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tv   Mayors Press Availabililty  SFGTV  July 4, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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>> thank you all for thank you for being here. and i'm come the cfo at planned participate hood and a request from gilda is not here but as i know the u.s. supreme court overturned rodeo and many today, i can't believe it but 12 satellites are restrictive reproductive rights we see a tax going on beyond deposition and witnessing assault think conception and from joined affirming care those are under it minnesota the. >> too many of women and in
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reality they're graveling effected. >> the message if the reproductive rights freedom is clear they won't stop until adoption are completely polished and in this ever evolving environment we need all the government to act when it comes to reproductive rights freedom the local and state and federal level and the local is vital in the operation by approve the security and implementing buffer zip codes that protect the patients if protesters. local coalition like the bayview coalition is critical to find solutions and working collaborating to strengthen us at the san francisco reproductive rights act you'll hear important about another shining example of san francisco leading the way once again at the local level and i want to
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thank you for your commitment and dedication and any my great honor to introduce someone a long time supporter and vocal championship k champion please join me mayor of san francisco london breed (clapping) thank you. >>. thank you very much. nicole for the introduction and for opening up the space an opportunity to come together to deal with something we all every thought we'd be dealing with and in fact, where robe wade was overturned two years ago that set in motion a monument that i think is brought women all over the country to fight for the ability to make decisions about our bodies. we shouldn't have to explain what it is we need when it comes to any health decision
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thereby protected and the fact we have to now fight against policies that provide technical detailed around what you can and cannot it is really offense and it is our bodies it is our choice and we should be able to make any decision we need to and we shouldn't have to talk about whether or not in raise or inner safety net arrest this and that not part of the excavation i'm proud no, when rodeo wade was overturned 2 years our director of the commission on the status of women kimberly through the vision leadership created the bayview adoption rights coalition as a way - we figured out back. created this as an opportunity to bring the various
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bayview counties together to prepare sadly for women who might be traveling to the bay area and looking for reproductive rights care no questions asked i appreciate her leadership and what we've been able to do to provide the resources to make sure that is possible and that we are able to be that sanctuary for women. it is really extraordinarily to be here today at the scene of coalition of leaders here joining us to make that clear including members of board of supervisors i'm proud of the work they have done and will continue to do to stand up for reproductive rights and whatever capacity they serve and have why is this important? it is important for the reasons that nicole stated but more importantly it can't be a conversation that we have at the
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board of supervisors. this can't just think or be an ordinance we have to donstrate with the voters of san francisco what our values are and how we'll continue as a city to fight■( against any injustice that reproductive rights health and freedom will continue to be protected in the city in whatever way possible one of the things i want to touch on we have two of those crises pregnant centers in our city that have been to women and efficient when you're going to said what all your options you're told like you'll go to hell if i get an abortion we don't need people telling someone we don't know what they're going drove and what it leads to the fact up and coming those kinds of centers exist and people are not aware of what
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they are when they're walking into the doors another reason we need to make sure that signage is appropriate and make sure that that we are using every resource san francisco has to protect reproductive rights in any way, shape, or form and so that's what had ballot measure represents and the reproductive rights act will do a couple of things declare a policy of the city for the comprehensive reproductive rights freedom and require our department of public health and dr. colfax the director be located here today to provide public library information where people can access repulsive services including the city supported clinics all over san francisco and prohibit the use of the city funds to cooperative or support prosecution of an adoption or reproductive rights services that is laugh in 80 california
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we'll not be moving forward into synagogue we don't believe in and restrictive the funding for facilities don't provide or prefer a comprehensive health services have to have all the services that require signages and crises pregnant centers centers and people don't provide reproductive rights healthcare and where they can get the information that establishes the fund that private dollars the city dollars support people in accessing reproductive rights healthcare and amend the planning code to they are a admitted use whatever ruse permitted so a lot of technical bureaucracy but ultimately this you accomplishes the goals it is more important so 0 we're here standing today, i know we to have a number of speakers and i
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will save my long list of thank you's to the at the end i want to make sure we have an opportunity to hear from all of them i'll so grateful and humble that so many of us have come together in the fight to make sure three pedestrians freedom for all women and i'm proud that this is not just a san francisco thing but this is a bayview thing that is all of our counties coming together to demonstrate that we are whether our das or elected leaders and public health folks we're together for one pursue to protect the reproductive rights for all women everywhere and take this opportunity to introduce another supporter of this initiative from the board of supervisors soon assemblymen
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supervisor stefani (clapping.) good morning, everyone. >> thank you you'll for thank you for being here. and to our fabulous mayor for inching this i'll so grateful for planned parenthood i'm the supervisor for district 2 and have been privileged to work alongside to make sure we have security access and make sure we have the funds to provide for security for people can safely access the healthcare here and, of course, for the district attorney's office to improve the buffer zone a privilege to work with planned parenthood and start out by expressing any gratitude i i think is the so important to really what we're grateful for i'm grieve gratifying to the city like san francisco and the bayview that cares about the reproductive rights for all and thank you, mayor. and they my
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colleagues for leading the charge it means too much to me i know there is a problem that i am grateful for the people that i get to work welcome to get that problem and thank you to them and grateful for planned patient thank you for all you do but in fear and i think all don't talk about the fear of what is happening in our country roadway what is happened to the adoption decision i have a 14-year-old drought my daughter has less rights this terrifies me and project manager a woman for murder in texas is absolutely terrifying to me the fact that 121 states are for restrictive laws since rodeo wade was over turned is absolutely terrifying to me and
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22 million we have a long way to go and girls are effected the fact we have a hope here in san francisco that means so much to me that fear we're all in especially women i know especially those have daughters we can't sit not tear? so important please removal this fear and direct any attention to what you'll have me do and we're getting into action and the fact we're in action that is powerful to let the world know and the entire of our country knows that san francisco will not stand for this means so much to me the fear is adjudicated so thank you, everyone i'm here with today. to really take this issue by storm and say we're not going to take it and let you have control over you are both sides and our daughters both sides and
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make sure doing everything we can to turn the. >> (repeated.) >> and the constitution of the state of california. tied so thank you for being here. and i wanted to take this moment to introduce one of my colleagues supervisor mel greater and a mother to a daughter. >> thank you i'm the supervisor for district areas 7 and i'm a latino on the board of supervisors. and - but the first one to the elected with a appoint for the mayor we are underrepresented in politics but overrepresented um, in terms of the poverty in california. >> in california poverty as a single mom is latino i say this in san francisco we have been
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the beacon people came from all over the world to reinvent themselves so upward possibility and my family came here pe i was 12 and adoption was still illegal and people were prosecuted for having adoptions and, you know, this place san francisco is values of openness and tolerance of freedom. and we must continue to do so. i am a mother of three girls i think that what i am seeing right now in terms of changing metrics around our country about the basic human rights of controlling your body is deeply terrifying as my colleague said in district 2 a woman. >> but supervisor stefani but also, we are recovering from the
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pandemic around the country as a city and country no such thing an economic progress as upward mobility and freedom for everyone without repreoccupation rights and the basic rights to have control over your body, your families who you're responsible for so we're going to be consistent with our san francisco scrawls vacation dwellings we must continue to be that beacon of hope that sanctuary for everyone in the country to access basic human rights i'm grateful to planned parenthood and the mayor and colleagues over in the family month grateful for so clear from the beginning we must do this and a practical thing with the legislation i was under the
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planning commission was entitled people picketed that and actually one of any colleagues it was intense having is there be no question this is a permitted use no later than is important. and that process so for the practical reasons but also the values that we are putting out into the world and doubling down. because we are all activists here and going to continue to be that beacon of hope for the rest of the crises as needed thank you for being here. and i will now introduce my dear dear colleague in district 9 supervisor ronen. >> thank you, everyone. it is very exciting to be here today and an honor to be here and
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that's because i think what all of us have of the since the adopted decision in unthinkable reality of oewd wade over turned in the united states of america to make sure that my daughter and mother and sister my cousin and aunts and that they will continue to have the only control over higher both sides that's the way it should be and as a former supervisor of the former location of planned parenthood i have talked about this for decades and thought that san francisco especially with in charge the status of women i thought we have doing everything we can with our local
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laws to protect women's was over the control of our own both sides of mayor a ton of additional things she fud found we can do and it is fantastic what at supervisor stefani touched on that inability to figure out what we call to fight back by putting this on the ballot we have had this in the board of supervisors but on the ballot we are telling every san franciscan you california do something meaningful in our own city to fight back and part of making history and laying down the law and saying that's who and what we stand for we're not going to do this for you we're going to bring you into the office and all join and fight together that's piece of paper
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what we should do and thank you, mayor london breed and i'm very honored to now introduce our district attorney (clapping.) thank you everyone. >> i'm brook jennings the san francisco district attorney and honored to stand understood mayor london breed the women of the board of supervisors, of course, our head of the department on the stuts kimberly and a number of leaders today to crawl on the voters to pass the san francisco reproductive rights act. when i think of the adoption decision i don't think we saw the domino affect on is rights that we have. i think we all understood the impact on the rights of adoption but i watched things play out and watched
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other opportunities for reproductive rights healthcare is diminished across the country i had to confirm and personal story not that long ago i was told by a physician i couldn't conceive children to you as you can tell healthcare to figure out how i was going to be able to have children that meant considering imbet and went through that i learned after that that i was capable of having kids naturally after paying a large bill (laughter) but, but any bring that up again watched this play out we have seen across the country families of both lgbtq families as well as male and female marriage partners didn't understand the imboard member testa fertilization services and i
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don't think we could have anticipated like i said this is very personal. i'm here to stand alongside everyone with all the rights to be protected here on a san francisco. um, and this act doubles down 0 the commitment to advancing reproductive rights for all women san francisco will a leader and has been i thank the leaders behind me for pushing us for the record will i supervisor ronen in a moment you know that is nothing more to do they've figured out something else to continue to make sure that women in san francisco and from all over the country to come and have access to the care they need working to make sure that punishment privacy is protected and no jurisdiction outside of california and seek to demonize women he or them or seeking care is just
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something we can't accept and that we must protect against here in san francisco my offense doing everything we can to make sure that women to access the care in the medical professionals that provide that care are are save and protected and crystal clear we will not tolerated any threats of violence or vibrant actions again women or facilities like the one we stand in today, if you come here to harm people or do thing that threaten them or make them feel bad we're for the scared to prosecutor i - i want to just to be clear, we're coming to push for this act to be passed i stand here as a a district attorney doing everything we can to protect those that seek this care and so at this time i'm honored to pass it off to the cfo of the access
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health amy (clapping.) good morning imagine. >> i'm amy for access health in the bayview organizations for champions that had healthcare for all and it is the honor and privilege of my career i've been doing this for 25 years and 25 years ago we started ringing the alarm bells and the core supreme court can overturn rodeo wade and now the devastating nightmare has come to bear and the impact has been rapid and effected the lives of more than $20 million of millions people across the united states and i think about the helpers and that
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i wake up in california and in san francisco we have leaders that understand that access to deposition is healthcare and that the ability to have the autonomy it critical for the individual our families and community health and well-being so the central access we're proud to establish with a coalition partner and leaders with new grant programs to protect and providing funding for partnered hood and other key partners to make sure that anyone in need of adoption care whether you live in san francisco or california or other states can come to san francisco and the funding is not enough. so we have to make sure we can continue to booster the resources to expand the access. so across the country continues
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to impact really cruel and callous measures it restrict access to essentially healthcare and body autonomy in san francisco o in california and san francisco we have an obligation and responsibility to every tool to use it to stand healthcare and this measure introduced and built on it san francisco long history of taking bold action in support of justice a unique model for other jurisdictions to adopt and building on san francisco leadership as the leaders and we urge san francisco to stand up for san francisco values in support of this measure and we also thank mayor london breed for her leadership bringing this forward at the (clapping.) and my pleasure to introduce a colleague and examine jessica
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the executive director of access for justice (clapping). >> good morning average everyone i'm jessica and the executive director at access reproductive justice for adoption funds and in the year following we supports 18 hundred people across california and beyond in accessing adoption care so the primary folks we support through our adoption funds are in california accessing care in the state so and folks who come if other states to california to access care. not only following the decisions in one hundred and one hundred and fifty percent caller volumes by saw a 10 to 15 percent increase for the out of
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state and we know that the level of care that folks were coming from out of state is dramatically different and increased we're going looking at airfares and lodging and transportation and childcare and food. a number of kind of wrap around services that make it possible for the healthcare they want and need and so access r) is really to support the reproductive rights freedom act and as a grateful to mayor london breed and the city and county of san francisco for working to further human rights. we know that even in our reproductive rights freedom state like california and the municipalities is im3e6r we make sure that our since and those who travel for adoption care know and understand they are safe and they are seen and they are heard. as california
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statewide domestic funds we see experiences of individuals seeking adoption care throughout the stay and regularly answering the callers questions whether they'll be judged for the or treated with dignity and went that they deserve. this initiative makes sure that if approved by the voters san francisco city and county of san francisco will unequally say yes to each of the questions. access r j callers are identified as black or inagainst people of color or in their 20s will been city and county of san francisco valid indicts them and experiences but also doing everything we can as so the mentioned to make sure two and three interest increased access to financial services there the reproductive rights act. as well
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as protections discrimination as crises pregnant centers a finally would further protect individuals of the decision making for investigated or prosecuted for such a has access we are building we're all people in san francisco, california have the freedom to make powerful decisions including the decision to have an adoption without shame or stigma and regardless of race and risen and we're hopefully this initiative will help us get closures to the reality and with that, i'm grateful to i'm going to turn it over to our partner kimberly from the status of women.
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>> (clapping) well a big thank you to everyone that came out today good afternoon. i'm kimberly the director for the status of women i close don't worry this will be short. the reproductive rights act about san francisco. leveraging it's strength and assets to codify repulsive freedom and justice into the rule of the law the high stakes presidential this is an example of san francisco proactively that contingency planning. we are backing down the hatches not to get catch flat-footed one thing we've learned from the pandemic the call fall of rodeo
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wade that is not it is go time. and with this measure that our mayor has announced today san francisco is once again demonstrating that that is ready and prepared to lead and make no mistake, the reproductive rights act is a call to - to arms and action and what mayor london breed last done with that initiative is given the voters of san francisco the opportunities to say when you come for us when you come for our rights not only will when i fight back. (laughter) thank you. >> (clapping). >> wow. >> (laughter.) >> well, first of all, thank you to all the speakers i want to take the opportunity to acknowledge a number of the
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folks thank you to the contra costa district dining i'm tongue-tied. >> thank you for coming here and working with us as well. we also have a couple of members would be here from the community college boards including merrill and fillingal williams and proud that so much of our departments heeds have joining us including our, as i mentioned, dr. colfax and county healthy officer dr. susan phillips is joining us as well (clapping.) and the director of public works carla short and our city administrator carmen stu and maria the department of children, youth, families. and we also have a number of
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democratic central members including the chair of the agency nancy chung thank you for being here. and emma, (clapping.) and- any ho. >> (clapping) and did i get everybody i got almost everything and some partners beverly for joining us as well (clapping.) i know that gil doesn't - but appreciate her work throughout california and for planned parenthood and our city attorney david chiu and jose cisnero and the state controller malia cohen a village of people and as you can see a fourth of a village
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here to not only roll up our sleeves but to bark and bite to get the job done and demonstrate it san francisco will continue to lead and continue to partner and collaborative and continue to doing everything we can to protect the pedestrians freedom of all san franciscans and people all over this country thank you for being here.
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francisco. >> (music). >> city and county of san francisco korean-american is one of the and preserve agrees in america we work with job seeker to make sure they're trained and able to enter the workforce by i work with the number of partners able to then recruit our residents from training and get a solidified trained up workforce the hospitality initiative started in 2012, we saw a need for culinary workers within san francisco is everything from hotels gift services to culinary training to also to security services as well as are jailer training is
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under the hospitality initiative umbrella and um, the goal so really try to make sure we have various training tracks for folks to answer within the industry and our program is about a tense week program about job readiness, you know, included with our kitchen work we teach life skills. >> to assess the program not only what my helped my life build. >> i come from a hardship to starting to connect again to changes, you know, and this is a second chance. >> why not to mess up on that and the program has supported me in that you a oewd is amazing; right? one of the things we focus on more on for our workforce development how to help more trained workers would
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our industry want to help raise the awareness of those organizations so our members know hey this is a place we could go and find a cook find a things to. >> my sidewalks previously i did 10 years in federal penitentiary i was released into prison and that's how i got introduced with that so to chat they said apprenticeship they taught me to leave the program and i found multiple jobs and owe that to everything i learned here in. >> no wrong donor i feel your department has done is great job throughout the workforce developmen >> come shop dine and play. taraval street is open for
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business. >> i am a coowner at 19th. this establishment came about when me and my brother andy, coowner, we decided that it time for us to take a step up in the barber industry, and open up a space of our own. ory business is a community that shows their true artistic side of the barber industry. we are involved in teraival bingo so stop by, get a hair cut and when you do you get the barber sticker made just for us. i say in three words we are community, arts and here to help any way possible we can, so come by, visit at barber lounge, 907 taraval in the sunset. you can find us on instagram. >> time for teraival bingo supporting small business, anyone can participate.
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it is easy, collect stickers on a bingo gameboard and enter a raffle event. (clapping). >> so nice today. you know, everyone should have the day off today and yeah. >> know i'm joint tenant kidnapping especially the union square ambassadors know not today. um, hi, everyone i'm san francisco mayor london breed and joined today by our union square ambassadors our downtown ambassadors and our union square alliance ceo melissa rodriguez and yerba buena executive director and so many people have a lot to do in the downtown area
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i want to express my appreciation to all of you for being here but more importantly all of you for building in and never giving up on san francisco (clapping.) and for all you have folks shopping on line please stop. >> but in all seriousness we're here and began cars one of our most sergeant off designation for people visiting san francisco we know before the pandemic what we saw happened in downtown many of the visitors and people who he welcomed if all over the world and conventions san francisco was a place that for tourism and vegetables and even businesses we never had to work for and now we do work from home has challenged our city like never before the challenges around crimes and other things having
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put a lot of information that isn't entirely adequate as you can see today, this city is beautiful this city sister vibrant and exciting and we are back folks. we're not coming back we are back (clapping.) so why is it important to be here today? fall to talk about the momentum but also as you might have heard i just introduced any budget last week. and we have some really exciting investment in we plan to make in the downtown area to make visibly more exciting and a lot for fun and support and enhance a lot of existing programs that are here as well. now here's the thing i want to give a facts what is happening in san francisco. and we know that
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people have been talking about public health and like in the major city challenges did you know that crime is down in 2023 and continuing to be one of the lowest crime rates we've seen in 10 years not including the pandemic and break-ins for cars continuing to decline significantly because of the resources and support that we gotten from our district attorney's office from our police department and all the incredible work that ma many of our city agencies to combat those issues and starting to see and feel a difference. is that perfect 90? no, but doubling down and working hard with the support of our downtown and union square ambassadors we are really changing the experience that people have when and come downtown but, you know, downtown
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can't be a place for retail it can't be a> (clapping) how many of you love it when he close down the streets and bring people together in downtown? >> (clapping.) my budget investments includes more active and night life downtown and more opportunity to turn areas of the downtown into entertainment zones can you imagine buying a small beverage and hang 0 in the sunny plaza and century and enjoy yourselves and say hi and meet people we're
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creating an environment people want to be in places where this is activation and excitement and we'll be making more investment in actuating and bringing the culture and exciting experiences here to downtown san francisco. the other program we had that was extremely sketch is our have an opportunity to vibrant program do you change that is? of our better late than never gave free space for the a lot of small businesses that started in their garages in san francisco during the pandemic. and a doughnut spot a coffee and closing locations and vacant to vibrant free startup spaces for the entrepreneurs and 7 of them signed long term wlaez for downtown we're going to be doing more of that along that powell
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street and making more and more investments how much how many of you love tour neighborhoods in san francisco? >> we want to bring that neighborhood feel to downtown those favorite businesses can actually be in downtown san francisco that is our goal and that's what i'm excited to do we want the vest more activation for downtown. the city has to be a partner little partnerships to make that work for small businesses and retail, to make sure that we are investing in public safety and to make sure we're turning s400 to into a neighborhood i can, live and in effect my budget invests $15 million in 0 o to that exist and that fun and enjoy that we so specially need in our city i'm grateful we have extraordinary partners to help us continue to do do work and
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build we get the resources, and work as a partner but the people who are on the on the ground in union square do the work every single day to make that best and the last thing i want to mention before i bring up mri rise roger's how many of you look at plaza not the most attractive design in an urban environment that is underutilized i introduced a bond before the divorces voters in november you providing $50 million to make is an attractive designation for people (clapping.) to enjoy make sure you vote 2307b that body in november so many xiecht and activation and fun and so many joy that's what we're going to do to make
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downtown san francisco the place we know and love (sirens) and i want us to remember one thing? not unfamiliar territory to us weaving been in challenging places before in fact, due went this building the info center a couple of stores that weren't even on at one point and this city had the violation to tear down those stores with a center and mission bay was recall tracks and any it is where the categorical state warriors with housing and it is whole that new neighborhood with bike trail and parks and open space so we are not going to be deferred by what we know we're
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capable of that is exactly why we're making investments working out to transform downtown into the neighborhood that we can joy for the people who work here, the people who visit here and the people who live here thank you all thank you for being here today. >> and with that, i'd like to introduce our partner whose working hard rat union square and doing an amazing job more and more businesses signing leases and oh my god, in the union square area and 60 businesses for the last two years in union square thanks to the leadership or mri rise rodriguez. >> all right. >> (clapping) how is everyone feeling. >> i can't hear you loitered. okay. >> now i'm happy to be here and mri rise with the union
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square alliance i'm a san franciscan make should noise san franciscans. >> i want to hear you (clapping.) i live in the beautiful city i work if if beautify city and pend my life in this city hoping to understand and know have well in order for our entire cities and community to thrive we need a downtown that is thriving too many with that without a thriving dentist we can't support the infrastructure that is needed to support all of our community, our schools and roads and infrastructure, our city services so important and right now you're downtown needs all of us. what we're seeing behind us is all of us a village we brought the heart of our city to be strong again that is union
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square. and yerba buena. we want this area to feel what is the potential we're 12 hotel rooms in union square another 10 in house u thousand in the yerba buena area for people to experience lives greatest moments and as is bayview residents we put our best foot forward and show people that san francisco is a beautiful city we all know cherish by the bay this is our culture when you're walking up powell student we have work to do thanks to our mayor and police chief and our city administrator and thank you mta thank you, sf traveler and mike who is here our ambassadors whoer here comes everyday in the
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trefrjz and down here when san franciscans won't come downtown we want you back come back and continue to enjoy lives moments the holidays or moerdz and this great opportunity that mayor present makes us without excuses we can access it and park and enjoy shows and music and beauty and activation and so pleased and so excited for this opportunity for our future 0 support in bond. imagine housing above plaza and imagine music here and imagine an area filled with tourism we love this city by the bay i love it city and thank you for being here. and for your help making f this happen and we need clean streets
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thank you, mayor so, yes all of that is happening thanks to the support of our leadership. [off mic.] >> thank you. >> yes, we need all of three and going to bring our city back with that, i'd like to welcome up the director of the yerba buena cdb scott. >> (clapping) (laughter). >> hi, everyone i'm scott the executive director for the yerba buena community benefit district and south of market and thank you, mayor london breed and dennis and oewd for their support on creating this comprehensive program like this and will energize downtown. >> thank you mri rise and the entire team with the union square alliance for partnering us with us to do this existing program and yerba buena we are a
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community of museums and combraerlz galleries and restaurants and garden centers and it is pretty amazing neighborhood we have 12 thousand resident across the street in the neighborhood to call yerba buena their home very diverse and amazing neighborhood. um, we also have a lot of momentum as mri rise mentioned mortality here and in yerba buena an amazing health fair snowflake with 20 thousand people across the street actuating the street and we have 25 new restaurants and bars opened in the last two years we have seeing change that is happening. our organization in yerba buena district we are about creating safe and welcoming and beautify neighborhoods and we do that on a daily basis with ambassadors see our ambassadors yerba buena ambassadors the union square ambassadors and the welcoming
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ambassadors. (clapping.) they sdwefr for hands we can clap but keep on clapping for them they're on the streets everyday taking care of the important things thank you for your hard work and commitment and programs lake what we're talking about today enhances the street level experiences and bifurcation and safety programs and community programs really comprehensive anticipate new businesses will be attracted and strengthen sour existing arts and culture and museums that is really important we have 12 museums. >> and we are very excited about that as i mentioned thank you all and now i get the exciting pleasure to introduce our partners from the filipino community whew sorry about that
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desie and he's been an amazing executive director and runs an amazing cultures business please come up. >> thank you for the warm introduction thank you. i'm representing the filipino community today and for us this is not just a press conference foreclosure guess revitalization of the downtown but a press conference step up to the plate and helping san francisco recover from the pandemic so the investment mayor london breed is talking about not a hail mary but concentrated investments been investing in the philadelphia pen community with the market in the san francisco mix and the first community to showcase what is the possibility of the community coming together and taking over the streets and make arts and commerce together and that market with the
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economic development not just for filipinos but chinatown and so forth and during the pandemic, you know, we stepped up to the plat and given a by platform called it it the garden and 0igd 350 volunteers over 6 months to have 15 beautiful color to bring the community together and during the pandemic give a retail space with sfmta for over a decade and turned it into is fabric artist maker space creating exhibitions and artwork phenomenal not only to bring people back mayor london breed will be giving the filipino community we want the world to think about the filipinos on the same day that
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chinatown came to san francisco and that option of culture attractiveness and designation not a hail mary they're are one half a million philippines many of you may be married to a filipino or a dj that is filipino we have to turn part of the downtown spot next contribution for san francisco and one of the things that often bugs me in the work i had is do all the economic development and bring out vendors like 50 different businesses on the streets and yet an by wall is half by i'm hoping to open up the mall to transform the mall and make three a filipino
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transition for all of san francisco so at the mayor london breed and thank you to all my partners three building for the filipino community like the yerba buena and all the agencies like oewd and mpdu the whole albeit so, thank you. >> thank you, so much desie and you mentioned the room in the mall and our haven't do vibrant program is hopefully will help us get to a place where some that have the ground zero that want a brick-and-mortar business that the city will be that angle that partner yes property owners to have reduced rates and - but we can do this together. and it will be a partnership because the representation of the filipino community is strong if
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neighborhood and it should be stronger within our retail establishments and hopeful with the investment we'll start to realize i also wanted to mention, of course, we want you to take public transportation and bike to downtown, but we know some of you won't get out of our vehicles that's okay. part of my budget includes the possibility of some free parking i don't know what is is about free parking that gets people excited but during lunar increasing with parking with available and little square people went crazy we love about that parking lot was packed and more people visited chinatown to we broke down and provided additional resources in the budget because there is something for everyone and has to be something for the additional public comment may be provided later in the agenda. li to come here to play. so with that, i want to
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thank you for being here. and we are looking forward to seeing transformation in our downtown. and again, this week first thursday down on second street between market and mission (clapping.) we'll have a disco dj and those restaurants down there are amazing you don't have to wait night thursday but more activity and more excitement for the dentist let's show san francisco and feel the magic thank you all. >>
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the july 2, 2024 regular meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors. madam clerk, could you please call the roll? >> thank you mr. president. supervisor chan, present. supervisor dorsey, present. supervisor engardio, present. supervisor mandelman, present. supervisor melgar, present. supervisor peskin, present. supervisor preston, present. supervisor ronan, present. supervisor safai, not present. supervisor stefani, not present. supervisor walton, present.
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mr. presiden