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tv   Homelessness Oversight Commission  SFGTV  August 25, 2024 4:00pm-7:38pm PDT

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>> commission to invite the
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ic comment policy.thank you for joining us. thd in both hybrid and broadcasted members attending in-person as an opportunity to provide public to each presentation as well as general public. members of the public who like to provide public comment,. to up three minutes to comment after item unless otherwise noted by the chair.the phone number tois access code, press pound twice to enter the queue. your item is press star-3 to raise your hand.a quiet location. best practices is to turn off thank you for your cooperation, commissioners this on item 2, roll call. please spanned with >> beller. >> present. >> vice chair. >> present. >> albright. >> present.
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is not here excused today. joaquin gue >> laguana. >> present.that the homelessness director please be the chair may ordeom the board room. this places you on item , i just wanted welcome everybody back, we had a little vacation, i'm there are still in the audience but i'm sure there are some in the island. today we will resume in september as well attorney adam will no longer participate in have him on speed dial when we need him. item 5, at dopsing of june 2024 june meeting. are there any questions from the commissioners the meeting meetings on
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any comments or questions? the public for anyone that wish item 5, the june utes? >> no callers on the queue. >> all right, at this time we'll move to remotel. so nobody on the >> there is none. >> so is there a motion nutes from june. >> so moved. >> second. >> in favor indicate by saying aye. >> aye. >> a this places us on item mmunications, i wanted to open up to commissioners if any of you for the body. none? wonderful. we will move the implementation of housing inspections.inspector of housing salvador >> did you want to skip to 1
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>> chair, if report first. >> start with our reporrning, every one. and will be up on the screen momentarily. hope everybody had a great july and you got a litt >> so before i get into the there are a couple of topics i the first is the budget, last, was it last friday? is that right? it's been a weei guess, mayor breed released her proposed budget. that's the wrong note. anywais the right presentation.budget slides later in the presentation. >> no problem.
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>> do you have your agenda? >> you're missing a page?that those were notes from my last presentation to you, so and i'm going to out reach increased from may awith over 2900 encounters each montdate, july june 30th 2024, less out reach staff t reach made 11153 these are shelters that in the client checking into the shelter.192 referrals to access pointand hot also made direct placement into permanent housing i2355 access referrals and 65 housing
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placement. in may, hsh esforced to support including shelter for no people experiencing homelessness in the mission. the task force identifies clients since launching, this partnership supported clients identified by the latino task force to ter. and we've got, an sf ory. in july the homeless team encountered an individual who was not known to him and new learned that they had only been me. explained the dangers of staying on the street anoffer relocation assistance that sutheir family in california. so coassessment increases in may with 1254 and decreases slightly in june to 1062. the access point which focuses on get
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connected to coordinated entry next month. shs will update all resource cards and public materials to new location once it goes live. update mta fee waiver program, great tofl mta for almost two years of waivers and pass to see people experien the coordinated system. since the launched 4 3000 people have been served and over 35000 tickets and n xhised. in order to protect aud, people seeking a waiver of will be subject to additional verification that coula ten-day delay.fiscal year 2024, household with a total of to prevent homelessness. 50% of thpaid for back rent so tenants can remain in their current san francisco
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emergency rental program update on, what sfe wrap which is a partnership bemayor's housing and community development. in fiscal year 23-24, average of 6246 this million dollars distributed.percent were below of the median income. 63 percent had experienced homelessness.nt were at-risk of displacement and 8 percent had an eviction and 8 percent identified as people of color. in miss caler--80 percent identified to help people end their homelessness.of problem solving resolutions are for households that's 80 percent followed by familiesadult at 9 percent.
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which we began sharing data in june, captures hsh programs. in fiscal 23-24 the 19 people or average 35 people family and friends and relocate to a community outsproblem solving problem is the most significant source of with 343 households reunited with their communfiscal year 23-24. you know, so this has continued to be a really important piece of tool for us. we are certainly working to about this program and we're really going canvassing our shelters and phs sites and hot has the tools to offer folks. we know that sometimes people you know, people find themselves stuck in san francisco and really greater, you know, greater important an people often resolve supports or friends support outside of the city. so we that
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know that's available to them, especially given the fact na have housing and shelter resources for everybody. so we're focused on making sure that people are aware of mythat program anywhere they access homelessness services. hsh isexpand relocation assistance programs across our anyone that is engaging with our funded at pathway home. so in order to do this, we're working with our nonprofit partners over the coming months to support expanded access, including this assistance is every problem solving conversation points, relocation services as a resource for managers and and we're really exploring traditional stakeholders including miracle messages and some other organizations that are really focused supporting people experiencing homelessness. and thenhousing inventory dashboard, hsh 1300 units across our system of care se supporting house i have, scatter pid rehousing
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and ladder housing program.available on our nk included in the slide for those who have the slide. and then moto housing 23-234, hsp made adults and 6 percent transition youth with children. housing need has 24. this correspondence with a lower number of units referral and along with transition that mythology for ca as you hopefully remember we changand it changed continue to go work to get to our goal percent. and then for home housing program, has gub housing laders to move to permanent housing with supporting families to autonomously for vulnerable
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families experiencing homelessness. hsh the office of workforce development partners including goodwill and success and o episcopal on programs to support tenants developing interview skills and access employment barrier removal resources such as clothing and potential interviews.en the corporation for csh a series housing including supervision in june and coming in august deescalation. fiscal 23-24, tay permanent housing highlights as the response system. the supportive housing providers supported to move from permanent into with less intensive
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services. young adult released a documentary called just free systems impacted youth surviving san francisco collaboration including fulton institute and the office of public attorney. first place for for tenantfirst-aid certifications. 15, 2024, hsh notice of funding availability for the dernization project that made 10 million dollars available elevator modernization. the funds eligible for single room occupancy holeased by nonprofit or owned funding was released on february 15, application wrz submitted. all 13 applicants ceived ten tiff awards on july first, 2024 and thatthree housing providers with a total of 1431 units. ten of the applicant electhe rent reduction option. all recipient of these funds have committed to having 5 years left
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their master lease. we anticipate the first batch to come the homeless oversight commission in october for approval.commission has been requesting for in fiscal year 23-24hsh provided housing for 363 , 2851 were approximately or 17 percent of those exited their permanent placement. of the that exited majority were 55 percent or to 13 percent are 2 percent unsheltered 16 percent unknown e client prefers not to answer client does not know, no data collected at intervie commission also requested exit reasons however this is a not field and data entry has our team is looking to get eport this to
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you in the future.ion from sight base psh that we will present to thssion this fall when our report is publishvaik apartment see rate has continued to hover around 9 percent.nuitiative to see reduce our rn back to the goal of 7 percent. this includes proactive out and document periodness for housing referrals. we with our housing navigation partners to out and to finalize documentation prior to our strategy to fill new shared closely with felt on institute and sf to specifically from the bay view community to refer in and we continue to refine or referral process based on client feedback. and the is on documentation barriers with a focus we've been doing a lot of work on as i mentioned in march, ed an inventory
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enhancement which in better unit better information. in june we tracking fully over to the one system. as july 2024, hsh has a vacancy on our portfolio.those vacancies 299 or 2.6 have moved in process, 398 or 4.6 are off line and or 1.9 percent are available for referral. the most common is janitorial or maintenance that's 101 units.across our shelter system on hsh had of shelter capacity and 93 percent occupancy ra and some questions that came in commissioners about shelter. so i'm going to answer some of them.have to end, the answers are lengthy, most of these were from you, of the answers to you
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after the meeting.have, i'm going to go through some of them. if you have specific questireport, you also have louis some of the questions. the question is looking back at shelter occupancy data it appears that the total number sites went from 46 to 53.all the sites. inventory after 8123 including four new or programs, 5 recategorized sites and 4 urgent accommodation voucher opened 2023, urgent accommodation for survivorsopen in october. also novembt though a new program only new of our tracking. non duplicative.1028 first place, and
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th plus salvation a >> what is dhp plus? >> my there is way too many. thank you.en you wanted a break down of the number and type of ng to send that to you because i don't want to what sites have high number of unused beds and why.make sure to rate now. the overall system has occupancy percent çu for adult and family shelters and 24 for minor shelters.had a low rate.
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so we have are set for cap. family shelters are maindue to on going high demand. year, the occupancy rate across thes improved but remains between 70 and 90 percent.d sites, i will send to you. and ththe minor shelter, diamond and huckle berry are programs for unaccompanied minors and not intended to be a regular basis. and then there were a couple ad you and i'm going to go ahead and send the answers mmissioners, if that's okay. >> uh-huh. >> but we will maget all of these answers as we have them already. >> some of them. >> you have some of them, i don't think you have these we'll make sure you have all of them. and then moving ogram for families and pregnant successfully added 3 vouchers and made for a e work to go add an
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hers over the coming months for a total capaciby the fall. 130 vouchers are serve approximately 600 families over the next 18 phase of this expansion was funded in the fiscal year 24-26 budget as part of the initiatives.updates as of july 1, 2024, we two programs that were previously operated by providention, the transition to other nonprofit interpretation to services. and a half center is now and the sixth street storage is now a io episcopal. bases on the partnership and have expanded from 9 to 20 rooms. of relocation and problem solving response system, on july 24, case for managers on
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support them using this tool and resource and supporting and then, the adult and ter reservation wait list. for of july 9th accountser there ter list. of these families currently stayiny shelter, or hotels while they place for shelter with individual rooms. this hlan increase of 15 percent for families on the wait list. accompanied by 30 percent of private rooms emergency. while families are still in need of greater percentage of those families are waiting indoors. adults as of july 16, 152 575 joined the wait erage time on the wait list 12 days that's for people who accepted placement. 112 were placed in shelter from the wait list in june.continued to work closely with winston boulevard in advance rcement which
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i believe started this morning. or today, the sfmta will begin forcement, it will be four hours ulevard beginning today. they have flier vehicles in with notices of upcoming into multiple languages. to ensure that we were making best eincluding those who had recently moved into and had not connected with our services an out reach fair with our june 27th. and 27 households those 25 households were from winsnear by streets, 12, we had 12 coordinated entries conducted. three households that are now in the pathway of housing. 24 problem saflg, 16 completed bein medical and cal works. and continued to with 23 households moved in to housing as of july.number of
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the rcmp v, f winston and from other sites near by on to which is where they are now. we will continue.the hot team out there engaging with the families and we will continue to sure that we're rehelping to assess them for the services that alify for and working with them from there. and then we have some other updates.give other over the last few months at the board made few changes anl positions or direct service cuts were made.minimum to the overall budget as you can see through the change. and i'll walking on this slide.minimal cuts currently but we still have things to worry about for next year and coming years. overall, there is the mayor and board
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$400,000 reduction in fiscal ye24-25 and $100,000 25-26, hsh received 1. sorry. in general fund al year 24-25, including a one million dollars housing pool subsidies that is in line with budget request oversight committee. also approximately 800,000 in technical adjustments from the medical office. offseting were 2.2 million in cuts based budget and legislative reduction proposals.reductions included additional departmenand one-time adjustment to account under spending and grants. these are not anticipate to a programmatic i appropriations committee put 2.3 million dollars on reserve racting issues with providence equivalent to six months of hsh will be working er to increase
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financial controls, of director oversight and other requirement that are city standards. hsh plans to return to the to request the lifting of before january of 2025.lastly there were several mayoral budgets that the board its budget phase. reductions, line items including its budget were approved. additionally, the adopted budget 2.5 percent of doing business increase. instead of the no cost of doing business hsh is continue to go determine manage these reductions within its allocation maintain existing program levels and specific services have yet been reduced. so 2023 cost estimates providing this in response tofrom commissioners to provide cost estimates by progr these cost estimates are from
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the rate noted in the plan and comprehensive sherlt health, shelter transportat are not readily apparent.on this slide, reflect estimates for 2023, the first year of assumed a year over year slight increase in these estimates--wow years of the strategic plan. it got really loud in he >> airconditioner. >> on the cal site hsh had a few items that were passed in june and july. hsh participated in two hujet hearing and supportedpassage of 24-26 budget allegislation to support investment and transition age youth and famili november, ght bond for a healthy and cisco includes 50 million for acquisition. short-term intentions for non shelters
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and monarch hotels through march 31, 2024. thwill give h time to negotiate leases for a longer time home key supportive housing for in district 3. and then coming for a new agreement at 1174 follow is not, continuance and the mayor's office engaging support for homeless services.have, on 24, 2024, approved a commission
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reform on pateds by voters, the measure would a streamlining task charged with recommendation to eliminate or and commissions. key time lines in support in september 2025 on fiscal impacts. task force recommenda026. and then hearing at the board of board of april 2026. to that, commissioner albright pointed out that the, sorry. this is a long that the grand jury recommended . so commissioner you asked for this to be an agendized item and we will do that next commission meetingwanted to have a specific discussion about it to weigh in about we'll do that in september if that's okay wi >> i'll
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until you're finished. >> and some updates, the two open seats that the commission must appoint soon.working group as part of thpport the local coc annual members must have experienced within the last 7 active participants currently. ter last met on july 19th, one of the 12 seat one remains unfilled. the next meeting is schedu for august 21, 2024. the vance committee has five vacant seats hold their next meeting on august 17th. and hsh hosts a variety of throughout the year. and while i don't often highlight all ows, they have provided remarkable department. for example, billy lee appointed to the reentry council. i want to highlight of the mayor's 30 by
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live work and study 2024. hsh is thrilled to mary wattkins black college and universities summer education program commission and part of the black to tameri will be for six weeks this summer. and we have access to housing, training symposiums those concluded in over 500 attendees across 50 organization.for the remaining of our 50 percent of who have not yet had the opportunity to ning. and as always, we are hiring, and 400 vacancies and that includesfilled for permanent role.we're hiring we appreciate support to your--c
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i also want to announce that we have hired new deputy director of programs. our new deputy is darhush who for many years. unfortunately he he's actually on vacation but in him in-person. we're excited to have him. working with homelessness in san francisco and peninsula, he has worked for the department of public works and lead for office on homelessness issues. i've worked for 20 years. at, you in different relationships but we were at so we're really excited to have him and he running so you'll get to meet him when we can go to director. we can go to questions.thank you, director for a and we'll go to the public any comments on the director'sget three minutes? >> yes. >> the record i'm chris and i have over 25 years igh-tech investigative
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experience. on june 6, 2024, and i have hand out here, you can maybe pass them out.6, 2024, spoke her and handed system, and that is system that hsh uses. at 250 carnie street there are abnormal amount of deaths and there was a request for an investigatiwas on one system when they died. now the francisco is transferring employees, and trying evict me for bringing this to light.the last director's meet ining actually the second page of the system to be placed on me. i have requested a assist order from hsh. there is of sugar coating this. hundreds of those needed.
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here in the ungo into supportive housing in new zealand or the state and the department ofnot named anyone on this board director as a suspect? thesin 1978 in san francisco. the sim thing right vietnam and right tan, lsd was the rave, they were doing illegal experiments.and an article about mushrooms and repeating itself. i'm asking this board to and bring our community together bring peact to make this a priority. again, one system is not when people do drugs hsh places people on overtake one system surveillance and they
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reverse to pspeaker: at 2 and a half percent means that still face attrition and i also wanted flag in fy23, 1220 into coordinated entry and as of that close of so we're looking at about 50 percent of people seeking help from this city. stand up vouchers in fall we're concerned outflow of families will go.still waiting for guidance from our program how to contend to residency. sorry. i don't have related to shelter, we
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are wondering if there vailable related to additional the family shelter system. the int was incredible and just wondering when we and in closing, would love the count, heard it was going to come out today., we would appreciate it. >> thank you. next please.eaker: good evening, i'm elian behinder the policy maker for glide and social justice.we came here before about the families and households ton and buck ham and today is the day of enforcement. and as director mentioned most of the over to skyline and so really what we're asking for was ted displacement for the households that they chose s which is their right. but we're hopinges to moving safely for a connect people to housing. we know that there limited
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supply and all of these things that the families nening to support them because, they have shown with this move that they care about staying together as which they already did. and we want to support them in do that, not being further dis they're scattered from where they are now. so sites over that be used and moving without contracting be really amazing because there is an opportunity now to move qu where they are now. and make sure that they don't destabilization from this crackdown, not only winston and buckingham there is also on la suppose to be protected.seems that mta is enforcing where there are arvs and enforcement on the doll over there. and more obviously seeing city wide sweeps the past position. so we're kind of city wide issue and crackdown. and obviously we're concerned examine supporting all of those people.for this rv
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community because they are degree of stability, we're hoping to support and any efforts that o they can continue to hold on to some the stability that they have that especially given that because they're and portuguese speakers. >> thank you. >> speaker: good morning, i'm alicia and i'm the us services. we would like to thank families living in rvs as well as the those i strongly urge hsh families by opening a safe parking te and providing households on options that they find approp we're seeing firsthand that the still overwhelmed as i shared this past year where were 469 families in the shelter wait list these families have been displaced and joining and over saturated
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system.displacement will be especially traumatic for the children. ol year starting in just a couple of weeks, these at-risk of being unable to stay in the or maintain assistance. ll fall behind in their a cycle of homelessness. please do not overlook these families providing support a safe parking site. >> thank you. >> speaker: good morning, i'm flow kell the coalition of homelessness. i want to point out the director's office, it's over there on the table for us to it only has page numbers that are odd numbers, a safe parking space means that people who by the way, the shelter that the city
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does to pay for. they own their may lose their rv through ticketing and t considering our mayor's order roundup every one who the audacity to live in the sidewalk, just put on tuesday, i witnessed a sweep and i these citations that are going to add up, my god.want to contribuin the sidewalk. people who live in their we're on winston and they functioned as a they still do and theyto tell them what to do in the safe parking lot withall of these rules able to come together, i mean, if the rules, then they cannot decide themselves what the rules the people on winston emselves as they have been doing. they do not need already have that together.hoping that hsa
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works with the department coming together and if now you know, please, please, put some pressure orer departments and make sure that they don't up on the sidewalk. they will.of people who say see rv over there, that used to be mine. >> speaker: good director, i'm )zoo internal compass services. i want to the previous speaker said and ude to you anfor committing to finding a home for these families livii ask for the commission and hsh to contin and truly secure safe parking site, a park ing living in vehicles in turn to finding alternative to living in the streets.a repaving of a major corridor being
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implemented without a sufficient mitigate displacement of families living there.entative measures are not vastating to residents they also seem to for community providers like campus up here it's worth celebrate thating some of the been connected to appropriate resources. bu the process and others who have not qualified for pr that meet their needs. the absence for families on the west will likely danger the mbers of our community. thank you. >> thank you. >> speaker: hello, they're talking about all of thisi keep wondering when do we have any type of accountabi >> i'm listening.
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>> speaker: yeah i'm when we have any kind of accountability for these seems they do what they want to the homeless it no one is, they're not caring characteristics of investigate these providers is excessive and extremely know, you keep, you keep telling us to go where we continuously get abused and government they just i don't see us as human and want to us. you're not going to t. nod your head but it's like you want to block my voi, bridge me from showing documents, it's not appropriate. do we have any, any conversation regarding anything service providers accountable, pulling machetes on guns, team running around with ski type of identification, it's on video,
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i it if you stop abridging you loin talking about kicking somebody's ass, supervisor that to kick your ass. why dhave respect for government when you hire felon to police us with inferior accountability part with responsible for this, because you're the and you are to bring policy and changes to the table. so i'm saying, you're accountable i would appreciate it me and make some type of motion and >> thank you, sir. thank you.nished? you have some time left. >>
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>> clarify the commission seen meetings and i want today make sure that the people of how they can share ims with us can we >> absolutely. >> as many people email also email the lt if you have anything that you would like to share to s, we all have city to share something to the commission as a send the email to the secretary. >> thank you.k you, anymore remote callers? >> speaker: my name is m a part i'm calling solidarity with the mono spanish and speaking rv.
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move housing. our coalition is concerned about the impact of policy often times to untimely tow of makes due many face various and lonincome that would make it possible for a family to take over a after rapid rehousing offer. as a coalition, w partnered with sfmta and melgar's office. as you heard today, gifp the nature of the situation, we're seeing the wide and national vehicular homelessness, that we should mitigate the impact of fines residents living in san francisco street. i ask you all to in an effort to work ensure that these families are supported gets families housed and not displaced.ease do not overlook these
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rv residents and make they are provided with the resource that's meet >> thank you, next caller. >> go ahead, caller, we hear at the wilson say hopefully i got appreciate the recognition of the shione tribe at the i noticed a lot are economy workers.i'm one of them when my gig takes me out of francisco and the high number of vehicles delta of make up of homeless community is so much gring in the media.meetings like this, higher end areas.some more the homeless
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population and i don't believe is anything reaction to the way that the homeless are being treated as which is significantly different than in the past. it's already been mentioned by hers that the rowing rapidly. the concentration of homeless is out in the open air. but what's a new to ent programs like camps, the southern border got everybody in between we're told warned that camps are coming in ere all the fire has happened. there is all people are timately of being rounded up and stuck on buses by any means being taken away. and you can see the behavioral
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health response in the streets now. the problem is growing so that's all i have for public >> thank you. one more caller. >> there is one more caller, to make a comment. good morning, commission, my name is mi carrera and today, so yes, definitely things. the first mad and really anxious to how the city trying to implement and remove the rvs community from where really serious problem, because the week amilies or the city do the the parent, trauma to the childrens, and we ing to providing to them to move into a safety place or a this is myspace, this is my home, it is not.we doing is trying to implement remove the people.
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and this is not nice. probably you have have childrens and if they hear, that whole thing to remove every one, how are we in the drens, or raise, we need to put something. and every one who is trying to before we want to do anyneed to provide housing. we need to prwhere they can move the trailers and we can get ideas from oth many years, 30 years ago, the removed me from here to outside and i have toall of these years and they really coming back. i remember and i see where i live. they nities with the space and their rvs along without no prob we need to do sthing i want to mention is gavin new some to arresting him to
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from the camps or whatever the this is a problem. because gavin newsom don't of these camping sites in alsites, we have the children and families. and still keeping attacking to our homeless people besides to provide important to provide shelter but after the how we move to permanent housing. and they get off the streets, to be right have a chance. and to keep families and childrens to making sure ev and homeless have a place to live. thank you so much. >> thank you. thank you. the public for making comment and i would like the floor to the commissioners. do we have? >> the queue, the last comment. >> go ahead caller, we speaker: hi, this is jordan she her, first
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solidarity rv dwellers, yeah for all the reasons that other public and i really hope that you know, ity and this heavy handed big step backwards for the city. also like you know, looking forward to report on en working on hoping the data is better. there is a lot of ing while eviction is pending. that be taken into consideration.t this. also on was touched upon, i'm hating how, i commissions and i think that this commission can course if we have to discuss me bodies and have that conversation, don't is and i want of having a committee under the
4:52 pm like you know, something that is going to posted on phs store like paperwork that we new policy or something, the coabout, we all know what we're talking of panic attacks and mistrust ing in con tekt. thank you, i yielhank you. thank you, okay, we'll open up to commissioners, i'll >> i can call them for commissioner albright. >> thank you very much, i appreciate it. and director. i have two comments the first one bein it's on page 26 of the slide deck you and mentioned add backs for clarifications, are there pending ad backs? being a request, obviously being a request for nonprofit to reestablished funding that they may have cut through the process? >> okay, thanks so much i
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appreciate it. if there is, i'm seeing a no. if just let us know. >> we will. >> thank you so much. the is clarification my report. i made that request the commissioner approving the ballot initiative and port coming out september 1, i take that back. a report coming back in 2025 under th my request is, is limited the impact overless oversight commission to appoint members to the and shelter grievance, and shelter our city our home oversight committee. i know this was a larger content and my request impact to our to move this work forward. >> okay, i think we that in my
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report, next month. >> that great, thank you. >> okay. >> commissioner guerrero.i have i'll start with comment sxz then i' so you know i've been housed i have i'm hearing a lot of trauma asce and that's what my seat is assigned to my role to affirm some of the comments innd yeah, i think what is happening right now is reasons that people are, that the city is the way that they are, is supposedly to have an impact it's exasperating, talking about the kidsgoing to be in san francisco in the future with more issues. and be harder to serve. i mean, i out of homelessness by accessing i'm just living proof that it what the providers recommend is what works. and to assert that, you know, as a commissioner, i or myself on what
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power i do have and what t have. can make recommendations to the department to make policy changes and we aim w that's why we're here. and also to say, i have worked , i've seen staff treat cl i've seen that urban alchemy blefp over people's stuff. i have witnessed it myself. i want first and then from there, i'll go to my questions to the director. so with, with the housing said 55 percent were to i'm curious, is that transfers or another type of housing placement? ?ment good morning, commissioner thank that includes transfers to permanent housing.include somebody
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moving into section 8, e anything that is permanent housing where everybody has a lease defia positive exit from the homeless response system. >> awesome, thank you so much. >> soof our man torial, i ju you can say a little bit more on what is happening with that. >> so ye, that are listed as john torial are ed over. so there was a wide range of i don't have the number in front of me. some units that are in process of being turned over side within three to four weeks of when the unit is d over and ready for the next hed. so some of those aountsds are within the time frame.line for longand it's for two reasons.
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one ismay have extensive damage it takes longer to of that work, sometimes it quires different contractors depending on the type of work that needs to be some cases there are some agency that's are under in their janitorial so it's taking our typical expectation of three to four those providers ensuring that they're filling all of their positions. thank you so much. obviously, we've talked a lot sweeps, shelter occupancy is at 93 ask how has the department been discussed internally and like if shelter ak pont see is percent, what is the plan generally? >> yeah, so you talk about internally is we continue to house continue to provide shelter for people. we are know, 24 hours in response of anything sure that we're offering to people offering can reoffering, and we tracking over the next couple of weeks what our s like.
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we're still seeing a number for shelters because people need different things at aware, but we're offering what we have. and we will if we start to get to where we can't offer and to come up with a plan for increasing you know, we just have >> okay, so you have not reached a point where >> thank you for provide thating information. far as just curious, my understanding is a are at capacity by the providers. is there capacity to serve the families on the side of the providers? did that make sense? >> i'm not sure i understand want feedback from family services er wait list than they have, like 30 that going to work with the need respond to merced and the families there? >> marrian do you want to are you
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talking about permanent housing or all of the above? >> yeah, i miss speak so i'm saying in generaservice south side beyond over taxed. i'm wondering if there is been conversation and just in anything you want to comment on that, reso the favor family plan is the e over taxing the family system those temporary housing the rapid rehousing lots. and there is akind of convene the providers and understand what they have the to add within their contracts and work from but yeah, that's. >> are there ders specifically assigned to merced folks? >> is no specific ective and we did the last kind of out
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reach and providers in to create access to the services that we in our system currently. and, oh yeah, and i read that govern newsom had 3.3 billion for one funding towards mental and behavioral health.i'm curious if the departms, i believe that came out and the due is december 2024, we will be work withing our dph partners on that. >> awesome, thank you. >> thank you, commissioner guerrero.laguana.thank you, commissioner guerrero, i'm here because of the benefits what you said beautiful and well said thank you. so i have threlated to data displays
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in our graphs. on slide also sent some questions which i receivve that will be circulated all with the reread it allowed here. but specifically is there a possibility, this is think you're the right person to talk to about this.that we can a category for self sustainingother words, has not requiring subsidies anymore? >> the reason i ask, you have ons who at run time were the these service sxz now self sustaining, that's not always going to be
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possible and often possible for a verity of whatever is possible, we should optimize and we should to approaches may increase the hood that people may be self staining but the first part what is not measured is not approved. can we get a month over month >> yeah, give us a little bit of context on? >> so the question is on the get a month over month change? we can get a sense, is it er, worse dramatically worse? i think now in this moment and time, number to pay attention to. slide 27 cost estimat the commenters pointed out that when folks arrvs shelters that is the city is not paying for. i would like to see the
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cost estimate is for rv housing programs. for that slide.breaking it down, i think it's really helpful, i and for the public to understand the of these different approaches. >> so safe parking. >> yes. >> in. >> just so we have clarity around what these policy approa hopefully so we can make wise to reallocate our resources.quick questions, the first one is pretty quick. on relocation assistance, think, you know, i that we're offering relocation assistance to folks, it sounds moving towards assistance to folks when shelter is not ble or
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concord ant with offer of shelter.we've seen a lot around that. the question i have is whento relocation assistance. how many time is needed to assess, where would they go? it sounds like this may tak not be something that we can turn around in five minutes, i'm thank you, mary, chief there are some folks that can take 48 hours, 24 taking the reservation tickets all that kind of stuff and then you have
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folks that areand thep you have folks that they have identified somgo back with and there needs to be idge, resolve whatever the issues are and get them back. it's under the umbrella our problem solving work and that's the conversations e, those their relatives or whatever it is that we're trying to service we're trying to connect them that may be outside of the it's definitely from a speck tum of 24 48 hours to to >> just a quick follow-up question on that. contact with somebody and they're in that come ten stage, how do we initial contact?on them to make contact with us.keep that
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conversation going? >> at a high ly the or problem solve that her is assigned to going connection with the client and also where ever it is that they're trying >> okay, so it's, yeah i can see that it on case by case basis. and just out of ity, is it a sense of how many people that yoa phone or a way to communicate? do you e of what the percentage is there? >> i can't tell yo but i'm sure i can get that information from m that do not have an actual phone and you we're able to facilitate them getting or being a bridge for
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them. all right, i appreciate that. thank you. last question, slide 19. the vacancies of, in our psh. i red press reports and i read that we have some shelter available. i'm looking is there any possibility that se units that are awaiting for referral?a temporary i know that's a t i'm thinking. we do have the street to home
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program where people can and we're looking to expand that as much as we can but need these psh units to some of related practicality and the extreme need for that. but,to continue to get the vacancy dow people in who qualify and >> yes, just throwing some i'm a fond of that idea. a quick follow-up question on just vacant we tracking the turnover a tracking business, our h but there may be a location that are vacants for month we're tracking the turnover rate and deputy director sanders, i can see you busting >> thank you. track the number of a
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unit stays empty, that's part of >> thank you so much, i'm done, thank you everybody., commissioner laguana, commissi vice chair. >> so, been a mention yet that the body that the policy impacting the homeless community eek. there were two official communication i saw, wup was the mayor's police and the second was a police notice.number of citation that people experiencing homelethat a man was placed in handcuffs, placck of a police squad car, all of thinks l of his belongings were taken, all. he sidewalk with nothing.
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the standard posted a video of who had his belongings pulled out his hands, and police officer that i did not recognize, i don't thomeless operation team, i don't know that experience dealing with and the trauma was yelling at man, relax, relax, relax.or chan has requested information to sweeps and this change in policy that has lead to now criminalization, people now ng court dates. we know research that people's more impacted by their sweeps. when petheir belongings taken, they're
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likely lose id, medications, safety gear,it makes it harder for us to do our job a safe and stable exit from homelessness. the mayor's policy i want to be pleai saw is that it's for san if you refer to the documents that i referenced, are situations now where police and the involved in going sweeps where no it's clear that are being given insufficient time
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to pack up their belongings se sweeps are designed remove visible homelessness, signs of visible homeleto take people's tents, it is not to t up.out that this budget reduces the amountthat is going to be conducted. so our ability people before the sweeps is also being impacted.reduction in the our shelter are functionally at capacity. for adults we're 94 know that those beds are being so my first appropriate
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for this de the mayor to the department of management to sfpd and dpw, a simple statement about the impact that theseon people experiencing really urge to prevent the loss tion, medications, and survival gear. can we do that? >> are you asking me department. >> the department. >> the commission can do the police put out a out all the citation and then hsh document, t, that showed way to see access shelter. >> right. we have not communicated the impacts that known, the set backs, there is research
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can we not have a policy statement from that talks about turts. >> i think the commission can do that if se to see do that. we've definitely had the we can issue policy statement we're in the conversation a lot because this is a now.definitely share what we know about best practice so the only walk up shelter is the dolores shel >> yes. >> and can confirm for the are available and if there is turn away and how many people are >> we can, we can actually provide that information month and we can send it to you in the meantime, yes.we clarify that
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officers that ng sweeps have access to shelter beds, can you confirm how they have access to each day? >> depends they have a set number that we have committed to. and if we need to ish, we replenish. >> given that reallocated five beds. >> but if we >> can we get n those beds are being used by lfpd? we can, but -- ~>> i've spok the field and they don't know w to access these beds. >> there should be. >> and in handcuffs, has been as brief as ? >> well has been offering people shelter. gone out and i'm witnessing people in handcuffs. i personally have seen two
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people put in handcuffs. going out 24 hours in advance. >> so i went back, and i report focused our progress in the last fiscal year.looked at a full 12 months. on the housing vacancies had 436, and this reportancies. this is a chronic problem. itthat this an intractable problem in the sense that it's been is not decreasing quickly enough. so my requreally focus on the agendized item each month to talk about the and what resources are needed to get these online.
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because right now for every one of those units, that unused people sitting in shelters for months and years. we need to i'm sick and tired of seeing amount of resource every month. it's been a year. we've talked about seeing this, i would like tothis agendized every month until acceptable level. >> commissithe number is too we've had increase in inventory. >> it's 800 year to year same numbers. i also convey any extreme disappointment tharvs for over a year. we've had members of the communthat were displaced, come and speak to us.
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money is there i'm familiar with the back office should enanigans and i i get that there are legitimate reasons to not the site, the ones that i'm e. and i, i am very cois completely being shown if we just simply talk king action.wanting to get clarification my understanding that we were going to have that presented to >> we were hoping to present it said that back in march that we would have it ready by gust meeting, unfortunately, some of the report to us we had to
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verify so for this meeting, we will do a full was 'embrged by the mayor's was 'embarged. i don't understand why the mayor's office part of our normal doing that is required by had youed. th had youedsinger, we work with the mayor's office, we our providers, we want to make sure that we're all alig with our messaging, that's what we do every time it comes out. that thwe've got the right data.
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we want to do that and make to come back with corrections. was not fully correct, so we >> i look forward to seeing the data. i just want to call out the hoement on politics is getting in the way of us getting things done.with kamala harris being :wcandidate and being called bit media, the san francisco, the are all under national lens that has prompted news newsom of these actions, but i erate for the sake of and theaterics homeless people are being harmed. >> commissioner evans, can you and next on the er williams and then commissioner guerrero and i'll give aopportunity for commissioner lautu
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to everybody who concerns, this is n and i want i appreciate everything everybody does.have questions into also has to do with questions the communities that are vacant because thhave one crew that can be accountable that's a lot of units for can we have one group that works on it or is it oviders have their own maintenance team? you eds to be allocate asked really focused on so come month after month and find out that we have place that's that the taxpayers have paid
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for that way or the another, needs to work.some little and some a lot. back to some that needs that are damaged by the previous tenan if i were to rent by the regular marketplace and play regular rent.i had a party on event destroyed the unit there would be ramifications to me, that concern with charge me take my d even take me to small claims court.ere for somebody that has destroyed ? what is there? so some understanding of that that's it regarding real estate. >> speaker: regarding each provider have their own crew fixing the
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unit. we have pointscompany that will go from sight to could explore. regarding do high level of damage to nqare suffering from other issues that honestly they don't c means to really pay for the damage, we try services, in other places, sometimes they end up because they're not able to take care of themselves.some cases those are individuals that cted. >> i mean setting a fire to a plac >> correct. >> you know, if i were to do that, to a bathroom would be prosecuted. >> hat happens. arson is arson. >> thank you.
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my other question is site, i live in the west side, i know thsident of the west side.that has more residents that are why did we focus on doing it on the westwe have in mind now, i read the article that on a caravan, they moved to the zoo road it was in the zoo road before and it was causing for the i can their kids to the and it was a conflicing
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of. and just another thought, just before of driving on freeways, so if i was going san mateo county i would take that long road around jeneva and along the water frontto san mateo, luckily i'm better now. bulot of empty land, has there been any conversation about putting safe protected rv site for these familiesed owithin the city boundaries? and who provides these rvs?wb you know, i'm new come with my family, it's hard enough to ent or any kind of housing, doand get me an rv for free? how do we get the rvs, these are my three questions, thank you. >> city attorney: th i just want to say this that
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tight knit community and some people support each some esentative or own their rvs.e displaced we try to find places we have tried a number ofsites where we're working with the puc and dpw and the fire department to see if we can get you know, if we so we've done fit test one that we thought ing to be great. we still are looking engaged in some conversations and we have a community that has been living and we don't as a lot of empty land maybe, but i think part of been question of other departments of our real estate department et cetera, kind e?
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because people can live in rvs and allenging to get a space whoever jurisdictisee us having a few of them but we have not been able to >> how long does it need to be? taking over a space but, you not our department's area of expertise we work with other departments and that's why the fit test ments come out and say, what they're requirement would hank you. and my last question, on page we talked abouttalked about exiting, 55 percent explacement, that is understood, asked i understand that. two percent exit 13 percent exited to shelter.
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so from, i just want to understand it, they went housing to shelter, they preferred to go into so would be cumulative of 15 percent.sandrs, chief deputy, it's not a preference that they go sometimes it can have a different ranges associated with why they are into a shelter, it could be able, their subsidy is up and can no longer afford to pay on their own. it could be because they'rrough an eviction process which is associated damage whatever the case may be. i would not lean in on preference at all.explaining. that's it for me. >> thank you, commissioner. >> as we're talking about this, i'm remembering and i represent supervisor safai, said, we start looking outwards.
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i mentioned that i the field study there, you walk down the street t doors, that's it. obviously, of things that would be but there are a lot of policy changes that i think we could replis a movement by social housing folks who have attended scott wiener.just to say, we need to start looking and we did discuss in forming does depoliticalizing does not work. i also remember when we that our focus should be to uplift the stratey do not work in support of the strategic plan.obvious, you know, piece that we should try to on. so yeah my questi we come together and advocate to demonstrate with the data that what is is not a in
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alignment with supporting the of the plan of the department. with the police notice, that they said this is eople. it also stated na unlawful to inflect cruel as you saw in the stanof people's hands i believe to be cruel and unusual punishment. it's not the way.who hold the trauma cultural competency, what does it mean to throw it out the window because of this policy cthe other thing, i want to add, i is so critical you know, i ran a program that wa transitional home and then subsidy and t people can graduate.learned is people
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have to be placement.they're trying to get themselves together whether it's they work or going back to school. a lot of people don't that's not what you stabilize also learn how to follow tenant guidelines. and people are still in need of nepoint to the sweeps losing your take psych to lose it, so people losing their medication ina public safety issue and not only for the residents like i mean people sometimes i don't is throwing
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bottles in my direction but the people losing their medication in these sweeps going to amplify the behavioral health that we streets where when the resources are already over taxed.that worked that strategize how we will put out some messaging what we see asdirect impact negatively on number of deaths that we will be seeing as well. sto provide that context and that's my comments. >> commissioner laguana. >> to thank the speaker order, i just wanted to er evans. but i appreciate and actually applaud keeping the meeting a structured way, so first of all thank you for that. second of all, i want to how deep my appreciation is for you and your e work
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that you put into this commission and the detail that you show to every meeting, the friendship that you and i have, to so much i've what i thining to this community as a whole and to this body.i think sometimes people see us up here and having exchanges and they we have internal relationships and so i with publicly conveying my deep respect for i was not going to say that going to say real quick is the pit data. so when i saw that it was being delayed a chance to catch up with you on this becacame in late last night. the department has cautious how they verbalize it
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but i can maybe a little less cautious. but what they got lot of work. and the challenge is if it goes state, it can cause damage. and so it has, of clean up. up than they were anticipating. it's going to be released within a week or two possiblyat the most, so it should be releads by the the next meeting. i probably won't be persuade you that it was not politics.conversation about those issues they do appear t the second part i want today convey is they're working on a new interactive data platform that will be on the website that will transparency and accessibility of the survthink we can see that soon and that wiwe continue this work been advocating for. as you heard me today asking ity on the data and provide us with data that
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withmake informed decisions. and , with respect to the larger conversation. i think it's important for all of us understand that where the actual coand where we need to engage with the conversation at, and i would hope concentrate our efforts and find a way to speak in consensus and solidarity, that conversation has to be with the public because it public that is informing and it is the public that needs be persuaded of of whatever the data ethicacy of any given policy approach supports, that conversation needs to happen with the publto have as i hope we will hance that data supported, get from point a to point b in most affective way so we can help the most amount to somehow keep at the top of our that that conversation, the meat of that conversation is happenin and that our elected officials
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are the public. they have some de ability to influence but we're part of that conversation. encourage our body to think about the importance of thatcouple of it's actually the public that needs to and that's where i think the lion share of with respect to =apeople losing medication, it seems to me and the public.sure what survival gear includes. >> just to wrap this up, you collaborate with a document that would p educate the public. >> is that whayou're
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>> yes i'm open to creating a document to structure and some guidance people many of i'll be happy to work with you me just interject. i have 9 questions that i'm not going to go through. to say, as commissioner i did write down here data and people, i think fathis political climate and we need to get to the facts. and i think we get do so i think if we lead with right thing and we don't always but we lead with the people. so i think, having an not only come to a commission meeting but i'm going to the public, a lot of work is done
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outside of these meetings.ople are doing and lead with that only, lead with that making sure that those that ting with are those experiencing homelessness, so with that, the commission decides on how so we will have a conversation on this w we want to approach moving fpent a lot of time on this, do feel like we've been in this, we've been in this for a and obviously, the department has done of moving this forward. but there are a lot of rink lz and it's get in the trenches a little bit more. with that i would like to move on. we have our want to apologize for
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those who the complete director's report but it will be online, certainly go online to get that report. and i think there is also a page, i somebody forgot to print front and badge, the agenda which is agenda item number 10. i need to okay, this is of our hsh director of housing services salvador, please provide your presentation, hopefully it's not too long. >> hopefully not. >> and we will have an opportunity for the provide public comment and commissioner as well. >> thank you.a public presentation so if we can get that up,
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>> funded unit so this is you know, we feel have done a really good funded by the federal government. and unit in our portfolio will be inspected every other year. so we can go to the next slide.just
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logitics, tenant time will take place and mails and signs will be placed on the coordinate with the property manager. this is really important to us, three different possibilities when you do an inspection. one community passes thed inspection and the otis fails inspection because of the reason that it's to the owner or property manager. so then, the propert or the owner are responsible fthose and the third is that xobecause of the resident either has too blocking for example, the door and thatssue. have to make sure that the corrections can happen to a better space. just so the dimension of the amount of water that is happening, about
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150 buildings in our portfolio, we're talking about 9,000 units altogether. locally funded over 6,000 units. and ab155 are occupied at the time. we did put together this program.and maybe just take a quick look at the site.just as a sample 14 of the units. five units fail and most cases, the responsibility of the the property manager in swede off situations associated with tenants. site 3, a little bit larger the units passes, 39 of the units of the tenant issues. so you have most of with property manager.
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so in know, we work with the property sure that the mitigation happens and to tuation. one question that we have received iwhat is the failings related to? so next slide, that will you take a look at the signs, there electrical issues, conditions, smoke removed, sometimes it's done by tenants know are smoking in the unit and they don't want ector. so the idea is to fix the it in better conditions and fix windows and make sure the units are, you know, at the stwant to have. as we're rollout have to amend the, the program agreementsat they allow the inspectors, once again, they're
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so process, every single resident will be to sign the program agreement that they erty managers. of the paragraph with confusing, we have corrected that. we are nt and we're work withing the provider thatmade a mistake, that has been fixed. our goto increase the quality of the housing that ffer our residents. so we have that we think are going to be great. for example, the man hewhen subsidies are terminated in the system, just populated by employees of the city.are going to include providers working in this space.making improvement trying to make the housing ing to be more including equity in esses and
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systems. that's my presentation, if you have >> thank you, we're going to open up public who have questions or comments around the inspections, please make your comments. >> speaker: jordan she and her, i'm clarification around this. and i think this would be especially since, the thing is icious when we hear the word inspection obviously, because there are lot of very unscrupulous providers, i'm glad there is a third party. that needs to be, it needs to big conversation either way. any weng as i've had several sations with salvatore.should have been presented to us before this was i feel like, this and the whole we don't have context on this, we going on and i
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had to ticle where some things may be outdated.submitted before i had those conversations, so thank you so much. >> say that we absolutely agree. this is something we're making sure thattand what rises to the level of commission everybody is learning, but everybody agrees. >> when in we want to make sure that the public has an opportunyou for your presentation. >> yes, sir.r: for starters where is the contact also i am pieed ers. so in the contract be something regarding treatment.1 19 mason their treatment plan is to house
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and take whatever you want. one women's bracelet was and it seems like nobody cares. i'm what e? didn't they talk about some of this? i angry and frustrated, it seems like you for a year. uz know these had these problems for over when they started up e that got torn down for park.we've had these problems for over 20 year why are we so far behind? but, i guess just going back, do we pull in the mental health association to talk about any just seems like, you know, they and reaching out. when do we ever get there? >>who wish to make a comment in
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>> i do give honor where honor this is my first time session here. but i'm pleased with what we have a lot of beautiful rules that do not work in the years now. i work 18 months at they still couldn't find me a place, they said that i was a problem solving see my brother in may and i said, this is prison, why should i lose when i went to sea family member that broke his neck.was no shelter available in the bus gave me a chance to stay at her wheninto these shelters, there is no place to go. i workedkies or, never missed a day and lost my job because i put up my foot air on my break. if the person that was assigned to me to hea place,
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we found 9 apartments but they always gave and been i do appreciate when they self sustaining. but if you're not going to really, i do agree, you should talk to because what you do not know, they're making money off we've been trafficking every single day and's a trillion dollar business, we would >> can i ask a question through the chair. i want elter you were at where you lost >> that's at 1015, the monarch really stole my stuff. they knew i of finding they told me they would not was really stolen. i had gottenady to move into another place but they kicked me out.
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>> thank you for clarif it's my understanding the policy and i want to clarify this director, that people can visit family members certain processes to do that and should should not happened. people can come and go and i was goask chief deputy director sanders to follow-up we can help and what happened. >> i appreciate it. >> thank you for being here.are no callers in the queue, chair. >> okay. >> speaker: hi, miguel from the one thing i want to mention and i hearing what about the shelter and about the housing and you housing quality inspection.want to say, politic how doing and supporting and helping our homeless folks former homeless folks to move into permanent
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housin$g we have single folks walking case manager or whatever where they live, they pushing oud they take care of housing. we have a and number one issue in african-american people singles. with disabilities, so this is a huge problem that we fa if we don't do nothing to we treat people homeless with accessing different issues. so we need people who working in these programs.about the homeless issue and praum a about people issue with homeless. because we call helping, we put happens with the youth and the childrens and with ev again, i really need, so supporting to supporting all people homeless or former they don't have support outside. thank you.
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>> thank you.we're going to open up to our commissioners. 're at 11:39, i'm hoping that we can wrap can move on to our agenda. >> that was for the last time and in the commission business, thank you. >> commissioner evans. >> so, thank you. i the is, nann mckay is the vendor and my understanding that there was an existing contract in place able to use for these pilot inspections? is there a needed amendment to that contract?going to come before us? >> that's correct. there is contract that with nann they have been doing inspections so the contract was there. >> so can details of the contract. that would be great.sued by the housing authority and i think this is i don't understand why we would be expanding
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our relationship unless there is some really to do that. so i just would love why they were selected, okay. >> is it if we bring that to next meeting? >> yes. >> so i appreciate that there was a policy updatethat impacted psh tenants of kind of three areas that i had questions about.the other areas were the third party payment and subsidy review committee, can we touch s at this moment? >> yeah, i think, it's >> policy update, yeah the question for you, the third received from multiple at thc properties, examples of forms that they sign by july 31, in some cases, the box for had been prechecked. and these were not people that issue with payments and arrears.
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so wanted to clarify the third party paymen why would that be applicable to people a payment arrears situation? >> thank the question, commissioner, sal rector of housing. that was a mistake, the provid boxes that should have never happened. more that paragraph apogize that it was there and has been changed. >> so were told they had to sign this update july 31, that was yesterday can you clarify what ing to those tenants now that you've corrected the form?has communicated to the provider in question that ected and they need to change the form. >> okay, public that were listening that were being by july 31, should they consequences if they fail >> we will make sure that there are no consequencthank you for putting that on the record. thank you very much, the pilot where the issues were found?were no
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issues determined to how is that determined? that it the owners versus the management. were their leases and legal experts are reviewing and determining what >> yes, the third party is made the owner has, for example the owner may be reator at the boiler if there is no hot water, of the owner. fixing a door and window, those are the responsibility of manager. >> thank you for clarifying. so this inspectors are being given copies of >> they are aware of what the responsibility is. >> what falls in what? >> and property manager also haveey feel that they need to fix sois the responsibility of the owner, they quickly. >> yes, so i these five sites and pilot there were no owner responsibilities. there no elevator issues in this site? >> yes. yes, i understand that there a
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problematic tuation elevator that may lead to a possible, yoreally problematic, that this may fallout of portfolio of solutions. >> about to start doing inspecks. we're going to be keeping of all of that. >> okay. how are the sites beain. >> how are sites get visited first? >> so we have so we have a portfolio of new buildings that rewe have acquired. those are going to year or two from now. we're prioritizing besides because we want to make sure that we make cost question i had was the other change of around a subsidy review committee, cathat what that body is, how determine what role they're playing? >> that's i hope that's one of the changes and upgrades that we are making.d before. it used to be
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so that legacy, the new body making that determination it will be made up of service with living experience. and a set up, we hope to make it for 'm sorry, is that one going to be one of the bodies that reports to this mmission? that's one thing that we can consider. ?flt we're in the process of that. >> i woul we have bylaws or whatever it's going to be the thank you. >> thank you. >> yeah just a quick question, there is no but total of psh, 9203 this
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is something that i struggle to actual inventory is. but i gets question 9203, i believe we've added since february of 2024, i might be wrong about that. do you have any sense of what the disconnect is there?eck and get back to you. >> we may have from a presentation that we efore but we can check on that? >> okay, and minor point, i did collkes to you a box drive that you need log can get access or link it's on link that says click
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here to listing and data. if we can get something so y see what that data is, that would be helpful. >> okay, i over that but we can talk internally. >> okay, no problem. k you, commissioner laguana. so this be made to the public it be posted on the website? >> it seems like ode. >> secretary i'm referring the presentation that he made three. but that link is not accessible to us. >> okay.commissioner guerrero.leave at 12 to go upstairs a transgender month.amazing, what
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concerns me is execution. the early stages, so i just want to and ask some questions. that i've done renter lig gator, mold is li i would love to see if we can get data around mold units and tually you know, that's probably down the line. one of the units that s doing mediation, they had mold because they were replacing the so it's not a maintenance it's a construction. i kind of try to use that as worse cacause that construction project went on for seven years when it was ths. and seven years of people folks having chronic health ur life feeling that way and opening up to other issues infestation
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and dust. i don't know if you provide information on mold and assessing molding units. >> yeah, if a unit has mold by the third party and we're going to >> so, this is one of the in the unit and somebody is living in it. going to go? and the issue that we're seeing situation was the property was getting them, the money that they was made off of small amount of rent contributions?they moved tenants out of their other units they were the revenue to pay for the construction which is why it to 7 years. where would the tenant they're assessed unit has mold . >> usually when you have situations like that the property manae for providing another unit to the tenant to move of the buildings that they have under manot possible then they can get in touch with the departlook for a unit in the different building.the tenants to be aware. saying, we should be put in a hotel by
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just if there is any kind of information by that's available to them. so just moving on to the sake far as the clutter with 90 again intesensitivity and behavioral health as somebody said.some of my friends extremely tidy, some a little bit different lifestyle.the clutter being assessed. we used to in the transitional housing. how is it and in that 90 days what to the tenaable to partner withdph with clutter? >> that's exactly with the plan commissioner there are situations that the tenant is with the provider onsite, you know, get together and they work ey take care of the issues. there are situations get to the department involved and that's exactly the >> great, and so, so, ask my questions, who determining when clutter is too much and how?
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if you know? >> that at point, that's the, decides if the clutter is blocking be have support for the tenant. >> i really emphasize this, a lot of the public commented like earlier i suppose to provide they're not--if we're framing this as like, inspection to make a unit inhabi have their side of the responsibility but if we're exerciming in like, jordan said and and controlling which a lot of people who adequate training are going to do due to lack othere a mental and favor cultural sensitivity available to the inspectoas far as like their inspection >> these inspectors have ny of our
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buildings for many years, sin to my knowledge, we have not done a health training sensitivity training. i know very aware with the stipulatelation and we had complaints about them not being sensitive tenants that we're serving. >> okay. and i just say, commissioner, we hear you the department of aging services for many years, this was conversation and we had a lot of supportive service to o had
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so the commission oversight d7and it's too bad that we don't have the attorney here, because fy but i'm going to say what my understanding is. we can advise on policy issue resolutions, we can make recommendations, we can ask people to come are the the five sort of powers that we have.power to
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investigate, we don't have the to adjudicate. so when we get these whistleblower complaints, which this is first and certainly not the last. we can do as we have done up with staff, we can speak, if speak with the whistleblower, if you want as an individual commissioner. but as a body,come and testify but we cannot investigate a claim, i don't know if that helps greatly. my didn't want the person, and i'm to the person what i didn't want is ink that it's being fallen that's the reason that i brought it out, all of us not to one particular person and again,much more aware of everything going on there. and i this was brought to all of us. so i thought portant to at least acknowledge that somebody wrote to them saying we got it and what you just
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>> yeah, 100 percent. and the only other trick about sometimes the information included, may ey may not be truthful orposition to assess that. so i you see mention it publicly, it's out of abun wanting to wait until we have the informat >> thank you. this just ies the helpful role that commissioner evans plays in the community directly and the follow through >> in most instances respond follow-up or at least ackn you. >> can i speak on this matter, i apprechere and commissioner laguana of our powers are. we are also have the review contracts >> that's right.
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>> and what i commissioner evans say, is one number of complaints that have been raised that so while it's not investigate tory, it >> 100 percent. to hold all and community members responsible for their roles and responsibilities. >> yes, byway, i was, i thought i including that by way of saying what she said was the other powers and responsibilities. but yes, thank k you all. move forward. we have our consent calendar are listed, they're genereux teen matters but commissioner evans has requested to pull 3 and 4 and i believe that's the only items that woul i would like to ask for a approve agenda item 1. >> so moved. >> second. >> it's agenda item number 1.
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>> consent.s there a way. >> there is not. >> have the agenda and may not have this page on calendar, i do apologize, is it on the link on line?site. >> if you're able the agenda this that has been omitted. i just want to open to public item number 1, is there any members of sh to make comment on this particular item? are no callers in the queue. >> okay, so it's been can we take a roll call please? >> chair butler how >> vice chair evans how do you >> commissioner albright. >> aye. >> aye. >> commissioner guerrero. >> he had to >> commissioner laguana. >> aye. >> the motion is passed. >> and i can collaborate 2, 3 and 4 in the same conversation. commissioner evans you have the
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floor. asking for a vote at the end? >> correct.take them separately. >> so all three of are related to extension of non congregate shelters the dante and the of these are about nine months so to march 31 to estate agreements so that they would d simultaneously. i just wanted to clarify since time flies in this world very quickly and we maposition to sees these shelters being may wind down given the budget xwlaints, that we might be looking at mid-year and when we cess again.clarify, it, we do have a majority of e housing referral status. and i just wanted to getting into eye crunch situation where these their housing placements. quickly enough and we're to transfer them to another shelter.
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>> gee gee and i have my colleague here to need more details. but through vice chair evans, that we've presented several anticipates keeping these shelter beds open at to 24 months. we do cure these sites, many of thes open under emergency been in the process as we discussed at this co doing a request for information to try to find sieither alternative sites or conditioned services at these sites. the director of under the those real estate negotiations and partnersthey needed an extended time to continue these are get those longer term leases in place. we don't anticipate at this >> thank you for clarifying that.wanted to also say that
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if we were in a did with the of non congregate these are to fill because as people when you are offered shelter bed on most often you're being offered a and these are vive at room many times pri so when these types of offers are made, we've more like 95 acceptance like people were accept these as very reasonable accommodation. as where congregate shelter to accept because they've trauma, past things stolen. sometimes our crowded they are getting and things getting passed around and it's a restless place to sleep because it's a noisy environment as well. going to say, i ask that you in if we're ever at the point where we're creati
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we actually consider usieven for short-term shelter stay.stays for people, i just want to make sure that of these very expensive accommodatio like what we saw with sip hotels, we saw hotel rooms that nths and i don't want to see that happen in this case.want to reiterate my question when we're reviewing these contracts occupancy rate is included in the material. you give me the general number that it's over 90know what the specific occupancy level is currently. >> that's a question. >> oh. >> thank you. >> commissioners my name is louis shelter, we do work hard to main ain high level of occupancy at these sites, just checking the data currently, th is at 97 percent. the cova is at 96 he iser and a
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dante there was some fire damagea lower occupancy, we had to move out of damage rooms so it's around 85 percent k you very much. >> thank you. any other commissioners items? if not, i woul to the public who wish to make a comment on these consent items? remote callers? >> there are no >> okay, motion to approve?on to approve item 2 3 and 4. >> second. >> motion and second, ready for the roll call. chair butler. >> aye. >> vice chair evans.ner albright. >> aye. >> commissioner williams. >> aye.commissioner laguana. >> aye. >> items are passed. and we're now moving to 12-a this is a review new contract with lavender th and recreation we're happy to invite elizabeth hoand pr did i say her last name right? >> like no. >> speaker: good morning, butler and
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director, my name is the manager of programs of hsh.excited to present to you all a new grant with lyric for support service sxz new permanent that will serve transition age young adults who are transgender, and other questioning youth. the grant amount is 655,20exceed over the five-year contract over 4 million, including contingency.the city's ending trans in partnership with the office of with other community stake hold the city's commitment to end trans homelessness.e that's are offered to this new include case management service that's ar taylored to meet the needs of ve a case management ratio not to exceed 1 staff two residents. also includes with support services, gender
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affirming care designed to meet specifically the needs of this targe the per unit services larger, is a greater amount our standard psh funding due to the service built into this program for this target it's approximately 1300 per month athe amount that was outlined in the procurement to pro cure we are lyric has a long history of serving lgbtq youth and in paneraleder and her non conforming. it's been a grantee fopartner in our the department launched youth coordinated entry.exciting that lyric is supporting i have housing. this is their services grant agreement and we're excite today we have any questions. >> thank and i would like to open up to the public who would like to make comment on this agenda
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item 12-a callers? >> there are no callers? >> so the same question, i know but this is an existing program what is the current utilization rate? >> this is it's a new program it will serve 41 you >> quick question, you brought up the higher ex tense and it being medical expenses. can cost be transferred to medical and the can answer that question. >> that's really good question, commissioner, that's something that we're talked about what we're doing with owen with home and community base waiver. conversations with our providers about how to down more medicaid dmrarz dollars and really to increase the level of support.they really need.
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it's medical more accessible provide the healthcare support that people need.ed because they never make it easy. so we're toiling away with that. we've been working very closely with department have somebody on staff and our planning >> thank you.
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>> i just wanted to commend the that was asked and appreciate the answer.had communication that are partnering with the government. section of monitoring.
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>> there follow-up i believe, so i would like to know about that, in termrward in a lot of contracts is to >> okay, is there a motion. >> so moved. >> second.for the roll call. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye. >> commissioner laguana. >> we're now moving on to agenda item 18, public comment not related to the agenda.would like the public to please come and share your comments at >> speaker: i'm glad we're
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hitting the public comment. about doing something about this likehaving a basically allowing us to pay rent by bounce that with giving reservices when they're in the arrears.find something interesting that hsving away from third pay blanket i do want to point out who runs, major contractor a 2018 article that moffensive to require anybody on any form of ssi, have money management so just keep an so i just really think that that is something to be as other
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issues around eviction.we presented here almost a year of us and on the first and can convenient to some our next meeting on the first is going to be may the 1, and prior to that we'll have a conversation whether or not to move that meeting. yes, sir. what's the plan. your staff is violating a w. and i'm get a response to the information i requested?i submitted this document, dash i information, i got no type so what's the, what does it take to to city in their employees to follow the laws state of california and san francisco?
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we'll follow-up. >> i'm the program manager at ucsf. this is been a long meeting and you deal with lot of serious things. but the going through a remodel that has been funded by e redone our garden area and in the next couple of you come in and see the site. thank you. >> we would love to any other remote callers?ic who wish to make comment? >> i sent to the right email? did you get the remail?can you just make sure information he's requested. thank you. okay, let's move forward to our information meeting report, commissioner evans? >> keep my remarks very brief last met, they
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held a meeting in june and regularly scheduled meeting due to a lack of applicantsto detail the fecurrent vacancies and take the opportunity to encourage members of the ders to think about qualified candidate who may appl openings. as a reminder the application is avaithe nomination web page, for piece of paper has a futhe local homeless coordinating we've made great progress in filling a number of seats but we have three vacancies, seats 2, 4 and for all of these seats are the same, that they sh by people representing relevant organizations and or more populations.c o.c. contracts, but not we will consider candidates that work at providers that c. contracts. the shelter monitoring committee, seats one five are vacant seat five is or
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formerly homeless, the grief why nots 2, 4 and 9 and are current' vacant. i don't have thand 9ed but 2 and 4 they should relled by previous consumer, so soin a city shelter.additionally, we have r10. we may have to how do we professional arbitrator. i encourage anybody from this public to please go website and consider applying. application is super brief a page long, ask you some simple questions. we have monthlto come meet with our nomination committee and e selected to serve on one of these bodiand how many committee
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members total? is it 10? >> i didn't hear you. >> how ers for the shelter grievance committee? >> think i think it's 12. >> i think iso we have five. sb two to the committee for the work. i know commissioner laguana has to leave. but i'll see you all. >> is there a plan or place in recruitment and how can we help? >> so, refer any candidates that you think may be interested in serving i'm also happy to talk to people about their rvicing t the application is a very simple form and availa website for those that are listening, if you go to homeless oversight commission meeting, website and you item for this item, my document for this that application in it.
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for those in the room, it's printed, there is an application link that people can fill out. i would encourage y at, look at, you know, think ab you may want to serve on a body and provide them that application. >> okay. >> can prepared a flier to make and if we networks, i think we'll be able to at least have people apply positions and then, obviously, the committee can review come in. >> i can send a follow-up for chair butler to send ers if you would like with the details again. >> the flier, and maybe perhaps printed >> sure, i can make sure it's an easy. >> and it's my memory, the flier is has been translating and the information so we're working to make it as to reach to as many community members to apply thank you so much. moving right along, commissioner-- over. >> sorry.
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>> thank you. to our next agenda item which is ouas you know, commissioner laguana had to move forward because we did not exceed our not have general public comment continued.announcement of future agenda items. >> can i, sorry. can i nrs a data report that that be put top of the meeting so there is time to have that conver >> so i think there were we talked about did you tellinger meeting that we might want agendize for future meetings. so wufn would be standing item, it would be worth the while for foix half hour every month on really understanding the barrfilling those vacancies. additionin a request for the shelter system
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and i heard acceptance of my request. walk up what the utilization and how many people are being also would love an update on stick park inflation, because i think that we had approved a contract increase and, the, the contract said that it would be implemented in july 2024. would love up also would like to make sure of number of beds in our shelter like set a information on houment are female and and lgbtq and it said are not gender specific. i would like to can accommodate a pet as well as how many for, are ada accessible. because what we're hearing mayor breed
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and others report that people declining shelter happens because the bed so i want to make sure that we're e shelter system. and ensuring utilization of the system. i totally respect that there is reason why we have low utilization of the but i would like to and also very clearly understthose there are, how, or is it, you know, it fluctuate greatly? that is not using. i would like hear about reevaluating how many cap beds are >> we actually do that frequently. >> it is adjusting.
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we have adjusted over the years. honestly, just like, i know na we're saying percent is a good see it higher than that, i would love to see like 98 percent.d we talked about agendizing the agenda.can be updated report. >> a lot of updates can be done e director's report which is easier, because we use up trying to be as efficient. >> i want to ppreciated the evolution of the director's reportand i agree that it's great to questions answered in advance and that's terrific.point of responding to the moment that we're do that commissioner.
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i think the problem that i we do it every month, we may be doing the same report the month we did before more or less and i want to efficient with our time here. >> i'm thinking bit more creativity, we can aswith you what i'm looking for. but thsuspect that these are the same units chronickly under utilized right? i had a couple of questions that didn't get answered. >> why don't you and i have a conversation and then figure out, i think we can come to some agreement what it would be great. >> on the agenda. >>there is a large number of s.e document ready
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processes here, there are a number of things. >> i think ther proactive out reach to people that have been in shelter for years.mean, i know, in my own experience working the system they really have poor level about the process. they still don't get ation what you're going to need to do. if exceeding this expected timeline, here's what you should do. >> we have a do there and in the flow in general, so i think that's what
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it's the vacancy. >> that's it, i'm not just lookin looking for us to be talking actively . i hear you. get into discussion because not in the agenda item. any other agenda and if the information comes befoss and get it to the commissioners. okay. first, before we leave and adjourn, i realize that we missed july and i want to highlight for the bush excuse me, and his ion so we didn't get a chance to recognize that to recognize exceptional time a great turn out so i wantnize that. okay action so moved. >> motion to adjourn. >> meeting is adjourned. than >> thank you.
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forward/hospitality. >> heart of an aide so important diverse culturethe name for remarkable individuals like n wheeg legacy is at the lashed not just his journey was san francisco good had studies mountain lake cut off road in child psychiatric a city campus for staff's contributions a city different place when was around and you would see him on streets like the fillmore and what he did he mrs. minority healthcare to peophat
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did not have insurance or an to pay for that. >> hard around city hallph he would load boxes with people and they woul to san francisco state mainly other places as well and protest unjust treatments and their system. >> dr. good wca civil service activity with naacp and the discriminations against blacks and public public housing and the reporter people come into the building today don't he was was district attorney know that not only a physician, a an incredibleayer. in his spare time. >> and the won a number i published and the also endedited another
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newspaper brown and dr. good a close relationship in the earls groups got together to his own dr. good and put together petitions and very, very hard to have the official address changed. the celebration is i from mayor brown which for in many, many ask me to change the this is remarkable. okay. >> in january of 1999 right after the building reopened mayor brown and i went outside at that moment it was still shut down the word on the sign that r >>
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k that he earned a place in respect of all just a remarkable individual. unfortunately, we didn't live enough here to see the street >> thought as a cio for the sheriff office things, one inaibt productbivity, make sure we are and the third thing is make sure we provide cuso combination of those three strategic plan >> very simple accountability,
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transparency is basically understanding. what is customers. for it we look as something as commodity. people provide orders. >> the intangible benefits are huge. we for the city that are intangible in a--[indiscernible] think we are something in the business process. ok ings in time. able to share partners. all these leads to what is happening today, becaif this is a--[indiscernib wethe ceo stating that, we there is a problem and that can impact the community and also in public safety. >> aligning with the city is critical. bring in partners to get better funding and make sure and deliver the latest and greatest technology for the operation. >> one thing i want to leave the and be nice to and, whatever job you are
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minimal it is, it starts with you and be accoun and we are living in a polarizing now. look to communities to ve back-[indiscernible] there is a lot of support the sheriff organization to to achieve goals and objectives. >> martin spack techural what he has given us. he has nrflgz management and data sharing, ed by his presence and think he isn't the best kept because dealing with sitey wide agencies stice partners he is accessed as a member coit and justice committee to be a leader there as well so we are everyone else, but we are happy, very happy with his and what he has brought >> i went through a lot of struggles in my am blessed to be part of this. i am famil people
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are going through to relate empathy and compassion to theirme out of the struggle it gives pem and do something positive ♪ ♪ i am a community we work a lot with homeless visitors, a lot of people area. >> what i like doi is posting up at hotspots to let people seey. they ask you questions, ask you
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question about what services are guys. individual, you know may be sitting on we make sure they are okay, you never know. somebody might w are laying there for hours. you never know if they are we let them know we are in the area and we are here safety and if they have somebody that is, you hanging around that they don't w on, they don't have to call the police. we can direct them to the services they might need. >> we do the three one one keep the city neighborhoods clean. there areg waste on the ground and needles on the ground. is unsafe for children and adults to commute through the when we see them we take a picture dispatch they give us a tracking number and they come later on to pick we take pride. when we come back later in thewe see
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the loose trash t makes you feel good about what you are doing. >> itid about escorting kids and having them feel safe walking to the play area and back. do as ambassadors makes us feel proud to help keep helping the resident >> you can see the community ambassadors. streets. i didn't think i community ambassador. it was too grab, you know. doing this job good. because i came from where a l are homeless and on the street, i feel like i give them hope because i was once there. i am not i used to be here. i used to be like i have compassion for people that are on the str homeless and people that areht up with their addiction because now, i feel like i give them hope. it reminds you every day of
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where and where i am >>bye. >> hi. i'm will mixture weltake a walk with me. >> i just loves in san francisco. they are so many cool and things to see. what is that there? what is buddy. how are you. >> what is that for.efighter with the san francisco fire department havings a great day this is a dry sand sand pipes are multilevel building in they are a piping system to facilitate the fire engineaire ability to pump water in a buildings that is on >> a fire truck shows up and does wh the fire engine will pull up to the upon front of the building do,he building. you get an engine in theat is safe.
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firefighters hose lyoning line it a hydrant and an endsless supply of water. i don't see water, whe where does it go? >> the firefighterul hose from the fire engine to the dry sand pipe plug it in this inlet. they arehe pressure of water going in the inlet. pressure needed for any one of the floors firefighters take the hose bunked and he will take that homes upon bundle to the floor the fire is it into similar to this an outlet and theyire out. it is a cool system a lot of buildings. i personal low multiple fires in san francisco to safely put i thought that was a great question that is cool of you a great day and nice thank you for letting us know what that isod for watching! bye! [music]ed
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in the process after it there at the front end to help people with something in my mind from a very age. our community is the important way to look at even now. george floydup wounds and a discussion on something festering for a long time. before rodney king. y instances where there are calls for change. iange right now in this moment that is long lasting. it is very challenging. i was of a crime when
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i was in middle school. some k at recess came around at pe class and came to the locker room and tried to the officer that helped way to check the time to see how i was. the kind of work, the kind of perspective i like to our sheriff's office regardlessluenced me a of the storefronts have changed. what is mys istill see some things that trigger barbershop and the shoe store is another one t i remember buying shoestrings andg my dad's old army boots fixed. we wouldhe first run. my brother and i would gos nice. if you keep walking sacramento. the nice think about the city it takes youo japan town. that is where myp. that is the traditional f movies. they were able to celebrate themu
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community. my family also had a dry-cleaning business. very hard work. the family grew up with have a built-in work fo 19 had 1 as - 1941 as soon as that happened the entire community was >> determined to do the job as democracy should with real involved. >> the decision to take every one of japan niece -- o japanese from their homes. my the mountains and experienced springs. they tried to make their home a home. er to share. they tried to infuse each hom things. they created things. i they were very scared. they were worried. they also felt the great pride. >>
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japanese americans granduncle joined 442nd. when the opportunity came time that was not right. in the campaign in italy. they were there the w. >> president truman pays tribute. >> that was the decorated unit in the history of the untes army. commitment and loyal the country despite that their families were i they chose to come back to san francisco even aft of that. my father was aervant as well and served the state of california workers' compensation attorney and judge and appellate ents influenced me to look at to police sheriff's department at the same time. the sheriff'sent grabbed me first. it was unique. it was not just moment it was everyone.
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it wasn't me lookingf us being together. i was standing there alone. i felt everyone standing next to the only way to describe it. it is not about my father. my father coul he was sick. the first person i saw was him. sometimes am surprised byas the sheriff. i am happy to be in the position i honor their memory doing what i am doing now larger comment. when i say that we want to be especially focused on marginalized communities that have been wronged. coming from myd what they did. that vacuum. it was a decision made by the government. nobody raised their voice. now, i think we are in a country and community. when we see something wrong we have change agents step up to help the communityffected.
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that is a important thing to continue too. you talk about change and being a change and not knowing whether you haveults. the fact of the matter is by push for change you have already changed things. through others, take up the matter or whether it actual functional change as a result of your voice being heard.lready started on a path to that path. in doing that in aprile. i continue in that type of service for my family.ope to see in my children. i have a pretty good chance with five children one will go into some sort o service. i hope that happens to continue that. >> i am paul sheriff of san francisco.
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[ music ] you are watching san francisco with chris today's special guest is sarah phillips. >> hi, i'm chris manors and you are watching show about restarting rebuilding and eare imagineing th
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