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tv   Fire Commission  SFGTV  August 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:55pm PDT

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regular meeting. august 14, 2024 9:00 am. this meeting will be held in person at the location sted above. members of the public attending the meeting in person will have an opportunity to provide public comment. members of the public paeeting and participate remotely byfo instrs below. members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes per item. public comment call in. number 14156550001. meeting. id 1234. ensure you are in a quiet
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location. speak clearly and turn off background sounds such as television, phones, radios. wait for the item you would like to address to be called when prompted. press star three to be queue. the system will notify you when you are■$.e when waiting for your turn to speak. operator will unmute. you may also watch live at. item number one. roll call. president. army. morgan. president vice president. marcy frazier. commissioner. steven nakajo. president commissioner. catherine feinstein, president and commissioner paula collins has been excused. chief of department jeanineesident, ramah
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francisco fire commissiontthe acknowledges that we are on the un homeland of the ramaytush ohlone the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigeno stewards of this land, and in accordance with their have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit fm living and working on their traditional homelands. we wish to pay our respes by acknledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights asmber two. general publc comment. members of the public may address the commission for upnutes on any
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matter within the commission's jurisdiction that does not appear on the agenda. speakers shall address their remarks to the commi and not to individual commissioners or department personnel. to debate or discussion wither the speaker. the lack of a response by personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement ,th of statements made during public comment. yes. thank you for reading the ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgment, madam secretary and at this point, is there any public comment? i do not see anyone approaching the podium. there's one gentleman here. oh, my apologies.
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go ahead please. good morning to the fire department commissioners, fire chief and fellow chieftains. thank you for your unwavering service to the city of san francisco and this fire department. i also appreciate the valuable time you've given me to meet with you today. mye is timothy crenshaw. i am a wildland firefighter for the tamalpais fire crew at the marin county fire department. the reason why i'm here today is to respectfully request reconsiderationhe 135th academy class and 2025. last month, on july 15th, i had my
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preliminary panel interview and i received an email of interest. however, i was not contacted to schedule a chief's interview. i'm aware that this isn't the ideal time or place for my request, but thi is the only opportunity i felt that i have n support of my reconsideration. i would like to highlight some of last year in 2023. i had my chief's interview with the city of san francisco and received a score of 930 and ranked second out of recruits. i also passed all drug and health examinations. background checks, and participated in the voluntary boot camp workouts where i consistently tested drills and exercises.physical
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additionally, i built a support system of current san francisco fire staff tt me and believe in my potential contributions to the department. unfortunately i did not meet the deadline to renew my fctc written exam, which resulted in my non participation in 134 academy of 2023 or i'm sry. yes, of the 134 acade. ■tr■wth of disappointment. i've taken it to heart and especially considering the resources invested in me by the city of san francisco and its then, i've offered my free time and volunteered at the crockett firk
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seasonally for the marin county fire d developed more into an effective fire professional as well as member. i hopery about the tim, but i hope my presence today is a reflection of my determi■natin this department. okay. thank you. thankyou■.. i do not see comment line, and i do not see anyone else approaching the podium. thank you madam secretary. so i guess we will call on the approval of the minutes from july 10th, is there a motion to approve the minutes from t 10th? so moved#v. i second. can i call a vote?, i wa
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vote you vote? yes. oh, yeah. okay. commissioner nakajo, how do you vote? i voteé0 aye. moti. thank you, madam secretary. thank you. item number four. item number fr.hi chief of department jeanine nicholson. report on current issues, activities and events within the department since the fire commission meeting on july 10th, 2024, including budget academies, special events, communications and outreach to report from operations deputy chief dariusau report on overall field operations,
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including of fire prevention and investigation training within thdepartment and airport division. report from ems and community paramedicine deputy chief sandra tong. report on the ems and community paramedicine divisions. may i begin morgan, i'm sorry. president. president morgan. vice president. frazier. commissione9 feinstein. commissioner. nakajo esteemed city attorney. and command staff. i am still your san francisco fire■ chief, janie nicholson. and this is my report. since our july 10th meeting, that week of july 10th, i went to the firescope board oa
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meeting with a l o in californid we discusscal, state and national trends,■ó on everything from, fighting fires to cancer to wildland urban interface, all sorts of topics. and, it know some of our members chief deputy chief kailua and assistant deputy chief, darcy, are also involved in, fire scope meetings in developing policy. so i was there that week, it was a good meeting. a lot of good connections made and, what keeps beeping? do we know? online comments. oh. all right. okay. all right, i also want to
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acknowledge we had two station 49 members, aaliyah, don stewart and gerald colbert, honored at the de facto mayor of the tenderloin, adele seymou who was actually a firefighter in, los angeles, but he was honoring they were honoring african american members of the community and of our department. and i know chief tong and others were there. the internships of our hbcu students, concluded, we had three of them. and it was it a good experience for the department? i think it was a good experience for them, be prl across the board throughout the city, and i attended their closing reception. i■ spoke at the rules committee, the board of supervisors■écmt a charter
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amendment that was putal 798. tr amendment has been, cng and edited and is now, it went through the regular board of supervisors, basically changing the retirement age f 55, which i think is wise because this is a young person's job. we are moving forward with the 135th. is that the wind? wow. with 135th class interviews, we'll be interviewing approximately 130 candidates over the next two weeks. and you know, this is a everyone distracted by the wind. is that the wind or is tha
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the ac or something? all right. i'll just keep speaking up. so, anyways, we are moving forward with the 135th class interviews, pr130 candidates will be at headquarters over the next two weeks. and, you know, i think this is just such an important, job for us becausee are selecting people that are going to be with us for the next 25 or 30 years. so super important, this past saturday was the peace day celebration, right outside here in, started in civic center plaza. thre ands celebration. and, we went on a little walk down market street to yerba buena. thank you toteno this past weekend. it was firefighter appreciation night. multiple departments were
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honored, sacramento, san jose, oakland, as well as ours. and we had emt ishmael orozco, who was honored, it was sweet. his mother, who's from mexico, and his son were both there. he was recognized for his efforts in saving the life of a suicidal, patienty by grabbing them by the ankles as they went out the window and then holding on to them for about ten minutes until we got a ladder company honored. yeah. strong work, and we were joined, on the field by a command staff. so thank you to everyone that showed up. and as you know, i, announced my, impending retirement. i have, i am having some always telling fo
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take care of their health, and i have been, kindf ■'ignoring mine, and so it is,> it's time for me to do that because it' kind of caught up with me and, and i want to have a happy and healthy retirement. so i was honored at the board of supervisors on july 30th. thank you commissioners who did attend■. thank you very much, commissioner nakajo and vice president frazier. and as you know, there will be a press conferen this afternoon with the mayor, at headquarters at 1230. and i just want to thank all of their support and hard work over the years and your guidance and your care for the department and appreciated it. andt. i really,
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i will be here for another commission meeting. so, you're not getting rid of me just yet, and that concludes my report. thank you. chief. dew point, should we go into public comment? morgan, can you speak into the microphone, please? oh. i'm sorry. thank you. can you hear me? thank you for your report, chief, at this time, is there any questions from fellow commissioners in regards to chief nicholson's report? i'd like to just wanu, chief. very k you. and i thoug the event at the board of supervisors meeting was, was they had to say about you, because it was, i think, really heartfelt and very accurate and spot on. and you deserved every single word. so thank you. thank you. any othery
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thank you for your report. chief nicholson and thank you for your, lifetime of excellence of service to the city of san francisco. and the fire department. it's going to be to. and, you know, it'sd? just. i jt think it was you displayed excellent leadership. and i just want to say that i. i apologize for not being able to make the board of supervisors event. i'd like to hear more about it. if one of the commissioners can. who attended. yeah. of what happened. but. yeah, i just want to. i just want to say thank you. just keep it that simple. and thank you thank you, presidt morgan. appreciate it,
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commissioner ocasio, thank you very much, president morgan. thank you very much, chief, pre, commissioner feinstein, both myself and vice president frazier were at that ceremony at the board of supervisors preside her remarks, it was just a beautiful, butiful ceremony. very respectful, and it was really a■ rewarding to hear evey member of the board of supervisors, make their remarks, i didn't know everybody, loved you as much as they all put it out there. but also, part of that was the proclamation that you were their favorite department head. i know that, announcements are emotional in terms of retirement, one time ia statement. kind of foolish, i think. and i think about it was,
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what do you do with life after the fire department? and the truth of the matter is a wle lot. and in terms of that, in terms of your of just having sod quality time, we on the commission and i know the rest of our colleagues here wish you all of that. and thank you for so much for what you do in terms of san francisco, the public service and the leadership that you provided in this department, and working with thi command force and the membership of our department. thank you so much, chief nicholson. thank you, mister president. thank you, commissioner. yeah. and i you ow elaborate. i would just like to add, i mean, i think one of your greatest qualities of leadership. no matter what the rank or who you're talking to, you treat everybody with respect like a human beingyou, you know, you just, you know,
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encapsulate the word teamwork. th what you project teamwork in the department. and i reayecd that's what i got from me, w, chief nicholson and, at this point, is there any other comments? i will, i will wait till the last meeting. okay tentionally. i'm sorry. yeah. well okay. i guess we can go to item fivo no no, no, wait a minute. no, it's chief. yes, sir. thank you, if we go to the powerpoint presentation, please. there it is. all right? five. five. folk. i come before you again with no greater alarms in
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the reporting period. and i will lie to you again and tell you that my report will be brief, but let's move forwardy, there o dramatic change in our suppression statistics, the number of total boxes and the number of working fires was conforming. and the lacof greater alarms is purely due to the grit, determination, efficiency and the strong work of our operations chief and all who serve underneath them, there was an increase in water rescue calls and cliff rescues. we tend to see in the summer, and we were we're lucky enough to address, some of this with the people who take particular fort funston and wereut in, at recognized. the fire department was recognized for their strong work in rescuing people and dogs off of but i do not want to leave you without a fun fire story. so we will talk about the last box on
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month at 159 a fire that absolue to a second alarm quite easily. you can see how tight beaveru street is, the access problems that our rigs frequently encounter, positioning and was excellent at this incident. and you can see how, how tight the confines of the street are. another thing that came up during this fire was it was another heavy loading condition. you can see the stairs with the yacht, rock albums■x and the otr things that had cascaded down the strs, which made access very difficult. it was described as a slip n slide for the companies that were working on it, and they had a difficult time just ascending the stairs with the charged hose line. they fought the fire fairly quickly once they were able to gain accessbut you can see the loading. that's a these aren't giants. these are normal, standard s francisco
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firefighters standing on the amount of burnt material. and you can see their heads almost touch the ceiling. so in a loading condition like this and the fire conditions, they were presented with, the companies did excellent work. there was one injury due to the heat of the fire, but yeah complimentary to them easily could have been a greater alarm report. and i thank the companies for their quick and efficient action and keeping it to a see there was some damage to what we call the bravo or the exposure. the immediate exposure to■< the left hand side. but they were able to contain it primarily to that building. so. excellent. exceent,nt work. all right. to our bureau of fire prevention a■y investigation. i'll direct you to page nine, and highlighting just a signifie in notice of violation in in the months of, the early months of
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24, when new code ordinances went into effect. but you can see that the fire marshal's office has worked very diligently to complete these inspections. and bring them down and working to bring those notices of violations to , r2 inspection program, there was some new guidance that was issued at the field, hopefully it's opening the fire marshal's office■a. gather better information, and you can see they're working through that. through the assisnce of the suppression companies quite seamlessly. i'inhl relationship, that the fire marshal and i have been working with the mayors and the controller's office to streamline that report will be forthcoming, will testify, at the mta commission later in the month, but you can see that the number of ejections and holds on page 13 has reduced significantly due to the strength of our cooperation. another thing that the fire marshal's office took on last year was sb nine and n rules
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for accessory dwelling units in the city of san francisco and the fire marshal's office continues to work very effectively with housing. and the mayor's office to get these approved and built. ineasing housing throughout the city. and then on page 18, his addition of arrest information is interesting. there were two arrests made for arson in the month of july, and despite the lack of fire activity or the perceived lack of fire activity. on page 19, in the city of san francisco, i will point out that it still remains the goal and the mission of■p the san francio fire department to protect lives an■d properties. but there was still one death and four injuries and fire in the month of july. civilian we'll go to the airport division and chief darcy is excused from this meeting. his work continues apace, just a couple of things. i know he would like me to
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highlight is he was approv to ae and to hire for a logistics officer, which will absolutely down at the airport. so they will have a new position that just manages fleet prorement and, the other equipment that they need for airport operations and i know you've noticed that the newsletter hasn't included. commissioner nakajo. new training captain. so the training captain will be hired probably at the end of this month to the division of , just a couple of highlights. they had a strong in-service modul the chief attended and was very complimentary of in an earlier report that ended in july. another thing at they took on this, this month, in july was ed with some different federal assets for, emergency emergency
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operations on board ships for the transportation of electric vehicles and this has been an emerging threat. a this fire department was very aware of it to have people come and, chief dragovic was instrumental in these drills, also developing a tabletop exercise and functional exercises. and those will continue. i will direct you to page 36, i didn't glean. i didn't i didn't cut the pictures as much as i usually do. but if you haven't been on top of an aeri ladder in the city of commissioner feinstein, yes, if you haven't been onop of an aerial ladder, this is the view. so now you don't have tolimb. okay. this is what it looks like. and this is all from the h three preparatory academy for our our 49 members who are going to go to the suppression academy. so they're better prepared, page 41, the note that i■@çe will highlight was the usf our facility by napa's, police swat team. and this is the kind
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of cooperation that we see fairlyrequently between other city agencies. but even outside agencies, other fire deme depar, and when you get your report on the newhat our capacity for that kind of cooperation is going to increase significantly, pageghts that there's a bunch of acronyms. commissioner feinstein's favorite, the f meeting new acronym. so the f is a regional task force. the chief entered into an agreement with, california oes develop what's called the urban search and rescue regional task force. and we mentioned that a couple of meetings ago, and the work continues. so we've had members of our technical rescue committee as well as chief miller and captain mancinelli, preparing, what our plan would look like for implementation. our coordination with the state. and this was one of the first working groups. chief milleruv d
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i will attend a working group tomorrow in pasadena to continue this relationship. inert our last section. nert is going strong with the addition of lieutenant honda. and we have a couple of what are called nine 60s. so retired members who are working in a more limited time role, but in their retired bandwidth to really push the program forward. we have a backlog about 700 people who would like the training, and they will. they will definitely increase our ability to do that, chief kilo and i were were able to attend a, a 59th anniversary celebration of the country of singapore last night, where we were called out by name in the crowd for our relationship with setting up nert training with the singaporean consul and commissioner nakajo was kindd
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myself to a disaster preparedness meeting with the japanese consuhee opportunity philippine consul, indonesian. so hopefully that's the type of program will continue to expand, additi that doesn't get captured in this rert, but has been of interest to the commission in the past, is our work on autonomous vehicles. and in the month of july, i attended the autonomous road transit safety symposium, where i sat on a couple of panels. and i will tell you, with commander jones from the sfpd, that we were very, very, very well reived and that our concerns were the highlight of the symposium, there were a number of regulators there the national and state level, and a number of other states. good bridging relationships. and we'll continue those conversatio chief's assistance with this is a city effort has been noted.
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and, it was a goodeeting. and since i have the mic and i've already lied to you and■&■ saidi would be brief, i won't. so this is my presentation to talk abou. and i want to take the opportunity to thank her for the chance to serve as the deputy chief of operations for the san francisco fire department and, talk a little bit about the chief, this relationship and th3 relationship in the command staff is, is a testament to diversity of the agency in so, so many ways, we highlight a number of those. but the diversity the way we came to these jobs, there on the outside looking in, i thought, there's a vast chasm, right.■e/l agency, we were together in paramedic school in the late 90s. and if i saw you one time until you became the deputy chief of administration and oversaw my role in training when you oversaw training, i. there
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weren't many. and for the chief# to, to have faith and to have trust, and to trust maybe her gut. i don't i don't know how i got here, but, that was that was remarkable to me. but what i found when we worked together was that this, despite those experiences and the way we came to the job, what we were both is absolutely true believers in this. and she is a you've seen her advocacy. you've you've seen the force of what she brings to■ this as the chief of the department. she is absolutely dedicated at all times, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 unless it's a leap year, days in a year to the mission. the vision, the values, and to the people of the city of san francisco ple of
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this fire agency. so she serves essentially as a ceo■# of a half billion dollar corporation with 1700 members, with all of their individual foibles and moments of greatness, with 160 year history. and that is an awesome responsibility. it's an all consuming responsibility. and i, i appreciate the work that she has put into that job and the faith that sheas of us, and the strength of the command staff that she has tablished behind us and the team that she has built. and i just want you to know, we're going to keep doing the work, boss. we're going to keep keep on for you. and i want you to enjoy your time, please. i know you're not going for another couple of weeks, but thank you very much for your kind words. thank you. a any questions, thank you so much, chief lathrop. can you hear me?
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i hear that they're having try o talk into the microphone. so thank you so much for your report, chief lathrop. and, and i was, probably going to i was going to ask you about the more details about the logistics officer at the airport or when, i might have missed the times and the for that hiring and to that effect. yeah. the announcement closed on the 19th of the month, and i believe they've conducted the interviews and hav■#e not announced the member yet who will be taking the job. it was a job that had been shared by the training respsibility and it wasdual consuming a lot of the time of their training division when it was actually a logistics function and the airport was filled the spot. well, that's great news. to lighten the load for, c a little
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bit, yeah. good deal. so at this point, any statements from the rest of the commission? commissioner nakajo. thank you very much, president morgan. thank you very much, chief, for your comprehensive report. i particularly, appreciate your statements and remarks in terms of the end of your report, in ci made some statements in terms of the command staff and the command level and the department, i always seem to be talking about the experience of the fire department, but■q i've been here for 28 years, and i still don't know all of the opio and outs of the department. and cd one has that responsibility asou say. i also think that, again, itremarks in terms of the command staff that this chief has formalized with all of you that are out there, one remark i didn't make
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in terms of the board of supervisorsthef with director corso and the rest of the command staff through every one of those board of supervisor members and haveae need, which is funding. and that ain't an easy task at all. during these last couple of years t trials and tribulations, in terms of deficit, this chief han terms of what's best fors. so i appreciate that, and i want to be),ble to say that as well. and thank you for your service and your report as well. chief lombardo,you very much, mr. president. any other, commissioner it's a realy interesting report from beginning to end. thisse upsetto see those firefighters standing on top of feet of gba is insane, to say the least. i'm
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wondering if there's any accountability on the part of the owner. the renter, whoever's living there for those conditions. if our firefighters go i and get hurt, that just seems like not right, that there's no accountability, probably. that's right. okay. i'm just going to say should be held accountable, for those conditions. anyway, i'm glad to learn more about it. and good job at the level that you were able to, given the amount and it's just it's shocking in a way. but i my concern is the health and safety of our firefighters inside that that kind of place.ou for updating us on a positive meeting regarding the electric vehicles. t san francisco. that's always good to hear. i remain somewhat dubious, but i know i'm i'm fighting the
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tide, so i'm glad to be updated. so thank you forha46t. also, outdoor fires are in the report, and i got an alert. was it today about 4 or 5. that happened last night, early this morning. outdoo■r outdoor fires. so, i look forward to learning more about that and how many there are. the growing number of seems more and more all the time. and they're not small little fires. that's also a very dangerous situation, not only for our firefighters, but for our citizens who are around there or it's near their house, or where they work or where their car is# that's that's too many outdoor to say is thank you for honoring our chief and everything that you said. and everything that you have done, i remember when you you came to my street, when there was a big fire on rmont
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street. i call it a big fire. it was two doors away. and i got to meet you and see how you you ran the show in that circumstance. and it was a pleasure. and i also appreciate what you said and how you honored the chief. and that's. that means a lot. so ank you. feinstein morning, chief. good morning. commissioner. just just to follow up a little bit because, and m, about what at least we used to refer to as hoarders. you, i believe, described them somewhat dier my, i mean, i this was horrific to me. looking at these pictures, i, i've seen
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apartments, in a dierent neighborhood that where there was. i don't know what other word to use, but hoarding. we approached the building,en there were actually two rats scratching at the window trying to get out, and it's terrifying. it's terrified me ever since it was ago. but i you. i mean, who. my question cleans this up? what do you do about the mental health of the person? who? who do they get referred to? because, i mean, theyay move somewhere else and start accumulating even more
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stuff. i mean, i just■p can't iu approach the, the, the cleanup and the, you know, the worry of fire. an hour later or&v■ if it, you know, this just posing a danger, that is. i mean, it was this was■ like two of the most shocking pictureswe two, three, all together. that i've ever seen. tell me what what can be done. so i wasn't trying to produce nightmares. i apologize for that. and obviously what what hasç■? become trash now was somebody valued, you know, possessions up to that moment.
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and we're we're there to protect it. this did require very extensive overhaul. there were ditial truck companies called, and it was hours and hours of removing burnt debris to make sure, as you said, there would not be a rekindle. for preparatory steps, this■í■ewh our r1, r2 inspection program comes in. or just accidental discovery on on a medical where it would be entered into our computer system as a as a, a hazard. and would be distributen arrival would know that these conditions exist. we don't have a formalized method for addressing the mental health concerns that go along with these types of conditions. i can you refer to apps if conservatorship is needed to th. and i'm sure chief tom cans
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well. but yeah, we refer things to apps. our folks refer things to apps. i know i did during my time as both a paramedic and an officer in the department, but you■[ know, ultimately, we get what we get when we respond to things. and, as much of the, you know, prevention that is done by our department, we can't get to everything and we don't get to everything. and so we get what we get, and we rely on our extensive training and our really strong leadership i field. to ensure that our members are taking great care in what they do and thaev is what we have here. and so we rely on our strong leadership of our assistant chiefs and our battalion chiefs, and we rely on
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our training, extensive training and, and to, to make sure that that we come out safe. so again, we, we get what we get whenthers how it is sometimes, but, you know, i'm super proud of this department and keeping this to a single alarm is kind of insane and just showed, like, you know, the work that's being done out there and how strong our operations are. right now, it's just it's pretty impressive. so, yeah, we get what we get and we can refer to apps. i know, i think she went to live with her son, so it was. sklhevx's luckye got out alive. but yeah. , i le, and i thank you for it. slip and slide, i had not heard that
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expression. maybe we canut i your vocabulary list that i. so, i mean, it was(0 just a stunning depictn to me. almost as stunning as th, the 200 foot ladder that you all are trying to off me or something wanted me to go up, that was just never. it's never going to happen, it was fun to look up, but that was about it, but i do want to commend you on the report. we, you know, we're tting all the vitals that we need here, and i think that's really important. and it's a very things that, you know, your part of the house, so to speak, alll
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your reports have really been, to be commended, and our, our very instructional for those of us that have, you know, what commissioner nakajo referred to, you know, you just it going to be a constant learning curve for those of us that don't do it every day. and this is very curve. so i really want to thank you for everything. and it i'll see you at the next meeting too. so yeah, if you want to send your favorite picture and your robes,an have chief kylo photoshop you into the ladder picture. and then if he can puti can take credit for it. th■.e answer is yes. okay. but i took one look and i said, you know, it's just not going to happen.
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and i have to say, this was at the training center at out on treasure island. and, and commissioner morgan%b and then e nicest person, who was training folks, i guess on the, on t nvinced we're going to harness you in. i'm going to be righty÷ behind you.i took one look at that thing and said, and i trusted him completely. but i just said, you know, life is short. boy, is that kind of the theme of this meeting. life is short, and it's too short for me to go up that high and come down. and other than splat. so, but it i, i don't i'm not at all sorry i didn't take advantage of the opportunity. i'll just put it this way, but i really want to commend you on this. and you know to things like that,
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that i, i got the alert to it, but it didn't mention anything about the nature of the fire. and you know, it just it just very illustrative of everything that this department can do. beautifully. and it is shocking. it wasn't a greater alarm. so hats off to you, to chief steward and all the companies on scene. yes. yeah. thank you. yeah. thank you, chief lothr. and i just want to reiterate that there were no greater alarms right, for july. right. so that was a good deal. so i was happy to hear that. and i just want to reiterate what chief said to keep that to a single alarm. that's great work. thank you chief. thank you for your leadership. thank you all. i'm sorry i didn't saywhen i came up, commissioner feinstein,
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vice president fisher. so we have this badass picture of you to keep. yeah. we do. the t. i . sorry to interrupt. can you call for if there's any public comment for the reports from cd one and cd two? sure. yeah. so is there any public comment, madam secretary, for the chiefs reports? i do not see anyone on the public comment line or anyone approaching the p you. o. madam secretary. good morning, president morgan. vice president. frazier. commissioners nakajo feinstein, chief. maureen. kathy jen hoover, command staff. sandy tong, detyf3 chief of ems and community paramedicine. this is my report for july■9. so this is the report from assistant deputy chief of ems, tony malloy. oops,
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sorry to be using your■ thing. there he is, so for ems data, our average call volume went down just a bit in the month ofe of days with over 400 calls. so i think this is just little bit of people on vacation and maybe not in theitpretty much kl volume stays more or less the same and has moments where it does elevate to some, some, some significant numbers, one of the things that we wanted to call attention to in this particular report, and has been a change from the way that we calculate our survival rate for cardiac arrest. in the past, we've included all of the calls that were resuscitated, but that also included those that■x we did for traumatic arrests and traumatic arrests of response and a different kind
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of treatment and a different kind ofvi out those types of calls, those traumatic calls. whether somebody got shot, building, ant those calls and really lookedwe resuscitated. and so in the month of july, when you look at that, out of 121 resuscitations that we attempted, 31 of those, we did receive roscation. so tht number is a good number, a very good number. and i think continuing to provide community cpr, hands on■ cpr, those kinds of trainings to the community will really help because that bystander cpr, aed, application at the time of somebody's collapse can be really critical in the timew, their collapse. so we're hoping that we continue we are able to look at how cardc arrest and how we are providing that medical intervention
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immediately really does result in more people saved, every, twe have a review of policies and protocols with the san francisco emergency medical services agency. andions of current policies and protocols, looking at the science, looking at how situations have changed in medical care and then those policies and procedures get changed. we also have an opportunity in the department, as well as all the other providers and, other ambulance providers, hospitals to review those revisionsake comment on them before they get voted on and approved an in order to better look at those, those policies and protocols arg proposed, we've created a working group among membersmentt those much more closely. we no that, you know, are
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initially proposed. punctuation, you know, other kinds of grammatical things, but things that will then just tighten up the way that those policies go out and, then get implemented. so being able to do that and hing at■m opportunity, and for us to really play a significant part in that, given the work that we do and have sort of the lion's share of the work has been a good change in the way that we're approaching these policies and procedures, as well as the way that our divisions are working together in order to provide theedback, also, we provided two ambulances for the 4th of july fireworks event. we saw nine calls that we received, th we received. and then seven of those folks were transported. every year we lome that we see e pe
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