, through june 30, 2029. (municipal transportation agency) >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) next supportive housing (“hsh”) to provide meals for navigation centers and shelters; approving a term of july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2029 or materially decrease the
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benefits to the city and are necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of the agreement. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) next item, next item, next item, next item, please. >> 23. resolution authorizing the office of contract administration, on behalf of the human services agency, to execute contract 1000032407 between the city and county of san francisco and good guard security, inc., for the purchase of security guard services for total contract amount not to exceed $33,760,000 and an initial term of five years commencing on july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2029, with an option to extend the term for two additional years. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) next item, please. next item, please. next item, please. next item, please.
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not to exceed $52,362,512 to finance the third phase of infrastructure improvements and housing development related to the revitalization and master the revitalization and master development of up to 1770 units development of up to 1770 units california environmental quality act, the general plan, and the priority policies of planning code, section 101.1. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) next item, please. >> 25. resolution retroactively approving an agreement between the department of public health(dph) and the national association of county and city health officials for reducing overdose through community approaches mentorship program, for a term of july 1, 2023,through july 31, 2024, including binding arbitration and anticipated revenue to the city of$98,999; and authorizing the director of dph to enter into amendments or modifications to the agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the city and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the agreement. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) next next item (clearing throat) >> 26. resolution approving the
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seventh amendment to the sublease and property management agreement for treasure and yerba buena islands market rate rental housing between the treasure island development authority and the john stewart company to extend the term by 10 years from june 30, june 30, june 30, june 30, of july 1, 2014, through june 30,2034, with a three year option to extend. (coughing). >> >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) madam clerk please read items 27 and 28. >> in a program, entitled “path justice-involved capacity building program,”for the period of august 29, 2023, through december 31, 2026. a program, entitled“capacity building assistance (cba) for high-impact hiv prevention,” for the period of april 1, 2023, through june 30, 2024.
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>> same house, same call. the resolutions resolutions are adopted next item. >> 29. resolution approving under charter, section 9.118, the extension of the landfill disposal agreement with recology san francisco as authorized under the current landfill disposal agreement for a period of six years, or an additional 1,600,000 tons of waste have been disposed under the agreement, whichever comes first. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) madam clerk please read items thirty and three entitled “housing assistance for ukrainians (hau) - san francisco,” for the period of june 28, 2023, through september 30, 2026.
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refugee support services supplemental funding - san francisco,” for the period of october 1, 2022, through september 30, 2025. (coughing). >> seeing no names on the rosters we'll take those items. >> same house, same call. the resolutions are adopted madam clerk read the clerk read the next item. >> 32. resolution retroactively authorizing the department of homelessness and supportive housing (“hsh”) to enter into a grant agreement for a term commencing on july 1, 2023,through december 31, 2025, between the city and county of san francisco (“city”), acting by and through hsh, and the san francisco health plan, not to exceed $3,227,884 in order to provide enhanced onsite services, increase site accessibility and support data
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liabilities,or materially decrease the benefits to the city and are necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of the agreement. >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted (gavel) next item, next item, next item, next item, next item, next item, grant agreement, as defined herein, for a grant of$5,500,000 under the california specified development and acquisition grant program. for the purchase of establishing a lesbian and queer museum in san francisco.
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>> same house, same call. the resolution is adopted next item, please. please. please. please. amendments to the charter of the city and county of san francisco enacted by the voters on november 5, 2002, as proposition e. (coughing). >> seeing no names on the rosters we'll take this item. >> same house, same call. the ordinance ordinance is passed
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ordinance is passed ordinance is passed ordinance is passed ordinance is passed california coastal commission; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. >> same house, same call. the visa resolution is adopted >> 36. motion rejecting the mayor's nomination for the reappointment of debra walker to the police commission, for a term ending april 30, 2028. >> supervisor dorsey thank you, president peskin i'd like to take out the word reject and
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retain debra walker to the police commission and seconded by supervisor safai sorry go ahead and debra walker has documented her time and energy and experience in november of this city to approve for more than thirty years by all accounts including mine and debra walker is an incredible public servant has oversight and scrutiny to those for unpaid service and served in 200 and pushed for real reforms to challenge the agency with a history of problems with two decades debra walker was reappointed to the by progressives and moderates and
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served prior to the appointment of police commission i could go on and on and commissioner and leader the lgbtq+ but didn't time to give mann anyone a falls impression she is able to fill this post and to serve on is police commission this is a time consuming job it is championship and often heated matters of public safety and as a member a gay members of the board of supervisors i would be remiss not to note the 11 periphery in the lgbtq+ community and going back to dianne feinstein appointment amazing lgbtq+ leaders and most of us worked
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with debra walker and known for to be thoughtful and patient and diligent and hard working and no doubt she'll continue to bring this approach to the commissions and city government i'll hope you'll join me in reaffirming her appointment and outside of this building whether that is accurate the notion sometimes city hall can interfere in the operation of the city departments it is the kind of narrative position animated some of the ballot measures people are not some of my colleagues have not responding to - to it is the kind of thing we're creating so it is our job as supervisors to confirm our original appointment and hopefully my colleagues will and calling into question the work ethics somebody is by all get is
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extraordinary commissioner and merits changing this i know my colleagues care about the public safety we can agree that debra walker is a serving our city over the years i hope we agree that san francisco is lucky to have debra walker and again, amend this and change the motion from reject to approve and ask the commissioners. >> thank you, supervisor dorsey from reject to approve it is discussed and colleagues wanted to note that commissioner walker is present and if colleagues will delusional me i'd like to wave the board rules if to objections we can ask her questions and i was not able to
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attend the rules committee on monday (coughing) and have been busy and not watching the tape but if you will allow it colleagues we can ask i could ask questions you are also welcome to ask as well but i see people's names on the roster before i call commissioner wakeer up commissioner chan interview by: president peskin i want to make sure we shed light on where the committee rejected commissioner walk eerie want to say like i said in rules committee that sometimes, we as members of this board have to make tough and hard decisions when it comes to making decisions about people we have admiration for so this is definitely not about trevor with
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anything. in fact, this is definitely not apply for me in fact, the charter put us in a position to make that decision and sometimes making hard decisions is something we have to be willing to do but i want to start off by saying i have known commissioner walker for several years and think that she number one, is a great person. and certainly someone should be celebrated and acknowledged to paraphrase our speakers at the rules committee and much like other public speakers stated ache paraphrasing you'll no hesitant but not in good conscious support her in this role i say have to separate the work from her past with the information put in front of me in particular by commissioner walker in her statement at rules
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committee. and from her assessment she didn't believe the police commission should be setting policy for the department and gave her examples how it is bad for police commission is a function of police commission in those roles we can't say we support one roll by not support the other function. these rolls should transcend politics but her statements advocated to decrease the role of the power of police commission the very body she wishes to continue to serve on. i do again want to commend commissioner walker for her service to the city but can't support her there is personally things i wanted to do that people who had this experience may have value my opinions for other things told me in actually
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they were right this is the not about commissioner walker being a good person in san francisco that is one of the first people to lead the chorus but we're making decisions about someone serving on the body that they don't really feel part of rolls and function of that body is something they have to adhere do we talk about politics where we are in the city today has nothing to do with commissioner walker not putting this one her but one of the supporters walked out because they disagreed and called her a piece of shit in the chamber before they walked out that crushed me and made me
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sad. thank you, supervisor walton supervisor melgar and thank you, supervisor walton i've known commissioner walk era long time and served on the inspection commission and known her to have many great integrity and this vote now is about the police commission. not about the work she's done in the past so with that, i have to stand up for my own experience which draw your attention as a police commissioner last year, we voted on the early reappointment which i was happy to do and proud to vote for um, now chair alisa i think when people show up and
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they work hard and have the best interests of the city in their work um, we should support them and i feel like commissioner walker has done that and i don't always agree with her political analysis and shouldn't be the expectation i think the body reappoint it is the point to have a different points of view reflect and trust that the process we have legislated and move forward will have the results of having us in the diverse city is represents different views and that still, you know, by talking to one another manage to make progress i'll dully why commissioner walker last month held the hearing about women in the san
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francisco police department about, you know, the way they are treated, about retention, that recruitment and something that is to me besides this is the support of women all the statistics nationally said when you have more women in any police department all of those things we talked about in terms of reform and um, excess use of force and get better a direct relationship between a high number of women in any police department and all those things we deeply care about that chief has made a commitment of hiring thirty percent of police force by 20 thirty and we have created a worker group of the folks in the police department um, and the sheriff's office and
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commissioner van buskirk walker is the only police commissioner had an interested in that put in the work and assist us and showed up every time not just to a attend the hearing but recruitment event all the work and i really appreciate that i think it is going above and beyond not just the work but the deep commitment to putting in the work to do that i will be very proud to support her and hope that you do as well. >> thank you constraining. >> colleagues when commissioner debra walker was appointed to the police commission i voiced any concerns here in the chamber for qualification. and whether with her background and experience as an artist will be better suited
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for the airport commission and i voted against her appointment now mayor london breed has decided to reappoint her to the police commission. and so here we go. >> commissioner walker (coughing) and i met and discussed even though we recognizes we don't see ice eye to eye we discussions what we can do to find common ground for san franciscans that is a critical time. so um, but have to say we heard from some lgbtq+ leaders who i have respect for and love urged me to vote against commissioner walkers appointment. however, at that moment in time our police commission is having challenges to have a quorum. this is for
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that they're able to continue their work. it is critical. given our rules committee previously and sponsored the majority of the commission appoints that is now our police commission i'm proud of make up so today i'm in support of commissioner walkers appoint so we can get back to work and the police commission can get back to work just to be clear, with this vote continuing calling on the police commission and demand accountability and continually reform from the police. thank you. >> thank you. and supervisor ronen. >> thank you, colleagues. i'm personally absent on the rules committee despite being on the rules committee on the day of commissioner walk earrings
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appointment i want to thank supervisor walton for that meeting and dealing with unexpected um, of that meeting thank you, express any gratitude and not be supporting commissioner walker today. prooifs because of the reason that supervisor walton expressed i did go back and watched the entire hearing what i heard several times in this hearing and then confirmed with other commissioners that commissioner walker is not the first time she made remarks that non-police officers should be making policy when this he never held the job. the entire purpose of police commission is quite the opposite to have citizens oversight with a pro-military structure has
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carried guns in society. and that has an outside control over um, people's whether people live or die on the streets and i think the police department has done a very good job with the police reform and decreased the number of ois but severe problems in the police department the oversight is an important part of our - the way we function as a city. just the other day the police commission sent us their partnership statement i don't know if you read it by the first line of the statement is silver spring sfpd the commission has three main powers. the first power is to
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promulgate the department general orders set forth policy of officers in the field as well as sfpd institutional regulations this is a reason we have mroefrlz overseeing a department employees have a different level of power over citizens in society i think we should keep it that way and problematic for a commissioner to believe that they shouldn't do one of the main purposes of the job so i will say that that would be hard for me to believe the idea to bring commissioner walker up to say she didn't mean that and hard to believe when this he said that on camera in the rules committee but many times in the past we can have a
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conversation right now but my concerns will not be. >> zigzagged that our police commission is civilian oversight over a pro-military department with power over citizens. >> thank you president peskin and with the comments of supervisor ronen and supervisor walton and echo many of the comments about commending commissioner walker for her many, many years of the service to the city. i think she should be commended and provided distinguished leadership on the
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bodies and an option on the police commission why think that just because someone serves they they'll be the right fit for every commission in this case it is clear to me this is not the right fit i can't reappoint her to the police commission i think the police commission already has a difficult job to do including as supervisor ronen setting the policy for the department and with the oversight that work is hard enough without worrying about one of the commissioners working to undermine or the authority of that build and perhaps concerning after the rules
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committee i had an opportunity to watch that whole that hearing and was very concerned about the exempts questioning the police commission rule in setting policy for the police department. and also really complaining there is quote way too much input from people about police officers. i don't know how one can serve on a body whose entire purpose is the oversight body. so the criticisms that body weigh in on pole and has a roll despite not police officer didn't makes a lot of sense so i think, you know, beyond that i do want to say the same hearing not much hearing the pretext stops that is concerning to see a police
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commissioner refusing to call for that i think 2024 is very troubling stops so damaging especially to black and brown residents of san francisco. and, you know, one thing to see policy disagreements and certainly voted for plenty of not only nominees i don't agree on many things by yet don't agree we have appointments for commissioners i don't have to agree with everything everyone says for me to vote i feel like foundationly they're asked the role of that body. beyond the rules committee i have additional concerns that predate
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that hearing and about commissioner walkers independence given her public statement in the after path of the resignation scandal and while fellow commissioner to time carter bravely withstood attacks for doing his jobs and requiring commissioners to secretly sign unrest nation papers should be offering to everyone and offense to most but while commissioner was dealing with really a widespread mere commissioners commissioner walker down phrased and seemed unconcerned with the direct attack on the police commission
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independently and problematic as well. so i appreciate commissioner walkers service on the bodies of the city but respectfully rejecting her appointment. >> supervisor mandelman. >> i have known debra walker for a couple of decades now. probably longer than than that and she is a friend and someone i have long admired but supporting her of 14er7 not and thank supervisor dorsey for the motion. i think that is a little bit nuts to say that a lesbian women lives in the city with a relationship between the police department and queer community was significantly different than today didn't believe in civilian oversight of the police
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department that is wrong and imagining ms. walker had the opportunity to correct that mills apprehension i think the conversation about the police commission as a policy setting body is an interesting one and apprentices a challenge with the charter and lost folks have been thinking about and i've think thinking about and our president and folks outside the community and part of executive branch and month san franciscans expect it will pursue policies consistent with the general worldview and the approach to police policymakers and i think that is why we have a majority of commissioners appointed by the mayor and minority of the commissioners appointed by the board of supervisors now i'll support debra walker at my
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appointment to the police commission by not my appointment the appointment of mayor. and show was taken to task at the rules committee i think largely for supporting the overall approach of the mayor's proposition e. and i don't think that will work like if we're trying to if this body is wrestling control of police department away from the mayor the results will be confusing to the public and in fact, they have been we have seen that this is how that works and for people arguing that our charter needs more functional changes than the modified i think that rebuffing draw your attention and forces the mayor home is a strong
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argument the supervisors can't weigh in the sandbox. so again, i feel bad for draw your attention when i was over doing our queer festivities and helping with the raising the pride dmrag she was having a far left experience want to thank her for her service. >> thank you supervisor stefani thank you, president peskin thank you, supervisor dorsey i've known draw your attention for long time and a huge fan the fact you're willing to this job on the police commission is showing how willing to help san francisco i know that was not an easy path to get people to agree to obtain appointed to this commission and one of the things i think you're a breekt of fresh
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air i watched 0 many police commission hearings and saw decision and people are antagonistic and rude as rude can be to the public and public servant you're someone that is kind and thoughtful, and someone who wants to know the point of view of the officers who are serving this city i think for the always the case and that is really important and the fact you sat in my office we discussed what we're going to do with the control special unit important to the constituents in my district concerning i'm gratitude you talked about that and to echo who supervisor melgar said the fact you've been so involved in helping us elevate the conversation around thirty by thirty thirty percent
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of police force women. i thank you for that and that means we need women on the police commission if you're notary appoint today, we'll own have one that is a travesty. i'm thrilled you're willing to continue to do this work given how the police commission (coughing) and i think i hope you, you have the votes today, you'll continue to serve in an incredible capacity one that is they have and takes other people's opinions take into consideration to heart we're so driven by our own point of view we refuse to listen to others and if you don't think how someone thinks people are so willing to demonize others and thank you for not being that and thank you for being someone who those willing to consider all opinions and show up and do an incredible
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job and kind i'm happy to support commissioner walker today. thank you, supervisor walton and debra walker. >> i want to just to be clear, a lot of people are making their own assumptions this is has nothing to do with with policy and commissioners walker and mayor will tell you my colleagues will tell you i walked in that meeting with with every intention of sporting draw your attention until commissioner walker said she didn't believe in some of the duties of a police commission. and so it a doesn't make sense. to me we'll be going back and forth and having a debate about putting someone 1, 2, 3, 4 a position that they don't believe fully in the roll. and we're
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going to hear in commissioner walker just to be clear, not about race and sexual orientation and i said commissioner walker she's a great person but it roll for someone that building in police oversight and understand the police are human beings like everyone in the podium and no one it that would be helpful the reason in the chart one of the rolls to set policies for the department and have a body that is made up of folks in the inn law enforcement so this as balance making sure that people on the streets also have their rights. and as we try to keep the city safe i want to just to be clear, assumptions or narratives has nothing to do with why this decision was made
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and colleague that voted at the time thank you, president peskin. >> thank you supervisor walton (clearing throat) commissioner walker put words in our own mouth this is a collection an area of the public policy because there are certain things reserved to the law making servants a roll for a police commission to play relative to the promulgations the general orders often done in conjunction with by the police department that is usually how it works but functionally the issue at issue here is whether or not commissioner walker wlag commissioner walkers buildings in the functional roll of van gogh dependant civilian oversight over san francisco
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police department as envisioned by the charter to commissioner walker you've been on there a year and a half and maybe can fulfills what you learned and envision as the role of the police commissioncy thank you, president peskin. >> thank you. supervisors for being here. i mean, i know you'd be here anyway but thank you for the support i've been favoring i all but from a lot of the folks in the city. you have been on the police commission for a little bit over one year and a half. and trust me i actually read the charter about the responsibilities of police commission is. and fully believe in those charter mandated responsibilities. including civilian oversight and including
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oversight of policy. and especially including doing discipline hearing and those are all related. so i was before the rules committee when what is your name deciding the responsibilities of the commission and as i talked to you all i do see a difference of oversight of policy and the grandular work of the general order mandates. and i feel like since i'm the one doing hearings some of the issues intention with the department are not understanding an 8 page general order that in the clear. or is inconsistent with oat go. part of prop makes it clear so the officers on the street understand that. so the the assumption or interpretation that i don't support sorry about
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that oversight is wrong, a lot issues i was discussing the interested and what breath me here i'm interested in working together not just on policing but on alternatives to policing talking about that for decades and what i'm discovering and in the discussion about the police specialize we need a better partnership with our partners the nonpolice partners and need an infrastructure, we need a response acted upon that are not there right now those are all things we have to work on together with the private sector to do. so commissioner president alliance assigned me around patrols and working with the
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policing with community members. um, which will help us in dealing with recruiting, you know, the best way to reform so hire i've been active in doing supporting the thirty by to get more women on the force but people from all our commensurate's have been here in the city know the city. >> what is available in a neighborhood each neighborhood as you can see is different and has different needs i believe in all of those things but also feel like we really have to listen to the officers on the street and what is working for them and not that is part of what we need to do here my willing to move forward going forward to bring possibility together around that we have completed submitting our two hundred and 40 reforms to the department of justice those are integrated into our system one
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of the more or less reformed department in the country. and want to make sure that continues by making sure infrastructure supports that so - i know the rules committee was i may have and apologize for this i may have like benefit a little bit triggered and wish i was more thick-skinned i'm 71 my skin is getting thinner and thinner but i'm passionate about this i go on ride along and talk to different people we need solutions and stop fighting over this basic thing i'm here and happy to i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> specifically. and, you know, to the issue of the pretext stop discussion, we - when i first got on the commission this was just coming to us and starting to negotiate with the unions been in a meet and confer and
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went back and forth many times changing language and compromising on both sides and at the same time the state was actually considering the same path. what happened in the interim is the state of different paths and adopted did la visionary of limiting and restricting for conscious around pretext stops not illegal they and not the problem the racial in pretext stops is so they are shoring actual results by cameras on the traffic stop and why they're pulled over there is we're that's a great question. the statistics i want to see if it works also in the meantime, our city has a pretext dgo with
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restricts and more and more specific for the most part it actually includes some of the things discussed in the meet and confer. you know, i feel we have made progress in the year and a half the commission worked. and hiv had at least 10 cases assigned to me i had hearings and hearing what the issues are with officers anti own the streets the the department is responding internally with the internal affairs and working with the police accountability i feel we're on the right track one of the reasons i'll willing to continue. i, you know, here if you want to ask further questions and appreciate your support. >> thank you, commissioner wakeer. >> seeing names on the roster have a motion made and second on the motion to amend to change
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reject to approve roll call. >> on the motion to amend. >> a commissioner walton, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> president peskin, no. >> supervisor ronen, no. >> certified, aye. >> supervisor walton, no. >> there are 7 ayes and three nos with president peskin and supervisor ronen and commissioner asianian-williams is no and a roll call, please. >> on item 36. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> new mexico, aye.
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>> supervisor melgar, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor preston 0, no. and xhvrmz, aye. >> supervisor walton, no. a there are 7 ayes and three nos with supervisor preston and supervisor ronen and supervisor walton no. >> go to the. >> special order 2:30 p.m. - recognition of commendations. >> yes. it is now time for the 2:30 recommendation of come days for merit stiffer for the city and county of san francisco. thank you, madam speaker and your patience for the last and a half i have the honor of recognizing a group of the folks who have often and continue to fly under the radar in terms of of their super human skills and
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i guess frankly unglamourous accomplishments i have talked about the delivery systems with supervisor mandelman. it is truly not to beat up on the city we're better able to figure out when we're honest what is not working. and our consults know first hand the impacts of their daily quality of life safety and work obligations which we're not able to deliver on time and budget whether it is the infamous trash conditions and traffic signals or our sirens still the city successes is often overshadow despite if not more important that is why it is my honor to recognize the it team at the department of
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emergency management with collaboration to complete the recommendation of our 9-1-1 emergency dispatcher center on budget and time without sacrificing around the critical services that averages three 200 calls a day throughout the renovation as call markers we're taking their calls as jack hammers and hammering right next to them the team of experts in the it field have to make sure the dispatcher was moved to a temporary space and trouble shooting and managing the $12.3 million project and add 5 dispatcher workstations for 55 with anymore room to grow in the future and new manifestation and did he compression breakroom and top the project design started
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in 2020 during covid and managed to bid it out in 2022-2023 construction was pled in february of this year and i got to our with others and saw the new dispatch floor in april the first hand collaboration for to require to pick up pull this off thank you to the team we really, really appreciate you made us proud and demonstrated the best public services when a great team alcohol beverages to the finish line a know a team of professionals solving never ending issues and problems and cyber issues we don't hear about that most of those issues i do the work and keep the city and agency running i'd like to welcome our d m mary ann carol and michelle 0 to say a few words and recreation the
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leadership public testimony e tame with rachel and michael wall man and mary ann higgins and have flours for the entire team. >> okay. mary ellen (clapping.) at the president peskin and members of the board my honor always to stand up here and represent the employees of the department of emergency management every time i come up here oftentimes talking about the dispatcher and my emergency manages talk about they're you never see them not in uniform on the streets they're providing critical public safety services to the city and saving lives everyday you really, really don't see this incredible heroic team that keeps the wheels on the bus and that is the it team
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and our project management team we are identifying super proud of having brought this i'm urban forester 2020 project that is complete check marked and it is and want to say we heard about outages and have more we're working on is an accurate software we implement the $44 million cat project those folks represent that work in fact, that the public employees retirement board public is not enacted is due to those heroes it is just kind of a fact of life when you're trying to move from systems and take us into the next century but i'm incredibly grateful those are people that work 24/7 and get up
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in the middle of the night or call in from vacation michelle and i'll turn it over to michelle a wonderful female leader and part of my executive team (clapping). >> good afternoon, supervisors. >> um, i stand from bringing with a profound sense of pride and gratitude representing and team not all of them are here that didn't fizz the wavering commitment to city i'm michelle leading this remarkable group of individuals and often always operating behind the scenes our team plays a roll in the emergency management this team
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sets up every citywide activation and support every special event and hand build every single 9-1-1 workstation and turkey street and answer calls from the san francisco first responders twenty-four hours twenty-four hours providing around the clock support to solve problems you're team is the function of critical systems that run this city like our 9-1-1 phone system, our included dispatching and 800 messaging hurts radio system they're efforts energy us to have data fascinating the emergency management across san francisco but dedication didn't stop the earth's of tomorrow building next generation systems and cyber solutions and manage
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our citywide data center. insuring seamless connectivity enabling crucial function by payroll and tax collections among other things those constantly deliver projects on time within budget and a true testament to their professionalism and expertise i'm so proud of this team and grateful and the recognition they deserve and tireless efforts god the excellence that defines our department and city thank you for honoring them and their dedication and together we will continue to serve and have unwavering dedication and resilience. thank you. >> thank you. michelle i have certificates for each of you i'll give them outside and congratulations you should be
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relieved. >> and next up i believe we have supervisor stefani. >> thank you. >> can we have michael b come up? >> great. >> colleagues, i'm thrilled to welcome michael b to the chambers and honor him ahead of his retirement for 34 years dedicated to the providing began in 1990 for the national park service in planning and since 1990 michael vision to make
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presidio you call presidio is my background and thank you for everything you've done it is as tenure with the golden gate park services making over saw the planning of the christie field if an arm airstrips along the san francisco bay. since the completion in 2001 chris at the field is cherished in district two nationally. and today christie field one of the most great systems and michael transition to the recent roll as achieving park officer presidio as a trust michael has helped guide every significant planning milestone since 901 under his leadership the presidio has a
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array of projects with expensive trail and offer looks roger the presidio natural landscape say establishing the national park programs with nature to our urban use and constructing the one of a kind presidio tunnel playground through his work michael is instrumental in the mission of presidio trust and taking the lead and transforming the presidio into a national designation that makes parks assessable while preserving the rich go historic culture and dedicated to giving back to the 11th hour communities through the service on the board of national aids america and this pride month honored to welcome michael and his husband and thank you for a model public
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simply we're saddened to see you go caving about our decades of the city and hope to see you around presidio thank you, michael (clapping.) all right. don't stop, stop. >> thank you supervisor stefani and for the partnership the partnerships within the presidio trust and your office has been really important one so thank you for that. >> i want to thank you, members of the board of supervisors for honoring public servants what a wonderful thing to do and for your leadership around parks. you know, parks of san francisco are truly an extraordinary thing and it is no president that san francisco is one of the few cities in america where every resident has access to a park
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that is an incredible mroosht and speaks to the investments that the board and elected officials in the san francisco made to the public and parks as you can see park making it a team sport i'm here with a number of team with the trust i trust colleagues where are you (clapping.) park making it one of the things that truly a team sport. and the team involves many, many people the people we work with together in our organizations and the thousands of members of the public that volunteer in the parks, the elected officials that we serve that create spaces for beautiful things and ample opportunity to serve the public and than that i've been blessed to work with the incredible team the presidio and partner of national park service golden gate park for the last years
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take 34 years ago a derelict piece of land and transform it into a park for all. i couldn't have done that without the support of my colleagues at the presidio trust but my personal team. my husband who is here with my sister and her wife as well. so really it takes a village maybe a small part of me to turn a army base i want to live with one thought 34 years of park making seen a lot of things our share of drama and my team when a new employee started it is whether or not sport you have to have a strong will and a vision and completed to our public service but parks incredibly powerful have the
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power to heal a place parks can heal a community in anguish and suffer from the one slaughter of aids and address the key challenges like the climate crisis in the presidio i've seen ensdashgsz plants come back over and over again and parks places where young people that group in circumstances difficult can get a glimmer of of a different world and become inspired and xfrd after cag at night and challenging themselves for the first time i'd like to over that parks are one of the most important resources in the 21st century where position to
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challenges one of the last places are democracy exists where people of all from all walks of life come together and allowed to be themselves so thank you for making sure that the parks of this community remain that way places thank you and i'm honored by this recognition so thank you all
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(clapping). >> and last but not least but district 8 doctor susan air like come on up. >> (clapping) i'll not say that again, i building if you have an important job find a lesion to get it done my distinct honor to in favor of the zuckerberg san francisco general hospital served san franciscans for more than one hundred and fifty years the hospital can provide a care to residents and visitor for
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multiple crises from the 190 six the hiv epidemic to the ongoing especially democrats of opioid overdose and with the staff of 63 hundred a patient load of over one hundred thousand and a reputation for the top of line general is the elaborate psychiatric acute hospital in san francisco and the only level one trauma center in san francisco and san mateo county the first aids case was conferred at the general ward 58 with the first in patient the story 86 the first outpatient clinic for hiv and set a standard for the care and hiv adas and over is welcomed no more than your lack of pay or insurance or immigration status
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with the safety net the general is one of the top meaningful medical centers partnership with the university of california and research and patient care and the hospital. the general has been an extraordinary good hands with dr. at the helm assumed the roll more 89 years with an expansion to the hospital that insured meet modernize treatment standards and since joining the general has overseen more than 70 building projects by 2016 bonds funds and the emergency over saw the ones this is a a generation combloeblg pandemic the general care for 1/3rd of san franciscans and was a critical public health resource more information support and
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vaccinations. the general was san francisco's only public hospital treating village and from covid 19 and we have battled the flu. >> the department of health and safety colfax describes the dr. a great mentor to her team and result oriented a strength in the focus and the amount of patients approach to all services and dr. attended duke university as undergraduate earning a policy degree and masters at uc berkley and doctor of medication from the ucsf and worked at the medical center more than seven years in rolls with the e o and today her and her wife live and have two
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children in san francisco where the doctor influenced and inspires future generations as a professor of medication at we thank you for your many years of didn't exemplar service and wish you a wonderful pride. >> (clapping) now you get to talk. >> thank you so much. supervisor mandelman and president peskin i can't thrill what a great honor and recognize and really a reflection of amazing contributions of our team. the thousands of people from b t h with their heads and hearts and hands on behavior of their staff at uk f g moved into
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the tower live with an electrical health system and exhibited unimaginable bravery. i was recently speaking with one our our physicians and the casually mentioned how we and hi colleagues maid they're wills are in order and one is risking their lives everyday and for many working on the commissioner ossey and being the only trauma center in san francisco and san mateo the only emergency service in san francisco and organ a skilled team of professionals 24/7 if you're having a behavorial health crises you're here for everyone in san francisco and beyond no later than wasn't you are we here for you it is not an easy time in
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healthcare this post pandemic is harder than during covid hospitals are in financial stress and it is your appeal and healthcare workers are more likely to be assaulted the large national local problems with lack of affordable housing and behavorial health disorders find their ways into hospitals parallel ourselves we at the hospital are not immune we're unique and what is unique about us, we are united by a position passion united by a belief our community is healthy as the least healthy and doing everything we can to serve those who are least healthy and vulnerable. with a team we have
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from dph we provide expert xanax care but continuing approving everyday and that impacts you're patients but people limiting around the world for example, we have set world standards for treatments and adas and hiv and substance abuse disorder and traumatic brain injury the research is as ucf g and faced downtowns plague and tuberculous and the globe pandemic and taking care of. >> disand without the city leaders and the city at large we're close partners with the public hospitals foundation in the country to general hospital
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and they're success this community supports us wholeheartedly it is not true in other places. i so grateful to the leadership in the department of public health particularly dr. colfax and the health network and playing fields leads the network and grateful to the lunar new year at ucsf thank you for being a fantastic partner and last but not least any executive team at the general work with me everyday to support everything on campus. >> thank you again members of the board for your support and accommodation and for all it represents to mow and my team. thank you. >> thank you. congratulations
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(clapping). >> madam clerk why not go back to the regular agenda item to the regular agenda item number that >> 37. motion approving the mayor's nomination for the appointment of c. don clay to the police commission, for a term ending april 30, 2028. >> roll call. >> supervisor chan, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman absent. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye.
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>> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> and supervisor mandelman, aye. >> and there are 10 ayes and the motion is approved portion of an initial two-year ter mending july 1, 2024, and for a four-year term beginning july 1, 2024, and ending july 1,2028. >> same house, same call. the motion is approved call. the motion is approved (gavel) next item, (residency requirement waived) for reappointment to the child care planning and advisory council, term ending march 19, 2027.
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>> same house, same call. the motion is approved (gavel) next item, please. next item, please. next item, please. d'antonio, and jenniferfriedenbach, terms ending april 22, 2025, to the our city, our home oversightcommittee. >> supervisor mandelman thank you, president peskin i may need assistance but like to divide the question we vote on shanell williams and desperately attend to vote for her so i thinks you'd like to specifically and soiling divide ms. williams and vote on the other three. >> (unintelligible) and on item 40 we'll divide out ms. williams and i believe we can take that. >> same house, same call. the motion to appoint ms. williams
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is approved (gavel) and then on the remaining appetites as recommended by the rules committee a roll call please. oh, hold up. >> oh. >> all right. >> yeah. can i address that the reason for my not wanting to willing to support the other three appointments has to do with with, you know, the conversation we had earlier about appointment of this body and appointment of another body i people's if those folks are being appointed by some other body and a matter of confirming them and perhaps i could go along with that but as much as the respect her work i think we have some functional derivatives of opinion around homeless policies and around the expenditure 0 prop dollars and i
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think she and i are sufficiently far apart i can't support her appointments with regards to the other two i watched the rules committee hearing war for the there i have a sense they've been recommended in part, you know, the recommendations the coalition and that is f we don't reflect the ideas i hope i'll be voting for them as well and on the balance of phenomena i didn't see recycling. >> commissioner walton, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, no. >> supervisor engardio, no. >> supervisor peskin. >> no. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye.
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>> supervisor stefani, no. supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 7 ayes and 4 no www.with supervisors supervisor dorsey and supervisor mandelman and supervisor engardio no. >> the motion is approved (gavel) madam clerk please read items 41 through 69 together. >> okay. i'll first state that items 41 through 71 were explored or considered by oversight committee meeting on thursday june 6th were forwarded as committee reports specific to the end request items 41 though 69 are 29 ordinances memorandum of understanding or competitive bargaining agreement between the city and the following unions
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until unless and county of san francisco and teamsters local 856, san francisco building inspectors, to be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. through june 30, 2027. through june 30, 2027. through june 30, 2027. bridge, wharf and dock builders, local union no. 34 (collectively“union”), to be effective july 1, effective july 1, local 300; glaziers, architectural metal and glass workers, local union no. 718; international alliance of theatrical stage theatrical stage and the san francisco district attorney investigators' association, to be effective july 1, july 1, july 1, july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 45. ordinance adopting and implementing the
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decision and award of the arbitration board under charter, section section section section a8.409-4, establishing the collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the san francisco district attorney investigators' association, to be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 46. ordinance adopting and implementing the collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the san francisco deputy sheriffs' association, to be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, june 30, 2027. >> 47. ordinance adopting and implementing the memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san francisco and the international federation of professional and technical engineers, local 21, afl-cio, to be effective july 1, be effective july 1, be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 48. ordinance adopting and implementing the decision and award of the arbitration board under charter, section under charter, section under charter, section under charter, section a8.409-4, establishing the collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the international brotherhood of electrical workers, local 6, to be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 49. ordinance adopting and implementing the memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san francisco and the international union of operating engineers,stationary engineers, local 39, to be effective july 1, effective july 1, effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 50. ordinance adopting and implementing the memorandum of
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understanding between the city and county of san francisco and the machinists union, local 1414, international association of machinists & aerospace workers machinists automotive trades district lodge 190, to be effective july 1, effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 51. ordinance adopting and implementing the memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san francisco and the laborers international union, local 261, to be effective july 1, to be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 52. ordinance adopting and implementing the memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san francisco and the municipal attorneys association, to be effective july 1, july 1, july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 53. ordinance adopting and implementing the decision and award of the arbitration board under charter, section a8.409-4, establishing the memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san francisco and the municipal executives' association, to be effective july 1, effective july 1, effective july 1, effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 54. ordinance adopting and implementing the decision and award of the arbitration board under charter, section under charter, section a8.590-4, establishing the collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the san francisco sheriffs' managers and supervisors association, to be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 55. ordinance adopting and implementing the memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san francisco and the operating engineers local union no. 3 of the international union of operating engineers, afl-cio, to be effective july 1, be effective july 1, be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 56. ordinance adopting and implementing the memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san francisco and operating engineers local union no. 3 of the international union of operating engineers, afl-cio supervising probation officers, to be effective july 1, to be effective july 1, to be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 57. ordinance adopting and
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implementing the decision and award of the arbitration board under charter, section under charter, section a8.409-4, establishing the memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san francisco and the san francisco city workers united(painters), to be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 58. ordinance adopting and implementing the memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san francisco and the united association of journeymen and apprentices of the plumbing and pipe fitting industry, local 38, to be effective july 1, effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 59. ordinance adopting and implementing the collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and service employees international union, local 1021,to be effective july 1, july 1, july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 60. ordinance adopting and implementing the memorandum of understanding between the city and county of san francisco and teamsters, local 856 (multi-unit), to be effective july 1, july 1, july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 61. ordinance adopting and implementing the collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the transport workers union of america, afl-cio,local 200, to be effective july 1, to be effective july 1, to be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 62. ordinance adopting and implementing the collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the transport workers union, local 250-a,multi-unit (unit 28), to be effective july 1, 2024, through june 30, 2027. >> 63. ordinance adopting and implementing the collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the transport workers union of america, afl-cio,local 250-a, automotive service workers (7410), to be effective july 1,
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>> members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and poke in committee and will not that but chair of the dgo committee i want to again take the opportunity to thank and commend director i and her team including mr. graham to the hole team in gao for recommendations
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and also and all the references agreements before us and the members that votes on these are tremendous amount of work that went into negotiating those agreements and won't come to the table in good faith and pleased to have been able to recommend "ooze out of our committee and thank you for those involved with that. and president peskin did you say artist graham. >> i said. >> (calling names.) >> and director i i'm sure 15 names i didn't include but the whole team in committee forward with recommendation and discussed them. >> i concur with what supervisor preston said no other
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names on the roster. and i believe we can take all of these items. >> roll call mr. president. >> why? >> because supervisor safai is here. >> (multiple voices). >> right roll call. >> roll call. >> 41 though 69 commissioner walton, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor engardio supervisor melgar aids. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> president peskin and supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> and supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 11 ayes those ordinances are passed on first responder and amen clerk read
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support san francisco in hosting panda bears from the people's republic of china, notwithstanding the behested payment ordinance. supervisor ronen do a recall voided by supervisor ronen what changed were made in committee. >> if i can remember them all but there were some issues raised the first time we heard it and then a number of amendments made. specifically we um, required the code requires
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that um, if the entities soliciting the donations payments it is known at the time that that needs to be specified in the resolution and was not we had in preparing for the hearing identify in the mayor's office a list of those who they intended to approach for documentation so one of the main changes was to attach you'll see in the exhibit a a full list of those funds from as well as the nature of what makes them age interested party from a transparency point of view we thought that was important one of the big changes. second chance let me know. >> so an exhibit to the resolution? >> correct that was adam reference to it. and then there
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is. >> oh, yeah. >> okay. >> that was for the - the orchestra resolution and the think that is modeled off of this board - passed resolutions not listed and the reason for that because they weren't known at the time the board was asked to approve that here asked they did the mayor's office knew who they're going to approach makes them after interested party one of the significant incidents and second many issues were raised about other conditions at the zoo separate into the pandas and the panda exhibits and to the excellent were efforts to reach out for documentation for capital improvement at the zoo. in folks or front line workers as well as others who reached out of the that was for that in those approaches we have a
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potential donor interested in capital improvement zoo that had the payment broad view to solicit donations from other capital needs of the zoo. the third was a significant narrowing of the who was sticking up the language around who was in departments and authorized some concerns raised at the committee around commissioners making point approach to solicit payment that was narrowed as well and finally, i hope i'm not forgetting one but the last was some language we added to try to prevent the situation where um, to the greatest extent potential to prevent the departments that where the interested party relationship exists from being
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the one that is approaching the potential donor so the example that came up in committee was united airlines the entity maybe approached we didn't want people from the airlines or from the airport being that is where the interested partnership is to the greatest extent potential to make those approaches not the department has the interested party relationship. i'm happy to go through more but the heart of amendments. >> so looking at this exhibit a i mean so those potentially interested parties that have been actively kasht or lobbying the mayor's office those can be potential - they could be solicited for documentation.
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>> they could be and look in the obviously in the nature of the waiver ordinance what we have under the transparency of who is contacted and the nature of the conflicts and waivers last for 6 months; right? and have to come back back in by questions about those we thought comfortable in the economy i do that complies with the ordinance that level of transparency but as you point out and concerns around individual transactions we modified this list to maximize transparent and make sure that is complying with the ordinance; right? but to get at what our asking about i mean some of them that i think if a particular concern about particular entity or conflict that is one thing. if we don't
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know yet; right? then would be something i think it comes back from gao in 6 months we'll have to deal with them. >> i mean certain names on the list am i comfortable we're having all the differences with pg&e as they're lobbying the morris and there is city agrees asking them for money at the didn't feel right. >> anyway, thank you for your work. >> narrowing it. >> on item 70 a roll call please. item 70. >> commissioner walton, aye. >> supervisor dorsey on item 70 as, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye.
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>> president peskin, no. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, no. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> there are 9 ayes and two nos with supervisor mandelman and supervisor ronen voted no and the rise is donations to offset the devastating impact these reductions will have on working families, children and youth citywide. recycling. >> on item 71 combhrnd, aye. >> supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> murder in the third degree,
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aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> thereby 11 ayes. >> all right. the resolution is adopted (gavel) go to. >> 72. roll call for introductions. >> supervisor chan you're first up to have first business. >> supervisor dorsey submitted. thank you. >> supervisor engardio issue. >> and i'll submit but supervisor >> members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction submits and sorry to break the
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streak i have several items so first colleagues, i want to thank you all firing unanimous supports on april 2nd authorizing the mayor's office to maximize the opportunity it used fair cloths to for extremely low income household and have news on this and will be calling for a hearing that's been a multi year project for office pressuring the housing authority to seek the federal funds and the incentives years sweetened last year, we of the that was important for the board to weigh in and again, thank you for your support of this resolution and after being initially dis, if anything administers they announced plans to use the federal plans at
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issue to create or rehabilitate seven hundred and 50 low income housing we welcome this news and the announcement provides a pathway for deeply housing units are permanent subsidies in san francisco and major step forward the housing authority was transmitted to the transportation authority and called for by the boards resolution so i'm glad that the resolution created urgency on that and motivating action and our goal to make sure the city is leveraging more affordable housing and the housing authority community impact statements of seven hundred and 50 new units an important step and fell short that the housing authority could, you know, u unlock under the federal programs specifically san francisco has the opportunity as we noted in context to create up
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to three thousand plus new deeply affordable housing that is subsidized if perpetuity by hud. a great opportunity for the city. so make sure we are on track to fully utilize this opportunity i'm introducing a hear request on san francisco youth of the fair cloth to radically program for is housing units and want to thank my chief of staff for the team and the national law project for lending expertise to help guide at council of the community housing for their strong support and lastly, to the san francisco housing authority and the mayor's office for the mayor's office of housing and community development for their collaboration on this. and second, colleagues, i'm today introducing a resolution in support of the fantastic
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community ambassadors program run by the office of civic compensated and immigrant affairs and thank supervisor walton. >> supervisor ronen and supervisor ronen and president peskin this is a nationally recognized program that honors the diversity of san francisco neighborhoods. and works to bridge the culture barriers that exist between residents and city services in a maeveng and go way during my fir years in office with the ambassadors into district 5 and beyond and some of our districts colleagues, i, now finds the ambassadors in nearly every neighborhood in district 5 as well as in the outdoor sunset in chinatown and
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visitacion valley and the bayview among others and across the board when speaking with my fellow supervisors have ambassadors in their district there is nothing but praise for the hargd and outreach they provide and that is the same thing and consistent what we hear reinvent the wheel from the residents and the businesses in any integrity from i'm hard priced to see a universal praise. coughing the community berry program is the only city run non-police program in the city and county of san francisco and the dozens of ambassadors in the programs are residents the neighborhood many of the ambassadors are bilingual and each ambassador team is tailored to meet the needs of the community. the impact on the neighborhoods can't be overstated and you can find
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ambassadors wearing the bright yell jackets assisted living facility merchant and robert emergencies or crime and hazard and street condition issues with over dozens (coughing) and conducting wellness checks those ambassadors work diligently and effecting to meet the needs of the consent calendar and the first bridge between the community and the city they provide critical jobs and job training for san franciscans our resolution will put the boards on record supporting the ambassador program and calling for it to be continued. unfortunately, the mayors budget seeks to eliminate the program and frankly that is not acceptable. i want to it thank the staff ambassadors for your dictation and tour patience everyday on the streets of san francisco. that makes our community more save and saves
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lives and i'm cautiously optimistic that board will honor that work both for the resolution and hopefully by preserving the program at the. thank you, again. co-sponsors and jennifer and phil of manufacturing my offers and last but not least i'm asking for a resolution for justice for renters as a november 24th state ballot measure to repeal the old restrictions on local rent control imposed by the hawkins rental act written in 1995 by the california realtors and does not meet the housing and that
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preeminence protects in san francisco is a major barrier to housing affordability and casta hawkins did for the cover tenants and strengthen protection for example, bans the rent control laws to cover condominiums and leaving thousands and thousands of renters without the protections other tenants joys and puts rent control after june 1979, 86 thousand of units and exempt from the costing to hawkins and from having a vacancy control a stronger than system that rent control the initiative rent is regulated and vacancy opposed by
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the lion will allow the city to control the rental practice many cities have before kay to hawkins and under allowing tenants to hike rents when a new tenancies begins and not only in san francisco but creating a financial envelope for corp landowners to pressure long time tenants to vacate their rent controlled unit this provision has been another tool for displacement we've seen in the rental prices and note the san francisco board of supervisors has previously demonstrated its support in recent years for the
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repeal of kay to hawkins and recognize president peskin and for your leadership both of them putting forward resolutions putting the city on record in support of repeatedly kay to hawkins in 2017 the board unanimously passed a resolution supporting california assembly bill 1406 by assembly member bloom that repeals in committee and again in 2018 this body supported the california proposition 10 the affordable housing act. which would have repealed causing to hawkins and substantially another one in 2020 defeated by massive amounts of extending to preserve kay to hawkins to the tune of one
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hundred and $75 million from the real estate and part-time association fortunately colleagues this issue is back on the ballot this time with the justice for renters act stronger support in rent control cities to pass please join me in supporting this and the justice for renters and repeal kay to hawkins 0 is local improvements including here in san francisco, california take strong action to protect the tenants and thank you, lee in my office and the rest i submit and supervisor engardio. >> i just wanted to briefly say why i wholeheartedly support those resolutions to honor our community ambassadors. and hope we can keep them in san
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francisco. they do an invaluable service not sunset and a shorter story we had an incident at a preschool and the parents were on edged and extreme shortage of police officers in the carville station didn't have the ability to monitor the area the way the parents wanted to the communities ambassadors in yellow jaeblths showed up and gave peace of mind to the parents that helped the community a lot so this is an enrollment how we can make a city that works for everyone and this program is incidentally valuable i hope we honor it and preserve it. >> thank you supervisor ronen. >> colleagues, i'm introducing a motion an imperfect item i did pass it out to each one of you to wave the deadline and authorize the charter amendment
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to clarify to the controller that the success fund shouldn't be counted in existence the children's fund the fund that san jose voters passed in 2022 was intended to provide a vital to implement strategies to move the needles on academic achievement for longer funding that is above and beyond current programming for youth that was never meant to supplant for channel youth counted in the basin we discovered the fund has been counted in the children's fund last year. this is not the intention and urgently provide clarity for the controller on the intents to save the purpose of the new charter amendment we
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understand the deadline has passes on the charter amendments but ask the motion to motorist and will you the introduction of that chartered amendment and thank you to murder in the third degree for working in papering to address this concerning discover and find a long-term to protect the student success fund should legally be included in the children base line and want to thank john for hi quick work in finding a solution for knowing my - and notwithstanding jen low and in supervisor melgar officer a team effort and again, supervisor melgar and commissioner chambers and supervisor dorsey for your co-sponsorship for the charter amendment should you agree with the deadline um, today. thank
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you. >> thank you. supervisor ronen and supervisor melgar i'd like to second that motion and thank you, supervisor ronen for introducing this language today. um, for students connect fund remember colleagues, a couple of weeks ago he introduced along with supervisor ronen. >> supervisor walton and supervisor dorsey and supervisor engardio to provide accountability to make sure that the city we're working completely on the plan for children and family one of the issues we wanted to address was a closer look at the money we're spending we need to put our money where our mouths are and children's concerns and how those dollars are spent and accountable for a recent discovery with the successful plan for the base line should
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have been added to our existing that funding bids on intentional shortchanging our children. when they should be supporting them the months after the pandemic and after, you know, knowing how just tantum it was for them not to be in school and behind i'm grateful to the work of budget hawks who was behind the base lines and accountable for the work of all the advocates and for the partnership of more than and her through all of that and to the budget chair. budget chair chang if for her work and so thank you very much. and the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor melgar supervisor safai i want to be
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diplomatic in my comments thank you, supervisor ronen for working on this is clear what that money was meant for to provide a tragedy of dollars and not take away from things existing. and want to play funny math by not play with children's lives and port for children i would add i appreciate supervisor ronen for catching this will pass unanimously by the voters and passed is intent of the students success fund to focus on the schools that need it the most and have the highest learning achievement gap that need english and whole school support with no pta budgets to supplement that's why would he
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came together and locked arms i'll say that all the rest of any comments for to get this passed. >> thank you very much for highlighting this it will be a slam dunk and shouldn't be playing with children's lives that's all i have to say. >> thank you. >> supervisor stefani. >> colleagues, i'm introducing the first of which is in support of pivotal with the legislation this resolution ports the michelle alisa act by dan goldman to address the critical shortage of cancer beds eligible for the medicaid this will increase cap of medicare and in patient psychiatric beds can have from from 16 to 36 more than doubles the mecca a patient
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care facility and enabling the beds for individuals seeking treatment for mental health and substance abuse disorders and the bill is in honor of michelle a 40-year-old woman was pushed in in front of with a man with long psychiatric issues were not appropriately addressed and michelle grew up in fremont i met with her father at the ban quit and so amazed when you turn tragedy into action and advocacy i know exactly what justin is diagnose by advocating for this legislation of this tragedy is a stark remembered do glaring gaps that leave people without the care they need a deserve and
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furthermore suffering from mental health is the - the current federal prohibition for long term stays in constitution with more than 16 beds access to me in patient psychiatric care for individuals age 21 to six the michelle act will help and congressman dan goldman for looking at this and michelle go act and proud to bring this to san francisco to support in critical legislation and declares june elder because in the city and county of san francisco. elder scams and crime is an issue nationally and
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locally. the federal bureau of investigation reported over billion dollars from scams targeting individuals age 60 and older marking an increase and beyond the financial lose those crimes are republic concussions with loss of independence and quality of life and negative health outcomes and targeting the chinese have been especially devastating people have lost their life savings and scammers gains trust minutes older adults those are under reported. each year a coalition of organizations including adult protective services the san
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francisco district attorney's office the san francisco police department and various providers collaborate to hold training sessions and those sessions provide older adults to protect themselves across the city. and training efforts are xoufr older adults to report fraudulent activity we help to prevent those as elders awareness day the board of supervisors highlight this and calls for awareness and action from the community and please join me in part in to protect our older adults and the ongoing effort to stop elder abuse across the city. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor stefani i said behind but i
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meant beyond. >> supervisor walton. >> mr. president three referred and colleagues, a few weeks ago i visited queer life space a nonprofit that provides affordable access to clinical training to the colloquy community. on saddened they are the victim of a landlord that is trying to push them out and in consultation with supervisor mandelman and introducing an interim control or the upper market street commercial district to temporarily requiring change of use in health services to different uses with an attempt to see if we can stabilize that important institution if space and rest i will submit.
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>> that concludes the introduction with new business. >> go to general public comment. >> for those here in the dhaerm welcome we want to hear our public comment please line up on your raise your right hand side and to the mayoral and spoke to the may 7th minutes and item 74 though 85 the items up for donations have not been sent to committee and other general matters for the on today's adjoin bus within the jurisdiction we are setting the timeer and welcome the first speaker welcome. >> yes. if children were under attack i see worth addressing by whether you are a male or female
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as a human being you are one as momma do it again abc of intervention we need to be happy to focus all your emotional energy. it is (unintelligible) you (unintelligible) urging going to lose. >> and number one, of intelligence last week is called - yes, it is. then that's why (unintelligible) good job now you need to get rid of this get out of that one minute san francisco started the system of tradition. >> can't avoid it and continue to create itself ugly darkness a
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waste of space i mean any minute (unintelligible) i never existed you feed on space you need to bring light that feeds on do you understand (bell ringing) you better understand. i think you don't. we going to create and new system of election. >> will be specific in san francisco is coming and affiliation by no more appointments too much limited mondays (unintelligible). >> challenges. >> you do the job. (bell ringing) >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> well, i was going to read a portion of the real anthony by
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robert kennedy's 2 thousand footnotes i highly recommend that book it is amazing. about faa she and the graveyard is still there. in fact, when he talk about covid and how many died? no idea how many died from covid none i don't know if i remember the scarf lady faa she were up there day to day and somebody died with covid 19 we count that as, you know, the dark from covid died from covid do you realize what she just said? >> if someone died with covid we count it as if they died from
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covid and know this is true the p r r tests determines where or not they have covid 90 percent of the time the pcr test this indeed have covid but three out of one hundred don't have covid. i think i mean it is confusing isn't it? (bell ringing) >> it is really confusing everything we've been told has been a lie. everything one o 100 percent, 100 percent has been a lie. and you're not saying anything about that you're going along with the lies. satin is a liar opposed to the lord jesus christ (bell ringing) thank you, mark your comments and next speaker.
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>> good afternoon. i'm marlene a retired bilingual teacher at city college and san francisco unified school district for 35 years and though a former commissioner i'm passionate to provide support for our large immigrant population in may he was here to give several suggestions as to the language ordinance to make that more relevant and assessable. specifically i feel that here is only english only. so it doesn't serve the population when did you look at it at least identified. i wish the supervisors newsletters to reflect the languages that needed by the constituents of that district. provide i'd like to see more positions for the funding of specifically immigrant commission so they can
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provide translated to help the community meetings especially with the budget cuts coming up this year. though california has a bilingual act very little is down to the city. the english only e-mails are not providing appropriate information to the diverse californians i wish the board of supervisors can outreach to the legislators in sacramento and make that known and last night i was at the emigrated committee meeting and happy to attend (bell ringing) because of the honorees included individuals as well as organizations. so again, i just want to thank everyone to support the language access ordinance and make sure the english proposals are giving the right information they can participate in the democratic
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process. thank you very much. >> thank you, commissioner trent (bell ringing) >> good afternoon. >> my name is randy. i'm a recent retired program specialist with the recreation center here in san francisco i would like to direct your attention to the woman in the photo here name was silva 43 years old as you can see bilingual hand contracts and was in a wheelchair and last she was my mind to, you know. f discharged her to for profit skilled nursing facility in monterey none in her circle could see her in in-person i saw her never out of bed and dressed
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she looked sickly as you can see here she had no problem keeping up her head couldn't keep here head up and said that hurts way not articulated. (clearing throat) what hurt. >> bedsore by the time this facility transferred hero to the hospital she was malnourished and couldn't fight infection her life end i'm here today to advocate to you that we need legislation (bell ringing) a elective aid in supervisor ronen can't dictate i disagree i didn't find out after they moved
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to monterey i called you have to get her back here. and manage took her case and found a place in south san jose but that was too late to move here (bell ringing) pleading when i i'm sorry i don't like to - >> mc. >> thank you for your comments. >> [off mic.] thank you for your comments. >> ma'am, thank you for your comments. >> no, thank you. >> thank you. [off mic.] >> would like us to collect that from you? >> okay. >> sergeant is coming around now. >> happy to do that. thank you. >> next speaker. >> welcome next speaker.
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>> hi, thank you. >> good afternoon board of supervisors i'm jan we will the filipino center a organization of language network of san francisco and filled in the gaps in filipino transaction for immigrants workers and have saturated my community that members would have challenges with the housing and immigration and domestic violence and violations at the workplace and other life threatening experiences that is exacerbated because of the lack of language in filipino as a threshold language in san francisco. providing public health and health and human services and public programs in the languages that community members understand is essential for
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families to live in san francisco. we express our deep gratitude for supervisor walton and commissioner walton for driving the la resolution for increased bilingual staffing and opportunities for currently responsive and community-based translators and prioritize in the budget. access to quality services insures that our communities and immigrant community members are treated with dignity and respect. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> for those of you here and would like to speak on item 79 you're welcome to 79 is the commitment for language access but one item you are not able to talk about is item number one, which is the language access ordinance itself. so if you're here to speak on language and
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equity service talk about the office of civic engagement and government affairs and other access points. and san francisco to reaffirm it's commitment to language access. let's see - hair into the next speaker. >> welcome. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is ray i am with the, center and grew up in district 11 given me a keep connection to the communities agency as immigrant to the country found myself in - we underneath the system and resources facts and circumstances the language barriers. those experiences highlighted the critical need for language accessibility and support for non-english and with the filipino i've witnessed first hand how the community-based organizations
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like spc fill the gaps in the system we provide essential services with immigration support and for individual like my mom. and work tyler to bridge the language barriers that immigrants speak that helps individual access to the services but inclusion and within our community. i'd like to expressed my gratitude to supervisor walton for championship the resolution and insuring the city w the community to promote language accessibility and send my thanks to ot f and commissioner walton for your support. >> next speaker. >> welcome to the next speaker. >> hi um, my name is jack i'm a deck hand other cruise a there two years and proud member of the - i'm speaking in support of
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item 26 my job as deck hand tying up vessels and maintaining sewage and shepherding vessels and first responders to my emergency situation in segment of 2022 overwhelming bargaining unit vote to unionize and fighting to barn a contract and this past memorial day weekend the workers went on strike the company tried to scare the workers and persuade us not to take action rather than resolve the issues we have with company and come to enter into a contact with us the company recently posted the positions echol cole for quote on call deck hands the
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job listing those applications are solicited in anticipation of a labor dispute and never had that position advertised it is incredibly transparent the company wants to hire scab workers in other potential fight we stood together for two years and will stand together for many years to come and keep on fighting (bell ringing) taken two years we ask the board of supervisors for your help. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is michael i ample a facility agent and here on a so forth for proposition 76 any job involves the maintenance of ferrys and restrooms and the grounds and after two years of fighting we are struggling to make ends meet
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and only $19 an hour after a 40 heir week many of my coworkers have taken to getting second jobs to struggle time for their children and lessons and alcatraz is the most visited park as $45 a ticket with over one million tourists the company w can afford to pay and living wage. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. >> my name is robert i'm also rising to address item 76 i'm a retired member of union and retired deck hand and worked on the alcatraz ferry regularly from 1980 through 2006 and
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during that times when it was operated by red and white fleet and later on maintain a contract that provided up and coming liveable wages and benefits that was able to keep me living in san francisco as a residents for 34 two years and now a homeowner when alcatraz ward the contract in 2006, all the people that have been working at um, the fleet for alcatraz and some other jobs applied for those jobs and few were hired despite working on the same equipment and the knew that job inside and out for whatever reason the horn lower neglected not to hire us and on top of that on federal law have to pay a prevailing wage the wages of similar work
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is under on the bay on the ferry boats they neglected to do that and had to, you know, go to court several occasions to force horn blower to meet those wage requirements and those laws (bell ringing) i'm here again to encourage the priorities to endorse a resolution will be coming up in a few minutes or in a light while we'll get the um, money and the support for those workers that especially need it thank you for your comments. >> next speaker. >> welcome. >> well that good afternoon. i'm eric bates with the alcatraz cruise and my job to keep the customers safe. and provide controversy to the island and keep the ships safe and marina operations. um, trying to for the right a contract since
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september of 2022. and facing a lot of delays and actions and failures to negotiate we decided to take action um, on labor day weekend and strict for four hours and basically, not negotiated so we appreciate i folks we hope firing support from president peskin and thank you. >> thank you, thank you for your comments hear from the next speaker. >> hello. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i imgated in on a that my family works and lives in san
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francisco. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i like san francisco is diverse immigrant community and also been like that has the la services for many years. and been tunneling improved since then in the past i go to sfmta was not information and resources. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> now that the office as added resources in different languages by the bilingual staff and have instructions in different
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languages. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> and grateful folsom board of supervisors for initiating the amendment i'm hopeful that will be more resources to be looked like for hiring bilingual staff who knows our language and culture. thank you. >> next speaker. >> >> (speaking foreign language.) >> hello, my name is christina working for - >> (speaking foreign language.) >> try to file a police report
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in chinatown and for my property and personal safety i didn't english i was asked to wait. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> my neighbor understand oh, my gosh come to file and police
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report i was discriminated and also didn't feel safe for the help he needed at the police station and i tried to use my cell phone to translate and can we use the phone for transaction and finally a police officer called for an interpreter since no peripheral safety would not accept that offer and asked me to leave. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> thank you, michelle is otherwise difficult important community members to receive services we hope you'll find for future meetings/agendas.
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for recruitment of staff so are culturally and appropriate for us. >> thank you for your comments. >> hear in the next speaker welcome and. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> hello, i very much hope the city will find more money for immigrants limited proficiency in english.
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>> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'm a new immigrant from chiropractor and my language is mandarin on april 30th i went to - the staff at the window were english speaking my english is limited. and should have been a simple matter but took half a day to complete this left mow confused. >> (speaking foreign language.) for immigrant whose serb is not strong they need a language interpreter to more understand the relevant to information and
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law. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i hope more funding will be found for ethics ethic /* and next speaker. >> >> (speaking foreign language.) >> good afternoon board of supervisors i'm spun. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i can see you're from china once i went swimming at a swimming pool and sponsoring something with stolen from me
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after waiting 9 hours the police officer arrived. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> um, the staff they swimming pool asked us to file a report i went the next day but a language barrier we were asked to return the next day. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> but when we returned the following day still no chinese interpretation available. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> (turning page). >> >> (speaking foreign
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language.) >> due to the lack of interpretation spending time at issues that would have been solved the first time and the government needs more bilingual staff will save the residents valuable time and providing proper language access to us, we can be more inclusive government body in the country. >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker.
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>> hello supervisors and - good afternoon i'm eve here on behalf of the san francisco women's housing coalition in support of the resolution for the survivors domestic violence and sexual assault and human trafficking. one year ago this month the the women's housing coalition held a half day retreat with the city leaders and deputies and identified the what as a provider on the ground when that comes to women's homelessness and the gaps between women in the city and giving the services directly to our constituents was a
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collaborative experience coming up with answers to overwhelming problems been for decades and solutions the departments work together to come up with - to help come up with a solution and other was to get on prop a the affordable housing bond and secure first responders for survivors a great moment in the cities housing the mayor supported that and works because our leaders and rec and park worked together with a vision in supporting the demographics that is a tough budget year for every year for everyone on the streets we're here and passes the voters passes the trust in the same leader to once again working collaboratively to get this to the finish line and make sure that is get to the people in a
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timely manner a regional housing bond coming up in november and what eve being seeing we talked to voter about potentially having a even larger bonds specifically can hip out heir demographics we justice passed this one and we could want to come november and have no solutions already in hand. we please urge you to work together to move this forward at the. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> and rebecca jackson the other co-chair the women housing coalition and here to sort of ask for your continued support on this resolution i also ask my
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other co-chair to go first to give broad comments on the potential impact on the delay of the nova i department of police accountability make notes i want to make public comment more from any guts i want to say to the board was a bit of a milk for us to meet just 11 months ago. identify the earmarks that is needed for funding to be specific. and to have that on the march ballot in a month and work with the voters of san francisco with very broad support about supporting this population. for the survivors who we are advocating for it has been a year. and what we don't
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want is for the nova to hit the ground and another year before service providers apply for the rfp and see that impacts to be made (bell ringing) is what we're asking with that resolution is to for us to continue to collaborate to speed the process up so that the survivors of violence can feel the impact of what this is supposed to be supporting thank you to all of you guys for continued support in the work we appreciate and see you on our letter of request for support (bell ringing) addressing the immediate needs. >> thank you for your comments welcome to the next speaker. >> >> (speaking foreign language.) >> good afternoon. supervisors i'm a filipino case
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work the south of market i work with income working class immigrant families and individuals mostly seniors people people with disabilities and circumstantial petitioners and month vulnerable members who are i'm here to call on our support for the language access. philippines are in dire needs of access services a lot of the clients have experienced difficulties in accessing public services such as essential food and housing programs and have unable to report the inhabit issues in the sros they live in. on due to language barriers and come to community-based organizations like us, we provide committee and appropriate language services they come to us when we need to apply or call the departments or
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programs to follow up on their applications or if they need letters and documents transmitted and explained community-based organizations are filling the gap one single mom with children lost their chance at affordable housing selected in the lottery and not and one spoke in english not in their language and some philippines don't comprehensive the language and language is a civil rights issue for all and languages saves lives thank you for your comments. >> i have a handout. >> good afternoon board of supervisors. >> for the record i'm cis. i
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hope each of you, you didn't miss me in the last several weeks in commissioner meetings and handing out a handout public works and safety and church leaders and various other individuals. when this san francisco sfoif is amazing for straits festivities and most of all the people we need to get that back there and everywhere confident the leaders in this room promotes peace and end senseless violence timely where the balance will go. this month should make us aware of pain the suffering and prejudice brings this most people are remembering d-day that started june 6, 1944,
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and didn't end until august 1944 and celebrating a pride and mentioned health month and national safety and rose month go buy roses and i know as war veteran peace is a better option than war. let's have peace unit and in our community back thank you, this is the number one an issue that everyone is talking about in the city i've been going to meetings (bell ringing) everywhere and everyone is talking about the concerns that everyone in the room can solve. thank you. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> hello supervisors my name is i work with - i'm here in support of items 75 in the agenda to declare san francisco a sanctuary city four spirited
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people i want to voice gratitude for supporting this and introducing resolution like this one and today speaking from personal experience as a first generations of behaving resident 80 workforce i confidently say our city has a reason for non-conforming people to come here as a beacon of hope and came to this country i was 17 years old and hopes of living my life as transgender i have access life-saving services that the city has to offer. i went to martin to get my hormones and went to organizations like transgenders district and offered immigration and services in the city. received in 2020
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and green card as gender and now work for it. if not for the services the - and note for the beautiful diverse city that is why the resolution is important (bell ringing) many others share the same identities can be part of our beautiful communities why i urge you i to vote "yes" and part of legacy of social progress. thank you. >> thank you for your comments next speaker. >> hello supervisors. >> my name is cherry am the manager of the community engagement with offense of transgender initiatives and as my colleagues stated the first and only government office led by transpeople to serve transpeople i'm here for item 75
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declaring san francisco a is an sanctuary city thank you, commissioner mandelman and supervisor walton and supervisor engardio and work with ot i transgender committee and committee compromised of serving leaders the programs and organizations. we have seen that there has been a very large increase in people coming from other states and criticize into san francisco with the port of the city and county of san francisco by have been able to build a unique net of services of care and support for our transgender diverse people and this will be needed more and more. the united states transgender service of 2022 found a 45 percent of respondents are considering move to approve because of
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translation and of the 5 pictures of people are moved. we know this will only increase. we've hardware an disposal from the organizations (bell ringing) we need to increase the languages in russian and line martin has seen the second month asked language avenue spanish in terms of additional languages and, you, know, we've seen organizations the only transled of latinos and transpeople a huge increase in folks needing housing (bell ringing) so- >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. >> today stand before you as a
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transparency of color but a daughters of after immigrants and honored to serve as manager for the immigrants protection and san francisco community-based organizations that focused on advocating for the rights of transgender immigrants. the resolution before us holds emergence significant a beacon of hope for transgenders individuals. and especially those who or immigrants and people of color for a voice that are silenced i urge you you to support the dlafks city of and city and county of san francisco as a sanctuary city for norman and binary people. the immigrants protection the organization i represent working to provide support for immigrants and insuring the voices are heard
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witnessed the transformative power and fair market value which we send a powerful message to the transgender immigrants their valued and apparent and protected. transgenders immigration after enduring layers by embracing we send a lifeline of protection to those individuals offering them a chance to contribute to the rich fabric of our city we have an opportunity to celebrate the embracing of transgender immigrants. (bell ringing) in conclusion, i support the and join me in advocating for the city and county of san francisco to become a sanctuary for non-conforming binary people
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(bell ringing) thank you for your comments next speaker. >> good afternoon. supervisors my name is honey, i serve as director of office of travns initiative and here to sponsor declaring san francisco a sanctuary city we are seeing targeted attacks on the transcommunity nationwide and across the world as a result more and more immigrants are coming to san francisco to seek refugee and asylum we have a power legacy of activism and who are not just doing the work but for leading the world in transcare and the center for immigration helping transimmigrants across the groeb and organizations like land martin and is lgbtq+ center
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providing health and housing and more. and organization like t gi p and the san francisco community health center tailoring working for make sure this delivers on ending transhomelessness but the transled organizations as amazing as they are can't be this 0 industry leading work without our help and infrastructure again, (captioning is ending at this point due to the time limit provided for captioning)
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