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tv   Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore  FOX  November 11, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EST

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growing. and it just got -- >> kirk: and it was slowly growing did you suspect chris or thought it was she was growing a belly? >> no, i suspected chris, yeah. i was definitely aware of the sexual relationship. i basically saw her belly and when i saw it it came to a point when itas undeniable. so i had to ask him what happened? and that is when i found out for sure that she was pregnant >> kirk: what was your reaction? >> oh, i was furious. i was ballistic any word in the book you can thi of. >> kirk: but -- >> i did leave after that. i did leave. i left that day i found out. we had a big blowout and i was gone for three months. so... >> kirk: but then what? you came back? >> yes, i cameack >> kirk: why did you keep coming back? >> because chris is that typef
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guyhatou cannot say no to. >> kirk: listen, so for the past two years you have all lived in the same house? >> going on three years n >>irk:s hleepg with both of you? yes, he is. >> kirk: i mean are you happy >> no.s arranment? no. >> kirk: why do you stay? >> chris is a very, very special person. >> kirk: is he holdi you hostage? >> no, he is a very loving person. very loving individual >> kirk: clearly he is loving everyone. >> yeah. he is very lin and sometimes he can be understanding and you haveo live with him to know what it'sike. >> kirk: listen. tasha says she was tricked into movinmoving inith kalia and chr. chris promised her he is not having sex with kalia and she is her today to find out if she is let's mt tasha.ter wife.
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[applause] welcome. >> thank you hi >> i just ce out today because i need for our house to not have ion't want us to be walking around not talkingoach oer havingeef and we only talko chris abo i i wan u to figure out what he is doing behind our backs and wh is goi on and for us to make h choose or do whatever needs to happen because living the waye have been living with theying going on it'ot rkin >>irk:ut i says like nothing's going on behind your both of you. he is sleepig with what else is there? >> don know ifhat is the case. when i talk to him and ask him what is going on did anything happen when i wt to the store, anything like that -- >> kk: are youleeping with him? >> i am. >> are you sleeping with him? now we know.
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now we need to bring chris out or something but we need to figure out how we are going to -- we both have a kid with him. so we have to figureut how we are going to do this >> i am with that but i would like to understand how you would like us to live together because you walk around the house like you o the house. but i'm supposed to be in your world and you are doing whatever it is that you want to do. and i am just there not doing nothing'm not supposed be wi chris or something >> i don't know i feel like you should talk to me about it if you feel likyo have been walking arounhe house and i'm walking around like i own the house. this is my first time hearing about it >> kirk: why does she have to come to you? ar you mared to chr? >> no. if itsn issue the way i'm behaving at the house i'm saying i feel like it should be sd to me as opposed to us not talking to each othernd we are supposed to live here there is no peace. >> kirk: do you get along in the
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house? >> not when chris is not there. it cra. we act like the person does not exist >> kirk: you do not speak? n >> kirk: what was your understanding when you moved into the house. she was there first? >> when i moved into the house of course when i met chris and showed interest in me i'm not thinking he is in a relationship. why would he be showing interest in me if he was in a relation. saidhiss my girlfrid,enever said this is m s's mother. >> kirk: she was living there >> when i had no idea. when i went to the house she was whe you got there you did know that. you had enough time tossess the situation to know exactly [applaus going on. >> no. no. i was told by chris- >> kirk: you thought they were >> fir of all, i did not know they had been living together
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>> kirk: when you moved in it was evident there wasnother won living there >> this is what h tde. heskede if i was ok with her staying there for one mon until her apartment was finished so i never knethey we still together. i never knew she was living there already. this isew to me >> you never thought to have a nversation with her? >> about what? she was going to be tre a month. it was deal with the four weeks and she was gone >> kirk: and three years later and you are still n talking >> still not talking and that is what i want -- >> kirk:nd still ling in the house >> and it's driving me crazy. >> kirk: so maybe if you had that conversation the first time you met her you would not be re tod >> if i knew they were sleeping together i would not be here today >> i never would have moved in. never would have moved i >> -- never would have moved in. >> but you did know they were
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having a relationship? >> i knew not early on. yo got to understand it was not thrown in my face >> kirk: when did you find out? >> i did not find out until months later after i had been staying there. and that is when me lies came into play and then it's like i'm like ok if y'all are still together i don't need to be here. i said to kalia, i feel like i shouldn't be here and this is before i knew anything about their relationship i had a erie feeling within myself like somethins not right. they act like they are still in a relationship. >> k where did he sleep? >> he slept in his room. we had our own rms. sot wasn't like they were in a room together >> kirk: he had his own room and you would go visit the room? >> pretty much. >> kirk: i have a question. after that firstonth, when she was still there, wouldn't you have said you are only supposed to be here a month why are you still here?
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>> no, because i have my own life and things going on. so ishe was there longer, i assumed maybe her apartment was taking long >> kirk: three years? >> i confronted chris and i said ok, obviously the one month thing was a lie. how long is this going to continue? and sincehen i have been strung along with lies >> kirk: what do you want to happen? do you want her o? what do you want to happen? >> i want for chris to choose. because there's noay that one mans going to be enough for two women. ion't want to share. i'm not trying to share. i understand that they have a an if i amoing toe withim iaveo deal with her >> kk: you don't want to sha anymore >> i never wanted to share >> kir but for three years you have been sharing >> i understand but it doesn't mean that i wanted to >> i didn't know that is how y fault now you are telling me you want him to choose it makes sense. i have a son with this man and
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it bothers me you are saying things to him to make sure that my son ends up with without his father that is not fair. and i helped you in your situatn. and so i don understand why you would want to do that to me. i don't see why you would want to ruin my family >> you are pretending to be the victim here, kay but he moved me that is between you two. i had nothing to d with t i had no knowledge oft. you d not come to me and say li i ce to you and said i fe le i shouldn't be here. way?said why do you feel that if i was a real woman i would say no you should note her d as aatter of fact i did noave kid with him at the time. but y waitedmt you dea with the relionship. don't putt o me and say that i've done something to you. don't say that you helped me. because i never askedou for help isked chrispher help. so you did not do anything.
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yo did it f h. take your beef outith h. because i was nevern the bed with you. i don't have a relationship with you. he is the one that you need to take it up with. he brought me intoour retionship. deal wh your dude. don't deal with me >> now the problem is on chris. we are on stageogether and yes i am putting you on the spot because you both played into this situation. it wasn't just him. it was you, too. and you had a choice. you a choice to leave. but you chose to stay. you cho to stay you chose t come between me and chris a m child prnancid you pla the >> yes, we planned the pregnancy >> how are you planning the pregnancy living wh me >> if i said i'm going to go and m gng to come between chris and kay do you think i woulde ther and youould sti be there? if i were on tt i uld he beenon or you
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would have been gone. obviously my actions indicate that i respe whathris is an his s and i have nevert you i have not broken u youdoi mily >> if w added to your family something w broken forou to let me come in something was broken. i don't know what is becse ias n in a relatiohip with you. you were in it with chris >> kirk: he let you inut she still in. >> exaly.onships wl.rong with allight. [applause] [cheering] >> kirk: we'll meet the m in the mide of thi trigle when we com back. [applause] [♪] >> kirk: coming up next... risonfessions shock our audien me.i feel they both belong to the reason that i lied in some siations isecau a woman
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does not have taturity to speak openly about this. >> and tasha sisr >> how are your boys going to grow up to be a man
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do you think your girlfriend got pregnant on purpose to trap you? do you believe she lied about being on birth control or poked holes in your condoms? call...
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[applause] [♪] kirk: welme back to the "the test". i'm here with kalia and tasha. you have been sharing the same man for three years. you each have a child by this man. roof.ou all live under the same and in a perfect world, you would like him to choose today? >> i wasn't going to make him choose. i think he is a man that can make his own decisions. and i support whatever he wants to do >>aybe his decision is both of you. all right? chris admits he did not tell the truth when moving tasha inut he is here to try and find a way to make peace in his very crowded house. let's meet chris. come out, chris. [applause] ok. s have you heard what is gng
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on out here? >> i heard what is going on >> kirk: what doou think about it? >> i think that i feel they both belong to me. >> kirk: now they belong to you. but they are not property they are human beings. [applause] >> if you get married does your wife belong t y? does your husband belong to you if you are married? >> kirk: i don't know you are not married so that doesn't come into play >> i look at it like it's my devotion if i've made a commitment and i decide to deal with whatever they have going on, and i havehildren with them, and i'm having sex with them then they belong to me. that is the reason >> kirk: but you did not have a child with tasha when you moved her in >> no, but i had sex with her. >> kirk: once you have sex with her she belongs to you >> i i believe that men have issues a lot of times
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relationships that are failing is because the man is not commanding his situation and he is not able to say you know, i'm going to be responsible for you. >> kirk: so what you are saying these are your women and you want them both is that basical basically -- >> i would like our relationship to be more amicable in the house >> kirk: shouldn't you be able to make that happen? it sounds like you can make anythingappen that you want >> this is unchartered territory so iave not had someone tell me what to do >> kirk: tasha are you happy with this situation? >> no, not at all. >> no.ia are you? >> kirk: you have two women in your house that you say you own that means -- >> i said they belong to me. >> kirk: two women that belong to you are not hpy. you are doing something wrong so we have it figure it out. right? >> right. it is perception >> kirk: my perception. there's two women --
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>> everybody says they are not happy at some point in the relationship >> kirk: you think they are happy and just saying that? >> i think they are unhappy when i'm not submitting to what they want me to do. their desire mak them unhappy. >> kirk: now, you lied to both these womenften, correct? >> in the beginning, i made lies in order to -- >> kirk: is th part of your mantra? you seem like you you a about truth. so the lying that -- both of them sometimes theed to reason a man lies to a woman -- >> kirk: let's not talk about men in general >> for me, the reason i lied in some situations is because tha woman doesn't have the maturity for you to speak openly with her >> kirk: do you have the maturity to choose one woman? >> i don't think i should have to. >> kirk: but if two women are unhappy under your roof >> and that is the problem with
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marriages we are focusing on what is making us happy and not the family. they are not unhappy. they are not miserable. >> kirk: let me ask. why aren't you leaving? >> i have tried to leave. and chris has made it clear that he does not want me to go anywhere. so -- >> kirk: but you do know that it doesn't matter what he wants >> no, it doesn't matter what he wants. [applause] >> kirk: because at the end of the day, you belong to yourself. you do know that? >> yes. >> kirk: are you a strong, independent woman. >> yes. >> kirk: and you should not be one of two. you should be one of one. >> absolutely. >> kirk: especiay to set an example for your child. [applause] >> what type of example would i be setting for my child if i left his father? >> kirk: that you deserve a man that loves just you. [applae] >> if he has lov for his other
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son's mom and wants to support her and his son, in my opinion he is doing the right thing >> kirk: but if you are both unhappy i'm just asking to two women that are unhappy. kalia why don't you leave? >> i have left. i have left plenty of times >> kirk: but you both keep coming back >> because chris wants me back >> kirk: what do you want? >> i want chris >> kirk: do you want to share chris anymore? >> i don'tish to share him but if he can make the suation amicable i don't have a problem doing it >> kirk: how do you make it amicable >> that is why i'm here. to confront things that they feel i have had untruths about >> kirk: you came here to get all the truths out and find out if they want. and what if at the end of the show they don't want to be with you? if they want to leave will you let them? >> i will try to convince them to stay. >> kirk: all right.
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next we'll meet kalia's aunt sheila she wants to confront chris and beg kalia to move out of that house. [applause] [♪] coming up next... >> angry aunt sheila waists no time laying into chris >> i am totally upset about it. i think it's degrang and demeaning. when is the next woman coming in? xxócócv
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coming up this week on the test, re bombshells from our love triangle. >> they belong to me and i command that they stay there >> are theomen under his spell >> and the bff's share everything including a man. >> know who my baby daddy is. >> and two men but only one is the father of 20-year-old britney. >> the dna results show that you... >> all this week on "the test." [applause] [♪] >> kirk: welcome back to the "the test". before the break, we met kalia and tasha who are both living under the same roof with their baby's daddyhris. chris is here and says he is torn between two women. now it's time to meet kalia's
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aunt sheila and she what she has to say. welcome kalia's aunt sheila to the show. [applause] >> hey. >> i have a lot to say about t i'm totally upset about t i think it's degrading. i think it's demeaning. i walked off and left myrriment children's father. i had two children. but when he tried to pull something like that on me, i got on down. i left and went all the way and never want to see him again. [applause] >> kirk: sheila. look at kalia and tell her what you want to say. today is about honesty >> i want to say you know what? i never met her son and we are a very nice close family >> kirk: do you think he has brainwashed her? >> i am wondering what could he
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put over on you to make you -- >> kirk: kalia whyouldou keep your child from your family? >> because i know the situation makes them uncomfortable and they have no problem telling me. and it makes me uncomfortable that you are uncomfortable. >> kirk: what do you want accomplished today? >> i would like to know do you ever plan on getting married and being faithful to one woman and giving her your heart and your all and you know making a real family, a family that god would approve of? or look, here is what i really want to know is when is the next woman comingn? [applause] [cheering] >> kirk: or maybe she is in. next there's seone else tripping out over the twisted threesome we'll meet tasha's sister when we come back. [applause] [♪] coming up next... chris crosses the wrong sister. to his women.t what a m does
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this is not. >> this is not low down dirty >>'m not talng to you. i'm talking to these women. gold bond men's lotion makes meook so good it should come with a warning label. [ male announcer ] gold bond n's lotion. skin strengthening preins plus 7 moisturizers. man up.
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are you worried your daughters having sex for money? does shee unexplained cash? if you want to get to the truth with a lie detector call... [applause] [♪] >> kirk: today the story of two women, two children and one baby daddy all living underhe same roof. kalia and tasha each have tir own room and chris bounces between them.
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neither women are happy about the situation. nor is tasha's sister jennette. welcome jennette to the show. [applause] [♪] what do you think about what is going on here? >> i think it's ridiculous. i think it's not necessary. i understand that you ladies want to be there so that your child is around their father. which is admirable. which is the way it should be. however this situation is nothing what it should be. [applause] let's just keep it real. this is not what it should be. i am a single parent with three girls. and i have a very good relationship with their father. you can have a civil relationship. can you have a civil relationsiwith chris, allow chris to be around his son without living in mess. this is mess andt's not
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necessary. upo be a man when their dadgrow ain't a m? this is not what a man does to his women. this is not. and i be darned if this is what my nephew has to see. and thi is the idea of a man that your boys are going to have. this is what they are going to grow up to be. they are going to grow up to be manipulative low down dirty men. this is -- >> it's not low down dirty >> i'm not talking to y and i'm not going to talk to you. i'm talking to these women. these beautiful black sophisticated, educated women. that is what you are. that is what your parents raised you to be. and you are killing them because they have to see you in this situation that is deplorable. go out. be on your own. you are. strong black women that
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you can do this. [applause] [cheering] you can do this. we got full heads reaching out to you. you are not alonement are you not alone and you can stand up and you can show more to your son by standing u for what is right than sitting here in this mess. [applause] [cheering] >> kirk: what do you think about what your sister is saying? >> i agree with everything that my sister has that said >> kirk: how can you not? >> i have a dilemma. >> there is no dilemma if you are unhappy the dilemma is when you stay in an unhappy environment that is your
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dilemma. get rid of that. if you are unhappy find a way to get happy >> if leave something necessary, ha no problem with leaving. i've tried to leave before. >> kirk: you can't leave then there is a problem >> i can leave i am fizz cali and mentally capable of leaving. i can leave. >> kirk: then why don't you? >> i am choosing not to out of respect for chris. chris -- >> kirk: what about yourself? you have to respect yourself? >> i definitely respect myself enough to come on this show in front of millions of people on national television and defend something that i know is not popular or agreed on by anybody that i have spoken to about t i respect enough to stand up for myself what i am doing this is real this is happening. >> kirk: you seem unhappy >> i am unhappy >> kirk: so why are you doing it? >> because i have a son with this man. and he has a son with this
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woman. >> kirk: but you don't think your son wants to see mommy happy? >> he will see his mommy happy that is why his mommy is on the show talking it out trying to could be front the issue so forward progress can happen for him. yes, that is why i came on the show today >> kirk: when you son watches the show and hears what your sister had to say your son will say why are you still there? >> i think my son will say thank you for making sure that i had my dad in my life. thank you for not running off like he was telling you to do or like my grandparents were telling you to do. thank you for thinking about me first and what is important to me and not yourself and your happiness mommy. thank you so much for putti my happiness and my comfort and joy before your own. becaus that is what his mommy is doing. it's not about me. it's about him.
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>> kirk: don't go anywhere. when we come back we are going to find out what kalia's cousin has to say about this love triangle. coming up next... >> why would you give him the option? >> kirk: will she sway the ladies to leave chris? >> do you know her father? the one breaking down everyday about losing his firstborn >> that makes me sad if they are crying.
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doou wto witness shocking results? if youre in the la areand wod le toe in the studio audice for a taping of "the test" go to thetesttvom. [applause] >> kirk: welcome back to "the test." kalia and tasha's family have strong opinions about the unconventional relationship they are in with their baby's daddy. let's see what kalia's cousin hasoay. hi. >> i just want to say that why would you put a choice that is going to make such a big
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difference in your life in his hands? option toake the situation amicable? you need to say you needo choose or i'm going to cose. if you are talking about father hood, do you know her father? the one who is breaking down born? hatabout losg his first heuldatte mor tou for yo to sou choos ts rsonha you'veno for fi yea over yramily. grew up together. our names are almost the same. your family miss you. your who family wants you to be with us. and to make him choose if this he should be with you. he should be taking care of you physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, financially, yes i have to say that a lot, financially.
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[applause] you shouldn't have to go through this. you shouldn't want to. you should choose right now. but i know you are adamant about staying and if that is what you want to do it shouldork a 's not working >> kirk: how does it feel that your family cries for you? >> um, i didn't think they cried. so that makes me sad if they are crying. >> kirk: they are crying. because everyone a lot of people watching today are crying because they feel that you deserve better. >> i would rather have them cry than to 18 years down the line have my son crying. i have to look at for what he needs first. i would rather have him happy. >> kirk: you don't think your son would be so proud of you if you stood up and took charge of happy?ife and found a way to get [applause] >> i am taking charge of my life. >> kirk: by choosing --
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>> i'm choosing to endure this >> kirk: no one should have to endure. you do know that? this is america. you don't have to endure. you can do anything you want. you have toet an example. >> i am setting an example. because this is the situation that has not been seen before. i am setng a example- >> kirk: listen this situation has been seen thousands of times. [applause] aan controlling two women. [applause] >> a man controlling two women. >> kirk: we gave chris a lie detector test because these are questions that you wanted to know. here is the first one... did you have sexual intercourse with tasha wle kalia was pregnant? coming up next... chris reveals his secre
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>> theres a sysm and if more men knew theystem the wen would not be as unhappy as they are. >> kir i lh
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>> ian not te it no me >> do y thi shes carrying your baby? no o dsruth lik"t st." >> h y hadexual inteourse with aone else? >> n >>r ansr?
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>> n >> . >> n >> he ner cated? >> no. anythi.s gng awayh yo don't tele t shh allew on "the test." ct ttecause tse areso queions td to kw. aske chrishe folwingat qutionueioadie you nt to know. d u he sealntcourse wi tasha whileia was prnant?
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>> no. w >> kirk:e psed tt. kir now isn't that becau youad notet tasha y? >>ight. aughter] heyut the tngs you said was lying and i sd i was llin theruth >> kk: i'm prof youou did n have s wit someo u did not kno ne qstio: did youie to >>irk:ou psed that.oving o? coect?en she came bac t nt
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we itas longe thahat. t... >> kirk:o these questions were theymportant t you lads? tho w n myuestionst t m administrator.olygraphad a and will gohead andead this that youee to auttbeuse hs and i'm dying to hear it. lygrap administror tt you have a system. this syste invves yr total ntlnd manulation o theseomen. youer tooursf as a ln. you state whileou love them both, yrain foc iso not have them l y w is sometng that he doou want to talk about this?
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>> wl, auall t >> kir thi was aonfession so yanno be squirrely he. yo tol him >> a confession? ai iaid.bometng tha co on.tnowbout a cfessn. >> kirk:idou sayhi to him? >> i sai somhing like that, s. you aede whey said? he asked mee sd how are you doinghis? the i a sysm. so i said thers system. and i thi i more men knehe no b as unhappy as they are >> kirk:heomen are unhappy >> at the same te these a sed o occurrences that hapn th make the unhappy >> kk: every occurrenc that keshe unhappy i an >> how wld ie bot o the dng? mipationnfime --
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>> brainshed >> kirk: how do you feel aut what i just sd a wha h adnisttorhate lovesoubu hisain p yomeaving? people across america are experiencing the amazing shine of finish quantum, voting it product of the yea
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tteromes and gden's bestnew di and now hashed useepingeal, giving fish antumore honors than everefore. finish quantum delivers azingcl, which scade actionpacsjust take the finish shine chalnge and see wh it can door y.
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pplause] >>irk: all right we heard the lie detector results and we learned a little bit about your system and on t next show we will hear what the ladies have to say about that. check outhat is hapning nex time on "the tes... >> comin up torrow more mbshells from our two-part loveangle >> you bothaid you were unhappy. >> are these women under his >> the bg t mend command that theytay there.
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>> y are a sorry excuse for a n >>hat is tomorrow on "the test." >> if you have somebody in your fe that you do not trustr t g t see you nt time. than for watching. [applause] [♪] [cerin
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live from new york city, 's "wedy llia." todayit's hot monday an wey's rvin up fullour of her juic juicy hot topics with vh1's know whylevy stping by tohare the inside scoop on kim and kanye's engagement lawsuit. and rocco dpiri is here to wp some hot,picy treat now here's wendy! >> wdy: yeah. elcome. thk you.
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tnk u. thank y for bei with us and thank you for watchg. it's monday, but at lea it's sunny so i'm doing okay. charlie sheen is in a really ugly battle with his ex, brooke mu mueller. it's really ugly. and then did you watch carrie washington hosting "snl"? we have some of the highlights. and "the real housewives of atlanta" returned lst night. have my inion. let'stalk abt it me. 's me for "hotopics." [ applause ] >> wendy: good. thank you. thank you. have a seat. relax.
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make yourselves comfortable. i hope everybody had good weekend. one of the highlights of weekend is usually sunday dinner. i always tell you this. lasnight -- i like to art dinner around 12:00, noon, because it gives the impression of old school wreouhoe smells like garlic and onions all day. i mate myself and families short ribs. have't had sht ribs ia whi. never made them myself. lled up mom because that's what moms are for. aed her whado i do? s gave me the best recipe and they turned out great. i accompanied with noodles. and homemade collard greens and crescent rolls. so tyner was all ready and cleaned up by, like, 7:00, and that opened up the date for watching my sunday night tv. a quick reminder before we talk about "the housewes" dmx wi be heretomorrow.
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[ applause ] >> wendy: i know. nd you don want to miss it. okay. yeah, i can't wait to speak to hi he's going to do the song "party up"s well. sdid you check out "the real housewives of atlanta" last night? a lot focused on porsha and kordell and their split. several people -- several people -- questioned his sexuality to the point i was uncomfortable. cdero dell is denying that he's gay, but it seems to me that they tried to out him successfully last nate on the show. i didnot realizehat youere lowed to talk so gay to -- i mean, you know -- you know what i'm saying. so porsha ended up -- turns out e heard little grumblings in the street about his sexuality before she married him.
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as well know, everybody is not gay. so she went on and married hip. i was so distracted by her hair and everything, weren't you? gorgeous. it was gorgeous, gorgeous and gorgeous. you know, and i had nobody to do hair talk to because antoine who does my hair gets into the hair talk, too. gorgeous hair, orsha. phaedra, you and apollo, listen, the babies are so cute but you and apollo are so boring. i don't need them to be on the show anymo. do you know what i mean? i think for me porsha -- or phaedra became a disappointment because she started out as an attorney, someone you think is smarter than the average and now she's like -- the donkey that she talks about, all the things that you and me expect her to deliver. come on. l the this that we didn't expect her to deliver when the show first started


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