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tv   Police Commission  SFGTV  August 31, 2024 12:00am-1:51am PDT

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'-78ss chief scott to present officeriew bymmission tonight. years. his first three years at bayview, he street foot beat, where he was also the station's representative for three community groups. the next 12 years, john wa detail, where he was in charge of coordinating p backpack, toy and christmas tree giveaways. he represented the department at regarding ndevelopments and development manage charge of theers volunteered to tutor bret harte elementary students who were behind in their reading skills.
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he was active in the wildernessorhood youth on camping hiking, and rafting john has been a mentor and a friend aiew station. he hasat joypv it's with sadness that john is his career in the police department is coming to an i wanted to acknowledgeht. in september, joh police department in 2020. john was diagnosed with a seve, medical condition that i can't pronounce the name. hehere's noou it. but he told me i was his lieutenant at the timerk since then. every day he still has a happy smileygr with the community. he neve complained about it. he just it'so be tough to lose him the s influence on the officers and he's been ook at if you're loong for a picture of an ambassador for community policing it's present norman please. come on, come on. up wehe opportunity to speak if you want oro thank the captains f thank my kids who didn't get to see me for 17 years. so and also thank is a great city and i'm going to miss it. thank you.he chief an opportunity to speak real quick. and then i
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missioners have some things we'd like to share as well. thankt eliasno we've talkheld and everything that captain connor said. i've seen w with people, i always friendly, always upbeat. at least you. and i that's just your nature it's been a long career for you you said, you've spent away from your family. butch a y lot of people within the department and in the community. nitely miss what you brought to the the family. thank you for shari thank you very much. thank you. sir. i wanted to so happy you're representing bayview. that's my obviously. so glad to see that. really retiring or are you doing w people do as they retire but then end up working more work part time? a little bit more? yeah. before i was, before i city of walnut the police department as the custodian. through, through college. and so, i doni'm not snt up or anyway, it's to say congraf the
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things that really sticksin said about you is not only a good friend but a mento something that i think, is finding a mentor that can look up to. and not only that but a mentor who really guides you and shows you the stepsortunate few amazini make such an impact on just whoe yourself and how you conduct yourself both personally and professionly. being recognized for that skill set, i think, speaks volumes, because not the fact that youapparently. well and thank you from someone who has benefited from great mentorship because it is a it's a huge thing. and i think that again, it's want to thank not only you for your servi because it's really and all of their sa that allows you tothe singlolicing is not to thank theg us from his time andis away from you. and thank you for your sacrifice because h i think really it good officers that mentor and teach other officers, es a that's how cultures change.t's so sad to see youratulations. and thorougenope
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that you retirement and take some time and you. that's awfully kind. commissioner benedictoelias. and on your long tenure. and congratulations on your retirement, you know, echoing what what the chief and w want to acknowledge your family, you know, and we i mentioned thist, you know, the officers do a service to our city. but the families city for what give up to allow to the city. i know you have members of your family here ifld like. no obligation. you're welcome to introduce them. if take do. this is my wife, jennifer. my merrick, my son lane, my daughter whitney and my mother in law, elizabeth. wonderful. thank you all. so much for coming.. commissioner yanez there's you got. yeah,nt to stand. thank you president elias. and, thank you to the community. thank you for your service to san francisco to th we talk about community policing a time lot, but someone that tnot only mentor, but tutor young a holistic approach. policing isn't solely enforcing ialso letting young people know and letting right. and that in order to be successful have call code switch, right? and
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sometimesople it demonstrates that you have tha humility. s sacrifice. i thank your have his energy to keep our hope you enjoy retirement. commissioner or comm clay. all right. thank you, madam president. s i'm the newbie, officer norman. so8 i'm. this is my last week, i got to see the sort of protocol and see one of your so what i want to do is congratulations to you on your retirem also thank you for your service to the community. what you day is very difficult. people don't realize that and you get up anmething you believe you do it at the best h and every day. who was on this commission many, many years a sports fan oryer, his name was burl toler. he was on that great usf dons team, 51 team was uninvited, untied, and mr. toler, one of the things he said to him, myself and his at cal, i played baseball, son played football, will be good enough. and each and every day, based uh and every day you did your best.everybody looked at and they got to see that. the idea and they're going toe, but they're going to rememberev that and they're going to say, you know norman, this is howóú he would do it. and i learned fromrvant eacheron
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you who serves in the public. i think deserve a trophy. everybody says everyone doesn't get a trophy, but all you everyone yourself andr all eacdeserve a day. but you you are the mvp. your. and i want to thank you very much for your , thank you very much. there. want to thank you, officer john, for allhard work, i@ know you put out 17 years in the i guess the housing unit in the bayview hunters a big development. quite there, i have worked out there, too, myself the kids out thng and wilderness programs that you succ have. you these kids. you probably over there that, we want to thank you for that. all them safe and safer. so thanks againe'll see you out there when you're coming back part time. and support, as i say i guys a another round of applause as thell the services, recognition.nthly. soy much there. officer john normanon. thank you. congratula i won't repeat,
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but i do want to say that there is a lot of and being the mentor, a good mentor you are on your yknow, at your demandu know taking away from the family mentioned that you know, the, the, the mentoring what has worked so well. engagement is really important, and there are a lot ofhe with the department and some more progr and we'll miss you full time. but we'll see sergeant. at this time, if any member of thee public comment regarding line item one, please approach the podium. we have a public up here. my name is tanita rockmore thompson. iector of racial equity and recruitment and senior trial attorneydepartment of police accountability. but prior at the san francisco district attorney's office, and john norman was actually one of my witnesses in an officer involvednd was absolutely
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officers that i've ever worked with, is a mentor to a cell phone number, he was going to give it you know, they hate to give their cell phone numbers to the da's were absolute you, your family, for supporting him to come up here and say that because it was always work with johnlly a friend and family throughout my years at the da'sard praise get up for the next one, and that police commission right after work hours, i the family. yeah, go on up rig. and there is no2a further public commen item one, two housekeeping en line. comment. at this time the publicomlce up to two minuteswp3that doject matter j of order. during public comment, neither police or ppe personnel nor ermay provide a brief response public comment in either(ñ of the following ways. eic sfgov. org or written poublic safety building,ird california. 94158. if you would like t commentpproach the. hi to send john to paris. i want to firefighters to rome, to and tokyo is a good
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pl i think we should have. here's another legacy item for you. drifting down from, from my francisco. marijuana. ha ha, san francisco foreign legio fine for 60 years or something. let'sa corps where iwith the san francisco police and fire departments ist's okay. i'm a hillbilly from the ozarks and all that, but there's an extent to which and bring in some different culture into your in stations. and we can do that by sending st people a year, nurses, firefighters, copse. but firefighters are different than any plugs anywhere in the world? thent a here for two years, they're going to know thatars, you'll have a thousand people coming from all to assist us inake. and they will know our our fire plugs, they will know our stations, and they will.
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chief scott and the executive director of policeis chris klein. last week i provided information wasconduct of a senior official of san francisco. i turn that over to the fbi on july you will be making tough decisions in the coming unity and commu the ceo of÷ pavan. prejudice and violence ends now. we are local and have offices in boston, dc, maryland, west. we provide, as you know, complex , investigative skill set as detailed in the issue at hand. laste also offer community research on reducing prejudice violence. we do both for critical and crucial insight from the local community first responders, and other civ leaders. the last fewlly and nationally, and it is time to bring ourhatred and with peaceful in have to worry about voting and then worrying about they voted for what they believed in. tonight i'm pledging tocommission, the police department, and the chief of police that i, along work alongside each of you, the city andou san francisco
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back at pavan. we stronger families, for the strongest communities. but community, the ones next to ourrejudice and immediately. thank you. good evening, commissionersvening chief. my name is jay connor. b ortega and i'm co-president d3. i want to the men and women of the san francisco police department for the keep us to welcome commissioner clay tohe stated at theoners is not to interpret what you think. the pass mean. your job is to follow theme here constantly to warn you all that not allow sfpd to do the like me explain to the public that you all put criminals over put forward ballot measures that force you alldgos as we're currently doing now, if last is to expect to go outside of the scope of prop e another ballot measure which will continue commission even more. now
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personally, i have no people, continue to pass ballot initiatives until there is no police commission. but if you all want the people of commission's ability to serve our residents, then i expect law as it is written. thank you. and there's no further report discussion weekly crime trends and public safety concerns provide an over incidents, or events occurring in san francisco having an impact on unplanned events and activities. the chief describes will be li future meeting. chief scott, thank you president carter commission and executive director hendersonic crime trends, we 32% reduction in total. par about 9000 crimes fewer than. property crimes is at 34% and violent crimes 11% below where we were this time last year down by 38. we have 18 year to date. we had 29 year to date this t homicide clearance rate year to date is 94 13
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incidents. 13 of those 18 homicides were firearm in terms of gun related crime, our total 29% from where they were. this to 86 this year. in terms of property crimes as i said last week, are really that we have such a significant drop in overalltly, and our car break date. so just over 5000 car over 11,000 or almost 11,000 this year. in terms of significant events for the week, i talked about this last week just briefly, but it's in this week's repor homicide that occurred on mission betweenh and 17th. this was on monday july 9th at 12:17 victim succumbed to his injuries on the scene and in stable condition. another vd in sorry. so there were two victims at all. the vehicle collision at that scene that resulted in at les being damaged in that vehicle collision. and we believe was as a result of the shooting as well. that this time. ifanybody has any information,
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you can please anonymous tip line at (415) 575-4444. in terms shootings, there were four non-fatal shootings this week, resulting ctims. the rst july 8th at post in a carjacking where a victim was shot by two gun and shot recovered, but the victim, i mean, theation is ongoing on was a shooting at the 400 block of eddy street in the tenderloin.appened at 3:46 a.m, when the subject l building. the victim, who was the manager of the building, did not recognize enter the subject, then shot the victim andtion. thaties that investigation is ongoing. nois time. the third shooting was on july 14th at 958 in the tenderloin. this happened i said, the victimlking in the struck by a bullet. no further information was obtained by the victim.and that is still under investigation. 1 3:05 a.m. at larkin and olive in the tenderloin when he saw two subjects arguing. the victim
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heard gunshots and returned to his residence, and then later realized he hadd a gunshot wound. the victim was transported was in stable condition, is still ongoing as well. no ar. a couple of other significantents july 13th, which was this past. where a geof elliey. this was the baby. the father of a three y. lorenzo. the father committed suicide request from fremont police that his three year old daughter was missing. the three year old'so, and we assisted with the search since the father was found here after he committedas later found in the city of san situation. as far as the suicide, there was no foul time. and fremont is in san jose are investigations, the san francisco connection was the, the last thing, there atm robberies. these were o july. theft of an atm machine, both insi establishments. one on the 400 block of
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o'farrell at 4:45 a.m, other on the 800 block of o'farrell. just minutes later inss inside the attempted to steal atm machinencident, the machine had been moved but by the had fled and the machine wass. we do have some follow up, to conduct on suspects in custody at this time, but the investigation is ongoing. there's collision on july 11th at 12:41 a.m. a a vehicle at the area of geneva. and delano avenue in the. the pedestrian, unfortunately, was pronounced deceased at thedrivers investigation is , the last incident of report there was a media that ended up in an accident or traffic collision, on market street case. our investigation revealed that it was actually a single vehicle that was doing donuts in theol and drove intoreport that this was as a result of the sideshow, was actuallynot to be the case, video evidence corroborates what we found vehicle involved in this in this particular still ongoing. but i just was not as a result of
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the sideshow of our sideshow or stunt driving events. there has been amount of those events reported this police. there was approximately 40. we'r exactly 45 incidents for this year there has we're seeing, the rate of these, these little bit less than this time last year. so we will keep the commission posted on that. we have impounded some lot, but we have after the fact. and that strategy and that tactic will continue. and that is my report for the week. . for members of the public that have any public comment rega item three, the chief's report, ple the podium. hi i'm h brown again and progressives, but have you seen that progressive kerfuffle going over and the drop program and oh, hillaryher head and, asserting author to do that every now and then yourself,sives are don't have anything against cops making
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money. i was telling some cops in the corner there i was a firefighs 30 years here. and you don' and you know what? there's enoughasy with the trillion left over. if, if we had evening out of wealth, a transfer of wealth billionaires who own it we wouldn't on your drop re kerfuffle. oh, yeah. thewo ambassador where the hell i that's thrsgjtne years i've seen anybody on foot. i saiha the avenue. oh, no. no, we're stretching around. from the a awa, lunches and bullshit0aouno, i got it.tly. my name is paul belabor this chart that i've already it to you in writing, it'shink we now have a general, inverse correlation and arrests of dealers and users the other. and that for periods of time. one, this period the apec summit, in the lead up to month period that, secdly, the four from
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january through april, when arrests went up significantly and you have the may period of time when plummeted and deaths and then you have the most recent month reverse occurred. in the memo, obviously correlation is not one. and number two, this could be random data. as i suggested in my memo i think the police commission an obligation, but it has an information from the department of public health as influence thi that professor humphreys at steven yesterday in an interview that,tanyl now, kind of serious users and therefore haven't stumbledould be an explanation. butf course as much speculation as as anything i did. look on site. i didn't see any data with respect to could determine with respect to of interventions, for example, by month, successful or otherwise. obviously other variables that would be it's an opportunity for the commission request this data
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from the department of public there can be ar. thank you. your two minutes is up. thank and there's no further public comment. l for dpa director's report discussion reportivities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determiningv% whe the issues raised for future commission meeting. executive director henderson thankhink i mentioned this before, but we've been putting a lot of effort case backlogs that 270 report day, that, is now down to last week i reported it was down tot our closure rate is now down to zero. so we now have re not tolling. for the record, that is the lowest that it has ever been the agency. it's a very big , again, i want to thank our their hard work and prioritizing and closing cases, because both of those things that are being done time. this point, really proud of that. numbers in terms of out our the backlog of
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t are here with is presenting four of those cases resolved. that's a big deal because one third of all of the cases that we have that have been pending, terms of the backlog that we have. so this week, with the internal division to brainstorm how of our efficiencies in and our reporting. i think that was a forward to continuing these conversations months. this is one of the first times that we've ever come toget this. i will say some oldf the things thate, because we just got that bigd illuminating in terms of comparing apples to apples for the workwith the dpa. and i still have an ongoing iad. i think i mentioned this tond i knohe meeting to do a similar sort of openmore than just the beginning measurement. we have an exit information summary the kind of cases that got sustained. in additioneady being provided to the commission. so i'll keep you updated ond time to do something like that. while dpa are
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doing some work and may be helpful, some of those interns are also working with internal affairs, so that might be one of the ways withou be able to address that, we've been having a internal, issues. we've had a, and balances andaes with unexpected lves. a lot of results or many os that ilked about. and managing our backlogs, but we've be with, our staff and with the unions that have happ new o andw continue meeting with both my staff and the unions to on the same page about the work that we're doing a in a stable. good place. and we will continue moving forward toaddress, both our reporting obligations ongoing charter and mission. have we are working diego county, reached out to us, the city and county, that want to build their practice of both police accountability and sheriff accountability ont we're usin specifically at dpa legislation that
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produced both jurisdiction and the staffing aho measures there. and we'll continue working with u t process continues. as well. in terms of monitoring has opened up nine cases sinceg and closed 28 cases since our last are continuing to exceed our efficiencies, with our cases, our audit is still ongoing. the field testinghe field testing by the end of this mon hold an exit conferencell be presented to this commission policy unit met with the p hate crimes. dgo to discuss goals for thecurrent draft, and we'll be presentingñ& those rec week. for this we have, as i mentioned earlier four cases and closed session tonight, and we will address those whe or in the hearing, our trial attorney. policy director jermaine jones.
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and. you know, i'm so terrible with the names. , and it's terrible. team, deanna rosenstein. we'll cut you off now carter overstone, thank you, director hendersonr one question, which is had a sense, time wise, of when the dpa's audit on sfpd stop second piece is, i think previously you'd director mcguire had given data it requested but wanted to ask if t i have the stop, audit on my desk as we speak. it was yesterday, and we areg edits now, so very soon, i may actually have it here because i'mng it, i don't have a specific date, but very soonhe draft is already finished, and the informationuy either the in to us will be reflected in the audit and the information
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that was not will be reflected in the audit. with a drill d for what we were authorized to receive, what we did receive and what we didn't receive. that question will be i know that's one of the questions answered in this audit, as well as recommendations about shared inform no ambiguity in it. i don't know if but. for memb to make public comment regarding line item four9ç director henderson's a great guy job over there. i can look back in the back where,re, chief, back before you they felt free and try to run down the chief of them. martin easy. gave the report t said, so she came back i think i told the we retell stories and she came back and saw alater and said, what do you want me to do one one of these cops back
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here assaulted o gave they personally gave paper on itbet you i'm sorry that violates the rule, sergeant. anyway, i like, paul hendersonmuch. and, you president because willie p over him to go in to be thethen for t running unopposed for da and went on. aight resign this weekend a president that we can say, i knew h been you, paul henderson. but but but i'm i'm going to back this one for elected police chief, because i think the you've done a great job, paul, because you came into a hellhole. all the thank you sergeant. our line item five commission reports, discussion and possible action. commission reports will be limited to a brief description of actision will be limited to determining whether to future commission meeting. commission presidents report commissionersng of items identified for a consideration at future commission, thank you. i wanted to mention a couple of things. just that both the chief and i have talked with
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folks about th specials. that's going to be comi, our august off. but also, i, che committee, wh to really make sure the% fulfills the 30 byitment of hiring 30% of officers by 20 that, me and updated me discussing how many women in the department havehe conversation about really making recommendations tohe chihange that we commit, that we actually implement and carry out and succeed in our 30 by0. so i'm real it. i would like to reserve time on the september update from the department, on the 30 by 30 and the efforts there's a lot to do. obviously, there's, a lot we' on over the, over the past few years and i really look forward and i n is tnk you, chief, foryou know, a. just a quick update, i want toention that working on this and.r i've e i've
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been put on the, o who's here tonight? anp, are theip there's dozens of women who are in the department who really, are in the discussions about policy and moving forward. so thank you. great. we encourage policy people. so that's right. we're doing it, so update. i was able to meet the bwc unit i want to thank. first, i chief because i reached out and wanted towith the bwc how body worn cameras logistically will be operating. once we implement all of these with his staff were able to accommodate a meeting wit benedicto to walk us through the body worn policies and sort of the accomplishment that this unit has. a hug michael young from the b as i think it was karen lu or to walk us through, the intricate detail of takes when body worn camera footaged how
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they have to review it, redact just intense detail that i opening to me, and they despite having a team only operating with eight. an that they do and are able to generate is impressive. so i want to thank them immense schedule to walk me through it and give an wanted to, thank the director of the. it as well, who took theain to m the, the contract and new worn camera unit, as well as the department would be having. and so itee, and i think that in the upcoming months, we will definit it's important for the public to know what really goes into,at unit does and sort of the heavy task body worn camera footageat the direction is going to be body worn so we really need to make sure that the public is aware works, what that looks like, and sort of some of the, hindrances t have on the department as we make this transition. so i wanted shout out to the chief, also the, the
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staf individuals who attended the meeting commissioner benedicto you, president elias, just a, for my reports. i, as our fellow commissioners know last week we passed a numare, implemented as part of prop e, and today remainder we put on, i want to again,issioners for, the big lift to get these dgos can get those get those through this ev, and we'll reserve specific comments on those for when tho t with commissioner yanez on several of the dgos that 7.01 which hope to have before us soon on the agenda but pulled in part because of that co heard from community groups. so we're going to to rework that, commissioner yanez has roots, to these communities in particular in this area of juvenile advocacy. and i really want to thank his leadership on this. and both, tjre significantly improved thanks to that commissioner yanez, as well as groups that he brought to provided. so thank you for that, that concludes my report. thank
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you, commissio. thank you, president benedicto, i think you know, it takes takes and we definitely need as many voices and to improve, san francisco safety for all whatever age they identify as, report will be brief. i do want to publicly. because the reasonc" know, the voters created this we're here is because we are myself accountable if i miss an email, i've been inassed away may 13th.squez, and he's the reason why i'm here. y an organize back in the 70s. and were murdered in those days. so, you know speaking truth to power. and this is the reason i'm here. myself accountable. if i owe anyone an email,avement was a little longer than i expected. but i rolled my back at work, and i want toaround the language. 052. the work groups are going to begin. thank chief, for being very
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communicative about the out to, networks and groups in the community. san francisco language access network is activelyaged contributing their feedback, so i'm really grateful to chief and your staff one of these, one of the outcomes ofnity input so that the members of thishe understanding or the proficiency in english to interpretation, if ever they those, the other update i have is and i thank you commission radar because it is one of many points of feedback of over two years now, i think we have progress, there were some challenges, some obstacles points. and we still haven't resolved all the a place where, the both the advocates and community and the young people are going to benefit from theo come out out of 701. so i amwill be agendizing that in the near future, for completion and and i want to over a year ago, we did intention of this body and thisn
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!. practice that has los angeles, by oakland and other jurisdictions across the nation a pre-booking diversion program that the benefit of suspended charges or charges being held in abeyance if and when they complete successfully. these programs that are evidence based models the reason why i about the implementation of this program is my history of 30 years working with young people, adolescence+e complete faith in both our providers, our to understand that young peopl. adolescent development goes into theirays that once you're 18, right from wrong. and every law does not necessarily mean that every in these things. right, so i had requested that presentation to kind of coincide with the year anniversary of when we had a joint presentati commission, who endorses this program, but here we are a year later, and we
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have not necessarily launched, hoped we had or gotten to the program. and so i asked one of our about what has happened since i've engaged in conversation, we looked at numbers january 22nd through a year to date, and in that period there have been a totalni70 with the community calls unduplicated referrals. referred into the juvenile justice system, and we there has been plenty of and any contact with the juvenile jusdsjúlization and further involvement in criminal justice system there haven 370 people who who potentially could have program to divert them from formal involvement in the of those 370, how many of them would juvenile probation department to obtain that information, but i just want the public to know that there are potentially 370 young people who may not ever have had to have fo istem that are unfortunately involved in the syst or
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form. and so i think it really coeel us, and, pressure that these numbers tell a story and that we can fastrack, the process so that we get, get to the point where we begin to offer an evidence based can save lives, that has demonstrat programing and into spaces where they canever mental health substance abuse needs or may them to contact withystem. so i hope we can agendize that we i can get this in september. thank you. okay. well, first to publicly wish commissioner yanez and hisondolences on his father's passing and, yo biographical facts about your dad you're carrying forward in many important work that you do on this commission, and thank youuring this very difficult time, just wanted to acknowledge that it's my understanding that that joe 9.07 has become effective. to de-emphasize, traffi stops that
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have no public safety benefit just wanted to acknowledge that you all across the country have implemented some policy. it's been an unmitigated success attempted. and that data has been collected on it. and i'm heartened that t of san francisco will be able to share in t have reaped over the last f want to thank chief scott for supporting the policy, and i want single commissioner up here who was a commissy was being enacted, who all voted for the policy one point or another and wanted to thank all the members of the ideological spectrum, who came out. thank you. thank you commissioner clay. yeah just for the for commissioner yanez, as group getting together as it relates to the restorative justice type of for the issues of diversion is get the courts involved. also, as a so i would hope that meone from the courts has been cont as well as the juvenile justice commission, with the police department, socause they have to they if the court thatyou do that, you
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can't do that as a matter of law. so get them. them involved also because that's important to get them there. okay. the juvenil justice commission came and did an amazing prentation for us and showed they juvenile courts, and, so i be good to have them back in september to give an update he's new. and i think his experience obviouslye beneficial in this process. surprise. great thank, for any member ofike regarding line item five commission reports. please approach the podium. hi i'm h brown again. i just want toi been throh, more school board a couple of years ago and all that, dump th them, blah, blah, blah. side and si of you, what are you going to do hit the fan now? it's going to be t you have ati wany, commission watching you for 30 years. and muchse for your work and welcome aboa addition. thank youpame
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is joe cirillo so forgive me if the dolores hillas already mentioned earlier in the meeting. i just want to continue the topic ofn the city, actually, as well as unwarranted because that definitely impacts youth who are it was about a year ago that 113b, which is skaters going were youth, so i just wanted to recommend further discus collaboration with other departments, specificallyr8 mta and the recent hill bomb at dolores park little over ten days ago, was an exampl heavy handed, fear based approach, and it involved excessive overtime as well as what appeared toe violations of ada laws and transportation codes, if this is working on how to get a few photos? all right. thank you this was on church street, and you for letting it to continue on churchce someone's about to fall, there's a few potholes there. there's train
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trackset without being arrested, but was an example of, you know, how many officers were there on dolores just ending up one street over and it actually ended upeet, where people were more likely tother discussion about decriminalizing what happens on dolores street other factors with ada public is perceiving the use of think there's definitely potential for more community outreach. and people can page. but, let's see if the youth can be inv future. thank you the end of public comment line item s on the law enforcement equiph action. good evening. my name is aja steeves and the policy development division. and i'm here to report relating to, ab 4081, which isbill. thank you into itt code,
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section 770 through 7075. and it enforcement agencies in california to obtain approvalgoverning body. in our case it's the board of supervisors it requires the enforcement use of equipment policy by ordinanceand it first actually required each law enforcement agency to get a everything that they had withi before. january 1st, 2022. so ab of the certain types of law enforcement equipment. aga all of these law enforcement agencies to seek approval of the use equipment, and that approval must be done by, our use policy ordinance was december 22nd 2022,nce effective date was2023. this does what we're here also to do initially, and also annual reviewe board. and the board just reviews our compliance with the useved last year. . thank you. so this is just a review of the approval process itself of the use bunch of public hearings last year between the may 2022 and theal approval in were about 11
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public hearings the department captur 43 policy recommendations through the hearing those recommendationson website. there is a tab specifically designated for the law enforcement use policy a section on our of the documentation at was these hearings. so if y want to look for t available on our website. and then we presented to this go over the use policy as. next slide slide just goes over the abgon are the items that were acquired by remotely piloted po carriers, wheeled vehicles that have a breaching orcommand and control vehiclesparatuses that are explosive in nature. flashbang grenades and pepper balls excluding standard service issued handheld pepper spray. long range acoustic specialized firearms lession of standard issue service weapons, so this does exclude the rifles th patrol projectile launch platforms and their asso. so here's a list annual report requirements that
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actually landed in the annualreport. it's a summary of how the covered equipment was used and the purpose of use, complaints or conserved receipt, excuse me, concerns received about that particularquipment, the results of any internal audits or equipment. use total annual costs for each type of equipment, including training, maintenance, storagerce of funds. so we would let you know if it wasoperational funds that was funding etc. next slide please, the annual reportantity of equipment and also the publi intends to acquire additional provisions of ab 41 and the next year and the department also opted to include informationd during the use of each type of equipment. you. so why are we here? the inaugural publicly posted on the website june 11th, 2024. we did seek and receive an extension from the board andtf put on to us was june 15th. so publicly releasing the annual report, sfpdt meeting through the police commission where the general public regarding the funding acquisition or use of equipment listed in the report. the boarduper determine based on review of the an each type of equipment listed in the use
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policy complied with the standard government code 7071 d and that essentially just means did we comply in the use policy that was approved by the board sfpd has not compliede government code 70, 71 standards or our use policy use policy. holding an additional public meeting halls. we don't have one specifically scheduled but we are aimingey have a town hall scheduled for hold another meeting to discuss this policy an overview of the annual rt itself. i am joined by deputy chief raj vaswani who oversees the special ops bureau and the special ops bureau actuallyof this equips here questions that i am unable to, but happy to take any questiothe discussion bring this here and the public cestions, and then we take a vote to send it to the board of supervisors. or my understanding is discussion to allow members of the public to ask questions and questions. and the action is taken with the board of supervisors. so one three of your slides, youwhat do you mean by public hearings? sure. so, our us was submitted to the
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board and then itcommitteeittee. so there are several hearings at the rules. and then s board. okay. so when you say public hearings, you mean in front of the board ofo how many community meetings with not board ofment, no with the police commission. community based meetings have been held meetings were at the board and the rules meetings for if it's in front of the board of supervisors, the community can engage with you. th minute public comment, just like here at the police hssion. unfortunately, all that can happen is the community can come up and give their so i'm just want to make sure we're clear and i want meetings regarding this issue that have taken no? no. there were no community meetings. but we did. why? we sat in the hearings recommendations came from the public comments that came in, and we wanted to ensure that wey itself. but i think the way theity meetings and involvement. and as we are starting to look at policing differen and prop e's, huge push to have community inv district station, it seems that th that if we're not also engaging that type intnvolvement in this process. so i wouldn't feel
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comfortable moving anything forward until there's community involvement and the opport give their opinion more face to face with you and in a two minute conversation, a two nute comment type of setting. understood. well, the use policy has annual report, that's why we want to do more of then meet to discuss the annual report. so i think that should probably be done. this back in september. and then you can efforts they. and like district stations is a good start.'ve received several and the outcry has beenhere's been no awareness to the community orvolvement or opportunity for the community raise their concerns. needs to be addressed before we mean, when you look at these slide had community engagement. and i just don't think that that's completely president carter overstone thank you, president elias. i guess i'll just pick up where president elias left off so government code 7072 b says that there 30 days of posting the report at least one well publicized communityay discuss and ask questions regarding the annual
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military report. so the law meeting hi can be a freeussion you know, form like this, where there's two minute public comment doesn't seem to state law. so i think that that has to happen before the board votes on it. but do you have a different view on whatthe you actually look at the policy meeting to happen at the police commission. so not the law, but the policy that was approved by the board that was approved by wame the police commission as the first stop. understood understood. but right. the local ordinance can't amend state law.n ntation, you mentioned thatly, too, that tha an extension to file the rep right? because i think i saw onzation was december 22. is that rightthe ordinance of the of the use policies, the yes, the use policy itself law requires reauthorization every year. correc so normally that that should mean december or but but here we are seven so you're saying
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we're seven months late because the board authorized it. noauizthor is based on the report, the annual report, the inaugural annual report extension for. an than june 15th. so then they still haven't held their hearing toe annual report and then determine whether it can be renewed or not. under stateaw the one year clock started running at the, when the board last approved the effective date of the actualo the clock7'an correct. and so under state law, january of this year back before therd. is that right?ly submit the inaugural report. okay.w doe it givest we're out o
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remove issued rifles that are for patrol and onlyits. so that's the number that we ended upactual use policy. so that's what we reportedn't include you know or do any of our friends he know what the what the number would be if you included st issue assault rifles? i don't let me turn my micrry. yeah, but we can get that very easily. i don't thank you. and then i thinkou, when you report the use of an assault report when it was just pointed. it not necessarily fired. is that faion. yereport says that times. quote during the service ofigh risk search warrants in 2023. i just wanted to ask if there was a working definition in the deparigh risk such that it would use of flashbangs. so generally every search warrant op order is, it can
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occur bypecialized unit, not the tactical company. usually when it comes totical risk. it usually means that the to a weapon. a weapon was used innce, it could be the terrain of where the objective is, there could be other high riskch would escalate it. there is look at to see, us in the tactical company andmatrix. so is that somewhere, you and in a dar ors, it to just evaluate, search warrants of the matrix has, i take it a and after you tick off enough of them, the search qualifies as high risk. it does. and there's a discussion. there's a originating the orl cr capabilities. okayté require, you know, in addition to the risk the warrant, does it require does it effects that flashbangs might know, innocent individuals that that might live at thesuch as children or elderlytehe
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premise? they lot of different factors into consideration, a the newer flash bang tec doesn't ignite. it's not flammable. it's contained in aa container. like the older tech flammable i sense of likecould ignite something. these these don't these are safer. okay. but to, just so i understand isideration of the effect might have on, you, say children or the elderly. is that actually written into the matrix or you're saying this is informally discussed? i commanders school, they woulds actuallyfion, including other people within a tactics would change, right? i your answer to that because i'm asking just something slightlyhich is, is it in writing in the matrix or, or in writing in the matriresent, etc. so including animale look atocc there, if you know things such as that. to vice
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president carter the extension. i was told board did. i don't know if it was by resolution or by communication via emai an extension that went through june 15th and., president. you're have a little bit of a raspy voic today. i'm losing my voice. thank you, doctor for appearing. thank you. my name is dian roach doctor known recently, and i'm theto public affairs, so i will just clarify bmit a of request for an extension to the board c was based on an inquiry that came fromt request, after further dialog, granted. according to what miss steeves just the date of when we're expectedthe updated report and, miss steeves you said that the first the requiremoccur, and then the report goes, did i get that l correct? if it's within 30 days of publicly posting the report the meeting with the commission. we can meetings after that. and then the board will
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have the and then the other quick question, i'm going to my fellow commissioners is on page two of the annual report. nury of any complaints or concerns received concerning the equipme complaints or concerns were received by the department regarding this equipment, w because i've been my email box has been concerns and complaints. so where should the public send these concerns and complaints regarding this policy, they're in the the initial policy, there's an email address. we have the sfpd chief's email address, posted in the use policyequestin but it is the way it is worded, it soundspecific equipment, not necessaril incident, where, let's say the bearcat was about a complaint about the bearcat specifically. and so we haven'tomplaints about that specific tool. okay so why don't you provide the email address so we can to the commission website. and ask to re agendize this with an update in terms of you complyiand community involvement commissioner benedicto, thank you very much. president elias a lot of the questions and vice president carter so i won't repeatquestions on those points. one question i had was that in the
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annual equipment not include an annual report. acquire or maintain these items, what is your you know, since prop e now passed and whichtly authorized the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, for pursuits has the steps to acquire unmanned aerial vehicles? and what is its understanding of where that would fall in future reports just a reminder, this is use policy of everything we had prior to january 1st, 2022. so have at the boardv u ab 41 u once it is approved it will require an annual report. back to this body. we'll have an annual report. we'll then do community route. but this again is just attached to the excuse me, the use policy for everything weit's your uning that, state law under this government code 7072 would still apply to, to any unmanned aerial . that is my understanding. okay. and so there would be a policy that have to be approved by the board that isn't yetan of prop e, since the state law
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would still apply. correct? correct. talked a when it comes tohe star chase and similar gps launcher tech would that fall under any of the enumerated categories of government code 72? question. no, but it does fall under sf admin code 19 tool. and where we are currently presenting our authorized use and impact report. okay, that's very helpful. thanksident elias said. based on my't reading of there's any vote that's required since you've met the, you've had the meeting under the commission the government code, 7072. that this should be agendized. i mean, i would echo president community meetings be helunderstand that that's that you could the 77 two very ess that the commission f for 9.07 involved, substantial community feedback. there are now new community feedbackn this and so i think in the spirit, we should all be workingthat we're under the obligation to do so, and i also that it the, this that after that's done, before this body. quite frankly i was not
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reportthoroughly as i would like given that prop e haslot of the commission's bandwidth in the months since it passed. and i know i've many of my fellow commissioners that we're looking forward to sort of being other other sort of moreo we're through the immediate aftermath of prop e. and so i think that that would include this. so weport in the fall. thank you. commissioner clay. unfortunately, this came all this the a happened before i got here on this commission. so i want to follow up on commissioner oberstein's question sanction for failing to file the repo having seen this, the these laws. but there's no as it relates to get some gravitas, making people do what so what's important, what i'm hearing here, it needs to get done. a law that tells you how to do it. just follow it and then we can move forwaru know, that's the unfortunate maybe we may promulgate a sanction for that here. but this law you, urging you to get it done to say. thank you. siru.f the public that has public comment regarding
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line item six,úá h brown again, i'd saye going to get tired of me, but nobody er ts tired it hits out on me. shit like that. but not tired. noot chief. period. is the public mean, a few years ago, we got a , guy over, and a guy shot him and killed him in the hunter cop cars rushed over there. that's great. maybe helicopters, wha finally a woman went over and told the cops, she said hisnd he's over at mary doe. his aunt's the address. and three more cops got killed. buts here. nor the. the matter is, i lived in the tenderloin. a housing project for years. seen a lot of crime. i'm special masters in it. and what happens is ana street and they go running through the project. they go running through know, the cop on the beat, if forever, say, hey his name is john doe. and he went to mary, those house you get is millions of eyest, you know, of foot patrols, foot patrols, footk people for it
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what you got is got change the difference ing tohat in los les,ficers for the. and you've been promising to all the 30 years i've been watching foot patrols'j.oland with the committee, which is tracked equipmenpolicies acrosio community engagement meeting, but i haverst, the not only whether the policy, but whether it meets state lawibertiesz- meet the same needs, and that themç equipment is cost effectiv. in addition, i havee to the emai t n response 15 s these are ful m war. it also owns as per earlier more than 600 semi-automatic assa sfpd proposes to buy 12 more machine guns and 16 more assault rifles wither firepower is needed than number of gun violence victims as we heard in the city has fallen. in fact, every year since 2021, these additional should not be approvethemthat arsenal and ev policy on how
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use of the weapons willd does not provide guns in its military equipment policy, though thi and as noted beforeonly 233 of more than 600 assault rifles. we áú disclose all information about these weapons as required by ab 481. theifcluded, including what are called standard issue weapons which i have over 2000 officers0 weapons that are considered standard issue, they're not standard issue. line itemsion and possi department. general order 5.03. investigative dete to use in meeting and conferring with therequired by law. discussion and possible action thank y. commission commissioners., for the last commission was pulled from the meeting by president elias time, the department has some recommended revisions to 5.03 that we believe will proposition e and
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this because there are some additional, minor edits on the language that the department is submitting tha have discussed. so t and i would ask for the commission's support o the edits that you're about to hear. thank you very m chief, and thank you providing us this time. i think that, the in fr both in compliance with prop e, as itut i think substantially improved. i think it's importantr presentation from the bwc team, to be cognizant of the additional workload that is being imposed when we're what we don't want is the opposite thing to in an attempt to reduce them, which i t very important. and we've tried to capture here. so to my fellow the chiefs additional language is in the track changes primarily on before this meeting, chief scott an clarifying non-substantive changes to that will read out. it's mostly just for few things that arn the present nse, and cause some ambi on page four of the red line under number two documenting detentions and searches using body worn camera
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sentence in green on b that begins withn the bwc andge and i'll call out the changes. it now says members must c factors as possible. and why a search was conducted. no changes there. members must so that's a change to believed the subject change from is to was and dangerous before a search was permitted. the source of any informatio upo as opposed to you rely on tonduct a pat search. members must be cautious about solely about solely on information about environmental factors conduct. and, those changes are also ones that the chief supp and subject, any further would make a motion for us to approve revise department general order 5.03 for the department and conferring with the effective bargaining units labor relations resolut 32nd. before we take a second, i just wanted really important facts because again, and i think
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i' before, but i really want to highlight the fact towards body-worn cameras and rely more it's imp, to also have the discussion of what that means inabor for department and m the public, because we are now creating a system where instead of being able to go and request a written public, the whatever, to req camera footage and before footage can be released to the public, an physical member of the department and redact it to comply with state law before the body worn camera footage unit, requests a day. a day for body wornt that will increase once we move towards. additionally, it redact one minute ofeem like a lot. but imagine it. i mean 21 minutes of video took a memberthink we have to keep this chief. i've raised the issue that although we have a going to provide ai and transcription physical human element that is
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needed to utilize these tools that department. but more importantly, there still is a budget gap because i funding to staff this department so that we there's currently a backlog in this department, rightl number of requests and the amount of time t[reased. so i think to be cognizant of that. the chief ande reassured me that those to be created by this process as body-worn cameras, is also going to be addressed. tha i am hesitant b move. so i think, vice president carter and then we'll go to commissioner walker, just a clarify version where pat searches recorded on bwc or in an incident report iswhat was the rationale for that change? yeah, the rationale for that change is the property required by report on a not required by law. so the same objectiveose things that can be captured if the officers were to
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captured on the bwc. lead on this policy, you all agree with that interpretation i think that prop e is it directs us to reduce the was and coupled with the fact that this was one of the enumerated. dgos thatat that stage for record keeping, that this seemed like i consider this change to be one mandated at is hopefully workable. and ith relates to what president elias said is that, we'll have to look and see what impact this has the body worn camera unit, on their abilityo turn around reports timely concerns, and personally thinkan actually easier and not harder. but i think givenone of the enumerated ones, i'm supportive of this? because i think you're you a real answer. the is, am i do i think pat searches to be in is it the hill to die on? no, i think that
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given that must be articulated, some of my concerns are. are not as great as i thought they were. but to think pat searches are very intrusive. it's a violation it's an intrusion on your constitutional rights. and i think thatserious. i think we have a problem with pat searches in this us that people of color are searched at a more higher rate than and more importantly, we're not even meetin in order to pat search somebody, you have to have pat search. and the facts you have to have have t there's a crime or there's some contrand on you that when we're s stuff. so that tells me that eithehing people not properly training officers on how to be on indicators, which would warrant a pat search. so those are my that with this language that the officer having to which are required, i think alleviates some of m want to an that's helpful. and then. yeah, because i i'll be honest, i don't see thisit seems like this is chi want to ask you, chief, why do you take aknow, president elias, i think listed out a lot of compelling rea
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actually be more cumbersome to record all ofhe long run, why do you disagree withee with what that is more cumbersome. yeah. i that your position is it will be less cumbersome to use report when it comes to pat searches that that isesident elias just a moment ago laid outld end up being more we, you know, make too many of these bwc just asking why why you disagree with that. this. well, i disagreedon't agree with that piece. and i'mbecause an recording what they're doing doing it or right after they're doing it what they would have to do, as opposed to wem to go back to the station write a i mean, this whole thing this at least this part of pr designed to free up officers administrative time so they can be field. i thi does well not think this would don't see it as less cumbersome. and i i have had many conversations about this, but i don't more cumbersome because of those reasons. i think the officers record they're going to report anyway. if there's not an arrest everything that they did would
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body worn ca there's a complaint investigation, there. and actually, i think there's some benefits to it because recollect what's happening right when it's happening, it's probably going to beore accurate in my opinion. thank you, commissioner clay. i support, commissioner benedicto and the president statement as it relates to this particular statuteular generalis there's no perfect order. it's not going to all the time. i read the city attorney's opinion that she providedtment of property, and it's pretty language dictates this is what we have to do. we may not to have to test it and see what happens with it. bs is southerners did when therights voting act by every way to try to say, this is not right. andsaid well, theysav do. this is sanall right? we d gin we got to move /= this because it's pretty le w in the city done.ney' opi and we're foowing it, and we don't may these things happened but you got to follow's# so i'd us make public comment regardingplease approach the podium.
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j children in the juvenile justiceng timeú. and i'll just toss in here for i theill bomb went do scott. it was not part of the plan. and the lastt one. the one before that. i was so screwed up. okay, no guys there, bute purpose was one of the reporters on the scene i don't know if it was your station guy, but, i mean, what are you going to do? we're going to make a lot of arrests today. we're going to got a hundred of my juvenile kids into the they could before, i'll say it again. you know, that was abusive. you're going to pay millions of dollars for that crap to of that. but you did it for ids. i mean, getith the system. you don't need to raid a party to get ids, ost $20 a month, and he's a bettery in this room. and anybody in this city, you've go a meeting here on translators. you can't have
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system for $20 a month. again, youay for each officer with it speaks every language in stop collecting data with a with a strong arm it through computer5m. nt on the motion. commissioner walker i'myes commissioner clay is. ye commissioner. walker. yes, commissioner w. commissioner benedicto is. yes. commissioner sorry. yes, commissioner yanez is. yes. commissioner. yee. yes. commission. yes. vice president carter overstone. no. viceresident elias president elias is. yes. you have six yeses.ine item nine discussion discussion and possible action to order 5.05, emergency response and pursuit to use in meeting and conferring with the affected bargaining units asssion and possible action one of the prop e, general orders that was takenr a discussion was had as to whe, this draft has so if you look at the last page you'll seeit now requests apprehension data, andunchanged from
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the version we had last week, you know, therees were, some of the mostficant, and, you know, probably what the this wa worked on very closely a make sure that it complies with prop e's.circumstances in which pursuits can be undertaken, regardless of whether that's a good idea it included. so this complies with that fully and, and accountability and tries to incorporatas many . so with that, i would like to make a m order 5.05 for use with pursuant to our labor relations resolution 23, dash 32nd. so, chief, last week, you the issue of including the. was an issue around. data collection and prope do you still have that issue? i mean, i now i see it in the version that we're voting on think
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that's an issu to happen is the commission was going to vote on which version a discussion on which version is that. canr thing that we are actually reflection of how prop our current dgos this is implementing prop e edit include prop e? is it required by law with the city attorney'sstion you're green language, the numberthat resulted in apprehension under prop e. the answer is by prop e property specific offore until that green portio an annual report on the reason for the pursuits, the number of pursuits that resulted in a collision, the number ofor injury, and a peace officer or member of and the number of pursuits that were found to be prop e vehicle pursuits, reporting at the department must provide, but the commission has authority policy making power to require additionalor be a direction to the chief o because prop e requires it. and
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it'sby law. so shoulde in the dgo that i leave up to the commission the second on the floor sergeant the ke public comment regarding line item 9o5 i'll pretend i'm more and go a little off topic, but the way to make in the world fors like me and cats and wheelchairs, is to put a speed goddamn traffic light in san francisco. get a reputation around the world instantly they'll get ready to drive slow in san francisco. and if somebody g bumps there. of public comment on the motion. commissioner clay,lay is. yes, commissioner walker. no commissioner walker is no commissionerer benedicto is. yes. commissioner yanez. yes. commissioner yanez i. oh, no. commissioner yee is no. vice president carter. oberstar. yes. vice president carter oberstar is. yes. and elias. . yes. you have
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item ten. public comment. closed session, including public comment on item 11. aif you would like to make a session, please approach the podium. seeing none. line whether to hold item 12 in closed session. san francisco. i'll make a motionnd. second. all right. on t motion, commission vote? commissioner commissioner. walker. yes, commissioner walker is. yes. commissioner benedicto yes. commissioner. yanez. yes, commissioner yanez is yes. commissioner yee. yes. vice preyes. we are seeing none on the motion. commissioner clay, how do you is.
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yes, commissioner walker. yes mr. walker yes. commissioner yanez. yes. commissioner yanez is. yes. commissioner yi. yes vice president carter obersten. yes. vice president carter is. yes. we have 14. adjournment. >> i went through a lot of struggles in am blessed to be part of this. i people are going through and empathy and compassion to t struggle so they can see i came out of the struggle item hope to come up and do something. ♪ ♪ i am a ambassador.
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we work a lot with homeless visitors, a lot of people in the area. >> what i is posting up at hotspots to they ask you questions, ask you question about what services available. checking in you guys.ess che individual, you know may be si the sidewalk, we make sure they are okay, alive.somebody walk by and they are laying there for hours. alive. we let them know we are in the area and we are safety and if they have
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somebo know hanging call the police on, they don't have to call the cal we can direct them to services they might need. >> we do the three onee to5 keep the city neighborhoods clean. there are on the ground and needles on the it is unsafe for children and streets. when we see them we take a 1 they give us a tracking number and they come later up. we take pride. when we come back later in the see the debris is picked up it makes you feel good about what you are doing. >> it makes you feel did abo kids and them feel safe walking to the play area and the stuff we do as feel the city clean helping the resident >> you can see the community ambassadors. i used to be on the streets. i didn't could become a
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community ambassador. ithere for me to grab, you know. doing this because i came from are the street, i feel lanive them hope because i was once there. hem i used to be here. i this, you know. i have compassion for peop the homeless and people that caught up with their addiction because now, i feel them hope. it reminds you every d of and where i am at now.dké" ue to the importan of showing unob we as webex link provided ewers who would like this town hall click on the webex link in the live the icon in the bottom left corner to select your preferred la.
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