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tv   SFPD OIS Town Hall  SFGTV  August 29, 2024 9:00am-9:56am PDT

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bye! [music] announcement for asl viewers due to the importance of showing obructed videos, we ask that our asl viewers use the webex link provided in the description of the live stream. for viewers who would like this town hall meeting translated, please click stam description and click the icon in the bottom left corner to select yourge. for a virtualn
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hall regarding an officer-involved shooting. that occurred on sunday, july 21st,tn ness avenue. before proceeding, i'douncto our viewing and listening audience that this town hall translated into spanish, cantonese and american sign langua asl for members of our community who speak those languages without suggesta premature judgment on the appropriateness of the force used in this incident. today's presentation will include details from an officer involved tragically, claiming the life oo lopez. i'd like to express my deepest condolences to lopez's surviving family members in th . we recognize that our sworn duty as law enforcement officers imposes no more solemn obliti to honor
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and respect the sanctity of human life. we also know that as police officers, we are sometimes required to use f, fos in the performance of our duties.zpgniz too, that officer involved shootings can have a traumatic effect on members of our communities, especially for individuals, their families and loved ones who have suffered traumas of their own and encounters with the criminal justice system, wherever it may be. to any of our viewers experiencing t from this incident or from the information or images that we will present during thi town hall, please know that help is available to y contact the san francisco department of public health's crisis line at (415) 970-3800 for trauma services. here is what we hope to accomplish today. first and foremost, it is the san francisco police department's aspiration t national model of 21st century policing. we work to earn the
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trust of those we serve by committing toy an to the tenets of procedural justice and this process, and in this town hall presentation, procedural justice depends on the legitimacy of■y police as wl as our entire criminal justice system. with these town halls, we work to embody the foundational tenets of what procedural justice is all about. weil release the facts known to us at this time about this incident. ry to do so in a manner that is imparti will answer questions from members of the public as well as members of the and we will listen to public feedback. acting commander markham will be presenting the facts of this case in a few minutes, before turning the floor over to him. however, i want to emphasize that this incident is subject to multiple independent and ongoing investigations. as such, there may be sominformation we cannot release at this time either because the release of certain information is prohibited by law, or because the releasecertn information could compromise an
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ongoing investigation, or because certain facts have not yet been established with certainty. in other words, we are no able to release unconfirmed information. next, acting commander markham's presentation will include a detailed verbal narrative of the facts as we know them, as well as audio and video content from the officer-involved shootingino responded te wearing department issued body worn cameras, which were activated while they wereeir wa. consistent with our body worn pl order 10.11, you will see body worn camera or bwc video from those officers from multiple perspectives at the san francisco police department. our commitment t full transparency has guided our officer-involved has for several years now. although our practices predate the enactment of many police transparency and accountability laws in california, we beli appd
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consistent with the letter and spirit of reforms implemented by senate bill 1421 for police transparency and assembly bill 1506 for police accountability. sfpd's commitment to transparency in this process will alsoe reflected in our release of information online cluding audio recordings from 911 calls and dispatchers and the video footage i just mentioned will be posted on sfpd's website at s at san francisco itl remain available there for public viewing.nder, all of sfpd's governing policies and procedures can our website.o police department dirveatat we e names of officers from officer-involved shootings, unless safco argue against disclosure and this matter. we have identified no safety concerns and acting commander markham llse the names of the officer as part
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of his presentation. now i would like to explain the investigative process for officer next. san francisco has a multi-agency response tootings h ver officerestigation is involved shooting occurs in san francisco, involving an on duty san francisco police officer, the following agencies are immediately notied the sfpd's investigative services detail or isd, is a unit responsible for investigating the events thatupd shooting the sfpd's internal affairs division, or iad, is responsible for conducting administrative investigation to detee if the officer or officers responsible for the ois are in compliance with the standards and requirements of sfpd policy. although the investigations of both pdrun ins a distinct investigation or investigative purview, and
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focus. each maintains firewallh legal standards and requen. the san francisco department of police accountability, dpa, conducts an independent administrative investigation. the san francisco voters created dpa as a successor to the office of cenaints. with their passage of proposition d in the june 2016 election, dpa investigates all sfpd incide whs discharge a weapon within th duties, and whenever that discharge results in an individual's injury or death. the san francisco district attorney's office, i investigations bureau, or iib, is responsible for determining the legality of the officer involved shooting based on theid review. the district attorney of the county francisco will make the final decision as to whether the officers or involved officers actions comply
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with the laws of the state of california. the san francisco office of the chief medical exas responsibility for conducting an on sceneaking custody of a deceased person in any officer-involved shooting that results in a fatality agic cases such as this one, the ocme is responsible forcouco determine the decedent's cause of death and to report those findings publicly in this incident. because died from his injuries, the osm osm will conduct an investigation to determine the cause of death. all notified agencies dispatched investigators and appropriate personnel to begin their respective and independent investigations. finally, i would like to point out tt we take community feedback very seriously and based on feedback from prior officer-involved shooting townhalls, we will alsm to the extent we're able. understanding that this incident
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remains ongoing and ongoing ur for public comments andocate questions. thank you very much for joining us tay. and now, acting commander mark m. the officer involved shooting or prn occurred on sunday, july 21st, 2024 at approximately 11:56 p.m. the ois was preceded by a call for service regarding an armed robbery. the robbery, hiinvolved the use of a firearm, occurred in the tenderloin police district near the intersection of mcallister street and leavenworth street at 7 occurred on the 100 block of ow in the northern police district. in this presentation, you will hear theollong police terminology and radio code language commonly used by officers. 211 is a robbery. 221 is a persona gu 408 is an ambulance. code four is nortc
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is body worn. camera dispatch is the department of emergency management dispatcher and radio un stem eaw or extended range impact weapon is a less lethal force option. officersweap to deploy a projectile commonly referred to as a beanbag or a 4d to temporarily incapacitate an individual red light is a verbal to other officers of their intent to deploy the iaw. the precise chronology of this incident is currently under investigation sti in the very early stages of an administrative investigation that can take months to complet, and our understanding of the incident may change as additional evidence is collected and reviewed. the timings presented are approximate. the following is a summary of the events as theyre understood today, and may evolve as further
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information is learned throughty 31st,02 facts are as follows. on sunday,uly 21st, 2024 at 11:27 p.m, dispatch received service. the victim advised dispatch that he had been robben plaza. the victim stated that the suspect stole his black and red scooter. officers responded to the scene of the armed robbery and met with the victim. the im as a white male adult, 20 to 40 year 150 pounds, approximately five feet six, wed blue and white sweater, dark bottoms and armed with a gray pistol, fleeing on the black and red scooter in an unknown direction. the officers then provided the suspect description to officers by radio. at about 11:55 p.m, officers number one and two while on patrol in full in marked
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police vehicle, encountered a person on willow street bss anu. the person was wearing a gray and white jacket, blue jeans, and in possession of a black and red scoote tson was later identified as alexander antonio lopez. after recognizing that the scooter matched the description of the taken in the robbery, the officers stopped their vehicle to contact mr. lopez. as the officer stopped, mr. lope west on willow street toward van ness avenue.icerumber one, seated in the front passenger seat, exited the vehicle and ran after mrlo. officer number one commanded mr. lopez tobut mn away from officer number one. as mr. lo fled, he left the scooter in front of the patrol vehicless de door. officer number two, who was the driver, could no immediately exit as the scooter blocked the door. while pursuing mr. lopez, officer number one gave a second
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command to stop mr. lopez continued ru away westbound on willow street. while running, mr. lopez raised left hand in which he held a firearm, turned h head back and pointed the firearm behind him toward officer number one. mr. lopez enired once toward the officer while running. while still running away, approximately 1.5 seconds later, mr. l tad back, raised his left arm behind him, and pointed the firearm in the direction of officer number one for a second time. officer number one stopped running toward mr. lopez, unholstered his firearm returned fire. mr. lopez fell to the ground and dropped the firearm. the time between whr. raised the firearm for a second time and when mr. officer numberne fired. his first round was approximately two seconds. the time between when mr. lopez fired and when officer number one first fired
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approximately 3.5 seconds. officer numb o dispatch that he was involved in an ois. officer number one moved to cover behind a parked vehicle and was joined by oer officers o gave mr. lopez several commands, including, quote, put your hands out to your sides. let me see your hands and lay face down. end quote. officers number one and two waited for additional police officers to arrive at their location.umofficers from n station, northern station and central station arrived on willow street to assist. officers requestedam to stage in the area as the scene was n secure. a team of officers formulated a plan to secure and render aid to mr. lopez. this plan included the use of ballistic s, ls lethal options, and medical kits. the team of officers approached mr. lopez and placed him into custody and immediately render. san francisco fire
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department medics respondednd ll hospital, where he was later pronounced deceased. the suspect's name is alexander to and his date of birth is july 26th, 1995. crime scene investigators from the francisco police department forensic services division responded and collected physical evidence from the scene, including but not limited t one. loaded firearm containing ten nine millimeter cartridges and one fired nine millimeter cartridge casing. this firearm matched the description from the robbery. 340 caliber fired cartridge■ casings and one black and red scooter. the robbery victim identified this scooter as the department issued body worn cameras, wch were activated while in route to the incident, and recorded the events as they unfolded. the independent
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investigations bureau of ob, inn the san francisco district attorney's office that investigat and reviews all officer involved shootings. any relevant video footage or photographs can be provided to iib by. calling (628) b email ab at sfgov. org witnesses and victims ar encraged to call iib at (628) 652-4420. the sfpd officer who discharged his firearm in this incident is r paul balza. a patrol officer assigned to tenderloin station. the officer that discharged his firearm completed critical mindset coordinated response, or cmc training, as well as intruder training. cmcr is a 20 our california post certified
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training course developed by the saniscoolice department's field tactics force options unit. this course addresses high risk situations encountered by officers out in the fld objectives include critical decision making during high risk incidents. officers gain a deeperun to rese these incidents with a coordinated and tactically sound approachin teamwork and leadership. activehooter violent intruder is a 20 hour california post certified training course developed by the san francisco police department's field tactics force options unit. th course builds on critical decision making based on the information known at the time. this course utilizes force on fory based scenarios to induce stress and therefore inse each student's inoculation to stressd in a multimedia format inforto t
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and comprehensive perspective of thisident, the sfpd will provide audio from the 911 call, surveillance videooo, bwc footage, crime scenestation phod related visual aids. our presentation t consists of relevant known video and audio. at this time, but it is not intended to provide all photos, videos, or testimonialn reted ts investigation. i will now provide a presentation of this incident using these multimedia sources. at certain points, to increase the clarity for viewers, certain veos have been enhanced and slowed down to allow for a better undersin of this incident. please note that this presentation, the enhanced videos, and the unedited videos will all be available on the sfpd website immediately following this town hall event. sfpd policies can also be located on the sfpd website. prior to the beginning
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of each segment, i will prov brt the viewer to the time, place, and locationcontent about to be shown. you're about to see relevant video footageabe related to this case, so you can have understanding of what occurred based upon what we know right now. autio. the imagd information you are about to san a police officer uses force to ar or defend against attack, the images are graphic and may be difficult to watch. in addition, there may be struggle. there may belauage use video. viewer discretion is advised, especially for young children and sensitive viewers. wehosen need of support to contact the san francisco department of public health crisis line. at (415) 970-3800.
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on july 21st, 2024 at 11:27 p.m, a person called 911 reporting that he was robbed by a person armed with a gun near un plaza. we will noay the 911 call provided by the san francisco department of emergency management. the 911 callers voice has been altered to protectvacyok. tell me exactly what happened last. summer a woman. is testament to estaba cruzando por aqui del campo de un sujeto viene el equipo del dia con un llama. until monday. como de la
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quito o make me a scooter. pero con un arma. not being able. to. okay, so there was a guy that took something from me and he pointed to me with a. okay. is that person still the? it's open from icu monday. la persona si ahi. porque me quita vaya. pero punto con un arma y este pues yo me aqui. i'm not sure
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because i left and simple pointed me with a gun. he asked me to leave. how, how long ago did this happen. consequences to pfizerteahorita to como como diezcomo las casas. like five minutes ago. you're about to hear a recording of the robbery call force, as it was broadcast by dispatch to responding officers. the audio was san frat of emergency management. going forward, a priority to 11 over 221 leavenworth mcalester one five shamann five over ten four. thank you. through spanish interpreter rp with a 221 at un plaza about ten ago. information is coming in slowly. more to follow. units back on three. edwardsenour.
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thank you again. still waiting on further. we will now show a geographical map of willow street tillustrate the general area of the officer involved shooting, as well as its location relative to the original robbery. call for service near unza. the map will show a google satellite perspective, as well as a google eart.
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we will nowc footage as well as surveillance footage from security cameras located on ow street. i will introduce bwc footage was captured from cameras worn by members at the time of the event. portions vidd to protect the privacy of third parties. the first 30s of bwc footage does not containudio. the camera has a buffering system that captures 30s of video footage prior to the officer's activation of it. when activatede officer. the camera records with audio and video timestamps displayed on bwc footage are in coordinated universal time or utc. the officers who responded to the
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reported robbery obtained a viim. one of the responding officers then broadcast the description for other units. we will now play a portion of the bwc from one of officers who responded. the victim's voice has been altered to protect their privacy. one. 2approximately five six. she ws wearing a long sleeve sweater. it was white andor, dark bottoms. he was. he had a gray pistol and was last seen on a black and red scooter. unknown direction. offnumb one
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and two were partners the night of the ois and riding in arked e searching for the person matching the description from the robbery. officers one and two located an individual whothn willow street between van ness avenue and polktr ficer number one exited his patrol vehicle, the suspect ran. surveillance footage was obtained from a security camera located at the scene. we are now going to play the surveillance footage showing atr view of the incident.
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we are now going to play an enhanced version of the surveillanceideowhich has also been slowed down. the enhancements highlight the suspect pointing the firearm toward the officer, shooting the firearm, and the resulting gunpowder.hç
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we are now going to play bwc footage from officer number one, who discharged his firearm.
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stop. stop. joh oh 40 oh, beon.e radio. put your hands out to your sides. let me see your hands. let me see your hands. we are now going to playn enhanced version of the bwc footage. we just viewed, which has also s the enhancements highlight the suspect pointing the firearm toward the officer and shooting the firearm. stop.
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we are now going to play bwc footage from officer number one and video footage from the street level security camera that have been synced together based on time.
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stop. stop we to play an enhanced and slowed version of the synced bwcfo offe and the street level security camera. thhagh the suspect poing the firearm toward the officera. stop
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we are now gng to play surveillance footage from a second security camera, showing in an overhead view of the incident.
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we are now going to play an enhanced version of the overhead surveillance video, which has also been slowed down. the enhancements highlight the suspect pointing the firearm toward the officer and shooting thfi.
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we are now going to play bwc,e footage from officer number one and video footage from the overhead security ca t have been synced together based on time. stop stop. john 40 oh, to be on, i got the radio. i got the radi. when officer number two exited his patrol vehicle, a scooter matching o in the robbery is immediately next to
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the patrol vehicle. we are now going to play bwc footage from officero. oh drop it. i got it, i got the radio. i got the radio. three. john, out your side. let me see your. lie face down. willow yep. we're in b on willow. we got guns wes.
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we got one+[ suspectn. is compliant. where's the gun? right there. paul? yep. it's, looks like it's left. all right. hey! get away! get away from me! move back up, back up! this way. all right. three john 40. suspects is down. 221 is near his head. we're going to start giving commands. let me get a shield and a move. team. go hey, hey. 221 to the left. i got you, i got you. hey you guys are good. holster up. whoever has paul calls the os a firm os. os when shut down, not respond to commands for late stage. how many of these units blo off van ness? northbound hey, man, if you can hear me, put your hands out to the side like anaie
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shield from the car. put your arms out to the side like an airplane. hey, she had the weapon by him still? yeah, it's by his head. to thene, to the lt your arms out to the side like an airplane. watch out! dip hey, got guns pointed in that way you directiont yo arms out to the side like an airplane. back off! out to the side. he all right. shield, shield. shield up! shield. hey, paul. hey paul. switzer. paul. he's an ois. hey, do me aet left up! pull back! grab it from the kitchen. the car. let him get up there. start running. so this is what we're going to do. we push
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up on him. i'll secure him handcuffs. somebody immediately get the gun. okay. hey, chili, when we go up there, the gun's going to be on the left side by his neck. allm gog to secure him from the rear left side. they say okay. if its on . is there? hold up. is everybody readyd . i'm a rescue. okay, we'll go with y. you are pushing forward. we got lethal here. i got 40 up 40. and we have this. hey, somebody give a warning not to reach for the gun or he'll be shot again. do not reach for the gun. if you reach for theu will be shot. goodnight. everybody up. ready? move move on! you. if he starts moving, stormy, we're going to back up. yep. do not move. did you reach for the gun? iilbe hit, ma'am. just stay put. we'll get you out of there in a second. arms out to the side like an airplane. do not reach now going to play an enhancedoft
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viewed, which has also been slowed d t enhancements highlight the black and red scooter as well as the suspect'. okay, ma'am, just stay put. we'll get you out of there in a second. arms out to the side like an airan. do not reach for nothing.
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officer number three responded after the ois occurred. officer number three created a plan to arrest and render aid to the suspect. we ar to play bwc footage from officer number three, which shows him arriving on scene, forming a plan, and carrying out the plan . hey, where are you at? down 21 let's go, let's go. hey watch the left, i got you. i got you a. you guys are good. holster up. whoeves firm oist wn, not respond to commands 408 to stage.a unit to block off venice northbound at willow. amen. if you can hear me, put
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your hands out to the side like an airplane. hey, somebody grab the shield from the car. yeah, here we go. hey, put your arms out to the side like an airplan. hey, does he have the weapon by him? still yes, by his head. to the left. by his neck. to the left. put. put yours t to the side like an airplane. hey, those units, get out the way. you got guns pointed in rection all the way. put your arms out to the side lik an airplane. out to the side. hey, do a shield? shield up. all right, shield up. we got two shields. hey, paul. hey, move his gun! shield paul, you got. hey, hey, paul. you tap out, i'll take the shield. all rightu gloved up. pull back. grab a trauma kit from the car. once we get up there, start rendering aid. we're going to d on him, se
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car. somebody immediately get theyep.kay. hey, shelly, when we go up there, the gun's going to be on the left sid by his neck. all right, i'm going to secure him from the left side. he said okay, okay. if it is secured, step on it. all right. is there? hey. hold up. is everybody ready? all right, hold on. all right, so i'm arresting. okay these two are pushing forward. we gotrei got e have this. hey 40 not to r do not reach for the gun. if you reach for the gun,ed light, red light, red light, red light. red lht lethal. hey! on you! if he starts being squirmy, we're going tok do not move. if you reach for the gun, i will. you will be hit. ma'am. just stay put. we'll get you out of there in a second. arms out to the side like an airplane. do not reach for nothing, you hear me? you
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fuckinnd come back out! sergeant number one responded to the scene after the oisea numbee approached the suspect with the arrest and aid team, the firearm belonging to the suspect is visible. we are now going tay bt number one. currently moving in. do not move. you reach for the et y out of. you will be hit. there in a second. arms out to the side like airplane. be careful not reach youcks. all rh that. we are now going t play an enhanced video of the bwc footage we just viewed, which has also been slowed down. the enhancement highlights the suspect's firearm. after the suspect was taken into
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custody, officer number four assisted in rendering aid by placing a chest seal on the gunshot wound. we going to play bwc footage from officer number four showing him rendering aid. rendering aid no.
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if you have it here, put it back in your car in a safe. keep it on the willow from venmo. i got it, i got it. let me go. no, you got to take off your g just get. hold on. do you need a chest seal? ha chest seal. okay. we're still. i don't get it out. watch out. yep did you see anything? hear anything? you see idea. ready yeah. no. that' alls photo shows an overview of the scene. this photo shows the robbery victim's scooter at the scene of the ois. this photo shows the with a malfunction at the scene. this
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photo shows thect's firearm unloaded. this photo shows the department issued firearm used by officer numbercy troduce the commanding officer of tenderloin police station, acting captain daniel manning. good afternoon. my name is daniel manning. i was the ac captain of tenderloin police station when this officer f th incident, ig occurred. have been communicating with our community leaders, neighbors, and stakeholders to address any concerns. members from myunit pd have also been briefed. the officers of tenderloin station will continue to be responsive, empathetic and proactiven
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their approach towards addressing crime in the tenderloin. we will continue to work together with the community to ensurelic safety and justice for all residents and businesses at our monthly community meeting last night, i listened to the cmu incorporating their feedback. moving forward, i work together to better serve and protect everyone in the district. thank you. i will nowr of northern police station, captain jason sawyer. good afternoon. my name is jason sawyerndin officer of northern police station. i'm here today regarding an officerol tharesuln armed conflict with a street robber. this incident took place on willow street late on july 21st. although the initial robbery took place in the neighborhood tenderloin district, the suspect fled and was ultimately encountered in
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the northern district. i'm grateful that the ire doing welt no innocent people were injured during. the officers displayed incredible bravery under extreme circumstances and he the core tenets of what it takes to be aan fncisco police officer. as the investigation progresses, it is important for people t thaunthere is a process and that process is upheld to an incredible standar. please be patient and allow the necessary parties to complete thpa san francisco police department will continue to cooperate and be transparent along the. we are aware that we answer to you theubkeing youo moving forward, specifically to the residentsho near willow street. i'm aware of the ongoing issues that have plagued this area, and i will continue to be an advocate for the resources to resolve the is i've spoken with many of you and am steadfast in my resolve to h you as the captain of northern station. i coersation. if you have any open
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concerns, please feel free to contact meo th northern station community meeting, which is held on the second tuesday ot northern polie station. thank you. the public comment portion will now begin h of time formmt will be one hour to call into theó cl 14156550001. again, the number to call into theeeng. is 14156550001. please enter meeting. code 26634564937. mment caller will have up toblic two minutes to speak. if you wish to join the queue for public comment, please listen
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carefully to the following insttati is available in both spanish and ones. if you are watching on webex, you may cli trpretatit your preferred language. if you are calling into the meeting again, please. call 14156550001. enter meeting code 26634564937. access code is 7373. you may press star three to raise your hand to get in the queue to speak. you will when you have been unmuted and it is your again. each publicwill have up to two comment for this town hall meeting. your two minutes will begin once you have been prompted that you have been unmuted and you begin speaking. please be reminded you must mute
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e broadcast you are watching in order for your public comment to be heardly. again, if you are watching the broadcast online, please mute the oar turn down the volume to prevent audio feedback so that yoom be heard clearly. moderators at this time, i ask that you invite the first caller in to speak.
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at this time, we have no callers in the queue. the public comment line will remain open for two minutes before we conclude t wn hall meeting.
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