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tv   Homelessness Oversight Commission  SFGTV  August 27, 2024 6:30am-10:12am PDT

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tw >> commission public of our public comment policy. >> thank you chair and thank this is being held in bothlive on
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sf gov. tv. well as remotely will have an opprovide public comment to each presentation as we members of the public who would like to ent,. commenters will have to up th after each agenda item to comment remotely the phone to call is access twice to enter the queue. when your called, press star ensure that you're in a quiet location.turn off any tvs or computers around you. thank you commissioners this places you on item 2, roll call. please spanned with present. >> beller. >> vice chair. >> present. >> williams. is not here yet. commissioner dufty is excused today. joaquin guerrero? >> present.
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>> laguana. >> please known that director sharreen is present. please be advised that the may order electronic twices from the board room.item 4, announcements by the chair. >> thank you, i just wanted welcome everybody back, we little vacation, i'm sure there are still in the audience are some still enjoying the sun in the island. application will not take place september as well as our attorney adam participate in our commission meetings but we'll have speed dial when we need him. this places us on item 5, dopsing of june 6, 2024 june meeting. are thfrom the commissioners regarding the june 6, 2024? comments or questions?
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i'll open up to the public to make a comment on item june 6, 2024, meeting minutes? >> no callers on the queue. >> all right, at this time we'll so nobody on the remote public comment? >> there is none.motion to approve the minutes from june.econd. >> all those in favor >> aye. >> thank you. this places on item six, communications, i wanted to open up any of you have any communications for the body. wonderful. wonderful.move to item number 10 the implementation of housing inspections. hsh housing salvador is in the room? >> did skip to 10? >> chair, if i can do my report from
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director. >> thank you. >> good morning, every one. and hopefully the presentation will be up screen momentarily. hope everybody a great july and you got a little vacation in. >> somewhat. >> so into the bulk of my report, today there are topics i wanted to touch on briefly. ththe budget, last, was it last friday? is that it's been a week or so i guess, mayor breed released her proposed budget.'s the wrong note. anyway. i don't think this is >> there are >> sorry, give me a second. >> no you have your agenda?
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i don't have it. >> ge? >> sorry about that those were esentation to you, so we will move on. and i'm going to start out with out reach. out and june 2024 with oveeach month for fiscal year to ly first, 2023 through
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with latino task forced including shelter for latino people the latino task identifies clients and provides a hand off. has already supported clients identified to be placed together in shelter. and we've t, an sf hot success story. in the homeless homeless team encountered an m and new to the area. only been in san francisco for a short time. aying on the street and were able to offer at supported reunification of this individual with their family in california. so coordinated entry assessment increases in with 1254 assessment and s slightly in june to 1062. the coordinated entry adult access inon
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justice involved individuals get coto coordinated entry will be moving offices next month. shs will update all resource camaterials to reflect this new location once update to the mta fee program, hsh is great tofl of partnership to provide fine to see people experiencing homeleness who are known to the coordinated system since the program launched 4 3000 people have been and over 35000 tickets and fines have been xhised. in to protect against fraud, people seeking a of 5,000 in parking tickets will be verification that could cause up to a ten-day delay. in 2024, served 30 household with a total of 10.3 million to prevent homelessness.the financial assistant paid for back in their current housing.
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i also have a san emergency rental assistance on, what we call sfe wrap which partnership between hs a and the mayor's housing and in fiscal 23-24, 4349 household were served with an average of 6246 dollars in assistance. this lead to 27.7 ion dollars distributed. 81 percent were belothe median income. 63 percent melessness. 72 percent were at-risk ofpercent had received an 8 percenlor. in miss percent identified as people of color. to heend their homelessness. the majority of are for adult households that's 80 by families ten
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percent and young adult at 9 pe for relocation assistance which began sharing data in june, captures hsh programs.23-24 the city helped 4 19 people or people per month reunite with family and to a community outside of san francisco. problem solving problem the most significant source of this assistance with 343 households reunited with their communities in fiscal year 23-24. this program is has continued to y important piece of an important tool for us.working to make sure that people know about this we're really going to be canvassing phs sites and making sure that hot has tools to offer relocation to folks. we know imes people you know, people find themselves stuck in saneed a greaknow, greater important and we know that
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people homelessness through family supports or friends support so we want to make sure that know to them, especially given the fact na unfortunately we don't have hd shelter resources for everybody. so we're focused on making suaware of that program anywhe homelessness services. hsh is working to expand across our system to ensure anyone engaging with our funded services has that pathway home.der to do this, we're working with our nonprofit ,ethe coming months to support expanded access, is part of every problem conversation coordinated entry points, relocation servicesmanagers and housing as i mentioned. and we're really exploring some non stakeholders including miracle messages and some other organizations that focused on supporting people experienci and then our housing dashboard, hsh
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funds over 1300 units across care including site base supporting scatter housing and rapid rehouser housing program. inventory is availablon our website, via the link included in the slide forhave the slide. and then moving on to placement, hsp made 67 adults and 6 percent transition youth and 16 percent families with children. housing need has increased since 2024. this correspondence wit lower number of units available for referral and alonthat improved our for capturing vacant units.we changed our system a few months ago and changed the vacancy rate so we're continue to get to our goal of 7 percent.then for home housing gub
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for 321 housing laders to with less intensive support services. su to live autonolyfor vulnerable families melessness. hsh the office of development and cbo partners including goodwi centers and episcopal ont tenants and scattered housing.skills and access to employment barrier removal resources clothing and transportation for potential interviews. and then for csh is hosting of housing uding supervision in june and coming up ust deescalation.year 23-24, tay housing highlights as shared with
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the transition age supporing providers supported 46 young adults to move from permanent into stable housing placement with services. young adult documentary called just free systems impacted youth francisco in collaboration incloffice of public attorney. for tenants to receive first-aid cert on february 2024, hsh released a nofa, notice ty for the elevator modernization project that made dollars available for elevator modernization.are eligible for occupancy hotels that are master leased owned by private landlord. the funding waleased on february 15, 2024 and 13 application 13 applicants received ten tiff awards first, 2024 and that includes three housing providers with total of 1431
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units.the applicant elected to use the rent reduction option. all recipient funds have committed to having at least left with their master lease.anticipate the first batch to come to the homeless oversight october for approval. the commission has requesting for information in fiscal year 23-24hsh provided housing fo363 households, 2851 were approximpercent of those households exited their permanent of the householded that exited or to other housing placement.are to shelter, 15 percent of exits deceased, 2 16 percent unknown meaning the client prnot to answer client does data
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collected at interview. commission alsois a not a hud mandated field not been consistent. our team is looking to get more information to report this to following eviction from sight ill present to the commission this fall when report is published. and then vaik apartment rate has coto hover around 9 percent. we continue to implement initiative toreduce our vacancies and return back to the goal of 7 percent.s includes proactive out reach and document referrals. we continue to work with our housing out reach to clients ion prior to those units coming shared housing, we've been working closely with institute and sf to identify clients specifically from view community to refer into this new program. and we refine referral process or referral feedback.
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and the focus is focus on our lost units. we on improving our vacancy data asmentioned in march, we implemented inventory enhancement which resulted in in june we shifted our tracking fully over to the one as of july 2024, a 9.1 vacancy on of those vacancies 299 or 2.6 have moved in process, 398 or 4.6 are off line and 166 or 1.9 percent are ava the most common is holds units. and then across our system on july 24, hsh had 3638 of shelter 93 percent occupancy rate.
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and so, there were some questionin from commissioners about shelter. some of them. we may have lengthy, so commissioner evans, i think most these were from you, we will forward all of the after the meeting. but if you have, i'm going to if you have specific questions after my report, you louis brocko who can answer some of the looking back at the shelter occupancy data ittotal number of shelter sites from 46 to 53. can we get a list of all the s inventory including four new sites or programs, and 4 removed. latay accommodation voucher program date 2023, urgent accommodation for survivors open in october.november,
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this is not though only new for our purposes of our x non categorized as non ative. we had 1028 first place, and th plus salvation army. >> plus? >> my brain does not work like that and there is way too many. thank you. and then you wanted a break type of beds, we're going to sdon't want to read through that. what sites ha unused beds and why. i want to make sure the overall shelter system has occupancy percent rate of 93 percent. 94 percent a and
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family shelters and minor shelters.jz they've a low rate. so we have beds that are maintained high occupancy due to ing high demand. in the last year, e across these programs has remains between 70 and 90 percent. the impacted sites, i willsend to you. and then the minor shelter, huckle berry are emergency programs for intended to be fully occupied on a reguwere a couple of other questions that had you and i'm goin send the answers to the commissioners, if that'>> uh-huh. >> but we will make sure that you these answers as written by our staff. >> i think we hav >> some of them.
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>> okay. >> you have some of th you have these particular ones but we'll make sure you then moving the accommodation program for lies and pregnant persons, 3 vouchers and made for a current capacity of 50. we're workadd an additional 80 vouchers over the thtotal capacity of 130 vouchers by the fall.are anticipated to serve the next 18 months. the final phase is expansion was funded in the budget as part of the initiatives. some program updates july 1, 2024, we had two programs that ed by providence foundation, the transition other nonprofit providers with no interpretation to now operated by five keys ane is now operated by io piss io
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episcopal.partnership and program, we have expanded from to support expansion of oblem solving across the homelessness response on july 24, hsh hosted a for managers on problem solving services to and resource and supporting their clients. and and family shelter reservation wait list. for females as of there are 158 families in the shelter list. of these families currently staying in the emergency while they place for placement into family elter with individual rooms. this is an increase of on the wait list.percent of families awaiting private rooms need of sherlt a greater entage of those families are waiting indoors. and then for adults of july 16, 152 people are on the wait list. 575 joined the wait list in
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2024. the average wait list was 12 days that's for 112 were it list in june. we've continued closely with sfmta along the winston boulevard in advance of parking enforcement whic started this morning. or a will begin this enforcement, it four hours on winston boulevard beginning today. they have flier vehicles in the area with of upcoming enforcement with translated e languages.we were making best efforts to connect with people had recently moved into the area and had not connected services previously, hsh hosted an t with our providers on june 27th. and 27 households engaged in the fair of 25 households were from winston boulevard two from 12, we
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had 12 new ted. three housing status households that are now completed benefits and enrollment in and for those households we've to make progress moving people withs moved in to housing as of july. earlier this week, a the rcmp v, moved off winston anby on to zoo road we will continue. we had the hot out engaging with the families and we will continue to do that to make sure that we're reaching every one and them for the services that they qualify for and worrom there. and then we i wanted to give other updates for hsh back in june.the last few months we're happy to report that board
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made few changes and no additional service cuts were made. there was minimum to the through the change. and i'll there are minimal cuts currently but we still have a lot of things y about for next year and coming years. overall, there is a net change between the board phase of $400,000 in fiscal year 24-25 reduction in hsh received 1.8 million dollars--i'm sorry. in general fund for fiscal 5, including a one million dollars one-time add back for that is in line with our budget request also includes approximately 800,000 adjustments from the medical cuts based on the board budget and legislative reduction proposals. these included
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additional department salary savings adjustment to account for prior year rants. these are a programmatic impact.3 million dollars on reserve based on contracting issues with providence foundation. this reserve equivalent to six months of operating support. hsh will be working with the provider increase financial controls, the board of director r requirement that are compliant with city standards.return to the board in the fall toof this reserve 025. lastly were several mayoral budgets that the board did not restore in including its budget were approved. budget approved a 2.5 perc instead of the 3 percent and there is no cost of doing business budget in 25-26. hsh is continue to go determine
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how to eductions within its allocation and to levels and no specific services have so cost estimates providing this in response to a request we've had from commissioners to provide cost estimates by program type.are from our strategic plan at the plan and shelter transport and many costs that arnot readily apparent. figures this slide, reflect annual cost mates for 2023, the first year of our strategic plan.over year slight increase in these estimates--wow over the five years of it got really loud in here. >> on the local site hsh passed in june and july. hsh rticipated in two fiscal
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year 24-26 ing and supported successful of 24-26 budget along with required trailing legislation. this included legislation to d transition age youth and families. november, 2024 government oversight bond for healthy and vibrant san francisco 50 million for acquisition.non congregate hotels through march 31, 2024. this extension will give hsh time to for a longer time and more cost affective. home key site that provides adults in district 3. aup this fall.
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for a new agreement for property managementservices is not, continuance to support hsh and the office engaging philanthropic support for home and ledge late i on july approved a commission reform on november 5th ballot. if measure would create a force charged with eliminate or combine the board and commissions. key time lines include analyst supporr 2025 on fiscal impacts. task force recommendations submitted by februaryd, 2 and then hearing at the board of april 2026. in addition to bright pointed at the, sorry.this is a long report,
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grand jury recommended eliminating the shelter grievance committee so commissioner you had asked for this to:xx an agendized that next commission meeting. i think you wanted have a specific discussion about it and allow the commissioners weigh in about their thoughts in it and that in september if that's okay with the commission. wait >> and some updates, there is two open seats that on. lived experience working as part of the subcommittee to support local coc annual grant xe pissing. have experienced within the last 7 years . the shelter last met of the 12 seats, seat the next meeting is scheduled for august 2 the shelt her grievance ittee has
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five vacant seats and winext meeting on august 17th.a variety of fellows throughout the year.don't often highlight all the fellows, they emarkable contributions to the kept. department. for example, billy lee was just to the reentry council. we're excited for billy. to highlight this fellowship as part mayor's 30 by 30 initiative to study downtown by 2024.thrilled to welcome mary wattkins from the historic and universities summer education program through the human rights of the black to san francisco initiative. tameri will be supporting hsh equity offic this summer. and then trainings, we have housing, symposiums those concluded in july off with r 500 attendees organization.
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and serious number 4 conditions in remaining of our 50 percent of our staff yet had the opportunity to take that training. hiring, we have 256fte and vacancies and that includes position that's are filled for permanent role. as always hiring we appreciate your support to your--candidates. i also want to have hired a new depu our new deputy is darhush who has been with the c unfortunately he is not here toactually on vacation but in september we'll we're excited to have him. he has a long history of san francisco and in the peninsula, he has worke and lead for mayor's office homelessness issues. i've worked with him years.
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at, you know, relationships but we were at hsh together for a long time.'re really excited to have him and he has hit the ground to meet him when he's in september. and now we go to director. we can go to questions. >> thank for a very comprehensivethe public for on the director's office. >> speaker: do . >> speaker: for the record i'm chryears of high-tech investigative expejune 6, 2024, and i have a hand out here, you can maybe pass them out. on june her and handed out a proposal for system that hsh uses.250 carnie street there there was a request for an investigation. each person was one system when they died. now the city and county of san ancisco is transferring employees, and trying to this to
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light. and this is right up to e last director's meet ining june. please note the second page of the authorization for one system to i have requested a seas and assist order from hsh. there is no sugar coating this.ñened. here in the united states and when peopportive housing in new zealand or united states.state and the department of justice, i have not named anyone on this board or the
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this all haisco. the sim thing right after vietnam right after afghanistan, lsd was the they were doing illegal experiments. and just today, and in the examiner, there is about mushrooms and experiments, same thin i'm asking this board to make this a priority ur community together bring peace and unity but to make again, one system is not the problem when people h places people on surveillance to system surveillance and they reverse to put it on the employees. thank yo >> eaker: at 2 and a half percent means that we
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still face attrition and outcome of our system.flag that 1220 families into that close of 2024 that was 1800. solooking at about 50 percent increase of from this city. grateful stand up 130 hotel fall we're concerned about the we're still waiting ffrom our program manager on contend to residency.ry. i don't have great handwriting, finally shelter, we are wondering if there is a time related to additional guidance for the pin point just wondering when we would know more information. and in closing, would love to have the coun going to come out today. any informationit. >> thank you. next please.
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>> speakeevening, i'm elian behinder i'm the glide and social justice. we came here and households and rvs on winston and bu today is the day of enforcement. and rector mentioned most of the households have actually moveover to skyline and that area by the zoo.really what we're asking for is acknowledging that this was a preempted displacement for they chose to protect themselves h their right. but we're hoping for resosafely for a safe parking site andousing. we know that there is all of these things that the families need. but stthem because, they have shown with this move that care about staying together as a community which want to support them in being able to dthat, not being further dis stablized if they are now. so providing a site there are s over that could and moving without contracting
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would be really amazing benow to move quickly to support them where they are now.don't have further destabilizat from this crackdown, not only on n and buckingham there is also on la merced which is to be protected. but now mta is enforcing where there are a number of t on the doll over there. and city wide sweeps related to the past positi so we're kind of seeing this city and crackdown. and obviously we're concerned about all of these thingall of those people. but particularly rv community because they are community and have we're hoping to continue to and any efforts that they can do so they continue to hold on to some stability but some of stability that they have that they're automobile to access. given that they have challengbecause they're
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mono lingual spanish >> thank you.good m alicia and i'm the manager at cawould like to thank you for finding solution for living in rvs as well as the those commissions for sup i strongly urge hsh to continue supporting opening a safe parking site useholds on options that they find appropriate. we're seeing firsthand that the family system is as i shared this past year where there in the shelter wait list as of this month. these families have been displaced and they're at-risk er saturated system. this displacement will he children. with the new school year just a couple of weeks, these children are unable to stay in the same school or maintain assistance. this instability means that the ç5
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in their education which will contribuof homelessness. please do not families providing support like a safe parki thank you so much. >> speaker: good morning, i'm flow kelly and i volunteer i want to point out that the table for us to be able to see, are odd numbers, there is no even numbers. so it's not complete. so not providing safe parking space means that people who are in their shelter way, the shelter that the city does not have to pay for. they own their shelter and they may r rv through ticketing and towing. mayor's order roundup every one who has audacity to live in the sidewalk, just put them in jail.i witnessed a sweep
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and i saw it happening, all of ing to add up, my god. does hsh want to contribute to the number of people living in people who live in their rvs and until today, winston and they functioned as a community and they still do and they do not them what to do in the safe parking lot with all of these that they're not, i mean, if somebody is deciding the rules, they cannot decide themselves what the rules are.people on winston can ru doing. they do not need rules of conduchave that together. so i'm really hoping rtment coming together and if they're now on zoo road, please, please, put some pressure or work together with sure that they don't get towed because they will end
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they will. i've talked to lots people who say see that rv over used to be mine. >> thank you. >> speaker: good morning, commissioners andirector, i'm al compass services. i want to echo everybody said and express gratitude to you and hsh for committing home for these families living in rv. i the commission and hsh to continue these efforts secure safe parking site, a truly safe site and assisting in vehicles in turn housing in alternative to living in the streets. i'm seeing a repaving major corridor which is being implemented without a sufficient plan to mifamilies living there.not only residents
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they also seem to be escalating providers like campus up here. it's worth celebrate thating some of the houses have been to appropriate resources. but still many households in who have not qualified for problem solve ir needs. the absence of a safe parking the west site will danger the valued members thank you. >> thank you. thank you. talking about all of this stuff but i any type of accountability? >> i'm listening. >> speaker: yeah i'm wondering whny kind of accountability for these providers.they want to the homeless it seems like is,
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they're not caring or paying attention, these service provid excessive and extremely flawed and you know, , you keep telling us to go to places continuously get ent they just i go or it, us as human and you can do you're not going to do me like that. no want to block my voi, you want to bridge me documents, it's not appropriate. we have any, any type regarding anything about providers accountable, pulling people, got guns, team around with ski mask on, no ty identification, it's on video, i can produce if you stop abridging me. it's like you have colton about kicking
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somebody's ass, supervisor that is going to why do you expect to have respect for government when you hire felon to police with inferior accountability measures. and you know, you responsible for this, because you're the chair bring policy and procedure and changes to the table. so i'm you're accountable i would appreciate it if you don't gaslight make some type of motion and legislation to make things better.u. are you finished? you have some time left. >> yeah, i understand, it's >> can we the commission secretary with receive today make
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sure that the people of the public share important information including video files with us can we reiterate how to share that information. >> absolutely. >> as many people email me directly and also email the secretary, i'm open access. hat you would like to share to any of the all have city email addresses but if yo to the commission as a whole, you can send the >> u, anymore remote callers? >> name is shibpart of social justice glin solidarity with the mono lingo spanish portuguese spea move more rv is concerned
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about the of policy often times leading to untimely tow of a v makes a family's stability. due to limited oppovarious and long term income that would make it over a two after rehousing offer. as a coalition, we have with sfmta and melgar's office. as you heard today, we have run out of time. situation, we're seeing the state wide and al trend and vehicular homelessness, the impact of fines and fees for an francisco street. i ask you all to join our to work these families are supported bit response and not displaced. please do residents and make sure
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that the resource that's meet their needs and children. >> thank >> go ahead, caller, we hear you. >> speaker: hello i'm the wilson market. generally wantthe name right, i appreciate the of the shione tribe at the beginning of the meeting. i noticed a lot of i'm one of g takes me out of the city of san e high number of vehicles and dynamic make up of homeless community is growing rapidly is so much greater than anybod or in meetings nd areas. i noted more
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militaryization of the homeless population and i don't believe is anything but a the way that the homeless are being treated as of this significantly different than in the past.mentioned by this meeting by others that the camper population the concentration of homeless people as it stands the open air. but we know that a new president that has prom implement ograms like camps, in the southern border and yoeverybody in between we're told that camps are coming in the napa area fire has happened. there is all of this land people are legitimately of being roundon buses and handcuffed by any and you can behavioral
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health response in the streets especially in the the problem is growing so much faster all i have for public comment today. thank you. >> clerk: there is one more one more caller, i'll allow the gentleman to >> speaker: , my name is miguel carrera day, so yes, definitely i want the first thing, really making anxious to see to implement and allow to the rvs community from where they are. it's a us problem, because the week aid to the city do the process, trauma to to the childrens, and we have nothing to providing to safety place or a place that can call , this is my home, it is not. so the only thing trying to implementing and
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allow this is not nice. probably you have children you if they hear, that the city is coming remove every one, how are we going to put in the childrens, or raise, and every one who is trying to do this process. before we want to do anything, we we need to provide a safety can move the trailers and rvs and be safe.ideas from other communities.ago, the city removed me e to outside and i have to live outside for all ofyears and they really coming back. but one thing, see where i live. they have this rv co with the space and they along without no problems. and i walking in we need to do something for them. the other thing want to mention is the state, new some to arresting him to remove
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from the camps or whatever the homeless people are laid out.newsom don't provide no services for this. g sites in all of these sites, we have the children and families. and we keeping attacking freely bad homeless people besides to provide services, that's provide shelter but after the shelter we need to move to permanent housing. and they helping me to get be right here right now, we don't and to keep talking and for families and childrens to making sure every single childrena place to live. thank you so much. >> thank you. thank you. thank you public for making comment and i would like to open the floor to the >> we have one more caller ment.
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>> go ahead caller, we hear you.this is jordan my pronoun first solidarity with e reasons that other public commenters have said.that you know, that the community and this heavy handed enforcement is rebackwards for the city. also i'm excited to kind like you know, looking forward to hearing report on evictions except something for i'm hoping tht of people that need housing eviction is pending. that needs taken into consideration. i'm hoping to hear also on the commission as upon, i'm hating how, i believe in the pothat this commission can be a net posive to discuss like realigning some bodies have that conversation, don't be print tiff, there been a--prescriptive. want to pitch a
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having a committee under the commission. and finallyou know, something that is going to be store like paperwork that we have to sign and some like new policy or something, the commission needs to we all know what we're talking b.that caused a attacks and mistrust and thank you, i yield my time.ank you, okay, we'll open up to commissioners, i'll start from my right. >> i can call them for you. first one >> thank you very much, i appreciate it. and i have two comments the first one being a question, i think of the slide deck you discussed the budget and mentioned add backs and just there any pe being a request, maybe not a request for funding that they may have
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previously had that was through the process? >> no much i appreciate it. if there is, i'm seeing a no. if there is any, of course >> we will. >> thank you so much. the second is clarification aboutmade that request prior tothe ballot initiative and understand that there will be a report coming out september 1, i take that back. sorry.port coming back in 2025 under the ballot initiative. my request is, is limited to the impact of ion authorityto appoint members to the board grievance, and shelter monitoring and our our home oversight committee. i know this was in content and my request is simply what is impact to
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our responsibility to work forward. >> okay, i think we can, i think i that in my report, next month. >> that would be gr >> okay. >> commissioner guerrero. >> okay,have i'll start with comment sxz then i'll move to questions. so you know i've been housed for four years have two g a lot of trauma as somebody and that's what my seat is assigned to i to assess my role to affirm some of the comments in the public. andwhat is happening right now is ridiculous, like that people are, that the city is moving people aroundthey are, ly to have an impact exasperating, talking about the kids exactly kids are going to be in san francisco in the future wi and be harder to serve. i mean, i came homelessness by accessing public service and i have a i'm just living proof that it works,
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recommend is what works. and then you know, u know, as a commissioner, i have to bet clear for myself on what power i do have and what i don't have. the department to make policy changes and we aim to do that, and also to say, i have worked in thseen staff treat clients very badly. i've seen people punch cl heard that urban alchemy was f. i have witnessed it myself. i want to offer all of i'll go to my questions to the director. so with the housing exits said 55 percent were to other i'm curious, is that type of housing placement?
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?ment good morning, commissioner thank you for your question that includes transfers to permanent housing.may include somebody moving into section 8, it can permanent housing where everybody has a lease definitely cons positive exit from the homeless response system.hank you so much. >> so the our man torial, i just you can say a little bit more on what is happening with that. >> so ye, the units e listed as john torial are in of being turned over. so there was a wide range of thin those, i don't have the number in front of me. some of them are are in process of being turned over and gener four weeks of when the unit is vacated that itthe next pe so some of those
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aountsds are within the time frame. off line for longer period and it's for two reasons. one is it have extensive damage it takes longer to schedule some work, sometimes it even ing on the type of work that needs to be done.are some agency that's are under staffetheir janitorial so it's taking them an our typical expectation of three to four weeks, those providers ensuring that they're filling all of their positions. obviously, we've talked a lot about sweeps, shelter occupancy is at 93 percent.ask how has the sweect the department been discussed internally and kindlike if shelter ak pont see is at 93 is the plan generally? >> yeah, so you know, talk about internally is we continue to house people, ue to provide
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shelter for people. we are going 24 hours in response of anything we know about make sure that we're offering to people and offering can reoffering, and we couple of weeks what our we're still seeing a number of because people need different things at different times offering what we have. and we will be to see if we start to get to where we can't offer and if we will have to come up with a plan for increasing but you know, we just have to keep track of have not reached a point where there will be no more. >> thank you for provide thating information. and far as likke behrsaid goes. just curious, my understanding is a y services are at capacity by the providers.there families on the side of the providers? did that make sense?
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>> i'm not sure i understand your question.from family services that have longer wait list than they have, like 30 ous how is that going to work with the need to the families there? >> marrian do you want to answer that? >> marrian salking about permanent housing or all of the above? >> yeah, i want to miss speak so i'm saying in generaservice south side beyond over taxed.if there is been conversation and just in general, anything you want to comment on that, really.the favor family plan is the response over taxing the family system and rolling out those temporary housing and increasing the rapid rehousing lots. and there is a plan convene the providers and understand what they have the add within their contracts and work from there. but yeah, that's.
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>> are there any assigned to merced folks? >> there no specific assigner thlast kind of out reach and s in to create access to the services that we have available in our system currently. nk you. and, oh yeah, and my question was, so i read that govern newsom had 3.3 billion for prop mental and behavioral health.curious if the department is affected?believe that came out and the due is december 2024, we will be work our dph partners on that. >> awesome, thank you. >> thank you, commissioner guerrero. commissioner laguana.thank you,
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commissioner guerrero, i'm here because of the benefits what you said was you. so i have three suggestionsto data displays in our graphs. on slide 17 i also sent some questions which i received the answers to, i believe that will be circulated all with the rest read it allowed here. but specificallyis there a possibility, this is directedto you or whoever, i think you're the right person to talk to about this.ity that we category for self sustaining, in
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not requiring subsidies anymore? do that. >> the reason i ask, you have commissioners who at run time were the aries of these service sxz now self sustaining, that's obviously, to be possible and often will not a verity of whatever reasons.possible, we should optimize and we should be attention to to icies and approaches may increase the likelihood that people may be self part what is not measured is not approved. can we get a month over month chwe can do that. >> yeah, give us a little bit >> so the question is on the can we get a month over month change? >> yeah.get a sense, is it
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i think now in this moment and time, that's ion to. slide 27 cost estimates the commenters pointed out that when folks are city is not paying for. i would like to see what estimate is for rv housing programs. by the way, the cost estimates breaking it down, i think it's really helpful, i for the community and for the public to understand the of these different approaches. >> yes. >> we can definitely add that in. >> just so we have clarity around what these policy apprus and hopefully so we can make wise to reallocate our resources.
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first one is pretty quick. assistance, you know, i was hear that we're offering relocation assistance to folks, it sounds we're moving towards offering shelter is not concord ant with offer of shelter. and we've seen a lot around that. the question i have is whenget to relocation assistance. how many time is needed to assess, where would they go? it sounds like this may take may not be something that we can turn around in five minutes, i'm gu >> thank you, mary, chief
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depu there are some folks to relocate. that can take 48 hours, 24 hours, jusreservation tickets all that kind of stuff and then you have folks that arethep you have folks that they have identified somebody that can go back with and there needs to be to kind of that bridge, resolve whatever the issues are and get them back. it's under the umbrella is our problem solving work and that's the conversations that hawith those, those their relatives or whatever it is that we're trying to or whatever service we're trying to connect them that may be outside of the
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from a speck tum of 24 to 48 hours to to just a quick follow-up question on that. youwe make that contact with somebody and they're in that come ten do we initial contact? are we make contact with us. walkkeep that conversation going? >> at a high it's really the case manager or problem solve that her is assigned to thagoing connection with the here ever it is that they're trying to okay, so it's, yeah i can see that it be case by case basis. and just out of curiosity, is it u give me a sense of how many people that you ve a phone or a way to communicate?
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do you t the percentage is there? >> i can't tell you but i'm sure i can get that information from my low-up with you.folks that do not have an actual phone and you to facilitate them getting in or being a bridge for them. all right, i appreciate that. thank you. last question, slide 19. the vacancies of, in our psh. i red press reports and i read that we have some shelter available.looking is there any
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possibility that we can of these units that are awaiting for referral?as a temporary i know that's a tricky ave the street to home program where people can come treet. and we're looking to expand that as much as we can but need these psh units , some of related to the extreme need for that.but, to get the vacancy down putting people in who >> yes, just throwing some i'm a fond of that idea. a quick follow-up question on just that. when vacant tracking the turnover
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rate. i run a tracking business, our be high but there may be a location that are vacants for month end, tracking the turnover rate and aging and deputy director sanders, i can see you busting at the >> thank you. >> marrianyes, we do track the number of days that a unit stays empty, that's part of thank you so much, i'm done, thank you everybody. >> laguana, commissioner evans. >> so, i don't thinthat the body that the city had change in policy impacting the homeless community that pretty major this week. there were two official communication was the mayor's police and the
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second was a police notice. citation that people experiencing homelessness can chronicle report that a man was placed in handcuffs, placed in thpolice squad car, all of thinks belongings whis belongings were taken, all. he was eased to the sidewalk with nothing. the standard posted a video of a mahad his belongings pulled out hands, and ficer that i did not recognize, i don't think is the homeless operation team, i don't know that he has experience dealing with and the trauma was yelling at relax, relax, relax.
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i chan has requested information to understand th sweeps and this change in policy that has lead to now criminalization, people now we know from long that people's more bidity that are impacted by their sweeps. when people have their belongings taken, they're likely lose id, medications, safety gear,s it harder for us to do our job in getting safe and stable exit from homelessness. the mayor's policy is
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i want to be please that saw is that it's no longer policy for san e. if you refer to the documents that i referenced, there situations now where police and dpw the only twoinvolved in going sweeps where no notice is r it's clear that g given insufficient time to pack up their belongings and are designed to move visible homelessness, signs of visible homelessness. to take people's tents, it is not to give time to pack it up.out that this budget reduces the amount of out conducted. so our ability to sweeps is
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also being the hoc's team shelter are functionally at capacity. for adults we're 94 percent that those are being r specific. so my first question.ate for this department to communicate or to the department of management to sfpd and police dpw, a simple statement about the impact that these sweeps on people experiencing homelessness so that ge to prevent
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the loss and survival gear. can we do that? >> are you asking me if commission can do or the department. >> the department. >> the commission can do that. >> so the police put out a notic citation and then they t, to see access shelter. >> right. >>have not communicated e departments. the impacts that the knis research experience in this depanot have a policy statement from this department that talks aboutthat, that it turts. >> i think the commission can do that if e do that. we've definitely had the conve we can issue policy statement that says t conversation a lot because this is a obviously, thwe
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know about best practice we do that.walk up shelter is the dolores shelter? >> and can confirm for the record how are available and if there is turn away and how many people are >> we can, we can actually provide that information we can send it to you in the meantime, yes.clarify that officers that access to shelter beds, can you confirm how many shelter beds they have access to each day? >> well a set number that we have committed to.need to replenish. >> given that we've
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>> but if we need twe get how often those beds are being used by lfpd? >> yes we can, but -- ~>> i've spoken to officers in eld and they don't know >> there should be. >> and before puttingin handcuffs, has been as brief as don't want shelter right? >> well team has been offering people shelter. >> so out and i'm witnessing people in handcuffs. i personally have seen two people put in handcuffs. >> i understand, but going out 24 hours in advance. >> so i went back, and i appreciated report focused our progress in the last fiscal year.a full 12 months. on the housing vacancies we
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had 436, and this report shows 793 vacancies. this is a chronic problem. it is verythat this in the sense that it's been not decreasing quickly enough. so my request is on the vacancy data agendized item each month to talk about the vacancies and what resources are needed to get these online.y one of those units, that people sitting in shelters for months and years. we need to get i'm sick and tired of seeing this every month. it's been a year.out seeing this,
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i would like to see this agendized every month until that number to an acceptable level. >> commissioner whilethe number is too highú:in inventory. >> it's 800 year to year based i also convey any extreme disappointment that talking about rvs for over a year. we've had members of the community displaced, come and speak to us. money is there. i'm familiar with the back enanigans and i say cut it out.there are legitimate
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reasons to not move forward e ones that i'm hearing is not legitimate. and i, i am very concerned this body is completely being shown if we just simply talk instead to get clarification accounting, it was my understanding that we were going to have that presented to >> we were hoping to present it to th and i said that back in march that we would have it ready by some of the report information thwe verify so for this meeting, we will do a full was 'embrged by the mayor's office. >> it was 'embarged.
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>> i don't understand why the mayor's office is concern report that is part of our normal doing that is required by had youed. mean, we work with had youedsinger, we work with the mayor's office, we our providers, we want to make sure that we're all aligned we do every time it comes out. that threport that we've got the right do that and make sure to come back with corrections.that was not fully correct, so we will >> i look forward to seeing the data. want to call out the hoement on what is happening.tics is getting in the way
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of us getting things done. i unthat with kamala harris being national candidate and being called bit media, the san francisco, the are all under that that newsom and bre of these actions, but i want to reiterate for the sake of polisee and theaterics homeless people are being harmed.r evans, can you and next on the list commissioner guerrero and i'll give an opportunity for commissioner laguana to speak.utu to everybody who concerns, this is and i want to i appreciate everything everybody does. i questions into basically
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thre also has to do with questions brought up. the communities that are vacant because they we that can be accountable for at's a lot of units for peopthat works on it or is it each own maintenance team? you know, be allocate asked really focused on so that after month and find out that we have place that's actually house people that the taxpayers have paid for that ione way or the another, needs to work. back to some that needs a lot damaged by the previous tenant or client.
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if i were to rent by a housing at the regular marketplace and play regular rent. ani had a party on event on, i d the unit there would me, that concern with charge me take my sedeposit and even take me to small claims court.there for somebody that has destroyed is there? so some understanding of that would be nice.'s it regarding real estate. >> speaker: regarding oncinger each provider have their own crew fixing the unit. we have points hiring a t will go from sight to
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site, that's an regarding the people that do high level of damage to the suffering from other issues that honestly they don't have to really pay for the damage, we try to in other places, sometimes they end up better locations because they're not able to take care of themselves. in some cases those are individuals that also g. >> i mean setting a fire to a place is >> you know, if i were to do that, to a bathroom here, i would be prosecuted. >> ses, that happens. arson is arson. >> thank other question is
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in the west side, i know this is ae for the resident of the west that has more residents re vocal. why did we focus on doing it on the west and where do we have in mind now, i read at on a caravan, they moved to the zoo roadthe zoo road before and it was causing a for the there, parents that i can their kids to the handic there, and it was a conflict, and just another thought, just
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before i driving on freeways, so if i was going d along the water front finallto san mateo, luckily i'm better now. but empty land, around been any conversation about putting a safe protected rv site for these familiesed over is still within the city boundaries? and is, who provides these rvs? you know, i'm new to family, it's hard enough to get an nd of housing, does someget me an rv for free? whoto these folks? how do we get these are my three questions, thank you. >> city attorney: thank you, commissi say this that and some people support each some people own
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their rvs. when people are displaced we try to find places neighborhood for them to be. we have tried a number of er of sites where we're working with the the fire department to see if we can get you know, if we can makeso we've done fit test one that we thought was going to be great. we still are looking engaged in some conversations and we have not nailed a siteeen living and we don't as a e is a lot of empty land maybe, but i think part of i've been asking this r departments of our real estate department et cetera, kind of w
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because people can live in rvs and really challenging to get a space whoever jurisdicti i few of them but we have not been able to >> how long does it need to be?st city requirement taking over a space but, you not our department's area of expertise that'sdepartments and that's why the fit test happens and say, what they're requirement would be when we're and my last question, on page we talked aboutwe talked about exiting, 55 percent exit housing placement, that is understood, that two percent exit to exited to shelter. so want to understand it, they went
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frhousing to shelter, they preferred to go into so thatbe cumulative of 15 percent. deputy, it's not a preference that they go back into sometimes it can have a different number of ranges associated with why they are t housing into a shelter, it could be of affordable, their subsidy is up and afford to pay on their own. it could be because they're goinocess which is associated wise may be. i would not lean in on preference at alk you for explaining. that's it for me. >> thank you, commissioner. guerrero. >> thank lking about this, i'm remembering back when the commrepresent supervisor safai, said, we need outwards. i mentioned that i
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vienna to do the field study there, you walk down the street people out doors, that's it. obviously, that lot of things that would be difficof policy changes that i think we could replicate. a movement by social housing alex lee, who have attended scott point is just to say, we need to start looking outwar and we did discuss in forming does i also remember when we formed focus should be to uplift the strategic plan. the sweeps they do not work in support of the strategic plan.that's the obvious, you know, piece that we should try to commission. so yeah my question is and advocate to demonstrate with the data that what is happening w with the
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sweeps is not a in alignment with supporting the five-year of the plan of the department.the police notice, that they said this is the reason it also stated na it unlawful to inflect cruel and unusual punishment. as you saw in the standardof people's hands i believe to be and unusual punishment. it's not the way.trauma cultural competency, what does it mean to throw it out the window because of this policy change.the other thing, i want to add, i think that you know, i ran a program that was and then subsidy and then e.i learned is people
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have to be go into placement.get themselves together whether it's their disabilitgoing back to school. a lot of people don't ans, that's not what you to follow tenant guidelines. and people are still in aneed of needing more support my point to the sweeps losing your medication, take psych medicines, if it, so people losing their medication in these safety issue and not only for the residents indoors and s right? like i mean people
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sometimes i don't somebody is throwing bottles in my direction but the losing their medication in these sweeps to amplify the behavioral health that we see when the resources are already over taxed.know somebody that worked that will put out some messaging what we see as a impact negatively on these sweeps of deaths that we will be seeing as well. so i juprovide that context and that's my comments >> commissioner laguana. >> i want to thank the speaker order, i just wanted to respond but i appreciate and actually applaud keeping the meeting moving forward way, so first of all thank you for that.
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second of all, i want to publichow deep my appreciation is for you and your advocacy t into this commission and the detail that you showto every meeting, to the friendship that you and i have, to so much i've to what i think unity as a whole and to this body. see us up here and having exchanges and they don'thave internal relationships and so i want publicly conveying my deep respect for you and yo i was not going to say that was going to say real quick is on so when i saw that it was being delayed and to catch up with you on this because in late last night.
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the department has tohow they verbalize it but i can maybe belittle less cautious. but what they got from the and the challenge is if it goes out a flawed state, it can cause damage. and so it has, lot of clean up.clean up than they were anticipating. my released within a week or two possibly the most, so it should be releads by the i probably won't be able to persuade you that it was not politics.had a conversation about those issues they do appear to want today convey is they're working on a that will be on the website that will increase thrency and accessibility of the survey data. i think we can see that soon and that we continue this work been
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advocating for. as you heard me today asking data and provide us with data that with help and the larger conversation. i think it's important for all of us understand that where the actual conversaand where we need to engage with at, and i would hope concentrate our efforts and to way to speak in consensus darity, that conversation has to be with the public because it the public that is informing how government responds. and it is the public that needs be persuaded of of whatever the data the ethicacy of any given supports, that conversation needs to happen with the public. s i hope we will have, that data supported, conversatwe get from point a to point b in the smartest most affective way so we can help the most amount need
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to somehow keep at the top of our heads meat of that conversation is happening in the public.that our elected officials are thth representing the public. they have some ability to influence but we're part of that conversation. to think about the importance of that it's not of random people public that needs to be persuaded and that's where i think the lion share of with respect to people losing medicationme and the public. i'm not sure what survival gear includes.
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>> just to wrap this up, you document that would help educate the public. >> is that what you're prt. >> yes i'm open to creating a document to some structure and some guidance people many of worn. i'll be happy to work with you on that. >> let me just interject. i have 9 questions that i'm not going to go say, as commissioner laguana, here data and people, i think facts are political climate and we need to get to the facts. and i think we get do that
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so i think if we lead with right thing and we don't always with the people. so i think, having an opportunity forcome to a commission meeting but i'm going to ta public, a lot of work is done outside of these meetings. and lead with that only, lead with that those that with are those experiencing homelessness, period. so with that, the commission decides on how so we will have a conversation on this want to approach moving forward.time on this, purposefully becabeen in this, we've been in this for a now and obviously, the department has done soional things in terms of moving this forward. but there are a lot of rink lz
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and it's our get in the trenches a little bit to move on. we have our next which i want to apologize for those see the complete director's report but it will be online, certainly go online to get that report. and i think there is also a page, i think rgot to print front and badge, there agenda which is agenda item number 10. i need to look forwar okay, this is plementation of our hsh ng services provide your presentation, hopefully it's not too long. >> and we will have an opportunity for the publ provide public comment and commissioner as well. >> thank you. have a public presentation so if we can get that up, that be
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wonderful. >> funded unit so this is er that, you know, we feel have done a really good funded by the federal government.
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and all unit in our portfolio will be inspected so we can go to the next slide. just logitics, tenant the time it will take place and mails and signs will be placed on the door the property manager. this is really important to us, possibilities when you do an inspection. one is that the community passes thed inspection and the other is fails inspection because of the reason that it's or property manager. so then, the property maowner are responsible for fixithose and the third is that unit fails because of the resident either has too much they are blocking for example, the door and that a safety
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issue. have to make sure that the corrections can happen so we just so you note, the dimension of the amount of water that is happening, about 150 buildings in our portfolio, we're talking about 9,000 units altogether. locally funded over 6,000 units. and about e. we did a pilot project to put together this program. and maybe just take a quick look at the site. onsite three, just as a sample 14 of the units. five units fail and most cases, the responsibility of the fixing with the property manager in swede off situations associated with tenants.
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site 3, a little bit larger the units passes, 39 of the units failed. 18 fails because of the tenant issues. so you have most of was associated with property manager. so in case, you know, we work with the property ke sure that the mitigation happens and to one question that we have received is is the failings related to? so next slide, that will you a sense if you take a look at the signs, there electrical issues, conditions, smoke ve been removed, sometimes it's done by tenants th smoking in the unit and they don't want so the idea is to fix the better conditions and fix windows and make sure that the units are, you know, at the standa that we want to have.
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as we're rollout also have amend the, the program agreements with resiallow the inspectors, once again, they're third party inspectors. so process, every single resident will be sign the program agreement that they have some questions, one of the paragraph with extremely confusing, we have corrected that. we are resident and we're work withing the provider thata mistake, that has been fixed. our goal is to increase the quality of the housing that weoffer our residents. so we ges that we think are going to be
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great. for example, the man hewhen subsidies are terminated in the just populated by employees of the to include providers working in this space. so we're making improvement trying to make the housing trying to be more including equity processes and systems. that's my presentation, if you nswer. >> thank you, we're going to open up questions or comments around the inspections, please make your comments. >> speaker: jordan she and her, i'm i got clarification around this. and i think this would be positive especially since, the thing is suspicious when we hear the word inspection obviously, because there are lot of very unscrupulous providers, i'm glad there is a third party.
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that needs to be, it needs big conversation either way. long as i've had several salvatore. el this should have been presented to us before this wa i feel like, this and the whole n policy because we don't have context on this, what is going on and i had an article where some things may be outdated.submitted before i had those conversations, so thank you so much. >i just say that we absolutely agree. this is something ve come to the commission. we're making sure really understand what rises to the level of cning, but everybody agrees. >> when in sure that the public has an opportunity e comments. thank you for your presentation. >> yes, sir. >> speaker: for starters where is group?also i am pieed
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so in the contract be something regarding treatment. 1 19 mason their treatment plan is to s house and take whatever you want. one women's bracelet was taseems like nobody cares. also wondering what the sro task force? didn't they talk about some of this?just very angry and frustrated, it seems like you for a year. uz know these had these problems for over years when they started up one that got torn down for park. we've known we've had these problems for over 20 it's like, why?
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why are we so far behind? but, i guess just going back, in the mental health association to talk about any just seems like, you know, talk about staying beyond and reaching out. when do we ever get there? of the public who wish to make a comment in >> i do give honor where honor this is my first time in a session here. but i'm pleased with uch with the public. we have a lot of beautiful rules that do not work been there three years now. i work 18 months at they still couldn't find me was a problem solving see my brother in may kicked me out. and i said, this is a prison, why should i lose when i went to a family member that broke his neck.was no shelter
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available the bus gave me a chance to stay at her whengo into these shelters, there is no place to go. i hs in kies or, never missed a day i lost my job because i put up mchair on my if the person that was assigned to me to helplace, we found 9 apartments but they always to somebody else. and been and i do appreciate when they but if you're not going to ve me any help. really, i do agree, you should because what you do not know, they're making money and we've been trafficking every single day and's a
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trillion dollar business, we woask a question through the chair. i want re at where you lost emd belongings. >> that's at 1015, the monarch hotel. they actually really stole my stuff. thprocess of finding apartment and they told me they would not was really stolen. i had gotten ve into another place but they kicked me out. >> thank you for clarifying. it's my understanding the policy and i want to clarify the director, that people can visit family members certain processes to do that and should should noprocess people can come and go and i was chief deputy director sanders to follow-up you how we can help and what happened. >> i appreciate it. >> thank you for being here. >> there are no callers in the queue, chair. >> okay.ker: hi, miguel from the
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call.i want to mention and i hearing what lady saying, about the shelter and about the housing and you lking about housing quality inspection. so, i want to say, politic how doing and supporting and helping ss folks former homeless folks to move into permanent housing we have single folks walking place, the case manager or whatever where they live, and they take care of housing. we have a and number one issue in african-american people singles. with disabilities, so this is a huge problem that we facing. if we don't do nothing tohow we treat people homeless with accessing with trauma and different issues. so we need people who working in these programs.
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homeless issue and praum a about the people issue with homeless. because we call helping, we and this happens with the youth and the childrens and with again, i really need, so supporting supporting all people homeless or formerly home they don't have support outside. thank you. >> thank we're going to open up to our commissioners.we're at 11:39, i'm hoping that we can we can move on to our agenda. >> that was for the last time and iil we're in the commission business, thank you. >> commissioner evans. >> so, thank you.handful of, nann mckay is the vendor and there was an existing contract in place use for
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these pilot inspections? is there a needed amendment to that contracsounds like it's not going to come before us? >> that's correct. there iscontract that with nann explained they have been doing inspections so the contract was there. >> so can we ract. that would be great. so mckay was sued by the housing authority and i think this is that i don't understand why we would expanding our relationship unless there is some realreasons to do that. so i just would love to hear why they were selected, okay. >> is it okay with bring that to next meeting? >> yes.ciate that there was a policy update that impacted psh tenants on was one of kind of three areas that i had questions about. so the other areas were the third party paymensubsidy
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review committee, can we touch on those >> yeah, i think, it's part of this item. >> policy update, yeah the change. so for my question for you, the third we received from multtenants at thc properties, examples of forms that thsign by july 31, cases, the box for third partked. and these were not people that had issue with payments and arrears. so i wanted to clarify the third party this policy change. why would that be applicable to in a payment arrears situation? >> thank youthe question, commissioner, sal va at was a mistake, the provider inthe boxes that should have never happened. that that it was there and has been changed. >> so were told they had to sign this update yesterday can you clarify what ion
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will be going to those tenants now that you've corrected the form?team has communicated to the provider in question that rrected and they need to change the form. >> okay, of the public that were listening that were being by july 31, should they consequences if they fail to make sure that there are no consequences.ou for putting that on the record. thank you very much, clarify in the pilot where the issues were found? it says that there were no issues determined to how is that determined? that it was owners versus the management. were and legal experts are reviewing and determining what falthe lease? >> yes, the third party is made responsibility the owner has, for example the owner may be the elevator at the boiler if there is no hot responsibility of the owner.
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fixing a door window, those are the responsibility of manager. >> thank you for clarifying. so this inspectors are being given copies of then determining. >> they are aware of what the responsibility is. >> what falls >> okay. >> and property manager also they feel that they need to fix something that is the responsibility of the owner, they quickly. >> yes, so i sites and pilot there were no owner elevator issues in this site? >> yes. >> yes, i understand that thas a problematic situation elevator that may lead to a possible, really problematic, that this property may fallout of portfolio of solutions. >> t to start doing inspecks. we're going to be keeping of all of that. >> okay. how are the sites >> says that again. >> how are izing, what sites get visited first? >> so we so we have a portfolio of new rewe
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have acquired. those are going to be o from now. we're prioritizing besides had more issues because we want to make sure that we make >> the last question i had was the other change of was something around a subsidy review commthat what that body is, members determine what role they're playing? >> that's i the changes and upgrades that we are making. it used to be so that legacy, the new body making that determination it will be made up of service and a has been set up, we hope to make it for >> i'm sorry, is that one going to be one of the bodies that repowe can
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consider. ?flt we're in the process of that. >>request that we have bylaws or whatever it's going to >> thank you. >> yeah just a quick question, there is no here, byou have total of psh, 9203 this is something that i struggle to inventory is. but i gets question is, it's 9203, i believe we've adde24, i might
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be wrong about that. do you have any sense of what the disconnect is there?can check and get back to you. >> we may have e a figure from a presentation that we can check on that? >> okay, and minor point, i did collect the u a box drive that you need log in accan get access or link it's a link that says click here to ific listing and data. if we can get something so we that data is, that would be helpful. >> okay, i control over that but we can talk internally. >> okay, no prob >> thank you, commissioner laguana. so this be made to the public it be posted on the website?
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>> it seems like type in a code. >> secretary i'm referring to the presentation that he made believe but that link is not accessible to us. >> okay. we'll work on that. >> commissioner leave at 12 to go upstairs a transgender amazing, what concerns me is execution. obviously we're in the early stages, so i just want to provide ask some questions. so with that i've done renter lig gator, mold is me. i would love to see if we can data around mold units and
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probably down the line. one of the units that was doing mediation, they had mold in units because they were replacing the the pipes. so it's not a maintenance it's a construction.use that as worse case construction project went on for seven years when it was and seven years of people elderly folks having chronic health so spend your life feeling that way and opening up to other issues infestation and dust. i don't know if you rmation on mold and assessing molding units.ah, if a unit has mold it be reported by the third party and we're going to ation. >> so, this is one of the there is mold in the unit and somebody is living in it.tenant going to go? and the issue that we're seeing property was getting them, the
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money that they used tooff of small amount of rent contributions?as they moved tenants out of their other units they bring in the revenue to pay for the construction which is why months to 7 years. where would the if they're assessed unit has mold y when you have situations like that the property manager is other unit to the tenant to move in.the buildings that they have under that's not possible then they can get in touch with the de we can look for a unit in the different building.want the tenants to be aware.s were saying, we should be put in a hotel by the there is any kind of information by the so just moving on to the sake so you know, as far as the clutter with 90 days, again sensitivity and behavioral health as somebody said.friends, some of my friends some a little bit different lifestyle.utter being
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assessed. we used to scales in the transitional housing. how and in that 90 days what lable to the able to partner >> that's exactly with commissioner there are situations that the tenant is with the provider onsite, you know, get together and they work tenant and they take care of the issues. there are situations get to the department involved and that's >> great, and so, to ask my questions, who much and how? if you know? >> that at point, that's the, inspector decides if the clutter is blocking houbl be have support for the tenant.
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>> i really emphasize this, a lot of the public commented like earlier i witnessed, when we're suppose tservices, they're not--if we're framing this as an inspection to make a unit the responsibility but if we're exercising as in like, jordan said and really of policing and controlling which a lot of people don't have adequate training are going to do due to so is there a mental and favor and cultural sensitivity available to the in trained on as far as like their inspection oc >> these inspectors have been buildings for many years, since to my knowledge, we have not donemental health training sensitivity training. i know is very aware with the stipulatelation and we had complaints about them not being sensitive to s that we're serving. >> okay.
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and i just say, commissioner, we hear you and rked at the department of aging services for many years, this was big topic of conversation and we had a lot of supportive service people who had r part of it.
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so the commission it, and it's too bad that we don't have the attorney here, bely ratify but i'm going to say what my understanding is.;x we can advise on policy can issue resolutions, we can make recommendations, we can ask people to those are the the five sort of powers that we have.power to investigate, we don't have the to adjudicate. so when we these whistleblower complaints, which
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this is certainly not the last. we can do as we have dowe can bring it up with staff, we can speak, if clined you can speak with the whistleblower, if ur capacity as an individual commissioner. but as a body, come and testify but we cannot investigate a claim, i don't know if that helps.that helps greatly.what i didn't want the person, and i'mns talked to the person what i didn't think that it's being that's the reason that i brought it out, itnot to one particular person and again, evans is much more aware of everything going on there.this was brought to all of us. so i thought be important to at least acknowledge that soacknowledged back to them saying we got it and what you >> yeah, 100 percent. and the only other trick about sometimes
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the information included, may a violations they may not be truthf be in a position to assess that. so i that you see mention it publicly, it's out of wanting to wait until we have the information. >> thank you. this just exemplifies the helpful role that commissioner evans plays in the community person directly and the follow through >> in most instances respond follow-up or at least acknowledge. >> can i speak on this matter, that we're having here and commissioner outline of our powers are. we are also have the ability to review contracts them. >> that's right. >> and what i issioner evans say, is one a is the number of
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complaints that have been raised that ts. so while it's not investigate tory, it within that ability. >> 100 percent. to hold all and community members responsible for their roles and responsibilities.byway, i was, i thought i including that by way of saying what she said wai was adding the other powers and responsibilities. but yes, thank lighting that. >> thank you all. we're going to move forward. we have our consmatters are listed, they're genereux teen matters that commissioner evans has requested to i believe that's the only items that i would like to ask for a motion to approve agenda item 1. >> so moved. >> second. and properly seconded to approve agenda item number 1. >> there is not. >> ny of you have the agenda
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and may not have this page on consent calendar, i do apologize, is it on the link on it's on our website. >> if you're able you can pull up the agenda this portion that has been omitted. i want to open to public 1, is there any members who wish to make comment on this particular item? >> there are no callers in the queue. >> okay, so ved and seconded. can we take a roll call please? >> chair butle >> vice chair evans how >> commissioner albright. >> aye. >> commissioner guerrero. >> he >> commissioner laguana. >> aye. >> the motion is passed. >> and i can collaborate 2, 3 and 4 in the same conversation. commissioner evans you have the floor. >> es that mean that you're asking for a vote at the end? >> want to take them
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separately. >> so items are related to extension of non congregate shelters dante and these are about nine months so extends to march 31 to with the real estate agreements so that they would all end simultaneously. i just wanted to clarify since that time flies in this world very quickly a position to sees these shelters given the budget xwlaints, that looking at mid-year and when we the budget process again. can you clarify, it, we do have a majority ofpeople, are housing referral status. and i we're not getting into eye crunch situation where these in their housing placements. quickly enough and we'transfer them to another shelter.
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>> gee department. and i have my colleague here to you need more details. but through vice chair evans we've presented several times anticipates keeping these shelter beds open at 18 to 24 months. we drepro cure these sites, many of re open under emergency o. we've been in the process as we discussed at this for information to try to find either alternative sites or conditioned services at these sites. the director of under the responsible for those real estate negotiations and they needed an extended time to these can get those longer term leases in place.don't anticipate at this to close sites. >> thank you for clarifying that.just wanted to also say that
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if we were doing like we did with down of non congregate these sites to fill because as people you are offered shelter bed one street, most often you're being offered a setting shelter bed. and these are congregate vive at room many so when these types of offers are made, more like 95 acceptance like accept these as very reasonable shelter accommodation. as where congregate shelless likely to accept because they've past trauma, past things stolen. sometimes our are so crowded they are colds and things getting passed around and it's place to sleep because it's a noisy environment as well. g to say, i ask that you we are in if we're ever at the point where e ies that we actually even for short-term
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shelter stay. res pid stays for people, i just want to make sure use of these very expensive acco we saw with the sip hotels, we saw hotel rooms were going unused for months and i don't want to see that happen in want to reiterate my question when we're reviewing these contracts occupancy rate is included in the the general number that it's over rcent but i didn't know what the specific occupancy level is any? >> that's a question. >> oh. >> thank you. >> commissioners my name is louis shelter, we ain high level of occupancy atall of these sites, just checking the data monarch is at 97 the cova is at 96 heand a
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dante there was some fiit's a lower occupancy, we had to move damage rooms so it's around 85 percent thank you very much. >> thank you. any otherany comments on these three? items? if not, up to the public who wish to make a comment these consent items? remote callers? >> thereeue, chair. >> okay, motion to approve?motion to approve item 2 3 and 4. >> second. >> motion and second, ready for the roll call.2, 3 and 4. chair butler. >> aye. >> vice >> commissioner albright. >> aye. >> commissioner williams. >> and commissioner laguana. >> aye. >> items are passed.we're now moving to 12-a this is a into a new contract with e happy to invite elizabeth come and did i say her last name right? >> yes.looking at me like no. >> speaker: good r butler and
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director, my name is i'm the manager of programs of hsh. you all a new grant agreement with lyric for support service sxz new permanprogram that will serve young adults who are conforming and other questioning youth. the grant not to exceed over the five-year contract over 4 million, including part of the city's ending it was developed in partnership with the office tive and with other community stake hold participated in the city's commitment to end trans homeleservice that's are offered to this new management service that's taylored to meet the needs of we'll have a case management ratio not to exceed of staff two residents. alsothe support services, gender
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affirming designed to meet specifically the needs of the per unit services amount is larger, is a greater amount our standard psh funding due to the we built into this program for this it's approximately 1300 per monthat was outlined in the procurement to pro we are lyric has a long history of serving lgbtq youth and in are trans generaleder and her non conforming. it's been a years and partner in our since the department launched youth coordinated entry. we're exciting that lyric is i have housing. this is their rst psh services grant agreement and we're excite today i'm available if we have any questions. and i would like to open up to the would like to make comment on this agenda
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>> xm >> there are no callers?ns, the floor is yours. >> so the same question, i a new contract but this is an existing program what is the current utilization rate? >> this isting program it's a new program it will serve >> yeah. >> quick t up the higher ex tense and some of it being medical expenses. t cost be transferred to medical that i can answer that question. >> really good question, commissioner, that's something that we're we talked about what we're doing with ome and community base waiver.actively having conversations with our providers about how to down more medicaid dmrarz --dollars and really to increase the level of support.that they really need.
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it's t making medical more really provide the healthcare support thatcomplicated because they never make it easy.'re toiling away with that. we've been working very closely with department health, we have somebody on staff and our
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>> i just wanted to commend the that was asked and appreciate the answer.what we had communication that are partnering with the govis a whole section of monitoring.
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>> there g an annual follow-up i believe, so i would like to know about that, in think moving forward in a lot of contracts is to >> okay, is there a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> ready for the roll call. >> aye. >> aye. >> aye.ams. >> aye. >> commissioner >> we're now moving on to agenda item 18, public comment not related to the agenda. so i would like the public to please come and share your i'm glad we're
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hitting the public comment. about doing something about a us to pay rent legal means.i want to bounce that with giving demand party services when they're in the arrears.find something interesting that away from third paymis a blanket i do want to point out shaw who runs, major contractor in a 2018 article think it's offensive to require anybody on any form of ssi, money management so just keep so i just really think that that is something ered as well as
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other issues around eviction.know we presented here almost a ago, a bunch of us and on the first and can inconvenient to some our next meeting on the first is going to be may the 1, and prior have a conversation whether or not to move that meeting. yes, sir.what's the plan. your staff is violat and state law. and i'm woresponse to the information i requested? i submitted this document, dash , i requested information, i got no type so what's the, what does it take to in their employees to follow the laws california and san francisco?
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we'll follow-up. >> i'm the program sf. this is been a long meeting and you deal with things. but the has been going through a remodel that has been funded state, we've redone our garden area and in the next couple of to invite to you come in and see the site. thank you. >> we woul any other remote callers? wish to make comment? >> i to clarify, was it sent to the right email? did you get the remail? >> okay, can you just make sure the information he's requested. thank you. okay, let's move forward to our meeting report, commissioner evans? >> going to keep
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my remarks very brief they last met, they held a meeting in june and its july regularly scheduled meeting due to a lack of applike to detail the and take the opportunity to encourage members of the think about qualified candidate who may apply for the current openings. as a reminder the application under the nomination web page, for that can pickup a piece of paper has a the local homeless coordinating great progress in filling a number of seats but we have three vacancies, seats 2, 4 and vdthe qualifications for all of these seats are the same, that they sh by people representing relevant organizations and serving one or more populations.c o.c. contracts, but not we consider candidates that work at providers that the shelter monitoring committee, seats one five
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are vacant seat five is is homeless or formerly homeless, the grief why nots 2, 4 and 9 and i don't have the 9ed but 2 and 4 they should be relled by previous consumer, so ever stayed in a city shelter.we have r10. we may have how do we i encourage anybody from this public to please go and consider applying. application is super brief it's like a page long, ask you some simple questions. we have invite you to come meet with
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our nomination committee may be selected to serve on one >> and how many committee members total? is >> i didn't hear you. >> how many totaittee members for the shelter grievance committee? >> i think it's 12. >> i >> so we have five. sb two just became vacant. thank you to the committee for the work.know commissioner laguana has to leave. >> u all. >> is there a plan or place in terms of recruitment and how can we help? >> certainly refer any candidates that you think may be inte i'm also happy to talk to people about servicing application is a very simple form and available r those that are listening, if you go to e homeless oversight commission meeting, website and you
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for my item for this item, my document for the link to that application in it. for those in the room, it's printed, there is an link that people can fill out. i would encourage you to look at, look at, you know, think that you may want to serve on a body and provide them that application. >> okay. >> we've prepared a flier to make h and if we continue to share be able to at least have people apply for ththen, obviously, the committee can review ths as they come in. >> i can send a follow-up for chair the commissioners if you would like with the details again. >> yes.>> and like the flier, and maybe perhaps prin >> sure, i can make sure it's an easy. >> and memory, the has been translating and the information is . so we're working to make it to reach
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to as many community members to apply u. thank you so much. moright along, commission sorry. >> thank you. >> okay, weto our next agenda item which is our officer report as you know, commissioner laguana had leave to move forward because we did not exceed our we will not have general public comment announcement of future agenda items. >> can i, can i data report that that be put the agenda at the top of the meeting so there is time to >> thank you. >> so i think s that we talked about did you tellinger meeting that we might wanto agendize for future meetings. so wufn would be standing item, would be worth the while for to foix half hour every month on really understanding the filling those
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vacancies. adfor the shelter system and i think ceptance of my request. understand for the walk up what the utilization and how many people are being and i also would love an update ndle stick park inflation, because i think that agenda item that we had approved a contract and, the, the contract be implemented in july 2024. would lovupdate on that. also would like to make sure an understanding of number of beds in our shelter are, like set a sides.information on houment are female and only and lgbtq and it are
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not gender specific. i would like to many beds can accommodate a pet as well as how are for, are ada accessible. because what we're hearing and others report that people are declining shelter happens because the bed inappropriate for that person. so i want to make sure that we're capacity of the shelter system. and ensuring is high utilization of the system. i totally respect that there ishave low utilization of the but i would like to and also very clearly understand hoof those there are, how, ity or is it, you know, it fluctuate greatly?cap that is not using. i would like about reevaluating how many cap beds are >> we actually do that frequently. >> it is adjusting.yeah, we actually.
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we have adjusted over th honestly, just like, i know na we're e what 92 percent is a good like to see it higher than that, i would love like 98 percent. and we talked about agendizing the agenda.information can be updated report. >> a lot of updates can be done which is easier, because we use up thand we're really trying to be as efficient. >> i want i have appreciated the evolution of the director's information and i agree that
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it's great to the questions answered in advance and that's terrific.and point of responding to the moment that we're >> we can do that commissioner. i think the problem that , is that, if we do it every month, we may be doing the same report the month we did before more or less and i we're efficient with our time here. >> i'm thinking le bit more creativity, we can ask what i'm looking for. but this i don't suspect that these are the same units thchronickly under utilized right?a couple of questions that didn't get answered. >> why don't you and i have a conversation and then can figure out, i think we can come to some agreement what that would be great. >> on the agenda.
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>> there is a large number of ready processes here, there are a number of things. >> i think there also proactive out reach to people that have been in shelter for years.mean, i know, in my own experience working ople accessing the system they really have poor level about the process.
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they still don't information what you're going to need to do. if this expected timeline, here's what you should do. >> we have a lot and in the flow in general, so i think that's what youvacancy. >> that's it, i'm not just the data, i'm looking for us to be talking . i hear you. want to get into discussion because not in the any other agenda and if the information comes before then, to the commissioners. okay.before we leave and adjourn, i realize that august, we missed july and i want to highlight for the director bush excuse me, and teenth celebration so we didn't get a chance to recognize that wanted to recognize exceptional time a great turn out so i wa okay action motion to >> motion to adjourn. >> meeting is adjourned. thank you. >> thank you. a lot discussion how
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residentslaced how businesses are displaced and the as much discussion how many nonprofits are concern in the arts community is the loss of performance spaces and tablishes when our lease is up you havet the market bears rent. >> nonprofits can't afford to here. >> my name is bill henryctor of
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aids passage l lp p people with hispanics and aids and 9 adv that fight for the clients in housing insu in the last two years we negotiated lease that saw 0 rent more than doubled. >> my name is ross the executive directors of current pulls for years at 9 and mission we were the projection of sfwrath with taking a moving both a experiment art our lease expired our rent went from 5 thousand dollars to $10000 a most. >> and chad of the arts pursue. >> the evolution of the orientation focus on art education between and patrol officer artist we full range of rhythms and dance theatre music theatre about in the last f more and more difficult to find space
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for the that we run. >> i'm the for the mayor's office of economic workforce development one of the reasons whyd' in nonprofit displacement is challenge and because nonprofits often commute technical assistance to understand the negotiate for a commercial is rob the executive director and co-founder of at the crossroa we want to reach the disconnected young streets of san francisco for young adults a out of the services our building was sold n let us know they'll not renew lease the last year's city with the nonprofit displacement litigation program held over 75 nonprofits financial and technical assistance. >> fortunate the set aside funds for businesses facing increased rent we believable some relief in the form of a grant that helped
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us to increase in rent our rent haden around $40,000 a year now taylor's dollars a year we got a gra22 thousands of that but and minnesota street project in two pe in the better streets plan project they saved us space for a nonprofit organizationnd turned out the northern california fund they us into the real estate program to could withstand the stress and after was in full swinging skinning they and the grants were made we applied for we received a one thousand dollars granted and move in to the space to finish the spaceas we needed it to furniture is for classes opened on schedule on march 18, 2016 and by july we were here. >> which we found out we were
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o have to leave it was overwhelm didn't about commercial real estate we suggested to a bunch of to look at the nonprofits displacement mgram you have access to commercial y owned or city leased and a available there is a $946,000 grant that is provided through the development and that's going to go towards boulder the space covers a little bit less the cost it is critical. >> organization trust to stabilize the arts in san francisco working with local agency i go like the northern california helped to establish documents of track record of stvent and the right partner with the organization of our size and opportunity with the purchase of property we're s in the former disposal house theatre that expired 5 we get to operate under the old a rent
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increase for the years we'll renting next 5 to seven years we pay off balance of the purpose of this and the cost of the the loophole will that is unfortunate buy out a organization not reduce the services to send some of the reserves to the serves we know our clients need we were able to get relief when most as we were fortunate to arrive did in that regard the city has had tremendous support from the economic workforce development and to roommate the facade of the building a complete the renovation inside of the building without sport support. >> our lease is for 5ear onyx by the city has lease that made that clear as long as we're work we've been we
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should be able tore for decades and decades. >> the single most important know that is that meaningful. >> it here 5 months and even could image. >> with the economic development have announced an initiative if ours is a nonprofit looking for more resourceso the office of economic slashing nonprofit and fou the mayors nonprofit mitigation sustainability initiative and find their assistance as much as how to get s fundraising or the real estate assistance contact and reach out to me circles of the city through the >> come shop dine and play. taraval street is open
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business. >> i am coowner at 19th.establishment came about when me and my brother andy decided that it time for us to take a step up in the barber industry, and open up a space of our own. orcommunity that shows their true artistic industry. we are involved in teraival bingo so stop by, get a hair cut and when yget the barber sticker made just for us. i say in three words community, arts and here to can, so come by, visit at in the sunset. you can find on instagram. >> teraival bingo supporting small business, anyone can participate. it is easy, collect stickers on enter a raffle event. mission's goal is aiming torain young adults
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youth so we can a wealth and disparity in underserved communities like where we are today. my name is lsosa. i'm the founder and executive directordevmission. we're sitting inside a computer lab where residents come and when they give help about how to set up an e-mail rder prescriptions online. create a résumé. we paying attention to provide tech support. we have collaborated with the san francisco mayor's office and the department of broad band network for the residents here so the internet access. we have partnered with community technology networks to provide computer classes to the seniors and the computer lab becomes a hub for the community to lear technology
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but that's the parents and the adults. identify what we call a date. the technology engineering and should be exposed no matter what type of background or ethnicity or in that's where we actually create ma really excited about is science and so way that we execute that is through making slime. fun as it is it's still a chemical reaction and you start to understand that with the materials that you need to make the slime. >> they love adding their little twists tot a place for them to experiment and that's really want. >> i see. >> really what the excitement behind that is tha making something. >> logs, legos,box, art, drawing, computers, mine craft and reall just awaking >> keeping their attention is like one of the biggest challenges that we do have because, you know, they're kids. they always want to be doing
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someth something. so we just let them be themselves. we have our set oface that we have that we want them to follow and live up to. and we alsoexpectations that we want themachieve. this is like my first year officially kids. and definitely i've had moments where they're not getting eally understand it and you're trying to just talk to them in a way can make it work teaching them in different ways how they light bulb to go off and i've seen it first-hand and it me so happy when it does go off because it's like wow, i hel them understand this concept. >> i love games and i love having fun with my friends dodge ball and a lot of cool. >> they don't give you a lot of cheese to put on they? you've got like a l left. >> we learn programming to make work. we do computers and
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programming. here, talk to them and we press these to make itand this is to turn it off. and this is to make it its own. twice, it can do any type of tricks. like you can and it moves. ite this. >> like wow, they're just so it definitely is a wholehearted moment that i love ex>> the realities right now, 5.3 latinos working i about 6.7 african americans working in tech. and, of course, those tech companies are funders. really hard with them to close that gap and work with the unified school district so juniors and seniors come to our program, so kids come to our stem hub and be exposed tothings.
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it's a big challenge. >> we havoviders here on site but we've alln trying to work together and let the kids move around department. some kids are comfortable with their admission but in with city of hunter's point, we just try to collaborate to provid in the community. >> devmission has provided westbrook. they teach you how to code. how to build thei robot to providing access for the youth to sony and google and twitter. anddevmission has definitely brought access for our families to may or may nothave been able to access in the past. >> the san francisco house and deve corporation gave us the grant to implement this easy but we have been able to see now some of the success some of those kids that have been within their education and
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citizen. >> so the computer lab they're doing the backpacks. you're going to be able the class. you still want to try?it. >> we have a young man by the namemello. he came here two and a half part of our digital arts music graduating with natural, fruity loops, all of our music lyrics are clean. he came as an intern and the program. that just tells we are only creating opportunitiesng man by the name of rez. he tells the barber what's and he says it's a program teaches you computers and art. and i still remember the day he a baseball cap, full of tattoos. nice clean want to learn how to use computers.uated from the program and he wanted to work in i.t.. well dreamer. right. so trying to find him job in
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the tech was very challenging, but that didn't stop him. through the effort office of economic work force and the grant out to a few folks i know. to bring him on boardlegal status. he ended his internship at post hudacity. what technology does for young people that want to become of the tech industry. what we've been doing, innovative. helping kids age youth families, parents,ies, understand and to be exposed to stemsubjects. imagine if that mission one day can be in affordable housing community. the opportunities that we would what i'm trying to do this [♪]
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family's starts in mexico in a small town. very, very small town. so small, that my my mom's sisters. it's that small. a hat town are here in t city. like most immigra families, my parents wanted a better life for us. my dad came outas almost two-years-old when he sent for
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us. ere. we moved to san francisco early on. district and moved out to daily city bounced back to san francisco. we lived across the street from the ups me, when my earliest memories were the big brown trucks driving u street keeping us awake at night. when i washarge of making sure we get on the bus on time to get too make sure that we do our homework. it's a lot of weekends were always for family. we used to get together a movie at the new mission and then afterwards going to kentucky fried chicken. that was big for we get kentucky fried chicken on sunday. crazy! so for having something where you are all together. whether it's just together fdinner or whether it's together for breakfast special moment at the holidays. whether it's thanksgiving or christmas or birthdays. that is home. being so close to berkley and oakland and san
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here you don't see a line. even though you seerom you they're equal. you've always seen that. aow of colors, a ryan bow of personalities. when you think about it supposed to be protecting the kids. they have dreams. they have they have goals. and you are take that away from the price is a hard fight. they're det mean, these kids, you have to applaud them. their heart right place. there's hope. i mean, out here with the things you just hope the next administration makes a change thats right. right now there's a lot of changes on a lot of different hope for is for the future of these young kids and getting into politics to make the right move the folks who can't speak. >> dy mind motion. >>ave a lot of fighters there's a lot of voice less folks and their voiceless because scared.
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wednesday aug 2024 regular meeting ofappeal's board. first item is roll call. period chavhere. >> commissioner alexander-tut. >> >> here. >> commissioner here >> commissioner williams. >> here. >> nuemann are excused. and next we land acknowledgment.
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