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tv   Public Utilities Commission  SFGTV  August 25, 2024 12:00am-1:56am PDT

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federally recognized mission san jose of the countypuc recognizes that every citizen residing [u benefit from the action ramaytush ohlone tribes lands since san francisco public utilities commission off and on in1932villely important we lands but also acknowledge fact that the ramaytush ohlone have a worker with the sfpuc and productive withineater san francisco bay area communities today. e i announce first item i'd like to ackno we have an
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official new commission tiffany what is for the fir official meeting and then also want to acknowledge espenosa very much the been for the sfpuc and is has been handling his extra helping staff and commission please. >> >> so commissioner any corrections minutes of seeing none can we open up for public please raise your hand for item three members of the public who wish to provide comments on this item? >> seeing none moderator any callers with their hands raised [off mic.] >> >> whatn't hear that. >> the motor rapportab volume or anything? commission secretary no
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callers. >> so public comment is minutes of june 25th. econd motion and second call the roll, please. president paulson commissione three stacy three ayes and item members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and raise your hand for genlic comment any members of the public who wish to priority general public comment item? >> anybody - >> seeing none callers with their hands commission secretary one caller that worries about to be recognized. thank you. caller caller peter policy director for the welcome
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back, everyone and ho couple of items i'll not related to ecology issues puc is doing - of flows not enough. when agreement caught up we were include a back up plan simple a checklist nols and no adoptive management the commission addresses the and one in 2022. >> resolution further revolves the to have bye resolving in the and further revolve this commission direct to displacement motion for the mechanism of non-
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flow and flowing measures for the responses part of a volunteer agreement with the river clear and good direction. i and public records request to find progress please send wh me communications i was once again by sfpuc staff based on communication that is they're fall back attorney communication i've taxi this toes task force and (bell ringing) filed - thank you for your comments. >> any more folks in the queue? >> commission secretary no callers. >> public comment is closed. 4 is closed. >> number 5 please. >> 5a. report of the general manager (discussion only) sfpuc human resources update. >> secretaryurces update and presented. >> good afternoon
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commissioners um president paulson and mr. herrera cfo sheryl our business service manager to 3 have the slides. >> we're pleasedoth hr s with theaboration with one of our businessg unit our hetch hetchy water first begin with the standard data with commission. and as you can see vacancy rate has been trending excellent news down to 21 percent inar 2021-2022 and despite the fact the number of permanent positions has increased from 20th century to 2666. >> this this shows you the vacancy rate and on hopefully water that is encompassed and again, as another reminder in
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our numbers we include positions for attrition savings as well as project funded positio numbers may appear higher than other cities departments i'm going to turn it over to sheryl will talk that hetch hetchy has done hr s. >> can you hear me? >> >> hetch hetchy water 200 and 70 employees with pcs and responsible that provides 85 per o water for 2.7 san franciscans consumers and clean hydro electrical power're very small portion of sfpuc with a vital mission and are responsible for distribution systems from the reservoirn nationally national park power side and almost the width of state of california. employees
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have a wide range of za skill sets to maintain the system adied we looked at the challenges we have workforce in an aftermath of we built the partnership to ovnd way we've learned. and in we speak on this the criticalsitions namely technicians and engineering positions and as you can see the vac rate for those positions is around 21 in june of 2021 and two - there are significant loss of employees and power technicians hav for the day to day operation of the water and the power and because hetch hetchy water has assets connected to the bhiblg system of unite highly regulated positions be typical loss of employees the exij5stin right thing to do and longer over time shifts we need to train now staff as soon
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as possible but this is not a fast process significant training and certification those positions utility not process takes several years we need and fully staffing that takes case scenario. engineering staff are and most of you ware ahare of electrical positions would require out thinking and hiring s. this hetch hetchy vacancies south lake our vacant from 21.6 at 2021 to 17.2 powering at the end of fis 24 or a net gain of filled position a huge success gallows had a right work and let into the strategies we use 26 positions
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took wrote and 10 appointment transmissions temporary and internal and backfills for the internal positions on top of the straight hires a ration hires for one pcf a work load recruiting volume and in qualit i'll talk about the challenges we face and the we use. we recognize we to overcome the challenges some are uniq and some are general challenges in the city citing p i mentioned is hiring for y positions that the electrical engineersd technicians and power system operators. another one isú1 location. month commitments through the smart recruiters the city applying for a job in the city and county of san francisco. one that common across the city the duration of on boarding and waiting for opening
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and i'm going to turn it over to wevendz to talk about how we address the challenges. >> thank you sheryl and it is very, very important for collaboration with thers we regularly hold recruiting minutes with thehyet them in-person and brought a team the employee events but to actually see in-person the work that oural colleagues were are doing. so w basically hold meetings where we discuss specialized position and voep strategiespdate those jobs that classification and look job training developing finding thect will be performing our in-person collaboration been important to us but it is a link term process as has been said and we look forward owe to - to continue
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relationships pursue critical and only as a team we dents. i'm going to turn it over to sheryl. >> great. >> affiliation to the partnerships with partnerships in our community and use misrepresent recruiting channels and built aase of commitments. we are not the city's recruiting process inmates and keep them food about and processes we developed community partnerships with job training and collegesies have not central valley area to do tme and keep contact with d in personnel trañf that are powered to make decisions about the hiring and and partners in hr s strategic
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and connecticut avenue orntdz a receipton of our staff are new and wanto maintain them we shifts objectives to the retention some of the immediate goals are improving communication and value community. we have 5oxes we hear from staff was working and not on the overwhelming bails and training and career mapping. sums up some of the things the hr and hetch hetchy water partnerships community-based organizations and colleges and which he imagines and is candidates that is a long we're continuing to build a workforce for public utility and appreciate the investments to supportn sea finally both wechdz and i water team w appearing before you the results of the day to dayhg w our
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talented and dedicated and i'll be happy to answer any questions you >> well, i'm starting thank you for one area of and spoefshg with the hetch hetchy stuff tis important. i think as we said and you all said the hiring you know, fo city of san francisco is not civil services necessary but highly skilled folks targeting, you know, an electrical engineers. one thing in terms of in highway i one question the in highway21 represents the engineers of the department and is that bad or ugly or outreach in finding fol other departments but coming again i don't care if you're a teacher ever generate what kind of
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has an outreach we need more firefighters that is that a good resource local that type of resource to tap the folks that we needo this job. >> long question but i thinku got it. >> et sheryl comment but with the labor partners and recruitment strategy andlding may know of a way of advertising that is valuable in our efforts. >> good question but you can continue to answer that. >> i don't have any anything to add. >> commissioner ajami. >> i have technical slides don't have numbers but in other areas. i get how if you addressed any of those lik a long list
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all importan so like how are we add housing crisis or childcare or healthcare op >> you know doesn't matter if you recruit. >> - each we have a list of strategie that we do. so lack of housi temporary housing in - we set aside a of that housing for hard to recruit positions. know that we are recruiting f and they're coming from outside the areas help them solve the housing problem um, to get them to come to hetch hetchy is multiple strategies around housing um, childcare we work and have voted a relationship> entities in our our area facilities each has a specific set ofies we're using to
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get around that challenge i t they're .) >> you want to talk about housing optimistic you're not one ones. >> the cyber how people can't buy homes u cash no homes have given without int is a big problem. so provides someone by next year they something but not it is and somehow i don't know like what the solution isdon't like to have a rental fo a job want to home. so needs ahb strategy i brought it up the city f insures all the asset the conversation last meeting.ike i don't know like policies that get to help
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to provide insurance for their homes? it is solution i know the industry but don't know a is there a way that can actually be usedeyemporary um for example i'm not again like ideas out there; right? for example universities owns the land and people come house don't own the lands what lease is a very specific r those housing that goes to to make sure they provide affordable housing for the so like i know you see systemsreas have the same thing we might long term because you need the housing and childcare they're essential issue something that comes and goesarket picks up and
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people take jobs i other places we can lose people that need childcare. i don't know march you havehose but like to see um, is there way to come up with ideas are brooirm them o >> yeah. i'll say in terms of types of policies decisions we really haven't worked on those had had is we are buil candidate we'll take them around the neighborhoods options i can tell you the sales tax kind of slipped from what: in the bay area we can give them had 234e will pay for fires insurance but um, they'll see a reduction ifouse in the bay area or anotherrban area in the property taxes so from our trying to educate
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people about is available a had they can expect if they'reing in i'm the long run butíq with fire ankle an increase cost a realistic expectation i don't have policies solutions. and maybe policy solutions can be something that we as a commission beyond that the city think about i this guys should definitely come to u years on policies and help you, you to easier time kroouts candidates someone might have options. >> thank you for your >> stacey. >> i had questions on the same slide asyt commi knew we have housing and housin in around camp market andousing for other limits housing we at the camp
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like employee not employees. hopefully water and power for uses. >> was a great trend to see the decrease an congratulations and we have lled those jobs are normally skilled by did the sometimes around the clock so i know how they are. to hire for and seems like are you have a a lot of the strategies at school is a great way of getting people just familiar that the interesting jobs available and that it something t about as an employer when you're a student. iiate the licenses learned and the next about how you to build on what we know and i had a question wi my counties theisco hkzlth
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commission internal affairs helped to start that that is a program that ihe sfpuc but local colleges our local columbia trade unions the 12 tribe the chicken so varies stakeholders in our come together and we have apprenticeship program highly effective at getting um vulnerable populationshem to get jobs has been in and it is really a great collaborative a really great thinking for our community. w graduate into the preapprenticeship 1 to do like preconstruction work. qualify for hetch hetchy power position onlyeed
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more time under in their belt and someonction contractors but that's what the collaborative is a great th great. thank you. >> before i want to follow- went to the meetings in whatever the hell then they have had community college and entire group and over was happy to be bay city and say here's what going on and reporting that is really is collaborative for the water stuff so it was exciting and reminded my of the go thank you. i think it ever importan at the beginning looking forward to the if a the particular needs it is i here commission to hear what the positio town fancy stuff so number 5 a to
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the open up for public comment. >> mr. ers raise your hand anyone wish to provide on this item. >> seeing none moderator anyr hands raised? ne caller wishes to be recognized. >> thank you. >> go ahead speaker please. caller you to minutes. thank you. i want to congratulateogress on filling the gaps keep on going i think commissioner ajami h ideas and sometimes a small benefit of vacancies is um, savings in the budget and in e they are far off that rising capital costs on june 4th had quarterly report on hetch hetchy capital improvemen the approved budget for capital
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improvement f was one billion dollars theast $.5 billion 50 percent hief one half a billion dollar for the w entries 20 percent increase in foofrtsdz co this is a huge problem especially given the fact looting in two years everything you'll be looking at the for a little bit target people are every year more and more concerned before a another revolti the 80s those reports will come back in and knows what happened in 2023/24 i encourage you to use opportunity to retain in costs my suggestion by removing using realistic dands projections won't have to invest in ultimate water supplies expensive dr. the plan staff 92 to
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one hundred billion gallons a day not all erase by few calls (bell ringing) any more callers in queue? >> moderator no more callers! in the queue. thank you. public comment is closed. .manager. >> item 5 rly report. >> katie miller to present. >> good afternoon pre may i have the slides please. i'm katie mille the director of the the capital programs andpresented to you an update on the regional improve planning program at o evens of the 2023/24 those program is 99 percent complete d to quarter $6 million in this costs summer table it the states of active projectsthe revised project budget
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were approved by this commission on of this year ora revised program was approvedosts increases for two projects and the program management account and schedule for theemaining three projects i guess program management the reasons for theges were debate for the notice report that was posted on the webbed on march 8th and includ few i'll provide more details about two active projects this to quarters negotiation with the alameda creek contractor were ongoing. and amendment was reached on final terms for termination and payment. project team has been evaluating to to reevaluate the erosion pond f-2 as well as simplified processwú an additional $5 million in bud will be requested to assure
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adequate project fundin and the notice ofrivate to june 3rd to and $5 million to the project year water capital plan in 2024 incmillio for this additional funding. a task has been noeshgd for consultant support to reevaluate the design and recommend erosion improvements this plag currently ongoing. registering recovery projectact was initialed for final improvements for the wells under the phase one xhochlths phase two a communication continued on contract b to the wells and case by case were corrosion and install the speed drives and meters quarters 7 refurnished pump were to the available
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drive. for phase two b contractor b was awarded in february under the notice of change isdate was city-owned due to the details ifcal design submittal the final easements with kaiser and the agreement is before you for also under the notice of change scope was added to the project to construct the linear park wells to remove the it is underway the construction will be added change order to the contract or j oc contract this to cal water earlier than for the completion of regional groundwater treatment project of which is in the entrepr cip in the early planning phase. with that i'll be happy to answer any questions you may hav commissioners? >> if you seeing none thank y so go to
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the general public comment. >> public comment. >> remote callers please raiseyou wish to provides comment,-. >> seeing none moderator any callers with raised? >> commission secretary no callers to be recognized thank you, mr. president. that concludes my >> at the general manager and read stem 6 please which is the clldz a before us on items a there k and i want item c has been removed from the leom put on the regular number tenmoving forward not removed so items a b d k so commissioner do we or pull of any of the commissioner stacy. >> thank you i just couple of brief thoughts on 6 d and
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er iith many robinson who answered the necessarily the numbers to details how their risks but the fair amount and construction has done a fair amount of6> the sfpuc before maybe knows how 80 how anticipate what the delays might happen i want to make delay are that really is their limit up to a certain number of days understand that right. >> a great the extra in this case yes, it is somewhat low has put forward as the dollar per over a 10ay it is low but
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guess the contracts bids that and awarded based on that the process for how choose to accept we don't get involved in limit on the number of days with number. >> the language is there gets compensated the compensated the lower number but the contractor is proposing they feel comfortable and each contract scope and scheduled duration is on the staff report we hold back the number of used for the evaluation and toldwas 10 days this is won dollar by 10 and 6e. >> on the groundwater design and i wondered what has sort of interested the puc in more information about skyline and planning and i think answered that in question but there hope
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with the update of reliably and simplify the maintenance and operation and groundwater system work better as a unit i want sure i understand that is the genesis of lac for more ideas and a more dine from the citi that's correct the treatment needs to change regulations how we're workinging with the system soing modification and the water quality i forgot thatt was helpful. commissioner ajami. ollow-up for youn 6 b um. if we will you thet 60 if you allow contracts for the come - we had this conversation i don't a broken record i repeat
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hoping as we move to the different go more and more of that we have a examples of people not finishing projects a now almost over we can't blame know, think about somehow people having to besponsible; right? we need toer a performance base delivering on time and so they are responsible; right bring this up again. i know this multiple times by some point see that more and more and a number of contracts calvin will delay but come delays but the flip a contractor challenges and created that
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contract agriculture right. >> (multiple voices.) >> if you differen specific performance which a lot of cities use rights the perfor and has a very specific tart get into the whole let's say them they say us assets and a bunch of people make money engineering but like to h> you're nodding and acknowledge thatissioners any more questions regarding the consent agenda to public comment on is consent calendar remote callers please raise your
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six the consent agenda any members of the public wish to pro public comment on this item seeing none moderator any callers their hands raised. >> a commission secretary no wish to be recognized you thank you public comment is c and second to approve the clldz. 9 approve. >> second. >> motion and secoll call. >> president paulson eyes. >> commissioner ajami, aye. >> commissioner stacy and the not i believe called the regular calendar 7 please.ent of $169,218 with three percent (3%) annual increases. >> good afternoon, commissioners president paulson general manager i'm josh now director the r5e689 returning working in real estate
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and happy to be be to those days in the future. so for a straightforward lease no oer team for the het power division and the purpose 80 is storage find a new safe location for the hetch hetchy team the spares and materials they're essential for the repair of water and power system etchy team stores at the old power house that is functionally and structurallyobtain let only are for the building to actually find a different solution i was indicating no vote use about the fa storage that is moving it out of there. um, so really quick the team reached out toeal estate services to do a search and they have multiplehe area. and basic in at
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sonora 19500 nugget boulevard conditio more consolidate but the promotionist to price was right of the comes and i'll get i this is a bless for 15 thousand s for 5 years plus to year options the base rent is under $11 per foyer a fraction buthere as far as is goes total rent under one hundred and $70,000 a year wi over the year but this is also lease rage with the landlord paying for the maintenance for the repair of the facility nd taxes will be responsible utilities and occasion needed with the non-occupancy storage use the recommendation from example e s with to please approve this lease we'll expecttember 1st
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and the process will immediately begin to move the power house. as that long term solutions before i sign thank you, sheryl and margaret others and debbie karenancy uld note inadvertently i so a question we're expected to ask as i - by th way back home i was goi past [off mic.] cindy was suggestinghe - an ass home that being said you the old power station is kind of useless and only a storage whatever that's the reason that
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me others. not fall down new but not ae the condition as they call it two concrete cancer a terrible word buti, some point will fall off no they're not an employee issue as a p issue regarding the long term repurposing of the facility i will be speak latino and was there over a yearago. >> your piece now else i got it we'll have another report on that later on. >> i think that's all that i'll say about that. a questions commissioner. >> thank you. >> thank you for on i still have a question and let's say weuí leasing this and seven
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years; right? and then what happens to move our stuff after that that we all if we to find a more permanent place to be stored is strategy to lease the place more permanent solution. >> utility scoringnd sheryl is here if we needrm repurchasing definitely in the right market for something that is a permanent semi per to perpetuity will be own storm drains facility nothing it available right away we of the market lease rates it makes sense with 5 two year ordinance years the ability do come up with thea physical asset happen to councilmember ryu we talking with
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sheryl the long term goal the owner facility the question one? potentially could but that is confirmed a long-term goal this is an interim solution but not a solution. do have further questions for sheryl. >> i was wondering you're an period of time expert so onesand for 5 years. >> for 5 ars. how many square feet lands can i buy for that muchmoney. >> it is complicated you're looking at a swairso- >> (multiple voices). >> we are one quarters of square feet building we'll see to - i think we actuallyease if i remind the and the problem is=wousand 800 and have to find the right property. in this ca fourth of a building
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bu ideal worlds referring to me as >> no, no, i think we're going to be be beyondat i don't know if it jumps front od within a larger project but stand alone especially the rates rise city of needles and so ytime to figure out the time. >> yes. >> thank for the report open up for public comment. >> remote callers please ra if you rich or wish on item 7 seeing none moderate rain water their hands raised. >> k3489 no callerslic comment is closed. and can i get a motion and second to approve the terms and conditions of item >> i'll second. >> second roll call please. >> president commissioner ajami
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eyes. >> commissioner stacy, aye. >> three got a property de mayo sonora. >> underground water pipeline and associated appurtenances; (ii) a 1,273-square-foot easement for electrical utilities a sonora. >> francisco, california 94080for $266,100, subject to board of supervisors' and mayor's approval. >> good afternoon commissioners. is the slides the slides. >> i'm dinah the sfpuc and here to see for the acquisition for water and po facilities for the regional groundwater storage and recovery project. contract for phase two at the regional storage postage february of this year. the phase tntract part of the grocery store project for the well stations within the european suic during the dry years for sfpuc customers and the a a ground level pimp
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system in the site shown in green. as wel pipeline from the water wells to avenue to the cal water plants shown in blue the pimp system needed systems in yellow to bottom left hand corner and this is owned by kaiser foundation hospit the sfpuc needs to inquiry temporary rights from kaiser permanente. sfpuc r negotiate for the purpose and sale of a permanent easements forsement for an electrical con update been owned as well as two temporary construction easements nece install the facilities. what you'lthe approval for the board of supervisors is a purpose aren't for the conveyance between the city and county of san francisco through it's
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public utility commission the agreement is subject to by the board of supervisors. the easements acquired one construction easement; and (iv) a 1,886-square-foot temporary constructionl purchase price 200 and 0 i'm joined by cascaded miller. >> thank you small little things with 12 entities i have a piece of land the size of t and 16 has to be done to put something on it thoseéé all this together to the finalsting your judgment on this for what i'm seeing necessary so is that's my comment it is interesting and so
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see those the transferee no questions commissioner ajamiyou for your presentation i city of sunnyvale personal curiosity pricing for those kinds of easements g why is kaiser permanente wanting those impacts they're landfuture; right? how hard it is to negotiate thoth?gs this something we have to keep in mind for the that. >> yeah. actually a that's a great question. oven is property the harder acquire so a um can compel pertaining to sell a property; under what is called under the government for the greater of the public good to be able to proof if this in he purpose of that to then compel us t as possible to reach a reasonable settlement
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and in this case permanente was willing to work but an appraisal an independent third appraisal review of the property rights they're not very and then make an offerket value determined in the appraisal report of the the government codes we have to is he(n property owner up to 5 thousand for the appraisal in this case kaiser founda their will appraisal and for a negotiation we go back and forth in a general. real estate you, you can come to a of this term. in easements they're interesting because require ongoing obligations would on the property owner and up holder so in the case like this youe the terms of easement how often b space. >> what are you putting development snooik not a big deal but not where the property
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can beevel vertical development but are caseshi will be for the coming this year that impacts development those negotiations are difficult to that. >> thank you. >> questions on this transitiony. thank you very much let's open up for public comment please i remote callers please raise your hand for number 8 anyo have comment and moderate r cal public comment is closed on item 8 a approval of this? >> move to 2d. >> motion and second to approve item 8 to call the roll ed, aye. >> commissioner ajami, aye. >> commissioner and readated negative declaration and a mitigation monitoring and reporting program pursuant to the california environmental alivision (cdd) campus at 2000 marin, to replace facilities at 1990newcomb avenue; and authorize staff to proceed with
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to implement the to implement the to implement the project, including issuance of the notice-to-proceed for the construction phase pursuant to colz contractor (cm/gc) contract no. wd-2879r. this action constitutes the approval action for the project for the purposes of ceqa, pursuant to s. >> slides good afternoon comm yp shelby the prosecuting force campus on 200 marin and here to request your pro negative declaration and to plead for those of you who don't know they're the san francisco water department that is what you see around the city for people citi and counties decide water system our hundred miles of pipelines in the meta program why are those facilities? little existing facilitiesstruction in the 60s exceeded t and san
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francisco had population resulting in overcrowded and as you ca the examples we're fabricating this mask war - nothing sufficient to large vehicles we have offices to current existing designed in a marketplace resulting in unsafees and cross traffic at the campus we're going to solve all problem so we're going to 200 marin and in good company with the to the west of chavez and7ó on the other see a closures look bounds b chavez and west dead i understand on the south side hat
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we're building all the new buildings are the existing uses of the current computing an office building and multiple shops, swhair and a parking structure as you can see we're going to use all thosexñ spa available on the site. um, so key designunity building subsequent with the to the combhas work spaces isolation no collaboration or inner action down tow yard it is important design a campus with a spine with will cross packets to they're individual work this will be a stormwater garden area n area completely operator from the vehicular circulation aroun perimeter andability prolong the stormwater gardens in the core of campus we're doing a deems for solar energy nine
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hundred kilowatts a day megawatt a significant councilmember hendrix i if we can absorb the excess power i'll be and then we also are recycle the exciting bin so key milestones. we are well underway the documents the final fwaes ofhe procurement progress with the and hope to issue this get demo sub contractor on board to start that finish by the end of the year in move the san francisco water department to the campus and the budget um, the project of this magnitude can't be achieved wasn't a significant t to execute. the project and um, we have a very large multi led by mark
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and the management been involved in the process along the way. the environmental review has completed. we issued the negative declaration for thirty day review period and received the final negative declaration was issued on july that's it. in time to get here today. and to the great work of the environmental group thement and panoramic incumbents to get it across is fi line. and here's on imagine of the future of t hope to see you at the and i'll be happy to answer any questions you may have great. thank you i thinkthat. >> including in the employees in the system thehere is sent mental about the yard we'rebo new
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developments thank you for that and when you said no, no a lot of comments aboutember through the process i guess good to work been done and we're all at least i'll speak for myself having water up-to-date is the same for example the center was a very in the communities and put together lot of goodwill and will be a seat to the good headquarters for the work done on the waters department so i guess thanks for the rep looking forward to the next steps. >> good news there. >> ajami. >> thank you super exciting looks too and this is good. question i remember on system should be installed if i'm for and against mistaken a water use no not don't have the sufficient space.
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>> (multiple voices). >> that i remember approved that. okay. so still the management. okay. space do you need is. >> it is complicated the stock brokerage possibly putting lyon tanks on outside of tanks and caesar chavez then are the distribution treatment unfo all that water where you don't need it no space for significant community center i had to so acres to with you. >> and a lot of yeah. >> but i mean, i'm not talking about the generation of row use to be able to have a place to be used for title but we the and from a while ago work. >> didn't this fallhe same ordinance thata building larger than than a ow i looked
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at that but. >> (multiple voices). >> two years to you on that. >> i'm assuming notsible or not but um, but it >> i can embedded back on the investigation was and what we went through. >> (multiple voices.) >> and the power for sfpuc. other people to use it um, i'll you can get back to me really want to say kudos on the have no comments on the negative declaration andssume there wasn't any otherwa standard. worked with community in the area or with with the two departments public >> (multiple voices). >> as part of the um, well um, i mean, we cooperation with the ntalized bike lanes and on a p
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basis there is a lot of coordination on that basis. >> thank you. >> okay. >> commissioners. >> thank you. >> exciting stuff go to public comment please tell me did a callers please raiseem 9 anyone wish to provide item seeing none moderator any s that wish to be recognized. >> thank you. >> consistent so motion and second to move the adoption? adopt the negative declaration. nd. >> motion and second.sident paulson, aye. >> commissioner ajesident nageswaran, aye. >> three now we have item 10 a report here in theegcalendar. >> and there's sears and there we go.
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>> policy division i'll be happy to answer any questions you may ha give a quick s sorry about that this is my usual probes here have a few technical corrections one in the staff one in the resolution itself same change is change was in the environmental review section um - the um second starts in the current version the tids previously said the satisfaction stadium the mitigation program and that. that was incorrect this project so an exemption currents code a
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ment code for a protect place and staff put together the ceqa adoption and is monitoringalled it age m m rp rather than a protectionatory and it is confusing notpted pi d the permanent any and in the ceq not the led agency stan law counties so as stated in the revised version for implementing the monitoring requirement associated with and the protection measurements in into the mitigation plan we have. for t hopefully that. >> you'rringyú questions which is why we pulled it off consent agenda maybe a person that askedje can comment on stacy. >> thank you for is
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presentation that question ahead of time the program is clash to everyone but paurlz and see measures are built into the project so looks like a thorough review and i also wanted tohank you. the nonprofits and agencies there um, organizations involved they thtable. working on this program is trusts and th tallying me river and is. y and rec and park and your staff and i wanted to give you inputs and thank you for walk you through that environmental questionagain. >> thank you very much. ajami. >> i also wanted t
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worries it is to see the i was a little bit confused with you said we don't need m m rp so but we do need to monitor and maintain and . >> correct and report everything otherwise how do we know those things will workou you the code is somewhat didn't lion with the he ceqa part of ceqa this is less thans is a new exemption brand new exemption not aroundlong. and in fact i believe our project was probably in the first 10 projects brought exemption so the way it is me i'm not a ceqa experts tell what they call the they required n program something less than an adopt and req m m rp it is different. what we've
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done and theprurmd to be preliminaries after ceqa were completedese exemption was approved and really those both the m rp the protective measures trying to requirements and then build in whatever superstars we want in there for a completes program. noty ceqa to put together and adopt byies rather was somethingf having requirements we had that from beginning. >> we - shouldn't have called is confusing to call that an m multiple voices.) >> a specific thing. >> one question i h this i'm assuming i have so somehow we need to this data we can track we're doing all those but for clarification for one second i th i got. >> okay.
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thank you for that. >> we're required to ultiple voices.) >> and you're not required- >> (multiple voices). >> because we want out of curiosity and thet want to know the benefit. >> right. >> no project of data is have. >> (multiple voices.) >> auto no project without a what you mean i got it. >> commissioner i wanted to follow up own commissioner ajamii think is advantage of having prepared this m m is that we know who is responsible for which measures a how they're implemented part of the project so enforceabnto the project and is statutory and the appr track and monitor them and from is obligations to pi b as they move forward with th >> it was a little bit confusing i think useful tool to really whats measures are who will be responsible at any on the commissioners
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questions. >> om open up for public comment and remote callers anyone wishing to provide public comment. any callers with their hands caller who wishes to be recognized you. thank you. >> caller you have been unmidnight and minutes. >> thank you peter. good project in his work we collaboratively on work up near ork together. and we appreciate them.ject will be even better if there is river and i mentioned a couple of commission adopted in 2020 resolution 20 dashing three actuate the commission to directed to w the development appropriate long term management plan using the performance measures
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for the m the non- flow and flow measures responsive to increase the jewel from the river the san june river the sfpuc didn't]v this work is considered and to say while requests them while to respond but they a single documents from the sfp bothlogy goals i encourage you to find out in staff has to follow through. thank you. >> thank you. >> commission secretary no more callers in themment is closed. and can a motion and he can to approve10. >> move to as to.
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>> motion and call the roll, please. president stacy, aye. >> three ayes. >> item 10passes. thank you. >> item5) 11. >> 11. items initiated by commissioners (discussion only) anything a to. okay - yes. >> um i really appreciate that debate green infrastructure grant program it is also exciting to see how that is progressing wantthat. >> commissioner. >> any other acknowledgements of the communications? >> okay. >> let's go to item 12. >> 12ed during closed session. commissioners any items that need to ber talked about in 12 seeing none. um, we reads to assert the attorney-client privilege regarding the matter discus the following item:ent amou
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24-00847 november 2, 2023 chelsea motor inn $42,111.60. >> any public comment for public comment before we go into impression remote callers please raise your han wish to provide comments on this ite any callers with their hands raised?that wish to be okay. public comment is closed. need whether we as regarding the closed session item. >> move toilege. >> i'll second. >> the motion the roll. >> president paulson, aye. >> commissioner stacy, aye. >> three (in closed session). >> there we goka
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back now in open session. i aing to say this the commission has approved the s item number 15. so entertain motion which we disclose our motion. >> move in and out to disclose. cond. >> motion and secondpaulson, aye. >> commissioner ajami, aye. >> commissioner stacy, aye. >> case no more items on the not adjourned [meeting a long it was in fashion
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o'shaughnessy water s providing water for the bay area it power to run city buildings and servic and more recently some san francisco homes and businesses electricity is greenhouse gas free so we see a tremendous benefit from that. we really are proud of the fact that we've put our water to work. >> even with the system as well - hetch hetchy climate change has made the supply of water from t vulnerable. and requires new thinking we use water. >> we have fons a day of wastewater being dumped out into san francisco bay and the ocean from the bay area alone. and that recycled
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and should be recycled for bay area. >> we're looking at taking watering standards. w generation and looking at reuse looking at the technology and strategies we have availablerst recycling plant in the state of california for landscape irrigation was built in san francisco. we've just developed a new recycled water plant in the ocean side wastewater facility for golden gate park, lincoln park and the >> a century ago, san francisco built a dam create bunched ensure the future and ensure the taps will flow for future generations, it will take as much vision when itle fundamental change about how we think about water. >> i think we recognize there's going to be future. so we're going to have to have the flexibility a creativity to deal with that future as it's presented toit's a matter of how to see it and say, okay lake wise use of everything we have. this o'shaughnessy centennial
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moment is made chinatown, i shoot the archite that people not just events, i shoot what's going in daily life and everythingrals graffiti store closing. the bakery. verything in chinatown. i shoot daily crazy shooting for fun. that's what i jane. i'm a community photographer for the last i thinkbout 20
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years. ioined the chinese historical society. it was a way my society and i can give the community i've been practicing and get to know everybody knew me pretty much documenting the+ don't just shoot events. i'm telling a story in whatever photos that i post on just like being there from front to end, do a good job and i take hundreds and photos. and i was specializing in chinese american i want to cover what's happening in chinatown. what's happening in government officials. i probably have thousands of photos of mayor lee and dignitaries. but they treat me like one of rs because they see me all the time. they appreciate me. cops the firemen, you know i feel at home. in chinese hospital
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we grew up dirt poor. our family was lucky to grew up. when i was in junior high, i degree in hotel management restaurant. i was working in business for probably about 15 years. i starte years old. when i got ma business. i figured, the restaurant business i got tired of it. i said come work for the family. i said okay. it's going interesting and so interesting i lasted years. i have one she lives in los angeles now. and two grandsons. we have fun. i got into photography when i was in and high school. cameras. the black and white days i was able process my own film. i wasn't really thatnow color film and processing was expensive alone for
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about 30was doing product photography for advertising. back into it. everybody said digital photography, it was a ghost chinatown. i figured it's time toe front nobody. everybody on grand avenue. there was not a out walking around a new asia sed to be the biggest restaurant in chinatown. it c a 1,000 people and i had been shooting events there for many turned into a supermarket. and i got in.supermarket. you know and its transformation. even the owner of the restaurant the restaurant it's 50 years yeah.
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it looks awful. g history. and it's history because you can't repeat gone it's gone. >> you stick with her, she'll teach youeverything. >> cellphone photography that's going to be the cellphones in the next two, three years, the big obsolete already. mirrorless camera is and the cellphone is going to be better. but nobody's going toe it. nobody's going to keep good everybody's going to take snapshots, but nobody's catalog. they don't care. >> i want to see you. >> it's not a keepsake. there's no it. everybody's sticking in the they lose it who cares. but, you know i care.
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>> last september of 2020 i had a minor nd my daughter caught itzoom. i was having a zoom call for my grand and my daughter aó+nd my these little kids said hey you sound yeah. i said i'm not able to speakly. they said what happened. my wife was taking a nap and my daughter, she called home and said he's having a stroke. get him to hospital. five minutes later, you me a took me away and i was at i.c. four days. i have of messages wishing me get well soon.rv wished that i'm okay normal. you know i was up and weeks after my hospital stay. a wake-up call. i needed to get my life in order and organize
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things especially organize my otos. >> probably took two million photos in the last years. i want to dotehat's going to use it. i'm just doing it from the heart. i enjoy doing it to give back to the community. that's the most import back to the community. >> it's a lot for community. >> i was a born hustler. i'm too i love what i'm doing. i love to be nuts when i'm anything. i'm 67 this i figured i'm ready to retire. i'm wishing to for photographers to take over my generation they have a passion, to going to be forgotten in ten years,s, m
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to be work and, you will be remembrance. i'm frank jane. photographer. this is my story. not looking, frank's there. ha send me an e-mail or two and best. >> these are all my p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p
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p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p >> i don't think you need to be an xp the increasing frequen throughout california. they are continuing at an s we all know, the drought continues and huge right now. i don't think you have to be an expert to see the impact. when people create gases, we are doing so by different activities like burning fossil and letting off carbon dioxide into the atmosphere ane with food waste. when we waste solid food and leave it in th it puts methane gas i accelerates the rate at which we are warming our planet and makes all the climate
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change worse. the good news is there are a lotof things that you can be doing particularly composting and the the compost is actually applied to the soil, it hasty to reverse climate change byhe atmosphere and into the soil and the t radios."sat is breaking right now around that. >> in t 90s san francisco hired some to analyze the material san francisco w landfill. they did a waste characterization study and that showed that most of the material san francisco was sending to landfill could be composted. scraps coffee grounds and egg shells and sticks andfrom gardening. together re-ecology in sted this curbside composting program and we were the first in the country to collect food scraps separately from other trashug# into compost. it turns out it was one of the best things we ever di it kept 2.5 million tons of material out of the landfill
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produced a beautiful nutrient rich compost that has gone on tounsdreds of farms orchards and vineyards. s way you can manage your food scraps and prodmethane. that is part of the solution. that gives people hope that oing something to slow down climate >> i have been into organic farming my whn we started planting trees it was natural to have compost from re-ecology. compost is how i work and the biology or the microbes feed the plant and our job as regenerative farmers is to feed the microbes with compost and they will feed the much like in business where you say take care of your es and your employees will take carolinas of your take care of the soil microbes and soil life and th áat feed and take care of the plants. >> they love compost is a nutrient rich soil amendment. it is food for thephotosynthesis. pulling carbon from the atmosphere. pushing it back into the soil and the roots exude carbo helping
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turn a farm into a carbon sink. del. delegations from 135 countries have come to and it actually helped inspire an california, senate bill 1383. which requires cities in california to reduce the compostable materials they send to landfills by75% by 2025. and san francisco helped inspire this and this is nation-leading policy. >> because we have su an immature relationship with nature and the natural cycles and the c cycles government does have to step in and protect the commons, which s, sir and so forth. -- forest and so that our largest corporations are a significant and that the corporate community has significant role to play in reducing carbon emissi unfortunately, we have no idea and no requirement that they disclose anything about the footprint the core operation and
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the basic notion that large corporations should beon footprint. it makes all the sense in the world and but is controversial. any time you are proposing ag to make real change and that will changeor because we know that when corporations have to disclose and be transparent and have that kind ofty, there is going to be opposition. >> we have to provide technicalo comply with the state legislation ve a food donation program. we keep the edible food sting it because we don't want to compost edible foo food to get eaten within san francisco and feed lks in need. it is very uniquefrancisco we have such a broad and expansive educa city. but also that we haveners in government and nonprofit that are dedicated to this unified school district, we have a and educators throughout the science department that are building it into t making it easy for teachers
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to teach about this. we work together to build a ents so that when they are really young in pre-k they are just and wonder and beauty of nature and they are co animals and things they would naturally find love d affinity towards. as they get older concepts that keep them engaged like so and people and economics. >> california is experiencing many years dry periods. that is really hard on farms and is realompost helps farms get through these difficult compost is a natural sponge that attracts and so when we put compost around the roots oft holds any moisture there from rainfall or it helps farms make that corner and that food. you can grow 30% more food in times of drought in you farm naturally with compost. farms anit are very hip now to this fact that creating g compost to farms helps communities surv and get through those dry periods. >> here is the thing.
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soil health climate health one conversation. if we grow our food pture all that excess carbon in the atmosphere and store it in the soil, that will create nutrient dense foods that will care of most of our civilized diseases. so it's one conversation. people have to understand that they are nature. they can't separate. we started prowling the high d by the 1930s 60 year, we turned it t that is what ignorance looks like when you don't pay attention to nature. bats last. so people have to wake up. > get frustrated because we have th tat you have to be completely sustainable24/7 in all aspects of your life. it is not about being per about making a change here, a change there in your life. maybe saying i don't have to drive to that particular place today. today i am going to take the bu walk. it is about having us is stainable in -- it is about having sustainability in mind. don't have
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to be perfect all the time. >> saeen and will continue to be one of the greener cities because there are communities who care about protecting a special and habitat. thinking about the histohe native and indigenous people who are ewards of this land from that history to now with the ambitious climate action plan wed and the goals we have, i think we have a dedicated group of people who importance of this place. and who put effort into an infrastructure that actually makes it possible. >> history starting with the gold rushanti-war activism and that is also part of the environments. and of course earth day in and i feel very privileged to work for the cit are on such a forefront of environmental issues and we get e world really to get information. waste programs like they do in san francisco. we are looking into innovation. we want solutions.
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today wire emergency operations center for england with one activation sorsight board that one of the many activ locations which probably has between to hundred people at this time 340r7b 25 different city eds of partner local partners and straight and fell partners in the echg a critical co center and surcharged with the voice communicating with media about all
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and go a lot of preparation went stemming up this e oc and little actuated managing things as they come up and the people and making sure that everyone is in the next step and doing count of a single set of objectives with a single many is having an apec thatsmoothly. >> i basically organ the and um whatever this in-person transmissions have (unintel to we're never (unintelligible) response right now and >> please check in. >> my role here in the agency to help the cooperation and the way to dot is by sharing information correspondingtivities and some cases requesting when the cfo steady the propertyhe departments working at the moment and one of the first
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agenc called the energy planning for the agency that streets and pipes and others involving a to p b. >> and this activation there are parts of the city cut off limi points and information is sometimes confusing and so information that not necessarily always refined for this activation is different from the activation we're waiting for something to happen if or if we don't resources available we we have to piecemeal itdepartments we are able to make things happen and department is the 9-1-1 featuresan be able services which runs the emergency operation where we are right now. >> by insuring the of people to exposure the first amendment rights our job we
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to think that because the federal government coming into town that for federal gove will be cracking detain on protester demonstrate and also the law enforcement partners insures people could do that while everyone safe and something we areg. >> the jet has responder two had the and advising and plan for delays and pla travel of entertainment commission and wounding t people. >> what is happening on event love individually and because they find integrity in themselves that didn't go know was there have to rise to occasion they didn't know they'd have to and really across the board for us and the city a better city. >> and a good learning experience xrefrns city augment
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but amazing departments across the city working together or working together in the same room and part of this in a meaningful way it e united truly everyone. >> what we i can't take credit. >> when i' all we can tie the bow on that send it off. >> i'm h opportunity to find it exciting that's what we'er to serve the city we love wanting really great learning experience. >> the great relationships with the > i call the san works commission. today is monday, july 22, 2024.903
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a.m. secretary fuller, the roll. >> good morning. please respond with, here, or present. warren post. chair post is present. gerald turner is present. paul woolford fady zoubi, present. ce chair zoubi is present. with three members present we ve
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