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tv   Full Board of Supervisors  SFGTV  June 20, 2024 12:00am-2:31am PDT

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>> welcome to the san francisco city and county board of supervisors regular meeting this afternoon at 2:00 pm., tuesday, june 18, 2024. madam city manager call. >> thank you, mr. president. >> supervisor chan present. >> supervisor dorsey present. >> supervisor engardio present. >> supervisor mandelman not present. >> supervisor melgar present. >> address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction present. >> supervisor ronen present. >> supervisor safai present. >> supervisor stefani present.
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>> supervisor walton present mr. president we have mr. president we have quorum. >> thank you, madam clerk. >> thank you, madam clerk. unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. colleagues please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america
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and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> madam clerk do we have any communication. >> thank you, mr. president. the san francisco board of supervisors welcomes interested persons to attend this meeting here in the chamber within city hall second floor room 250 watch sfgovtv 26 or live stream at you also may submit public comment been e-mail to bos or in writing post service through the san francisco board of supervisors the number one dr. carlton b place room 244 san francisco, california. to make a reasonable accommodation under the americans disability act
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compatibility the alcohol beverages at all the number. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, a motion for the. >> approval of meeting minutes: approval of the may 14, 2024, board meeting minutes. >> motion by supervisor mandelman and seconded by syphoned roll call. >> on the minutes supervisor dorsey, aye. >> supervisor engardio, aye. >> supervisor mandelman, aye. >> supervisor melgar, aye. >> president peskin, aye. >> supervisor preston, aye. >> supervisor ronen, aye. >> supervisor safai, aye. >> supervisor stefani, aye. >> supervisor walton, aye. >> and commissioner walton, aye. >> there are 11 ayes. >> the motion will be approved
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as presented after public comment. madam clerk please read the consent calendar on consent event the matter shall be removed from the consent agenda and considered as a separate item. >> would my member like any items served no items. >> same house, same call. those ordinances are finally passed ordinances are finally passed next item. next item. next item. next item. businesses, merchant associations, neighborhood resident associations, and property and business improvement districts. serging. >> same house, same call. the owner is finally
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owner is finally passed next item, item, item, item, the costs of various capital water and hetch hetchy water projects benefitting the water enterprise pursuant to amendments to the charter of the amendments to the charter of the amendments to the charter of the amendments to the charter of the city and county of san francisco enacted by the voters on november 5, of indebtedness; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith,as defined herein. >> same house, same call. this ordinance is also finally passed madam clerk items three 2 and three three together please. items three 2 through
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items three 2 through items three 2 through items three 2 through three 4. >> 32. proposed interim budget and appropriation ordinance appropriating all estimated receipt sand all estimated expenditures for departments of the city and county of san francisco as of june 1, 2024, for the fiscal years (fys) ending june 30, ending june 30, ending june 30, ending june 30, 2025, and june 30, 2026. >> 33. proposed interim annual salary ordinance enumerating positions in the annual budget and appropriation ordinance for the fiscal years (fys) ending june 30, june 30, june 30, june 30, community investment and infrastructure, operating as the successor agency to the san francisco redevelopment agency. seeing no names on the roster. >> same house, same call. items three 2 and three that are passed on first reading and item three 4
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supplemental law enforcement services for the period of january 1, 2024, through december 31, 2024. (police department) (coughing) >> same house, same call. the resolution is adopts valley. >> madam clerk please authorize the purchaser to procure ancillary installation services when procuring commodities.(recreation and park department) >> same house, same call. the ordinance is passed only first reading madam clerk
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read items three 7 and procedures for the translation or transliteration of the names of candidates for local office into chinese character-based names to appear on the ballot. each local measure, except when including such names will cause there to be more than six ballot cards for that election. (elections department) >> same house, same call. these ordinances are passed on first reading (gavel) next item, vending regulations; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act. >> same house,
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same call. the ordinance is passed on the first reading designated events is allowed, subject to certain conditions;to establish insurance requirements for entertainment zone events; to establish an alcoholic beverage control; and affirming the planning department's determination under the california environmental quality act.
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(clearing throat). >> >> same house, same call. the sovereigns is passed on first reading (gavel) next item, please. >> 41. motion appointing abigail laurence alderson, term ending january 15, 2025, jian zhang,term ending january 15, 2026, and roland pickens, joseph woo, steven fugaro, norlissa cooper, and juthaport chaloeicheep, terms ending january 15, 2027, to the san francisco health authority. >> same house, same call. the motion is approved (gavel) next item
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next item >> 42. motion appointing aaron yen, term ending july 1, 2025, to the children, youth and their families oversight and advisory committee. >> same house, same call. the supposition is approved madam clerk go to the 43 item. >> enforcement actions by the city attorney, and creating private right of action for persons harmed by a violation of the hours restriction. >> seeing no names on the roster. >> same house, same call. the ordinance is passed on first reading (gavel) next item, please. 44 and 45
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were considered by the or lease property for public college or university campuses in those neighborhoods. (coughing). >> >> same house, same call. the ordinance is passed on first reading (gavel). >> madam clerk i believe item 45 is not before us that; correct. >> that's; correct mr. president. >> why not go to roll call for introduction. >> first member is supervisor dorsey. >> thank you, madam clerk.. colleagues yesterday, i was
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joined by more than one hundred and fifty members of san francisco recovery community. to announce election that supervisor mandelman and i are co-purposely with the seeks to prioritize recovery housing within the portfolio of bs h to make sure the supportive housing is 25 percent of the portfolio. >> now what are recovery housing seeks to do it straightforward whenever funding requires drug private 3408dz whenever the funding used until san francisco as a target of b sf and that will require the department of homelessness and supportive housing in coordination with the public health with the local rules will adhere to federal policies and
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best practices for recovery housing. including hud actually urge the recovery housing as part of the fraction for the obama administration and low barrier of recovery housing to mandate for the use of elite drugs (coughing) . it will specify the restriction on the legal drug use for not for residents for assisted living and those drugs allows - and that will adhere to the standards it turns to elicit drug use not treated age automatic cause for addiction and disrupts the community
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programs. and the participants resides and a discharged residents will have option and discharged residents can have a new commitment targeted to people in recovery with a focus and i'm sure you recall the loss of life from drug overdose in supportive housing the portfolio and san francisco government audit & oversight commission analysis found the residents were one percent of the population account for 16 percent of drug overdose deaths this legislation is a strange conviction supervisor mandelman and i have spoiling to the community poke yesterday no one needs to choose between their recovery and a housing fall
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housing is needed every san franciscan deserves and supportive housing is free of illegal drug use of proportion one allowed for the state legislation by expanding the recovery housing unprecedented opportunities for progress to expand recovery housing options and we're here to discuss this i'll welcome our support or welcome ideas if to win our support can be members of recovery community for the recovery housing options the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor dorsey. >> supervisor engardio submit. >> thank you. >> supervisor mandelman. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, i'm asking we close our meeting in memory of bernard
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burka san franciscan died at age of 88 thank you, president peskin for joining in own this request and third generation san franciscan on liberty hill grew up and san francisco kid rode muni and played with the kids and eleanor george remained together for 55 years. >> and during if time they raised three children. and enjoyed 4 grandchildren. >> and bernie worked until he was 80 years old as a stockbroker. i met bernie in - when he pulled up to any grandmothers house to the sunset you've heard the story by the
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end of my everyone freshman year my family was struggling. >> i asked any freshman year person might let me use the extra bedroom for. >> while and they let me stay for the summer and went through high school. (clearing throat). >> they were there for each and every graduation and never far away. (pause) (clearing throat) this is the harder and for the holidays - most people do not get to choose their fathers. in the early day years ago.
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>> but (clearing throat) (pause). >> if you get the opportunity to choose a dad choose a bernie. it is shocking to me now that bernie was a couple of years old than i was and owe of the fortunate to have him the bicker of him being a dad those last decades the kindness was with the general generosity to others where a hand was needed and friends and family knew that mr. bernie someone you can count on long after i grew up leader to drive and got on the board of supervisors bernie what offer to drive me around. >> and that big heartiness is to the broad community the
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diamond heights association or the other associations. where he and eleanor was there bernie what show up and do the work. after i was elected to the board bernie helped out to the office and everyone loves him, i was constitutionally hired. and i told a couple of watts labor community action committee bernie died he first - he shock his head it feels that way i'll miss them both very much and your memories are a blessing to everyone. >> thank you supervisor mandelman. >> why not make that for the
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entire board of supervisors without objection. >> commissioner wright address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction submit. >> supervisor preston submit. >> supervisor ronen can i believe referred. >> sure. >> commissioner chambers colleagues today i'm announcing a few days ago i want to establish a first reading student loan forgiveness fund and thank you for the co-sponsors combhrndz for your support on that we know the dire situation in terms of the staffing for the first responders and it is critical, critical in the state right now the 9-1-1 call center is down 40
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operators and paramedics police officers or that is something many that well, no one the firefighters share the public safety personnel have strained we need to prevent catastrophic breaking point. and make sure we attract and train excellent kwftdz standard people to serve the public safety this fund will provide rail it's been a long time coming. students depends on and job-related education expenses for city employees and (coughing) police and fire and sheriff's and paramedics and registered nurses and 9-1-1 supervisors. ross all people with count on every single day to support our social safety net isn't system in our city. we must provide
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proper staffing levels. to qualify an applicant we'll need to be hired starting in january 2025 and work for three years. the goal to build in fund up to $25 million and forgive up to $25,000 a person for at least one though police as much as we can bottom line we must support the first reading and creative about that. i think that is a positive step towards attracting those individuals to make sure we have the basics cradle for safety i can tell you after months pc with nurses police officers (coughing) this is the first year you have to have a 4-year degree is we'll
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help those folks with student loan debt this make a difference competitive environment this didn't raise any taxes looks for existing funds and provides the opportunity for, thank you colleagues for you who support this and for your sponsorship. >> thank you. >> commissioner walton and supervisor stefani. >> i'm thrilled to introduce is an ordinance for a voter victim rights which we're calling ordnance dw r that clarifies the responsibilities of the newly formed office and
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with the skarment under their direction a majority of people don't report those including suffering and mistrust with the prosecutors and in the criminal justice and recognizing this i can't - that ballot measure established an office dedicated to specifically serving victims of crime last many media we slshtd the league as a director of o b w r this signifies in insuring they are a success as we fight for victims across san francisco this mile-an-hour will establish the blue print fooibtd our efforts to make sure the victims get the comprehensive
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support and recognize often an invisible population and wish how colleague president peskin and happy belated 60 birthday and also i know we made that in memoriam for bernie for the entire board but he is a constituent of district 2 and i know that supervisor mandelman enterprises how much we were lucky to have him as a father and you were lucky the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor stefani and supervisor ronen you wish to be relieved here. thank you. supervisor stefani you're
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and the office will be coming online and 6 years ago i worked with nonprofit with the aids and to create the office of sexual harassment and prevention known as sharp this creates the first in the country debated a place for survivors what come and feel support as they get over the trauma they experienced and imagined an office to help individuals survivors to navigate this system and sat my their side asking for fair treatment that historically has been not friendly towards them and imagined after walking request the survivors the office will you identify places where the city can improve we intended for the sharp office to bring
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suggestions forward to improving the survivors place in the city those survivors need the help of sharp for community care for the trauma they experienced and at the time of legislation not a place for a sharp office but director sheryl davis accepted it in the greater hrc portfolio and sharp did important work in the community providers in need to wrap around services and in early may called on sharp to see if improvements for the city law enforcement agencies. and what we learned at the hearing sharp was not meeting and priority any policy recommendation. despite the important work we're pursuing not doing the work mandated for the legislation and
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in making the city more hospitable and i announce i was going to introduce legislation after many discussions with the supervisor supervisor stefani we merged into one. the organization b w r legislation include the necessary changes for the legislation. first we're officially moving sharp from them to o b w r with both officers mandates with the i'm excited and second language that classifies the powers of sharp office increase in legislation sharp employees are responsible for providing assistance to survivors for sexual harassment and navigating any city processes helping the survivors and accompanying them to law
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enforcement if requested and a simplified process i believe the changes will have a significant charm as that moves into the next iteration i'm grateful for supervisor stefani a or on that important issue and wanted to thank others and the rest i submit. thank you. supervisor ronen. >> supervisor walton. >> thank you, madam clerk. can you refer for the judgment call we're going to go past the 2:30. >> thank you, madam clerk. the budget and appropriation committee finished the um, our first round of budget hearing last week. um, and i want to give a thanks to our summer chair supervisor ronen for
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joining us and supervisor dorsey bringing they're perspective into the hearing. which really, really is helpful i think at the end of last week was something made clear to me as a committee chair. um, is that we are in a very dire situation with the budget legislative analyst has the work ahead. >> how to mar that the city budget is going to be there for all san franciscans. come january 2025. and instruction looking at staff management and contract convenience, welfare, and necessity whatever to bring in the budget spending and consider ways and one thing that is clear to me that can continue as usual. if we keep that rate of spending as proposed by mayor
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london breed, we're going to face and fiscal cliff come january 2025 not acceptable. and clearly that the budget it budget before us so together just to get us through until november. and - but so - if we don't change course at that moment, we're going to face the fiscal cliff will force us to cuts to our staffing and operation and also the services that our community partners have to provide. so um, for that reason i also just want to give an work to show why everyone can contribution really counts and every dollar counts at that moment and shout out to supervisor dorsey when we
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learned about the health board 3e6k around the care and understanding that, you know, there was a process and to really make sure we go with that result and more efficient contract a better contract not just financially by provide quality services for the retirees they deserve will save the city of $7 million for the three fiscal year and that is not just the city of san francisco but our united district 200 and $4 million deficit during the discussion of schools closure and that is involving facts and circumstances its budget crises. so all i want to say thank you, supervisor dorsey and you mayor
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and appointee i didn't see making sure we are making this sound decision for the system so thank you, that the the decision and that vote came down today to allow us and not again having any type dependently result for the system that's not question shouldn't stop right there but everyone has to contribute and step up asking the city workers just as providers and the community partners they need to do more with less. so should we and this coming days this week we'll evaluate all the reductions by the budget panelists but every single thing but i think this is the moment that we ought to be evaluating what the nice to have and what is necessary. if i'm seeing and i am seeing those cuts like or
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helpful food access for the students and families and seniors this is a moment of decision for all of us so the first series of the decisions i'm going to ask to consider as a body and the members i am really asking us to put our money to lead as leaders of the city and do right by the people to lead by example and 10 percent of our salary in reserve to show that it the mayor or board of supervisors the city heads and all elected this is a moment we have solidarity to problem solve together collectively about this fiscal year we must face in june 2025 after the budget analyst process
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i urge all of you and really going to - that what else can we do to create a fun way to face the problem and that fiscal cliff on january 2025 we put more on reserve a way to bring more to allow us a runway when returning january when a new board board of supervisors will be on january 2025 and potentially all of us returning in january 2025 we face the problem and with a little bit of a runway for a little bit of reserve not making those decisions and kits right now like the mayor had to do with that colleagues thank you and those of course the budget will
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come before you before you know it and the budget committee will have to make on thursday and friday mostly on friday by the end of the day we have some decisions to make and public comment on the following monday that i urge you the public to come out and talk about what this proposed budget really is doing for them or not doing for in the rest i submit. >> go to the. >> special order 2:30 p.m. - recognition of commendations. and refer to supervisor mandelman and start with supervisor dorsey. >> city president peskin and colleagues any honor to take part in most pride celebration with the institution vision zero bob the exceptional executive director of worlds first and
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only letter of lgbtq cultivator district bob's dedication is transform informative and with the accommodation to the san francisco lgbtq bob is a steady fast leader and plays a pivotal role by drafting legislation making sure of the page with the then board of supervisors 2018 and strengthening the streetscape and before bob was elected at executive director of culture district in 2021 some of the establishments for the lgbtq were dating back to the 1970s and early 2000 and in 1998 with
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the local charity is raise awareness for aids and calendar just celebrate the 40 anniversary and in honor of graduating the finalists for that and my staff members are looking forward to that next year. >> and while serving as mr. president bob lead the charge for the excellent street fair and diversity and resilience and attracted thousands of people around the world. later than in 2018-2019 helped to draft the bylaws for the nonprofit and sport and leather in plaza located at sf eagle bar and served as president and served
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in the south of market with supervisor mandelman legislation decades-long ban on bathhouses a major accomplishment helps to create to better to health hiv and oats since i took office i had the pleasure of working with bob on several projects and legislation last year, we had a leather pride he was instrumental in the legislation and thank you for passing this colleagues and allowing the venues to open up including sections of folsom street. and among the leather lgbtq and bob celebrated the installation of a spot in the culture district you can find in the pocket of the city with the culture district and district 9 and culture
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district 5 and bob is concurrently taking projects that helps to enclosure to understand the leather this is ann coordinating street so important to celebrate the history of our city and working hard to see this through and all those projects highlights bob diversity and bob is leading person in prevention and leadership helps to have creativity and in everything we had a pilgrim to honor bob in pride month to celebrate the rich lgbtq+ with the deeply rooted history and invite bob
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up. >> (clapping). >> for seven years i've been coming to city hall and standing to advocate for one piece of legislation or another and when i first came to the podium i think that my voice was shaking as much as my knees you all that time the supervisors are supportive and kind hiftsdz substantially on my words. and i have a long history with san francisco. in 1976, i saw an article in a magazine that said there was home homing of in
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1980 my mom brought a clip from the graduation i was landmarking looking for the 6 people i never saw p them and my boyfriend said by the way, go to san francisco street fair i said what. >> little the the i know i was introducing the fair. at the fair i didn't see the 6 people but walking around i was like the time is fake news for than 6 people that are and today, i moved where i lived in san diego and all of a sudden people were
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going to the san francisco flighty was down other concourse i'm getting on the wrong plane and got here 6 weeks later and welcomed me with open arms and i love it here and i stayed. so i'd like to thank supervisor dorsey and my aids been supportive and incredibly helpful. with legislation and um, issues with the district and thank callahan that has a manager and thank you all i love this city and glad to be here
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(clapping). >> our next special order of accommodation by supervisor mandelman. thank you. mr. president. >> and gore done come on up. >> today colleagues on this thirds tuesday it is my great honor to offer and special accomodation to him in 2019
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served as executive director. and was founded in 1977 by robert to the new lesbians and with the election of sprurlth in the 1 we since p last year for the lgbtq big shoes to fill over two decades and seized the moment and career people more than ever. under his leadership the human rights campaign watched the hashtag the hiv campaign and campaign raise awareness and criminalizing
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those hiv. and they played a leading role in the national quality act against the sexual accommodation and would prohibit discrimination and nc l r worked with the legislators to pass the legislation for adoption for queer parents and establishing rights for transgenders to receive healthcare with the national standards and liberty and during the m post-office box. >> amenity joined to call for a robust response in 2022 the
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before the governor ron signed the the don't say gay or transz law raised the district getting sued without mentioning the existence of lgbtq+ and in the classroom and filed a claim on behalf of the residents of san francisco and a big win for the and the florida law rerestricting it for transdz adults and the executive director of nc l r. chicago the nation's older organization serving the needs of black lgbtq+ madam chair, people and self assigned black
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people we claim you as a san franciscan and mapped be reasonable to accept by in his case proved and light and during the pride month not a better person to recognize she exemplifies the best music and makes more equitable society for all and my great honor to say thank you and on we've of the board of supervisors offer you a special and i accommodation. thank you. (clapping.) a thank you, supervisor mandelman and thank you, board of supervisors for this incredible honor as much as i appreciate this we know that all we don't do this one your own we are sitting at home with making
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decision about future and movements have started and people are being activated to do better for all of us in this room. and so i humbling accept it this recognition and ask the team but on behalf of everyone fighting our civil rights this incredible trailblazer i consider an enormous principle and honor in any community. and we are fighting for our lives. for nearly and decade had the last laugh by lgbtq they are not winning this year they dba did get a single bad lgbtq+ bill and
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the lgbtq+ election west virginia only passed one and while you bet we'll challenge every single one of the bills with the lgbtq the point you're appointee are not just passing laws but other states trying to pass laws we're doing an excellent job to protect our community and as much as they want to tell us something different they're passing those anti let the record reflect lgbtq bills and people are doing work every single day. in san francisco we know what it looks like to lead the country bye for
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lgbtq and we're doing this right now and i will forever be grateful being in the fight with brave and light attitudes like you people at the for this incredible his own today a greater honor for the fight for equity and leaving the place much better than the way we found it (clapping) >> our next special order find. >> accommodation by supervisor ronen i'm delighted to see in
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the chambers. >> i'm glad. >> (speaking spanish) come on up. >> (yelling). >> colleagues, i'm over the moon that i get to present a special. >> accommodation to one of our greatest as known to friends is a gifted and eloquent story teller and wise and generous collaborative and par for the course advocate for the community. she serves as director of the department and community. >> (speaking spanish) a nonprofit in the mission that provides health and wellness for 6 thousand recognized and throughout the course of her career made great strides for the lgbtq immigrants in the
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community and prior to her workes persons served as executive director for the youth. and been for the past 14 years helped with the communication and policy initiatives and raise the visibility of organization and the r f r by diversifying the funding for the grants. and on june it 30thes persons will begin enjoying her retirement and today, we hunger her journey with the mark she has made how she moved through the world of
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principles and the first principle is. >> (speaking spanish) we're one and the reflective of the dependence we have for each other and all that is nature. and she is always often in relationships with others and connect people and she helps share their stories and committed advocate for the wellness for the responsibilities of the individual and community level and the principle is. >> (speaking spanish) culture heals and she brings her complete extensive with her identity and culture and lifetime experiences to her work and in doing so helps the community and the third principle is. >> (speaking spanish) yes, we
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can represents the crystal and collective determination of wellness and her justice for the power of the community around her promotes the individual families and well-being and contribute i'd like to share words of gratitude for the director gloria sends her best. this is in gloria's word her expertise and collaborative spirit has helped all of us and her magical stories with grace and beyond our professional accomplishments with the director of women's building is the relationship resulted and the positive impact that truly existences we want to express
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our gratitude for the years of dedicated service including 14 years and thank you for the accomplishments and the livelihood's you've touched and hope you happiness and good percent thank you for your heart and everything for san francisco and all those years i wish you a wonderful retirement and many blessings congratulations and love you. >> (clapping). >> well, thank you supervisor ronen and the entire board of supervisors for that recognition. >> i'm floored i don't know
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what i'm glad i prepared remarks i'll read those right now. when i think of retirement i also can't help but look back at the people that impacted my life and in this room i have to acknowledging as the assemblyman and my friend impacted many of the life lessons stiletto years and if i can give a perm note as well i want to remember and reach out to lift up the u lust clerk of the board been a good friend. thank you. >> as far as a story
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material i'm not this is one you know but because i think sometimes fate gets it right when tom successor was selected supervisor i was very politely involved and thought i might registration but wisely supervisor instead of selected supervisor ronen and as you seen went on to become the supervisor for district 9 and inasmuch as i love all of you and appreciate all of you got the best half and i'm happy to say because of supervisor ronen standing the destiny was on both sides. a because i didn't know that then about that decision allowed me to be very happy over the last
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14 years and had the honor to hear countless stories by children and youths and families and latinos and immigrants and largely among the vulnerable and whose lives have been affected by mental health and individuals open coming in the most painful and worse places in their lives and find compassion for my coworkers i'll not thank garcia who honored me back there then and found to be one of the most remarkable people it was due to her he learned to see the scares left in the community and strive to give back to the community. >> thank you for also seeing me and i see have to say many the
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term that something is the labor of love and i think i'm to be commend so much of my career has of the for love than labor but thank you, none the also for this honor. thank you. for everything (clapping.) and i'll tell my mother hello from you.
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>> (yelling). >> (clapping) and our last special order of. >> accommodation by supervisor walton. >> thank you president peskin and colleagues today, i rise to honor dr. moss thorton during the jeent it is important to deem had that means to take advantage of the freedom we've gained and oftentimes the contributions of people who have been committed to this city and caring for people in the community go over board i want to make sure we honor the ones not with the headlines made a
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positive mark on the lives of so many. this is why would great pleasure for medication -
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dr. thorton we reflect on commemorating on the slaveries of african-americans and recognize the quality and equity and justice dr. thorton underscores the importance of diversity and representation in medication and dr. thorton today, we salute you (clapping.) thank you, supervisor walton and thanks for the accomodation from the board and thanks for friends
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and colleagues and others that showed up today on my behave truly means a lot and like to say to my new friends many of those in attendance today who are teachers, nonprofits, and other things of that nature that make the bayview hunters point and community a place i desired do work at. in reference to the new friends they keep me motivated, they help me in my personal development and are a source of inspiration and i mentioned new friends there are old friends that no longer here i'd like to mention had a great influence in any development that would be charlie walker and
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dr. 5ur9 kohlman and okay yeah. >> last guy i was going to mention oh, act sam jordan those folks helped me integrate into the community as a very young age 22, 23, 24 i had a life ahead of me and in addition to the help they fostered they helped define myself in my growth at in southeast community. the things i'm month proud of by was able to accomplish was to lead and purposeful life by that i mean i was able to (pause).
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>> able to treat people and get them better and i was able to - for myself. >> um, (unintelligible). >> oh. >> treat people as i would be treated and um, again practice living purposeful life those are the things important to me. and purposeful life something after three 4 years that doesn't seem like work as a matter of fact, i could be working but i thought that was time to step away. and um, live life and accomplish the
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things i've done and for that i'm e 2er7b8 grateful for those in that my life to practice medication for the medication in the bayview hunters point community and i forgot what i was going to say. >> huge thank you to the board of supervisors knowledge time and have a good day
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(clapping). >> and our last special order of. >> accommodation by supervisor preston and at the president peskin a remarkable group of honorees today. amazing san francisco put your hand over your heart. san francisco an collapse i'd like colleagues to add to the honorees of the day to present special. >> accommodations to honor hard working community ambassadors and the entire community run by the office of civic engagement and immigration affairs yes. >> (clapping)
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i will reframe from coming up as you can see there is a sea of yellow jackets from oci. colleagues, i launched in 2011 that honors the diversity san francisco neighborhood with the culture barriers between residents and the city services in a meaningful way. the community ambassadors program is the only city run non-police community ambassador program in the city and county of san francisco and most of nearly 60 ambassadors in the program are residents in the district they serve and bilingual and each ambassador trader to meet the needs of the community they serve and across san francisco from the outer sunset to chinatown, the invitation valley
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mission and the bayview and the tenderloin and every neighborhood of district 5 and elsewhere you can find the community ambassadors wearing they're bright yellow jacket or assisting merchants or supporting crime and hazardous and r&r overdose and providing referrals. those ambassadors working diligently to meet the names and addresses of the community services to bridge the communities and the city. oc provides critical jobs and job training for san franciscans and in addition to the many staff and o sea many ambassadors who have taken that training gone on to other essential services and jobs elsewhere in the city government. i'm hard-pressed to
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think of another program with an impact and has universal praise. to the organization sea leadership team and all the ambassadors and thank you for your unwavering dedication to the city and kindness and patience on the street of for serving as a peace and people and passion to make this community satisfactory and more inclusive and compassionate and better and saving lives brighten people's days your work is a service in the community and i i can't say enough for that. i will not despite the temptation not talk about every person will be a long list and the biggest batch of. >> accommodation i had the pleasure to award in any 4 years in the board of supervisors but we have one for each and
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ambassador and and member of team and timed to shout out because i need to as district 5 supervisor i love you folks so many and the communities ambassadors the program district 5 team leads. >> (calling names.) >>. thank you. >> daniel (clapping.) and the cap mid market and tenderloin leaders saint john (clapping.) and i also, that the community ambassadors get a lot of love from the community members and the merchants and the visitors but there are some folks a lot of the folks will be receiving do a lot of the behind the scenes collecting the data more transparent for the ambassadors programs and the hard work and data collection and done the leadership and just some of the
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behind the scenes leadership teams include julia these rivera and alvarez and (clapping.) david mckinley and rich as well. >> (clapping) so thank you all so much i'm honored to recognize and appreciate i all here today and specifically an hour on the entire team but we give the contributes i want to give the mic over to the o sea director thank you for the director for his leadership. at o sea and the support of community ambassador program welcome. >> (clapping) thank you, president peskin. >> and before she says a few
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words i want to say mainly the recent number of years an explosion of ambassador programs some of them have been faster and some slower and just different grow the gold standard for o sea you've written the belongs and have at metrics and very confused as to why we would be in the midst of actually getting rid of of the one program that worked and has long been described so obviously that board of supervisors needs to get that right and (clapping.)
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good afternoon manpower and thank you very much. president peskin for the recognition of the ambassador program. i just before i pass the mic to the manager i just want to share some words how i monitored and work on that not o 234078 an inspiration what we bring to the table but generally want to deputy the community they're out there intentionally thoughtful how they gave me the residents and visitors and they are a vital component of the city and the organization and community itself and i think that they not only make sure that visitors rather than merchant have to recognize the service by trust in the city and community they play a huge very vital roll
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overall and want to insure that um, as and they work with the community and also out there making sure people are aware of the services we have to offer and also david will share about the impacts. but they're an incredible team i'm inspired and as you learn more about that you'll release how inspirational and with that, i will pass it over to david but a shout out to my team a shout out to the operations team with the program and to every single ambassador who is here thank you for your service and commitment. and you are in the city so - >> (clapping) good afternoon, supervisors today and stand before to
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highlight the program. and the program is more than in addition to a lifeline and an opportunity for san francisco natives to dive into city government and he receive development and training learn about the professional skills but leadership abilities as in human traumas this is a job a really leadership program one that holds impacted the community members and champions and ambassadors are coaches and mentors and neighborhoods and allies to the community we serve this year alone we've lost over 200 and 70 thousand interactions with over 20 percent of those in languages other than english and with the approach over 60
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percent of team we bridge communications gaps and fair market value trust and other finding of the rich cultures of san francisco neighborhood and they are trained in violence and deesclation and interpretation and best practices and city services and over a dozen other services. both within and outside the city as a training to serve the community with empathy and efficiency and that creates an xfrz literally creating change and a roll model and follow the peers for a better united san francisco. and in short the copy the core volume of san francisco and the capacities and diversities are not lost and stand as cornerstone of safety and include inclusivity and leadership we have a more
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productive scope so thank you, supervisors (clapping).
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>> [off mic.] >> (clapping). >>. okay. see you. >> (taking picture). >> madam clerk let's go back to our roll call for introductions refer supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton thank you, madam speaker. >> colleagues today i have is an owners recognition and memoriam. as we celebrate jeent with the historic significant i introduce the ordinance
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establishing the reparation fund for documented and implement the recommendation described in the san francisco represent passions plan by the african-american reparation committee that board authorized the inooze of black people in the city and to come up with a ambulance for reparation will lead to equitable and outcomes for the black population this the task force came up with over one hundred recommendations how the right to right the past necessary we need to clench this is the next step for the implementation of the recommendation. will repair the anti colossal damage and
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discrimination and indicates decades of policies have led to jurisdiction and massive incarceration and negative health outcomes for the blacks in our community and in san francisco we lead the way to right the historical unjustices and have a chance to establish and fund for the individuals and document to the san francisco reparations and i'd like to thank the city attorney christine for this legislation the advisory committee for the recommendation for the work and the human rights commission and the entire community and my team in office for this continued work and trying to address the gap that exists because of and
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>> and last i have an memoriam for mr. wayne williams. mr. williams was a sfmta employee on the street division since january 2016 and promoted into a surveyed technician and colleagues expressed their appreciation for his hard work and dedication and coming to work for a positive attitude. and december of 2020 mr. williams was recognized by the
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city and county of san francisco as he was selected for the it's been a long time coming. employee of the year. this award served as his moment to acknowledge his work such as vision zero and various projects. this recognition pointed to the fact that mr. williams was common for providing valuable information and being a true team member and demonstrating coming to work and marin county the staff. and no mr. williams was a friend one you cross path with and in in addition to his strong work people remembered most is how they spoke highly of his family. to show pride with speaking of his children and hear stories of him growing up and enjoying
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participating in both in your personal lives and with their involvement with work. i'd like to send our deepest condolences to his children and family we love the rest i submit. >> thank you. >> thank you, supervisor walton and madam clerk let's go to general public comment. >> line up on the right-hand side of the chamber which have been considered by a board committee. members of the public may address the board for up to three minutes. 48 through 52 on the domestic and speak 52 on the domestic and speak to other general other general committee and excluding items which have been considered by a board committee. members of the public may address the board for up to three minutes. two minutes and welcome, welcome. >> this is a starting point.
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okay. >> i knew that was coming. you have to understand the idea of the entire team of wednesday 6, 12, 24 like commission on the final - what - this now we from going forward and this proposed itself you know what i'm talking about pay attention. because now you'll double down with the sponsorship and you certainly don't understand the depth of the education and you received by this unintention that any may
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receive and youry. >> yes. technology and television. yeah. >> going back to a long way during, you know, the - what you call that? >> technology revolution anyway i'm going to finish (bell ringing) >> i said the mayor is out because he refused to promote the (inaudible) throughout san francisco. and despite my turning up several times on the recalled but had to do that. therefore (unintelligible) for the budget whatever. i don't
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know (bell ringing) >> thank you and next speaker. >> good afternoon board of supervisors my name is chris kline and prior to the meeting i sent you a presentation i'm yourself each of you to read and bring ai is not new been around since 1963 with the satellites and may 26th, '24 reply indicated in the mid 80s with the construction told were in a imaginary company to assist the barns partners and mass media agrees covering up i a that is what i'm sorry, i b m and at&t
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have satellite drones and other things have been around for decades that presentation will be presented at the health commission and available for the police commission and unauthorized access to those systems there is a grandfather clause if you're using a i incremental revoke your credentials i looked at star a i to give you're new friends phone number (bell ringing) and never mind we have a 250 that was delivered to imagine how strong our mail wand 3457b was and public safety was not
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intend to be used and not to exempted the education and diligently processes the rule of the law under the thank you. >> thank you for your comments and (bell ringing) and. >> next speaker, please. >> welcome. >> hi, good afternoon supervisors (clearing throat) my name is john in district three i have with me 12 copies for you and want to read a quote is mayor london breed equity program promote to us. since july of 2021 quote. um, the controlled global lists media and ask to refutes those statements as non-evidenced. and the contact information is correct. >> thank you. we'll come and
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collect those copies from you. >> >> next speaker, please. >> >> my name is jim for liberty and justice. and also open research the case for the hospital and may 21st reported publishes a detailed report for the program and this report standing from january 1st to march 26th is one hundred and 92 reports for unproper behavior for delivery of services. and on 6 had the and 92, 5 three from the public health and 9 were mentioned but none were mentioned from the department of public health and here's the truth about the whistleblower program any investigation from a complaint is confident so the
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program staff can't provide updates what is done to investigate the claims or what it uncovers those are investigative work products. and my understanding create a interconnect general out of controller's office and will they disclose anything? i'm not sure i can future with what the 5 three things were goss guns the department of public health but laguna honda hospitals and the whistleblower program certified information (bell ringing) it is unlikely it is confident once a complaint is made. thank you. >> thank you for your comments and any other members of the public would like to address the board of supervisors this average step up all right. mr. president. >> no additional members of the public general public
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comment is closed and madam clerk, call the adoption for the reference calendars. >> introduced for adoption without reference and vote is required for adoption on first reading today and alternating and member may ask for a resolution informing to the community committee. >> i'd like to serve item 49 an item 49. okay. >> the balance of the calendar i believe we have. >> same house, same call. (gavel) and those items are adopted. madam clerk please call item 49. >> to support the justice for renters act proposition on the november 5, 2024, and ballot for repeal of castro hawkins act.
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>> supervisor stefani. >> colleagues, i take a look at this item and decided to separate is out i can't support this as a introduce begin hours - with tony striking listen sees - convert are championship this ballot measure and it is not because they believe that will reduce the affordable housing but it is bruce because it will freeze quickly needed homes and more affordability and opportunities for all californians. councilmember striking listen statewide
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resident is ludicrous idea and the language goes further local governments protects from the state housing policy and therefore overreaching enforcement it is what caused champions like tony and assembly member to oppose this particular measure and in her opposition tony stated the following conspiring with wealthy city's for the lying to voter about it is worse and this initiative is one giant loophole let's select left lane governments off the hook more affordable housing and opens the door to erase progress on housing over the last two years. all i can say don't be fooled and so senator tony atkins said that and
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additionally assembly member was a champion lofrm reform for castro hawkins made it chair that that measure will - like those two legislators i support this and our right for counsel for tenants and support the statutory for rent controlled units and more. i support tools to prevent displacement for peers and people with disabilities and as supervisor melgar pointed out in the ordinance a critical component of housing affordability for seniors is building more supply for seniors to downsize and age in place and in my district i have and will continue to support building units affordable for seniors to call
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home that measure hover exhibits this process and doesn't help address housing affordability why the council for the action coalition two groups have opposing this and undermines the housing ordinance we agree more housing opportunities are needed for households across low income and extreme low income and ports the agenda does not support the protection across california and let's wealthy people like huntington beach and beverly hills stop this we need housing policies for the future one that creates homes for seniors for children to live closure to the homes they're raised. i will
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support legislation ballot measures forgotten the goal this proposition is not the solution the reason i'll be opposing today's resolution and deter to this has whether we want to make a resolution to continue for a week or take a vote today, i want to note adoption without committee references will be i said that route and not no special interest in neither uncontiguous up given the republicans up and down the state wanted this to pass. so for those reasons i will not support in item today. thank you. >> k34r78dz before supervisor preston i'm hooking the four pages of justice for renters
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actions that looks to me i find as a repeal of the castro hawkins seems tobacco and replyed with one to act or expand residential rent control i want to figure out - i don't care who that supports it and does well, anyway - and committee. >> no, no for this to go through my research but can't interfere in the local government and didn't say they have to do it anyways i'm trying to understand where those people are coming from and supervisor
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preston. >> thank you president peskin and thank you for pointing out with what the justice for renters it is of the like a different act was described i understand the industry has keenly opposed the castro hawkins and has stoeptd the removal from sacramento going to the ballot to repeal the castro hawkins but the ballot measure as you point out the castro hawkins rental housing from state law. and while some my find that controversial i understand the industry positions that board has taken in two separate resolutions over the years and the only issue for
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renters act is whether to repeal castro hawkins for those less familiar are castro hawkins restricted what kind of rent control you can have and can be repealed and not actually change anything will simply will allow to actually have a discussion about whether we should have rent control. and been around for 45 years and right now we're band to discuss whether it is empty should be able to triple the rent on the next tenant so the only issue is whether to continue to be preempted and
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done this work for over 20 years in california and the act that is a republic is laughable and republicans have been since the package of castro hawkins and fully united behind castro to hawkins and just to be clear, i think if we want to continue it and take this up we can have a more substantive conversation but to rebut really a lot of misinformation and really disappointed the first time i brought a resolution in reference to despite the reference to every reference we didn't receive one member of this body cattle supervisor engardio to maybe have it continued which we discussed.
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this is the first, i'm of any other opposition and i could have corrected any misunderstanding about the resolution in fact, it didn't do so the conversations had occurred before. just to be clear, castro hawkins is operating exactly as it was designed to operate. and this is to keep rents high and just stop cities from implementing stronger rent control bring rents down so our resolution will put the city on record in support of the act to repeal castro hawkins for rent control notice a surprise we got a letter i didn't do from the association of real estate and developers of california and all indian in opposition as always
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to any attempts to allow the cities to expand the rent control. now very committed to the rents variable to maximize the profit we would have a tool in come cal to make housing more affordable and cart hawkins will repeal. so why every tenant group in the state of california supports this measure every tenant group in san francisco supports in measure and affordable housing group other than the housing action with the lobbying group lobbying for maximum profits and affordable housing for this. and why wouldn't they be a repeal of state exemption and the cities the power for discussions of
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what the local rent control is look like and run away rents and so i think if the will the body clearly not support happy to have it continued and go down at a future hearing and any fair enough discussions so often in our housing discussion those days pro housing and anti housing and sometimes that framing i'll tell you nothing that posed the question of anti rent control and pose that question more clearly than whether i support of the repeal of castro hawkins and real estate association of realtors still has handcuffed cities we can lower rents and apply represent control to over one
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hundred thousand units in san francisco and you support rent control and oppose the ballot measures the biggest barrier the castro hawkins rent i believe that is just to be clear, not controversial and have a continued. in the will of the body. >> thank you supervisor melgar. >> thank you. >> president peskin and just guess we're going to continue it with the - i am a co-more than and very much building in the and public library against the analysis you just shared supervisor preston i did it myself a strong tenant advocate. have been much of my career i believe we should have rent
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controlled housing and provides to outsource that including ours and in this generation sunshine to be sort of drawing the world as a pro-housing anti renter program, you know, i think that that didn't serve us well. i have seen the numbers from a bunch of folks in the industry but, you know, i've seen the sort of developers performas and rent control is market-rate housing on day one and is affordable not a deternlt for development and secret of the certificate of occupancy in terms of numbers it is mistake
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for those of us to pro housing to have anti rent control is against the generation we're trying to make sure they have housing in san francisco and i'm not going to opine over the strategy of people around california but a few places in california we have rent control we are one of them and protecting the spots we have it is a gain it is old before 1979 and focused more and this is a path to it and we should be building more period which what i believe so thank you, i guess we're to continue that at week but wanted to make sure that, you know, like we talk about this analysis not too sides but. >> universe we are pro rent or pro rent control so, thank you.
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>> supervisor dorsey thank you, president peskin and the point about we can be pro-active for pro housing i'm not supporting this ballot measure. >> i have many familiarity with employed by the sponsor of though michael because i worked against proposing 60 in 2016 and that failed measure was in any verify this one is too the single line in the measure goes behind the castro hawkins is the one that takes the state out of field of any sort of management or use of rent control and what that will do is it would empower that bad actors statewide and
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besides they have obligates and we're trying to do having a better way to expand and states legislation - done by david chiu and in the assembly and would set limits on available rent hikes by the balancing the production by supervisor stafani mentioned the city counsels in huntington beach is talking about say to people the headlines of that political art is republicans for rent control basically web anyone wishing to speak, if no objection, receive and file this measure saying the state can't do anything with rent control and maybe a situation we're going
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have - this was it was stated by city council strickland. and this will enable them - so i think that one line that one sentence beyond the castro hawkins is the problem that's why i'm not not that concludes my report. this resolution. >> where's is that? >> all i see that the castro hawkins act is fully eliminated
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i see one 95.552 the castro hawkins act that is stricken out and one 95.4 may not limit the city and county to maintain an act or expand residential rent control that line is. >> taking the state completing out of this and including the local governments could be bad actors and it what would be by impacting that makes housing production and i think the c side resort this is. >> (multiple voices). >> local governments. >> (multiple voices). >> they're only. >> the local governments is
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taking the - the state is preempting local governments from impacting rent control not a woman on the moon or man on mars but local governments from being able to expand rent control in 1995 this is a left lane governments can impact rent control i don't know how you're reading that. >> you know what. >> we'll get a city attorney opinion. >> is there motion to continue this. >> i intend to make that motion and going to make another comment and make a motion. >> what you said there is no provision like i feel like i'm watching a discussion not in the board of supervisors chambers
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but what the act does and you read the language that repeals the preemption of rent control laws locally that's it and the fact you find a republican out there who might characterize the as a discussion is seriously we think that like republicans cities are few going to be adopting like strong rent control (laughter) california i just don't know how to respond. i get that i think this is a good state discussion what the scope of rent control should be; right? and like myself others who three may want to carve out things but the problem with the castro hawkins we don't get to have that the conversation we repeal castro
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hawkins and maybe have a discussion and a different view something built in 1992 should be covered in rent control or though should be restrictions on a castro hawkins we can have that discussion before castro hawkins cities could have a discussion and preempt that repealing it does free up the scope of our own rent control laws so look i don't disagree with the concept of anybody of houses for pro rent control, of course, you know, of course, you're to be pr rent control and pro housing whatever that means and more affordable housing and any kind of housing but you can't be and with all due respect, this work for 25 years
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i've never really seen people taking this position it feels like california maybe want to take some members of body they're flavor of rent control but that ties the city's hands three does make sense really didn't why would you, you have a state preeminence of rent control if you're in favor of rent control i think i can have a pro-rent control and support state laws that does that make sense i'm happy to continue and i'm sure we'll be discussing this. >> motion to continue supervisor ronen. thank you. so flabbergasted and i have to - chime.
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and the reason i grew up in a rent controlled section and born in 1975 and didn't have three rent controlled apartment she wouldn't my dad would have been homeless bus you have our shitty rent controlled apartment in los angeles now costs double the amounts for the people that move in any father didn't end up homeless on the street that is real. when the state limits our ability as local legislators to impact rent control for people means and people end up homeless homeless on the streets that could be me and my family that is person to me the fact issuing detransportation authority the plain language of the law for
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those are we in trump land saying a fact is not a fact and all the legislative says that it was read on the state may not maintain or expand residential rent control they can't limit united states from expanding rent control. how you get this is a republican this is like - this is a law that san francisco sends city government has figured out for time and time and time again, because no laws to protect poor people a law to protect my family when we grew up so we wouldn't be homeless and anything else is disgusting on my family that is gross i a
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can't believe we're having this discussion right now i find it, it is insulting. >> supervisor dorsey. >> it is pantly false it is opposition to rent control what it does so write 0 state law beyond the reach of the legislature and change the state laws may not have form of rent control is flips this script local government repreempts so they don't have the protection of state legislature to stop this and - >> (multiple voices.) >> that was in 1995 the state-
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>> (multiple voices). >> always reserved until the industry bought off the state government we can argue about that all day by really that board voted my name is to actually oppose this expansion of autonomous we go into that several weeks ago and here we're going to support in legislative for 20 years of dominance that is that 3r0u7b8d let's not debate if here today but continuing vote next week. >> sorry i encourage people political and twenty-four hour the headlines is responds for represent control and goes into the reasons for an opportunity to web news i support represent
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control and supervisor is not true. >> i think i think i'll trying wrap any head around 2 this would be used for republican will impact rent control in order to stop development. is that the concept here? >> all right. >> we've been that as a matter of policy we had a charter amendment we considered 6 years ago i concerned that and we'll not do that here today and supervisor stafani thank you, president peskin and first thank from my colleagues supervisor melgar for showing her class for opinions and actually be good
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people and believe in rent control and have issues with that. i'm literally seeing didn't want to put my name on the roster but refuse to error and demonized because i have a different solution to a problem to say i don't care i'm not going to sit here and take that. i refuse i've done that for 6 and a half years and not sit here saying i don't care about people like senator tony atkins and others two women in the california state legislature that raised issues about that and ask later on what you're saying president peskin. i'm not
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sitting here and have someone tell you me that i don't care about poor people and rent control because i'm asking questions. god so sick of that. and i think you're ideas president peskin let the city attorney tell us i for god sakes we raise issues people broderick street to us, we demonize others i'm tired of that people who watch us here are tired of that local levels and state and national level. i swear to god i've taken it and thank you, supervisor melgar we're thinking about that and walk out today, i i think we'll still be friends that's how to should be i agree with you and reading this
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differently based on the information that was provided to me and i'm and person that cares about people i'm tired of it. i want to continue that supervisor walton and vote on the motion. >> thank you president peskin i tried to sit here and not say anything i know but i do want to say for the record the castro to hawkins repeal is the first priority and has been the number one priority for years. for people who believe in rent control and we make statement like a policy will go beyond the legislature or we don't want the voters to vote? >> i don't get it who made this is the legislature god in
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the first place that's the reason we have ballot measures people make laws including us and make mistakes. and not having the ability to local any make decisions about rent control most certainly have played and major roll in increasing rents in san francisco and look i know we're in the middle of - and people are made people are getting money and i got it so act like we do do policies in this role let's be serious and everything about all 11 of us is based on politics and it is what it is we got put in the position and fight for the community we represent and we can - i don't want the false information out that trying to repeal castro
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hawkins is anything but marshall rent control it didn't continue to exist and certainly can play a role to increase the amount of rent control we currently have in any situation so thank you, president peskin. >> thank you and supervisor preston in the future for votes without reference items we're going to continue them or send them to committee president peskin last words and continue this. >> i appreciate this i'll say again, a body that has taken this position repeatedly and until the day not hear a single wood from a single colleague we check in with every office would you committee reference on something if this is a dispute
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and to that end had a nice conversation with one colleague couldn't support this so present to continue that but in any suggestion that just some of the exclaims have been made we can continue the item and i've had countless conversations with people who have a different view on rent control and a different view think castro hawkins i respect the suggestions that that some of acrimonious is about a different view and plenty of people that point limits on rent control. and i've, you know, known for years talked to for years. and had preview conversations i think
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what is important and i'm not here to say i don't care on this board i do think we have an obligation to be honest and don't think portraying a measure or talking about as if it didn't do i think that is don't do service to the public so hopefully we can express our views and have our openings on rent control and vote on it when it returns to the board. >> all right. a motion and second to continue the item. >> mr. president who is second. >> seconded with supervisor ronen and no objection this item is continued one week and madam clerk read memoriams. >> today will be 34 memory the following individuals on behalf
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of the supervisor walton williams motion by supervisor mandelman and supervisor preston and the board of supervisors mr. bernie. we are adjourned [meeting adjourned] >> come shop dine and play.
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taraval street is open for business. >> my name is mark recollect the owner of lou's cafe on taraval street. since 2010, my brother and tj and vince and mom [indiscernible] we used to sandwiches all the time. we said why not us. geary boulevard in 2010. i figured i might to start in another location and when i opened the location in 2015. we treat each customer as family and we make our food with love and make sure everyone is happy. i recommend everyone come out to the sunset. >> take time for teraival bingo, supporting small business, anyone can participate. it is easy, collect stickers on a bingo style game board and enter for a chance to win awesome prizes. for >> [music] you are watching
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excelsior. 312 acres mc clarin the second largest p in san francisco. there are 7 miles of tris including the there was fer's way this spreads over foresxeft field and prosecute voids hill side views of the city. and well is a meditative quiet place in mc clarin p you will siendz labyrinth made of rock:now we are at glen eagle golf course special try out disk golf >> now disk golf! so disk golf is like traditional golf but with noticing disks. credit as the sport's pioneer establishing the disk ballsorption and the first standardized target the disk ball hole. the game involves throwing from
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key areas toward i metal basket. players use different disks for long distances driver, immediateerate. mid range and precise shot, putters. players begin at the t area. throw disks toward the basket and prosecute seed down the fare way. player with the lowest number of throws the end wins the game. disk golf at glen eagle cost 14 dollars if you pay at the clubhouse. there is an 18 hole course this is free. du see that shot? i won! am i was not very good now i have a huge respect for disk ball player its is difficult but fun. thank you for joining me in the
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excelsior this is goldenate adventures. instagram.
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>> hello, everybody this is americans first and the oldest house we are known for handmade our family is the (inaudible) is unique and one of the few places you that is happening in the world and and few items we add on the menu food from the old school handmade from other places. this was fined by a german person that's why the chinese hang out. you see chinese around chinatown because in the first block of chinatown
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will say chinatown on that and th ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> the san francisco playground's hitsvery dates back to 1927 when the area where the present playground and center is today was purchased by the city for $27,000.
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in the 1950s, the sen consider was expanded by then mayor robinson and the old gym was built. thanks to the passage of the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond, the sunset playground has undergone extensive renovation to its four acres of fields, courts, play grounds, community rooms, and historic gymnasium. >> here we are. 60 years and $14 million later, and we have got this beautiful, brand-new rec center completely accessible to the entire neighborhood. >> the new rec center houses multi-purpose rooms for all kinds of activities including basketball, line dancing, playing ping-pong and arts can crafts. >> you can use it for whatever you want to do, you can do it here. >> on friday, november 16, the dedication and ribbon cutting took place at the sunset playground and recreation center, celebrating its
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renovation. it was raining, but the rain clearly did not dampen the spirits of the dignitaries, community members and children in attendance. [cheering and applauding] ♪♪ ♪♪ >> roughly five years, i was working as a high school teacher, and i decided to take my students on a surfing field trip. the light bulb went off in my head, and i realized i could do much more for my students taking them surfing than i could as their classroom teacher, and that is when the idea for the city surf project
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was born. >> working with kids in the ocean that aren't familiar with this space is really special because you're dealing with a lot of fear and apprehension but at the same time, a lot of excitement. >> when i first did it, i was, like, really scared, but then, i did it again, and i liked it. >> we'll get a group of kids who have just never been to the beach, are terrified of the idea, who don't like the beach. it's too cold out, and it's those kid that are impossible to get back out of the water at the end of the day. >> over the last few years, i think we've had at least 40 of our students participate in the
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city surf project. >> surfing helped me with, like, how to swim. >> we've start off with about two to four sessions in the pool before actually going out and surfing. >> swimming at the pool just helps us with, like, being, like, comfortable in the water and being calm and not being all -- not being anxious. >> so when we started the city surf project, one of the things we did was to say hey, this is the way to earn your p.e. credits. just getting kids to go try it was one of our initial challenges for the first year or two. but now that we've been doing it three or four years, we have a group of kids that's consistent, and the word has spread, that it's super fun, that you learn about the ocean. >> starting in the morning, you know, i get the vehicles ready, and then, i get all the gear
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together, and then, i drive and go get the kids, and we take them to a local beach. >> we usually go to linda mar, and then occasionally ocean beach. we once did a special trip. we were in capitola last year, and it was really fun. >> we get in a circle and group stretch, and we talk about specific safety for the day, and then, we go down to the water. >> once we go to the beach, i don't want to go home. i can't change my circumstances at home, but i can change the way i approach them. >> our program has definitely been a way for our students to find community and build friends. >> i don't really talk to friends, so i guess when i started doing city surf, i started to, like, get to know people more than i did before, and people that i didn't think
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i'd like, like, ended up being my best friends. >> it's a group sport the way we do it, and with, like, close camaraderie, but everybody's doing it for themselves. >> it's great, surfing around, finding new people and making new friendships with people throughout surfing. >> it can be highly developmental for students to have this time where they can learn a lot about themselves while negotiating the waves. >> i feel significantly, like, calmer. it definitely helps if i'm, like, feeling really stressed or, like, feeling really anxious about surfing, and i go surfing, and then, i just feel, like, i'm going to be okay. >> it gives them resiliency skills and helps them build self-confidence. and with that, they can use that in other parts of their
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lives. >> i went to bring my family to the beach and tell them what i did. >> i saw kids open up in the ocean, and i got to see them connect with other students, and i got to see them fail, you know, and get up and get back on the board and experience success, and really enjoy themselves and make a connection to nature at the same time. >> for some kids that are, like, resistant to, like, being in a mentorship program like this, it's they want to surf, and then later, they'll find out that they've, like, made this community connection. >> i think they provided level playing fields for kids to be themselves in an open environment. >> for kids to feel like i can go for it and take a chance that i might not have been willing to do on my own is really special. >> we go on 150 surf outings a
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year. that's year-round programming. we've seen a tremendous amount of youth face their fears through surfing, and that has translated to growth in other facets of their lives. >> i just think the biggest thing is, like, that they feel like that they have something that is really cool, that they're engaged in, and that we, like, care about them and how they're doing, like, in general. >> what i like best is they really care about me, like, i'm not alone, and i have a group of people that i can go to, and, also, surfing is fun. >> we're creating surfers, and we're changing the face of surfing. >> the feeling is definitely akin to being on a roller coaster. it's definitely faster than i think you expect it to be, but it's definitely fun. >> it leaves you feeling really, really positive about
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what that kid's going to go out and do. >> i think it's really magical almost. at least it was for me. >> it was really exciting when i caught my first wave. >> i felt like i was, like -- it was, like, magical, really. >> when they catch that first wave, and their first lights up, you know -- their face lights up, you know you have them hooked. >> i was on top of the world. it's amazing. i felt like i was on top of the world even though i was probably going two miles an hour. it was, like, the scariest thing i'd ever done, and i think it was when i got hooked on surfing after
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welcome to the special meeting of the san francisco health service board of tuesday, june 18th, 2024. if you would, please stand with me for the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag and america, and to the republic for which it stands . one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. if you could please call the roll. roll call. starting with vice president howe. present commissioner kremen is excused. supervisor dorsey, present. commissioner fiona wilson present. commissioner. howard present. commissioner greg sass