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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  August 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:59pm PDT

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san francisco police department i would like to friends and mem of our cit family and will our department members to our officer of the month i like to welcome our mayor, mayor breed a our chief of police bill scott and thank our mayor, w front every award ceremony making sure we are here on balcony and veal have a nice event. thank you for your support. this afternoon we'll recognize san francisco police department members of northern station. investigation unit. and from richmond station. >> i the fct we%e lost a well
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respected and beloved me of our department officer ortega who passed away on sund of he was going to turn 30 on friday and■z■x member of our support for 9 yea.■% i think tell be a mobile home o for officer ortega. okay. today before we start this celebration of our officers■j h. i would like to recognize here . again, thank you, mayor breed and chief of police bill skochlt
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rescue noise the president of board of supervisors aaron peskin. connie chan from d1. our san francisco commissioners commissioner yee and benedicto. i like to the president of the police officer's associat crea. like to thank martha cowhoen is here this makes sure everything is organized and we are ready. thank you, martha and catherine chu from the mayor's office. and mason lee as i want to thank the command staff for leadership and what e department and lead the great work of the men and twhem do this work every day. than being here. >> today is possiblelso because we are great sponsors. and every ceremony i like it read the sponsors. i will■z share what being a sponsor does for the members
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that raft awards. the boston property steve colsolicit vin. ou by the way the chief really pushedu bring back the commission re san francisco police officer's association. h. s. gci incorpored. hoc metro servicegr 53 cox construction.
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rubin and rose llp. the bay area host commit each jma, parks hotel groupful hilton hotel. l, from the union square alliance. and san francisco chamber and the list grows we are thank you for the upon soren and women in the police department. today's recipients you will hear about the work they have done will receive 500 dollars that is coming san francisco police officer's association community fund and a
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stay at the hiiat in downtown for us to recognize your works. congratulations. >> without further, due i wouldz like■ to troduce our mayor of san francisco to say a few words mayor london breed property >> thank you. chief and thank you to everyone joining us here today. i know that so mann officer ortega who also had family members his mom and dad who has been a part of this departur hearts and prayers are with each one of and you with the officer's family. we will do everything we cano f support the san francisco police department as w get through this challenging time. thank you for your service and and for being aninspiration. in fact, i'm proud of all that we have done in san6$francisco. to get to a better place. one we can be proud of. it is not have been easy. it has many out there every day putting their lives on the line to se and protect the public. but the work
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is truly paying off. an what we are seeing and what is not being talked about in the national narrative is how crime is lower than it years. it does not just happen because it happens because so many of you are out there doin work and today we are honoring have . and more important low number don't matter when people's security hasn robbed. people have been a victim of crimes and it takes awayot just your possessions but takes away your sense because of the u part of that safety. and today we are honoring recog done. and how you make san francisco a better and safer
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place. officers from the richmond f■g■3 the bayview, northern station. but with o purpose. to work together to ensure safety. anddb■ to serve and protect the people of san francisco. we are grateful for everything you do and importantly, we are grateful that you are oo to be a part of the san francisco police department. it is very meaningful. and i am glad that we have this opportunity to recognize your service to elevate it and to at other people understand the complexities of this job. risks that you take and more important low how difficult it is to make split second either arrest you make or the kindness you show or the lives that you save how it does make a difference for safety and the people of san francisco. i want to for your
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service. congratulations on honored. even though we know you don't do it for the recognitionu dt because you want to serve the city and we appreciate your service and i want to t all of the men and welch department as well as the command staff and the chief and tracie for the work on the police officer's association. we have come a long way. we alw mobile home to pause andeflec and appreciate how far we have come upon because what you are doing is■k m■aaking a world of difference and so i'm glad we have today toau and reflect on that. thank you all so mh and congratulations. [applause] skwoo thank you mayor ani now like to invite up or chief of police,lscott. rounds for the chief!
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[applause]. first before i beginlet me say thank you mayor breed, thank you. for resurrecting all of our commissioners and ele officials, trace and he more important low the officer who is were her honor today. today we hears of course to honr work and the, well is nothing like the good police work. the officer of the month ceremony is a wonderful opportunity for us to show our and express gratitude for the service that you all dodaily. the 6 officers and two sergeants they h the call of duty. rgla more armed robbery, here =
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these other crimes taunt any city but in a city like san which is a tight knit community. the crimese. and when we get closure for the cres accountable, it really doesl long way. and i want to say while iñm hav this opportunity to talk to you, there has been ahange and so many things that happened the past year nahelpedso when we do better. to came.t2 have drones. we have the use of technology in ay had it before. and what is important, is n that we have it but we are using it. and using it to take very bad people off the streets that's the work we are here to cell
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brit and thank you for the work that you have been the mayor said crime is down to lows that we have not s many years. it does not happen by accident it happens beck and make no mistake about it, it e work and the dedication and because of team work. it happens because leadership. happens because of partnership. you know, people like to think everything what is what it is not is a dangerous city. what it is is city and a great city because of great people temperature a great city because this police department cares. this police departme wll do wha we need to do to make sure that evybody knows what we know. that san francisco is a epitomi i said and i want to all and your families because 91
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of this would hap families for you much. [applause] >> thank yo like to call up captain jason along with the officers from northern station t raft first award. bayviewsa well. come on up. i'm jason sawyer captain of northern statiostic story now. we have officer mark and peralta from■h9 nth and officers martinezl>ndndez
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from bayview station. on april 24, another wednesday 11 o'clock at night officers■ post street between van ness and franklin regarding a robbery. met with the victim the victim said he was walkingwn the street come noticed 3 men ahead of him walking in the samerecti. looked at his phone was not paraguay attention theturned on your phone. while h gave up his phone another pulled out a gun dp put it to his said give us more stuffictimave a back pack t had a sweater air podcas. victim not knowing energid sned the police and right away our officers from northern respond. they could take a report and
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does not end like that. the officers tk put out a descr started doing next level believ. officer peralta shirt for dna e. lomple vo on the spot. officers searched they did not finds anythingig away. they go back may be a report but is how to contact us if you get your tracki up let us know the victim did not have access at that time. thm guess back. gets tracking 1. . 30 in the morning calls back the officers and said i found my phone in the bayview at third d palou. upon enter the next officers fernandez and■ñmartinez. they rolled down the street. northern strain you think iment. and they find 3 suspects that fit the deription. stopped them and what happens is they had the proper description.
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conducted a legal investigation? found the victim's phone, found the bagndgreat. again does not end throughout the investigation they found th another crime in dalyá5■c÷ city found another cell phone from another victim report in the the tenderloin from a robbery 15 minutes after this guy'sthink, e the suspect says are wanted other warrants. might have tie instead zoed iac s is was a one wave crime spree■d= wrapped up. that's what happened while we sleep onht. and then that's the sexy part. wh page police department come after that they are not doncordinatio
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pull victims andñn lats the tenderloin robbery, guns stolen from daly city andav present that book all the evidence in a comprehensive case at wil go to prosecution. and so that takes hours and a lot of cordinationong multiple districts and that's what they did after the fact. if i rges rebooked the sense held anded go to trial on september 20th. what you did affected the victim got property back you also solved other crimes by just showing up.onder are we paying attention while we ep i officers like you this. tht great work that happensslee ready firefighter our shift and i fee cfortable knows we are in great hands. it is myoo present you for april officer of the month.
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thank you. [applause].0pç6g$4b■o■=l
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now thank you very much, captai the officers from northern station i like itall up captain chris commanding officer the strategic investigation's unit.
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captain? >> coming up. ■: commanding officer strategic violation the folks that w at night while we sleep cases that happen over night and solving crimes. with mes tony circumstantialy, great investigator and present to you one case out of many that he cif san fro.■ the early morning of april first 24 when a burglar occurred on san benito in san frcis the suspects entered the victim's garage while asleep. they house of the victims. e confronted the suspects. and scared them away. not without them grabbing the purse and car keys and flow nothing their car from their garage with their ge way car a
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dodge durango. the suspect used the credit cards they stole from the house in the local retailer. bout items a pair of nike come in play later. rgeantjs assigned to the strategic investigations,ñ■< to on the case. and after learning that daly city found to it he was able get evidence and recover items that linked folks to the burglar. now, the sergeant working as hard as he works able to get the video of the suspects using the cards in the retail and he knewx who to look for. on sunday may 5 over a occurred spotted the sense upon enting rv. obtained a warrant for the rv t
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husband and wife■hcustody. and within this rv he located n purchased and other evidence to burglary. the husband and wife were booked. stolen vehicle, possession of stolen property and outstanding warrant this is is one case that he worked on i can go on for days about the great wor does. i'm proud of and you proud you work in strategic investigations, congratulations. [applause]0k■"■4■■ [applause]
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congratulations and thank y captain. last for our last like to call krig canning xhaning officer of richmond station. [applause] good afternoon. i'm chris canning the richmond station myonor to introduce sergeant lee, officer which ia officer mc colley. [applause] you heard many
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incidents and tremendous effort by our members went san francisco police department.
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the list this afternoon. this is an incident in golden gate park during autiful tuesday not wednesday. for the northern and for yous . a tourist couple from central coast enjoying golden gate park. lifely tuesday m in may. at 10. . 30 that couple was robbedpoint the area in a grayaccord, an officer responding for a vehicle not knowing what was going of attempted pull vehicle
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danger without knowing all of ned the officer did in the engage in a pursuit. our good officers here responde. found the v■2 couple and couple was assaulted at gun y int by 2 suspects they1y was stolen. good officers were able to broadcast tatd6 a for those of us who work in the police department understand that this happens rapidlys chaotic. one thing that occurd that was is the upon flowing suspects crashed in a building on fulto at eighth avenue and fled the are■7a foot. sergeant lee this is unique mostly supervisors ensurety investigation is conduct properly. that did not deter sergeant from searching the area. finding the suspects.
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requesting back suspects were st further investigation because of their joint efforts lead to the recovery the victim'sproperty, a firearm and beyond that theyc w by seizing and obtaining dna an prosecute files from the property the sense lead it a swift prosecu. are currents practice cuted by our office. now a bit about our officers. a tremendous even but not unique sergeant lee and i work in the the southern district years ago san ff's deputy in 96. francisco. grew up in china town north beach. the outer sunset. and his effortsre known and are appreciated. i want to talk bit about officers they have been police
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officers since 2014 worked in the southern engle side, districts and officer mc colley served in the of working rict. with them in the talked a bit family. we talked about service. city. and this guess not only to the efforts of our officers also to their family who is supported them and brought them her and ask, lot of our officers mayor bree chief scott and lazar mentioned. it is not lost on u sacrifice come from the officers but their mi known to many outside of the police department officer upon which ia are cousins. other cousins in the srancisco police department. for those of you who recognize officer mc colley's last nameful
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sergeant mc colley in the tenderloin named in honor colle i wanted speak a bit about the value of support from family. sergeant mc colley's■s siblings are here. and parents not only grateful for e efforts of our officers we are grateful for the efforts andour families. san francisco is grateful the grateful and i'm honord and proud ofp t e■fforts and allow me to present them to you for the recognition of their efforts. thank you. ■0 okay one
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last round for all of today's recipients, congratulations and thyo for everything that you do! this concludes our ceremony but our celebratio over. i welcome all of you to join us for reception. we have a lot of great snacks
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and deserts and pastries thanks to the folks that donate. i would first like to ask before anybody moves if the mayoran go ph■;er you go out we will dismiss. congratulati mayor breed.■3x■
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>> (music). >> hi, i'm emmy the owner of emmy's spati i offers working that with some kind of feeling stuffy and in the 90s san francisco it was pretty pretense in ataur scene i want r my friends to guessted the restaurant a no better oute two 10 he start with all people
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and work with#r and the events they create one of the eves do every year and backpack give away and give ant with(■ a santa and bring 5 hundd meat and pa get and we're like in the mission notbout them knowing where the food comes from but a part of the community.y restaurant emmy's spaghetti and fun banquet and san francisco not the thi that everybody knows about we stay under the radar we show■ t showcase i take it food ande eae
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comfort food a a claims friend from i take it and helped me create meatbal and dealing ved over the years in the beginning one plate of spaghett the portions as big they could be. and now we have quite a few types pasta d la begin and meat sauce a partition to a lot of food we favorites i don't change the menu often 0 i eat here so much but everything is fresh your m ever been-9 one thing on the me
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our magazine gtte change the flavor one of the fun things it is served in the historically we're knon emmy's spaghetti as a friendly place when i opened i wanted my friend to be welcome and other parents to be welcomed and it is very this is a place for families especially in san francisco■7■@ this is where though hold their you're coming to a family restaurant and you're coming o to a fun place i love being the owner and prey se my life i enjoy running the psta spaghetti hope to be here a while we'll see how it goes we everyone is a friendou'
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[music] is-the coowner of chalosism and, my name is chalos. >>we [indiscernible] like original style. and-it is more american and then coffee, local coffee. i am one (4&(ofthe chalos. so, my father is gonzalo iscernible] chalos means--i always been ininfood industry.
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we used to have a food restaurantd then i been in different parts of the world in spain, in the u. the days food industry, so it is my and then, it was my-follow her to her country so that is why we >> i was born and raised in the sunset district. mong back from being abroad so long i have been over 8 years. this neighborhood met zylo me. when we saw the space, i was like this area i'm very familiar with. in the last 5 to 10 years it it is really good for young families. you dont need to leavthe neighborhood anymore and what i like most about it, most of the businesses have local the sunset area with their own businesses so it gives thmmfe■xelto it. one neat thing we have here we have
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fride and baked-one of the only [indiscernible] everything is made from scratch. we make the food when you order it. we a lot of vegetarian, ■f investigateen and churros are made every day. we have a addition, a breakfast burrito made fresh, that is e key to success. cheese, tater tots and bacon or breakfast sausage t. is a big burrito. that is a big hit. we have a full expresso bar.dri the--it is very popular. but we have so chalos is open wednesday to sunday, wednesday-saturday 9 to 5 and
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sunday 9 [indiscernible] normal activity on taraval. wekeh oplehat they are. that is when you see change. that a lead advantage. so law enforcement■hj)■x assistance diversion to work with individuals with nonviolent rela o offenses to offer an alternative to an arrt and the county jail. >> we are seeing reduction in
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drug-related crimes in the pilot area. >> theyee■ the program for quite a while. they are successful in reducing the going to the county jail. >> this was a state grant that wepp. administrator. is the main it requires we work with ltle agencies. we have a community that includes the da, rapid transit police and san francisco sheriff's department and law enforcement agenciew, public defender's office and adultior o look at the population that ends upn criminal justice and how th wilt in jail. >> having partners intbla nonprofit world and the public defender are critical to the success.
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werer= beginning to succeed because we have that >> agencies with very little connection are brought together. >> clati■on i good for the department. it gets us all working in ts,see dealing with. >> when you have systems as complicated as police and healtd nonprofits it requires people to come to work together so everybody h their egos at the door. we have done it very well. >> the model of care where police, district attorney, public defenders are community-based$[ions are all involved to worked towards the comoal nobody wants to see drug■b in jail. they want to get the
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correct treatment they need. >> we are pilotg lead in san francisco. close to civ along markettron plaza, powell street and in the missn, 16t>> our goal in san f in seattle is to work with indivisho and out of criminal justice and are falling cracks and using this as intervention to address that population and the racial disparity we see. we want to focus on the mission inden district. >> it goes to the partners that hired case managers to deal directly with the clients. case■ with referrals from the police or city agencies
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ec th the person to determine what their needs are and how wean best meet those needs. >> i have nobody, no friends, no resources, i am flat-out on my own. i witnessed women beat, men getting beat. transgenders getting beat up. i saw people shot, stabbed. >>hese are people that have had many visits to the county jail in san francisco or other institutions. we are trying to connectm with the resources they need in the community to break out of that cycle. >> all of the referrals are coming from the law enforcement officers observe an offense. say you are using. it is f in possession of drugs, that constituted a lead eligible
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defense. >> the officer would talto the individual about participating in the program instead of being bo >> are you ever heard of the leads program. >> yes. >> are you part of the leads program? do you have a case >> yes, i have a case manager. >> when they have a contact with a possible lead referral, they give us a ideally we can meet them at the scene where the tt issued. >> primarily what you people une influence of drugs but they wil1 all be nonviolent. if they were violent they quali. >> you think i am going to getao jail for something i just did te issues i am dealinghey would coe outreach worker. >> then glide shows up, you are
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not going to jail. we can take you. let's meet you you are without telling you exactly what that is going to look let us help you and help you helpriy assessment and services center adult probation to have assessment with teparent of public health staff to assess the treatment needs. provides meals, groups, there are t that make it an open space they c they go throughet their needs ad how we can meet those needs. >> som have entered the jail system or would have been arreste and book order the charge is diverted to social services. then from there instead of themh
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hasn't shown itself to be an effective way to deal with people suffering suable stance abuse issues they can be connected wit casan they can offer services based on their needs asivey things is our approach isent centered. hall reduction is based around s of what.v you ready to take? >> we are not asking individuals to do anything specific at any point in time. whereverrogram based on it takes. we are going to them and w with them where they feel most >>■ opens doors and they get. access they wouldn't have had hee. >> supports them on their goals. we are not working to come up with a p what success looks like to them. >> because i have been in the
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lot i can offer different choices and let them decidehi one they want to go down and help them on that path. >> it is all on you. we are here to guide you. we are not trying to for what yr change your mind. it is you telling us how you want us to help you. t a to the clients to know there is someone the wan assist them. >> they pick up phone. it was a blessing to have them when i was on the streets. no matter what situation, what pay phone,■! somebody else's phone by calling them theys a■ answered. >> in office-based setting mebody at the reception desk and the clinician will not work for this population of drug str. this has been helpful to see the
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>> we will pick you up, take you to the appointment, get you food on the way and make sure your are not out in the cold. >> first to push me so i will not be to ask for help with the lead team. >> can we get you and less so you can function and have a nor job, place to stay, be a functioning part of the community. it is all part of the home reduction model. you are using less and you be af the society. this is a important question where lead will go from here. looking,ña so far and seeing the successes ande ca build on that and as the department based on that where thenvts go. >> if it is for five months.
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>> hopefully as final we will come upith a model that may help with all of the communities inhe >> i want to go back to school to start my ged and go to coitled out. that is the hope anyway. >> is a huge need in the cit the data we are getting we canon. >> we all hope, obviously, the prog is successful and we can implement it city wide. i think it will savhe county millions of dollars in emergency services, police services, prosecuting more importantly, it will save lives.
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>> you are watching san francisco rising chris manner. da is carla >> hi, i'm chris manner and you are watching san francisco rising the about restarting rebuilding and reimagining the city. our guest the intric director of public works and here to storms we had and m. >> thank you for having me. >> great to have you. let's start by talking about the storms that started beginning of the year. there fsh a lot of clean up recovery and remediation. can yo
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talk about what your team did? >> sure. the 17 in got starting on new year's eve through the first 2 and a one of the wettest periods in recorded history for san sc, so as you imagine we had a lot of work to do. we gave out more thousand sand bags, we were operating all most non from new year's eve to san francisco residents and nesseout of our operation yard and frequently working thin rain so was a beautiful dance to watch. we had a corio graphed where people drive in the stwith san dags and get on it way so thats was the most visible had to do. responded to all most a thousand calls for lize flooding for the corner of the street with catch basin. our team trying to ess
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we clear and pick up anything to block and it hopefully get the flooding to go down. if we are able to respond we call in thsan francisco pub utility system and are responsible for the sewer system under vack trucks that vacuum out debris in e catch basin. we also dealt with lots and lots of calls about trees and tree limbs down. i think we actually fairebe places in terms of ees.we did have whole tree failures and that ist÷ not that uncumin with super satch waited soil conditions. we had over 950 calls about trees or tree limbs down. a lot of calls were about loss of a limb and we could save the tree. we are still assessing the data to fu tree ow many were failures versus limb failure. >> also had land movement too. the great highway comes to mind. what is your approach mud and
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land slides? >> that is a great question. we had 28 different slides over the course of that period. it is kind of a interesting process, so the first step is we have structural engineers take a look to see is the hillside safe, do we need to stabilize it in some way or ju do some cleanup? once they made their assessment they will recommend e next steps. often times to protect public safety we will place rails the giant concrete rails at the base ■< sure that any debris doesn't get on the edroway and bring g heavy equipment to scoop up on the ground and move off the roadway and try to the roadway. some cases, we will actually inct some rocks or other stabilizing forces either into the sle area or sometimes below the roadway. right now there is hing that's unstable out there but
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be are keeping a close eye on the areas including the highway area. >> right, right. well, so talking about the orinthe city response, us to southeast community scepter when tre is rain remediation projects going on. can you talk about the inconstruction project kblrks that is a favorite project. a beautiful new community facility. we were involved in pretty much every aspect of developing that utility for the public commission. they were a we design project management and construction management and the landscape that project. and one thing that we included was storm water management throughout the entire project s that project encapturealize the rathe roof and flows into the lascape where we have rain gardens
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so intent is slow thedown to and to e areas to collect percolate into the ground rather then the sewer system. wh we havesewers that are overloaded, because our rain water mixes w treatment storm sewer system, we actually can end up dist charging into the bay which we dont want to do. anything we can do to just prevent those combined sewers from overpm lothing and in this case allows the water to collect onpercolate to the ground which is the best way to manage the storm water beautiful and provides habitat. i encourage everybody to see it. it is special that's great. there was recently ne about how city (indiscernible) powered by steam, which is super unusual i think. i understand public works ablgtually does the maintenance the system. you just
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talk about that a bit? >> sure. that is unusual situation. that steam loop was actually built when warecovering from the 1906 earthquake. it only provides to steam about 4 !@ ilng center but that is how we keep buils like city hall warm. the steam goes radiators and provides the heat. it is a old system and if you llowing out of the man holes or other spaces, thatis leak actually. we spend a lot of time trying to fi's system. it is managed by the real estate department and at one point they were looking trying to replace the whole think that is a massive undertaking so now they on making as needed repair said. we did a pair on growth street where we
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spent a month and a half working on the s in the area. it and have to use blow torches to sea l" the leak so a intense operation and seeing more s on polk street so we will be out there once it warms to fix the leaks. >> excellent. discuss what is the reunifiquation of public works. there fsh split off the division, called the reet and sanitation. now that has been shelved and public works is going to just retain being a single entity. can you talk through the process? >> sure. yeah. the original proposal was a ■uballot measure voted on to split the department into create department of sanitation and streets that was really to incompass all our operation divisions so it was a street cleaning
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department but encompass everything to as operations. when we worked preparing for that split with the city administrator office, 91 ound there were what we call touch points and en the operations our engineering and architecture side, so we really felt like it could be very difficult to split two departments. we have so many areas of overlap. thwas a new ballot measure last november to reunitthe department. technically we split october onand did split in some ways. we did put on of the behind the scenes things like rebranding giving everyone a new e-mail address in the sanitatiand streets department, but on january 1 of 2023 we came back we are reunited i want sing the peaches and purb song
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and think the 91 good thing for areas of we making #2c3w50d use of the research. preparifo at all the touch points and trying to department so we are more streamlined and efficient. one of the most rtant from the original ballot measure is comm oversight. we retained two commissions, the commission which oversee over-all department and approve the budget and > that sounds great. thank you so much for coming and talking to me today an