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tv   Recreation and Park Commission  SFGTV  July 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:30pm PDT

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>> to order. >> stacey please call the roll. >> going on k34ub8d here. >> vice president hallisy here. >> commissioner jupiter-jones here. >> commissioner mazzola here. >> commissioner louie and this thing is recreation & park commission i apologize for the web x not able to assess the web
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right now but i'm going to follow up with comments or - follow up with comments or - so - - - are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush (rah-my-toosh) ohlone (o-lon-ee) who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory.
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elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. so we ask you please turn off between devices and take things outside for for those listening please note it is not live streamlined, however, the line feed will be available. >> watch (via sfgovtv) - or watch (via webinar) - webinar link and on the sfgovtv. >> watch (via sfgovtv) - or watch (via webinar) - webinar link envelope are unable to take public comment via web x each person
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has two minutes and suspect available in-person and >> recreation and park commission meeting june 20, 2024, 10:00 a.m., city hall, room 416 unfortunately, remotely is not working but please address the commission neither staff nor commissioners are respond but the commission may ask questions of staff after public comment is closed. and general public comment is reserved for those items not on today's agenda and under the subject matter and via e-mail and postal service will please note this is reported. we are now on. >> 2. president's report. thank you, everybody, for being here, i.e., appreciate you giving us your time. >> we have really wonderful
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celebration um, an award celebrate called the hall awards we do rather than you're the greatest employee we do 12 once a year and started a new award and that is a special award around leadership and sort of you entrepreneurship within our department and shout out to all you have our winners was a joyous occasion by the mayor and chief of staff and the city administrator and union r5e79s our employees. we all want to say thank you and our commissioner xhoubts led us in a beautiful song we are the world. >> it is (laughter). >> we also had an i pi lunch
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to celebrate the api culture and under 1,000 employees and many, many temporary for seasonal work at a robust staff of almost 2 thousand this lunch is well-attended and had beautiful performances and amazing food and annette with the master of the ceremony and our mayor was there in the rare form to announce her lovely form. we had a solemn occasion on vacation valley we renamed the playground to the - peace and friendship park and grandmother suffered an
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unfortunate and terrible violent incident and died from her injuries a year later and quite an ambassador of friendship and peace in that community and this she was an immigrant who poke zero to little english and yet made friends with everybody and that was a special time to honor her in the presence of our family members and friends i am grateful for the community and for our staff to make that happen we need to make sure we honor those in our community and we're fortunate in this department so many concerned and involved people by help us stay aware and grandmother wong taught is about universal love. the one hundred season of camp matter so it was a work camp for
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the works that working on hetch hetchy and build the dam and after they departed a group of people led by the wyoming supervisor helped to turn 2 both a family camp and lottery system people from the san francisco community get to come for a week and experience nature in the hetch hetchy area next park doi for one hundred years i went with my - children had small he let them ride open biles and ride out of my sight and not answer me on the walkie talkie it was all right but kids get out and spread their wings and adults are time to hang out. and some of our favorite people that linda and joe our friends at
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camp matter will be speaking at some point; right? i'll not steal your thunder and ejecting an important part of our nations history shout out to stacey white an integral part the france scott ski stuff like that was torn down and it was decided that we would incircle that with 350 sculptures by none other than dana king they represented the people first brought over on a flagship and it was mention of the three hundred people only 20 survived. those sculpts were
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taken down early this year and called coming■7 home or going home, yes. and it was decides that we should commemorate some form of event for ejecting a call for women of color to encircle that is what we did yesterday that was great and it was joyous and about healing and reconciliation and also about never forgetting and understanding how important in our culture to recognize that and never forgot what happened we must embrace and move forward those messages were clear yesterday in golden gate park and the concourse i visit you to all come and visit and finally and i want to bring the temperature to a solemn mood we
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lost an important people in our recreation and his wife and cindy and son eli and another eric was a part section supervisor not only excelled but embraced his fellow employees and through the many years at lake merced compl he met the challenges of tournaments at park golf course and on the capital projects in the area including the recommendations of lake merced boat house gardens and the levi park and the merced park his that compassionate and gardening and old movies and his patient caring demur will be missed by all i have a beautify
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certificate for in memoriam and we're going to adjourn in his memory. >> and i think stacey is that it for me? she's the boss okay. thank you. >> thank you. >> hello, again. >> if any public comment on this item please come up to the mic. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and now on item three. >> 3. general manager's report. >> i guess this is the one good morning, commissioners and - but that is summer so summer is here so many to celebrate pride and
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talked about june teen it was a lovely ceremony thank you for this and other events happened in the park mrs. touch on those this past sunday a father's celebration at the playground from the chart on top of r and b group one 12 and graduating song regina on another performance and a special june teen at the golden gate park and we do it often with another big shout out and thanks to folks the quality
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of music and frequency of the performances and not just the ban but also on fulton plaza and the garcia and also at india basin thank you for the department? bringing more music it is really cool. >> so from june to pride obviously pride is all about celebrating ourselves and we all have often accelerating coming together in communities and what is happening in the parks this past sunday was a flagging in the park at the national golden gate park pod cast but flagging hundred of people showed up and participated in the colorful performance and the grove is a
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special place with the lgbtq and event are what that is all about celebrating the life. you want to permitted folks to stop by the arts this sunday june 27th for the harvey milk pride exhibit living right and has artwork from artists and it goes from 6 to 9:00 p.m. and features drag performances the exhibit is there july 31st and then, of course, don't forget but the pride celebration on june 29th and thirty with music activities and fun take place and rec and park will be participating and perhaps commissioners will the park and it is um, objective very fun and iconly san
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francisco. because i talked about saturday june 22nd i should insert in my report we are objective all aware and saddened by the greatest baseball player um, you know, so i congress for lots of reasons but actually get a chance to celebrate his life and legacy this coming saturday june 22nd at the macy's software tournament raise funds i guess for the agencies children fund. and it is tournament with all departments play each other all day long i think that joe has been out there over the years and so has phil ginsburg when
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not busy running. but rec and park department will be defending the championship so we won last year the fire department no longer has it's star- >> (multiple voices). >> shortstop so they are not the same squad maybe yeah. >> and now rec and park has the bay sock. >> infusion and the general manager plays second and pitched a little bit, you know, he's leading the young ones do their thing so maybe that's why we're winning anyway we're outer there from saturday june 22nd.
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(laughter). >> never easy but never. >> all right. um, and the jfk promenade good has a splash any new name you heard gene friend recreation center pod pod whales tail give credit to dave our superintendent for golden gate park the with whales tail is on the promenade west of the rose garden will be opened from noon to 6:00 p.m. an saturdays and sundays all summer and the new name suggested by day of was inspired before the installation along the promenade and what this year in addition to beer and wine serving fire trucks and perfect stop to
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drop anchors and thank you to the partners for making it outdoor pod possible and it is special had to where we return where is sunny and warm nothing like spent a lot of time on the promenade. >> phil put out maps and chairs. >> if you don't have it don't worry about you can use ours. >> and another great thing about the month of june this year's line up we got performances by sarah and and c more the 87 anniversary of the grove since the festival has
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boosted over 1,000 free certifies and received 5 million visitors through donation and over one hundred million dollars in philanthropy for free and i'm not yet 87s■2b»ók■ ■h but fasti approaching been around for a lot of those meetings and every year this convert gets better and better and at-risk on june 23rd and see yll and president anderson you noted camp matters centennial and at the k34ub8d for the resolution we'll be bringing up in camp and all the passion and support and it was a smashing success for
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the unexpected twists and turns always something that makes it very, very special and usually involved in the virus. >> over the urse of the summer for the camp about 5 hundred people a week for through august fyi and got a senior week with the outdoor experience have an inclusion week trying very, very hard to get people up a lot of first timers this is exciting to broaden access to the very, very special place where you can ditch the life and relax with nature including swimming and fishing and hiking and so many more a shout out to the hard working staff that worked keeping it in tiptop shape and
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huge thanks to the leaders of friends of camp matter. >> i'd rather be at matter. >> some favor later by the summer restrictions has evident you can check and change to camp and join the camp we often have extra camp sites maybe, you know, we are suing disneyland it is camp matter the happiest place on earth so i'll be there next week to enjoy probably doing dishes and walk the line
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and probable play a lot of scrabble so at that time my plan last month attend the conference one day event by the children and in nature network included doug ways to experience kids and i had the pleasure of participating in the access to nature for the community we explored ways to work with the community-based organizations. and in addition to challenging best practices to highlight all the really incredible accomplishments of our children collaborate which this department helped to found and lead and where we actually host and sponsor it's executive
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director that is our in coming collaboration and our in-kind but maria is the most important and over 40 participating organizations a variety of agencies and in a variety of jurisdiction in the city and a variety of nonprofits work together to increase nature access. most recently celebrated and collaborated with the childhood department among other things to transform the spaces and go into low income landlocked preschools and those team specialize take concrete backyard and row vent them to nature oasis it is spectacular the data is clear about the importance of physical and mental health to make sure very is 19 have nature access it is
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not - and so we have completed 10 of those projects alone and use recycled parts with the academy of sciences and we have 14 more of those wonderful camps we have the san francisco public library that helps us with regular swimming programming where we bring the libraries to parks around family access to the library cards and learn about library programs and all with a intense focus a shout out to the nature director maria maria if you're watching this is an important initiative i sit on the national board of children and nature network i'll tell you that san francisco is very much
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leading the way and no small part of marias collaboration she's a rock star. um, speaking of conferences a shout out to. >> (speaking spanish) not bad, huh? and yeah. >> and. >> (speaking spanish). >> (speaking spanish.) >> perfect. >> okay. >> >> (multiple voices.) >> i said give me to beers i'll be fine it is more than 35 but close to 50 park professionals from like america
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holding their annual conference in san francisco a collaboration with a organization with the your honor, with the rec and park association and come to learn how to maintain the 200 and 35 parks how we um, use partnership to park goers and make sure the equity for all and i had the pleasure to welcome the group to fine arts and friday at the presidio and then on friday will embark on an all day tour of the parks in the basin and we're happy to run the best park system in the country and lastly, my somewhat sober moment an update on the parks
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budget as part of the june 1st proposed budget submitted rec and park support is declined by an additional $2 million. from what what was present to the commission today, the overall reduction is the loss of our sweet and beverage programs will continue for one time funding over the next years but uncertainty opened more and will be supporting the budget reduced by an additional one time one general fund reduction by the board of supervisors. their budget 6 hundred thousand of that million dollars will be ongoing reduction. while prop b that the department is 13w50i8d to an additional $3 million
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annual that is 200 and $25 million budget. the extremely modified that barely keeps with the costs the net result is rec and park annual fund declined for fiscal year 2024/25 by about $1 million. as a reminder the department will be slowing hiring and keeping more positions vacant and we will be coming back again and again, seeking new earned revenue to solve this is the alternative to have fewer services and fewer staff and than upkeep that is not standard by which we have to maintain our parks. um, i usually like to end on a happy note but that that
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concludes my report. >> >> (speaking spanish.) >> a happy note. >> yeah. >> i can't do it. >> come on, come on. >> the uplifting note is this could have been 50 times worse if not the incredible work of anton with beverly have among worked to collaboratively and antonio is seem super calm and not getting anger or cranky but over this budget circle and antonio extraordinary level of competency and commitment has
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kept it from being much, much worse. >> thank you, everybody. and- >> (multiple voices). >> public comment on the general manager's report public comment is closed. >> >> general public comment. can address the commission and do not appear on today's agenda with respect to agenda items have opportunities when the item is reached we have two cards oh. >> i'll wait. >> that's okay richard please let him go ahead and richard rothman representing my open space advisory committee. i don't know if the commissioners are aware that that board of supervisors put a ballot measure on the november ballot to keep
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the gray highway or parkway open twenty-four hours or keep it on all the time and my main concern for representing district one of the chain of links i know i talked to you before friday afternoon after three a parking lot and also backs up on jfk so will keep the great highway closed all the time it is going to be a gave up back up on jfk part of pile ups to come up with a plan to help reduce the traffic on getting north-south which mta didn't seem to not on radar i'm asking that the commission asked general manager
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and stacey and bryan to work on this plan and see how we can um, reduce the traffic going north and south (bell ringing) on the chain of lakes so it is not a parking lot at golden gate park. >> thank you for letting me speak after. >> thank you, mr. roth. >> i have linda here. >> good morning, commissioners and mr. ginsburg i'm here linda as a proud member of friends of camp matter and as a part-time rec and park employee with the department help folks with the theatres to have more concerts
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i've worn hats over the years but happy to be here at city hall and a quick update on another camp math project and that is the curtain project. as you know, our cabins like 120 of them and all different sizes and windowsuneen replacing those curtains i took over the lead on this project 7 years and happy to say we're almost done replacing the curtains back to the 9040s so more to go but we're going to get there and yes and no i'm so a lot more matching curtains in the can be bins and a bright color with a print turned out lovely i'm happy to be part of
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that and, you know, that is kind of like painting the golden gate park bridge this job will not be done and i'll be cob to see you, you and asking for more volunteers to keep those curtains done thank you for your support of camp matter. >> i'm glad we didn't go curtains and curtains a quick comment the assault of the earth in the neighborhood jerry garcia amphitheater and camp matter fixing the fires as well and thank you for all you do. >>
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>> thank you. >> (clearing throat) commissioners. >> thank you general manager. >> i'm here to say a few more words about camp matter we recognize da done lawful routine things over the years and looking forward to perhaps bits centennial and we're open to talking to the commission and general manager anybody about how you we really can support the camp in ways we've not traditionally done and for years i'll start with ambitious lake we do this once a year this is last year's all of this year's up at camp but include such things as shout out to our
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general store. which we think that really contribute totes ambiance of the camp and t-shirts and hat designs. you've seen the t-shirt and linda but i have the only hat here today so i'm the best model for the hat i have today. and make contributions to the physical plant of the store of the camp and brought all the mattresses and just so you know there are approximately 35 hundred bolts holding the bed framed together my time is up i'll say because our - our experience at camp as friends he mathematics
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is life-changing experiences for many people to do it and (bell ringing) continues for another one hundred years and anything we can do to help make that happen. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> any other public comment on item 4? >> hello, i'm robert peters are sf kid swim and parents trying to make access for the pools easier and this summer swim schedule released we're happy to share our summer report on the summer schedule we bring to. and we are happy to see working families including that
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thursday and the reports pools are at capacity with the full hours and especially about balboa and encourage rec and park and accommodating families every day of the week and sundays but requests for all parent that signed up and again, we're excited to see the progress and courage we keep going down the same track thanks. >> thanks for this. >> is there any other public comment on item 4? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> now on item >> 5. consent calendar. minutes - discussion and possible action to approve the minutes from the may 09, 2024, special commission meeting. >> all right. may i hear a motion on approving the consent agenda. >> so moved. >> second?
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>> >> all in favor, say "aye." >> aye. >> opposed? it is approved. >> thank you commissioners. >> any public comment on item 5? >> seeing and hearing none,\public comment is closed. and. >> 6. san francisco zoo. anyone to report on item 6. >> okay. >> good morning, inc., grid director johnson of collections san francisco
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species. - another confiscation
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case the zoo is a enemy for rescued wildfire with confiscated wildfire with the wildfire trafficking. and recently a small nature mammal what placed zoo after confiscated and approximate 2 to 4 female will be paired with a m-3 under similar circumstances weighs 2 pound and arrived from the confiscation the first of its kind a pilot program to reduce wildfire that trafficking and housed in the quarantine for thirty days and then on exhibit. >> as part of the our effort to create awareness around the
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zoo critically endangered man's we highlight the species each month a department of cultural affairs ly he endangered tortoises with the rescue center and located in the viewing window across from the exhibit and distributing bookmarks for more information on the amazing animals and animals safe. >> recently the assistant curator of children's zoo pickup our newest red panda flew allowed to have her foot on the airport but acted and ate bamboo
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and after her standing thirty day quarantine went to the habit in the youth zone and in addition to little gal three rhetoric pandas and red pandas an endangered sprees and in an effort to support the species in the wild joined in efforts to save the animals and welcome. >> proudly stand with the lgbtq our pride collection is themed water bottles and other treats including rainbow stones
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and every purchase ports the mission to connect all people with wildfire and advance conservation action and celebrate pride by getting a souvenir with the conservation and in addition, we have decorated the zoo to celebrate pride. that's our report. >> thank you inc., go ahead and any public comment on i'm sorry item 5? serging. >> public comment. >> oh, there is (laughter). >> i'm justin a dad in san francisco have to kids my family is there literally everyday with the work and the work you do it amazing. i our kids have the
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facilitator parks it is nice to live in a city that cares about those kinds of things but unfortunate i'll never take my kids to san francisco zoo it is a dumpster fire and trash deep not any words the words of employees and former employees working at san francisco zoo has become clear an article that came out in may in the san francisco chronically chronicle a major welfare problem staff's problem a or tanks were put in rat infested africa the zoo said
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that was no appropriate for elephants but ancestry (bell ringing) we have the exhibit it is still incomplete after 6 years of construction and bears have escaped coming after the keepers and major issues gene friend recreation center san francisco zoo must be addressed and it is ur9 not just on that animal welfare but a safety concern for staff, and the public. and i implore you. >> thank you very much. and implore you to step up and make major changes to the san francisco zoo. >> across the way at the oakland. >> jeff you're time is up. >> i'm going to first one at
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oakland zee zoo it is shining light. >> thank you justin. >> i'm with animal we represent 200 and 50 thousand animals many in the bay and the info chronicle is taking a stark picture charting decades of mismanagement and crumbling and dozens of deeply unhappy stalls with neglected animals we've seen the death of a baby guerilla and kangaroos and tigers all those didn't have to die in san francisco but did. the zoo is clearly on fire many of my colleagues since we have one dozens of members of the public seems the joint committee
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want to continue business. >> usually that was a shock for me to see very clear go to san francisco zoo birds have plucked features from their chest because of stress now giant pandas and they are neektd through network we don't want to see that happen please don't let it happen 0 on our watch stop the san francisco zoo and doing everything we can to address the problems that are there. thank you. >> thank you. >> any other public comment on item 6? >> seeing on item 7 all right. please staff come on up. >> good morning.
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>> good morning, commissioners and good morning general manager. >> i'm the planner in the planning division i'll be bringing one for approval for the 240 6th street. >> 240 6th street is located in east a mixed-use neighborhood that is commercial and entertainment and residential uses. 240 6th street it unique it is directly adjacent to the recreation center allowing the department on opportunity to expand on the existing facility in the high dense neighborhood. the proposed acquisition is consistent objective 1.1 and 2 and 2.2 this provides open space
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for neighborhoods with high congregations of high density and high concentration of low income household and no access. >> additionally strengthens the safety and health and wellness of youth and seniors like existing facility and provide amenity lacking in the area. 240 6th street is located within ab an area defined by the recommendation element of general plan and this area has been identified with the high density and low income and high numbers of children and youth and seniors. this is within an environmental justice zone and month affected by pollution and the low income and access to fewer resources. additionally
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the 5 pools within the three priorities for acquisitions by the 2013 district 6 open space the task force was identified priority area within district 6 in need of open space for recreation. the existing conditions as mentioned adjacent to gene friend recreation center and sits on a footprint and that the first come, first serve is availability and the second year has a shop a tenant lease expired and the building will
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have to be demolished. >> there are a few other parks and open spaces within a half-mile radius across the street it the victor and there is open spaces with a half-mile are had an opportunity gate and yerba buena and the square and 5 m and howard community garden. so the gene friend recreation center is undergoing renovations this last spring and completion is fall of. >> item no. 2 - and in door and outer door court for the developed with the gene friend
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recreation center and it is not expected to delay gene friend recreation center in any way in the long term it is an extension to the park so allow for additional uses can't be accommodated one of the existing footprint of the recreation center and identified community needs within the radically growing neighborhoods and the property is sizeable enough to provide more than one single recreational use. and some ideas we heard early on from t community meetings was that the dub bay area maybe needed for future community gaechlts for both ideas and the adjacent gene friend recreation center provides maintenance and operational benefits for the department and will be easy for staff to move from the county rec center to the extension.
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staff has been working with consultants over multiple months with due diligence and engaged in negotiations with the terms of acquisitions and industrial assessments with phase one and phase two were completed and in negotiations with the 5 found to be contaminated. and the purchase and sale of the agreement terms are as follows: so the city will spend 7 point one million dollars to acquire with the environmental thirty days in psycho the seller will $5.3 million for the property the city will obtain a $1.59 million credit for environmental irrigation and
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this the city will spend an additional 4 hundred and 50 for the irrigation. >> identified funding sources open space acquisition fund been funding the acquisition county is $30.4 million and projected annual deposits around $4 million. and funding for the development with the current size of the money could be saved and used for future sites but at this time no other funding for this development and finland for maintenance as mentioned due to the size proximity can be easily absorbed in the reaction complex and maintenance can come overturn funds and the next steps once approved by the rec and park this acquisition will
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be brought to the board of supervisors for this summer. and to conclude we are asking the commission to adopt the resolution to update the rec and park department 5 years capital plan at 240 6th street and recommend the board of supervisors have $5.7 million to pay for the value acquisition of $3.9 billion and plus the remediation and recommend to the board of supervisors approve this the sale agreement that concludes my presentation. >> thank you, kirsten. >> any public comment on item 7? >> please step up welcome. >> good morning. i'm the owner of the motorcars on 240 6th street and a business owner for
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18 years and basically via taxes i pay and also i been a vivid supporter of united 13 years and very possible seen the gentleman in the fundraiser for those 12 years not missed a single fundraiser and united players i've been personally a civilian patrol group if chinatown and created during the, you know, george floyd and we're a civilian group didn't pay a dime for the city, you know, city staff you guys have there to make a long story short
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we're have property like the city to get greater and the kids more space you but also nobody gave us a head up on in any acquisition and not a - but strongerly subject for the rec and park and then (bell ringing) like this arise solutions coordinate with business owners been there a long time and, you know, transferring their business. and i was making a point not making a buck but the employment and taxes and also and attribute a better and safer city and more enjoyable (bell ringing) i guess that's the way it is i have to say. >> can you say your name, again and basically.
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>> resident of san francisco since 1998 a first generation and to put it polite we had to swaep hell and, you know, programs in the city i worked with, you know, the united players for a while and know him personally and been in my fundraisers the da i work with jennings which i was on the political issue don't want to go there but a supporter we believe in second chances and believe in the safe environment for kids to be safe also and by no means proposing the city not getting greater.
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>> okay. >> i'm sorry i'm going to have to cut you off we'll reach out. okay. >> thank you very much. any other public comment on this item? >> item 7? >> public comment is clod. an >> i have a question. >> commissioner jupiter-jones. >> i don't know in your staff has an answer but i'm curious about our roll when we are considering an acquisition as that pertains to the. >> commissioner jupiter-jones i think - public comment stacey. >> can i borrow you or both worked on this. >> can i vice president hallisy we address the issue what is the city's responsibility as it residential hotels to property it the city
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and entering into a potential agreement to purchase with the owner or landlord and share a perspective what happens we are objective as you can tell my staff is doing outreach and we care about that issue. >> go ahead. >> we were - mostly tell with real estate works with owners and brokers to, you know, negotiate a deal and we as owners will take on the current lease. um, it all - what happens with the lease tends to be very specific we happens where we purchase property and assume the leases and then each lace has been different and gone to
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sometimes depending on the timing when this anticipate going into construction and we're surprised that we had talked to the real estate to make sure they're, you know, owners and the um, people working there knew it was happening. >> we'll be following up and find out any other additional work we need to do. >> thank you. >> and stacey actually. >> okay. >> the owners of the building reached out to us first that was the initial. >> yeah, yeah they were planning on - planning on selling the property and really want to have that property be part of gene friend recreation center and excited about the opportunity and having a key piece of, you know, of san
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francisco and something that does so many for people in the city. >> thank you stacey and reaching out to them. >> any other questions from the commissioners, i the president to make a comment i think that phil may want to hone in but in my opinion two really important aspects of our goals not just a commission but a department enriching the now with respect for that department of children, youth, families and equity programs and the outreach that goes around changes and growth and park. everything that you all do in our department. so we enrich them any and the future in order to invest in the
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future we have to acquire land i'm very excited to say in any tone either on this commission gone from the statement of two hundred and 25 parks and spaces to two hundred and 35 parks and spaces i've been at the groundbreaking of any parks it is exciting we need to do that for ace to have an opportunity to acquire land with the complications we can grow parks and recreation programs that is critical to our success and our future so kudos to the team on this. annie? >> yeah. i'm sorry, i guess i'm - this acquisition is a great - be a lot of vacation dwelling i value i'm not questioning but i'm what is difficult for me hearing our budget situation and
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hearing the danger that current programs and current parks and staff will be facing and so that maybe i would like more clarifications how acquiring something new at a cost and maybe there are different markets and budget by yeah a little bit hard for me to wrap my mind aaron around the funding. >> there is a couple of things that is the point vice president hallisy i. >> littered to alluded to those funds are not for open space funds part of charter section .107 putting aside 2 and a half cents for every property in the city to preserve that within that we do use a lot of that money for operations and a
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couple of restricted buckets one is specific for acquisitions and that can only be used for acquisitions and for the used over time so there a acquiring land and building a park them we'll build a park with sources or funds couldn't be used for park operations those are bonds or grants or federal grants er sometimes philanthropy so building a park we do not true about the source of funds we have to operate parks. but once a park is built, we need to care for it and that we need to have gardeners and park ranges or
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permits staff for the ball field or a place where program and activation where this is potentially challenging. over the years have been different things in the department by different leaders and some of my predecessors say we don't want land we don't want to care for it. i don't agree with that proliferate will the part where the where the rubber meets the road and we have to make sure we have the resources to take care of the land the neighborhoods
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change and one of the reasons this property exists where it does because this was a formally industrial neighborhood and the commenter mentioned got kids and families and the neighborhood has changed it is neighborhood that has very few dog parks so we have to be able to coordinate is our ability to respond over decades not years again not a two-year budget cycle by if a half of centuries and there is an opportunity to actually build the park because of opportunity related to the gene friend recreation center but sometimes we're acquire land and make it and wait for tomorrow. but when
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an opportunity arises and other opportunities and prozac and then the commission and the board of supervisors we do have a philosophy of trying to think, you know, a few decades down the line. >> last follow-up question thank you for explaining the funding sources um, the bonds we get there periodically for park operations did they not get the same layer of protection and we don't get bonds for protection those bond are not use for operating expenses under the california state law bonds can only be used for capital projects for planned and capital assets so our
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operational revenue comes into the general fund the city tax base that is the money we get it is allocated in the mayor budget now and 2016 i was referring to in any report was there was a ballot measure that is different than a bond. >> that created a funding baseline that is what ann to and others in the department feel frustrated to put it mildly so the money comes two the general fund and it does come from other ballot measure that created the 2 1/2 cents we can use. to that operations we're restricted in a small percentage can be used for acquisitions
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that's what we are throughout do and the third is the money we earn and reserve. and concessions and parking garages and reservation fees depending on how the board votes worst a million dollars a year >> thank you for explaining that. >> okay. is no other comments or questions, oh, commissioner mazzola. >> sorry one quick question. so this is a fair market value acquisition; is that correct? how did we come up with that. >> it is on the screen that was up there a fair market value for the -
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>> (multiple voices.) >> yeah an appraisal. >> got it sorry i missed that. >> yeah. (clearing throat) so, yes general manager ginsburg we're going to try to have a vote soon. >> one clarification for everyone. so we don't have funding identified for capital improvements at that site we have funding identified from a mediation was negotiated into the purchase of lease and so we will um, remediate the land and go to design and try to pursue either grants for what we exhale fees. >> what is that. >> basically development and
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impact i keep on forgetting that and yes. >> so that's the committee that decides what to do with the fees. >> thank you antonio and we don't have a profound operations and maintenance concern because it is very small and attached we feel like this one is doable. >> thank you so much. >> i see no further questions so the vote is three a part. please turn to item 7 and read along. i would like to see a motion to adopt a resolution to um, one update the rec and park by the capital plan include the property at 240 6th street and two, recommend that the board of supervisors approve the use of a total $7 million
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plus in open space acquisition funds to pay for the market value of $6.9 million to cover environmental remediation and three recommend the board of supervisors approve the associated purchase and sale agreement do i hear a motion? >> so moved do i have a second? >> all in favor, say "aye." >> aye. >> any opposition? >> it is approved unanimously. thank you, everyone. >> and please commissioner zwart i know you need to leave and on item 8 any general public comment on any item not courage on the agenda? >> anything didn't appear on
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the agenda the marina harbor or something like that. >> i'm sarah resident and um, if you remembered a few months ago wisp successfully helped stop the plans disappointing but i want to say i get e-mails every single day what is happening in the marina and told we're going to have someone look at them in the springtime we like to see the new design i hope to avoid there happened last time but wanted to say we're eager so see if the community has a voice in the plan. >> any other general public comment? >> seeing none, public comment
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is closed. >> and on item 9 excuse me - >> 9. commission matters. from my colleagues want to bring up any matters for future matters. >> i see none. >> public comment is closed. >> >> 10. new business/agenda setting (discussion only). >> i don't see anything. >> nope. >> any public comment on this item? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and item 11 any communications? >> i'd like to comment if anyone wonders where we read their e-mails and for their comments i'd like to say question do have a process that is thorough we collect all the
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communications and every um, assessed and communicated to us and referrals to the staff and people have reached out to i think your department has a really good job of following up and following through and few differ with that at all please reach out to me i'd like to know 24u thank you, any public comment on item 11? (rustling of papers.) seeking and public comment is closed. item 12 adjournment after all we're going to adjourn in the memory of eric do i have a motion. >> so moved. >> second? >> second. >> all in favor, say "aye." >> aye. >> any opposition? and we are adjourned at 11:29 a.m. thank you, everybody [meeting adjourned]
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>> you are watching san francisco rising. today's special guest is jeff tomlin. >> hi. you are watching san francisco rising. to show that is focused on restarting, rebuilding, and reimagining our city. our guest today is the director transportation of the sfmta and
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he's with us to talk about the agency's 23-24 budget with the muni equity strategy and new projects across the city. welcome to the show. >> thank you it is good to be here. >> i see the sfmta's budget for 2023 and 2024 has been approved. how will it help provide a strong recovery during the next few years for our riders, operators and staff? >> it has been a challenging couple of years. covid wiped out the basic finances. our agency is funded primarily from transit fares, parking fees and a fixed set aside for a general fund and covid has meant we have lost more than half of our parking and transit for revenue. we are not expected to recover them until 2027. this budget takes a one-time federal release funding and spreads that out between now and 2025. and our task is to rebuild trust
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with the voters that sfmta can actually deliver on their goals and that includes things like making muni faster, more frequent, and more reliable. includes making our streets safer and making everyone feel safe riding the bus. it means taking advantage of the amount of change we're going to experience in order to advance equity so that we invents -- invest the most amount of money in communities that need our services the most. it also means supporting san francisco in its larger economic recovery. basically two years between now and 2024 in order to build trust with the voters and figure out how are we going to find muni moving forward because it is in 2024 and 2025 when the one-time federal release fund went out. >> are you planning on starting up? >> as a result of covid, we have
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1,000 vacancies in the organization. that is why muni service is not fully recovered. this budget allows us to fully staff through 2024, which means we can restore muni service, invest in safety, and invest in other programs in order to make the transportation system work better for everyone. >> can you talk about the mooney service equity strategies? as you move out of the pandemic, how has that plan been updated? i have heard there are elevator upgrades in progress. >> we have been working a lot on equity during muni's recovery. we have been basing our work on the muni equity strategy. this is the plan we update every two years that looks at the changing demographics of san francisco and helps us direct our transit resources where people need it the most. that means people with low income, people of color, seniors, people with disability,
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children, all the folks who have the fewest choices. during covid, when we had to strip back the transit system, 13 quarters of the workforce were in quarantine, we directed all of the agency's resources to the equity neighborhoods. places like the bayview, chinatown, the mission, the valley, and even through our recovery, we have continued to deliver the best muni service's so -- to the neighborhoods that need it the most. right now we are still operating more frequent service in core lines in equity neighborhoods than we did precovid. and the result of that is extraordinarily high ridership. we are finding, for example, by investing in the frequency and reliability on lines like the 22 fillmore, that we are getting 133% of precovid ridership, even when the overall system is only
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at about half of the ridership recovery. that is 133%. that is on weekends. we are at about 96% of precovid ridership on our main equity lines on weekdays. we're also investing a whole variety of infrastructure projects aimed at making transit work better, particularly for people with disabilities. on the market street corridor, our elevators to the subway station date back to the 1970s and need significant renovation. right now we are busy working on renovating the elevators at the station. we have completed the elevator upgrade for the eastbound platform. we are now working on the westbound platform. that will modernize the elevators and make them a lot more reliable, and make sure that we can continue to prioritize people with the fewest mobility choices. >> that's great. changing topics slightly, i understand the improvement
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project is halfway completed. have shared spaces made the product -- project more complicated? >> yes. lots of things have made the terminal project more complicated, including things like covid and supply chain issues. we learned a lot on the first phase of the terra vale project, which rebuilt the street from sunset boulevard to the zoo, including rebuilding all the infrastructure of the streets, the underground utilities, to modernize all that infrastructure and make it more resilient, and make sure that we do not have to rebuild the street, hopefully in any of our lifetimes. we also learned about the importance of collaborating, particularly with neighborhood businesses and residents. we want to make sure that we are constructing the city's infrastructure in a time that the city is suffering and we are not adding to suffering. we're doing things like partnering with the mayor's office of economic workforce development to support
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neighborhood businesses through programming during this time. we are also making sure that businesses that create shared spaces in the parking lane, some of those need to be moved out of the way while the utility work is done underneath them. we are making sure that we will either move those platforms and outdoor eating areas back as they were, or help local merchants rebuild them so that we are not adding to the burden of local businesses and that we help everyone recover in this challenging time. >> quite right. finally, many of the sfmta vision zero quick build projects have been well received. can you talk about the evans street project? >> one of the things we did during covid was dramatically expand the rate of what we call quick build projects, which are fast-moving projects using simple and cheap materials in order to redesign streets and test out new ideas and see how they work, as well as get a lot
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of feedback from community before moving into a larger capital project that converts all of that plastic stuff into concrete and trees and, you know, curb extensions. what we have been finding is that our quick build safety projects are able to cut severe injury and fatalities between 25 and 75%, depending upon the location on the techniques that we use. so we are targeting streets that have the highest rate of traffic crashes, particularly injury crashes and fatalities. we focused on evans, which is really important connector for all modes of transportation between the bayview and the central neighborhoods of san francisco. also a street with a terrible track record of severe crashes. on evans, what we are doing, again using paint and plastic posts for the time being, is taking the lanes that are out
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there right now, and converting them to one lane in each direction plus turn pockets. what we found on streets like valencia or south bend this, or -- south van nass, is a street with one lane in each direction plus a term pocket can move just as much traffic as a street with two lanes in each direction. left turning vehicles mean the two lanes of traffic are never really available for through traffic. these road diets that we do have been tremendously effective for improving safety outcomes for all road users, without exacerbating traffic. they do make all cars slow down to the speed of the most prudent driver. this week we are getting started in partnership with the department of public works on work to restripe all of evans
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between third and cesar chavez, and as part of this work will be collecting a lot of data, talking to industrial users in the industrial district and talking to folks in the bayview commercial district and in the mission about how it is working. we will make some adjustments along the way and if it is successful, then we will start another project that is more capital-intensive to make it permanent. if it is not successful, we will turn it back the way that it was, having spent very little money. >> thank you so much. i really appreciate you coming on the show. thank you for the time you have given us today. >> it has been great being here. thank you so much. >> that is it for this episode. we will be back shortly. you have been watching san francisco rising. thank you for watching. [♪♪♪]
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>> welcome every one to this 60th annual william hall awards. i'm so excited, i love this one it's my favorite. i'm kat anderson. i'm your host, all of us are your host. we're so excite today be holding this event at the >> t. mcosker: claren lodge, and this is where we used to that would be so cool, but