syrova, let's get started, good evening, well, many times we talk about our history, especially modernistory, we talk about the fact that it is not similar to the history of our neighbors , be that as it may, we are some even examples we present how we should probably treat the events that took place. there, for example, taking these dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, or from the soviet union. belarus took the best from the soviet union, it seems to me, and no matter how they grinned 10 years ago, they said back that our historians, well, they say, the red banner, our coat of arms, which goes specifically to the soviet coat of arms of the bssr, and tourists those who came here echo the historian and say, well, yes, there is a lot, a lot of soviet stuff, but at the same time it’s good soviet stuff, it seems to me that it’s very good soviet, latest. our ancestors live on this land, at this geopolitical crossroads of the millennium, even before they began to be called belarusians, these were our ancestors, they lived here for millennia on this land, of course, the hardest, t