complex of usakin's partisan glory was honored in 1985, iago, honored by the architect of the bssr, albertedicated to the savetsky union of his significant projects of planning and future tstva paselka. may 1985 - the hour of holy day in sarakagodzia for the great celebration. the pain of may and may is like this: a sluggish pestilence of people, so many people from all corners of the magilian region. adzіny ў belarusian historical-patriarchal ensemble, which has ab'yadnan objects manumental and popular-demanstrative character. yon prytsyagvae ўvagu navedvalnіkaў sapraўdnay vennaya. histories and undoubtedly pay a fee for the memory captured by the treasures. at the warehouse complex there are chatyra ab'ekty. the manument is a split hut. partisan graves. partyzan camp. the stone manalit at the gonar dzeinasts of the partyzansk rukh and the magileuska padpolnaga abkaza. to kpb. the manument of a split house symbolizes the turmoil and the complaint in the terrible lives of the roasters, vesak, vysen and hay, burned by the fascists and sometimes the carnage operations. in this and other outb