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tv   SF GovTV Presents  SFGTV  August 24, 2024 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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>> some of the neighborhood in d8 the castro and glen park and noe valley a diamond heights and coal >> hello, i'm supervisor mandelman the representing d8 the board of supervisors. >> i had also been politics an group in san francisco and when i was in high school i had a 13wrir78 on the board of supervisors. and as i got in local affairs hi was grown up at the some point make sense to run so i did. hae on you had i was running in
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homeless and the mental health issues as priorities me and the district. my mom suffered from mental illness for a big o life got sick when my was 10 or 11 years old i me able to take care of of mep0gra and try to help her anti she on the other hand, she lived institutions and board cares in homelessness shelters for a period of time and i thought there are with those sits needs have informed governance and priorities as of >> last year the governor
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newsom and senator egg that man and the pushed proposition one on the bt in march this is a big involvement in um,■l in housing and treatment for people with serious mental illness proposition one it is a vry large bond 6 nature billion dolla for housing, and bed placement and wake facilities for peopleith severe mental illness we have utilized to have stated hospitals we closed thist involvement california made in replacing the state hospitals with something bette community-based organizations and anyone on the streets of s francisco schizophrenia see folks with really needs and i hoping that prop one with
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implementing it in will help us to better meet the pretty sick folks tro is known for a place where shops where the queer civil rights movement and■w th political rights started in the decades and known féd a study session for queer people a lot of that is about bar the great night life that's great a side to that there is a lot of addiction community. and overflow room when we■r founded in 198 three were a coffee helping folks to recover from the especially department of defense of aids crises over time the last changed
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and now we are be a nonprofits have the focus on the queer recovery community that's our focus but the center is on to in-person board groups a week raping if crystal clear collaboratives anomalies and■m-y overeaters and undocumented children of alcoholics recovery and smart recovery we try to cater to the and all the things they mt from uny of support theal substance circumstances folks will need t and hang out and get supportive where we can just be that's
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magic that happens here the magic of san francisco community-based organizations small and mightyoing work to help people move forward. because when i have questionsbout disor tilly chang the challenges i can turn total folks at the country club have lived the experiences with the addictions and wille wy
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work. >> with variety is another in commitment for the neighborhood. at a time when retailed is struggling not only in san francisco but around the country a beloved it in the neighborhoo if a family has seen transitioned in the neighborhood were here whenwas, you know, more issuing working class a neighborhood and and welcomed all the queer folks coming int t really■x5v changing the neighbod and embraced (multiple voices). >> we started it was startedn in 1936 by myer and evolved with the neighborhoods
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over the yrs great grandfather in the tenderloin i fixing stuff in his hardware store aá+nd the, fix í anything. >> when you walk into my store you' into the most fantastic you've ever been creative by board games and toys and when in hardware and hours ware and you're greeted by ice lashes and fabric and■ every gift. >> (laughter) a throw back to a time a general store go to one store anything ranging from our drag
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state you multiamily dwelling unit need for some party or performance to um, you need for 6 to fix our sewers or walls or maybe just a gift thank someone for a holiday oruff and (laughter). >> we are an improvement of we don't ha if you don't need it limiting we haveing except for food andlo neighborh francisco is struggling somewhat with the impact of our failures to successfully address the millennials of our people i 10 or 20 years into the future i think it is about e will be brighter to the extent e a way to meet the needs of people with addicts to the m
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people walking around the neighborhood and i hope today, i thin walking around in in san francisco neighborhoods peoow, we not doing a better job thosee that 10 or 20 ys in from now my work andxthers would have to constantly ask that question at will now allow for a flushing of those ne■zighbor >> those are beautiful neighborhoods with beautiful buildings and views and weve ton kind of left behind on the sidewalks and carrier ■>
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we have so many neiborhood in district 5 each with their own character and >> ieth district a long time and almost 30 years in district 5. active i my community and i have been an attorney right's at helping folk who is are trying to stay in their homes andgh■ really just to thrive in this community. i did work for a long time. finally a point i got tired of going to politicians to ask them to dot right it was time to actually throw my hat in the be
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maker. we have everything in district 5 from the haight ashbury.óo llmore. japantown. haze valley.ndle. western edition and the tenderloin. all within this district. >> i'm kristin-d evans a residt and small business ownerth■k ashbury neighborhood. i own the book haight ash burr seunique. it was the most colorful part of the city when i was a kid. i ended up moving owning a book store here, which was t of all walks and visitors and und the world this come to the haight ashbury. coming to seat history of the neighborhood. the rock stars j joplin -- people are fro spirited.
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we have many second handled clothing stores. people are have people that areg the vibrancy and it is a place to shop and people watch. >> wthat, stoph. we have [inaudible] restaurant, chaha is a classic. a place next peurto rican food. prada 22 this is yummy. can i go on about the great, delicious places to try i'm par. people don't come to haight stet destination. they come and visit 3-4 places when they insit. so if we have vacancies we have we had bween vacancies in the pandemic and increased to advo.
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vors paed prop d. we have gone from 32 to 14 to ty our weather and get a meal. our. >> got so many things we have been active on and i'm district 5 gone above and beyond to create a%q nwork o slow and safe streets yoosz the city and page is ourss. you see bikers and pedestrians out on page street and it the m street in the city golden gate green wachl car free haze. parts of the city this used to be where folks were afraid. beg hitars and now safe to walk and >> after having lived all over the city i wanted somewhere
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where i never needed to use a& car and i wanted somewhere where my job downtown. i drew a 2 around downtown and haze valley seemed to fit t bill. >> i found this neighborhoodñ6 experience. people linger of european city. people are and pass people and know people in the neighborhood t. is aenviron. >> one of my favorite landmarks is patricia's dream. the former site of the freeway. named a walker part of a group of people that lead taken down. and this was theest examples of happens when you mov a freeway and give space become to people. there are tons of
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and eat. pretty much something for everybody frenzy kid had their birthday party got a present for them if it is warm you hop to home town creamery and get ice cream. another favor a few blocks down octavia. and another favorite is hairz valley baker where they not only have incredible baked goods and breakfast and saniches b employ and train at risk and disabled people.ll is a social when they do every friday/saturday since covid the of hayes between oa and going is pedestrianized. we open up for people. a band and doubles the size of our town square. ford5 or the city, it is gathing space.
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to lingernd hang out. [♪music♪] >> fillmore is in the hrt of d5. one of the last remaining black neighborhoodses in the san francisco. went through really challenging much displacement. inhe seeing new businesses only there. >> i'm erika scott. we are here at honey s studio. grew up here in the neighborhood. and fel fortunate to have my business here. we are a multipurpose place. we teach art classes. and we live entertainment. and community private event space. the history of the fillmore generations before me. that was a big per ouaf our stuo here.
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there is a book the harlem of the west that depicts when the harlem of the wes ch is the file from all over world would was the place to be to n experience black culture and just to live, you know. i want to pay honor ton7■ that. >> to my generation they are will new we have something specialshgs instinct dh is in the black. sits on the corner of gar and he fillmore it is aom entrepreneurs. like a marketplace. a lot of things are custom or really unique. jazzy's hair salon and jazzy irying for a legacy busine ownership they have been in business for over
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25 years. there cottage and home based here in the fillmore. since 1999 established since 1999.cp you see -- cosmetic items and clot good to see you. >> i still have■ my old customes are coming to support. a sense of community. we have remnants of the■y old ve here. >> come visit the fillmore the ■u■x have elements of that you want to experience it. and this is a place where you will take a piece o san francisco and the fillmore back with you. [♪music♪] >> since 2022, when there was redistricting the tenderloin and that brought in the ew comm
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history, real veterans alpha~ net tenderloin we shannon veteran's honor. starred by gregory. veterans started doing murals in what was a blited time. and it is become ahing p. >> i was involved in=? helping the tenderloin museum get off the ground and excite to see all >> the tenderloin a collection of history have art galleries fg artists. >> we are known for having historically inspired programs. and makes us producing a play
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which strifes to work with as many■+ organizations as possible to create diverse programming. >> tenderloin is a close nit xunt and like almost decade i have been workingere able to make connections with incredible neighborhood working and in the tenderloin neighborhood which was the first queer neighborhood in san francisco. joanne incredible organization that shows performing arts. and great part sdmers do a lot for the neighborhoods >> we have li saigon. sandwichers a classic. and a restaurante neighborhood i recommen
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the phoenix a legacy business. >> and like people in the neighborhood this is might not stay here. so there i to the
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tenderloin than what you read in the one of the stories from the people who work here.■d
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>> probably the most unique ja [inaudible] built as part of japan's trade center. the other0h the japan center itself. the shopping mall in san franci 60's. despite the cha is going through it is authentic. still i japanese-american mmy you find a lot of japanese-american food. ice cre are popular. we have what istcha drinks here. the other thing that is really preponder lar here in japantown is all of the new [inaudible] opened up. before the restaurant had■( bee it was anything you could order now it is all ecli. say come from different parts of
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japan and featur home town style of ramen. you know will really safe place to hang out. you come down here and you will japanese-american history and culture by being down here. >> just places to visit in >> this i an incredible and diverse district with so much to fe residentses and visit sxors i encourage folks come visit and experience the amazing people and businesses in the district. [♪music♪] [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪]
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>> so i grew up cambridge, massachusetts and i was very fortunate to■z now my wife whil both attending graduate school at m.i.t., studying urban planning. is so, we fell in love and moved to her . [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪]>> i was introduced to thit of town while working campaign for gavin, who is running for mayor. i was out here and i met the people and i fell in love with them the neighborhood. so it also was a place in the city that at the time that i could afford to buy a home and i wanted to own my own home. this is where we laid down our roots like many people in this family and this is where we are
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going tobe part of san francisco. 's the two neighborh the most children under the age of 18. everybody lancisco is not family-friendly, there are not we have predominately single mi said, people move here to buy their multiple family members or multiple families in the same t roots. [♪♪♪] >> it's different becse again, we have little small storefronts. we don't have light industrial space or space where you can build high-rises or large office buildings. so the tech boom will never hit our neighborhood in that way
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when it comes tbs. turkey, che lettuce and mayo, and little bit of mustard. that's my ua >> mike is the owner, born and neighborhood. he worked in the drugstore forever. he saved his money and opened up his own spot. we're always going to sport home grown businesses and he spent generations living in this part of town, focusing on the family, and the vibe is great and people feel a it's like a little community gathering spot. >> this is a small town feel. a lot of mom and pop business, a lot of family run businesses.
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there is abk whether starbucks would come in. i think people that would embrace that. i think there are othersq. would prefer that not to be. i think we moved beyond that i think where we are now, we really want to enhance and embrace and encourage the businesses and small businesses that wehere. in fact, it's more of a mom and pop style busi. i think at the end of the day, diversi and enhance that p>■- diversity o businesses we already have. we're the only supervisor in the city that has office. a lot of folks use ces or use offices or different places,t i want out and was able to raise money and open up a spotha we could pay for. i'm very fortunate to have that.
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hi,ood to see you. just wanted to say hi, hi to the owner, see how he's doing. everything okay? >> good. >> we spend entire day in the district so we can talk to constituents and■ú talk to smal businesses. we put money in the budget so yo out here. this is like a commercial ocus on cleaning the streets and itade a significant impact as you can see. what an improvement it made to have you guys out here. >> for sure. >> we have a significantly diverse neighborhood and population. so i think that's the richness of mission and it always has
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been.e with this neighborhood and why i love it so much. >> come shop dine and play. taraval street is open siness >> this is joey smith at barber lounge. the coowners at 19th and taraval and suabout when me and my brother andy, coowner barber decided p up in the barber industry. our business is community that shows their true artistic side of the barber indust rae. we are ■@ç■involved in taraval bingo so and when op by, get /áa you do you get the barber sticker made for us.
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i words, we are community, artsests and here to help. visit at barber louvl, val and find on-[indiscernibl community game supporting small businesses, anyone can participate, it is easy, collect stickers on a gameboard a chanc win awesome prizes. and bonnie. yeah. bonnie. great.
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okay. okay. all right. so good mornin e and welcome to the our city. our home oversight committee. 2024. and l start we're going to order. andl begin with roll call. and we'll also ha wledge. thank you. chair williams, okwith roll call, vice chair d'antonio. absent she's on her way. on her way. okay. thank you. member■k friedenb