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tv   Board of Appeals  SFGTV  July 12, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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>> ready? okay. good evening and welcome to the july 10, 24 meeting of the board of appeals. vice president lemberg will preside joined by trasvina and jose lopez is the clerk tonight and and the needed legal advice. the controls is the legal assist >> the city departments will be presented before tht board. corey taik teague representing planning and kevin acting chief building inspector. guidelines the board request you silence sdpoens electronics so
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they don't disturb. no eating or drinking the rules of presentation are follows appellates, permit holders and respondedants 7 minutes to present the case and 3 for rebuttal. people afilliated with the parties include comment in thes periods. members of public not affiliated have 3 minutes no rebutel. you will get a 30 second warning. 4 votes are required for an appeal or permit. at this time vote of an absent commissioner would make a difference the matter will be continued. if you have questions e mail board of appeals access and participation are of importance to the board. we are broadcasting and streaming live and will have the ability to receive comment for each item on the agenda. >> providing closed captioning for the meeting to
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watch it go to channel 78. it will be rebroadcast on friday's at 4 p.m. a link is found on the home page of the website. public comment can be provide in person, zoom. go to the website and click on hearings and the zoom link. throw, you can provide comment by phone. and again sfgovtv is streaming the instructions on the bottom of the screen if you are. wag the broadcast. to block your number and call nothing dial star 67 first. dial star 9 to raise your hand. you will be brought in the hearing when it is your turnful may have to dial star 6 to
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unmute yourself. we'll provide you with a warning 30 seconds before your time is up limp is a delay with live and that is broadcast on tv and the internet. it is important that people call nothing reduce or turn off volume or there is interference with the meeting. if the participates on zoom need an acamidation make a request from the chat function to the board's legal assistant or e mail board of appeal its cannot be used for public comment or pregnancy. we will take comment first from those first in the hearing now we will swear in who intend to testify. a member of the public may speak without an oath. if you intends to testify, and wish to have the board to give your testimony weight. raise your right hand and say, i do after you have been affirmed. dpou swear that the testimony
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you will be the truth and nothing butt and truth? okay. thank you if you are not speak put your speaker on mute. we have a housekeeping item. 5 appeal 24-035 has been with drawn by the appellate. and therefore it will not be heard tonight. >> so we are now move to item 1 general public comment. an opportunity for anyone who would like to speak within the jurisdiction that is not on tonight's calendar s. there a member who wishes to speak on an item not on tonight's calendar. >> nobody. i don't see anyone on zoom. we'll move to item 2 comments and question sns >> commissioners, anything? >> okay. we'll move on to item 3. commissioners before you for discussion and doorpgz minutes of june 26 meeting. and prior to the hearing commissioner trasvina reached
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out to me sxurnd action line 4 he would like to add the words, in place and after the word, purg la. and also on line 5 and 6 the a pot fees for public works moved to the outside of the s. we need a motion. commissioner >> i move to approve the minutes of june 26, 24 meeting as amended. >> okay. is well public comment on this motion? raise your hand. i don't see public comment. on that motion violent lemberg. >> aye >> commissioner emler. >> aye that carries. 3-0 and minutes are adopted as amended. moving to item 4 this is appeal number 24-037 am william chan
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versus upon building inspection. 10 out condon street to adrian of an alteration permit a revision to application 20240308740ly upgrade pop out structure. capture framing exposed during construction. rew vise scope of work add infill crawl space. 3 sides at rear. and we will hear from the appellates first. you have 7 minutes. i understand you want to ask the vice president lect lemberg if he will accept documents. speak in the mic, please. there is one in front computer, too. >> thank you.
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good afternoon board of appeals thank you for giving us a chance to be here to defend ourselves for this case. we were given the owner and the contractor time to respond to us. so we did in the get a chance if enough time to write out an appeal. the brief so we present more information here. so what i want you to show. can you speak in the microphone we have a hard time hearing you. >> okay. >> because we am hi, commissioners. because we were working with the contractor in the neighbors we did not have enough time to prepare a brief there was [inaudible]. we are trying to supplement a bit more. to it. >> so our rules regarding briefs are strict and base on the specific time line i encourage
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you to use any exhibitses or photographs you have and show them during your presentation. you can refer to them so we ask you questions about them if we if you don't get to them during you were 7 minutes. >> okay. >> i want to show. this picture. okay. is it too small. they see it on their screens. >> time. >> and i want to let the board know this is how the position of the houses are. the blue color is our house and red color is the neighbor's house. and the red square is our backyard and the the blue square is our back yard and the red
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square is the defendant's extension. usually. at the foundation it was water was able to go through. and there is no foundation. >> let me ad something. blue is our house. the red is the neighbor's house. our house is situate in the an uphill so we are on the upper level the neighbors on the lower level. if you look at the position of our house, also all the backyards are the other neighbors water for fall will come toward our end. that's how if you imagine how it is we are upon the water will be flowing from outside to the neighbor's side and the other neighbors the water will come from that side to our side. so if we look at the -- you know the neighbor's permit of
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building found anticipation, we have no issue building foundations. but the issue remember becomes they raised their foundation by 18 feet. 15 inches higher. which indeed blocked the water flow. we understand the fact of the natural flow doctrine, obviously the law of gravity. meaning obviously waterfall tell go to the lower level. but in the -- in the reasonable use doctrine. right. meaning we where we are we have no control of the water flow how it could will coming down. we are at the lower level compare to our neighbors on the left side. which the water is coming through us. our neighbor who intelligented the foundation e rekt it by 18
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inches higher. doing that there is no water flow in term of -- [inaudible]. basically blocking all the waters come through. imagine we are in a field now and waterfall coming through this is the case now. they are basically putting a blocking the water from exiting. we our house is in position why if there is heavy rain with the foundation that is blocking the water the water will be penetrating our foundation and flooding our house. >> so, i want you will also besides we use the natural flow doctrine under the california law and the reasonable use doctrine. and also the civil law rules. and also who support yet lower level should not block the
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natural flow of the water upper hill to lower hill. we are not talking about one lot we talk about the all the water from the way from the hill. so that will be accumulated a lot of water if they have an extension that block the flow of natural water >> look at the folders, there are 3-4 houses on the right side of the house, meaning all the water flow will be coming through and we are talking is a hill. so meaning we absolutely have no control. >> okay. i also want to present one you asked court case in california called [inaudible] and [inaudible]. which is also have something about the [inaudible].
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something. is that blocked the water flow from the upper hill. who is the -- use that case tell support why we are here today. on and this is a picture of how elevated the house is. this is the elevation from the front hill and also of the -- street. so the blew is our house the neighbor's house is the white house you look at the elevation of the hill. it is quite significant in term of the possibility of waterfall from other neighbors through our lot. >> here is the picture. of how it was before. they built foundation. this is how it looks like before
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a built foundation. and this is how it is now. the time when i -- text the owner and contractor there was no wall yet. and it is just a foundation. the rest was not there. and that was the built after the suspension. joy want to add obviously with the appeal obviously the permit suspended mean thering should noted be work. obviously there was work continue after the extensions. so -- >> with the extensions they did the contract continued to proceed with the work regardless of the what -- the rule is. >> and this is how looks like,
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this area is flooded. if the foundation continue to be there. so before they build the foundation it was flat land. meaning there was natural water flow. >> 30 seconds >> with the raise the foundation you see from the photo it block all the water. meaning we have no control over the law of gravity. we have nell control over the natural flow doctrine andune use doctrine. >> thank you. we have a couple questions from commissioner trasvina and vice president lemberg. >> thank you for your presentation. this afternoon. i wanted to distinguish between what is harmful and what is illegal. you described that the 18 inch foundation is harmful to you.
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are you also saying it is illegal? >> well i don't know whether it is illegal or not that is up to the building. and whether the code was enforced, i don't know i'm not an expert in that. it would be harmful based on what i mentioned earlier in term of the natural flow of the water law of gravity. obviously it will harm to feel our property there will be heavy rain the water will be in our lot where it will create foundation issues. will flood in my house. tell be harmful. >> i agree tell be illegal and harmful. >> is there another way that water could leave your -- property >> other than having it flow from your property to the next. >> yes. i have the picture that i
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labeled. [inaudible]. a circle. [inaudible]. this is where our sewage drain is at the front. and then the neighbors sewer is here at the house at the back. so when the water flow down here, because of the water gravity, is difficult to push water uphill to the sewerch and the sewer is on the other side. >> where they built the foundation this block the water there is no outlet temperature is cement there is mow area where we can say, you know we will create something to if heavy rain we can lift the water. unfortunately this is not the case and that's where we are
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stuck with it. no outlet and what the raised foundation where the water going? our lot. in our house that is the big concern is. >> and our house adjacent to eefrp other there is no sidewalk or side yard. there is no other way that we can make the flow of the water from uphill to the front of the street the sewer. the only way we could think of is downhill. the picture shows the [inaudible] we cannot build anything. >> just one more question . ficould. so. you are saying that the water that come under your property the only way it exits is on to the other person's property? >> based on law of gravity and the natural flow of water unfortunate, yes, it is. because there is no other outlet at this point.
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and that k is the biggest concern. with the like i mentiont is like water running through and now with the erected foundation you are blocking all the water and the water will retain in my lot. >> thank you. >> thank you. vice president lemberg. >> i wanted to ask, we saw the texts that you include in your brief you submitted. but in the neighbor's brief implied you had there were a level of conversation between and you your neighbors about potential solutions. i wanted ask you directly what were the conversation. what came of them? and where things sat with this. >> my wife had text the neighbor and the contractor. when we community to the neighbor, the neighbor was out
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of townful obviously we cannot have a deeper conversation in regards to that when we talk to the contractor, am and this is am surprising he is an expert in his field, because he is a bodieser. what he tell us. am let the water flow out. where is the water flow out with no outlet it is a denial and not listen to our occurrence. we all understand what appeal this deadlines even fiwere to have further conversation to our neighbor we don't have the time to go about doing it. you know so i don't know where this is the intent of the contractor to brush us away? and try to proceed and finish the job. and understand where the license the permit was suspend they continue with the work that tells you they brush us off and try to finish the work >> was there potential solution
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you suggested? >> yes. we have. am and base on the texts we said because of nou no outlet where they build there is a sewage line from the naesh. if they can help us out in address. our goal not to stop him from belled building a dream house and taking care of his family. what we need is to addressed. the issue with what is going on. >> so. is your question answered? >> yes. >> thank you. you will have time in rebuttal. you can sit down now. >> thank you. >> we'll hear from the permit holder. >> good evening, commissioners. vice president. i'm writeing letter at the request of harmony design to express thoughts of the
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situation. my wife and i come from a long line of hard workers. determineed provide a place to call home for our family. >> our family immigrate from the philippines to establish a life. they were resilient. work nothing jobs here in the city that did not pay well. through determination they were able to purchase homes in the staechl hard work various to different people. both my parents worked two jobs to provide for me and siblings to attend catholic school. according to record roles my home was built in 1900 with their property. survygotsky the 190 sick quake
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and fires. i purchase today in 2015 with intent to raise my family. that am feat was easier said than done due to the high cost of living. i knew purchags a fixer upper was my option if i wanted stay in the city. i worked at the sheriff's office and utilized the first spernd down payment assistance program to purchase my homism feel the city and count embegin me and my wife much opportunity to allow you to settle here. in 2020 my oldest son was born and 2022 my second son was born. i knew that despite having a home there were issues with the old building that needed to be addressed. we contacted harmony design to fix our home with the mind set
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the resxars u.s allow my family, two sons to have a home that was safe. we upon explained that despite our limited budget we need help to make sure our home was updated and safe. they were eager to help my family inform assessment of 23 my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and in treatment. development 55 to the in planning phases and making sure our project would be fortunate so this my family and i could return to a safe house. >> with the news of my wife's stream they were motivated if any despite the issues that were behind our walls and floors, this project became permit this . was going to be our forever home. our home prior had issue this is needed to be addressed. creating sheer walls for quake
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proofing and updating the foundation of the back room supported by water damaged wood materials. >> harmony great in the conduction so far. they utilized special inspect orsz, licensed engine sxooers work done up to code, permitted and safe for my family.
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i would talk to my project manager about the concerns and suggest this she talk to our contractor about concerns. she thanked me for seeking a solution. i advised her of the california plumbing code 1101 minute 21 regarding leader connections to drains. code specifies drainage not be directed to flow on to property or over public way including sidewalks. shifted the responsibility toward me i should expand my drainage to accommodate their's. due to our neighbor's lack of proper drainage the damage which resulted in the sagging issues during construction can be due to negligence of my appellates. the appellates. i ask the board denight appeal to the permit being poorly properly issued to thetrary
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without merit. this delay brought stress to my family especially my wife. our son started school in august in glen park. zeal to coordinate drop offs and added stress we have to commute from sunset versus our project if our project completed the commute would be 5 to 10 minute drive this brought a wedge between a good relationship with my neighbors. i understands their occurrence the liability for lack of drain sxaj not communicating and delaying the project is sadning t. is brings to question whether they are responsible for the over time damage to run off and lack of drainage they admit in the their brief. aye open to skrfrgzs but will not entree selfishness. i work hard to do things
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correctly in the laws. i fear the delays will add more time to the project and fees and costs associated result nothing a large are financial burden. we are blue calf collar workers who don't have resource at our disposal. life does wonders but the board takes my word in consideration. >> life never guess plan. on top of providing for my family the treatment and staying with the city is hard. if the occurrence are true. as property owners they should address it contacting contractors to have work done. i'm invest nothing my home so should there. san francisco is expensive and all of the old buildings. >> thank you, time >> we have a couple questions from commissioner eppler and vice president lemberg >> thank you for your testimony.
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i have a quick skechlt how does your work you do change the drainage in your yard? where will water go now that you move today from where it went free throw >> our gutter system is sect connected to the main drains. i believe we have a drain in the right side where their property is orror my side of the property and you have a drain on the other side of the property that drains water as well. >> thank you. >> thank you. i wanted ask you the same question. which was what the conversations have been like. when has been suggested and offered? >> when i receivedir text i responded to them and contacted my project manager. they have been trying to talk to the on site workers who are not the project manager or the
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contractors involved. and well is miscommunication because they are text the workers who have no say in the matter. i directly texted i can show, i texted my contractor and project manager about probable solutions but as the mr. chan said, they filed the brief quickly and once i confirmed with mr. long away that an appeal was made we just provided with set up the brief and then decided to go with the board our board. >> but again. communication wise, i don't have like fiwant to communicate or try to accommodate them for drainage, we can have future conversations buttil not sacrifice my time and resources to accommodate for their's. sent me texts taking pictures of
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my storm dpran if you expand this larger than that may help. i'm like but -- it didn't make sense. all my water is drained properly. their's isn't and their backyard is paved there is no run off or way for water to seep inform plus a 15 foot gapful space for other water to drain. >> thank you. >> moving forward there are opportunity for conversation. >> thank you. commissioner trasvina. >> responded to the contention that you continued workeen the work has been ordered be susmended. >> according to my project manager the inspector was on site. we ceased work immediately. i don't know what work was allegedly done. we can go off the dates but i have texts daily from our prshth
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manager of progress made and once we received the suspension of the appeal or of the permit all work stopped. i'm not sure what those allegations are. >> thank you. and you also stated that you feel this created a wedge with what was a good relationship with your neighbors. i wonder whether from the start of this whether what is here has there been a combination or change by you up to now? in your plan? >> as far as that's some. that is a question for the project managers and the dbi inspectors. as far as i know the work done was up to code. if we did not have time to seek out further solution considering this appeal was made and focus
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on the appeal if my contractors had different solutions, and with working with them and financial agreements remember made. may be but at the end of the day that work was completed and then once the appeal was done all work stop. i'm not sure if we amend it. that is my project manager. gi understand this. what i wonder about from the time you heard from your neighbor there they feel there was a problem to today. is the project look like it was when they first approached you? >> yes >> or have you made changes. >> as far as i'm concerned. i'm sorry for talking. . the moment they approached me is the moment we stopped. we have not done additional work to that. whatever it was there is how it is right now. >> you have not made any changes.
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>> no. you might in the future but you want to. uphold your permit. >> correct. >> i mean work has been done i don't know how you know to augment it the construction is not my job. but the same time changes to plans as well as applying to further permits and consulting neighbors for w on my side of the property upon that is another conversation i need to have. >> i would be interested to know whether and again. may be beyond your professional expertise. and may be your project manager is better able to answer. do -- you think there is of a -- change or compromise that you and the neighbors can w out? i'm not insisting you do i wonder if there is something physically. >> again.
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i feel like i have a good relationship with them and this is a speed bump for the conversation. i'm open to it. but it is a matter of is it valid for me economically and stuff like that i want to get me and my family back home. i'm sorry >> that was helpful >> you can be seated >> we hear from the planning department. >> corey teague for planning. will briefly. . the subject permit before you -- was approved by planning over the counter. it was not expanding envelope or doing work that trigger anything under the planning code or require neighborhood notification. and so from the planning
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department the permit was issued proper level and issues regarding water drainage are not address instead code but i'm available for questions you may have. >> thank you. dbi. >> over head, please. >> good evening. president lemberg and commissioners. >> we believe unfortunately lee that the paving of the rear yard caused most of the damage here. again. >> over head. >> over head. >> thank you. you see is an over head view in 2011. the backyard was green there was no paving. then, by 2012, it was paved and
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12-1500 square foot of paving. under j of the san francisco building code, any surface area or 200 square foot must provide a storm drain there is none as well is surface water sheeting off property to the neighbor's property. and also the roof drain is also dumping on to this open space should be collected in another storm drain and here it says you cannot direct the flow of water on a property. none of the paving was done with a permit and if he can see in this one, you see it is slope in the the back area and the water liters off of the two roofs that water is garthing in that area, so, they do need to provide the
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storm drain or take up paving in less than 2 huh human square feet society water can drain in the soil. unfortunately, i mean they caused the issues themselves by completely paving the backyard and unfortunately it it is flowing in the neighbors property. and we believe the permit was properly reviewd and a proper permit and appeal should be denied and they should be allowed proceed. >> questions? >> i don't see any. so. >> you may be seated. we will move to public comment. is there anyone on zoom. you will have a chance after your party, anyone on zoom for public comment? we will move on to rebuttal. now can you approach you have 3 minutes to address the board. >> um -- i want top say we gone
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in the ghn timing of the pictures how they continue to build [inaudible]. my brief from the last has the pictures from the time i texted to him to the time that after the suspension. they are dated according to what i have on my phone. those other dates the pictures shows how it changed every day. >> meaning after suspend you look at the pictures based on dates the contractor continue with the work. >> he mentioned about the building code and i review them.
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1101. upon 2 in mention about flat area. our house and building and lot is not flat it is on a hill. i will say that does not apply directly to the position or the lot. how is a hill. and also 110 bont 2.2 says we direct it to the front sewer i look at the map and look at options and don't see optionless. because well is no way i can direct natural flow of the water to the front. there is no side yard. and i cannot direct the water from the lowest point up to hill to the other side of the house. and to the front because of the water gravity. i want to upon our neighbor bought the house in 2015. if you look at this not usable.
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and will throughout the 9 years he never had communication in recourse to any water draining from our outside to his side. >> never complain to us it was never issue. i check all our communications and i don't see complaints. >> we never had communication about water for the past 9 years. where e >> and he mentioned about the pavers i upon did research. on my screen. society pavers that he mention is our lot of the backyard is pavers and they are called like [inaudible]. 30 seconds >> water seeps through. what he has is if concrete. it does not. >> now want to add.
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obviously, the neighbor have been living there 9-10 years never complained about water. we understand about the reasonable use of [inaudible]. how now once they build the foundation they divert and build a damn to block the waters. >> thank you. i don't see questions. so you have rebuttal. i see your engineer is raising his hand do you want him to speak. >> okay alex santos go ahead. have you 3 minute in rebuttal. >> hi i'm not sure why this has log mead in as -- echoing bad, i'm sorry.
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i'm jessica, my afol gees i'm one of the owners of harmony. and i wanted to first responded to the comment bus conditioning work after put on hold. that is a completely false claim of we have two permits on the house. and it was our understanding initial low that we would be able to continue working on the interior of the house that has nothing to do with the claim against the foundation work, drainage, et cetera . but we did have an inspection with the city inspector who put it not just to us verbally and twroet on our cards we were not to continue to work after that point until the issue was
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resolved. there has not been anybody on site. upon we did make attempts to reach out to the neighbor to try to discuss with them and avoid having to do this. essentially and did not get cooperation from their side i wanted jump n. adrian the planning and dbi covered what is obvious here and i don't feel i need to add-on to that. i wanted to address the false claims as they not only invalidate our side but also our integrity. i thought that was important to note. >> thank you. why pause the time. what is your left name >> can you type it to me in the chat i want to get it accurate. >> you have a minute and 39 seconds left if you like to address the board. thank you.
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>> you guys they covered it over head. >> please. the storm water from roof areas and courtyards 200 feet. shall drain or be conveyed to the building drain. or to approve alternate location based on engineering design. not directed to flow on property overnight public way. if you look at the picture it is in the brief their storm drain from the gutters toint point to my property. i did not complain dinot know the damage to the house and my property has drainage. i didn't know and i had no reason to complain since i purchased the property rainwater would be an issue.
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opening the walls and doing construction it opened the can of worms. so. >> okay. >> thank you. >> i don't see questions. anything further from planning? >> okay. dbi? >> >> i did want to say they have 2 permit on the property and should have been allowed continue on the original perimism did not realize our inspector told him to stop work on that. they can put in pumps and do other issues to divert the water t. does or take update pavers and create drainable space. you know you see areas of less than 200 square foot and put in pebbles or grass. and. you know00 oop just like the permit holder probably did not
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know the water was draining on his property for years it is a case a lot of paving and a lot of water and we had drought years there was no rain. he would not have known temperature i feel the permit was properly reviewd and issued. question sns >> i don't see questions. >> thank you. >> okay. >> commissioners this matter is submitted. >> commissioners. withhold like to start in i see we have a genuine neighbor probable and communication problem. but as with regard to the permit. with the testimony from dbi and does not appear that the neighbor has an obligation to accept the rainwater of the neighbor. and their being no duty there
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the fact that this may have shifted water should not appears from the code it should not come on the property in the first place i believe that the issues that are here don't affect the they are genuine to neighbors they don't affect the proprietor of the permit and i would deny the appeal. gi would agree. >> >> i also agree. i don't anything substantive to add i move we deny the permit on the base that it was properly. >> deny the appeal. >> deny the appeal, sorry. >> we have a motion from vice president lemberg to deny and uphold the permit on the base it was properly, commissioner trasvina >> aye >> commissioner eppler >> aye >> the appeal is denied. >> and that concludes the hearing. thank you.
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>> [music] art withelders exhibiting senior art work across the bay for 30 years as part of our traveling exhibit's program. for this exhibits we partnered with the san francisco art's commission galleries and excited show case the array of artist in historic san francisco city hall. >> [inaudible].
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call me temperature is unique when we get to do we, meaning myself and the 20 other professional instructors we are working with elders we create long-term reps i can't think of another situation academically where we learn about each other. and the art part i believe is a launching pad for the relationship building:see myself well. and if i don't try when my mom again. she may beat the hell out of mow if i don't try >> seniors, the population encounters the problem of
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loneliness and isolation even in a residential community there hen a loss of a spouse. leaving their original home. may be not driving anymore and so for us to be ail to bring the classes and art to those people where hay are and we work with people in all walks of life and circumstances but want to finds the people that are isolated and you know bring the warmth there as much as art skill its personal connection. men their family can't be well for them. i can be their fell and feel it. >> i don't have nobody. people say, hi, hi. hello but i don't know who they are. but i come here like on a wednesday, thursday and friday. and i enjoy. >> we do annual surveys asking students what our program does
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for them. 90 plus % say they feel less alone, they feel more engaged. they feel more socially connected the things you hope for in general as we age. right? >> and see when i do this. i am very quiet. i don't have anybody here talking to me or telling me something because i'm concentrating on had i'm doing and i'm not talking to them. >> not just one, many students were saying the program had absolutely transformational for them. in said it had saved their lives. >> i think it is person to support the program. because i think ida elder
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communities don't get a lot of space in disability. we want to support this program that is doing incredible work and giving disability and making this program what supports the art and health in different way bunkham art as a way of expression. a way of like socializing and giving artists the opportunity also to make art for the first time, sometimes and we are excited that we can support this stories and honor their stories through art. we hope the people will feel inspired by the variety and the quality of the creative expressions here and that viewers come, way with a greater appreciation of the richness what elders have to share with us.
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>> come shop dine and play. taraval street is open for business. >> this is joey smith at barber lounge. one of the coowners at 19th and taraval and sunset. this establishment came about when me and my brother andy, coowner barber decided to it was time to take a step up in the barber industry. our business is community that shows their true artistic side of the barber indust rae. we are involved in taraval bingo so please stop by, get a haircut and when you do you get the barber sticker made for us. i say in three words, we are community, artsests and here to help.
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visit at barber louvl, 901 taraval and find on-[indiscernible] >> a new community game supporting small businesses, anyone can participate, it is easy, collect stickers on a gameboard and enter raffle event for a chance to win awesome prizes. for more, >> >> a century ago, building a dam in the high country of the sierra to bring a supply of fresh water to the san francisco bay area was a monumental undertaking. mayor sunny jim rafh turned to michael to mastermind the project. michael was a force of nature. air fwant
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in some ways but also a man's man. he supper advised the construction and it was the greatest engineering seats in the united states. >> the remow location of dam and reservoir made getting to the site a challenge. >> they had to get access to the slopes of the sierra nevada so they her to build a railroad to get construction equipment and materials into the site. they had to generate power so they built another reservoir to generate power and they did a remarkable amount of work with much less sophisticated equipment than what we have today. >> concrete for the dam was processed at a plant just upstream from the construction site, using sand and rock from the valley. nearly 400,000 yards of cubic concrete were poured around the clock.
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>> oshansee was a detailed oriented guy. he was having his man dig down the bedrock and they would dig and dig and pull, you know, out debris and they come and say, okay, we've gotten down. we're down far enough. we need to personally look at it and say, no, dig deeper. >> in may 1923, the dam was completed and named first chief engineer and behind it, an 8-mile chef of the hetch hetchy valley was flooded and holding back 115 billion gallons in the new reservoir. it would take another 11 years to finish the system and bring that water across california to the san francisco bay area. >> this was the moment. it was made pososososososososososososos
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>> hello everyone i'm san francisco mayor alondon breed and excited to be here with members of the board of supervisor and different commune taiz to talk about the healthy, safe and vibrant san francisco bond! [applause] now, just to give you some perspective, these bonds, the way that our sit ahas been very responsible with the capital plan, we go through a process to insure that our credit rating remains in tact, so as we put out bonds, we retire old debt and are able to take on new debt without raising taxes for san franciscans. that's why these have been so popular, but at the same time,