one of the cases here is that note 1 of the same article says the academy of persian language and literature should, based on its own principles and criteria, select words for the required words, giving priority to the words that are commonly used, directly or in cooperation with scientific centers , and report its activity once every 6 months. in fact, present it to the correct guidance commission of the parliament. well, we have to do this now let's check whether, for example, the law that made such a task, the relevant commission, or finally, the persian literature academy did this work on time, or, for example , about the time when they said, naturally, you may see, for example, a term, a person may come up with a term, for example, express it. who wants to register this under the title of commercial or cultural sign or any other activity that is in the legal authorities, well , if it is necessary , i would like to inform you that this has not yet been equated to persian words. enough has already been done and if it exists we have done word processing for him, well, naturally, it is an a