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tv   Entertainment Commission  SFGTV  June 24, 2024 12:00am-3:45am PDT

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>> are you when you are. >> recording in progress. >> thank you. hello and welcome to the tuesday june 18, 2024 hybrid in-person and virtual meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission. i'm the commission president and we will start with announcements. >> we like to start the meeting with a land acknowledge. we the sf is sf entertainment commission, acknowledge that we're on the unceded homeland of the ramaytush ohlone land,
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they have never seeded nor forgotten. as guest we benefit from working on their homeland. we wish to pay their respect and by affirming their soverne rights as first people. this meeting is being held in hybrid format with the meeting happening in-person, city hall, broadcast live on sf gov. tv and available to listen by calling 1669, 9006833, using meeting i-8 5837679368. we welcome the public's participation during public comment period. there will be an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting and on each discussion and
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action item on the agenda. each comment is limited for three minutes. for those attending remotely, the commission will listen to 20 minutes of public agenda. because of the 20-minute limit, there is a possibility that some may not have time for public comment. public comment will be taken in-person or video or call in. for each item the commission will take public comment first from people meeting remotely. for those attending in-person, please fill out a speaker card, come out to the paoedium and state your name and any affiliation and then your public comment. you'll have three minutes. if using zoom platform to
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speak, call in by phone, dial star-9 to be added to speaking line. when asked to speak, you unmute yourself by hitting star 6. turn down our television or radio. if you're also viewing your meeting on sf gov. tv make sure you mute it before your public comment. you may submit a written public comment through the chat function on zoom. please note the commissioners or staff are not allowed to respond to comments or questions. thanks for sharing this meeting with the public. >> thank you very much, will thes do a roll call. >> president bliemman. >> here. >> vice president wong. >> present. >> commissioner davis. >> here >> commissioner pog g*i o. >> here. and commissioners perez and tomas are on their way.
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>> excellent, the next agenda item is number 2 which is general public comment. and to remind everybody this is comments on items that are not listed on tonight's agenda. if you're on zoom, please note that i'm lowering autopsy hands, otherwise wait for the public item that comes up on the agenda. >> so we have one person on zoom with their hand raised, kevin ortiz. kevin if you can hear us, please unmute yourself and you have three minutes. >> great, good evening, i'm kevin ortiz i'm here on behalf of project sponsor jasmine, i know we're on the consent agenda but we requested to move the item.
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>> i'm sorry, kevin, this is somebody comment and we will have that that when jasmine comes up. sorry, we have to follow the process. sorry about that. >> approval of minutes, 2024, do we have a motion to approve the minutes. >> so moved. >> is there a second. >> second. >> there any public comment on the meeting minutes? no public comment. >> president >> aye. >> vice president. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye. >> and commissioner poggio. >> aye. >> the meeting minutes have been approved, the next agenda is report from executive director wyland. >> good evening, i do not have
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an executive report this evening but i'm here to take any questions if you have any. >> is there anything on the non report? we'll close public comment and we'll move ton to number 5. which is a report from director. >> we received 50311 complaints, i have one update below, please let me know if you have any questions. the third floor at 433 clay street who holds a poe with the office.
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a measurement showed that the band was playing above their allowable limit. inspect or young rice also noted that the outdoor speakers were slightly over their approved limit, together they brought the speakers into compliance. same thing with the indoor band was for a private event and did not ask the musicians to lower the volume. issued a notice of violation for sound limit and good neighbor policy, that's all.
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questions? >> it does look like we got a number of complaints, the third place, third floor is different than third space. it looks like there was not a lot going on when we visited, maybe they were mistaken where the sound was coming from? this is been confirmed by the police department so we're gain to go gain access to their management and talk to them about permits. >> got it. >> president, i can also add that city attorney has been involved because it does appear that they've been operating illegal, so the operating manager has been moved in as well. >> got it, and it appears that jackson appears here, on the
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same night or same weekend, they were in compliance, every time that you visited? >> so those complaints came in around the same time, many of which came in when inspect or young rice was at the business and sect fieg the sound issues essentially. they have started the habit of leaving a door hope. --open. we're work withing them to make sure that that door is always closed as it should be, they have also removed the ride of the speaker in the facade which we're currently trying to, talk more closely with the management of jackson on really permanently recollect fieg this issue.
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tifying this issue. >> i would recommend the item for jasmine, if you want to take a vote on that, then we can talk about the rest of the consent. >> there any public comment. let's dot motions first, is there a motion to continue
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jasmine? >> i'll move to continue jasmine to the next meeting? >> correct. >> and there a second. >> i second. >> i don't know who got that second by the way, maybe by a nose. i don't know. >> i'll give it to commissioner. >> okay,. so now let's open for public comment. i did hear one public comment on jasmine before we vote but anybody else who wants to comment. again for anybody listening or in the room, we are talking about continuing, jasmine. so feel free to limit your comments and we can save the other public comments for later, if you would like. we have kevin ortiz on zoom, raising their hand. kevin please unmute yourself, you have three minutes.
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>> speaker: great, thank you so much, good evening, san francisco i'm kevin ortiz i'm here on on behalf of the project sponsor jasmine, given that we did do our out reach on june third, we got a failing to near by surrounding areas. we're concerned with the level of opposition that came within the last 78 hours, we did move the hearing to july 16th. we're plan to go have a community meeting as well as meeting directly with the neighbors who demonstrate in good faith that the operator is willing to mitigate. so we really felt that it would be best to take our time and do this the right way and make shower that we're a dressing all neighbors concerns that's really important to the operator. we look forward to seeing you on july 16th, that way we have a lot of communities going for this. thank you so much for
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your time. >> thank you. >> more comment ons this? >> you have another comment from charity. >> please unmute yourself and you have three minutes. >> i'm a neighbor in the mission. i just really really oppose this application. but i don't think there is a time to talk about why, i agree with continuing on july 16th so we can all localized and really bring forward why the neighbors are very opposed to this. and one thing that i would like to say, there is a lot of complaints during the pandemic when there were djs and blasting music at all hours of the night.
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we were always told to go away, i don't know what jasmine is interested in doing compliance, and you know, getting very concerned about what the neighbors think about point. we have a lot of feelings about the fact that they completely ignored us at every level when we asked to lightly for them to turn down their music. any point i don't know if i'm suppose to say why or should i? >> it's not a question or answer, it's just a public comment, so you can say what you feel and well, you know, just because now yasmin or the owner is saying they care a lot about what the neighbors think.
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they just completely flipped us off, so it's very upsetting. and you know, please put this into the record like if they want to work with the community, they never showed us once that they want to. so now they're saying they want to, it's very confusing. okay, naz my comment, so for that reason alone, they were to unkind as a resident of the mission, they should not get a permit or application that this application should be permitted. that's my comment. >> thank you very much, charity.
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>> there is no other comment. >> president climb an. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye. >> commissioner oh commissioner perez is here, commissioner perez. >> aye. >> and commissioner poggio. >> okay, that item has been continued to now on to the regular consent agenda. they are basically doing the same thing that they did but also including indoor entertainment, they have set an internal sound limit so the staff recommendation is to approve the calendar with staff
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conditions. >> is there a motion to approve the consent agenda? >> is there any public comment on myrrhio's? >> there is none. >> all right, we'll close public comment and is there a motion to approve. >> motion. >> is there a second. >> seconded. >> okay, we can vote. >> president. >> aye. ?fm vice president. >> aye. >> commission davis. >> aye. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> commissioner poggio. >> aye. >> congratulations. and moving along. okay. the first item on our regular agenda is for noise pop to host outdoor entertainment with
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extended duration from june 22, 2024 so september 15, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. each sunday. and response sorz live music performances outside of retail shops and eateries and more. due to other neighborhood this staff has been collaborating with guidelines that will be shared with the applicant to understand how to better control sound. we'll also be permitting other holders during their time frame, so they can work together to provide entertainment while not overwhelming the enabled.
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the applicant did neighborhood out reach. we assumed that they had no issues with the permit. so we will find in the pact permit application, the current list of businesses signed up for the series, their neighborhood out reach materials and a copy of their complaints from last year. staff is recommending approval with the conditions listed in the memo and we also note that if there are any changes during the period of this series, the executive director can administrative approve changes to the termity. --permit. request must come seven days and here to speak to you is charlie program manager of noise pop industry. >> as statemented i'm i'll be
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responsible for saturday business sxz then we have another program manager for sunday. she shared the details with you. so this is designed to help businesses and brief live back into san francisco in a post could vid world. and again, we want to work with you on this since it's a relatively new program and just make it the best possible version that we can as we continue tot it off the ground. in order for things to run mootingly we're planning on neighborhood leads, they're going to be onsite to monitor sound level, just be available to the public for anyone inquiring about the program as well as in direct communication with the businesses and artist.
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and finally this is to showcase how special san francisco is. and yeah, thank you. >> questions? >> hello thanks for coming in. can you tell us about the entertainment and the type of sound system? >> so it's going to take place in park let as well as on sidewalk. so for the sidewalk performances those will be no equipment or hand towel appointment, stomach. and as for genres and types of music, it's going to be all sorts. we have a variety of applicants that were in the process of approving and where, we're working hard to curate the music for the neighborhood and
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we're also in communication with all the businesses and taking into account their request as well, of who they want to host. so it's kind of an going process as well. just to see how it goes and who fits with who, et cetera. and these are on going for several months? >> yes, through june 22 through september 15th. >> and if neighbors have any concerns or sound issue, who do they contact for neighborhood? >> so if they're onsite for performance days, they can speak to the neighborhood lead, so they'll be easy to point out and if there is any other concerns or questions along the way, i'm also making myself available as well as the other
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program manager. so yeah, we'll be ready to go. >> is there a phone number? >> yeah, i attach my information and email to all the out reach letters as well as the program manager, but if there is another place to go. and on the website as well. >> thank you. >> yeah, of course. >> okay, i have no questions you can have a seat. is there a summer music event. okay, we'll close public comment. do we have a motion. >> i move to approve the staff recommendations. >> i'll second. >> president climbman. >> aye. >> aye. >> vice president. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> and commissioner poggio.
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>> aye. >> congratulations you're approved, mraoes mra*es follow-up with our staff for your next systems. moving along. >> okay, the second item on the regular agenda is for illuminate the arts welcome 2024 pride and amplified outside of normal times on friday and saturday, june 28th and 29, 2024 from six to midnight, so 6:00 p.m. to midnight. this will be the third time that they have canon for pride weekend but the first time provided with the lights. the applicant is working with us for the proper permits notifying as well as the hyatt. we have not received any
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opposition, and central station did not provide any recommendations so we assume they have no issues with the permit. we will approve permit once we receive the port permit and staff is recommending approval with the conditions listed with the memo. here to speak with you, is visionary officer for illuminate the arts. >> thank you, with can he put the screen up. hi everybody, i had the pleasure to present to this in san francisco but this is the first time to speak with you. >> you can speak in the microphone. for the public record. >> speaker: i got you. it's my pleasure to for the first time to entertainment to the entertainment commission here in san francisco, i have presented about the pursuits of
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luminate. and it's great, often pushing the boundaries and some of our projects because it's the time time i'm getting a chance to meet you all. i'm going to take you through the organizations. we came together during the creations of the bay light. i want you to let you know that that project will be back. we're very excited to bring that into play. a piece of neon in the castro quote harvey milk. the loom nation of flowers for the summer of night still shines until midnight.
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actually the whole activation including a lot of free music that is happening, beautiful transformation of san francisco. the revival of golden gate with the voice lift every voice where lum natured is hosted i think going to be 500 free live concerts. again wonderful to see this. tomorrow is juneteenth, while the figures are gone, the actual artist is going to be bringing 150 bodies so we have a big juneteenth happening tomorrow including live music and night at the band shell. these are the, the laser space
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canyon that's we're going to be shooting beaming over the party or the congratulation that we're ask you approval for. this is the 12 laysr space con i don't know--canyon that we had for apec, sometimes it all starts here in san francisco, we're the first to do this. for some reason, and our little organization has met and gotten creatively sort of activated with tim anderson of new salt international. examine wooer bend iting to new art. this is just example from looking at twin peaks and with the rain falling, it's pretty extraordinary. that we get to explore the beauty. and this is where we were start to go play with things like
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bubbles or the buy that was cleaning the streets cleansed our beams for us. so we really looked forward to exploring the power of this technology in our city safely. we really also refining the beauty, pushing the technology and code to get more beautiful affects. i think what we have coming up for what we have a summer of ahhh, this is almost voodoo like technology, that little maount is about as a big as milk crate but the beams were seen three miles out of the pacific force ten miles from their origin. they just keep going until they hit something. they're beautiful in the sky. san francisco become to the world over pride weekend what new york is what the ball drop is on new year's eve in new york city.
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so this is the first time we're doing the lasers, wao* we're in mon or of we're going to be unleashing, 20 space an i don't know, beaming up market street, starting with friday night and moving to friday and saturday night. we did this, during apec when it was dark and didn't get dark until 7:00 o'clock. there was not a single point, it's not incoherent, emergency concerns, don't really apply to this light technology. and i invite you to take a close look at when it's up and understand what i'm talking about.
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what we're going to do is put the beams, they had a slight different angle, so they point perfectly out the market street and go over hairy bridges plaza. this year we're working on the port, we're very excited and that opens up the space down below for a bit of celebration. so we're going to have a stage going in there. it's 9:30 at night when we get started, it does not get started until quite late. it is *t it a pretty gentle and sf times, they have a huge community to do a gentle celebration. we had named carl the fog for
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all of our projects. carl the informing is literally on board we'll be tweeting to his half a million followers. we're going to do another pending a little bit of approval, we're going to do another pop up installation, where we're going to take the lasers and just let them terminate on the edge of the hyatt regency hotel. we get a few more beautiful shots. and this is very exciting, all the big ones in place. this piece which we'll follow-up on the third.
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they're crossing over creating this upward array of fog where we'll create this spectrum of light. we would push gentle colors and forms of intensity. the photos from the right are tower from last year. that was 8 beams that was visible and el diablo, again, not a single complaint. so we're excited about the unprecedented idea of bringing 20 of these beams into the space above, the ferry building. we think we're going to be delivering a gift to all the bay area and we're very excited. and i've got to speed up, but at the cathedral, we did this
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last year. and this year, you can tell we have 12 beams. we're going to bring 25 in the rose window, filling the panels and then center. and inside we're going to have three hours of gentle, gentle programming and performance, single performer, emergency harp and cello players. we'll leave the doors open to experience this and the performance between 9:00 p.m. with that, i thank you for your time and especially for letting me take a little extra time.
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and happy to answer any questions. >> you said there will be pride included for the pride events. thank you talk about that. >> i think we have a local really cool upcoming band called cardboard people that will be performing. stephen has another band lgbtq band coming in. we have juan at nita morph as our dj. the dikes only bikes will be bringing the torch down from twin peaks, we've invited every one from the govern who may want to come. so we'll see what kind of turn out. but last year, we had pelosi and wiener and mayor breed, people like to show up to this event. and i think we'll have a beautiful night. that will start around 8:00
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o'clock, and we'll bring the nights on around 6:00 o'clock. almost the longest day of the year. >> and what, type of we're not going to have any speakers after that, nothing that is trying to catch your attention. receipt me say also, we've notified the folks. as a courtesy and also because we have a relationship. a new relationship and it's great, you know the agreement we have, if there is a noise complaint, he can call us unlike some places, we're going to respond, we wunt to cherish that relationship. we're hoping that we can get a little bit permission to make a little noise on in that area
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but let's take it one step at a time. >> thank you. >> thank you and congratulations, thank you for doing the work that you do to make san francisco such an exciting place to be in. i know you have a relationship with hyatt, what about the other hotels and also condos around that place. did you get a chance to do some community out reach? >> you know, we've small organization doing a lot of things. we reached out to the main either property owners or leaseholders in the area. so we met directly with the xp and reports. and and then it's a little hard to see where the drop the footprint. we talked to the folks at least
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the property owners there. we're coming on there a late at night. there is not a lot of close to the space. >> there is the villa hotel, that's down embarcadero, that direction. >> that's our hope. >> and just in case, neighbors if they have concern about the sound, how do they contact you or the staff. >> they can send me an email, will you be checking your email. >> speaker: i'm just trying to see if i want to give out my cell phone.
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website is, let me think of a little strategy to make sure people can do. >> can somebody monitor the cell phone in realtime. >> we do that, we're doing 500 concerts, we understand decibel levels, we'll agree and adhere to whatever the standards are. so you know, we want to be good neighbors even when we push the edges in a place like san francisco. >> thank you, mr. davis. >> thank you. >> public comment closed are there motions. >> i make a motion.
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>> second. >> president. >> aye. >> vice president. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye. >> perez. >> aye. >> and commissioner poggio. >> all right, it's been approved and we can move on to the next item. we'll be moving on to our regular agenda, we've been on the regular agenda. brick-and-mortar, the next is for the park let of cause well, located at 236 chestnut, applying for the permit so they can host for their outdoor diners. they're seeking the ability to have the permit monday through wednesday, 11 am to 9 p.m. and sunday, 10:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. they sent a letter to all their
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commercial neighbors and there was no opposition for their permit. at the time of writing this memo, i will note na as a hour and a half ago, i did receive a letter of opposition from a neighbor, requesting that this permit be continued but i would like to note for the record that this permit was already continued to the neighbor can do the further out reach, sorry, so the applicant can do further neighborhood out reach. thank you tore hearing about our permit, we're going to be placing, we have dpw newly instructed and fully recovered on three sites and on the top, i'm going to be placing two
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speakers in the back corners of each. the intention is to simply provide enough amplified sound to enhance any experience. any louder than that would get to our store front would be too loud for the guests inside because of the walls and the plexiglass would amplified. so we continue to give a great experience to our guests. >> hello, what type of enter --entertainers are you planning. >> we do our own customized playlist so we're good with licensing. it's a eclectic set of music, we're very family oriented restaurants, we get a lot of families and kids and the speakers themselves are about
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12 inch by 8 inch so no speakers and only hard wired in and play at a very low level. >> this is just for s-pass so there is no entertainment request in the application. >> thank you, more questions? >> any public comment? >> no public comment. >> we'll close public comment. >> i move to approve staff recommendation. >> second. >> okay, president. >> aye. >> vice president. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> and commission poggio. >> aye.
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okay, moving along. the next permit for 7 oesh located at 65 post street. this business concept is operating at 177, 7th street but due to inkliment street conditions, the owner is moving things over and changing the business name. it will include kareoke for the ehp, they're speaking the ability to have entertainment from 2:00 am to 6:00 p.m. saturday through sunday morning and the 11 holidays. the business has not opened yet at this location but senior inspectors will set a sound limit once it's installed.
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and owner is on zoom right now. >> i will bring in recanes right now. >> mr. president, commissioners, on the phone, he's the owner, this is a type 9d also post street. eddie street which is now doing business and one of the most successful businesses but frankly we have tenderloin fatigue.
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so the lease is over, which is a classical building that is the mechanic library. we've done extensive out reach that is in our packet. there is one residential building, that is the ritz carlson residents, which are actually all the way to market and back up and go down halfway down the block. thick walls and we met with the g.m. of the ritz-carlton and hoa owner, that was a productive meeting. we talked to a lot of neighbors and across the street is a interesting situation.
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1 to 99, it's the crocker bank and crocker galleria and i was pretty shocked until that place was empty. hopefully we can have the neighborhood go. rick has been an operating for decades sew knows what he's doing. if you have any questions from rick or i, we're here. >> thank you for coming in today. when the violence, as people wait outside the line, you guys discuss the way you a tem tonight mitigate any potential
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outside of the club? >> sure, rick, would you speak to that? so outside out of 65 post on you know, several nights of the week there rally won't be that much people. so we'll have security always and i'll have the guard outside. when i have entertainment, i'll have two people outside at all times. >> okay and how about surveillance, with you planning to put surveillance cameras outside. >> i have them out, and eddie, i can put them out there and
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i'll have to ask if that's okay with them and if it is okay, i would like that. thank you no other questions. >> anymore questions for the applicants. >> we'll open up for public comment. >> no? no public comment on this item. >> close public comment. do we have any motions? >> motion to approve with staff recommendation. >> seconded. >> president blighman. >> aye. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> aye. >> all right congratulations that has been approved.
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and fall up for next steps we can move on. >> the next permit is for place for nt at the same time for judge a bar that hold an llp with our office but thanks to resent legislation, it has in the pole being street neighborhood zoning district. businesses are now able to apply without the planning department. judge is the first to apply under a new permit. the bar will continue to host with adhere to the sound limit. for out reach, the owner notice thed all of their neighbors and there was no opposition for the permit. sfpd had no added conditions and here to talk to you is the owner, aaron paul.
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>> hello we've been operating with llp, it's been a lot of fun and thanks to the legislation, we're super excited to expand our hours and have more and more dj events and have more and more fun. ins a little presentation about our bar, this is exterior and pink and pride flag, we are a lgbtq owned business. and have been operating as a safe space for our community. we have some djs, some dj equipment, lots of disco balls and neon lights.
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we serve cocktails, and this is people dancing. [laughter] and that's the bar and that's all i've got. >> thank you talk about the community out reach. i sent out a letter, since we've been in operation, i've been up and down the street. cosmo box, we have a nice fitness studio. sorry i spend all of my time speaking to people and i'm terrified of public speaking. >> you're fine. >> we've had just awesome,ous
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um, response from the neighborhood. we have another bar across the bar across the street. we have a good relationship and we're lucky. >> so you're plan to go play dj and not live performances. >> we may, our programming is house and disco and i am, trying my best to book as many queer djs as possible, right now we're 50/50. i would like to bring 4 and 3 piece jazz bands to add on to the dj program. and we are hosting drag queens. as much as we can get them in. >> and in case, the neighbors have issues with sound levels, how can you contact you.
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>> the person upstairs is the only that we have issues with. and we're always to turn the music down when it has been too loued. on some occasions it has been too loud for the neighbors at which cases i have turned down. >> all right, i don't have any questions, you can have a seat and we'll open up for public comment. >> no public comment on this item. >> all right, we'll close public comment. >> do we have a motion. >> motion with staff recommendation. >> second.
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and just to note, president bliemman. ?fm aye. >> vice president. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye. >> pritioner perez. >> aye. >> and commissioner poggio. >> aye. >> and commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> and now i believe we're on to, correct me if i'm wrong, g? >> h?
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>> permit for 1217 lounge. is the new establishment that holds a type 47 liquor license. most recently before 17 lounge it was the rusted mule where they had activity before the pandemic. the owner is look to go host indoor nt at the same time, until 2:00 am daily. as you may recognize, the commission allowed more time for out reach and easy staff to conduct sound testing while music was playing. i want to outline what has occured. the president of the mosque
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which is located adjacent to the business voices the enlt at the same time applications in response, i host aid community virtual meeting in and attendance were folks of the mosque, owners of the business, cbd president and hola from enter face council. folks from the mosque voice their fears from the safe tee in the area explaining that many children spend time at the mosque. which is being charged as a hate crime. the representatives from the mosque are apprehensive serving alcohol and hosting entertainment as they don't want the business operation to see interfere or disturb their prayers or other community orients services they provide. there was no agreement reached during the meeting but following the discussion, i received an he letter. the steps included having security guards out of 17
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lounge on friday and saturday night and for improved sound mitigation, they relocated a speaker to the back of the business away from the mosque and added a a kaous tick phone and all windows. after the hearing continued director wyland and i spoke to the business ownership team and requested that they do out reach and ensure all neighbors received a out reach letter. in your file you will see the revised letter that was sent to mailing service, between pole being and van nuys. as of today, i heard from two neighbors, saying they did not receive a copy of the new out reach letter however they did receive receipt that indicated they mailed 230 copies to the buildings on sutter street.
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additionally, we coordinated a soared test. this occured on tuesday june 11, and in attendance with senior inspectors were representative from sfpd northern station, 1217 lounge and inter faith council and the mosque. from all the findings but in summary, they took a ten-minute sound measurement to determine the base line during prayer hours. next, he retested the sound limit to ensure compliance. and finally, he went back to the mosque while the music was playing at the approved sound limit and took another ten-minute reading to see how the music affected the mosque. during this portion of the test, both officer and members of the mosque went inside the lounge to ensure that they did not turn the volume down. without mousse you can, the mosque sound level was 58.29d
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b.c. and with music and 60d b.c., the reason the first waited was slightly higher because due to folks finishing prayer examine quietly talking during the test. they acknowledge this he could hear music inside of the mosque and overall, the relates of the sound test show about 1 increase inside the mosque when music is playing at the approved sound limit. in your file tonight, you will find two letters and jahasi outlining for the permit applications be denied and chief supporting the denial of these permit application sxz sfpd recommendation of approving the poe and denying the ehp permit. which is highlighted in section
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s5, s7 of the article, as well as article 10.7 to.5. initially based on my own research of the mosque, prayer hours i found online. the staff recommendation was going to be to allow entertainment daily from 10:30 to 10:00 am monday through saturday and sunday for ehp permit. however it states the mosque opens and closes after 111:30 p.m. prayer. as such there is no staff recommendation listed below to entertainment hours and we're asking that the commission make the decision based on the information provoided to you tonight. as reminder if they approve permit, you'll need to spes fight days and times of allowable entertainment.
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here to speak with you tonight is the owner carlo. >> hello good evening. i'm the owner of 1217 lounge and we are applying for our continual use permit, we're able to operate from 10:30 to 2:00 o'clock. i know that neighbors and also the mosque is concerned the way we're going to operate. we control the crowd, we have des code.
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we added soundproof home along the windows and after we close, we make sure that within a 100 feet everything is clear. around 1:30, we bring the music down and at 1:45 everybody is out. we made sure the streets are all clear. and if you have any other questions, i'm here to answer. whoil we're thinking of questions, do you have live dj. >> no live music. >> can you tell us about what the program is. >> we used to have 6, reremoved one and also we had a mixer in the office that controls the
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dj, so the dj cannot go louder than what it's suppose to be. >> so, thank you for explaining the efforts you've made so far. i know there is a lot of concerned people from the mosque and community. i want to hear about your conversation wz them and you've been able to work together as neighbors to address some of the concerns. >> i'm very respectful and family with the culture and religious. and we have not had a problem until we opened up. we have been in construction, they even gaves. the problem is not the sound the problem is the fact that we're serving alcohol. have you had any conversations?
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>> i was willing to be helpful but the fact that they mention for to us open up the business, we have to have their permission, i backed off. can you talk a little bit you said you have guard inside, where did the line wrap. so if there is a-line, it will not disrupt. so we usually have about ten to twenty people in line on a busy day and from 5 to 7 guard, with other lounges they only have half, we have 3 inside and 5 outside. and the line is going towards polk nl the towards the mosque. >> so did you say you only have
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dj music? >> yeah, like top 40s. >> is this like event space? >> can you show your experience of how you operate your business and your relationship with the neighbors in the past. >> actually all the neighbors loved that we came back to the city and took over that location that has been closed for five years. some of them are customers, they have not complained, the door is always shut. and we have the soundproof blinds. >> and you mentioned, you're going to have 46 guards. >> 4 do 6. >> oh i thought 46, that's a lot. okay. so there will be there in the
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neighborhood to help keep the peace? >> absolutely. >> at 1:30 we lower the music, 11:45, everybody is out and we make sure everybody gogh home safely and if there is a clean up that does not belong to us, we make sure we clean up as well. >> okay and is there a number that you can call that you can somebody is monitoring in realtime so if there is an issue. >> so the on the night of entertainment, i'm always there, and call the number that i'm going to provide and also website, so if there is a problem they can call us directly. >> thank you. >> of course. >> i have a couple of questions, are you going to put cameras in front of your business? >> i have three cameras. >> to the outside. >> yes, and i'm going to add two mirrors. >> can you describe briefly where the directions? are they going to be up towards pole being? towards.
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>> speaker: it's actually 5 different directions so it's 180 angle, so mosque, the straight, the door whoever is coming in. you say you have securities. the sidewalk is a little bit bigger than usual. they're about to five four feet. we try to take about two feet of the sidewalk. so five feet is planning, space for everybody who move around. and that's all towards pole being. >> okay, thank you. >> and then,
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>> you stated that you'll be working everyday. >> i'm always there. >> yeah, but people get sick, there is conflicts. >> we do have two managers there as well and they're going to have direct phone number if there is a complaint. >> so if anybody from the police department or entertainment commission, that person will be equipped to address any concerns that are emerging from the business? >> ye, they'll be responsible so they can call the number whatever we provide. >> can you tell me about your food service. ?o. we have bar food, we have limited menu. and we start from, 5:00 o'clock which is thursday, friday, saturday sunday, and then, 11:00 o'clock the food menu becomes much smaller. >> thank you.
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>> more questions, so before you sit down. we're going to have you sit down in a moment and then we're going to open up to public comment and we may call you back up. i would recommend, it does seem like you know, that the relationship you have has not goent off to a right foot. what you feel were justified reasons for you. right? i would just encourage as we go forward here, that you kind of rethink that attitude a little bit. and realize and i've owned a
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number of permits in san francisco and so have some folks here, it's not up for the neighbors to act professional. i still was the one that had to be the one to act and try to find common ground and to, and to listen and do all the things. even while those people were saying things that may have made me upset, that i'm under the attack, that i put all of this money into business and now somebody else is threatening my investment and my family's even with all of those things happening. it's up to the business owner,
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ever where and especially in san francisco so come port themselves in a way of professionalism, and i'm not saying that you have not been professional but when things get angry examine when they get defensive and start to go into that space, communication just does not happen. and it's up to the business owner to let down their defenses and to be the one to make the efforts, that's the way it works, because you're the one that has the permit. i'm going to have you take a seat for a moment. we're going to open up for public comment. i'm sure there is a lot of people who want to comment here. we may have you come back to address smft ushz but i would reconsider that and really try to find ways of addressing things in the best way that you can. >> got it. >> going forward. >> okay, so you have a seat and then we can unless there is any further questions, none. no please have a seat.
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we do have an announcement about public comment. which made me promise to let her do. >> it's been a while since i said the rules about the public comment. we'll do public comment in zoom and then in the room. each person will have three minutes for public comment. and also, just for the participants on zoom, we can take up to 20 minutes of public comment. once the public comment has been reached, we'll have to close zoom and go into the room. i don't anticipate that, but just to let everybody know.
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>> okay, jonathan butter, please unmute yourself and you have three minutes. >> can you hear me? >> yes, we can. >> thank you. to president blienman and entertainment commissioners, i'm dr. johnson butler and i serve as the vice chair of the san francisco inner faith council. as well as vice president san francisco branch and i'm here because i'm deeply committed to promoting religious freedom and combating. and i'm here to advocate on the behalf of my muslim family to let you know that the right to worship freely and peacefully is a fundamental right that
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must be protected and respected, rise as you may all know of hate crime and targeting religious institutions, it's an urgent need my friends to ensure the safety and security of worshipers. it's been common upon commissioners, community leaders, law enforcement agencies and policy and create an environment where all individuals can practice their faith without fear or intimidation or harm. soy urge you all regardless of your belief to join me in the effort to defend the rights to worship freely and without fear. iron out the wrinkles that i
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have heard from this gentleman and to take our time and recognize the need for us to stand together in solidarity and advocate for the protection of places of worship including all mosques. thank you. >> thank you, jonathan. next up is mr. jay, unmute yourself and you have three minutes. >> i'm a jeremiah i'm a first grade public school teacher, one of the neighbors not far from this establishment and the mosque, i'm also representing the muslim community center. and i come here to speak and ask that the commission to deny this permit. i think it's very telling in the comments from the owner,
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huz permit sells alcohol in place, complaints are in the music and not that, he has not listened to this community. our sank ooh tare' is about the people, as the previously state thed. those sounds of sounds of striments and things like that from the sound testing, those sounds can be heard in the mosque. so the whole point is for it not to disturb, basically, it's
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meant to not, not disturb the community that is there and stop peaceful enjoyment of the neighboring property. we are the neighboring property. we are right next door. and it's meant so that this type of, music and disruption, is not suppose to be, it's suppose to be deny permit based on that. that establishment with the music and the bands they intend to bring and crowds they are going to attract, means we're not going to i enjoy our mosque and if it will not be a sanctuary. having the club next to the mosque is not, is not required. this is why this permit process, was put in place in these things listed, the welfare peace and enjoyment of
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the property is mentioned specifically in the permit process as a reason to deny. 9 establishment is there and we give people the right to practice but we do not give them the right to disturb our peace and worship and neither should the commission. this would be significant disruption and you should know that. i ask you to deny this permit. >> that's your time, thank you for your comment. >> thank you. next up on zoom is kevin ortiz,
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unmute yourself. >> speaker: thank you, commissioners i'm kevin ortiz i'm latinx democratic club, we submitted a support lounge and i've been a patron of the lounge and i have to say that they have something special going on at the lounge. they're one of the best operators that i've seen in a long long time. the amount that they make sure that the streets are cleared. as we separate pride month, bars is also a place for to operate. i think that they can find common ground so they can be able to have create communities and congregate.
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given what i've seen, going from the soft openings to the program that they from afro beats to regeton, the richness and diversity of the events that they bring is something special and in a time when san francisco needs recovery for night life. i hope that you can come up with some graoementz to coexist. especially to lose one of the spaces over the other, would be unacceptable. thank you for your time and i really hope that there could be common ground found on this.
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>> thank you, kefb. --kevin. next up is nash mashra, please excuse my pronouncation. >> speaker: hello, can you hear me? >> yes, thank you, go ahead. >> speaker: that is nice pronouncation, you did it right. >> oh thank you. hello, i am here to express my concerns regarding the proposal of a permit for this nightclub next to the mosque at 1227. while i recognize the importance of economic development and entertainment venues in our city, i believe this is problematic for several years, mosque must serve as place of worship hosting a
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quiet and reflective environment. the proximity of nightclub can impede on the worshipers ability to practice their faith. second, the potential for increased drastic and late night disturbance can impact the neighborhood which is likely to include neighborhood. and racine environment that respects the needs and traditions of all resident. therefore i urge the commission to consider and all the --alternative location. and the community well being. by doing so, our needs will be
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met. i'm against this place getting a permit for the above mentioned reasons. and i thank you for allowing me to express my thoughts on this issue. thank you. >> thank you, very much. >> you're welcome. >> >> so #sing person is named 1217 lounge, is this a coowner from the lounge? should we, we can let this person? in. >> if they're an applicant, i don't think they speak during public comment? if they're an owner if they're an employee, then yes, but if they're on owner of the space, they're part of the applicant. >> it's the manager. >> okay.
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>> okay, person enabled, please state your name and you have three minutes. >> gay miller, bar manager, i appreciate the commissioners for taking the time. i want to express a couple of statements, what has carlo done to out reach, with the mosque. she shut down the entire operation which left me without a job during the ramadan. we also closed last week for hours. four of the five prayers and even in the evening, we have pushed the entertainment that we have had later so we can accommodate and be respectful. that is some things that were left out and we'll continue to do out reach and mediate so we
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can both be respectful. i think in operation, we have hired six guards two of which are muslim who are outside and respectfully addressing any wishes. even this is, what the place open it does provide safety and security, because there are guards that control things that are in control. thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> >> thank you. >> next up on zoom, maba,
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kimberly. please unmute yourself and you have three minutes. >> i want to speak as a female that attend the place in question. there is as a women in the area, there is definitely an increase sense of a desire to have a clean and safeway to attend services and as you rightfully mentioned in the opening comment, the prayers range from as early as 7:00 o'clock in the morning to as late as 11:00 at night and additional prayers between 1 and 2 in the morning and at times even events that happen all night long.
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so to have, sound coming in from next door music, would alter one's ability to participate in the space in that community is intended to provide. i really appreciate the steps taken by the oern of the establishment and if there is additional music, it seems like additional steps should be taken. i appreciate what the owner of the establishment has done so far to try to accommodate and i would hope that additional steps could be taken so that it could feel like there is, if you're in the space of the mosque, that there is not
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awareness. furthermore i'm concerned about the true level of responseness that could happen. so for example, if worshipers are in congregation, that there is a realtime responsiveness available as opposed of having a website or something like that. so i would be concerned until those things are really worked out. the consideration of not to approve the permit. >> thank you for your comment. >> the next one is something calling in by a phone, last two digits, 44, please unmute
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yourself and you have three minutes and state your name. >> speaker: hi, can you hear me? >> yes. >> hi every one, i'm rena, i live close by to the nightclub location and the mosque and have been a neighbor for about 8 years now. i strong lea pose this application, the mosque is a critical space and sanctuary for me and my community members, a lot of work to provoid us with the religious service that's are so hard and so few to access in the city. and enhance our lifes, i enjoy entertainment available to us. but having this which again a sacred space and has already been in service for years is concerning.
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the nightclub has a number of complaints and from noise distractions and alcohol consumption and park ing issues and general safety concerns and there is a whole religious month of ramadan where players occur. these are just a few factors that are pardon meful to our community and impact our access to the significant services. you just heard about the efforts going into acoustic, i don't think that it is enough. as the number and behavior of patrons and people around the area for the nightclub will always be managed or
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anticipated. and somebody that lives in the area and enjoys the night life, i know that there is a lot of stuff that happens that cannot not managed. i'm turned off about carlo's about not continuing about getting a comment he did not like. disregarding that concern does not sound respectful and does not go well with the fellowship that would be critical for conflict and collaborative solution building. is it%backer so foes reasons, i ask that you oppose this application.
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>> tuz for your comment. >> we're getting close to the 20-minute mark. and we have time for two more comments. and luckily there are two hands raised. sarah, please unmute yourself and you have three minutes. >> hello i'm sarah and also a women who is speaking on behalf of the and clearly speaking from opposition of uneasiness. if you're hearing this many worshiping speaking out against this, there is clearly. how about the protection for our first amendment, the freedom of our religious where our fellow worshipers are struggling to fail protection to attend their place of
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worship. and fact that the owner himself is not open to how this may affect the lifes of others and refused to communicate, is extremely disrespectful and it shows just at hand how there is a few rules, that go muslim that go to prayer at 3:00 p.m. there is application for live band. there is refusal to think that this can cause and there is people screaming on the lounge. where people are extremely loud. a a muslim, i can state that i
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have heard the ground shake and i heard the sound as i worshipped to my god. and i should not feel uncomfortable to bring my children around their own place of worship. so i recommend that if you believe in the right of religious, to reject this. >> thank you for your comment. last zoom comment, is from tamana hatef, i hope i'm saying your name correctly, you have three minutes and please unmute yourself. >> speaker: hello can you hear me? >> yes, we can. >> speaker: hi uft junted to say i live at the apartments next door to 1217 and i got to wit the security run down
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homeless trying to get into cars. so the security has helped the streets around the area and there should not be a crime raising, because they're going to make sure that everything is clear. i've spoken to the manager and employment, and management. it's just a way to approaching and if they come into the establishment, they will see that it's a well run business and we're very happy to be patrons there and that's all i have to say. >> thank you for your comment. >> >> all right and that is the ebbed of the zoom public comment. >> all right, let's open up to public comment to members of the public in the room. so there is a member of somebody from the board of supervisors representation here so we'll get her go first. >> i'm going to adjust that.
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good evening commissioners and thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you tonight. and thed merchant that are here to weigh in. i'm the chief of staff for the board president and also who represents this district. and also have a long relationship doing a lot of organizing work with the merchants and because president peskin to be here, i hope you would indulge me reading a letter from him. dear commission, i'm writing to request that you don't grant permit for next level in the lower pole being community. i have heard from countless residents and neighbors from a diversity of communities about
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profound impacts to the neighborhood if the city grants this request. i have fielded noise and safety concerns from many members and many communities as well as their neighborhood supporters including redding elementary school, families, lower pole being merchants and members of the majid al at thatwid mosque. located next door. magin alt is in particular is not only a critical hub but also a face epi center and afrng two airy for safe oasis.
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documented street violence hate crime where i stood with the district attorney and with representative at sfpd and members of the inner council recently right out front. it was very traumatic for the community and they're struggling with limited resources as i'm sure you have all the time. a resent hate crime and property vandalism. the incentivization next to a place of worship only access sasser bait. and i'm continue to go lead downtown recovery efforts in partnership with the mayor which include a vibrant night life. but this established and sacred site should not not be ground 0 for a 2:00 am nightclub. and stand up for their reasonable requests, thank you
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for your consideration, aaron peskin, thank you for listening to folks i know that was previously scheduled thank you for proper translation. a accommodations, thank you. >> okay we're going have public comment. so if you could line up on that side of the room, i think there will be more space and it will not be blokt exit and entrance. make sure you filling out a speaker card you can line up to this side of the room not the door side. thank you.
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>> speaker: i'm hani attorney i'm here on behalf of the mosque. and i want to identify some legal potential legal issues with permitting this application. already touched on sf code section 1060.5 for some potential reasons for denying the permit. just want to quickly touch upon it. that section states that if a mission within 300 feet of a place of worship during business hours is one reason to deny the permit. another, code that we should be aware of is california penal code 302, which makes it illegal for anyone to intentionally examine willfully disturb or dis quiet a religious surface, so that may
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be an issue that the district attorney may have to deal with. in addition to some of the penal code issues that we have to consider, safety is also an issue. i think the members are going to touch on that that this was a hate crime and community has concerns of hate crimes when you have intoxicated members of the community who may not be able to control their behavior interacting with members that are trying to worship in peace. and the final thing which i can touch upon personally, is, this restaurant, this nightclub may have significant legal issues with respect to california's nuisance laws. it is right next to a mosque but also next to a lot of condos and apartment complexes and if you have a lot of people
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out at night. i personally not born but raised in san francisco k through 12 and law school here too, so i've been out in the community. i know when you're out in 2:00 o'clock in the morning, and intoxicated it's a little more loud and rowdy. nobody is saying that it should not shut down but they should not play music after-hours. thank you for your time.
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>> speaker: hello i'm one of the eye man that lead the daily players, i wanted to quickly also reiterate the fundamental difference in the nature and purpose of the two establishments, you know the message as it has been iterated over and over. it's a place where we can seek so las where we can be, in closeness with our god and we seek a place for us to you know, foster a sense of community. and being part of that over the last five years, we hold lectures, classes for the
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youth, arabic classes and all of that requires us to have a safe space and a space where we can practice these without disturbance. is there has been times when we went outside and there were individuals that are going, i think well their customers of the place, that are in front of our door smoking and being very loud. so i'm not sure when the security thing was installed in place, but in the times that they've been open, we had difficulty, we had difficulties with people in front of our door.
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and things, that happened, we didn't know that they were closed for the month of ramadan, there is a lack of communication. we're here to ensure that our place of worship is secured respects our religious traditions. we urge you very sincerely to please reject these permits. thank you very much.
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i'm thank you for the moms and children who have been here. a lot are ready to connect. but it's either, actually in time. i believe that you're following the press for london breed to increase night time safety from the tenderloin, we're not that far, two blocks away.
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a little bit far from our next door, it's basically the same wall from the message to the lounge. this place not only for worship, this is a safe place for medicine gaysing. medicine daysing. i ask you not to grant the permit, from the bar. the neighborhood and our mosque should be our utmost priority. especially when considering establishment that may impact the well fact of our families and seniors and the safe place that we provide for our youth.
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we must ensure that our community remains the same for our children. i strongly encourage your commission to per troy the long term well being and safety for our neighborhood by denying the permit for purpose of this bar near our worship. together let's uphold our commitment to creating a community where families feel safe.
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it's unfortunate that we're trying to defend something that is not really positive for us. my name is abdula i'm the vice president of the mosque, team and i'm strong against really bothered by all the, the steph that has taken place since the beginning of establishment next door. given the testing that was done at the mosque, by the and a son of music that was coming through the mosque and it gets literally approves that there is going to be some disturbances from the club next door and i do ask to please,
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reject the permit for the establishment. thank you so much. >> thank you for givinger this sometime. i moved to this neighborhood to be next to this mosque especially to seek a place to worship in peace and in comfort. you have tremendous influence to make san francisco the best city it can be. and among all the yes, we need to have some nos, of a 30-plus community here. we have muslim of young and old
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so we have a culture center where they include a free lunch on no questions asked. in or ship our prayers are long congregation, 90 percent demands library level silence and it's a moment of time and peace of quiet. i live in neighborhood and on multiple occasions i've seen it operated like a club. i was there during a test and it was not like the night, about a week before the initial hearing where it was so loud, you cannot hear not oj the music but also the loudness of the patrons and it disturbed the ability of night prayer.
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nightclubs include violence even a couple of days ago, i was harassed walking down with a map and a cursory look at the media shows that ramp to operate like a nightclub with bouncers and occasionally long lines outside with families coming into the mosque. it's hard to fully control every single patron, this is something where we should make the, you know, that mental link to say, hey, there are affects na it's going to have on the opportunity. i thank you and tutu for everything.
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>> thank you for the opportunity to speak. my name is mohamed, it's i'm man tohede mosque; a little bit about me, i grew up in the city of san francisco and many things that i love about this city not just spiritually but academic and socially where i received tutoring when i was going school. it's my second home where i learned and continue to learn to be an affective member of the community. it's where i pray, meditate, learn about my faith and socialize of other people and
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also, positions and the opening of this bar has causeds much issue. among those issues is is a loud music where it makes it hard to concentrate. bars are usually usually loud but this bar often plays music louder than the limit. and when people are intoxicated it's even worse. another issue is second-hand smoke by those patron who smoke smoke and marijuana many stand next to the mosque entrance while smoking. the smoke enters the mosque and exposes many mosque attendees and worshipers to the second-hand smoke and that includes kids and children and elderly. another is harassment that we
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face despite the existence of security guards. i personally with video proof had a drunk man approach me ready to attack me. they prevent us to concentrate on prayers and they're a threat to us and all kinds of, thanks again and i really appreciate it if you consider preventing permits given to this bar. thank you. >> speaker: i just want to say
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hi, i'm early childhood teacher and use and women as well. i'm not going to talk too much all of these guys and all of them say whatever i want to say, so i'm not going to repeat the words. i've been working with the almost 25 years, been there since a very young age. i see so many of the kids grow and have look after them and some of them back and give back to the mosque. so we work like regular days and sometimes we go and in times to sit with youth. i work with youth with difficult times. the youth are struggling with so many things because of the neighbors drug and all kind of thing, i'm not going to repeat it. i'm not against what if they want to open a bar, this is the
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life here, we live here. it's not a good deal for them to reopen a bar next to the mosque. because when the kids like the youth, we talk a lot of, a lot of and go to drug and drinking and all that stuff. i want to already say about alcohol. maybe in miz place, used to be bars where there was a japanese i believe, but we have nothing against them.
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[indiscernible] please if you can hear the kids, i would love you guys to hear them. i want to say thank you so much. but please, please, if there is a way that you guys cannot be giving them a chance to reopen a bar next to the mosque. that's how i feel. >> speaker: my name is maria i'm from tenderloin and i always go to the mosque with my family. i don't feel safe because there is people that are smoking and and they're like breaking windows in the mosque, so i don't feel safe. we're trying to make the mosque safe and we want it to be peace for praying. >> thank you.
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>> speaker: my name is chema, i don't feel safe for the mosque because i want to mosque to be safe and and i don't want too much people like homeless next to my mosque. >> sorry about it. >> speaker: hello my name is a lie, i mostly pass the club many times, my dad smokes, i don't i do not support that and each time we pass, last time i pass, a guy was offering us alcohol but we skipped and go to the mosque, we always hear stuff. >> speaker: him mohamed and i'm from kofk culture family and i go to the mosque and every time i see people smoking and
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alcohol and music blasting every time at night. and i'm like, and then, people can't focus praying and all that. and that's it. >> thank you. >> speaker: hello i'm sala, i'm from culture family center program. i see people me and my uncle go to the mosque, i see people smoking everyday. and i cannot focus praying and, when i do, i can't focus because homeless people do songs that are appropriate and i can't focus. >> speaker: hi my name is adam and i go to roosevelt middle school and i think smoking and alcohol are like really bad for other people. and every time i see it, it
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makes me feel bad because it's bad and when i go to the mosque and i when i pray, i feel bad because like the whole mosque is shaking. and i can't concentrate when i'm praying, yeah, that's it. >> speaker: hi my name is shamy, i don't feel safe when i go to the mosque, because like there is music, music blasting, people vandalizing the mosque, like, i see people drinking and smoking and alcohol. i don't feel safe, and there is like music blasting and the whole mosque is shaking. >> speaker: thank you for your patients guys, thank you.
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jaou, bye. >> bye. >> bye. >> >> speaker: thank you very much for the this opportunity, happy holiday for every one. my name is tatiana andives tenderloin resident for six years and continue working in tenderloin. and my kids continue study in tenderloin elementary school. and one child is my son, it's very sensitive thank you. i want to bring your point, keep everything working
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through, tenderloin challenges. everyday, looking for drug users, drug dealers, blockage and all activity what have in tenderloin. so kids, these kids study mosque. it's not only place for peace, for pray for meditation, also education place. we have big classes and all kids study this. so peaceful and very nice for show kids how it's beautiful, culture and religious and the example and another point, how i can bring my kids to mosque if i feel it's unsafe place for my kids and for my family? thank you.
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>> speaker: hello thank you for taking the time. we all know that you are a buy product of who you're around and your environment. and our environment is, i group as a student and they shaped me into the young man that i am today. and having a bar next to the is something that differs from what we learned as kids. that is something that we go to the mosque five times a day as obligatory prayers, and what we see we will see everyday, we will see adults intoxicated, adults playing loud music and this is soming that our kids will see and we want to shape our kids into young adults in a way that we'll worship our god
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in this holy place. and having the bar is an issue because it's right next door. it's not issue of it being one block away, and this creates issues for us when we're praying. can this is coming from the heart, i have no evidence and, i don't have any churches that have a bar next to them. i don't to be a muslim that compromised his faith so that somebody may have more money, i want to go into a safe spot and worship my god. this is something where i want to learn our religion and learn how to become a young man in the world that we're living in right now. i ask that you ask how this
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affects the youth that are coming up. >> thank you for your time. >> speaker: thank you good evening, i'm cash afrjt abdula, i under michael papas, today i would like to read it and i'm the school head for san francisco here and i have concern, a lot of children and families who attend the muslim and i have a concern of safety for our chirp that believe it's hard to mitigate considering that entertainment. these kids already have it hard, they should be home or in bed right now, they already have it hard, it's tenderloin is also a difficult place to
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navigate. they are the under served and more likely to be bullied than any other group in the public school system. they have difficult. and to further compromise p the level of anxiety especially attending the mosque in the evening or going there with their parents, i believe they're asking, the muslims are asking us to respect them. and we should give them that respect. i would like to raetd letter from michael papas, dear directors, executive and commissioners, i'm writing today on maf of the san francisco inner faith council which counts as--institutions in san francisco in support located at 1227 sutter street off significance to both
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entertainment and extended hours, located adjacent to the tenderloin neighborhood. it's a sanctuary where they gather for a muslim prayer. as well as being at the epi center of community life during the pandemic houses of worship playing vital rolesed and providing essential to those in the neighborhood they serve. in addition, sacred place, has and continues to offer a dedicated home for secondary prayer services after school and evening educational can program for youth and elderly and community events including the distribution of the grocery voefpers, i'll skip to the end in consideration of the time. at proof al would not only result in nuisance and other intolerable and to the greater
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neighborhood community it seshz but also create a risk of broadr precedence. diverse community it serves and nature of the schedule of which will be impacted. the san francisco opposed the o --applications. thank you so much. michael papas. >> good evening, i'm a local san francisco served the city and also a labor union president and muslim community organizers. i, one of my favorite places in tenderloin is muslin tohid a place of worship where i find peace and quiet environment and
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enjoy the meditation. the doors are open to accommodate our congregate. it opens as early as 3:30 am as many as other muslim community mention. the and the last prayer go until 12:30 am, there is always something in the mosque and having increased activity especially at night is creating fear and anxiety. spshl due to national and international incidents including the enter trees of hate crime and violence and bullying against muslim community. and the most resent incident happened yesterday in san francisco, so many scared and do not feel safe having bar next door. and many in this attackers were
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sober but full of hate. now the imagine, the reason we're scared, any muslim hatter under the influence on top, will may their way and harm the worshipers. so i really ask you and urge you to please reconsider this process. and respect our community, thank you. >> speaker: hi i'm hakim, i was born and raised in san francisco and i've been going there since i was a child and there is been occasions that i slept because it was practically my second home. to have a club open right next door to us, it feels uncomfortable because now i have to pray i have to sleep in
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an area where a drunk person can come in and hurt a person, i don't know they're unpredictable, it's frustrated and we're frustrated we're being patient but that's life. that's all for me, thank you for your time. >> i want to say that i'm speaking for myself as a peace arguer and somebody who used to attend the school as at the ofk as a kid. you should all be celebrating ihad right now but instead you're over here. i just want to say i heard a lot about the tenderloin and as
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somebody who used to live in the tenderloin navigating street conditions, that's a reality. kids have to walk through open air drug markets on the daily. if we're permitting a nightclub right next to the mosque will it create a welcome environment? and for my point of view, unhansment of those things are not really realistic. thank you for your time. ?flt good evening, the benefit district has not taken a formal position but i have some thoughts i want to share and hopefully not stick my foot in anything with my board. but i just want to say i have
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some frustrations that i want to share. initially i heard from a number of residents and property owners both across the street and next door that did not receive mailing and even this go around as recently as i checked in next door, that did not get notice of from the a mrik apartment. and i understand a male service may have been used or question about what happened. i heard from multiple people. i asked a copy of the mailing notice and finally got it from the deputy director, i appreciate that. and even the notice was neighborhood bar, was with could be used for private events and can some international programming, come on let's do some realistic out
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reach and i have frustrations for that. i think the neighbor deserves better for out reach. i want to give out reach, for 1217. i lived in the neighborhood for 20 years, 20 years ago, it was a japanese before that, it was another restaurant and it's been a type 41 beer and wine, then in 2017 got a abc 47 license, always a restaurant and then added entertainment. now a nightclub and look, we can have the hearing talk about it but this is an absolute escalation in, in in, intensity and that needs to be respected and discussed. and the community should be considered and considered. thank you so much.
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>> hi my name is izzy homerun, i was there for the sound test. at the level that is set at the commission we can still hear the music. sometimes as commissioners you have two parties, let me pin point some things from the owner himself. first he says he has two cameras and adding three more. putting 25-feet store front what would you do with the other two cameras and now 4 to 6 guards. if we go to macies, they don't have that much guards. the cost of single guard is 40,000. why the commission on and tell them i'm going to do this and i'm going to do this, now after
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the last commission meeting when we were here and it got rescheduled, the day after we were at the mosque and one the other owners came in and said if you don't work with me and i don't get approved i'm going to keep my door open and turn on the music and there is about 6 or 7 of us there. so there is a agreement to either agree with them or they will make our life missable. thank you. i think i've done it in the past. i don't represent these guys, i may in the future but interestingly enough, my residents and my office are
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1222 sutter, 1224 sutter and 1226 sutter directly across the street. so i knew there was a bit of a thing going on, so i decided blacked out my windows, i'm sitting in my bedroom which is about a story and a half it's a two-storey building and i decide i was going to watch what was going on because i'm not sure i want a nightclub next to me. but what i saw that night and i sent a text to katelin, like the next day. i found extremely professional security force outside. i watched them do thing, the security guys was all the way past the mosque because nobody was in line, picked up one bottle walked it back and threw it in the trash. and i had a nightclub in my
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life. i watched the crawed they got. i used to get called by kevin ortiz who is hispanic, and always say, come on down. no i don't drink. they've been open 40 nights and i have not heard them. literally my window. you can hear them if you're up at 2:00 o'clock in the morning when people leave. so my two issues and listen everybody, this is fortunate that the san francisco planning department has decided that this is a permitted use. i'm a firm believer of society of laws, if we have a society of laws, let's folt law. both of them, you have a tough
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decision, i thought i would put a little and i seem to be the nearest next door neighbor. >> speaker: hello thank you commissioners for having us today. my name is merriam, i'm a member of the arab community in san francisco, i'm also a fellow public servant, i serve as vice president of the small business commission for the city and county of san francisco. i'm here to thank you for continuing this item and allowing this dialogue to continue. i want to thank all the community who came out today and the business representatives that also came out. our community, in city hall all day yesterday, we're dealing with a lost business closure closures in the tenderloin and propose laws that directly impact our community as well. and bringing all parties to the
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table is very important and we have to make sure that that process happens before, new regulations or decision right side made. and so i hope that we had enough of a, of road of communication up until this point to come to some kind of agreement that works for everybody and i hope the community voices is heard today and that there is a pathway forward. and if the small business commission or this he rab community can help get in these conversations, early on, perhaps that we can have a time night and have the community feel like they, were involved. thank you.
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>> speaker: good evening, commissioners, i'm holly, now i serve with the on chief scott's community advisory board for policing and i'm also on the inter pace. i hear different hats but mostly as a muslim leader. especially when there are incidents of hate and violence that has been happening the last couple of months, we just had one yesterday at 8:30 at a park in district ten. it was so vial, i was around when mayor brown when 911 happened, i was here as a commissioner when the muslim ban happened. i have never witnessed the discrimination and violence, the muslim women, hijab's are
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being pulled off. i did attend the zoom meeting that was put together by the director and i was so appalled by the behavior of the applicant by the arrogance and indifference and in the way he talked to us and especially the immigrant community. and confuse smft words. they heard that there are notices, they did not get a notice and there were threats made on the call. so i'm here because of the lack of decorium that made me realize if they get the permits, we don't know how they're going to behave, it's
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dis ingenuous and disrespectful. and it's our right to protect the immigrant community. i was there for the test, i did hear the sound and there is at 5:30 when there were three people in the restaurant. can you imagine quh it's 10:00 o'clock at night, when there is people dancing examine jumping around. i'm all for economic development, i'm all for reinvitation, all for having a good time but the location of this bar to be a club to have the nerve to ask not just the permit until 2 in the morning but 6:00 yam. 6 am. this is near the tepder loin and the mayor did issue a press release regarding this because of increase need for safety.
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we work every single day with the sfpd. >> sorry your three minutes are over. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> okay, i'm seeing no more public comment, unless anybody has last-minute comment. okay, i'm going to close public comment. i'm going to kick things off here. just to set some ground leveling here, so groundwork. so can the staff can you remind me of the request of the applicant is for both the hours of the poe and the hours of extended hours permit? >> the application itself, indicates that the business would like to have the
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entertainment per the request of the applicant was to start at 10:00 p.m. on friday and saturday nights. and for the ehp it was until 3:00 am on sunday mornings. >> got it and the 10:00 p.m. on friday sf saturday night, did that mean that there was no, the applicant had no restrictions on start time on the other times of the week or only friday is it saturday night, if we can ask the applicant. >> applicant can you come forward. i want to ask some questions about when you're request is for timing on entertainment. let's start with the poe, we have the extended hours, we know. >> speaker: o or operation 10:30 to 2:00 p.m.
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with no live band. >> but monday and tuesday and wednesday, no entertainment. >> no entertainment. >> okay, thank you. you can have another seat. all right, i wanted to make sure. >> sorry that was just for the poe. >> exactly. >> i didn't hear sunday from katelins. >> well because, all right. so i first thing, everybody i know a lot of you are savvy but most people don't know what we are and what we do and why would they, we're a small commission here and we have a snare owe duty. and our duty is a live music and regulating sound, security, and pretty much anything else that comes with having live music, so in this case, a dj, for some people who may be excused because the
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bureaucracies we have nothing to do with alcohol, that's is regulated city level. we don't regulate prerecorded music, meaning any bar or place that even with an entertainment permit, if they have prerecorded music, that's not our jurisdiction. we often times will step in to help with mitigation if the sound is happening. so we have a very very specific set of duties here. our ability to stop or start a bar from being opened is just not what we do, we literally are can somebody with a dj or live band? so when can they have that? what kind of security are they required to have et cetera. i want to make sure that everybody understand who they are and what we do. as we get into this discussion,
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a heard from a lost public commenters asking us from us that is outside of your jurisdiction and we have no public ability to influence whatever. so that said, we have to follow a police code and i'm going to read the police code here. i'm going to summarize it, but i'll read it, the code is section 1060.5 or one of the codes which is replacement for entertainment. which one of the commenters brought up. under the bullet f, they will conditionly, grant a permit unless it finds. and the reason i'm reading is decision that's happen here, rarely get appealed and if we don't follow the code,s as it
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exist for ourselves the appeal board makes the decisions, we have to make sure that we follow the code as it gets overturned by a body that gets the final say in things. i just want to be clear with that. so the entertainment commission shall grant a pirment unless the premise does not comply with hell zoning safety requirement, one. two, notwithstanding the mitigation provide under the security plan. the building structure or the building could not a accommodate the pedestrian of traffic. and three, lacks adequate safeguards glare dust or odor that would interfere with public health. four, the applicant has not provide a security plan. and five and this is what has been pointed out.
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operation business include the emission of outdoor om ply fied within 300 feet of place of worship or moore two air--and chief of the designee , it goes on to say we have to give reasons which i'm saying to everybody here why we would go why the police recommended or, exactly that. and it also requires, it's also state applies to other city department, however it does not diminish the power. so when we are, making our ditionz up here, we have to follow those bullets very closely and because this obviously there is a lot of passion and a lot of community
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involvement in this we want to make sure that we give reasons behind everything that we decide as to why it does or does not qualify for a granting of permit or not granting of permit. so one place that we do have wiggle room that is at our discretion, it's not always on weather we can grantor deny it, we just don't get to decide we have to do it based on the code, we do have discretion on hours of operation so that's where we're able to influence more heavily than off and on the denial or acceptance of the permit. hopefully that will make sense, any questions about that from the commission before i go forward? >> i do have a question. and it gets to sfpd weighing in on this, we have northern
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station saying they're fine with the poe but not the other, and chief assistant chief la czar, saying he does not support the ehp. so on reading this when it's the chief of police or chief designee , do we understand that to be did isaur. >> will ilisar submitted application to deny before. and had a long conversation and said he went to northern station and said make decision. that came later, so for purposes of this, the chief designee is the permit officer from northern station. >> okay, thank you. >> okay, two more clarifying things, staff can you remind us
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what the requirements are on notification? everybody has to put up a sign that says we're come to hearing are there any other coded requirement? >> no. >> yeah, the only codified requirement for is posting a yellow notice for 30 days at the premise prior to the hearing but it's a best of practices of several years that we have all of our permits that are coming to the hearing, do additional out reach. and we have many templates that we have couted and then we have provide us proof of said out reach but it's not codified. >> got it, got it. i just wanted to be clear because people get confused with zone anding alcohol, you're required by law to do mailers, if you don't do that, you're breaking the law but in
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this case it's for of a best practice that we developed for several yaeshz. --years. and the final thing that i'll say, is what a lot of people, neighbors especially, do not understand about us, and this i'm addressing, we all know this here, i'm addressing the audience here is when becomes permanent by us, when they have a permit, we become a direct line for reaching out to that person and making sure they're in compliance. it's essentially like a little mini police force where we have inspectors who are out on thursday and friday and sunday nights who are responding to 311 calls at all times. and i see some head shaking, this is what we do, so if you call 311, 311 and a place does not have a permit, we don't have any jurisdiction and the police as we know in san
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francisco, are very busy and they don't often, they don't always come and respond to calls that are the highest level of escalation for them, violent crimes because they're under staffed and having issues. however we do have people on the fields those nights and often other nights that actually respond in realtime or as close to realtime to investigate sound complaints, that's why we exist. so in a lot of cayses, what neighbors have found is that once people and again i'm not trying to sell you on this, i just want everybody to be here, what neighborhoods found once somebody is under the jurisdiction we're able to monitor their behavior and make them behave better before. it's a misconception that when we grant somebody a permit, all of a sudden they have a permit to do whatever they want. it's actually the opposite, i would encourage any of you to look at back at some of our
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hearings even the last few weeks where you can see operators who have difficulty being in compliance and in the process that we have to put them through including a series of escalating fines that can be very very oppressive, and this is happened recently. and anybody who wants to know more. i want to set that stage and then i'm going to step back and let everybody have a discussion because i've been talking a lot and my throat hurts. unlessing i missed anything. >> thank you ben for setting the table there for us. this ising a really tough item for us. i hate to come to an item like this where there has not been in the conversation in the spirit of compromise between
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the business owner and community owners. that makes it especially difficult, i want to echo what ben said earlier, when you run a small business that own us is on you to make your neighbors that you're operating in the spirit of collaboration. and i want to thank all the members who came tonight and concerned community members, i hear you, i understand why you're community feels at-risk, why it feels vulnerable it's a really hard time for you right now and the street conditions in the tenderloin don't make it any easier. that said, the police code says we shall grant unless we find one of these things and section that refers to 300 feet within, within a place of worship,
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refers to outdoor amplified sound which is not at issue in this case. i also want to bring up the fact that most of the concerns that i hear tonight which were super valid concerns are about the fact that the zoning code allows the permitted use of a bar and lounge next to a place of worship, that's where the real issue is. and that's outside of our jurisdiction, so i think that's the source of many of the conflict is the zoning code allowing those two things to coexist next to each other. for our purposes i don't see a legal way for us not to find a legal way for us to not approve the poe, that said for the extended hours permit, we do have that base covered northern station has said, they don't
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agree with issuing, they recommend that we not issue the ehp and that's one of the grounds here that gives a basis for denying the dhp and we need to be sensitive around the hours of worship and when the prayers are. i would also, urge my fellow commissioners to limit the start time to a little bit either 11 or 11:30 and not granting the ehp. >> yeah, i would like to echo what cyn said, if i was on the planning commission, i would not approve these two businesses being next to each but unfortunately, that's not what we're doing. and as a industry, i own a bar
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and a nightclub and it really dis appoints me, when i don't see business owners that are not taking every step to reach out. it's really frustrating to see sometimes. but i agree, i don't see any benefit to anything to having extended hours permit. >> so a come of thoughts, one is i, i heard a lot of concerns about safety in the neighborhood. concerns about unhoused. and whether or not this bar is
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oefpd, the streets issues are going to be there, that is caused by issues larger whether a bar is there yes or no. and as you know, as mr. reny pointed out, often times a bar or nightclub can make things safer if they've got well trained professional security staff out front. so i don't, i appreciate very much the concerns about safety examine those are very real. i don't know whether this bar yes or no, this club yes or no is going to make a difference there. however, what i also heard very very loud and clear is concerns that the sounds emitted from this club are disrupt i have of the operations of a place of worship. i heard again examine again about the sountd being disruptive of lessons, the
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prayers, of the need for quiet contemplation. that this was disrupt i have to a worship business. with clause 5 in the police code where it says, you know, we should issue it unless the commission finds the sound emitted will be separate of said facility. i heard loud and clear that the sound would be disrupt i have of the operations. so that leads me i know, instead of going out on a limb it leads me to question how we can move forward with this, given that disruption and i also realize it talks about outdoor amplified sound.
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but nonetheless what i heard is the sound of this venue is a disruptive and i feel like we node, we need to foreground that consideration if our decisions. i find it odd that i'm the person putting forward the need to consider this but yeah, that's where i am. >> thank you every one for come in and speak for myself and staff examine all commissioners that we listened intently to what every one said and their concerns and we appreciate that. as commissioner climban stated, it does, if a permit is granted tonight, is does put that entertainment commission into the area of enforcing that
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permit. and if you take a look at the spreadsheet that was we put out, you can see the often times, the response is very proximate to when the complaint is ushd. and as commissioner blienman, if the issue 'emerity is not issued, if the permit is issued and there is concerns, i definitely stress to document those concerns via 311, so the office can take action. >> and also they can still play preworded music and they may not have the incentive to have guards outside, if the permit is denied. >> that's the point, that i wanted to make, if somebody has a permit and they play
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prerecorded music, they're under our jurisdiction. if they don't have a permit, examine they play recorrespondeded, then it's out of our jurisdiction and we have to rely on police, and they have a lost things going on right now, they cannot always get there in realtime, due to circumstances that are way outside of their control. so you know, you brought up the sound issues which are valid. i'll ask staff again, what is our definition of, of above decibel above to become, for our internal definition of disturbance. >> setting the sound limit? >> it set a sound limit where
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we measure am bee ens and then we have the business turn on their sound and limit is set such as it does not exceed ambient by more than ten decibels. >> and this. >> this limit made it so it's much more conservative. >> i'm not discounting. >> two to three decibel above. >> i'm not discounting what everybody has heard with their own ears but the times that we were there during the sound reading, it was 1 decibel love ambient which is still audible. >> sorry, friendly amount notsinger they were only exceeding ambient but when senior inspectors and one and two, the mosque adjacent, he did a measurement while they were operate anding they went
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down two decibel in the a waiting and one decibel in the c waited and our thoughts was that the initial ambient when the issue was at issue violent foekds were wrapping up prayer so that human sound made it to the orng inside the mosque was a little bit higher on the a side. >> fwot it. --got it. >> so if the, the permit operator is acting in compliance beinger that's where we're at. >> again, we included in the memo, it does not count what the human ear can hear. >> got it. and because of that sound test was done at our limit that we set, our max minimum limit that
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the disruption people heard were above that limit. so it's helpful to have a limit set. >> yeah, always helpful because we can go and check on compliance, yeah. guess i'm trying scare that with disruption is a different standard than one we have applied before, because i don't remember a permit applicant that was likely to impact the house of worship or mortuary. >> i guess what i was saying is only definition we have right now is scientific other than
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the feeling or thought is the decibels that we use and i'm not, at all suggest thating we should apply that same standard but to consider the numbers that we have in front of us right now. >> absolutely. and i think that makes a lot of sense and it's important for us to use decibel measures and i also feel like i heard repeatedly people's concerns about the disruption and the level of quiet that they need to be able to operate. >> i wonder if that was, you know when the business owner was not acting in what would be come employ ant by our definition, yeah. >> it hinges on whether it has to relate to amplified sound. or the second half of the
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sentence. issued, and unless the commission finds that the sound was disrupt i have of the operation of that facilities. >> subsection that's where get. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and then we get into sort of intent and drafting and so on, but i feel like, i don't know, i read some intent in here around not wanting to disrupt hospital school places of worship, public libraries and more tuaries.
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>> just noting for the record just looking at senior inspect or, reading, within the mosque, the internal sound level when the sound was not operated, so it's very very quiet in there and i was just reminded that obviously prayer is conducted in silence so that's why it's impactful to them what they're hearing by the human ear which is not captured in the meter reading which is picking up on sound levels and that's why sound tb very subjective that's why we have article 29. but this is a unique situation, most definitely we normally go and take readings inside of a neighboring businesses or mosques or residents, right.
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>> so i guess i'm still, and maybe a representative from mosque, the regular prayers when are the last in the evening? on a daily basis. >> you can step up, please. it's five different prayers and in different times of the day, noon time and in the evening and then at sunset and late night, basically the nightly prayer which roughly ends at 11:30. >> got it. okay.
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>> sdpt characteristics of the prayer, it's lead by iman and lead in silence, essentially. >> president, one more adjust looking at article 29, there is nothing that speaks to a place of worship sound levels. so we're basing our decision on 2909b which is commercial and industrial noise limits, however i want to note, this again is not applicable to a mosque but it is to residential property that during the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., wait hold on, the sound should
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not ex taoed five db a. it doesn't from our reading, which is good, it was 43 a, but that is quite quiet. . >> so here's my concern and commissioner tomas, you can help me with this. you can limit their houshz and i'm totally happy with saying, okay action we approve this but it starts at 11:30 to 2:00. we can't do about prerecorded music. so i feel all it does it limits when they can have a dj and they'll, we can the sound of the prerecorded music can still be in compliance. >> yes, we can while we're out in the field. however the prerecorded will
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still be going? we regular when somebody can have a dj. it's pretty much when they can have a dj and not have a dj. that gives our inspect or to come when they don't have a dj and check on things. my personal feeling is, almost better off granting them a permit, limiting the hours whatever we think is reasonable and then they'll be, i'm sorry, this is not a discussion with people here. >> lead her differently and that's not right. you keep saying, my personal
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feeling, don't worry about everything, go under the law. they're stuck with this place next door for now, whether you know, and at no fault of ours, right. so, the law does not designate the hours. they're not under our jurisdiction, then they have no ability to help, when things are loud. all we can do is refer to pd. i don't think that would be better. >> we have. i'm sorry, we're under brown act, i'll invite you up, but we've literally are not allowed. that's okay too.
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yeah. ipg i'm concerned about the interpretation of clause 5 here and the disruption to the house of worship. so ordinarily in total agreement with you, president about the importance of bringing, permit holders under the entertainment commission regulation. i'm just not sure whether this meets the criteria to give them a permit. i could be out voted. >> let me reread, i feel like
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i've read it a 1,000 times. >> it remains unclear whether the second portion of subsection 5, like it's cross-referencing the first half. dpurg during the normal use go until 11:30 p.m. >> i don't think it's considered out daord amplified sound the way that we define it.
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i'm open to other interruptions. >> i feel it's been clear from the extensive community that the sountd will be disrupt i ive of their operations whether or not the source of the sound meets the criteria here i think is the question and that may be something for the board of appeals to sort out and not us. >> the only guidance is what we've done.
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the word disruptive is up for interruption, outdoor sound is not, we know what that is. outdoor premise that is not ex taoeding ambient by more than three decibels. they do happen to be within, and folks are claiming disruption so if you want to use that as our grounds that's within your per view to to so. that's a bit of a stretch, that we don't do it on firm enough ground and then it gets resourced. i don't know for sure, but it does seem to me there may be an appeal. so if we say, well they say
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it's disturbance and appeals says no no no, findings don't proof scientific, then it's going to get flipped over. again, i personally believe in our and i'm going to saying that, i person believe that we can help here, right. and i think if we deny then we are kicking it to the appeals board to solve this. >> which is what they will say to me, as well, because i have representative all of us there before. we can try a motion but i like to build consensus first. >> i have a question, i'm
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sorry, it may be, maybe the iman can address this. may i call him up. >> sir, do you rubinger to the microphone, thank you. at what time does the last prayer and i pulled it off the website, it looks like it changes by the way. --day. >> yes. >> there is one it looks like there is 10:00 o'clock in the evening, how long does that go generally? >> so it can vary like you said depending on the time, there is daylight saving and regular days. so taken into consideration it can start at 1:00 am and it can go.
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i'll use the month of ramadan where you have prayers, after the nightly prayer which is the last prayer that we have and i told you previously that nightly prayer can be at 10:00 p.m. that being said there is the flip side where the prayers can end earlier, we pray according to the sun not the night. so if the sun sets sets at a earlier time we follow the time of the sunset and beyond. >> okay, and then the optional prayer that, yes the at that jaud, those are ones prayed in ramadan. however there are people since they're optional and volunteer, they're not obligatory prayers.
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time we close down is nightly prayer. >> yes, i just want to say, perhaps this is what you're trying to explain. if you grant these permits, it's theoretically better, because it's. >> i don't know if it's true. i believe that we help, that's what i believe. i'm not saying, and our track record shows that we have helped many manage sound. if we don't grant it, we don't help. we would just kick tt police. that's the point, it may have gotten confusing. >> there is a lot of confusing.
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>> we are just the commission, all we do is regulate djs. >> in our heads is granting the permits is the worse thing in the world. >> i understand and you know, this is a much more heightened situation but it's very important that people here we go, it's over. i have not first in six or seven years in this commission, i sound that we have been able to really help to mitigate those issues. it was nice to hear that applicant was doing in the background in our respect our worship. but the respect. maybe we can do things in the
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background and encourage communication for sure. but at the same time, we wunt to understand better if the motion to approve or approve those permits will be in the benefit or not? >> all i can say, that's why we exist is to help in the situation, because police have difficulty with sound. >> and factually, if we don't want the place of entertainment, then the business can still play playlist all day everyday. as a runt and a bar. so if we grant it, there is no sound permit and if we don't grant it t they are send to police department and they're
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not able to prioritize. >> at least it gives you authority over the matter. >> correct, another body of authority. n.and as i was saying, we have inspectors in the field who's job it is to respond to 311 complaints. >> compliance with decibel. >> and they get huge fines if it's repeated. >> again, you know, i don't want, i'm not trying to sell us on all of you, i'm trying to educate based on what i understand us to do and i'm trying to talk, i was trying to explain my thinking to my fellow commissioners which is our job to communicate and have an opportunity communication and say i think this and that. >> thank you. what i would say is the noise, that comes from the bar is very
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high, if we were to hold this gathering or this hearing, you would not be able to function, so it's essentially when we pray, everybody is quiet except the leader or if he's given a lesson. so in a situation like this when the bar is playing the music, even the test that andrew came to do, you can still hear. and when the issue is, when you have intoxicated people, you cannot hear. you hear boom boom, you cannot focus. it's extremely extremely. >> i do understand that, our job is to figure out whether or not they can have a license for a dj right.
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noise, in my experience the best way for anybody to mitigate is for the neighbors to have a good relationship and somebody say yo, it's too loud. but if it gets to a certain point, where that is not able to happen. we show up and the fines start and fines start. however, if they don't have a permit, we cannot help. >> and if we may ask, who's jurisdiction is this under? >> 311 complaints get routed to police and police, and by the way, we cannot could a full q & a session, i'm okay having this
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conversation but police, the police are very busy in san francisco and sound complaints fall under certain level of importance to them. well below attempted murder and they get to them as well. >> my brother is police officer. >> you know, the other thing as i was saying, we don't want to deny or accept this on some grounds and have it overturned because it does not matter what we said, does not matter. like said, a lost things. it's prayer time. okay. >> so even besides the noise level, like even with security guards on, we have video, person came approach me and tried to attack me and guards are looking at me like come
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back, but jurisdiction only under like for voice and our concern is that. despite the measure. >> we heard you. >> we definitely hear you, and the lack of communication is very troubling from me from the business owner. >> and like, you can hear from him earlier, he said because he had a bad impression, he decided to not speak, and there was no out reach, especially next to a house of worship, different back grounds try to come here and. >> it's sad that we're here but you can always repair those situations i found that many times.
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>> question and answer. >> i'm going to run this hearing and i'm going to run the way i want to. have a seat. >> if if it were to me, i would say no. but, we have this very small scope of what we can do. and everything that we are doing here is because we want to help and the only thing we can do is help so there are under our jurisdiction, so there are sound limits, i'm concerned if we do not approve this permit, in some way it's going to be worse or it will just go to appeals. so i want to you let you know that i really hear you, i'm a mother, i'm a community member, i care so much i've been thinking about this, for the last month, so much and you're heard, same here.
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>> same here, i couldn't sleep last night thinking about this and what the members of the mosque have been experiencing and how difficult this decision is. if i can find anyway to disallow opening a bar club next to a mosque, i would. any place of worship. i want to echo what my colleague said. that brings us under our en per view that gives us enforcement teeth that is better than not having those limits. >> is it possible that, we raise this concern internally and like we're happy to
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compromise but lack of communication and the other issues, but the noise level is still persist is it possible that we seek continue about internally like in a few minutes after our prayer because we have to pray right now, is it possible? >> how long until the prayer is over? >> five minutes. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> should we take a bathroom break for five minutes? >> yes. >> thank you. >> okay we're reconvene the meeting at 8:14 i'm going to call the permit holder back up for a round of questions here. >> hi carlo.
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>> hello. >> so after hearing all of the comments here tonight, and some of the things that we've been saying about opening up a-line of communication with your neighbors, is that something that you're willing to do. >> speaker: instead of five speakers that we have, we put 10 or 12 speakers but smaller so it's going in any direction and add more protection whatever we can help. >> and specifically open up lines of communication with the neighbors. you all definitely got off on a rough start but can you speak to that or anything that you may be willing to do. >> speaker: of course i'm
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always there with entertainment, if the music is loud for any reason, we can control the music, i just want to make sure that there is no issue with the neighbors. >> any other questions from the applicant? oh i did have another question, it does seem to hard to control but it does seem like occasionally your customers are making their way over to the mosque, door have you already directed your security and if if anybody goes they go towards the mosque. >> so we minimum two guards or three guards outside and i made it clear, nobody gets close to the mosque, i don't care if they want to smoke or drink, let them push them away they can be in the street. i know they have cameras, we
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don't want to be responsible. >> i've had a lot of security work for me for decades and they don't always do what i ask them to do. i would, i would over index on that. and i would also try to create a relationship and again i have not decided to grant this permit, i'm just saying if general, you're neighbors with them either way. i think that, that you know, giving them a way to tell you, your neighbors what is going on and then being able to talk to your staff about how they witnessed and how you can do a better job in the future, that's key. >> i think you only benefit you going forward to be able to have some kind of relationship with them. >> i would love to, that's why our blinds are closed so they
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don't see what is going on, and i can just open the blinds from 12:00 o'clock and operate. >> it sounds like they don't know. they would appreciate that you shut down. >> full month of ramadan, completely shut. >> the issue here is break down of communication and it sounds like you're trying o act in good faith but they don't know that because you're not talking to them. so if i'm not mistaken, it sounded like they were devoted to the construction of your business and it seems, can i say who is just trying to put me out of business. i will say that's not the way to go about it.
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it's up to me p up to you to build a trust with them. it's not up to them to build a trust with you, it's up to you to build a trust with them. >> before we took over the business, i even introduced. >> i'm trying to help you to start fresh to trying to say anything you did wrong, that's not helpful. what can you do, you may have some neighbors who really don't want you to there and they don't trust and you they do not approve what is going on and it does not make them feel good but at least you can do your best to make sure that you understand you're acting in good faith.
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it's a business owner not willing to be the one that has to proof themselves, i've had to do it for 20 years, i've not the exact situation but very similar ones and it's up to me, it's up to you anybody that owns a business to act in good faith. sorry i'm grandstanding there. >> well said. >> we're going to deliberate there is no more q & a unless you did mention the representative of the mosque were going to get together and discussed if anything has changed from your side, i would love to hear it. if not, that's okay.
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>> thank you for letting us think outside. i know you heard about safety but it was the first priority is the sound and the noise. and if there is a way that he can make sure that the wall, where we did hear we're not imagining things you know, i literally start dancing, aouft moving, it was just the sound that's how much sound came to the wall and if you're not concentrating, our prayer is not like you're baptist where you're up in dancing you're in meditation mode and then you're reading, i want you to be cognitive and appreciate that we're not making things up. the reason we hear this sound si by our tradition, the way we pray is very quiet and we have
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to listen to the iman, and he's the one reciting quran, we do the physical prayer. please, i just want to understand, we're not trying to be difficult we're trying to exercise our right to worship. we've all been to the club, no matter how religious somebody leaves at two but there is some kind of enforcement.
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wre need commitment that he's going to be closed. raman dan, we're in the mosque 24 months of ramadan, if he can commit, he closed this this year we expect next year. >> we cannot limit, all we can do is is limit djs operating hours and how people. >> if it's under the condition and on the condition of approval, it says your jurisdiction. >> when they can have a dj. >> i understand. >> that way. >> but part of the good faith effort is to close for the month of ramadan so it's not causing a nuisance. >> he's nodding in agreement, behind you. i just want to note that. >> we can ask staff are we allowed to limit operating hours. >> we are not. however, if we can limit live
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entertainment. >> we can limit djs right. >> so perfect days can be carved out. one other thing, the business has to completely close at 2 because there is nothing that would allow it to open past two. >> and pardon, you could apply up to 12 one-time event to extend past 2:00 am which people will do for new year's eve. >> got it. >> just part of the good faith. >> across all of this. across the permit applicant,
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certainly could choose to close down during ramadan or otherwise minimize a sound in that period whether we make that a condition or not, that may be something that they want to do to ensure good faith efforts and communication and good community relations. >> yes. yes. all right, did you have anything to add? >> loud can clear, so i'm very amenable to, to following some of the conditions that they just outlined about the hours starting at 11:30 being sensitive to prayer times until 2. and as i mentioned earlier, i'm
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opposed. >> to granting the -- ~>> and the permit should not be in affect during the month of ramadan. >> agreed. >> is that a motion? >> i have a motion to the permit hours to be between 11:30 and 2:00 am, to deny the extended hours permit and the permit will not be in wait what did i just say? >> let's do two separate motions. >> we have a couple of things. let's defer to deputy, outside of the time condition, there are some other conditions. >> so on the staff recommendation. >> can we start with the poe. >> this is just for poe, the staff recommendations include
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five conditions, it sounds like based on the permit applicant has requested, friday, saturday and sunday night so the motion would have to indicate the time. fur do approve sunday, recommendations 3, 4 and 5 would need to include sunday as well, because currently it just friday and saturday. those are all safety. >> i'll make that one. >> we'll do these motions one by one, starting with the poe. >> perfect. >> commissioner davis would you like to try again? >> a motion to, how can you do it? >> yeah, i'll do it. i move to approve a poe permit
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from 11:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on, on thursday friday, saturday, friday, saturday, and sunday. and not during the month of ramadan, with all the staff recommendations which include good neighbor policy, sound abatement internal limit approved at 88 decibel 100 d b.c. max, there should be a minimum of four security guards working on friday, and saturday and sunday nights during entertainment. at least two guards should be outside at all times during saturday and sunday nights. beginning at 11:30 p.m. on friday saturday and sunday nights, door policies should be
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include bag check and wanding prior to entry, a female will be onsite to perform female pat downs. >> is there a second? >> second. >> okay. here we go. >> president blienman. >> aye. >> wong. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye. >> commissioner pogiio. >> aye. >> and commissioner tomas. >> no, i'm voting no. >> okay. i think i'm willing to do the motion for the next one, so i'm recommending, i'm moving to deny the ehp permit application on the basis that we have not found significant, sorry, on the grounds that we have not found reason to overturn the
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police recommendation. to warrant the overturning of the police recommendation. >> and that's based on 1060.5f7 which is. >> 1060. >> which is what we looked to from 1070.5 which is all the reasons to deny or grant an extended permit. >> yes. >> thank you, but 1070 is out. >> thank you. >> second. >> >> president bliem an. >> aye. >> commissioner davis. >> aye. >> commissioner tomas. >> aye. >> all right. that has been granted and denied, the two permits and we can move on to the next item on our agenda. >> which is missing everything now.
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>> commissioners questions and comments. >> before that, i want to say that i really appreciate the community organizing that you all did and thank you for being here. >> yeah, i want to say that was the hardest application that i've had to previeed over it was the most difficult and you know, i want to echo what they have mentioned which is you've been put in a in an impossible situation and i hate when bureaucracy say this is not our jurisdiction, it's somebody else's and i feel powerless to help other than trying to bring you underneath our umbrella so we can be there to help when you need it. i hope it does. but thank you, we really appreciate hearing from you and
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we heard your concerns and thank you for coming. >> thank you. >> is there any public comment on the commissioner's comment sxz questions. >> also happy pride. >> happy pride. >> happy pride. >> that's going to be a good one. >> no comment, every one. >> all right, closing public comment and we'll adjourn this meeting at 9:311 p.m. >> thank you all.
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>> bring up person that [laughter]. for me it was we had neighbors growing up that were fold my dad he is raising me wrong for having me pursue the things that are not traditionally female roles. and i think the biggest barrier to anyone in general is when you have cultural norms that make you feel like you can't do something that make you doubt yourself and make you feel you should not be there i don't belong. those other big efbarriers i think that is the thing to focus on the most is belong everyone should belong here.
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[music] >> wishing we trained women grow in production. and recording arts and so we have everything from girls night classes for middle and high school girls. we have certification academy program. that would be women and gender [inaudible] adid you tell us. progress in the internship frm program where they are working in the studios. they are helping to mentor the youth in the youth programs and the job place am component. most of the time we hire interns instructors in our programs and engineer in our studios here. we have conferences we do all
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overnight country and we have concerts that we feature bay area women and gender artists. [music] [music] >> an education forward organization. and so advocacy organization. dedicated to closing the gender gap and the audio and production industries. >> started out of the lead answer, why is there a critical gender gap in this industry that started at city college.
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why are there so few in this
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class i was ashamed i did not have the answer being a feminist. why have i never thought of this i have been in the industry for decades and why have i accept today of all people. it was out of that and unraffling it. actually started the infernship last fall and just fell in love with all the things about women's oshg mission because we are diverse and so many aspects of audio i did not know and i feel like eyes opened up and i gained a lot of confidence in myself and other fells and queer people in the industry i felt there was more connection and community. ironically my time in the industry is all pretty good. i think what happened is i was raised by a father who is an engineer. i was comfortable being strounlded by men all the time in his lab i was used to technology. when i got in industry my mentors were men and i saw i had a unique importance that got mow in the place i could be fluent and navigate something difficult and it was the norm for me. what if it was not woman was createed provide it for everybody. have this environment you are surrounded by technology and people that are going to support you and get you in this industry in a good way. i have been interested in audio i was never trained in music took piano when i was a kid. i never pursued it because not a lot of women doing that. and my family is not musically inclined. when i want to davis the first time i took a music class there were few females in the class.
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like a rodey for my dayed was load you will the mixers and monitors and the giant speakers and gigs and help run out the cables and take things down and set up mics i did all of that growing up and never occurred to mow that that was a field they could at all. and then one i could pursue i didn't nobody else was doing temperature my dad and then i go with him to studios and see -- the men in the studio. dj for 5 years now and comments you get like wow you are a girl dj that is crazy. that is wild. and i have great moments where it does not happen. and they treat me like easy. telling mow what to do they correct mow in ways that make me
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feel less i sprjs the opposite and i notice hand's on like you don't know what you are doing rather than asking me. not consistent times it happens. it is like when i talk to other females they are like say the same things it is like funny i know that nice men don't experience tht main thing triggers me when i experience different treatment and that happens a lot in the audio world. industry is changing slowly. there is still that issue making the places that are places belonging for everybody. i don't think so. having a studio where it is not all run by white men like most studios. the studios are only in the word built and run by women.
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it has been super normalize thered are opportunity for girls and nonbinary people. you go in school and middle and high schoolers know that this is a field. this is a thing there are many jobs you can have in this field. some producing pod casts to setting up live shows. there are so many things you can do >> wee go in and teach the audio skills and give them equipment. i pads and then teach them how to make music and they get to come in here and will getting the tools to people who don't have t. that is really important to me. that's why i was like wow. i want to be there for other fell and queer people who don't have the opportunity and also to be a mentor for them to really push them to experiment and not going to break it. does not matter if it sounds bad that is the point to try it.
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i think it is the goal to see confidence what they are doing and passionate and asking for hymn and excite body learning and excited about making music and it changed my life to realize i'm callented in the field i can make music without being trained to it it is amazing to be able to be part of that process and -- ushering women to the field. we can entirely transform how -- the technology part of what you hear every day. we can put xhg something in women's points of view in this every time. it affects the store and he messaging. think our best example is how we transformed an entire city. place that major artists on tour
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one of the men looks likeip don't get it there are woman every where i go and the person was like you are in san francisco. you like oh , you are right it is here. most venues have graduates we are grateful to the city for that reason because than i supported us at the beginning. following your curiosity and interest and don't let anybody get in the way what is presented to you, go for t. no matter what! we are here for a reason. find what it is. don't let somebody else tell you what it is. you are the oldsmobile one that have been can know when you are supposed to do. go do it. (music).
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>> thank you all for thank you for being here. and i'm come the cfo at planned participate hood and a request from gilda is not here but as i know the u.s. supreme court overturned rodeo and many today, i can't believe it but 12 satellites are restrictive reproductive rights we see a tax going on beyond deposition and witnessing assault think