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tv   Small Business Commission  SFGTV  June 29, 2024 8:00pm-10:31pm PDT

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>> commission, the meeting is being called to order at 4:32 p.m. broadcast live on sf gov. tv. media service sxz thanks sfgovtv for streamlining. we welcome the public's participation during public comment period. there will be an opportunity at the end of the meeting and there will be an opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. public comment during the meeting is limited to three minutes per speaker. speakers are requested but not required to state their name.
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>> today we will begin with a reminder that the small business commission is the official public comment to run to voice your concerns about policies that affect the small businesses in san francisco. before item is call i would like to start by thanking media services. please call item 1. >> item 11 roll call. commissioner benitez? >> present. >> commissioner cornet. >> present. >> commissioner dickerson is absent. commissioner hub bert. >> president. >> president huey. >> present. >> commissioner ortiz. >> here. >> and vice president souzana. >> present. >> president, you have a quorum. thank you. the san francisco small business commission and office of small business staff acknowledges that we are on on the unceded homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the
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origin hab tate. as indin news stewart of the land, they have never seeded lost nor forgotten their responsibility. as well as for all people to reside in their traditional territory. as guest we recognize that we benefit, we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging our ancestors and by affirming their soverne rights as first people. please call item 2. >> item 2 approval of business registry applications and resolutions, this is a discussion and action item, the commission will discuss and possibly take action to approve legacy registry application. we have richard karri la with the office of small business. >> thank you, welcome rick. >> speaker: good afternoon, president huey, vice president, commissioners. city staff and members of the public.
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i'm richard carrillo legacy business program manager. i would like to acknowledge my colleague who provides official assistance. as f gov. tv, i have a power point presentation. before you today are five applications for your consideration. for the legacy business registry. each application includes a staff report, a draft resolution, the application itself and document frz the planning department. the applications were submitted to planning on may 8th and heard by the prehistoric preservation commission on june 5th. item 246 a is bob's bo nuts and pastry. the business is a doughnut and pastry shop in the pole being street neighborhood. a second location in the north of panhandle neighborhood opened in 2019.
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bob's donuts and pastry sd san francisco staple and destination. they specialize in apple fritle and novemberity giant donut, a delicacy that has gone viral videos. they're open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. bob's donuts has contributed to the history and identity of the city and history and destination and gathering place for many people. the core future tradition must maintain to maintain on a business registry is baker' featuring donuts. item 2b is joann's beauty boutique. the business is a black and woman owned hair salon. since its established joannie beauty beau --boutique has
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provided care hair. at the time it opened, one of the only hair salon that's catered to the hair types with pressing curls and hair relax ant as most popular services. with the prime location on filmore street, the salon functions as a cultural hub and strong community with residents. joann's beauty boutique's and commitment to the community is notable. item 2c is m.p. a design. the business was established in 19679 by forward thinking michael painter. m.p. a design is an acclaimed and urban design firm with a
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portfolio of consisting of over 3000 projects. it's one of the oldest design firms in the west coast and provides a holistic design approach to the projects that is site specific. mpa design has contributed to the vibrancy to the san francisco bay area through producing design projects, including the doyle plan redefined plan, the saint regis hotel, the uc medical center facility, the john f kennedy gravesite and the great highway and ocean beach restruction plan. mpa design counts among its clientele many nonprofit institutions. founder michael painter pass add way in 2019 and business is now directed by his wife, susan painter.
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>> item 2d wholesale meat distributor specialized in the processing and conferring of cured baef and pork, corn beef bacon and happen. corned meats is a 5th generation owned business. and one of the oldest in the bay area. and a love for great feed. famous for their in-house, also offers dozens of other incredible products to chefs, restaurants, grocery markets, distributors and the meat loving public. among the most loyal customers are the san francisco fire department and san francisco police department, who come by
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for corned beef year-round and loyal customers since the business was founded. the core tradition business must maintain the tradition of corned meats. item 2e is a club that was founded in 1916 in the middle of wwi 1 as italian-american social club. the club birdie club was chosen because of how it was to the i tal nann meme not only for its revolutionary operas but also as a work of italian vert fickation. in 19 34, tremendous proceed which opened in may 19 35. the venue featuring a 25-00 square foot venue, offices for
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parties, weddings, graduation, comedy shows and a variety of weekly events. ownership is by members governed by board of electors. business must maintain social club and entertainment venue. all of the businesses met the three criteria existed for business registry and all have received a positive recommendation from the prehistoric recommendation. staff recommends adding the businesses to the registry and is drafted a resolution for each business for its consideration. a motion and support should be framed in favor of the resolutions. thank you. this concludes my presentation. i'm happy to answer any questions and business representatives who would like to speak on behalf of applications during public comment. >> great, thank you so much.
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commissioners niz questions or comments right now? seeing no comments right now, let's start with public comment. >> good afternoon, i'm president of the birdie club and i'm delighted to be here today. with you today to apply for and and be a part of this wonderful program that you all have created for small businesses that are a rich history in san francisco. so thank you for that. we are finally emerging from for us is our second pandemic, i'm sure you've heard before from other businesses that have
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been through covid, of course, and have managed to survive for us, we survived also the influenza pandemic of 1916, so we are hard to keep down. but it's exciting that we're in a position to be able to celebrate, not just the return of business, but the return of people interested in preserving the history of the birdie club and legacy and also make iting all inclusive space for people of all capabilities and back grounds. our biggest challenge will be making our front entrance
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accessible. and i'm going to ask my colleague about what that challenge is going to be for us and for what we would greatly appreciate your help and support going forward. thank you very much. >> speaker: hi, i'm bonnie so you know a great deal about the birdie club now. i would like to filet few pearls in that you meet small businesses, that have run by committee and by that, i mean, we are run by membership, which is really, a kind of a hara for us that we're able to endure all of this time, run by a group of people who are so aligned with keeping the club alive but now we face challenges that we've never faced before, hello?
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and that is this ada compliant and we applaud president bush number 1 for the 1990, ada legacy that he brought forward but now we're really concerned, we have to convert a 1935 art decco building. we so to hired a architect, we have to work with permit works. and more permits and more delays and we're little bit concerned about our sullivan see so much like my colleague before me, would i ask for any assistance, guidance, anything that you can offer us that would keep us moving through this process with some utility and speed, primarily because we'll be closed during this construction when we do get to it. we also have to apply for a
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perm toyota use the part of the sidewalk. slr --there are so many moving parts. that's why i ask for help and a big hurrah for rick, he is amazing, he shepherded us and we really appreciate his help. thanks. >> thank you. >> speaker: good afternoon, we are with brorts of change. better get the application in. she's not only the last african-american business but the last business in the filmore business that still owned, still doing business, still here. my mother-in-law gets her hair done there. and we support all of these
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businesses, that's why we're here, we're legacy business. like the birdie club going through the construction, unfortunately these landlords are trying to come down with the pandemic. so bob is moving but corned meats, bringing everybody together. and the architect can design the tables and support everybody. i just thank you and legacy department of taking on this task; you know, because it was a rough one. it was a rough one getting all of these applications, especially dealing with elders, betty had to go on some files, she had to get her daughter to do some stuff. so i thank you guys for taking
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on this task and thanks again to the legacy department. thank you. >> thank you. >> hey, my name is on rebecca and my family owned bob's donuts, i want to thank the members for adding us to the business registry today. bob's has been in our family for three generations now and over 50 years. >> again for this opportunity and, we enjoy serving people, i know nobody need donuts but why not. we bring fun and laughter to the community.
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sxefsh has a story about bob which is so sweat. and that's what we do, not just for the money but community. >> my name is greg dixon and i want the commissioners for canedinger our business, robert corned meats for inclusion. a big thank you to rick, obviously for his guidance and assistance through the application process, he was a big help and pleasure to work with, so our business a small business, has been the part of the district in the entire city landscape for years. established by my strep great great grandfather an immigrant from new zealand named george henry, gh came to america and
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eventually settled in little rock arkansas. it was there he met my family, a widowed family with two boys and moved to san francisco. it was g.h.'s dream to play his violin and he want today plays in san francisco symphony and also had experience making in the work business and had experience with salted meats and corned beef. g.h.started a business of oind and named robert's corned meat, while his twos stepsons, one of my was great great grandfather worked for him. the business began on 5th street, which we still operate today.
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we are famously known our corned beef and become synonymous with the saint patrick's day holiday. my father james dixon always joked that if we had two saint patrick's day every year, we would have it made wha. brings us joy is to bring stories to generations past with their parents and grandparents. it is that deep connection that leaves me to believe that robert belongs to many other great historic businesses here in san francisco. gh would be honored to see after 115 years and four
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generations my sister debbie and i are at the helm of making corned beef and concerning the public here in san francisco for another 100 years. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> hello. >> speaker: my name is barbara decks and i'm hear to speak on behalf of betty cooks. i've known betty for over 45 years, and during that time, i've gone to her to have my hair done when hi hair, now no hair. but what i want to say is how long, betty has worked with my family in 1986, i began
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bringing my 9-year-old daughter to betty to do her hair and she went to betty up until she felt like she was beautician, age 18 and started doing her hair. and one of my daughters, the middle daughter began bringing her daughter to betty when she was 8 years old. and she went to betty for i guess, she was about 13 when she stopped going. and then, i had a great granddaughter, and i started bringing her to betty when she was about 8 years old as well.
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and she went up until covid hit when everything closed down. but through the years and history she's had, she's been a stable in our community. she kept her prices reasonable when a lot of the other pair of dresses around her was going up in prices in there with their prices. she was very good with the kids, the young children, she did a lot of them in our neighborhood. i appreciate her and i hope that the committee considers her and let her become one of the legacy especially for our community. thank you for your time.
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have a good day. >> thank you, thank you very much. >> any other public comment? no pressure. a little pressure. okay. well, seeing no further public comment, public comment is closed. commissioners, questions comments? commissioner herbert? >> i just want to say it's a pleasure to sit up here and see the variety of small businesses that we have and the longevity of those businesses, it's inspiring, i have good bumps so thank you all for coming and presenting, i appreciate it. >> commissioner ortiz-cartena. >> speaker: i want to ditto the
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sentiments. you're what makes san francisco so great and inclusive. i remember bob's donuts, i have a colleague we would always have to eat donuts, i don't how many donuts the guys could eat. if he is watching, you know, corned baef corned beef, there is no other, to soak up the beer with the sandwich and keeping prices reasonable, at maybe even at the cost of small business but community first. and one last thing, i've always been in there and have never been in there, so thank you very much for coming out today.
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>> i've got many experience wz some of the business that's we're presenting today from bobs to the birdie club and also just hearing the generational experience at the beauty salon and how important it is not just business tractions because they keep the inventory fresh but just as important is the human transaction and i think just as important as well. and i live kind of in that district, so it's a very important neighborhood as well. thank you for presenting. >> thank you for everybody to come together. congratulations on putting together an application and thank you to again, rick and i love that,.
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we hope this program works for you as well. i want to reiterate that small businesses are also preservers of the culture and family traditions in san francisco. thank you again for being here. this is my favorite part. all of you have talked about generation sxz history of businesses. i encourage everybody including the small businesses to write down the histories. you never know who is going to be a legacy business. these stories are really important and they're in the making and you're all carrying it on and putting your own
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stamp on the business as well, even a very longstanding business. i think recording your history and sharing all of those is important for all of us. we don't hear enough about all of these what people are doing everyday. just getting up and opening the door. i remember having bob's donuts when i really shouldn't have been eating a apple fritter at 2:00 am in the morning. but that's what is great, to be among other people, just a sweet treat.
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here you can just throw a fantastic party of the many many years that you've committed to your community. i encourage after today's meeting to celebrate to celebrate with your team, your families and to be part of this beautiful club that i think san francisco has really grown through the efforts of rick and celebrate being part of this establishment that we've created as a city as the legacy club that we're in.
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i appreciate you all and i hope you enjoy your evening celebrating yourself. with that being said, any other comments or questions? no, i think, i think we have to take a vote seeing no further comments. oh yeah, somebody has to make a motion. >> i'll make a motion to approve all legacy businesses. >> i second the motion. >> motion to approve legacy business registry application sxz resolutions by commissioner ortiz, seconded business commissioner herbert, commissioner benitez? >> yes. >> commissioner cornet. >> yes. commissioner dickersonson is absent. >> commissioner hub bert. >> yes. >> commissioner ortiz.
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>> yes. >> and vice president. >> yes. >> motion passes, congratulations. [applause] regular stating itself for off site consumption.
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>> hi. >> speaker: good afternoon, i think it's great that i'm after the legacy businesses, it's very apropos. >> otherwise referred to as d.a. o regulations. administrative code chapter 26 was passed in 2006 to ensure that businesses that sell alcoholic beveragages are not the source of nuisance in the
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community. ads mrd the daemd approved alcohol use education and out reach program and its related costs. according to the department of public health, the annual fee was 310 dollars and the fee is tied to the consumer price index to increase yearly with inflation. this proposal to repeal the d.a. o code was initially included in office of small business, economic report and response to supervisor ferrer. outside alcohol have had historically high compliance rates that the fees paid to administerering dao were unequal lea plied and did you
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id --subsequently in 2021, this small business commission passed a resolution, resolution 0007-2021, calling for the elimination ordinance and fee. while drafting this legislation, our office cult withed the department of public health, san francisco police department and city attorney's office. the office tasked with administration and enforcement to confirm the group's assessment. additional hairly communicated that the code enforcement team within the city attorney's office has not had a resent dao case. and they believe nat city attorney and district attorney could enforce violations of state law. it's clear to supervisor is stefani, and our office that the fee paid by the businesses
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can no longer be justified. save businesses selling alcohol hundreds of dollars a year particularly helping small businesses struggling to survive 2349 economic environment. for these reasons and more, have expressed that neither department is oppose today this ordinance. these departments understand that laws have since been inactive, and sfpd has confirmed that it will continue to conduct with california abc which uses a oriented approach. for these reasons and more, this ordinance is supported by the business alliance, arab grocers association, independent grocers association, tenderloin merchant association and many businesses city wide.
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supervisor stefani and office is grateful to all who have helped. i want to thank vice president, with her extensive work over the years and her expertise in this subject. thank you for your time today and i'm here to answer any questions. thank you. >> thank you, thank you very much for that presentation and all the work on the legislation. commissioners any questions? vice president? >> yes, i'm here to thank the supervisor's office and you lorenzo and our office and commission for all of the leadership on this, and i think this, this is a really good example of agencies coming to meet merchants in the conversation of compliance and adjusting and i think the fact
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that sfpd and sh has supported this and we've gone through a process of having this discussing, this hardship, that was in affect a broken window era policy on our books that was made during a time of gang injunctions. and also this is a criminal justice reform in a sense, and the fact that we're not, duplicating, a nuisance abatement that already exist and proven to enforce in compliance. so i think this is one of ours. made suggestions for this and now we're seeing it come into policy which is really really cool. yeah, i think it is also appropriate on the agenda as we talk about the tenderloin, business closure pilot. not just because, as we create
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fluid good policy, we have to give and take and sometimes not just make new laws but also see what has run its course. so i'm really proud of every one involved and thank you lorenzo for your leadership. >> i agree in terms of policy. i would willed i would be remiss without thank donava nf in supervisor stefani's office. she has done a lot work. >> absolutely, a lot of supervisors stepped up and saw that economic mitigation is something that is really important for small businesses, whether we're talking about street closures, or policies that directly impact a certain
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sector. so really proud of us. >> well i just want to appreciate all the work that you've done, vice president and really pushing forth all traem lining especially businesses that have many additional layers of fees. sometimes it feels like the number is small but within layers and layers of that. the number of letters, we appreciate that. i appreciate what you do on a daily basis.
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commissioner ortiz? >> i want to thank supervisor stefani's office. broken window policies. i remember growing up when there were liquor stores and why they're doing this. but that's not the case anymore. for us to see that and be on the ground, this is great, i love it and this is, this is fluid, you know policy making and what is best for small business. having things on the books that was designed for the 80s and 90s, i like this mind frame. and i appreciate the hard work around this, thank you. seeing any other questions or comments, seeing none, let's open it up for public comment. any public comment?
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>> sorry. >> go ahead. seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. do we have a motion from commissioners? >> it comes up for the board for first reading tomorrow and then it has the second reading next week. >> if anybody else has a motion, go ahead. >> well i move to send our positive recommendations to the board and in support of this ordinance being repealed, yeah. >> i second the motion. >> i'll read the roll. commissioner benide se. >> yes. >> cornet. >> yes.
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>> commissioner herbert? >> yes. >> president huey. >> yes. >> commissioner ortiz. >> yes. >> and vice president ynez. >> yes. >> motion passes. >> thank you. >> next item please. >> item 4 board of supervisors file 240 neighborhood commercial district, this is a discussion item. the commission may discuss in an to allow store front mergers and large uses for limited restaurant uses designated for limited uses. presenting today, we have nate legislative aid to supervisor peskin. >> speaker: hi commissioners. >> hi. >> speaker: good evening. i'm nate horal aid to board
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president peskin. i first want to say that president peskin is very happy to work with director tang to neighborhood commercial district over the past years which simplified a lot of, uses and did expand some uses in the pole being and cd, in the case of this legislation, we we're really just making a kind of a narrow technical remedy to help bob's donuts, who you heard from tonight. president peskin is proud to have nominated bob's donuts in april and they have been facing this landlord issue and have been unable to stay in their current location. and you heard the deserving reasons that they should be
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allowed a legacy business, i'm very happy about that. so this is a technical fix and that's the reason, there are other policy issues that have been raised but we wanted to move as quickly as possible to make sure that they would be able to secure their lease facing the end of their current lease. that was our thinking on this. and we do, we did, we did, cult with some neighborhood, neighbors and discover polk and you heard neighbor support to help bobby donuts get to this situation, basically. and we'll be at the board tomorrow. >> great, thank you. >> uh-huh. >> commissioners any questions? no, questions? vice president?
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>> thank you, thank you for coming and to the supervisors office, because we know that he understand sometimes the nuances that play for small businesses and we appreciate his record of trying to make a legal and legislative pathway, sometimes as it's needed. when you said other policy issues, is there something that you're referring to like there is a trend of this happening with businesses that are having relocations needs? or something that can be addressed from that angle? >> there were discussion that's we didn't accept because we wanted to move more quickly, i would say. sorry, i skipped the part that says what this does, that there is a prohibition on a lot of mergers and this would allow for mergers.
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basically the planning commission recommended that polk ncd also for the planning department, we want it to move it as quickly as possible. our office looked into that the history of that and the reasoning and that change happened in 2017 and it was made to mimic northbeach and the intention was to protect small businesses and have kind of smaller store front, the idea being that there would be lower rents and through smaller store fronts instead of larger store fronts.
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so those policy issues are interesting but they're not really what we're attacking here. >> got it. >> okay. good to know, thank you. >> any other questions from commissioners? seeing no further questions, public can we take public comment? seeing no public comment, the public comment is closed. and this is an action item would somebody like to make a motion? anyone? i'll make a motion to vote on this. i mean to, approve it, sorry, yes. i'll second that. >> motion in support, commissioner herbert seconded by commissioner benidez. >> yes. >> commissioner cornet. >> yes.
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>> commissioner dixon is absent, commissioner ortiz. >> yes. >> commissioner herbert. >> yes. >> yes. >> motion passes. >> thank you, thank you very much. we're going to read item 6 before item 5 because we have a speaker. >> sure thank you. this is a discussion item the commission will hear and possibly not take action on ordinance in which the outdoor consumption of alcoholic beverages during designated events is allowed.
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to allow the outdoor consumption of alcoholic beverages to a shared space permit where the permit holder also holds a permit or license from the department of alcohol beverage control. prepting today, we have ben with the office of economic and workforce development. >> thank you. good evening, commissioners. and i have a slide deck. wonderful. tonight, i'm going to be discussing entertainment zones there is, pending local legislation right now that is up for second reading at the board of supervisors tomorrow afternoon to establish entertainment zones program and adopt a first entertainment zone but it is still a great opportunity to walk through what entertainment zones are and if there are future entertainment zones there will be more local legislation, so plenty of opportunities to discuss this more in the future but i appreciate the time.
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just a bit of background first, last year the california legislature adopted sb76 from senator wiener to create entertainment zones. there is interest around the state in the program, the legislation was narrowed in the late committee hearing to only san francisco so there is a lot of interest in other cities to where we launched this program so, we have a lot of reasons to do it successfully. and as i mentioned established a framework moving forward. taking a step back for a second, what is an entertainment zone? understate law, it's an area that is designated by the board of supervisors through an ordinance and within this area, adjacent restaurants and bars can sell open to go beveragages for consuming out doors such as on the street or plaza within that zone tha. can only occur during a special event that is
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permitted by the department of beverage control and really, you know from a policy perspective this is a tool to activate streets to accelerate economic cover'. might occur whether there is an existing 23e69 val to have restaurants and bars being able to serve alcoholic beverages. that's an opportunity, entertainment zones also an opportunity for those restaurant and bars that we want to create an event and programming. but we cannot make the numbers work if we're just serving the beveragage and something happening on the street. there are a number of state requirement so as i stufpd on the last slide, can tell so not grocery stores and also business kz not participate in this program.
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beveragages must be served on a non metal or glass container there besinger must be a process to identify patrons over 21. a zone could allow for a sale of beer and wine and mixed brings. --drinks. entertainment zone has been committed to the beverage control businesses that wish to participate have to notify abc of their intent to program and businesses may not participate if they're prohibited.
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then you cannot participate in the zone unless you get that condition removed. ordinance that is before the board would authorize development to serve as an implementer of this program through adoption of management plan. this idea of a management plan guiding the 07 racing zone that's a con it september that we have--concept that we have listed from other states, over a dozen states already doing some entertainment zone program. the management programs come from north carolina where they're doing interesting work.
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and it would be aligned with other requirement. that zone can operate in street closure permit would still apply. and help align all of the operations to ensure that all the restaurants and bars and everybody is rell' clear on what is required. so we are proposing to designate the first entertainment zone on front first between california and sacramento street, it's a single block it has three longhanding bars in the block, herrington will exchange, they're all really excited to participate in the program. they're work withing beaumont
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and it's really been positive experience to come together in the process right now. and other stakeholders coming together to figure out to you to make it work. part of secret sauce of make iting happen successfully. we have stakeholders who are interested in exploring zones, our recommendation is that folks should be talking with
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their neighbors, talk withing sfpd, talking with, community stakeholders, and district supervisors office to try to really understand if an entertainment zone is a right fit but we're happy to help people work with the complexity and aiming to develop more public facing materials. happy to answer any questions and appreciate your time. >> thank you very much. >> thanks. >> let's see, commissioners any questions? commissioner ortiz? >> i just want to thank ben not only with this but every time we ask you for your help, i'm one of your biggest fans, but this, i cannot wait to have my
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drink outside on california and sacramento, i'll hit every single bar. this is what we need, we need more of these, i'm excited, it's going to be like new orleans. thank you commissioner. >> commissioner herbert. >> yes, i want to echo what commissioners ortiz said, and i know those businesses have been having a hard time since covid so this is an excellent idea help them get a new start. so thank you so much. >> thank you. >> speaker: thank you, thanks for presenting, we always love to hear how small businesses can be creative and work with our department and creating stuff like this and i remember when the state had done this
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initially also during covid economic shut downs and the only thing i want to point out is, it is, liberalizing, regulatory licenses on on premise establishment, where as off premise were restricted a lot more during that time and continue to be. there is a so many that had to pay. so as we're keeping in mind, i know we're following implementing state policy but keeping in mind if this program develops, if there is any other pathways. that other serve demographics in our society, i think it
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would be more equitable, thank you. >> thank you. >> yeah, thank you very much for presenting this today as well as all the advocacy behind everything that is going into it. i think this is going to be a huge driver for you know, reinvitization in that corridor as well as our city in general. i'm excited to see us get out and and enjoy time together outside. so, let's see at this point, i think there is no further questions. did i have a question, actually? i just wanted to clarify, you had already mentioned this but it is, it is only connected to the special events and then, and it has to be connected to like a business that is already there. >> that's correct.
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the special permit requirement was part of the late amendments, there is currently pending state legislation that the city is a cosponsor of as well as san jose, and senator wiener bill that would add to allow flexibility and some of the media coverage is noted, that's an additional cost for participants. and it's a cost that does not have a ton of justification, other than it is required because the preplanning and the zone, that's why it's a permit or not. so you know, hopeful that sb69 can streamline that piece out of it. but that's the current situation and that's how everybody is approaching it, yeah. >> yeah, and after this first
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zone, what do you anticipate will be the timeline for additional zone. >> that's a really good question, i think given how new this is, some stakeholders are i think taking a, we want to see how this actually works, it's it's he is' --easy to talk about and i see the situation. looking towards the fall to do some implementation which is really exciting. but i think maybe we'll see some more momentum then. i think ideally, we, in a, in a ideal scenario we would have multiple new zone ideas moving together for efficiency in the legislative process, it's not super efficient to do as a new ordinance at a time. that is, that can be exhausting.
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>> how, so i think you know, i guess, my hope would be certainly before the end of the year to have more folks feeling like they get it, all makers are on the board and have some more alignment around that and in 2025 and beyond, we'll see but hopefully, yeah, the more local stakeholders, merchant associations business owners who can be, empowered by this to do creative things in their neighborhoods, you know, make it happen. >> so do the zones sponsor, the people who are sponsoring zones or in, in the future world, will, are those the same people who, are sponsoring the events? so it's like the same body, it's not like, there is one group sponsoring a zone and then they're working with another group sponsoring the event. >> as part of that, is going to
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be figured out moving forward, so right now in front street, everybody is on board that hey, we're the businesses participating and we have this great partners in the bid and we're going to full a street closure and do that. so all of the pieces are a ligned in this one. moving forward, it's entirely impossible, there may be different stakeholders, so it's possible that one, that special event operators pulled a special permit, they're not sort of, they have not been khm pg the zone, but everybody within the zone has to comply with the management plan. so it is possible to have stakeholders going in different directions but we have to make sure that everybody is in the same page as possible. >> so right now, when there is a beer garden, that's a
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different permit, that's like. >> that's one of the abc permits, which they don't call them special permit but there is a different way, either a nonprofit pulls a license or brick-and-mortar and bar so. when we say special event, for purposes of entertainment, it's either one of those, a nonprofit or a brick-and-mortar business using a catering organization. the businesses within that zone expect to pull a catering authorization each time the zone is in operation, which again just speaks to due duplicative that is. >> so it's a longer term?
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>> and it allows for the the brick-and-mortar businesses to sell beverages so the people can walk out of their door with their beverage, as oppose today just having that special event outside, who may be connected or may not be. so this is really enabling those restaurants and bars to participate in the vending as opposed to just having out doors doing the vending, yeah. that's a wonderful distinction, thank you. any other questions from commissioners? seeing no further comments up here? do we have a public comment? yay! >> speaker: i'm executive director of sf new deal and we are working actually with ben
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on a program called downtown energy. and we are really excited about the entertainment zone, even though, there are improvements that still need to be paid. it has actually benefited small businesses adjacent, because people are going in and out and buying food from the restaurants.
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we're excited to support the front street entertainment zone and hopefully there will be a application and we'll be able to support them in a different way. but, we think it's really important to experiment with in pilot this on front street and hopefully, we'll be calling for you know, future pilots as soon as we see the result. very supportive, thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment? no? okay, seeing no further public comment, public comment is closed. and this is only a discussion item, right? thank you so much. thank you so much. next item, please. >> and now we're going back to item 5, board of supervisors file 240407 tenderloin restriction hours program. this is a discussion item, the
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commission will discuss an ordinance to create a two-year pilot program during which retail food and tobacco establishment, are prohibited from being open from 12:00 am to 5:00 am and provide administration fines in violation of the hours restriction to be a public zeus ans. nuisance. >> i'm just going to speak to the legislation is as it stands, since it's going to going to the full board of supervisors for a second vote. so it is just to inform the
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commission about what is pending at the board. so as mentioned, this is a two-year pilot program that expands within the tenderloin that is bounded by, o'farrell to mcallister north south and east west would be jones to pole being street. --polk street. so i just want to note that this was amended on committee on june 17th, so there has been an update. so the pilot would prohibit the hours of operation, for what are considered retail food establishments and tobacco establishments. however those with a license to sell alcohol or liquor under abc would the restrictions would be from 2 am to 5 am.
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so, i think again because this has been already discussed by the board of supervisors who voted on, this was just to inform you of what was going on. when we had learned about this legislation being proposed, off small business, did actually go door to door to do out reach and the community and i want to thank mary anne and iris, so they can talk to every owner within this geography and understand what if any concerns that they had or if they were in support. so that out reach was done, and i know there have been a lot of questions about that. but we have learned a lot about the tenderloin community and the businesses there.
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with that, there is no action item before us today. and is would offer to answer questions. we will be asking, i think i heard from some commissioners desire for presentation, you know, maybe half a year in or a few months in to see the affects of this program. >> great, thank you. thank you very much. so, we do we make comments? okay, yeah. okay. so if any commissioners want to make comments or questions, please feel free to press your button.
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stu for putting us on the agenda, conditions of poverty and addiction. it's not an easy topic to try to regulate on. and i think the sector that we find on the other policies came before the board. because of that proximity to the public, they often have a proximity to environmental codes our know, regulatory enforcement. and i think this is an example of a moment where i think proud came together and really did
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like, the out reach did the negotiations and did kind of line by line where can we come to? or can we find ways on the ground work together more for preventive and community building processes. so i'm really proud of our office and i want to say thank you to the mayor's office. and our community partners, the housing advocates and the residents and a lot of my community live and work in the tenderloin, small arab community. and i think this was, a proud comment where, i could you know, merchants, i was glad to see that merchants were scene and respected in the civic process. and even though, of course there is always going to be a reaction when you're being
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regulated upon. to bring that process of collaboration. mitigations or conversation that's i hope will continue to support all the community stakeholders and the tenderloin that are keeping the lights on and keeping the streets, you know, full of people and, in a good way, because i think this is important to recognize that we're dealing with as we just heard, we have to note that this is actually a restrictive
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on public gother for a different class of people. and if we don't recognize that, then, you know, we're not seeing the realities of our policies and as many of the probablesinger i still want to recognize that these are public serving business sxz in affect, they will print prescriptive law will help them. --thank you. >> i would like to thank the mayor's office director tang, marry anne, iris, everybody for making this so, like what vice
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president had already said, a very thoughtful conversation is always a very challenging path forward. to be able to, you know, to figure out how to meet many thesed. and this is a situation where i was very proud that, yeah, heard many many voices and i think they were there was a lot of time trying to understand some of the nuances and some of the challenges. soiz appreciate that, and i also appreciate that as much as people don't see, there is a lot of back end conversations, that are just door to door because most people don't have a lot of time to end out emails or make phone calls or do advocacy for themselves when they're a small business owner.
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made huge efforts to talk to people individually and build trust. so thank you very much. any other commissioner comments? no, no commissioner comments? any public comment? >> speaker: hi welcome. >> speaker: i'm pre--and i, work with several business
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owners property owners and also residents in the neighborhood and i don't have to explain to you, what got for to us get to here. is remember when august when mayor breed showed up, she surprised us by showing. and one of the things she asked is what are the residency and some of the things that came up, some of the business stores are open 24-7 and they create this environment that makes it impossible for folks to be out there. many of the residents do not even go out in the evening after dark, because they're afraid, they're basically held hostage in their own unit. i work with a lot who are afraid what is happening in
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neighboring businesses, involved in all kinds of activity. today i did not want to speak i just wanted to hear because it's just a discussion. but i checked the agenda, i didn't see that you received any letter of support. i want to make sure that you know that, they're 521 folks who signed up, a petition in support of the legislation. and those are who supported this. they may not come out here and say that because they're afraid, or they're not used to coming out. and we have at least 1213 support letter also. i just want to make sure that that's on the record on this commission meeting, thank you. >> thank you.
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>> speaker: good evening, i'm a resident of tenderloin, i refired working for exxonmobile, by the way i'm 5th generational, i came back because of the tls. the tls have changed. the dynamic of the drug dealing and drug usage, they dug in really well going into covid and state agencies as well as sfpd is a challenge. they have found that they've had to adapt to different strategies to bring a whole and clear up this problem that we have now. we're now trying to figure out how we're going to sustain this when these entities leave.
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i watched the dog's elliot get cleaned up, we don't have the partying in the alley ways and people are able to get sleep. we just don't want something that is going to be rubber stamped and lost over. is had to think about this before i stood behind and stood with anyone. supporting this. so we are see goals and not a year later. you know, at months, i think that that should be enough. we should be able to come to the table and sit down and say, this is working, let's stay the course.
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this is not work, let's do some drastic changes. but give us a chance to clean that area. my grandmother who passed away, 1956 and 62 where the black cat is, she fed this community. a lot of time with no money because people left their wallets at home. she's not around anymore, but i know she looks down on this and shaking her said and saying, this is not going on. ms. looper owns the cadillac hotel and wants to bring jazz to the area but we cannot do that because we can't guarantee that people are safe. i have some concerns, yes, but i'm willing to go along with it. if i'm willing to go along with it and i hear the comments come from this commission today, you have to be willing to stand behind this. it's see where it takes us.
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we cannot lose, i know that we, by doing nothing we've lost already. give us a chance, we can make this work. thank you. >> thank you, thank you very much for your comments. >> any other public comment? seeing no further public comment. public comment is closed. and thank you very much. next item please. >> item 7 board of supervisors file 240470 exempting legacy business. the legacy business assistance program from the grant making requirement under administrative code chapter 21g and all other provisions in the administrative labor and employment environment and
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police codes imposing obligations or other restrictions on contractors. >> welcome back rick. >> good evening, commissioners, richard carrillo businessman jer with the office of small business, sf gov. tv. i have a power point presentation. proposal is an ordinance to exempt the legacy business assistance program from grant making requirement under administrative code chapter 21g and all other provisions imposing obligations or other restrixz on contractors. it was developed bit office of small business with input and guidance from the city attorney's office. it is required in order to implement the business stabilization grant which we're proposing the rent stabilization grant next year. the legislation was introduced by our department on may 6th and referred to the small
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business commission for comment and recommendation. what is administrative code chapter 21g? in 2021, the board of supervisors added 21g to the administrative code designing grant and code definement grant to ensure efficiency. chapter 21g sets forth a variety of requirement including awarding all grants through a process and requiring written grant agreements. what this means is if through the legacy assistance program, we were to follow these requirements under chapter 21g, we would need to enter into a contract with every one, every single person or entity receiving this grant. the contract process is extremely time consuming. as you can imagine this would be a huge administrative burden
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for applicant, our office and other divisions in city departments. there are few reasons why it's appropriate to request an exemption from chapter 21g from the legacy assistance program. the legacy business assistance program which is admin code section 2 a, 246 is structured differently than most other city programs. due to the differences, requirements administrative code chapter 21g, including competitive solicitations and written grant agreement right side unnecessary or practical or both with regard to legacy business assistance program. unlike other city grants where multiple bidding may, financial services to all those who apply
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for the grant. in addition, grant he's are provided award letter entering in grant agreements. additionally, there are several layers of review by different city entities between when a business expresses interest of being a legacy business and when they award a grant. there is an extensive multi step review process for businesses to ultimately benefit from legacy business assistance grants. businesses must meet the criteria for registry, businesses must complete a written application, business must be nominated by a member of board of supervisors or the mayor. the registry is reviewed by the historic preservation commission and registry application is approved by the commissioner.
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the proposed ordinance would exempt the business assistance program from the grant making requirement and administrative code 21g, it would also exempt the business assistance program from other requirement and administrative labor and employment environment and police code that impose obligations and obligations on contractors. going through the ordinance itself, proposed ordinance would make a, which i said before is section 2-a 246 and two grant which is chapter 21g. the legacy assistance program was approved by the board of supervisors on and the mayor on march 28, this year and it didn't occur to us that the 21g exemption would be needed. in that section, 2 a 246 the
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proposed renumbers section 5 to section 6 and ads new text under section 5 titled exemption from chapter g and other applications. in chapter 21g proposed ordinance ads a clarifying statement to definition of grant to specify that grant does not include assistance authorized under admin code 2428 a sister program. os of small business staff ex sem pg the legacy assistance program from city grant requirements. thank you for your time and i'm open to any questions. >> thank you, very much, rick. any questions from commissioners? i don't think i have any questions. but let's open it up for public
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comment, oh, actually vice president. >> i would say this is great work and it makes a lot of sense thank you for putting it together, everybody. >> thank you. >> yeah, any public comment? i don't think we have any public comment. at this point, we need to probably just make a motion, right? if somebody would like to make a motion? to approve the legislation to amend the administrative code. >> i'll make to approve it. >> i second that motion. >> did you get that carry? >> motion by commissioner cornet, seconded business commissioner benidez, is that right? okay. commissioner benidez? >> yes. >> cornet. >> yes. >> commissioner dickerson is absent. commissioner herbert. >> yes.
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>> commissioner huey. >> yes. >> commissioner >> yes. >> vice president. >> yes. >> motion passes. >> okay, thank you so much. thank you very much, rick. next item please. >> item 8 business stabilization grant this is a discussion and action item, the commission may hear and take action for the grant under the business assistance program. >> speaker: good evening, richard carrillo again with the legacy manager with the office of small business. sf gov. tv, i see you went to the power point, thank you. today i'm presenting rules and regulations with proposed stabilization grant. these were developed bit office of small with the city attorney office. this is a replacement grant for the rent stabilization grant
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and the bottom line there, says the goal is to issue it on august first, 2024 when the budget of august 2025 has been approved. background issues and consideration. two types of grants have been administered through the historic preservation fund which is section in the administrative code added by the voters in november of 2015. business assistance grants were eligible businesses received funds baysed on a number of equivalent employees and rent stabilization grants, as as ain vent i have. in 2020, and because of limited funding, only the rent
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stabilization to property owners have been award. many but not all portion share a stabilization grants directly with businesses. the small of small business, cannot require. proposed replication under a i new section of the admin code, section 2 a 246 and makes a number of rules. this would be for few applications and business out as grants expire. the rules and regulations are before s b.c. today. it would require that, in addition it would eliminate the
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special proficiency that land order puts in. there are four steps to approving grant rules and regulations. step 1, review and approval by city office. step two, ten-day public post. step three, the review bit commission, which is what we're doing here. and step 4, subject of the dis approval by ordinance. so we'll present, the notice to the board of supervisors regarding the rules and if they don't introduce an ordinance to dis approve the rules within 30 days, or if they do, and 90 days passes without any action, then the rules welcome final. --become final.
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i'm going to go through the rules section by section to let you know how they compare to the existing rules, number one, scope. specifies these rules are under admin rule which is the legacy assistance program. removes the provision that allows a landlord to cancel the lease if they don't receive the grant. section 3, grant application, copy from the grant, admin code 24 a 23, but ads a statement about the public records and sunshine ordinance. section 4, amount of grant, copy and the rent stabilization
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grant admin code, but eliminates a complicated paragraph about requesting supplemental funds if the grant is not fully funded and the business is at-risk of displacement. section 5, copied from the grant rules. section 6, categories of ineligible land lobsedsinger again copy from the stabilization rules. and section 7, also copied from the rents and stabilization rules. limb naitsz the provision that allows lant lord to cancel a lease if they don't receive a grant. section 9 advance payment and
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not included in the rules is a section in the grant rules titled advance payment in relation to provision and lease. ten, lease stabilization. copied from the rules. 11, use of funds copied from the rules but now requires that the landlord must provide a legacy business with at least 50 percent of the grant to offset the rent. as a direct payment or some other method of payment that is acceptable to the legacy business. section 12, confidentiality from the grant rules but ads a statement of public records in the sunshine ordinance. section 13 through 17 copied
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from the stabilization rules. section 18, changes to these regularizations also copied from the rent stabilization rules and that concludes the, the rules section by section. office of small business staff recommends approval of rules and recommendations for the proposed stabilization grant. for reference, we included in your packet an application but the application is not something that the a fb needs to be approved. it's just provided to see how it would translate to application. i'm open to my questions and i thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. one question, how many,
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applicants generally like apply for or were applying when the grant. . so we've done 57 grant applications. so we get one every couple of months. >> do you help with a lot of application ?z >> do i? >> do you help with a lot of applications. >> no i don't, help them apply it's pretty easy but i review the application sxz we have a second reviewer to doubling check the work. okay. and then director tang signs off on the applications. >> and most applicants find it to be simple? >> pretty simple, about 95 percent of the applicants qualify and maybe 5 percent don't for one reason or the other but they find the application form to be fairly
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easy, a lost ease and no questions. they have to reapply every year so there is an initial application and then two to nine, which is even easier and shorter application. i'm sure a lot are appreciative of these. >> definitely. the reason we prioritize is because it was savinger a lost businesses to have these long term leases. >> commissioners any questions? no questions? any public comment?
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probably no public comment. we need to take a motion. would anybody like to make a motion to approve the draft regulations? >> i'll make a motion to approve? >> any second? >> i'll second. >> motion by commissioner herbert seconded by commissioner cornet. commissioner benitez. >> yes. >> commissioner cornet. >> yes. >> commissioner dickerson, absent, commissioner herbert. >> yes. >> president huey. >> yes. >> commissioner ortiz. a absent and vice president. >> yes. motion passes. >> thank you. >> okay, next item please.
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>> item 9, annual retail food special event permit. this is a discussion and action item honored nans a mending the health business and tax regulation to create a new retail permit for food operators. participating in special events. and welcome director tang. >> yes, thank you good evening, every one. so we're excited to share with you with an ordinance that is going to be before the board of supervisors in july. and we heard from many of the small business that participate in events like farmers markets and street fares that every time if they're selling food, they have to apply for a permit and you know, be subject to fee and inspection, each time at every single event. so what this does is create a
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new option annual retail food special event permit. so that food vendors have an option, they don't have to do this but if they for example, participate in four to six events per year, this would make more sense for them. you can still have a option to apply one at a time if you choose. we did want to clarify that a lot of times the event sponsors and collect all the applications and/or charging each of the food vendors and, they all pay up front. but we want to make sure that they're aware of this permit. what is beneficial is they will not be subject to inspection. you're suppose to get that one inspection and if you're doing the same thing at every event, then you're good to go in terms of when dph comes around.
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so ttsds suppose to be a soft saving and of course the inspection part should ease those that participate in multiple events per year. that is before you today. and it's a action item since the board of supervisors have not taken action. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> thank you very much, directer tang. commissioner herbert? >> thank you for presenting that. so i'm wondering, let me thinks about how to put this. so the business that is participating, do they have to be selling the same thing?
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>> they should be. there will still be a fire regulation, if you're using propane, but you'll be selling the similar things. so you're not introducing something else later on. so you could not do hot dogs and then chicken soup the next time? >> let me see, if you're going to be grilling hot dogs and propane is needed, but let's say you're selling chicken soup the next time around and you're not using anything maybe you're just, i don't know if people put mike waves outside, i don't know how you would heat it up.
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if there is open flame or propane, fire would have to check that at every event. they did not want to compromise safety, so that's still involved. but dph can approve, if that makes sense. >> thank you. is the detail what the fees will be or any reason? >> whether you sell what is considered low hazard or high hazard food. so there is a range, in terms if you think the calculated annual permit, if you're selling at least four times a year or more, of high hazard foods, you would be saving money by getting an annual permit. and if you're selling low
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houser permit, four times a year, then the annual permit makes sense for you. >> have you, what is the out reach been so far? i can make my assumptions but. >> in terms of out reach? >> yeah, like the response. >> i would say that this came from the community so, whenever we go and do out reach and participate in merchant's meetings, i get this question a lot. those who started at farmers market and graduated to brick-and-mortar, this was community griffin idea. >> and you know as you're saying that, i want to recognize that i remember having this conversation with dante about this being a particular challenge, being
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food service. it's been wonderful watching his business grow from farmers market to brick -and-mortar and both. >> you definitely want to thank dante. >> yes, any other questions? at this point? it still has to go before the board of supervisors. okay, is there any other support that this that you think could help with this? >> certainly when it comes before budget committee, they'll have our official letters here from this commission. but if any other community members want to weigh in, we'll try to include it in our newsletter or publicize it once it's up in committee in july. >> thank you very much. >> okay, seeing no further questions or comments from the
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commission, any public comment? no public comment? public comment is closed. and would somebody like to make a motion to i guess, to support or to support the legislation? >> motion to support. the legislation for the retail food special permit. >> is there a second? >> second. >> motion by commissioner benitezseconded by commissioner cornet. commissioner benidez. >> yes. >> cornet. >> yes. >> commissioner herbert. >> yes. >> president huey. >> yes. >> commissioner ortiz and vice president. >> yes. >> motion passes. >> okay, thank you very much. next item please.
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item 10, existing amnesty program, this is an discussion and action item that the commission will possibly take action honored nans amending the code to make permit provisions for unpermitted annings and extend the waivers of applicable fees until july 1, 2025. directer taning is going to present this as well. >> thank you, it's me again. so, this would extend the awning amnesty signs, it would be continued indefinitely. and the permit fee would be continued for additional fiscal year through june 30th of 2025. we think that this has been a
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very interesting exercise between different agencies and really highlighting how important it is to create more simplified applications businesses to comply and property owners frankly. a lot, we heard a lot of feedback that is already challenging to comply with the simplified version of the application process, so we cannot imagine people going through the regular what would have been required. so we hope that again, it sets a great example for how we should really approach permitting applications in the future. so that's something that we're continuously working on. so since this program has taken affect, our team has helped quite a few property owners and businesses come into compliance by getting a permit for any annings or signs that they had installed without permits. so we'll continue doing that, we do i understand it's been a challenge for people to, just
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you know, whether it's getting a property signature or whatever else that is needed as part of the package to submit a permit application that we want to be able to work with them for a long time. so that's, this ordinance in a nut shell and it should be at land use committee in july, so i think next week actually, yeah. >> thank you very much. commissioners any questions? no questions from the commission? there is no public comment. public comment is closed. would somebody like to make a motion to approve the legislation? for the existing awning amnesty program? >> i'll make a motion to approve the existing awning
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amnesty program to extend it. >> motion and second. >> i'll second. >> second by commissioner benitez. >> yes. >> cornet. >> yes. >> commissioner dickerson is absent, commissioner herbert. >> yes. >> president huey. >> yes. n.commissioner ortiz. is absent. vice president. >> yes. >> motion pass approximates. thank you, next item please. >> item 11, approval of draft meeting minutes, this is si discussion and action item to approve april 22, 2024 draft meeting minutes. >> i make a motion to approve the draft meeting minutes. >> or we have to talk about in t? >> you still have to ask for public comment. >> any public comment? no public comment, public comment is closed. and is there a motion to approve? okay, i'll make the motion. okay, i have not made any
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motion today. motion by president huey seconded by vice president, commissioner benitez? >> yes. >> commissioner cornet. >> yes. >> commissioner herbert. >> yes. >> president huey. >> yes. >> vice president. >> yes. >> motion passes. item 12 general public comment, this is a discussion item. any members of the public who would like to make comments on items not on the agenda, seeing no public comment. public comment is closed. next item please. >> item, 13 director's report this is a discussion item. >> all right, hello again. i'll try to make this quick, luckily you heard a lot of the items on the agenda. so just want to give a quick budget update. so this, so the budget committee at the board of supervisors has already held hearings for each of the city departments.
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and i wanted to point out that our office as part of the office of economic and workforce development has been advocating for a couple of new positions that we think will be beneficial based on what we observed in terms of some of the services. those include some permit centers, position to see help with commercial permitting. we have over two years now, two small specialist to help people through the permitting journey. and between them, they have worked on over thousand cases and fiscal year. so it's been really helpful to have that main point of contact and we want to change how permitting works in san francisco. those are the three position that's we have been advocating for. we've had, that position one existing position for about a year and a half now.
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and we can't believe how immensely helpful it is for whether you're new or existing business, that you need to enter into lease negotiations and understand that process. and it's not only helping us fill commercial vacancies which i think what the position came in under initially, but really helping set business up for longer term success to be able to be stable in a good lease that you can actually manage. so we, have again just seen a lot of great results from that position, so, those are still under negotiation and we'll see how that turns out. but the budget committee is going to meet again on wednesday of this week after their deliberations announce what they have decided on. so that is something that our office is trying to clarify with the budget committee that it's not just to serve downtown
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these positions would serve, all of our neighborhood city wide. in terms of other legislative updates that you did not hear before you, i want to share that mayor breed has waved feed. this was passed by the board of supervisors, so hence we did not get to weigh in on it since you did not meet last month. if you're a small business under 5 million in gross revenue, or a merchant association and you have an event that does not have any impacts, it's no more than 3 blocks long, then you can have your fees waved through the various city agency such as fire and entertainment commission or public, sorry, police department. i do believe there are maybe some amendments in trailing legislation, but this is currently the way it stands, since the legislation just passed.
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the other one is actually a state bill, california senate bill 925 sponsored by senior wiener to come plat street vending to regulate on the stolen goods in particular. so i just want to appreciate his efforts. and lastly heritage happy hour, rick is not here, but he would like me to invite you all to the next heritage happy hour to celebrate with legacy businesses, and the next one is july 11th at the dub center on 24th center and the one subsequent to that is august 8th at saint mary's pub in the commission. --mission. if you have any questions, let us know and we can send you an invite. with that, i conclude my director's report. >> thank you very much. any questions from
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commissioners? no questions. okay, any public comment? no public comment. public comment is closed. thank you. thank you very much, directer tang. next item please. >> item 14 commission discussion and new business this is a discussion item. >> are there any commissioners with new business to report? anything exciting happening in your neighborhood? commissioner benitez? >> when we spoke on the phone, that visitor corridor is having an art walk, it's not this week but it's in july but we'll still have time to announce it again but on thursday july 25th art walk, the business is flat so it's easy.
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keep that open, it will be fun to get not only the commissioners but just spread it around and get other corridors to come by support too. >> great. thank you. commissioner osuna. >> thank you. i, i want to just give a shout out to all the partners in the tenderloin that to see the tenderloin community, kind of owning space for themselves, it's, it's the second year we've been able to do this and this year we actually were able to take it into the streets and they had even petting zoo, we had a baby llama in the tenderloin and we were playing our cultural music. that was a proud moment.
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i loved seeing that we have, our youth in, kind of doing an extension of the safe passage program with, with you know, keeping our own community safe and i think this is something that is indicative of a growth i hope in the community and tenderloin breaking this server dichotomy of always having an inter mediaty, love that, that we had a cultural festival, and the community felt very proud of it. so that was very cool and yeah, oawd is a partner so thanks to, the city for supporting it. and i went to a cool event also this weekend, it was a commemoration of the 1973 coors
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beer strike, i think i had mention thised before, it's a historic moment of labor and small business solidarity and community solidarity and a moment in which, the community that i'm part of, a lot of arab corner stores, there is a historic letter showing them under signing and holding the picket line, 400 businesses in the 70s, not selling coors beer and gala wine in solidarity with the teamsters triek, --strike, twhauz a really cool event. it was cool to see small business solidarity because i think it's something that we can work on for sure in the city and i love that there is a precedent for it with that, and
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oh yeah, and i guess a continuation of all of the, just reporting on all of the work that has been done in the last few months with, you know, how to improve conditions in the tenderloin and market areas. i had helped some small businesses meet with the community benefit district in their neighborhoods, and came up with some strategies for how we can better collaborate on you know, understanding on what cbd is. and having more visibility around their schedule. so small businesses know how to participate in, in up keeping, you know, the neighborhoods and kind of just more transparency and communication and, yeah, i think it's important for us to
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remember that merchants as lucky as we are to have an office of small business and have staff, small businesses, you know, it's, it's a learning curve to come into city hall and to participate and, you know, engage with legislation that impacts them and so i think it's important that, yeah, we hold space to have their voice and i know, it's not easy to do out reach in certain business communities. and so, we should, you know, understand that there are a different business communities or culture communities have, you know, their ways of communicating and doing out reach and engaging each other and that, you know, we have to, as a city be understanding of that that process, and yeah. i'm glad to see that, city hall
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is welcoming to merchants and i think a lot of people came for the first time and spoke at hearings the past few weeks from my community so i was really proud. yeah. that's it. >> thank you, thank you very much, vice president. any other commissioner news? new business? just want to plug again that china town night market is happening again, monthly. and this time i know at my shop we're having like a listening party and a collage making night. so i know there is a lot of activation happening in china town. feel free to stop by my shop. i also wanted encourage and i think this is totally okay, is for commissioners to meet other commissioners. i think the mayor has done a really good job of inviting,
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commissioners out, sometimes for different, i don't know, opportunities like photos, or things or events, i think that, that i was just reflecting upon upon the last few years being on the commission and knowing that, you know, you're newer to the commission but it's really a nice opportunity to meet other people who are doing things within their sector, i met fantastic arts commissioner, sfmta is a wonderful body so kind of be able to talk to and understand. i think, for small businesses, we don't always have a lot of time to advocate for ourselves. and so i think being able to build relationships as commissioners is really important and really good, i don't know experience for me, is meeting people who are advocating on behalf of what
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they do and often times, we find that especially in other commissions, there are small businesses on those commissions as well. so that being said, i just want to appreciate the opportunities to be able to talk to other like minded people and perhaps, consider ways that we can all work together. i know, for sfmta, they had a working group, i think for small businesses to be able to kind of voice, around transit issues. i think those types of things are really important for us to be part of. and start to look at the city holistically, we're affected by whatever happens and i see it in every corridor and instead of being in a position of being reactive when the sidewalks is broken to be more proactive and kind of like, considering how
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we can, move forward together. so, i think that's an opportunity that we all have. i think, oh i don't know i might say this really, well i'll do it now, is it okay? to say whatever i want to say right now? i think, most importantly i really wanted to wish a happy birthday to alex, or physician, he's turning 13 tonight and having a fantastic time probably celebrating his 13th birthday. and let's see, commissioner cornet might have a comment to follow that. >> so a little update from mission, it looks like guadalupe casa is moving
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forward with securing the location. i'm talking to a couple of other business owners, just ideas on how to activate the block. those two blocks, because 26 it's just a little too quiet and too slow happening. we're kind of, come up with creative ideas to have things happen on that block. great news, playa, they have a location in northbeach. they had on mission street one but they closed last year. they should be strug struggling with the landlord. so now it's going to be a peruvian rotisserie and i'm excited to meat the owners, >> fantastic. well thank you. and any other things before we close out this section? okay.
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so, so seeing no other comments from commissioners, any public? yes, we have more, we have more. >> yeah, ten years of work salon, thank you. >> yay! >> 20 more to go. >> and vice president. >> thank you. yaf, i just wanted to report back on another thing, i was part of on part of the commission, there was, the department of public health had to execute on this, kind of grant related to business support to tobacco retailers. and the business consultant result today stakeholders. they developed some great tools, the only feedback that i want, you know, on record and for our office to be aware of, is just that sometimes the
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city, underably thinks that, they're, they're, once they develop something that those tools only can live within city programming, or you know, staff right? and live on within the business community. for a state grant but rather tools that can live on with the business community themselves and the business can get hired to do this work have a relationship to, the business community itself and be able to let those tools live on.
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>> thank you, i forgot to mention that the frame line film festival is going on right now, career film festival throughout san francisco. so for whoever is listening, you should go see it, it's at the roxy, fine arts and host of other venues. and last wednesday night, because of the cash thaet cer closed, the festival opened with an outdoor film in the street. every one brought their wlaun chairs lawn chairs and it was really cool. >> fantastic. >> well seeing no further comments from commissioners, any public comment? no public comment? no public comment is closed. next item please.
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>> item 15 adjournment. sf gov. tv please show the office of small business slide. >> so as we adjourn, happy birthday alex, i have to say that, i know he's watching. [laughter] he's our number one, every one give him a shout out. woo! we will end with the reminder that the small business commission is a small to run to voice your opinions on brutality of small business. if you need assistance with small business matters, continue to reach out to the office of small business, meeting is adjourned. [gavel]
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dev mission's goal is aiming to train young adults, youth so we can be a wealth and disparity in underserved communities like where we are today. my name is leo sosa. i'm the founder and executive
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director for devmission. we're sitting inside a computer lab where residents come and get support when they give help about how to set up an e-mail account. how to order prescriptions online. create a résumé. we are also now paying attention to provide tech support. we have collaborated with the san francisco mayor's office and the department of technology to implement a broad band network for the residents here so they can have free internet access. we have partnered with community technology networks to provide computer classes to the seniors and the residents. so this computer lab becomes a hub for the community to learn how to use technology, but that's the parents and the adults. we have been able to identify what we call a stem date.
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the acronym is science technology engineering and math. kids should be exposed no matter what type of background or ethnicity or income status. that's where we actually create magic. >> something that the kids are really excited about is science and so the way that we execute that is through making slime. and as fun as it is, it's still a chemical reaction and you start to understand that with the materials that you need to make the slime. >> they love adding their little twists to everything. it's just a place for them to experiment and that's really what we want. >> i see. >> really what the excitement behind that is that you're making something. >> logs, legos, sumo box, art, drawing, computers, mine craft, and really it's just awaking opportunity. >> keeping their attention is like one of the biggest
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challenges that we do have because, you know, they're kids. they always want to be doing something, be helping with something. so we just let them be themselves. we have our set of rules in place that we have that we want them to follow and live up to. and we also have our set of expectations that we want them to achieve. this is like my first year officially working with kids. and definitely i've had moments where they're not getting something. they don't really understand it and you're trying to just talk to them in a way that they can make it work teaching them in different ways how they can get the light bulb to go off and i've seen it first-hand and it makes me so happy when it does go off because it's like, wow, i helped them understand this concept. >> i love playing games and i love having fun with my friends playing dodge ball and a lot of
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things that i like. it's really cool. >> they don't give you a lot of cheese to put on there, do they? you've got like a little bit left. >> we learn programming to make them work. we do computers and programming. at the bottom here, we talk to them and we press these buttons to make it go. and this is to turn it off. and this is to make it control on its own. if you press this twice, it can do any type of tricks. like you can move it like this and it moves. it actually can go like this. >> like, wow, they're just
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absorbing everything. so it definitely is a wholehearted moment that i love experiencing. >> the realities right now, 5.3 latinos working in tech and about 6.7 african americans working in tech. and, of course, those tech companies are funders. so i continue to work really hard with them to close that gap and work with the san francisco unified school district so juniors and seniors come to our program, so kids come to our stem hub and be exposed to all those things. it's a big challenge. >> we have a couple of other providers here on site, but we've all just been trying to work together and let the kids move around from each department. some kids are comfortable with their admission, but if they want to jump in with city of
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dreams or hunter's point, we just try to collaborate to provide the best opportunity in the community. >> devmission has provided services on westbrook. they teach you how to code. how to build their own mini robot to providing access for the youth to partnerships with adobe and sony and google and twitter. and so devmission has definitely brought access for our families to resources that our residents may or may not have been able to access in the past. >> the san francisco house and development corporation gave us the grant to implement this program. it hasn't been easy, but we have been able to see now some of the success stories of some of those kids that have been able to take the opportunity and continue to grow within their education and eventually become a very successful
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citizen. >> so the computer lab, they're doing the backpacks. i don't know if you're going to be able to do the class. you still want to try? . yeah. go for it. >> we have a young man by the name of ivan mello. he came here two and a half years ago to be part of our digital arts music lab. graduating with natural, fruity loops, rhymes. all of our music lyrics are clean. he came as an intern, and now he's running the program. that just tells you, we are only creating opportunities and there's a young man by the name of eduardo ramirez. he tells the barber, what's that flyer? and he says it's a program that teaches you computers and art. and i still remember the day he
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walked in there with a baseball cap, full of tattoos. nice clean hair cut. i want to learn how to use computers. graduated from the program and he wanted to work in i.t.. well, eduardo is a dreamer. right. so trying to find him a job in the tech industry was very challenging, but that didn't stop him. through the effort of the office of economic work force and the grant i reached out to a few folks i know. post mates decided to bring him on board regardless of his legal status. he ended his internship at post mates and now is at hudacity. that is the power of what technology does for young people that want to become part of the tech industry. what we've been doing, it's very innovative. helping kids k-12, transitional
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age youth, families, parents, communities, understand and to be exposed to stem subjects. imagine if that mission one day can be in every affordable housing community. the opportunities that we would create and that's what i'm trying to do with this [music] >> at the port of san francisco we are the gateway to the city. the port of san francisco is responsible for managing this waterfront, and we have little over 270 staff dedicated staff doing that work. a third of our staff are skilled trades, and so at the port we actually have i believe every trade that is represented in the city is here at the port. i'm particularly proud of the
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collaboration and relationship building that we've been able to accomplish, especially with our union partners. not when something is wrong, but to proactively work wg them when we are thinking of different policies and how they may impact their membership. our main hr office is here at pier 1, we have office hours and a dedicated office at pier 50. we staff that daily so we are accessible and available to that staff as well. like many city jurisdictions we were impacted by the pandemic and we felt it in our staffing levels. our hr has transformed. not only did we increase staffing, we challenged ourselves to look how we do our work. we participate in job fairs, apprenticeship fairs and youth employment programs. we are working hard to make
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this an employer of choice, and show anyone who is interested in coming to the port that there are people that look like them and they will be welcomed in the port family. we are making a concerted effort to bring training into our organization. we've brought in staff to help facilitate conversations and break down barriers or preconceived notions about each other. we spend more time with each other then our own families most of the time. our staff are not 4 digit numbers. we are more then our job classification. we have cultivated a culture where every voice matters. >> winning skill set, her capabilities and her incredible personhood. she is incredibly kind and incredibly thoughtful. it is moving people towards a position of trust so we have most employee excellence and use our human
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resource functions to help people vault their careers. she has been in human resources for the city over 20 year jz she's now leading the organization in a turn of our human resources function towards the service provider to a organization that gets a lot more employee support. loca >> (music). >> the work go ahead offered i didn't the rec and park friday's local young people between 14 and 17 to be part 6 the workforce and eastern responsibility and professionalism and gain job skills and assignments in neighborhoods parking and
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recreation centers and includes art and crafts, sport, cooking, gardening and facility support and so many more. >> (multiple voices). >> i think we're part of the this is the fact we're outdoors and it is really great to be in nature and workreation is great first step to figure out what you would like to do workreation covers real life working skills and expansion can be allowed (unintelligible) it is a really great program because um, students get placed all the time for what they like. join us in
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the experience and opportunity and i really like the workreation program it is fun to workout at the summer camp with all the kids each is different and the staff is really nice. >> why? is because i used to go to the local park often when i was a little kid. with my mom i often had to translate for my mom i applied in the hope to provide assistance for other people with first language was for the english. >> i like this job we have fun and working and i feel welcome. >> hi. >> like how a job actually works like maybe before then i didn't know like all the jobs i
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don't know any of that now i do. >> it has to be self aware of things and independence of value of this taught me how to be progressiveal but still learning as i go on. >> i learned a lot like a got to adapt and challenges and obstacles come up everyday and . >> i like that we're able to really work with other people and gaining experience like how in the real world hoe how he work with other people. >> if you're looking to develop your live skills as well as cash and working in the parks, and meeting great people and working with great staff i definitely
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recommend the corporation. >> it is fun. >> i definitely do the scombrifrm again that the workreation and park and i'll do that again. >> i will (music). >> happy 30th non-sfgovtv i'm rap and i want to take a moment to thank you, thank you to sfgovtv and congratulate the staff for reaching the milestone we're grateful that sfgovtv work with our commission over the years and provided us with a citywide platform that allows us to highlight and showcase all of the residents what they do
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>> good offing welcome to the immigrant leadership awards. [laughter] i'm the director of the office of civic engagement and immigrant affairs. we are excited see this room to celebrate amazing group of immigrants today. before we get started i like to introduce an opening performance. please, give a welcome to our own immigrant right's commissioner. they will perform a song called, roots. this evening