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tv   SF GovTV Premieres  SFGTV  July 5, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> i'm paul. i worked at sfgov for 3 years now. >> as a cylinder kid i was in photographer, i went to college for broadcast journalism. early on i paintd and enjoyed art. artists other most interesting people i interviewed. they have an interesting take on life and how they see the world. i mean, i find it inspiring. you know to talko and show case their work. >> it is hart to be a full time artist anywhere. there is thousands of them and you can only name one or two in the country. the biggest challenge was i did not finish college because the
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department change and i had got an internship my junior year. i really like today the nbc affiliate and i hung out with the photographers and the editors. and about 2-1/2 months into it than i offered me a job as an editor. this is great. i went to the new department and said, i will not do you know the afternoon classes for my senior year and he said, well, you know, we can't give you the degree then. so i dropped out and started work. but i did finish. what i would tell the younger audience this has a passion for multiple things is -- you know stick with it, because it is not going to work out t. is first people are going to discount you and -- get in your way, but you gotta believe in yourself.
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[♪music♪] i'm jennifer and i am a producer and media production specialist with the city of san francisco. sfgovt v i have been here for almost 25 years. ended up in production at sf state. before this i attended junior college in sacramento. and i had a teacher there who was a pioneer in her field. a woman who started in the 60s. i saw it, wow thshg is a woman in the field creating and making stories and i wanted do this.
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>> being a woman in the broadcast industry has challenges. gave me the motivation to work harder. to save myself and gave me purpose and made me want to learn more. not take things for granted. i would seek out people who had certain skills like hey. i don't know editting can you teach me. i don't know this cam are well, can you teach me? and then i would learn and i would become good and i would pass this o. and so, i think that they have it that way and it is something i enjoy. >> i feel like i'm part of a community here at sfgov being here for almost 25 years it is a family. support each other and want to see each other succeed and grow. that makes it fun to come to
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work every day and to tell stories about san fan. shine a light on people or departments. that feels good. i enjoy doing that work with my colleagues. and yea, i love my job. clear clear we have so many neighborhood in district 5 each with their own character and history. >> in the district a long time and almost 30 years in district 5. active in my community and i have been an attorney right's attorney representing and helping folk who is are trying to stay in their homes and folks trying to resist evictions and
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really just continued to be able to thrive in this community. i did work outside city hall for a long time. finally a point i got tired of going to politicians to ask them to dot right thing. i decide that it was time to actually throw my hat in the ring and become the decision maker. we have everything in district 5 from the haight ashbury. fillmore. japantown. haze valley. north of pan handle. western edition and the tenderloin. all within this district. >> i'm kristin evans a resident and small business owner in the historic haight ashbury neighborhood. i own the book smith. haight ash burr seunique. it was the most colorful part of the city when i was a kid. i ended up moving here and
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owning a book store here, which was the dream. we have people of all walks and visitors and tourists around the world this come to the haight ashbury. coming to seat history of the neighborhood. the rock stars janice joplin -- people are fro spirited. we have many second handled clothing stores. people are eco conscious. we have people that are enjoying the vibrancy and it is a place to shop and people watch. >> while you are doing that, stop have lunch. we have [inaudible] restaurant, cha, cha, cha is a classic. a place next door peurto rican food. prada 22 this is yummy. can i go on about the great, delicious places to try in the haight. >> i'm part of the haight ash
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burref merchant's association. people don't come to haight street to one■■y destination. they come and visit 3-4 places when they in to visit. so if we have vacancies we have few reasons why people criminal we had between vacancies in the pandemic and increased to that. one thing we advocated for was a store front vacancy tax. voters passed prop d. we have gone from 32 to 14. come to the haight ashbury enjoy our weather and get a meal. shop in our boutiques. >> got so many things we have been active on and i'm district 5 gone above and beyond to create a network of slow and safe streets yoosz the city and page is our success. you see bikers and pedestrians out on page street and it has
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been the most successful slow street in the city and the golden gate green wachl car free haze. parts of the city this used to be where folks were afraid. being hit by cars and now safe to walk and bike. >> after having lived all over the city i wanted somewhere where i never needed to use a car and i wanted somewhere where i have a bit of separation from my job downtown. i drew a 25 machine radius around downtown and haze valley seemed to fit the bill. >> i found this neighborhood helped like the most community experience. people linger remindses me of european city. people are hang out outside and pass people and know people in the neighborhood t. is a pretty special environment. >> one of my favorite
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landmarks is patricia's dream. the former site of the freeway. named after patricia walker part of a group of people that lead the movement to get the freeway taken down. and this was the embarcadero was the best examples of what happens when you remove a freeway and give space become to people. there are tons of places to shop and eat. pretty much something for everybody here. my frenzy kid had their first birthday party last week and i got a present for them if it is warm you hop to home town creamery and get ice cream. another favorite is mercury cafe a few blocks down octavia. and another favorite is hairz valley baker where they not only have incredible baked goods and breakfast and sandwiches but employ and train at risk and disabled people. well is a social anxiety toll when they do.
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every friday/saturday since covid the 400 block of hayes between octavia and going is pedestrianized. we open up for people. a band and doubles the size of our town square. for everyone in d5 or the city, it is a great gathing space. to linger and hang out. [♪music♪] >> fillmore is in the heart of d5. one of the last remaining black neighborhoodses in the san francisco. went through really challenging periods in redevelopment and so much displacement. in the left few years we are seeing new businesses only there. >> i'm erika scott. we are here at honey art's studio. grew up here in the neighborhood. and fe fortunate to have my
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business here. we are a multipurpose place. we teach art classes. and we have live entertainment. and community meetings. private event space. the history of the fillmore dates back generations before me. that was a big per of our studio here. there is a book the harlem of the west that depicts when the harlem of the west was. which is the fillmore and people from all over the world would come here a huge everything this was the place to be to experience black culture and just to live, you know. i want to pay honor to that. >> to my generation they are will new businesses we have something special sxushgs instinct dh is in the black. sits on the corner of gar and he
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fillmore it is a home to 30 entrepreneurs. like a marketplace. super cool. a lot of things are custom or really unique. jazzy's hair salon and jazzy hair salon are applying for a legacy business ownership they have been in business for over 25 years. there are cottage and home based businesses. >> i'm brother mohammed here in the fillmore. since 1999 established since 1999. you see -- cosmetic items and clothing, how is it going >> good. good to see you. >> i still have my old customers are coming to support. this is a sense of community. we have remnants of the old vibe here. >> come visit the fillmore the famous jazz district and we have
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elements of that you want to experience it. friendly people. and this is a place where you will take a piece of san francisco and the fillmore back with you. [♪music♪] >> since 2022, when there was redistricting the tenderloin district was added district 5 and that brought in the entirely new communities zeechl amazing history, really, veterans alph~- net tenderloin we renamed shannon street inveteran's honor. starred by gregory. veterans started doing murals in what was a blighted alley at the time. and it is become a garthing place for veterans to express themselves and interact. >> i was involved in helping the tenderloin museum get off the ground and excite to see all the amazing programs there.
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>> the tenderloin a collection of history of the neighborhood. and have art galleries featuring artists. >> we are known for having historically inspired programs. and makes us unique. we are producing a play about the cafetria riot. which strifes to work with as many neighbors and organizations as possible to create diverse programming. >> tenderloin is a close nit xunt and like almost decade i have been working here you are able to make connections with people. >> an incredible neighborhood working and the last queer bar in the tenderloin neighborhood which was the first queer neighborhood in san francisco.
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joanne incredible organization that shows performing arts. and great part sdmers do a lot for the neighborhoods >> we have little saigon. the sandwichers a classic. and a restaurant opened in the neighborhood i recommend. the phoenix a legacy business. >> and like people in the neighborhood this is might not stay here. so there is more to the tenderloin than what you read in the news. one of the stories from the people who work here. >> probably the most unique feature in japantown is the [inaudible] built as part of
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japan's trade center. the other is the japan center itself. the oldest indoor shopping mall in san francisco. built in the late 60's. despite the changes japantown is going through it is authentic. still i japanese-american community you find a lot of japanese-american food. japanese ice cream stores that are popular. we have what is matcha drinks here. the other thing that is really preponder lar here in japantown is all of the new [inaudible] opened up. before the restaurant had been it was anything you could order now it is all specialized. say come from different parts of japan and feature their home town style of ramen. you know it suspect a will really safe place to hang out.
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you come down here and you will get a sense of it is japanese-american history and culture by being down here. >> just one of the great places to visit in san francisco. >> this is an incredible and diverse district with so much to offer for residentses and visit sxors i encourage folks come visit and experience the amazing people and businesses in the district. [♪music♪]
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>> everyone loves a good sunset, but in san francisco we take to a new level. i'm city supervisor engardio and i represent an entire part of the city called the sunset. it stretches 30 glorious avenues. welcome to district 4! the sunset is a collide scope of people culture and experiences for residents of all ages. we are a beach town, we are a chinatown, and not a town at all. the sunset is home to 80 thousand people and we love our dogs. we live in neat row houses, homes with yards, story book homes and every quirk in between. the sunset used to be sand dunes all the way to the ocean. when the city needed to grow,
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san francisco's future ran through the sunset. we built rows and rows of housing for a great irish population and welcomed a great chinese population. today home to a gowing number of families from all backgrounds and the future starts here. >> we chose sunset knauz we love san francisco but during the pandemic ■dwe needed more space and more family focused, so that is where we found the sunset. how walkable it is. we live along iving street along where diana's school is our son's day care is. >> our kids and all the kids we knee in the neighborhood are really the future here and we are really excited to live in the neighborhood. we love it so much. >> nina and alex are expecting their first baby and it first leaders of the
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newly formed sunset community band which bring together musicians of all ages at special events. >> we are about to have our first kid and met so many younger people and so many moving into the neighborhood. exciting to raising our family here because this community is awesome. >> bringing the community together and making it stronger i think a band can help with that. it is a matter of civic pride and coming together and doing something as a community that really makes like us from a collection of people into a neighborhood. >> sundays in the sunset are for live music rmer's at the ocean. if the sunset had a town square, it would be this magical area that appears every sunday on 37 avenue.
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the sunset farmer market isn't just a place to get good food and produce, it is where community gathers live music from local musicians and cultural celebrations and [indiscernible] share ideas to shape our city. it really is the place the community comes together to celebrate the best of the sunset. >> something about it had sunset chinese cultural district is there a lot of opportunities to uplift the chinese voice and chinese people. when you look at the sunset, a lot of think of trees and single family homets and the schools, but there isn't a lot of very iconic locations that people can look at and know they are in the sunset. one thing we are working on is to unveil a new mural in the park by community and as we do more work in the sunset and uplift the unique qualities of the community, we want to do more mural s and spaces that are
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iconic so the sunset gets a (piece of being unique and identifiable. >> a supermarket for everything you need for chinese home cooking and [indiscernible] the rice noodles are so good they are featured in catherine moss latest novel, [indiscernible] takes place in the sunset. there is a old school menu at the ond mandarin islamic restaurant and a item so spicy they have to warn customers. maybe bobo can neutralize the spice. the sunset has plenty options. try the bars at the beach. we also have the sunset reservoir brewing company and o'briens irish pub. cuisine in the sunset spans the world. [indiscernible]
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>> travel and in [indiscernible] we have our own restaurant. and then, it was my turn to follow her to her country, so that's why we opened in her neighborhood. >> we are looking for more a local gentleman gem. we traveled around the world and what we highly value, a place for the community to gather. a local hang-out spot. that is why this isn't a restaurant, it is cafe, you can order a coffee, you can have a fuel full meal but it is place to connect. whether parents kids friends is why we decide to go qulose close to the beach, a neighborhood i am familiar with. i run into people all the time. i live in a big city but why i chose district 4 outer sunset. it has a small town feel. i love our neighbors. >> the sunset has everything
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from footwear to hardware. here is great wall hardware, 3500 square feet of retail space. we carry about 22 thousand items and counting. it never stops because i have a thing. when a customer says don't you have this and i don't have it, it bothers me. i want to have it,s so it is just of those things about owner a hardware store, people expect you to have everything and you to fulfill that need. i like to serve my neighborhood. most businesses you want to buy this or that or eat this or buy the widget. a hardware store is different. people come in and have a problem and need a solution and they are looking for you to navigate them through that problem and offer them products that help them get to where they need to go. people are great. i love this neighborhood. there is different ethnicities here, different cultures here. we all intermingle and mix together and we get along fine and i always
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like that about this neighborhood. it is just a nice place to be. it is near the beach, it is beautiful and near the zoo and near golden gate park, stern grove. great schools, great parks. whats there not to like? we also love pizza from hole in the wall to [indiscernible] hottest restaurants in the sunset tunching vietnamese food [indiscernible] ice cream [indiscernible] this is great highway park. a great place to burn calories on the weekend. i'm here every sunday doing a long run and start with 5 miles and with this ocean view, if it motivates me i try for 10. the new york times named great highway park one of 52 places to change the world. it is that amazing and the gem of the
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sunset and people are finding new ways to activate the space. in halloween it turns into the great haunt way. >> we imagine a future from the part time road close toor to a park to welcome people all ages and activities to our coast. >> since we had [indiscernible] always looking for ways to sort of improve what is already good around us. the neighborhood is great. it will be even better with a park here. >> sunset turn to put a new sign up on our coast. open for all. >> this is the treasure of san francisco and this hasn't been discovered yet. homes are still relatively affordable, there is decent schools and a place for kids to have a feeling they can run and play and take part in things. what i'm happy the great highway has become a park for the weekend.
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i'm glad we share what we have with the rest of the city and people come from outside the city. i'm sure people come from the east bay, and i just feel like, seeing the people out here enjoying this represents the hope for the future. >> imagine the potential of an emerald necklace in the sunset for safe biking and recreation along the green belt of sunset boulevard which connects lake merced with golden gate park and great highway park. quality of life matters and we know how to take care of each other. sunset youth service helps teenagers find purpose and self-help for the elderly let's seniors shine. local artists capture the sunset experience and work is on display in cafes like java beach and black bird books. the art of conversation happens at this new barber shop called the avenue.
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the owner calls it a barber lounge because he wants to create a space for the community to gather beyond hair cuts. this corner is a hent of the future. you see new housing built for new generations and it is over a community space that everyone loves. the sunset is a place full of potential. >> the possibility is here, more then anything. you can start something here and people will get behind and the community finds there is a need for it and people support it. >> i always look around the corner, the next thing we can do to crank it up more and make it safer, make it more enjoyable. bring in new business, support them. >> i really hope we bring just joy, because ultimately music helps bring joy to the community. >> this is where people are at. this is where people want to be, so it gives me a lot of positive energy. >> my office created the first sunset night market on iring street where i'm
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standing. more then 10 thousand people showed up. nobody has seen that many on--[indiscernible] here it celebrate all the fun things in life, food music and art. our beautiful sunset always amazed. the sunset experience is pure joy. the sunset is where we will create our best san francisco. join us.
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>> president jose lopez the presiding officer joined by vice president lemberg. swig. traz vina and eppler. also city attorney will provide needed legal add viechls the board's assistant alec. we will be joined by representative from thes city departments that will present before the board this evening. corey teague reporting planning. kevin birmingham building inspector with dbi. john in engineer with public